What useful vitamins does persimmon contain? Persimmon benefits and harms to the body

Everyone knows this bright juicy winter berry, but due to its unusual taste, it does not have so many fans. Among those who have tasted it, there are probably those who want to know what vitamins are in persimmon. What is included and how is it useful? Let's consider.

Persimmons are grown in many countries of the world, in addition, there are several types that can be distributed based on taste.

Please note that this is not a fruit, but a berry, which among all its fellows ranks second in terms of nutritional, taste and dietary properties.

And due to the large amount of sucrose and glucose, persimmon has great nutritional value.

What vitamins are in persimmon

The fruit is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It contains a lot of vitamins, the daily requirement of which for the body can be replenished by eating just one berry. If you look at the orange color, you can immediately understand that it contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is recommended to be used to strengthen vision and as a prevention of aging.

  • The persimmon contains vitamins C, PP, which help to cope with fatigue. They also make the skin better and the hair stronger.
  • Vitamin A protects against various cancers, slows down the aging process.
  • The complex of vitamins B1-B9 improves metabolic processes in the body, starts metabolism, strengthens nails, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart. It also promotes a healthy pregnancy and cell growth.
  • E - acts as an antioxidant, and vitamin K normalizes blood clotting.

The average weight of one berry is about 230 grams. If you use persimmon every day, you can cover the need for carotenoids by 55% of the daily requirement and by as much as 167% in ascorbic acid.

But vitamins are not everything. Contains in persimmon and other, no less useful elements.

Minerals and biologically active substances

Let's look at the mineral composition of the berry and how much it meets the daily human need.

Chemical compositionHow much do you need per dayHow much is in 100 grams of persimmon
Potassium2500 mg310 mg
Magnesium400 mg6 mg
Phosphorus800 mg26 mg
Sodium1300 mg1 mg
Calcium1000 mg27 mg
Selenium50 mcg0.4 μg
Iron18 mg2.5 mg
Manganese2 mg0.3 mg
Copper1000 mcg100 mcg
Zinc12 mcg0.11 mg

Among the listed substances, the most important ones can be distinguished.

  • Manganese helps to properly assimilate B vitamins and other elements that affect blood formation.
  • Iron fights anemia, contributing to the normalization of hemoglobin levels and a healthy complexion.
  • Magnesium helps the heart to work, protects it from crises, relieves the liver and kidneys.
  • Potassium normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and nourishes the heart.
  • Calcium and phosphorus make teeth and bones stronger and healthier.

It turns out that one persimmon can replenish almost half of the daily intake of iron and potassium.

Nutritional value and calorie content

In principle, if we compare persimmons with bananas or grapes, then it is considered dietary, since there are only 70 calories in 100 grams of tart varieties. If you like sweet berries, then their calorie content will increase to 127 units. Please note that the value is indicated for only 100 grams, while one persimmon weighs about 200 or a little more.

  • Carbohydrates - from 15 to 33 grams, based on the variety.
  • Protein - no more than 0.8 grams.
  • Fat - from 0.19 to 0.4 grams.

In addition, the fruit contains about four grams of dietary fiber, approximately one gram of ash, 12 grams of mono- and disaccharides and, of course, water - 70 grams.

Useful properties of persimmon for the human body

Having considered the chemical composition of persimmon, it can be argued that it is very useful. But in what exactly is its effect on the body expressed?

  • Pectin substances have an active effect on digestion and intestinal microflora.
  • The juice of this berry is good for colds and coughs. It is enough to dissolve a little in water and rinse your throat.
  • The monosaccharides that make up the composition play the biggest role. They tone up, strengthen the body, soothe, increase appetite, and have a beneficial effect on the heart. However, they do not raise blood sugar levels.
  • Daily consumption of at least one small fruit will compensate for the deficiency of organic iodine, which is simply necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Persimmon is also used for cosmetic purposes. Simply apply the pulp on your face for about 10 minutes and then rinse off. This will help eliminate swelling, pimples and make your skin smoother and healthier.
  • Pectin and dietary fiber act as "cleaners" that bind toxins and heavy metal salts and flush them out.
  • Those who want to lose weight can substitute persimmon for breakfast or a snack, since the fructose and glucose in it are pure energy.
  • The berry is also useful during pregnancy. Just one fetus, but every day, can save you from stretch marks, varicose veins and edema.

Who is contraindicated in persimmon?

There are no special contraindications to the use of persimmons, but it is still worth familiarizing yourself with them in order to avoid negative consequences.

  • Rule out a possible allergic reaction.
  • Fruit that is not too ripe can cause some stomach upset.
  • It is not recommended to give persimmon to children under 7 years old, since complex dietary fibers cannot be processed well.
  • If you eat the berry while breastfeeding, then there is a risk of allergies in the mother, and in the child - increased gas production.
  • You can also not eat persimmons on an empty stomach and drink cold water. All this leads to the formation of mucus and reduces the absorption of nutrients.
  • The berry also contains tannic acids, which can lead to tooth decay and other dental problems. And tannin causes constipation and intestinal obstruction.

Please note that it is completely forbidden to eat persimmons in case of adhesive intestinal diseases.

If you choose the right berry and do not abuse the amount, then from its use you will certainly receive only benefits for your body.

Surely, many of you love persimmon - an exotic, sometimes sweet and tart orange fruit. How can you not love it if this fruit is not only tasty, but also very healthy! Persimmons contain 2 times more vitamin than apples! It is interesting that in Latin persimmon is called "diospyros", which means "food of the gods". You have a great opportunity to learn more about the virtues of persimmon, which is the real "food of the gods"!


The orange color of the fruit is associated with a high amount of beta-carotene, we know it is beneficial for enhancing vision. In addition, carotene stops premature aging and prevents lung diseases.

Persimmons are rich in vitamins C, PP - thanks to them, it helps us fight fatigue and depression. These vitamins are also responsible for the condition of our skin and hair. Persimmon contains magnesium, which is useful for heart function, iron, potassium and iodine.

How to choose a persimmon. To buy certainly ripe persimmon, pay attention to the presence of brown stripes on the skin - the more there are, the sweeter the persimmon. The fruit should have a flat surface, not damaged. and soft to the touch.

It is best to store the persimmon frozen, this will relieve it of the astringency and preserve its appearance.

Plant sugars are important components of persimmon, they are indispensable for cardiovascular problems. The fruits also have excellent diuretic properties, so persimmons will come in handy for hypertension. Three to four things a day will help bring blood pressure back to normal without a single pill.

For workaholics, it is generally necessary to include this fruit in the daily diet, because it increases performance and stress resistance.

Traditional medicine healers used the fruits of persimmon to treat stomach diseases, intestinal disorders. After all, it is known that the fruits of persimmon have not only anti-inflammatory, but also astringent properties. Ripe persimmons can be applied to wounds and burns, they will heal faster. And persimmon leaves contain almost all the minerals and vitamins a person needs, tea from these leaves is an excellent remedy for anemia.

* The sweet fruits of persimmon satisfy hunger, but at the same time contain few calories, so nutritionists recommend including it in the diet for those who want to cope with extra pounds.

* Persimmons help relieve constipation. Since the fruit is rich in pectin, which is more in it than in apples or oranges. Pectin is a coarse dietary fiber that is not digested in the body, adsorbs all toxic substances and removes them. However, it is precisely because of this quality of persimmon that you should be more careful with it - you should not overeat it, especially the astringent persimmon. You can get rid of the viscosity by freezing persimmons or keeping them in vodka for a couple of hours.

* Still persimmon is a great helper for colds and coughs. It is useful to gargle with the juice of one ripe persimmon fruit mixed with 3.5 tbsp. spoons of warm water.

* Did you know that persimmon is also good for cosmetic purposes? You can make a mask with persimmon pulp and raw yolk to help get rid of enlarged pores and dry acne-prone skin. Persimmon is known for its tonic, refreshing properties; it fights well the first signs of skin aging. Grind the fruit on a grater and mix the resulting mass with cream or yolk. Apply the gruel to your face and hold for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with a warm, moistened sponge with a swab, and rinse your face with cool water. For the full course, 15-20 masks are enough.

Persimmon - is good everywhere! The main thing - be able to choose the right fruit so as not to be disappointed with its tart taste. You need to choose fully ripe fruits, then their pulp will be truly sweet and juicy. Enjoy delicious and healthy persimmon! Eating 1-2 persimmons a day, you will not only enjoy, but also supplement your diet with useful substances.

Bright and appetizing persimmon, benefits and harms to the body, what are the contraindications? How important are the properties of persimmon for us, how is it useful? Can a tasty and low-calorie persimmon do harm? To whom? These questions usually begin to arise in November, at a time when bright orange fruits appear on the shelves of markets and stores. It turns out that this is not only a delicious berry. The use of persimmon allows you to do without energy drinks, as it perfectly increases the tone of the whole body.

The fruits have an exquisitely rich aroma, extraordinary taste. Fresh - contain over 20%, and dried - up to 60% sugar. There are few organic acids. That is why they are useful for people with high acidity.

Persimmons have been cultivated in China for centuries - this is its homeland. From there she came to East Asia, then to Japan. Only at the end of the 19th century they learned about it all over the world. Its fruits are highly valued by the Chinese. And Japan considers it a national fruit.

Persimmon (Diospyros - translated from Greek - "fruit of the gods") is not actually a fruit, but a large, round, juicy berry with a smooth, thin peel of varying color (from yellow to shiny orange). The color of the peel depends on the degree of ripeness or variety. The flesh is soft, almost jelly-like when the fruit is fully ripe.

There are about five hundred varieties of persimmon. This evergreen plant has a high nutritional value, moreover, we receive benefits not only from the fruits, but also from the leaves, bark, and roots.

Unripe fruits, due to their high tannin content, are often used by the Japanese as an addition to sake or liqueurs.

Roasted seeds are used as a substitute for coffee.

How to choose the right persimmon, which is more useful

You should definitely know this. Only soft, fully ripe fruits have really juicy, tasty flesh. It is from such fruits that we get the most benefit. Store them with extreme care, being careful not to damage your skin. Damaged berries quickly rot. It is best to keep them frozen. By the way, freezing removes astringency. Persimmons are eaten when the fruits acquire a jelly-like consistency.

Why is persimmon useful?

In Japan, China, the use of 2-3 berries is equated to lunch - they are the main ones on the dinner table. One fruit contains almost six grams of dietary fiber, which is equal to a quarter of the daily recommended value. Since fiber is digested slowly, you will feel full for a longer period of time. That is why persimmon can be recommended for children, people involved in sports or experiencing great physical activity.

It is a dietary product that, due to its pectin content, is recommended for the treatment of digestive disorders. Traditional medicine uses the fruit to treat stomach ailments.

A large amount of sugars that berries contain are glucose, fructose. They support a healthy vascular system, strengthen the heart muscle. Despite this, the level of glucose in the blood remains within the normal range.

Persimmons are very nutritious, just like figs or grapes. Many people even eat dried candy instead of candy when drinking tea. This fruit contains so much glucose. When dried, it appears on the surface of the fruit like frost.

The use of persimmon is that it contains vitamin C (antivirus), provitamin A (carotene helps with eye and skin problems), vitamins B, PP, iron salts (hematopoiesis), and many other valuable substances. It can be recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.

As a rule, in those people who, as prescribed by a doctor, take diuretics, the excretion of useful potassium from the body increases, that is, they must take additional potassium-containing drugs. But if you add persimmons to your diet, along with apricots, apples, the need to take additional potassium-containing preparations will disappear by itself - the body will receive the potassium it needs so much from these fruits.

It contains 2 times more useful microelements, dietary fiber than apples. It also contains a lot of antioxidants.

It is an excellent source of iron, calcium, copper, as well as magnesium and potassium. Magnesium reduces the likelihood of kidney stones. One of the most important health benefits is its anti-cancer properties due to its high content of beta-carotene, vitamin A. This fruit may reduce the risk of lung cancer and is recommended for consumption by chronic smokers. Vitamins C, P reduce the fragility of blood vessels. Vitamins B 1, B 2 contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. Due to its high iodine content, regular consumption of this fruit helps to improve thyroid function - this is also one of the most beneficial properties of persimmons.

Due to the high content of sugars, potassium, persimmon juice can help replenish the body with energy, relieve symptoms of stress, fatigue, therefore, there is no need to use special energy or nutritional supplements.

Persimmon, diuretic or not? Persimmon has a diuretic effect, tonic properties, and therefore relieves swelling.

It calms the nervous system, increases efficiency, has bactericidal properties against intestinal, hay bacilli, and Staphylococcus aureus.

For colds, coughs, it is useful to gargle with the juice of one or two ripe persimmons mixed with ¼ glass of warm water.

A decoction from her cups, stalks is sometimes used to stop hiccups.

For therapeutic purposes, persimmon is used for anemia: you should drink 50-100 ml of juice 2 times a day before meals.

For bleeding gums, high blood pressure, ¼ teaspoon of powder obtained from crushed persimmon leaves should be taken twice a day for a week.

For chronic diarrhea, drink 500 ml of fruit decoction every 4 hours. The broth is prepared from six medium unripe berries cut into slices, filled with 3 cups of boiling water. The contents are covered with a lid for 20 minutes and then filtered to free the broth from the pulp fibers.

Ripe fruits, devoid of astringent properties, are an excellent remedy for the treatment of constipation.

They also help the body control cholesterol levels. Since the fruits contain a sufficient amount of pectin, which can prevent the absorption of cholesterol by the intestinal walls.

Any fresh fruits or berries, as you know, have sugars, organic acids, salts, proteins, vitamins that are so necessary for a person, which have valuable nutritional and medicinal properties. Different fruits contain these elements differently.

Persimmon, for example, surpasses many crops growing in similar conditions in terms of sugars. It is enough to give one example: ripe berries of any variety of this crop contain a lot of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose, versus 8-11% in apples, pears, and peaches. It should be noted that we import fructose from Holland. And semi-dried Caucasian (wild), sold in autumn or winter in the markets, contains sugar from 32 to 40%, and dry matter - 62-71%.

The fruits are used for various gastric diseases, as a preventive, therapeutic agent for scurvy. Fresh or dried berries are used for food.

Drying them is very simple - you can even use an ordinary oven, gradually adding fire. Dried persimmons taste like figs, only they are more dense.

Due to the lack of acid, the benefits of persimmons in diseases of the stomach, diarrhea, dysentery are indisputable. Due to the presence of pectin, it removes toxins. Glucose, fructose support the heart muscle.

The physician indicates that the thick juice of the fruit is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses daily for the treatment of hypertension. It is useful for thyroid disease. Most importantly, it regenerates damaged tissues.

Dried persimmon

Persimmon, one of the best health promoting fruits. It is processed mainly by drying.

Dried persimmons are rich in health-promoting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are vital. When dried, the sugar content in persimmons increases 3-4 times and it becomes more nutritious. Dried berries contain 8-10 times more vitamin C than apples. They also contain vitamin A, calcium, carotene, and protein.

Dried persimmons are effective for people with high blood pressure. It can stop diarrhea. Finally, it is suitable for people who are on a diet.

Dried persimmons are always covered with white "frost". This is not mold, it is glucose and fructose, which, after evaporation of moisture, crystallized on the surface during the drying of the fruit.

Useful and medicinal properties of leaves, roots, persimmon shoots

Oriental medicine uses a decoction of persimmon roots or leaves as an external remedy to stop bleeding, to disinfect wounds, cuts, punctures or scratches. External use of such a decoction will help reduce pain, relieve inflammation in hemorrhoids.

Shoots, leaves of this plant have a large amount of ascorbic acid. Especially a lot of it in the fall. A tea surrogate can be made from the leaves. A 1980 study by Korean scientists found that leaf tea contains 20.8 times more vitamin C than green tea!

Persimmon in cosmetology

Cosmetologists advise using the pulp of unripe fruits along with egg yolk, lemon juice - this mask is useful for skin with enlarged pores, for inflamed skin, for acne prone skin.

Contraindications for persimmons, what you need to know

If you try persimmon for the first time or give it to your child - be very careful - do not eat more than one fruit at a time, as there are people who, due to its astringent properties, may suffer from intestinal obstruction.

Unripe fruits contain an abundance of tannins (useful for periodontal disease of the gums), which give them astringency (0.2-0.5%). Therefore, a person who tastes an unripe fruit will feel that his mouth will "bind", as it were. However, the ripe fruit loses its astringency. If you pour warm water on an unripe berry for 12 hours, it will lose its astringency.

Rinsing your mouth and brushing your teeth after consuming persimmons are mandatory, since the remnants of sweet fibers between the teeth can provoke the development of caries.

Persimmons are high in tannin and pectin, so eating them on an empty stomach can lead to tight lumps in the stomach. While there, they can cause nausea, vomiting, and make you cry in pain.

Dried persimmon is very useful, but, for example, compotes cannot be cooked from it, since when cooking, the astringent taste characteristic of unripe fruits is restored.

The use of persimmons in industry

Unripe fruits, leaves, branches, roots are distinguished by a high content of tannins, therefore they are used for dyeing fabrics, producing varnish, indelible ink, tanning leather. Its wood is easy to process, polish. It was not without reason that they used it for parquet flooring in the construction of churches and museums. Persimmon wood was used to make musical instruments, weaving shuttles, and furniture.

In Japan, nets and ropes are impregnated with juice squeezed from unripe fruits, which makes them stronger and more durable. In addition, the juice is also used for the production of packaging paper for tea. At the same time, the paper does not allow moisture to pass through, protects tea from mold.

All of the listed industrial, medicinal and useful properties of persimmon give it high popularity, especially among gardeners. It has a peculiar pleasant taste and significant nutritional value. It is preserved by the method of quick freezing in sugar syrup or frozen without it, packed in cellophane. Freezing is one way to get rid of astringency. This is a great dessert dish.

In general, persimmon is good everywhere, very useful! The main thing is to be able to choose the right fruit so that its tart taste does not disappoint.

So, let's summarize by listing the main useful properties of persimmons:

  • has diuretic, tonic properties;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • fruits have antibacterial action;
  • prevent the development of vascular diseases;
  • magnesium reduces the risk of kidney stones;
  • vitamin A protects against cancer;
  • vitamins C, P help reduce the fragility of blood vessels;
  • using the fruit for cosmetic purposes helps to narrow pores, smooth out wrinkles, make the skin smooth, matte.

Contraindications, side effects, harm that persimmons can cause:

  • should be consumed with great care, no more than one fruit per day, by people suffering from obesity or diabetes;
  • it can lower blood pressure, neutralize the effect of drugs used to increase blood pressure;
  • To avoid the negative effects of astringent properties on the intestines, eat only ripe fruits. But if it was not possible to avoid this, then eat it at least on a full stomach;
  • Never eat persimmons (ripe or unripe) after or before eating crab meat, as this type of meat is likely to increase the astringency - problems with intestinal obstruction are unlikely to be avoided.

The information contained in this article should in no way be construed as medical advice. Check with your doctor before starting any diet program that includes persimmons. The benefits and harms to the body, contraindications are very individual. Use your doctor's advice and common sense before making any lifestyle changes.

Persimmon belongs to the genus of deciduous or evergreen trees or shrubs of the Ebony family. In terms of geographical distribution, the species is classified as tropical and subtropical plants. Persimmon trees can live up to five hundred years. The name of the genus in Latin, Diospyros, came from the Greek language and, according to various versions, means "food for the gods" or "divine flame". The Russian name "persimmon" is borrowed from Farsi (the language of the indigenous people of Persia) and is derived from the phrase "date plum" - "hormalu". The first half of the word “korma” corresponds to the date, and “alu” to the plum. Initially, the word "khormalyu" was the name given to the Caucasian variety of fruits. The connection with dates lies in the similarity of their taste to dried persimmon. Later, the term "persimmon" was assigned to all species of this plant, including the Japanese variety. Also, trees with edible fruits can be called wild dates or date plums.

Many people know that the homeland of persimmon is China. Acquaintance of European countries with the plant happened relatively recently. In 1896, 12 seedlings from the Land of the Rising Sun arrived at the Georgian port of Batumi. A few decades later, a full-fledged cultivation of the imported tree species began in Europe. The first persimmon trees have been growing in the vicinity of Beijing for over a century, and some even reach the age of 600 years.

The pivotal root system of persimmon goes extremely deep into the soil. Crohn's shape resembles a vessel with convex walls. A thick brown tree trunk usually has a radius of 20-30 cm. Persimmon leaves are distinguished by a variety of possible shapes: they resemble an ellipse, egg, heart, wedge or oval. The upper surface is very smooth and bright green, while the lower surface is lighter and more rough. Flowers are of male, female and mixed type. Persimmon blooms in late spring, and the fruits ripen in late October, after most of the leaves have fallen off.

For most members of this genus, the fruits are edible. These 1-10-seeded berries are bright orange in color with dark leaves when ripe, and soft, smooth and fleshy to the touch. Consumers are often provided with unripe persimmons, which are better kept fresh. In this case, you can hold it in the freezer or under warm water. Both temperature conditions remove tannin from the pulp and therefore the astringent taste. Rounded fruits with dark flesh and bones are often found. These berries are called "king" and can be consumed without ripening. It is a mistake to attribute them to a different variety, because on the same tree you can see both ordinary persimmons and korolkov. The difference is that the second type of fruit is obtained by pollination of flowers.

In nature, persimmon is common in the tropical zone, but is currently actively grown in many countries with warm climates. The largest volumes of market supplies of persimmon are provided by the Indo-Malay region, southern regions of Eurasia, America and Australia. Some territories have their own endemic (unique) species. Among the 1500 varieties of persimmons, some are exotic. For example, berries from South America are called "chocolate pudding" or "black apple" due to the taste and appearance of the fruit when ripe. In the Philippine Islands, there is a special kind of persimmon called the velvet apple. Persimmon trees with flat berries grow in Paraguay. Very miniature persimmons (up to 2-3 cm) can be found in the gardens of the Caucasus. Very popular is the "Sharon" variety, obtained in Israel and has a specific pleasant soft taste due to the small amount of tannin. Several types of persimmons are used as a source of quality wood.

Video recipe for the occasion:

Nutritional and vitamin value of persimmon fruits

All persimmon varieties contain a large amount of glucose, ascorbic acid, provitamin A, as well as organic acids (mainly citric and malic).

The nutritional value 100 g berries:

  • 0.55 g of proteins;
  • 0.39 g fat;
  • 15.7 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.63 g dietary fiber;
  • 0.11 g of organic acids;
  • 81.6 g water;
  • 0.12 g unsaturated fatty acids;
  • 0.12 g saturated fatty acids;
  • 15.4 g of monosaccharides and disaccharides;
  • 0.58 g of ash.

The many vitamins in persimmons can provide part of the daily value for an adult.

Vitamins in 100 g of persimmons:

  • 1.24 mg beta-carotene (vitamin A provitamin);
  • 200.3 μg retinol equivalent (A);
  • 15.02 mg of ascorbic acid (C);
  • 0.021 mg thiamine (B1);
  • 0.032 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 0.33 mg niacin equivalent (PP);
  • 0.19 mg vitamin PP;
  • 0.53 mg tocopherol (E).

Calorie content of fresh persimmon

Typically, one persimmon fruit weighs 100 to 600 grams. The sweeter persimmons contain more calories, but the energy differences are small.

  • 100 g of persimmons contain 67 kcal.
  • A medium-sized berry (90 g) contains 60.3 kcal.

A similar mass of other popular persimmon varieties corresponds to the following calorie values:

  • kinglet - 54 kcal;
  • Sharon, Victoria - 68 kcal;
  • chocolate persimmon - 61 kcal.

With thermal and other processing, you can get dried or dried persimmon. At the same time, the calorie content per 100 g will increase significantly, since due to a decrease in the water content, the fruits lose a lot of mass, while maintaining the same composition.

  • Calorie content of 100 g of dried persimmon - 231 kcal.
  • The calorie content of 100 g of dried persimmon is 246 kcal.

Nutritionists consider persimmon high-calorie product... However, due to the low protein content in berries, their use does not lead to muscle gain.

Mineral composition of persimmon fruits

Persimmon fruits are rich in iron and iodine, and among the macronutrients present in the pulp, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are especially prominent.

Macronutrients in 100 g of persimmons:

  • 127.02 mg calcium (Ca);
  • 200.04 mg potassium (K);
  • 56.03 mg magnesium (Mg);
  • 42.05 mg phosphorus (P);
  • 15.03 mg sodium (Na).

Trace elements in 100 g of persimmons:

  • 2.53 mg iron (Fe);
  • 0.054 mg of iodine (I).

Useful properties of persimmon

  • In eastern countries, persimmons are an important part of the daily diet. The Japanese and Chinese try to eat at least 2-3 berries a day, and this meal is considered a full meal. Fruits contain a large amount of dietary fiber - approximately 25% of the daily value. The digestion of these components takes place for a fairly long time, therefore, after taking persimmons, satiety is felt for a long time. This berry is often recommended for children and those who are experiencing significant physical activity.
  • Persimmons are classified as dietary products due to the presence of pectin in its pulp, which solves problems in the digestive processes, removes toxins. In folk medicine, fruits are recommended for detecting gastric diseases and scurvy.
  • The sweet taste of persimmons is due to the high concentration of sugars, that is, fructose and glucose. These components are very important for the functioning of the cardiovascular system and maintaining optimal blood sugar levels.
  • The high nutritional value of persimmons can be compared to those of grapes, raisins and figs. The sweet dried berry is often consumed during tea drinking instead of confectionery. There is so much glucose in the pulp of persimmon that when the fruit is dried, it appears on the surface (like frost).
  • Vitamin C has an anti-viral effect, while beta-carotene helps fight vision and skin problems. Also in persimmon there are vitamins of group B and PP and iron salts, which in total has a strong positive effect on hematopoietic processes. Doctors often advise people with high blood pressure or cardiovascular problems to take persimmons.
  • Some patients are prescribed diuretics, the use of which enhances the removal of potassium from the body. To replenish the reserves of this important element, it is enough to diversify the diet by adding persimmons, apples and apricots.
  • Persimmons contain twice as many trace elements and antioxidants as apples. These berries also provide the body with impressive stores of iron, calcium and magnesium. The last element is responsible for the prevention of kidney stones. The anti-cancer properties of persimmon are due to the high concentration of vitamin A. The berry is so effective in fighting the risk of lung cancer that, on the advice of doctors, it is used by experienced smokers. Ascorbic acid and vitamin P make the blood vessels strong. B vitamins normalize the activity of the nervous system. Iodine in the fruit stabilizes the thyroid gland.
  • A large amount of sugars and potassium in persimmon juice contributes to a surge of strength and relieves fatigue. The fruits have a calming effect on the nervous system and energize.
  • Due to the diuretic and tonic effect of the berry can relieve swelling.
  • The bactericidal effect of persimmon extends to E. coli and hay bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Low acidity of persimmons allows you to use it to treat diarrhea, dysentery.
  • For tightening pores and restoration of inflamed skin, cosmetologists recommend a mask of unripe persimmon fruits in combination with egg yolk and lemon juice.
  • A decoction from the leaves or roots of this plant is used in the East as an external agent to stop bleeding and disinfect cuts. This broth is able to reduce pain and relieve inflammation (for example, with hemorrhoids).
  • The leaves and young shoots of persimmon contain large reserves of vitamin C. If you make an infusion from them, then it will contain 20 times more ascorbic acid than green tea.

Contraindications to the use of persimmon

The beneficial properties of persimmons can be widely used to treat diseases. However, the use of this berry can harm the body in the following cases:

  • with diabetes and obesity;
  • when identifying problems of the gastrointestinal tract (especially after undergoing operations);
  • in combination with milk and cold water, a large amount of persimmon causes intestinal upset;
  • like other fruits with a bright color, persimmon can cause an allergic reaction in pregnant women;
  • in children under 3 years of age, constipation is possible when eating persimmons (due to the high content of tannins).

Every autumn, the shelves of shops and markets light up with bright sunshine - persimmon fruits. Such an unusual, but fabulously tasty fruit has been familiar to us since childhood.

Parents literally stuffed us with natural delicacies and said that it was very useful. But is it? Are persimmons really that good for our health?

Origin and characteristics

Persimmon belongs to the Ebony family and is a tropical and subtropical deciduous tree up to 15 meters in height, but specimens up to 5 meters are more common. Homeland - China, also the variety is common in Turkey, America, Australia, Italy and Europe, is often found as a wild-growing representative in the Caucasus. In China, you can find trees whose age reaches several hundred years; there are specimens with a 500-year history.

Persimmon prefers light soil drained with coarse sand. In nature, there are shrubs, which is most interesting, in the fall both trees and bushes shed their leaves, leaving only fiery orange fruits on the branches.

In ancient Greece, the fruits were called "food of the gods" or "divine fire." And this is not surprising, the color and taste of the fruit explains everything. The persimmon is also called the date plum, and in the Tajik language, "kind of tree" means - darahtet.

The plant is widely used: in the confectionery art - there are an unlimited number of recipes for delicious desserts, and in the industry - wood of some types of wood is used.

Varieties and their differences

There are about 1500 varieties in the world edible and inedible persimmon. The most common are:

All varieties are very juicy and sweet, with a tart taste that creates an astringent effect in the mouth. One berry can contain from 2-4 to 10 seeds, but there are seedless fruits. Seeds are hard, oblong, flattened on the sides, Brown. They can be germinated at home and a beautiful ornamental plant can be obtained.

Each berry has a set of useful components and trace elements that saturate the body with energy, strength and health. The high content of vitamins A, C, P, E, group B, speaks of the benefits of the fruit for blood vessels, circulatory system, heart. Beta-carotene fights cancer and cancer cell formation. All these elements support the body, strengthen immunity, and protect against the harmful effects of modern ecology. Carotene, breaking down in the body, promotes the production of growth hormone in children.

In addition, the fruit is rich in useful trace elements:

All minerals have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole human body, strengthen the immune system and resist many diseases, but the beneficial properties of persimmon do not end there.

The fruit quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, nutritionists advise including it in the diet during fasting days or diets. The calorie content of the product is 67 kcal per 100 grams. The composition contains protein - 0.5 g, fats - 0.4 g and carbohydrates - 15.3 grams. Fructose and glucose are not lagging behind, their pulp contains up to 15%, and the amount of antioxidants is not less than in green tea.

The benefits and harms of persimmon for the body

Like all fruits, persimmon has a number of positive and negative sides. Possessing a rich mineral and vitamin composition, it helps in the fight against the problems of most people - anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, colds. But it can cause allergies and be harmful to patients with gastritis and gastric ulcers.

The rich composition puts the Chinese fruit on a par with apples and figs. Why is persimmon useful for the body:

The berry will be useful with its metered use, you should not overeat, otherwise all the useful components will turn against you. Who and how is it useful to eat sweet fruit:

Contraindications to eating

The high tannin content causes a burning sensation and pain in the stomach, and eating the treat on an empty stomach will lead to a laxative effect due to tannins, which can be dangerous in some situations. Individual intolerance and serious allergies may also appear, in this case it is necessary to refrain from taking dishes containing persimmons and go to the hospital. Useful properties and contraindications persimmons speak for themselves, there are more benefits, but you should not eat fruit for people of the following categories:

You should not drink the product with cold water or milk, and an unripe fruit will lead to sticking of substances inside the stomach, so give preference to ripe fruits.

Secrets of choice

The boxes contain up to 30 pieces of fruit, but which one to choose and how to do it correctly? When buying a fruit, pay attention to its appearance. The appearance of dents, mold, tears, dirt on the surface of the product is not allowed. The ripe fruit has a rich orange color with brown stripes and black spots. In the context, the flesh is soft, juicy, brown or dark orange in color. The skin is thin and delicate, the surface is smooth.

You should not buy unripe fruits, light shade or hard. If you have already come across such its quality, you can change it. To do this, you need to freeze it by leaving it in the freezer for 24 hours. Many fruits are picked green from the tree, this simplifies the transportation process, and ripening takes place on its own. The gifts of nature have the ability to ripen without maternal presence, this process is called gassing.

Growing a tree at home

An unusual decorative tree can be grown from the seed of a ripe fruit. To do this, the seed is germinated in moist cotton pads or planted immediately in moist nutrient soil. If the planting takes place in a container with soil, then the ground is covered with a film until the first shoots appear. This may take 10-14 days.

Sprouted seeds are planted in light, loose soil enriched with sand. Water as the soil dries up. Remember! The tropical inhabitant loves warmth and is afraid of drafts. Leaving will not be difficult. Why not grow such a wonderful fruit on your balcony.