Methods of psychological and pedagogical research. Cheat sheet: Methods of psychological and pedagogical research of their classification and characteristics



The method of scientific knowledge - this is the way thatIt helps to solve problems and achieve the research goal. Selectedadequate to the tasks, methods and methods of search activitycapabilities allow you to embody the idea and concept, checkhypotheses, to solve the problems posed.

Each science develops and uses research methodsdictions, reflecting its specifics. To address the specifica variety of research methods are useddov. They can be conditionally subdivided into empirical and theoretical.

The essence empirical method consists in fixing and describingnii phenomena, facts, visible connections between them. Theore the technical method assumes deep analysis of facts, racesthe covering of significant patterns, the formation of the promontorylean models, the use of hypotheses, etc.

The main research methods are observation and experiment. They are used in manyscience, and therefore they are considered general scientific.

When using research methods, depending on what tasks need to be solved, it comesit is necessary to determine the procedure for conducting the study, removedanalysis of experimental data, their analysis and interpretation.For this are used specific techniques psychologistsiical research. They act as ways (environmentsstate) concretization and implementation of researchmethod. Each study uses a complex ofmethods, the use of each of which is carried out according to the appropriate techniques (means and techniques).

The choice is conditioned by the system of rules and regulations and is based on the following principles:

- totality (complex) of research methods;

- their adequacy to the essence of the phenomenon under study, thethe results that are supposed to be obtained, possiblythe researcher's stam;

Prohibition of experimentation and the use of researchtelial methods that are contrary to moral standards, capable of harming the subjects.


Historically empirical knowledge preceded by the theoryto what. This knowledge about the main features of the object, genderlearned in the course of practical activities, observations, exevents. Characteristic feature empirical knowledge -the possibility of its sensory reflection.

Theoretical knowledge makes it possible to carry youwaters obtained under the same conditions and on the basis of analysissome objects, on other conditions and objects, including those that do not yet exist, projected, so far created mentally, in the imagination.

Extracted by empirical (practical) methods,knowledge fixes the general, which is repeated in accessible sensoryperception of phenomena. The limitation of empirical methods lies in the impossibility with their help to penetrate into the essence of things, to see the inner behind the external, to establishcausal relationship, identify the need for and tendencies to changeneniya. These methods mainly capture the existingand are not suitable for the construction of new systems.

For productive psychological and pedagogical researchempirical methods alone are not enough, therefore,use theoretical methods. They assume penetratedinnovation in the essence of the studied process or phenomenon and stateyat in their explanation: why they exist, what caused them,how to convert them. The disadvantage of theoretical methods isit is that they do not have a direct impacton the observed facts. Theoretical truths require proofstatements and cannot be verified empirically.

When moving from an empirical to a theoretical levelthe subject of research is being modified. At this stage it is realthe existing object is often replaced by its theoreticalmodel, the so-called ideal, notobjects existing in reality. Essentially, the “idealny object "is the subject of research on a theoreticallevel, taken in the form of a certain mental model.

Such "ideal objects" in the education of the protrusionthe relationship between the pupil and the conditions of the upbringingniya, in social design - the ideal socialorder, social structure, in the socio-pedagogicalmediation - complete understanding between the clientvolume and consultant, etc.

The empirical and theoretical levels of research are closelyconnected and often mutually penetrate each other. From fromeffective research methods, general methods are formed dy, a kind of complex search techniques.


These include methods of analysis and synthesis, abstract niya and concretization, modeling, etc.

Originality method of theoretical analysis and synthesis in

psychological and pedagogical research consists in itsuniversal possibilities to consider phenomena andprocesses of reality in their most complex combinations,highlight the most significant signs and properties, relatedzi and relationships, to establish the laws of their development.

Through analysis and synthesis, it is possible to isolate the objective content in the subjective activity of participants in socialmental pedagogical process (children, adults, give birthlei, teachers), establish inconsistencies, identify reial contradictions in the development of the pedagogical process, to predict the development.

Analysis- this is the mental selection of individual parts, connectedzey on the basis of the dismemberment of the whole. After completing the analytical work, it becomes necessary synthesis, uniteanalysis results in the general research system. Onon the basis of synthesis, the object is recreated as a system of connections andinteractions with the selection of the most essential of them.

Analysis and synthesis are closely related to me methods of abstraction and concretization.

Under abstraction understand mental distractionany property or feature of an object from its othersigns, properties, connections for a deeper study.

The limiting case of abstraction is idealization, vas a result of which concepts are created about the idealized,really non-existent objects. However, it is these ideasAlized objects serve as models that allow to reveal much deeper and more fully some connections and patterns that are manifested in many real objects.In pedagogy, it is also possible to create idealizedobjects, say "ideal pupil" (deprived of alltheir shortcomings), "ideal teacher", "ideal school", etc.

Specification method by its logical nature, aboutis opposed to abstraction. It lies in the mentalreconstruction, recreating an object based on youpreviously articulated abstractions. Concretization aimedto reproduce the development of an object as an integral systemtopic becomes a special research method. Thinkingconstructs a goal from the selected individual abstractions new subject.

Psychological and pedagogical knowledge by its very essencemust be fleshed out in order to recreate the lich itselfintegrity as integrity and to ensure the development of this personality in the pedagogical system, as well as the pedagogicalgicheskaya system.

Modeling method opens up the possibility of transferinformation obtained when using the model, according to analogics to the prototype. In this case, thinking operates not with reideal, but ideal models.

Modeling also serves the task of constructing something new that does not yet exist in practice. Researcher,having studied the characteristic features of real processes, looking for themnew combinations, makes them mental rearrangement,that is, it simulates the required state of the system under study.Hypothesis models are created and on this basis, rerecommendations and conclusions, then verified in practice. Thatkovy, in particular, and the designed models of new typeseducational institutions: multilevel schoolsschool, gymnasium, lyceum, college, etc.

You just need to remember that any model alwayspoorer than the existing one and reflects only individualparties and connections, since theoretical modeling is allwhere includes abstraction.


These include observation, conversation, survey (interviews, questionnaires, testing), study of the results of actionsefficiency, assessment (method of independent experts orpetent judges), etc.

Observationis a major researchermethods. It is purposeful and systematicacceptance by the researcher of the features of the course of the studymy phenomenon or process and their specific changes.Observation should lead to comprehension of the fixeddata and their scientific explanation, i.e., to establishlingering facts. Observation ends with analysis and mouththe development of the relationship between the facts of observation andthe provisions of the researcher.

Observation types are grouped according to various criteria:

- by time - continuous and discrete;

- by volume - broad (for the group as a whole or forthe process of personality development as such) and highly specializedralny, aimed at identifying individual sides of the phenomenonniya or individual objects;

- by the type of connection between the observer and the observed: not includedincluded (from outside) and included (when the researcher
acts as a member of the collective).

Observation as a research method has a number of susocial traits that distinguish him from the ordinary perceptionacceptance by a person of current events and at the same timeare requirements to be followed. Let's callsome of them:

- purposefulness, that is, not just fixing theaccepted, and selection of the necessary information;

- analytical character, i.e. separation from the general cardtines of individual sides, elements, connections that analysed, evaluated and explained;

- comprehensiveness, i.e. coverage of all essential aspects
or connections of the socio-pedagogical process;

- systematic, i.e. identifying stable relationships and
relationships, with the aim of detecting change and development
observed over a certain period.

In addition, when organizing observations, there should betheir objects are planned in advance, goals are set,plan. The object of observation is most often the process itself.activities of teachers, students and pupils, their emorational reactions and volitional efforts. Objective of observationdetermines the predominant focus on one or anotherside of activity, on certain connections and relationships.

The duration of the observation, the order anda way of recording its results. They are usually fickare written in the form of text entries, filling in developedforms, records on magnetic tape. Using a chronometerrage, tape recordings, photo, film and video filming increases the reliability of data and observation results.

As with any method, observation has its merits.and disadvantages. It allows you to study the subject in its entirety ness, natural functioning, alive, a lotfaceted connections and manifestations. However, this method did not allowhe actively intervenes in the process under study, changes it or deliberately creates certain situations, demake accurate measurements. Therefore, the results of observations needbut match with data obtained by other methodsmi, supplement and deepen them.

Observation can also manifest itself in indirect perception.tii phenomena, that is, through their description by others, directlyobserving their faces. Such observation can be interpretend as preliminary.

Conversationhow the research method allows deeper knowledge psychological characteristics personality of a person, the nature and level of his knowledge, interests, motives of theactions and actions. The conversation itself is comparatively different.vigorous construction of a plan, mutual exchange of opinions, estimates, suggestions and assumptions. The conversation can be conducted for the purpose of confirmation or denial data obtained earlier using other methods.

The success of the interview depends on adherence to a number of conditions. The researcher should strive to during the conversation, a friendly attitude was maintained no psychological alienation arose, preserved Contact with the interlocutor was established. It is advisable to start the conversation start from a topic that is interesting to the interlocutor, and then move on to questions of interest to the researcher.

Conversation, as a rule, is not recorded, case recordsgo after it. When making sense of the recordings of the conversation, consider all information obtained by other methods is included.

Surveyhow the method is used in the form of an interview (oralsurvey) and questionnaires (written survey).

Through interviews, assessments, points of view of one’ssaddle on any topics, problems.

Questionnairesolves the same problems, but does not cover how many or many respondents. However, at the same time, there is no live contact with the respondents, which does not always providebakes sufficiently comprehensive and frank answers.

When questioning, an unambiguous, clear, precise statement is important.questions. Preferred questions are indirect, revealingassessments, attitudes, opinions of interest to the researcher.

Questions can be open type. They demand themselvesmeaningful formulation of the answer to the respondents. For examplemeasures: “Do you want to study with your currentclassmates next school year? "

There are questions semi-closed type, when the answeryou can choose from the options offered or formulatecreate your own, if the proposed ready-madeVetas do not suit the respondent.

For questions closed type the respondents needI can choose one of the suggested ready-made answers. Questionnaireswith closed questions, of course, limit the loadthe ability of the respondents, but such questionnaires are more amenable tomathematical processing.

A kind of survey is testing. It is onallows you to identify the level of knowledge, skills and abilities,abilities and other personality traits by analyzing the bov the subjects perform a number of special tasks.Such tasks are called tests.

The test allows the researcher to determine the level of developmentsome property in the research object and compareit with a standard or with the development of this quality in the subject in an earlier period.

Tests usually contain questions and tasks that require short answer: yes or no, more or less. Sometimesyou must choose one of the given answers. Testtasks are usually diagnostic, they are performedprocessing and processing is not time-consuming. In the same timeit is necessary to realistically assess what can be revealed with the help oftests, so as not to replace the subject of diagnosis.

There are certain rules for conducting a survey, questioning, testing and interpretation of the results obtained.

1. Informing the subject about the purpose of carrying out those styling.

2. Familiarization of the subject with instructions for performing test tasks.

3. Providing a calm and independent situation
performance of tasks by subjects.

4. Maintaining a neutral attitude towards the test-takers,
excluding tips and help.

5. Investigator compliance guidelines onprocessing the received data and interpreting the resultcomrades accompanying each test or correspondingthe current task.

6. Ensuring the confidentiality of the information received mation.

7. Familiarization of the subject with the results of diagnosticski, the message to him or the person in charge is appropriate
information taking into account the principle "Do no harm!"

Study of the results of activities is a researchersky method that allows you to indirectly identifythe formation of knowledge and skills, interests and the way humanity on the basis of the analysis of his activities. Isslethe giver does not come into contact with the person himself, but hasdealing with the results (products) of his previous deactivities: essays, control and testworks, drawings, crafts, etc.

Their study allows you to judge the achieved level of actionefficiency and the very process of fulfilling the settasks. At the same time, it is important to have an idea of ​​the level of the subject's readiness for certain types of activity, about the nature of the assignments and the conditions in which they were performed. This allows you to judge the conscientiousness and perseverance in dos the goal, the degree of initiative and creativity in the performance of work, that is, about shifts in the development of the individual.

Combining this method with observation, experimentand others allows you to get an idea not only aboutmechanisms for performing actions, but also on the conditions of their fullness.

At peer review(method of expert assessments), "first of all, experts should be carefully selected -people who know the area of ​​interest and are capable of objectsan impartial and unbiased assessment of actions and results. It is desirable that the experts are independent. Estimates mocan be of both high quality (characteristics, recommendationstions) and quantitative (in points).

If experts acting independently of each otherconsistently give coinciding or close estimates, which means that their opinions are close to objective ones.

Expert assessment can manifest itself as method generalization of independent characteristics. It consists inthe fact that in a predetermined form are taken writtenreviews (characteristics) of the investigated object (child,family, group, class, etc.), and then compared byobtained estimates, forecasts, recommendations. Coincidenceassessments and recommendations suggests that theyclose to true. Mismatched or complementary friend's assessments and recommendations are the reason for identifyingthe qualities of the object during further research.

In fact, in each of the types of survey and search work, a set of empirical methods is used.


Study of literature, documents, materials on electronicthrone carriers and other sources of information onallows you to create initial ideas about the subject of research, helps to separate the known from the unknowngo, fix the established facts, accumulatedexperience, clearly outline the problem under study.

Literature work begins with making a listworks to be studied (bibliography). Bib lyographic search you can start with systematic andsubject catalogs of libraries, consultations with biblios graphs and familiarity with bibliographic indexes.

It is better to compile a bibliography on the topic of research by writing out the necessary data about each book or articleon a separate card or entering them into the computer base. It is important to accurately indicate the author or editor of the book, article,brochures, title, place and year of publication, publisher, volume, issue and edition number. It is useful to point out the bibliographic cipher. For example: Avanesov test items. M .: Adept, 1998.

Card fileis carried out according to the subject principle, that is, at timescases of the studied topic. If the source refers to severalto the sections of the research topic, several copies are madecards and each is placed in the appropriate heading. Bypast the subject it is also advisable to lead the car in paralleltoteku alphabetically. This allows you to find the right sourcesby author. On cards, both subject and alphabeticalcard indexes, in addition to accurately describing bibliographic informationof the handbook, short notes are made about its content.

Work on the study of literary sources beginswith viewing reading. Its main purpose isfamiliarization with big amount bibliographic sources on the research topic. Initial acquaintancewith literature should give an idea of ​​the problem,the main content of a work. For thisuseful to read the annotation, introduction, table of contentsni, conclusion, to skim through the contents of the book.The result of the viewing reading is the assessment of the stethe importance of each source, which allows opDetermine the further way of working out the publication:

- careful study with notes;

- selective study, accompanied by extracts;

- general introduction to annotation, etc.

Learning Reading assumes read carefullybibliographic sources selected at the previous stage. In this case, you should write out on the cardpoints or separate sheets of paper everything you need withexact links to the source. Right there or on separatesheets it is useful to record your thoughts and comments,nikki in the process of reading.

The results of studying the literature for each question onit is useful to arrange in the form of a written review in which,after setting out the essence of individual provisions, you need to clearlyshow the main points of view; open matching and timesglorifying in them; designate little developed, unclearnye and controversial provisions; emphasize what's newgo, the original is introduced by the author of each work; to expresstheir attitude to the author's positions made by the researchby the sponsors of the conclusions.

It should be borne in mind that the study of literature and othersources of scientific and methodological nature isan important component of the preparatory stage of the researchtel work when, with the help of a literature reviewsubstantiates the relevance of the question posed and the research work carried out. But the study of literature and documents continues throughout the study.




The choice of research methods depends on the chosen topic,problems, hypotheses, goals and objectives of the course work. Headsmoreover, they should provide maximum effect. Methods are usually selected for each stage and part of the research.vania. All research methods used by the student are underare described in detail in "Administered".

Coursework involves a literature review for selectedtopic, presentation of the current state of the issue, its a short history, the formulation of conclusions and their argumentation. The review provides an analysis and a comparative assessment of the timespersonal approaches to solving the problem posed once authors.

Knowledge of the degree of elaboration of the problem under studystudent expounds in theoretical chapters. The first of them withholds, as a rule, 2-3 paragraphs:

- the historical and contemporary aspect of the problem under study;

- the essential characteristics of the concept under study, itsinterpretation by various authors, own attitude To
positions of various authors;

- features of the development of the selected topic from the point of viewpsychology of a child or adolescent, their age characteristics.

In the conclusion of the chapter, a theoreticalthe conclusions from which the author will proceed in the presentationthe contents of the second chapter term paper.

In the theoretical part term paper student lays outown understanding and comprehension of the issue based on the study of literature, assessment of certain aspects ofteaching theory and concepts with reference to their carsditch, provides evidence of any provisions. Quoting should not turn into an end in itself, drown outown thought. At the end of the quote, a commitment is requiredbut indicate its source.

analyzes, objects, expresses an opinion, adds, proves, admits, asks a question, reveals a problem, sets out, states, hopes, finds, begins, more than once shares a point of view, disagrees, discovers, discusses, explains, approves, answers, defends , defines, notes, retells, writes, repeats, raises about the problem, supports, confirms, allows, believes, understands, offers, suggests, presents, recognizes, accepts a point of view, comes to a conclusion, considers an issue, shares a position, reflects, solves, explains, recommends, solves a problem, follows, agrees, doubts, reports, asks, refers, considers, indicates, mentions, asserts, clarifies, fixes.

Analysis and clarification of theoretical material based onstudying scientific literature is a laborious process. On thisstage the most typical are following errors.

1. Mechanical connection of unrefined passages
from various sources, most often without specifying the authors.
At the same time, often the same approaches to the issue are taughtsits as different.

2. Continuous quotation or retelling of certain undermoves without analysis and generalization. It's very primitive level of work.

3. Mixed presentation: theoretical and practicalparts of the book describe what is borrowed from literary sources, and immediately provide illustrations from
observations or your own practice. Often such illusTraditions are not at all evidence of scientific narration. zheniya.

4. Lack of evidence for scientific ideas is specific
by examples and the student's own interpretation.


1. Formulate concepts. If necessary, contact
to the explanatory dictionary.

Adequate, argumentation, discreteness, reliability,idealization, instruction, interviewer, interpretation, computertent, confidentiality, indirect, neutral, opomediocre, sensual reflection, advantage, responsdent, aggregate, specificity, essence, trend, test, chronumber, integrity, expert.

Make up a word with the above concepts readings and phrases.

2. Understand the wording of the basic concepts of the topic.

Abstraction, annotation, analysis, questioning, conversation, bibliography, ideal object, study of products deactivities, interviews, method, technique, modeling, observation, survey, assessment, synthesis, theoretical method,theoretical knowledge, testing, experiment, empiricalsky method, empirical knowledge.

Make pairs or groups of concepts by combining them according toany sign.

3. Prepare answers to questions.

Expand the essence of the concept of "method of scientific knowledge".

What is the difference between empirical research methods and


How are the concepts of "method" and "technique" related?

What are the principles on which the choice is based
research methods. Expand the essence of each of them.

How the empirical level of research differs from

What is an “ideal object”?

List the theoretical research methods. Fromlay down the essence of each of them.

Justify the relationship between methods: analysis and synthesis, abstragirovanie and concretization.

List the empirical research methods. Fromlay down the essence of each of them.

What features of interviews, questionnaires and testing can be combined into a survey method?

Name three types of survey questions. How do they distinguishXia from each other?

How to compile a bibliography?

What are the requirements for a literature reviewsources used in writing coursework


What is the purpose and content of the "Introduction" of the course work?

What aspects should be considered by the student in
theoretical part of the course work?

What are the typical mistakes made by students
when writing a review of literary sources.

4. Formulate in writing the requirements for each empyric method, requirements for working with literature,
based on the theoretical material of the topic.


1. Formulate the concepts of "method", "technique" and "methodlong history ”using the suggested word lists.

Method- and, construction, method, scientific, justification, knowledge.

Methodology- use, with, help, which, and, to be realized, various, cognition, forms, phenomenon, and, toevent, methods, processes.

Methodology-system, principles, theoretical, organization, methods, and, construction, and, activity, practical, etc.

2. Select from the list methods that are related to theo retical.

Analysis, conversation, survey, synthesis, interview, abstraction,assessment method, testing, experiment, specification, questioning, modeling, observation.

3. Restore pairs of signs characteristic of the method yes observation.

1. Continuous

A. Third Party

2. Wide

B. Discrete

3. Included

B. Special

4. Determine which of the methods is applied nextblowing requirements. Justify the answer:

Purposefulness, analytical nature, complexness, systematicity.

Informing the subject, neutrality, confidentialityreality, familiarization with the results.

5. According to brief descriptions of the basic methods of psychology
determine the type of each of them.

A short-term psychological test is carried out (according togiven standard form) in order to find out onhow many psychological qualities of the subject (ability,skills, abilities, etc.) correspond to the established psychologygeological norms and standards. Mainly appliedto determine suitability for a particular profession.

The essence of the method is the collection and generalization of data obtained in the study of various types of activity.zoomed personality. Each considered personality trait according to thethe penalty for manifestation can be assessed by a conditional score. Whenchanges for the study of individual psychological kathe student's honor, in particular his abilities.

The individual is systematically studied in everyday life.noah life. The researcher does not interfere with the natural course of events. An example of this method is keeping a diary of a parent.tellers who, over the years, have recorded allinformation about changes in mental life child. Theseinformation serve source material for psychologicalconclusions, generalizations, assumptions that follow aboutbelieve by other methods.

The investigated phenomenon is studied in precisely taken into account mustconditions that allow you to follow the progress of the phenomenon and recreateif these conditions are repeated.

At the experimenter's request, three teachers give a balllakh quality of students' performance of work assignments. Forthemes are calculated average rating for every student.

In order to study the content of the "I" of adolescents, theylived to compose a self-description on the topic “I am what I seem to be”.Then, with the help of school psychologists and philologists, they identified the main topics in self-descriptions, after which an experimentthe mentor counted how many subjects had an opA specific topic.

6. The choice of research methods is based on threebasic principles. Restore their wording:

1. The principle of the adequacy of methods

a) to solve any scientific problem, not one is used, but a complex of mutually beneficial training methods

2. Principle banning experiments

b) compliance with the essence of the phenomenon under study, with the results that are assumed byradiation, the capabilities of the researcher

3. Principle set of methods

c) not using research methodsdovs contradicting moral norms, capable of harming the subjects, educating the process

7. Formulate the five most important requirements fororganization methods:





- studying the results of activities.

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ChOU VPO "Institute of Economics, Management and Law (Kazan)"


Faculty of Psychology


By discipline: "Methodology of Psychology"

On the topic: "Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research"

Completed: student of group 1 SP d932u

Zayneeva Razide Atnagulovna


Antonova Olga Alexandrovna

Bugulma - 2014


1.Definition of the concept of "methodology of psychology"

1.1 Methodology of psychology as an independent area of ​​scientific knowledge

2. Methodological foundations psychological and pedagogical research

2.1 The main functions of methodology in psychological and pedagogical research




Fundamental transformations in society have created real prerequisites for the renewal of the entire system. Russian education and set in motion the mechanism of self-development of the school. The identification of the source of self-development of educational institutions - the creative research activity of the teacher - was reflected in the creation of schools of a new type, in the development and implementation of new educational content, new educational technologies, strengthening the school's ties with pedagogical science and turning to the world pedagogical experience.

The teacher, as a subject of the pedagogical process, is the main actor in any changes in the educational system. The processes of fundamental transformations in the modern school require the teacher to reorient his activities to new pedagogical values ​​that are adequate to the nature of scientific creativity, which, in turn, highlights one of the main problems of higher education - the formation of the teacher's research culture.

The modern situation is characterized by the following system of social, theoretical, praxeological and personal contradictions:

· Between the awareness of society of the urgent need for constant reproduction of the pedagogical elite through the development of research culture and the lack of adequate social and pedagogical conditions for its formation;

Between the modern needs of the school and society in the teacher-researcher and the recognition of the need to improve in this regard his professional training and the insufficient methodological, theoretical and technological development of the foundations for the formation and development of the research culture of the teacher in the course of his professional development;

· Between the level of proficiency in research experience and the degree of its implementation by the majority of teachers;

Between the needs and aspirations arising in the teacher's professional activity in the study of pedagogical reality and the level of her mastery of the means that satisfy these needs, an objective need arises for future teachers to master the foundations of the methodology and methodology of psychological and pedagogical research.

Object of study... Methodology.

Subject of study... The main functions of methodology in psychological and pedagogical research

Target - theoretically explore the main functions of methodology in psychological and pedagogical research.


1. To study the concept of "methodology of psychology".

2. To reveal and analyze the content of the main functions of the methodology.

Work structure: Individual work consists of an introduction, two sections, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Definition concept"Methodology of psychology"

1.1 Methodology of psychology as an independent area of ​​scientific knowledge

Methodology is a system of principles and methods of constructing (organizing) theoretical and practical activities, as well as teaching about this system. This is a special subject of rational cognition - a system of socially approved rules and norms of cognition and action, which correlate with the properties and laws of reality.

KK Platonov defines the methodology of psychology as a branch of psychology that lies at its intersection with philosophy, the subject of which is the correspondence of the language of psychological science, the principles of psychology, its methods and structure (tree of psychological science) to the principles of dialectical materialism.

V " Concise Dictionary systems of psychological concepts "the methodology of psychology is defined as a system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing the theory and practice of individual psychological sciences, their branches and all of them in general, as well as the doctrine of this system. This teaching is the "root" of the psychological science tree.

The methodology of P. Kopkin and S. Spirkin is very succinctly defined: "Methodology is the application of the principles of worldview to the process of cognition."

Worldview is the highest level of awareness of reality, representing a fairly stable system of views (knowledge, skills, attitudes) of a person on the world and himself. A worldview is formed as a result of generalization of individual and social knowledge and experience in all spheres of life under the influence of living conditions (natural and social, macro- and micro-environmental). The worldview determines the position of a person in relation to all phenomena of reality in the form of his value orientations and principles of activity.

The most important in the methodology of psychology is the scientific principle of knowledge, based on a scientific approach to research. The scientific approach is understood primarily as the methodological content of the study, which goes back to worldview attitudes and, at the same time, as a methodological form that is concretized in certain methods and procedures.

In accordance with the methodology, psychological science in the process of its development has adopted a number of principles of a general scientific nature:

Anthropic principle (science recognizes the cognizability of the surrounding world and the possibility of its change by the subject of cognition);

The principle of determination (the cause determines the effect);

The principle of complementarity (complementarity) (the complexity of the organization of the object of knowledge requires its comprehensive study);

The principle of methodical atheism (prohibition of reference to God as a causal factor);

The principle of objectivity (recognition of the existence of objective reality, independent of the level of its perception by a person);

The principle of relativity (any object of reality is always in relation to another object, and its characteristics depend on other objects);

The principle of consistency (methodological direction in the study of reality, considering any of its fragments as a system) and a number of others.

There is also a number of specific scientific and psychological principles, such as the principle of a personal approach (means the recognition of the integrity of the main object of study of psychology - a person, both from the side of his mental organization and from the side of his interaction with the outside world). ...

The methodology performs two global functions: it serves as a theoretical -

worldview (ideological) basis of scientific knowledge and acts as a teaching about the method of cognition. As a teaching about the method of cognition, the methodology solves a number of specific problems: 5 analysis of principles, concepts, theories and approaches; elaboration of the conceptual apparatus and the corresponding terminology, the language of research; description and analysis of the research process, its stages and phases; study of the areas of applicability of various methods, procedures, technologies; development of individual methods (from private to general). It is necessary to distinguish between methodology in the broad and narrow sense of the word. ...

Methodology in the broadest sense implies an indication of how a particular subject will be researched. On the other hand, methodology is distinguished in the narrow sense as a set of special provisions, rules, norms used in the study. Methodology in

in the narrow sense is a conceptualization of the research process, when the object of analysis is the research process itself.

methodology psychology pedagogical descriptive

2. Methodological foundations psychological-pedagogical research

2. 1 Main functionsmethodologyto psycholhoo-pedagogical research

Methodological problems of psychology and pedagogy have always been among the most pressing, acute issues of the development of psychological and pedagogical thought. The study of psychological and pedagogical phenomena from the standpoint of dialectics, that is, the science of the most general laws of the development of nature, society and thinking, makes it possible to reveal their qualitative originality, connections with other social phenomena and processes. In accordance with the principles of this theory, the training, education and development of future specialists are studied in close connection with the specific conditions of social life and professional activity. All psychological and pedagogical phenomena are studied in their constant change and development, identifying contradictions and ways to resolve them.

We know from philosophy that methodology is the science of the most general principles of cognition and transformation of objective reality, the ways and means of this process.

Currently, the role of methodology in determining the prospects for the development of pedagogical science has increased significantly. What is the reason for this?

At first , in modern science, tendencies towards the integration of knowledge, a comprehensive analysis of certain phenomena of objective reality are noticeable. At present, for example, in the social sciences, data from cybernetics, mathematics, probability theory and other sciences are widely used, which previously did not pretend to perform methodological functions in a specific social research. The ties between the sciences themselves and scientific directions have noticeably strengthened. Thus, the boundaries between pedagogical theory and the general psychological concept of personality are becoming more and more conventional; between the economic analysis of social problems and the psychological and pedagogical study of personality; between pedagogy and genetics, pedagogy and physiology, etc. Moreover, at present, the integration of all humanities has a clearly expressed object - a person. Therefore, psychology and pedagogy play an important role in uniting the efforts of various sciences in its study.

Psychology and pedagogy are increasingly relying on the achievements of various branches of knowledge, they are strengthening qualitatively and quantitatively, constantly enriching and expanding their subject, therefore it is necessary to make sure that this growth is realized, corrected, controlled, which directly depends on methodological comprehension this phenomenon... Thus, methodology plays a decisive role in psychological and pedagogical research, gives them scientific integrity, consistency, increases efficiency, and professional orientation.

Secondly , the sciences themselves, psychology and pedagogy, have become more complex: research methods have become more diverse, new aspects are opening up in the subject of research. In this situation, it is important, on the one hand, not to lose the subject of research - the psychological and pedagogical problems themselves, and on the other hand, not to drown in the sea of ​​empirical facts, to direct specific research towards solving fundamental problems of psychology and pedagogy.

Thirdly , at present, the gap between philosophical and methodological problems and the direct methodology of psychological and pedagogical research has become obvious: on the one hand, the problems of the philosophy of psychology and pedagogy, and on the other, special methodological issues of psychological and pedagogical research. In other words, psychologists and educators are increasingly faced with problems that go beyond the scope of a specific study, that is, methodological problems that have not yet been resolved by modern philosophy. And the need to solve these problems is enormous. By virtue of this, it is necessary to fill the created vacuum with methodological concepts and provisions in order to further improve the direct methodology of psychological and pedagogical research.

Fourth , at present, psychology and pedagogy have become a kind of testing ground for mathematical methods in the social sciences, a powerful stimulus for the development of entire branches of mathematics. In this objective process of growth, improvement of the methodological system of these sciences, elements of the absolutization of quantitative research methods are inevitable to the detriment of qualitative analysis. This is especially noticeable in foreign psychology and pedagogy, where mathematical statistics seem to be almost a panacea for all ills. This fact is explained primarily by social reasons: a qualitative analysis in psychological and pedagogical research often leads to conclusions unacceptable for certain power structures, and quantitative, allowing to achieve specific practical results, gives ample opportunity for ideological manipulation in the field of these sciences and beyond.

However, due to epistemological reasons, mathematical methods can, as is known, not bring one closer to the truth, but remove from it. And to prevent this from happening, the quantitative analysis must be supplemented with a qualitative - methodological one. In this case, the methodology plays the role of Ariadne's thread, eliminates delusion, does not allow one to get confused in countless correlations, makes it possible to select the most significant statistical dependences for qualitative analysis and draw correct conclusions from their analysis. And if modern psychological and pedagogical research cannot do without sound quantitative analysis, then even in to a greater extent they need methodological justification.

Fifth , man is a decisive force in professional activity. This position follows from the general sociological law of the increasing role of the subjective factor in history, in the development of society in proportion to social progress. But it also happens that, accepting this position at the level of abstraction, some researchers deny it in one way or another. specific situation, case study. More and more often (though sometimes scientifically justified) it is concluded that the least reliable link in specific system"Man - machine" becomes the personality of a specialist. This often leads to a one-sided interpretation of the relationship between man and technology in labor. In such subtle questions, the truth must be found both at the psychological-pedagogical and at the philosophical-sociological levels. The methodological equipment of researchers helps to solve these and other complex issues correctly.

Now it is necessary to clarify what should be understood by the methodology, what is its essence, logical structure and levels, what functions she does.

Methodology term Greek origin and means "teaching about method" or "theory of method". In modern science, methodology is understood in the narrow and broad sense of the word. In the broadest sense of the word methodology -- it is a set of the most general, primarily worldview, principles in their application to solving complex theoretical and practical problems; this is the worldview position of the researcher. At the same time, it is also a doctrine about the methods of cognition, which substantiates the initial principles and methods of their concrete application in cognitive and practical activities. Methodology in the narrow sense of the word -- it is a teaching about the methods of scientific research.

Thus, in modern scientific literature, methodology is most often understood as the doctrine of the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific and cognitive activity. The methodology of science characterizes the components of a scientific research - its object, subject, research tasks, a set of research methods, means and methods necessary for their solution, and also forms an idea of ​​the sequence of movement of the researcher in the process of solving a scientific problem.

V. V. Kraevsky in his work "Methodology of Pedagogical Research" 1 gives a comic parable about a centipede, which once thought about the order in which it moves its legs when walking. And as soon as she thought about it, she spun in place, the movement stopped, as the automatism of walking was disturbed.

The first methodologist, such a “methodological Adam”, was a man who, in the midst of his activity, stopped and asked himself: “What am I doing ?!” Unfortunately, introspection, reflections on one's own activity, individual reflection becomes in this case already insufficient.

Our "Adam" more and more often falls into the position of the centipede from the parable, since the comprehension of our own activities only from the standpoint of our own experience turns out to be unproductive for activities in other situations.

Continuing the conversation in the images of the parable of the centipede, we can say that the knowledge she received as a result of introspection about the methods of movement, for example, on a flat field, is not enough to move over rough terrain, to cross a water barrier, etc. In other words, a methodological generalization. Figuratively speaking, there is a need for a centipede, which itself would not participate in the movement, but only watched the movement of many of its fellows and developed a generalized idea of ​​their activities. Returning to our topic, we note that such a generalized idea of ​​activity, taken in its socio-practical, and not psychological, section, is the doctrine of the structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity in the field of theory and practice, that is, the methodology in the first , in the broadest sense of the word.

However, with the development of science, its formation as a real productive force, the nature of the relationship between scientific activity and practical activity becomes clear, which is increasingly based on theoretical conclusions. This is reflected in the presentation of methodology as a teaching about the method of scientific knowledge, aimed at transforming the world.

One cannot but take into account the fact that the development of the social sciences contributes to the development of particular theories of activity. One of such theories is pedagogical, which includes a number of private theories of education, training, development, management of the education system, etc. Apparently, such considerations led to an even narrower understanding of methodology as the doctrine of principles, structure, forms and methods of scientific and cognitive activity.

What is the pedagogical methodology? Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Most often, the methodology of pedagogy is interpreted as a theory of methods of pedagogical research, as well as a theory for creating educational and upbringing concepts. According to R. Barrow, there is a philosophy of pedagogy, which develops the research methodology. It includes the development of pedagogical theory, logic and meaning of pedagogical activity. From these positions, the methodology of pedagogy is considered as a philosophy of education, upbringing and development, as well as research methods that allow you to create a theory of pedagogical processes and phenomena. Based on this premise, the Czech educational researcher Jana Skalkova argues that the methodology of pedagogy is a system of knowledge about the foundations and structure of pedagogical theory. However, such an interpretation of the pedagogical methodology cannot be complete. To reveal the essence of the concept under consideration, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the methodology of pedagogy, along with the above, also performs other functions:

¦ it determines the methods of obtaining scientific knowledge that reflect the constantly changing pedagogical reality (M. A. Danilov);

¦ directs and predetermines the main path by which a specific research goal is achieved (P.V. Koppin);

¦ provides comprehensive information about the studied process or phenomenon (M. N. Skatkin);

¦ helps to introduce new information into the fund of the theory of pedagogy (F. F. Korolev);

¦ provides clarification, enrichment, systematization of terms and concepts in pedagogical science (V.E. Gmurman);

¦ creates a system of information based on objective facts and a logical-analytical tool of scientific knowledge (M. N. Skatkin).

These signs of the concept of "methodology", which determine its functions in science, allow us to conclude that the methodology of pedagogy is a conceptual presentation of the goal, content, research methods that provide the most objective, accurate, systematized information about pedagogical processes and phenomena.

Consequently, the following can be singled out as the main tasks of methodology in any pedagogical research:

¦ determination of the purpose of the research, taking into account the level of development of science, the needs of practice, social relevance and real capabilities of the research team or scientist;

¦ study of all processes in the study from the standpoint of their internal and external conditioning, development and self-development. With this approach, upbringing, for example, is a developing phenomenon conditioned by the development of society, school, family and the development of the child's psyche; a child is a developing system capable of self-knowledge and self-development, changing itself in accordance with external influences and internal needs or abilities; and a teacher is a constantly improving specialist who changes his activities in accordance with the goals set, etc .;

¦ consideration of educational and upbringing problems from the perspective of all human sciences: sociology, psychology, anthropology, physiology, genetics, etc. This follows from the fact that pedagogy is a science that unites all modern human knowledge and uses all scientific information about a person in the interests of creating optimal pedagogical systems;

¦ orientation towards a systematic approach in research (structure, interrelation of elements and phenomena, their subordination, dynamics of development, tendencies, essence and characteristics, factors and conditions);

¦ identification and resolution of contradictions in the process of education and upbringing, in the development of a team or personality;

¦ the connection between theory and practice, the development of ideas and their implementation, the orientation of teachers to new scientific concepts, new pedagogical thinking while simultaneously excluding the old, obsolete.

From what has been said it is already clear that the broadest (philosophical) definition of methodology does not suit us. Therefore, further we will focus on pedagogical research, and from this point of view, we will consider methodology in a narrow sense, that is, the methodology of scientific knowledge in the specified subject area.

At the same time, broader definitions should not be overlooked, since today we need a methodology that would orient pedagogical research towards practice, towards its study and transformation. However, this must be done meaningfully, on the basis of a deep analysis of the state of pedagogical science and practice, as well as the main provisions of the methodology of science. A simple "imposition" of certain definitions on the field of pedagogy cannot give the necessary results. So, for example, the question arises: if the principles and methods of organizing practical pedagogical activity are studied by methodology, what remains to the lot of pedagogy itself? The answer may be an obvious fact: the study of practical activity in the field of education (practice of teaching and upbringing), if we consider this activity from the standpoint of a specific science, is not a methodology, but pedagogy itself.

Summarizing the above, we present the classic definition of the methodology of pedagogy. According to one of the leading domestic experts in this field, V. V. Kraevsky, “the methodology of pedagogy is a system of knowledge about the structure of pedagogical theory, about the principles of approach and methods of acquiring knowledge that reflect pedagogical reality, as well as a system of activities to obtain such knowledge and substantiate programs. , logic, methods and assessment of the quality of research work ”.

In this definition, V.V. Kraevsky, along with the system of knowledge about the structure of pedagogical theory, the principles and methods of acquiring knowledge, distinguishes the system of the researcher's activity in acquiring it. Consequently, the subject of pedagogical methodology acts as a relationship between pedagogical reality and its reflection in pedagogical science.

At the present time, it has become far from being extremely relevant. new problem improving the quality of pedagogical research. The focus of the methodology is increasing on helping the teacher-researcher, on the formation of his special skills in the field of research work. Thus, the methodology acquires a normative orientation, and methodological support of research work becomes its important task.

The methodology of pedagogy as a branch of scientific knowledge acts in two aspects: as a system of knowledge and as a system of research activities. This refers to two types of activity - methodological research and methodological support. The first task is to identify patterns and trends in the development of pedagogical science in its connection with practice, the principles of improving the quality of pedagogical research, and analysis of their conceptual composition and methods. The second task - methodological support of research - means the use of available methodological knowledge to substantiate the research program and assess its quality when it is being conducted or has already been completed.

The named tasks determine the allocation of two functions of pedagogical methodology - descriptive, that is, descriptive, which also presupposes the formation of a theoretical description of the object, and prescriptive - normative, which creates guidelines for the work of a teacher-researcher.

These functions also determine the division of the foundations of the methodology of pedagogy into two groups - theoretical and normative.

The theoretical foundations that perform descriptive functions include: ¦ definition of methodology;

¦ general characteristics of methodology as a science, its levels;

¦ methodology as a system of knowledge and a system of activity, sources of methodological support for research activities in the field of pedagogy;

¦ object and subject of methodological analysis in the field of pedagogy.

Regulatory bases cover a circle following questions:

¦ scientific knowledge in pedagogy, among other forms of spiritual mastery of the world, which include spontaneous empirical knowledge and artistic-figurative reflection of reality;

¦ determination of the belonging of work in the field of pedagogy to science: the nature of goal-setting, the selection of a special object of research, the use of special means cognition, unambiguity of concepts;

¦ typology of pedagogical research;

¦ characteristics of research, by which a scientist can compare and evaluate his scientific work in the field of pedagogy: problem, topic, relevance, object of research, its subject, purpose, objectives, hypothesis, defended provisions, novelty, significance for science and practice;

¦ logic of pedagogical research it. etc.

These foundations are an objective area of ​​methodological research. Their results can serve as a source of replenishment of the content of the very methodology of pedagogy and methodological reflection of the teacher-researcher.

In the structure of methodological knowledge G. Yudin distinguishes four levels: philosophical, general scientific, concrete scientific and technological.

The second level, general scientific methodology, is theoretical concepts applied to all or most scientific disciplines.

The third level is a specific scientific methodology, that is, a set of methods, research principles and procedures used in a particular special scientific discipline. The methodology of a particular science includes both problems specific to scientific knowledge in a given area, and issues raised at higher levels of methodology, for example, problems of a systems approach or modeling in pedagogical research.

The fourth level - technological methodology - consists of the research methodology and technique, i.e., a set of procedures that ensure the receipt of reliable empirical material and its primary processing, after which it can be included in the body of scientific knowledge. At this level, methodological knowledge is clearly normative.

All levels of pedagogical methodology form a complex system, within which there is a certain subordination between them. At the same time, the philosophical level acts as the substantive basis of any methodological knowledge, defining worldview approaches to the process of cognition and transformation of reality.


The term “methodology” is of Greek origin, meaning “doctrine of method” or “theory of method”. Methodology (from method and logic) - the doctrine of structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity. Methodology - it is the science of the most general principles of cognition and transformation of objective reality, the ways and means of this process.

Methodology in this broad sense forms a necessary component of any activity, since the latter becomes the subject of awareness, learning and rationalization. Methodological knowledge takes the form of both prescriptions and norms, which fix the content and sequence of certain types of activity (normative methodology), and descriptions of the actually performed activity (descriptive methodology). In both cases, the main function of this knowledge is the internal organization and regulation of the process of cognition or practical transformation of an object. In modern literature, methodology is usually understood, first of all, the methodology of scientific knowledge, that is, the doctrine of the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific and cognitive activity.

The methodology determines the characteristics of the components of scientific research (problem, goal, object, subject, research tasks, a set of research tools that are necessary to solve a problem of this type, and also forms an idea of ​​the sequence of movement of the researcher in the process of solving the problem - the research hypothesis). The most important aspect of the methodology is the statement of the problem (it is here that methodological mistakes are most often made, leading to the advancement of pseudo-problems or significantly complicating the obtaining of a result), the construction of the subject of research and the construction of a scientific theory, as well as verification of the result obtained from the point of view of its truth, i.e. compliance with the object of study.


1. Antsyferova L.I. The principle of connection between the psyche and activity and the methodology of psychology // Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology. [Text] Moscow: Nauka, 1969.

2. Gormin A.S. Methodology and methods of psychology [Text] educational Toolkit, NovGU named after Yaroslav the Wise, 2010 .-- 23 p.

3. Nikandrov V.V. Methodological foundations of psychology [Text] textbook SPb:, "Rech", 2008. - 234 p.

4. Obraztsov PI Methods and methodology of psychological and pedagogical research. - SPb .: Peter, 2004 .-- 268 p: ill. - (Series "Short Course").

5. Tyutyunnik V.I. Foundations of Psychological Research. [Text] M., 2002.-206 p.

6. Ponomarev Ya.A. Methodological introduction to psychology. [Text] M., 1983.-203 p.

7. Stetsenko A.P. On the role and status of methodological knowledge in modern Soviet psychology [Text] // Vest. Moscow un-that. Ser. 14. Psychology. 1990, no. 2, p. 39-56.

8. Fedotova G.A. Methodology and methodology of psychological and pedagogical research: Textbook. allowance; NovSU them. Yaroslav the Wise / author-comp. G.A. Fedotova: - Veliky Novgorod, 2006 .-- 112 p.

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

UO "Grodno State University named after Ya Kupala "

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Signature __________

The main forms and methods of diagnosis.

Today, the role of diagnostics is very great: timely identification of children with developmental disorders is required; determining their optimal educational route; providing individual accompaniment in a general institution; development of individual education programs for children with complex and severe mental disorders, for whom training in accordance with standard educational programs is inaccessible. All this work can be carried out only on the basis of a deep comprehensive study of the child. The construction of a psychological and pedagogical examination of a child with special features of psychophysical development should be distinguished by a variety and a large number of methods used, which makes it possible to correctly qualify various disorders and their correlations.

The correct choice of proven diagnostic techniques, a combination of various methods of psychological diagnostics (experiment, test, projective techniques) with specially organized observation and analysis of the products of the activity and creativity of children will help to increase the efficiency of the diagnostic process, prevent errors in identifying the causes of learning difficulties and determining the level of cognitive and personal development of the child.

In the course of the survey, the reasons for the difficulties in learning are revealed, ways of compensating for the existing violation are determined, as well as the conditions necessary for the child to reach the maximum possible level of education, integration into society. An indispensable condition that must be strictly observed is the conduct of a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of the child with the consent and in the presence of one of his parents or legal representative.

The choice of one or another psychological and pedagogical examination methodology in each specific case depends on the goals and objectives of the examination, the child's age and inherent leading activity, as well as the child's developmental disorder, social factor, etc.

A prerequisite for diagnostics is the creation of a comfortable environment: lighting, sound background, quality of furniture, organization of space, convenient placement of the necessary materials. The examination procedure should be adequate to the capabilities of a child with special psychophysical development in terms of the nature of the stimulus material and the sequence of its presentation.

The results of the examination are also influenced by the personality of the adult conducting the diagnosis. Creation of a benevolent atmosphere, establishing contact with the child, relieving his anxiety and uncertainty depends on his professionalism, demeanor.

The purpose of the introductory: identification of the initial level, the state of children for drawing up a program for the development of children, a work plan.

The purpose of the interim: assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical influences, timely correction of development programs, drawing up a further work plan.

Target: identification of the achieved level of development of abilities, urgent necessary correction for children of graduating groups, a comprehensive assessment of pedagogical activity.

Forms intermediate diagnostics:

    Slice control

    Test tasks

    Keeping a diary of observations of the child


    Exhibitions of drawings, etc.

Methods of psychological and pedagogical research.

Observation- purposeful perception of facts, processes or phenomena, which can be direct, carried out with the help of the senses, or indirect, based on information received from various devices and means of observation, as well as other persons who conducted direct observation.

Classification of types of observation:

by timing: continuous and discrete;

by volume: broad and highly specialized;

by the type of connection between the observer and the observed: not included (open) and included (hidden).

Observation- one of the main methods used in teaching practice. It is a method of long-term and purposeful description of mental characteristics manifested in the activities and behavior of students, based on their direct perception with the obligatory systematization of the data obtained and the formulation of possible conclusions.

For observation to be scientific, it must meet the following requirements:

    Purposefulness- observation is carried out not for the student in general, but for the manifestations of specific personality traits.

    Planning- before the start of observation, it is necessary to outline certain tasks (what to observe), think over a plan (terms and funds). Indicators (what to fix), possible miscalculations (errors) and ways to prevent them, expected results.

    Independence- observation should be an independent, not a passing task. For example, not the best way Finding out the qualities of the students will go to the forest on an excursion, because the information obtained in this way will be random, since the main efforts of attention will be directed to solving organizational problems.

    Naturalness- observation should be carried out in natural conditions for the student.

    Systematic- observation should be carried out not from case to case, but systematically, in accordance with the plan.

    Objectivity- the teacher should record not what he “wants to see” in support of his assumption, but objective facts.

    Fixation- data should be recorded during the observation or immediately after it.

Observation is a laborious method.

    It is almost impossible to exclude the influence of random factors.

    It is impossible to fix everything, so you can miss the essential and note the insignificant.

    Intimate situations do not lend themselves to observation.

    The method is passive: the teacher observes situations that appear regardless of his plans, he cannot influence the course of events.

    Observation provides information that is difficult to quantify.

Survey can be carried out orally (conversation, interview) and in the form of a written or questionnaire survey.

Application conversations and interviews requires the researcher to clearly set goals, main and auxiliary questions, create a favorable moral and psychological climate and trust, the ability to observe the course of a conversation or interview and direct them in the right direction, and keep records of the information received.

Conversation- a method of establishing in the course of direct communication the mental characteristics of a student, which allows you to obtain information of interest with the help of previously prepared questions.

Conversation can be conducted not only with students, but also with teachers or parents. For example, in a conversation with teachers of various subjects, it is possible not only to trace the interests of specific students, but also to establish the characteristics of the class as a whole.

Conversation can also be conducted with a group, where the trainer asks questions to the whole group and makes sure that the answers include the opinions of all members of the group, not just the most active. Typically, this conversation is used for initial acquaintance with group members or to obtain information about social processes in the group.

Conversation can be more standardized or more free.

In the first case, the conversation is conducted according to a strictly regulated program, with a strict sequence of presentation, clearly record the answers and it is relatively easy to process the results.

In the second case, the content of the question is not planned in advance. Communication proceeds more freely, broader, but this complicates the organization, conduct of the conversation and the processing of results. This form makes very high demands on the teacher.

There are also intermediate forms of conversation that try to combine the positive qualities of both of these types.

When preparing for a conversation, preliminary work is very important.

    The moderator should carefully consider all aspects of the problem he is going to talk about, select the facts that he may need. Having a clear goal of the conversation helps you formulate clear questions and avoid random ones.

    He must determine in what sequence he will raise topics or ask questions.

    It is important to choose the right place and time for the conversation. It is necessary that there are no people nearby whose presence could embarrass, or, even worse, affect the sincerity of the interlocutor.

When conducting a conversation, especially a free one, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    Communication should be started with a topic that is pleasant to the interlocutor, so that he willingly begins to speak.

    Questions that may turn out to be unpleasant for the interlocutor or cause a feeling of verification should not be concentrated in one place, they should be evenly distributed throughout the conversation.

    The question should cause discussion, development of thought.

    Questions should take into account the age and individual characteristics of the interlocutor.

    Sincere interest and respect for the opinion of the interlocutor, a benevolent attitude in a conversation, a desire to convince rather than force an agreement, attention, sympathy and participation are no less important than the ability to speak convincingly and reasonably. Modest and correct behavior inspires confidence.

    The teacher should be attentive and flexible in conversation, prefer indirect questions to direct ones, which are sometimes unpleasant to the interlocutor. A reluctance to answer a question must be met with respect, even if it leaves out important research information. If the question is very important, then during the conversation it can be asked again in a different formulation.

    In terms of the effectiveness of the conversation, it is better to ask several small questions than one large one.

    Indirect questions should be widely used in conversation with students. It is with their help that the teacher can obtain information of interest to him about the hidden aspects of a child's life, about unconscious motives of behavior, ideals.

    In no case should you express yourself in a gray, banal or incorrect way, thus trying to get closer to the level of your interlocutor - this is shocking.

    For greater reliability of the results of the conversation, the most important questions should be repeated in various forms and thereby control previous answers, supplement, remove uncertainty.

    The patience and time of the interlocutor should not be overused. The conversation should not last more than 30-40 minutes.

The undoubted advantages of a conversation include:

    The presence of contact with the interlocutor, the ability to take into account his responses, evaluate his behavior, attitude to the content of the conversation, ask additional, clarifying questions. The conversation can be purely individual in nature, be flexible, maximally adapted to the student.

    An oral answer takes less time than a written one.

    The number of unanswered questions is noticeably reduced (in comparison with written methods).

    Students take questions more seriously.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in a conversation we get not an objective fact, but a person's opinion. It may happen that he arbitrarily or involuntarily distorts the real state of affairs. In addition, the student, for example, often chooses to say what is expected of him.

Recording the conversation is a particular problem. A tape recording made without the consent of the interlocutor is prohibited for ethical and legal reasons. Recording overtly confuses and depressing the interlocutor in the same way as shorthand. The direct fixation of answers during a conversation becomes an even more serious obstacle if the interviewer is interested not so much in facts and events as in the point of view, position on a particular issue. Notes made immediately after the conversation are fraught with the danger of subjective transformations.

Experimental Methods

Experiment- scientifically formulated experience associated with the observation of the studied phenomena in the conditions created and controlled by the researcher.

Psychological and pedagogical experiment (PES) is created on the basis of a natural experiment. In the course of the PES, the researcher actively influences the course of the phenomena under study, changes the usual conditions, purposefully introduces new ones, identifies certain trends, evaluates the qualitative and quantitative results, establishes and confirms the reliability of the revealed patterns.

An experiment is a method of psychological research that allows not only to describe a phenomenon, but also to explain it. The researcher has a planned effect on what is happening in order to identify patterns, to isolate the complex of the most favorable conditions.

This method is mainly used in scientific work in the field of pedagogy. It can also be used in the teacher's day-to-day activities to test the effectiveness of new and optimize well-established work practices.

Laboratory experiment characterized by the fact that the researcher himself causes the phenomenon under study, repeating it as many times as necessary, arbitrarily creates and changes the conditions under which this phenomenon occurs. By changing individual conditions, the researcher has the opportunity to identify each of them.

The laboratory experiment is carried out in artificial conditions for the student, specially created and accurately taken into account. Often it is carried out in a specially equipped room (for example, light and sound protection booths), with the active use of various physical instruments and recording equipment.

The unnatural situation of the experiment leads to tension, constraint of the subject, his constraint due to unusual conditions.

In addition, a laboratory experiment, although it reflects to a certain extent real life situations, is often still far from them. Therefore, it is rarely used to solve pedagogical problems of the educational process. Nevertheless, like no other method, it makes it possible to accurately take into account the conditions, maintain strict control of the course and all stages of the experiment. A quantitative assessment of the results, a high degree of their reliability and reliability allows not only describing, measuring, but also explaining mental phenomena.

Natural experiment(developed by the Russian psychologist A.F. Lazursky) is carried out in normal conditions familiar to the subjects, without special equipment.

A natural experiment is distinguished by the fact that students who are in natural conditions of play, study or work activity do not know about the psychological research being carried out.

Natural experiment combines the advantages of observation and laboratory experiment, although it is less accurate, its results are more difficult to process quantitatively. But there is no negative influence of emotional stress, the intentionality of the response.

Simulation experiment is an explanation of mental phenomena through their modeling. In an experimental situation, the student reproduces (models) one or another natural activity for him: emotional or aesthetic experiences, memorizing the necessary information. During this simulation, researchers also try to identify the most favorable conditions for this process.

Methods of psychological and pedagogical research: their classification and characteristics


Classification of methods of psychological and pedagogical research




Pedagogy is a developing science. She continues to engage in a more in-depth development of all major scientific problems, as well as the determination of specific scientific forecasts in the development of individual links in the public education system and various phenomena in the field of education and upbringing.

In the practice of the modern school, many practical problems arise before the psychological service. These are the tasks of clarifying the level of a child's readiness for school, identifying especially gifted and lagging behind in development, clarifying the reasons for school maladjustment, the tasks of early warning of illegal tendencies in personality development, the tasks of managing the classroom, taking into account the individual characteristics of students and interpersonal relationships between them, the tasks of in-depth career guidance.

Conventionally, all tasks that arise in the interaction of a teacher and a psychologist at school can be divided into psychological, pedagogical and psychological.

Quite conditionally, all typical tasks can be attributed to two classes, based on the main functions of the school - the function of education and the function of upbringing. In real practice, these two functions are closely intertwined.

To conduct pedagogical research, special scientific methods are used, the knowledge of which is necessary for everyone involved in individual and collective scientific research.

Fundamentals of the Study of Research Methods

Methodology in the narrow sense of the word is a teaching about methods, and although we do not reduce it to such an understanding, the teaching about methods plays an extremely important role in methodology. The theory of research methods is designed to reveal their essence, purpose, place in the general system of scientific search, to give a scientific basis for the choice of methods and their combination, to reveal the conditions for their effective use, to give recommendations on the design of optimal systems of research techniques and procedures, i.e., research methods. Methodological provisions and principles are precisely in the methods that get their effective, instrumental expression.

The widely used concept "method of scientific research" is to a large extent a conditional category that unites both forms of scientific thinking, and general models of research procedures, and methods (techniques) of performing research actions.

It is a mistake to treat methods as an independent category. Methods are derived from the goal, subject, content, specific conditions of the study. They are largely determined by the nature of the problem, the theoretical level and the content of the hypothesis.

The system of methods, or methodology, of search is a part of the research system that naturally expresses it and allows for research activities. Of course, the connections of methods in the research system are complex and diverse, and the methods, being a kind of subsystem of the research complex, serve all of its "nodes". In general, the methods depend on the content of those stages of scientific research that logically precede the stages of selection and use of procedures necessary to test the hypothesis. In turn, all components of the research, including methods, are determined by the content of the studied, although they themselves determine the possibilities of comprehending the essence of a particular content, the possibility of solving certain scientific problems.

Research methods and techniques are largely determined by the initial concept of the researcher, his general ideas about the essence and structure of the studied. The systematic use of methods requires the choice of a "frame of reference", methods of their classification. Let us consider in this connection the classification of methods of pedagogical research proposed in the literature.

Classification of methods of psychological and pedagogical research

One of the most recognized and well-known classifications of methods of psychological and pedagogical research is the classification proposed by B.G. Ananyev. He divided all methods into four groups:



by the method of data processing;


TO organizational methods the scientist attributed:

comparative method as comparison different groups by age, activity, etc .;

longitudinal - as repeated examinations of the same persons over a long period of time;

complex - as a study of one object by representatives of different sciences.

To empirical:

observational methods (observation and self-observation);

experiment (laboratory, field, natural, etc.);

psychodiagnostic method;

analysis of processes and products of activity (praxeometric methods);


biographical method.

By the method of data processing

methods of mathematical and statistical analysis of data and

methods of qualitative description (Sidorenko E.V., 2000; abstract).

To interpretive

genetic (phylo- and ontogenetic) method;

structural method (classification, typology, etc.).

Ananiev described each of the methods in detail, but with all the thoroughness of his argumentation, as noted by V.N. Druzhinin in his book "Experimental Psychology", there are many unsolved problems: why did modeling turn out to be an empirical method? How are practical methods different from field experiment and instrumental observation? Why is the group of interpretive methods separate from the organizational ones?

It is expedient, by analogy with other sciences, to distinguish three classes of methods in educational psychology:

Empirical, in which the externally real interaction of the subject and the object of research is carried out.

Theoretical, when the subject interacts with the mental model of the object (more precisely, the subject of research).

Interpretive-descriptive, in which the subject "externally" interacts with the sign-symbolic representation of the object (graphs, tables, diagrams).

The result of the application of empirical methods is the data that fix the state of the object by the readings of the instruments; reflecting the results of activities, etc.

The result of the application of theoretical methods is represented by knowledge about the subject in the form of natural language, sign-symbolic or spatial-schematic.

Among the main theoretical methods of psychological and pedagogical research, V.V. Druzhinin highlighted:

deductive (axiomatic and hypothetical-deductive), in other words - the ascent from the general to the particular, from the abstract to the concrete. The result is theory, law, etc .;

inductive - a generalization of facts, an ascent from the particular to the general. The result is an inductive hypothesis, regularity, classification, systematization;

modeling - concretization of the method of analogies, "transduction", inference from the particular to the particular, when a simpler and / or accessible object is taken as an analogue of a more complex object. The result is a model of an object, process, state.


Finally, interpretive-descriptive methods are the “meeting place” for the results of the application of theoretical and experimental methods and the place of their interaction. The data of empirical research, on the one hand, are subjected to primary processing and presentation in accordance with the requirements for the results on the part of the organizing research theory, model, inductive hypothesis; on the other hand, this data is interpreted in terms of competing concepts in terms of hypothesis consistency with the results.

The product of interpretation is fact, empirical dependence and, ultimately, justification or refutation of a hypothesis.

All research methods are proposed to be subdivided into pedagogical and methods of other sciences, into methods that state and transform, empirical and theoretical, qualitative and quantitative, particular and general, meaningful and formal, methods of description, explanation and forecast.

Each of these approaches carries a special meaning, although some of them are also rather arbitrary. Take, for example, the division of methods into pedagogical and methods of other sciences, that is, non-pedagogical. The methods attributed to the first group are, strictly speaking, either general scientific (for example, observation, experiment), or general methods of social sciences (for example, polling, questionnaire, assessment), well mastered by pedagogy. Non-pedagogical methods are methods of psychology, mathematics, cybernetics and other sciences used by pedagogy, but have not yet been so adapted by it and other sciences to acquire the status of pedagogical proper.

The plurality of classifications and classification characteristics of methods should not be considered a disadvantage. This is a reflection of the multidimensionality of methods, their different quality, manifested in various connections and relationships.

Depending on the aspect of consideration and specific tasks, the researcher can use different classifications of methods. In the actually used sets of research procedures, there is a movement from description to explanation and forecast, from statement to transformation, from empirical to theoretical methods. When using some classifications, the tendencies of transition from one group of methods to another turn out to be complex and ambiguous. There is, for example, a movement from general methods (analysis of experience) to particular ones (observation, modeling, etc.), and then again to general ones, from qualitative methods to quantitative ones and from them again to qualitative ones.

There is also another classification. All the various methods used in pedagogical research can be divided into general, general scientific and special.

General scientific methods of cognition are methods that are of a general scientific nature and are used in all or in a number of areas. These include experiment, mathematical methods, and a number of others.

General scientific methods used by various sciences are refracted in accordance with the specifics of each given science using these methods. They are closely related to a group of specific scientific methods that are used only in a certain area and do not go beyond it, and are used in each science in various combinations. Of great importance for solving most of the problems of pedagogy is the study of the really emerging educational process, theoretical comprehension and processing of the creative findings of teachers and other practitioners, that is, generalization and promotion of advanced experience. The most common methods used to study experience include observation, conversation, questionnaires, familiarization with the products of student activities, and educational documentation. Observation is a purposeful perception of a pedagogical phenomenon, in the process of which the researcher obtains specific factual material or data characterizing the features of the course of any phenomenon. In order for the attention of the researcher not to be scattered and fixed primarily on the aspects of the observed phenomenon that are of particular interest to him, an observation program is developed in advance, objects of observation are identified, and methods for recording certain moments are provided. Conversation is used as an independent or as an additional research method in order to obtain the necessary clarifications about what was not clear enough during observation. The conversation is carried out according to a pre-planned plan with the allocation of issues requiring clarification. The conversation is conducted in a free form without writing down the answers of the interlocutor, in contrast to interviewing - a variety of the conversation method transferred to pedagogy from sociology. When interviewing, the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions, asked in a certain sequence. In this case, the answers can be recorded openly. When questioning - a method of mass collection of material using questionnaires - answers to questions are written by those to whom the questionnaires are addressed (students, teachers, school workers, in some cases - parents). Questioning is used in order to obtain such data that the researcher cannot obtain in another way (for example, to reveal the attitude of the respondents to the studied pedagogical phenomenon). The effectiveness of the conversation, interviewing, questioning largely depends on the content and form of the questions asked, tactful explanation of their purpose and purpose, in particular, it is recommended that the questions be feasible, unambiguous, concise, clear, objective, would not contain in a latent form of suggestion, would cause interest and desire to respond, etc. An important source of evidence is the study of pedagogical documentation that characterizes the educational process in a particular educational institution (journals of progress and attendance, personal files and medical records of students, student diaries, minutes of meetings and sessions, etc.) ... These documents reflect many objective data that help establish a number of causal relationships, identify some dependencies (for example, between health and academic performance).

The study of written, graphic and creative works of students is a method that equips the researcher with data reflecting the individuality of each student, showing his attitude to work, the presence of certain abilities.

However, in order to judge the effectiveness of certain pedagogical influences or the value of methodological findings made by practitioners, and even more so in order to give any recommendations regarding the application of certain innovations in mass practice, the methods considered are not enough, since how they mainly reveal only purely external connections between the individual aspects of the studied pedagogical phenomenon. For a deeper penetration into these connections and dependencies, a pedagogical experiment is used - a specially organized test of a particular method or technique of work in order to identify its effectiveness and efficiency. In contrast to the study of a real experience with the use of methods that register only the fact that an already existing experiment always presupposes the creation of a new experience in which the researcher plays an active role. The main condition for the use of a pedagogical experiment in the Soviet school is to conduct it without disrupting the normal course. educational process when there are sufficient grounds to believe that the tested innovation can contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of training and education, or at least will not cause undesirable consequences. Such an experiment is called a natural experiment. If an experiment is carried out in order to verify a particular issue or if in order to obtain the necessary data it is necessary to ensure especially careful observation of individual students (sometimes with the use of special equipment), it is allowed to artificially isolate one or several students and place them in special conditions specially created by the researcher. ... In this case, a laboratory experiment is used, which is rarely used in pedagogical research.

A scientifically substantiated assumption about the possible effectiveness of one or another experimentally verified innovation is called a scientific hypothesis.

An essential part of the experiment is observation, carried out according to a specially developed program, as well as the collection of certain data, for which tests, questionnaires, and conversation are used. Recently, they are increasingly beginning to be used for these purposes and technical means: sound recording, filming, photographing at certain moments, observation with a hidden camera of television. It is promising to use video tape recorders, which make it possible to record the observed phenomena and then reproduce them for analysis.

The most important stage in the work with the use of these methods is the analysis and scientific interpretation of the collected data, the ability of the researcher to move from specific facts to theoretical generalizations.

In theoretical analysis, the researcher thinks about the causal relationship between the applied methods or methods of influence and the results obtained, and also looks for reasons explaining the appearance of some unexpected unforeseen results, determines the conditions under which this or that phenomenon occurred, seeks to separate the accidental from the necessary, displays certain pedagogical patterns.

Theoretical methods can also be applied in the analysis of data collected from various scientific and pedagogical sources, in the understanding of the studied advanced experience.

In pedagogical research, mathematical methods are also used that help not only to identify qualitative changes, but also to establish quantitative relationships between pedagogical phenomena.

The most common mathematical methods used in pedagogy are as follows.

Registration is a method of identifying the presence of a certain quality in each member of the group and the general counting of the number of those who have this quality or not (for example, the number of successful and non-successful people who attended classes without a miss and allowed absences, etc.).

Ranking - (or the method of ranking assessment) assumes the arrangement of the collected data in a certain sequence, usually in decreasing or increasing order of any indicators and, accordingly, determining the place in this row of each of the subjects (for example, compiling a list of students depending on the number of students admitted to control work errors, the number of missed classes, etc.).

Scaling as a quantitative research method makes it possible to introduce digital indicators into the assessment of certain aspects of pedagogical phenomena. For this purpose, the subjects are asked questions, answering which they must indicate the degree or form of assessment, chosen from among these assessments, numbered in a certain order (for example, a question about playing sports with a choice of answers: a) I am fond of, b) I exercise regularly, c) I do it irregularly, d) I don’t do any kind of sports).

Correlation of the obtained results with the norm (for the given indicators) involves the determination of deviations from the norm and correlating these deviations with the permissible intervals (for example, in programmed teaching, 85-90% of correct answers are often considered the norm; if there are fewer correct answers, this means that the program is too difficult , if it is more, it means that it is too light).

The definition of the average values ​​of the indicators obtained is also applied - the arithmetic mean (for example, the average number of errors for the test work identified in two grades), the median, defined as an indicator of the middle of the row (for example, if there are fifteen students in the group, this will be an assessment of the results of the eighth student in the list , in which all students are ranked according to their grade).

In the analysis and mathematical processing of mass material, statistical methods are used, which include the calculation of average values, as well as the calculation of the degrees of dispersion around these values ​​- variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, etc.

Characterization of empirical research

The methods of empirical research should include: study of the literature of documents and results of activities, observation, questioning, assessment (the method of experts or competent judges), testing. The more general methods of this level include generalization of pedagogical experience, experimental pedagogical work, experiment. They are essentially complex techniques that include specific methods that are related in a certain way.

Study of literature, documents and results of activities. The study of literature serves as a method of acquaintance with facts, history and the current state of problems, a way of creating initial ideas, an initial concept of the subject, detecting "blank spots" and ambiguities in the development of a question.

The study of literature and documentary materials continues throughout the study. But the accumulated facts stimulate to think over and evaluate the content of the studied sources in a new way, stimulate interest in issues that have not been paid enough attention before. Thorough documentary base of the research - important condition its objectivity and depth


Observation. A very widespread method used both independently and as an integral part of more complex methods. Observation consists in the direct perception of phenomena with the help of the senses or their indirect Perception through descriptions by other people who directly observed.

Observation is based on perception as a mental process, but this does not exhaust observation as a research method. Observation can be aimed at studying delayed learning outcomes, at studying changes in an object over a certain period of time. In this case, the results of perception of phenomena at different times are compared, analyzed, compared, and only after that the results of observation are determined. When organizing observation, its objects must be identified in advance, goals set, and an observation plan drawn up. The object of observation is most often the very process of teacher and student activity, the course and results of which are judged by words, actions, deeds, and the results of assignments. The purpose of observation determines the predominant focus on certain aspects of activity, on certain connections and relationships (the level and dynamics of interest in the subject, ways of mutual assistance of students in collective work, the ratio of informative and developmental learning functions, etc.). Planning helps to outline the sequence of observation, the order and way of recording its results. The types of observations can be distinguished according to various characteristics. On the basis of a temporary organization. Distinguish between continuous and discrete observation, in terms of volume - broad and highly specialized, aimed at identifying individual aspects of a phenomenon or individual objects (monographic observation of individual students, for example). Survey. This method is used in two main forms: in the form of an oral survey of an interview and in the form of a written survey - a questionnaire. Each of these forms has its own strengths and weak sides.

The survey reflects subjective opinions and assessments. Often the respondents guess what is required of them, and willingly or unwillingly tune in to the required answer. The survey method should be considered as a means of collecting primary material that is subject to rechecking by other methods.

A survey is always built on the basis of expectations based on a certain understanding of the nature and structure of the phenomena under study, as well as ideas about the attitudes and assessments of the respondents. First of all, the task arises of identifying the objective content in subjective and often non-coinciding answers, identifying the leading objective tendencies and causes in them. Inconsistencies in estimates. Then the problem of comparing the expected and the received arises and is solved, which can serve as a basis for correcting or changing the initial ideas about the subject.

Assessment (method of competent judges). In essence, this is a combination of indirect observation and questioning, associated with the involvement of the most competent people in the assessment of the studied phenomena, whose opinions, complementing and cross-checking each other, allow an objective assessment of the studied. This method is very economical. Its use requires a number of conditions. First of all, this is a careful selection of experts - people who know well the area being assessed, the object under study and are capable of an objective and unbiased assessment.

Study and generalization of pedagogical experience. Scientific study and generalization of pedagogical experience serves various research purposes; identifying the existing level of functioning of the pedagogical process, bottlenecks and conflicts arising in practice, studying the effectiveness and availability of scientific recommendations, identifying the Elements of a new, rational, emerging in the everyday creative search of advanced teachers. In its last function, the method of generalization of pedagogical experience appears in its most widespread form as a method of generalization of advanced pedagogical experience. Thus, the object of study can be mass experience (to identify leading trends), negative experience (to identify characteristic shortcomings and errors), but of particular importance is the study of advanced experience, in the process of which valuable grains of the new are revealed, generalized, and become the property of science and practice. found in mass practice: original techniques and their combinations, interesting methodological systems (techniques).

Experienced teaching work. If it comes about the generalization of experience, it is clear that scientific research directly follows from practice, follows it, contributing to the crystallization and growth of the new born in it. But such a relationship between science and practice is not the only possible one today. In many cases, science is obliged to outstrip practice, even the most advanced, without breaking away, however, from its requests and requirements.

The method of making deliberate changes in the educational and educational process, designed to obtain an educational and educational effect, with their subsequent verification and assessment, is experimental work.

Didactic experiment. An experiment in science is called a change or reproduction of a phenomenon in order to study it in the most favorable conditions. A characteristic feature of the experiment is the planned human intervention in the phenomenon under study, the possibility of repeated reproduction of the studied phenomena under varying conditions. This method makes it possible to decompose integral pedagogical phenomena into their constituent elements. By changing (varying) the conditions in which these elements function, the experimenter is able to trace the development of individual sides and connections, more or less accurately record the results. The experiment serves to test a hypothesis, clarify individual conclusions of the theory (empirically verified consequences), establish and clarify facts

A real experiment is preceded by a mental one. Losing mentally different options possible experiments, the researcher selects options that are subject to verification in a real experiment, and also obtains assumed, hypothetical results, with which the results obtained in the course of a real experiment are compared.

Characteristics of theoretical studies

Due to the generalizing nature of theoretical research, all of its methods have a wide field of application and are quite general in nature. These are methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis, abstraction and idealization, modeling and concretization of theoretical knowledge. Let's take a look at these methods.

Theoretical analysis and synthesis. At the theoretical level of research, many forms of logical thinking are very widely used, including analysis and synthesis, especially analysis, which consists in the decomposition of the studied into units, which makes it possible to reveal the internal structure of an object. But the leading role in comparison with analysis in theoretical research is played by synthesis. On the basis of synthesis, the object is recreated as a subordinated system of connections and interactions, with the identification of the most essential of them.

Through analysis and synthesis, it is only possible to isolate the objective content, objective tendencies in the subjective form of the activity of students and teachers, to "grasp" inconsistencies, to "catch" real contradictions in development. The pedagogical process, "to see" such forms and stages of the process, which are projected, but do not really exist yet.

Abstraction - concretization and idealization. The processes of abstraction and concretization are closely connected with analysis and synthesis.

Abstraction (abstraction) is usually understood as the process of mental distraction of some property or feature of an object from the object itself, from its other properties. This is done in order to study the subject deeper, to isolate it from other objects and from other properties, signs. Abstraction is especially valuable for those sciences in which experiment is impossible, the use of such means of cognition as a microscope, chemical reagents, etc.

There are two types of abstraction: generalizing and isolating. The first type of abstraction is formed by highlighting common identical features in many objects. Isolating abstraction does not imply the presence of many objects, it can be accomplished with only one object. Here, in an analytical way, we isolate the property we need, fixing our attention on it. For example, a teacher singles out from the whole variety of features of the educational process one - the availability of educational material - and considers it independently, determining what accessibility is, what is it due to, how it is achieved, what is its role in the assimilation of the material.

Modeling. Comparison is widely used in theoretical research and, in particular, analogy is a specific type of comparison that allows one to establish the similarity of phenomena.

The analogy provides a basis for conclusions about the equivalence in certain respects of one object to another. Then the object, simpler in structure and accessible to study, becomes a model of a more complex object called the prototype (original). It becomes possible to transfer information by analogy from model to prototype. This is the essence of one of the specific methods of the theoretical level - the modeling method. In this case, a complete liberation of the thinking subject from the empirical premises of the conclusion is possible, when the inferences themselves from model to prototype take the form of mathematical correspondences (isomorphism, isofunctionalism homomorphism), and thinking begins to operate not with real, but with mental models, which are then embodied in the form of schematic sign models (graphs , schemes, formulas, etc.).

A model is an auxiliary object chosen or transformed by a person for cognitive purposes, giving new information about the main object. In didactics, attempts have been made to create at the qualitative level a model of the educational process as a whole. The model representation of individual aspects or structures of learning is already widely practiced.

Modeling in theoretical research also serves the task of constructing something new that does not yet exist in practice. The researcher, having studied the characteristic features of real processes and their tendencies, searches for their new combinations on the basis of the key idea, makes their mental arrangement, that is, simulates the required state of the system under study. A thought experiment can be considered a special type of modeling based on idealization. In such an experiment, a person, on the basis of theoretical knowledge about the objective world and empirical data, creates ideal objects, correlates them in a certain dynamic model, mentally imitating the movement and those situations that could take place in real experimentation.

Concretization of theoretical knowledge. The higher the degree of abstraction, the distance from the empirical basis, the more responsible and complex the procedures required to. The results of theoretical search have acquired the form of knowledge, ready for use in science and practice.

First of all, the task arises of “inscribing the acquired knowledge into the system of existing theoretical concepts. This knowledge can deepen, develop, clarify existing theories, find out their insufficiency and even "blow up" them.

Concretization is a logical form a, which is the opposite of abstraction. Concretization is the thought process of recreating an object from previously isolated abstractions. When the concepts are concretized, they are enriched with new features.

Concretization, aimed at reproducing the development of an object as an integral system, becomes a special research method. The unity of diversity, the combination of many properties, qualities of an object is called concrete here; abstract, on the contrary, one-sided, isolated from other moments of its property.

The method of concretizing theoretical knowledge, which incorporates many logical techniques and operations used at all stages of research, thus makes it possible to translate abstract knowledge into mental-concrete and concrete-effective knowledge, gives scientific results an outlet for practice.

Ways of implementing research results

The most important thing in a completed pedagogical research is the implementation of its results into practice. The implementation of the results is understood as a whole complex of measures implemented in a certain sequence, including informing the pedagogical community about the findings or patterns identified, which give rise to any changes in practice (through the pedagogical press, in oral presentations, etc.); creation of new teaching and methodological aids based on the data obtained from experimental research (for example, in the restructuring of teaching in primary school); development of methodological instructions and recommendations, etc. Moreover, if the effectiveness and efficiency of any pedagogical findings of practicing teachers is confirmed and they receive scientific understanding, interpretation and justification, the propaganda of their experience is organized, the possibility of transferring it to other conditions is shown (for example, this is how the propaganda of the experience of Lipetsk teachers who improved the methodology was organized organization of the lesson).


The key to the successful implementation and dissemination of the results of pedagogical research and the studied and scientifically based advanced experience is the creative community of teachers and workers in pedagogical science, the interest of teachers in reading scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature, the desire to personally, directly participate in experimental and experimental work, especially at that stage when a mass check of new teaching materials, which contain new ideas and reflect the results of scientific and pedagogical research.

Knowledge of the basic methods of conducting pedagogical research is necessary for every creatively working teacher, who must know and be able to apply these methods, both for studying the experience of other teachers and for organizing testing on a scientific basis of his own pedagogical findings and discoveries used in other conditions.

In its most general form, the system of actions for the study of a particular pedagogical problem can be reduced to the following:

identifying the problem, determining the origins of its occurrence, understanding its essence and manifestation in the practice of the school;

assessment of the degree of its development in pedagogical science, the study of theoretical concepts and provisions related to the field of research;

the formulation of a specific research problem, the tasks that the researcher sets himself, the research hypothesis;

development of their proposals for solving this problem; experimental and experimental verification of their effectiveness and efficiency;

analysis of data indicating the degree of effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed innovations;

conclusions about the significance of the results of a specific research for the development of the corresponding field of pedagogical science.


So, we examined the main methods of pedagogical research. How, then, from these individual methods, can one put together a well-founded research methodology, using which one can solve the assigned tasks?

First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the position that the essence of the method is determined not by a set of techniques, but by their general focus, the logic of the movement of the seeking thought following the objective movement of the subject, the general concept of research. A method is, first of all, a scheme, a model of research actions and techniques, and only then - a system of actually carried out actions and techniques that serve to prove and test a hypothesis in terms of a certain pedagogical concept.

The essence of the methodology is that it is a purposeful system of methods that provides a fairly complete and reliable solution to the problem. One or another set of methods, combined into a methodology, always expresses the planned methods of detecting inconsistencies, gaps in scientific knowledge, and then serves as a means of eliminating gaps, resolving the identified contradictions.

Naturally, the choice of methods is largely determined by the level at which the work is carried out (empirical or theoretical) by the nature of the research (methodological, theoretical applied) and the content of its final and intermediate tasks.

You can point out a number of typical mistakes when choosing methods:

a stereotyped approach to the choice of a method, its stencil use without taking into account specific tasks and research conditions; universalization of certain methods or techniques, for example, questionnaire survey and sociometry;

ignoring or insufficient use of theoretical methods, especially idealization, the ascent from the abstract to the concrete;

the inability of individual methods to compose a holistic methodology that optimally provides a solution to the problems of scientific research.

Any method itself is a semi-finished product, a workpiece that needs to be modified, concretized in relation to the tasks, the subject, and specifically to the conditions of search work.

Finally, you need to think about such a combination of research methods so that they successfully complement each other, revealing the subject of research more fully and deeper, so that it is possible to double-check the results obtained by one method using another. For example, it is useful to clarify, deepen, verify the results of preliminary observations and conversations with students by analyzing the results of tests or the behavior of students in specially created situations.

The foregoing allows us to formulate some criteria for the correct choice of the research method:

2. Compliance with modern principles of scientific research.

H. Scientific perspective, that is, a reasonable assumption that the chosen method will give new and reliable results.

4. Compliance with the logical structure (stage) of the study.

5, Perhaps a more complete focus on the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of trainees, because the research method in many cases becomes a method of education and upbringing, that is, "an instrument of touching the personality."

6. Harmonious relationship with other methods in a single methodological system.

All the constituent elements of the methodology and the methodology as a whole must be checked for compliance with the research objectives, sufficient evidence, full compliance with the principles of pedagogical research.


1. Zagvyazinsky V.P. Methodology and technique of didactic research. - M .: Pedagogika, 1982 .-- 147 p.

2. Pedagogy: textbook. manual for ped students. in-tov / P 24 Ed. Yu.K. Babansky. - Moscow: Education, 1983 .-- 608 p.

Internet resources


5. (; see the article by EM Borisova "Fundamentals of Psychodiagnostics").


FSBEI HPE "Kuban State University"

Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communication Studies

Department of Defectology and Special Psychology


by discipline: Introduction to Psychological Pedagogical Research

The work was carried out by the student: Potemkina A.V.

course of the ZFO branch

Specialty Speech therapy (defectological)

Krasnodar 2013

Exercise 1

Pedagogy is the science of upbringing relationships that arise in the process of interconnection of upbringing, education and training with self-upbringing, self-education and self-study and aimed at human development. Pedagogy can be defined as the science of translating the experience of one generation into the experience of another.

The subject of pedagogy? this is education as a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in special social institutions (family, educational and cultural institutions).

Object of pedagogy. A.S. Makarenko is a scientist and practitioner who can hardly be accused of promoting "childless" pedagogy; in 1922 he formulated the idea of ​​the specificity of the object of pedagogical science. He wrote that many consider the child to be the object of pedagogical research, but this is not true. The object of research of scientific pedagogy is "pedagogical fact (phenomenon)". At the same time, a child and a person are not excluded from the attention of the researcher. On the contrary, being one of the human sciences, pedagogy studies purposeful activity for the development and formation of his personality.

Psychology is the science of the soul (psyche is the soul, logos is the concept, doctrine), thus, psychology is the science of the psyche and mental phenomena.

The subject of psychology has changed in the course of its formation as a separate science. At first, the subject of her study was the soul, then consciousness, then - human behavior and his unconscious, etc., depending on the general approaches that psychologists adhered to at certain stages of the development of science. Currently, there are two views on the subject of psychology. According to the first of them, the subject of study of psychology is mental processes, mental states and mental properties of a person. According to the second, the subject of this science is the facts of mental life, psychological laws and mechanisms of mental activity.

The object of psychology in its definition, we are faced with certain difficulties. It is usually considered that the objects of science are the carriers of those phenomena and processes that this science investigates. Thus, a person must be recognized as an object of psychology. However, according to the ethical norms of domestic methodology, a person cannot be an object, since he is a subject of cognition. To get out of this terminological contradiction, one can designate the object of general psychology as a process of interaction between a person and the world around him. Developmental psychology as a more or less separate branch of psychological science that arose at the end of the 19th century. is aimed at identifying age-related characteristics and dynamics of the process of mental development of a personality throughout life.

The subject of developmental psychology as a scientific discipline is the study of facts and patterns of human mental development in ontogenesis.

Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the laws of human development in the conditions of training and education. It is closely related to pedagogy, child and differential psychology, psychophysiology.

The object of educational psychology is the activity processes of the transfer and assimilation of social experience in humans.

The subject of educational psychology is the normative structure of joint activity, in which the student learns, and the teacher passes on social experience to him and creates favorable conditions for assimilation.

Social psychology is a science that studies the mechanisms and patterns of behavior and activities of people due to their inclusion in social groups and communities, as well as the psychological characteristics of these groups and communities

On the subject social psychology there are three main approaches. According to the first of them, the subject of social psychology is the mass phenomena of the psyche. This approach is being developed by sociologists, it studies: the psychology of classes, large social communities, various aspects of the social psychology of groups (traditions, customs, customs). According to this approach, social psychology is defined as the science of social psychology. According to the second approach, the subject of social psychology is personality. This approach has become widespread among psychologists. Within the framework of this approach, the question of in what context to study a personality is discussed. It is possible to analyze the personality from the point of view of its position in the group; consideration of the personality in the context of interpersonal relations or in the communication system.

The third approach is an attempt to synthesize the first two. Social psychology is viewed as a science that studies both mass mental processes and the position of an individual in a group. It should be noted that such an understanding of the subject of social psychology most of all corresponds to the actual practice of research. At present, the most generally accepted definition of the subject of social psychology is the following: the study of the patterns of behavior and activities of people due to their inclusion in social groups, as well as the study of the psychological characteristics of these groups themselves. The object of research of social psychology can be: a person, a social group (both small, consisting of two or three people, and large, including representatives of the entire ethnic group). In addition, the object of social psychology is the study of the processes of development of an individual and a specific group, the processes of interpersonal and intergroup interaction.

Social pedagogy? branch of pedagogy that investigates the impact of social. environment for education and personality formation; developing a system of measures to optimize the upbringing of the individual, taking into account the specific conditions of the social. Wednesday. P. s. studies the problems of sociology of education, socio-pedagogical philosophy, theory, psychology and methods of social. education. The term was introduced by him. teacher A. Disterweg in the XIX century. In our country, the leading experts in the field of P. with. consider A.S. Makarenko, S.T. Shatsky.

The object of socio-pedagogical theory and practice is at the social level society as a relatively stable community of people, and the organizer and conductor of pedagogical actions is the state, various political and public organizations and movements interested in socializing members of society in a certain direction.

The object of socio-pedagogical theory and practice in the second sense is the social sphere of society, microenvironment, collectives of people, etc. Typical means of implementation: cultural and educational, physical culture and health, social and educational work, etc. The object of social pedagogy in the third sense is an individual person at various stages and levels of socialization, in relation to whom various socio-pedagogical methods and means are applied in accordance with the stable-level state of his development. The subject of social pedagogy is the socio-pedagogical process, which determines the content, principles, forms and methods of research (practical activity) and the conditions for its implementation. Directly the content component of the subject is determined by the section of social pedagogy.

Special pedagogy is the theory and practice of special (special) education of persons with disabilities in physical and mental development, for whom education under ordinary pedagogical conditions determined by the existing culture, with the help of general pedagogical methods and means, is difficult or impossible.

The object of special pedagogy is the special education of persons with special educational needs as a socio-cultural, pedagogical phenomenon.

The subject of special education is the theory and practice of special education. It includes the study of the characteristics of the development and education of a person with disabilities, the peculiarities of his formation and socialization as a person, as well as the use of this knowledge to find the best ways, means, conditions that will ensure the correction of physical or mental disabilities, compensation for the activity of disturbed organs and systems of the body and the education of such a person for the purpose of his social adaptation and integration into society and providing him with the possibility of the most independent life.

pedagogy psychology supervision expert

Assignment 2

Process - 1) sequential change of state in the development of something; development of any phenomenon; 2) a set of sequential actions aimed at achieving a result.

Science is a form of social consciousness, which reflects and accumulates knowledge about the essence, connections and dependencies, the objective laws of the development of nature, society and thinking.

Methodology - 1) the most general system of principles for organizing scientific research, methods of achieving and building scientific knowledge; 2) the doctrine of the scientific method of cognition; a set of methods used in any science; a system of principles and methods of organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities. In pedagogy, methodology is defined as the teaching of the principles, methods, forms and procedures of cognition of the transformation of pedagogical reality. Methods of pedagogical research - techniques, procedures and operations of empirical and theoretical knowledge and study of the phenomena of reality.

Basic general scientific principles of psychological and pedagogical research and requirements for the process of conducting;

) The principle of objectivity is a fundamental principle, which is expressed in a comprehensive consideration of the factors and conditions in which phenomena arise and develop, dictates the requirements of evidence, the validity of the initial premises, the logic of research and its conclusion. Stereoscopic requirement;

) The principle of determinism. Their impact on psychological and pedagogical processes requires the identification of the main factors that determine the results of the process, the establishment of a hierarchy, the relationship between the main and the secondary in the phenomenon under study;

) The principle of essential analysis - associated with the correlation of the general and the particular in the studied, the disclosure of the laws of their existence and functioning, the conditions and factors of their development, the possibilities of their purposeful change;

) The genetic principle (principle of development) requires an analysis of all mental (pedagogical) phenomena exclusively in a dynamic plan, based on an analysis of the conditions of their origin, subsequent development and formation;

) The principle of damage.

The main types of empirical methods in psychological and pedagogical research.

)Experiment is one of the main methods of scientific knowledge in general, and in psychology - pedagogical research in particular. This is a research method, which consists in creating a research situation, to be able to change it, to vary conditions, making it possible and accessible to study mental processes or pedagogical phenomena. Experiments are: laboratory, natural and formative.

)Observation, as a purposeful perception of the object under study, is one of the leading methods in the study of children with deviant development. It is of particular importance, since the focus on a qualitative analysis of experimental data necessarily presupposes their addition with observational data.

)Survey methods are divided into oral (conversation, interview) and written (questionnaire).

)Analysis of the products of activity is a research method that allows indirectly to study with the forced knowledge, skills, interests, abilities of a person based on the analysis of the products of his activity

)Assessment (or the method of expert assessments, or the method of competent judges) is a research method associated with the involvement of the assessment of the studied phenomena of the most competent people, whose opinions, complementing and cross-checking each other, allow us to objectively characterize the studied.

Types of observation method, advantages and disadvantages:

) standardized (structural, controlled) observation - observation in which a number of pre-allocated categories are used, in accordance with which certain reactions of individuals are recorded. It is used as the main method for collecting primary information.

) non-standardized (non-structural, uncontrolled) observation - observation in which the researcher is guided only by the most general plan.

The main task of such observation is to obtain a certain impression of a particular situation as a whole. It is used at the initial stages of research in order to clarify the topic, put forward hypotheses, determine possible types of behavioral reactions for their subsequent standardization.

) observation in the natural environment (field) - observation of objects engaged in their daily activities and not suspecting the manifestation of research attention to them (observation of a film crew, circus performers, etc.).

) observation in significant situations(for example, observing the reactions in the brigade to the arrival of a new leader, etc.).

) included observation - observation is carried out by a researcher included incognito in a group of persons of interest to him as an equal member of it (for example, in a group of vagabonds, psychiatric patients, etc.).

Disadvantages of included surveillance:

) a certain art (artistry and special skills) is required on the part of the observer, who must naturally, without arousing any suspicion, enter the circle of the people he is studying;

) there is a danger of involuntary identification of the observer with the positions of the studied population, that is, the observer can get used to the role of a member of the studied group to such an extent that he risks becoming, rather, its supporter than an impartial researcher;

) moral and ethical problems;

) the limitation of the method, which is due to the impossibility of observing large groups of people; 5) is time consuming.

The advantage of the participatory observation method is that it allows you to obtain data on the real behavior of people at the very moment when this behavior occurs.

Theoretical methods of pedagogical research.

Analysis is a method of mentally dividing an object (phenomenon, process), properties of an object 9objects) or the relationship between objects (phenomena, processes) into parts (signs, properties, relationships). The analysis procedure is an integral part of psychological and pedagogical research and usually forms its first stage, when the researcher moves from a general description of the research object or from a general idea of ​​it to identifying its structure, properties, functions. So, when constructing a correctional-pedagogical process, it is possible for analysis to isolate separately its goals, content, technology, organization, and the system of relationships of its subjects. Or, analyzing the process of a student's formation of a certain quality, the researcher identifies the stages of this process, "crisis points" in the formation of a personality, and then examines in detail the content of each stage. But at other stages of research, analysis retains its significance, although here it appears in unity with other methods.

Synthesis is a combination of various elements, sides of an object into a single whole (system). In this sense, synthesis as a method of scientific research is the opposite of analysis, although in practice it is inextricably linked with it.

Comparison - comparisons of objects in order to identify the similarities and differences between them. Comparison involves two operations - matching (identifying similarities) and opposing (identifying differences). The researcher must, first of all, determine the basis of comparison - the criterion. Comparisons are only subject to concepts that reflect homogeneous objects and phenomena of objective reality. Comparison of the studied subject with others according to the accepted parameters helps to highlight and limit the object and subject of research. By means of comparison, the general and specific in the studied pedagogical phenomenon are distinguished, the most effective methods of correction, training and education are selected.

Abstraction is a mental distraction of any property or attribute of an object, a phenomenon from its other properties and attributes. This is necessary in order to study the subject deeper, and in a "pure" form, to penetrate into its essence, to dissociate itself from side influences, connections, relationships. The opposite of abstraction is the method of concretization. It aims to reconstruct and mentally recreate the subject under study on the basis of previously isolated abstractions. Psychological and pedagogical knowledge, by its very nature, must be concretized in order to recreate the diverse connections of society with education and personality, to recreate the personality itself as a whole.

Induction is a research method that makes it possible to generalize, to establish general principles and laws based on particular facts and phenomena. Thus, the analysis of a certain number of particular pedagogical facts makes it possible to derive regularities common to them, known and unknown in science. Induction is done through abstraction.

Deduction is a research method that allows particular provisions in the process of concretization to be derived from general laws, to bring them under a concept. So, on the basis of theoretical knowledge about the structure and specifics of the learning process in a special (correctional) school, a study of the process of studying a specific educational material on a particular subject (mathematics, geography, Russian, etc.) is being built. Specification allows you to better understand the general.

Modeling method. Modeling is closely related to idealization. It is a process associated with the formation of some abstract objects that are fundamentally impossible to implement in experience and reality. Idealized objects serve as a means of scientific analysis of real objects. Modeling also serves the task of constructing a new one that does not yet exist in practice. This is, for example, the model of the regional system of early speech therapy or the model of an inclusive school, where children with different educational needs study.

The method of expert assessments. The essence of the method of expert assessments is that experts conduct an intuitive-logical analysis of the problem with a quantitative assessment of judgments and formal processing of the results. The generalized opinion of experts obtained as a result of processing is accepted as a solution to the problem. The complex use of intuition (unconscious thinking), logical thinking and quantitative assessments with their formal processing allows you to get an effective solution to the problem.

When fulfilling their role in the management process, experts perform two main functions: they form objects (alternative situations, goals, decisions, etc.) and measure their characteristics (probability of occurrence of events, significance coefficients of goals, decision preferences, etc.) ... The formation of objects is carried out by experts on the basis of logical thinking and intuition. At the same time, the knowledge and experience of an expert play an important role. Measuring the characteristics of objects requires experts to know the theory of measurements. The characteristic features of the method of expert assessments as a scientific tool for solving complex non-formalized problems are, firstly, the scientifically grounded organization of all stages of the examination, which provides highest efficiency work at each of the stages, and secondly, the use of quantitative methods both when organizing an examination and when assessing expert judgments and formal group processing of the results. These two features distinguish the method of expert assessments from the usual long-known expertise, which is widely used in various fields. human activity.

Expert collective assessments were widely used on a national scale to solve complex problems of managing the national economy already in the first years of Soviet power. In 1918, under the Supreme Council National economy the Council of Experts was created, whose task was to solve the most difficult problems of reorganizing the national economy of the country. When drawing up five-year plans for the development of the country's national economy, expert assessments of a wide range of specialists were systematically used. At present, in our country and abroad, the method of expert assessments is widely used to solve important problems of a different nature. In various industries, associations and enterprises there are permanent or temporary expert commissions that form decisions on various complex non-formalized problems.

The whole set of poorly formalized problems can be conditionally divided into two classes. The first class includes problems in relation to which there is sufficient information potential to successfully solve these problems. The main difficulties in solving first class problems in expert assessment are in the implementation of the existing information potential through the selection of experts, the construction of rational survey procedures and the use of optimal methods for processing its results. At the same time, the methods of polling and processing are based on the use of the principle of a "good" meter. This principle means that the following hypotheses are fulfilled: 1) an expert is a repository of a large volume of rationally processed information, and therefore he can be considered as a qualitative source of information; 2) the group opinion of experts is close to the true solution of the problem.

If these hypotheses are correct, then the results of the theory of measurements and mathematical statistics can be used to construct the survey procedures and processing algorithms.

The second class includes problems in relation to which the informational potential of knowledge is insufficient to be confident in the validity of these hypotheses. When solving problems from this class, experts can no longer be regarded as “good measurers”. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful when processing the results of the examination. The use of averaging methods that are valid for "good meters" in this case can lead to large errors. For example, the opinion of one expert, which is very different from the opinions of other experts, may turn out to be correct. In this regard, for problems of the second class, quality processing should mainly be applied.

The area of ​​application of the method of expert assessments is very wide. Let's list the typical tasks solved by the method of expert assessments:

) compilation of a list of possible events in various areas for a certain period of time;

) determination of the most probable time intervals for the occurrence of a set of events;

) defining the goals and objectives of management with their ordering in order of importance;

) determination of alternative (options for solving the problem with an assessment of their preferences;

) alternative allocation of resources for solving problems with an assessment of their preference;

) alternative options for making decisions in a certain situation with an assessment of their preference.

To solve the listed typical tasks, various varieties of the expert assessment method are currently used. The main types are: questioning and interviewing; brainstorm; discussion; meeting; operational game; scenario.

Each of these types of expert assessment has its own advantages and disadvantages that determine the rational scope of application. In many cases, the greatest effect is provided by the complex application of several types of expertise.

The questionnaire survey and scenario assume the individual work of an expert. Interviewing can be carried out both individually and with a group of experts. Other types of expertise involve the collective participation of experts in the work. Regardless of the individual or group participation of experts in the work, it is advisable to obtain information from a variety of experts. This makes it possible to obtain on the basis of data processing more reliable results, as well as new information about the dependence of phenomena, events, facts, expert judgments, which is not explicitly contained in the statements of experts.

When using the method of expert assessments, its own problems arise. The main ones are: selection of experts, conducting a survey of experts, processing the results of the survey, organizing examination procedures.

The main interpretational methods of research The genetic and structural methods are referred to the interpretive method of psychological and pedagogical research. Genetic method involves the analysis of the material in terms of the origin, development and transformation of certain mental (pedagogical) phenomena with the allocation of individual phases, stages, etc. The structural method is aimed at establishing structural links between the parameters (characteristics) of the object under study.

Assignment 3

How do the methodological principles and requirements in psychological and pedagogical research correlate?

Answer: Requirements follow from this or that principle, but their use is largely dictated by the specifics of the situation, individual exceptions from general rules are allowed.

What type of results processing (qualitative or quantitative) prevails in psychological and pedagogical research?

Answer: the quantitative type of results processing prevails in psychological and pedagogical research. Statistical methods today have become an integral part of pedagogical research, without them it is impossible to give an objective interpretation of the measurement results.

What approaches are being implemented in modern pedagogical research

Answer: A systematic approach and an activity-based approach.

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