True and false values. Loyalty to your calling

For some, family and close people are of the greatest importance, while for some it seems right to take care only of themselves and their material well-being. How to figure out what values ​​are really necessary for a person? All that we are attached to - is it imaginary or really important?

The concept of human values

The system is objects and which are of particular importance and significance for the individual. These can be health, love and family, children, friendship, the possibility of self-realization, material wealth and position in society. In addition, there are which include religion, morality and morality.

Freedom is of great importance for a person. As a rule, this value is extremely important for all people. That is why imprisonment has been used since ancient times as a severe punishment. The feeling of stability is no less important for people. This applies to both the political situation in the country, and personal life and work.

True Values

All human values ​​can be divided into true and imaginary. The first group includes everything that is really of great importance to people and will never lose its importance. Imaginary is everything that seems necessary to a person, but in fact it is not.

Truly important for people are spiritual values. It is thanks to them that a person can influence society and his own behavior. These include primarily morality, conscience, religion, morality and aesthetics. Based on spiritual values, a person arranges for himself life priorities, chooses the tactics of behavior and building relationships with others.

The main feature of true values ​​is that they cannot be taken away from the individual. A person can lose all his material wealth, loved ones and even freedom, but at the same time retain inner convictions and moral character personality.

Imaginary values

In modern society, a huge problem is the acceptance of imaginary values ​​by a person as true. Very often people live without even thinking that everything that is important to them is actually imaginary. It can be a thirst for material wealth, pleasure and a desire to constantly have fun. All of the above is not a disadvantage for a person, provided that it does not replace his spiritual values.

Unfortunately, every year the bar of moral and moral norms of modern society falls lower and lower. Everything that is actually imaginary comes to the fore for a person. This can ultimately lead to the moral decay of society, the prosperity of debauchery and impunity.

The universal nature, both on Earth and in the cosmos, manifests itself in two aspects, one of which we call the higher nature, corresponding to the Divine truth, the other aspect of which we call the lower nature, which on the surface seems to be opposed to the Divine. If the higher nature embodies the idea of ​​absolute knowledge and universal unity, then the lower nature, under the cover of ignorance, strives for the maximum universal separation. The higher nature is basically the realm of the gods or devas, and the lower nature is ruled by the asuras, who have their own hierarchy of forces. For gods or devas (In the Indian Vedic cultural tradition, devas are gods, in the Avestan tradition, asuras are called devas. The author adheres to Vedic terminology - ed.) Perception and awareness of the reality of the world from within is characteristic, at the same time, asuras perceive the reality of the world only with him outside. Hence, the devas realize the essence of events in their unity and the meaning and purpose of everything that happens in the world; asuras, separated by a veil of ignorance from the true essence of everything that exists in the universe and from its purpose, are able to perceive and manipulate only the material values ​​​​of this world. For them, comprehension of the true goal is inaccessible, since this is possible only with the perception of the reality of the world in its inseparable unity, from which they are separated by ignorance. In this regard, for its knowledge and mastery, they use division. Devas and asuras can be compared to people who have normal and short-sighted vision. Looking at the picture, the devas see it in its entirety, while the asuras can examine it in parts and, therefore, the whole picture is inaccessible to them. They are like three blind men studying an elephant, each of whom perceives only a part of it. After this kind of perception, based on the results of their research, they could express their opinions, each of which was only part of the knowledge, but not all knowledge. From this follows the conclusion that people who are conductors and executors of the asura will cannot know the true purpose of everything that exists in the Universe and, of course, on Earth. Not knowing the true goal, they replace it with various plans, the fulfillment of which becomes their goal.

Asuric forces, stricken with the blindness of ignorance, are unable to realize the irresistible stream of Divine evolution, in which they are only executors of the Divine will, and a few of them, who are given the opportunity to realize this stream, try to resist it. But both those and others do not know that any of their actions are sanctioned by the Divine for its own purposes, which it is not given to them to know in its entirety.

There is one very important feature influences and interactions of everything that exists in the Universe - they occur in harmony. And the consequence of this feature is the transformation human personality when it is somehow consonant with the forces of universal nature.

Man, unlike asuras and devas, contains all the infinite possibilities of the Universe and those of them that are consonant with the vibrations of the asuras, under their influence, not only open up, but also grow, pushing aside all other human qualities. At the same time, a person cannot change anything in the asura, which has only those possibilities that are aimed at revealing everything low, destructive in a person. Hence, the external manifested world is a field of the lower nature, on which opportunities are revealed that have low destructive vibrations. This disclosure is necessary in order to separate the "wheat from the chaff", and for people on the spiritual path - the awareness of their imperfections in order to transform them.

Man belongs universal nature, respectively, it is also divided into two poles - one of which is under the influence of a higher nature, the other - a lower one. And if the first is turned to the Divine truth and is under the influence of the Divine forces, then the second, to which the external part of the human being belongs, is turned to the values ​​of the manifested world and is in the power of the asuras. This asura tried to seduce Jesus Christ, when he told him that he would give power over all the kingdoms of the earth, if he fell down to bow to him. It was about him that Jesus Christ said to those who reproved him: "Your god is the devil." Do not the people who aspire to power and wealth fulfill the will of the asura? Is it not through them that he satisfies his passion for undivided power and worship of him, and are they not quite consciously preparing humanity for the coming of the beast (antichrist), corrupting religions and corrupting human souls? At present, the symbol of his name is spreading everywhere - "666" (Rev. 13, 18.). these people not only prepare humanity for the arrival of the beast, creating the atmosphere that is consonant with him, but placing symbols of his name everywhere, they kind of invite him to hurry with his arrival. An example would be a barcode. Next, I take a quote from the book by S. V. Valtsev - “The Decline of Humanity”: A barcode is a number like a number, if not for one BUT. The number 666 is encrypted in each barcode. This means that any product, and now our documents, are marked with the sign of the Antichrist. Is it true? Everyone is familiar with the white label on the package with black stripes and numbers under them ...

This method of writing numbers was invented in the 19th century in the USA. The barcode indicates the country of origin, quality, name, and sometimes the cost of the product. A modern barcode is a computer type of numeration, where each digit corresponds to lines of different thickness.

Anyone can verify that each barcode has thin parallel lines at the beginning, in the middle and at the end, which are somewhat longer than all the others. They are called "security parallels". True, these lines are not signed by any numbers, but they are graphically identical to only one number - six. It turns out that absolutely any barcode includes three sixes. Many computer scientists assure us that "there was no need to use the 6 sign as a dividing line."

Thus, the “prince of this world” and the executors of his will are building their own paradise on Earth, which, of course, will correspond to their main essence. For example, a frog, if it were possible for her, would build her swamp paradise on Earth. What are they doing in modern world executors of the will of the asuras, director Danelia Georgy Nikolaevich showed very well in his film “Kin-dza-dza”.

When Sri Aurobindo said that one must live from within, he meant that a person in his activity in this world must rely on his heart. To be aware of the world from within is the way in which gods or devas perceive the reality of the universe. To live from within means not to be attached to this manifested world that lives according to asura principles that lead humanity to degradation, and at the same time, to use the reality of this world for the ascent of consciousness. For a person living from the inside, no moral rules or laws are required, because living from the inside means being in supreme harmony with the whole world.

Human consciousness has two poles - one of them is turned to the external world, the other - to the internal. And if the lower nature reigns in the outer world, then the higher nature reigns in the inner. Asuric forces are not interested in the fact that a person perceives the world of external values ​​from within, since in this case he leaves from under their influence.

Only those values ​​of this world can be true which are consonant with divine truth. Those that sound in dissonance with it are false values. Another definition is also possible: true values ​​do not bind a person to the values ​​of the material world and do not make him dependent on them. And there is another important feature - moving towards true values ​​always requires strong-willed efforts, at the same time, false values ​​are tempting in themselves and no effort is required from a person to move in their direction, only tacit consent is required, which they immediately take advantage of and make him dependent on themselves, and accordingly, subsequently transform his worldview. At the same time, a kind of mental castration of a person occurs, after which he ceases to notice everything that is consonant with Divine truth, and the voice of conscience subsides in his heart. Now a person will not seek high harmony in his interactions with the world, and he will be completely satisfied with either sensual harmony or mental harmony, based on the ego and external laws and rules.

True and false values ​​have their difference only inside a person, while in the outside world they are indistinguishable. In the outside world, these are only facets of the same reality. Therefore, if a person lives with his mind, supported by the body of desires, then for him false values ​​will be true, and true ones will be false. Fetishism occupies a special place among false values. A fetish is something that is the subject of unconditional recognition, blind worship (Glossary foreign words L. P. Krysin ed. Eksmo 2008). A fetish includes many facets of the reality of this world, which can be both creative and destructive for a person. This is due to the fact that the fetish narrows the consciousness of a person and thereby does not allow him to perceive reality as it really is. For example, on the social plane, it is authoritative for us social status person, although this position is only a mask that replaces the true face of this person. But we are uncritical, because the fetish evokes in us an unconditional recognition of the social status of a person and, corresponding to this status, his psychological features. We are completely uncritical about the so-called holy scripture. We believe that it is sacred even when it affirms lies, aggression, betrayal and many others. low sides human psychology. Blind faith is dangerous because a person does not see reality as it really is. Various statements of persons authoritative for us, even if these persons are unpleasant for us, can significantly change our attitude towards the reality about which these authorities speak. And what are the various holidays that act on a person like a trigger. And we ourselves do not really understand why it is festive for us on the appointed holiday. We will be shown fireworks and we come into a festive mood. We attach true meaning to the word "democracy", although this word has long been only a mask behind which lawlessness and lies reign. If you look closely at everything that surrounds a person, it is easy to find that people live among symbols, in many respects a symbolic life, among which the fetish takes pride of place.

It turned out a whole treatise)

1) The interests of one person are more important than the interests of the majority. A beautiful utopia is summed up under this, that if everyone is happy and provides for his own life, then it will be good for everyone. Imagine a village cut off from civilization (somewhere in the north). And now famine begins, but one inhabitant has large food supplies. What should he do? For me, it is absolutely obvious that the reserves should be divided equally among all. Such a scheme, by the way, is biologically expedient, one person will not survive without a pack, therefore it is more reasonable to save the pack at the cost of his own life than to destroy the pack and survive on his own (the genotype is already almost the same for everyone and his genes in the genotype of the pack already, in part, are available) . Moreover, if in such conditions a person raises the price dozens of times and engages in trade, he will be hung on a lantern by his own people. Fortunately, at this point society is still able to control its members. An example is the filing of a case against a friend who skyrocketed the price of HIV drugs in the US. They dug up tax evasion - if there was a person, there would be an article. And in this case, it is correct. About 100 years ago, a lynch court would have decided the case;

2) Price human life in modern European world is probably too high. The logic is clear, we built our civilization for a long time, died, starved, used child labour And now it's time to just live. Here are just a European civilization - it's about one billion people, who are getting smaller every decade - no one wants to give birth. And around us live another 6 billion people. None of them refused to fight, most of the population live in poverty and hunger. And in 80 years there will be about 10 billion of these guys around us, and again there will be only 1 of us. And today we are not able to solve the problem with IS through the good old war. Appreciating the lives of soldiers is a good thing, but when it does not allow you to fight, in general, even despite the fact that terrorist attacks are taking place ... This is probably a wrong position.

3) No one is interested in solving global human problems. We are not even able to increase the birth rate. The population of the indigenous peoples of our civilization is declining against the background of the rapid growth of the same Africa (in 80 years there will already be 5 billion people). Europe now does not know what to do with migrants. And imagine what will happen if 1-2 billion migrants suddenly and one-time arrive (it starts there, for example, big war years after 100). And a couple of billions will join the IG. What is the outlook? They will bury Europe (including Russia) under them. And sooner or later the same thing will happen to America and Australia. Not in 100 so in 200/300 years. Africa, it seems, is not going to slow down its growth rates. What are we to do with all this? For starters, obviously, everyone needs to get together and start having children. 5 children in a family are not exorbitant numbers, given that we are talking about the richest part of the world. But no one cares about that, no one wants to spend their lives on children. This is the height of idiocy: you give people numbers that show that they are dying out, but they don’t give a damn. They ask you to leave them alone and let them enjoy life. But, only raising the standard of living in Africa and building full-fledged states with full-fledged cities there is the only humane way to reduce population growth and reduce migration. Europe needs to return to Africa and improve their life there so that they do not destroy it here. Today, of course, no one is capable of this either.

4) The theory of small deeds and ridicule of heroism. Heroism, it would seem, should normally be the basis for education. But modern society prefers to ridicule heroism. Not the heroes themselves, they are, so far, well done. And the very phenomenon of heroism. A striking example is the discussion on Dozhd about the topic of whether it was worth surrendering Leningrad to the Nazis (and the presenters were unanimous - of course it was worth it). As if it was not about the Nazis, but about a humanitarian mission. These guys were not embarrassed that many blockade survivors were still alive. And instead of admiring their stamina, the modern intelligentsia have the audacity to tell them this: they say, you, of course, are great and all that, but what you really dressed up like that - for the sake of appearance, you would have held on for a couple of months and would have surrendered the city. This is some kind of fairy-tale world of moral freaks. Yes, even if the Nazis had promised them each a Mercedes, in a normal society it is customary to hold on to the last.

5) Disappearance of personality. We do not know the names of scientists, no one will remember what they were awarded for nobel prizes In the past year. At the same time, for each specialty in the world, several thousand articles can easily be published per day. Science is popular, but what kind of science? Basically, people are addicted to watching short lectures by popularizers of science, mainly on astrophysics. This is indicative, a branch of science is chosen in which it is simply impossible to experimentally prove or disprove something. How many theories are built around black holes. This is just a point in space with the strongest gravity, or is it the entrance to a parallel universe, or is it we who live in a black hole, I heard a friend who gave a whole classification of black holes as portals: they are white, black and some other. Who, in general, invented all this nonsense? What are these theories based on? Popularizers of science prefer to remain silent about this. And, after all, real science is almost not developing. We sequenced the human genome, learned how to clone animals, and it gave us almost nothing. We develop little by little. There is nothing comparable in importance to getting insulin or the advent of antibiotics. We were promised to create a technology for growing organs from stem cells. All we have so far is the classification of stem cells. That is, many new names were invented and nothing more. It is curious if a team of scientists comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to clone an organ - will they have the endurance to tell us about it or will they prefer to continue to pull money, creating endlessly complex classifications. About the fact that there are no strong personalities in politics, in my opinion, only the lazy did not say. There are no personalities anywhere.

6) Money is a way to solve any problem. This is partly an illusion. The introduction in the USSR of a 25% premium for harmfulness in psychiatry did not really improve the situation. On the contrary, before that, doctors came to psychiatry who consciously chose a specialty, loved it. Work, after all, this is not the most pleasant in medicine. The appearance of the allowance led to the fact that undecided students of honey. Universities chose psychiatry. On average, the quality of specialists has deteriorated. Some of these guys took part in that same punitive psychiatry. At the same time, there were doctors in the USSR who consciously did not diagnose sluggish schizophrenia (this was not a protest, they just adhered to the theoretical views of their school).

7) Lack of respect for simple hard work. During the gold rush, a strong and determined man could take a chance and go to work. He had a chance to get rich by ordinary hard (often dangerous) simple labor. Now there is no such possibility. And soon taxis will learn to ride without drivers and men will lose another opportunity to earn their physical labor.

9) Sectarian thinking. The logic of the sectarian is as follows: the truth is one and it is available to me, those who think differently are idiots (liberals or quilted jackets), or sold out (to the Kremlin or the State Department), or this is all, in general, a conspiracy theory. No one wants to independently assess reality, everyone repeats after their sect. People become banal and predictable. When a liberal wants to say that there is no development, he will always start like this: "Over the past 16 years, the authorities have done nothing." You might think that before that, the Gardens of Eden were in bloom and the people were drowning in excess for 10 years, until Putin came. Although, since 1991 there has been a continuous economic decline. This applies, in general, to everyone. I cite liberals as an example only because I know them better. This approach generates disrespect for the interlocutor and the impossibility of full communication.

False Values

A very fundamental thing to remember is that man is very cunning in creating false values. Real values ​​require your totality, require your whole being; false values ​​are very cheap. They look real, but do not require your totality - it is only a superficial formality.

For example, instead of love, trust, we have created a false value of "loyalty". A devoted person appears to be loving. He makes all the gestures of love, but does not mean anything by them; his heart is beyond these formal gestures.

The slave is betrayed - but do you think that everyone who is enslaved, who has been taken away from human dignity and pride, can love the person who has done him such deep harm so deeply? He hates him, and if he gets the chance, he will kill him! But on the surface he remains devoted - he is forced. It's not out of joy, it's out of fear. It is not out of love, it is the conditioned mind that says you must be faithful to your master. This is the devotion of the dog to the owner.

In fact, just look at it from a different angle - no man has jumped into his wife's funeral pyre! And no one asked the question: "Does this mean that no husband has ever been devoted to his wife?" But this is a double standard of society. One standard is for the master, owner, proprietor, and the other is for the slave.

Love is a dangerous experience because you are possessed by something greater than yourself. And it's impossible to control; you can't call love on demand. Once she leaves, there is no way to bring her back. All you can do is pretend to be a hypocrite.

Loyalty is a completely different matter. It is produced by your own mind, it is not something from outside of you. It's cultural upbringing, just like any other upbringing. You start playing and little by little you start believing in your own game. Devotion requires that you always, in life or death, be devoted to a person, whether your heart wants it or not. This is a psychological kind of enslavement.

Love brings freedom. Devotion brings bondage. Only on the surface they look similar; deep down they are opposites, diametrically opposed. Devotion is a game; you were taught it. Love is wild; all her beauty is wild. It comes like a gust of wind, with great fragrance, fills your heart, and suddenly where there was a desert, there is a garden full of flowers. But you don't know where it comes from, and you know there is no way to call it. It comes by itself and stays as long as existence wants. And just like one day she comes as a stranger, as a guest, suddenly one day she leaves. There is no way to cling to it, no way to hold onto it.

Society cannot depend on such unpredictable, unreliable experiences. It wants guarantees, reliability; therefore it completely removed love from life and put marriage in its place. Marriage knows only devotion, devotion to the husband, and because it is formal, it is in your hands... but it is nothing compared to love, it is not even a drop in the ocean of what love is.

But the society is very happy with it, because it is reliable. A husband can trust you, trust that tomorrow you will be as devoted as today. Love cannot be trusted - the strangest thing is that love is the greatest trust, but it cannot be trusted. This moment it is total, but the next moment it remains open. It can grow within you; it can evaporate from you. The husband wants his wife to be his slave for life. He cannot rely on love; he has to create something that looks like love but is produced by the human mind.

This happens not only in relationships of love, but also in other areas of life - devotion is also very respected. But it destroys the mind... a soldier must be loyal to the nation. The person who dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki... you can't hold him responsible, he was just doing his duty. He was ordered and betrayed by his superiors; this is the whole training of the army. You have been trained for many years, and you become almost incapable of rebellion. Even if you see that what you are being told is absolutely wrong, still the training that has gone so deep says, "That's right, I'll do it."

I cannot imagine that the man who dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a machine. He also had a heart, just like you. He also had a wife and children, an old father and mother. He was a human being just like you, with one difference. He was trained to follow orders without hesitation, and when an order was given, he simply carried it out.

I thought about his mind again and again. Is it possible to imagine that he did not know that this bomb would destroy almost two hundred thousand people? Couldn't he have said, "No! Better let the general shoot me, but I won't kill two hundred thousand people"? Maybe the idea never crossed his mind.

The army works in such a way as to create loyalty; it starts with small things. It is incomprehensible why every soldier has to go to the parade for many years and follow stupid orders - turn left, right, go forward, go back - for hours, without any purpose. But there is a purpose to this. It destroys his mind. His being turns into an automaton, into a robot. And when the order comes: "To the left," his mind does not ask why. If someone else tells you, "Turn left," you will ask, "What is this nonsense? Why should I turn left? I will turn right!" But a soldier should not doubt, ask; he should just follow. This is his basic conditioning - devotion.

It is good for kings and generals to have armies loyal to the point where they act almost like machines, not like people. It is convenient for parents to have their children be loyal, because a rebellious child creates problems. The parents may be wrong and the child right, but he must be obedient to his parents; it is part of the upbringing of the old man that has existed until now.

I teach you new things human being in which there is no place for devotion, but in which there is reason, inquisitiveness, the ability to say "no" instead. To me, until you are able to say "no", your "yes" is meaningless. Your "yes" is just a record on a gramophone record; you can't do anything, you have to say "yes" because "no" just doesn't arise in you.

Life and civilization would be completely different if we trained people to have more intelligence. There wouldn't be so many wars if people were asking, "What's the reason? Why should we kill people who are innocent?" But they are loyal to one country, and you are loyal to another, and the politicians of both countries are fighting and sacrificing their people. If the politicians enjoy wrestling so much, they can hold a wrestling championship and everyone else can enjoy it like a football match.

But kings and politicians, presidents and prime ministers, don't go to war. Simple people, who have nothing to do with the order to kill, go to war and kill. They are rewarded for their loyalty - they are given Victoria Crosses and other awards for inhumanity, for being unreasonable, for being mechanical.

Loyalty is nothing but a combination of these three diseases: belief, duty and respectability. All this is food for your ego. This is against your spiritual growth, but for the mutual responsibility of interests. The priests want you not to ask any questions about their belief system because they know they can't give any answers. All belief systems are so false that if questioned, they fall apart. Unquestioned, they create great religions with millions of followers.

Now the Pope has millions of people under his command, and out of these millions of people, not one asks, "How can a virgin give birth to a child?" That would be sacrilegious! Out of millions of people, not one asks: "What is the proof that Jesus is the only son of God? - no one can claim it. What is the proof that Jesus saved people from suffering? - He could not even save himself." But such questions are very embarrassing, so they are simply not asked. Even God is nothing but a hypothesis that religious people have been trying to prove for thousands of years... all sorts of proofs, but they are all false; there is nothing essential in them, no support for existence.

From day one, people are trained to be loyal to the belief system they were born into. It is convenient for priests to exploit you, it is convenient for politicians to exploit you, it is convenient for husbands to exploit wives, parents to exploit children, teachers to exploit students. For each of the interests of mutual responsibility, devotion is simply necessary. But it reduces all mankind to a state of mental retardation. She does not allow any questions. She leaves no room for doubt. It does not allow people to be intelligent. And a person who is not able to doubt, to ask questions, to say "no" when he feels that something is wrong, has fallen below the human and has become a subhuman animal.

If love is demanded, it becomes devotion. If love is given when it's not asked for, it's your free gift. Then it arises from your consciousness. If trust is demanded, you are enslaved. But if trust arises in you, something superhuman grows in your heart. The difference is very small, but it is of immense importance: if love and trust are asked or demanded, they become false. When they arise of their own accord, they have immense intrinsic value. They don't make you a slave, they make you the master of yourself, because it is your love, your trust. You follow your own heart. You don't follow anyone else. You are not forced to follow. From freedom comes your love. From dignity comes your trust - and together they will make you richer human beings.

Live life according to your heart, follow its beat, go into the unknown, just like an eagle flies to the sun, freely, knowing no limits... no one orders him to do this. It brings incomparable joy. This is a statement of spirituality inherent in man by nature.

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