How to plant cherries: step by step instructions. Basic rules for planting cherries in the fall - central Russia and the Moscow region, Siberia How to plant cherries with a closed root system

Cherry is familiar to many gardeners. Despite the fact that its fruits are similar to cherries, summer residents prefer to grow both types. Among the advantages of sweet cherry, one can single out increased resistance to certain diseases and pests, which cannot be said about the cherry tree. How to plant cherries suburban area and regularly receive a rich harvest? By choosing a suitable variety and a bright place in the garden, a few years after rooting, you can count on getting the first juicy berries.

Sweet cherry - which variety to choose?

For the fruit set, the tree needs cross-pollination, but there are varieties that are partially self-fertile, they do not differ in high yields. To get a lot of berries, it is better to plant several specimens on the site, but of a different variety.

  • Folk. High-yielding and frost-resistant variety, able to painlessly endure even harsh winters. Fruit weight is about 4 g, ripening period - from 1 to 15 July. The tree is capable of self-pollination.
  • Syubarovskaya. The tree is tall, with spreading branches, tolerates winter well, has strong immunity. Cross-pollination is necessary for fruit set. The berries are large, sweet, weight up to 5 g.
  • Northern. The tree is compact, of medium height, cross-pollination is necessary for fruit set. Harvested after July 10, the variety is resistant to a number of diseases, in particular, to coccomycosis.

Other varieties of cherries are no less popular: Festivalnaya, Krasavitsa, Gronkovaya, Pobeda, Valery Chkalov, Golden Loshitskaya, Liqueurnaya, etc.

Choosing a place on the plot for growing cherries

How to plant cherries and choose the right place in the garden? The tree belongs to heat-loving plants that prefer southern climate. Therefore, in areas located to the north, you should try to plant cherries on the south side of the site, along the walls of buildings or blind fences. Under the rays of the sun, the walls will heat up and create an optimal microclimate. In addition, such an arrangement of trees on the site will protect them from cold northern winds.

Cherries will not grow in heavy, dense or swampy soils. The best option- Elevation with light and fertile soil (loamy soil). Under digging, it is necessary to add fertilizers, both organic and mineral compounds.

Planting hole preparation

The question of how to plant cherries is relevant for most beginner gardeners. For successful growth and development of a young seedling, it is necessary to carefully select the dosage of fertilizers. If there are too many of them, then the tree will begin to grow foliage and many shoots, and you will not have to count on getting the first berries soon.

A large hole is dug, 100x100x85 cm, where 85 cm is the depth. When planting several copies between them, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 3 m, if left less, the trees will shade the other, and as the root system grows, suffer from a lack of micronutrients in the soil.

In the case when the soil in the area is sandy, a couple of garden buckets of clay are laid out at the bottom of the pit, if it is dense, then, on the contrary, coarse-grained river sand. Further, the excavated garden soil is mixed with fertilizers:

  • humus, compost or manure - 3 buckets,
  • ammonium sulfate - 2kg,
  • superphosphate - 3 kg,
  • potash fertilizer - 1 kg,
  • wood ash - 1 liter jar.

Professionals recommend driving a strong wooden stake into the bottom of the landing pit, its lower part should be pre-burned to prevent rotting. The stake will act as a support for the fragile seedling. It is recommended to prepare a planting pit in the fall so that the fertilizers have time to partially decompose, and plant a tree in the spring, in good and warm weather.

Purchase, transportation and planting of cherry seedlings

Before planting cherries on the site, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists in choosing a seedling. Purchasing fruit and berry crops, Special attention you need to draw on the root system, and not on the branches. Sweet cherries have fibrous roots, the more active and thicker they have grown, the better. It is not recommended to choose too tall specimens, they take root much worse in a new place. For a 1 year old seedling optimal height stem - from 65 to 80 cm, biennial plants should not exceed one meter.

If the cherry is planted in Plastic container, then there will be no problems with its transportation. Bare-rooted seedlings should be wrapped in wet canvas and then in a piece polyethylene film to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture. Arriving at the site, the roots of the tree are placed in a container of water. You can add a drug that stimulates root formation to the water, select the dosage according to the attached instructions.

Perhaps, main question exciting beginners, how to plant cherries in the planting hole? The technology of planting cherries is not much different from the rooting of other fruit and berry crops. At the bottom of the planting pit, it is necessary to form a mound, it will be more convenient to distribute the roots of the plant along it. The root neck should rise 3-4 cm above the ground, when the ground settles, the seedling will take the correct position. Next, the hole is carefully covered with soil mixture, periodically tamping so that there are no air cavities left. Having compacted the soil, at a distance of about 30 cm from the trunk, they make an embankment (roller) so that water does not spill over the entire area during irrigation. At the end of the work, the soil is moistened, and the trunk of the tree is carefully tied to the peg with a flap soft tissue so as not to damage the bark.

Features of caring for cherries after planting

Knowing how to plant cherries, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of its cultivation. To care for a young tree, it is important to know how to form a crown, provide watering and additional nutrition.

The next spring, the seedling must be cut. Sometimes two-year-old seedlings are pruned in the year of planting, however, the procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to ruin young plant. It is necessary to select 4–6 skeletal branches, and then form a crown, focusing on them. In the first 5 years, it is recommended to carry out only light, sanitary pruning, the tree should grow enough green mass. In the future, you can cut off improperly growing branches and form a crown at your discretion. Places of cuts of lignified branches must be treated with garden pitch to prevent infection.

You need to water the tree as needed, depending on the weather conditions for the season, the procedure is carried out from 3 to 6 times. In order to keep the soil moist longer, the near-stem circle is covered with a layer of mulch: sawdust, wood chips, cut grass. In addition, gradually decomposing, natural material will become one of the sources of power.

How to plant cherries and grow a beautiful fruit-bearing tree? To get a harvest, you need to fertilize the tree in a timely manner. Minerals are best dissolved in water and watered around the trunk circle. The irrigation radius should be about 80 cm, the roots located near the trunk are practically unable to absorb microelements. If a sufficient amount of fertilizer was applied during planting, then the first top dressing is carried out only in the third year.

At good care cherries will begin to bear fruit after 3 or 4 years, and berries grown on their own plot will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Video how to plant cherries

Heat loving plant. And if you want to plant it in your area, choose a place well lit by the sun and protected from the north winds. Cherries should not be shaded by any other trees. In addition, sweet cherries do not like sandy soils, as well as places where groundwater is high.

When and how to plant cherries in the spring? Optimal time for planting cherries - before the buds swell in early spring. However, if the air temperature is below 0 ° C, then it is impossible to plant cherry seedlings, even if you have purchased winter-hardy variety. Sweet cherries planted in May, when the buds have already blossomed, will hurt a lot and take root poorly. In autumn, it is also not recommended to plant cherries because of the danger of early frosts.

Sweet cherry is a cross-pollinated plant, that is, from pollination with its own pollen, its fruits will not be tied. There is a misconception that cherries can pollinate cherries. However, in order to get good yields, it is best to plant 2-3 cherry trees on the plot. different varieties at a distance of 4 meters from each other.

Planting and caring for cherries

Buy cherry seedlings most often in the fall. At this time, their choice is very rich. Suitable for planting are both annual and biennial seedlings. When buying, be sure to evaluate the root system of seedlings: it must be sufficiently developed. The height of annual seedlings should be about 80 cm, and two-year-old - about one meter. For the winter, seedlings need to be buried.

A place for planting cherry seedlings must be prepared in the fall. The soil on the site should be loose and fertile. When digging a site for sweet cherries, we apply fertilizers: manure, rotted compost and any complex mineral fertilizers. If necessary, the soil is deoxidized with lime. The pit for planting a cherry seedling in spring should be no deeper than 60 cm and up to 80 cm in diameter. First, you need to drive a planting stake into the pit, and then fill in a nutrient mixture consisting of humus, topsoil, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. The pit is filled by one third, then a mound is made in the center and sprinkled with earth without fertilizers.

If the roots of the seedling have dried up, soak them in water for 6-7 hours. When planting, the seedling must be placed on a mound and half sprinkled with roots, constantly shaking the seedling so that the earth fills all the voids. Now you need to pour a bucket of water and completely cover the seedling with earth. At the same time, the root neck of the seedling should not be buried, but protrude 4-5 cm above the ground. When the earth settles, the root neck will be located exactly at the level of the soil. With your feet, compact the ground around the planted tree, make a hole with a roller, where pour another bucket of water. We mulch the soil around the tree with humus or peat, and tie the seedling to the stake with twine.

Further care for planted cherries consists in top dressing, which must be carried out young tree 2-3 times per season. The best fertilizer- slurry diluted in a ratio of 1:6. To this solution, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of complex fertilizer for 1 bucket of water. Young trees need to be pruned to form a crown. In spring and autumn, tree trunks are whitened, and by winter they are covered with spruce branches, protecting them from rodents.

How to process cherries in spring?

In early spring recurrent cold weather with frosts is not uncommon. To protect young cherry seedlings, it is necessary to water the tree abundantly in the evening and spray the crown with water. If you find aphids on your young cherries, start fighting them immediately. To do this, you can spray the tree with a decoction. wood ash, dandelion, garlic or onion. Spraying the tree with potassium sulfate will also be detrimental to aphids. But if the sweet cherry is damaged by perforated spotting, it is necessary to cut it out, and spray the tree with a solution of the drug chorus or fast.

By following the rules for planting and caring for cherries in the spring, protecting them from pests, you will soon get an excellent harvest of these delicious berries.

Probably, there is no such person who would be indifferent to juicy and sweet cherries. Every self-respecting gardener considers it a matter of honor to plant at least one cherry tree on his site. But when is it better to plant it - in autumn or spring? Let's consider this question in more detail.

When is the best time to plant: spring or autumn?

Planting cherries in cold regions is done in the spring, when the buds swell.

Sweet cherry is a rather heat-loving horticultural crop. For this reason, experts advise planting a tree in the spring, but only if the cherry will grow in regions with a cold climate.

For the south of Russia and the Central region is perfectly acceptable autumn planting .

Deciding to plant a fruit tree in the fall, it is very important to meet the deadlines for this procedure. Yes, this must be done before upper layer the soil will freeze.

The optimal time for planting cherries is the period mid-September to end of October.

This period of time is the most suitable, since the trees in the dormant stage are all their own. vitality will be directed to adaptation to a new place, and not to laying the kidneys.

If the seedling was purchased too late and did not have time to plant it on permanent place until the end of October, then for the winter it is dug in the ground, and planted already with the advent of spring.

Seedlings are dug in a hole 40–50 cm deep.

Landing in Siberia

Gardeners should remember that for Siberia and other regions Russian Federation with a harsh climate only fit spring planting cherries which is held in late April - early May.

Otherwise, garden culture will not survive cold winter and, without having time to gain strength, freeze.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn planting

Autumn planting of cherries can be done until frost.

Landing in autumn time good for many reasons. Let's consider some of them:

  • Gardeners who doubt the choice have the opportunity to examine mature trees and taste the popular varieties of sweet cherries.
  • In autumn, seedlings are much cheaper than in spring.
  • As is known, rainy weather sets in in autumn, and gardeners do not need to constantly moisten the soil near the tree.
  • During autumn and winter, seedlings have time to strengthen and grow new roots, so that they will begin to grow and develop faster than trees planted in spring.
  • Autumn planting is especially important in the southern regions, because the risk of sudden hot weather is completely eliminated.

The disadvantages of autumn planting include the risk of frostbite of seedlings. Young trees that have not yet had time to adapt to a new place may not survive severe winter frosts, snowfalls or gusty winds.

Sometimes, after winter, young cherries have frozen or broken branches. Rodents, which feed on the tender near-stem bark of seedlings, are also of great danger.

Selecting a landing site

Cherries love the sun.

In order for the cherry to take root safely on garden plot, it is very important to choose the right place for her.

The best option would be a small hill, well-lit by the sun's rays, without the slightest hint of shading.

Grafted seedlings are especially in dire need of substances that are formed in the leaves during photosynthesis, which requires the sun. Ideally, the rays should illuminate the tree all day, in extreme cases - the entire first half of the day.

If the soil on the site is infertile, compost or humus should be prepared.

Cherry does not present overestimated requirements for the composition of the soil, but the priority is fertile, and at the same time light land. The selected site for planting a seedling should not be located above groundwater or be in swampy areas. Excessively wet soils can cause root rot. For this reason, it is not recommended to plant sweet cherries in ravines and lowlands.

Winds and drafts are unacceptable

But also the cherry must be securely covered from strong winds and drafts. This will protect the garden culture from freezing in winter time, as well as from drying and weathering of pollen during the flowering period.

A high deaf fence will protect the cherry from the cold north wind.

Strong gusts of wind can cause great damage to cherries. Young and not yet fully grown trees can be severely deformed, especially if the wind blows relentlessly from one side. In addition, due to the wind, snow does not accumulate near the trunk circle, as a result of which the plant is left without natural protection from frost.

If it is not possible to plant a young tree in a place protected from the wind, you should create barriers on your own. Of course, they will let the wind through, but it will no longer be of such strength and direction.

How to prevent freezing

Early flowering in spring is a great danger, since there is a high risk of freezing of blooming flowers due to sudden frosts.

To avoid this, the trunk circle must be covered with a thick layer of snow, and sprinkled with straw or sawdust on top. Thanks to this measure, flowering can be postponed for a week and thereby secure the plant.

Selection of planting material

It is best to purchase seedlings from local nurseries with a proven track record.

Half the key to success in autumn planting is well-chosen planting material. It is recommended to purchase cherries only from reliable suppliers. It can be a nursery with a good reputation, or an amateur gardener who has been selling quality, proven products for several years.

When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

Gardeners of the Moscow region who decide to plant cherries in the fall, on the one hand, risk a tree if frost suddenly hits, on the other hand, they get a chance to harden a young plant and adapt it to difficult weather conditions.

Autumn planting rules

Since the sweet cherry grows as a rather tall tree, it should be provided with free space within a radius of at least 4–5 m.

Autumn planting of horticultural crops is carried out in stages:

  • Planting hole preparation . A month before planting cherries, it is necessary to dig a hole approximately 60 cm and width 80 cm.

    When planting in the fall, a pit for a seedling is prepared in advance.

  • Nutrient layer . In order for a young tree to have the opportunity, at least for the first time, to freely receive all the necessary substances, a layer of humus and earth should be covered at the bottom of the hole. However, do not get carried away - an overabundance of fertilizers will negatively affect the development of the seedling.
  • Root preparation . Cherry roots should be soaked in a bucket of water 7–8 hours before planting. room temperature and then gently straighten.
  • Planting a seedling . The tree is installed in a prepared hole in such a way that its roots rise several centimeters above the ground. When the ground sags naturally, they will take their natural position.

    The grafting site must be above the ground.

  • Well preparation . For the convenience of watering around the seedling, you should dig a small hole.

After carrying out all the manipulations, young cherries are abundantly watered and mulched using sawdust, peat or humus. This will provide long-term moisture to the plant.

Pruning after planting

Cherry pruning should be postponed until spring, so as not to weaken an already weak tree.

When planting in autumn, the first pruning is done in the following spring.

In order for the autumn planting to be successful, care must be taken to protect the seedling from frost and strong winds.

Video detailing the process of planting cherries at the end of August