How to change the cooler on a laptop. Setting the fan speed on a laptop

All active laptop users are aware of the problem of overheating, especially in the hot season, and it entails not only freezing and a long system response to user action, but also failure of components.

Based on this, the question arises, how to increase the speed of rotation of the cooler on a laptop?

Since the fan is responsible for cooling, the only right decision will be its acceleration. There are several ways to do this, but consider the most common of them.


Very popular free overclocking software. First of all, it is designed to monitor the temperature of all components, and one of its functions is the ability to monitor the fan as well. With its help, you can control the speed, depending on the needs and workload of the processor.

So what's to be done:

But this is only one of those methods that allow you to overclock the cooler on a laptop.


You can also increase the fan speed using the BIOS. This is also done according to a certain scheme.

If you do not have experience with bios, then it is better to entrust the work experienced master, otherwise the integrity of the system may be violated and the computer will simply stop booting.

You need to do the following:

The appearance of the settings may differ depending on both the manufacturer of your laptop (Lenovo, Samsung, Packard Bell, etc.) and the BIOS version.

AMD OverDrive

For owners of laptops with an AMD processor, a special utility has been developed that allows not only to control the speed of the cooler, but also allows you to change the settings of the entire chipset, thereby increasing PC performance.

To overclock the fan, do the following:

After all the manipulations, the rotation of the fan will be completely under the control of the utility, and you will no longer have to worry about anything.

Riva tuner

Another utility that allows you to increase or decrease the fan speed on laptops running an Intel processor. The whole point is that the necessary settings are set here according to the algorithm described in the method where AMD OverDrive technology was used, so we will not dwell on it in more detail, even a beginner can handle it.

When installing any software, it should be understood that it is preferable to download programs exclusively from official sites, otherwise there is a risk of introducing malware onto your computer.

In what cases the cooler cannot be overclocked

There are two types of fan connectors: 3-pin and 4-pin (PWM). And only the last of them can be controlled.

I learned this from my own experience when, in the process of upgrading hardware, I replaced the old 4-Pin cooler with a newer 3-Pin and ran into the problem that it could not be accelerated in any way. Therefore, when choosing, always consider this.

Programs from the manufacturer

There are times when third-party software does not detect laptop fans or it is impossible to change the speed of rotation. And then original programs from laptop manufacturers come to the rescue.

A small list of such programs:

  • In some HP models, you can only speed up work using the Notebook Fan Control utility.
  • Acer also provides its users with Smart Fan, Fan Controller and ACFanControl utilities.
  • Lenovo has a "Fan Control" utility.

You can find and download them on the official website. However, not all laptop models may have such software.

If none of the methods brought the desired result, and it was not possible to increase the speed of the cooler, then we recommend using special cooling pads. They will help you achieve optimum temperature laptop and it will last a long time.

If you are an active user of your laptop, then sooner or later (and in the hot summer - for sure) you will face the problem of overheating. It turns out that the standard settings of laptops initially overclock the cooling system fans by only 30-50% of their power, saving energy for other devices. Therefore, you can make the coolers work faster on your own: through the BIOS or special programs (SpeedFan, AMD OverDrive, Riva Tuner).

BIOS. If your motherboard supports the function of adjusting coolers, then you do not have to install any programs, but simply change something in the BIOS menu settings. To do this, open it (usually the “Del” key does this right after turning on the laptop), enter the “POWER” section and find “HW Monitor configuration”. Here we are looking for an option that is responsible for the speed of the fans - we focus on the word “Fan”, since in different models laptops they are called differently. We find it, launch it with the “Enter” button, then select “Enable” and the line “Profile”. From the speed modes that appear, select “Performance” or “Turbo”, which will make the coolers work at maximum. Now we save the new settings and leave the BIOS. After that, the laptop will reboot and will work with maximum cooling.

speedfan. Quite effective, free, simple and therefore popular program for adjusting the operation of coolers. After installing and running the application, first of all, we study the temperature indicators of our laptop devices. Where they "go off scale", using the "up" button, we adjust the speed of rotation of the blades of the cooler, which is responsible for cooling these devices. The program allows you to manage 6 coolers, but it all depends on the laptop model - on most laptops there are only 3 of them (for the processor, video card and hard drive). When the temperature returns to normal, we simply minimize the program window without closing it.

AMD Overdrive. This utility is suitable for those who also have an AMD processor. Here, after loading the program, we look for the “Fan Control” item, the “Performance Control” submenu and use the sliders to adjust the desired fan power. We fix the changes with the “Apply” button. Then we need the “Preferences” button and the “Settings” item. There, check the “Apply my last settings” checkbox, click “OK” and close the program. Now she will be in automatic mode"Tweak" the laptop coolers after every turn on.

Riva tuner. This program works well with processors from Intel. The principle of its operation is similar to the previous utility.

When setting the speed of the coolers on the laptop towards the maximum, do not forget that in this mode they will “eat” a lot of energy.

How to increase the speed of the cooler on a laptop if over time it starts to work a little slower, more noisy and sometimes even overheats. Overheating is one of the most inconvenient and harmful occurrences for a computer because it adds wear and tear to the hardware and increases the chances of a breakdown.

To eliminate this situation, you can replace the thermal paste and increase cooling. If replacing thermal paste is not a very difficult task, then in order to strengthen the cooling system (CO), you need to either buy an additional cooling pad or increase the speed of the cooler. The cooling pad is quite noisy, costs extra money, takes up space, but you can speed up the regular CO absolutely free.

There are two options on how to speed up the cooler speed on a laptop:

  1. Using software
  2. Using BIOS\UEFI

Before overclocking

First, let's determine what will affect the speed of the cooler:

  • The higher, the more noise the laptop makes during operation, it discharges faster (slightly), but at the same time the temperature of the CPU and the system as a whole is lower, which means there are fewer freezes and slowdowns due to throttling (reducing the frequency of the processor to reduce the thermal load). The power plan is High Performance.
  • The lower, the quieter the laptop works, the slower the battery is discharged, but at high loads there is a possibility of overheating of the device. The Power Scheme is in use Energy Saver.

In most cases, cleaning the cooling system and replacing the thermal interface solves the problems of overheating and throttling. But if these manipulations are difficult to perform due to the complexity of parsing or the warranty of the laptop (which prohibits disassembling the device), then to obtain the desired cooling, it is better to speed up the cooler.

Cooler overclocking via software

One of the most popular programs for monitoring and monitoring system temperature - Speedfan - will answer the question of how to increase the speed of the cooler on a laptop. You can download the program on the website or via a direct download link.

Please note that not all laptops are supported by this program. It is likely that very old devices, or, conversely, of a new generation, may not show information on temperature and speed of coolers. You can find a list of supported buses or bridges (BUS) on the utility website.

Install and open the SpeedFan app. The main window will display the main information on the temperature and rotational speed of the coolers. Click on Configure , which will open the configuration window. Select required component tracking - for example, this is the CPU (CPU) and set the desired temperature, the cooling system will work in priority on given parameter.

The next parameter in the Speeds tab determines the speed of the coolers.

  1. Minimum value - minimum value (%)
  2. Maximum value - maximum value (%)
  3. Automatically varied - automatic selection based on temperature

After using the utility, check the temperature readings, if they have not changed within a few minutes / hours, try changing them through the BIOS.

How to increase the fan speed on a laptop through the BIOS

The BIOS allows you to configure various parameters of the device - from boot options to the login password and frequency control of the processor or memory. Not all laptops have CO overclocking capability, so you should check this option on your laptop.

To enter the BIOS \ UEFI of your computer, press the corresponding key when rebooting:

Manufacturer Key Manufacturer Key
Acer DEL, F2 Lenovo F1, F2
Asus F9, DEL, F2 Lenovo DEL
Dell F2 Samsung F2, F10
Fujitsu F2 Sony F1, F2, F3
HP ESC, F10, F1 Toshiba F1, F2, F12

If you have a classic BIOS, open the Power tab and select Hardware Monitor

Then, if you have the ability to control the minimum speed of the cooler or set a target temperature value, set the necessary settings.

  • For temperature - the lower the better - 40-55 ° C
  • For speed - best to test on your device - select from 100% to 35% in 5-10% increments to determine acceptable noise and temperature levels.

For owners of laptops with UEFI, the interface is slightly different, but the functionality is much richer.

The desired settings will be in the Monitor, Hardware or Advanced tabs. Settings may vary by manufacturer and UEFI version.


How else can you increase the speed of the cooler on a laptop:

  • For older devices, special utilities AMD OverDrive or Riva Tuner may be suitable. The list of supported devices is extremely small and mostly outdated laptops based on Windows XP, Vista or sometimes version 7.
  • There have been cases when dust interfered with the operation of the cooling system so much that lubrication of the bearings was required.
  • Do not exclude the possibility of replacing the cooler if the speed is very different from the declared one.

Have a great day!

Most modern laptops, with the exception of some ultrabooks with passively cooled Atom, Celeron, Pentium or Core m processors, have a cooler inside, or even more than one. The very presence of a cooler is understandable - both the processor and the video card require active heat removal. But many manufacturers do not adjust the dependence of the cooler speed on the temperature of the components in the laptop, which leads to the fact that the laptop starts to make noise even with a light load. Taking into account the fact that laptop coolers make loud and unpleasant noise (by the way, the problem is called fan noise), and the temperatures are extremely far from critical, there is a desire to slow down the cooler in order to sit in silence. Of course, you will have to pay for this with increased heating, but usually the game is worth the candle.

I will warn you in advance - there is no universal software method for all laptops. However, there is a theoretical one that works on all models - and from there. The temperature-rpm table itself is usually either hardcoded in the EFI or in the EC register. Therefore, in theory, you can dump the BIOS, find this table, change the values ​​\u200b\u200band flash the BIOS again. However, there are a lot of problems - it is far from always possible to remove the BIOS, and after removing it - to decrypt it. And even after editing it, often users are faced with the fact that the flasher (a program that flashes the BIOS) refuses to “sew” the modified BIOS.

A less universal way, but still supporting quite a lot of laptops, is to use free program Notebook Fan Control. You just need to download it, run it, select your laptop from the list and either apply the recommended temperature and RPM values, or set your own:

You can see a list of all supported laptops, but even if your model is not there, download it anyway and try the configuration file from other models: manufacturers often use similar coolers.

If, nevertheless, not a single config is suitable, the cooler speed of some laptops (these are almost all Dell and HP models, as well as some others) can be set in the program. To do this, launch it in Sensors mode and click on the cooler icon at the bottom:

If, however, it is impossible to adjust the speed in this program, then, alas, you can write in support of the laptop manufacturer and ask him to change the temperature table, but usually manufacturers do not take such a step. You can also write to the creators of the programs above - they can also help (especially if you send them a bios dump).

The operation of a personal computer depends on the state of all elements of the system and the load they experience. Some of them are used less intensively, while the processor or video card is constantly loaded, as a result of which they overheat. To cool such elements of the system, a cooler and a radiator grill are used, which lower operating temperature devices, creating comfortable conditions. There are situations when the computer does not work stably and its elements heat up higher than expected. In such a situation, increasing the cooler speed will help. How to increase the speed of rotation of the processor cooler, we will understand below.

Before you deal with the options for increasing the speed of the cooler, you need to figure out the reason why the processor or video card is heating up. There may be many of them and not for all of them it will help to simply increase the rotation speed of the processor cooler. Let's analyze them in more detail:

  • The processor was bought a long time ago and its working life is gradually coming to an end. In this case, increasing the speed of the cooler blade will help, but for a short time and soon it may be necessary to replace the old processor with a new model;
  • Thermal paste, which transfers excess heat from the processor to the cooler, has become unusable. Here, a simple increase in the speed of the cooler is also not enough. An ordinary cooler will still not be able to cope with excess heat energy, even if the speed is increased. This is where a comprehensive solution comes in handy. The cooler rotation speed temporarily increases, which is necessary for the purchase of thermal paste, after which the protective layer on the processor is updated and the speed returns to normal. This is not difficult to do, and any user will update the protective layer on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists. To do this, just read the instructions on the Internet and do everything carefully, without rushing;
  • The computer is used to solve challenging tasks and the software used at work is overloading the system. In this case, boosting the speed is ideal, as the PC functions normally, it just lacks a bit of power;

Note! Limiting yourself to a simple increase in the speed of rotation of the cooler, without understanding the essence of the problem, you increase the chances of burning the computer. This will lead to large cash outlays, which we do not need at all.

After you are convinced that the system is working, you can proceed to the overclocking options for the cooler. The most proven of them are the following possibilities:

  1. Raise the fan speed by setting the appropriate commands through the BIOS;
  2. Installing special applications on your computer, with the help of which you will raise the number of revolutions of the cooler to the desired value;
  3. Turnovers are regulated not only by software. There is special equipment with which the cooler accelerates to the required values;

Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss separately.

Users asking questions about how to increase the speed of the cooler through the BIOS should be aware of the following:

  • To implement the method, you need to have general idea about the BIOS system and how to work with it. This is due to the wide variety of BIOS graphical interfaces, which have significant differences in terms of data layout;
  • The option will not allow you to set any number of revolutions that you want. The range of available values ​​is small;

The basic algorithm of actions, suitable for most BIOS interfaces, looks like this:

  1. We start the BIOS by pressing the Del button or one of the function keys F1 - F12. Button activator different versions is different;
  2. After starting the BIOS, go to the Power section;
  3. In the window that appears, look for the phrase Hardware Monitor. If it could not be found, go to any tab containing the word Hardware;
  4. Now you need to decide which option for overclocking the cooler is preferable for you - overclock it to the maximum on a permanent basis, or increase the rotation power only depending on the current processor temperature;
  5. To implement the first option, click on the item CPU min Fan Speed ​​​​and select the number of revolutions from the available values. This method is energy-consuming, but allows you to provide maximum processor cooling;
  6. Another option is implemented by clicking on the line CPU Smart Fan Target. With its help, the owner of the personal computer sets a certain temperature value, the achievement of which by the processor will start the accelerated operation of the cooler. The mode allows you to reduce power consumption, but such protection against overheating is worse, since the inclusion does not work immediately. Constant jumps in the number of revolutions can also cause discomfort to some users;
  7. To exit the BIOS and save the settings in the specified state, click the Save button

Setting the maximum cooler rotation mode is recommended only in extreme cases, since changing the fan speed reduces the operating life. If this method is not for you, pay attention to another solution to the problem - installing software to adjust the fan speed.

Programs for cooler speed

There are many programs on the Internet, the installation of which helps to accelerate the rotation of the cooler to the required values. Not all of them are safe for the computer and some can harm the system by incapacitating it. To prevent this from happening, use time-tested software products.

Citizens using AMD processors can use the AMD One Drive app. Benefits of the software product:

  • You don't have to pay money for access. The adjustment program is freely available;
  • Designed to interact with AMD system components, allowing you to customize the work taking into account all the nuances;

The cooler is configured as follows:

  1. Download and run the application;
  2. In the window that appears, select Performance Control;
  3. Go to the FAN Control subsection;
  4. We adjust the speed of rotation of the blades to the desired value;

If you have an Intel processor, it is best to configure the cooling using the Speed ​​​​Fan program. Application pros:

  • The product is fully Russified, which allows you to understand all the settings without much effort;
  • No money is charged for the use of the software product (SP);
  • Not limited to working with one manufacturer and, if necessary, suitable for customizing any cooling system;

In addition to overclocking CPU coolers, there are applications that allow you to work with video card cooling systems. An example is MSI Afterburner, by installing which you will have access to the graphics card cooler settings. When installing any third party software, please note that all settings are made at your own risk. By setting the wrong value, you will quickly disable the entire system. If you are not confident in your own abilities, seek the advice of specialists.

Cooler speed control with additional devices

You can control the processor cooling system using third-party equipment that allows you to set the required speed through the control panel installed in the case system block. Such equipment is used in the assembly of powerful personal computers and is installed instead of a DVD drive, or on free place under him.

Such devices are called reobass, and their installation allows you to achieve the following effect:

  1. Cooling is quieter than other methods;
  2. Coolers work without interruption;
  3. You can control the speed both manually, through the panel on the case of the system unit, and using programs, in automatic mode;

Some risky owners who want to save money collect homemade options devices, according to the schemes provided on the Internet. This approach is extremely risky and threatens with the failure of all elements of the system unit. In this case, you will have to spend much more money than in the case of the acquisition of normal, licensed equipment.

  • Clean the insides of your PC regularly, paying special attention to the cooler blades;
  • Do not adjust the number of revolutions down, unless necessary;
  • You should not rely on the work of programs 100%. Some of them do not work correctly with sensors inside the computer, which is why the displayed processor temperature differs from the current one. Keep track of this by periodically checking the temperature by other means;