Song of a ditty for the first teacher. Funny school ditties

If you don't get paid
Or the director offended you,
Or grandchildren did not give
You sleep peacefully all night
Come to class ten
Or the eleventh even
And give the medalists
A couple of twos just like that.
Then the director will come
Apologize to you
The head teacher will come running right away,
Will bring a bouquet of flowers.
Combat mood
Will return to you immediately
And returning home to grandchildren
hit the cuffs.

Teacher's Day


Hello children! Rather sit down
And let's get down to business.
As usual, we will talk about granite.
I hope my teeth are safe for this?


You should have learned this at home.
But you, I'll tell you straight,
Resistance to knowledge in ohms
Significantly higher than tungsten.


Which mark you want to put
If there is a lot of deuces for him?
Chickens are probably among the ancestors,
Judging by the handwriting and by the mind.

Okay, I'll open another notebook,
This one was legible though.
So ... "Sleepy brush" - what is it?
Something about a brush sticking out mustache?


There are no fives or two today
And academic performance became even.
Well, great, so I'm a carpenter
In terms of the ability to trim logs.

Wondrous time

There is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time!
There are magazines, but the boss does not call
Scold for not making them yesterday.

Another hunt to confer,
Share plans, go to the teacher's council,
Although the recipe for how to deal with children
And before it was not, and still not.

The household is not angry with you yet,
That neither breakfast nor lunch is ready.
Allowed to breathe and occasionally laugh
The beginning of the year - no Losers!

You don't have to spend up to a penny yet
Salary for posters, paints, chalk,
Screws, nails, slats, brooms, rulers -
Fortunately, you managed to do this on vacation.

And the head teacher mentally still on a long trip,
He was kind to you today and yesterday.
There is in the autumn of the initial
A short but wondrous time.

Teacher Teasers

We took pencils
and then sharpeners,
composed from the heart
teasers for the teacher.

Let them not be offended
and less find fault!

How to tease a school principal:

He was tired of the children
He locked himself in the office
Crying and laughing
It spits out of the tube!

How to tease an English teacher:

I'm not going to class!
After all, it's frosty outside
Face about table, yes of basket!

How to tease a botany teacher:

I collected a herbarium
For a botany lesson
And accidentally dried
Daddy's underpants!
Our teacher has lost
Surprise glasses:
He has not seen this
A rare plant!

How to tease a literature teacher:

I guys don't understand:
Why drown Mumu?
Children cry and cry
Everyone goes home in tears
Let the teacher dive
Behind the drowned Muma!

How to tease a math teacher:

The sun came out from behind a cloud
Do not torment us with multiplication!
Multiplying mind by mind -
We get "no boom boom!"

How to tease an art teacher:

Barmaley is not on the sheet
And not a fabulous Koschey,
And - no! - not Karabas at all!
I painted, teacher, you!

How to tease a labor teacher:

The teacher decided to show
How to hammer in nails.
He hit the wall - hit, hit!
On the knee - beat, beat!
On the sofa - beat, beat!
On a glass - beat, beat!
Hand and brain
I missed only the nails!

How to tease a PE teacher:

He was scared of the guys
And climbed the rope
And hung from the ceiling
Pretended to be a spider!

How to tease a chemistry teacher:

I snapped everyone on the forehead
Took a large flask
I cooked compote in that flask
Of thirteen acids
Quickly poured it into the toilet -
Our school is gone!

(N. Khatkina)

The thoughts of the old teacher

“My best student is an engineer,
He is an errand for the workers.
I was not setting him up as an example! " -
The dilapidated old woman was thinking.

“It turned out to be a mess in life,
Well, not a mess, but something like:
My best
Sitting in rows
The worst come to the presidium. "

(A. Bragin)

Verification Commission Conclusion

(to the tune of the song "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise ...")

Things are good! Fine you are a teacher. The lesson is good for sure.
Not a single annoying surprise, with the exception of a trifle:
Your oral survey will be delayed and has not matured to methods,
The answers are full of water, and discipline is nowhere,
And there are no intersubject connections - what does the teacher's council teach you?
You don't use the overhead projector, the questions are asked head-on,
The interactive whiteboard is not used yet.
You don’t check the diaries, you’re obviously not ready for the lesson !!!
Otherwise, you are a wonderful teacher. Everything is good, everything is good!
(B. Titov)

  • Holidays

The bell rang, -
The beginning is announced!
Tolya jumped wildly,
Olya screamed wildly.
And then we looked at each other
And rushed into the street
From the open doors.

Who rushes all the faster?
Who flies, overtaking everyone
Fourteen steps?
No, not a bad tram,
Not an excellent student of Chests,
And the primary school teacher
Peter Antonovich Tarasov!

He's so excited about the vacation!
After all, for school days
Tired of him screams
And even more so jumping.

Tormented with clever words
Irrepressible Chests,
A shy Tram
I got it without words at all.

Our teacher rushes at a gallop,
The tie beats against his chest.
At least shout, at least jump,
And freedom is ahead!

Peter Antonovich Tarasov
In the class all summer, not a foot!
We wish you happiness
Our teacher is dear!

(N. Khatkina)

  • March of teachers

We are educators!
We are educators!
They are merciless and strict towards the students!
Is it difficult for them?
Is it hard?
Serves them right!
No mercy for them!
No mercy for them !!!

We are always on guard at universal education!
We will teach them!
We'll show them!
We will give them education!
This is our duty!
And our vocation!

Let them moan!
Let them cry!
We give them a job!
We are the task for them!
They cannot find the right path without us!
We are educators!
We are teachers !!!

(L. Sirota)


We are men, we work at the school.
We do not hide labor corns.
Trudovik, physical education teacher and music teacher,
We are united by beer belts!

(KVN jokes.)

  • A responsibility

You are neither young nor old. A wise age at which
(May you be far from children's fun and ideas)
Even if you're lying drunk under the fence
You are still a teacher: you teach children.

(V. Berestov)

Ungrateful teacher

My friend Petrov Kirill
I attached the button to the chair.

Only the teacher wanted to sit down
I managed to remove that chair,

Proud that this time
So I saved the teacher.

He didn't say thank you -
He sent me for my father.

(Lara Ivanovna)

Old teacher

He pulled out a red pen from his pocket.
(the cap is green for some reason)
and put the usual squiggle.
How many millions
he put the usual such squiggles
for seventy years of work!
They look like an open handcuff -
Not twos, what are you!

(A. Givargizov)

Teacher dreams

For reforms-changes
making distortions,
Everyone went into business ...
Only I am timid.

There are many different things in the world
for any resident.
God sent me once
modest work of a teacher!

Through the heat and cold
in four years
All my friends got married,
me - a diploma with a methodology.

I don't close my eyes with them,
but everything is urgent
And I scribble until midnight
lesson plans.

And why, tell me, for the sake of -
Are your dreams filled with them?
That would be a bundle of notebooks
change to… dollars!

Life would immediately cheer up
at fate playing,
And the business went bust
up increasing.

I would not have been a thunderstorm
sadness that paradise is unknown.
And the authorities would be in the eyes
did not look faithfully.

I would not grieve
did not wait for a subsidy,
I wouldn't give a damn
and for ... certification.

The light of the moon outside the window
above the white fields.
But then the thoughts are horses
we made a stop.

And the jerk was interrupted
grown for a moment -
It's just that Sash and Mash
you can't throw it out of your soul!

Thoughts rush to class
as if storytellers.
Without childish souls and eyes
not live for the teacher.

No calls and no ideas
doom and inspiration.
School is the world of children
rascals and geniuses.

This world is calling me
non-idle weekdays.
My soul sings in them
for different motives.

Is it with the truth of times
is there anything you can do?
Who is born as a teacher -
you can't change those!

(Z. Baeva)

Funny ditties

Day of the Teacher.

1. Happy Teacher's Day
We have come to you today.
Wish you great success
To teach better than us.

2. Our school is the best
And in the dining room they feed everyone
And we have a playground,
And we do not count the guys.

3. Our teacher is very strict.
We did not go to the lesson!
How happy he was
What is freed from us!

4. We certainly love school,
Our school is cute!
Although dragged to this school
Some by force.

5. In the lesson I sit,
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he doesn't swear.

6. My teacher is on the blackboard
I wrote a task,
Well, I'm sitting in anguish
Suffering on the face.

7. We are no strangers to twos,
Twos are so easy to grab
You don't need to learn anything -
This is the reward for that.

8. I will learn to distinguish

Suffixes with prefixes, -

Mom will give me

Yoghurts with additives!

9. I go in school uniform

All so solid.

I'll smear my jacket with glue

I'll fill it with jam.

10. My day is scheduled according to notes,
I am an exemplary student!
Why on Saturdays,
Is my dad dreaming about my diary?

11. I ran for recess,
Knead your body
I laid my forehead against the wall
What I taught - I forgot again!

12. If somewhere thundered,

Do not be afraid too much of you,

Then have a little frolic

We just wanted to.

13.And the director of our school

Suddenly he issued the following order:

If you get a hundred fives,

He will give back the chocolate!

14. Thank you for the sciences,
Wise teachers.

Because, we understand
It's not in vain that you drive us away.

15. From the bottom of our hearts we sang to you,
School ditties.
We are not so tired -
Sorry for your ears!

If you don't get paid
Or the director offended you,
Or grandchildren did not give
You sleep peacefully all night
Come to class ten
Or the eleventh even
And give the medalists
A couple of twos just like that.
Then the director will come
Apologize to you
The head teacher will come running right away,
Will bring a bouquet of flowers.
Combat mood
Will return to you immediately
And returning home to grandchildren
hit the cuffs.


Hello children! Rather sit down
And let's get down to business.
As usual, we will talk about granite.
I hope my teeth are safe for this?


You should have learned this at home.
But you, I'll tell you straight,
Knowledge resistance in ohms
Significantly higher than tungsten.


Which mark you want to put
If there is a lot of deuces for him?
Chickens are probably among the ancestors,
Judging by the handwriting and by the mind.

Okay, I'll open another notebook,
This one was legible though.
So ... "Sleepy brush" - what is it?
Something about a brush sticking out mustache?


There are no fives or two today
And academic performance became even.
Well, great, so I'm a carpenter
In terms of the ability to trim logs.

All teacher humor

We about T four fill
From morning to evening.
Well, and more in our school
It seems there is nothing to do.

E. Krupchatnikov

Ah, our teachers!
What a stalwart people!
No illness, no misfortune -
Nothing takes them!

Eight troubles - one answer!
I'll go to the teachers' council!
Let everyone scold me there,
I have not known fear for a long time!

There is a pine tree on the mountain
Cherry under the mountain.
Our school is good!
And left the facade.

Mini skirts are very fashionable,
Mini dresses, mini fur coats.
And the salaries became mini:

Tryn-grass in front of the school,
Flowers do not grow
Though they are sown every year
At this trendy point.

Russians are strong people
Oh, desperate people!
He is robbed and fooled,
And he dances and sings!

I come to school in the morning
Fresh, sleek.
I'm leaving school
Blue green!

In the morning I go to school:
Curls and curl!
I'll take seven lessons -
The legs do not bend!

The head teacher walks, the head teacher walks,
He walks, smiles.
Oh, I'm afraid it's not good:
Thrashing is planned.

I went to the dining room
Found nothing there:
Two dried cakes
Well, not a fig anymore!

I gave my salary
To her daughter Allochka.
With her she bought
Popsicle on a stick.

I received a salary.
I planned a hundred purchases
Brought her home
There is no purchase, not a single one.

E. Kovaleva

Artist: Leonid Utesov

Things are good! Fine you are a teacher.
The lesson is good for sure.
Not a single annoying surprise
with the exception of a trifle:

Your oral survey will be delayed
and has not grown to the methods,
The answers are full of water,
and discipline is nowhere,
And there are no intersubject connections -
what does the teacher's council teach you?
Don't use the overhead scope
questions are asked head-on,
interactive board
does not apply yet.
Don't check diaries
obviously not ready for the lesson !!!

For the rest, you are a wonderful teacher!
Things are good! Things are good!

B. Titov

I go to the lesson boldly,
I'm not afraid of students.
If I give up this case -
There will be more fools.

I dictated the dictation,
I was in a hurry
How I read the work,
So I shed a tear.

There is a pine tree on the mountain
Cherry under the mountain.
Our school is good!
And left the facade.

Mini skirts are very fashionable,
Mini dresses, mini fur coats.
And the salaries became mini:
Once, twice - and there is no trace.

The head teacher bitterly grieved:
There were few children at school.
Fizruk gave the order:
Send us all on maternity leave.

Who releases the kids
He receives gifts.
And who taught them for years -
I did not receive anything.

Hundreds of books in the library
They look pitifully from the shelves:
Everybody hopes to see
Here are the fellow readers.

It's good to live in our century -
There is a photocopier in the library.
Children don't read books
They only ride on a copier.

Chastooshkas about ditties, about teachers, about being late, about love, about friendship, about school, about a diary, about fighters, about change, about clothes and fashion, about deuces, about fives, about mathematics, about Russian, about physical education and sports , about English, about geography, about school subjects, about the Unified State Exam, about first graders, comic ditties about school, ditties with names, about concerts and performances, about vacations and graduation.

School ditties about ditties

Sing ditties to you
School ones are cool
So that you do not get bored on the Day of Knowledge,
Yes, and we are remembered!

We composed ditties
About my own school,
Well, each included
Funny humor.

Oh, ditties are good
We sing them with all our hearts.
But don't yawn either,
Sing along more boldly!

Old men and kids -
Everyone laughs heartily.
The whole people are happy with ditties -
We will top the charts!

Where are you, sponsor, show up,
The risk will be minimal.
All these ditties are ours
Burn it to disc soon!

Lost our accordion player
Three-row accordion.
We will sing ditties
Today ... dry food!

We are girly laughter
We are always funny:
We will sing ditties for you now,
Yes, about school affairs.

My friend Lisa and I
We go to seventh grade together
We will sing ditties for you
And about the school and about us!

Our heels are knocking
Everyone is well grounded
And the ditties that we sing
All are patented!

We love to sing ditties
Russian national.
We sing them every day
We're hungry without them

Oh, from Olya, like from a cannon,
Chastooshkas are falling in a volley.
Oh, from the laughter of the guys
The stomachs are already hurting!

The teacher told us to all
Compose ditties
And I have a bear
I paw on the ears.

I compose ditties
I am not too lazy to compose them.
If I didn't go to school,
I would write all day long.

For ditties here
Everyone is going to Voronezh.
We sing them best of all -
You can't overtake us!

And in Voronezh we have
Even frogs
Singing in the ponds
Voiced ditties!

We all live in Klichev.
And we chew marshmallows
We know a lot of ditties
We will sing them for you now!

School ditties about teachers

Thank you for the sciences,
Wise teachers.
Because, we understand
You didn’t drive us in vain.

Our teacher is very strict
We did not go to the lesson!
How happy he was
What is freed from us!

Sparrows came to school
Now we will soar like a swallow.
We love teachers very much
We say thank you to everyone.

Me a teacher at the blackboard
I wrote a task,
Well, I'm sitting in anguish
Suffering on the face.

And Irina Nikolavna
Loves silence very much.
Why does he not like to make noise,
Well, I don’t understand in any way.

For the teacher first
I'm not sorry for good words
After all, she managed to understand
How to keep us at school.

I go to school in the morning
Teachers are waiting for me.
They will torment in the classroom -
I will torment them too.

Being a teacher is not easy
Read only your subject.
The teacher must teach
How should we act in life.

Happy Teachers Day
We have come to you today.
Wish you great success
To teach better than us.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he doesn't swear.

School ditties about being late

School ditties about love

School ditties about friendship

Chastooshkas about school

School ditties about the diary

School ditties about fighters

School ditties about change

Our teacher in silence
Explains the topic ...
And the neighbor whispers to me:
That would be a change!

Drive cool on the parquet!
It's a pity I don't have skates with me.
The form is dirty in the end -
Well at least the legs are safe.

Our Lesha at recess
He was always rosy,
It turned yellow like a lemon.

Class is in the office yesterday
Ours broke the window
We told the teacher:
"A midge flew by."

Business time - an hour of fun!
We come to the lesson on time!
Success does not threaten that
Who has not learned the lesson
Who during break
He ran, shaking the walls!

Our teacher is beyond the threshold
We've run out of lesson
We open the cell phone,
We all play on the bluetooth.

The bell rang now-
This is the end of the lesson.
We run to play soon
To gain strength for lessons.

Our Vova at recess
I checked the strength of the wall.
He tried so hard
That he was all covered in plaster!

Valya, Sasha, Radik, Senya
They run at recess.
Notes later:
"We'll have a rest at the lesson!"

What's that noise? What a cry?
The whole school is rocking.
Then the guys from the 8th
They are just having fun.

I was running for recess
Knead your body
I laid my forehead against the wall
What I taught - I forgot again!

Everybody sings on music
Dima is shy
But at recess
The mouth does not close ..

The office rumbles
The stairs are wobbling.
This is the quiet fifth "B"
Goes down to the wardrobe.

We made a little noise -
The glass rang in the school.
We said: "Silence" -
A wall cracked in the school.

Sveta rushes around the school
She amuses herself with a cry ...
Maybe Svetlana has it
Are your teeth erupting?

School ditties about clothes and fashion

School ditties about deuces

We are no strangers to deuces
Twos are so easy to grab
You don't need to learn anything -
This is the reward for that.

I'm not ready for the lesson
And I sit quietly
My head is full of brains
And in the notebook there is a bad mark.

Didn't answer about fairy tales
Alenka's question.
And they put it in her diary
The ugly duckling!

Vitya does not like our poetry,
Vitya did not finish his verse,
And for that today at school
I got half a four.

For the control Petrusha
I got a deuce again.
I got scared and lied:
"I forgot my diary at home!"

In our school, everyone is equal
All the girls, boys.
If you get a deuce in the class,
Take off your pants under the belt.

- You have the same deuces,
Are you going to salt them ?!
- I want to go to the Guinness book,
I need to break the record!

I got "four"
Mila is showing off.
But in fact it is
There were two estimates.

I came sad today
I got a deuce again.
Mom scolded me
Well, dad forgave everything.

Learned very quickly
Julia with Katya a new verse.
And got a four
Unfortunately, for two.

Became clear for Anton
The essence of the "binary" law:
You learn for two minutes -
You will get a C!

Oh, save me! Oh, save me!
Drowning, drowning Trushkin Vitya.
Here is the last time I sighed ...
He drowned in deuces again.

Masha hid it in the pantry
Notebook from parents.
Amicably the mice rebelled:
- Again we chew deuces!

I let you write off on the test
All tasks for Kolechka,
And now in our notebooks,
Both have bad marks!

"I know everything, I promise" -
Repeats our Noskov.
And how will it come out to answer-
Master of two to receive.

Ruslan has no patience
He did not finish his rhyme.
And for half a poem
I got half a quarter.

My friend and I were walking
They forgot about everything.
When the deuces were fielded,
They only opened their mouths.

I have a deuce in my notebook
Very pretty.
I will have a headwash
Decent for her.

Igor decided to joke
And do not teach the lessons.
After this joke
There are only "ducks" in the diary!

Who has dogs, cats,
Who turns on mice ...
In the diaries Seryozha and Leshka
Swans are bred!

School ditties about fives

The diary contains homework assignments.
And there are "fives" next to each other.
How good they are!
Come on, mom, sign it!

In our school I am not lazy
Exercise every day.
For the top five in labor
I will come on Sunday!

And the director of our school
I issued the following order:
Who will receive one hundred fives;
She will distribute prizes.

We sang ditties for a long time
And now we want to say:
"Hurry up, grab the pen
and put FIVE in our diary !!!

We hurry teachers
Happy Holidays!
Maybe someone wants
Put "five" in your diary!

I really like to study
And get fives
Well, and more - to have fun,
Run, jump and scream!

In our school, all are artists,
They love to sing and dance.
Well, of course, in the classroom
We answer with five.

Katka is a white crow!
According to the dictation, again "five".
I couldn't make a mistake
To support us all

How to get fives,
Everyone is interested
I can only give advice
Like kissing in the movies!

School ditties about mathematics

And in mathematics
We draw squares
Circles and rhombuses ...
Where can we find a bomb?

Nikolai decided by example,
And Sergei interfered with him.
Here's an example for you guys,
How impossible to solve an example!

I added, multiplied, subtracted
I wanted to write an answer,
What a strange humor came out
There are five candies in a kilogram ...

To write off math
Lenka allowed,
Well you have to kiss
With her at recess!

"Blendamed" and even gum
Strengthen our teeth
Why puzzles then
Someone "too tough"?

I teach math
Three hundred and forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
I just think about her.

There is an aspen on the mountain
Cherry under the mountain.
Fraction into fraction was divided by Nina -
It didn't work!

Masha cramps the formula,
Masha mutters mournfully:
"Will bring to the handle
These squiggles! "

In the lesson, our teacher
I asked this question:
How much is 2 by 2?
Masha raised her hand
But she could not multiply.

Math is hard -
Everyone knows it.
Let's think and guess
How to solve problems for us.

Vanya teaches theorems
He tries very hard.
For two weeks now
Dad doesn't swear.

In math class
A UFO came to us.
They looked in my notebook-
They were blown away by the wind!

I can not learn
Multiplication table.
With this math
Only one torment.

School ditties about the Russian language

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes,
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Our Ilya is a super dexterous goalkeeper,
The guy catches every ball.
And in the dictation he makes mistakes
Allows - well, at least cry!

We are in Russian
We write spelling ...
Oh, we'll break the windows at school,
Let's break the frames!

Letters in the Machine Notebook
Do not stand like a parade.
Letters jump and dance
Masha are waving their tails.

We wrote an essay
All day until blue in the face
And when the work was completed,
It was with difficulty that everyone was pumped out!

Our chicken is speckled
He writes with his paw in the sand.
Our Olya is exactly the same
Writes with a pen on a piece of paper

Wake me up at night
In the very middle
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hesitation!

I am a native language
I will devote my life to the grave.
I need to know for sure
How to write the word "crisis".

Somehow Olya got
Sasha's note:
Lend me to dictation
A self-recording pen.

School ditties about physical education and sports

I love physical education
I can walk in my arms!
But that's the trouble,
Feet are not carried there!

I love most of all at school
Physical education lessons!
There is a free fitness room -
Good for the figure!

Train our muscles
Temper them like steel
Relatives are surprised:
I became stronger and taller.

In gym class
We run and we jump
Only the teacher will turn away-
We kick our legs.

There is no better Vanya at school
Shooting, throwing -
He's his brand new portfolio
Scattered around the building.

In gym class
We sit without form,
And on the teacher's biceps
We look enthusiastically.

In gym class
We ran five laps.
We were running, we were running
Oh, and how tired we are!

Tolya bragged to the guys
How he climbs the ropes.
- You did not boast of a rope,
You pull yourself up in studies!

Dirty Pasha looks proudly
The guys are rightfully.
Just Pasha - Master of Sports
By jumping into the ditch.

The legs are long, large,
I train in running.
Why then limps
My academic performance?

We all love to take a walk
We love to have fun
Only now for physical education
We cannot equip ourselves.

- How much, Vova, can you
Run a hundred meters?
- I'll try for my own
I'm forty-five rubles.

Our life is easy and smooth
Doesn't worry, it flows.
Every day with exercise
The people are rising.

School ditties about English

School ditties about geography

Funny ditties about school subjects

I study science
I get a lot of knowledge.
I blew up the floor of the school!
Such is the chemistry!

Somehow we are on chemistry
The experiment was carried out ...
Looked back at the school:
Where did we go?

We are in informatics
We write algorithms
Breaking the pace
Heart rate!

In a white apron sweetheart
Looks tenderly at the microbe.
Just as gently in a microscope
A microbe is looking at her.

I could not learn
Again natural science.
Where can I get a skeleton,
To complete the task?

Alas, alas, alas, and ah!
This happens not only in fairy tales.
He inevitably crashes
Who does not know chemistry.

We are all in botany
They leaned against the desks ...
About living organisms
I dreamed of colored dreams!

In drawing lesson
They drew a steamer.
I did not hear the task,
The result is a lunar rover!

Anatomy, science, -
Just fun:
We treated the skeleton
Sausage with cookies!

I know the laws of physics -
I will tell you without a doubt.
They prevent me from waking up
Laws of Attraction!

I'm in tutorial one
Looked at the pictures.
Finally I saw
Pistil and stamens!

I know Napoleon
He discovered America!
To teach me history
No more strength!

In the lesson of M. Kh.K.
We love to shout.
If only for questions
We wouldn't answer.

All the girls are at work
Amicably embroider.
Well, and the poor boys
They carry the weights. They sewed an apron at work,
We tried very hard
And how they began to try on
Themselves were at a loss.

I bawl all day
Without any hesitation.
I'll drink everyone tomorrow
Singing lesson!

They say in Pythagoras
The pants are very strange
We don't teach geometry,
That's all the pantyhose!

We go to history -
Everything is shaking with the guys
Ah, our beloved historian!
Have pity on you guys!

How old is Andromeda
Do I have to fly?
Astronomy is a science
It's hard for me!

Petya ran away from the music,
I got to botany.
His answer was not bad:
Do, re, mi, beans, peas.

School ditties about the exam

School ditties about first graders

I turned seven years old
And I am not happier!
Look what a miracle -
My first-class bouquet!

I go to school with flowers
I’m holding my mom’s hand.
Because of the lush bouquet
I can't find doors.

New uniform put on,
White shirt.
Look at me,
What a first grader I am!

If you want to know a lot
To achieve a lot
Must read
I must learn.

Mom braided a braid
I straightened my bows
I gave a brand new knapsack -
Sent to the first grade!

The satchel is a miracle! But,
Lovely girlfriends,
Do not fit into the knapsack
All my toys!

Satchel, recipes, notebooks -
Everything is all right a long time ago!
I am today for the first time
Going to first grade!

Hurry, ring, bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We got together for a year.

I have a primer in my portfolio
Both notebooks and a diary!
I am now for real
First class student!

Alphabet from "A" to "Z"
Before school I learned:
I was going to school -
So I tried!

Comic ditties about school

In the lessons we sat
And they looked out the window.
We missed our lessons
And dreamed of going home!

It's easy in the classics - Hurray! -
Jump to senior class.
Only school is not a game
This is work for you!

It's good to be a bird
Swim a fish at ease
To flutter over the grass like a moth -
Don't write a test!

There is firewood on the grass
And there is a button on the chair.
Overlooked the head
And the ass suffers!

A variegated woodpecker with a sharp beak
Hollows a resounding pine tree.
Two magpies in the lesson
Breaking the silence.

What kind of whisper is heard in the classroom?

Who's stopping us so?
It's just someone with someone
Discussing something.

Our friend is tired
The lesson just swept.
Why is he so tired? -
The whole lesson he waited for the call.

Once with a friend on April Fool's Day
Changed - that's fun! -
At school we are on the floor
All plates are "M" and "F".

In our class, all the guys
They love to excel.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to study.

They say I'm fighting
Well, what is this nonsense!
I'm dumb in class
Fighting is to my detriment.

We learn every day
I'm very tired.
Would make our life
A little simpler !!!

The teachers moan, cry,
They are not given a salary.
I go to school somehow
They chew notebooks.

We are in the field at the state farm
We worked in the summer.
To wash clothes
They didn't make money on Tide.

School ditties with names

Our Andrey that week
I handed over the notebook to the teacher.
He doesn't know what to do with her -
Clean, wash or wash.

Seryozha walked in the park
And I haven't learned my lesson.
I took it and hid under the desk,
So that no one could find it.

In the lesson, our Seryozha
Can't say anything.
How the lesson ends -
The mouth does not close.

The earring was summoned to the board,
But Seryozhka is silent,
Because the whole lesson
He looked out the window.

Dima developed a good ear.
Maybe without fear
Listen while standing at the blackboard
Hints from distant desks.

Who is jostling in the buffet?
Making his way forward? -
Have pity on Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!

I was waiting for an answer from Marina
Our teacher is long -
No answer, no hello
No use!

Oh, we don't like it when Pasha
Answers at the board.
From his sleepy mooing
We are dying of melancholy.

Drawn by our ancestors
Dinosaurs on a rock
21st century. - Vignettes
Tolya draws on the table.

Dinosaurs our ancestors
Knocked out on a rock
And now Grachev Artyom
Draws them on the table.

Our Tanya is a chatterbox,
Well, he listens half-ear.
Her teacher says -
And she looks out the window.

Kolya went out to answer,
But I didn't know where to start.
An hour was silent, then he said:
"Anna Pavlovna, call."

I am sitting at a desk with Roma.
Roma is a guy anywhere.
Look how bad he is -
Always protect me.

All programs indiscriminately
My daughter looks "all the way"
Resting only at school -
Our Telemann Olya.

In our class, never
It never gets hot
Fan replaces
We have a spinner Larka!

Our Kristya, like a whirligig,
Doesn't sit still.
Rides, rides like a goat,
Singing songs.

Heroic Lena with laziness
I fought all day
But, much to the chagrin,
Lena was defeated by laziness.

Seryozha has no hearing,
The bear stepped on the ear.
Says: "Slow down sing -
The chorus is not heard behind you! "

Although the grades are not very good,
Petya is very famous
Because, by the way,
He wiggles his ears.

Katya's grief is bitter,
Everyone feels sorry for Katyusha -
From a hole in a dress pocket
A cheat sheet fell out.

Elya with Zhenya at the lesson
They chatter like magpies.
Will call them to answer -
They put a seal on the lips!

The teacher says to Light:
"Remember, Light, knowledge is light!"
Sveta went to bed in the light ...
I got up in the morning - there is no knowledge!

Taras shook and shook his briefcase,
To find notebooks
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.

Gosha toils, sighs
And mumbles at the blackboard ...
Fall asleep, dry up
Even flies from longing!

School ditties about vacations and graduation

School ditties about concerts and performances

All tonight
I tried not to fall asleep -
I'm for a school play
I got used to the role of the Owl!

We were told to perform
In plain dresses.
How can you dance
Have a ton on your shoulders?

The choir performed today,
The conductor praises Katya:
- Yes, you tried, tried.
You smiled best of all.

Oh, our artist Lena,
Loves to perform very much.
To drag her off the stage
We need to call the firemen.

To the gala today
All the guys got together.
How can you muster the courage
Leave us behind the curtains ?!

My friend Tamara and I
We sing songs with a guitar.
Songs "self-made",
Quite gorgeous!

We can sing all day
We don't need rubles
If only it was fun
To our dear audience!

At ditties concerts
Every time we are sold out.
Well, who does not come to us,
That, of course, is a fool!

On tour we want
Go to the Bahamas
Only they don't let go
School for us and mom!

We are from our pop stars
We are not one step behind.
We are without any phonogram
We'll sing to you better than many!

We are singers and musicians
We like to perform!
We are folk talents
Our land is famous for us!

About your childish affairs
We will sing to you in verse.
We'll tell you everything without hiding,
And you exclaim: "Ah!"

Oh, I’ve grown haggard
Chubby granddaughter -
Every day for three hours
Rehearsal at school!