The specialty is customs. Is it easy to get a job at customs: three stories


For friends!


The word "customs" came to us from Turkic language where a special stamp was called tamga. Among the peoples of Central Asia, it was customary for them to brand objects in order to designate whose property they are. So, among the marked property were weapons, livestock and even trees.

In Russia, since the time of the Golden Horde, tamga began to refer to the payment for the permission of the khan to trade in markets and fairs. Customs in the modern sense appeared when merchants began to pay duties on the import and export of goods outside the country.

Description of activities

There are many specialists working in the customs business, each of whom has specific functions. So, there are those who are exclusively engaged in documentation work, other specialists check luggage or collect customs payments. Thanks to the activities of customs officers, there is a strict procedure for the import and export of goods and vehicles. These specialists, by preventing the trafficking of goods by criminals, reduce the threat of terrorism and the illegal appearance of drugs and weapons in the country.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

Labor responsibilities

What is a customs specialist obliged to do? His main job is to check and ensure the safety of the cargo. He must determine the country of the imported goods, the amount of the duty on it, establish the identity of the carriers, and prevent violations of the law on their part. An integral function of such an employee can also be the verification and execution of documents.

Features of career growth

The place of work of customs officers can be customs authorities, various organizations involved in customs... These specialists, like civil servants, have the opportunity to move up the career ladder. The most experienced and talented of them can rise to the position of, for example, the head of a customs post.

Employee characteristics

The work of a customs officer requires excellent knowledge of law, economics, the intricacies of goods turnover, knowledge of foreign languages, constant readiness for self-education. He must be hardworking and disciplined. The indispensable qualities of a modern specialist are an analytical mind, good memory, attentiveness, observation, quick reaction. When communicating with people, he will need competent speech, politeness, discernment and the ability to see suspicious personalities in a large crowd of people. In order to prevent illegal goods from spreading in the country, this employee should take a responsible approach to business and honestly fulfill his duties.

Will hundreds of more teenagers die from drugs passing through a corrupt border post? Will there be imported into the country a batch of counterfeit medicines capable of affecting the health of thousands of citizens? Will a terrorist who plans a large-scale attack with dozens of human casualties pass according to false documents? Without exaggeration, this will depend on you. The profession of a customs officer is an amazing combination of routine paperwork with colossal responsibility and unconditional respect for the profession.


The profession has been known since ancient times. Even if thousands of years ago it was not represented by today's modern specialty, the guards of the borders of countries, empires and occupied territories have always occupied a special place with society. The profession appeared simultaneously with the formation of the first centralized states. It is impossible to name the exact date, but it definitely happened at the stage of the beginning of the development of the world society. The impetus for the development of prototypes of modern customs gave rise to trade between countries.

Hundreds of years ago, caravans with goods passing through the borders of countries were taxed. This was necessary to ensure the replenishment of the treasury. In Russia, the customs business originated approximately in the 9th century, when duties and a trade tax - "washing" were introduced in the principalities. The collectors of myt were called “mytniks”. It is interesting that in the modern Ukrainian language, a customs officer is a mitnik.

Customs - what is this profession

A customs officer is a civil servant whose duties include control over goods transported across the border, passing people, collection of fees and customs duties. As a rule, university graduates start working as ordinary inspectors. Later they become senior inspectors, department heads. A brilliant career will allow him to take the chair of a policy-maker in the field of customs, and perhaps one of the heads of the state apparatus. But over 90% of specialists will forever remain ordinary inspectors.

What are the duties of a customs officer:

  • Inspect citizens and goods at customs posts, railway stations and airports.
  • Execute customs documentation, collect fees and duties.
  • Identify contraband, prohibited goods.
  • Keep records of confiscated goods.
  • Conduct an investigation of offenses within the competence of customs law.

In addition to the general profession, there are several narrow specialties - a checkpoint employee, a passport control employee, a department specialist, and others.

The work as a whole cannot be called interesting and even somewhat creative - it is difficult, routine, sometimes boring or dangerous, but always extremely responsible. The security of the state, in particular economic, largely depends on the customs officers. Failure by specialists to fulfill their duties, corruption and a banal shortage of employees can lead to a real tragedy.

The minimum of romance is the maximum of hard work. Customs officers meet trains and check people heading to the country, inspect goods, establish compliance of documentation with Russian and international standards. Often there are dog handlers in the industry who specialize in the search for goods, drugs and other substances prohibited for import into the country. Is the profession of a customs officer suitable for a girl? Quite if she is ready to cope with the hard work and take on a huge burden of responsibility. Many women work in this area - about 35% of the total number of employees.

Rating of TOP-10 best online schools

International School of Foreign Languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual sessions with a tutor in preparation for the exam, exam, olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, over 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you to become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with a guaranteed internship and free master classes.

Largest online school of English language, which makes it possible to individually learn English with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

School of English by Skype. Strong Russian speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum speaking practice.

Online school new generation of English. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1 to 11 grades: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

The largest online education platform. Allows you to get a demanded Internet profession. All exercises are posted online and have unlimited access.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Where to study as a customs officer

You can become a customs inspector without specialized education. But you definitely need to graduate to get a better chance of building a brilliant career. The more prestigious and authoritative it is, the better. TOP-5 Russian universities that teach customs:

  1. Russian Customs Academy.
  2. Academy National economy and public service.
  3. University of Economics. Plekhanov.
  4. Technological University in Korolev.
  5. University named after Witte.

The average passing score in one subject exceeds 85.5, so it is not so easy to enter the best universities in the country. But it is still worth submitting documents - you do not lose anything. However, at the same time, we recommend trying to enroll in a few more universities or institutes that you like. Remember that studying at a reputable, rated university will provide advantages at the start of a career, but will not predetermine success.

Pros and cons of the specialty

The advantages and disadvantages will directly depend on the position held. It is obvious that a high-ranking official or policy maker in the customs industry is quite comfortable. But since we do not have a presentation of the possibilities and prospects of the industry, but an analysis of the real state of affairs, we note the pros and cons of ordinary specialties - inspectors, employees of checkpoints, airports and train stations.

Key pros :

  • Respectable, respected profession.
  • A special mission is to ensure the country's security at the borders.
  • Benefits - Customs officers are often equated with the military.
  • Possible supplements to pensions, social benefits.
  • Public service with all the stipulated privileges.

The main limitations:

  • Low level of comfort.
  • Average, and sometimes frankly low salary.
  • Bureaucracy and paperwork.
  • Flourishing corruption.
  • Maximum high level responsibility.
  • Constant pressure from people who disregard the law.

Many specialists admit that the amount of wages does not correspond to the working conditions and the level of responsibility.

In most cases, this is an important, hard and at the same time low-paid job. Bureaucracy, work in conditions enclosed space, all-round pressure - this is faced by 99% of customs officers at the start. However, they can be compensated not only by career opportunities, but also by benefits, privileges, and respectability of the profession.

How much do customs officers get

Imagine: you have dreamed of this profession since childhood. Imagined themselves as a defender of the state pages of their country. You wrote an essay at school on the topic “My future profession- customs officer ". Then we entered the university, graduated from it and started to work. But the level of your well-being leaves much to be desired. This industry can not be called the most "money".

How much do customs officers get in different regions Russia:

  • Moscow region - 50,000 rubles.
  • Leningrad region - 43,000 rubles
  • Samara region - 41,000 rubles
  • Krasnodar Territory - 40,000 rubles
  • Primorsky Territory - 35,000 rubles

The above regions can be called some of the most favorable for customs officers. However, the average salary in the country barely exceeds 26 thousand rubles. Accordingly, many specialists receive 20 thousand rubles or less with the same difficult work... You can only count on a big salary if you have a successful career.


Customs is a demanded specialty. Its popularity can be explained by the confidence of applicants in further building a successful career. However, at the start, it is difficult to count on comfortable conditions labor and high wages. The key qualities required by a customs officer are concentration of attention, perseverance, good memory, observation and excellent intuition. It is very important for a specialist to be able to make decisions quickly, to be maximally resistant to stress and constant pressure.

Customs officer

4.4 (88%) 15 votes

Evgeniya (name has been changed)

Last year, after more than four years in customs, I left. I'm tired of it. I have a higher education in economics, not PTA. In Pskov, the job is generally so-so, and the opinion that it is great to work at customs still persists to this day. I applied for the vacancy of a senior customs inspector and turned out to be the most "lucky" one: people from the "street" were taken very hard then, a girl tried to break into the customs office with me, and this was already her sixth attempt. They took her that time.

It takes 21 days to receive documents, I submitted them by the end of this period - I graduated from the university, and the diploma was about to be issued. In June I submitted my documents, and in August they signed a contract with me. The main thing is that education should be higher, not necessarily obtained at the PTA. In general, when submitting documents, you need so many certificates! When I saw this list ... Well, madness.

After receiving the documents, the stages of the competition begin. In parallel, an audit is being carried out by the internal security service of the customs.

The first stage is a psychologist. You pass a huge test, there are about 600 questions on the knowledge of the Russian language, but more on the general psychological portrait. According to the test, a scale is drawn up, and there already something becomes clear from it: which qualities of a person are pronounced, which ones are less. Psychologically suitable candidates are selected.

For example, a person with leadership qualities as a customs inspector is not needed by customs.

Then the day of the other stage is appointed. What should bounce off the teeth - the Customs Code, 311 FZ, 273 FZ - is mandatory for combating corruption, 79 more FZ. In fact, there is a lot to learn, a lot.

Everyone is sent to the big hall, given an elementary test of about 20 questions. You write, hand over, go out. And then an alternate call of the person to the commission begins. There are about 9-12 members. You come in, introduce yourself, they ask you questions about the knowledge of the legislation. Results appear in a week or two. A letter arrives informing you whether you have passed the competition or not. If you did, they sign a contract with you.

Three months lasts probation, after him you are a full-fledged worker - they give you the first epaulets, stars.

Now a lot of people quit, vacancies appear. I do not know about those who work in the office 5 through 2, but at the post it is very difficult. The load is frenzied - both physically and psychologically. When we worked for days - wherever it went, you gather your will into a fist, you bombed it for a day and you are at home for three days. And then when we made the day / night / day off / day off schedule, we stopped seeing life altogether.

We had at least 3-4 people on duty who graduated from the PTA. The last girl who got there with the formation of the academy went through a competition - the distribution has already been canceled.

Neither the salaries, nor anything else, for those who came to the customs for distribution, and those who came from outside, do not differ.

PTA graduates, I will not say that they were disappointed, but were surprised: they spent so many years on a specialized education, but do not have any privileges compared to the others who received a non-core education, like me.

The first 1.5 years I liked my job madly - the form, and this is: "Where do you work?", And you so proudly: "At the customs." Then the rose-colored glasses fell asleep.

What is the average salary in customs? I saw at least 35 thousand. So the salary of an ordinary inspector throughout Russia is 17 thousand something. It is clean, i.e. about 20 thousand minus income tax... Plus quarterly bonuses and plus at the end of the year there are savings. This is money on which I need to live, I am no longer a student, my parents will not help me.

And so I had practically no time, hard work, disproportionate salary. I was brave enough to leave for a very long time. This is a system, it really sucks, and when you quit, colleagues look at you like a madman: “How ?!”.

I hoped that something would change, but everything only got worse: less money, more work. The legislation is changing. They demand from us a higher speed of work, but at the same time they complicate the design. That is, innovations are irrational, in my opinion. A strong tendency for remarks has emerged: if a remark is imposed on you, then you are deprived of the prize. And if earlier comments were made for really serious things, then over time they began to be imposed even for the incorrectly entered letter from the passport, although this error does not affect anything: you will still compare the passport data with the base, and you will understand what was meant not Russian "B", but Latin "B".

V recent times many in the Pskov customs did not receive the bonus because of the imposed comments. And if earlier, even before the award was given, they were removed and people were not deprived of money, now this trend has practically vanished. So an inspector can work for a year without a bonus, on a bare salary of 17 thousand rubles.

Oleg (name has been changed)

I graduated from PTA in 2015. I tried twice to get a job at the Baltic customs - I came to a competition, but both were unsuccessful. They say that it is much easier to get to the Pulkovo customs than to the Baltic.

The distribution was removed in 2014, and even those who studied at the target (when the state pays for your education on the condition that you go to the place offered to you later - ed.), Did not get into the service. In my group, three studied on a paid basis, including me, three - on a budget, and another 7 - on a target one. As a result, none of us works at customs.

Without work experience, one can apply for either the position of the state customs inspector, or the position of the senior state customs inspector. The salary is somewhere around 19-25 thousand rubles, not counting bonuses and the 13th salary.

When a competition is announced for filling a vacant position, you first submit documents, then you go to a psychologist. And then you wait almost six months until the next stage begins - the interview with the test. I don’t know why it takes so long - they are checking documents or what.

The further test is not difficult - they check the knowledge of the Constitution, the Russian language, the level of PC proficiency. By the way, for some reason they wrote on pieces of paper, although they should have been on a computer. At the interview itself, they asked questions about the Constitution and important for the service federal laws... And of course about why you want to serve in the customs authorities.

In one case, a couple of weeks before the competition, I learned from my acquaintances that a successful candidate for the position for which I applied was already determined.

This man received the contract as a result.

It so happens that information about the competition is not posted on the site, and two people take part in it - formally, this is enough. One of them already works at customs - he is being hired for numbers. Both write a test, but the one that already works refuses from the interview, and the only applicant wins the competition.

The main problem is that there are very few contests themselves. PTA graduates about 500 people annually, and about 50 vacancies appear per year for those who have no experience. So consider how realistic it is to get a job at customs and whether it is worth getting a specialized education. I gave 400 thousand rubles for my studies, but I could have gone to the physics department, to the budget.

The main motivation for most of those who entered with me was distribution, but it was canceled six months before our graduation. Plus, of course, a guarantee of stability: after all, this is a state structure, and it will not close.

Denis (name has been changed)

I graduated from PTA in 2015. Of course, it didn’t fall under the distribution. Received a diploma and wondered how I could get a job in the customs service Russian Federation... I began to make inquiries about this and found out that in any case I needed an army - a military ID marked as unusable or about the passage of service. The second thing that was a minus - wage... The salary of a specialist of the first category of civil civil service where I wanted - the legal department of the Baltic customs - 16 thousand rubles. The Baltic customs then, and even now, was not worried better times... And everyone with whom I spoke on this topic said: "You shouldn't go here." I did not make it to the competition, because I stopped at the stage of submitting documents: the army and the salary.

When I entered the RTA, there was no requirement for an army. But then the legislation regarding military service began to change, people began to be taken into the army directly from their workplaces.

I found out about the law enforcement unit of the customs - I wanted to try to go for shoulder straps, but, firstly, there was not a single vacancy (as well as now), and secondly, in an informal conversation, an acquaintance said that “just like that” you can't get there - either by good acquaintance, or by great deserts, let's say. After that, I gave up trying to get a job at customs.

I was offered an acquaintance to get a job at customs in another region of Russia, but I refused, because this is not the capital. Well, salary, of course, salary.

None of my classmates, as far as I know, works in the customs authorities.

I work in the customs area and I can say that the education of the academy gave me a lot of useful things. At least I have learned to communicate with government bodies... Let's say that in my first year I was afraid of, say, any patrol officer. And now, at work, I have to communicate with both the majors and the colonels. They are not that scary people. I learned the art of negotiation - the academy teachers somehow worked in government agencies, and it was much more difficult to negotiate an exam with them than to persuade any executive take some action.

It turns out that free bread is much more profitable than service. In addition, the civil service is a heavy burden - you cannot have large property (and I would like to in the future), a serious business, it is very difficult to confirm your income, and even more so your expenses. I watch my parents, who are also in the civil service, but of a different kind - for them it is constantly hysterical.

Is it difficult to get a job at the customs authorities? Is it necessary for this to be educated at the Russian Customs Academy or to have protection from an uncle in uniform? We spoke with three people, two of whom graduated from PTA, about their attempt to get a job at customs. Ironically, the girl who got a job at the Pskov customs did not graduate from the PTA, and two graduates of the academy were never able to get into the coveted Baltic customs.

Today's graduates know perfectly well who economists and lawyers are, but what kind of profession “Customs” is and whether it is worth studying is a difficult question.

The job market is overflowing with programmers, managers and psychologists, and there are not enough specialists in really popular specialties.

So what are the features of the profession of a customs employee and what do you need to know about it?

What is the profession of a customs officer

With a little bit of pathos, we can say that a customs officer is a person on guard of the national security of an entire country.

This is a civil servant who controls the movement of various cargoes, goods, products both in our country and abroad.

Also, his responsibilities include the collection of fees and duties. If the customs officer specializes in passenger transportation, then he monitors citizens' compliance with state rules and laws regarding movement and registration of arrival-departure, as well as the import and export of goods.

This profession cannot be classified as harmful specialties, it also does not provide for difficult physical activity... Suitable for both men and women.

The main duties of a customs officer are:

  1. Detection and investigation of offenses.
  2. Work with documents.
  3. Work at the checkpoint (checkpoint).
  4. Screening at airports, railway stations, customs checkpoints for hand luggage, baggage and documents of passengers and transported goods.
  5. Accounting and control of confiscated goods.
  6. Search and registration of contraband goods.
  7. Determination of the amount of fees and their collection.
  8. Carrying out preventive measures in the field of customs law.

Usually, the career begins with the work of an ordinary inspector. Next are the positions of senior inspector and head of department. The top of the career ladder can be the position of a policymaker in the customs sphere or the head of the state apparatus. As statistics show, most specialists remain at the initial stage.

Its useful to note: in the field of customs, along with general professions, there are narrower positions of a checkpoint employee, passport control employee, and a department specialist.

What universities in Moscow teach in the specialty "Customs"

Moscow has an excellent base for training a future customs officer.

Faculties of the specialty are present in the following universities:

  • Academy of MFLA;
  • ITEI;
  • RosNOU;
  • RANEPA (there are budget places);
  • PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov (there is a budget);
  • RUDN University;
  • MADI;
  • IPEI;
  • Moscow University S.Yu. Witte;

Universities of St. Petersburg with a specialization in "Customs"

In St. Petersburg, you can learn to be a customs officer at the following institutes and universities:

  • University at the IPA EurAsEC;
  • SUAI;

What is the salary of customs officers

According to regional statistics, the highest paid are Moscow (50,000), Leningrad (43,000) and Samara (41,000) regions.

The average wage in the country is 25,000. Consequently, the level of wages can go down to 18-20 thousand rubles.

At the same time, do not forget that when you gain experience, you can get 2 times more.

Pros and cons of the profession of a customs officer

The advantages of the profession are:

  1. Social significance.
  2. Benefits related to military service or work in the authorities (early retirement pension with financial increase).
  3. Not the most difficult training.
  4. Higher education is not always required.
  5. Work contributes to the development of attention, memory, gaining knowledge in various fields.
  6. Rare problems with employment.

The disadvantages of the profession are:

  • stress and psychological pressure;
  • corruption in the field;
  • bureaucracy in the field;
  • frequent cleanings and staff turnover;
  • average salary;
  • there may be cases of threats to health and life from unscrupulous citizens.

Where to study as a customs officer after grade 9

In order to go to work in customs, it is not always necessary to get a higher education.

A teenager after grade 9 without education can get a job as an employee of a checkpoint or passport control, in an international customs office and a customs inspection point.

If you have a goal, you can get an average professional education in the specialty "customs" in many colleges in the country (for example, in the Metropolitan Business College).

What subjects need to be taken

To enter the university for the specialty "Customs", you must pass the following profiled exams:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Social Studies.
  3. Foreign language.

How to get a job at customs without work experience

Despite the fact that the profession is in demand, a graduate may be faced with the fact that preference will be given to a person with experience. But this does not mean that it will be unrealistic to get a job in a specialty.

Submit your resume to the HR department personally, look for vacancies on a competitive basis, where you can prove yourself better.

In addition, if the student was able to prove himself well during the training practice, then such a specialist will not have problems with employment in the future.

Is it worth studying in the specialty "Customs"

Summing up, we can say that this is not the most common profession. At the same time, it cannot be called creative and exciting. It is difficult monotonous work that can be dangerous and corrupt at times.

Despite the idea of ​​work, she is almost devoid of the romance of the big roads. At the same time, work in the specialty "customs" is undoubtedly important. It makes our life safer. She is stable, well paid, in demand and solid.

If a person feels the need to be needed by the country and is not afraid of difficulties, then this is a profession for him.

Customs is a modern, in-demand specialty that includes an understanding of complex financial interactions directly related to the external and internal political actions of a particular state. Under the constraints of political decisions, customs officials must carry out their work with military honor and the prudence of financiers. Specialists who have received a diploma in the specialty "Customs" are obliged to serve their state both in the political and economic fields.

Customs legislation

The provision of customs services and all the work of customs are governed by the current provisions of the Customs Code. According to Art. 1 of this document, customs are all methods and means aimed at observing and ensuring tariff and customs regulation. This also includes existing system prohibitions and restrictions established by the legislative acts of the country and accepted for implementation at all customs of our state.

Regulation of the flow of goods and vehicles that cross our borders in the forward or backward direction - this is the essence of the work of a professional, whose diploma says "Customs". Universities teaching this specialty are obliged to provide students with all the necessary knowledge about the principles of modern domestic and international legislation, as well as in-depth information on tax, accounting and warehouse accounting, which will certainly be useful to specialists in their future activities.

The second important area of ​​activity of specialists with diplomas in the specialty "Customs" is the harmonization of domestic laws and regulations with international rules of logistics and trade and with the legislation of other countries with which our state has economic relations. Standardization of border crossing rules leads to a reduction in the delivery time of goods to the end user, which means a decrease in the cost of goods for the consumer.

Customs structure

The basics of customs can be summarized as follows:

  • rules for crossing the national border for vehicles and goods;
  • existing customs regulations of different countries;
  • the provision of various benefits and preferences to certain categories of goods and vehicles, if it is stipulated by the current regulations;
  • maintaining customs records, international product specifications for various categories of goods;
  • determination of responsibility for violation of customs regulations.

In principle, the profession of a customs officer is based on the listed rules as on a systematic basis, from which further orders and instructions that regulate the work of specialists in this area grow. While these clauses are quite different in their meaning, adherence to them leads to the same goal - to achieve positive economic, regulatory and law enforcement results.

Where to study?

The specialty "Customs" has a code 38.05.02. This parameter helps applicants to calculate those educational establishments who provide training in this specialty. Upon completion of the entire course, the graduate is awarded a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree, and the diploma specifies the specialty "Customs". This profession can be studied at full-time and part-time departments of specialized universities, and currently it is spreading distance learning helping people get the profession of a customs officer.


The Faculty of Customs is available in all higher educational institutions specializing in the training of lawyers and economists of a wide profile. There are such educational institutions as:

  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian Customs Academy;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University them. N.I. Lobachevsky;
  • North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Training consists of a detailed study of the following sciences:

  • In the first courses, they study humanitarian sciences: foreign language, history, philosophy. Some educational institutions introduce new item- the history of customs, and some leave the old discipline - domestic and foreign history. Attention is also paid to the study of jurisprudence and economic theory.
  • Studying mathematics and science prepares students for practical side customs. This includes mathematics, science, and computer science.

End of training

In senior years, students begin to be taught subjects directly related to the profession. Together with the discipline "Customs", universities of our country offer for study such subjects as:

  • commodity science;
  • accounting and financial activities of enterprises and organizations;
  • customs control and management;
  • expertise in customs;
  • basics foreign economic activity;
  • principles of the formation of prohibitions and restrictions in foreign trade.

This is not the entire list.


Students who choose this specialty undergo practical training at nearby customs posts, conduct research activities, and can also take part in the development of new projects and customs laws. Persons who have already received a diploma in this specialty have the right to take jobs at state customs posts, be employees of enterprises specializing in foreign economic activity, or become customs brokers who provide a range of services for crossing our borders with goods.