Career in customs: from an ordinary employee to a business owner. Customs

Customs profession as popular and prestigious as it is difficult and responsible.
All countries have their own customs, where specialists work to ensure the procedure for the delivery and export (import) of goods and vehicles across the border. Customs officers often deal with financial issues related to collection of payments and are involved in customs clearance.

What is the social significance of the profession of a customs officer?

During economic development society, it became necessary to control goods that cross the border of the country in any direction. To do this, they began to establish the rules for the import (export) of goods and collect customs payments for their movement. Despite the fact that most people consider customs officers to be their enemies, no one even thinks to abolish this profession that everyone needs. In addition to the fact that the customs service replenishes the state budget through payments, it prevents the import of goods by illegal means, while ensuring national security and minimizing the threat of terrorism.

It should be noted that the profession of a customs officer is quite complex and multifaceted. The main task of customs officers is to ensure economic state security, to create conditions for the successful development of the state's economy. They serve reliable barrier for offenders, including smugglers transporting drugs, weapons, currency and various cultural values. Fighting cunning and dodgy violators requires tremendous skills and experience from customs officers.

Customs officers actively use in their work all kinds of technical means that allow them to control postage, hand luggage, packages with cargo, as well as transport.

The main qualities of people with the profession of a customs officer

Customs should be dealt with by honest, responsible and scrupulous professionals.

The main requirements for customs officers are hard work, literacy, analytical mind, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and excellent health. In addition to these personal qualities, one can include: high concentration, attentiveness, good memory, quick reactions, observation, discipline, good intuition and the ability to understand people.

An interpreter, a programmer, a psychologist, a lawyer, an economist, and a criminalist can be considered a real customs officer. All employees at the initial stage of their service in the customs obligatory study at the Institute for Advanced Studies and undergo retraining of personnel. And over time, experience (customs flair) comes to them.


For friends!


The word "customs" came to us from Turkic language where a special stamp was called tamga. Among the peoples of Central Asia, it was customary for them to brand objects in order to designate whose property they are. So, among the marked property were weapons, livestock and even trees.

In Russia, since the time of the Golden Horde, tamga began to refer to the payment for the permission of the khan to trade in markets and fairs. Customs in the modern sense appeared when merchants began to pay duties on the import and export of goods outside the country.

Description of activities

There are many specialists working in the customs business, each of whom has specific functions. So, there are those who are exclusively engaged in documentation work, other specialists check luggage or collect customs payments. Thanks to the activities of customs officers, there is a strict procedure for the import and export of goods and vehicles. These specialists, by preventing the trafficking of goods by criminals, reduce the threat of terrorism and the illegal appearance of drugs and weapons in the country.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

Labor responsibilities

What is a customs specialist obliged to do? His main job is to check and ensure the safety of the cargo. He must determine the country of the imported goods, the amount of the duty on it, establish the identity of the carriers, and prevent violations of the law on their part. An integral function of such an employee can also be the verification and execution of documents.

Features of career growth

The place of work of customs officers can be customs authorities, various organizations involved in customs... These specialists, like civil servants, have the opportunity to move up the career ladder. The most experienced and talented of them can rise to the position of, for example, the head of a customs post.

Employee characteristics

The work of a customs officer requires excellent knowledge of law, economics, the intricacies of goods turnover, knowledge of foreign languages, constant readiness for self-education. He must be hardworking and disciplined. The indispensable qualities of a modern specialist are an analytical mind, good memory, attentiveness, observation, quick reaction. When communicating with people, he will need competent speech, politeness, discernment and the ability to see suspicious personalities in a large crowd of people. In order to prevent illegal goods from spreading in the country, this employee should take a responsible approach to business and honestly fulfill his duties.

The customs services stand guard over the interests of their country around the clock. It is impossible to imagine how many people, cars, containers pass before their eyes during days, weeks, months of work. And, nevertheless, there are many who want to become a customs officer.

How to get into the profession?

You can acquire a specialty both after the 9th grade of secondary school, and by enrolling in higher education educational institution Russia. Preparation should begin at school and focus on subjects such as Russian, mathematics and social studies. The presence of the humanities and the exact sciences is associated with the interdisciplinarity of the specialty.

The competition in universities for the specialty "customs" is quite high: on average 5 applicants apply for one budget place. You can also study at the correspondence department, having previously learned how much it costs (≈ 60,000 rubles per year). After graduation, you can continue your education in graduate school. The shortest way will be admission to the Customs Academy of Russia, opened in 1993 in Moscow (there are branches in St. Petersburg, Vladivostok and Rostov-on-Don).

Requirements for specialists

There are a number of specific requirements for people wishing to work at customs. Upon admission to work, all candidates must receive an opinion from the military medical commission and be interviewed by a psychologist. In addition, future customs officers should have knowledge of customs law, the basics of commodity science, economics, forensics, ethics, know the customs code and the requirements of sanitary and veterinary control.

The greatest chances to become an employee of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) have candidates with financial, economic and legal education. If there is no such diploma, you will have to undergo training at the customs training center within 3 months. Today, the post of an employee of the FCS can be located at the airport, at the sea or river port, at the border checkpoint or at railway station.

Salary of customs specialists

The remuneration of a customs officer includes salary according to position, salary according to rank, allowances and payments.

How much FCS employees receive in the form of allowances depends on the region of service, but in addition these people are paid extra for the following merits and achievements:

  • special conditions of the civil service;
  • work with information constituting a secret;
  • quality of service;
  • cool rank;
  • academic titles;
  • special achievements;
  • service in remote and hard-to-reach places Russia.

In addition, regardless of the place of work (at the border, at the airport, etc.), customs officers receive a food ration or its monetary compensation. Per overtime work customs specialists earn extra days off. Annual material assistance is at least 2 months' salary. Additional tangible earnings can be additional payments for length of service (as in the army). How much it is specifically depends on the number of years worked (for 20 years or more - plus 40% to the salary).

Currently, FCS specialists in Moscow earn about 45 thousand rubles. In the regions, the salary is slightly lower - up to 35 thousand rubles. In 2015, the Russian government plans to increase wages by 25% for people working at customs, which will amount to 52 thousand rubles or more.

Becoming an employee of the customs service is honorable and responsible. There are some differences in how much they earn at the railway station, at the airport or at the border, related to working conditions, work schedule, region, responsibility. However, the size of their salary is quite sufficient for the desire to become an employee of the FCS from a dream to become a reality.


Complete design courses. You don't need to graduate from university to become a designer. Look for information on courses in your city. They do not last too long, and their cost is much less than at a university. But, you need to understand that a designer with a university degree is valued much higher. designer who completed short-term courses. designer usually 2 to 8 weeks. It is worth setting yourself up to attend courses 3-4 times a week for 4 academic hours... The cost of such training differs depending on their duration and averages from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles.

In order for your education and your diploma to be in demand, it is still better to study at a state higher educational institution. Be sure to find out how long the Faculty of Psychology has been at your chosen university. This will ensure the quality of your education. The "older" the faculty, the higher the level of teaching. Find out if there is a license for educational activities, training program.

Please note that upon admission you must provide USE certificates in Russian, biology, social studies. Some universities also foreign language, maths. Duration of study: full-time department - 5 years, psychologist - 4 goals. B - 6 years old. Based on the existing higher education- 3 years.

From the second or third year you will need to choose a specialization:; pedagogical; psychology entrepreneurial activity; psychology family relations; practical psychology. No one can help you with this decision. Choose what is closer to you, more interesting.

The dentist is a highly demanded and very popular profession in medicine. Working as a dentist will require you to be emotionally resilient, perseverant, focused, focused on providing medical care, tact and, of course, in-depth knowledge of this area of ​​medicine.


Please note that there is always a lot of competition at the Faculty of Dentistry. Entrance exams may differ, but most often it is necessary to provide certificates of the exam, Russian language, biology,. The total number of USE scores must be at least 220. This number of points and higher in Russia was the average for admission to dentistry.

Don't count on being easy to get into a profession. The training lasts 5 years. You will gain knowledge about nerves, the structure of teeth, their specifics, about working with the oral cavity, prosthetics. You will understand that dental treatment is not only removal or filling, but also jewelry craftsmanship that requires deep knowledge.

Choose one of three areas of activity: industrial and technological, organizational and managerial, or treatment and prophylactic.

Many people have the thought of flying on their own from time to time. I would like not only to be a passenger of an airliner, but also to feel the joy of piloting myself, freely choosing the path in the sky. Learning to be a pilot is not easy, but it is possible. Experienced aviators claim that the art of piloting is actually no more difficult than control. own car.


To master the simplest self-control skills, contact any flying club or training center. Many small aerodromes also provide flight training services.

You can limit yourself to courses, although most often they are correspondence and paid, but there is an opportunity to quickly master the profession, being anywhere in the country. Firstly, these are courses at the RKF, in specialties for the breed and a judge for working qualities. In the Krasnodar club of dog breeding "Protection of Animals", training of expert trainees and amateur dog handlers is carried out.

In Rostov-on-Don, you can take correspondence courses at the Monarch RCSC, founded at the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University.

To master any profession requires two stages: learning its foundations and then further improvement. Hairdressing is no exception. After receiving basic education, it will be necessary not only to work in the received specialty, but also to constantly continue education. This is the only way to be a real professional.

You will need

  • - a set of basic hairdressing tools;
  • - specialized literature;
  • - access to the Internet.


Choosing good courses is not easy, although there are a lot of offers. First of all, ask your friends, maybe they know where you can really get good preparation... You can ask the master, whose work you like, where he took courses, what courses he can recommend.

Having chosen several courses that are acceptable for yourself, take your time to sign up and pay. Try to visit them all and compare with each other. Often a free trial lesson is practiced here, or you can be a model for students. Take an interest in the program of courses, practical exercises, the possibility of visits in a convenient mode and the possibilities of further employment.

Once you start working, do not forget about improving your qualifications, try to follow all the innovations in your field. Visit master-famous stylists, communicate with colleagues.

Follow the news with the help of specialized literature: books and periodicals. You can find a lot here useful information... Periodical literature is designed mainly for experienced craftsmen, who are already able to independently figure out the. A lot of information can be found on the Internet. Various and master classes are located here that will help you reach new heights in mastering the art of hairdressing.

Helpful advice

Since hairdressing is a creative profession and is directly related to communication, it is often useful not only to study a specialty, but also to attend communication trainings or seminars on conflict resolution.


  • where can you learn to be a hairdresser

Services today are among the most demanded in business. In Russia, appraisers appeared after privatization, when factories, buildings, land passed into private hands and free trade began. An evaluator is a marketer, mathematician, economist, lawyer all rolled into one.


You can only make a career in this profession with a higher education. Many specialists train appraisers. There are specialized universities - for example, International Assessment and Consulting or the Institute for Professional Assessment. Both of these establishments are private and are located in Moscow. Practitioners working in appraisal and consulting organizations teach there. The Academy of Assessment and Consulting is the only Russian university that is part of the FIABCI World Association of Specialists. The teaching staff of this institution develops assessment methodologies for practicing appraisers. Assess assets here industrial enterprises and small companies. The only drawback of these institutions is the paid form of education.

There is no specialty "Property Appraisal" in the state Russian educational standard. Learn to appraiser possible only within the framework of other specialties. The most common option is training in the specialty "Finance and Credit". Since the third year, the specialization "property valuation" has been introduced there. You can get the profession of an assessment expert at well-known state universities, for example, at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, at Public administration... In this case, a prestigious diploma and fundamental training in the field of management and economics are guaranteed. You will study in all the intricacies of investment activities, accounting, micro- and macroeconomics, the securities market.

If you would like to get involved in appraisal and real estate, we are waiting for you State University and Moscow University of Geodesy. These universities teach the land registry. In Moscow Law, specialization in assessment is obtained in the specialty "Management of the organization". They train general appraisers.

For those who do not have specialized education appraiser, too, not all is lost. Many universities have programs of additional vocational education... They can be passed at the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, at MESI (University of Economics, Statistics and), at the Institute for Professional Assessment and others. Such courses usually last about 500 academic hours and are aimed at specific areas of assessment - "Appraisal of the enterprise value", "Real estate appraisal", etc. Sometimes there is only one additional program that meets the specifics of the university. At the Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute, they train in appraiser, at the Russian Institute of Intellectual Property - at appraiser intellectual property.


  • Russian universities for future appraisers
  • where to learn to be a land appraiser

A jeweler is both an artist and a craftsman who makes jewelry. This work is interesting and varied. High-class craftsmen make exclusive things by hand according to their own sketches, but in factories, a narrow division of labor is most often practiced. Among the jewelers there are foundries, cutters, engravers.


To become a jeweler, you need to have a number of personal qualities: perseverance, patience and creative thinking... Working with metal and stone requires physical effort, well-developed fine motor skills hands and one hundred percent vision. The jeweler has to forge, solder, mint, blacken, inlay and polish.

There are many self-taught masters who study the profession from books, teaching aids or directly from renowned and experienced artists. But it should be borne in mind that to start work on your own you need to have a certain amount of capital. Desktop jeweler should be equipped big amount tools and fixtures, the cost of which reaches several thousand dollars.

The largest jewelry enterprises constantly require highly qualified specialists, therefore, many of the factories open specialized schools for the training of jewelers-assemblers, fixers and foundry workers during production. The desired profession can be acquired by completing a six-month course of study at one of these schools.

The village of Krasnoe is 35 km from Kostroma. It was famous for its craftsmen jeweler mi. Today Krasnoe is the largest jewelry production center in Russia. The village is famous throughout the country for artistic. KUKHOM is a one-of-a-kind educational institution in which students acquire a profession in four years jeweler a wide profile and at the same time become designers, painters, engravers, sculptors.

Higher education can be obtained at the Moscow Art and Industry. S.G. Stroganov, where there is a department at the faculty of arts and crafts artistic processing metal. At the Moscow State Textile University named after A.N. Kosygin also has a specialized specialty - "Artistic Design". Please note: to universities only after graduating from art or school. It will take six years to study.

Remember the wonderful film "White Sun of the Desert" and its hero, the customs officer Vereshchagin? There was no longer any border, no country, on the guard of whose interests he stood, and Vereshchagin kept guarding his customs. "I do not take a bribe. I am offended for the state!" - catch phrase of this handsome strong man with principles and sovereign thinking, she became the personification of a portrait of a real customs officer.

Remember the wonderful film "White Sun of the Desert" and its hero customs officer Vereshchagin in the magnificent performance of Pavel Luspekaev? There was no longer a border, no country, on guard of whose interests he stood, and Vereshchagin kept guarding his customs, looking with disgust at the watermelons and black caviar, which his wife fed day after day. "I do not take a bribe. I am offended for the state!" - the catch phrase of this handsome strong man with principles and sovereign thinking, became the personification of a portrait of a real customs officer.

It is precisely such a principled and conscientious person who should be the guardian of state interests. It must be - this is the key phrase, since the portrait of a modern customs officer is very different from the "cinematic" one. And it's not that in modern world there are no Vereshchagins left, but the fact is that many young people choose the profession of a customs officer thoughtlessly. They are seduced by the perceived benefits, forgetting about the importance and characteristics of this profession. Therefore, today we will try to tell you about all the nuances, disadvantages and advantages of the profession of a customs officer, and we hope that this will help you to consciously approach the choice of a future place of work.

Who is a customs officer?

A customs officer is an employee of the state customs service who controls the movement of people, things, vehicles, goods and other items across the customs border, as well as performs customs clearance and collection of customs payments.

The name of the profession comes from the Old Russian word tamga (seal, tax, duty), which in turn has Turkic roots. Note that in Ancient Rus the customs office was called mytnya (from the word myt - the name of the payment collected by local princes). History customs profession originates in ancient times, when the first foreign economic relations between states arose. It was then that the need arose to control goods and people crossing borders. The very first customs officers were engaged in this, and their activities have practically not changed since that time.

Today, as before, the job of a customs officer is to clear goods transported across the state border. The professional duties of this specialist include:

  • registration of documentation for goods;
  • cargo inspection for customs, inspection of citizens at the airport or train station;
  • detection of contraband and prohibited for import or export of goods;
  • work at checkpoints;
  • accounting of confiscated goods;
  • investigation of offenses in the field of customs law.

More specifically, the customs officer must check the documentation for the goods and draw up his own declarations, determine the country of import-export of goods and determine the amount of duties and their amount, let the goods and citizens through the border. By the way, the range of duties of customs officers is so great that within the profession there are several narrow specializations that depend on the place of work of a specialist: an employee of a checkpoint, an employee of passport control, employees of an international customs department, etc. Therefore, when crossing the border, citizens, as a rule, have to deal with a variety of representatives of this profession. It does not matter where exactly this border passes: at the airport, at the railway station or in the sea harbor.

What personal qualities should a customs officer have?

Customs officer work is fraught with certain risks and temptations, which impose a number of requirements on the representatives of this profession. First, they must be different. high degree patriotism, integrity and honesty. In addition, any customs officer must have such personal qualities, how:

I would also like to say about intuition. It is visually very difficult to determine whether a person or transport is lucky or unlucky. But experienced customs officers do it according to only one of them understandable signs, "pull by the thread", gradually unwinding the ball. In this case, they rely not so much on knowledge of psychology and practical skills, but on their own intuition.

Also, the customs officer is required to have an impeccable knowledge of laws, legal and legal subtleties, the rules for maintaining documentation and ownership formal business style speech. Economic knowledge is also necessary for a customs officer, especially those related to trade.

Advantages of the profession of a customs officer

Ask any customs officer: what are the advantages of his profession. And you will surely hear in response: of great importance to society. After all, it is the customs officials who guard the national security of the country, preventing the import of contraband and hindering the free movement of terrorists.

Undoubted the advantage of the profession of a customs officer also can be called demand. As customs are constantly expanding as a result of the increase in trade and the increase in the number of people crossing the border, young professionals can easily find jobs.

Customs officers are entitled to benefits, such as early retirement and a substantial increase to it. Customs officers involved in checkpoints, the search for contraband and prohibited from importing goods are equated to the military and, accordingly, can count on the same benefits.

Due to the specifics of the work, a customs officer develops very well observation, analytical skills, intuition, memory and attentiveness. These qualities, without any doubt, are useful not only in the performance of professional duties, but also in Everyday life... Skills and knowledge acquired in the process of working at customs in the field of jurisprudence and foreign economic activity allow a former customs officer to easily obtain leadership position in a commercial enterprise.

Disadvantages of the customs profession

The most important lack of customs profession- this is constant pressure from people who want to bypass customs regulations, do not pay duties or import prohibited goods. We can say that almost every customs officer has risks of meeting them. Not everyone can resist temptation, withstand, remain an honest employee under the pressure of such temptations.

Hence follows the next disadvantage of this profession - a high turnover of personnel. According to statistics, in our country, customs is one of the most corrupt systems, and only 2-3% of customs officers can be called crystal-clear. Well, since our state is actively fighting corruption and regularly introduces more and more anti-corruption measures, the ranks of customs officers are often "cleansed".

The disadvantages of this profession are also associated with the psychological stress that exists in the work. The constant need to be fully armed, to strain attention and memory can lead to nervous breakdowns, stress and prolonged depression.

Where can you get the profession of a customs officer?

To get the profession of a customs officer it is not at all necessary to have a specialized education. However, since this profession requires a large amount of versatile knowledge, having a higher education is generally a prerequisite. Knowledge and skills in the field of customs can be obtained at special courses.

But nevertheless, we recommend getting this profession in specialized universities, since in this environment graduates of customs academies are most valued. In addition, only highly qualified customs officers can count on rapid career growth, especially if education in the specialty "Customs" was obtained in such the best universities in Russia, how.