Money tree care signs. Signs and superstitions associated with the money tree

The flower of the fat woman is popularly called money tree... This houseplant is believed to attract money and maintain financial stability. Many signs and superstitions are associated with this plant, thanks to which you can learn a lot about the future of your wallet and what kind of energy is present in the house.

Signs about the money tree

  • The money tree requires unusual care. In addition to watering and processing leaves and soil, you need to talk to him. According to the omen, if you report your income and expenses to the money tree every Wednesday, then the fat woman will help to realize all plans and protect you from unforeseen expenses.
  • Leaves fall on the money tree- Bad sign. This means that your home has bad energy. In this case, it is recommended to move the flower to another location. Also, fallen leaves of a money tree can mean that very soon you will have big expenses. The tree drops its leaves to financial losses.
  • Money tree properties very varied. It not only attracts money, but heals the space around you. Take a look at the thick and luscious leaves of the money tree - they exude life and energy.

  • It is believed that money tree made of coins (souvenir) has the same power like a live fat woman. But in order for such a flower to "work", it also needs to be watered or moistened with its coin-leaves with water.
  • So that the money tree takes root at home, you need to bury three coins in its roots. So the flower will be more magnificent, and the wallet will be heavier.
  • Transplant the money tree just necessary! As it grows, it is imperative to provide this plant with a larger pot. In a cramped pot, the flower will wither, and your money will wither with it.
  • If you hang bills on the money tree, then it is important to know that they periodically need to be removed and spent, and new bills should be hung in their place. This way you can start your own money cycle in your home, which will allow you to spend as well as receive quickly.

Do not forget that the money tree is a kind of indicator of your financial position... So if something is wrong with your green assistant, take all measures to save him, then there will be peace and prosperity in the house. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.02.2015 09:20

Money is an important component of human life. But often we all have to face material difficulties. Find out which talismans ...

Hand-made money talismans will never lose their relevance. The thing is that making ...

I bought this flowerpot in the same month, in which I put a small amount in the bank in a savings account. The deposit grew, and along with it Crassula grew (she is a fat woman, she is a money tree). A few years later, a full-fledged tree 55 cm high turned green on my windowsill.

But it had to happen that as soon as I took the money from the bank in order to patch an unplanned hole in the family budget, the flowerpot suddenly began to crumble. Leaves flew to the windowsill day and night ... And if I didn’t believe in superstitions concerning this plant before, now I understood - they are true!

If a plant begins to suddenly fall of leaves, this indicates that your house has poor energy. To begin with, try to move the pot with a flowerpot to another window sill, to another room - maybe the energy field is better there.

In general, esotericists like Crassula very much. They believe that its thick leaves radiate positive energy, "healing" the space around them. That is, if the tree is sick, then the negative in the house or room is so strong that even it cannot cope.

And if Crassula is at the same time high and branched, that is, the strongest possible, you need to think about whether you live in constant quarrels and scandals. After all, even if the flowerpot is sick from this, then what can be said about the children!

In addition, in most cases, falling Crassula leaves warn you of impending financial losses. Especially about spending is not green, but silvery leaves.

Some people say: the fallen leaves must be counted. How many pieces have fallen, your income will decrease by that percentage.

And if the tree is completely dead

It’s bad: you’ll be bankrupt. But this interpretation is possible only if you have been caring for a fat woman for a long time. In this case, the tree is completely connected with your energy and can predict the future.

If the plant was bought a month or two ago, its death speaks of only one thing: it simply did not take root in your house (or maybe you have not fully figured out the rules for caring for succulents).

Important! When throwing away a dead tree, do not forget to remove the coins buried near the roots, otherwise you will “throw away” your income with them.

But while you can, try to heal the diseased plant. Maybe you can still get it out - together with the tree, you will improve your financial future.

This video will tell about the diseases from which the fat woman suffers, as well as their treatment:

Sometimes the fat woman "withers", bending under her own weight. This sign says: your income will not run out, but their flow will become smaller.

Has the tree fallen? Did it break at the same time? If so, this is a waste or loss of income.

Well, if someone knocked down a tree, but it did not suffer, then everything is fine! Your income will grow. Not even so - they will take off!

However, if the tree remains intact, and the pot is cracked or the earth has spilled out of it, an increase in income will be associated with the appearance of troubles.

Other signs associated with the money tree

  • The flower needs to report its expenses and income every week (on Wednesdays). You need to talk alone with the flowerpot. This will help protect against unplanned spending and achieve what you want.
  • So that the tree does not hurt, and your profits multiply, bury exactly three coins near the roots of the fat woman. But don't forget: money is the source of many microbes and bacteria that even plants are afraid of. Therefore, before the procedure, wash the coins well with soap, or even better, put them in a cup of boiling water. In addition, the plant can be tied with a red ribbon. But check it from time to time - the trunk is growing, and the ribbon should not dig into it.
  • In order for money to be found, large denominations must be hung on the branches of a tree. But they shouldn't just become a silent decoration of the house. From time to time, take them off and spend, and put new ones in their place.
  • Did you get Crassula as a present? Which one? If a sprout, this is a profit, but it will be "drawn" only in the distant future, and to get it, you do not need to sit around. If the gift is a large and well-groomed tree, you will receive profits (and considerable ones) soon. Well, if, when examining a gift, you notice that the tree is sick (there are spots on the leaves, the leaves and the trunk are rotten or broken, pests are crawling along them), if possible, do not accept it. Such a present will lead to a lot of money problems.
  • Someone stealthily broke off a twig of your tree: this person, most likely, simply fell victim to the superstition "a stolen stalk will take root easier." True, together with the cuttings, he will bring home a part of your well-being. So it's best not to put the tree pot where the guests are sitting.
  • Which tree will be the strongest money magnet? Self-grown from a leaf that you pick. In order not to "rob" friends, it is better to pinch off this leaf in the "government house". For example, in the corridor of a hospital - you can often find such plants there. However, signs do not prohibit buying Crassula.
  • Throwing out a healthy fat woman is a bad omen. It is better to donate it to friends or sell it on the Internet for "three kopecks". However, if you grew a tree for the sake of a money magnet, you shouldn't sell it. But you can give it to people whom you wish well-being (grandmother, parents, children).

All the positive qualities of a living plant are also carried in an artificial flowerpot (say, a fat woman made of beads, coins or plastic).

True, in order for it to "work", it is necessary to treat it like a living flower - occasionally watering or at least wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. This, by the way, is not a completely meaningless exercise - letting dust collect on your plant is definitely not worth it.

Crassula bloomed - it's good

If you have been growing a fat woman for a long time, then you know that not everyone has this plant blooming.

Did you still see white flowers on your tree? I sincerely congratulate you: a streak of wealth and happiness is coming in your life! Use it wisely - do not waste money on nonsense and certainly do not take loans, hoping that you will have such income for many years.

It is better to buy something expensive, but "long-term", or put a certain amount on a deposit - this way you will have a small passive income (interest on the deposit) and a "financial cushion" for the future.

The dollar tree is another green money magnet

In this case, we are talking about two types of flowerpots at once.

Zamioculcas zamielistny - a plant popularly referred to as the dollar tree. It is often grown by economists, bankers and accountants. It is also believed that if zamiokulkas does not grow in a bank, then this is not such a good bank.

People believe that this plant helps to increase income.

In addition, some magicians advise: if you dream of saying goodbye to poverty and getting rich, you should decorate the interior of your house with a dollar tree, creating it yourself from real currency. At first it may be "thin", but do not stop, every month adding new pieces of paper to the crown of the tree, that is, leaves.

The trunk of such a decor is made from any materials at hand (out of competition - golden wire).

If there is no money at all, instead of real banknotes, you can use counterfeit ones - for example, purchased dollars (they are sold as bookmarks), or just pieces of paper with a drawn dollar sign, which you can make yourself.

Hanging pieces of paper on a tree, they say: "Grow, tree, money to money, let my income give me freedom."

To summarize ...

  • The money tree is an indicator of your wealth. If it's healthy, your income is normal. If it crumbles, you can't avoid spending. Well, if it dies, you will have to seriously tighten your belt.
  • To make the tree become a magnet for money, bury three coins near the roots and / or tie a branch (trunk) with a red ribbon.
  • If live flowerpots in your house do not take root, start an artificial money tree - from beads, coins or real dollars.
  • The "colleague in the shop" of the fat woman is the plant zamiokulkas - the so-called dollar tree. It also multiplies the income of its owner.

Do you want your fat girl to grow up healthy and lush and never crumble? The tree must be properly looked after. This girl will teach you how to do it. Proof that she knows how to handle Crassula is her well-groomed, flowering plant:

The mysterious plant, whose homeland is hot Africa, has acquired a sonorous "name" in our area, known to almost everyone. The money tree will fit literally into any interior, create an atmosphere of comfort and security in the home. And according to signs, this plant is a powerful natural talisman, but it is not without reason that some worship it in a special way and even endow it with sacred meaning. Why is it not only possible, but also necessary to keep it in the house? What folk signs about the money tree exist in our time? Is it possible to attract wealth and happiness to the house with the help of a magic tree? To get comprehensive answers to these questions, you have to thoroughly understand the topic.

What is this flower?

The tree of happiness and love, the monkey or the money tree is popularly nicknamed the Common Fat Woman (one of the types of Crassula). The history of this succulent is more than one and a half thousand years old. The plant is still very popular due to its visual appeal, unpretentiousness and, of course, incredible magical properties.

According to legends, the merchants of the Middle East called Crassula the money tree - the round leaves resemble silver dinars (coins)

The fat woman is also called a jade or jadeite plant, because these minerals have long been identified with wealth, eternal youth and beauty, power and greatness.

Feng Shui experts say that the fat woman harmonizes the atmosphere in the room and purifies the energy of the space. That is why the plant can be placed in offices and homes. Moreover, she will become an effective family talisman, the main thing is proper care and regular communication with the indoor flower.

Signs and superstitions about the money tree in the house

According to popular beliefs, a healthy and beautiful fat woman, planted and raised by her own hands, will become a guarantor of financial well-being and good luck in business. Signs are allowed to give a plant for birthdays and other significant events. However, it is not recommended to purchase a money tree in stores, because the sprout of your own tree will be of great benefit.

It is believed that the fat woman fills the house with positive energy, and gives its residents a sense of purpose and inspiration. There is a belief about the healing power of the money tree, supposedly it is able to take away the disease - the tree begins to wither during a person's illness, and when the patient recovers, the plant also returns to normal.

The money tree will be the best choice for representatives of the element Air. For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, the fat woman will help get rid of their main negative character trait - “I want everything at once and right now”, in other words, the tree will teach perseverance and patience. And also the plant is suitable for those individuals who are constantly in a hurry somewhere, rush from one unfinished business to another, make rash decisions.

There is also a bad superstition about a plant: under no circumstances should a diseased tree be accepted as a gift - thus enemies and envious people want to harm the owners of the house.

Getting the money tree correctly - wisdom in beliefs

It happens that the tree does not bring the expected results. If for skeptics this is another reason for the gloating “I told you so!”, Then superstitious people get very upset and try to reveal the essence of the problem. As a rule, a natural talisman refuses to "work" only when it was purchased in the wrong place, planted in the wrong place, and when there is no proper care for it.

Do not confuse the Fat Woman with the dollar tree.

In order for the money tree to attract prosperity, it should be grown on its own. If you decide to buy a plant in a flower shop, then it is forbidden to buy an adult fat woman. But a small sprout will definitely bring financial luck to its owner.

The most efficient way to acquire a money tree is by stealing a sprout. It is even better when it is possible to discreetly pick up a leaf of an adult tree growing in a rich house. If for one reason or another you cannot steal a sprout, ask for it in exchange for a couple of coins or small denomination notes.

How to plant and care, where to put - Feng Shui secrets

What to do with a purchased or donated sprout? It is important to root and position the bastard correctly so that it helps its owners.

Does your tree have thick and succulent leaves? This is wonderful - according to signs, money will definitely be found

  • Feng Shui experts recommend planting an indoor flower in a solid pot or pots of red shades. If your vessel is of a different color, you can decorate it with a bright red ribbon or decorate it yourself with scarlet paints. The red color symbolizes a powerful financial flow and enhances the magical properties of the money tree.
  • Before placing the scion into the prepared container with soil, spread a small amount of coins on the bottom of the pot. This magic trick will allow you to recharge a fragile plant with monetary energy.
  • Do not neglect the timely replanting of the flower as needed. The only thing is that florists do not advise disturbing the fat woman in winter, watering should also be reduced (no more than 1 time per month). And the land should be changed at most once a year.
  • Succulent plants do not need daily watering, however, in the warm season and off-season, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the flower. The best time to water are those days of the week that are most energetic. Experts recommend watering the money tree on Wednesdays.
  • In addition, it is worth periodically wiping or spraying the leaves of the bastard, while counting them. It is generally accepted that dust accumulations weaken the effect of the plant, depriving it of the necessary energy.
  • Be sure to communicate with your natural talisman. Tell the flower your cherished desires, report on purchases made, thank you for your help. The main thing is to avoid negative statements about financial losses, worries and fears about money.

A good place for your favorite tree is a windowsill on the southeast side (be sure to protect the flower from drafts and cold). Or try to choose a place that is not deprived of daylight and fresh air (however, you should not allow direct sunlight to fall on the leaves of the flower). Otherwise, the fat woman will begin to fade and lose leaves. A good option is to place the tree next to the aquarium. And the most unfortunate idea is to place a flower near used electrical appliances. Household appliances will interrupt the incoming flows of financial energy and, as a result, the so-called money succulent will not be able to work at full capacity.

Why you can't start two money trees

Two money trees in one house - not good

Do you have several fat women in your house? Keep in mind that flowers should be in at least different rooms, but it is best to start one. The whole point is that two or more plant talismans living under one roof can have a negative impact on the monetary situation of their owners. Trees will compete, taking energy from each other, instead of attracting wealth and luck.

Do's and don'ts with a flower

There are many signs about the fat woman, because people sincerely believe in the magical properties of a magic tree. And the key to financial stability and happiness is the competent handling of this unique flower. Can a plant be given or thrown away and what to do if it has died? The answers to exciting questions have come down to us through the beliefs of our ancestors.

By the way, a talisman in the form of a money tree, made with your own hands, will contribute to financial well-being.

If the florist of you is so-so, you can get a talisman in the form of a money tree. ...

How to prune and what to do if one of the branches breaks

Superstitions insist: watering by outsiders is possible, although it is undesirable, but cutting the money tree is allowed only to its owner. "Communication" of a money talisman with strangers does not bode well. It is even worse if someone stranger inadvertently damages a branch of a plant. Signs predict unpleasant events for the owners of the house, a series of failures and a deterioration in their financial situation. And if the owner of the flower broke the branch, then the belief promises him a leak of finances.

Why you can't just throw out a dead flower

Superstitious people strongly advise against throwing away a mature tree, even if it has died. After all, the plant has been in your home for a long time, fed on the energy of the house and shared its natural strength, bringing prosperity and success. Therefore, it is sheer blasphemy to expose a tree nurtured by your own hands out of the house. In addition, the correct ways of saying goodbye to the deceased talisman are known.

  1. According to signs, a fat woman destroyed by a disease can simply be buried in the ground somewhere in nature, in a field or in a forest.
  2. And another belief suggests leaving the tree in the entrance or on the street near the house. The main thing is to say goodbye to your talisman, to express gratitude and respect to him. If there are living shoots left on the tree, be sure to cut them off and plant them in new soil (it is desirable that the pot is also new). You will probably be able to bring up the "offspring".

Meanwhile, the tradition of farewell is relevant only for those who grew a flower on their own. If you bought a tree in a store and it suddenly withered away - throw it out boldly, nothing bad will happen.

Can I sell or donate

You should not sell a grown fat woman, even if you have good reasons to refuse caring for the plant. But the signs do not prohibit giving your tree to close people and good acquaintances to whom you wish good and happiness. On the contrary, it is believed that in this way you make a truly sincere and valuable present that promises prosperity and harmony in the house to the new owner.

A tree made of coins or natural minerals will also bring financial luck. The main thing is to regularly moisten its "leaves" with water or completely water

In addition, it is not advised to get rid of the children of the money tree. It is better to dry the shoots and place them in the ground, and later transplant them into a new pot. Moreover, it turns out that you will become the owner of a wonderful present for a good friend or close relative, because signs are not advised to give purchased ones.

The people believe that the money tree can bring wealth and happiness in love to the newlyweds: the pot is decorated with a red ribbon or bow, and bills or coins are attached to the branches.

If it drops leaves

Is your fat woman starting to fall out of leaves? This is a bad superstition, indicating the predominance of negative energy in the room. Try moving the pot to a different location so that it fills the space with a fresh stream of positive energy. Didn't help and the leaves still fall off? This means that the owners of the house or office inhabitants have soil for serious thought.

It is even worse if the plant has thrown off too much foliage. Since ancient times, people have noticed that a tree loses its leaves before financial losses or unexpected expenses.

Worst omen - the tree is dying

If the Fat Woman you have grown is withering away right before your eyes, then global financial difficulties are expected. It is recommended to make every possible effort to revive the flower. Otherwise, the financial situation of the owners will deteriorate sharply, and it will be extremely difficult to restore the budget.

If a person's money trees wither, wither, or simply do not take root, this is a direct indication of material instability and mental imbalance.

And if an adult plant was brought into the house and it quickly rotted or dried up, then the signs say the following: the homeowners are internally not ready for a rapid increase in income.

The money tree fell - what is it for?

This superstition has several interpretations related to the details of the incident.

  • For example, if a tree in a pot fell off a shelf or window sill, but did not break and the pot remained intact, then this is a good omen. Such a sign promises a strengthening of the budget and a comfortable life for a long time.
  • If the plant has fallen, but only the pot is damaged, beware of enemies and envious people, you definitely have them.
  • And a broken fat woman, sadly, portends a loss of financial stability and prosperity. That is why the flower should be placed in a safe and secure place.

There is also such a superstition: if the trunk of the money tree tilted, soon the owner will be overtaken by a series of monetary troubles.

And the lush crown of your favorite fat woman is a sign of financial stability and a gradual growth of the budget.

The fat woman bloomed - what the signs say

Like any succulent plant, the bastard does not bloom often. But if the money tree decided to please you with flowers - it's time to make your cherished wishes. According to the signs, everything that was conceived will certainly come true. The flowering process is a very good omen, promising an influx of cash from unexpected sources.

Meanwhile, all desires must be of a material nature.

Rituals to attract wealth

There are simple household rituals with the Common Fat Woman, which will help attract well-being and good luck.

Followers of magical teachings say: you can plant a money tree only during the growing phase of the moon, because at any other time you will not be able to properly charge your natural talisman. If the weather is cloudless, the plant is exposed to the moonlight all night. A suitable day for planting is Wednesday, and the optimal time of day, of course, is at night (after midnight).

It is important to have a sincere belief in what you are doing. This applies to any actions, rituals, conspiracies. Even the slightest doubt on your part can cause a complete lack of the expected effect. After all, any talisman, including plant origin, gains strength in the process of sacred interaction with its owner.

A common conspiracy when watering a fat woman needs to be read at the first watering immediately after planting, and it is also recommended to regularly repeat this rite. The plant is placed by the window in the southeastern part of the room, and then read three times in a quiet, calm voice: "You grow, and I bloom in wealth!" The tree must be stroked three times and returned to its original place.

Feng Shui fatty activation

Feng Shui experts remind: any talisman needs careful handling, proper care, regular energy supply. Otherwise, the tree will remain a common home gardening tool.

Simple tricks of oriental teachings have long been helping to achieve prosperity and harmony.

  1. One of the most common ways to activate a money tree is to "settle" a small dragon figure between the branches of the plant. Red and gold shades will be a good solution. It is believed that the dragon will enhance the energy of the fat woman and contribute to the flow of finance.
  2. Another little trick: plant a small figure of an owl on one of the branches of the tree. A wise, feathered creature will maintain financial order, as well as follow an economical approach to the budget.
  3. In addition, it is recommended to put three red lanterns right at the base of the tree. This is done to enhance the energy of the natural talisman.

The money tree is one of the most popular talismans to help attract wealth. Surely many have such a living talisman: a houseplant with fleshy leaves, somewhat reminiscent of coins. This is a fat woman, or krasulla, as it is also called.

However, contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary to buy a real fat woman. To increase your income, you can also make a money tree with your own hands. Today we'll talk about how to properly use both versions of the amulet so that money can be found in the house, how to activate it and take care of it.

Where did the tree come from to attract money

The history of the money tree began more than one and a half thousand years ago. The plant itself is native to Africa, but very quickly became famous in the East. It was the merchants of the Middle East who called Crassula the money tree, because its leaves are so similar to coins.

In Europe, the fat woman began to be used to attract money only in the 17th century. This is due to the introduction of the plant into horticultural reference books. The further spread of Crassula among the masses was facilitated by its magical property of attracting wealth.

Money tree: signs and superstitions

There are many signs associated with this money talisman. A person who knows about all these folk wisdoms, at first glance, will be able to understand what problems the talisman predicts and take timely measures to eliminate them.

Signs to pay attention to:

  • The leaves of the plant are falling or its trunk has begun to sag. It is likely that unplanned spending is expected soon.
  • Crassula fell from her usual place. Such an incident does not bode well for any misfortunes. A fall and a broken pot indicate that the material well-being of the family will be the best. But this can lead to the appearance of envious people, so be careful.
  • The fat woman is blooming. This is definitely a good sign. The appearance of flowers indicates that the fat woman is good in your house, which means that she will soon thank you for your care.

Pay close attention to these signs. But don't forget that you don't have to wait for the plant to bloom. You can strengthen the positive energy spread by Crassula yourself.

What is needed for this:

  • Every Wednesday tell the tree about your financial accomplishments and spending. This will help you avoid purchases that you will later regret.
  • Decorate the branches with large denominations. Banknotes need to be replaced from time to time - this will start the money cycle.
  • Transplant the jumbo from the smaller pot to the larger one when it has grown from the old pot. This action is believed to help expand the space needed for new money.

Is it possible to keep a fat woman at home

In order for the money tree to bring wealth and prosperity, you need to plant it yourself.

Having heard about such an unusual talisman for the first time, many are interested in whether it is possible to keep a money tree at home. Feng Shui experts say that it is not just possible, but necessary! A coin tree should be in every home whose inhabitants want to become rich.

Those who live in an apartment should not worry about the lack of free space. Indeed, for residential premises, they use the decorative format of this plant - an oval or ovoid crassula, because of the thick trunk, popularly called a bastard.

Its height does not exceed one and a half meters. This means that you, with peace of mind, can place a pot with a tree in any room without fear that it will turn into an impenetrable forest.

Experts say that this money amulet cannot be bought. So that he does not lose the ability to attract money, you need to take a sprout from friends or relatives and grow a tree yourself.

Where should the money tree stand

Each talisman has its own characteristics and they must be taken into account when buying this or that amulet. Almost each of them is placed in a specially designated area - this is the only way he can attract positive vibrations, transmitting them to their owners.

But with the Feng Shui money tree, everything is somewhat more complicated. This is understandable, because it is a living talisman that requires much more care and attention than an ordinary figurine.

In order for the money tree to "bear fruit", keep it in the right conditions.

The fat woman is not too capricious, but she needs care and suitable conditions:

  • The ideal temperature for a talisman tree is 20-25 °.
  • Crassula not only does not like high temperatures and dryness, but also direct sunlight. Therefore, it can be placed on the windowsill only if it is not the sunny side.
  • The tree needs fresh air, humidity and no dust, but at the same time it is afraid of drafts and sudden temperature changes, so it is undesirable to put it below the table level. Ventilate the room regularly, and in the warm season, additionally spray the topiary with water from a spray bottle.

These simple tips will help you find a good place in your home for your money tree. One where he will be comfortable and cozy. But Feng Shui teachings have their own rule regarding where to put the talisman.

How to put a talisman in Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the money tree must be placed in a special area. It is located in the southeast. Along the Bagua grid, it is in this sector that the wealth zone is located - the most suitable place for topiary. But the most optimal option is when it turns out to combine the rules for caring for a tree and the orders of Feng Shui.

To locate the Bagua wealth zone, determine where the north direction is, and then position the printed or drawn polygon sheet so that the career sector is in the north. If the money zone is in a completely inappropriate place for it, change your approach - instead of a plan for the entire apartment, use a plan for a separate room.

The money tree is a talisman for the whole family, so it is better to put it in the common room, and not in the bedroom or in the nursery.

How to plant a money tree to attract money

The skills acquired while breeding houseplants will, of course, come in handy for planting a money tree. But since this tree is also a talisman against poverty, its owner must also remember the talismanic rules.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui:

  • Pay attention to the pot. Ideally, it should be red or green. Red will help activate the amulet and serve as a magnet for cash flow, and green in Feng Shui is considered the color of wealth, so it is ideal for a money tree.
  • Transplant Crassula into a new, more spacious pot when the old one is too tight for her. On this score, there is a superstition that if the tree has little room in the pot, it will not be able to bring new money into the house of its owners, which will gradually reduce their income.
  • To quickly attract money, put a handful of coins of different denominations on the bottom before filling the pot with earth.

When planting a fat woman, choose a spacious pot of red or green colors.

According to Feng Shui, in order to activate talismans, you do not need to read any conspiracies. It is enough to place them in a suitable sector of the Bagua and reinforce them with a certain color or energy. For example, a red ribbon is tied on and sprayed with water.

But some experts believe that the intelligent combination of traditional feng shui orders and beliefs from other teachings or religions can not lead to something bad. Therefore, if you also think that a conspiracy for money will help you get rich faster, try talking topiary.

To do this, use the following conspiracy:

Talisman, talisman, bring me money, bring so much to live without worries for a whole year.

You can also take this conspiracy:

Grow, a money tree, grow large and wide, bloom and bring money into our house in a stream.

Is it possible to give a money tree

The fat woman is allowed to grow not only for herself, but also for loved ones - relatives or friends. Crassula will be a great gift for a wedding and birthday, bringing a lot of joy to its owners.

But for this, one condition must be met - the talisman is donated not purchased, but grown by hand. That is, you will have to borrow a sprout from someone and grow a full-fledged tree from it. You don't have to wait many years. Don't hesitate to give a sapling too. In this case, the amulet will serve as a source of a small but stable income.

If you are planning a wedding gift, also pay attention to or. Both talismans are wonderful gifts for newlyweds.

If the money tree is given to you, then it is better not to take it if the plant looks sick. A gift like this signals that the person is jealous of your financial condition and wants you to go broke.

Is it possible to throw out a fat woman

Everyone who purchased Crassula sooner or later faces the question - is it possible to throw out the money tree. Particularly impressionable individuals are so afraid of signs and superstitions that they refuse to throw out the amulets when they have become unusable, motivating this by the fact that happiness will leave the house.

But a broken talisman will not bring the expected benefits either. The best thing to do in a situation like this is to get rid of the amulet to prevent negative energy from spreading throughout the house.

But how to understand whether it is worth saying goodbye to the fat woman or is there still an opportunity to revive her? Experts do not give specific instructions on this matter, so it remains to act at its own discretion. When the tree is sick, try to heal it. Find more detailed care guides for this plant, or talk to gardeners you know.

If it is clear from Crassula that it will not last long, then you have several options for action:

  • get rid of the plant completely;
  • leave yourself a sprout to grow a new tree;
  • donate to another person (but it is better not to do this for the reasons given in the previous paragraph).

Never throw the money tree into the trash bin or landfill. Talismans are not treated like that. If you do not want to overdar the plant or keep a sprout for yourself, just bury the bastard in the ground away from home.

How to make a wealth tree mascot yourself

You don't have to grow a Chinese tree for money yourself. It is clear that such a process will take a lot of time and effort, and not everyone has these resources. But, fortunately, there is an alternative option - making an amulet with your own hands.

The talisman money tree for wealth can be made from various materials, for example, from beads.

An artificial decorative tree has a significant advantage over a living plant - it will never wither. And if it suddenly breaks, it will not be so a pity to throw it away.

What are the money talismans:

  • bead tree;
  • a fat woman made of wire and coins or paper banknotes;
  • coin picture.

We invite you to use our workshops to make yourself such a talisman!

Diy money tree made of coins

Making a money tree is not as difficult as it might seem.

To make an amulet from coins, you will need:

  • foam rubber;
  • Scotch;
  • coins of different sizes;
  • adhesive for durable materials;
  • a branch or small metal stick;
  • gold ribbon;
  • golden beads;
  • yellow rhinestones;
  • a small flower pot;
  • decorative gold leaves;
  • alabaster;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • gold acrylic paint in the form of an aerosol.

There are a lot of materials on the list, but despite this, topiary from coins is made very quickly. Literally in an hour.

Topiary made of coins will serve as an original gift.

And now the master class itself:

  1. Roll a ball of 8-10 cm in diameter out of foam rubber, completely covering its surface with tape. This will help secure the shape of the ball.
  2. Using glue, attach the coins to the surface of the ball. Start at the top, going down in a circle. The round shape of the coins will not allow you to put together a whole picture of them, leaving no gaps. Therefore, apply coins so that the edge of one overlaps the flank of the other.
  3. Do not put the last coin on the bottom of the balloon, leave a little space. In this place, you need to pierce the ball and insert a stick or wire there.
  4. Cover the end of the stick with glue, and then insert it into the hole of the ball.
  5. Wrap the future trunk of the money tree with a gold ribbon, having previously greased the stick with glue. After that, you can close up the remaining space with coins through which the color of the ball is visible.
  6. Glue decorative leaves to the trunk, decorating them with beads and rhinestones.
  7. Now we are preparing the pot. We cover it with paint and decorate with leaves.
  8. After mixing alabaster and sand with water, pour all this stuff into a pot and insert the stem. When the soil hardens, cover it with paint.
  9. Let's take a "collar" of ribbons. Cut uniform pieces of tape and fold them into droplets. Use a sharp corner to apply them to the coins near the barrel, securing them with glue. Make the collar in a circle.
  10. 10) The last stage is to cover all this beauty with varnish so that you can wipe the talisman from dust.

Diy money tree from banknotes

When making a money tree, use real banknotes, not souvenir ones.

When making a money tree, you can use other techniques. It is more difficult, but gives a more authentic result. In this version, the crown of the tree is not made from a ball, but from real branches. They are varnished, and real banknotes are hung around the edges, like fruits.

It is undesirable to use small bills, because then the talisman will attract only small amounts. Replacing real money with souvenir money is also not worth it, otherwise it will not be possible to activate monetary energy and start the circulation of money.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with interesting options for making a money tree from banknotes.

Money Herringbone

The process of creating a New Year's tree from real paper money is quite simple and even small needlewomen can do it. The money tree will serve as an original gift for family and friends

To make a Christmas tree, you will need a foam cone, a small bucket for indoor plants and, of course, cherished banknotes.

  1. We fold the paper bill with an accordion.
  2. We fix the center of the accordion with an invisible hair. You will get a kind of butterfly.
  3. Spread the wings of our money butterfly.
  4. It remains to fix the paper moth on the tree trunk, sticking the invisibility into the green cone.
  5. Create a lush Christmas tree from banknotes. We decorate the top of the green beauty with a star.

Banknote tree

The algorithm for creating such a money tree is also very simple and absolutely everyone can handle it.

To make a tree from paper money you will need:

  • small flowerpot;
  • wooden stick for the trunk;
  • foam ball;
  • children's polymer clay.

  1. We string the ball on a wooden stick;
  2. Fill the bucket halfway with polymer clay;
  3. We form a bow from a banknote;
  4. Using a hairpin, we attach the bow to the foam ball;
  5. We do the same with the rest of the banknotes, forming a tree with lush "foliage".

We decorate the trunk with a decorative ribbon.

Panel money tree

If you have absolutely nowhere to put your decorative topiary, try making a painting out of coins. Making such a talisman will take much less time, and there will always be a place for it. And in order not to drill a hole in the wall, just put the miniature panel on the table or bookshelf.

Materials for the painting:

  • picture frame (A4);
  • embossed paper for background;
  • adhesive for durable materials;
  • pearlescent acrylic paint of gold color (aerosol);
  • cherry-colored pearlescent acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • brush;
  • fixing varnish (transparent);
  • coins of different sizes
  • oilcloth;
  • twine.

The color of the paper can be any, but it is better if it will be in harmony with the golden tone with which you will cover the coins. If the shade you want is not there, take the one you have and cover it with a suitable color using acrylic paint.

Check if you have taken all the materials and tune in a positive way. When making an amulet, it is important to think about the good, so that it is charged with your mood.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The first step is to paint the materials. Spread out the oilcloth, spreading coins, pebbles and a bundle of thread of the required length and thickness on it. The threads will have to be painted on all sides, but it is enough to paint the coins from one side.
  2. While the details of the future panel are drying, you can do the background. Take the base out of the frame and glue the paper prepared for the background to it. Smooth out any wrinkles, and then place a heavy book on top so that the paper sticks evenly.
  3. If you are not going to paint the background, feel free to skip this step. If you can't find paper of the right color, take paint of a suitable color and paint the background. A silver or cherry tone will look good with a golden tint of a money tree.
  4. When all materials are dry, you can glue them to the background. Spread the strings so that the crown looks even - like y. Glue coins to the ends of the branches.
  5. Now we wait again until everything dries up, and then we cover the picture with colorless varnish. You should not skip the fixation stage, because without an additional protective coating, the picture can deteriorate when dust is wiped with a damp cloth.
  6. We frame the finished panel and place it in the wealth zone.

Before placing the money amulet in the southeast zone, activate it. Talk to the talisman, asking for a good income, or read the corresponding conspiracy.

The money tree, or fat woman, is known to the wide masses of people. A huge number of signs and superstitions are associated with the dollar tree. It is believed that the money tree brings prosperity and financial well-being to the house.

Money Tree

The botanical name is Crassula arborescens. The plant has a thick trunk (which is why it is called "bastard") and round thick leaves resembling coins (which is why it is called "money tree").

The fat woman is easy to care for, does not require large costs and special knowledge. What she needs is moderate watering (once every 1 - 2 weeks), fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (once a month) and loosening. It should be noted that the root system of Crassula is superficial, it is easy to damage it when loosening and transplanting.

Money tree properties

The money tree has medicinal properties.

The composition of this plant contains arsenic - the use of the bastard inside is categorically contraindicated.

Gruel is made from the leaves and applied to the wound. Thus, calluses, abrasions, bruises, bruises and sprains are treated, wounds heal.

There are folk recipes for the preparation of infusions and decoctions from the branches of the money tree, they treat varicose veins, gout, arthritis. But you always need to remember that the juice of the plant contains poisonous arsenic, treatment with this plant should always be agreed with doctors. Although, with all this, the money tree can heal the space around, releasing phytoncides into the atmosphere.

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home? Signs

The content of the fat woman is entwined with folk signs. Let's understand them in order:
  1. If you decide to purchase crassula in the store, choose a young small flower. He must grow in the house, impregnated with its energy. Then finances will be attracted to your home. When buying an adult plant, no matter how beautiful it is, its energy is already tuned to the store (or the greenhouse, depending on where it was grown). Your home will not benefit from such a plant.
  2. Better yet, take a leaf or a shoot from a wealthy family, or discreetly break it off in wealthy buildings whose work is connected with money. It can be a successful shopping center, business center, bank. Choose scions with aerial roots. This will make it easier for the plant to take root. If you ripped off a piece of paper, it should be small. The smaller the leaf, the more it will bring wealth to your home.
  3. The flower pot should be red, green, golden. This will help lure money into your home.
  4. You need to plant a fat woman on the growing moon. They say that you need to plant at night in the moonlight. He charges the money tree with the necessary energy, tunes it to attract wealth.
  5. During planting a sprout or transplanting an adult plant, you need to read the conspiracy three times: “ Money comes, money grows, money will find its way into my pocket».
  6. Either three or eight coins are placed on the bottom of the pot, it is imperative that the number "5" is present in the denomination of the coins. Better yet, put in a piece of gold, such as a broken chain.
  7. Only a tree with an even, beautiful crown brings the correct energy. So that your fat woman does not grow lopsided, you need to twist it from time to time, exposing all sides to sunlight.
  8. Every time finance arrives in your house, you must put a coin in the pot, this is gratitude to the money tree for its work.
  9. You should also tell the tree about your successes every Wednesday.
  10. Several bills can be tied to the branches, moreover, these bills must be used, and in return new, fresh ones must be tied. You cannot use fake banknotes and souvenir coins. Only the present day attracts financial flows.
  11. Also, a red thread or ribbon tied on twigs will save your house from financial losses.
  12. The fatty pot is located on the southeast window. According to the science of Feng Shui, this is the sector of the house responsible for wealth, luck and well-being.
  13. You can not place the fat woman next to cacti and other thorny plants (for example, milkweed). Thorns and thorns protect the house from foreign energy, protect it from strangers. In the vicinity of the money tree, cacti will suppress the energy of the plant.
  14. Electromagnetic fields from working devices suppress the fat woman, which can lead to material difficulties.
  15. Dried and fallen leaves are not thrown away. They are put in a special rag bag, a kind of talisman is created. The bag is kept next to money and savings. One piece of paper can be put in a wallet.
  16. Dreams about a money tree are also well interpreted. We planted a tree - you are waiting for a quick profit, just a beautiful money tree - everything that you do in the financial side of your life is correct.
  17. Leaves fall - expect problems and expenses. The plant has dried up or rotted - you will face big monetary losses, collapse.
  18. If you put a souvenir in your apartment, for example, a beaded money tree, water it like a living tree to make it work.
  19. Crassula blooming is a good sign. Promises sudden great wealth.

The bloom of the fat woman is extremely rare. It is believed that if you make a wish at this time, it will definitely come true.

To stimulate flowering, the following activities are carried out:
  • The right choice of location. More sunlight, with artificial lighting, flowering can not wait.
  • Moderate watering. The fat woman is a succulent, i.e. a plant that accumulates moisture. Excess moisture will lead to decay.
  • Do not forget about feeding. You can use cactus fertilizers.
  • Transplanting the fat woman into a new pot, a little larger. In general, the money tree does not like frequent transplants.
  • The soil should be loose, it is better to add sand.
  • Crassula grows very well in the open air. As soon as the threat of frost has passed, take the plant out onto the balcony. You can even leave it for the whole summer.
  • Treat the soil and plant from pests. Remove dried and diseased leaves.

Is it possible to throw away the money tree. Signs

It is believed that by throwing the tree away, money will leave your home. But sometimes you can't do without it.

If the recently purchased Crassula suddenly began to die, feel free to throw it away. This plant did not fit the energy of your home. This plant will not bring you any benefit, even after recovery.

All plants once outlive their life, begin to wither, shed their leaves and dry out. The money tree is no exception. If this is your case, then do this.

Find young leaves and shoots on the dying plant and plant them again.

If the plant did not die from old age, it is better to throw it away without regret. Often a dying money tree promises financial ruin, ruin.

There are situations in life when you need to get rid of unnecessary things. For example, during a move. But you have to be careful here. Just throw it away or put it on the street, other people can pick up your luck. Take the time and plant your tree somewhere in the park or forest. Then your energy will go into nature.

When parting with a plant through your fault, talk to him, ask for forgiveness for this act.

Is it possible to give a money tree. Signs

Giving a fat woman is not considered a bad omen.

It can be an original gift, for example, for newlyweds. The trunk is tied with a red ribbon, large bills are attached to the crown - in fact, the main gift. You can give a money tree to family and friends with a light heart. In this case, cash flows will not go away from you.

The size of the money tree can tell a lot.

  • Small tree - your finances will grow with it.
  • Big tree - expect an improvement in the well-being in the house.
  • Sick tree - losses, waste.
  • A dying tree is a very big loss of money. If you managed to bring him back to life, everything will work out for you.
You cannot expect that only one presence of a money tree in the house will save you from a lack of money. The better the care of the money tree, the greater the return. Only a healthy, beautiful, large plant brings prosperity and prosperity to the house.