The tale of teachers diligent and hard work. Collection of Armenian folklore - fairy tales and legends - fairy tale about the teacher

Another story was. When I lived with Uncle Volodya at the dacha, Boris Klimentievich lived not far from us, such a thin uncle, cheerful, with a stick in his hand and tall as a fence.

He had a dog named Chapka. Very good dog, black, shaggy, brick face, upright tail. And I became very friends with her.

Once Boris Klimentievich decided to go swimming, but he did not want to take Chapka with him. Because she had already gone to the beach with him once and a scandalous story came out of it. At that time, Chapka climbed into the water, and one aunt was swimming in the water. She swam in a car camera so as not to drown. And she immediately shouted at Chapka:

- Go away! Here's another! It was not enough to let the dog plague! - And she began to spray on Chapka: - Get out, get out!

Capka did not like it, and she wanted to snatch this aunt while afloat, but she did not reach her, and nevertheless grabbed the camera with her sharp little teeth. Razik alone bit, and the camera hissed and fizzled out. And my aunt began to think that she was drowning, and she screamed:

- I'm drowning, save me!

The whole beach was terribly scared. And Boris Klimentievich rushed to save her. Where this auntie was floundering, the river was knee-deep for him, and aunt for the shoulders. He saved her, and patted Chapka with a twig - for show, of course. And since then he stopped taking her to the river.

And now he asked me to take a walk in the yard with Chapka so that she would not get caught up with him. And I entered the courtyard, and Chapka and I began to rush and somersault, jump and sausage, jump, and twirl, and bark, squeal, and laugh, and roll. And Boris Klimentievich quietly left. And Chapka and I played enough, and at that time Vanka Dykhov walked past the fence with a fishing rod.

He says:

- Deniska, fish!

I say:

- I can't, I'm guarding the Cup.

He says:

- Put the cup in the house. Grab your nonsense and catch up.

And he went on. And I took Chapka by the collar and quietly dragged him across the grass. She lay down, legs up, and went as if on a sled. I opened the door, dragged her into the corridor, closed the door and went after the nonsense. When I went out onto the road again, Vanka was gone. He disappeared around the corner. I flew to catch up with him and suddenly I saw near the food tent: in the very middle of the road my Chapka was sitting, her tongue stuck out and looking at me as if nothing had happened ... So yes! This means that I closed the door badly, or she somehow contrived and, probably, ran through the yards, and now she is sitting and meeting! Smart! But I have to hurry. There Vanka is probably already carrying fish, and here I am fiddling with it. The main thing is that I would take her with me, but Boris Klimentievich may return, and if he does not find her at home, he will get agitated, rush to look for her, and then they will scold me ... No, that will not work! We'll have to drag her back.

I grabbed her collar and dragged her home. This time Chapka rested on the ground with all four paws. She dragged along behind me on her belly like a frog. I barely got her to the door. He opened a narrow crack, shoved the door and slammed the door tightly. She growled and barked there, but I did not console her. I went around the whole house, closed all the windows and the gate too. And although I was very tired of fussing with Chapka, I nevertheless started to run to the river. I ran pretty quickly, and when I was already level with the transformer box, from behind it jumped out ... again Chapka! I was even taken aback. I just couldn't believe my eyes. I thought that I was dreaming of her ... But then Chapka began to pretend that she would bite me now for leaving her at home. Growls and barks at me! Well, wait, I'll show you! And I began to grab her by the collar, but she would not give in, she dodged, wheezed, retreated, bounced and barked all the time. Then I began to entice:

- A little cap, a little cap, bye-bye-bye, lohmushenka, na-na-na!

But she continued to scoff and did not allow herself to be caught. The main thing was that I was hampered by my nonsense, I had not that skill. And we rode around the booth for so long. And suddenly I remembered that I had recently seen on TV the picture "The Path of the Jungle". It shows how hunters catch monkeys with nets. I immediately realized, took my nonsense, like a net, and clap! He covered the Cup like a monkey. She just howled with anger, but I quickly wrapped her up properly, threw the nonsense over my shoulder and, like a real hunter, dragged her home across the village. The cap hung behind me in a net, like in a hammock, and only occasionally howled. But I no longer paid any attention to it, but simply took it and shook it out the window and pinned it outside with a stick. She immediately barked there and growled at different voices, and for the third time I ran after Vanka. I tell this so quickly, but in fact a lot of time has passed. And so I met Vanka near the river. He walked merrily, and in his hand he had a blade of grass, and on the blade of grass were strung two bleak, large, each with a teaspoon. I say:

- Wow! And you, I see, pecked great!

Vanka says:

- Yes, I just didn’t have time to pull it out. Let's take this fish to my mom's ear, and after dinner, let's go again. Maybe you can catch something.

And so, while talking, we imperceptibly reached the house of Boris Klimentievich. And there was a small crowd near his house. There was an uncle in striped trousers, with a belly like a pillow, and there was also an aunt, also in trousers and with a bare back. There was also a boy with glasses and someone else. They were all waving their hands and shouting something. And then a boy with glasses saw me and how he screamed:

- Here he is, here he is, in person!

Then everyone turned to look at us, and the guy in striped pants yelled:

- Which one? With fish or small ?!

A boy with glasses shouts:

- Little! Grab it! It's him!

And they all rushed to me. I got a little scared and quickly ran away from them, threw nonsense and climbed onto the fence. It was a high fence: I couldn't be reached from below. Auntie with a bare back ran up to the fence and began to shout in an inhuman voice:

- Give it to Bobka now! What have you done with him, you scoundrel?

And the uncle buried his stomach in the fence, knocking with his fists:

- And where is my Lyuska? Where did you take her? Confess!

I say:

- Move away from the fence. I don’t know any Bobka and neither does Lyuska. I don't even know them! Vanka, tell them!

Vanka shouts:

- Why did you attack the child? Now I’m running after my mother, then you’ll find out!

- You run as quickly as possible, Vanka, or they will tear me to pieces!

Vanka shouts:

- Hold on, don't get off the fence! - And he ran.

And the uncle says:

- This is an accomplice, not otherwise. There's a whole gang of them here! Hey, you, on the fence, answer right now, where is Lucy?

I say:

- Watch your daughter yourself!

- Oh, are you still joking? Get off this minute, and let's go to the prosecutor's office.

I say:

- I won't cry for anything!

Then the boy with glasses says:

- Now I'll get it!

And let's climb the fence. But he can't. Because he doesn’t know where the nail is, where is what to cling to. And I climbed this fence a hundred times. And I’m pushing this boy with my heel. And he, thank God, breaks down.

- Stop, Pavlya, - the uncle says, - let me give you a lift!

And this Pavlya began to climb onto this guy. And I was scared again, because Pavlya was a healthy guy, probably already in the third or fourth grade. And I thought that the end had come for me, but then I see Boris Klimentievich running, and from Vankin Lane, Mom and Vanka. They shout:

- Stop! What's the matter?

And the uncle yells:

- It's nothing! This boy is just stealing dogs! He stole my dog, Lucy.

And the aunt in pants adds:

- And he stole from me, Bobka!

Vankina's mother says:

- I won't believe it for anything, even if you cut it.

And the boy with glasses intervenes:

- I saw it myself. He carried our dog in a net, over his shoulders! I sat in the attic and saw!

I say:

- Aren't you ashamed to lie? I carried the cap. She ran away from the house!

Boris Klimentievich says:

- This is a pretty positive boy. Why would he suddenly embark on the path of crime and start stealing dogs? Let's go into the house, we'll figure it out! Come, Denis, here!

He went up to the fence, and I went straight to his shoulders, because he was very tall, as I said.

Then everyone went into the yard. The uncle was snorting, the aunt in his pants was wringing her fingers, the bespectacled Pavlya followed them, and I was rolling on Boris Klimentievich. We went onto the porch, Boris Klimentievich opened the door, and suddenly three dogs jumped out of there! Three Cups! Exactly the same! I thought it was triple in my eyes.

The uncle shouts:

- Lyusechka!

And one Chapka rushed and jumped right on his stomach!

And the aunt in trousers and Pavlya yell:

- Bobby! Bobka!

And they tear the second Chapka in half: she pulls her front legs towards her, and he pulls her back legs towards her! And only the third dog stands next to us and tails vertically. That is, it twirls its tail.

Boris Klimentievich says:

- Which side did you open up from? I didn't expect this. Why did you stuff a house full of other people's dogs?

I said:

- I thought they were Chapki! After all, how similar! One person. Straight out of the doggy twins.

And I told everything in order. Then everyone began to laugh, and when they calmed down, Boris Klimentyevich said:

- Of course, it's not surprising that you identified yourself. Skoch Terriers are very similar to each other, so much so that it can be difficult to distinguish. And today, in all conscience, not we, the people, recognized our dogs, but the dogs recognized us. So it's not your fault. But still know that from now on I will call you Dog Snatcher.

... Indeed, he calls me that ...

The book tells about a dog named Chapka. Previously, the narrator lived at the dacha of his uncle Volodya. Boris Klimentievich lived next door to him with his dog Chapka. The cap had a black color, a shaggy muzzle and a short tail that protruded upright.

Once Boris Klimentievich went to the river to swim. And Chapka stayed at home. Since when Chapka went to the river, a scandal arose. Boris Klimentievich asked a neighbor to look after Chapka. The narrator began to play, wallow, laugh and train Chapka. The cap did not notice how her owner left. During the games, a boy named Ivan Dykhov passed by. He had a fishing rod in his hands. The narrator's name was Denis. Vanya called Denis with him. Denis agreed and tied Chapka by the collar and took him into the house.

Closing the door, Denis ran after Vanya. Running a little further Denis saw Chapka sitting near the bench. And then Denis realized that he closed the door badly. Denis grabbed the leash and dragged Chapka back home with him. He shoved her into the crack and closed the door tightly. And he turned around and followed Vanya, despite the strong barking of the dog. Denis quickly ran to the river. When he ran past the booth, Chapka jumped out in front of him. Denis thought he was dreaming about it. The cap intended to bite him. She barked strongly at Denis. Denis realized that Chapka would not go home by herself and began to entice her. The cap bounced off and did not allow itself to be caught. In the end, Denis caught Chapka and carried her home as a hunter. Denis went home and opened the window of the house. Then he threw in his little cap and firmly closed the window with a stick. Denis noticed that a lot of time had passed. When leaving the gate, he met Vanya, who looked cheerful.

The two of them walked a little further and agreed to go again after dinner. A crowd gathered near the house of Boris Klimentievich. The crowd attacked Denis with accusations. During the conversation, it turned out that these people had lost their pets. In the end of this story, because of the ridiculous situation, Denis acquired the nickname "dog kidnapper".

Picture or drawing Dog kidnapper

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Chukovsky Cockroach

    Once, eight animals were driving, each in his own transport. And here they go, they laugh and suddenly a Huge cockroach comes out to meet them

  • Summary of Omon Ra Pelevin

    The hero of the novel is an ordinary Soviet boy with the uncommon name Omon, whose character trait is a zealous passion for the sky. Omon enters the flight school, and later becomes an astronaut, ahead of whom is preparation for a flight to the moon.

Another story was. When I lived with Uncle Volodya at the dacha, Boris Klimentievich lived not far from us, such a thin uncle, cheerful, with a stick in his hand and tall as a fence.
He had a dog named Chapka. Very good dog, black, shaggy, brick face, upright tail. And I became very friends with her.
Once Boris Klimentievich decided to go swimming, but he did not want to take Chapka with him. Because she had already gone to the beach with him once and a scandalous story came out of it. At that time, Chapka climbed into the water, and one aunt was swimming in the water. She swam in a car camera so as not to drown. And she immediately shouted at Chapka:
- Go away! Here's another! It was not enough to let the canine infection! - And she began to spray on Chapka: - Get out, get out!
Capka did not like it, and she wanted to snatch this aunt while afloat, but she did not reach her, and nevertheless grabbed the camera with her sharp little teeth. Razik alone bit, and the camera hissed and fizzled out. And my aunt began to think that she was drowning, and she screamed:
- I'm drowning, save me!
The whole beach was terribly scared. And Boris Klimentievich rushed to save her. Where this auntie was floundering, the river was knee-deep for him, and the aunt for the shoulders. He saved her, and patted Chapka with a twig - for show, of course. And since then he stopped taking her to the river.
And now he asked me to take a walk in the yard with Chapka so that she would not get caught up with him. And I entered the courtyard, and Chapka and I began to rush and somersault, jump and sausage, jump, and twirl, and bark, squeal, and laugh, and roll. And Boris Klimentievich quietly left. And Chapka and I played enough, and at that time Vanka Dykhov walked past the fence with a fishing rod.
He says:
- Deniska, fish!
I say:
- I can't, I'm guarding the Cup.
He says:
- Put the cup in the house. Grab your nonsense and catch up.
And he went on. And I took Chapka by the collar and quietly dragged him across the grass. She lay down, legs up, and went as if on a sled. I opened the door, dragged her into the corridor, closed the door and went after the nonsense. When I went out onto the road again, Vanka was gone. He disappeared around the corner. I flew to catch up with him and suddenly I saw near the food tent: in the very middle of the road my Chapka was sitting, her tongue stuck out and looking at me as if nothing had happened ... That's right! This means, I closed the door badly, or she somehow contrived and, probably, ran through the yards, and now she is sitting and meeting! Smart! But I have to hurry. There Vanka is probably already carrying fish, and here I am fiddling with her. The main thing is that I would take her with me, but Boris Klimentievich may return, and if he does not find her at home, he will get agitated, rush to look for her, and then they will scold me ... No, that will not work! We'll have to drag her back.
I grabbed her collar and dragged her home. This time Chapka rested on the ground with all four paws. She dragged along behind me on her belly like a frog. I barely got her to the door. He opened a narrow crack, shoved the door in and slammed the door tightly. She growled and barked there, but I did not console her. I went around the whole house, closed all the windows and the gate too. And although I was very tired of fussing with Chapka, I nevertheless started to run to the river. I ran pretty quickly, and when I was already level with the transformer box, from behind it jumped out ... again Chapka! I was even taken aback. I just couldn't believe my eyes. I thought that I was dreaming of her ... But then Chapka began to pretend that she would bite me now for leaving her at home. Growls and barks at me! Well, wait, I'll show you! And I began to grab her by the collar, but she would not give in, she dodged, wheezed, retreated, bounced and barked all the time. Then I began to entice:
- Little cap, little cap, bye-bye-bye, lohmushenka, na-na-na! But she continued to scoff and did not allow herself to be caught. The main thing was that I was hampered by my nonsense, I had the wrong agility. And we rode around the booth for so long. And suddenly I remembered that I had recently seen on TV the picture "The Path of the Jungle". It shows how hunters catch monkeys with nets. I immediately realized, took my nonsense, like a net, and pop! He covered the cup like a monkey. She just howled with anger, but I quickly wrapped her up properly, threw the nonsense over my shoulder and, like a real hunter, dragged her home across the village. The cap hung behind me in a net, like in a hammock, and only occasionally howled. But I no longer paid any attention to it, but simply took it and threw it out the window and pinned it outside with a stick. She immediately barked there and growled at different voices, and for the third time I ran after Vanka. I tell this so quickly, but in fact a lot of time has passed. And so I met Vanka near the river. He walked merrily, and in his hand was a blade of grass, and on the blade of grass were strung two bleak, large, each with a teaspoon. I say:
- Wow! And you, I see, pecked great!
Vanka says:
- Yes, I just did not have time to pull it out. Let's take this fish to my mom's ear, and after dinner, let's go again. Maybe you can catch something.
And so, while talking, we imperceptibly reached the house of Boris Klimentievich. And there was a small crowd near his house. There was an uncle in striped trousers, with a belly like a pillow, and there was also an aunt, also in trousers and with a bare back. There was also a boy with glasses and someone else. They were all waving their hands and shouting something. And then a boy with glasses saw me and how he screamed:

- Here he is, here he is, in person!
Then everyone turned to look at us, and the guy in the striped pants yelled:
- Which one? With fish or small ?!
A boy with glasses shouts:
- Little! Grab it! It's him!
And they all rushed to me. I got a little scared and quickly ran away from them, threw nonsense and climbed onto the fence. It was a high fence: I couldn't reach from below. Auntie with a bare back ran up to the fence and began to shout in an inhuman voice:
- Give it to Bobka now! What have you done with him, you scoundrel?
And the uncle buried his stomach in the fence, knocking with his fists:
- And where is my Lyuska? Where did you take her? Confess!
I say:
- Move away from the fence. I don't know any Bobka, and neither do Lyuska. I don't even know them! Vanka, tell them!
Vanka shouts:
- Why did you attack the child? Now I’m running after my mother, then you’ll find out!
I shout:
- You run as quickly as possible, Vanka, or they will tear me to pieces!
Vanka shouts:
- Hold on, don't get off the fence! - And he ran.
And the uncle says:
- This is an accomplice, not otherwise. There is a whole gang of them! Hey, you, on the fence, answer right now, where is Lucy?
I say:
- Watch your daughter yourself!
- Oh, are you still joking? Get off this minute, and let's go to the prosecutor's office.
I say:
- I won't cry for anything!
Then the boy with glasses says:
- Now I'll get it!
And let's climb the fence. But he can't. Because he doesn’t know where the nail is, where is what to cling to. And I climbed this fence a hundred times. And I’m pushing this boy with my heel. And he, thank God, breaks down.
- Stop, Pavlya, - the uncle says, - let me give you a lift!
And this Pavlya began to climb onto this guy. And I was scared again, because Pavlya was a healthy guy, probably already in the third or fourth grade. And I thought that the end had come for me, but then I see Boris Klimentievich running, and from Vankin Lane, Mom and Vanka. They shout:
- Stop! What's the matter?
And the uncle yells:
- It's nothing! It's just that this boy is stealing dogs! He stole my dog, Lucy.
And the aunt in pants adds:
- And he stole from me, Bobka!
Vankina's mother says:
- I won't believe it for anything, even if you cut it.
And the boy with glasses intervenes:
- I saw it myself. He carried our dog in a net, over his shoulders! I sat in the attic and saw!
I say:
- Aren't you ashamed to lie? I carried the cap. She ran away from the house!
Boris Klimentievich says:
- This is a pretty positive boy. Why would he suddenly embark on the path of crime and start stealing dogs? Let's go into the house, we'll figure it out! Come, Denis, here!
He went up to the fence, and I went straight to his shoulders, because he was very tall, as I said.
Then everyone went into the yard. The uncle was snorting, the aunt in his pants was wringing her fingers, the bespectacled Pavlya followed them, and I was rolling on Boris Klimentievich. We went onto the porch, Boris Klimentievich opened the door, and suddenly three dogs jumped out of there! Three Cups! Exactly the same! I thought it was triple in my eyes.
The uncle shouts:
- Lyusechka!
And one Chapka rushed and jumped right on his stomach!
And the aunt in trousers and Pavlya yell:
- Bobby! Bobka!
And they tear the second Chapka in half: she pulls her front legs towards her, and he pulls her back legs towards her! And only the third dog stands next to us and tails vertically. That is, it twirls its tail.
Boris Klimentievich says:
- Which side did you open up from? I didn't expect this. Why did you stuff a house full of other people's dogs?
I said:
- I thought they were Chapki! After all, how similar! One person. Straight out of the doggy twins.
And I told everything in order. Then everyone began to laugh, and when they calmed down, Boris Klimentievich said:
- Of course, it is not surprising that you identified yourself. Skoch Terriers are very similar to each other, so much so that it can be difficult to distinguish. And today, in all conscience, not we, the people, recognized our dogs, but the dogs recognized us. So it's not your fault. But still know that from now on I will call you Dog Snatcher.
... Indeed, he calls me that ...