So that the alabaster does not quickly freeze. Plaster of Paris alabaster, application

For more than one millennium, this unique building material has been used in the construction and renovation of premises, for decoration, making sculptures, and vessels. Alabaster, which is often called plaster of paris, is aesthetic and easy to process.

On the intricacies of breeding alabaster

The main feature of water mixtures with alabaster is their fast solidification. This circumstance should be taken into account before proceeding with its breeding. In addition, the setting speed leads to the formation of solidified mixture residues in containers from under it. Therefore, sometimes it is not easy to remove them from metal buckets and tanks.

To save yourself from mistakes when breeding alabaster, you must:

  • prepare the mixture in small portions to prevent it from solidifying earlier than five minutes later
  • for dilution, it is better to use containers made of rubber or silicone, which are easy to clean
  • put a plastic bag inside the container, the upper edge of which is securely fixed before stirring
  • strictly observe the ratio of alabaster and water to prepare a specific solution
  • pour dry alabaster into water gradually, stirring constantly until a mass without lumps and bubbles is obtained

At what proportions do you get stucco

Plaster of paris can be prepared for various finishing operations. For each of them regulatory documents certain requirements for the preparation of asbestos mortar are provided. So, if it is supposed to be used to fill the grooves when performing work related to the laying of electrical wiring, one kilogram of alabaster should be diluted in half a liter of water.

In the case of preparing a plaster based on alabaster and lime, a kilogram of dry powder is diluted in 650 grams lime mortar or water. A liquid putty solution, with the help of which irregularities on the walls are leveled, a kilogram of dry stucco is poured into a liter of water.

The main thing when breeding alabaster is to pour the dry mixture into the water. If this is done in small portions while stirring, the formation of lumps is minimized.

However, a quality solution is also provided:

  • using power tools in the form of a drill with stirring attachments
  • moistening the alabaster while stirring by hand, after which it is intensively stirred with a spatula
  • inadmissibility of diluting the mixture, which has set, with liquid due to loss of quality

The main property of alabaster is the ability to quickly harden, mixing with water. This creates a solid and stone-like surface. Due to these properties, it is widely used in various sectors of construction, industrial production, and art. With its help, seams in surfaces, holes and irregularities are closed.

When conducting electrical wiring with alabaster, wires and cables are fixed in specially prepared grooves. They putty on walls and other surfaces of premises, various building structures.

However, ordinary alabaster quickly sets and hardens, after which it is not recommended to re-mix it with water. The quality of such a mixture deteriorates sharply.

Experienced craftsmen have their own methods of prolongation. ready solution... According to one of them, a small amount of wallpaper glue is added to a container with such a solution.

After that, it is tightly closed with a piece of plastic wrap. The masters claim that this allows increasing the setting time without losing the quality of the alabaster mixture.

Types of alabaster

Different types of alabaster, as a natural mineral for the manufacture of stucco are mined in many countries.

So calcite alabaster is formed by streams of calcareous waters and sediments. It can have various, mostly greenish shades. It is destroyed when exposed to hydrochloric acid, in contrast to gypsum alabaster.

Gypsum alabaster is the main raw material for the manufacture of gypsum. As a result of its processing at high temperatures in special apparatus, a powder-like binder for construction is obtained. If it is subjected to a finer grinding, the resulting powder can be used for molding operations. Specially purified raw materials are used for the production of gypsum for medical purposes.

There are rare forms of alabaster. In Italy, China and the USA, in addition to white, alabaster of pink and black colors is also mined. There is reddish and brown alabaster.

The setting time is different:

  • fast-hardening, which begins to solidify after a couple of minutes and finally sets in a quarter of an hour
  • normally hardening with the onset of setting not earlier than six minutes later and final hardening after half an hour
  • hardening slowly, which begins to set not earlier than twenty minutes

For the most part, the powder of modern stucco is white... The most applicable in construction is such gypsum, which is marked G-5, G-6.

Such alabaster is widely used for:

  • plastering in dry rooms
  • preparation of putty and plaster mixes according to special recipes
  • production of gypsum-based partition panels
  • dry plaster in sheet form
  • different types of drywall sheets
  • gypsum fiber boards and plasterboard

Such stucco is used where high strength characteristics of the material are not required. Due to the presence of a coarse-grained component, it has lower strength and greater porosity.

To meet the needs of industries that need high-strength molds for casting parts for various purposes, to perform special work, it is necessary to opt for alabaster, which is distinguished by high strength, marked from G-13 to G-25. Such material complies with modern safety and construction standards.

The cost of quality alabaster

Common building alabaster is considered relatively inexpensive. building materialmaking it extremely popular in the market. It is sold mainly in durable paper multilayer bags, designed for 5-50 kg. One kilogram of ordinary G-5 building plaster can cost an average of 5-15 rubles.

Alabaster, which is distinguished by its high strength, is significantly superior to ordinary stucco. They are made from gypsum stone, as using traditional technologiesand complex chemical technological processes.

Therefore, such materials are indispensable for:

  • sealing of drilled wells in the oil and gas industry
  • production of ceramics and sculptures
  • production of elements decorative design construction sites
  • in medicine for the manufacture of orthopedic and dental prostheses
  • molding castings in jewelry making
  • high-strength molds for the needs of some industries

If you started repairs in your home and decided to do it yourself, then you will not be able to do without such an important building material as alabaster. What it is, for what purposes it is used, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as recommendations for preparing a solution based on alabaster - we will tell you about this today.

What is alabaster and its scope

Building alabaster - elastic and lightweight material, so it can be easily processed

Construction alabaster is a white, fine-grained dry mix that is used in the construction industry. At the same time, the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of this material is quite large, because alabaster is used to solve construction problems, as well as in the manufacture of elements decorative finishing... Let's highlight the main types of work that are performed using alabaster:

  • finishing manipulations: for example, sealing seams, holes, cracks and chips;
  • electrical work (for fixing electrical cables in the grooves for laying communications);
  • putty of walls and other enclosing structures;
  • manufacturing of slopes and lighthouses.

In the last two cases, alabaster is not recommended to be used in its pure form, because it hardens very quickly, which complicates quality performance these delicate works. Therefore, the mixture is often simply added to the mortar to set it better.

Advantages and disadvantages

The great popularity of the mixture is due to its technological characteristics. The fact is that when in contact with water, alabaster instantly hardens. As a result, builders use it just in those cases when a quick and quality finish surfaces. Building alabaster such positive qualities are inherent:

  • high speed of setting;
  • low density;
  • fire resistance;
  • good sound insulation.

Interesting: Alabaster - light finishing materialtherefore it does not shrink when solidified. In addition, it is not harmful to health, as it is an environmentally friendly material.

Despite the rapidity of hardening of stucco, it still lacks strength. The material is not able to withstand heavy loads. Moreover, even a frozen solution can absorb water vapor, therefore, alabaster is not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity... A solution based on this mixture also does not tolerate exposure to hot and dry air. In this case, the material loses moisture reserves, loses its viscosity and simply crumbles.

The choice of container for the preparation of mortar

Due to the high solidification rate of the mixture, its dilution with water is slightly different from the preparation of others mortars... First of all, this concerns the type of container used. A bucket or bowl will not work here, because the alabaster will harden in them, and you will have to constantly remove it from the walls of the vessel. Therefore, most experienced builders they prefer to breed alabaster in rubber containers and in small quantities. This allows you to easily get the remains of the substance by compressing the elastic container. You can make such a device from a regular camera or an old rubber ball by cutting it in half.

If you need to dilute a large amount of alabaster at a time, then inside the container you should put plastic wrap and fix it well at the edges. However, before each next preparation of the solution, the process you will have to repeat this procedure.

In what proportions to dissolve alabaster

It is advisable to dilute alabaster in a rubber container so that it is convenient to remove its remains

The process of mixing alabaster solution requires strict adherence to proportions. The procedure for preparing the mixture looks like this:

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of water into a rubber container.
  2. We fall asleep 1 kilogram of alabaster, that is, in a 2: 1 ratio. The dry mixture should be added gradually, while stirring the substance. The solution should be homogeneous. At the same time, interfere with it for a long time not worth it - this will lead to a loss of strength of the final material.
  3. After five minutes, the mixture will begin to thicken. Full hardening will occur approximately twenty minutes after mixing.

Helpful Hint: Prepare the amount of solution that you can use in five minutes.

This solution is great for fixing cracks in the wall and fixing engineering communications, laid in strobes.

How to breed for wall plastering

Lime mortar for plaster with the addition of alabaster must be prepared very quickly and in small quantities so that it does not have time to harden

First you need to decide on the type of solution, which is selected depending on the type finishing works... So, if the alignment of the outer walls of the building is performed, then it is advisable to use a cement-based mortar, it is advisable to use a lime mixture indoors. But the solution with the addition of alabaster (lime-gypsum) is ideal for eliminating all kinds of errors.

Kneading the plaster solution begins with creating a dry mixture, which is then diluted with water with the addition of alabaster substance. As a container, you can use any container with a flat bottom and walls at least 10 cm high (box, trough, bowl or bucket). The procedure is as follows:

  1. Pour sand evenly into the container.
  2. Add lime dough in a 1: 5 ratio.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a shovel or construction mixer until smooth.
  4. Add water gradually, stirring the solution in parallel. Ready mix should have the consistency of fatty sour cream.
  5. We prepare alabaster dough with the expectation that its ratio to the ready-made lime mortar should be 1: 4.
  6. Add the gypsum substance to the container with the original mixture and mix well, but not for very long.

Helpful Hint: Assuming that the lime-gypsum mortar begins to solidify after about five minutes, mix that amount building mixture, which you will be able to use during this time. At the same time, it is advisable to spend no more than two minutes on the preparation of the portions themselves.

Video instruction for the preparation of plaster mortar

How to properly work with the composition

After preparing the plaster solution, you must immediately proceed to its use. If you decide to do this work with your own hands, then you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the main techniques, technique and procedure for applying the solution.

The first stage is the so-called surface spraying. The solution is applied with a trowel - hand tool, which is a scapula with a curved handle. To properly spray work surface, you need to collect a little mortar on a trowel, and from a close distance, with a sharp movement of the brush, throw the mixture onto the wall. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the solution will not fall on the wall, but simply spray.

In the second stage, the primer is applied using a wide spatula. If the plaster is made along the beacons, then the soil layer is leveled by the rule according to the installed slats. Following this, we apply a thin upper layer plaster.

Important: Coating should be carried out until the primer dries, or moisten the latter with a brush or roller.

When the cover itself dries up, it is necessary to process the plaster with a plastic construction trowel.This action should be performed in a circular counterclockwise motion, firmly pressing the tool against the plastered surface.

As you can see, mixing plaster mortar with the addition of alabaster and the process of decorating the walls are not particularly difficult. Observe the proportions when preparing the building mixture, apply the mortar correctly to the surface - and the plaster will serve you for many years.

Alabaster is a white-colored plaster of paris, soft to the touch. It is applied on different stages construction. But how should you breed alabaster so that the consistency is as effective as possible? Let's answer this question in order.

First, you need to learn more about the material. Alabaster is an environmentally friendly building material containing natural minerals. Also, this material has the best soundproof and waterproof qualities.

When buying alabaster, make sure that it is completely free of extraneous dirt, this is especially important when plastering walls and leveling depressions. You can check the quality of the building material by looking for the inscription "Purified mixture". If it is available, then the material is of maximum quality and can be used even for the most jewelry works.

Breeding process

To dilute the material, use a cut rubber ball, this is necessary so that the mixture does not remain on the walls of the dishes and is used as much as possible during construction work. If there is no ball, then take a bucket or pan and put a plastic bag in there. After completing the work, the bag can simply be thrown away, and the used bucket will remain clean. Note that diluted alabaster hardens quickly and cannot be re-diluted.

Dilution proportions

Alabaster is kneaded, as well as putty. That the solution was as useful as possible, you need to correctly select the proportions of the composition. For 1 kilogram of material there is 0.5 liters of water or lime mortar.

After kneading, you need to wait a few minutes, then proceed to construction works... The mixture dries up in about 3-4 hours, so you shouldn't leave for lunch without completing the work.

It is worth knowing that alabaster should be added to the water, and not vice versa; for stirring, you can use a drill with a mixer attachment, or, in extreme cases, a spatula. You need to stir without leaving even small lumps.

That's all! Correct mixing is the key to the effectiveness and durability of the mixture.

Thanks to its positive qualities, alabaster is widely used in the construction industry. However, when using it, it is important to be careful, because after contact of a dry powder with water, it hardens very quickly. It is this property of alabaster that made it so popular. Therefore, it is used in cases where it is necessary to carry out work quickly and without loss of quality, for example, when laying wires. In this article, we invite you to familiarize yourself with how to breed alabaster.

This material has the following properties:

  • durability;
  • when applying the mixture, a flat surface is formed;
  • strength;
  • waterproofness;
  • resistance to cracking;
  • high degree of sound insulation.

Among positive sides alabaster can be distinguished as follows:

  1. Quick setting. In some jobs, this is very important.
  2. Fire resistance.
  3. When solidified, it does not shrink.
  4. Not dangerous to the human body.
  5. Ability to withstand loads.

Considering the fact that alabaster absorbs moisture, it is not recommended to use it in rooms with high humidity.

Among the disadvantages, one can single out poor resistance to dry and humid air... In the absence of moisture, alabaster loses its technical properties and simply crumbles.

As for the proportions, they are prescribed by building codes and regulations. For example, according to SNIP they are expressed as follows: 650 ml of water or lime mortar should be consumed per 1 kg of dry mixture. For fixing the wire when electrical work 1 kg contains 500 ml of water. If it is necessary to obtain a liquid mixture of alabaster, then the proportion is 1: 1.

Unlike other solutions, such as putties, alabaster dries very quickly. For this reason, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of utensils for kneading alabaster dough. Using a metal bowl or bucket is not recommended. In this case, it will be difficult for you to remove residues from their surface. Therefore, it is best to dilute the solution in a rubber or plastic container. The dried alabaster is removed by squeezing the dishes.

If you need to knead in a small portion and once, then place a plastic bag in any convenient container. The film is securely fixed at the edges. When finished, the tape is removed.

Alternatively, you can knead in an old rubber ball. To do this, cut it and knead it in the inside. Can also be cut plastic bottle (1.5 or 2 liters) along.

Building alabaster is prepared in different proportions, according to the ratio with water, based on the purpose of its use. So, if it is necessary to align walls or partitions, then the mixture is kneaded 1: 1. to install junction boxes a viscous mass is required - 2: 1.

If in the process of work the alabaster began to freeze, then do not try to add water to it. Throw it away immediately.

The mixing process itself boils down to adding the dry mixture to water, but not vice versa. The process of adding powder should be gradual. Otherwise, there is a risk that the entire mass will be taken up in a lump that cannot be broken. Alternatively, you can use a drill with a mixer attachment for stirring. In this case, you will be able to knead without a single lump.

In consistency, alabaster should resemble thick sour cream. For all the components of the mixture to react, it is enough to wait half a minute. After that, you can cover up the cracks or perform other actions. All work must be done quickly and neatly at the same time.

After finishing work, it is important to thoroughly rinse the entire tool, it is recommended to wash it in warm water.

When mixing, use only cold water room temperature. Hot water accelerates the setting process several times.

So, we examined with you the features of alabaster for walls, as well as the technique of kneading it. By observing all the recommendations given, we hope that you will be able to make the correct kneading of alabaster.


How to make alabaster more plastic will be discussed in the video:

If you ask many people, including those who are involved in the repair, what alabaster is, then many will say that it is the same plaster. In fact, they are both right and wrong at the same time, since alabaster is one of the types of gypsum, but still differs from the standard plaster material in a number of features that determine the scope of use and the nuances of work. The technical characteristics and application of alabaster are what we will consider in this article.

Alabaster has been familiar to mankind since ancient times. But if then it was based on calcite, now it is calcium diaquasulfate (gypsum). The powder is obtained by grinding gypsum stone and firing it at a temperature of 150 to 180 degrees Celsius. As a result, a dry fine-grained mixture is obtained, which is diluted with water to the required consistency before work.

How does alabaster differ from gypsum

  • The alabaster powder is based on the same gypsum, but its strength, thanks to additives, is much higher. If ordinary plaster can even be scratched with your finger, then for alabaster you will need to use metal tools;
  • Unlike gypsum, alabaster dries faster, which makes its use more difficult, since the composition has to be applied quickly, and this requires skills;
  • Gypsum is completely safe for health, therefore it is also used in medicine, as well as in other areas. The scope of application of alabaster is limited mainly to finishing work.


In most cases, alabaster is used to quickly (quick drying time) eliminate wall irregularities. The strength of dry alabaster means you don't have to worry about reliability wall structurecapable of withstanding many types further finishing... Grouting of seams, cracks and crevices, work on the installation of switches and sockets, covering up strobes and others electrical work, fixation on surfaces of various decorative items - that's far from full list ways to use alabaster.

The material is used in crafts or artistic purposes. Tableware, tabletops and other elements in the case of alabaster will be more durable than those created from ordinary plaster.

Material specifications

  • The beginning of setting - 6 minutes or more;
  • End of setting - 30 minutes (Full curing takes about 2 hours);
  • Water consumption - 0.6 liters per kilogram;
  • Compressive strength - 5-7 MPa (depends on the characteristics of one of the 12 grades);
  • White colour.


  • High speed of work. The quick drying of alabaster allows it to be successfully used in finishing activities without slowing down the pace of work. After plastering the wall, after 15-30 minutes you can proceed to further finishing;
  • Environmental friendliness. Alabaster, like plaster, does not contain harmful chemical compounds... At the same time, regardless of external conditions, the release of materials unsafe for health is excluded;
  • Burning resistance. Like gypsum, alabaster can withstand high temperatures and open flames without emitting smoke or sustaining combustion;
  • Strong bonding characteristics. According to this indicator, alabaster is superior to gypsum, which gives him the opportunity to participate not only in plastering works, but also play the role of a bonding composition;
  • High vapor permeability. The material is able to regulate the humidity in the room, absorbing vapors when their concentration in the air increases, or releasing them when the microclimate is too dry;
  • Attractive appearance... Correctly applied alabaster coatings look smooth and attractive, as do various options stucco molding;
  • High noise absorption. The alabaster-lined rooms become quieter.


Compared to gypsum, alabaster has no disadvantages, except for the higher requirements for the qualifications of the worker. However, no special professionalism is required here, and the work can be done by hand.

Another disadvantage is the inability to use in damp rooms. When decorating a room, it is necessary to take into account that the humidity level in it does not rise above 60 percent. Gypsum has a similar problem. For this reason, the decoration of a room with high humidity, such as a kitchen or bathroom, should be carried out using cement-based plaster mixtures. However, by covering alabaster with a paint and varnish composition, you can increase its resistance to moisture.

We breed alabaster correctly

  • As mentioned above, two parts of alabaster account for approximately one part of water. However, in some cases, the amount of liquid in the solution should be reduced in order to make the consistency thicker. A similar approach may be relevant when sealing the same strobes;
  • In the process of dilution, the powder is gradually poured into a clean container filled with water, while continuously mixing until the required consistency is obtained. Try to keep the mixture uniform;
  • Remember that alabaster hardens very quickly. For this reason, it is best to mix as much solution as is sufficient for about 10 minutes of work. It is not recommended to dilute the already frozen composition with water, since in this case specifications will be significantly reduced.

Important! There is a way to extend the use of diluted alabaster. For this, a small amount is added to the mixture wallpaper glue, after which the unused composition is covered with a film. But do not leave the composition for too long, as soon it will still become unusable.

Material application rules

Since alabaster dries quickly, you should first practice to ensure some dexterity. Working with a wide trowel will help ensure faster wall coverage. In turn, the composition is applied to it with a narrower spatula. At the same time, the composition in consistency in most cases resembles thick sour cream - this is the best way to apply it.

In general, the work carried out with alabaster, as well as with plaster, is carried out from the bottom up, and there are no special differences here. However, as experienced people say, it is necessary to rinse the instrument after this composition as soon as possible, since after solidification it will be almost impossible to do this.


Alabaster instead of gypsum, as a rule, is chosen by those who need a fast cure rate, or increased strength of the plaster. There should be no problems with the purchase, since the material is common in all specialized stores and is affordable.