Laying cable in trench - basic standards and requirements. Methods of power cable laying of power electrical cables

Power supply of any room or separate electrical installation begins with an introductory, or power wire. There is no strict definition in the rules of the electrical installation device, only the test and installation of the power cable is regulated in the document. In principle, any conductor can be attributed to this type of electrical wiring, which connects the feed substation with the introductory device.

To the same category includes wires that come from the introductory device to distribution panels or cabinets. That is, the cable in the entrance to the input machine of your apartment, and the wire connecting the machine with your accounting instrument (electricity meter) refers to the power. If the counter is mounted outside the distribution panel, it is also connected to machine guns using a power cable.

How to choose the power wire

Air networks that are supplied with electric supports are not interested in us. Maximum, with which you have to face - this is a feed wire from the nearest pillar to your private house.

Important! Do not confuse the diameter and the cross section of the conductor. The cross section is the area!

This parameter is not a dogma. For example, the same wire is 4 mm², calculated for a long load of 38 amps. With a single-phase connection of 220 volts, it is already more than 8 kW loads. By installing 32 amps input protection (with the corresponding TU), you are approaching maximum wiring options. It makes sense to apply the cross section of the power cable - 6 mm².

The considered figures belong to the power wire. Subscriber wiring to outlets and lighting devices is performed by residential 1.5 mm². The exception is a power group of sockets for boiler, electric powder, washing machine. By the way, such a wiring can also be attributed to the power, but not for purpose, but by load.

Separate theme - Color marking. The ruler of the electrical installation device is prescribed to use the following colors:

  1. Work zero - blue color over the entire length of the conductor.
  2. Protective grounding - yellow-green isolation, colors are located along the wire.
  3. Phase - for single-phase connection requirements for color marking is not provided.

Third point Consider more. With three-phase connections, each phase has its own color. This is important because it is confused by the phase - means to fail the electrical installation. Therefore, PUE prescribe the following notation:

  • A. Phase "Yellow Color"
  • B. Phase "Green Color"
  • C. Phase "Red Color"

For single-phase inclusion (after three-phase input), it does not matter between which phase and zero is formed 220 volts.

For reference: European color marking phases differs from PUE requirements.

In the overwhelming majority, you will have to install a single-phase power cable. Therefore, the complex marking of three-phase inputs should not confuse you.

Correct power cable

If from the electrical station (switchgear) before entering the consumer, the cable is paved separately, only mechanical requirements must be performed.

Along the walls or carrier structures, the wiring is attached to the mounting clips. If the strength of the attachment points is doubted - it is possible to carry out a power cable on the guide: a bandage steel strip or carrying cable.

Air gasket (cable freely hangs from one point of attachment to another) requires either a durable carrier shell, or a suspension system. Most often used steel cable.

If the wire is self-supporting, special stretch clamps are applied. The cable at the point of approach to the wall or other design is fixed in the device, and its free end is sent to the input point.

Power cable laying in trays is widespread. No devices are required, the wire is laid in the box and closes with a lid. There are only some limitations. The joint laying of power and low-current cables is regulated. Rules of electrical installation devices. There are no rigid prohibitions, with the exception of the redundant power lines. They are packed separately.

The fact is that the power cables (if they are not in the steel armor connected to the protective ground) form sufficiently strong interference. It is difficult to neutralize them with filters: when the load changes, the nature of interference changes. And the power cable is rarely under stable load.

Therefore, power, signaling (communication, computer networks, television), and control lines must be distributed. At a minimum, on different sides of the box, and better in individual trays.

Regardless of the method of gasket, the input of the exterior cable into the room is carried out with the help of a curved pipe that prevents moisture penetration into the room. The cable must enter it from the bottom up, otherwise the moisture can get into the inlet shield.

Splicing of power wiring

The connection of power cables affects not only safety. Although the trimmed wire under voltage will bring enough trouble. The poor-quality tractor can cause sparking under load, progressive increase in resistance, and rapid heating. Despite non-combustible isolation, it can cause a fire.

In addition, bad contact in the splicing site leads to loss of cable power, the current of the current may decrease.

It would seem why to use pieces of wire if you can stretch the inseparable chain. However, in reality, cliffs occur (emergency sprouts should be done), and the cable may not be enough trial. Therefore, the question is: "How to connect the power cable?" Worries many.

There are a few simple rules:

Video on the topic

The outer or internal laying of cable lines (CL) is carried out by Masternergoservis with the use of modern materials, as well as innovative technologies.

Service complex includes:

  • coordination of the projected design solutions;
  • mounting lines;
  • service, repair of equipped lines (if necessary).

It is performed on objects of various complexity in the ground in the prepared trenches or by specialized facilities: tunnels, channels, trays, boxes, cables.

In addition, we carry out the cable laying on air lines with compulsory taking into account all the normalized requirements of the current standards.


We provide services for laying cable lines in Moscow and the Moscow region. In general, this is a responsible work, for the implementation of which high-level specialists must meet in order to ensure the reliability of cable lines. There are many ways to lay cable in the world. In order for you to understand what we are talking about, we will tell about the most famous and reliable ways.

Outdoor cable gasket

Outdoor cabling Used in cities in order to hide under the ground power lines. The cable laying is performed in trenches, manifolds, as well as on the walls of the buildings.

Cable Laying in Earth

If you want to cable Laying in EarthIt should be provided for the presence of geopodes in design. Topographic shooting will help determine the passage of existing communications, engineering networks and choose the most appropriate track of the future cable line.

When designing the CL laying in Earth, the type of soil is taken into account on the site, complexity of the relief, the characteristics of the climate, the level of groundwater.

For an underground line, a special brand cable is selected - it is desirable armored, whose shell is stable relative to chemical, mechanical damage.

The design calculations takes into account the construction length and the corresponding number of connective or branching cable couplings of a suitable type.

Laying cables in trenches

If planned laying cables in trenchesThen it is desirable to provide a line protection.

The cost of these works includes earthmoving and planning activities, as well as dismantling "extra" soil. The trenches themselves before laying the line can be secured by special fasteners. The depth of the trench depends on the features of the CL: power, cable brand, type of soil, the presence of intersections with existing engineering networks, communications.

Cable laying depth

If you need to pave the cable in the ground, pay attention to the depth of the gasket. Remember, regardless of whether you are using trenches, cable channels or cable laying in trays, it is necessary to take with full responsibility. Cable laying depth It should be at least 0.7 m. Also, in no case do not put an unprotected cable into water, better place it in the PND tube.

Crossing with communications of deep down

Before starting work on the cable laying, you need to get acquainted with the geopodyna, to correctly position all the communications. We must remember that all crossing with communications of deep down Regulated in order to withstand the security zones, as well as to create the necessary conditions for repair. In addition, with a parallel laying, the cable should be located 10 cm from each other.

Internal cable laying

One of the most popular methods is internal cable layingShe involves the installation of materials inside the building. This method is significantly different from the external gasket, both mechanics of execution and cost. First of all, there are many strict rules that need to be performed with an internal laying. For example, you must remember that the shell of all materials should have a fireproof layer.

Cable laying techniques

As we have already spoken at the beginning of our material, methods and methods of cable laying a lot. Recall, for example, the hidden installation of the cable, which is mainly used in the room. For this type of gasket use the walls of the walls - the recesses in which the cable is hiding. The advantages of this method, of course, applies to aesthetic appearance and safety, cable protection from external damage. Also, you can lay the cable in the box or tray, which is very common in many office buildings. This is one of the fastest and economical ways that is convenient for further operation.

If you have a need to pave a cable or you need consultation, Mastergergoservice professionals are ready to help you solve all questions. Here you will find responsible and executive specialists, the experience of which can only be surprised. Contact us right now!

Power cable gasket (installation)

Power cable - an indispensable element is always present during the electromotion process. Therefore, to make a gasket (editing) of the power cable can every professional electrician. The whole process, as well as the other, is preceded by the development and approval of the project in which the type, cross-section of the cable, the method of its laying is determined.

There are several types and methods of laying (editing) of the power cable. Among them, laying cable in trenches, open and hidden gasket inside the building and structures, outdoor cable laying on the walls of the buildings.

Underground power cable implies manual or mechanized, with a cable layer installation at a given depth. During the use of this method, pay attention to the protection of the cable from various mechanical damage.

Open and hidden cable installation is made inside buildings. Outdoor implies the cable laying over the walls and ceilings, hidden - gasket inside walls, foundation, floor, in cable channels.

Outdoor installation is a laying of a power cable along the outer walls of the buildings or on supports. This type of installation is additionally divided into open and hidden.

Repair of cable lines

Perform repair of cable lines Various difficulties will help the specialists of the company "Masternergoservis". According to your application and surveys, we will implement all the necessary events, including:

  • measurements of the CL before the start of repair work and after their completion;
  • shift damaged sections of the cable line passing open (by trays, cables, airlines) or closed (in blocks, boxes, pipes, trenches, tunnels);
  • shift connective or branching couplings;
  • cleaning, repair of cable channels, structures;
  • the smoke section of the cl.

In addition, in Masternergoservis, you can order the repair of such structures: cable sewage, cable wells and pitches, cable entries.

Say what you need to do, and we will reply how much it costs!

The cost of laying cable in Moscow and the Moscow region depends on the type of installation, the volume of work and the complexity of the task. The company "Electrics-MSK" offers a full range of services for laying power cables and wiring wiring. The use of modern technologies and equipment, as well as high qualifications of employees allow us to establish an acceptable cost of the cable laying and guarantee the impeccable quality of the execution of the tasks.

The cost of laying power cable and types of work

The cost of mounting power cables directly depends on the selected laying method. Employees of Electrics-MSK, having groups of admission to all types of work, perform:

  • Outdoor cable laying, the cost of which is significantly lower compared to the price of the hidden edge. In this case, the wire is attached with the help of brackets and jacks.
  • Hidden installation. The cable laying, the price of which is indicated in our price list, implies the stroke of the walls and the cable laying in the g / to partitions. The wire will be hidden from prying eyes, unavailable for children and domestic animals.
  • Stacking cable in cable channel. Optimum option for office, shopping center, cottages: The cable is placed in a special box, and the owner of the room can easily add an additional wire to the cable channel or perform the repair of wiring.
  • Trench installation of a power cable (a specific way to underground power wires is described in the project).
  • Installation of air lines using porcelain insulators and stretch marks.
  • The laying of low-current cables (telephone, TV, signaling wires, etc.).

Price list for cable mounting:

No. p / p Name of worksUnit.Number of Price per one. (rub.)
Preparatory work
1 Stroshings of walls (concrete) 20x20 mm.mP1 270
2 Strokes of walls (brick) 20x20 mm.mP1 220
3 Strobing of walls (gypsum) 20x20 mm.mP1 170
Cable strip, box, corrugations
1 Installation of corrugations, PVC pipes under the clipmP1 40
2 Installation of corrugations, PVC pipes without clipsmP1 30
3 Installation of the box (Channel Cable) electricalmP1 50
4 Installation of email box (concrete)mP1 50
5 Laying El. Cable up to 4mm2.mP1 35
6 Cable broach in corrugationmP1 15
7 Laying power cable up to 10mm2.mP1 60
8 Laying power cable over 10mm2.mP1 dog.
9 Laying cable in channel cable from 4mm2 to 10mm2.mP1 40
Departure Master (within Moscow Ring Road)
Departure Master (up to 25 km from Moscow Ring Road) - 800 rubles.
Departure Masters (from 25 km from Moscow Ring Road) - 800rub. + 30 rub. For 1 km. from MKAD.
Minimum cost of electrical work in Moscow3000rub.
Minimum cost of electrical work in the suburbsfrom 3000 rub.
Coefficient on work Over 3 meters1.3

Installation of electrocabilities is carried out in accurately compliance with the requirements of the rules of the electrical installation device by qualified specialists. A long warranty is provided for all types of work. If necessary, our employees will assist in the process of design documentation and obtaining necessary permits, and will also help purchase all the necessary equipment and consumables.

Alterser performs all types of work related to laying power cables:

  • laying the power cable in trenches (including punctures under the roads)
  • laying power cable on cable overaps, in cable sewers
  • installation of power in facades of buildings and structures
  • air Cable Lines Device

Having tremendous experience in this area and the availability of its own material and technical base, we guarantee the Customer with a qualitative performance of work in a clearly identified term. Works are performed by qualified specialists under the constant control of the responsible prolage of the site. Our employees have all the permissions and tolerances necessary for work.

We carry out the complex supply of cable-conductive products and all necessary for the production of works, materials. Own transport department will provide operational delivery of materials on the object.

When contacting our company, we guarantee the operational solution of the tasks, starting with the preparation of the estimate and ending with the laboratory report. To compile a commercial proposal for professional installation of the power cable, you can send a technical task, project, or schemes to us by mail [Email Protected]Or call engineer to the object.

Exit our engineer to the object (within the Moscow Ring Road) - free!

The cost of laying power cable

Name of work Unit. Stand. Escape. (rub.)
Installation of clutch end pC. from 950.
Installation coupling connective pC. from 1500.
Protective Gasket Pipes (PND 50-150 mm) mP from 50.
Laying power cable 5x10 - 5x25 mP 150
Laying power cable 5x35 - 5x70 mP 250
Laying power cable 5x95 - 5x150 mP 400
Laying power cable\u003e 5x150 mP from 450.
Earthworks (trench) m3. from 650.
Device protective base (brick, block) mP from 70.
Protective base device (signal. Tape) mP from 15.
Sand pillow device mP from 90.

Photos of work:

Contact us by phone specified in the "Contacts" section, and you will receive a durable and reliable power cable that will ensure you uninterrupted energy transmission to any point!