A short story about the city of mushrooms. School library


Hedgehog Bull was very fond of adventure. He was attracted by everything interesting and exciting. But one day life seemed boring to him, and he decided to come up with a fairy tale about the city of mushrooms.
He really liked the prospect of change, and from the very morning he began to master the profession of a storyteller. But in practice, everything turned out to be not as rosy as it was dreamed of. The hedgehog thought that inventing fairy tales and funny stories very easy: sit and write. But for some reason nothing came to mind.
“We grew up in the forest ... Oh, it’s boring somehow. They lived and beat ... No, how did they live? - this is how the hedgehog suffered all day. When evening came, the sad Bull went out into the street. He felt very bad. And so the fairy tale about mushrooms would have ended if the hedgehog had not met Inspiration. It whispered only a few words in his ear, but Buhl managed to turn them into a funny story. Let's see what he did?

Fairy tale about the city of mushrooms: fantasies of a little hedgehog

Once upon a time, mushrooms grew separately from each other and were scattered all over the world. But they lived so badly. There was no one to talk to, no one came to visit them. Mushrooms were very lonely, because they were not accepted into their company by flowers and other plants. Ants and other insects also shunned them, and mushrooms were generally afraid of forest animals and birds.

And somehow they came up with the idea to unite in a single kingdom and live together. Representatives different types mushrooms from all over the world went to a meeting in a distant dense forest. There they chose their king and built for him a palace with a high throne. This important landing went to the eternally serious porcini mushroom. Climbing up to the royal throne, he issued his first decree: “The mushrooms of the whole world prepare for a great migration. From now on, we will all live together in this dense forest.

Not all subordinates were happy with this decision, because many mushrooms loved their native forests very much and did not want to leave them. An uprising was planned in the mushroom ranks. But the newly elected king was very smart and resourceful. Hearing the displeasure of his subjects, he quickly made some changes to his decree. Now it read: “From now on, mushrooms will become a single kingdom. Our kingdom is the most powerful in the world, so it will be located in the forests of the whole world. In this regard, I order the mushrooms to unite and build cities in every forest.
This decision was considered by all to be very wise. There is no need to leave your home, but at the same time, life will become much more interesting, because mushrooms will no longer be scattered around different places forests, and build a beautiful fairy-tale city.
From that moment in every forest you can find a city of mushrooms. Therefore, if you caught the eye of one mushroom, take a closer look, somewhere nearby its brothers are sure to be.
Buhl read the fairy tale about the city of mushrooms to his friends, and everyone liked it very much. The happy hedgehog was getting ready to go to bed after a hard day. He changed his mind about becoming a storyteller, because reading fairy tales is much easier than inventing them. See for yourself.

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you need to come up with a fairy tale about the city of mushrooms


Why do people go to the forest? Of course, for mushrooms. And you can go for ... mushroom stories ... Sometimes these are delicious! I recently walked, walked through the forest ... And I came across a mushroom clearing, but not simple, but magical! In an old fly agaric, under a roof bright red with white flecks, lived a grouchy dwarf. He was all reminiscent of his house - the same ancient and hunched over. He even wore a hat that looked like a fly agaric hat. A young mother with a newborn baby, or rather a mushroom, settled in a recently ripened russula. She rolled him in a stroller, and everyone around admired how strong and handsome he was. In a thick-set white mushroom lived a peasant - a boletus. He was very industrious and industrious. Never sat idle. And so they lived together, as neighbors.

Summer has come. It rained often, and the mushrooms in the forest lifted their hats. When, if not in summer, you can stand up to your full height! And one little mushroom ok didn't want to get big. And he hid his hat. Either the sun is not enough for him, then the breeze is not warm enough, then the rain is weak. But then one day .. Mushrooms gathered in a clearing. And in the evening coolness they arranged a holiday for themselves - the Mushroom Summer Festival. Exciting waves came, overweight milk mushrooms, red chanterelles, friendly mushrooms, smooth butterflies, and even robust mushrooms came. Mushrooms at first stood akimbo, and then threw up their hats and shouted: “Hurrah! Summer! ”And then our old friend, a small fungus, could not stand it (we’ll tell you a secret that it was a boletus). He also went out into the clearing and tossed his little red hat above everyone else.

Developing Imagination Through Storytelling

Imagination and fantasy are an integral part of a child's life. The story can be used in development creative imagination children. The result of the activity is higher, since the child does not just invent fairy tales, but conveys images in fairy tales, which contributes to the development of creative imagination.

You can use a variety of working methods:

Use the plot of a famous children's fairy tale, include new characters and other conditions.

Fairy tales miniatures.

Fairy tales where most words start with the same letter.

Modeling fairy tales.

problematic situations.

Continue the story.

Draw a fairy tale.

And this is not the whole list. Be sure to use them in your work. Children are happy to join in the work. But it is not necessary to demand results from all students. I present examples of the work of children in the first grade, made on the same topic, but in different ways.

mushroom city

A wonderful family lived in one beautiful mushroom city. Grandfather Amanita loved to create comfort in the house, the boy Krasnogolovik liked to take care of the plants, the girl Volnushka loved to walk along the green lawn, rolling a stroller with a doll.

once rose strong wind and carried the stroller away. She fell into the river. Wave burst into tears. Grandfather Amanita passed by.

What happened to you?

The wind blew the stroller with the doll towards the river, - says Volnushka through tears.

Do not worry. The wind subsides, we will call all the inhabitants of the city and help you. - answers grandfather Amanita.

The inhabitants of the mushroom town gathered and found a stroller near the river. The girl rejoiced. Friendship is a great power.

Southerner Christina

Tale of the Mushroom City

There lived a girl. Once she went mushrooming and wandered into an unfamiliar forest. The girl saw an unusual city. The inhabitants of the house were like mushrooms. They lived as one friendly family, where everyone did their favorite thing. They were cheerful and hardworking. The girl wanted to get acquainted with them. The inhabitants of the town were delighted with the girl. Thus a strong friendship developed between them.

Gadylshanova Alina

mushroom city

On the mountain, in the mushroom town lived gnomes.

In the blue-windowed mushroom house lived Harry the Talking Dwarf. He got up when the sun just appeared on the horizon, cooked oatmeal porridge and did gymnastics. For lunch he liked pea soup, dumplings and buckwheat as a side dish.

Galochka loved to play scales, go for walks and dream about a new wardrobe: guipure dresses, combs and headdresses.

Chief gnome. Gennady Grigoryevich, went out of the room to the porch and loudly told the news.

The townspeople went to visit each other, loved and cherished their city.

Zhenina Lyudmila

Mushroom Country

There is a country in our forest and it is called the “Country of Mushrooms”. Located in a small clearing. Mushrooms grow there. These are the dwellings of small people, or rather one family. Father's name is Lesovik, mother's name is Greta, and daughter's name is Sophie. They loved their field very much.

One day it began to rain heavily, and they were carried away to another clearing. When they woke up, they saw many mushrooms and people similar to them. We decided to get acquainted. One girl, and her name was Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, invited them to visit. Sophie told what happened to them. Tsvetik-Semitsvetik promised to help the mushroom family. The inhabitants of the mushroom meadow gave the inconsolable little men a boat. And they set off. Suddenly caught in a fast current. The forester took out a rope and hooked it to a tree. One by one they went to the river bank. They were glad to be alive. Tired, they reached home and for a long time could not fall asleep from the impressions of their journey.

They were glad that they got to know good people. They began to visit each other and help in Hard time. We decided to unite into one big "Country of Mushrooms". They lived together and happily.

Tarasova Julia

V primary school children are given many unique and interesting tasks which can reveal and develop creative abilities in a child. These tasks include the fairy tale about mushrooms. own composition. Just imagine how happy the kid will be in the role of a writer and be able to get a good mark for such a simple task. However, not all children will be able to easily and immediately write a coherent story.

Where to begin

Several simple rules will be able to help you prepare for the process and tune in to the creative wave:

  1. Get a draft for your story. On the draft, you can not only cross out the excess, but also draw characters to imagine what the child is talking about.
  2. Write a topic. You can write Essay. Tale of Mushrooms" in the center of your draft. This will help the child not be distracted from the main topic and not worry that he has forgotten or misunderstood it.
  3. Draw your characters, cut them out or pick up pictures. A child in the process of playing will be able to compose a fairy tale much easier than just sitting in front of a blank sheet.

How to write a fairy tale?

Remember children's fairy tales. Each of them has a good and an evil hero. Fairy tales show two sides: white and black. Therefore, a fairy tale about a mushroom should contain good and evil. A negative character can be the mushroom itself, or maybe someone who wants the mushroom of evil.

In the beginning, tell something with a calm storyline. “Once upon a time, I was walking, and one day ...” Then change the narrative with something very unexpected, sudden, which will be the beginning of interesting adventures.

If the child does not like adventure, you can make a fairy tale with detective elements or just a story with some kind of moral at the end.

The ending of the tale can be left standard: "... and they began to live, to live, and to make good." But if you decide to make a fairy tale in a modern way, then do not forget about the victory of good over evil.

Rules for compiling a fairy tale

A typical story line looks like this:

  1. The plot: who, where and when he lived.
  2. The main part: something happened that prompted a change in the life of the hero.
  3. Ending: Good triumphs over evil.

In addition, there are some tricks that will help turn an ordinary essay into a fairy tale: exaggeration, triple repetitions, contrasts that decorate definitions. Your fairy tale about the mushroom should not be serious. Use various words from fairy tales that you read at night or are still reading to your child. Do not be afraid of excessive stylization as a fairy tale, because you are writing a real magical story.

Some tips to help you write a fairy tale with your child:

  • If you are writing with your child, try to understand that a fairy tale about mushrooms for grade 1 is not always easy task. The child wants more space, but no one forbids it. Don't limit yourself to mushrooms, introduce other characters as well. Come up with something for them Interesting Facts from the biography, external data and much more, which is not necessary to write down, but which can help the child plunge into the fairy tale himself.
  • Don't forget morality. Each fairy tale has a subtext that is worth thinking about. It should be in your story too.
  • You do not need to write "The Tale of the Mushroom", try to come up with a name that reflects the essence of your story.

Examples of fairy tales

To write a good fairy tale, we offer you several options for writing kids:

“Two mushrooms lived in the forest. So people came and picked one mushroom, putting it in a basket. And these mushrooms loved each other. Separation they could not survive. But luck happened, and people noticed the second mushroom, which was covered with a leaf, and put it in the same basket. They met and were glad that they were together again. But they understood that they were plucked to be eaten. The mushrooms decided to jump out and run away. On the count of three, the lovers jumped out and settled in a new place, next to the stump.

“There lived a little mushroom. One day three ants came up to him. They began to laugh at the mushroom. They told him hurtful things that he could not even go anywhere and amuse others. The fungus became sad, all night he could not sleep from such an insult. The next day at exactly 6 o'clock in the morning the ants got up and began to work. But suddenly the wind raged, a thunderstorm began and hail began to fall. The anthill was flooded and destroyed, and the ants began to panic. But the good mushroom offered his help in time, and everyone hid under his beautiful wavy hat. When the rain stopped, all the ants began to thank the fungus. But most of all, the three ants who mocked him were glad. So an ordinary mushroom found new friends!

“Once upon a time there was a mushroom in the forest. It was called fly agaric. All the people avoided him. Once, early in the morning, a lone fly agaric woke up and suddenly hears - in the forest a hunter is shooting from a gun, hunting for someone. And then a deer, a deer and a deer ran past him. The deer were very tired, and the baby deer even wanted to eat. Here the deer came up to the mushroom and began to eat it. Amanita was very surprised, and then completely frightened. But not for himself, but for the deer. He shouted, "Don't eat me!" The deer jumped back, but listened to the story of the mushroom. So the fly agaric saved the life of himself and the deer and found a new friend.

These are just examples. Your fairy tale about a mushroom can be large, expanded, with many dialogues and plot sketches.

Irina Schepetinnikova
mushroom tales

Teaching children to compose according to a given beginning is one of the creative tasks in the learning process storytelling. This brings the child as close as possible to the level of monologue speech, when great opportunities are provided for the child to independently express his thoughts, consciously reflect various connections and relationships between objects and phenomena, develop verbal-logical thinking and form ideas about the environment.

inventing fairy tales- one of the most favorite children's game tasks for the development of speech. Composition training fairy tales takes place within lexical topic. Fairy tales, invented by children, are drawn up by the teacher on album sheets, where children illustrate pictures from stories. Then books are produced on the topics. Children are always happy to look at them, ask to read fairy tales emotional exchange of impressions.

Topic « Mushrooms» interesting and exciting for children, work on an essay fairy tales at a given beginning allows you to remember which mushrooms are edible, which are not, where they grow mushrooms, what time. There is an assimilation of lexical material, the formation of the skill of compiling descriptive story. For instance, story-description: “Amanita. The hat is bright red, with white spots. The leg is light, with a cape, thickened at the bottom ... "They are similarly compiled stories describing other mushrooms. descriptive stories prepare children for creative writing assignments fairy tales about mushrooms together with an adult and independently.

Start samples « mushroom tales» :

Once upon a time there was a friendly family of cheerful mushrooms. Once upon a time it happened misfortune: the smallest brother got sick, so much so that he turned green ...

Born at mushroom tsar Boletus boletus daughter, and he arranged a feast on this occasion. Invited nobles guests: Borovik with Borovikha, Mushroom with Volnushka and others mushroom dwellers...

Chanterelles, bright and orange, grew up in a clearing, and the evil sorceress White Toadstool lived nearby ...

The teacher uses riddles, proverbs and sayings on the topic to enhance speech activity and motivation « Mushrooms» , For example:

This fungus - birch son.

Whoever finds it, everyone puts it in a basket. (Boletus)

Mushroom red - dangerous to health. (Amanita)

Yellow-red chanterelles - sisters call us (chanterelles).

Near the stumps and on the lawn

We always walk in a flock.

Very friendly guys

They call you... (honey agaric)

Very pale in appearance, the most dangerous poison conceals. (Death cap)

Proverbs and sayings:

There will be rain - there will be fungi, but will fungi - there will be bodywork.

To live near the forest - not to be hungry.

Where mushroom has grown, they take it there.

Any pick up a mushroom, but not everyone is put in a box.

The rains have dragged on - do not wait for the mushrooms.

And in winter I would eat fungus yes the snow is deep.

Late fungus - late snow.

To drafting fairy tales Parents are involved along with the children. Joint compilation helps to establish contact with parents, diversify joint activities, make cooperation stronger. The work ends with the production of a book « mushroom tales» . The book includes creative work each child, which contributes to the development of imagination, abilities for artistic activity, education of aesthetic taste and love for the book.

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