The name Yuri in the Orthodox calendar (Svyattsy). Yuri's birthday according to the church calendar

Name - Yuri, from Greek - farmer. As a rule, a man named Yuri is often a very calm and somewhat self-absorbed person. It should be noted that restrained behavior and the philosophical mindset of the owner of this name often come into some conflict with his appearance. And his - gestures, facial expressions and manner of speaking, always differ from him, some artistry. Moreover, his artistry is not feigned, but is purely natural property... Also, the owner of this name never bothers to attract the attention of the weaker sex.

But despite this, women immediately feel for him - the location. But in relations with the opposite sex, Yuri can often show passivity, therefore, women often have to take the initiative into their own hands. But in family life, the bearer of this name is more accurate. He always shows concern for the material well-being of the family and always helps his wife with the housework. It should be noted that Yuri's wife should be able to maintain an even relationship with his mother, whom he honors until a ripe old age. The sexuality of the name Yuri, as a rule, Yuri is quite difficult to emotionally captivate.

Yuri takes care of his mother to a ripe old age

He can be with a woman for a long time without showing any external signs of falling in love. Therefore, many believe that this man simply does not have a heart, but this is not so - he is very cordial to women. And having fallen in love, Yuri will burn with an even sexual flame and surround his chosen one with warmth and attention. A man with that name is always very affectionate in bed, and his sexual capabilities in favorable conditions simply drive women crazy. Yuri receives true satisfaction when he is completely immersed in his feelings.

Yuri's birthday

  • Name Yuri by zodiac sign: suits Sagittarius.
  • Talisman of Yuri: Emerald.
  • Yuri's name compatibility: relations with the names are favorable: Aza, Alevtina, Anastasia, Angela, Antonina, Vera, Galina, Daria, Elena, Zinaida, Irina, Larisa, Lydia, Lilia, Lyubov, Natalya, Nina, Nonna, Olga, Polina, Raisa, Rosa, Svetlana, Sophia, Tamara.

It also corresponds to the worldly name Yuri.

Celebrates the name day on the Orthodox and Catholic calendar twice

  • February 17 - in honor of the Grand Duke of Vladimir - Georgy Vsevolodovich;
  • August 13 is the day of remembrance of the great martyr Yuri Petrograsky (in the world of Novitsky).

Basic interpretation and characteristics of the name

Yuri is a calm, reasonable and reliable person. He has high self-control, endurance, fortitude and will to win. Sometimes he is stubborn, persistent and convincing in his goals. He is not inclined to dream and make unrealistic plans, from his youth he was accustomed to work and rely on his own strength.

Yura begins to show leadership qualities early, preferring to lead rather than be led by someone. This man loves to dominate both in the family and among colleagues, friends or subordinates.

To those around him, Yuri seems to be quite benevolent, sociable and peaceful. But sometimes this person can be vindictive and aggressive. A man is annoyed when he is contradicted or disagreed with his opinion.

Yuri is hardworking and accustomed to achieving the assigned tasks. I am ready to defend and firmly defend my position, lifestyle, family way of life and values. Differs in pragmatism and practical approach to business.

In relations with loved ones, Yuri tries to be non-conflicting, prefers to settle quarrels and contradictions quickly, since he does not want to experience long emotional experiences. He knows how to abstract from everyday life and have good fun, has a good sense of humor, is very mobile and artistic.

Yuri is popular with women. Since he is not inclined to be depressed, to be a bore, complaining about fate. Young people are attracted by his optimism, resourcefulness and gaiety. But this man is not disposed to be a womanizer. When it comes to a serious relationship, his companion can be sure of his loyalty and consistency. But this does not mean that this person will not be able to decide on a second and third marriage if they are overwhelmed by love and passion. He will continue to take care of the former family, worrying about the material well-being and prosperity of his children.

A career for Yuri is not an end in itself. He is used to being self-sufficient and making good money, but having reached a certain level, he can stop and not expand the boundaries of his capabilities. At such moments, Yuri desperately needs additional motivation and inspiration, otherwise he will not fully reveal his potential.

His professional area of ​​interest may be in research or engineering. Yuri has a mathematical mindset, is always accurate in calculations, judicious, attentive and patient. He can be entrusted with monotonous work that requires great responsibility. The man is used to finishing the work he has begun, focusing on a successful result.

Yuri will feel comfortable in the role of a leader. He has good organizational skills, is able to competently delegate tasks, focusing on the abilities and skills of subordinates. She will always support, train or advise, without expressing a complaint about the incompetence of an employee in a particular area.

Yura knows what friendship is. He knows how to be an honest, decent and reliable comrade. Friends can always hope for his support in difficult moment... But the most dear to Yuri's heart will be those close to him. He values ​​very much family ties, respects his father, respects his mother, loves and values ​​his own children.

In the family, Yuri is used to keeping everything under control. It seems to him that his advice and attention is necessary in everything that concerns everyday issues: cleaning, cooking, creating coziness and comfort in the house. Sometimes this burdens loved ones, and they indicate his excessive vigilance.

In his wife, Yuri is used to seeing not only a mistress, but also a close friend. He is jealous, suspicious, alert. This stems from a past bad experience that made him very distrustful of women.

To win over Yuri, a wife should pay more attention to her husband, be affectionate, gentle and caring. This man cannot be called a sentimental person, but he loves when feelings are shown to him, expecting positive emotions from him.

Yuri's health is very strong. He is not prone to colds and has high immunity. But sometimes he can dismiss his own body, provoking the appearance of a chronic disease.

The fate of the church name Yuri in history

Saint George of Petrograd

Novitsky Yuri Petrovich - one of the famous Orthodox Christians, equated to the face of saints for good deeds and spreading the faith among the Russian. Yuri Petrovich was born in 1882 in one of the provinces near Kiev. His family was quite well-to-do, his mother was a columnar noblewoman, his father was a magistrate.

When Yuri studied at the Gymnasium in Kiev, he became actively interested in religion, and became a deeply religious person. Even when he became a professor in the field of criminal law, a forensic scientist, he did not leave public work for the good of the church, became the chairman of the Society of Orthodox Parishes in the city of Petrograd.

Yuri Petrovich began to toughly defend the interests of the church before the Soviet government, to provide professional legal assistance to Metropolitan Benjamin. After that, Yuri Petrovich, together with the archbishop and metropolitan, was arrested by counterrevolutionaries and shot at one of the railway stations, presumably at the Rzhevsky test site. The location of his relics is unknown to this day.

The reason for such a quick execution of Yuri Petrogradsky was his high authority among the common people, who valued him for his kindness, responsiveness, courage and inflexibility.

Saint George Vsevolodovich

Yuri (Georgy) Vsevolodovich - Vladimirsky, Gorodetsky and Suzdal prince. He professed Orthodoxy, was kind, merciful, respected the laws of God, supported the needy, giving alms, building churches, parishes, built a stone cathedral in Suzdal, decorated with marble and painted the ceilings.

After the death of Yuri Vladimirsky, his relics were canonized, and he was equated to the canon of saints as the Blessed Holy Prince George Vsevolodovich.

In our time, it is not among the most popular. Modern children are almost never called that, although earlier it was quite common. In addition, in the pre-revolutionary era, the name Yuri was often given to children from noble and noble families. At the same time, Yuri's name days were also celebrated, which were considered the main holiday in the life of such a person. By the way, the tradition of celebrating name days is gradually returning to our lives, so you need to know what dates they fall on and how to celebrate them correctly.

Meaning of the name

Before you learn everything about Yuri's name day, you need to shed light on the meaning of this name. After all, absolutely every name means something, and the fate of a person sometimes depends on this. Although believers believe that it is exclusively in the hands of the Lord.

So, male name Yura, Yuri is of ancient Greek origin from the name of George. The resulting Russian form of this word means "farmer", "cultivating the land". Egor, Egoria, Georgy are considered to be close names.

Yuri's birthday. What does this holiday mean?

Previously, name days were considered an event of an exclusively religious nature, but today they are given a more secular character. But, despite this, such a day was, is and will be a holiday of the soul.

Previously, a person was given a name at baptism, which took place on the 8th day after his birth. At the same time, they named him in honor of the saint whose day of remembrance or veneration was next to the date of birth of the baby. This is how the child acquired his high patron. And the day of the name day was such a date of remembrance or veneration of the saint namesake.

Name day traditions

As already mentioned, name days were once the main holiday in a person's life. This day began with a trip to the church, where the hero of the occasion received communion and confession. In addition to him, those who went to the church ordered a service, lit candles. The birthday man was supposed to put candles near the icon of his Name day Yuri, in this respect, were no different from others.

After church affairs, it was supposed to gather a festive dinner for family and relatives. They put dishes on the table homemade, there were a lot of pastries - pies and loaves. It was also customary to carry goodies to neighbors, the largest loaves relied on godparents... They started baking with jam, berries, fish, mushrooms. In this case, the pies could be both open and closed. The most important loaf was placed in the center of the table so that everyone could see the name of the hero of the occasion laid out on it with dough. So Yuri celebrated his name day.

Angel Day, or When Yuri's Name Day

All dates of the name day for each name are determined based on the data of the church calendar. So, Yuri celebrates his name day on February 17 (the day of George Vsevolodovich Vladimirsky, the great prince); August 13 (day of Yuri Petrogradsky, Novitsky). On these days, Yuri's name day is celebrated church calendar.

What are the gifts for the name day?

Since the name day is a spiritual holiday, gifts for it were given appropriate to the occasion. The most the best gift was considered an icon depicting a saint whose name the birthday man bears. They also donated church literature and paraphernalia.

There was another great tradition. It is about a dimensional icon, which was painted by hand. At the same time, its size fully corresponded to the height of the child. These symbols were considered powerful amulets, they were taken with them on the road, on a long journey. They also acted as a means of communication between a person and his patron saint.

They accompanied a person throughout his life, and then were inherited as a gift. As for the materials of manufacture, simple icons, icons made with precious materials and stones were presented for the name day. In this case, a tree or canvas was used as the basis for drawing a pattern. However, the gift was not valued for value and external beauty, but for its original purpose - to be a means of communication with God and the patron saint.

The history of the patron saint of all Yuri

Yuri's birthday is celebrated on February 17 according to the Orthodox calendar. This day is the day of memory of George (Yuri) Vsevolodovich, the great prince of Vladimir. His relics were acquired for the church in 1645, after which he was canonized Orthodox Church... Georgy Vsevolodovich was canonized as the holy noble Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich.

What is this extraordinary person famous for? It should be noted that his role in the history of Russia to this day is not unambiguous, many historians still argue about the correctness of his actions during the reign. Perhaps for this reason, his name is shrouded in various myths and legends. But one thing is known for sure - he died in 1238 during a difficult battle with the Mongols who came to the Russian land. His entire family was burned, and his head was cut off. The remains of the prince were found on the battlefield and identified by the prince's clothes.

After the canonization, February 17 was appointed a day of memory of Prince Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich, on which every Yuri celebrates the day of an angel and his name day.

He was born in 1882 in the Kiev province. He graduated from high school, and then the law faculty of Kiev University, under the patronage of the emperor. He studied well, so he was left as a fellow at the Department of Criminal Law, in order to prepare for a professorship. In 1911, he created an orphanage for exiled convicts, and a year later founded a juvenile court in Kiev. For four years he was engaged in patronage of prisoners, worked at the Main Directorate for Press Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on special assignments. He also founded the workers 'and peasants' university. Since 1920, Yuri Petrovich began to head the Society of Orthodox Parishes, two years later he was arrested, because he resisted the seizure of church valuables. The verdict was the harshest - execution. A few days later the sentence was carried out. At the Council of Bishops in 1992, he was glorified as a new martyr.

When, according to the church calendar, the name day of Yuri: August 13 - Yuri Petrogradsky, martyr; February 17 - Yuri Vsevolodovich, Vladimirsky, Grand Duke.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Yuri:

Slavic form from Greek name George is a farmer.

The farmer is always associated with reliability, perseverance, prudence. Such is Yuri. He is persistent in achieving goals, reliable in relationships, judicious in Everyday life... In his career, he is able to achieve a lot, as he diligently cultivates his field, but, like the Russian peasant, he is always ready to take up the sword in order to defend with arms what he is working for. This is a philosopher and a warrior rolled into one. Yuri prefers to settle conflict situations immediately and completely. If, by falling out or arguing with him, you shy away from resolving the problem, it will not be easy to regain his affection. Yuri knows how to have fun - he is cheerful by nature, endowed with liveliness, even artistry. Therefore, the female sex enjoys constant success. But Yuri in this regard is very picky, he is able to choose his soul mate for a long time, but even having found it, he will not rest on his laurels, he can continue the search, being married. This is due to the fact that Yuri treats women with some distrust. But Yuri's wife is like stone wall: he always cares about the well-being of the family, strives to ensure that there is prosperity and comfort in the house.

Congratulations on Yuri's birthday:

Do not forget to celebrate Yuri's name day and congratulate Yuri on the day of the angel.

Yurochka, congratulate you

Happy birthday.

If you want, I will invite you to visit,

To celebrate your Angel's day?

I promise you a nice evening.

We'll be just you and me.

I love you for a long time!

There is a reason - I invite!

We'll light bright candles

I'll cover the festive table,

I will be tender with you -

Let's have a wonderful evening!

And all your angels

We will be sung a hymn of love!

May the guardian angel, Yuri, keep you

Your life is danger and risk.

May fate unite with love

You value your life.

After all, you deserve the best part

You are a bright warrior in life.

You give yourself to everything without a trace

You have an iron grip!

Our dear Yura is a "farmer"

He is a master in everything,

A great skill in the profession -

Everything, improving, moreover!

Overcomes obstacles

Our Yura with a "light" hand,

He manages everything in the world

And rushes home to celebrate.

We congratulate you Jura

Happy birthday, our dear,

May all the adversities of life, storms

You are bypassed.