Card game 54. Card games: rules and varieties


It is generally accepted that cards are a game of chance. Yes, you can get carried away with them and forget to do some business. But now there are more gambling and dangerous occupations. Computer entertainment takes up a lot of time and makes them nervous. If your child sits at the laptop for too long, then distract him with card games.

It will be interesting for the very young to play "The Drunkard". Yes, the name is not childish, so before you decide to entertain your grandson, son or daughter in this way, come up with your own name.

Take a deck of 36 cards and deal them so that each has a stack of 18 cards. They should be face down. It is forbidden to consider your wealth. Agree, whose first move, if yours, then put the top card from your pile on the table, and the small partner - yours. This trick goes to the one whose card is higher. Whoever takes the whole deck first wins.

Almost everyone knows how to play "The Fool", but the French version is not so well known. Deal the cards, starting with your partner. You should have 4, and he has 5. Do not open the trump card, it is not here. The partner starts the course. You must play a card of the same suit or value.

For example, 8 of any suit can be put to his eight of spades. If you do not have either one or the other, but there is a lady, then she will perfectly fit and even give the right to name any suit. This is the suit that your opponent should play.

If there is no queen either, then take the card from the top of the general deck until you see the one you are looking for. If you go with seven, then the partner must take 2 cards from the general deck. The six dooms him to 1 extra, the ace forces him to skip the move.

The first player to get rid of all cards wins. The loser counts his points. The game consists of several rounds, the first to score 100 points loses.

If you do not want to bother yourself with calculations, then spend time together playing the card game "Sunshine". Spread out these attributes in a circle in the form big ring, upside down. Take turns and place in the center. If there is already a card of the same suit, then you will have to take all of them and play with the given set.

Play the Bura card game together. Deal 3 cards to yourself and your partner, starting with him. The next, seventh in a row is a trump card. The task is to score 31 points first.

Play with one, two, or three cards of the same suit. In the latter scenario, the chance to score a lot of points is the most, since the second participant will have to discard all 3 of his cards. If he does not beat yours with them, then feel free to take the bribe and attribute points to yourself.


When counting points in the game "Bura" remember what is awarded for: ace 11, ten for 10, king 4, queen 3, jack 2 points. No points are awarded for the rest of the cards.

Useful advice

If a person has a hard day tomorrow, he cannot sleep and is nervous about this, play a card or two with him. Such a distracting maneuver will help him not to worry and easily fall asleep.

Black Jack is one of the most popular and famous card games in the world. Its rules are simple and clear, and in terms of excitement it is not inferior to poker.

You will need

  • - maps


The goal of the Black Jack game is to get the number of points close to 21, but not exceeding 21. If the excess is exceeded, the player loses. The number of points equal to 21 is not given up.

If the game takes place in a casino, then the players are betting on the boxes. One box can have from one to three players. All decisions are made. The bet of each player on the box must not be less than the minimum, and the total bet of the players must not exceed the maximum of the table. Each player can play on any number of boxes.

At the beginning of the game, the dealer deals two to the players and one to himself. The player can stop or continue to draw cards. After all the players have made a decision, the dealer draws cards for himself. The dealer must take a card up to 16 points inclusive, and stop on 17 or more cards. As a result of the set of cards, the dealer determines and pays or withdraws the bets. If the dealer and the player have the same amount of points, then the bet does not lose and does not win.

When counting points, all cards - jack, queen, king, have a value of 10 points. Cards from two to ten correspond to their face value. Ace counts as 1 or 11 points. Blackjack is a combination of two initially dealt cards: an ace and any card worth 10 points. Black Jack always wins, except when the dealer has Black Jack. In such a situation, the player's bet remains the same and does not expire.

If the dealer has the first card - an ace, he can offer the players to insure themselves against a possible Blackjack at the dealer. The amount of insurance must not exceed half of the player's bet. If the dealer has Black Jack, the player's bets lose, and the insurance is paid at the rate of 2 to 1. In other cases, the insurance loses.

Before the third card is dealt, the player can refuse further play (make a Surrender). However, he loses half of his bet.

If the first two cards have the same value, the player can make a "split" - get an additional box. After dividing the cards, the dealer deals a second on each of them.


  • What is the most popular card game? Answer to the question for the game

Almost everyone knows the rules of the Fool card game. It is generally considered to be largely a game of luck. The player who is lucky wins, the one who got the best cards... However, do not forget that in the process of playing, everyone also uses their intellect, memory, and possibly acting talent.
You will not be made a fool, even with not very successful cards in your hands, if you use some good strategy and do not do obvious stupid things.


Use all kinds of tactics depending on the circumstances. When it becomes obvious to you that the enemy is clearly beginning to win, take action. Your task is to restrict your opponent's access to the deck. Take control of it. To do this, you will have to stop getting rid of the lower value cards and sacrifice your big cards (but not your big trump cards!). Then you will have the opportunity to get valuable trump cards from the deck. If you are lucky from the very beginning of the game, you should "hold" them at home.

Do not spare small trump cards. Let's say you need to beat a card of a suit that you don't have. Give your trump card (from "six" to "nine") without hesitation. Keep in mind that statistically, each enemy card you draw reduces the chance of getting any next trump from the deck by 43.5%. Of course, it is highly undesirable to give up the trump king and ace, especially at the beginning or in the middle of the game.

Avoid passive tactics. Do not take your opponent's cards without a fight, this will increase his chances of getting the valuable trump cards remaining in the deck.

Memorize the cards. Memory is your “tenth trump card”. Come up with a scheme for yourself, according to which it will be easier for you to remember leaving. Having a good memory, you can easily guess which cards are in your opponent's hands.

Collect paired cards. In due time they will prove to be very useful. Cards in two, three and four copies, even if they are of small value, will undoubtedly help you win.

Make your opponent give up big trump cards. If you can safely assume that your opponent has leading trump cards, use your own lower-ranked trump cards.

Take care of the leading trump cards. The trump king and ace will save you even in the most hopeless situation. In the final part of the game, these cards are the key to success.

Towards the end of the game, pay attention to the open trump at the bottom of the deck. You need to calculate how many cards are left to take before the very last trump. It is advisable to do this in advance, five or six moves before the end of the game. If the trump card lying below is great, do not miss it. Get your opponent to start his next turn when there are only four cards left in the deck, including the lowest trump card. In this case, you will almost certainly get it.


  • world of mind games online

Card games Is a popular way to spend time with a company. The deck of cards does not take up much space, and you can easily take it with you on a hike or trip. If you've already spent hundreds of evenings hunched over a deck, and you're tired of existing games, you can always come up with your own.


You can modify an existing one. the game by slightly changing its rules. If you love to play, you probably know games such as "Fool" and one of its versions - "Throw-in". If you wish, you can create your own version of the "Fool" by introducing the rule that trump cards are not used in the game, or a card of a red suit beats a similar card of a black suit, and you can throw it up until the player under whom the move runs out cards in hand. Change the number of cards that the player can collect: let them be not six, but eight or ten.

You can create a game from scratch using a regular deck of cards or by drawing your own. Drawing can be anything: from funny caricatures of your friends (if you have an artist in your company) to reproductions of paintings by famous masters of the Renaissance. Laminate the cards so that they do not wear out during the game.

To create a new card game, you can connect two existing ones. Try combining the Fool and Uno games. For example, if a player has two cards left in his hands, and he did not have time to say the code word (which can also be invented on his own), then he collects a certain number of cards from the release and continues the game.

You can come up with any rules for your game that come to your mind. It is only important that the game is not endless, there are winners and losers in it, otherwise it will simply lose its meaning. You can enter into the card game

Card games are loved all over the world. With them, as with ordinary ones, it is pleasant to while away the time in the company; card tournaments are held in many countries of the world. There are over a thousand varieties of card games, and we have compiled the TOP 7 of the most popular of them.

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Most popular in the USA and Latin America. Jin-rammi originated from the Mexican game kunken, popular in the middle of the last century. Now this version of rummy is distributed mainly in Europe and the United States.

The game is logical-strategic and is rarely played for money. Jin-rammi is designed for 2-4 people. To play in pairs, 10 cards are dealt, a company of three or four people gets seven cards in hand. The deck remaining after the deal is placed in the middle of the table and the top card is removed - players will discard unnecessary cards on it.

The main goal of the game is to collect a combination of three or more cards of the same suit or value. Players can draw cards from both resulting decks, but they cannot discard sheets just taken from the discard pile. The best position in the game is gin, when a person has no "extra" cards in his hand that are not used in combination. The player with the most points loses and deals the sheets (corresponds to the dignity of the card, the ace in rummy is considered a unit, the jack, queen and king - tens).

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One of the most beloved in America and Europe, but not very popular in the CIS countries. The predecessor of the bridge is considered to be "whist", popular in Russian Empire from the 19th century, but in Soviet time almost disappeared.

The difficulty of bridge is comparable to that of chess and backgammon, the game is internationally recognized as a kind of intellectual sport. On the bridge, major tournaments and mini-events are held for a company of eight people. Distinctive feature- a person does not play for himself, but for his pair (East in a team with West, North with South). In the bridge, it is not customary to prompt or help your friend, the game has a strict code of ethics that does not allow any violation of rules and discipline.

There are four people in the home rubber bridge. This variation is less popular due to the large influence of randomness on the results of the game. Bridge lovers prefer a sports variation of the game in which everything depends on memory and logical thinking.

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Like bridge, this is an "aristocratic" game with its own code of honor, the roots of which go back to the English "whist". Preference is most interesting to play in a company of three or four people - cards are dealt only to three players and when more the participants' entertainment loses its pace and dynamism. Preference is classified as a commercial game, where, unlike gambling, the outcome of a party depends not on luck, but on the skills of the participants.

Sevens are not used in the preference, they are played with a deck of 32 sheets. The main goal of the party is to score more points. Preference rules are amended from time to time. Last revised happened in 1996, when the Russian Club of Preference Admirers issued its own set of recommendations and rules of the game.

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One of the most famous card games in the world, invented especially for casinos. The predecessor of blackjack is the game "Twenty One", popular in 19th century France. For the first time, blackjack appeared in gambling establishments in the United States. To interest a wide range of visitors, the casino employees had to carry out various PR campaigns and even modify the rules of the classic "Twenty-one" to be more interesting for the players.

One of the variations of blackjack is popular in Russia - a point. The main difference between these varieties in the deck: in the American version, 54 cards are used, in the Russian - 36. The point is considered a home version, which is more suitable for playing outside the casino.

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The most famous and popular gambling card game in the world. Poker is internationally recognized as a sport that regularly hosts tournaments and championships. The game gained popularity more than two hundred years ago, the first mention of a similar card entertainment dates back to the beginning of the 16th century.

Poker perfectly combines logical and strategic features with high level depending on luck. As in gin-rummy, the main goal of the participants is to get the most "weighty" combination. It is more interesting to play poker with bets (albeit for conditional money), when the participants need to feel the atmosphere at the table in order to save their funds, understand when it is better to leave the game and keep the remaining chips, and at what point to take a risk and raise the bet.

Bluff is also important in poker. A player who does not own valuable cards can bluff unsure opponents, forcing them to leave the game.

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Goat appeared in Germany at the end of the 19th century, becoming today one of the most popular card games in the CIS countries. Has many variations. Each region has its own version of the goat, differing in the rules for assigning the trump card, which often creates confusion for participants from different cities.

The goat looks like a bridge and a fool at the same time. As in the bridge, the players are divided into criss-cross teams, and a three-player one-on-two game is allowed. The resemblance to a fool is manifested in the presence of a trump card and the need to beat the cards of opponents.

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A game that does not need any special introduction, the rules of which are known even to first graders. The fool appeared in the Russian Empire in the 19th century and was widespread only among the peasants - the nobility preferred the "aristocratic" preference and bridge. The game gained fame in the USSR, at the same time new varieties of the fool appeared: throw-in, transfer, with a deck of 52 cards.

The fool is distinguished simple rules and the ability to play in a large company. Like most card games not for real money, a fool can help you forget about problems and get rid of.

Card games with kids familyr_papa wrote in July 31st, 2012

text: Dmitry Pryanik

We have a grandiose journey ahead of us - we are going on vacation, to visit relatives in Feodosia. We will be on the road for almost two days. Even for adults it is not easy to withstand such a move, let alone the fidget-Styopka. How to keep him busy on the road? We take with us several mini board games, but you won't play them all day long!

I thought that cards would save the day. When I was Stepka, I was very fond of playing with my grandmother in "Akulina", and with my grandfather - in "I Believe - I Don't Believe". I tried to remember all the card games for kids, and I got a pretty good list.

Bonjour, Madame!

This game has two options. First: the leader throws out cards one by one. Second: all the cards are dealt to the players in equal numbers, and each on his turn puts one on the table.

Each card corresponds to a certain movement or word:

Ace - slap your palm on the table
King - Salute
Lady - to shout "Bonjour madam!"
Jack - shout "Sorry, monsieur!"
Ten - shout "Hurray!"
Nine - clap your hands
Eight - meow
Seven - crowing
Six - grunt

The player who mixed up words or movements is eliminated from the game.

I believe - I do not believe

If there are more than six players, then two decks are mixed. The cards are dealt two at a time (and one player may have fewer cards than the others - it doesn't matter).

The player who sits to the left of the dealer starts the game. He lays out three cards face up and names the cards. The game starts with aces. That is, the player can actually put aces and name them, or he can put any other cards, but also call them aces. The second player lays out the kings (again also - either lays down the correct cards, or cheats). The third player lays out queens and so on in descending order.

If someone has doubts during the game, he says: "I doubt it." Then all the cards laid out on the table are turned upside down. If at least one card is "fake" (that is, it was not named, but it ended up on the table), then the player takes all the cards for himself. If there was no cheating, then the cards are taken by the player who cheated.

The game is won by the one who gets rid of his cards first.


The game can be played by four to ten people. At the beginning, choose one suit - it will become the main one.

Each player is dealt three cards. He puts one of them face down on the table and exchanges it with another player. Continuing the game in this way, you need to collect three cards of the same suit, agreed at the beginning of the game. The one who collects is out of the game.

The last player is considered the loser and gets the nickname Eroshka.


If there are more than six players, then take a deck of 52 cards. All cards are dealt to the players equally, from right to left.

Each player examines his cards. If there are doubles (two deuces, two jacks ...), then he folds them. He holds the rest of the cards in his hands in a fan so that no one can spy on what cards he has left.

Players take turns, from right to left, begin to draw one card from each other. Again, they do the same, if paired cards come across, they are discarded. You can't just throw off Akulina - the queen of spades. During the exchange of cards, it passes from one player to another, and the one who at the end has it in hand is considered the loser.


This game is like Akulina. The leader at random pulls one card out of the deck and hides it. Then the rest of the cards are dealt to all participants in the game. They reveal their cards and discard paired cards. Then, in turn, cards are drawn from each other from right to left. As soon as paired cards come across, they are discarded again. The game goes on until one of the players has the last card, in a pair of the one that the host hid.

A donkey

This is a game of mindfulness. Because you need to monitor not only your cards, but also the behavior of other players.

So, aces, kings, queens, jacks and tens are chosen from the deck.

The host shuffles the cards and distributes them equally to all players. The host starts the game - he exchanges one card with a neighbor (they are exchanged at random, cards are not shown to each other). The goal is to collect four cards (aces, or kings, or queens ...)

The game is played in complete silence. The player who collects four cards raises his thumb. As soon as other players notice this, they also raise their thumb. The one who notices and lifts the finger last becomes a donkey. He must shout "ia-ia" three times.


This is a game for two. The cards are shuffled and laid out in two decks (face down).

One by one, the players place their cards on the table. If the first player has the highest card, then he takes both cards for himself and puts them on the bottom of his deck.

If both players play cards of the same seniority, or one ace and the other a six, then the cards are in dispute. This means that each player puts another one on his card (face down), and another one on top - face up. And already on the third card they judge who won the dispute. The winner (that is, the one whose third card is the highest) takes all the cards involved in the dispute.

The game continues until one of the players has no cards left. He loses and is called a drunkard.


Three or more players take part in the game.

Each player is given seven cards. The rest of the cards are in the deck, from which the leader takes the top card and puts it face up on the table.

On this card, the second player lays out three cards from his cards - either descending or ascending. For example, the driver posted a lady. The second player places a jack, ten and nine on it. Or king, ace and deuce. The suit doesn't matter.

When all possibilities have been exhausted and there is no more opportunity to put cards from those in hand, the player can take the top card from the deck. If it suits in order to make the next three cards, then the game continues. If not, then the turn goes to the third player.

When the deck is depleted, players continue to play. The one who does not have a three of a card, passes (says "pass" and misses a move).

The goal of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards.

Who said that cards are not toys for children? Who among us in childhood has not played with friends at "fool" or "shark"? Despite the abundance of all kinds of board games, the usual playing cards occupy far from the last place among the most favorite children's entertainment.

Children's card games are distinguished by simple rules that even preschoolers can master. In addition, many of them develop logical thinking, reaction and attention. That is why children can combine business with pleasure while playing cards.


The object of the game is to get rid of your cards. The cards are divided equally among the participants. Each player places a pile of cards face down in front of him. You are not allowed to look at your maps. The participants of the game take turns, clockwise, and the right of the first move is determined by drawing lots. The players take turns revealing the top card in the pile and placing it face up next to the pile. The player is obliged to put his card on the face up card of any of the players, if his card is the next in value in ascending order. For example, the second player has opened an eight, and the first player has an open seven. The second player places his eight on the first player's seven. Or the player has opened a queen, and his neighbor has an open jack. The queen goes to the jack. A six is ​​placed on the ace.

Attention! You cannot lay cards in descending order. For example, you cannot put a jack on a queen, and an eight on a nine. When a player has a choice - several participants in the game have cards open at once, on which he can put his card, then he acts at his own discretion and puts the card to whoever he wants. If a player puts his card on someone else's open pile, then the move remains with him. He continues to reveal his cards and transfer them to other participants as long as the cards he opens are suitable for this. As soon as a player lays out a card that cannot be put to any of the other participants in the game, the turn goes to the next player. All players closely follow the process of the game and the actions of the one who opens the cards. If a player had the opportunity to put his face-up card on someone else's pile, but he missed this opportunity - opened the next face-down card and put it to himself - such a "onlooker" is penalized. Each of the players puts one card from their piles to him, and the turn goes to the next participant. For example, a player has an open nine, and his neighbor has an open eight. Instead of placing his 9 on his neighbor, the player opens next card... This means that he "yawned".

As soon as the player's closed pile ends, he must wait for his move, turn it face down and continue the game. In this case, cards cannot be shuffled.

The game is won by the one who got rid of his cards first. And the player loses, respectively, who has a full deck in his hands at the end of the game. As a rule, the more attentive players are the winners. But a lot also depends on the alignment: very often the "onlookers" are the one who has never made a mistake during the whole game!

Akulina (Witch)

A regular deck of 36 cards is used for the game, from which the queen of clubs is pulled out in advance. It is not used in the game. The game can be played by 2 to 6 people.

Purpose of the game: get rid of your cards and not be left with the Queen of Spades in your hands. The game takes place in two stages. The cards are equally distributed among all the participants in the game, although in most cases the last player receives one less card. At the first stage of the game, the participants discard paired cards, strictly two at a time. For example, two sixes, two kings, two aces. You cannot fold three identical cards. In this case, the suit of the cards does not matter, with a few exceptions: the queen of diamonds is discarded along with the queen of hearts, and the queen of spades cannot be thrown away. This is the witch or Akulina. After the players have no paired cards left in their hands, each of them, in turn, offers the next player to draw one of their cards at random. Of course, you cannot show your cards to other players in the game. Usually they are held in front of them like a fan, a picture towards themselves. The player draws a card and, if possible, discards paired cards or, if there is nothing to discard, leaves drawn card yourself, and the turn goes to the next player.

The game is played until all the paired cards of all the participants in the game have been discarded. The loser is left with only one card - the Queen of Spades. Sometimes the one who is left with Akulina has to tie a kerchief on his head and sit in it throughout the next round, until a new loser appears. In this game, there is another option for dealing cards. If there are few players or it is inconvenient for them to hold a large number of cards in their hands at the same time, then you can deal five cards to all players and put the deck in the center of the table. After discarding paired cards, each player draws the missing cards from the deck. If the players ran out of paired cards even before the deck was dismantled, then you can proceed to the second stage of the game. The player who was drawn a card takes the missing card from the deck and, if necessary, discards paired cards during the game. It should be noted that Akulina is famous game not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Only there it is called " Spinster", Play it with a" long "deck of 52 cards. No cards from the deck are discarded in advance, and the joker plays the role of "Akulina".

Hello jack!

Very fun game for the little ones, which develops quick reaction and attention. The game is designed for a large number of players (minimum 3). If there are few players, then you can use a deck of 36 cards. A deck of 52 cards is also suitable for the game, without jokers.

The cards are equally distributed among the participants in the game. Each player places their stack in front of them, face down. You cannot look at your cards. The players then take turns (clockwise) to reveal their cards and lay them on the table. Cards in denominations from six to nine (or from two to nine if using a "long deck") do not require any action from the players and remain on the table. But cards from ten to ace require certain actions from the rest of the game participants, with the exception of the one who opens the card.

If a dozen appears, whistle!

If a jack appears, say: "Hello, jack!"

If a lady appears, say: "Hello, lady!"

If the king appears, "salute" or "salute" (army salute).

If an ace appears, slap your palms on the table.

The player who completed the task incorrectly takes all the cards on the table (including those that were laid out earlier). If all players did everything correctly, then the player who completed the task last takes the cards. If the players cannot decide who was the last (everyone performed the required action at the same time), then the cards remain on the table, and the move goes to the next player. Otherwise, the turn goes to the one who took the cards for himself. The winner is the one who got rid of his cards first. Of course, the list of actions that are required from players when certain cards appear can be changed. But it is necessary to discuss them before starting the game.


One of the first card games kids learn. A deck of 36 cards is used for the game. Usually the game is designed for 2 players, but there may be more.

The goal of the game is to collect a full deck of cards. The cards are equally distributed among the participants in the game. You cannot look at your maps in advance. Each of the players picks up his own pile, face down, and reveals the top card. The one of the game participants who has a card higher in value than the other player (other players) takes the bribe for himself and puts it in a separate pile. For example, one player has a queen, the second has a jack, and the third has an eight. The cards are taken by the player who has the queen. The lowest card is the six, and the highest is the ace. But the six is ​​the only card that takes the ace.

If the participants lay out cards of the same value at the same time (two queens, two tens, two aces, and so on), then a dispute arises between them. Each of them lays down one closed card on your "arguing" card ("surprise"), and on top - another open card. In the dispute, the winner is the one whose top up card is higher. If more than two players take part in the game, then only those players who have dropped cards of the same rank participate in the dispute. The rest of the players skip a turn. When the pile of cards in the hands of a player ends, he takes from the table the cards he has collected during the game, turns the pile face down and continues the game. Players must agree in advance whether the cards in this pile can be shuffled or whether they must be laid out in the order in which they were drawn.

The player who takes all the cards for himself wins, respectively. And the one who has no cards left in his hands loses. He is the "drunkard" who "drank" all his cards. In this game, no thought process is required from the participants, and the win or loss depends solely on the layout of the cards. But kids usually like this game.

Children's Solitaire "Four Aces"

For solitaire, a deck of 36 cards is taken. The cards are laid out in 4 equal piles, face down. The player takes the first pile, turns it upside down, removes and puts aside any cards from six to king, until the first ace appears. The cards under the ace cannot be taken out. As soon as an ace appears, the player takes the next pile, flips it, places it on top of the first pile and continues to remove cards until the ace appears. The same is done with the third and fourth piles. Then the remaining cards are turned face down and laid out in three piles. You cannot interfere with the cards. When all the cards lying on top of the aces are taken out of all three piles, the cards are laid out in two piles. The process is repeated. The remaining cards are placed in one pile and turned over. All cards on top of the aces are also removed. Solitaire is played if there are only four aces left in the pile, and there are no other cards under them or between them.

Many people like to play cards. This not only allows you to have fun, but also develops the skills of logical thinking, the ability to analyze a situation, count points, as well as attention, perseverance, memory, because you need not only to be able to correctly add points to each player, but also to learn the rules of the game.

And it is also convenient to take with you on vacation: to the countryside, to the sea, to the train. They take up a minimum of space, and give the maximum pleasure from the game. In this article, we will consider several interesting card games for two. Some of you may already be familiar, and some will meet for the first time. Try to master new versions of the game, remember the long-forgotten games of your childhood.


Before starting the game, you need to get one of the queens from the deck. After the shuffle, the cards are distributed equally among the players. The last unpaired one goes to the one who distributed. "The Witch" is the scariest card, of course it is the queen of spades... When playing a card game for two, players immediately understand who got it, but it doesn't matter, the situation can change dramatically after the first move.

To begin with, each player looks for paired cards and sets the pairs aside. For example, two tens, two aces, two jacks. Only single pictures remain in the hand. In such a card game for two, the rules are as follows.

The first player holds in his outstretched hand his cards "back" to the second player. He draws one of the cards from the fan, any, at will. If he has formed a pair, he immediately puts it aside.

Then it is the turn of the other player to draw a card. The witch may also be caught. The player who has the Queen of Spades in his hand loses.

"I believe - I do not believe"

This is one of the most fun card games you can play with a large company. All cards are dealt to the players' hands. The goal of the game is to collect all the available fours of cards, for example, if a player has 4 sixes in his hands, he gets rid of them, putting them aside. The winner is the one who is left empty-handed faster.

How to play?

The first move is made by the player who was the dealer. He puts 1, 2, 3 or 4 cards face down in the middle of the table and announces what kind of cards they are, for example 2 queens. The other player looks at his cards and realizes that he cannot have two queens, since he has three in his hands. Then he replies: "I do not believe!" The first player takes the cards back to himself. The move is passed. The main intrigue is that you can deceive your opponent in every possible way, throwing up completely different cards.

For example, a six and an eight are laid out on the table, and the player says that he has laid out two aces. You can trust him, even if you know that he is cheating. In this case, the second player puts his one or two cards, then announces that he also put two aces. Now it's the turn to doubt the veracity of the first player. The opponent may say: "I don't believe it!"

If, turning over the cards, everyone sees that there really are two aces, then the player takes the entire buy for himself. At the same time, he can really get aces, having collected all four cards, he puts them aside. The winner is the one who got rid of all cards first.


This is a favorite card game for two for kids. All cards are dealt in half. They take turns putting one card in the middle of the table. The opponent must lay out his own, while not looking at its face value, but holding all the cards in a pile, "face down". The one with the big card wins. The largest card is the ace, then the king, queen, jack and ten. The rest correspond to the numerical value.

If two identical cards are dropped, then a "dispute" begins. First, on each of his cards, the player puts one more "face down", then - the second, but this time with the side on which the value of the card is visible. The one who has the highest one takes all 6 cards for himself. There may also be an ace inside. There is already someone who is lucky.

The one with the most cards wins. You can play such a card game for two with 36 cards for a long time, since the situation is constantly changing, one player has an advantage, then another. All cards that are won as a result of the moves are placed in the stack from the bottom.


This card game for two is considered analytical, since you need to think over the moves in advance, take risks or pass, depending on the value of the cards that the player got after the deal. It is played up to 501 points. Before starting the game, you need to prepare a pencil and a sheet of paper, draw a table and write down all the points won in the game. After each move, they are summed up and the total number of points is displayed. The winner is the first to score 501 points.

Six cards are dealt to each player, three more are on the table in front of the players. The rest are put into the deck and the trump card is displayed, as in the game of "Fool". The cost of the pictures is as follows: ace - 11, ten - 10, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2, trump jack "kid" - 20, trump nine "manela" - 14. If you come across trump king and queen ("bella" ), then the cost of this pair is 20, the last one, that is, the last trick is 10, if the player gets any three cards in a row, for example 9, 10, jack or queen, king, ace, then the cost of such a set ("tertsa") is 20 , but there is also fifty dollars - these are 5 cards in a row, as in the photo above - 50 points. But if you are lucky and come across 7 cards in a row - this is a "klabor", that is, you automatically win the game.

Rules of the game

You also need to know that before the start of the game, all small cards up to nines are set aside. After the first 6 cards are dealt, the player evaluates his chances of success and looks at how many additional points he is able to score, and announces that he is playing or passing. If the second player also refuses to play and says: "Pass!", Then the first has a chance to win. He can declare his trump card and continue playing. After that, they take the remaining three cards into their pack. The game begins.

They walk one card at a time. The opponent must respond with a large card of the same suit. If not, then they play a trump card, if there is not one, then you can discard any unnecessary card, for example a nine. It costs nothing.

In order for the player to receive bonus points for cards, it is necessary to take at least one bribe. If you did not succeed, then the points will expire. If the game is won not by the player who played, but by the one who said: "Pass!", Then all the points go to the opponent.

If a player has a "Bella" or "Terz" in his hands, but sees in advance that he will not take a single trick, he does not announce them, that is, the winning opponent does not count the prize points, they have the usual value, like ordinary cards.

But if you want to be credited with prize points, you must, during your turn, declare that you have these sets of cards, and present them, showing them to your opponent at the beginning of the game.

"Point" (or "21")

One of the popular card games for two adults is "Point", in another way called "Twenty-one". This is simple game, the rules are simple, a lot depends on luck. One player holds a deck of cards and gives out one to the opponent. He counts the points. He needs to get the number of points close to the number 21. It is better to get less than brute force. If, as a result of counting, the player realizes that he has gone over the cards, then he must definitely say this. Then the opponent automatically wins.

If you are lucky and get exactly 21 points, then you also become the winner. If you have, for example, 20 points, and your opponent has 18, then you have won. There is one more feature. If two aces fell, then this is also a victory, although in terms of points it turns out to be an overkill. This is called the "banker's point".

In the article, we talked about the rules of card games for 36 cards for two. Play with pleasure!