How to get out of your comfort zone. Going beyond

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The inner state of mind of a person in which it is pleasant to be is called comfort zone.

It does not allow a person to fulfill his dream, makes him degrade and takes away the desire to realize his potential!

Internal is the important word here.

The same objects of the outside world for different people may be interpreted in different ways.

For example, for one, expensive varieties of coffee, tea, cigars, luxury furniture, an expensive car that he uses every day - he is no longer impressed.

For another, all of the above may be just a dream to which he aspires.

In other words, comfort zone- it:

    Settled habits.

    A person does not develop at all, being in a familiar and familiar environment, rooted in a comfort zone.

    stereotypes of behavior.

    A person begins to act automatically, performing the same actions day after day, ceasing to feel and perceive the reality surrounding him with his own mind.

    Thought patterns.

    A person becomes a consumer of everything ready.

    He becomes too lazy to think.

Behind comfort zone there is a completely different "side of the coin" - a zone of uncomfortable and unusual behavior.

Leaving one zone and getting into an unfamiliar atmosphere, a person learns to live anew, to feel anew, to make vital decisions.

Therefore, one has to look for new life guidelines (support points) in order to new world became much clearer and easier.

The state in the opposite zone can be compared with the process of growing up a child!

How to get out of the comfort zone? Ways out:

Everyone will have to leave a comfortable stay.

It's all about when and how he can get out.

Prepared or thrown out of a cozy shelter to the mercy of fate.

The second way to go beyond the ordinary existence is more traumatic for the soul: stress, depression.

Life circumstances or changed conditions force a person to drastically change the course of his routine life, which entails a considerable threat to health.

To avoid such sudden changes in life, it is better to make a conscious decision on your own to choose the first option for getting out of the “gray” consumer existence.

Then all changes in life will proceed in a milder form with a sparing effect on the psyche.

“If you always set limits on what you can do physically or mentally, you might as well be dead. It will spread to work, to morality, to life. There are no borders, only horizontal areas of stabilization. But you can not stay on them, you need to go beyond them. If it kills, then it will kill.”
Bruce Lee

97% of people 2/3 of their lives hope that they have everything ahead of them!

Enough childish illusions!!!

Here are 5 tips that will help you get out of your comfort zone and achieve your goals!

    Go to a course or a weekend club!

    Do not be lazy, but look on the Internet, in newspapers - interesting courses in your city.

    Find what you like and go to new acquaintances and exciting activities.

    And one more thing… don’t just sign up for courses, but attend them regularly!

    Go on an unplanned trip!

    Set aside a couple of free days for yourself to go on a short trip.

    All you have to do is choose the route of the trip and take the necessary things .. EVERYTHING!

    No more planning needed.

    Just on the road, think about your time, what you will do, where you will go ...

    With this method, you can get out of your comfort zone and get unreal impressions! 😉

    Take on new tasks, for example at work!

    Take on a specific project!

    And do not just work on it, but try to bring something new, unconventional into it, so that things go like clockwork!

    Go in for sports! If you are engaged, then increase the load!

    Everyone knows that physical activity adds self-confidence, health, a sense of dignity and of course!

    Are you not into sports yet?

    Then it's your time to change something in life and start putting yourself in order!

    Set goals that will completely change your life!

    In our case, you need to take on a goal that will help change you and your life-being!

    For which you can make it happen.

Why is the comfort zone dangerous?

The dangers that lie in wait for those stuck in a comfortable and gray life are the lack of motivation.

Acting and even forcing yourself to act becomes not at all easy.

Developing the habit of working on yourself and making efforts regardless of mood and weather conditions becomes a top priority.

This is facilitated by an active lifestyle, exercise stress, curiosity, living life according to the principle of "here and now".

For more information on how you can get out of your comfort zone,

watch the educational video!

Breathe life!

Self-improvement and regular development, not degradation, allow small steps get out of your comfort zone.

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There is a joke: smart people who advise you to get out of your comfort zone, first explain how to get into it. The habitual lifestyle is first of all a routine, the absence of changes. It seems that it is worth abandoning the old way of life, and the world will collapse. For many long years they go with the flow: they continue to live with their tyrant husband, they are afraid of public speaking, they don’t argue with their superiors, they don’t travel and they don’t dream. Is such a life joyful?

1. Determine if you are fooling yourself

Let's say you don't like speaking in front of an audience. Instead of overcoming fear and appreciating the benefits of meeting new people, communicating with like-minded people and arguing with opponents, you begin to look for excuses for your phobias.

You say: “Participation in this event is not so important”, “You can do work without participating in public events”, or “Networking is not for me, I'm an introvert”. There is some truth in these statements, you are afraid of public speaking, but do not want to admit it to yourself.

To determine if you are fooling yourself, ask the question: “Would I like to do what I refuse, provided that the situation is absolutely comfortable and stress-free? Would it be nice or useful for a career? If yes, then you are afraid. Once you realize this, you can move on.

Now you need to identify one or more reasons why you need to do what you are afraid of. Think about how this business will contribute to the realization of your goals, career and personal growth. The benefit of performing an uncomfortable action is a great motivator.

2. Create a plan

Realizing the fears, you can take action, but it is better to show wisdom and patience. You risk not getting desired result if you don't think of a change strategy.

Determine what is the most difficult in your situation. Then the steps that will lead to the goal. You can go to the goal in different ways. For example, to develop a business, make contacts with the right people. You are an introvert, and the mere thought of a crowded event makes you feel bad. However, apart from participation in exhibitions and conferences, there are other ways to meet and communicate with potential partners. For example, by phone and arrange a meeting for a cup of coffee in a quiet cafe. Instead of being afraid, you take control of the situation and adapt it to your own characteristics and preferences.

3. Find a mentor

Even with a plan in place, help, inspiration, approval, and feedback may be needed. Contact a coach, you can ask a friend or colleague. A mentor will help you determine the difference between your behavior in a familiar situation and how you act outside your comfort zone. He will discuss with you options for the development of events and tell you what to do if the situation is out of control, pay attention to weaknesses, help you adapt behavior to a particular situation and simulate an upcoming conversation or activity.

There is such an old and very correct saying: "The fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man is looking for where it is better." And this is absolutely correct and natural. Everyone strives to make their life as convenient and enjoyable as possible. More living space, faster car, softer bed, more powerful computer. It would be complete idiocy to refuse these benefits of civilization.

It would seem, well, what's wrong with a calm comfortable existence? You feel relaxed, there are no risks in your life, you are satisfied with the way things are going and you do not feel any need to change anything. Maybe you don't feel incredibly happy, or 100% satisfied, but at least you feel comfortable right?

Almost always, your comfort zone is the product of self-deception. You tell yourself that there is no better alternative to your current position, that you have spent too much effort to build it, that it is already too difficult to change anything in life. You stop at one albeit pretty convenient location and with your own hands nullify all the magnificent prospects of your life. The comfort zone becomes the end point of your journey for you. Why is this happening?

you get soft

What happens to a person who is immersed in a bath with warm water? He relaxes, softens. And if such a stay is extended for quite a long time? That's right, it's deteriorating. His muscles lose their tone and very soon he will not only be able to run, but even just stand still.

But it's not just about the body. The same thing happens with our brain.

No need to decide challenging tasks leads to liquefaction in the head and loss of clarity of thought, ability to learn and make decisions.

You become a vegetable that moves on the same trajectory every day and performs the same tasks every day.

Meanwhile, remember what period of your life was the most fruitful and creative for you? I am sure that these were not the most well-fed and comfortable times. Some will remember sleepless student nights, others life-threatening travels and situations, others will remember the crisis periods of their lives, when everything had to be started all over again.

You are giving up on life goals

Everyone, well, almost everyone, a person has somewhere deep in his subcortex that very cherished goal of his life. Yes, something from the "see Paris and die" series. The most interesting thing is that very often these goals are not so sky-high and unattainable. But something always gets in our way.

You may never recognize yourself

There is an opinion, and it is quite justified, that only in difficulties is the true face of a person revealed. You can live your whole life in greenhouse conditions and never know what you are really capable of. Can you really be bold and inventive? Are you really able to show patience and perseverance, or do you just think it is?

It's time to get out of your comfort zone and understand, if only for yourself, what kind of person you really are and where lies the limit of your capabilities. I assure you that the result will surely surprise you.

Sooner or later, the comfort zone for any person turns into a factor that hinders its development and deprives life of the thrill of sensations. Recall the most interesting moments of your life. Surely most of them are connected precisely with those moments when you did something unusual, extreme, going beyond the usual routine. Get out of your comfort zone.

So why not do it again?

Every day, billions of people go missing because they couldn't find a way out of their comfort zone. It draws a person in like a quagmire, not giving the opportunity to fulfill their dreams or somehow develop. The circle closes at the stage of satisfaction of basic needs: food, shelter, clothing.

The first obstacle to the formation of personality is the exit from the zone of comfortable life.

Comfort zone. What is she like?

The concept of a comfort zone is often mentioned in psychology. This is the name of the human condition when there is no desire to engage in any useful activity. It is achieved through the satisfaction of basic needs and is fixed through habit.

So people begin to live as they are used to, afraid to take a step away from the routine rhythm of life. If they still have a desire to change something, then they are faced with severe stress and discomfort.

The comfort zone is self-deception, when a person is satisfied with life, satisfying his needs for food and shelter, but at the same time diligently avoids self-realization beyond these needs. It drags on long time: as a result, a person runs away from himself, from his goals and desires, from his recognition to his usual comfort zone.

Why step out of your comfort zone?

Why don't I stay in my comfort zone? What is my motivation? Do I need it if I'm already doing well? The answer is simple: you should step out of your comfort zone in order to change the quality of your life. By itself, life will not sparkle with new colors, it will not stop being dull and boring. She needs some effort on your part.

One of the most common causes people's despondency and dissatisfaction with their lives is just the horror of leaving the zone of comfortable existence. What are the benefits of leaving it? A chance to find yourself in this world. How can you realize your calling if you are constantly in the same habitual swamp of routine and boredom?

Everyone has at least once experienced a state when they want to find something new in their lives, but it is scary to fulfill their desire, dream. It is impossible to search for yourself without leaving your usual comfort zone. This is how all goals and undertakings die. However, stepping out of your comfort zone also needs to be done wisely. You should not rush to each new desire as an embrasure. Weigh the pros and cons. It is possible that your brake is not fear, but a sense of self-preservation, realism and common sense.

In most cases, the comfort zone is the fruit of your self-deception. You think that there simply cannot be a better alternative to the situation in the present, that too much effort and hope has been spent to build what you now have, that it is too late to change your life for the better. You decide to stop at one, albeit convenient, place, and your with my own hands nullify all possible prospects of your life. So the comfort zone becomes the end point of your life journey. Do you need it?

Before you step out of your comfort zone, get into it first!

How to get out of the comfort zone? Psychology has answered this question many times. But how often did she remind you that in order to leave your comfort zone, you must first get there?

What does "comfort zone" mean? This is a place where you are warm, cozy, joyful, tasty, satisfying, safe, where you are loved and taken care of. And where you care.

Many people simply do not have such a place. AT best case there is a zone to "burrow and lie down." This, of course, is more than nothing, but you can’t call it a comfort zone either. Like alcohol in the cold. In general, it helps, but not for long.

If you are lucky enough to find yourself in a comfort zone, relax and stay in it. Who knows when you will be lucky enough to return there again. Take a breather and only then go out.

This feeling cannot be confused with anything. You have enough strength for all the planned things, you manage to do everything, and, perhaps, you are ready to learn something else interesting. There is a willingness to wake up early and run to the pool, think about a work project that has been hanging in the plan for almost a year.

The most important thing is that the impulse to act arises before the thought of it. First you start working - and only then you think. No, not always with joyful readiness, but in some cases this painful joy of overcoming oneself pushes one to exploits. And you understand that you did something new not out of your last strength, but because it was interesting.

Simply put, get out of your comfort zone. The reviews of those who once dared to do this testify that it is not as easy as it might seem. Not many people have the strength to change something in an already established routine. However, this is not always wrong. People who appeal with the slogan “Get out of your comfort zone! Change your life!” usually mean no interest. If you translate this into everyday language, then you get something from the category “I feel somehow bad now, but if I start torturing myself even more, then perhaps I will feel better.”

Doubtful statement, isn't it? Therefore, before you try to get out of your comfort zone, first get into it for at least a couple of weeks: rest, gain strength for new beginnings.

In his book Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone, Brian Tracy gives a funny analogy: he compares doing the things you need to be successful to eating frogs. That is, every business (especially if it is unpleasant) is a frog that must be eaten in order to achieve success. Stepping out of your comfort zone has become a similar thing for many. Here's the author's advice: just eat the frog.

Change the usual order of things

Great if you have learned to follow a schedule and can live by a schedule. This helps to focus all attention on what you are doing at any particular moment in time. In his book Get Out of Your Comfort Zone, Brian Tracy called the ability to focus on a specific task the main key to success.

However, sometimes you should choose a day to change your routine in order to try something new and interesting. This is one of the most simple ways get out of your personal comfort zone, which requires little effort on your part.

New acquaintances

Making new friends is one of the better ways get out of your comfort zone. It can be anyone: a person you have never met before, your colleague, whom you constantly ran into in the hallway, but were always afraid to speak, or any other random person.

Find your club of interest

B. Tracy's book "Get Out of Your Comfort Zone" describes many interesting tips. One of them is to join a club, to enroll in a section that interests you. All this can be found if you look at the ads in newspapers or messages on the forum in your city. Choose what you like and feel free to join! The most important thing in this business is regular visits to the club or section.

Alternatively, start learning a foreign language.

Unplanned trip

In the book Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone, Brian Tracy also advises occasionally making unplanned trips. A couple of free days will be enough for this. Pack your luggage, decide on your destination, and don't plan anything else. When you go on this little trip, think about where you will stay and what you will do. You will not only be able to get out of your comfort zone, but also get a lot of pleasant impressions and, possibly, new friends.

New responsibilities at work

Take charge of a new project in your business or at work. Decide that you will not just work on it, but will work to the best of your ability to make it good. Don't just make some changes to your work, but do it consciously and with the goal of succeeding. So you can not only get out of your comfort zone, but also achieve a promotion that will reflect well on your career.

Physical activity is the key to health and a happy life

If you haven't been exercising yet, now is the time to start. If you are doing it, increase the load. Physical activity is one of the main components of health and well-being, and if you add an extra dozen sit-ups to your exercise routine, you will have one more reason to be proud of yourself.

If you are not yet engaged in your body - it's time to start. There is no need to break all sports records, your task is to go to new level. Sign up for a fitness center, or start going to the pool regularly. This will help you get out of your comfort zone, make new friends and gain self-confidence.

Improve your culinary skills

How to get out of the comfort zone? Open your cookbook, which may have been sitting idle on the shelf for several years, and find dishes that you have never tried before. Get it all necessary products and make some of them. If everything goes well, then you will discover new recipe otherwise, expand your horizons.

Goals that require change

A goal that requires big changes will help you get out of your comfort zone. It should require you to change the environment or make significant changes in yourself. In the book Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone, Brian Tracy mentioned that only three percent of adults are good at articulating their goals in writing.

Don't just think about what you could do and how to get there. No. Set yourself a specific time frame in which you will achieve your goal.

New knowledge is the basis of a broad outlook

Learn something that you would never know in everyday life. Choose a subject that interests you and start studying it. Look for information, read articles, look through the encyclopedia. This will not only expand your horizons, but will also become a brain training. If we always do only what we like, then knowledge, one way or another, will be limited. After a while, you will catch yourself thinking that you even like doing something that you have never done before.

In Brian Tracy's book Get Out of Your Comfort Zone, one of the most important components of learning new things is time management or the art of time management. For greater productivity, distribute the items you are interested in for the next month: select a week for each. Let it be 20 minutes of reading interesting article per day, but you will move in the chosen direction.

Take your hobby to the next level

Choose one of your many hobbies and look at it in a new way. If you run your blog on the Internet, modernize it. Do you grow flowers? Introduce a competitive element - make them prettier than their neighbors.

In each area of ​​activity, set for yourself a problem that needs to be solved. Get out of your comfort zone - change your life! Change your daily routine, do in the apartment overhaul, learn a lot about the most common and most unusual things get yourself in shape. As a result, you will get a good shake that will benefit you.

Daily life in modern world and a crazy rhythm requires from a person not only a constant readiness for changes and changes, but also making various kinds of efforts. Even, it would seem, things that have long been familiar to us often cannot be done without a strong-willed effort on our part. But what to say when some new situation requires us to perform completely unfamiliar, and sometimes even unusual actions? It is here that the fear of the unknown begins to overcome us, we fall into a stupor, and doubts force us to remain at the same mark of our path and the same level of personal development. Almost everyone has experienced this situation in one form or another.

It's all about the fact that there are certain limits - comfort zone, being in which, a person feels, as they say, at home, because everything is familiar and familiar to him, which means that within this framework he is safe and comfortable. Getting out of your comfort zone can be extremely difficult. It is these frameworks that make a person who remains in a job that is boring and does not bring the desired money and pleasure, clings to empty relationships, is afraid to change his lifestyle, his thoughts and himself. These frames limit a person and surround him from all sides, forming his comfort zone.

A bit about the comfort zone

If given precise definition this term, we can say that the comfort zone is that area of ​​a person's living space in which he feels safe and this very comfort. In most cases, the comfort zone is caused by habits and stereotyped behavior. The comfort zone is a small world in which a person is used to being. You can, of course, say: "Well, what's wrong with that - when a person is comfortable and good?" There is nothing wrong with this, except that this state of affairs often becomes a serious obstacle to the development and achievement of new goals and better results by people.

It will not be a revelation to anyone that, for example, mastering any new skill is going beyond the usual limits. Meeting new people is going beyond the usual. New successes and personal growth are also going beyond the usual framework. This is the main condition for self-development. But what longer man stays within these habitual limits, the more difficult it will be for him to get out of them later. And from this you can make logical conclusion: expanding one's own boundaries and leaving the comfort zone is an inevitability and a necessity for a person who intends to move forward.

But before proceeding to consider the question of how to get out of the comfort zone in the least painful way for your personality, a few words should be said that, first of all, a person must understand that he is stuck in his usual framework. And understanding and awareness of the current situation should serve as a catalyst for their expansion or rupture. Otherwise, the person simply will not budge, because. will not understand why he does it.

Look at yourself and your own life from the position of a critic, analyze your achievements, actions, results and life outcome - what do you feel in connection with all this? Are you happy at your job or doing business? Are you satisfied with the conditions in which you live? What about the relationship you're in? If you can give a confident positive answer to all these and other similar questions, then you can be envied. But if at least one point makes you doubt, then it's time to get out of your comfort zone in this area of ​​​​your life. If, after deep reflection, you came to the conclusion that everything is not right and everything is wrong, this is a clear indicator that you need to radically change your life.

So, clearly understanding that the comfort zone does not allow you to “break away from attraction”, you need to start acting. And your action plan should consist of several successive stages.

Program to get out of the comfort zone

Goal setting

The first step in your plan is setting goals. At this stage, you must clearly define what you want to achieve and what results to achieve. Goals can be short-term (up to 1 month), medium-term (from a month to six months) and long-term (from six months to 3-5 years). And they can include anything: from getting rid of bad habits and creating a daily routine until a comfortable state is achieved when meeting people on the street and changing their place of residence.


This stage involves careful consideration of all possible ways to achieve your goals. Make a plan in detail and try to take into account all the nuances of your lifestyle and your personality. So, for example, you can schedule new activities for the week and month. It is very good if you define some qualitative indicator of your achievements. It can be a week lived absolutely without cigarettes, a certain number of acquaintances per month, a daily rise at 6 am, etc. Planning will help you switch from thinking about action to taking action.


Practice is something without which you will not be able to achieve any results, even with a well-thought-out plan. Practice is the key to your success. And it includes phased implementation all points of the plan and the performance of daily activities. But here it is important not to try to embrace the immensity, i.e. there is no need to strive to perform overwhelming amounts of work on yourself - this will only lead to overwork, depression and unwillingness to do anything at all.

Follow the plan slowly, gradually, honing your skills and gradually expanding your comfort zone. After a while, increase the load. This will ensure continuous progress. It is also recommended to keep a diary and write down all your achievements, successes and failures in it at the end of each day. Such a diary will be a clear display of the process of going beyond the usual boundaries. And one more indispensable condition for practice: it must be regular and systematic.


The presented stage is the simplest of them all - this is a simple consolidation of the result. Those. if, after a month, for example, you have achieved certain successes, you must definitely consolidate them - do all the steps several times. This will be your new comfort zone, but already more expanded and including much more opportunities.

And finally, a few simple, but very effective recommendations to get out of your comfort zone, which will help you not only consolidate a new skill, but also make it your good habit.

Exercises to get out of your comfort zone

  • Go home, to work and to other familiar places by different routes.
  • Make friends on the street at least once a week.
  • Go somewhere unfamiliar to you.
  • Master the game on any musical instrument or learn another interesting skill.
  • Embark on a spontaneous journey.
  • Change your image, buy unusual clothes, dye your hair, pierce your ear, get a tattoo.
  • Make changes in your home.
  • Take a ride to the final stop on an unfamiliar bus or taxi.
  • While at work, read a beautiful verse out loud for everyone to hear.
  • Change your daily routine and start sticking to it strictly.

You can come up with your own exercises that will force you to regularly step out of your comfort zone. The main thing is to show imagination.

Psychological studies have shown that any new habit is formed and consolidated within 21 days. Therefore, try to strictly follow the above recommendations, at least during this period. And remember that all your true goals, desires and dreams are outside your comfort zone, so aim for it there and always be yourself!