How and with what to wash off silicone sealant from hands and clothes. How to clean your hands from silicone sealant

At self-fulfillment repair work and laying building materials using sealant, the problem of soiled hands is almost inevitable. It is good if, when working with such materials, you used gloves to protect the skin not only from dirt, but also from burns. However, if you sealed gaps and seams without the necessary protective equipment, then there is already a particularly relevant question of how to wash silicone sealant from hands. In this article, we will share with you the most effective and painless methods for cleaning the skin from building materials.

What is silicone sealant?

Before thinking about how to wash the sealant from your hands, you should figure out what kind of substance it is, what its properties and main purposes of application are. Silicone sealing material is a durable building compound that has excellent adhesive properties and bonds securely to almost any surface. This property is very beneficial if you need to close gaps or joints. However, if a drop of the substance gets on the surface of furniture, clothes or the skin of the hands, then its removal can become a real problem.

Important! The use of silicone sealant is very diverse, because with the help of this tool you can close up gaps in windows, process joints between plumbing and walls, glue mirrors, peeling tiles, etc.

How to wash your hands from silicone sealant?

If, after construction and repair work, the sealant gets dirty hands and froze on the surface of the skin, the following tools will help to quickly and painlessly get rid of pollution:

  • ethanol;
  • soap;
  • acetone-based nail polish remover;
  • washing powder;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pumice;
  • petrol.

Practical cleaning methods

When deciding how to wash the sealant from your hands, you can choose one of the cleaning methods or use them in a complex, thereby ensuring faster and better cleansing of your skin.

Important! Try to remove silicone from the skin as soon as possible, as it can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of redness and rashes.

Depending on the facilities available in your home and your personal preferences, choose one of the following cleaning methods.

Method #1 - Bag and Soap

To clean silicone sealant from your hands, do the following:

  • Wipe your hands with a plastic bag, during the friction process, the silicone will stick to the surface.
  • AT running water wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Repeat the procedure until the contamination is completely gone from the skin.

Method number 2 - soap and pumice

When freshly soiled, it is best to take the following measures to wash your hands of silicone sealant:

  • Dip your hands in a bowl of hot water.

Important! The water should be hot, but not boiling, because it is necessary that the substance on the hands soften under the influence of temperature, but your skin should not burn.

  • Soak your hands in water for several minutes.
  • Lather the skin with soap and rub lightly with a pumice stone.
  • Rinse soap and sealant residue from hands under running water.

Method #3 - Acetic Solution

This method will help you get rid of even a fairly frozen solution. Table vinegar is one of the most effective remedies, but it should be used quite carefully and in accordance with the following instructions:

  • A solution of vinegar with water is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  • Wash your hands with the solution.
  • Remove acid residue from hands with plain water and soap.

Method #4 - Solvents

Also a very practical and effective method to clean the sealant from your hands is to use solvents such as acetone, nail polish remover or gasoline. If your home has at least one of these substances, then follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • Apply the product to the surface of a cotton pad.
  • Gently treat any dirt on the skin.
  • Take a bar of regular toilet soap.
  • After thoroughly lathering the skin, rinse it well in running tap water.

Method #5 - Vegetable Oil

launder construction sealant ordinary vegetable oil will help with the skin, which is applied in the following way:

  • Warm up a little in a small bowl. vegetable oil.
  • Rub your hands with the still warm oil.
  • All available drops building mix rub with detergent until the marks disappear.
  • Wash the surface of the skin with soap and water.

Method #6 - Ethyl Alcohol

If there is ethyl alcohol in the house, then with its proper use, you can quickly and without consequences get rid of the sealant on the skin. This medical solution should be used as follows:

  • Dip a cotton swab in alcohol.
  • Wipe all areas of contamination formed on the skin.
  • Wash your hands under running water to remove sealant residue and dirt.
  1. Immediately after discovery building material on the skin, wipe the contaminated area with a woolen cloth.
  2. After repair work, try to treat your hands with a greasy cream that will soften the skin and help it survive stress painlessly.
  3. Regardless of how you decide to wash your hands of silicone sealant, after cleaning, be sure to wash your skin with soap and water under running water.
  4. Try to use when working with building materials special means protection - a respirator and gloves.
  5. If you didn’t stock up on gloves in advance or if the rubber broke, you can protect your hands with soap suds. Wash your hands thoroughly and generously and dry them. The resulting soap film will reliably protect the skin from damage and prevent the building sealant from sticking.
  6. Give preference to the use of high-quality building material from well-known and trusted manufacturers. This choice will help you not only ensure high quality repair work, but also to protect yourself from the manifestation of allergic and inflammatory reactions.

How to wash the sealant from the hands if, despite all the care and protective gloves, this sticky product still got on the open skin? When sealing seams and cracks, installing some finishing materials or even furniture such incidents are inevitable. Before you have time to look back - and there is already a blot of silicone sealant on your finger.

It’s easier with soiled clothes, here you can alternately try gasoline, acetone, and acid, and if the chemicals don’t work, a sharp razor will come in handy. another thing - own hands, because they are alone and in which case they cannot be replaced with new ones. What means can be used to remove a layer of cured silicone sealant from the skin?

What is this material

In order to effectively fight the enemy, you first need to collect as much information about him as possible. It will be much easier to choose the best product for cleaning the sealant from the skin of the hands if you understand what this material is, how it works and why it is used at all.

Silicone sealant is a liquid mass that resembles in its consistency and appearance thick glue. But the sealant has two significant differences:

  • upon contact with air, it sticks almost instantly and dries very quickly;
  • sealant is much stronger and harder than glue, therefore it is used not only for reliable sealing of seams, cracks and gaps, but also for fixing poorly glued surfaces on vertical surfaces ceramic tiles, mirrors, shelves, hooks, etc.

Silicone sealant is waterproof - it only compacts and hardens even more when in contact with water of any temperature, so it is used to seal gaps and spaces between plumbing fixtures - for example, between a siphon and a sink.

The adhesive properties of this material are simply excellent, it quickly and tightly connects to any surface, for which it is valued in construction and repair. But it is this property that causes a lot of trouble if silicone sealant gets on your hands.

How to properly remove silicone sealant from leather

A good worker always keeps his hands clean because he works with gloves. Experienced builders have already learned from bitter experience and know how much haste and carelessness can cost. But if your hands are still dirty, you should prepare the following tools and devices:

  • alcohol;
  • petrol;
  • acetone, or nail polish remover with this substance;
  • washing powder and liquid soap;
  • vinegar and vegetable oil;
  • pumice.

It is desirable to prepare all these means, if one does not work, you should immediately try another. It is not recommended to postpone cleaning the sealant from the skin - this is enough toxic substance, which can cause severe irritation, an allergic reaction, and even a chemical burn.

  1. Take a clean plastic bag and rub it between the soiled palms or fingers. Some of the sealant will stick to it. Discard the bag and wash your hands hot water with soap, then repeat the procedure. And so on until the sealant completely gets away with it.
  2. If there is no time and desire to mess with the bag, or if this method was not effective, you can try a solution of vinegar. In a small container, combine table vinegar and water in equal parts. Soiled hands are rubbed with this liquid. Then immerse in hot soapy water and hold for a few minutes. When processing with pumice stone, even hardened sealant easily leaves.
  3. Any solvent that is found in the house - gasoline, acetone, nail polish remover - will help to cope with silicone sealant even faster. The agent is applied to a cotton sponge or a clean flap and carefully wipe all the soiled areas of the skin. Then hands should be well lathered and washed in hot water. The sealant must be removed even without the use of pumice.
  4. To cleanse sensitive skin from silicone sealant better fit regular vegetable oil. A small amount of oil is heated in a bowl or saucepan - it is important not to overdo it so as not to get burned. Then generously lubricate the hands with warm oil and rub the especially contaminated areas with a brush or washcloth. After the silicone-based sealant softens, wash your hands in warm water with soap or liquid dishwashing detergent.
  5. Ethanol. This is perhaps the easiest, most effective and popular way to wash cured silicone sealant from the skin of your hands. It is enough just to moisten cotton wool in alcohol and wipe the drops of sealant. They will dissolve very quickly without any effort, then all that remains is to wash your hands with soap and water.

There are a few more useful tips, which will help to avoid serious contamination of the hands when performing minor construction or repair work at home. And if you still had to get dirty, then removing the sealant from the skin will be much easier.

Everyone knows about the need to wear gloves. but if they were not at hand, and you urgently need to use a sealant - for example, to fasten burst plumbing pipes, then you can protect your hands with soap.

Simply lather the brushes well and leave to dry without rinsing. A thin film forms on the skin, which will repel aggressive agents or materials. And if they do get on the surface of the skin, it will be much easier to remove them.

It is very good if silicone contamination is noticed immediately. Then they can be removed by simply rubbing your hands well with a piece of woolen cloth, and then washing with soap and water.

Whatever tool is used to remove silicone sealant, after completing all procedures, you need to lubricate the skin with a greasy, nourishing cream - even professional builder hands do not have to be rough and rough.

Mechanical removal of dried silicone from hands is complicated by real damage to the skin. The sealant is deeply absorbed into the pores of the skin and hardens there, so you can only wipe it fresh. Dried silicone is removed with a solution of vinegar, alcohol, acetone, white spirit or galoshes. Effective methods with a plastic bag and soap, as well as a tandem of vegetable oil and washing powder.

Due to the fact that it is almost impossible to tear off the dried silicone from the hands, a person immediately begins to look for how to wash the sealant from the hands with minimal harm to the skin. You need to be especially careful when using a variety of silicone removers - it is worth remembering that this open and unprotected skin can suffer as a result of experiments.

Dangerous effect of sealant

Regardless of the composition of the sealants, when it comes into contact with a person’s open skin, it causes an unpleasant allergic reaction. The situation is aggravated if the sealant contains a large concentration of acetic acid. Even with brief contact, it can cause a chemical burn, severe enough to require a medical facility to be washed and bandaged.

The danger is the main property of the sealant to penetrate into any surface and harden firmly in it, turning into a very elastic waterproof material. The skin is a porous surface, which is well impregnated with a sealant before it hardens. Mechanical removal of the hardened layer of silicone can lead to serious damage to the skin, which must be carefully treated. The fingertips are especially sensitive to such damage.

To prevent the sealant from getting onto exposed skin, it is recommended to use durable latex gloves, which do not absorb silicone, passing it to the skin.

Note! It is also advisable to wear closed clothing to protect the rest of the body from the harmful effects of silicone.

It doesn't hurt to ask in advance.

Sealant removal methods and means

There are two ways to clean acrylic or polyurethane sealant from your hands: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical is very problematic if the sealant completely hardens on the hands, because after tearing off the silicone, painful injuries will remain on the body.

Quickly wipe the sealant if it is still fresh, you can use a clean rag. Even if something has had time to dry, the methods described below will definitely help to painlessly and effectively wipe the sealant off your hands.

Soap and plastic bag

Silicone adheres very well to a plastic bag in any form. The advantage of this method is availability - such a bag can be found anywhere. They need to wipe their hands in places that are smeared with silicone.

The sealant will gradually begin to stick to the bag and stay on it. The remains on the hands are removed with ordinary soap or detergent under running warm water. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times until the silicone disappears completely.


If soap does not help wash off the silicone residue from your hands, you need to resort to more drastic measures - solvents. Regardless of the type of sealant and its composition, it is in any case susceptible to the action of aggressive solvents such as alcohol or acetone.

To clean your hands, you will need a clean, dry rag, cotton wool or cotton pad. The selected material is impregnated with a liquid, after which the soiled hands are rubbed with it in places of contamination.

Advice! Thinner should not be applied to clean areas of the skin, because it can also burn the integument and add even more problems.

Under the active chemical action of solvents, the hardened silicone will begin to turn into a cloudy liquid and gradually be absorbed into a rag or cotton wool. It is necessary to replace the material with a clean one every time the previous one is soaked through with dissolved silicone - there is a chance to smear it on clean skin, and you will have to wash off the sealant from your hands again in large volumes.

As an alternative, white spirit paint thinner is excellent, which actively dissolves sealants in any form, as well as gasoline high degree cleaning "Kalosh". The method of use is similar to that described above.

Acetic solution

If you do not want to burn your already affected skin, you can use a milder solvent - table vinegar.

In this case, there will even be a lot of the usual concentration of 9% - vinegar can be equally diluted with ordinary warm water. With the prepared solution, you need to plentifully treat your hands, the sealant will very quickly begin to dissolve and turn into water.

After the vinegar treatment, you can use toilet soap, which will wash off the remnants of silicone sealant and vinegar from your hands, as well as moisturize the skin and relieve irritation.

Vegetable oil and washing powder

Slightly warmed vegetable oil dissolves silicone well, which needs to be generously rubbed with soiled skin.

In just a few minutes, it will begin to dissolve, and silicone can be removed from hands with plain water.

If vegetable oil does not completely dissolve silicone, you can enhance the effect with the help of washing powder, which rubs the skin in places of contamination.

Napkins for removing sealant and mounting foam

In the household departments, you can find disposable sanitary napkins that are impregnated with solutions that effectively dissolve hardened installation fluids, including those on the hands.

It is advisable to have such wipes in your arsenal before starting work if you use foam or automotive sealant.

Below is a video showing how to remove sealant from various surfaces, including by hand.

Larisa, April 15, 2018.

Before puzzling over the question of how to remove silicone sealant, you need to understand what this material is. This is an adhesive sealed material that is used in repair and construction. It is necessary when installing plumbing (sinks, showers, bathtubs), in the manufacture of aquariums and other glass products, for sealing cracks. Due to its strength and stickiness, this material is very difficult to clean from clothes, skin or any surface without consequences.

Sealant removal methods

When acrylic sealant accidentally gets on your favorite clothes, carpet or expensive upholstered furniture, removing it will not be so easy. You will have to spend time and effort on this process. Slightly easier to wipe off adhesive from smooth surfaces such as bathtubs, sinks, tiles or kitchen worktop. However, this is not entirely easy, as you risk leaving scratches or material residue.

There are two ways to clean silicone sealant:

  1. Mechanical.
  2. Chemical.

Mechanical removal consists in scraping off the remnants of glue from tiles, linoleum or glass. It is rarely used on visible surfaces due to the high risk of leaving scratches. For scraping, knives, scrapers, pumice stone, blades, spatulas, screwdrivers and other sharp objects are used. The main amount of sealant is "cut off", and the remains are removed with pumice stone or sandpaper. If the surface that the sealant has been applied to is not afraid of scratches, mechanical removal is a quick and easy way to remove contamination.

Chemical removal is the treatment of the adhesive with special solutions that corrode or soften its components. There are many special solvents sold in hardware stores that will help remove the sealant without harming the contaminated surface. They are available in liquid, gel or foam form. In addition to special tools, you can use acetone, kerosene, or other substances that you probably have at home. Many of them effectively remove sealed adhesive not only from smooth hard surfaces, but also from clothes and skin.

Removing sealant from leather

During repairs, safety rules must be observed. Work with sealed glue only need to wear gloves. However, a moment of inattention can lead to contamination of the hands or other part of the body. Do not panic, the sealant can be washed off.
The main thing is not to hesitate so that it does not have time to cause allergies or irritation. To remove the sealant from the skin, you will need:

  • acetone or acetone-based nail polish remover;
  • ethanol;
  • vinegar;
  • any vegetable oil;
  • washing powder or laundry soap;
  • plastic bag.

Read more about how to clean the skin of glue using the suggested products.

  1. Take a disposable bag and roll it in your hands. Fresh sealant will adhere to the bag and be removed from the skin of the hands. If everything worked out, thoroughly rinse the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the glue was located under warm water.
  2. Use any solvent. It can be acetone, nail polish remover with acetone or kerosene. Apply a small amount of solvent to a cotton swab and treat the places where the adhesive sticks. You do not need to hold it for a long time, so as not to cause a burn. Wash your hands several times with soap and warm water.
  3. Mix water with vinegar in equal proportions and dip into the palm solution for a minute. Acetic acid easily corrodes even old hardened glue.
  4. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil (make sure it doesn't boil). Soak a cotton swab in warm oil, apply the oil to the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. After that, sprinkle some washing powder on the traces of sealant and rub it in a circular motion. After the procedure, hands should be washed many times with soap and warm running water.
  5. Use ethyl alcohol on a cotton pad to remove dirt.

If you don’t have a pair of gloves on hand, but you definitely need to work, experienced builders It is advised to lather your hands and leave the foam to dry. Thus, you will create an invisible protective film which will protect the skin of the hands in an unforeseen situation.

How to remove glue from clothes

Clothes suffer from sealant even more often than hands. It cannot be washed off with ordinary powder or expensive stain remover. To save jeans or T-shirts you will need:

  • alcohol (medical or technical);
  • vodka;
  • 70% acetic acid.

The first stage is mechanical removal. A larger amount of sealant must be scraped off or cut off, and the remains removed using the proposed means. Apply vinegar or alcohol to the contaminated area of ​​clothing and leave for half an hour. The sealant softens and is removed from the fabric with a brush or rag. After the procedure, it can be washed by hand or in a washing machine.

How to remove in the bathroom

In the bathroom, you can not do without the use of sealant, because they seal all the seams and joints when installing plumbing. Both the tile and the coating of the bath or sink can suffer.

The best option safe removal sealant from tiles - the use of special tools "Silicon-Entferner" or "Penta-840". Instructions for their use are on the packaging. If it is not possible to purchase the proposed drugs, you can use white spirit, gasoline or kerosene.

Remove contamination before treating maximum amount sealant from tiles with a scraper or knife. It is better to use a non-sharp object so as not to damage the tile. The remaining sealant should be rubbed with white spirit or kerosene using a damp cloth. After a while, the material will begin to soften, and you just have to remove it with a wooden stick. Do not use sharp objects such as a blade or knife because the surface of the tile is very easy to scratch.

Removing sealant from tubs and sinks

In addition to tiles, sealant can get on the surface of plumbing. It is removed from the acrylic bath using white spirit or a special product called DowCorning OS-2. The exact instructions for using the substance are described on the package. Release form - liquid. It must be applied to acrylic surface and wash off with water after a while. This is the most gentle way to remove adhesive without ruining the surface of the bathroom.

White alcohol is used according to the scheme described above. It must be applied for half an hour, then scrape off the softened remnants of the sealant. Acrylic bath very "gentle", so the use of metal scrapers or other objects is strictly prohibited.

If something goes wrong during the repair, don't panic. You can easily remove silicone sealant from any surface, wash it off your clothes and clean it off your hands.

A high degree of adhesion is a necessary property of any high-quality sealant. Thanks to this property, it performs its main function - it ensures the tightness of the joints. But unfortunately the material itself is not able to determine the surface to which it should not stick. As a result, excess silicone and accidentally left dirt have to be removed. This is easy to do on fresh tracks, but washing off the silicone sealant if it is completely frozen is a more time consuming task. Next, we will consider its easy ways to solve it, as well as the means that will be needed for this.

If you need to remove fresh contamination, this can be done with any solvent and even ordinary clean water. To eliminate old formations, mechanical and chemical effects are used both separately and by combining these two methods.

Mechanical methods

In principle, any available tools will do, preferably thin or even sharp ones. We list the most suitable and those that are most often at hand:

If the above tools scrape excess material from the surface, then table salt, pumice stone and steel wool will help scrub it off. Fine powdered salt is used as a soft abrasive that will not damage glossy surfaces glass or ceramic tiles, which cannot be said about pumice stone and steel wool.

Chemical methods

The effectiveness of any solvent depends on the composition of the sealant to which it is applied. If we are talking about ordinary building silicone, then in the vast majority of cases it has an acid base, as evidenced by the characteristic smell of vinegar in the uncured product. Since this type of sealant is now used everywhere, it is most likely that you need to prepare to remove it, and for this you need concentrated vinegar, preferably 70%.

In addition to the acid base, there is a neutral one, which includes alcohol, amide and oxide agents. For cleaning alcohol, 96% alcohol is suitable, both drinking and technical. We clean the rest with refined gasoline, solvent, White Spirit, acetone and other solvents.

Some types of putties after complete polymerization can only be cleaned mechanically. These include primarily all polyurethane sealants. The absence of volatile substances in their composition makes unsuccessful attempts to soften with any solvents. All that can be done is to slowly pick out the dirt with a thin, sharp object. If the polymerization is not completely completed, it can be washed off with 647 solvent or acetone, which is also not entirely simple. There is also no possibility to remove it from hands after complete drying, it remains only to wait until it gradually disappears during the natural renewal of the skin. To avoid such problems, it is enough to lubricate your hands with liquid silicone before work, during which the sealant may come into contact with the skin.

When using aggressive cleaning agents, it should be remembered that some of the cleaned materials may suffer from them. For example, you do not need to wipe silicone from varnished wooden doors acetone or 647 thinner. These substances, together with the sealant, can lift the varnish layer.

In any case, one should not expect exhaustive results from chemistry, especially in cases of significant accumulations of sealant. The solvent cannot completely remove cured material, it only softens it, which makes subsequent removal easy and safe for the surface to be cleaned.

How to remove silicone

To get the most satisfactory result when removing silicone stains, you need to apply A complex approach considering the material to be cleaned.

How and by what means to remove silicone - video:

With bath

To do this, you will need a wallpaper knife, table salt and a clean cloth. Having prepared everything necessary tools Let's start removing silicone contaminants:

  1. Carefully cut with a knife a layer of sealant protruding beyond the level of the upper plane of the bathroom along the entire perimeter of the junction.
  2. We pick up the putty on one side and try to remove it. To do this, with one hand we begin to pull a strip of sealant, and with the other we undermine it with a knife or spatula from the adjacent surface.
  3. Then wipe with a damp cloth, pre-wetting it with fine-grained table salt.
  4. The remaining small fragments can be washed off with a solvent or table vinegar.

If the dirt has not yet hardened, they can be removed without any mechanical effects by wiping with white spirit.

From tiles

The process of removing sealant from ceramic tiles or tiles is not much different from cleaning a bathroom, but there are some nuances that should be considered.

  1. We cut off large fragments of sealant with a spatula or wallpaper knife. You can use any thin object that seems more convenient for a particular occasion.
  2. Abundantly moisten a cloth in the solvent and apply the mixture to the contaminated areas. This should be done in such a way that the liquid lingers for some time and can be absorbed into the hardened putty.
  3. We wait 5-10 minutes for the solvent to soften the dirt as much as possible. Then we wipe with a coarse rag slightly moistened with the same agent that was used to soften. Solvent residue can be removed by wiping the tile with soapy water.

Eliminate sanitary sealant with textured floor tiles in a faster way.

  1. We scrape off large accumulations of sealant with a wooden scraper, spatula or knife.
  2. On the remaining dirt, we apply purified gasoline with a paint brush (if it is not available, any solvent will do).
  3. Immediately after treatment with gasoline, we take a metal washcloth for washing dishes and wipe off everything that is left.
  4. Finally, rinse with soapy water or dishwashing detergent.

From the glass surface

The sealant can be cleaned from glass both mechanically and by chemical means, for this you need:

  1. Cut off excess with a blade or other suitable object.
  2. Pre-moisten silicone stains with gasoline, kerosene or solvent.
  3. Wait half an hour or until the cleaning agent has evaporated.
  4. Wipe with a coarse cloth soaked in soapy water.

From plastic

This refers to shower trays, various kinds plastic shelves and window sills. With such materials, it is quite simple to wash any silicone sealant:

  1. Apply the solvent to the contaminated area;
  2. We wait 10 minutes;
  3. We wipe the softened residues with a cloth.

Significant accumulations of silicone putty must first be cut off with a spatula.

With hands and clothes

If the silicone just got on the clothes, you need to act quickly to prevent complete polymerization.

  1. Gently, without smearing, remove most of the pollution.
  2. Abundantly moisten a soft cloth in concentrated table vinegar and rinse the remaining stain.

After the clothes can be washed in the usual way, but this no longer requires urgency.

We remove the hardened silicone sealant from clothes in the following way:

  1. First, we scrape by hand, using a thin sharp object. For greater comfort, the fabric can be stretched over the area to be cleaned.
  2. Next, we apply the same concentrated vinegar, abundantly saturating the treated area with it. For greater effect, three stain with a brush.
  3. We wait half an hour and wash with soapy water or powder, then wash the clothes completely according to the regime recommended by the label.

If the desired effect is not observed from vinegar, substances containing alcohol or solvents that are safe for the fabric can be used for soaking.

You can wash your hands from dried silicone with table salt and pumice:

  1. AT warm water add salt to make a strong saline solution;
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a container and place your hands there;
  3. We are waiting for 5 minutes, take a pumice stone and slowly three.

To clean the polyurethane sealant, the procedure will most likely have to be repeated several times.

Using special wipes to remove silicone - video:

If it is not possible to determine on what basis the pollution to be cleaned is not possible, you should pay attention to special products for silicone - with their help you can remove most of its varieties. In addition, the likelihood that they will harm is minimal.