Igor's name day according to the church. Igor's name day according to the church calendar: temper and current path

Igor has been agile, energetic and physically active since childhood. developed child. Likes to play sports. But besides this, he also excels in his studies, he is especially good at exact sciences. School teachers always appreciate his work, so he always gets good grades. True, the Igori are extremely impatient and can quit the case without finishing it. They stubbornly go to the goal, but can stop halfway if they feel tired.

Igor's character is contradictory. He can be both the highest boss and just an employee. It all depends on how much force he puts on the way to the goal. He always has many friends, especially women. It is better for Igor to work in a team, as it is always more difficult for him to work on his own. It is much easier to act on an already assigned role in a team or team.

He always has many women from whom he can choose his future wife. He likes to be the head of the family. In addition, they are very jealous and want their wives to always be there. Often their opinion is considered the only true one.

Fate: Igor is persistent in misfortunes and always perceives them as something temporary and transient. That is why it is impossible to knock him out of the saddle and generally "break" him - he will rise again and again. He tends to tempt fate, he is attracted by risk, because by nature he is a player. Indiscretion in conversation also costs him dearly. The trouble is that sometimes Igor says and does, and only then thinks.

Angel Igor Day

From the Scandinavian languages ​​\u200b\u200b- warlike, protected by a god (sometimes a god). It comes from Ygg - the second name of the supreme god of the Vikings - Odin. Everyone's favorite since childhood. Direct in communication. Very attractive, hardworking, touchy. Purposefulness allows them to achieve academic degrees. Natures are subtle, they are looking for their ideal in everything. They tend to spiritualize sex without individualizing it. They usually have several women in parallel, so as not to be lonely and never lose something irreplaceable, expensive.

Igor Name day according to the Church Calendar

  • June 18 - Igor (in baptism George, in monasticism Gabriel) Olgovich, Chernigov and Kiev, Grand Duke(Transfer of relics)
  • October 2 - Igor (baptized George, monastic Gabriel) Olgovich, Chernigov and Kiev, Grand Duke

Name day is an important day in the life of any person. In the old days, it was customary to name a child in honor of the saint on whose feast day the baby was born. It was believed that in this way the guardian angel would protect and protect a mere mortal throughout his life. When Igor's name day is celebrated, what imprint is left on the character of the baby who accepted the help of this reverend?

origin of the name Igor

The word has Scandinavian roots. According to one version, his predecessor was the name Invar, which is translated from ancient Greek as "idiot", "cretin". Meanwhile, the particle -ing denotes a certain abundance. The name passed into the Russian language with the meaning "keeping God." According to another version, the name has Celtic roots, since the particle -iger is very popular among these peoples.

The meaning of the name Igor

The boy, who from birth was given to "keep God", has a pronounced strong character and self-confidence. The child is very mobile, perfectly converges with peers, loves fun and funny games. At school, he studies averagely, but they are given to him better than others. The boy devotes little time to study, does not like to do homework, skips classes. The namesake of the famous prince does not need higher education; after school, he would prefer to immediately go to work.

Igor's name day leaves an imprint on his whole fate. A boy can achieve impressive success in sports, of course, if he makes significant efforts. In music, a young man can also lead, but due to the lack of perseverance and determination, if success does not come immediately, then classes will cease to be interesting. He will give up everything, never achieving a result. FROM different people Igor finds easily mutual language, he has a lot of friends. However, he just as easily parted with a person as he converges with him.

In the family, Igor is the owner. He prefers to always keep his wife with him, and he will never tolerate treason. His word in the house is law. Igor's name day also affects his personal characteristics. He loves everything bright and chic. This applies to how original gifts and luxurious women. It is important for him that everyone envy and reach out to him. for the sake of High Quality life and comfort, he is ready to sacrifice a lot. If he is faced with a choice that seriously affects his prestige, he will always choose his own interests without even thinking about the decision.

Igor's name day church calendar

This name is considered one of the first borrowed words in the Old Russian language. It takes its roots from the time of the Rurikovichs. In those days, only a noble person could celebrate Igor's name day, it had a very limited distribution. The name becomes frequent in use after the October Revolution, and in the 60s it is at the peak of its popularity. Igor's name day, associated with the honoring of saints according to church rules, is attributed to June 5 (transfer of the relics of Prince Igor) and September 19 (memorial day of the faithful

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(1889 - 1972), Russian and American aircraft designer, one of the pioneers of the aircraft industry

Meaning:"Army, strength."

Origin: The name is of Scandinavian origin (from the name of Ingvar - the god of fertility).

Character: A boy named Igor is a lively and active child. He is very capable, studies well, he is most successful in mathematics. But due to his restless nature, Igor behaves restlessly in the classroom, and parents often have to visit the school to communicate with teachers.

The bearers of this name are outwardly more like a mother, and in character like a father. They are fond of sports, they can achieve very great achievements. Igors do not always manage to get higher education because they lack perseverance and perseverance.

By profession, Igor can become an engineer or a turner, a lawyer or a driver, a teacher or a coach. The character is inconsistent. Igori are stubborn, slowly adapting to their environment. Easily converge with people, but also quickly part. Igoris achieve the greatest success at an older age. They achieve everything with their own work. Avoid unnecessary people.

They are successful with women and pay great attention to them themselves. Igors are overly jealous, in marriage they strive for leadership, they impose their opinion on their spouse.

What to please the birthday boy?

Prepare a delicious festive dish, for example, "Princely" potatoes!
  • Phonosemantics: The word Igor gives the impression of something good, bright, joyful.
  • Talisman: Pencil
  • Dark-blue colour
  • Stone: Beryl
  • Zodiac sign: The name suits Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius
  • Harmonious relationship with the owners of the name: Angelina, Veronica, Elena, Irina, Natalya, Oksana, Olesya
  • You will have to work hard, building relationships with the owners of the name: Alla, Angelina, Elizabeth, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Olga, Polina, Raisa, Tamara, Tatyana
  • Name day: June 18, October 2 (why so many dates?)

    Each person can have only one name day per year, which is determined by the day of his birth. Your name day is the date that falls on or after your birthday.

In contact with


Famous bearers of the name:

  • 1871 — 1960

    1871 — 1960
    Russian artist and art historian

    Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar was born on (13) March 25, 1871 into a Russian family in Budapest. The family returned to Russia in 1876. Igor graduated from the gymnasium, and in 1889 - the Moscow Lyceum. He dreamed of becoming an artist and in 1889 he went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the university at once in two faculties - law and history and philology. He made a living by writing stories. IN 1

  • 1882 — 1971

    1882 — 1971
    Russian composer, conductor, pianist

    The personality of Igor Stravinsky - a Russian composer, conductor and pianist - is truly unique in the musical space of the 20th century. His work, which absorbed almost all the leading trends and styles of his era, is compared with the work of Picasso in painting in terms of the strength of influence, scale and significance for contemporaries and descendants. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky was born on (5) June 17, 1882 in Ora...

  • 1887 — 1941

    1887 — 1941
    Russian poet " silver age", translator

    Igor Severyanin (real name Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev) was born (4) May 16, 1887 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a military engineer. From childhood, his parents instilled in him a love of literature and music, so that the young poet began to write poetry at the age of 8. Igor studied little, graduated from the 4th grade of the Cherepovets real school, then went with his father on a trip to the Far North. This trip inspired the poet - ...

  • 1889 — 1972

    1889 — 1972
    Russian and American aircraft designer, one of the pioneers of aircraft construction

    In 1911, Sikorsky came to the conclusion that the future was not with single-engine airplanes, but with large aircraft. He made this discovery thanks to ... a mosquito, which, having flown into the carburetor jet, almost caused the engine to stop. The inventor then almost died, miraculously landing the plane between the railway cars and the wall. Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky was born (May 25) on June 6, 1889 in Kiev ...

  • 1895 — 1971

    1895 — 1971
    Soviet physicist, Nobel laureate

    Igor Evgenievich Tamm was born (June 26) July 8, 1895 in Vladivostok, in the family of an engineer. In 1898 his family moved to Elizavetgrad. After graduating from high school, Tamm studied at the University of Edinburgh. Before the outbreak of the First World War, he transferred to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University, from which he graduated in 1918 with a diploma in physics. He volunteered for the front in...

  • 1903 — 1960

    1903 — 1960
    Soviet physicist, academician

    Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov was born (December 30, 1902) on January 12, 1903 in the village of Simsky Zavod in the Urals, now the Chelyabinsk Region. His mother was a teacher, his father was a land surveyor. He spent his childhood in Simferopol, where the family moved because of the illness of Kurchatov's sister. Entering the local gymnasium, he graduated in 1920 with a gold medal. In the same year, Kurchatov entered the Physics and Mathematics ...

  • 1906 — 2007

    1906 — 2007
    Soviet and Russian choreographer, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

    Igor Alexandrovich Moiseev was born on (8) January 21, 1906 in Kiev. His father was a small estate nobleman. Later the family moved to Moscow. Noticing that the boy was strongly influenced by the street, in 1920 his father sent him to the dance studio of V. Masolova, and then, noticing the talent of the student, V. Masolova brought him to the studio at the Bolshoi Theater, where the famous choreographer A. Gorsky taught. ..

  • 1919 — 1999

    1919 — 1999
    Soviet theater and film actor, theater director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

    Igor Petrovich Vladimirov was born on January 1, 1919 in Yekaterinoslav (now Dnipro, Ukraine). In 1943 he graduated from the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, but soon realized that his vocation was theater. He entered the acting department of the Leningrad Theater Institute, which he graduated in 1948. After graduating from the institute, he was accepted into the troupe of the Leningrad Theater. Leninsky Komsomol...

  • 1922 — 2001

    1922 — 2001
    Soviet and Russian designer of small arms, weapons engineer

    Igor Yakovlevich Stechkin was born on November 15, 1922 in the city of Aleksin, Tula Region, in the family of a doctor. When the boy was 13 years old, the family moved to Tula. Here, after school, he entered the Tula Mechanical Institute at the weapons and machine gun department. During the Great Patriotic War was evacuated to Izhevsk, completed his studies there at the Bauman Higher Technical School and worked for the ...

  • 1927 — 2008

    1927 — 2008
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR

    A truly people's artist, whom the audience in our country called "a real aristocrat Soviet Union"- Igor Dmitriev is one of the few who managed to master the art of melody recitation. According to critics, having managed to achieve a true harmony of sound and word, the actor resurrected this genre. Igor Dmitriev's voice was his special sign, his polyphonic speech, with excellent diction, in the cinema and on stage was m...

  • 1927 — 2003

    1927 — 2003
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

    Igor Olegovich Gorbachev was born on October 20, 1927 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Studied at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Leningrad University. He won first place at the All-Union amateur art show, playing the role of Khlestakov in the play "The Inspector General", and was invited to the same role in the cinema. In 1952, Gorbachev was accepted into the troupe of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. M. Gorkog...

  • 1929 — 1993

    1929 — 1993
    Soviet biologist, author of popular science books about animal life

    Igor Ivanovich Akimushkin was born in the family of an engineer on May 1, 1929 in Moscow. After graduating from school with honors, he entered the Faculty of Biology and Soil at Moscow State University in 1947 and graduated from it in 1952, defended his PhD thesis. Akimushkin began to publish in 1956, but works addressed to children saw their reader only in 1961. He is the author of 96 scientific and artistic, scientific...

  • 1930 — 1997

    1930 — 1997
    Soviet violinist, conductor, teacher, People's Artist of the RSFSR

    Igor Semenovich Bezrodny was born on May 7, 1930 in Tbilisi, in a family of violin teachers, so it is not surprising that he began to learn to play the violin from early childhood. He graduated from the Central Music School at the Moscow Conservatory, then in 1953 - the Moscow Conservatory itself, and in 1955 - postgraduate studies in the class of A.I. Yampolsky. Since 1948, Igor Bezrodny was the soloist of the Moscow...

  • R. 1931

    R. 1931
    Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR

    Igor Fedorovich Maslennikov was born on October 26, 1931 in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1932 the family moved to Kolpino Leningrad region. Since childhood, Igor loved to draw, and he was very good at it. Therefore, after graduating from high school in 1949, he went to enter the Academy of Arts, but changed his mind at the last moment. In 1954, Maslennikov graduated from the Faculty of Journalism ...

  • 1932 — 1994

    1932 — 1994
    Soviet songwriter

    Igor Davydovich Shaferan was born in Odessa on February 13, 1932. The talent of a poet woke up in him early, and while still at school, he began to write his first poems. After graduating from school, he worked for several years as a mechanic on the whaling flotilla Slava. Then he entered the M. Gorky Literary Institute, from which he graduated in 1960. He wrote his first song while still studying at the institute, together with ...

  • R. 1932

    R. 1932
    Soviet and Russian TV presenter, television announcer, People's Artist of the USSR

    The name of the famous and legendary TV presenter Igor Kirillov is primarily associated with the Vremya program, the announcer of which he was for more than 30 years. Igor Leonidovich Kirillov was born on September 14, 1932 in Moscow, in a military family. After graduating in 1955 from the acting department of the Higher Theater School. Shchepkin, he worked for two years at the Taganka Drama and Comedy Theater. Since 1957...

  • 1933 — 2012

    1933 — 2012
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter, People's Artist of the RSFSR

    Igor Vladimirovich Kvasha was born on February 4, 1933 in Moscow. After graduating from school, he went to study as an actor. In 1955, Kvasha graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School and played on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater for two years. In 1957, he went to work at the Sovremennik Theater, where he worked all his life. He is called one of the founders of this theater, along with Oleg Efremov and Galina Volchek. Kvasha was the leading actor of "Modern...

  • 1944 — 2006

    1944 — 2006
    Soviet circus artist, illusionist, People's Artist of Russia

    Igor Emilievich Kio was born in Moscow on March 13, 1944. His father Emil Kio was also an illusionist, and his mother Evgenia Kio was a ballerina, as well as an assistant and assistant in her husband's rides. The Kyo dynasty performed in the circus arena for almost 70 years. Therefore, it is not surprising that Igor from the cradle "fell ill with the circus." For the first time he entered the arena with the Lilliputians. In the USSR, Kio's popularity was huge, throughout ...

  • R. 1944

    R. 1944
    Soviet and Russian jazz pianist, composer, teacher, People's Artist of Russia

    Igor Bril is a pianist, composer, popular jazz musician. His work is multifaceted. Bril is not alien to the art of improvisation, and the feeling of the instrument on which he plays seems to be innate ... Igor Mikhailovich Bril was born on June 9, 1944 in Moscow. Jazz began to play at the age of 15, in 1971 he graduated from the Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins in the piano class - studied music with a pro...

  • R. 1948

    R. 1948
    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia

    Igor Matveevich Kostolevsky was born on September 10, 1948 in Moscow, in a family far from art. His father worked for the Ministry of Foreign Trade. After graduating from school in 1964, Igor worked for two years as a tester at the Research Institute of the Quartz Industry, and in 1967 he entered the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute. However, in the third year, realizing that it was not his, he left the institute and, having failed ...

The meaning of the name Igor: "martial", "guarded by the god of thunder" (Scand.)

Igor has been a mobile, energetic and physically developed child since childhood. Likes to play sports. But besides this, he also excels in his studies, he is especially good at exact sciences. School teachers always appreciate his work, so he always gets good grades. True, the Igori are extremely impatient and can quit the case without finishing it. They stubbornly go to the goal, but can stop halfway if they feel tired.

Igor's character is contradictory. He can be both the highest boss and just an employee. It all depends on how much force he puts on the way to the goal. He always has many friends, especially women.

It is better for Igor to work in a team, as it is always more difficult for him to work on his own. It is much easier to act on an already assigned role in a team or team.

He always has many women from whom he can choose his future wife. He likes to be the head of the family. In addition, they are very jealous and want their wives to always be there. Often their opinion is considered the only true one.

Other forms of the name Igor: Egor, Igoryosha, Garik, Gasik, Gary, Iga, Goryan, Igonka, Igoryan, Igorek.

Wish You happiness and health.
Let the wallet be thick.
I wish you to live without grief.
Everything will be cool, Igor!

Let everything you want
Grace will come to you.
Let fate be in life
All the best to give you.

Igor - army and strength,
Strong ardor and the spirit of the earth.
Mother nature rewarded
To at least - in the kings.

In life, you are terribly jealous,
Your power is always the law.
And it is clear, not in vain:
Know, wife, for her husband the throne.

Well, in general, everything is worthy:
Peace, family, peace, comfort.
Life flows quite calmly
The children scurry around happily.

Be happy and desirable
Be faithful, keep your family.
Be loved, long-awaited,
Always believe in your family.

Igoresh, you are an amazing, bright, intellectually elevated and sympathetic person. Your kindness is admirable. You are sympathetic to others and try to give everyone, if possible, not only attention, but also your help. On your day, I sincerely want to wish you aspirations, strength that will help you achieve new perspectives and joy. You are focused and you know exactly what you want to achieve. Don't lose it. I know for sure that you will be able to get what you are striving for. Enjoy life, take the maximum from it and do not forget about your self-improvement, because something new is always good.

I wish not to go out
There is a fire in your heart.
Be healthy and happy
Nice guy Igorek.

I do great things for you
I wish this day.
Move towards the dream
Let you not be lazy.

May they always be with you
Those who are dear and loved.
I wish that care
We kept our loved ones.

Igor, I wish you
Live brightly, do not lose heart,
So that resentment and loss
Don't knock on your doors.

Live every day like in a fairy tale
Surrounded only by kindness
And catch success by the tail
To be the happiest of all!

Igor, we want to congratulate
Happy holiday to you now
You deserve only happiness
Smile, make us happy
We sincerely wish you
Prosperity and miracles
Let in deeds and undertakings
There will be visible progress!

Igor, I hasten to congratulate
Wish you happiness in life
May there always be desire
Move forward, dream.

Always set big goals
Never back down
Be loved and faithful in friendship,
Never be discouraged.

Igor is brave and agile,
He is a man - just a treasure,
To all relatives, friends and relatives
He is always happy!

May he be happy in the family
And a career on the rise
And today we will hear
Only the best about him.

I want to say nice words to you
To make women dizzy from you.
To be always loved, not alone,
And your dreams came true, Igorek.

A noble name, you are like a prince with us,
I want to be happy every hour.
Let your smile please your lips
And good things happened for a reason.

Igor, be the happiest of all,
There are a hundred reasons for this!
Success awaits you in everything
Just be number one!

Every day, and in the heat, and in the cold
May luck be with you!
Fill your soul all the time
Positive charge!

Only loyal friends
And I wish you eternal love!
Be healthy and don't get sick!
Let everything be perfect!

Congratulations, Igorek!
In life, let everything be incomparable,
Everything you are waiting for - let it come right on time,
Whatever you are looking for, you will surely find,

Boldly, boldly plan, dream,
Be always interesting and bright,
Surprise, conquer, delight,
Take every day as a gift!

Congratulations: 51 in verse, 8 in prose.

We all have names that we receive at birth and carry them all our lives. Each name has its own meaning, which has roots. In ancient times, children were called by signs from above, then they came into use church names. The name of a person is individual, it is considered, as you call it, the person will live all his life. Warlike names were given to future warriors, royal kings, and ordinary people got simple names.
Nowadays, almost every year the fashion for women and male names. If, for example, yesterday it was possible to call the boy Vasily, then today it is no longer in vogue. In the old days, if a child was baptized at birth, then he was given the name of some saint, and it was considered a part to bear this name. Today, long before birth, we try to choose a name for our child. We leaf through encyclopedias, browse the Internet and learn from friends. It is necessary to approach this issue very responsibly. A person goes through life with his name, and usually its meaning very closely corresponds to all signs and character.

A little about the name Igor

Many names originate in other countries, and the name Igor came from the Scandinavian Ingavar, that is, warlike. It came to us from the time Kievan Rus and rooted. There are several diminutives caressing forms pronunciation of this name, for example Gosha, Garik, Goga. A sonorous name was given at birth to children of conquerors, or from a noble family. Today, this fairly common male name is popular. Among those who bear this name are quite a lot of famous people, such as Igor, Stravinsky, he was a conductor and composer, the famous aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky, physicist and head of nuclear physics research Igor Kurchatov, circus illusionist Igor Kio. So, giving a name to your child, you can hope that a famous physicist or composer can grow out of him.

Characteristics of the name Igor

IN childhood almost all Igoris are very frisky and mobile. They have such traits as ability, diligence and patience. As a child, parents have to calm their fidget all the time. Igor's parents should have a lot of strength and patience in order to endure all his tricks.

IN school age they have a talent and ability for the exact sciences, mainly mathematics. If you approach these talents correctly and develop them in time, you will get a good scientist named Igor. Almost all children with this name are born choleric. The restlessness and irritability that is present in the character of people bearing this name. Somewhere this can interfere with both study and sports, especially since Igor is just fine to combine. They quickly, like all choleric people, can switch from children's amusements to homework. Both are given to them with ease, and they do not make great efforts to concentrate on one thing.
Sports are especially attractive to people with this name, they are easily given its basics, and in the future they can achieve good results. Everything basically depends on the Igors themselves, if their desires are huge, then almost many directions are given to them very easily.

At a conscious age, when Igor stands on his own two feet, he has an excellent relationship with the fair sex. The same cannot be said about relationships at work. Excessive exactingness and intractability helps to make enemies. Igor does not tolerate weaknesses and this often interferes with his relationships with work colleagues. In his statements, he is straightforward and sharp, and not everyone tolerates this, which sometimes adds up to rather unpleasant situations. If a lazy, irresponsible or optional person comes across his way, then after some time Igor expresses his claims in person, although he himself is optional.

In difficult situations, having a friend like Igor will be just a godsend. He can skillfully concentrate on right moment and try to find a way out difficult situation. At the same time, he will not waste time on worries and thoughts. Such people make excellent leaders who are able to assess and steer the whole situation. In general, a type with that name has many true friends who appreciate his straightforwardness and tough temper.

Mature age

After thirty years of eccentric boys, Igors become reasonable men. Most choose professions such as actor, journalist, musician or engineer. As already mentioned, Igori have an excellent ability to learn. They have a good potential, which, if developed and directed in the right direction, can bear fruit. People with this name are not always lucky, they constantly try to direct their energy in the right direction, but attempts most often end in failure. This is such a lifelong optimist, and almost never a surrendering person. He likes to fight and he is not afraid to do it. If something is obtained easily and without extra effort, then he does not know how to appreciate it, since his whole life passes in obtaining his goal.

Igor for the family

There comes a moment when the Igors fall in love and it develops into family relationships. Here, men with this name are very caring and wonderful family men. As his wife would describe, this is a reliable, affectionate and very gentle husband. home comfort does not play a big role for him, he does not greatly focus his attention on everyday problems. He is often satisfied with a small mess, which he may simply not notice. For his wife, he is the leader and he dictates all the conditions. In relationships, they are very demanding and somewhere a little despotic, in any case it requires complete obedience and submission. In Igor's soul, there are the same romantic natures, but this is carefully hidden, if you let him get closer, perhaps he will open up. Igor is not very worried about children and taking care of them, he is even a little too cold towards the child, but in fact this is a kind of manifestation of love.

Sexual life of Igor

In sexual life, people with such names highly value constancy, they are somewhere idealistic and very romantic. Sometimes such people have a lot of partners, and they constantly rush from one to another. In sexual matters, Igor is very diplomatic, and sometimes he can persuade a girl to have sex, just unnoticed by her. It is a certain comfort that excites them, many smells affect this too. In the first marriage, as a rule, relations with his wife develop perfectly, and she remains his beloved and only partner in sex. Ardent, passionate wonderful feeling humor, it is not difficult for him to find a partner for himself. Many Igoris seek variety in their sex life while traveling. A change of scenery makes them charming and reveals them from different angles.

General about Igor

Usually people with this name have quite good health. This is postponed from early childhood, as they are very fond of sports and are tempered there. Such people do not need to specifically maintain physical fitness, it is given to them in life as a gift of fate. Almost all Igors are not inclined to be overweight, of course, with the exception of those who have diseases. They suffer mainly from the digestive organs, so if your soul mate bears this name, try to take his diet seriously. We need to cherish and love a person with any name, because in our life everything returns to us like a boomerang.

When, according to the church calendar, Igor's name day: