Frameology for the word used. Phraseologisms and winged expressions

Examples of phraseological revolutions are often given when a talking person wants to emphasize the richness of the Russian language. The history of many stable verbal structures goes into the depths of centuries. They are easily used in conversation by native speakers, but they cause difficulties from foreigners. What do the most popular combinations mean?

Examples of phraseological revolutions with the word "nose"

Combinations in which this word is present, in most cases they are not related to the sense of smell. Bright examples of phraseological revolutions "with nose" prove it.

"Led for the nose." This verbal design, meaning "deceiving", the Russian language was replenished due to the inhabitants of Central Asia. Foreigners did not understand why little guys are able to manage camels. Children lead these animals behind them with the help of a rope without meeting resistance. The humility of the camels is associated with the fact that the rope that is used to control them passes through the ring located in the nose. Also came with bulls for their grate.

"Hang your nose." Examples of phraseological revolutions can be continued by this original design, implying despondency, sadness. The meaning of the phrase will become more understandable if you add to it the lost end "on the Quint". This name of the violinist was awarded the highest string on the tonality musical instrument. The nose is almost touching it in the game of the game, as the violin is supported by the chin. The head of the musician is inclined, the shoulders are lowered, the illusion of sadness is created.

Phrases with the word "language"

Not one phraseological turnover is associated with the name of this organ of the human body. Examples of such structures can be given long, among the most famous phrases - "Language without bones." This feature is used in relation to a person who chatting a lot without thinking about the consequences. The phrase is invented during the times when people were convinced that the language was devoid of bones. Consequently, the body is able to take different directions, among which are unnecessary.

Continuing examples of phraseological revolutions, you can recall the expression "language swallowed". This design implies that a talking person suddenly shook. The history of the phrase was not established accurately, but its connection with one of the military tricks is supposed. Soldiers, turning to be in captivity, in a literal sense, swallowed the tongue to not devote opponents in important secrets. The method was considered as a means of suicide.

Expressions with the word "tooth"

This word contains many frameological revs Russian language. Examples can be brought from the popular phrase "tooth for the tooth." This statement means that a person who has decided for a crime must expect a corresponding punishment. For example, a broken tooth gives the right to the victim to do in a similar way with its own offender. A similar meaning has phrases "tooth to have", "to sharpen the tooth", which indicate a pending revenge, covered hostility.

There are more peaceful "dental" phraseological revs. Examples and their meaning can be considered based on the expression "know the izubok". So they say people who are convinced of their knowledge, freely oriented in the subject. The phrase settled in Russian due to the tradition to try tooth coins in order to avoid fake. Also came with jewelry.

"Show teeth" - a construction, the value of which is an open threat, demonstration of hostility. The turnover appeared due to the animal world, predators warn in this way of imminent attack.

Phrases with the word "money"

Money is often becoming the main word with which the phraseological turnover is built. Examples of such expressions are worth starting with the famous that "money does not smell." This truth has become known to people thanks to Vespasian - the ruler, in the distant times reigning in Rome. The emperor smells to smell the coin told his son, who was outraged about the new tax on the restroom. The descendant of the king was forced to state that money actually do not smell.

Even the absence of the word "money" does not prevent the phraseological turnover with them. Examples of sentences: "Goal as Falcon", "nothing for the soul." Ancient people believed that the soul was located in the human body, occupying a place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe collar. It was next to this plot that it was previously made to keep a wallet with money. Consequently, "nothing for the soul" say, wanting to emphasize the absence of funds.

Expressions with elements

Fire, water, air - thanks to the mention of the elements, not one bright phraseological turnover was born, rooted in the language. Speaking by "fire and sword", people describe the ruthless method of violence. The origin of the phrase is associated with time when wars were conducted with the help of cold weapons and arson. Often, the land of enemies betrayed fire, completely destroying.

"Wind in the head" - a description applied to a frivolous person who lives alone. Ancient people believed that the head of a reasonable individual is a vessel that puts thoughts, while the head of a fool is empty, only the wind inside it.

The characteristic of "water will not grumble" gets the personality, which is attributed to decency, modesty. Once women were erased underwear, using river water. Friendly hostesses, which become higher in the flow, made efforts in order not to pollute the river, without interfering to work to those who are below. Egoistic ladies immersed in water dirty handswithout worrying about neighbors.

Phrases about work

The human attitude towards work also often allowed to invent a laid phraseological turnover. Examples with an explanation will simply lead, it is enough to remember the expression "work after the sleeves". So people talk about those who relate to their work casually. The story of the phrase leaves during the days when the peasants in Russia wore shirts with long sleeves. Before work, they needed to roll in order not to interfere.

Speaking about the case, which is constantly postponed, it is customary to mention the "long box". With this phraseologist, Russian is obliged to King Alexei Mikhailovich, who had a drawer for pasties from the people. The petitions were studied by the boyars who often delayed them were lost.

"Shabby appearance" is a statement that characterizes a person who is muddy, climbed clothes. It appeared due to Peter the first one, which entrusted the leadership of the weaving factory Ivan Shave. The production produced by the factory was an inexpensive coarse tissue.

"Sirota Kazanskaya" - an expression that arose in the time of Ivan the Terrible. Capturing Kazan, the ruler paid a generous compensation to its individual inhabitants. However, they were often abused by goods, depicted the poor, persistently asked the awards. As a result, the phrase began to be used in relation to those who are breeding.

Knowledge of the origin of phraseological revolutions helps to better understand the history of the country.

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Phraseologists are the national wealth of the language. They revive speech, make it colorful. Sustainable turnoves are expressive stylistic means. Without them, it is difficult to imagine the text rich in speech turnover. They enliven and fill with images, texts begin to live a new life.

In the artistic work - reception of the characteristics of the hero, creating a bright character, spectacular paintings of reality on a par with metaphors and.

The general concept of phraseological units

Phraseology - ready-made steady speech turnover with a single, holistic value. Under stability is understood as the relative constancy of the lexical (component) composition.

Phraseologism The value of phraseologism
keep a stone tat anger against anyone
how to drink to give for sure, undoubtedly
bring to white to the state of strong irritation, anger
enter deadlock stand in an hopeless
small fry man who has no power, influence
shed out decorate family secrets
sky smoke live in idleness
as dogs are unreleased lot
bull decisively proceed to an important thing
dirty show interest in details of someone personal life
build air locks come up with impracticable plans
note traces hide what can serve as evidence
dial silent persistently
nonolono Bread deceive
without rear legs 1) be in exhaustion, extremely fatigue; 2) sleep without sleep
hold the tail of a pistol try to be vigorous, independent

Sustainable phrases studies phraseology (Greek. phrasis - "expression", logos. - "Teaching"). All permanent speech turnover of the language is called "phraseology".
In a wide range of phraseologists are proverbs and sayings, idioms - All holistic phrases or phrases.


  • And the Lark just opened;
  • familiar all persons;
  • the language chats, and the head does not know;
  • husband wife loves healthy, and brother sister rich;
  • ahovah.

Phraseology - a peculiar language unit. Externally, according to the structure, it looks like phrases - consists of two or more words components.

Different with the fact that words in it lose their own lexical significance.

The meaning of the phraseologist is not the sum of the component values, as in the free phrase - green + field \u003d green field, and completely different - brew + porridge \u003d "Start a complex and unpleasant case", sideways + get out \u003d "Do not pass without a trace, bad end." The value flows out of sustainable phrase and expresses one concept. It is one in meaning.

Phraseologists have a property of impermeability: the new component cannot be introduced into their structure. They are characterized by a steady sequence of words.

Other terms for determining phraseological units - Idioma (Greek. idioma. – « special property"), Phraseological unit, phrasem, sustainable phrase, phraseological turnover. In any language frameological units Individual, they need to understand. They are not transferred to another language literally.

Lexical meaning of phraseological units

Like words, phraseologisms serve the names of actions, phenomena, states, objects, signs. Part of them combines expressive coloring.

Under expressiveness means the presence of an estimated component, information "redundancy", in contrast to the neutral word: tighten the tail, talk about high matters - ironic, from dirt in the prince, broke porridge - disapproving martushkin Labor, toltocon Lob - contemptuously already smoking, waiting in - jokingly.
Phraseologists sound like free phrases. This phenomenon is defined as homonymy:

  • give up during charging and give up in the meaning "lose a desire to do something";
  • throw a rod In Lake I. throw a rod In the meaning "to make a hint of anything."

Omonimistic will be ideas that have several values: close - to be near dying in last Minutes life; hide, silence about anything; intentionally not to pay attention, not to notice anything.

Close to the sense of phrase units are combined into synonymous rows. Examples: "very quickly" (run, run) - one leg here, the other there, from all legs, as a fire, from all the blades.

From sustainable speech revolutions, you can also form pairs opposite to meaning (antonyms): the yellow-like chick - a shooting sparrow, a soul in the soul - like a cat with a dog, get out of myself - to take himself in hand, bending my line - dance for someone else's den.

The origin of phraseologism

Sustainable turns are not created spontaneously during oral communications, written speech. These are ready-made lexical units with a certain meaning. The etymology (section of linguistics) is engaged in the study of phraseologism and their origin.

Most of them came to literary language Folklore: behind the seven seals, dairy rivers, tablecloth-self-banner, kind well done, red maiden. Many turnover are associated with ancient rites, now forgotten.

Many phraseological units came from vocabulary: get into the tone, play the first violin - from musicians; sheepbank is not worth it - from speed, separate under the nut, without a bitch and zadorinka - From the joiners. Some phrases are associated with history: Ice battle, Momomakh hat, in the whole Ivanovo.

There are revisions related to biblical narratives, antique mythology: carry your cross babelup to the second coming, With a shield or on a shield, Augiyev stables, Trojan horse.

Let us give a couple of interesting phrases, whose value is associated with their origin.
According to an ancestors, a closed (circular) line, made by coal or knife, and conspired by special words, acquired power and defended unclean power. The circle was carried out through the air.

In the story of Nicholas Gogol "Viya" Khoma Bruta saves the witch, silence around him a circle and uttering prayer. Russian warriors outlined the end of the sword circle over their heads, believing that enemy strikes would not touch them conspired. From an old rite and married the expression " headlong" - Boldly, nothing fear.

Turn lock glasses"(Deceiving anyone) occurred from Zhgon Card Rogules and means real action - rubbing extra glasses on the so-called powder maps. Using the powder - "Lipok", the player turned the six into the seven or eight, the twoof - in the top three. That is, he rubbed the glasses necessary for the desired amount (for example, 21 points).

The expression has taken place in speech and served as the basis for the formation of nouns. acluded (cheating) and removeter (Deceiver).
Frameological units arise now: note on the mountain, new Russian, rich Pinocchio, Fer Fam, Rush Hour.

Dairy rivers - fermented coast

Phraseologism - means of attracting attention

Frameological revs are well remembered. Ready and famous to the reader, they facilitate perception. The use of antonymic (opposed in meaning) contextual combinations, figurative phrases, ambiguity attracts the attention of the audience.

The problem is that the administration of our company picks up and puts the personnel in spite of good traditions, which long ago Talks in folklore. According to these traditions, it is not recommended to start a goat to the garden, pussy throwing into the river, and the fox to prescribe the head of the smokeshield.

The use of phraseological revolutions when writing content is appropriate in a conversational style, as well as in an artistic and journalistic. Here are some techniques of transformations of phraseologism:

  1. Baseball. The context of turnover implies its perception in the literal value: If the listeners are not laughing, I'm upset, I'm leaving in my senses and sit there.
  2. Rearrangement or replacement of individual words: Of the two angry, I choose the one that has not tried before. Human learning is light, and unacceptable is a pleasant twilight.
  3. Expansion of the structure of phraseologism: What a pity that you finally leave.
  4. Combining different parts: All people brothers, but not all in mind.
  5. Complete change in the meaning of the ideas: There are people brave. I am a man of a brave dozen; As it was possible to call the weak floor, which takes so much forces?
  6. Inserting a concretization definition: I have a personal king. He is without a king in his head, so I'm in his king.

Headlines built on the basis of phraseologisomes are of reading interest. Metaphoricity emotionally affects the audience: Water does not come alone, racing on squeezing, freedom to the left.
News presented as verbal game with sustainable turnover, sounds like a slogan: In the courtyard - a pillar, a pillar - Gop.

In Russian, there are so many phrases and phrases that in the literal translation, we will not go far - the new generation of the Russian people is nothing worse than the same foreigners. We forget the mighty and rich Russian, borrow more and more western words and terms ...

Today we will analyze examples of the most famous sustainable expressions; Teach together to understand, "decipher" and understand the meaning and the secret meaning of Russian phraseologism. So what is "phraseologism"?

Phraseologism - This is characteristic of the sustainable combination of words only to this language, the value of which is not determined by the meaning of the words included in it taken separately. Due to the fact that the phraseology (or idiom) cannot be translated literally (the meaning is lost), often the difficulties of translation and understanding occur. On the other hand, such phraseologists give the language bright emotional color ...

We often say well-established phrases, not attacked in their meaning. Why, for example, say "goal like falcon"? What is it "on offended water be treated"? Let's deal with this sense of these expressions!

"Goal like falcon"

"Goal like falcon, we say about extreme poverty. But this saying to birds has nothing to do. Although the ornithologists claim that falcons really during molts lose their feathers and become almost naked!

"Sokol" in the old days in Russia was called a ram, an instrument from iron or wood in the form of a cylinder. It was suspended on the chains and swayed, thus punching the walls and the gates of the enemy fortresses. The surface of this gun was smooth and smooth, simply speaking, naked.

The word "Falcon" in those days called the tools of a cylindrical form: iron scrap, a pest for grain rubbing in a step, etc. Sokolov in Russia was actively used before the appearance of firearms at the end of the XV century.

"Hot spot"

The expression "golden place" is found in the Orthodox clock prayer ("... in a scene, in a scene, in the place of the rest ..."). So in the texts in church Slavonic language is called paradise.

It is ironically rethought of the meaning of this expression, the democratic intelligentsia of the time of Alexander Pushkin. The language game was that our climate does not allow growing grapes, so in Russia, the crumpled drinks were mainly made of cereals (beer, vodka). In other words, Zilanny means a drunken place.

"On offended water bearing"

There are several versions of the origin of this saying, but the most believable one seems to be the one that is associated with the history of St. Petersburg water carriers.

The price of imported water in the XIX century was about 7 kopecks with silver a year, and of course there were always greedy vendors who overestimated the price in order to prove. For this illegal act, such Mount-Entrepreneurs took the horse and forced to carry the barrels in the cart on themselves.

"Friend Sitty"

- We have here, a site friend, not the front! We are "languages" without need ...

It is believed that a friend is so important by analogy with a strong bread, as a rule - wheat. To prepare such a bread, flour is used much more thin grinding than in Rzhan. To remove impurities from it and make a culinary product more "air", it is not used, but a fixture with a smaller cell is a sieve. Therefore, bread and called a shiny. He was quite expensive, was considered a symbol of wealth and exhibited on the table for treating the most expensive guests.

The word "syntic" in relation to a friend means "the highest sample" of friendship. Of course, this turnover is sometimes used in an ironic shade.

"7 Fridays at the week"

In the old days, Friday was a bazaar day in which it was customary to perform various trade obligations. On Friday, the goods received, and the money for him was negotiated to give the next market day (on Friday the next week). About the violators of such promises said that they have seven Fridays in the week.

But this is not the only explanation! Friday was considered earlier free from work during the day, so a similar phrase was characterized by a slacker who had a day off every day.

"Where Makar calves did not chase"

One of the versions of the origin of this saying is: Peter I was in a working visit along the Ryazan Earth and in the "informal setting" communicated with the people. It so happened that all the men who meet him in the way were called Makari. The king was very surprised at first, and then said: "To be all the Makars from all right!"

Supposedly since then "Makar" became collectively The Russian peasant and all the peasants (not only Ryazan) began to call Makars.

"Sharacken office"

Its strange title of the office received from the dialect word "Sharan" ("Swal", "Golyutba", "Zhulo"). In the old days, the dubious union of the rogues and deceivers, and today it is simply "unlocked, unreliable" organization.

"Not washing, so catalym"

In the old days, the stratora-skirts knew that well-label underwear would be fresh, even if the washing was made at all brilliantly. Therefore, having surveated in washing, they sought the right impression "not washing, so catalym."

"In Zuzyu drunk"

This expression we find Alexander Pushkin, in the novel "Eugene Onegin", when we are talking About the neighbor of Lensky - Zaretsky:

From Kalmyk's horse
Like zyuzya drunk and french
Fucked ...

The fact is that in the Pskov region, where Pushkin for a long time Located in the link, "Zuzya" called a pig. In general, "like a zyuzya drunk" analogue of the integral expression "drunk like a pig."

"Sharing the skin of an unborn bear»

It is noteworthy that in the 1930s of the XX century in Russia it was customary to say: "Sell the skin of an unborn bear." This version of the expression seems closest to the original source, and more logical, because there is no use from the "divided" skins, it is valued only when it remains the whole. The source is the Bass "Bear and two comrades" of the French poet and the Basinista Jean Lafontena (1621 -1695).

"Retired goat drummer"

In the older's stray troupe, the head actor was a scientist, a trained bear, followed by the "goat", and behind her - a drummer with goat, drummer.

His task was to beat into the homemade drum, calling the audience. It is quite unpleasant to interrupt with random earnings or handouts, and here also "goat" is not real, retired.

"The promised three years wait"

On one of the versions - reference to the text from the Bible, to the book of the Prophet Daniel. It says: "Blessed, who expects and reaches a thousand thirty-five days," that is, three years and 240 days. The biblical call for patient waiting was jokingly rethinking in the people, because completely the saying sounds like this: "Waiting for the promised three years, but they refuse to fourth."

"Good riddance"

In one of the poems of Ivan Aksakov, you can read about the road, which is "straight, like an arrow, a wide stroy that the tablecloth lay down." So in Russia they were kept on a long road, and no bad sense in them was investing.

This initial value of phraseology is present in Explanatory dictionary Ozhegova. But there is also said that modern language The expression makes sense to be reversed: "An expression of indifference to someone's care, departure, as well as the wish to clean out, anywhere." An excellent example of how ironycsexy is rethinking in the language stable etiquette forms!

"Scream to the whole Ivanovo"

In Starina, the area in the Kremlin, on which the bell tower of Ivan the Great is called Ivanovo. On this area, Dequebled decrees, orders and other documents related to residents of Moscow and all nations of Russia. So that everyone was well heard, Dyack read very loudly, shouted in the whole Ivanovo.

"Pull aquaitel"

What is a renter and why should it pull it? This is a copper, silver or gold thread used in a gold-wide business for embroidery patterns on clothing and carpets. Such a thin thread was made by pulling - multiple rolled and stretching through all the smallest holes.

Pulling the rope was a very painstaking occupation that requires a lot of time and patience. In our language, the expression pull the reinforcement in the portable value - to do something long, tedious, the result of which is not immediately visible.

Nowadays, it is meant as a boring conversation, a tedious conversation.

"Japanese city!"

"Japanese city!" - Sustainable swearing in Russian.

It appeared after the incident in OCU, when a police tsuda Sangzo attacked Zesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich.

In the youth of Zesarevich Nikolai, the future king Nicholas II, traveled through the countries of the East. Cesarevich and his friends have fun, as soon as they could. Their violent fun, who broke up oriental traditions did not like local residents, and finally, in the Japanese town of OtsU, a local policeman, outraged by the tactlessness of Europeans, rushed to Cesarevich and hit his saber on his head. The saber was in the sheath, so Nikolai was separated by a light fright.

The event it had a significant resonance in Russia. Japanese city, instead of ensuring the safety of people, rushes per person with a saber just for being laughing too loud!

Of course, this insignificant incident would have forgotten if the expression "Japanese city" was also not also a successful euphemism. When a person pronounces the first sound, it seems that he now grows out. However, the old political scandal that speaks the old political scandal, who,,, most likely, did not hear the layers.


"Invertible praise from your mouth is a real bear service."

Its value is intact assistance, a service that brings more harm than good.

And the first source was Basnya I. A. Krylova "Dishman and Bear". It tells her like a bear, wanting to help her friend a desert to shallow fly, which sat down on his forehead, killed along with her and the deserted himself. But in the bass of this expression there is no: it has developed and entered the folklore later.

Put in a long box

"Now postpone it in a long box, and then forget at all."

The meaning of this phraseologist is simple - to give a prolonged delay, to delay its solution for a long time.

This expression has a funny story.

Like the King Alexey, Peter I, ordered in the village of Kolomna in front of his palace to establish a long box where everyone could lower his complaint. The complaints were lowered, but it was very difficult to wait for the solution: months and years passed. The people renamed this "long" box in "Long".

It is possible that the expression, if not born, was fixed in speech later, in the "presences" - agencies of the XIX century. The then officials, taking different petitions, complaints and petitions, undoubtedly sorted them, laying out in different boxes. "Long" could be called the one where the most uncomfortable things were postponed. It is clear that such a box, the petitioners were afraid.

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Sustainable combinations exist in history history for a long time. Already in the eighteenth century, examples of phraseologism with an explanation could be found in the collections of Idiom, winged expressions, aphorisms, proverbs, although, the lexical composition of the tongue was not yet studied so tightly. And only with the arrival in Science V. V. Vinogradova, a base emerged for the fullest study of sustainable phrases. It was he who laid the beginning of the development of phraseology and called it a linguistic discipline.

Famous linguist N. M. Shan phraseological turnover presented as a fixed unit of language reproduced in finished video and having two or more impact components of a lying character. In addition to lexical indivisibility, phrase units have lexical importance, often the synonyms of words. As an example: "Right hand - assistant", "bite the language - silence."

Eating phraseological units in Russian, examples with an explanation

We use a variety of phraseological speeds in your native speech imperceptibly for yourself, due to the fact that they have become familiar from childhood. The most famous came to us from fairy tales, epos, folk legends, some - from foreign languages. The original Russians can be attributed to the original combinations, found only in our native language and reflective Russian life, traditions and culture. Let's try to understand the meaning of the following example and explanation. The main product in Rus was considered bread - he managed to become a symbol of wealth, good earnings. Therefore, phraseologisms: "beat someone's bread" or "there is a gift of gift" is understandable only by Russian people.

Metamorphic and imagery are the main criteria for Russian phraseologism. It is a nation that inherent in their native language allows you to understand stable phrases not at the level of speech, but at the level of the language model that you absorb with mother's milk. Even outdated phrases, the value of which is forgotten, become understandable to us and close by their image. Below we will look at the common examples of phraseologism with an explanation and their meaning.

Book and literary

The sphere of consumption of literary speech is much already rather than conversational or interstillers. Book phraseologisms are used mainly in written sources and give some shade of solemnity, raising, the officialness of the action. Examples, explanations and importance of book phrases below:

  • - Do not give a move to postpone it for an indefinite period. Under the cloth is a woolen fabric, which was previously covered desk. If any paper or folder fell under the cloth - it means it remained not signed and did not go to work.
  • "Raise on the shield" - That is, to provide an honor, respond to the praise about someone. As an example, the winners in the old days in the literal sense of the word raised the shield and carried high, so that everyone could see them and thank.
  • "Write - gone". So they say about the case, which is obviously impossible to be made due to the lack of certain conditions. In the nineteenth century, officials painted in the book of expenditures of the article on the arrival and consumption of goods. Casnocradda usually ordered to make a record about the disappearance of the goods that are words "write - gone". At the same time, the loss itself was assigned to themselves.
  • "Was there a boy?" - In this way, it is now expressed a lot of doubt about something. The phraseology from the novel of M. Gorky "Life of the Climate Sumagina", which describes the scene of skating children. When the guys fall under the water, the girl Klim saves the first. Then she throws his belt and the boy, but, frightened that he could drown himself, he lends him. During the search for a drowned child, Klim hears a voice uttering the phrase: "Did there be a boy, maybe the boy was not?".
  • "Keanny lady" - So dismissively respond about a wonderful girl, which is absolutely not adapted to life. The turn is taken from the story of N. G. Pomagalovsky "Meshchansky happiness".
  • "Bear Angle" - Deaf settlement, outstand. For the first time, the expression was used by P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky in the novel of the same name about one of the distant towns of Russia.
  • "Touch the inner core" - Another book phraseologist, whose history goes back at times when slaves branded. The ignition delivered wild pain, especially when touched to the healing wound. This turn becomes relevant when the topic is addressed in the conversation, causing sincere flour from the interlocutor.
  • "Scapegoat" - The one who is shifting responsibility for someone else's guilt. Phrase belongs to literary phraseologists and has ancient origin. The biblical tradition speaks about the rite of saccupation. The priest assisted his hand on a regular goat, as if to carry sins per person on an animal, which later expelled in the desert.
  • "Like water off a duck's back" - Everything is nicking. The plumage of the goose is covered with a special lubricant that does not allow to get into the bird. Water does not wet the wings of the goose. Thanks to this fat, it remains dry.

Examples of colloquial and borrowed phraseologism

Spoken phrase units firmly entrenched in our speech. They are convenient to bring the thought to the interlocutor, especially when ordinary words are not enough for emotional painting phrases. Borrowed phraseological units are tracing and semi-clades taken from other languages \u200b\u200bby literal translation of the sayings. There are phraseological units that simply relate within a sense with sustainable expressions in other languages. Their examples: "White crow" sounds in English as a "rare bird", and the expression "hanging on the hair" is replaced by a combination of "hanging on a thread". Other examples of phraseologism with explanations and meanings:

  • "First among Equal" - That is, the best or presenter. Borrowed from the Latin Primus Inter Pare, which is so literally and translated. This title wore Emperor Augustus before the adoption of his high title. Thus supported its prestige.
  • "Good (cheerful) mine with a bad game" - That is, for an external imperturbable look, hide your experiences and failures. At the same time, "Mina" - from the old Breton language is translated literally as "facial expression".
  • "What is allowed to Jupiter, then the bull is not allowed." For the first time, the phrase was pronounced by the Roshenziem Afr. It is used when you need to stop the unreasonable claims, pointing to his subordinate place arising.
  • "Eat Poud Salt" - Common colloquial phraseology. This is an example of long life together. In the system of measures, PUD is equal to 16 kg. To consume such a number of salt, it is necessary to live together a lot of time, during which people will learn almost everything about each other.
  • "There is nothing for the soul" - So it is customary to talk about the poor man. By people beliefsThe man's soul was located in a sneaker on the neck. It was also taken in the old days to keep money and jewels. If there was nothing to hide in a sneaker, it was believed that there was nothing "for the soul".
  • - That is, a slightly snack. The expression is tracked from the French "Tuer Le Ver", which has a literal translation - "drink a glass of alcoholic beam." It was assumed that alcohol taken with a minimum snack was destroyed in the Helminti organism.
  • "The entrance fell under the tail" - Spoken phraseology, denoting the rash deeds of anyone. The expression was once applied in the literal sense, and not in portable in relation to horses, which, who fell under the tail of the entrance, caused pain and forced thoughtless actions.
  • "Nick down" - Remember once and forever. In former times, illiterate people wore a plank with them everywhere, on which notes made notes for memory. "Nose" in this case is not an olfactory body, but a worn thing.

Medical and other professional expressions with an explanation

Some phraseological units are taken from the oral speech of people of various kinds of professions. These include the following sentences with phraseologists:

  • Supozhnik Breast - Medical term, which has its meaning and explanation. This is called a funnel-shaped chest. Bottom part Breasts in shoemakers in view of professional activity inwards inward, due to which the amount of the chest is significantly reduced.
  • - So they talk about unproductive work. As an example: in Starin, the pharmacist wrote directly on the bottles with a mixture of such a recipe. This marked that treatment should be carried out leisurely to have time to react to the emergence of allergic manifestations. If such an approach is quite justified for a patient, then for a working person is a lazout indicator and indecision.
  • "Tall teeth" - distract from the urgent problem with unauthorized conversations. Unlike dentists, the evacuances are able to eliminate pain conspiracies. At the same time, the teeth themselves are not treated and the problem remains unresolved.
  • "Sit in liver" - Tearing, poisoning life. IN Ancient Russia The liver was considered exemplary vitality man. It was believed that a person who interferes to live, takes free energy, and, it means, sitting in the liver and directly from there draws other people's strength.
  • "Holding breath" - That is, carefully, I do not miss little things. In medicine to enlighten the chest for the correct diagnosis, it is required to detain a few minutes of breathing. It is believed that a person who has dragged his breath, will receive the highest quality result.
  • "Drinking sleeves" - Act diligently and energetically, without sorry for the own strength. If you remember, it was customary to wear clothes with long sleeves in the old days - some length reached 95 cm. It was impossible to work in such clothes. To make anything useful, I had to first shove the sleeves, after which it was arguing much faster.
  • "Sleeves later" - Lazily, slowly, without proper enthusiasm. This phraseology exists in opposition to the previous one and has a similar explanation. That is, the lowered long sleeves did not allow to perform work properly.
  • "Waiting for the sea of \u200b\u200bweather" - Inactivate, expect that the situation will be resolved by itself. This term came from the speech of sailors, which before reaching the fishery necessarily follow the weather and waited for a favorable period in order not to get into the storm.

Sustainable and neutral phrases and their meaning

Unlike conversational revolutions, more figurative, the phrases that do not have emotional color are considered neutral. Examples of such phrases with explanation and their meaning:

  • "Space does not find" - That is, worried. So they talk about a person who dwells in a state of strong anxiety about com else.
  • "Not flexing backs" - So it's hard and aggressively work. So they spoke about the pahars who worked in the field from morning to night.
  • - torture requests and conversations about the same thing.
  • "To lose heart" - Finally burst into your own forces.
  • "Looking at night" - That is, before the onset of darkness, when public transport no longer goes and increases the risk of becoming a victim of bad circumstances. In addition, there are many examples of the fact that anything is essential to do late in the evening people will no longer have time, as the body's day resources are exhausted.
  • "Stay with the nose" Or failed. Examples of consumption of expression: when someone allows himself to fool, does not receive what he counted on. Under the word "nose" in the old days they understood a bow with an offer. "Nose" - that is, "brought". The rich usually came to officials with money, the poor carried the piggy, chicken, eggs. The devils for bringing decisions in favor of the gifting. There was a bad familiar with the NOS official, if he was too modest. At the same time, the requesting remained with his gift, that is, "with the nose" and did not receive the desired one.
  • "Mix the bone" - That is, gossip, gloom, disassemble the actions of another person. Once it was believed that the sinner, over which the curse was hung, can leave the grave in the form of a gloa. To save it from the spell, it was necessary to move the grave and move the bones with clean water.

On the examples above, we see that the relevant use of phraseological generals saturates our speech, allows you to make communication emotionally rich and interesting. Suggestions with phraseologists make a "highlight" in the conversation and are perceived by everyone as a completely natural element of speech, enhancing its meaning.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. The Russian language is not in vain, consider "great and mighty".

It has not only words with which you can describe the reality of what is happening, but also, the meaning of which does not correspond to the words used in them.

Such phrases (these are phraseologisms) it is impossible to understand "in the forehead" (literally), because the words used in them sometimes create a completely ridiculous picture. For example, "to do from the fly of an elephant", "sit in a puddle", "led by the nose", "like a goose water", etc. They are consumed only in a figurative sense and that.

What it is (on examples)

Phraseologism is sustainable expressions (Everyday used precisely in this form), one of whose features is that they are almost impossible to translate them into other languages. And if you do it literally, then the real Abrakadabra will be.

For example, how will you translate a foreigner of phrases:

With Gulkin Nos.
Where the eyes look.
Shooted sparrow.

And at the same time, we, as the carriers of the Russian language, we immediately understand what we are talking about.

"With Gulkin's nose" - a little, very little.
"Where the eyes look" - right, without a particular purpose.
"Streamed Sparrow" is experienced in some cases.

This is some of the examples of phraseologism. But what determination gives this concept in textbooks:

"Phraseologism is an expression established under the structure and composition that used in a figurative value And consists of two or more words. "

Signs of phraseologism

The phraseology is fairly easy to recognize. These phrases have their own distinctive features:

  1. They are numbered two or more words;
  2. Have stable structure;
  3. Have portable value;
  4. Have historical roots;
  5. Are united Member of the sentence.

And now consider each of these distinguishing criteria for phraseologism.

These are a few words that are one member of the sentence.

In one word phraseologism does not happen at all. Most often they consist of exactly two words, but there are many examples and longer phrases.

Here examples of such phrases with their explanation:

"The dog ate" - an experienced, more than once does something.
"We do not overcome water" - very friendly.
"Waiting for the sea of \u200b\u200bweather" - do nothing and hope that everything will be decided.
"Seven Fridays at the week" - constantly change their plans or decisions.
"Beat as a fish about ice" - something you do, and the result does not give it.
"Well, you and the porridge brew" - I did something that provoked a whole chain of events.

With the analysis of the proposals, the phraseologisms are not divided into parts. For example, the phrase "worked until the seventh sweat" is a single legend. Similarly, how to "count the raven" or "wash your hands."

Phraseologisms are stable phrases in a figurative sense

Such phrases it is impossible to distortBy adding or removing separate words from them. AND cannot be replaced Some words to others. This is reminded by a "card house", which will fall apart if you pull out one card from it.

By the way, "House of cards" also an example of phraseologism, it is used when they want to say that "Something very easily broke out or is about to break".

For example:

"Between heaven and land" - means being in suspended, not to know what to do.

And it is impossible to replace the "sky" in this phrase, for example, on the "clouds", or "land" on the "field". As a result, it turns out at all the colorful expression that others people and will not understand.

More examples of sustainable phraseological units with explanation of their meaning:

"Torture water" - means to come up with something strange, badly influence others.
"After the sleeves" - do something poorly.
"Drinking the sleeves" - work well and quickly.
"Consider Raven" - distracted, be inattentive.
"Stay with your nose" means to be deceived.
"Take on the mind" - change your behavior or attitude to something.

These phrases are always figuratively

As you could have noticed, all phraseologisms are figuratively. That is why they are simply impossible to translate into another language.

For example, try to translate into English phrases "disservice". It will sound like "Bear Service", and any foreigner will understand that "some particular bear has some kind of services," and rather solving that we are talking about a trained bear.

But we understand this phraseologism well, which means "Help so that it became even worse".

The same can be said about other expressions:

"Flusted Kalach" - a man's magician who will not deceive.
"On the evil of the day" - something relevant that this moment Attracts great attention.
"I sat down in Kalosha" - did something awkward, I was mistaken.
"Lose head" - do unreasonable things.
"Mix bones" - discuss someone for his back.

The history of the origin of phraseologism

Some philologists argue that all the phrases have some historical roots. Just before us did not all be saved. But there is a phrase, about which you know exactly where they went.

For example, expression "Beat egglush"which means "nothing to do". Binds in the old days called small wooden bars, Of which most often made spoons. It was very easy to make the workpiece, it was trusted by the most inept apprentices. And everyone around believed that they did not really work.

Or phraseologism "like water off a duck's back", meaning that "man says goodbye." This phrase spawned the nature itself. Not only the goose, but also any bird water is really quickly running out, since their feathers have a thin fat layer.

But the expression « tryshin Kaftan» Not so widely known, although it means "an unsuccessful attempt to solve some problem that leads only to new problems." The phrase appeared thanks to the Basna of Krylov:

Triski on the elbows caftan has extended.
What to think for a long time? He began his needle:
Quarterly cut sleeveless -
And the elbows paid. Kaftan is ready again;
Only on a quarter non's hands become.
What is the sadness before that?

But phraseologism "Monomakh hat"which means "too big responsibility," presented us Pushkin In his drama "Boris Godunov".

Examples of phraseologism and their meaning

And this is not the only example when the situation appears in Russian due to literature. For example, a lot came to us from the ancient myths and epos, and even from the Bible.

  1. "Apple of discord" - Cause of a quarrel between people. It was originally meant an apple, because of which the ancient Greek goddesses of Athena, Aphrodite and Gera were crushed, since it was written on "the most beautiful."
  2. "Trojan horse" - Hidden trap. Wooden horse in which the Greeks hid to conquer Troy.
  3. "Gordian knot" - confusing difficult situation. In memory of the real node, which tied the king of pride, and who ruled Alexander Macedon's sword.
  4. "Augean stables" - Large mess. One of the feats of Hercules when he was ordered to clear the huge stables of the king of Avgii.
  5. - Mounting threat. Another story from Ancient GreeceWhen the Court Damocl envied the King Dionia and wanted to take his place. And he agreed, but he hung over his head sword on his horse hair.

  6. "Procrustean bed" "The desire to adjust something under the existing framework, while sacrificing something important." The robber scrollly lured the travelers to himself and laid them on his bed. To whom she was Mala, he pulled out his legs. And whom is great, cut them off.
  7. "Two-Leak Janus" - and deception. Was in ancient Roman mythology such a god with two persons who headed all doors, inputs and outputs.
  8. "Achilles' heel" - weakness. In honor of the ancient Greek warrior of Achilles, whom in his childhood dipped into the water of immortality. And the only unprotected place he had a heel left, as they kept for her when they lowered in the bath.
  9. "Manna Heavenly" - Something necessary and saving. The roots must be sought in the Bible, in history, as Moses removed Jews from Egypt. At some point, they ended with all the food, and God sent them the "manna heaven."
  10. "Sisyphers work" - Useless occupation, which will definitely do not bring benefits. The ancient Greek king Sisifa for his slit life was convicted of eternal flour - to pump a huge stone on the mountain, which then immediately rolled down.
  11. "Byword" - Theme or people who are constantly discussed. One of the car in Old Testament For accommodates - "You will be truth, horror and a mixture of all nations." And "Little" is "peoples" in Church Slavonic.
  12. "Awards of the eyelids" - Very long time. An extremely rare phraseology, which also came from the Bible, which mentions Patriarch Areder, who has lived in the light of 962 years.
  13. "Homeric laughter" - Loud laughter over some nonsense. So laughed gods in the poems of Homer "Odyssey" and "Iliad".
  14. "Smoking Fimiam" -, exorbitantly praise. Another rare phraseology, which appeared thanks to the same name of incense, which was burned in the Jerusalem temples to delve God.
  15. "Pyrrhic victory" - The victory for which a too big price had to pay. The ancient Greek king Pierre won the Romans, but lost too many warriors. Even his phrase is known - "Another such victory, and we will perish."
  16. "Cook in the fly" - It is forgotten. Summer - in an ancient Greek river in the kingdom of the dead, who ruled the god of Aid.
  17. "Pandora's Box" - Source of misfortunes and troubles. In the myths of ancient Greece Zeus sent a woman named Pandora to Earth. And she gave her a casket, which contained all human misfortunes. And she was not kept and opened it.
  18. - Disorder, inorganized, turning into a real chaos. In the Old Testament, people decided to build a tower that would take to heaven.

    But the Lord warmed up - destroyed the tower and mixed languages \u200b\u200bso that people could not understand each other.

Brief summary

In conclusion, I will say that phraseologists are found in any language of the world. But such a number of winged phrases, as in Russian, no bigger nowhere.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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