There lived a pop-oatmeal forehead. A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda" read online

Once upon a time there was a pop
Thick forehead.
The pop went to the market
View some product.

Towards him Balda
It goes without knowing where.
“What, dad, got up so early?
What did you ask for?”

Pop him in response: “I need a worker:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find this
A minister not too expensive?”

Balda says: “I will serve you nicely,
Diligently and very well
A year for three clicks on your forehead.
Give me some boiled spelt.”

The pop thought
He began to scratch his forehead.
A click is a crack after all.
Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe.

Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It won't hurt both of us.
Live in my backyard
Show your diligence and agility."

Balda lives in a priest's house,
Sleeping on straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;

Before light, everything dances with him,
The horse will harness, the strip will plow.
The furnace will be flooded, everything will be prepared, purchased,
The egg will bake and peel itself.

Popadya Balda does not praise,
Popovna only grieves about Balda,
Poppyonok calls him aunt;
He makes porridge, nurses a child.

Only pop alone does not like Baldu,
Will never kiss him
He often thinks about retribution;
Time is running out and the deadline is near.

Pop neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead cracks in advance.
Here he confesses:
“So and so: what remains to be done?”

The mind of a woman is perceptive,
He's good at all sorts of tricks.
Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:

Order Balda a service so that he becomes unbearable,
And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
That way you will save your forehead from reprisal
And you will send Balda without retribution.

It became more fun in the heart of the priest.
He began to look more boldly at Balda.
Here he shouts: “Come here,
My faithful worker Balda.

Listen: devils are obliged to pay
To me a quitrent at my very death;
It would be better not to need income,
Yes, they have arrears for three years.

How do you eat your spelled,
Collect a full dues from the devils for me.
Balda, with the priest in vain without arguing,
Went and sat by the seashore;

There he began to twist the rope
Yes, the end of it in the sea to wet.
Here the old Bes got out of the sea:
“Why did you, Balda, climb up to us?”

- “Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
Yes, you, damned tribe, pose.
Despondency took over the old demon here.
“Tell me, why such disgrace?”

- “What for? You don't pay dues
Do not remember the due date;
Now we'll have some fun
You dogs are a great hindrance.”

- “Baldushka, wait you wrinkle the sea,
You will receive the dues in full soon.
Wait, I'll send my grandson to you."
Balda thinks: “It’s not a thing to do this!”

The sent imp came up,
He meowed like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda little man;
What tribute do you need?

We have not heard of quitrent for centuries,
There was no such sadness.
Well, so be it - take it, yes by agreement,
From our common verdict

So that in the future there will be no grief for anyone:
Which one of us will run around the sea,
He and take yourself a full dues,
In the meantime, a sack will be prepared there.”

Balda laughed slyly:
“What are you making up, right?
Where can you compete with me
With me, with Balda himself?
What an adversary they sent!
Wait for my little brother.”

Balda went to the nearby forest,
I caught two bunnies, but in a bag.
He comes to the sea again
By the sea, he finds a devil.
Holds Balda by the ears of one bunny:

“Dance you to our balalaika;
You, little devil, are still young,
Compete with me weak;
It would only be a waste of time.
Overtake my brother first.
One two Three! catch up.”

The imp and the bunny set off:
Imp along the seashore,
And the bunny in the woods to the house.
Behold, the sea has run around,
Sticking out his tongue, lifting his muzzle,
The devil came running, panting,
All wet, wiping with a paw,
Thinking: things will work out with Balda.
Look - and Balda is stroking his brother,
Saying: “My beloved brother,
Tired, poor thing! rest, dear."
The imp was dumbfounded,
The tail is tucked in, completely subdued,
He looks sideways at his brother.
“Wait a minute,” he says, “I’ll go for quitrent.”

He went to his grandfather, he said: “Trouble!
The smaller Balda overtook me!”
Old Bes began to think a thought here.
And Balda made such a fuss
That the whole sea was confused
And the waves spread like that.

The imp got out: “Come on, man,
We will send you the whole quitrent -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Pick any meta.
Who will throw the stick next,
Let him take the quitrent.

Well? afraid to dislocate your arms? What are you waiting for?"
- “Yes, I’m waiting for this cloud;
I'll throw your stick there
Yes, and I'll start with you, devils, a dump.

The devil got scared and went to his grandfather,
Talk about Baldov's victory,
And Balda is making noise over the sea again
Yes, he threatens the devil with a rope.

The devil came out again: “What are you bothering about?
You will have a quitrent, if you want ... "

- “No,” says Balda,
Now it's my turn
I'll set the conditions myself
I'll give you a task, vrazonok.
Let's see how strong you are.

Do you see the gray mare there?
Raise your mare
Yes, carry her half a verst;
You will take down the mare, the quitrent is already yours;
You won’t take down the mare, but he will be mine.”

Poor devil
Crawled under the mare
made an effort
tensed up
Raised the mare, took two steps,
On the third he fell, stretched his legs.

And Balda told him: “You stupid demon,
Where did you follow us?
And I couldn't take it down with my hands
And I, look, I will demolish between the legs.

Balda sat on a filly astride
Yes, he galloped a mile, so the dust is a pillar.
The devil was frightened and to his grandfather
I went to talk about such a victory.

The devils became in a circle,
There is nothing to do - the devils have collected dues
Yes, they put a bag on Balda.

Balda is coming, grunting,
And the pope, seeing Balda, jumps up,
Hiding behind the asshole
Writhing with fear.

Balda found him here,
He paid the quitrent, began to demand payment.
poor pop
He put his forehead up:
From the first click
Pop jumped to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost pop language;
And from the third click
The old man's mind was blown out.
And Balda used to say reproachfully:
"You wouldn't chase, pop, for cheapness."

Once upon a time there was a pop
Thick forehead.
Went pop through the bazaar
View some product.
Towards him Balda
He goes without knowing where.
“What, dad, got up so early?
What did you ask for?"
Pop him in response: “I need a worker:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find this
A minister not too expensive?”
Balda says: "I will serve you nicely,
Diligently and very well
In a year for three clicks on your forehead,
Give me some boiled spelt.”
The pop thought
He started scratching his forehead.
A click is a crack, after all.
Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe.
Pon says to Balda: “Okay.
It won't hurt both of us.
Live in my backyard
Show your diligence and agility."
Balda lives in the priest's house,
Sleeping on straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Until the light, everything is dancing with him.
Harness the horse, plow the strip,
The furnace will flood, prepare everything, buy,
The egg will bake and peel itself.
Popadya Balda does not praise,
Popovna only grieves about Balda,
Popyonok calls him aunt:
He makes porridge, nurses a child.
Only pop alone does not like Baldu,
Will never tease him.
He often thinks about retribution:
Time is running out and the deadline is near.
Pop neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead cracks in advance.
Here he confesses:
“So and so: what remains to be done?”
The mind of a woman is perceptive,
He's good at all sorts of tricks.
Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order Balda a service so that he becomes unbearable;
And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
That way you will save your forehead from reprisal
You will send Baldu without retribution.
It became more fun in the heart of the priest,
He began to look more boldly at Balda.
Here he shouts: "Come here,
My faithful worker Balda.
Listen: devils are obliged to pay
To me dues but my very death;
It would be better not to need income,
Yes, they have arrears for three years.
How do you eat your spelled,
Gather a full dues from the devils for me.
Balda, with the priest in vain without arguing,
Went and sat by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, the end of it in the sea to wet.
Here the old Bes got out of the sea:
“Why are you. Balda, climbed in with us?
- “Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
Yes, you, damned tribe, pose.
Despondency took over the old demon here.
“Tell me, why such disgrace?”
“What for? You don't pay rent
Do not remember the due date;
Now we'll have some fun
You dogs are a great hindrance."
- “Baldushka, wait you wrinkle the sea.
You will receive the dues in full soon.
Wait, I'll send my grandson to you."
Balda thinks: “It’s not a thing to do this!”
The sent demon emerged,
He meowed like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda-man;
What tribute do you need?
We have not heard of quitrent for centuries,
There was no such sadness.
Well. so be it - take it, yes by agreement,
C. our common sentence -
So that in the future there will be no grief for anyone:
Which one of us will run around the sea,
He and take yourself a full dues,
In the meantime, a bag will be prepared there.”
Balda laughed slyly:
“What are you thinking, right?
Where can you compete with me
With me, with Balda himself?
What an adversary they sent!
Wait for my little brother."
Balda went to the nearby forest,
I caught two hares in a bag.
He comes to the sea again
By the sea, he finds an imp.
Holds Balda by the ears of one bunny:
“Dance you to our balalaika;
You, little devil, are still young,
Compete with me weak;
It would only be a waste of time.
Overtake my brother first.
One two Three! catch up."
The imp and the bunny set off:
Imp along the seashore,
And the bunny in the woods to the house.
Behold, the sea has run around,
Sticking out his tongue, lifting his muzzle,
The demon came running, panting,
All mokreshenek, wiping his paw,
Thinking: things will work out with Balda.
Look - and Balda is stroking his brother,
Saying: "My beloved brother,
Tired, poor thing! rest, darling."
The imp was dumbfounded,
The tail is tucked in, completely subdued,
He looks sideways at his brother.
“Wait,” he says, “I’ll go for the dues.”
He went to his grandfather, he said: “Trouble!
The smaller Balda overtook me!”
Old Bes began to think a thought here.
And Balda made such a fuss
That the whole sea is confused
And the waves spread like that.
The imp came out: “Complete, little man,
We will send you the whole quitrent -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Choose your favorite meta.
Who will throw the stick next,
Let him take the quitrent.
Well? afraid to dislocate your arms?
What are you waiting for?" - "Yes, I'm waiting for this cloud:
I'll throw your stick there
Yes, and I'll start with you, devils, a dump.
The demon was frightened and to his grandfather,
Talk about Baldov's victory,
And Balda is making noise over the sea again
Yes, he threatens the devil with a rope.
The devil came out again: “What are you bothering about?
You will have a quitrent, if you want ... "
“No,” says Balda, “
Now my turn
I'll set the conditions myself
I'll give you a task, enemy.
Let's see how strong you are.
Do you see a gray mare there?
Raise the mare, you
Yes, carry her half a verst;
If you take down the mare, the quitrent is yours;
You can’t take down the mare, but he will be mine. ”
Poor devil
Crawled under the mare
made an effort
tensed up
He raised the mare, took two steps.
On the third he fell, stretched his legs.
And Balda told him: “You stupid demon,
Where did you follow us?
And I couldn't take it down with my hands
And I, look, I’ll take it between my legs. ”
Balda sat on a filly astride
Yes, he galloped a mile, so the dust is a pillar.
The demon was frightened and to the grandfather
I went to talk about such a victory.
The devils became in a circle,
Nothing to do - collected a full quitrent
Yes, they put a bag on Balda.
There is a Balda, grunts,
And the pope, seeing Balda, jumps up,
Hiding behind the asshole
Writhing with fear.
Balda found him here,
He paid the quitrent, began to demand payment.
poor pop
He put his forehead up:
From the first click
Pop jumped to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost pop language
And from the third click
The old man's mind was blown out.
And Balda used to say reproachfully:
“Don’t you chase, pop, for cheapness”

Analysis of "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda"

"The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" is Pushkin's first completed fairy tale. He wrote it in Boldino in 1830. The source for writing was the story of Arina Rodionovna, recorded by the poet in 1824.

The anti-religious satirical orientation led to the fact that in tsarist Russia the work was published under the title "The Tale of the Merchant Kuzma Ostolope". IN Soviet time for obvious reasons, The Tale... was idealized and seen as the best proof of Pushkin's atheism.

In fact, "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda" has nothing to do with religion at all. In the images of the priest and Balda, the poet condemns greed and praises ingenuity and ingenuity.

In addition to the name "pop", this character does not manifest himself in any way in the role of a clergyman. The only thing that brings him closer to the church is the presence of a priest and a muffin. Wherein lies Pushkin's atheism? The main thing negative quality butt - irrepressible greed. Popadya also manifests itself not with better side. She “doesn’t boast of the Balda”, but at the same time she advises her husband how to get rid of the upcoming retribution. In general, the disinterested work of Balda "for seven" does not cause any feeling of gratitude in the greedy owners.

In the image of Balda, Pushkin portrayed the usual protagonist of Russian folklore, similar to Ivan the Fool. People around him always consider him stupid person. This happens because of his simplicity, naivety and disinterestedness. Balda agrees to a year's work for child's play - three clicks. This is obvious stupidity. The employee shows himself from the best side, he does not know fatigue and acts for the benefit of the owners. Even having received an unprecedented task - to collect quitrent from the devils, Balda does not hesitate and goes to fulfill it. In three disputes with demons, Pushkin shows Balda's mind hidden from others. He easily circles the devils around his finger and does the impossible - he takes away a fictitious dues from them.

Balda brings untold wealth to the owner, he does not attempt to appropriate it for himself, since this is a violation of the contract. But three clicks necessary condition. The priest's gloomy forebodings come true. In the payback scene, the highest justice appears: from three clicks the pop goes crazy. Devils money does not bring him happiness.

The tale of the priest and Balda teaches that greed will not bring anyone to good. Balda does not receive anything at all, except for the satisfaction of retribution. This can be seen as the author's contempt for material wealth. A person, despite the opinions of others, must, first of all, strive for spiritual wealth. Only in this way will happiness and justice reign in the world.

Once upon a time there was a pop
Thick forehead.
Went pop through the bazaar
View some product.
Towards him Balda
He goes without knowing where.
“What, dad, got up so early?
What did you ask for?"
Pop him in response: “I need a worker:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find this
A minister not too expensive?”
Balda says: "I will serve you nicely,
Diligently and very well
In a year for three clicks on your forehead,
Give me some boiled spelt.”
The pop thought
He started scratching his forehead.
A click is a crack, after all.
Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe.
Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It won't hurt both of us.
Live in my backyard
Show your diligence and agility."
Balda lives in the priest's house,
Sleeping on straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Until the light, everything is dancing with him.
Harness the horse, plow the strip,
The furnace will flood, prepare everything, buy,
The egg will bake and peel itself.
Popadya Balda does not praise,
Popovna only grieves about Balda,
Popyonok calls him aunt:
He makes porridge, nurses a child.
Only pop alone does not like Baldu,
Will never tease him.
He often thinks about retribution:
Time is running out and the deadline is near.
Pop neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead cracks in advance.
Here he confesses:
“So and so: what remains to be done?”
The mind of a woman is perceptive,

He's good at all sorts of tricks.
Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order Balda a service so that he becomes unbearable;
And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
That way you will save your forehead from reprisal
And you will send Balda without retribution.
It became more fun in the heart of the priest,
He began to look more boldly at Balda.
Here he shouts: "Come here,
My faithful worker Balda.

Listen: devils are obliged to pay
To me dues but my very death;
It would be better not to need income,
Yes, they have arrears for three years.
How do you eat your spelled,
Gather a full dues from the devils for me.
Balda, with the priest in vain without arguing,

Went and sat by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, the end of it in the sea to wet.
Here the old Bes got out of the sea:
“Why are you. Balda, climbed in with us?

- “Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
Yes, you, damned tribe, pose.
Despondency took over the old demon here.
“Tell me, why such disgrace?”
- “For what? You don't pay rent
Do not remember the due date;
Now we'll have some fun
You dogs are a great hindrance."

- “Baldushka, wait a minute you wrinkle the sea.
You will receive the dues in full soon.
Wait, I'll send my grandson to you."
Balda thinks: “It’s not a thing to do this!”
The sent demon emerged,
He meowed like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda-man;
What tribute do you need?
We have not heard of quitrent for centuries,
There was no such sadness.
Well, so be it - take it, yes by agreement,
From our common verdict -
So that in the future there will be no grief for anyone:

Which one of us will run around the sea,
He and take yourself a full dues,
In the meantime, a bag will be prepared there.”

Balda laughed slyly:
“What are you thinking, right?
Where can you compete with me
With me, with Balda himself?
What an adversary they sent!
Wait for my little brother."

Once upon a time there was a pop
Thick forehead.
The pop went to the market
View some product.
Towards him Balda
It goes without knowing where.

“What, dad, got up so early?
What did you ask for?”
Pop him in response: “I need a worker:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find this
A minister not too expensive?”
Balda says: “I will serve you nicely,
Diligently and very well
A year for three clicks on your forehead.
Give me some boiled spelt.”
The pop thought
He began to scratch his forehead.
A click is a crack after all.
Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe.
Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It won't hurt both of us.
Live in my backyard
Show your diligence and agility."
Balda lives in a priest's house,
Sleeping on straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Before light, everything dances with him,
The horse will harness, the strip will plow.
The furnace will be flooded, everything will be prepared, purchased,
The egg will bake and peel itself.
Popadya Balda does not praise,
Popovna only grieves about Balda,
Poppyonok calls him aunt;
He makes porridge, nurses a child.
Only pop alone does not like Baldu,
Will never kiss him
He often thinks about retribution;
Time is running out and the deadline is near.
Pop neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead cracks in advance.
Here he confesses:
“So and so: what remains to be done?”
The mind of a woman is perceptive,
He's good at all sorts of tricks.
Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order Balda a service so that he becomes unbearable,
And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
That way you will save your forehead from reprisal
And you will send Balda without retribution.
It became more fun in the heart of the priest.
He began to look more boldly at Balda.
Here he shouts: “Come here,
My faithful worker Balda.
Listen: devils are obliged to pay
To me a quitrent at my very death;
It would be better not to need income,
Yes, they have arrears for three years.
How do you eat your spelled,
Collect a full dues from the devils for me.
Balda, with the priest in vain without arguing,
Went and sat by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, the end of it in the sea to wet.
Here the old Bes got out of the sea:
“Why did you, Balda, climb up to us?” -
“Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
Yes, you, damned tribe, pose.
Despondency took over the old demon here.
“Tell me, why such disgrace?” -
“What for? You don't pay dues
Do not remember the due date;
Now we'll have some fun
You dogs are a great hindrance.”-
“Baldushka, wait you wrinkle the sea,
You will receive the dues in full soon.
Wait, I'll send my grandson to you."
Balda thinks: “It’s not a thing to do this!”
The sent imp came up,
He meowed like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda little man;
What tribute do you need?
We have not heard of quitrent for centuries,
There was no such sadness.
Well, so be it - take it, yes by agreement,
From our common verdict -
So that in the future there will be no grief for anyone:
Which one of us will run around the sea,
He and take yourself a full dues,
In the meantime, a sack will be prepared there.”
Balda laughed slyly:
“What are you making up, right?
Where can you compete with me
With me, with Balda himself?
What an adversary they sent!
Wait for my little brother.”
Balda went to the nearby forest,
I caught two bunnies, but in a bag.
He comes to the sea again
By the sea, he finds a devil.
Holds Balda by the ears of one bunny:
“Dance you to our balalaika;
You, little devil, are still young,
Compete with me weak;
It would only be a waste of time.
Overtake my brother first.
One two Three! catch up.”
The imp and the bunny set off:
Imp along the seashore,
And the bunny in the woods to the house.
Behold, the sea has run around,
Sticking out his tongue, lifting his muzzle,
The devil came running, panting,
All wet, wiping with a paw,
Thinking: things will work out with Balda.
Look - and Balda is stroking his brother,
Saying: “My beloved brother,
Tired, poor thing! rest, dear."
The imp was dumbfounded,
The tail is tucked in, completely subdued,
He looks sideways at his brother.
“Wait a minute,” he says, “I’ll go for quitrent.”
He went to his grandfather, he said: “Trouble!
The smaller Balda overtook me!”
Old Bes began to think a thought here.
And Balda made such a fuss
That the whole sea was confused
And the waves spread like that.
The imp got out: “Come on, man,
We will send you the whole quitrent -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Pick any meta.
Who will throw the stick next,
Let him take the quitrent.
Well? afraid to dislocate your arms?
What are you waiting for?" - “Yes, I’m waiting for this cloud;
I'll throw your stick there
Yes, and I'll start with you, devils, a dump.
The devil got scared and went to his grandfather,
Talk about Baldov's victory,
And Balda is making noise over the sea again
Yes, he threatens the devil with a rope.
The devil came out again: “What are you bothering about?
You will have a quitrent, if you want ... "-
“No,” Balda says, “
Now my turn
I'll set the conditions myself
I'll give you a task, vrazonok.
Let's see how strong you are.
Do you see the gray mare there?
Raise your mare
Yes, carry her half a verst;
You will take down the mare, the quitrent is already yours;
You won’t take down the mare, but he will be mine.”
Poor devil
Crawled under the mare
made an effort
tensed up
Raised the mare, took two steps,
On the third he fell, stretched his legs.
And Balda told him: “You stupid demon,
Where did you follow us?
And I couldn't take it down with my hands
And I, look, I will demolish between the legs.
Balda sat on a filly astride
Yes, he galloped a mile, so the dust is a pillar.
The devil was frightened and to his grandfather
I went to talk about such a victory.
The devils became in a circle,
There is nothing to do - the devils have collected dues
Yes, they put a bag on Balda.
Balda is coming, grunting,
And the pope, seeing Balda, jumps up,
Hiding behind the asshole
Writhing with fear.
Balda found him here,
He paid the quitrent, began to demand payment.
poor pop
He put his forehead up:
From the first click
Pop jumped to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost pop language;
And from the third click
The old man's mind was blown out.
And Balda used to say reproachfully:
"You wouldn't chase, pop, for cheapness."