Thank you teachers. Letter thanks to the teacher of primary classes from parents real letters

It is not surprising that the first teacher as a person who became one of meaningful personalities in the most difficult period life cycle Every person is remembered forever. It is he who contributes to the successful adaptation of the former preschooler in the frightening unknown of the school environment, helps to master many truths and, of course, teaches to read and count. Objectively was due to the fact that words of gratitude to the first teacher are always sincere, spiritual and filled with light sadness.

The child, reading the poems, is involuntarily penetrated by their meaning, and perhaps it is at that moment suddenly he suddenly felt that another one has passed in his life the most important step, and ahead awaits unknown again.

How hard to say goodbye to you
My first teacher!
It is impossible to express in words
That sadness that I feel!

I will never forget
Your wise, good view,
We will remember our lessons -
They are no longer back.

Sincere understanding that it was the first teacher who was invaluable life lessons, gives you the opportunity to thank her from all soul.

You did not just learn to write,
Solve serious tasks.
You taught us to dream -
And it means more in life!

You loved every student
Found a special approach to us
You were often the oldest friend,
We went with us on a campaign.

Passed the beginning of school years
You are fruitful with us.
Thanks for the lessons, for the advice,
For the soul, given by you!

Poznanya school granite
We could master together.
Gratitude heart will save
For the fact that you have helped.

In the atmosphere of parting with a significant and expensive person, all the words of gratitude to the first teacher sounds especially Emko and saturated. No one pays attention to the literary excellence, the emotional color becomes dominant. Parents are also ready, holding back tears, read poems and bow to the teacher.

To whom they trusted custody of children,
Togo now Thank you!
Who gave the soul to children
And the path to the accomplishment wrapped.

Who opened in an unknown way
Who taught the Azam Poznan.
Who led children knowledge essence
And surrounded care and care.

The teacher is first talking
Words recognize and love.
We adore you, Bogatvim,
Let your days last long.

Prose B. thank you Parents It may sound a little with a pathetic note, but it is only from sincere desire in words to express the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions and experiences.

Today, in the presence of your colleagues, children and parents sincerely and openly, I want to express respect for your kindness, wise and competent training of our children. Words are powerless to convey gratitude for your experiences in children's failures and permanent help and support to them, students that we have trusted the best teacher in the world. For the work is great, for professionalism, hard work and soulfulness is low our parent bow, you - teacher!

An excellent finale will sound a version of congratulations - integration, when the beginning of the poetic line pronounces one child, and the ending sounds a chorus. Parents can connect and the whole hall. Then thunder - "Thank you!" Will become unforgettable. It will sound another result in the difficult and noble form of education of children for the first teacher, who releases his disciples with good facilities and with sincere love.

Memory of merry school years Heats and inspires us throughout life. We remember noisy classmates, cheerful events and faces of favorite teachers with a special warmth and mixed feeling of joy and sadness. Many events and characters are erased from the time. But it is impossible to find a person who forgotten the name of his first school teacher, important bases Good and justice, the first lessons of humanity obtained in the walls of the beloved educational institution.

At the celebration of the school graduation, it is necessary to allocate a little time to say beautiful words of gratitude to the first teacher in verse. Beautiful and slightly sad, and maybe even fun. The main thing is to pay a part of the attention to the first advice, a friend and a child's mentor.

Once again, the teacher
You hear speech in your address
What you need to worry about
What heart should be preserved.

That the disease will not pass by
When it gets tired,
That everything in the light is replaced
And your heart is one.

But your heart is like a bird
She strives for children here and there,
To pumped in chest
In the same beating hearts!

How fast children grow up.
Fixed, all winds called,
Leave forever keeping
Your heart heat!

You are our first teacher for centuries,
And we will never forget you!
How tremitally taught us to write,
Read, fungi and apples count.
Thank you for working with warmth,
What is your language and our approach to us found!
Fly inexorably days, weeks and years,
Your work we will definitely never forget!

Opened educational basics,
Invested invaluable works in us,
Not afraid of us you take at the very beginning
Now we do not want to meet you once!
You are our first favorite teacher
We want to say for work and for the diligence your
You in life seriously helped us,
You did everything you could!
Now thank you for your attention,
For kindness, patience, understanding,
Take our warm words,
To love you will, respect always!

Not just express to us your respect
For gave us a doctrine
For not focused on
Always welcome gave us an understanding.
It is difficult for us to convey love your words,
And tell me how we are proud of you!
You know that your efforts are not in vain,
We have found love and upbringing,
You found us a finest approach,
For this you honor and low our bow!

Today we get your certificates
We became wise, beautiful and smarter.
We are more confident with them,
For us, our school of all in the world of relatives!
We solved the challenges and equations,
Taught tables, poems by heart
We wrote competent essays,
Today we feel warm sadness.
We school gave everything we need,
For that we want to thank!
She gave us science and friendship,
He taught to humble, believe, love.
Thank you, teachers and relatives,
You have time to do so much for us.
For us you are the most expensive
We will love infinitely you!

What to say to the first teacher on graduation in prose

Step by step, day after day and year after year, the first teacher became for children the wise adviser, an invaluable assistant and a real discoverer of the distant world of school sciences. The teacher's mission is more important than it seems at first glance. After all, it is not difficult to teach a diploma and account, it is much more difficult to make out of little silly of responsible, thoughtful and purposeful people. You should not be afraid of beautiful words, express your gratitude to the first teacher in verses or in prose for its non-cubized work and a wide open heart.

Favorite our teacher! For many days of your life you dedicated an amazing school family. All who came to learn to you, sincerely called their children. Every day, entering the class, you filled it with sunlight, love and care, and our days are dreams and discoveries, small luck and big victories. Help us to grow and answer not only the lessons at the board, but also be responsible for their actions in life.

Our gratitude is immense! After all, there is no good measure, love and wisdom that you gave us.

Again will come golden autumn, you will open the door again in amazing world Cognition in front of timid first-graders, and again your spring will happen again! Let it be more joyful in your life and happy days, smart and talented disciples and smaller chagrins and sleepless nights. Thank you, teacher!

Dear (teacher's name)! Thank you for being the first person who taught us not to be afraid of life and be confident. Just thanks to you, we became the people who recognized us our classroom teacher And the whole pedagogical composition of the school. Your work is invaluable and noble. We wish you the youth of spiritual and life, so many years you have happily raised children and knew that you live in vain! We remember you and love!

Our beloved (teacher's name)! We want to tell you much thanks for the fact that you could spend your love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for taught us to read, write and be good people. It is difficult to imagine our path in this school without you. Know, you work and live not in vain. For us - you are the first school mother and the person we will respect until the end of life!

Sincere words of gratitude from students in primary school teacher

Preparation for performance in graduation in grade 4 is not easy. Sincere words gratitude from students to the teacher primary classes Must go from the soul and transmit real feelings. Summing up under a certain life step, it is not terrible to seem unnecessary sentimental, especially in such an emotional age. If the sincere thankful lines for the teacher cannot be independently made, you can simply continue the template phrases with your thoughts. The resulting text will be the best mental confession.

  • I saw you for the first time when I was ...
  • This meeting was forever remembered ...
  • At that moment I expected that ...
  • And it turned out ...
  • Thank you very much for ...
  • Today I understand that ...
  • I am sure you will forever remember us, as well as we!

Example of thankful speech for primary school teachers from graduates

Time rushes - do not sneak after him,

So life is conceived on earth.

And you have to part,

No matter how hurts in the shower.

We came to you very little

No more than anything else

And today, I will open the secret,

We will achieve in our whole.

We are like small your councils,

Interest studied everything.

Now the guys have already matured

But to the chest we press the owl ...

You gave us your knee and affection,

I do not regret either a drop of yourself.

At the board were explained with a pointer

And looked so gently loving.

Our first chambers in life

On whitish notebook sheets,

Where we put sticks, points,

Expectantly listening to you.

You have always been near

If suddenly the question arose.

And praised, scolded a look

How should the virtuoso be able to be able to be able to.

And we read books,

Noting everything in diaries,

So that you know - Girls, boys

Constantly now in affairs.

You have always helped weak

Who is not very strong in their studies.

So that 4 "a" class became equal

Among all to be the best he.

And you still keep the work,

What we did with you then

And then distribute beauty

Through school years.

We are for our calm childhood,

From the heart grateful to you.

For caring and kind heart

For the love that they gave us.

Created with us crafts -

Each time carefully, with a soul.

We rushed to you always with a change,

Enthusiastic such guys ...

We will remember you all your years,

Call or just call

Share with you happiness, adversity

Your names in the heart store ...

Best words of gratitude teacher of primary classes from parents

There is a lot of reasons for the expression of gratitude to the teachers of the primary classes: the day of the birth, March 8, the day of the teacher. But the most important among them is graduation in grade 4. In this solemn day, parents must pick up the most necessary words of gratitude for the first teacher of their children to emphasize his professional merit, a competent approach to each child, the ability to make a small miracle in the classic walls of their native school.

The best words of gratitude to the primary school teacher from parents should not be too official or excessively papusted. It is better to write a couple of spiritual prosaic lines "from ourselves" or take advantage of ready-made ideas.

An example of these words of gratitude from parents of primary school teachers

Dear and wonderful teacher of our children, wonderful and good person, I sincerely thank you for helping to make the first steps to our mischievous in the country of great knowledge and bright science, thanks for patience and great work. We wish you inexhaustible forces, strong nerves, excellent health, personal happiness and good, sincere respect and constant optimism of the soul.

Our first teacher, you are the faithful and kind mentor of our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an otned specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents we want to tell you many thanks For the fact that no one of the guys alone with fear and doubt, thanks for understanding and loyalty, thanks for your hard, but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish to always achieve success in activities and happiness in life.

Dear our teacher! Thank you so much, for the knowledge that you skillfully and talented our children, because the elementary classes are the basis of all the knowledge and further study of our children. We are very much grateful, for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thank you for your mild character, patience and wisdom. We wish you our dear and favorite teacher, good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positive.

Funny words of gratitude from students of grade 9 teachers for graduation

Graduation in grade 9 - significant event For each schoolchild: And for diligent excellent, and for those whom you will not call shy quiet. And for some, he will become the last school holiday in life. It is graduates who sad "sailing" in new world Student, it is worth providing the opportunity to say cool words of gratitude from students of 9 class teachers for graduation. But even matured and loose guys are not easy to find the desired phrases, so as not to succumb to the booster of the bubble emotions. After all, the farewell always oppresses a little, even if new horizons can be seen in front.

What words to tell teachers in graduation in grade 9

Funny words of gratitude to the teacher on graduation from graduate students should take no longer than 3-5 minutes. Otherwise, it will be too delayed and lost all logic. Do not use the abundance of complex terminology in the text, outdated words and jargonism. They are completely inappropriate in this case. Forbidden words of gratitude to not devote separate teachers, Introducing away from everyone else, which made efforts to develop and educate children. It is better to prepare a generalized speech on all at once.

Schematically structure thank you text On graduation class 9 for teachers may look like this:

  • Introduction;
  • The main part of the class teacher, specialized teachers and staff of the school;
  • Lyric (or cool) conclusion with warm words of gratitude.

Unusual words of gratitude to teachers from parents on graduation grade 9

Parents of graduates of 9-graders, reading their gratitude words to teachers, should not forget about the class teacher who replaced the second mother of their children, about the methodologists constituting best programs For training, the director, managing the whole mechanism, about school personnel, creating clean, full and comfortable conditions Each student. Unusual words of gratitude to teachers from parents on graduation grade 9 class should pronounce clearly, quickly and emotionally. And during the performance, it is better to abandon the stormy gesticulation and too sad tone.

Examples of original gratitude to parents to teachers 9 classes on graduation

Dear our guys, dear teachers and guests! Today, in this joyful and at the same time a sad day, I want to say a lot: to congratulate our high school students with the end of the 9th grade, for some this day will be the last school day, others will continue to study until grade 11; Say good words to moms, dads, grandparents, for their difficult parental labor. And, of course, to express tremendous thanks to our teachers who all these 9 years helped us to raise our children, they taught them, praised and scolded, tolerated their leprosy and rejoiced their successes.

Once, many years ago I refused to become a teacher, afraid of this tremendous responsibility for children's souls. Now I have my own children and I perfectly understand our teachers, each of which, besides your family, there is still a school family - his numerous disciples.

In conclusion, I would like to read the verses of Andrei Dementeyev, dedicated to teachers. Perhaps these words will seem to you guys, somewhat rescued, but they are forced to think about our attitude to the teacher, to His hard work, listen to them, please:

Do not dare to forget the teachers.

They are worried about us and remember.

And in the silence of conceived rooms

Waiting for our returns and Westa.

They lack these meetings are infrequent.

And, no matter how many years have passed,

Teacher happiness happens

From our student victories.

And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:

Under New Year We can't catch congratulations.

And in the bustle il simply out of laziness

We do not write, do not go, do not call.

They are waiting for us. They watch us

And rejoice only for those

Who again resist the exam

On courage, honesty, for success.

Do not dare to forget the teachers.

Let life be worthy of their efforts.

Teachers are famous for Russia.

Pupils bring fame to her.

Do not dare to forget the teachers!

The last words of gratitude from students of grade 11 teachers for graduation

The final thankful words from graduates of 11-graders to their teachers should not necessarily be unsubscribed or read from a paper postcard. Warm farewell greetings and wishes can be fisted with the whole class in a lyrical song, beat in a beautiful scene, even to dance in a luxurious waltz. Carefully selected and neatly decorated number (Flash Mob, video, slideshow) will be even a great revelation for excited guests and the culprits of the celebration. But even simple sincere words of gratitude from students of grade 11 teachers for graduation will give great pleasure.

Cute and expensive our teachers, faithful mentors and our good satellites, in our graduation we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted good luck, brave activities and sincere respect. We will always remember you and come to our native school now, and you wish to stay here are still indispensable people and wonderful teachers.

Dear and dear teachers, our promFor a farewell evening with the school life, we want to thank you for your love and understanding, sensitivity and help, good advice and true knowledge. We wish you continue to successfully teach and teach children, diluting gray everyday life with fun and bright colors, interesting ideas And happy emotions.

How to choose the words of gratitude to teachers from parents on graduation grade 11

Pick up the words of gratitude to teachers from parents on graduation 11 class really not easy. Floating emotions prevent calmly thinking, soberly thinking and evaluating the situation. In the throat there is a com, and in the eyes - tears. To brighten the graduation ball with a solemn speech, please the present teachers and leave a good impression of the produced class, the words of gratitude are better to write in advance, distribute partly to several active parents and learn "on the teeth"!

Farewell gift for gratitude to teachers from parents and graduates of graders 11

As a farewell gift, parents of graduates of 11-graders can prepare a dance-popurery, play a small play or make up thank you letter Teachers. The last option is most popular and appreciated by teachers above the rest of the gifts. After all, a beautifully decorated letter will remain a memory for a lifetime about another released generation of good people.

Therefore, if you do not know how to choose the words of gratitude to teachers from parents for graduation grade 11, use our templates and place them in the form of a beautiful memorable letter.

Dear Elizabeth Petrovna!

Take the words sincere thanks for the training and upbringing of our children. Thanks to your pedagogical talent and sensitive attitude to each of the disciples, our children received strong knowledge, were able to reveal their abilities and talents. Low bow for your hardworking, patience, willingness to provide all sorts of support.

We wish you a hardest health, optimism, well-being and success in your difficult, but such important act!

Yours faithfully,
Parental team of 11-A class GBOU SOSH № 791

Dear Olga Ivanovna!

Take the words of gratitude for your high professionalism, competence, pedagogical talent and devotion to your noble business for many years. I express my sincere appreciation for your responsibility, goodwill, enthusiasm and an individual approach to each student.

I wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your business!

Words of gratitude to the teacher from students and parents - an integral attribute of the prom. They create a suitable atmosphere and give the celebration a special lyrical background. And about what kind of words in verses and in prose to say to his first teacher or the class teacher 9 and 11 classes, we have already told in detail in our article.

Consider - noble. Without knowledge - the world is zoked. Congratulations on the teacher's Day! Be happy! Do not get sick, do not know the chagrins and always stay as active, cheerful and slightly dreamy person, because you have ahead - best years And new accomplishments!

Thanks to the teacher
Let's say now
You appreciate and loves
Progress our class.

From heart running strings
In the hearts of students forever live -
Beautiful soul, shiny mind -
Thanks for the school - the second native home!

Dear teacher, from a pure heart I want to say a lot Thank you for your invaluable work and loyal efforts, for your good heart and soul sincerity, for your stubborn struggle with the dormant forest of ignorance and for your optimism. You help not only to learn something new and important, you instill a strong faith and light hope, you can always give the right advice and support a good word. I wish you long years successful activities, well-being in life and durable health.

Teacher First

Everyone has their own

All she is good

But best of all ... mine!

Eleven years have passed since we came to school. Many of you remember us very small, inconspicuous and those confused. But you were patiently taught us, engaged with us and made graduates from us. And now we want to thank you. And there is no better thanks for the teacher than the successes of his students. We promise to you that we will always strive forward, set goals and fulfill them. We will achieve great success, and you can proudly say: these are my graduates! Thank you for your knowledge transferred to us and for your concern about us.

A bad teacher presents the truth, good teaches to find it.

Our first teacher, you are the faithful and kind mentor of our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an otned specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to tell you many thanks for the fact that you have never left any of the guys alone with fear and doubt, thanks for understanding and loyalty, thanks for your hard, but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish to always achieve success in activities and happiness in life.

You generously gave us a heart,
Dream and strive for good helped
We are adults, they were rushed -
For us, you are always a teacher love!

Thank you for your work and your talent!
Let the shower be like now, young!
We wish good luck, good, sincere words,
Capable and loving students!

Dear our first teacher, on behalf of all deeply you self-respecting parents, please accept the words of gratitude for your sensitive and kind heart, for your care and patience, for your efforts and aspirations, for your love and understanding. Thank you very much for our happy, smart and educated children!

Dear first teacher, thanks for the support and knowledge that I received, being a student, at the very beginning of the life path. Thanks to your first lessons, I became the one who I am. Happy holiday!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to diligently take sticks and hooks, fold and deduct, read their first books. And here we are standing adult boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Dear and dear teachers, in our graduation evening, a farewell evening with school life, we want to thank you for your love and understanding, sensitivity and help, good advice and loyal knowledge. We wish you to continue to successfully teach and teach children, diluting the gray everyday life with merry and bright colors, interesting ideas and happy emotions.

The first teacher, this is the person that takes the first four years. school Life With every student. He lays the main foundation for knowledge, learn to read and write, introduces the world and creates a worldview in each children's consciousness

Today we say goodbye to the school and want to make a special thanks to our first teacher. You taught us to write, read, be friends, respect. So much forces and labor you have invested in each of us, so much nerves spent that it is simply impossible to count. Your soul is full of good and love. You are a real teacher who is devoted to his work. We want to wish only grateful and prospective students. Low bow to you. We will always be grateful for everything from you received!

Gratitude The first teacher on the graduation ball is worthy of no less than a cool leader. As a rule, many warm memories are always associated with the first teacher, only pleasant emotions and something that is associated with happy childhood

Our beloved (teacher's name)! We want to tell you much thanks for the fact that you could spend your love and patience on our upbringing. We are grateful to you for taught us to read, write and be good people. It is difficult to imagine our path in this school without you. Know, you work and live not in vain. For us - you are the first school mother and the person we will respect until the end of life!

It is important to choose only pleasant and suitable words for the first teacher, in order to properly thank him for the hard work and the maternal love that he has invested in children at the first stage of their independent life

"Thank you" endless we want to tell you
Give the will of these trembling and colorful words.
After all, you are not just cool our leader,
You are our faith, our mom, our Savior.
Thank you for doing good today,
For so many years in a row, you were only warm.
Let not spoil you today's mood today
We wish you in the future only happiness and lucky.

A teacher can become not everyone, because this is a profession that requires complete return. Which makes the act not mind, but mostly in heart. It is probably not even a profession, but a long life Pathwho is not every will be able to go through. And today, on the day of the teacher, we especially nicely congratulate all the teachers of our favorite with this holiday. I want to wish you all the best, kind, good. Do not know either grief nor trouble nor bad weather! Let only happiness comes to you often. Smile and rejoice after all, you are so important for us! Happy holiday teacher!

Dear teacher!

It was very unknown to us much
But with ease, all you were able to explain!
At your lessons are always interesting,
And these knowledge will be stored!

We wish good luck, health and happiness!
Let you bring bouquets of flowers,
And at school beloved let them get happy
Answers of diligent disciples!

You taught us from the very beginning
When we only led to school.
We practically did not know anything:
Neither twice two nor alphabets of Aza.
The first teacher - he is like the first love:
He forever in the shower and the heart remains.
We will remember you again and again,
Although in the first class, of course, do not return.

First teacher, last call,
Let this lesson do not end
Thank you for work and decrease,
For understanding and for patience!

Let the successes are easy to give you
Thinking you fly high
Let you and love and appreciate without measure,
To you, respect will be, trusted!

Our first favorite teacher
Thank you very much.
For the fact that patience was taught
Write and read in syllables!

We thought together, played,
Take the line of verses.
Often you satisfied us
Asked the answer at the board.

Last Call - Best Reason
Thanks again to say.
You will be successful, healthy,
And we will not give to lose heart!

We recently walked into the first class,
And you with love waited for us.
Taught friendly growing
And no offense is not to behave.

You taught us to write letters,
Love nature and consider examples,
Berera and Senior Friends respect
And the boards did us premieres.

Thank you for taking us to think,
From evil kindness to distinguish
And low bow send you sincerely
For the fact that they could immediately believe in us.

Yesterday's kindergartens
They came to your first class.
You met us joyfully,
We love you.

Tried to be similar
In many ways to take an example.
But already a call for us
The latter rang.

The first teacher
We always remember you
And where wouldn't be
Will never forget.

We wish you health
And wonderful long years.
Wonderful teacher
IN primary school not.

Thank you for this work invaluable
For tons of nerves, they do not return them
For the upbringing of new generations
And instructions on the light way.

We are with you our way
In the country of magical school knowledge,
You opened a new world,
Logging for our undertakings.

Success to you, teacher first,
Good to give children, light.
Students in all exemplary
In the work - creative victories!

You are our childhood, our memory,
You are the first in life our lesson.
We want to glorify you in verses
After all, you are our first teacher!

Loving, able to know how much,
You taught us everything
With good, with patience answering
On our "how?" and why?".

Rings the last call for us.
Today he rings in honor of you!
Take a tribute to respect
And congratulations on us!

Thank you, the teacher is our first,
For work and affection, kindness, care.
And now we will go into the senior class,
But you will always stay in honor.

Years were kept quickly to nowhere
And now we are adult guys.
But know you remember forever
And as we sat at the first page.

You noticed all the alarms,
And helped us on the road
Leaving the science of science
Ase teachings to know.

Let the wake of the last call
Give inspirations of new starts,
And in September, the kids will come to you,
So, as we, sit first time for the desk!

We clearly remember this day,
How to school we broke without regard,
You were presented with gentle lilac,
And you are in return to us with a notebook.

Do not cry, remove the tears from the eyes,
After all, you will have new accomplishments.
You remember rejoice for us
And give you God of health and patience!

For your patience to our children,
For your work, you thank your soul.
We are today to congratulate you
To bow down - parents want.

Children have been taught our accounts
Writing words, read poems and sing.
From you they seriously studied
Your merits do not forget this.

We understand, accounted for hard,
Everything happened - grief and trouble,
Even we sometimes grieved you,
Only you never angry.

All parents wish you health
New good creative victories
So that you always and with gratitude
And love talked for many years.

Four years flew
When you with us at the same time
Worked for many weeks
You are at school, we are native in the house.
Thank you for all those knowledge
That in our children now there
And for patience, understanding,
Prices who do not consider!

Our first school mother!
We want to tell you today
That without you we neither lines or grams
Could not read, count!
You are strict and kind - flawless!
No teacher is better for us!
We loved you so heartily
Thanks to you sincerely class!

You are for us - the second mother,
To teach us -
How to sit at the desk right
How to love your native class.

How to write beautiful letters
Will never forget.
How good true friend You
Help us always!

We are on the name of the Pople and Responsible Moms
And the whole parent committee
We wish to come true in good words
And the dreams of noble teacher.

Thanks to the parent helmet We are at this time
We want the class you always proud,
So that God has rewarded you health,
Work for a long time you have enough strength!

Like a fragile, cute, kind woman
In the hands of their own items to keep
Board children, sow wise, eternal
And stacks of notebooks still check?

Great bow to you earthly parents,
After all, we, like no one, know their children.
Let happiness in fate become a guide,
Decorating your MiG's birthday!

The birthday of the person is great
Who soul sheds light,
Manages the school of multipath,
Children gives wisdom covenant.

You success in your endeavors
Flourishing in your craft
Glory to you, honorable and attention,
First to be always on the ship.

Let my eyes sparkle
Let a smile won't leave the lips
Let it be expanding annually
Talented kids whole circle.

We wish you a drip of patience
To persistent, active and funny.
We appreciate you of course, no doubt
And we recognize your work we are not easy.

Without computing and solutions
We know exactly what the date
Today is your birthday
We are wishes rich.

We wish you happiness and good luck
We wish joy, love
So that even a complex task
Solve playing could.

Pupils, so that he adored
Director of the diploma given,
Colleagues to respected
And at home, so that peace and peace.

Today is the graduation evening.
Sorry for school.
So beloved and native
And sad and cheerful.

Where together for many years in a row
Bent and dreamed.
First only by syllables
We started reading.

Then mugs and hooks
Forest in slender poems.
And formulas friendly dance
He led for ahead.

At school we will be bored
With warm and sadness to remember.
And all teachers are their
Thank you very much!

You managed to teach us
For everything to always thank,
Worthy to live, hold, create,
Yes, and for school do not smoke.

Girls hand feeding
Olders place to give up.
And the adult world is not afraid of us.
Thanks to all teachers!

How many spring already flew!
These years we do not stop
And for you the main thing was -
Day after the day of the kids learning.
Let your house will not look bad
And road disease will not find.
We wish health and happiness!
And thanks for the kind your work!

We wish you always hear a lot of pleasant epithets in your address, so that you have a heart from bright metaphors in your home to your home, so that in the story about your income to you for decency it was necessary to use litthomus, but did not need hyperboles to describe joy.

We wish you tootate from all the troubles, the health of the eternal, like the verses of A.S. Pushkin. Let your life be a solid synonym for the Word Happiness!

For our children to tell you thanks
We sincerely really want today
After all, we could not cope without you,
We hope the teacher will not end

Your desire to do everyone happy
Teach children and relate to them well
Today, all elegant, beautiful -
After all, in the door of the teacher's day knocks on!

Prosperity for you by year
Let him induce the soul happiness!
We will never forget you -
Life I myself have a lesson to prejudice.

Wish on this day we want
From the whole team
Modify without knowing the match
In respect, without breaks!

We give this modest bouquet -
Let him please the heart and soul!
Promotion to you, long years
And let the fall in the waltz will be swollen!

Our dear daughter, native,
The hard way you chose yourself.
Teacher You, about it you dreamed
And thank you, probably fate.

We sincerely, with all my heart and soul
We want to congratulate you on this day.
Master you, be proud of always,
And the joy will be in your heart only yours!

Happy Teacher Take our congratulations
You want to say thanks for our children!
Generously give you a bright light of the exercise,
And for you in the work there is no smallest things!

We want you to wish happiness and health,
So that joy filled every new day!
Let's, together with you, teach our children
Learn to "excellent", overcoming laziness!

We are still very baby
In school went slightly looked
You were so sensitive to us
We were taught so skillfully.

You are small flaws us
Easily able to forgive
Inspire us to succeed
Craving for knowledge to develop.

Dear teacher ours
All your lessons remember
The standard has become for us
Sample without fear and sadness.
You are intelligent, bold guys,
So that they are not tired to the knowledge.
You never peace
You and the day probably did not bored.

We wrote the first letters
We read the first phrases
We first cried due to the estimates,
Sometimes the victory was not immediately given.

But with you everything we sought it easier,
What we taught everything, thank you
We grew up and straightened the shoulders,
You gave us wings, you gave us strength!

My first teacher, congratulations,
I remember myself "Pervachk".
I was funny and looked, without a doubt,
After all, I was a newcomer at school.

Thank you, teacher, for your steel,
We taught us letters to write,
And in the souls guys sown a knowledge
We were native like mother.

Only we crossed the school threshold,
You met us with a smile on your face.
You were the first to teach us at school.
You first began to give knowledge to us all.

And even if we have not enough teachers.
We have not forgotten your work, your kindness.
We congratulate you and sincerely wish
In order for you to continue to give children knowledge and kindness.

We came to school kids,
That was a difficult first class!
But, grown, understood
What is hard all that for the first time!
We congratulate you and say thank you
Forgiveness, we ask - we were a pursuit.
Let them be friendly and obedient
Your new first graders.

It is always important that they say
Will be a person for us
What is the first teacher,
We will not forget forever.

Thank you very much for the efforts
Knowledge to convey to us.
Let all your desires come true
Happiness, love on the way.

The first teacher love everything in the world!
The sea gives her strength to children! 0.

0 0

There is nothing more than school years.
Ring calls, the teacher is included in the class.
He is experiencing every day for children.
And there is no teacher wiser and kind.
Class subsides, the word every teacher catching.
His life experience, knowledge of children he reports.
He is a "healer" of the young souls.
I sincere teachers and gratitude, and honor.

We tell the teacher thanks
For work, patience, care, kindness.
For understanding, love and a lot of knowledge.
For faith in a children's dream.
For the joy when children do progress.
And for support, if hard.
The atmosphere in the class is wonderful.
Thanks to our teacher for everything.

The teacher is not just a teacher, but also a good psychologist. Every day he finds approach to children, helps them to become personalities, opens the way to adulthood. Let the good, which the teachers give, will return to them boomerang. Know, our dear teachers, your efforts are not in vain. Let the happy smiles of students, their achievements will become your reward.

Many people finish pedagogical institutions and universities, but not all of them work as teachers. Learning to communicate with children and understand them, to learn at the "Good Teacher" is impossible - for this you need to have from nature tact, kindness, patience, sensitivity, justice, mind, sense, responsiveness, and many more human qualities. How lucky we are that our teachers have all these advantages and are an example for students! We are proud of our teachers. They are real talents! We wish our teachers a lot more workers to work in school and to cultivate not one generation of students.

Good words to primary school teacher

Especially a lot of good words want to say in the address of primary school teachers. After all, the beginning of school life is the most touching and exciting moment.

Each parent, giving a child to school, is worried if the child will like his relationship with the first teacher and classmates. And what about us, parents, it is nice to see that a small student or a student will be happy to go to the lessons and do at home. Thank you, our favorite elementary school teacher, for the joy in the eyes of the child, for his achievements, for concern. Under your sensitive attention, children get every day more organized, responsible, independent, responsive, they learned to be friends truly and help each other. With such a teacher, we, parents, are calm for their future.

We will certainly grow up
But we will always remember
teacher first his
After all, she taught us everything.
Forgated pranks and disobedience.
Taught us friends to go
And correctly taught to live.
We grow in her eyes, smart.
We are growing rapidly at school.
And we will remember long,
How could not be able to multiply.
Thank you, our class mom.
During the time spent with us.

Everyone, even matured, remembers his first teacher. Those knowledge, skills and skills that children received in elementary school will certainly help them in further school life. From all parents thank you so much for your attitude towards our children. You quickly found mutual language With all the guys, despite the fact that they are so different. All your lessons were so interesting that children often shared at home with pleasure. new informationobtained at school. Your little disciples will never forget you. Thank you for the warmth and kindness, which was given to our children for several years.

World Teacher's Day: how to congratulate the teachers

The profession of teacher is not only labor weekdays, but also holidays. World Teacher's Day - the best reason to say all the words of gratitude wonderful peoplewho choose hard, winding, but such an important, the right path of the teacher. Do not skimp on kind and warm words addressed to the perpetrators of the celebration on this day. Giving a lot of time, forces, they deserve them a piece of their soul. How touching the shining eyes of teachers in this holiday.

Even the first grader knows this holiday,
The teacher's day is called.
Fifth October holiday is celebrated.
Day postcards beautiful and bright colors,
Day of sincere smiles and enthusiastic words.
To congratulate the teacher every schoolboy in a hurry,
Thanks for the work of their hard he speaks.
And this is a sincere smile and gratitude of children -
The best reward for our wonderful teachers.

Happy Teacher Take Congratulations
And from parents and children.
You understand, wise and kind.
And children love you, teachers.
Not a lesson, then a lot of discoveries.
You help our children to raise us.
Let all merits be covered with you,
And we wish the walls of the school for a long time to leave.
Let the forces grabs a very long time
Children mind learning to teach.
Let there be many achievements of glorious,
And we wish the title of "Honored Teacher".