Graduation script "goodbye kindergarten". School Alarm Clock Adventure Holiday Scenario

Children, to the music of the song "Goodbye, kindergarten" music hall become a semicircle.


So the preschool childhood rushed by,

We are on the verge of another life,

Let the blue bird remain in the memory

Our first prom ball!


Today we are in a spacious hall

You will hardly want to be sad.

We have grown in body and soul.

Do you adults agree with me?


How many kind and gentle eyes

They are looking at us in the hall today.

Like chicks from the nest, forever fly away

We don’t want to tell you goodbye!


Farewell ball! How many eyes

Are directed at us now!

Have we invited everyone to the holiday?

And have you forgotten anyone?

Children in chorus:

Where are our educators?

Meet - Dinara Alievna

And Dina Alexandrovna!

Educators enter, congratulate the graduates:

Educator 1:

On a holiday with a friendly family

We met for the last time.

So beautiful and huge

The whole life will open up to you.

We wish you today

Happy journey everyone

To make difficult obstacles

you could easily get through

Educator 2:

What to say to you goodbye

At this touching hour?

So that desires come true

And your dreams have come true!

To go through life boldly

They took up any business,

So that you do not go astray,

To make everyone proud of you.

Build, sing and dare

But don't forget about us!


We happily went to kindergarten

It was cozy and light for us.

And the employees, like mothers, loved us

And they gave me affection and warmth.


We will remember the childhood planet more than once,

That island, especially beloved,

Which was called a kindergarten,

Our cute kindergarten, unique.


For many days they taught us

They led you to a huge country of kindness and knowledge,

We remember how we first entered the group,

But today let's say - Goodbye!

Song "It's a pity to leave"

Educator 1:

Now let me introduce our graduates. (Called by name)

Children recite poetry


Let's take an unfamiliar road.

Hello school, friendly home!

To the land of knowledge, friends,

It's so long for us to go

Our kindergarten will be

Help us along the way


This holiday is unusual

It only happens once.

Everything is so new, unusual -

We're leaving for first grade!


Biz kishkentai balamyz

Ana tilin alamyz

Kosh aitysyp bakshamen

Mektepke biz baramyz


School subjects are waiting for us

They are waiting for the pages of the ABC book.

We learn about rockets

About deserts and seas!


Zheti zhaska tolamyz

Edepti bala bolamyz

Kuantyp ata-anany

Biz mektepke baramyz.


Soon, soon a wonderful day

We'll go to first grade!

And the bell merry song

Will invite us to study!

The song "We are now students!"


To grow big -

We will start dreaming!

And the Time Machine

We will invent!

Children from modules build a car and sit down.


Carry us, car,

But not immediately to the first grade!

Take us far away

To make it not easy!

Let from the earliest years,

We don't know much about

Travel - Adventure

Let's experience a lot!

Music sounds.

Educator 2:

I wonder where we got to In my opinion, in the 80s, when your mothers and fathers were children, and your grandparents were very young!

Dance "Mama Maria"

Educator 1:

Go back to the past machine

Show us that picture

Where we were little

And in junior group went.

The kids come in, congratulate.

The kids take turns reading poetry:

The kids have come to congratulate you

With the transition to the first grade.

Congratulations to you guys

Happy holiday!

Congratulations to you guys

With the transition to school.

You will go to school soon

Please do not be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well.

How will you go to first grade

Remember, brothers, us.

Promise not to be lazy

All to learn on the fives!

School soon, school soon

First time go!

We wish you guys

Bon Voyage!

You are very big now

You don't go to kindergarten.

And we decided to bookmarks

To give you a souvenir.

The kids are singing the song "First-grader-first-grader"

Educator 2:

This is how you came to kindergarten,

But time is fleeting!

And babies, like then,

You couldn't last forever.

The hours go by, the years go by

Moments fly by.

And imperceptibly, that's the trouble,

All children grow up!

Educator 1:

The year rolled with a motley ball,

But it was not in vain for us:

How many holidays have we celebrated

How many songs were sang to friends.

I invite you guys to remember the brightest moments of this year:

Many of us were helped by speech therapist Natalia Valentinovna and today she is with us:

Natalia Valentinovna congratulates graduates and conducts the game "Collect the words"

Educator 2:

Elena Nikolaevna is here,

So everything is all right.

She taught us

And for sports, and for charging.

And we do aerobics for hours

When she dances with us!

Elena Nikolaevna:

You sat up for a long time,

We will spend a physical education

And sing a song in unison!

Get up soon and let's start!

Conducts a fun physical session with music.

Our children know how to draw well, and Olga Sergeevna taught them this. And today Olga Sergeevna has prepared a surprise for you.

Olga Sergeevna conducts game "Matryoshka"

Educator 1:

And today one cannot but recall the great holiday - Victory Day - the 70th anniversary!

Which of you are our borders

Will it guard right?

And my native country

Protect from enemies?

Boys. This is me, this is me

These are all my friends!

Boys dance to the song "Soldier has a day off"

Educator 2:

Carry us, car

Straight straight to first grade!

Well, we'll go to school.

Are you ready for the trip?

First-grader's song "Will there be more ..."

Carry us forward, car!

Pick up the move as soon as possible!

Who we will be, you show us!

Who we will become, you tell us!

Children read the poems "Who to be?":

My years are growing

I will be 20!

Where do I work then?

What to do?

I will become a good cook

Delicious food for the family:

Soup, pancakes, potatoes ...

I love to eat myself!

I will work at school

Put all the guys 5!

And of course I won't forget

Help Mom at home.

I will heal the sick

Improve their health!

Although the doctors are ready to help,

Better be all healthy!

I would become an educator

let them teach me!

Think what you said!

Strive for knowledge,

To become a professor for me,

Travel abroad!

It's good to be a scientist!

And the singer is better!

I will go to Pugachev,

Let them teach me!

Being a singer is good

A ballerina is better!

I would go to ballerinas,

Let them teach me!

It's good to be in ballet

A the military is better!

I would go to the officers,

Let them teach me!

I'll go to the hairdressers

Eyes, eyebrows let me down

Come, our mothers,

I'll dye your hair!

I will work

Our President!

Banned across the country

Semolina I'm porridge!

Mom dreams for me

Dad, grandmother, friends.

Only I'm very stubborn

You cannot give in to them.

Everybody gives advice

vying with me

Despite this-

I will be myself!

Educator 1:

Now, our car

You take us back to kindergarten.

After all, today is very glorious

Holiday - Graduation from the guys!

Educator 2:

They sit on the path

There is such a sign among the people,

To be lucky on the way - it's true!

Well, we, instead of the one

all familiar signs,

Sing to you - you will love it!

Teachers sing the song "Ship of Childhood"

Goodbye in the garden today

We dance for the last time

Wonderful parting dance

Everyone's favorite dance is the waltz!

Children are dancing "Farewell Waltz"

Children become a semicircle with flowers


In a cozy kindergarten

We lived like at home.

Any corners

We were familiar here.


We grew up in friendship

They loved to laugh.

But now they became big

And it's time for us to say goodbye.


Shamshagul Bazarovna -

To our director,

Today we will say a huge thank you!

Thank you for all the worries,

There was a lot of work for you!

Thanks to the Methodists,

To the manager, the financier.

For attention, for comfort,

For heartfelt, kind work.


We came to kindergarten as kids

To Victoria Zakirovna and Vera Alexandrovna.

Thanks to the first educators

For affection and attention!

They spent all their strength

To our upbringing!


Thanks to those who treated us

And taught to put a thermometer,

So that we grow up healthy

Beautiful, funny!


Thanks to those who taught

Sing and dance us!

Thanks to those who taught

Sculpt and paint.


When you have trouble speaking,

Listen to our advice,

Will fix all your defects,

Of course, only a speech therapist!


We tell the cooks

From the bottom of my heart - thank you!

Go around the whole world

There is no better porridge!


Thanks to the physical education worker for

That taught us to be strong and courageous

Dexterous, skillful!


Thanks to our lovely nanny

For her care and diligence!


Thank you tenderly

We are to our educators!

We also confess to you -

You look like our mothers!


Thank you a hundred thousand times!

All our life we ​​will remember you!

We are very grateful to everyone

Believe me sincere words,

We love you all very much!

Give flowers.

Educator 1:

So the moment of goodbye has come

It's time for us to part.

Unforgiving time

Always so fleeting.

Educator 2:

We've worked hard

To make it more fun

This magical meeting

Old and new friends.

Zagrudneva Dina Alexandrovna, educator,

Zhumagulova Dinara Alievna, educator,
Special kindergarten No. 1 for children with visual impairments, Aktau, Mangistau region, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Prepared by Safronova Lyudmila Ivanovna, Smirnova Svetlana Vladimirovna, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 33" Zaichik ", Mezhdurechensk.

At the festival, future first-graders will visit Baba Yaga with her son Tsypa, Shapoklyak with a rat Anfiska, Fairy of fairy tales, Carlson and Scrooge McDuck with all their numerous relatives. The guys have to cope with a difficult task - to find the "stolen time", magic alarm clock which will help them go to 1st grade.

Graduation Script MAGIC ALARM

To the music of "Little Country" children enter the hall in pairs, walk through the middle of the hall, disperse to the sides and stand in a semicircle.

1st presenter:

- Light and elegant now in our hall,
And lush bouquets are everywhere.
Today we celebrate a merry holiday:
We accompany our children to school.

2nd presenter:

- And parents are sitting on the sidelines
And they look at them in excitement,
As if everyone saw for the first time
Their grown-up children.

1 child:

- Well that's all, the hour has come,
Which we all have been waiting for.
We got together for the last time
In our cozy hall!

2 child:

- Kindergarten gave us warmth
And drove sorrow into the shadows.
Here a good spirit always gave
There is a holiday every day!

3 child:

- Our dear kindergarten,
You have become our home.
We say goodbye to you
And a little bit sad.

4 child:

- They will live in our house
Mischievous kids.
They should be friends and not grieve
We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

5 child:

- We will not forget about
How we make noise in a quiet hour.
Do not be sad, good house!
We're leaving for 1st grade -
We are now students.

6 child:

- In kindergarten with everyone,
We were friends for many days
And now it's another matter -
There are more important concerns.

7 child:

- On paths, on roads
For the first time on an autumn day
Straight to school doorstep
We'll go with the bouquets.

8 child:

- You goodbye, our "Bunny",
It's time for us to part.
Today with a song to school
The kids leave.

The song "Good Hour" is being performed. Children sit on chairs.

Leading: - Yes, time flew by quickly, but remember how you came to kindergarten four years ago, what were you like? Well, let's remember.

1 child:

- Mom led me by the hand,
Was three years old, shouted stubbornly,
But it turned out to be all in vain
The kindergarten greeted me so warmly,
I was a kid, but I noticed everything.
Then we all sat in a circle
And they sang such a song.

Children perform the song "Cockerel".

2 child:

- I remember then, guys,
Dear preschool children,
Instead of the word "cockerel"
She said "petusok".

3 child:

- And I remember: I was shy,
Everything was lost for no reason.
I listened very badly to everyone,
She ate porridge with her left hand.

4 child:

- I often fell at dances -
Butuz was very thick,
How to instill in such a taste!


- Yes, interesting life was
And day after day it went like that.
You gradually grew up
And we learned a lot.

- Now look what you were like three years ago.

The kids enter the hall.

1 child:

- We are still babies,
We only look at pictures in books.

2 child:

- We have come to say goodbye to you
And we want to wish you
Receive only fours and fives in the classroom.

3 child:

- Do not be naughty, do not be lazy,
Do not quarrel, do not fight.

4 child:

- V new school we wish you
Learn a lot
But also a favorite kindergarten
We ask you not to forget.

Kids give flowers to graduates.


- Let's dance goodbye,
Guys, you are full of sadness!
Though we say goodbye,
But we will come to visit.

Graduates dance with the kids "I will not play with you."

Leading: - The children of the senior group also came to congratulate you.

1 child:

- You were the kids,
When they came to kindergarten.
Have grown wiser - have grown up,
It's time for you to go to school.

2 child:

- You do not think about us -
Little kids
After school we will ask you
Let's ask about the marks.

3 child:

- I'd like to, guys,
Be me a first grader.
They tell me - too small
And you grow up to be a mischievous woman.

4 child:

- We want to wish you
All to receive fives.
We will miss you!
Please visit more often.

5 child:

- From the heart
Please accept the gifts.
And visit more often
You come to us.

Give presents.

Leading: - Lovely children! We, adults, are very sad today, and at the same time happy. It is sad because we are parting, but it is joyful, because to see you matured, beautiful, healthy is happiness. So let's not be sad today! Boys, invite the girls to the polka.

Children dance the polka. After the dance, they sit on chairs.


- I won't sleep long.
Seven in the morning - it's time to get up.
Will help me in this matter
Not mobile phone,
Not a refrigerator.
Accurate, faithful to my alarm clock.

Leading (takes an alarm clock from the table): - Guys, whose alarm clock is this? And where did ours go? This one has arrows and won't start. Yes, business ... Let's go to the lost property office! (He rings on the phone.) Hello, lost property office? We are missing. Come to our aid.

Grandfather enters to the music "Do not worry in vain" (music by Krylatov).


- If suddenly you have lost something somewhere and once.
Don't worry in vain
Find it all guys here.

Leading: - Tell me, please, did they bring our alarm clock to you?

Granddad: - No, there is no alarm clock here. What is not - that is not.

- Maybe that's your slingshot?
Maybe a bounce stick?
Maybe this pistol?
Maybe it's yours, children?

Leading: - Guys, these things are not yours?

Everything: - No!

Shapoklyak runs into the hall with the rat Anfiska.


- Give it to me, everything is mine,
I won't give you anything.

Granddad: - Well, since the owner was found, I went.


- Here's a favorite slingshot,
To shoot the birds.
This noisy pistol
To scare the kids.
This rusty button
I'll put it on the chair.
This little alarm clock ... Oops!

He abruptly hides an accidentally taken out alarm clock behind his back.

Leading: - Wait, wait, this is our alarm clock.

Shapoklyak: - No, not yours now.

Leading: - Why did you steal our time?


- So that you don't grow up anymore,
So that you don't go to school.

Runs away laughing.

Leading: - This is how it is, who should we turn to for help?

The Fairy of Fairy Tales enters to the solemn music.


- I came to you for a holiday,
She brought a lot of fairy tales.
You will soon become adults
You will be very serious.
And therefore, friends,
I came to say goodbye.


- Fairy of fairy tales, we are in trouble:
Shapoklyak came here
She took our alarm clock
I took time to a fairy tale.


- To return the time to us,
It is necessary to look into a fairy tale.
Come on, get into the dance
And reach for the apple.

Dance "Naughty Children".

Fairy: - Roll, pouring apple, on a golden saucer, take us into a fairy tale.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga flies into the hall on a broomstick, runs around the hall and falls.

Baba Yaga: - Yes! What a broom. You can't fly far on such a broom. There used to be brooms like brooms, but now there are some sort of brooms. And where is my son Tsypa? (Calls, searches among the guests. Tsypa appears.)

Chick: - Well, what are you, mom, shouting like that? Here I am, here!

Baba Yaga: - Oh, what a fine fellow! (She pats her son on the shoulder, shakes off his shirt, and brushes it.)

Chick: - Mom, and Mom!

Baba Yaga: - FAQ?

Chick: - I want to live!

Baba Yaga: - Surely not on the princess or the frog?

Chick: - And on whom?

Baba Yaga: - Clever son, and we will take a chest of silver as a dowry for her.

Chick: - Yes, I agree without silver.

Baba Yaga: - Without silver! In the hut, roll with a ball, but he agrees without silver! Better sit down for your lessons.

Chick takes a book, leafs through, says.

Chick: - Look for fistulas. Don't have a hundred rubles ... (Sneezes.)

Baba Yaga: - Have a thousand.

Leading: - Children, how is it right?

Children answer.

Chick: - Hit strangers -

Baba Yaga: - They will be afraid of their own.

Leading: - And fighting is bad ...

Chick: - One mind is good.

Baba Yaga: - And none is better!

Leading: - And again, not so.

Chick resolutely slams the book shut.

Chick: - Everything. I want to be jealous!

Baba Yaga: - It's good to live. But she won't agree. Give her Ivan Bogatyr.

Chick: - Mom, what if we put it in a bag?

Baba Yaga: - You are my fool. Okay, I'll help you! (Pretends.) Fu-fu, the smell of the human spirit.

Chick: - Mom, they are eavesdropping.

Baba Yaga addresses children: - Have the faq come?

Leading: - Why, they overheard by chance that you are plotting evil!

Baba Yaga: - By accident?

Chick: - For inadvertently they beat them desperately!

Leading: - Did you want to get married? And the frog princess is smart, she went to school, got a lot of knowledge, and you? Now the children will sing you a song about school.

The song "A at School".

Chick: - And I can do everything without school.

Leading: - Well, then tell me, how much is two plus two?

Chick: - Three.

Leading: - And five minus one?

Chick: - Three.

Leading: - You learned how to count until what time?

Chick: - Up to three.

Leading: - Children, how much is two plus two and five minus one?

Children answer.

Baba Yaga: - These are your examples, but now I will set the tasks, see how they cope. Where is the book?

1. Gave the ducklings a hedgehog
Eight brand new boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many ducklings were there? (Four.)

2. They played in the children's room
Five funny kids.
Two ran away to their mothers,
How many children are in the room? (Three.)

3. There was a crocodile walking in the park
And I bought ice cream.
For myself, for my daughter
And for two sons.
How many servings did you order
Who counted faster? (Four.)

Baba Yaga: - Look, how smart!

Leading: - And our children know how to count in the game.

Baba Yaga: - Look, everyone can!

Chick: - And you will not confuse them.

Baba Yaga: - Are there any singers among you?

Leading: - What more! Real artists and performed on a real stage.

The song "I want to dance".

Leading: - Well, are you convinced that our children can do anything?

Chick : - Yes, Mom, I also have to go to school. How much I don’t know yet, and I don’t know how!

Leading: - Baba Yaga, Tsypa, we are looking for the Old Woman Shapoklyak. Maybe she hid in your fairy tale?

Baba Yaga: - No, if she came to us, we would know. It's time for us to say goodbye! Sit down, Chick, let's fly. We will enroll in a forestry school.

Leading: - Well, we flew away. In what fairy tale is our alarm clock?

Fairy enters.

Fairy: - Roll, pouring apple, on a golden saucer, lead us to another fairy tale.

Carlson runs in.


- How many guests I have!
Did you bring some sweets?
I'll get the cheesecakes myself,
I'll just write the words.
The kid gave me a task,
So that in the fall I began to study!

- How to write “cheesecake” or “cheesecake” correctly?

Children answer.

Carlson: - Well, okay, I want to see if you can write, and I'll learn myself! I will ask riddles, and you will correctly enter the letters in the answers.

1. Who walks with a bag of books to school in the morning? (Student.)

2. There is a cheerful light house.
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.
They write and read there,
Draw and count. (School.)

3. The long-awaited call is given,
It's over ... (lesson).

Carlson: - Well done, your children, they are ready to go to school, and I will also prepare for the summer.

Leading: - Carlson, since you are a future schoolboy, you probably know how to collect a portfolio. Let's check.

The game "Who will collect the portfolio faster."

Carlson: - I like to play one more game.

Game "Whose pair is faster". (Music plays, children run around the hall, at the end of the music you need to occupy a house (hoop). The couple that jumps into the hoop faster wins.)

Carlson: - Oh, and your dexterous children! How I love sweets! Don't you have anything?

Leading: - Carlson, of course, we have sweet - this is juice. We will treat you and play with the children.

The game "Who will drink the juice faster."

Carlson: - Oh, how pleased I am! What a delicious juice!

Leading: - Karlson, our graduates are very fond of your fairy tale and will sing you a song.

Children perform a song about Carlson.

Carlson (wipes away a tear): - I am so pleased that I decided, like you, to study well.

Leading: - Our children cannot go to school, because the evil Shapoklyak took our time away. By chance, did she come to your fairy tale?

Carlson: - I flew around the whole city, but did not see the old woman. She's probably in some other fairy tale. Search. And I'm running away. Until next time, friends!

Fairy comes out.

Fairy: - Roll, pouring apple, on a golden saucer, lead us to another fairy tale.

Leading: - Guys, nothing is clear. Perhaps this is not a Russian fairy tale? (Finds a bowler hat with a folded parchment in it. He reads it.)

- This tale is not easy
This is a golden tale -
A lot of money and miracles
Skyscrapers to heaven.
Most important - Scrooge McDuck
This is a tale about ... (ducklings).

Leading: - Children, do you hear what music ?! Come out and dance with the ducklings!

Ducklings dance.


- We go to school together, children,
And our cool milady
Gave the task yesterday -
Draw a rooster.


- Will you help us guys?
To draw, you need to see it.
Who is he? Suddenly a fish, and suddenly an animal, or maybe a bird ...
Draw, if not lazy.

Draw a rooster competition. (Whose team will draw a rooster on the easels faster and better. Each participant draws one piece.)

Willie: - Thank you guys, now everything has become clear to us.

Scrooge McDuck enters the room.


- My dear, beloved nieces,
You’ll get everything today
From happiness I ascended to heaven -
I bought a miracle of miracles on the cheap. (Shows an alarm.)

Fairy: - Wait, wait, this alarm is not yours. This is the time for children to go to 1st grade. A nasty granny stole from them and sold you for a pittance.

Scrooge: - I do not want to know anything at all. Come on guys. (Waves.) Let's get down to business!

Billy: - Dear uncle, help the guys, give them time.

Ponochka: “Otherwise they won't grow up and go to school.

Scrooge (thinks) : - Okay, but I can't give it. I can sell (bends a finger) and exchange (bends a finger). Two dollars is no joke.

Leading: - We have no dollars, but we can show you aerobics.


Scrooge: - Well, that's already something. What else will you show us?

Orchestra "Whether in the orchard".

Leading: - Scrooge McDuck and you ducklings, listen to the farewell words of the kindergarten staff with our guests.

Scrooge: - Well, let's hear what else they can do.


- You've grown up now, baby,
You have learned a lot.
Here the door to the world was opened for you,
So that you walk boldly.
The kindergarten has become your family
As if my mother's eyes
But the clock strikes
Part with him
They tell you.

1 child:

- Thank you tenderly
We are our educators.
We also confess to you:
You look like our mothers.
Thank you a hundred thousand times
All our life we ​​will remember you.

2 child:

- Thanks to our lovely nannies
For their care and diligence.
For attention and comfort,
For the kind work of the heart.

3 child:

- Thanks to our chefs,
That they cooked delicious cabbage soup,
And your porridge and compote
We were simply conquered.

4 child:

- We say thank you to the washerwoman
We are for clean linen
On which you slept sweetly -
Until then, it is fresh.

5 child:

- For music lessons
We are also grateful to you.
For funny songs
For the holidays that you have prepared for us.

6 child:

- Thanks to our doctors,
That we are not afraid of a cold
Whatever you look at
All as one - heroes.

7 child:

- Because our home, a kindergarten,
It was more beautiful from year to year.
Everyone is happy to say thank you
Our head.

8 child:

- Thank you that you loved us so much,
Although you were strict at times.
For the fact that you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything that has been done for us.

9 child:

- We promised at school
Excellent to keep up
And our favorite kindergarten
Let's not forget.

Song "Goodbye kindergarten".

10 child:

- Dear kindergarten staff,
From noisy and loving kids
Please accept this award:
Our smiles and these flowers.

Give flowers.


- We are preschoolers today
We see off to the first grade.
Goodbye we offer
Dance you a minuet.

Children dance the minuet.

Ponochka: - Daddy, these guys are so smart. Maybe they can solve the mystery of the black cave, where priceless treasures are kept?

Scrooge: - Okay, let them try. (Pulls out a map.) This is the plan according to which we need to find a way out to the treasures. (According to the landmarks, they approach the chest, where it says "Treasure".) My, my treasures. (There are gifts in the chest.) I left a long time ago school age... (Disappointed.)

Willie: - Daddy, uncle, these are gifts for graduates.

Scrooge: - Get your gifts, guys! And here is your alarm clock! Just be sure to tell everyone how generous Scrooge McDuck is.

Leading: - So we got an exchange, and the alarm clock is with us again.

Fairy: “And it's time for us to leave with the ducklings and Scrooge McDuck. Goodbye friends! See you in fairy tales!

Leading: - The floor is given to the head of the kindergarten.

Distribution of gifts. A word to parents.

Scenario of the holiday "Adventures of the school alarm clock"

Leading : Attention! I ask to stand up to greet the graduates of 2010, students of the 11th grade and their class teachers!

/ graduates enter the hall to the music and sit down /

/clock chime/

/ song "5 minutes ..." /

    Here's the school bell

Who has long settled in the house,

Which we built.

    But a student who does not mind will frolic at times,

Like a school bell, which has long settled in the house that we built.

    And here is the student,

Who loves to study very much,

But, however, she does not mind making friends with a student who frolics like a school bell, who has long settled in the house that we have built.

    Here comes the teacher

Who seeks to bring that student to the excellent pupil,

Who loves to study very much, but, however, she does not mind making friends with a student who frolics like a school bell, who has long settled in the house that we have built.

    And here is the director who dreams that everyone is happy:

student, student, teacher and head teacher, and the school bell, who was honored to settle in the house

all: which we have built!

/ fanfare /

/ music number /

Leading : Hello dear friends! Today our big, friendly school family sees off its graduates into adulthood. Your teachers did everything to make you smart, beautiful, strong. The way you are today! Let's congratulate each other on the holiday with thunderous applause!

Leading : Let's remember, friends, the years lived together

The hands of the clock are always striving forward.

Memory, break the laws of nature today

Move the arrows back

Take us for an hour

Into a glorious childhood for us!

/ bell rings /

Leading : Hey, what are you ringing?

Or are you being naughty again?

/ arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : According to tradition, the first word at our holiday is given to the headmaster of the school Antonova G.Z.

    Everything will change and be forgotten.

Only you will not be forgotten.

You will remain in our memory

The embodiment of kindness.

    You love us all sincerely,

Like the children of their relatives,

So take gratitude

From his disciples.

    Many good words

We want to say

Wish you happiness and health

Heart and soul never grow old

And live in the world for many, many years.

/ fanfare sounds /

/ director's speech /

/ the bell rings, the arrows go around the circle /

    Do you remember? You all, of course, remember.

How mothers brought you to school by the hand,

Excitedly they called you a new word - schoolchildren!

And you went towards knowledge.

    Teacher - How and what you measure

Its not an easy, good way?

There is no such width on earth,

In seas of this depth -

For everything that is the best in the world,

We must thank him!

    Do you remember was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds

From my mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He took you to first grade

Solemnly and respectfully

And you looked with hope

Into the eyes of your teacher.

Leading : Dear Guys! Welcome, your first teachers came to our holiday ...

/ performance of first graders /

/ music number /

/ bell rings /

Leading : Our bell rings again,

Tells us about something ...

/ arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : How, how?

We learned, we all remember this day.

The guys came to grade 5

They are all not too lazy to learn!

Dear graduates! Since grade 5, your homeroom teachers have been with you! What hasn't happened over the years? But you knew that your cool moms are always there and are always ready to help in difficult moment... I invite your homeroom teachers to the stage.

/ music sounds /

/ class teachers speak /

/ music number /

Leading : The bell rings joyfully,

He speaks to us about important things ...

The Year of the Teacher has come

So the president told everyone!

    Our beloved teachers!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Forever let there be earth

Beautiful by your labor.

    V family life we wish you happiness,

May your children love you dearly!

Let the bad weather pass you by

And let it be sunny every hour!

Leading : I invite your subject teachers to the stage!

/ music sounds /

/ Game "Portrait of an ideal student" /

Leading : What an amazing thing - time.

Sometimes I really want to go back

Do something differently, or not do something at all,

Or maybe survive some happy moment again.

And I propose to take a trip into the past and remember

And how was everything with our graduates?

/ chime of the clock. Music sounds /


/ the bell rings ... the arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : We were notified by a bell,

very important to all of you!

    To read the order for admission to the final exams, the floor is given to the Deputy Director for educational work Dudoladova G.P.

/ read the order /

/ the bell rings ... the arrows go around the circle ... /

    The bell prompted us

The finest hour has come for you!

    A survey was conducted among the graduates and the leaders of the parallel were identified in the following nominations ...

/ music sounds. Awarding, presentation of certificates of honor /

/ the bell rings ... the arrows go around the circle ... /

    We grow up in a family circle.

In the family circle, all your roots are

And you come into life from the family.

In the family circle, we create life,

The backbone of the basics - parental home.

    Thank you parents for being you,

Comes like good news

In moments of resentment and doubt.

    Thank you for every look you have,

Whatever we ask of you.

After all, our pains hurt in you

And our strength is accumulating in you.

/ song "Thank you, dear ... /


Leading : Your parents are invited to speak on the stage.

/ speech of the parent committee /

/ the bell rings ... the arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : The time has come to give way to the heroes of the occasion to our graduates.

/ response from the alumni /

/ the bell rings. The arrows go around the circle ... /

Leading : And our bell is tired,

He waited for us for a very long time.

While we all performed

They sang songs, danced.

I became sad myself,

Ring him for the last time!

    The sun is above the desk, summer is at our feet.

How long does it last last call?

The universe does not fit in the windows

The school looks, but it shrinks.

    Views fly over the distant helm

With a sharp lancet, a mighty machine,

And over the country, as over an assembly hall,

The day turns blue and scarlet

School, farewell crystal bell!

Leading : The honorary right to give the last school call to graduates of 2010 is granted:

/ the last call sounds /

Leading : It became sad at the merry hour,

Because you say goodbye to school,

You also have serious exams ahead,

And it's worth dreaming about what will come true.

Only childhood we cannot return again,

It will not be forgotten like a school waltz.

/ song "When we leave the school yard" /

Graduation script "MAGIC ALARM"

1st presenter:

Light and elegant now in our hall,
And bright balls hang everywhere.
Today we celebrate a merry holiday:
We accompany our children to school.

2nd presenter:

Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

(Children enter the hall in pairs)

1 child:

Well that's all, the hour has come
Which we have been waiting for.
We got together for the last time
In our cozy hall!

2 child:

Kindergarten gave us warmth
And drove sorrow into the shadows.
A good spirit has always reigned here,
There is a holiday every day!

3 child:

Our dear kindergarten,
You have become our home.
We say goodbye to you
And a little bit sad.

4 child:

They will live in our house
Mischievous kids.
They should be friends and not grieve
We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

5 child:

We will not forget about
How they made noise in the quiet hour.
Do not be sad, kindergarten!
We are going to the 1st grade.

6 child:

In kindergarten with everyone
We were friends for many days
And now it's another matter -
There are more important concerns.

7 child:

On the paths, on the roads
For the first time on an autumn day
Straight to school doorstep
We'll go with the bouquets.

8 child:

You goodbye our kindergarten,
The kids have matured.
We will sing about how to go to school
It's time for us to get ready.

The song "In September".


Go to school soon

You need to do a lot

Study very well

Everyone should try, not be lazy.

But what grades you will study for - we will now find out.

Game "Estimates"

(They sit down. Knock on the door. They bring in a box with a note: "A present for graduates") The teacher reads the note. They open the box - and there is a child from middle group with a pacifier in the mouth. Spits out a pacifier and reads a poem:

There is a hustle and bustle in the kindergarten,
Everyone prepares their best suit.
We are all gathered for your holiday,
They didn’t let us in, but we broke through! (Waving his hand - calling his friends)


1. We have come here now to take you to first grade. This time!

2. Two-we want to wish you all excellent students to become!

3.Three-for you sigh heavily Chippolino and Cheburashka.

Do not forget about them, visit the kindergarten!

4.And four - we promise that without you in our native garden

We will learn a lot and save toys!

5. Well, five - we ask you not to be lazy at school

We wish you guys a good study!

6 from a pure heart
Please accept the gifts.
And visit more often
You come to us. Give presents.

6. Let's say goodbye

For you we will dance goodbye! Baby dance

Leading (takes an alarm clock from the table):

Guys, will an alarm clock help you not to be late for school? I'll run it now. Oh, this is not our alarm clock! Where did he go? This one has arrows and won't start. And I'll call the lost property office now! (He rings on the phone.) Hello, lost property office? We are missing. Come to our aid.

(Grandfather enters to the music "Don't worry in vain")


If suddenly you have lost something somewhere and once.
Don't worry in vain
You will find everything here, guys.

Leading: Tell me, please, did they bring our alarm clock to you by any chance?

Granddad: No, there is no alarm here. What is not - that is not. (Takes it out of the bag and puts it on the table)

Maybe yours is a slingshot?
Maybe this is your stick?
Maybe this pistol?
Maybe it's yours, children?

Leading: Guys, are these your things?

Everything: No!

(Shapoklyak runs into the hall)


Give it to me, everything is mine,
I won't give you anything.

Quickly shoves things into her purse.

Granddad: Well, since the owner was found, I went.

Leading. Shapoklyak, why do you need all these things?


Here is your favorite slingshot
To shoot the birds.
This noisy pistol
To scare the kids.
You can fight with this stick

And throw her at the windows!
This little alarm clock ... Oops!

(Sharply hides an accidentally taken out alarm clock behind his back)

Leading: Wait, wait, this is our alarm clock.

Shapoklyak: No, not yours now.

Leading: Why did you steal our time?


So that you don't grow up anymore,
So that you don't go to school.

Ha ha ha! (Runs away)

Leading: That's the way it is, well, nothing, guys!

To give us back the time
It is necessary to look into a fairy tale.
And also dance

In a fairy tale, we cannot be bored!

Clap dance

Leading: I have a magic apple. It will help us get into a fairy tale! Roll, pouring apple, on a golden saucer, take us into a fairy tale. (Baba Yaga runs in on a broom)

Baba Yaga: Yes! What a broom. You can't fly far on such a broom. There used to be brooms like brooms, but now there are some sort of brooms. And where is my son Tsypa? (Calls, searches among the guests. Tsypa appears.)

Chick: What are you, mom, shouting like that? Here I am, here!

Baba Yaga: Oh, what a fine fellow! (She pats her son on the shoulder, shakes off his shirt, and brushes it.)

Chick: Mom, and Mom!

Baba Yaga: FAQ?

Chick: I want to live!

Baba Yaga: Surely not on the princess or the frog?

Chick: And on whom?

Baba Yaga: Clever son, and we will take a chest of silver as a dowry for her.

Chick: Yes, I agree without silver.

Baba Yaga: Without silver! In the hut, roll with a ball, but he agrees without silver! Better sit down for your lessons.

(Chick takes a book, leafs through, says)

Chick: Don't have a hundred rubles ... (Sneezes.)

Baba Yaga: Have a thousand.

Leading: Children, how is it right?

Children answer.

Chick: One mind is good.

Baba Yaga: And none is better!

Leading: And again, not so. Guys, how is it right?

(Chick decisively closes the book)

Chick: Everything. I want to be jealous!

Baba Yaga: Living is good. But she won't agree. Give her Ivan Bogatyr.

Chick: Mom, what if we put it in a bag?

Baba Yaga: You are my idiot. Okay, I'll help you! (Pretends.)

Chick: Mom, they're listening.

Baba Yaga addresses children: Do you need faq?

Leading: Why, they overheard by accident that you are plotting evil!

Baba Yaga: By accident?

Chick: For inadvertently they beat them desperately!

Leading: Did you want to get married? And the frog princess is smart, she went to school, she got a lot of knowledge, and you?

Chick: And I can do everything without school.

Leading: Well, then tell me, how much is two plus two?

Chick: Three.

Leading: And five minus one?

Chick: Three.

Chick: Up to three.

Leading: Children, what is two plus two, and five minus one?

Children answer.

Baba Yaga: These are your examples, but now I will set tasks, see how they cope. Where is the book?

1. Gave the ducklings a hedgehog
Eight brand new boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many ducklings were there? (Four.)

2. They played in the children's room
Five funny kids.
Two ran away to their mothers,
How many children are in the room? (Three.)

3. There was a crocodile walking in the park
And I bought ice cream.
For myself, for my daughter
And for three sons.
How many servings did you order
Who counted faster? (Five)

4 the rabbit has lost the little rabbits,
And the rabbits sit and play pranks.
One behind the pillow, one behind the tub,
One under the leaf, one under the bridge.
Help me find my children,
How many of them, tell me quickly! (four)

5. Seven sparrows sank into the garden,
They jump and peck at something without looking back.
The cunning cat crept up carefully,
Instantly grabbed one and dashed off.
That's how dangerous it is to peck without looking back!
How many of them are left in the garden now? (none, the rest flew away)

Baba Yaga: Look how smart they are!

Chick: No - I'm smart

Baba Yaga: No, not smart (gives Tsapa a slap on the head)

Chick: No smart!

Leading: Stop, stop, stop. Stop fighting! You better look at our guys, they not only know how to count, they also know how to be friends and do not quarrel!

Dance "If a friend"

Baba Yaga: And indeed they can do everything!

Chick: Okay, I can be friends too.

Yes, mother, I have to go to school too. How long I don’t know yet!

Leading: Baba Yaga, Tsypa, we are looking for the Old Woman Shapoklyak. Maybe she hid in your fairy tale?

Baba Yaga: There was no such evil in our fairy tale. It's time for us to say goodbye! Sit down, Chick, let's fly. We will enroll in a forestry school.

Leading: Well, they flew away. In what fairy tale is our alarm clock?

Roll, pouring apple, on a golden saucer, lead us to another fairy tale. ( Carlson runs in)


How many guests I have!
Did you bring some sweets?

Hello Carlson!

I have a sweet for you.

Just help us first.


There is no time to help me, I'm going to school!
The kid gave me a task,
So that I can guess the riddles!


Guys, let's help Carlson guess the riddles.

(Carlson makes a guess, children guess)

1. Who walks with a bag of books to school in the morning? (Student.)

2. There is a cheerful light house.
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.
They write and read there,
Draw and count. (school.)

3. There was a lesson, and he was silent -

Apparently, he was waiting for a change.

The lesson just ended

Ranged loudly ... (bell)

4. We will write the whole lesson,

It will be useful to us ... (notebook)

5. Stands alone on one leg,

Turns and turns his head.

Shows us the countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (Globe)

Carlson: Well done, guys, you guessed everything.

Leading: Carlson, since you are a future schoolboy, you probably know how to collect a portfolio. Let's check.

The game "Who will collect the portfolio faster." (Carlson can't get his briefcase, gets upset)

Leading: Carlson, don't be upset, here's to you sweet candy, and if you want, the guys will sing you a song.

Carlson: I really, really want!

Children perform a song about Carlson.

Carlson: I am so pleased that I decided to study well at school.

Leading: Our children cannot go to school because the evil Shapoklyak took our time away. By chance, did she come to your fairy tale?

Carlson: I flew around the whole city, but I did not see the old woman. She's probably in some other fairy tale. Search. And I'm running away. Until next time, friends!

(Old man Hottabych enters)

Hottab: Peace be to this house!

Hello, the most educated of the educated,

The prettiest of the prettiest!

Children and dear guests!

Leading: Oh guys! did you find out who it is?

Why, this is old man Hottabych!

Hasan Abdurahman Khottab!

Hottab: Right! Oh wisest of the wisest

You recognized my name. Where did I end up?

Whose is this beautiful house where are there so many children?

Children in chorus: Kindergarten!


Hottabych, help me out! Our alarm clock came to the old woman Shapoklyak. Children won't grow up without it and won't be able to go to school!

Hottab: Wah! Wah! Wah!

It's not hard for me to help you! There are many magical hairs in my beard and I can fulfill any of your wishes in an instant! But first, please me, O splendid children, teach me how to dance! My movements are awkward from a long imprisonment in a jug, help me, oh talented ones!


Of course, the guys will teach you how to dance, watch and learn!

Dance "Top, top on parquet"

Hottab: Well, I fulfill my desire, I pull out a hair!

Fuck - chibi - doh!

(Magic music, old woman Shapoklyak runs backwards, shouts: oh-oh-oh)

Shapoklyak: How did I get here?

Hottab: O worst of the worst, give these young youths their most precious time, otherwise I will turn you into a toad.

Shapoklyak: Take your alarm clock please! I’m very kind, am I right, Lariska? Just don’t have to turn me into a toad!

Hottab: How can this most harmful of the most harmful be punished?

Leading: Okay, Shapoklyak, we will forgive you if you play with us.

Game "Change, lesson, call" (A break - they walk scatteringly, a lesson - they freeze in place, their hands are folded like at a desk, the bell rings - they shout "hurray" and wave their hands)

Hottab: Oh, my young adolescents, it's time for us to retire to a fairy tale.

Old woman Shapoklyak. Yes, Gena and Cheburashka are tired of waiting for me, bye!

Leading. Guys, the magic alarm clock has returned to us. This means that the summer will pass, you will grow up and in September you will definitely go to first grade! (Starts the alarm) Well, it's time to go to the land of knowledge. (leave the hall)

The final

Leading: While our children have gone away for a while, I invite the parents to take an oath. Answer my statements - yes!

    Will we always help children in their studies? - Yes!

    So that the school is proud of the children! -Yes!

    Can we help you solve the problems without difficulty? -Yes!

    Formulas remember nonsense for you? -Yes!

    We swear never to scold children! -Yes!

    Just a little scolding sometimes? -Yes!

    Let's be calm, like water in a river? -Yes!

    Will we be wise as a star in the sky? -Yes!

    Shall we get up in the morning in the cold? - Yes!

    To catch both here and there? -Yes!

    When the school is over, will we take a walk with the children? -Yes!

And now we'll see how smart you are, because the parents of first graders have to cope with a very difficult school curriculum.

Trick tasks:

1. On the table are a compass, a pencil, a ruler and an elastic band. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin? (I need to get a sheet of paper)

2. There were 50 candles burning in the room, 20 of them were blown out. How many candles are left? (50 Blown out candles are not completely burned out)

3. Name five days without naming numbers or names of days. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

4. Two fathers and two sons walked, they found three oranges. They began to divide - everyone got it one by one. How can it be? (They were grandfather, father and son)

5. How many months in a year have 28 days? (Everything)

(Children enter the hall)

1.Thank you tenderly
We are our educators.
We also confess to you:
You look like our mothers.
Thank you a hundred thousand times
All our life we ​​will remember you.

2.Thank our lovely nanny
For your care and diligence.
For attention and comfort,
For the kind work of the heart.

3. Physical education teacher
About posture and figure
She told us all the time
She taught me to run quickly.

4.Thank you to those who taught us

Sculpt and paint!

Thanks to those who taught us

And sing and dance!

5 we went to a speech therapist
For a fun conversation.
People began to understand
What do we want to tell them.
Thank you very much,
What we say beautifully.

6. We fantasize, we play,
Putting something together
In a great mood,
The office is unusual.
Liz, Denisov, Sash and Mash -
Our psychologist loves everyone.

7 our senior teacher

Trying so hard for us.

According to the "program" so that from the cradle

A talented child was growing up.

8.Thanks our chefs,
That they cooked delicious cabbage soup,
And your porridge and compote
We were simply conquered.

9.Thank our doctors,
That we are not afraid of a cold
Whatever you look at
All as one - heroes.

10 everything sparkles with purity

The washerwoman helps with this.

"Thank you" - we say

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

11.Curtains and toys,
Blankets and pillows
He brought us furniture to the kindergarten
Wonderful caretaker!

12. Our watchmen, watchmen,

We say: "Thank you!"

Janitor, electrician,

Thanks to the plumber!

We live without you in the garden

Certainly they could not.

13. Because our home, a kindergarten,
It was more beautiful from year to year.
Everyone is happy to say thank you
Our head.

14.Dear employees of the kindergarten,
From noisy and loving kids
Please accept this award:
Our smiles and these flowers.

Give flowers

15 we promise at school
Excellent to keep up
And our favorite kindergarten
Let's not forget.

16. Goodbye All Together

We will perform a song for you!

Song "Goodbye kindergarten".


We are preschoolers today
We see off to the first grade.
Goodbye we offer
Dance the farewell waltz!

Children dancing waltz

Software content:

  1. To create a joyful holiday atmosphere for graduates, a desire to grow older, to obtain the status of a “school student”.
  2. Make parents proud of their children.
  3. Show vocal and dance-motor knowledge and skills of preschoolers, abilities in theatrical activity.
  4. Promote the development of thinking, musical memory, foster friendship in children, positive mood, love and respect for elders and for each other.

Integration of educational areas:"Music", "Artistic Creativity".

Costumes: a suit of fixies "Simka", "Zero", "Troyanus Virus", "Computer Mouse", robots, American women.

Attributes: laser pointer for Computer Mouse, a screen, a projector, letters for games, 2 portfolios, school supplies, toys, gifts and diplomas for graduates.

Matinee stroke

Fanfare sounds. A boy and a girl from the preparatory group enter the hall.

Girl: Farewell ball! So many eyes!

Are directed now at us.

We invited everyone to the holiday

And they have not forgotten anyone!

Boy: Here to say goodbye to kindergarten

Preschoolers in a hurry in the morning

We solemnly greet them

Applause, friends!

There is applause. The boy and the girl leave. Children come to the music of the waltz.

Performed "Waltz".

Then they pass through the center, line up in a semicircle.


1. Hello moms, dads and guests!

Hello, our dear kindergarten!

We look forward, special excitement

We were waiting for our big holiday!

2. This holiday is very important for us today -

Graduation day is coming.

It's a pity that we are leaving kindergarten,

But in the fall, the school is waiting for us.

3. We are flying away today

Like birds from a nest.

It's a pity I have to say goodbye

With kindergarten forever!

Song "Special Day"

4. Goodbye to our kindergarten!

You with love

We will also remember.

Everything is ahead of us, but only by kids

We will never be again!

5. And today, on the day of farewell,

We will not lose heart

We will be a kindergarten for a long time

Remember with a kind word.

6. He taught us how to dance

And sing songs and paint,

Helped us to make friends.

This will be useful to us!

7. We are our favorite kindergarten

We will not stop loving

And yet we say goodbye -

After all, we have become big.


Year after year for five years in a row

You all went to kindergarten.

But those days are gone

Today you are graduates!

The song "Our boat is sailing away"

Children sit down. Two graduates come out.

1 child:

Remember today

Everyone is happy

How did we come

To our kindergarten.

2 child:

Even a small child

Since childhood, I am very, very glad

That came almost from the cradle

The best kindergarten.

1 child:

Who is that beeping there?

2 child:

Who is that noise there?


Oh, these are chickens.

Babies are preschoolers.

Children go to their places, the nursery group teacher with children enters.


That's quite, quite recently

You were the little ones

And by the hand with tears

Mothers took you to kindergarten

Now you are not like that

You are already quite big!

We came to congratulate you

With the transition to the first grade!

Child 1 ml. gr .:

You will go to school soon,

Please do not be lazy.

We wish you guys

Study well!


And now we are very happy to dance for the guys.

Goodbye, goodbye, we ask you not to forget!

The children of the nursery group perform "Quarreled, made up".

Graduate: Thank you for your congratulations, thank you for the guidance.

We promise to try and practice diligently.

To value friendship at school, we will not forget our kindergarten!

Graduates give kids toys and applause. Music sounds, Dim Dimych comes in.

Dim Dimych: Oh, guys, hello, are you future first graders?

Leading: Yes, our guys will go to school soon! And who are you?

Dim Dimych: I, Dim Dimych, I am also a future student.

Leading: Why did you come to us? After all, we have not a school, but a kindergarten!

Dim Dimych: And I came to you for help. Mom and Dad gave me the most necessary thing. It is needed by all children who go to school.

Leading: What is this thing, Dim Dimych?

Dim Dimych: Guess!

Only a miracle can the device do everything -

He multiplies two numbers faster than a man,

The library could fit in it a hundred times,

Only there it is possible to open a hundred windows in a minute.

It is not difficult to guess that the riddle is about ... ..

(a computer)

Leading: What kind of help do you need?

Dim Dimych: I don't know how to use it!

Leading: Let's turn on your computer and our guys will show you everything!

Dim Dimych pretends to turn on the computer. The screen lights up, with the "Computer Country" screensaver on it. Several frames with site names.

Dim Dimych: (reads)"Country of Computer". Guys, what kind of country is this?

Music sounds, the Computer mouse runs in.

Dim Dimych: Who are you?

Mouse: I AM?

Dance of the Computer Mouse and Dim Dimycha

Mouse: Yes, I'm not a simple mouse, but a computer mouse! In our country of computers, I am the most important!

Dim Dimych: The main braggart?

Mouse: No, no, I can do anything!

Leading: Mouse, the guys and I turned on the computer, and now we are here, but we don't know where to go next! And Dim Dimych has not yet learned how to use his computer.

Mouse: Oh you, look!

Mouse beam laser pointer slides across the screen. The screen lights up, the Internet page with the line "Search", where the letters begin to appear A website with photographs from the life of the group opens.


Oh, what a wonderful site! Why, this is a kindergarten!

These are our kids, just too little.

The years passed quickly, our children matured.

Thank you, Mouse, for such pleasant memories! Can you transfer us to any site?

Dim Dimych: Can you show us America?

Mouse: And then!

The mouse clicks on the site with a beam of a laser pointer The anthem of America sounds, American girls come out.

1 American:

Hello graduates!

We wish you a good study!

2 American:

Excellent ratings, good friends!

Let everything be "OK" for you!

3 American:

In the meantime, we will give you a dance!

It is dedicated to graduates!

Dance "Mama Maria"

Mouse: It's very easy!

The mouse drives the beam around the site of fairy but nothing works.

Mouse: Oh, something's not working out.

Leading: Probably a special password is needed here: You need to guess which one fairytale hero mystery.

Dim Dimych: Will you guys help me?

The presenter reads riddles:

He got leeches,

I sold Karabas,

The whole smelled of swamp mud,

His name was ...

(Not Byratino, but Duremar.)

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he lived with Matroskin.

He was a little simpler,

The dog's name was ...

(Not Toto, but Sharik.)

Poor kykol beats and hurts,

He is looking for a magic key.

He looks awful

This is the doctor ...

(Not Aybolit, but Karabas.)

For many days he was on the road,

To find your wife,

And he helped emy cup,

His name was ...

(Not Kolobok, but Ivan Tsarevich.)

Knows everything, peeps,

It hinders and harms everyone.

She only cares about a rat

And her name is ...

(Not Yaga, but Shapoklyak.)

And beautiful and sweet

Only very small!

Slender figure,

(Not Snegurochka, but Thumbelina.)

Heals animals in Africa

Good doctor ...

(Not Barmaley, but Aibolit.)

Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years

Finally saw the light

He grew a beard,

This kind ...

(Not Santa Claus, but Old Man Hottabych.)

With bare hair

And with huge eyes

This little girl is an actress

And her name is ...

(Not Alice, but Malvina.)

He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned it.

He's grumpy like an old man

This sad ...

(Not Piglet, but Eeyore Donkey.)

He's a big rascal and a comedian

He has a house on the roof.

A braggart and a good-for-nothing,

And his name is ...

(Not Dunno, but Carlson.)

For passers-by on the path

He plays the accordion.

Everyone knows the harmonist,

His name…

(Not Shapoklyak, but Gena.)

- Where is your ball gown?

Where is the crystal slipper?

- Sorry, I was in a hurry,

My name is …

(Not Scarecrow, but Cinderella.)

The site opens. Books appear on the screen.

Leading: Well, the site is up and running! Choose any!

Dim Dimych: I've already read these tales! But you can find a job in your country, my elder has been looking for a job for a long time.

Mouse: So, it seems on the site "Work in Yaroslavl". Take your pick! ... ru. Graduates come out.

Chastushki "Dreams"

Everything: My years are growing

There will be seventeen.

What should I work with then?

What should I do?

1. I will be a businessman

Let them teach me!

I'll buy a fur coat for my mother,

Dad - "Jeep" abruptly!

2. A businessman is good,

And the model is better!

I would get the crown

To defeat the whole world with beauty!

3. I want to tell you guys

I want to become a lawyer.

Until then, not a lawyer

I hit everyone in a row.

4. I want to become an artist

To perform on stage!

So that flowers are always given

They only talked about me.

5. I wanted to tell you

I will fly in the sky

I want to become a stewardess,

I'll fly in the plane.

6. I'll be a showman

All mustachioed, bright.

I will spin the wheel

To receive gifts.

7. The showman is good

And it's better to be a singer.

I would go to the Baskovs,

Let them teach me!

8. I'm going to run for president

I will receive presents

I will rule the country

All salaries to add!

9. The President is good

And I will go to the bankers.

My bank will prosper

Give everything at interest.

Everything: We sang ditties to you,

Clap, try

You brought us up

So figure it out!

Dim Dimych: Mouse, what if my computer breaks down, who will fix it for me?

Mouse: There are robots in our country - they will fix everything, look!

Three boys come out - robots.

Smart Robot:

I'm not just a piece of iron -

I have intelligence!

Pi to the thousandth digit

I will calculate in one moment

I will build a lot of graphs,

I will open Internet access!

It is very important for people that

An intelligent robot helped them.


I'm smarter than anyone else in the world

Better and stronger!

I can live for centuries

Without changing batteries.

There is only one trouble -

I will never fall in love.

Even though it looks like a humanoid,

I am a machine, I am an android.

Robot dancer:

In my iron head,

Although there are no brains at all,

Replace them wonderfully

A couple of microcircuits!

Instead of dad, instead of mom

I follow my program.

She tells me to

The robot was dancing today!

The rest of the robots come out to the music. Dance "Robo-dance".

The robots go backstage. Suddenly the screen starts flashing. A virus appears on the screen. An electronic voice reports "Computer Virus". The mouse freezes.

Dim Dimych: Ouch! We will all die! Horrible! What happened, mouse?

Music sounds, Trojanus Virus runs out.

Trojanus virus: Well, well, travelers, now I am in charge here! I am the Trojanus Virus! No travel for you, no websites, and generally I will ruin your holiday!

Presenter: But how can it be! After all, the guys and I just wanted to find out how the computer would be useful to us at school, how it would be useful.

Trojanus virus: Nothing will be useful now, now it will only bring harm, because I have infected all his sites!

Leading: What should we do now?

Dim Dimych: We need to call the Fixies! (Pulls out his phone and dials the number). Hello Hello! Simka, Nolik! Rather here, urgently need help!

The Fixies run out - Simka and Nolik, dance to the song "Who are the Fixies".

Simka: Dim Dimych, what happened?

Dim Dimych: This Virus hit my computer!

Trojanus virus: Not "this one," but the Virus - Troyanus!

Nolik: Your computer had to be protected!

Simka: Any computer must have "Anti-Virus".

Leading: What to do now? Now we will stay here forever and our guys will never get to school?

Nolik: The virus can be driven out not only by the Anti-Virus ...

Simka:... but also knowledge and skills!

Trojanus virus: That's it! What can your guys do?

Leading: Our guys know and can do everything in the world!

Trojanus virus: Do you know the numbers? Well, we'll check it out now!

We walk around the hall to cheerful music. As soon as the music stops in order with the numbers, we get up. We save the account, observe the color on the cards. Red with red. Blue with blue.

Game "The sea is worried".

Children perform swaying movements with their hands to music and sing:

“The sea is worried - ah, ah, ah, ah!

That in the sea of ​​numbers go and guess!

The numbers are floating in the open

Oh, how the sea is agitated! "

The virus says: “The sea is worried 1, the sea is worried 2, the sea is worried 3! The figure "..." freeze in place. "

Children freeze in the pose of the named number.

Trojanus virus: Okay, you know the numbers! But can you solve school problems?

Game "Math problems"

1) The plate contained 3 carrots and 4 apples. How many fruits were on the plate? (4 apples, carrots are a vegetable)

2) Mom has a daughter, Dasha, a son, Sasha, a dog, Druzhok, and a cat, Fluff. How many children does mom have? (Two children.)

3) How many nuts are in an empty glass? (No one)

4) There were 3 apples hanging on the birch, 1 fell. How many apples are left on the birch? (Apples do not grow on a birch.)

Trojanus virus: Okay, here's your last assignment! I have bewitched the school words. And you need to disenchant them by composing words from letters.

Game "Make up words".

Children have to make words from letters. The virus is handing out cards with letters to children. The letters of certain words are defined in different colors... To the music, children begin to run scattered, with the end of the music, children find their team - those children whose colors of the letters coincide and make words from letters.

The kids form words and the site name screen lights up again.

Trojanus virus: Oh, my strength has gone somewhere!

Simka: Rather knit it Zero!

Simka and Nolik tie Troyanus with a rope and take him away. The mouse jumps up!

Mouse: What happened? Why did I pass out?

Leading: This is all the Trojanus virus! But the guys and I beat him!

Dim Dimych: Something I'm tired, I should have a rest, listen to music!

Mouse: There is a site here with a lot of music!

The mouse clicks on the site with a beam of a laser pointer www. music ... ru. Graduates come out.

The song "And I'm a modern girl"

Dim Dimych: And I also want to become a musician. I want to play some musical instrument

Mouse: What are you, this is very difficult, look!

The mouse clicks on the site with a beam of a laser pointer www.notka ... ru. Graduates come out with a flute and a metallophone.

Dim Dimych: Can you learn to dance?

Mouse: Learn!

The mouse clicks on the site with a beam of a laser pointer www.dances ... ru. Graduates come out.

Leading: Can you visit the store using your computer without leaving your home?

Mouse: Of course, there are many online stores in our country!

The site opens, many online stores are displayed on the screen.

Dim Dimych: I just need goods for school. I just don't know what is needed for school.

Leading: Now the guys will show you!

Game "Collect a portfolio"

Leading: Thank you, mouse, for helping us and showing this wonderful country "Computer"! And it's time for us to return!

Mouse: You're welcome! Let your school have only good grades and a lot of knowledge!

Dim Dimych: And do not forget your teachers and everyone who was with you in kindergarten!

Children go to the middle of the hall and read poetry:

1 ... We are parting with you today,

It's sad for us, well, what to say.

We came last time with flowers

To thank you for everything!

2 ... Today thank you very much we will say

The teacher who gave affection, care,

He told fairy tales, fed with semolina,

He raised us and loved us.

3 ... Tatyana Vasilievna - our head,

Thank you so much, we will all say together,

She has a lot of work every day

Everything should always be in order to be in the garden,

She needs to manage a large farm,

And that is why "Fairy Tale" is the best garden!

4 ... What should the guys do? How to learn and when?

How to walk and have fun? We don't know, that's the problem!

But a whole sheet of advice is written to all of us by a Methodist!

5 ... In the winter cold, in summer heat fight back any infection

A doctor and a nurse give us from morning to evening.

6 ... Thanks to our chefs for the kindness and hello,

For tea, for breakfast in the morning, for dinner and lunch.

7 . Good word"Assistant", toys will help to collect,

He will help the guys to undress, quietly put them to bed.

From dawn clear to dark in our kindergarten it is.

Who will bring us dinner and clean up the dishes?

Our group is not more beautiful, it is clean and light around!

Maybe our nanny has not 2, but 10 hands?

8. Olga Borisovna - our beloved physician,

He wants to see us strong and courageous,

She teaches us to run, jump, march,

And to develop our children's muscles with exercises.

9 ... Speech therapist, Irina Yurievna, thank you,

For the fact that we say the right words,

And we pronounce the sounds in words

We speak correctly and clearly.

10 ... Piano, tambourine, spoons,

Even a flute is within her power!

Spend our farewell holiday with us,

Our most musical leader!

11 ... Thanks to those whose discreet gardening meant so much,

The cleaning lady, the washerwoman, the watchmen, it would have been different without their help!

12 ... Ok here

We were in the kindergarten!

This is us for you

Honestly speaking.

And with all my heart

Thank you very much.


We all thank you!

Children perform the song "Goodbye, kindergarten."

Leading: And now the floor is given to the head (full name of the head).

Head's speech. Presentation of diplomas, gifts.

Leading. The floor is given to parents.

The answer from the parents.