Graduation contests for parents. Games and contests at the prom

Probably, for every person, the prom is associated with something especially beautiful. This date will be the starting point for graduates into adulthood. On prom You seem to feel like you're no longer a child, but you realize at the same time that you don't want to grow up yet. This solemn event is expected, dreamed of, and carefully prepared for it. After difficult exams, good and not very good grades, the graduation ball becomes a kind of reward for all the work. Each person has it only once in a lifetime. And realizing this, each parent tries to create an unforgettable atmosphere for their child at this farewell party.

In order for the graduation party at school to be a success, you should take care of all the nuances and organizational issues in advance. If you want your graduation to be fun, you need to think over the program, come up with mischievous and Interesting games and competitions for graduation.

An experienced professional who knows his job will be able to create and conduct an enchanting entertainment program for graduates, their parents and teachers. If you want the evening to be full of perky contests, tricks, sparkling humor and many pleasant surprises, you should be very serious about choosing a toastmaster. Do not forget that the host of the celebration should be on the same wavelength with the graduates, be an excellent psychologist and teacher, and also have a bright appearance and charisma.

Naturally, if a specially invited presenter will be responsible for holding the prom, then he should come up with games and contests for the prom. But not everyone invites a professional toastmaster, but they manage with their own efforts and efforts. In addition, there is a possibility that graduates may not like the graduation contests chosen by the hosts. That is why it is worthwhile to play it safe by learning a couple of original games and contests, because you probably know what your classmates will like.

Competitions for prom can be very different: funny and serious, dance and intellectual. You can't imagine a graduation party without them. Players can split into teams, compete, sing, dance.

Graduation contests - a few examples:

"Future diploma"

This competition will require five sheets of paper and five markers. Then invite five alumni. The task of the participants is as follows: it is necessary to write the phrase "Excellent student diploma", holding the pencil with your foot. Thus, the graduates seem to promise their parents to graduate from the university with excellent marks. Whoever does it more accurately and faster becomes the winner.


Each of the teams draws from the leader a card with the name of some well-known picture that will need to be depicted. We must try to do this so that everyone knows the depicted work. The winning team is determined depending on how quickly the pictures were guessed.

Competitions for the prom, which involve the choice of the King and Queen of the ball, cannot be ignored. Many graduates and alumni have been waiting for this moment for a long time and only dream of winning this title. Voting is best held at the end of the celebration, anonymously, when everyone should write on a piece of paper the name of the applicant for the title of King or Queen of the ball and put it in a special box. The King and Queen are elected by counting the votes. After that, they are usually awarded prizes, and they are also invited to dance the school waltz.

The host of such a celebration should be included in the games. It can be humorous basketball, where a crumpled newspaper will play the role of a ball, and a real waste basket attached to the wall will serve as a basketball basket, or it will be fun football in which graduates will play as football players balloon hic. You can also play such a game.

Who in their life hasn't looked forward to their prom so much? Probably everyone wanted this day to come faster. How we were looking forward to it, as if a ticket to new life... But when the time to graduate nevertheless came, tears came to our eyes, which did not want to stop going. But, it should be noted that on such a good day, in no case should you be upset and grieve. You need to try to celebrate with your classmates, whom you will not see soon, to have fun. And for this you need to conduct many interesting contests and games that will help you relax a little and distract yourself.

Competition "Princess of the Evening"

In fact, many girls like this competition, because with the help of it they can turn out to be the best. This competition consists in the fact that a beautiful and spectacular girl gets out at the prom. Judges must pay attention to dress, hairstyle and the picture as a whole. You can also choose the princess of the evening by voting. Each person will need to be given cards and pens. And everyone will have to write there the name of the girl whom they consider the best at this evening. The winner will have to receive a prize. And so that other girls are not offended, because they did not win, you can just give them some goodies.

Contest "Guess the song"

In order to amuse all the audience a little, you need to amuse them a little, and make them have fun. To do this, you will need to prepare a cut of famous songs in advance. But no words should be heard in this cut. That is, there should only be music. And the participants will take turns to guess the well-known melodies. In fact, if all the guests and former students take an active part, it will be fun and exciting. There are no losers or winners in this competition. It's just that everyone can try their hand.

Game "Put a scene"

To do well with this game, all participants will have to think carefully about their roles and prepare carefully. Everyone who wants to participate will have to split into several not-so-large teams. And then you will need to draw out the leaves on which the scene that you will have to show will be indicated. All participants will be given time to prepare properly. And then each team will have to go on stage and show the audience what they have managed to prepare. Each person who will be present in the hall will be interested in watching the actions on the stage. And at the very end, when all the actions on the stage are over, the audience will have to choose the team that did their job best. And the winners will need to be presented with prizes. After all, they will receive their prizes deservedly. In this competition, everyone will receive a great boost of energy and positive emotions.

Relay Games

When the feast is already in its prime, you will need to warm up a little. After all, it's not all the time to sit and eat without stopping. In order to warm up even a little, you will need to hold interesting relay races. They can be completely different, both physical and mental. Everyone who will participate in the contests will have to receive special tokens. At the end of the entire relay, when everyone has collected enough tokens, the main leader will need to count them and say who has collected the most tokens. The winner will receive interesting and useful little gifts. And those who did not win, but participated, will have to receive sweet prizes for participation.

Contest "Minute of Glory"

This competition is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who actually know how to do something interesting and can boast of it in front of others. In order to participate in this competition, each competitor will need to think about what kind of talent he can boast of. And then, when the concert begins, everyone will be able to show what they are capable of. You don't have to show something brilliant. You just need to show everyone what you have. It can be dancing, singing, or reading poetry. You can also play on musical instrument, show the scene. The main task for you will be to open up to the audience well and without hesitation. At the very end of this little concert, the judges will need to choose the best participant. And whoever wins will have to receive a gift. And remember that shyness is not at all appropriate here. The more you open up, the more likely you are to win.

Competition "The most charming and attractive"

This competition is designed for boys, but girls will also help them. First, you need all the girls to smear their lips with lipstick. different colors and shades. In the meantime, all the boys will need to distribute white papers. Their task will be to collect kisses. When the presenter says start, they will have to approach the girls with a piece of blank paper and ask them to kiss. The guys will be given up to ten minutes for this. The one who collects the most kisses from girls will win this competition and receive the title of the most attractive and charming guy in the former class.

Competition "The most capable"

If you now think that the competition is about solving various riddles, then you are mistaken. After all, in fact, the competition is to cheer up the audience and people. Both girls and boys can participate in this competition. The first participant takes a few candies on a stick in his mouth. Holding them in his mouth, he will have to say: "I am a graduate." If he succeeds, then he takes another candy and says these words again. And so on until he succeeds in saying these words. Whoever gets the most candy in his mouth will be the winner. And at the end he will have to be handed good gift... This competition will be very fun and funny. Because watching young people try to say words with a mouthful of candy is impossible without laughing.

Competition "Cinderella"

But this game will be more designed for girls. And since the competition promises to be funny, you will not get bored at all. For starters, all one guy will have to be blindfolded. To select it, you will need to throw lots. Therefore, you will need to put all the girls on chairs, and bare one leg. A guy with a blindfold will have to find out which girl is in front of him on the leg. And it will be even funnier if one guy still sits down with the girls, but so that the presenter does not know about it. After all, it will be very interesting for you to see the reaction of a blindfolded guy when, instead of a smooth leg, he feels a hairy man's leg. And if he doesn't guess it, it will be very funny in general. If the leading guy can guess most of the girls, then he won, and he should get a prize. This competition will need to be filmed. Because one hundred percent more than once you will want to revise these funny, and a little awkward moments. But, everyone, watching this video, will be very interesting and funny.

Contest "Fashionistas"

This competition is specially prepared for the female society. Their task will be to find certain accessories, which will have to start with the letter that the presenter says. Each participant will get their own letter. In five minutes, each girl will need to find at least three objects that begin with this letter. And then, when their search is over, the girls will have to show a good show, and show everything that they are capable of. After all, every thing they choose will have to be presented in a favorable and good light. The girl who is the best to cope with her task will have to receive a prize.

If you carefully prepare for such a significant holiday as graduation day, then everything should go well for you. The main thing is to remember that your task is to be a very cheerful and positive person throughout the holiday. And if you succeed, then all the people in the audience will be charged with positive energy from you. Remember that it doesn't take much to see someone's smile. You just need to smile at all people, and then they will smile back at you. Feel in every holiday, and then you will have great memories of the holiday.

A graduation party is a joyful and sad event in everyone's life. Schoolchildren strive to start a new adult life, teachers say goodbye to students whom they have devoted more than one year to, parents realize that their children have grown up. In each school, the celebration of the prom has its own established traditions: somewhere it is transferred to the territory of a cafe or restaurant, someone remains within the walls of their own school, but in either case, each participant wants to remember these moments.

The organizers (teachers, parents or the students themselves) have the difficult task of preparing the holiday in such a way that the event does not turn out to be boring and pleases several age categories. Correctly selected games and interesting contests for the prom.

Entertainment can be organized in one theme or be a competitive program. Games can be team and individual, with a random selection of participants or made based on the wishes of the audience. Better to involve everyone - parents, students, teachers.

Fun contests interesting for everyone

  • "The most charming and attractive."
  • "Fashion 2017".
  • Chupa Chups.
  • "The hard way."
  • "Sweet life".
  • "Khlop-Top".
  • "Ciphers".
  • "Cool magazine".
  • "Girls and boys".

Competition for guys

Materials: sheets of paper by the number of participants, lipstick.

The presenter asks the girls from the audience to prepare a little for the competition - to tint their lips (preferably with their own lipstick). To each young man they give out a sheet of paper and offer to collect as many "kisses" from wonderful classmates as possible in a short time (30 seconds). The winner is the one who collects the largest number, and he is proclaimed "The most charming and attractive graduate."

Competition for girls

Several participants (3-5) are selected and offered to pick up accessories for a fashion show in the hall in a few minutes. But the names of these items should begin with a specific letter and not be repeated. For example, on "C": napkin, bag, glass and others. After the participants defile, trying to profitably present the obtained accessories. The winner is determined by the audience.

Cool competition to cheer up

young people. Materials - candy on a stick according to the number of participants.

To begin with, the boys with one candy in their mouths say the phrase: "I am a graduate." Then the number of sweets is increased to three and they are asked to say: "I am a graduate of secondary school No. ...". Each time there are more chupa-chups in the mouth, and the text is longer and longer. If the participant does not cope with the task, he is eliminated. The winner is the graduate who managed to say the longest phrase with big amount sweets in your mouth (but chupa-chups should be at least 6 pieces).

Game options:

It is fun to end the holiday with such a competition. The leader asks all young people to come up to him and quietly tells them the rules:

The boys begin to complete the task, and the girls are invited to the leader, they are given a slightly different instruction, they must:

  • walk the same way as guys;
  • follow them all the time;
  • answer the question "no".

After the start of the movement of the "locomotive", the presenter asks:

Boys, do you like girls?
- Yeees!!!
- Girls, do you like boys?
- NO-E-ET!
- Why do you go after them?

General contests for parents, teachers and alumni

Graduation competition with students and parents - video

Entertaining entertainment similar to famous game"Stone, scissors, paper", but with elements of theater. The game includes 2 teams - adults and children, they stand opposite each other. Everyone needs to memorize characters and actions (which can be thought of together). Let's say such heroes:

  • Pupil (sings the song "la-la-la", pretends that he does not care, but is afraid of the strict Teacher).
  • Teacher (shaking his finger, cursing, but afraid of the Parent).
  • Parent (dissatisfied, closes his eyes, afraid of the Student).

Teams play against each other and put up their own "fighter". Those show one of the heroes and it turns out who wins and gets a point. The game goes up to 5 points. If the heroes are the same, then it's a draw.

  • This
    the game is interesting in that there is an opportunity to look in a new way at others, for example, graduates - at teachers, and parents - at children. Everyone writes on a piece of paper interesting fact about myself, preferably unknown and honest (“I love raw carrots,” “I dream of becoming a veterinarian,” or “in my childhood I considered myself a fish”). The leaves are folded into a common pile, mixed and taken out one by one. Everyone is curious to guess the author of each message.
  • An active game for everyone. The host is constantly changing and stands in the center, and all the players are in a common circle. The driver offers to “change places for those who have ...” (any sign that unites several people is selected). The goal is to take a place in the circle while others change places. If for some reason there are no signs, then a "whirlpool" is declared and everything changes chaotically, naturally, you cannot stay in place if the leader's conditions are met.
  • This game is similar to the previous one, but more relaxed. Participants sit in a circle, and the leader stands in the center. His task is to get a place in the circle. The person inside the circle must tell some fact, choose any feature so that any other participant can refer it to himself. In this case, they change places and a new presenter appears. This game is interesting if it affects not only banal things, like appearance, but deeper ones. By the way, phrases should begin with the words "The sun is shining for those who ..." (believes in fairy tales, loves cats, cannot stand the smell of tobacco, etc.).
  • Can divide participants into several teams or organize one. First, everyone puts their hands on their neighbor's shoulders, lining up like a snake, and then they "get entangled" in a ball or in a large monster. The leader comes up with tasks for the beast (or several): to reach the goal, "eat" someone and others.
  • This entertainment must be prepared in advance. Presenter or classroom teacher collects children's photos of students (preferably several, for example, under the age of one year, at three and five years). You can imagine everything as a wall newspaper or postcards, or transfer it to a projector screen. The task of graduates is to guess who is in the photo, to find similarities and differences with today. You can also use photos of teachers and parents.
  • Another version of the prom game at school. Participants are divided into teams (divided by class, play against teachers or parents, girls against boys, and the like). The presenter suggests pulling out 5 cards with words from the envelope (without repetitions, or, conversely, the same sets for teams). The task of the players is to create a motto for the evening (prom or class), using all the words, adding only prepositions, changing only the cases and numbers.
  • Materials - lollipops and sushi sticks. Participants are encouraged to quickly throw lollipops from one dish to another, using only chopsticks. You can complicate the competition by blindfolding the players.

  • The goal of the competition is to translate a phrase from Russian into Russian! It is necessary to convey the meaning, replacing words with synonyms without repetitions and hints. Let's say, “A 6-year-old boy was sitting in a chair” changes to “A male child is sitting in a soft version of the chair preschool age, almost a first grader. " This competition is best held between teams or individual students, counting when good option points, or by giving a limited time. The text is invented in the context of the graduation ceremony, for example: "In the life of every person there should be a night that he will remember forever."
  • The competition is specially for teachers, it is better to prepare for it in advance. The leader, together with the students, writes cards with a description of the person, some of his characteristic features, or acts out a scene so that the teacher can recognize himself. It is better not to use the names and titles of the subjects taught by the teacher in order to complicate the task. In such a competition, correctness and subtle humor are important. The prize (you can use portraits or cartoons) is given to the teacher who was chosen.
  • Prior to the start of the competition, themes are thought up (nature, animals, etc.), written on sheets of paper and folded into an envelope. The participant gets a topic, and his task is to come up with a story on the fly in such a way that it matches the topic, and each word begins with a letter of the alphabet in order. For example: Anaconda Boris Always Walked During the Day, Ate Hedgehogs, Lived Wonderfully And Lovely Meows. The winner is the one who reaches the farthest letter of the alphabet.

You can hold an unforgettable graduation with your own efforts, it is not necessary to invite a professional presenter, because an active and resourceful parent, teacher or even a student knows the audience better and will always find a way out difficult situation... The main thing is to correctly and in advance think over the entertainment program, choose interesting contests and games that can be easily replaced and alternated depending on the mood of the public.

After the ceremonial part of the graduates, a banquet and entertainment await. What games and entertainment can be offered to graduates? For example, these are.

Guess the melody game.

First team.

1. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis. ("Somewhere in this world")

2. A song about a city as quiet as a dream. ("City of Childhood")

3. A song about a great desire to eat potatoes and a reluctance to work. ("Antoshka")

4. A song about a harmless pet that the whole house hated. ("Black cat")

Second team.

1. A song about using a smile as electricity. ("From a smile")

2. A song about a country where you can meet a firebird and a golden horse. ("Little country ")

3. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers. ("We're going, we're going, we're going ...")

4. A song about a strange eared creature that every mongrel knows. ("Cheburashka")

Competition "Dancing under the Ribbon".

(Two people at both ends hold a ribbon, which is lowered lower and lower in the course of the dance. The winner is determined.)

Game "Chamomile".

(On sheets cut from thick paper chamomile written assignments. To the accompaniment of musical accompaniment, the guys pass tambourines to each other. The music is stopped. Those who still have tambourines in their hands, tear off a chamomile petal, read the task and complete it.)


1. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, you must declare your love.

2. Tell the poem "I loved you" with a foreign accent.

3. Dance with your partner shoulder to shoulder, ear to ear, nose to nose.

4. Smile like the sun itself.

5. Walk like a rooster or a stork.

6. Imagine yourself on the ballet stage and try to portray a dying swan.

7. Jump like a hare.

8. Right hand grab your nose, your left ear, clap your hands and change hands.

10. Tell a tongue twister.

An exciting quiz for students and teachers

Questions to teachers.

1. Where do careless students come from?

2. Are there vitamins in the fruits of education?

3. What are boys and girls made of? How does this show up in the classroom?

4. Name the slang words that you borrowed from your students' vocabulary.

5. What do you remember about 11th grade?

6. Who was the best in the class?

8. Which student can you name the biggest headache?

9. How much control works have you spent in this class?

10. How many steps does the staircase have in front of the school entrance?

11. If you decided to order music for students in this class, what would you choose?

12. What time of year do you like the most and why?

Questions to graduates.

1. Have any of you ever wanted to burn a school journal?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?

4. How often have you run away from lessons?

5. From whom did you like to cheat?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

7. What was the most joyful A for you?

8. What subject did you study for all 11 years and for 11 years its name has not changed?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. Your very favorite place at school?

11. What is your future profession?

Playing with parents.

1. A place that pupils do not like to go to. (Board.)

2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button.)

3. Flat globe. (Map.)

4. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent-teacher meeting.)

5. Album for autographs of parents. (Diary.)

6. Two to five. (Grade.)

7. The place where children serve 11 years. (School.)

8. Signal to the beginning and end of torment. (Call.)

9. School-wide President. (Director.)

10. Frontal seat in the classroom. (Board.)

11. Boys don't wear it. In any case, Russian (Skirt.)

12. It is worn by riders and hidden by schoolchildren. (Spur.)

13. Three months of happiness. (Holidays.)

14. Ten minutes of freedom. (Turn.)

Those who answer the questions correctly are given tokens. Those who have collected the most tokens are awarded prizes.

Game with graduates "Where have you been?"

On large sheets the words "disco", "school", "bathhouse", " parental home", "market".

The graduate, not seeing the name of the card, answers the questions of the presenter:

1. How often do you visit this institution?

3. What do you take with you?

4. What are you doing there?

5. What sensations do you experience?

6. Where do you think you have been?

Traveling is always a holiday, and a holiday related to the topic of travel is a separate fascinating journey full of impressions and vivid emotions. And although this idea is no longer new, it is so inexhaustible that everyone finds something of their own in it. We offer new scenario entertainment program of the prom "World Graduation!" on the topic of travel around the world. The program consists of thirteen drinking and mobile contests, invented specifically for graduates. It would be good to support such a scenario with a thematic design of the hall and equip with a projector, but, most importantly, create for the heroes of the occasion and the gathered adults an atmosphere of cheerful and sincere, in which there is a lot of music and dances, bright sadness about the past stage of life and hopes for future victories. (Music, video, printing and explanations of the authors are attached).

Also, as a bonus, the full version offers a version of this scenario, adapted for primary school

All folders with the design of the program are located at the beginning of the full version of the script:

- Musical arrangement of the entire script- in the folders "Music for scenario 1", "Music for scenario 2", "Music for scenario 3" or in the text of the full version

- Music for competitions separate folders: "Stanislavsky System", "Australian Style", "Color Dances"

Video screensavers- in the folders "Video 1", "Video 2,3,4"

Pictures, visas, invitation cards- in the folder "Polygraphy"

Hall decoration. In the hall, you can create the atmosphere of a station (picture 1 on the screen) or a travel agency by decorating with a world map on which flags indicate the stops provided by the script, advertising posts of travel in different countries and the schedule of stops. Also, several bundles of gel balls can be placed on the ceiling of the hall (sorting them by color - how many countries there will be, so many different colors). In the invitation cards, you can indicate the seats at the table.

Entertainment program "World Graduation"

Guests are greeted by a host or presenter (you can wear a guide's costume) and help you find places.

Tracks 1,2,3,4 sound.

When the guests were almost settled in the carriages. Track 5 sounds. The presenter begins to rush the remaining passengers in a hurry. Track 6 sounds.(departure). When everyone is seated, the light goes out. Appears on the screen video 1(departing train) At 38 seconds (view from the window) the presenter leaves the video.


Leading(says in the background of video 1): Dear passengers! We are glad to welcome you on the "World Graduation" route! We kindly ask you, if someone on the platform has forgotten their good mood, do not panic! Our journey compensates for this loss by adding, as compensation, new experiences, unforgettable emotions and reasons for joy.

(On-screen Picture 1)

Dear russ-tourist look of morality, as well as crazy-rushen tourist, oh, la-la !! We're going! And awaits us trip around the world around the world at the most different types transport, we will visit several continents, and get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the graduation holiday in other countries. But, we only have 5 hours for everything, so let's give acceleration to our train, make it super-fast !!! Pick up our hiking maracas and add strength to the sound of wheels and a locomotive whistle, knock and shout to the beat "Tu-tu" (The presenter shows a graduates repeat after her: they take coffee cups with beans on the table and shake them so that a synchronous sound is heard, not forgetting to shout "Tu-tu"!)

Sounds loud Track 7 (beep).

Leading: Go! Hurray for our graduates, indefatigable travelers, who have just finished their 11 - year voyage on a ship " School years"And once again ready to travel, conquer unconquered peaks and discover undiscovered lands! Hooray!

(short banquet pause)

Track 8 sounds

Leading: And tell me, are there those in the hall who have already traveled by train? Or, in an age of high speeds, everyone prefers more mobile means of transportation? Raise your hands! I see, then tell newcomers what train passengers usually do? (guests answer) Quite right, they sleep, eat, get bored and get to know their fellow travelers better. We guarantee food - the employees of our carriage - restaurant…. (name of the banquet hall) will offer you their best hot and cold snacks on their menu !! But we are not sure that you will be able to sleep and get bored today, on the contrary, we are: a conductor … .. (presenter's name) and dj …(name) our radio center - we will try to make the travel time fun and unforgettable! Our train, as you remember, is super-fast, but even on it you will hardly be able to quickly rush through the vast expanses of our Motherland. Well, let's make good use of this time by preparing for an international trip by learning some traditions and communication skills. And let's start with the main skill for those who are ready to have fun - the ability to enjoy entertainment, the ability to applaud.

Table game "Applause master class"

Leading: True masters of applause believe that the ability to applaud can be learned only by going through a five-level training system. We will have express training, we will skip the theory and go straight to practice.

First level: get ready! - Short polite applause (guests applaud)

Second level: Prolonged applause with getting up (guests applaud) Level passed!

Third level: get ready, the task is getting harder! - Applause with getting up, turning into a standing ovation! Add some standing ovation! Well done!

Fourth level: Ready? All that you learned in the third was a standing ovation plus vocal design: shouts like "Bravo", "Encore", whistle and so on. Let's start! (guests applaud) Level passed! You can sit down!

Level five: the hardest! It is used in moments of special delight and admiration! Loud applause, enthusiastic jumping up from their seats, shouts, whistles, stamping of feet, especially exalted ones can cry. Ready? Let's start! (guests applaud)

Not bad, not bad at all. It remains to pass the exam. Now I will read the text of the next toast and, in the course of the plot, raise the signs from 1 to 5, and you must react correctly.

(reads the text, picking up the signs with numbers)

Toast with applause

Dear parents, teachers and dear graduates, today is an amazing evening: sad, because this is the moment of farewell to childhood (number 1) and at the same time, joyful, because the door opens to a new, and therefore an amazing life (number 5)……… ……………………............................

- Table quiz "Believe, I don't believe"

Leading: Yes, it turns out that knowing the traditions of the country you are traveling to can not only help you not to get into a stupid situation, but also save your life. I propose to play a game: “I believe, I don’t believe”, I am voicing the tradition of celebrating graduation in one of the countries, and if you think that the proposed situation is true, say - “I believe”, if not, respectively - “I don’t believe”. If you guess right, go out into the hall for a reward, if not, drink a penalty kick to the applause of the audience.

(The presenter walks around the hall and selectively, in turn, turns to the boy, then to the girl, commenting on each answer. Those who guessed it - go to the center of the hall, questions are asked until there are 5 guessed right, this is important for the next competition)

Excerpt for illustration:

1. Do you believe that in Poland the graduation ceremony is celebrated one hundred days before the day of graduation?

(It is true, this holiday is called "hundred days" and it opens with a polonaise with the director at the head) …………………………………………………

- Artistic competition "According to the Stanislavsky system"

Leading (addresses 5 participants in the center of the hall): Dear graduates, I don't know if you are well informed, or if I played so badly that you could guess from my intonation whether you should believe me or not. Therefore, before presenting you with the promised prizes, I want to test you according to the Stanislavsky system and for this I ask each of you to bring a partner of the opposite sex from the hall. (lead)... And now, your task is as natural as possible, so that even Stanislavsky himself could tell you: "I believe!" play two of the most popular stories in any drama! ........................................

(Finished background music included)

- General dance entertainment "Hello, Medved!"

(cool youth entertainment, which will be a good transition to a dance break and will give a boost of good mood for the whole evening)

Dance break


Track 7 Sounds and Track 6

Leading: Dear passengers, please take your seats, otherwise our graduation tour will take place without your participation. High school graduation tour ... sounds good, doesn't it? In general, graduation is one of the most significant and amazing days in the life of each of us. Significant, because from what baggage of knowledge and internal installations we come to it, our whole future life depends. And amazing, because on this day, more than ever, we all believe in the best, we believe that we can do everything, overcome and achieve, right? Then life makes its own adjustments to our bright hopes, maybe it will also make yours. But let it be later ... that's what life was given to us, to make us stronger and wiser. Let the changes come later ... And today we will believe only in the best, in the fact that all roads and the whole world are open to you, right? (addresses the audience) Do you believe this? (graduates answer). Then let us declare this to the Universe? So that she too was aware of! Now I will read the first three lines of the poem, and you chorus after the word "Today" - the fourth: "The whole world is at our feet!" Adults also join, because your faith is so necessary for your children now!

Table chant "The whole world is at our feet!"


Leading: We each have our own hopes and dreams,

And the plans are grand and the goals are not easy

Many roads are open before us,

We believe that today ...

Everything (in chorus): The whole world is at our feet!

Leading: Wonderful! Sounds very convincing, literally like a toast! For your victories, dear graduates !!!

Track 14 sounds

Leading: In any journey, and especially in a journey called life, the support of loved ones and relatives is important, and although few of us like to listen to other people's advice, the parting words from loving parents are worth listening to! The word to the parents of the graduates!

(parents say words of parting words and congratulations)

Small banquet pause

Track 15 sounds

Leading: Dear passengers, please take your seats, otherwise our graduation tour will take place without your participation.

On the Video screen 2.

- Competition "Meeting with an Italian or Chatter"

- Competition "Russians on the Tower"

(fun contests for graduates with an Italian flavor)

- Musical fun "Australian show-offs"

Leading: Right! We missed this train, another one will come, or even we will rush to the airport, it will work out even faster !! It is not for nothing that they say: "The Russians do not give up!" And they also say that "Russian pont is more expensive than the American dollar!" graduation party Australian alumni will give 100 points ahead to any Russian dude. After all, for them it is imperative to drive up to the prom more abruptly and more intricate than others! It is important to surprise your classmates: the limousine does not roll here - rustic, deer, tank, balloon, wow! Let's imagine ourselves in their place and roll up to our festive table Australian style! We break up into groups of two and three people, who will go with whom and ... we improvise, fantasize, how it could be ........

(33 ready-made music samples are included - at the choice of the organizer)

- Competition "Come on boys, or a la defile"

- Competition "Funny tasters"

(competitions for young men on the topic of French traditions)

Dance break


Leading: So, mysterious England! As you know, this country is famous for its old castles full of ghosts and unsolved mysteries. It is no coincidence that it was here that the famous School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - Hogwarts - settled and it was here, with the help of his deductive method, that Sherlock Holmes solved the most intricate crimes. We will go there with you, or rather, to one of the most eerie places - Dragsholm Castle, in which the "eggs of fate" are hidden.

- Entertainment "Dragsholm - rules or Eggs of Fate".

(mini-quest with the search for unusual predictions for graduates)

- Competition "Pyramid"

(team competition with the construction of pyramids from disposable plastic cups)

- Dance entertainment "Color dances with a forecast"

(a new version of the popular dance entertainment with graduation liner - a ready-made file with musical "color" excerpts made in non-stop format is attached)


Track 27 sounds .

Disco begins.



World Primary School Graduation Scenario

The script is written to order - the idea and the host's show from the script, the announcement of which is presented above, is specially adapted for fourth-graders, with the use of entertainment and music from scripts # 25, # 22 and # 8. Some specific details and names of the ordered script can be easily changed for yourself. Text and music for this version is attached to the full version.

To get the full version with musical arrangement it is enough to contribute a small amount to the site development fund (550 rubles) - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document presented below presents detailed information how to get full version this script.

(download by clicking on the document)


Bonus discount video greetings:

In such a scenario, as an additional entertainment or a surprise from parents, you can include it, it is offered separately (400 rubles), but for those who purchased this scenario - a bonus discount of 200 rubles. Therefore, those who wish to have in their arsenal both a video congratulation and a script can send 750 rubles to the fund of the site, without a video congratulation, accordingly, 550 rubles will be enough.