Harmony in the home: how should the bed stand in the bedroom? Mid-century modern bedside table. Places that are not suitable for psychological reasons

Not all of us know how important it is to position the bed in the right place. This article will tell you in detail how to achieve success in this responsible business.

How to properly position the bed

The bed is the holy of holies in our bedroom. It depends on how we get enough sleep, how well we recover and how much we will be successful and effective throughout our life.

A person sleeps more than 30% of his time, so it is important that the bed is in the positive zone in order to be nourished with the necessary energy that will be spent throughout the day. You must absorb the energies of health, happiness, wealth and good fortune.

  • It is better to put the bed with the headboard against the wall. Then the person has a rear and, during sleep, he will feel comfortable and protected. This allows you to form in the mind such an idea that there is backside and you can act completely free.
  • If the bed is single, it should be placed in the corner of the bedroom, so you will feel more relaxed. And if this is how sleeping area teenager, there is a high probability that he will devote more time to study, and walks will become secondary.
  • The double bed should be placed so that there is a free, unobstructed path to the sleeping area for two. Bedside tables should be placed on both sides of the bed and lamps should be placed on top of them.
  • The bed should be placed near the wall, namely: the best option will place it with its left side against the wall. Now let's see why: the fact is that the heart is on the left side, left hand weaker than right in most people. Therefore, unconsciously, we want to defend the left side more.
  • The ideal location of the bed in the bedroom is diagonally from the doors.
  • It is better to put a sofa bed in a small bedroom.

The correct location of the bed in Feng Shui

Feng Shui is not a collection of superstitions, it is a very deep and multidimensional science that has been formed over millennia. Many modern psychics and psychologists listen to her.

Let's figure out how to put the bed correctly according to Feng Shui tips:

  • Be sure to pay attention to the fact that no sharp corners are directed at it. Such angles in Feng Shui mean "piercing arrows", which can cause irreparable harm to your health. This applies to all items that are located in the bedroom.

Than more furniture with rounded corners, the more comfortable you sleep.

  • In Feng Shui, it is forbidden for any objects to hang over the bed, because they can help block your biofield.
  • Decor items in the bedroom must be in pairs. This improves energy and strengthens the union of a married couple.
  • There should not be a window above the bed, because negative energy flows through it, which is absolutely not needed during sleep.

There is an instruction in Feng Shui that says that the bed in the bedroom should be based on the principle of four animals:

  • There should be a dragon figurine to the left of the bed.
  • There should be a tiger figurine on the right.
  • There should be a picture of a red bird in front of the bed
  • Behind there should be a picture of a turtle.

For Eastern beliefs, Chi energy is very important, which should circulate unhindered:

  • There should be no foreign objects under the bed: boxes, boxes, bags.
  • Everything should be kept to a minimum around the bed.
  • If you live in a private house, you must make sure that pipes do not pass above or below the sleeping place, and that there is no stove.
  • A bathroom behind a wall is also not an acceptable option.

Positioning the bed using the cardinal points

  • The North is ruled by the planet Mercury, it makes it possible to better study, perceive information and improve speech. Mercury is the patron saint of commerce, the media and everything that somehow relates to communications.
  • The northeast is very good location beds for those who want to strengthen their authority at work, at home and among all the people around him.

But, do not forget that if you sleep in the northeast, weight gain is possible.

  • The eastern direction, it would seem, is the most universal. The East is ruled by the sun - this is a social planet, but if it is in personal homes and does not find a worthy application in society, on the contrary, it plunges us into the abyss of our own egoism at a low level or to gaining self-sufficient at a high level.
  • The southeast is ruled by Venus. Towards the southeast, it is desirable to sleep for women who have difficulties in relationships with men and a lack of sexuality. Also, those who lack external attractiveness and external charm.
  • The southern direction is considered prohibited, it is undesirable to put the bed headboard to the south. The South is ruled by the planet Mars - a planet of war. This is how the bed is set up by those who lack courage, who are experiencing a decline in physical strength, who need a sense of security and protection.

But it should be understood that it is not advisable to sleep long southward. Aggression may increase, and sleep may become restless and short-lived.

  • In the south-west, the head is very rarely laid down. Basically when you go through a complex of any cleansing procedures for the waning moon. Or he takes some drugs that remove toxins from the body. Sleeping with your head to the southwest is extremely rare. Except for the case when a person himself wants to communicate with some otherworldly forces.

The Southwest is ruled by the planet Rahu. This planet tends to consume alcohol, drugs and madness.

  • A headboard bed facing west is a great option for those who practice yoga. Also in the westerly direction people sleep during fasting. Or those who want to become a great philosopher, analyst, or find humility, because the West is ruled by the planet Saturn.

But don't overlook the fact that Saturn accelerates the aging process.

  • The moon rules the northwest. So you need to go to bed when there are problems with milk flow in nursing mothers, stomach problems or problems with compassion and kindness in relationships with children.

Of this all can be distinguished unusual fact: the most interesting and programmed dreams, when you sleep with your head to the north. The dream is so informational that you can get some information not only about yourself, but also about other people.

How not to have a sleeping place

The bedroom is the place where a person gains energy before the next work day, so it is very important that he is as protected as possible during sleep. To do this, we will analyze step by step what cannot be done when placing the bed:

  • Do not place the bed so that the legs are directed to the side front door... After all, only the dead are carried forward with their feet, and such an arrangement of the bed can easily attract spirits and ghosts;
  • Do not install the bed with a headboard to a window or door. This will contribute to psychological discomfort due to the feeling of potential threat when you do not see people entering the room;
  • Do not use two small mattresses on the bed. It is believed that this is a symbolic division in two and can negatively affect the relationship of a married couple;
  • It is not recommended to put the bed in a place where something will hang over your head. This will cause unnecessary excitement;
  • Do not place the bed in the middle of the door and window, because over the berth, through streams should be absent;
  • Do not put the bed in the center of the room, there must be a support on one side;
  • It is strictly forbidden to place the bed near or in front of a mirror. This can cause betrayal of the spouses;
  • You cannot hang large chandeliers or paintings above the bed, because it will create a sense of concern;
  • Do not place the bed in front of the TV screen, this has a very negative effect on your health.

The bedroom is a place where you can sleep, relax. Therefore, I want to equip it as cozy and comfortable as possible. How to correctly and conveniently put the bed in the bedroom? And how can you not put it?

A bedroom is a special place in an apartment or house

Basic rules for installing the bed

It can be extremely difficult to fit the bed correctly in the bedroom, especially in narrow room or a room with a non-standard layout. But there are placements that cannot be violated.

  • the headboard should not be directed towards the windows, doors - this negatively affects the psyche, a sleeping person is at the intersection of energy flows;
  • near a window, fireplace, - in such places it is difficult to maintain the required temperature;
  • near the walls that are adjacent to the toilet, storerooms, ventilation shaft - constant extraneous sounds worsen the quality of sleep;
  • near high cabinets, under shelves, ceiling beams, a chandelier - a sleeping person will experience a constant sense of danger under overhanging objects;
  • in the immediate vicinity of electrical appliances - TVs, computers remind of work, have electromagnetic radiation, which interferes with proper sleep;
  • opposite the mirrors - waking up in the middle of the night, you can be afraid of your own reflection.

You can't sleep with your feet to the front door - this rule is present in all people, regardless of nationality. If there is no other option, you need to close the door tightly at night.

The prohibition to place the bed with its feet against the door has been known for a long time.

How to properly position the bed in the bedroom? It is necessary to provide a comfortable approach from three sides, especially if the berth is intended for two people.

The sleeping place should be located in a calm place, where bright light and loud sounds do not interfere. will provide support behind the bed - a wall, a low partition or a wardrobe.

Correctly position furniture for relaxation diagonally from a window or door, it is especially convenient to do this in a narrow bedroom. So the sleeping place will be sufficiently lit, conveniently located relative to the passage area - you can see those entering the room. This will help the person to feel calm and secure.

You can place the bed in front of the window. If the windows face east, you can always wake up in a good mood with the rays of the sun. But if such a prospect does not please you, you can hang blinds or blackout curtains on the windows.

For comfort and coziness in the bedroom, special attention should be paid to the placement of the bed.

When decorating a bedroom, Europeans adhere to the rule - you cannot place a bed near the door. Slavs often put the bed along the longest wall, since most of the bedrooms in apartments are quite narrow.

People of a romantic warehouse prefer to put the bed in the corner between the entrance and the window. So it is convenient to approach the resting place from any side. It is difficult to do this in narrow rooms, but this position guarantees harmonious family relations.

How to put a bed in a small bedroom

Rooms in standard apartments often do not differ in large size, while the bedroom can be very narrow. Therefore, the question often arises of how to properly place the bed in a small bedroom and where to arrange all the other necessary furniture.

The resting place must be equipped along the smaller wall. Often in small spaces make alcoves or niches, in which many equip a resting place. But in such small spaces, air circulates poorly, a person may feel a constant lack of oxygen. Therefore, you cannot put a bed in a niche; install a wardrobe in the alcove correctly.

If there is a niche in the bedroom, it is better to place a wardrobe in it.

You can arrange the furniture for sleeping with the headboard in a corner, diagonally. This solution looks original and correct, taking into account the peculiarities of the size of the room. The freed corner can be decorated with flowers.

Furniture in small bedrooms should be functional, without unnecessary decorative elements... To visually expand the space for the walls, choose a light finish correctly. Can not use dark colors, bulky furniture - such a bedroom is not intended for a good rest. In small and narrow rooms, it is better to replace the bed with a folding sofa.

Feng Shui and other areas of harmonious organization of space

Feng Shui is a Taoist practice designed to create a harmonious space. It is based on the flow of qi energy that permeates all the space around it. This teaching pays a lot of attention to the location of the bed in Feng Shui, depending on the cardinal points.

This teaching also recommends leaving free access to the box from three sides - this helps to maintain harmony, brings prosperity to the house. In Feng Shui, one should not put the bed so that the person lies with their feet against the door, so as not to accumulate bad energy during the night's rest. Any tall object or flower near the bed will take all negative energy to myself.

Follow the rules of ancient teachings when placing your bed in your bedroom

Should not be located near sharp objects and corners. Sharp angles aimed at a sleeping person have a devastating effect on the physical and psychological state.

If you install the bed according to Feng Shui, you need to put a dragon figurine on the left side, and a tiger on the right. In front of the bed there should be an image with a red bird, and behind - a picture with a turtle.

Vastu is the religious teaching of the ancient Hindus. This is a whole scientific system, according to which buildings and structures are erected. It is also based on the movement of energy called prana.

Both directions are aimed at creating a harmonious balance between a person and his habitat. But the recommendations for bed placement in Feng Shui and vastu are radically different.

Side of the world Feng Shui Vastu
North Promotes the development of intuition. According to the doctrine, it is categorically impossible to put a bed like this. Sleep becomes restless, nightmares torment.
Northeast Improves mental and mental abilities.
East Provides sound and restful sleep. The most favorable position of the sleeping place, especially for children. Improves intelligence.
Southeast Helps to become stubborn and persistent, to achieve the set goals.
South Builds a good reputation. Promotes sound sleep and pleasant dreams, improved health.
Southwest Suitable for lovers, helps in matters of the heart.
West Good location for those wishing to become parents soon. Deteriorates health.
Northwest Helps to find good friends.

Each residential building has its own energy, and there are several places in it that determine its state of energy and, as a result, the well-being and comfort of those who live in it. One of these places is a sleeping place. Or rather, a bed. And in order for all the conditions for optimal placement, even in a small apartment, a large bed and the location of the headboard, to be respected, there are several iron rules.

You will definitely appreciate their necessity if you stick to them, and immediately notice the changes if this has not been done before, or they suddenly cease to be observed. Indeed, during sleep, the flow of the energy of the house and of the person coincides, and the person, without knowing it, absorbs it - the energy of his own home.

How to put the bed in the bedroom so that you sleep soundly

Sleep is an important period of time for humans, as well as for any other living creature. Active and passive stages of daily pastime replace one another, the pace of life (especially in a metropolis) forces a person to paint his plans minute by minute. But if you have not rested properly, all plans come true with difficulty. A sleepless night makes up for its rights during the day, and this affects performance, mood, and, as a result, successful completion of business.

how to put a bed according to feng shui - photo

It is worth observing the daily routine and sleep regimen, but this conclusion is reached with experience. And then there is an understanding that every person living on the planet is a microcosm, that is, a miniature copy of the Universe. It takes place various processes, and one way or another, and we react to them physically.

Correct location of the bed to the cardinal points

Magnetic field exposure atmospheric pressure, have a great impact on a person's well-being. For centuries, the observations of our ancestors concerned which direction it is better to sleep with your head, in order to be more cheerful and full of strength, to improve memory, to strengthen immunity and health. Natural forces, if knowledge about them is used correctly, have a positive effect on a person. And even if the layout of the apartment does not allow for variability in the arrangement of furniture, you can resort to various tricks that will help you not to conflict with nature, and harmoniously put the bed in the bedroom. It is enough to know how to do it correctly, so that during sleep, resting and relaxing, your body independently tunes in to the desired wave and receives the maximum of natural, cosmic forces and health.

on the photo the bedroom in Feng Shui - the location of the bed

Often ancient practitioners agree that without special efforts you can make your existence harmonious. This process will require not only correct placement furniture in the bedroom, but also comply with some conditions. And, of course, leading the wrong way of life, you shouldn't rely on Feng Shui. There are ways (and these are not always prejudices) that allow you to establish a living space around you.

Why should you listen to them? According to Feng Shui, who explains his advice by the interaction of the human body with the earth's magnetic fields, the position of the bed in the bedroom determines the person's well-being, protection from the effects of various forces, strengthening of his own energy, and therefore many areas of life.

Putting the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

The physiological laws of ancient Western traditions recommend sleeping with your head to the east, that is, the head of the bed should be located in the room so that the sleeping head goes east, from where the sun rises. This is explained by the fact that the soul that comes into the world, like all living energies aimed at growth, progress, vitality and development, makes a path from East to West, like a daylight.

The movement of inanimate energies occurs in the opposite direction. Therefore, determining the place and side of the headboard for the bed, you will choose for your body some qualities that it can develop more than others. For example,

  • the direction to the east with the headboard will add wisdom,
  • laying your head to the south, you will be healthier and stronger,
  • to the west you need to sleep with your head for those who are in financial difficulties,
  • and it is quite allowed to lie down with your head to the north according to Feng Shui for those who feel overworked in order to reduce activity.

They even say that magnetic fields The earths coincide with the flow of magnetic waves of the body (from the crown to the heels) during a person's sleep, and the bioenergy channels of the earth themselves will make sure that you constantly feel good, rest is as effective as possible, and your muscles gain strength in full. The brain, while in a state of relaxation, will receive discharge in a completely natural way.

Another point of view, which is more popular in the East, in contrast to the previous one, which is more often resorted to in the West: the one who sleeps with his head to the East, every day, together with the sun, activates all systems in the body, and if he is also a "lark", then he gets good health, spiritual balance and mind.

Sleeping Space Planning Secrets - How Your Bed Should Stand

The moving progress and development of everything that is important for a person, the energy of Qi, surrounds everyone - this is what orientalists say. It is believed that a person himself can organize the free flow of this energy, creating order and control in his area, or vice versa, creating obstacles to Qi, if there is often disorder around, but everything free places packed with boxes, bags, etc.

Taking into account all the rules of Eastern beliefs, care should be taken to:

  1. There was a space under the bed where the Chi energy could circulate unhindered. No need to put boxes, suitcases, boxes and baskets under the bed.

  1. It should not be allowed to accumulate or pile up objects around the bed, bedside tables, wardrobes, shelves near the bed should be in a minimum amount.
  2. If you live in two-story house, you need to make sure that there is no toilet or stove either above or under the bed.

  1. If the bedroom irregular shape, and it has an appendix, in which the corners are not visible from the side of the door, it is not recommended to put a bed in it, it is better to place a wardrobe or wardrobe there.

  1. There is no need to put the bed in front of doors or windows, you should not make the bed an uncomfortable island in the room if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not allow it. If an adult's bed is conveniently placed so that it can be approached from both sides, then the child's bed should adjoin the wall in two places, stand in the corner: a sense of security is very important until at least 12 years old .
  2. You do not need to install the bed so that it is reflected neither from above (if your ceiling is mirrored), nor from the side (if mirrors are installed on the wardrobe or there is a dressing table). The mirror is a complex energy surface. And the colors of the walls in the bedroom should be pastel.

  1. Above the bed on the ceiling or on a sloped ceiling, especially if the headboard is located in this direction, nothing should hang. It is not good if both the sloped ceiling (under the roof) and open beams are located above the bed, and it is equally uncomfortable if such a ceiling hangs over the head in the headboard area, or, the first thing that a person sees when he opens his eyes is an inclined plane.
  2. There should not be sconces and shelves, massive paintings, even a chandelier above the bed. If the room is small, the lighting problem may be solved lED lights or chandeliers in the shape of a plate or other flat shapes, pressed against the ceiling.
  3. The bed must have a solid and solid back, or it must adjoin the headboard to the wall. According to Feng Shui, you do not need to put the head of the bed against the window or in the corner with your head.

  1. Not only prejudices against sleeping at the door with your feet, Feng Shui is in solidarity with the ancient Russian belief here. But the head of the bed must not be placed at the entrance or at the door. Behind the parietal zone, there must be reliable wallrather than a fragile partition. It must protect against noise that can disturb sleep, protect from drafts.

  1. Pipes, stove and fireplace vents, other systems where some kind of mass is constantly moving - water or gas, should not pass near the bed, so a bathroom or toilet behind the wall to which the bed is adjacent is also a bad choice.

How to do not worth it:

In fact, even if according to Feng Shui it is impossible to follow all the rules for various reasons, these recommendations are conditional, although they explain a lot. But the main thing that you should pay attention to in your own bedroom is comfort and cleanliness, the comfort of the mattress, right choice pillows (or lack thereof). Do not forget about the correct mode and healthy way life, then you will always feel good!

After all, in it we spend a whole third of the day and life in general.

A properly positioned bed gives us security, the opportunity to rest and recuperate for further activity.

If you sleep enough, but wake up tired, if your health is disturbed, your career is not going well, pay attention to the rules on how to put a bed in the bedroom. Examples of placement and recommendations of feng shui in the article.

Feng Shui is a very deep and systematic science, formed over millennia. Its goal is to make our existence harmonious.

How the bed shouldn't stand

1 Foot to the front door (the position of the deceased), that is, in a straight line to the doorway.

According to feng shui, this factor can create diseases along midline body.

If rearrangement is not possible, a tightly closed door will reduce the negative impact, in front of it is a screen, chest of drawers, curbstone, tall plant with rounded leaves.

2. Opposite the mirror when it displays sleeping people... In detail, how to hang a mirror in the bedroom so that it does not harm,.

3. Adjoining a wall with a door... This is especially important if you are sharing a bedroom with a family member or disrespectful roommate who has a different sleep schedule than yours.

Whenever the door is opened, you will have to wake up on high alert due to the unexpected sound and movement of the door opening. Ailments in the center of the body can also develop.

4. Adjoining a wall with a door when the door obstructs the view... You will have to get out of bed to see someone entering, instead of just lifting your head if your bed is on the opposite side of the door.

It may seem to you that not seeing the door is familiar to you, but subconsciously you will also experience anxiety, which creates an imbalance in nervous system... Results may include nerve problems, arrhythmias, and increased heart rate.

In addition, repeatedly twisting your body to see who is entering is fraught with neck and spine problems in the long run.

5. Headboard to the very window, especially to the large, panoramic. The window is the gateway between your bedroom and the outside world.

When you sleep with your head directly under the window, your sleep is easily disturbed by sounds from outside from the wind or noise, smells, light, and the movements of insects and birds.

When sounds, movements or smells are unfamiliar, survival instincts are triggered, they can completely wake you up, after which it can be difficult to go back to sleep.

Feng Shui advises avoiding placing the bed under the window, this position gives little protection, gives rise to anxiety and trouble.

Blackout curtains can be a solution.

6. Share one wall with a toilet (bath)... It looks a bit like a bedroom right under the toilet. If your bed shares a wall with a toilet, you can hear the fluid moving through the pipes.

The adjustment is to use a thick (preferably soft or very substantial) headboard for the bed, which can minimize unwanted noises that interfere with your sleep.

According to feng shui: can lead to a drain of energy, vitality and wealth.

7. Share one wall with the kitchen... Heat from the kitchen, the sounds of moving water, a working refrigerator, other consumer electronics, and other noises reduce the quality of sleep.

In addition, the kitchen is an active human activitythat can disrupt your sleep with the sound of dishes, pots and other events in the kitchen.

According to Feng Shui, such a neighborhood, just like in the case of a toilet, leads to the loss vitality, energy, good luck.

8. Under sloped or low ceilings... They put an invisible pressure on the energy of people, which turns into some kind of vague anxiety or a feeling of constriction every time you go to bed. This is especially true if you sleep on the side with the lower arch.

A simple solution is to use a canopy bed. The four pillars that surround you while you sleep tend to make you feel more protected from the pressure down the ceiling.

9. Under ceiling beam especially with sharp corners... A beam that looks like a sharp object creates. Air currents pushing off sharp edges attack the sleeping person.

Thus, the beam gives the feeling that your space is chopped up, which can distract from restful sleep... A canopy above the bed will also help, or repairs, during which the protrusions are smoothed or rounded.

10. Under massive objectshanging directly over the head or at the head of the sleeping: chandeliers or bookshelves (more than 180 cm in height), for example.

Large objects make you feel oppressed, experience an involuntary fear, which provokes insomnia, stress, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Solution: hang the chandelier over dining table, and replace massive shelves with small ones. Or move the bed.

11. On the same line between the window and the door... This is the case when the bedroom is like a long "pencil case", the bed seems to be on the roadway. Sleeping on such a bed is not comfortable due to the sudden movement of air currents.

How to fix:

hang a small multi-faceted crystal ball in the center of the window at a distance of one and a half meters from the floor. A ball from crystal chandelier or a purchased swarovski bead. Its edges will refract light rays and disperse sharp currents of air and energy.

Put a lush on the windowsill ornamental plant, it will stop the rushing Qi.

Place a screen just behind the bed in front of the door: the air and energy flows around the screen will become smoother, and the atmosphere in the bedroom will be harmonious.

12. Near outlets... They generate additional harmful energy background.

13. The foot is adjacent to the wall... Feng Shui warns: a reduced range of visibility, when the gaze rests on a wall, reduces a person's energy, his life vision, intuition.

A wall at the foot of the bed can block your career and cause foot and ankle problems. The more space in front of your bed, the more your life expands, breathes and improves.


If sleep does not bring rest, there are problems in your personal and social life, take into account the rules for the placement of the bed. Our health, well-being, etc., depends on how correctly it stands.

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.

In the following publications: how to properly place the bed in the bedroom.