What are punctuation marks in Russian. Punctuation marks and their role in the text

MBNOU "Gymnasium No. 44"

The benefits of punctuation


Mikhaleva Ulyana


What can punctuation marks do?

The benefits of punctuation



Punctuation, like spelling, is part of graphics system adopted for a given language, and must be as firmly mastered as the letters of the alphabet with their sound values, so that the letter accurately and completely expresses the content of the statement. And in order for this content to be equally perceived by all readers, it is necessary that the meaning of punctuation marks be firmly established within one national language. It doesn't matter what appearance punctuation marks in different languages ​​may be the same, but their meaning and, consequently, their use are different. It is important that all those who write and read in one language or another have the same understanding of what this or that punctuation mark expresses.

The main purpose of punctuation is to indicate the semantic articulation of speech. At the same time, punctuation marks serve to identify various semantic shades inherent in separate parts written text. Eigenvalues punctuation marks have evolved over the centuries. Everything accidental and unsuccessful was eliminated, all the best was fixed in the work of authors, in the practice of serious publishing houses, in which editors who felt the importance of punctuation just as subtly worked.

Punctuation marks - elements of writing<#"justify">Tasks:

1.What can punctuation marks do?

2.The benefits of punctuation marks and their use in everyday life.

.The role of punctuation in literary works.

.Feature of Russian punctuation.

1. What punctuation marks can do

In everyday life, we are surrounded by many objects, things, phenomena that are so familiar that we rarely think about the questions: when and how did these phenomena appear and, accordingly, the words that call them? Who is their creator and creator? Have the words so familiar to us always meant what they mean today? What is the history of their entry into our life and language?

To such a familiar and even to some extent ordinary (due to the fact that we encounter this every day) can be attributed Russian letter, more precisely, the graphic system of the Russian language.

The basis of the graphic system of the Russian language, like many other languages, are letters and punctuation marks. Many of us wonder: "Why do we need punctuation marks?". I think punctuation is very important, if only to give some meaning to a sentence. After all, the same phrase can be pronounced in different ways, and this will change the meaning of this sentence. Punctuation marks help us to read this or that sentence correctly in the right intonation and with the right emotions.

A.P. Chekhov wrote: "Punctuation marks are like reading notes." Everyone knows that punctuation marks play an important role in writing. Is it true that in the case of skipping or moving one punctuation mark to another place, you can completely change the meaning of this sentence.

We use commas to separate words, groups of words and sentences. An inappropriately placed or missing comma can change the meaning of the entire sentence and lead to an erroneous understanding of what is written. Here, for example: one of the deceased ancient Greek rich people left a will, which contained a requirement in memory of the testator to "Establish a statue of a golden lance holding." This caused a lot of controversy. One believed that it was necessary to put up "a golden statue holding a pike." This could ruin the heirs in the end. Others believed that it was required to put up "a statue holding a golden lance." Such an understanding of the terms of the will would be more acceptable to the heirs, since it would be easier to fulfill it.

Remember famous phrase"Execution cannot be pardoned." Many people know the hero from the cartoon "In the Land of Unlearned Lessons", who had a dream about his careless attitude to school subjects. The boy immediately wanted to correct his mistakes. He remembered that in one of the tasks he had to correctly put a comma in the sentence "Execution cannot be pardoned." The boy put it after the word “no”, thereby saving his life, in contrast to the fact that he could execute himself with the same comma: “Execute, you can’t pardon.”

This example is related to historical fact. The English king Edward II (at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries) restored most of his subjects against him by oppression and excessive taxes. A conspiracy arose against him, led by his wife Isabella. The king was deposed by the decision of Parliament and imprisoned in the castle, where he spent eight months, awaiting the decision of his fate. The jailers guarding the king received an order formulated without commas: "Do not dare to kill Edward, it is useful to be afraid." It all depended on how the text was read.

Do not dare to kill Edward, it is useful to be afraid (that is, one should be afraid).

Eduard to kill, do not dare to be afraid (as it is useful).

The jailers understood the queen's ruse and read the letter the way she wanted. It turned out a "bloody" comma.

This phrase, by the way, reflects one of the reasons why we need these same punctuation marks. The reason for this is ambiguity.

Sometimes there would be ambiguity in the interpretation of this or that sentence. It is no coincidence that punctuation marks have many different functions: dividing, excretory, emotionally expressive, semantic ...

2. The benefits of punctuation

Based on the above examples, I want to say that you should not belittle the role of punctuation marks. No wonder they were invented. So they need something!

Look at the ads posted in our city, read them in the newspapers. Punctuation errors also occur in contemporary fiction. And not as rare as we would like.

If you place a sign at the entrance to the store: "Drunk dogs on roller skates are strictly prohibited," then buyers will laugh at you. The role of the comma in this declaration is visible to the naked eye.

This is what happened to one boy. He sent a text message "Mom is leaving in the morning, meet me." The meaning of the text depends on where the comma will be placed: after the word "leaves" or after the word "in the morning". Surely you will have to clarify on mobile communications: how good that it exists.

And these sentences are the same in terms of vocabulary, but their meaning is also different. What do you think it depends on? Of course, from a comma.

Kolya sang the way everyone sang.

Kolya sang, as everyone sang.

It was so light that every pebble was visible on the road.

It was light, so every pebble was visible on the road.

How did he leave?

How did he leave?

I didn't see my comrade's brother and his sister.

I did not see my brother, comrade his sister.

The houses of the street are flooded with light.

Houses and streets are flooded with light.

Dirt covered everything: window, door, ceiling, walls.

Dirt covered the entire window, door, ceiling, walls.

He got up, quickly washed himself and began to do exercises.

He got up quickly, washed himself and began to do exercises.

The child played as all children played.

The child played as all children played.

Place punctuation marks between the following words:

what it is is what it is not no isn't it so it is

At first glance, complete abracadabra. A bunch of words that don't make sense. However, see how your perception changes if you punctuate it like this:

What it is, is. The fact that this is not there is not. Isn't it so? And there is!

One more example:

“Already near the porch, she came face to face with a neat old man, with a neatly trimmed beard and a whole mane of gray hair.” The comma in this case is superfluous, since then it turns out that SHE faced three actors: with an old man, with a beard and a whole mane of hair.

I found on the Internet a kind of experimental poem, consisting of, as it were, three separate poems. You need to read the left poem first, then the right one, and then both together, combining them into one. Therefore, I deliberately did not place dividing marks, because if a comma is appropriate when reading one poem, it turns out to be completely out of work when reading a general version.

In poetry, you can skillfully break the lines into smaller ones, writing each one separately, while the breaks will indicate the location of the comma or dash. For instance:

The word is bitter

Hurts my soul

Feeling thin

Taking me to the moon

In the midst of the night skies

Between bright stars

From such feelings

A bridge will be woven

And on that bridge

Rush into the distance

Taking the dream away

My sadness is sadness

But this is the case if the lines are short. And if a little more authentic, various kinds of misunderstandings can occur. For example,

And on that bridge ................ did not agree again

Rush into the distance ........... and my love

Taking away the dream ................... turned back

My sadness is sadness .......... cursed.

clumsy transfer from line to line: "... and my love, taking away the dream, turned back." Although when placing signs, the stanza takes on a completely different meaning:

And on that bridge they did not converge again.

Rush into the distance and my love.

Taking away the dream, turned back

My sadness is cursed sadness.

The following are examples of erroneous punctuation, leading to a distortion of meaning when punctuating.

Olga was sitting on a bench and waiting for her friend, who was in the park.

Is everyone here? - No. Here only Vanya, Misha, Masha, Kolya, Dima, Nastya have not yet arrived.

There are 10 punctuation marks in modern Russian. V Grammar M. Smotrytsky too 10. Here they are: dash |, comma, colon:, dot., amazing!

Excerpt from Russian grammar M.V. Lomonosov. (1775)

In addition to letters, which are common in the Russian language, they put different signs with them, in lines and above lines: and for this the first are called lowercase, others superscript. Lowercase - comma, period, two periods:, semicolon, question mark, surprise mark, singular =, capacious (). There are 2 superscripts: a line to show different strengths on similar sayings: then and then, full and full: a bracket over й short for distinguishing from and simple: mine, mine (two dots above ё also belong here)

What punctuation marks currently used are not in Russian Grammar M.V.L. Omonosov? (Dash, ellipsis, quotation marks, brackets.)

How to understand the division of characters into lowercase and superscript?

Are superscripts used now, what are they called?

What is this sign singular ? (This is a hyphen - connects parts of the word together.)

Which of them have come down to us unchanged, and which have changed their name.

A poem with missing punctuation marks also sounds rather strange:

Very very weird look.

the river outside the window is on fire

someone's house is wagging its tail

dog shoots a gun

boy almost ate a mouse

cat with glasses reading a book

old grandfather flew in through the window

sparrow grabbed the grain

Yes, how to scream, flying away:

that's what the comma means!

In the world of interesting (story about interesting facts from knowledge of punctuation).

Did you know:

that punctuation marks are divided into 2 groups: basic and compound.

Group I includes dot, comma, dash. Group II - semicolon, colon, exclamation and question marks, ellipsis, brackets and quotation marks;

that the Greeks do not put a question mark at the end of interrogative sentences, as we do, but a semicolon;

that the Spaniards put question and exclamation marks not only at the end of the sentence, but also at the beginning of them inverted;

that Armenians begin a declarative sentence with a colon.

Thus, we can conclude, why do we need punctuation marks? (Their absence makes it difficult to read and understand the text, allows for double, erroneous interpretation).

If we do not adhere to the punctuation rules, then the same thing will happen to us as in the fairy tale by A. Kanevsky.

“A person lost a comma, became afraid of complex sentences, searched for simpler phrases. For simple phrases came simple thoughts.

Then he lost the exclamation point and began to speak quietly, with one intonation. Nothing pleased him and nothing revolted him - he began to treat everything dispassionately, indifferently, without emotions.

Then he lost the question mark and stopped asking questions. No events aroused his curiosity, no matter where they happened: on Earth, in space, or even in own apartment.

The role of punctuation marks in works of art

punctuation mark artwork

In the history of Russian linguistics, three main directions have developed in the appointment of Russian punctuation: logical, syntactic and intonation. The theorist of the logical, or semantic direction, F.I. Buslaev, formulated the purpose of punctuation as follows: "Since one person conveys his thoughts and feelings to another through language, punctuation marks have a dual purpose: 1) contribute to clarity in the presentation of thoughts, separating one sentence from another or one part of it from another, and 2) express the sensations of the speaker's face and his attitude towards the listener.

In the second half of the twentieth century, along with these traditional trends, there was also a communicative understanding of the role of punctuation - "the possibility of emphasizing in a written text with the help of punctuation marks the communicative significance of a word / group of words"

The main function of punctuation (traditionally understood as a system of graphic non-alphabetic signs - punctuation marks - involved in the translation of oral speech into written speech) is also subordinated to the solution of the communicative task - through the division and graphic organization of the written text "to convey to the reader the meaning of the written as it is reproduced by the writer" .

When analyzing the role of punctuation in works of art, the two-sided functional significance of punctuation becomes even more important: "punctuation for the writer" (direction from meaning to signs) and "punctuation for the reader" (direction through signs to meaning). After all, in the end, we are talking about encoding text through signs.

On the one hand, this term refers to the features of the punctuation design of texts that are individual in nature, inherent in a particular writer (a set of signs used by him, the predominant use of one of them, the expansion of the functions of this sign), in general, do not contradict the rules adopted in this period.

On the other hand, this is a deliberate deviation from the current norms of punctuation and the special use of punctuation marks in literary texts.

So, A.I. Efimov analyzed the widespread use of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin such a punctuation mark as brackets. In the "Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation" only four cases of their application are given, and for the satirist writer, brackets were one of effective means creating expressiveness: they contained synonyms of the word, “Aesopian” catchphrases, professionalisms, clarified obsolete vocabulary, gave comments on names and surnames, commenting on indications of the sources of phraseology, they served as interlinear satirical language, included witticisms, anecdotes, remarks of a service-grammatical nature and etc. (According to Efimov's calculations, Saltykov-Shchedrin's brackets performed up to forty functions).

In system visual means characterizing the writing style of F.M. Dostoevsky, the technique of using the dash sign after the union takes its specific place.

In a word, I foresee the onset of a new period of life and - I'm worried;

A thousand prejudices and logical thoughts and - no thoughts!;

The main thing is that Mr. Versilov got excited and - unnecessarily hurried ...;

Mechanically he went up to the window to open it and breathe in the night air, and suddenly he shuddered all over...

M. Gorky’s “addiction” to the dash is well known: it occurs between the subject and the verb predicate, after a composing union with homogeneous members of the sentence, after generalizing words before listing homogeneous members, between homogeneous and heterogeneous members, and in other cases in which usually or not at all a punctuation mark is put, or another mark is put.

For example ("Egor Bulychov and Others", "In People"): Lying down is worse. Lie down - means - surrendered;

It's like a fistfight;

And - I want to talk;

Eccentric! How not to be afraid? And - gentlemen, and - God ?;

People - won;

Man - knows how to work!;

akat - went out; (in the last examples, the division of the sentence enhances the meaning of both main members, as if opposing them to each other);

He had such a fat, damp face, and his belly was like a big pillow (before comparative union);

Money - disappear, work - remains;

Some are fighting, others are stealing (symmetrical dash);

All this is nonsense, - dreams, - nonsense!;

Leave me alone, - it will be, - drop it!; (in the last examples, a comma and a dash to express gradation).

The semantic, syntactic, intonational functions of the dash, the graphic expressiveness of this sign won him popularity among other writers. He was successfully dubbed the sign of "surprise" - both semantic and intonational. So, in the work of Boris Pilnyak "Zavolochye", the effect of "surprise" is enhanced by the use of a sequence of two or more dashes: "brains, delirium, nonsense are completely confused in the head, and the stomach, intestines - the stomach crawls into the throat, into the mouth - and then it's all the same, indifferent, there is no pitching, - the only reality is the sea, delirium, nonsense.

For example, in the fiction of I.S. Turgenev ("Village", "Necessitas, Vis, Libertas", "Letters (1850-1854)"):

And it smells of smoke and grass - and a little tar - and a little skin;

And he certainly died before me, while still young; but years passed - and I forgot about his promise - about his threat;

A tall, bony old woman with an iron face and a motionless, dull look - she walks with long steps - and with a dry hand, like a stick, pushes another woman in front of her;

... I promise you one thing, which I hope you will like - what it is - I will not say - you will see - but you will receive it, maybe in a month.

The famous poem by I.S. Turgenev in the prose "Russian language" has the following punctuation:

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

The dash with its ability to express the rhythmic melody of speech is widely used by F.I. Tyutchev (“The feast is over, the choirs are silent ...”). Sometimes it is used by the poet as a final sign:

The feast is over - the choirs fell silent -

Empty amphoras -

Overturned baskets -

Not drunk in cups of wine -

Wreaths are crumpled on the heads -

Only aromas smoke

In the empty bright room...

Yes - that's what - come back yourself, but at a trot, hear ...; And you - look - for such words ...; Give to a deacon, give to a clerk, give to a junior clerk (symmetrical dash).

In the poetry of A.A. The dash block is used for a concise, sharp and contrasting expression of thoughts: Here is an example (“I kept them in the chapel of John ...”):

And now - She, and to her - my Hosanna -

The crown of works is above all awards.

I was the one who kept and warmed the candles here.

One - the prophet - trembled in the smoke of the censer.

And on One Day - one participant of the Meeting.

I did not share these meetings with anyone.

In another poem, a "rhythmic-melodic" dash ("Z. Gippius"):

High above us - above the waves -

Like a dawn over black rocks -

The banner is flying - the International!

Dash in verses of special rhythm ("In the attic"):

And she doesn't hear

Hearing, not looking

Quiet - not breathing

White - silent ...

Dash as a reflection of hard pauses ("Twelve"):

... Bares his teeth - the wolf is hungry -

The tail is tucked in - does not lag behind -

The dog is cold - the dog is rootless ...

In the poetry of M.I. Tsvetaeva dash is used to semantic highlight the last word of the line, to create a special rhythmic melody of the verse (“In my huge city - night ...”):

The July wind sweeps me - the way,

And somewhere the music in the window - a little.

Oh, now the wind until dawn - blow

Through the walls of thin breasts - into the chest.

There is a black poplar, and there is light in the window,

And the ringing on the tower, and in the hand - the color,

And this step - to no one - after,

And this shadow is here, but not me.

An example of a chased syllable by M. Tsvetaeva, reflected in a letter with a dash (“Not today, tomorrow the snow will melt ...”):

Far - in the night - on the asphalt - a cane,

Doors wide open - into the night - under the blow of the wind.

Come in! - come! - unwanted guest

Into my bright rest.

It should be noted that in modern literature there is both the absence of punctuation marks in the text (due to which the boundaries between the parts of the sentence are eliminated and each word form is included in many combinations), and the situation of the appearance of punctuation marks inside the word.

There are other cases of author's punctuation: complete or partial rejection of punctuation marks as a satirical device, or a reflection of punctuation features foreign language in translated texts, or, conversely, overloading the text with punctuation marks:

I have an idea! Fall at my feet, so be it, have mercy! I AM! I take! You! I enroll! TO! Yourself! V! Group! Here! (Gran.); I miss. Without. You. My. Expensive. .

An even more significant change in the organization of the text was the use of a computer, which gave our punctuation a few extra punctuation marks. The most important of them - slash (slash) - slash (/). Previously used only as a mathematical sign or computer symbol, in modern use the slash has become a very peculiar "punctuation" sign, demonstrating the plurality of choice, various options expressions for the same content. Moreover, the functions of this sign, which, like the dash, participates in the semantic articulation of information, are quite diverse, it can be used in the following meanings:

both… and… (during data input/output)

either… or… (in replace/insert mode)


Another use of the slash is demonstrated in the book "The Seagull: A Comedy and Its Continuation", where the slash sign separates two authors of the text (A. Chekhov / B. Akunin) and two publishing houses that took responsibility for its publication (Jerusalem: Gesharim / M .: Bridges of Culture, 2000). If in the second case the slash acts in the already traditional role of a double union “both ... and ...”, then in the first case it, in fact, performs the function of a computer character, denoting the “nesting” of one text into another. Indeed, in this case, under one cover is hidden both a version of Chekhov's comedy in four acts, and additional (attached, nested) two acts of the play, written by B. Akunin.

“Have you really never had the feeling that the main work of Russian dramaturgy ends at the most interesting place? said the author of detective novels B. Akunin, having adopted the deduction method, completed two more acts of the play, and now, thank God, The Seagull has acquired finished look," reads the annotation to the publication. In the first act of the Akunin appendix, the characters agree on the search for the killer Konstantin Treplev, and the subsequent "eight takes" of the second act successively try on this role for Nina Zarechnaya, Medvedenko, Masha, Polina Andreevna, Sorin, Arkadina, Trigorin and Dr. Dorn, clearly demonstrating to the reader the possibility of multiple interpretation.

V Lately the vertical slash character is increasingly appearing in artistic text as a non-systematic punctuation mark: "a hero who has adored an actress / singer all his life" (Tatyana Moskvina. Praise for bad chocolate. St. Petersburg - M .: Limbus Press Publishing House LLC, 2002), "the hero / author thinks about Charlotte" ( Tatyana Tolstaya, Izyum, Moscow: Podkova, EKSMO, 2002).

However, in Pavel Krusanov's novel "Bom-bom" (St. Petersburg, Amphora, 2002), the slash is one of the text-forming elements of the work. The core idea of ​​Krusanov's novel is the problem of choice: in the finale, the hero has to decide whether he is capable of committing an act that is disastrous for himself, but saving for Russia. "Fate gives a person the right to choose, including the right to refuse the right to be chosen by it," notes Krusanov. The hero of "Bom-bom" throws a coin, which will decide his fate and thereby determine the plot line.

Half of the edition of the book, in the version of the novel where the death of the hero becomes the final, on the back side of the cover there is an image of a coin turned "eagle", and the other half has an image of "tails". Thus, not only the author of the book, not only its hero, becomes hostage to the idea of ​​choice, but also the reader, who, buying a book in a store, also drew lots and chose one of the alternatives by force of random circumstances.

The narration in the novel goes in two time plans: in even chapters it tells about the ancestors of the main character, Andrei Norushkin, in odd ones - about Norushkin-2002, that is, our contemporary. It is significant that the slash appears only in the chapters devoted to the modern era in the history of the Norushkin family, and only in that version of the final chapter, which is symbolically indicated by "tails".

The slash, which has turned from a punctuation mark into a fateful sign, separates two paths - and the choice of one of them exists only for a modern person. In other words, here the slash as a punctuation mark is used not in the meanings that have already become traditional for it ("like / so", "either / or", "on the one hand / on the other hand", "and / or"), not in the role of a "sign of opposition", but as a symbol of the realization of a certain possibility potentially embedded in the text.

Feature of Russian punctuation

A feature of Russian punctuation is that the same character can be used:

?with different purposes (multifunctionality of punctuation marks),

?however, different characters can be used for the same purpose (synonymy for punctuation marks). One should not think that in specific cases they are completely interchangeable, i.e. quite equal. Far from it: there are no absolutely synonymous punctuation marks, and by choosing one or another variant of the punctuation of the text, the author finds in it certain advantages of a semantic, stylistic, and intonation character.

Both of these circumstances allow optimal choice signs. There are three cases of choice of punctuation marks:

) according to the scheme "sign - zero of the sign" (set or not set) - optional signs;

) according to the scheme “either - or” (mutual exclusion of signs) - alternative signs;

) according to the "sign to choose" scheme (parallel use of signs) - variable signs.

"Sign - zero sign" (set or not set).

In the examples: “Thanks to everyone ...” (movie title); He often makes presentations - brilliantly; All this is good, but - the risk; Why are these words needed - now that everything has already been decided? - the setting of the dash is not determined by the structure of the sentences, but it is quite justified: the desire of the authors to emphasize the meaning of the words after the dash, to highlight them intonationally, to note the connecting connotation, etc.

It is possible to isolate clarifying circumstances of place and time: There (,) in the distance (,) a thunderstorm begins; See you tomorrow (,) at seven o'clock in the evening.

Separation of additions is possible: Instead of this endless monotonous plain (,), I wanted to see something picturesque. Wed See also: In addition (,) there were two more similar cases (in the meaning of "except in that case", and not in the meaning of the introductory combination, which is mandatory).

Putting a comma between two homogeneous members of a sentence with a repeating union and: You can relax in the mountains (,) and on the seashore.

Oh yeah! - Oh yeah! (in the first case, o is an interjection, in the second, o is a particle).

"Either - or" (mutual exclusion of signs).

At the junction of two unions in a complex sentence, a comma is placed between them or not, depending on whether the second part of the double union follows the subordinate part, then, so, but; cf .: We were informed that if the weather worsens, the tour will not take place. - We were informed that if the weather worsens, the tour will not take place

Comparing the sentences: Are these disadvantaged, and not society itself, guilty of indifference? - Are these destitute, and not society itself, guilty of indifference? - we note in the first of them the absence of a comma after the second homogeneous member, connected with the first with the help of the adversative union a and not ending the sentence, and in the second - the presence of a comma. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that in the first sentence the predicate is consistent with the subject closest to it (society is guilty), and in the second - with a more distant subject (dispossessed ... guilty).

Alternative are punctuation marks with the so-called syntactic homonymy (coincidence of the lexical composition of two sentences, but with different syntactic links of individual words: they can be attributed to both the previous and the subsequent group of words).

The troubles that befell him later, she perceived as retribution. - The troubles that befell him, she subsequently perceived as retribution;

Likhachev read his nephew's letter in silence, went to the window (Mark.). - Likhachev read his nephew's letter, silently went to the window.

He stated that he handed over the book and was waiting for a response. - He stated that he had handed over the book and was waiting for an answer;

He spoke surprisingly easily, choosing the right words and constructing clear phrases. - He spoke, surprisingly easily choosing the exact words and building clear phrases;

The detachment stopped: there were no boats at the crossing. - The detachment stopped at the crossing: there were no boats.

"Sign to choose" (parallel use of signs).

Often in print there is a different punctuation design of similar texts. Before the connecting construction, there can be different punctuation marks: comma, dash, period, ellipsis. Different punctuation marks can also be in segmented constructions. After the first part (nominative topic, or nominative representation) there can be a dot, comma, colon, dash, question or exclamation mark, ellipsis, a combination of two characters is possible:

Theatre. This word is associated with the earliest impressions of childhood (V. Kataev. "Surprise");

The logic of thinking, he believed in it (Grossman);

Student life: what should it be? (gas.);

Aunt - where will she refuse, at least some, but still you are yours. (Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin: 3. Before the fight");

Love? I don't know such a name. (Selv.);

Memories! Like a sharp knife. (A.S. Griboyedov. “Woe from Wit”);

The man of the future ... dreamed about him the best people many generations, all times (Dolmatov);

Friends of my youth!.. Each of them went his own way (Silver).

Often in print there is a different punctuation design of similar texts. Above, for example, it was said that different punctuation marks can precede the connecting structure: comma, dash, period, ellipsis. Different punctuation marks in similar conditions can be used in a number of other cases. Let's point out the most important of them.


Let's compare two texts:

Thinned shadow. East Alel. The Cossack fire was blazing. (A.S. Pushkin. "Poltava");

Deep darkness thinned in the sky, the day fell on a dark valley, the dawn rose (A.S. Pushkin. “Prisoner of the Caucasus”).

In texts similar in structure, the author established different relationships between individual sentences: more distant in the first case, closer - in the second (the image of the coming day). As for the current rules, in such cases they allow the interchange of these punctuation marks.

Comma - semicolon.

Let's compare two sentences:

There was a quiet frost, the dawn was dying down, downy snows lay high (V.F. Panova. "Kruzhilikha");

The regiments closed their ranks; arrows scattered in the bushes; balls roll, bullets whistle; cold bayonets hung (A.S. Pushkin. "Poltava").

In such cases, variability in the use of these punctuation marks is possible.

Period - semicolon.

Let's compare two texts:

Late. The wind became cold. It's dark in the valley. The grove sleeps over the foggy river. The moon hid behind the mountain. (A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin");

At the gate I saw an old cast-iron cannon; the streets were cramped and crooked; the huts are low and mostly covered with straw. (A.S. Pushkin. “ Captain's daughter»).

The semicolon between the predicative parts of the non-union complex sentence in the second text is explained by its nature: the general first impression of the Belogorsk fortress at the entrance to it is shown. But even in the first text, individual sentences paint a general picture (after the introductory sentence “Late”), and it would not be a violation of the current rules to set a semicolon in similar cases.

Colon - dash.

The most numerous cases of variability of punctuation marks are the parallel use of colons and dashes.

After the generalizing word before listing the homogeneous members of the sentence:

Everything is different there - the language, the way of life, the circle of people (Koch.);

Everything in them expressed hostility - their loudness, self-confidence, unceremoniousness (D. Granin. "Beautiful Uta");

Other auxiliary characters are possible - the owner of a furniture store, a painter smeared with lime, a greengrocer from a neighboring shop (Evt.);

And from everywhere - from every house, courtyard, from every ruin and lane - an echo ran towards us (K. Paustovsky.).

In a non-union complex sentence with explanatory relations, along with a colon, a dash is also found.

I realized: it is important who draws (D. Granin. "This strange life").

I understood - grief happened, and silently wanted to help (S.A. Yesenin. "Anna Snegina");

It seemed to Ephraim: there would be no end to the road (S. Sartakov. "The Philosopher's Stone").

And it seemed - just about a little, and Fedor will understand (V. Tendryakov. "Date with Nefertiti");

I noticed the first stone, I decided that there was a treasure here, I began to tinker (V. Tendryakov. "Date with Nefertiti").

The use of colons and dashes in sentences with the missing verb of perception (and saw, and heard, and felt) became variant.

He listened: it was quiet in the mountains (Hump.).

He listened - the eternal forest silence (Serafimovich A. "Wandering");

Kuzma listened: someone was driving a horse (Lv.).

Jacob listened - a sad song (German).

Compare also: I enter (: -) everything is quiet; He keeps looking around (:-) if someone is sneaking up; Calculated, figured (: -) unprofitable; He looked with surprise at the spots (: -) where are they from?

Wed setting a dash (instead of the expected colon) in sentences of this type: He looked askance at her - she is very young and beautiful (M. Gorky "Tosca"); She looked back - Vaska flew at her in a soldier's tunic, with jet-black eyebrows from the nose to the temples (V. Panova "Companions"); He looked out of the room - not a single light in the windows (V. Panova); I looked at the hole - the water was dozing (Shishkov).

Sometimes in these cases, instead of a colon, a comma and a dash are used as a single sign: I looked into the nest - there are only two chicks (V.V. Veresaev. “Records for myself”); I turned around - the rider was already nearby (Sobolev L.S. "Sea Soul");

Colon and dash are variant in non-union complex sentences with cause-and-effect relationships: Last days the flags on the map did not move: the situation remained unchanged (K. Simonov. "The Living and the Dead").

But we couldn’t go deeper - the ground was frozen (D. Granin. “Beautiful Uta”).

Wed also: It seems that Primorye already has something to surprise the world with (:-) only tigers and ginseng are worth something; Do not say these words in front of him (: -) may be offended; With such a partner, you can even fly to Mars (: -) a reliable comrade.

Colon and dash are variable in non-union complex sentences with explanatory relations: The authors of these letters were worried about different problems, but one thing united (: -) they all expected concrete and effective help from the newspaper; Everyone was interested in only one question (: -) how to get out of the situation as soon as possible; I remember the fluff on his cheeks (:-) he just started to shave; On her head is a colored scarf (: -) green roses across a scarlet field; I have a rule (:-) no coffee before bed.

Wed setting a dash instead of the expected colon: Little white dots pop up in the sky - shrapnel is torn (Cat.); Large tears are falling from birch trees - spring juices are coming (Cat.).

The parallel use of a colon and a dash occurs when the explanatory and clarifying members of the sentence are separated: This meant one thing (: -) you need to leave; How long did this silence last (:-) a minute, three, ten?; Then the main thing began (: -) searches, groping for new ways of research; Their conversation always ended with the same (: -) quarrel; How old was I then (:-) nineteen or twenty?; Don't know when to leave (:-) Wednesday or Thursday.

Wed punctuation of headings similar in sentence structure: Meet Baluev.

Attention is a child.

In conclusion, it can be pointed out that in the “competitive struggle” of colons with dashes, the “winner” often comes out with a dash. This phenomenon has been noted by many researchers. So, A.G. Lapotko and 3.D. Popova believe that "in general, the dash is a freer sign, which also enters the domain of the colon." N.S. Volgina also comes to the conclusion that in some cases there is a tendency to replace the colon with a dash. This can be explained by the special status of the dash among other punctuation marks: “Currently, the dash is a very common and multifunctional punctuation mark. It performs both grammatical (purely syntactic) and emotional-expressive functions; it is especially widely used in the latter capacity in fiction.

Comma - dash

The synonymy of these punctuation marks, while preserving the semantic and intonational shades inherent in each of them, is found in a number of cases:

) between homogeneous members of the sentence with their union-free connection: Turned everything into a joke at first, understood - began to reproach (A.A. Blok. “Turned everything into a joke at first ...”) - putting a comma instead of a dash would weaken the connotation of the investigation; She was stubbornly silent (-,) endured, but was silent;

) when separating inconsistent definitions: It was a beautiful mountainous area (-,) with deep gorges, sheer cliffs, dense coniferous forests;

) with the isolation of the clarifying members of the sentence: Detente has become recognized, moreover (-,) the dominant factor in the world political life; There were a few vacancies left, or rather (-,) five; Not sure, most likely (- ,) disagree;

) in connecting structures: It did not work out (-,) and that's it; This testifies to his impudence (-,) and nothing more;

) in compound sentences to indicate an unexpected connection (see § 32): A little more (-,) and we would be on the brink of the abyss;

) in non-union complex sentences with the meaning of opposition or conditional-investigative: It was possible (-,) no, it has already happened; Listen to you (-,) so you are ready for anything for the sake of justice; cf. also: And if it weren’t for me, you would smoke in Tver (Gr.); If he wanted it, the guy and Tanya would feel bad (Pan.);

) in complex sentences, in the first part of which the condition is expressed by combining the impersonal form of the verb with indefinite form another verb, and in the second - the result or consequence: As soon as he slips (-,) and everything is lost;

Question mark - exclamation mark

Depending on the shades of meaning and on intonation, some sentences may end with either a question mark or an exclamation mark:

Is it possible to insult parents with such speeches? (A. Ostrovsky "Own People - Let's get along") - an exclamation mark is possible;

Where can I get money! (L.N. Tolstoy. Sevastopol stories.) - a question mark is possible.

Hence the possibility of setting both signs; compare:

Don't you know such simple things?

Don't you know such simple things!

Don't you know such simple things?!

ellipsis - dash

Let's compare the offers:

Absorbed by thoughts of the quirks of glory, I went out into the light landing and ... was dumbfounded (D. Granin. "Note to the guide");

The controller grinned knowingly, nodded towards the hall and spat (San.).

Here we can note the possibility of parallel use of dots and dashes when expressing surprise or sharp opposition. Wed also:

Twenty years... It was such a long time ago (nominative theme).

Twenty years is an eternity (a two-part sentence).

Ellipsis - comma and dash

Consider an example:

He swung and hit his mother with all his might in the face () but he was only one year old.

The character missing in brackets can be an ellipsis (to express surprise that can cause a smile) or a comma and dash (one comma before the union, but would not be enough to express an intensified opposition).


punctuation mark artwork

I would like to end my speech with the words of the famous linguist Abram Borisovich Shapiro: ... writing and reading without knowing the rules of punctuation and not being able to use them in their daily work is unacceptable not only for a philologist, but equally for a doctor, engineer, agronomist. Violation of generally accepted norms for the use of punctuation marks is in most cases more dangerous than spelling a word incorrectly.

Punctuation is, firstly, a collection of punctuation rules and, secondly, a system of punctuation marks ( graphic images) used in writing to indicate its division. Punctuation marks are used to indicate such a division of written speech that cannot be conveyed either by morphological means or by the order of words. The main features of a linguistic sign are materiality; the mandatory presence of a value; the function of pointing to something, due to the presence of a value; the conditional nature of the connection between punctuation marks and the concept that the sign replaces.

List of used literature

1.L.P. Demidenko I.S. Kozyrev T.G. Kozyrev "Modern Russian language". - Minsk: Highest. school 1988

G.G. Granik S.M. Bondarenko secrets of punctuation. - Enlightenment, 1991

Shubina N.L. Punctuation of the modern Russian language / N.L. Shubin. - M.: Academy, 2006

Punctuation marks. What are they needed for? - [Electronic document].

Penkovsky A.B., Schwarzkopf B.S. The experience of describing Russian punctuation as functional system/ Modern Russian punctuation. - M., 1979.

Efimov A.I. "The style of artistic speech". M., 1957.

Valgina N.S. Difficult questions of punctuation: A guide for the teacher / N.S. Valgin. - Enlightenment, 1983.

Ivanova V.F. On the initial use of the dash in the Russian press // Modern Russian punctuation. - M., 1979.


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In Russian, they perform several functions. They replace intonation pauses and emphasis keywords, lowering / raising the voice, characteristic for Depending on the purpose, they can be divided into several groups.

Signs at the end of a sentence

All punctuation marks have their specific meaning. So, at the end of the sentence, either a dot or an ellipsis, and an exclamation mark are put.

  • A period is needed if the statement contains any message and is of a narrative nature: "It was snowing all day today, from morning until late evening."
  • The ellipsis indicates that the thought expressed in the sentence is not finished and needs to be continued: "Please tell me, could you ...".
  • Interrogative punctuation marks are put if the sentences contain the question: "Where do you still run?".
  • Exclamatory - when the statement contains an impulse to something or emotional saturation: "Sanya, how glad I am to see you! Come here!".

Signs within a sentence

Inside the sentence, their punctuation comma, semicolon, colon and dash, brackets are used. In addition, there are also quotes that can open and close an independent statement, and also located inside an already created one. We put a comma in the following cases:

  • With homogeneous members of the sentence, separating them from each other: "Snowflakes over the earth are spinning softly, smoothly, measuredly."
  • When she serves as a border simple sentences as part of the complex: "Thunder struck, and the rain poured down like a solid wall."
  • Punctuation marks when separating participles and participles: "Smiling, the boy kept talking and talking without stopping. His interlocutors, who laughed heartily, were very pleased with the boy."
  • If the sentence contains introductory words or "I think the weather should recover soon."
  • With conjunctions "but, a, yes and" and others, this punctuation mark is required: "At first I decided to go for a walk, but then I changed my mind."

The list of punctuation marks is, of course, far from complete. For clarification, refer to syntax textbooks.

The colon is affixed according to certain rules:

  • It is used with generalizing words: "Everywhere: in the rooms, in the corridor, even in the remote corners of the pantry and kitchen - multi-colored lights of garlands shone."
  • A colon is placed in explanatory relations within its parts: "My friend was not mistaken with the forecasts: in the west, heavy, low clouds were slowly but surely gathering."
  • In direct speech, one should also not forget about this punctuation mark: it separates the author’s words: “Coming close, the guy frowned menacingly and hissed: “Maybe we’ll go out?”.

A semicolon is written if the sentence is complex, non-union, and there is no close connection between its parts, or each part has its own punctuation marks: "Meanwhile, it got dark; lights flickered here and there in the houses, wisps of smoke pulled out of the pipes, there was a smell of food being prepared" .

The dash is also placed in unionless proposals or if the subject and predicate are expressed by a noun in the presence of the particle "this", etc.: "Spring is the brilliance of the sun, the blue of the sky, the joyful awakening of nature."

Each punctogram has whole line nuances and clarifications, therefore, for competent writing, it is imperative to regularly work with reference literature.


Punctuation is an important means of writing writing. Punctuation marks indicate semantic , structural and intonational articulation of speech. It is known that punctuation marks not only organize the written text to facilitate its perception by the reader, but also directly convey part of the information contained in the text. In particular, sometimes punctuation, by disambiguating, serves as the only accessible means choosing the correct interpretation of the text.

According to their functions First of all, the signs separating (separating)(dot; question mark, exclamation mark, comma, semicolon, colon, dash, ellipsis) and highlighting (two commas, two dashes, brackets, quotes).


An ellipsis can be a "pause" in sentence expansion and can end a sentence.

The ellipsis, along with the general separating function, has a number of specific, diverse meanings, which most often reflect the emotional coloring of speech.

The ellipsis conveys understatement, reticence, interruption of thought, often its difficulty caused by great emotional stress.

An ellipsis can convey the significance of what was said, indicate subtext, hidden meaning.

With the help of an ellipsis, the author, as it were, signals the reader about his feelings, impressions, asks to pay attention to the next word or the previous one, to the written (to unexpected or especially important information), conveys the excitement of the hero, etc.

An ellipsis is a punctuation mark in the form of three dots placed next to each other. In most cases, it denotes an unfinished thought or a pause.

Morphology is a section of grammar that studies parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.) and their forms. One cannot do without knowing the parts of speech in Russian.

Firstly, the written literacy of a person depends on the knowledge of parts of speech, because many spelling rules are based on the ability to determine the part of speech of a particular word. For example, the use of a soft sign at the end of a word after hissing depends primarily on what part of speech is given word. If this is a noun of the 3rd declension, then "b" is written at the end (daughter, luxury, etc.), and if it is, say, a short adjective, then "b" is not written (mighty, dense). Or the noun "burn" is written with the vowel "o" after the hissing in the root, and the verb "burn" - with the vowel "e".

Secondly, knowledge of the parts of speech forms a person's punctuation literacy. For example, such a part of speech as an interjection (oh, ah, well, etc.) is always separated by commas in writing.

Thus, morphology is a very important branch of the science of language.

Today we will talk about existing punctuation marks.
Find out what are punctuation marks what they are for and where they come from.
Let's start by forming a certain understanding of the purpose of punctuation marks. Why do we need these signs?
Our speech is extremely diverse, not only in terms of the content of words in it, but also in terms of intonational features. We can meaningfully ask something, pause, exclaim, bring the speech to its logical conclusion. Divide your story into parts. Quote someone, use many other techniques in speech.
To reflect these same intonational and semantic features in writing, punctuation marks come to our aid.
We list all the existing punctuation marks and give a brief description of each.
« » - Space serves to separate words from each other.

« . » - Dot allows us to split text into sentences. A sentence is a kind of complete thought within a narrative. The dot also serves as an abbreviation long words(example "kv. ​​97" - short for apartment 97).

« , » Comma allows us to place accents, to separate words from each other within a sentence. Famous example: “Execute, you can’t pardon.” and “You can’t execute, pardon.” shows how important commas are in creating the meaning of a sentence.

« ? » Question mark allows us to make a sentence "asking".

« ! » Exclamation point comes to our aid when it is necessary to give a more pronounced emotional coloring to the proposal.

« » ellipsis(three dots) we use when we want to indicate a pause or innuendo in a story. Ellipsis is also used for technical purposes to shorten text, usually in quotations.
In the lines of Gorky's poem: "Over the gray plain of the sea ... The petrel soars proudly," we can meet a call for revolution.

« ”” » Quotes. As you can see, they are used quite often in this article. With them we highlight quotes, direct speech, names, words in a figurative sense. They are a kind of highlighters of words in a general context.

« - » Dash or hyphen. The boundaries of the application of this punctuation mark are quite wide. It is used both as an en dash without spaces in words like "ever, someone, somehow" and as an em dash in sentences. For example: “Teaching is light! ". The dash serves as a kind of bridge between words or sentences, denoting their relationship. Let's give a few more examples so that you catch the essence and variety of uses of this sign.
With me, the book is my faithful assistant.

In forests, fields, seas and oceans - harmony is everywhere.

- How did you sleep today?
Sleep is a miracle!

"To me!" the owner said.

I will buy two buckets - one for home, the other for the country.

I am very sorry for the East.
I will fly away Moscow - Vladivostok.

« : » colon we denote the belonging of the next part of the sentence to the previous one. For example, when in a sentence we have a generalizing word, and after it there is a list of words related to it. Various animals live in the forest: a wolf, a fox, a bear and others. A colon can separate 2 parts of a sentence if the second follows in meaning from the first. I am pleased: today the day was not in vain. Also, the colon is actively used in sentences with direct speech and quotations in cases where the words of the author come first. For example. Einstein said: “Everything is relative!”

« ; » Semicolon. We usually use this sign for the same purpose as the comma. It is worth saying that if a comma is a kind of intonation pause for the purpose of separation, then a semicolon is an intonational pause, but a little longer and more significant.
It is used in complex sentences, as well as list enumerations.
Let's give a couple of examples.
Need to buy:
1) apples are red;
2) pickled cucumbers;
3) tomatoes.
Victor did not catch a fish; but, despite this, he spent the whole evening talking about how interesting the fishing was.

« () » brackets we separate implied text that is inconsistent with other parts in the sentence. Usually in brackets are written: clarifications, some details and details. In speech, we usually designate such moments with words: more precisely, in the sense, I mean, etc.
In winter (at the end of December) I am going to go to Austria.
Punctuation marks - handy tools to create clearer and richer text.

« » Apostrophe. This sign, as a rule, separates one part of a word from another in complex surnames (Joan of Arc, d'Artagnan) as well as in words with a part of the word in Latin (I sometimes use E-mail and skype). This is a kind of upper comma, letting us know that when pronouncing, we need to make a micro-pause at the place of the apostrophe.

« Paragraph” - a punctuation mark, denoted by a paragraph, is, in fact, a transition to a new line. It is used for the purposes of semantic or intonational division of the text into parts. They usually start with a new line. new thought. Transitions are actively used when writing poems and dialogues.

We have listed and revealed all punctuation marks in Russian today. In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to a few facts from history.
Did you know that until the end of the 15th century in Russia, words were written together without spaces?
The period did not appear until the 1480s, the comma in the 1520s. And the first double sign (brackets) - in 1619.
Today we successfully use all of the listed signs, both for their intended purpose, and creating fancy emoticons from them.
That's all for this one.
Good luck;)

Punctuation is a branch of the science of language that studies the norms for the use of punctuation marks. Punctuation marks developed gradually in the history of the Russian language and acquired modern look only to the nineteenth century. Punctuation marks were also used in ancient written monuments, but they were very different from modern ones. For example, a dot in the middle of a line was used. The dot corresponded to the modern comma. The quad, or "thinkable cross", corresponded to a dot. Moreover, in ancient times texts were written together, letter by letter. Since the 15th century, separate spelling has been increasingly observed, such a punctuation mark appears that we also use, but for us it is an “empty space”, that is, a space. Ancient scribes characterized it like this: “Ice separation, or separation, or probl. And it is placed in the Divine Scriptures in the lines between the roar (words), to open up a hollow space, so that the roar is not intertwined with the roar. according to Meletiy Smotritsky - “one”, which “from line to line” passes, not dividing, but connecting the word. In Church Slavonic, punctuation marks are very similar to modern ones. Only the question mark differs from modern punctuation marks. In Church Slavonic graphics, it is punctuation Greekism.

In modern linguistics, punctuation is a science, a linguistic discipline about punctuation marks, their composition, meanings and rules for their use. Punctuation is also understood as a set of punctuation marks. The term punctuation comes from the Latin word "punctum", which means "point". Punctuation, therefore, literally means "science of points". The word punctuation as part of the term punctuation marks is of native Russian origin. Outside of this term, it means "obstruction". Comma and punctuation are words of the same root. The main and most revealing difference between punctuation marks and other writing signs is functional: punctuation marks do not denote speech sounds and are not part of "written" words. In relation to words, writing signs are generally divided into three main groups: 1) intra-word signs - letters 2) "word" signs - numbers 3) inter-word signs - these are just punctuation marks.

How many punctuation marks are there in Russian? The ten punctuation marks are: period, comma, colon, ellipsis, semicolon, ellipsis, dash, question mark, exclamation mark, brackets, quotation marks. The following signs are added to them: a single bracket: for example: 1) ... 2) ... or a) ... b) ... etc.); footnote sign, usually in the form of an asterisk (*) (this sign is also called asterix, from the Greek Aster- "star"). Following the paragraph, punctuation marks are sometimes included in other marks of division of the text: chapters, various kinds of spaces, etc., but this is not yet widely accepted. Separately, it must be said about the hyphen. First of all, it must be strictly distinguished from a dash: they differ in style (a hyphen is 2-3 times shorter: (-), (--) and functionally: a dash is an exclusively punctuation mark, and a hyphen has 2 or 3 heterogeneous functions. The main the function of the hyphen is spelling: it forms a semi-continuous spelling of some words: in our way, in an adult way, someone, someone, someone, firstly, secondly, etc.; within the spelling, the hyphen used as a sign of word transfer from one line to another: se-stra, ses-tra or sister-ra.But the hyphen can also be a punctuation mark - to stand between the noun and the single application: Masha-rezvushka, Anika-warrior, cheat-western , an old fisherman, an old mother, a beautiful spring, an Ossetian cab driver, etc.

Recently, in some scientific texts, a single slash line - a fractional line - has been used quite often in the meaning of a union or, in particular, when separating unions and, or: and / or, i.e. then comes the text, which can either be attached to the previous text, or be in a separating relationship with it. The fractional line in this meaning is also a punctuation mark. Parentheses are also used in this function. Here is an example of such brackets: Chapters and paragraphs in books have, as a rule, “an independent number and (or) heading” (according to the Dictionary of Publishing Terms). Instead of parentheses, here you can use a fractional bar; "independent number and/or heading". The fractional line appears in the Morse code character system. In general, the following “alphabet” of punctuation marks is obtained (attention is drawn to the order in which they are listed):

  • dot (.),
  • colon (:),
  • ellipsis (....),
  • semicolon (;),
  • comma (,),
  • commas (,),
  • quotation marks: a) paws (, ”) b) Christmas trees (“ ”),
  • question mark (?),
  • Exclamation point (!),
  • hyphen, or dash (in punctuation role) (--),
  • dash (--),
  • double dash (-- --),
  • slash (/),
  • bracket ()),
  • parentheses: (),
  • footnotes (*),
  • paragraph, or paragraph indent.