Dreamed the dead relative: that the Dream of Tsvetkov says about it. What dreams dead man

Sleep can be called a person's condition, his code has a reduced reaction to everything that happens around it. And his brain activity is minimally involved. Why do you need to sleep? First of all, in order for the whole body and the head to rested and gained new energy, you need to sleep.

What if a dead person dreams?

If dreamed dead man, By Vanga's dream book, such a dream indicates that in reality it is worth expecting any unexpected events, as well as surprise, and, quite unknown, what kind they will be positive, or negative. This can be defined only on additional details that are present in a dream.

If the dead man dreamed of an adult woman, and she herself in a dream associates himself with him, then such a dream denotes that, probably, in her immediate future, she will have a very strong surprise that is associated with material expenses. Most likely, the problems will be associated with the woman itself.

In the general, a dead person who was seen in a dream adult woman, as if personifies the state of her soul. It is necessary in the near future to try to bring thoughts and things in order.

If the dead person is to dream of a man, then such a dream is indicating that in the business life he will soon appear very strong support. After such a dream, it is best to immediately start doing business negotiations, because the probability of success of such negotiations is very large.

If in a dream, a person touches or puts into the order of a dead man, then it is to the road. Although many sources decipher it so that the dreams will be with his wife / spouse in bad relationshipAnd children will be harmful and not beautiful.

If a pregnant woman sees his loved one, then she should expect easy childbirth and rapid rehabilitation forces.

Michel Nostradamus's dream book talks about what to see in a dream of a dead man - not a good sign if it is made into the house, then it's even worse. In this case, the dream means that the person will have enemies that will do everything to spoil the reputation and pick up the property.

If it dreams that the dead person is buried, it means that the troubles will be overcome and good luck will come back. Hear an unpleasant cry during the funeral - a sign that the false friend does everything to cause harm.

In general, when a relative comes in a dream, who has long died - people begin to be afraid of such sleep. And then the search on the Internet begins, as well as various sources - What dreams of a dead man.

You can decipher this dream in different ways. A dead person means that the one who had a dream was going to make a deal that would not bring anything good. And also "Dream Intercoms advise" not to sign and carefully read contracts, contracts. And if possible, do not sign them.

After this sleep, it is advised to take their reputation. The deceased mother can dream of needing to control their relationship with loved ones.

What does foreshadow?

No less interesting meaning Sleep, when a dead man scares a dream. Awesome sleep may mean the appearance of enemies. Due to different critics and a large number of comments from the side of whom this dream is dreaming.

Lose the body of a dead man either is also not very good sign. This may mean a divorce or loss of an expensive person.

To see the fire in a dream is very good, unless of course a man is lit in it. Such a dream does not foresee anything good. Although seeing from the fire get a dead person, can talk about overcoming difficulties.

Sleep is a few species. Slow sleep is characterized by a decrease in the pulse frequency, a decrease in muscle activity. Breathing becomes calm and deep. The temperature decreases by a pair of degrees. In this state, the person can manifest the ideas that will be able to successfully implement in the future.

Slow sleep can last eighty - ninety minutes. Fast sleep lasts about ten - fifteen minutes. The body is in a relaxed state, but the brain works at sixty percent.

And if a person wake, he will instantly come to his senses. And it will be able to do right away, what makes it make, show or tell. Quick sleep helps recycle and analyze the information received. And free the brain to get new impressions and knowledge.

Whatever sleep was terrible or kind, cheerful or angry, prophetic or ordinary. It must be full. In order for a person to fulfill all his plans and achieve all its intended goals. After all, children are not in vain, it is recommended to sleep in the afternoon of two to three hours, in order to be healthy and fully developed.

To understand what the relative or familiar or an unknown dead person leaves the left of this world, the many concomitant circumstances should be taken into account, which appear both in a dream and in reality. Dream interpretation interprets completely different dreams, depending on whether it is now dreaming, attitudes towards him and other details. Play the role and features he was famous.

The interpretation range is extremely wide: from change of weather or quite natural regret that this person is no longer there, to quite a single manual to certain actions. The words spoken by a dead man should be understood literally, even if his request will seem strange, for example, bring some subject in the cemetery. Often the meaning of words becomes clear only after the execution of the will of the dead man.

See a dead man in a dream happens quite often. One of the most common plots is the dead person is not at all such and behaves like anything happened. Often in such dreams, his death that occurred in reality, even begins to seem bad sleep, and when after waking up everything is returned to the circles, the dream has to be regretted.

If a person who is dead, dreamed like a living, dream book makes it possible to be just memories, echoes of real events that once had the place to be. Everything that happens in a dream is usually very close to reality. The interpretation assumes that the sleeve still did not accept the loss. The key to interpretation can serve as the most vividly pronounced qualities of the main hero of the dream.

What dreams is that the dead man is alive again

It should not be regarded as a bad omen if the dead man dreamed alive. Usually such impressive dreams contain many signs and symbols.

Often in a dream, in which the dead man came to life, the events unfold in the white room. According to the plot, it can be a hospital operating room, a space laboratory or a suddenly transformed, nevertheless, easily recognizable any other familiar room. In this case, the dream book advises not to attach special importance to the details, they all indicate that you have not yet been able to accept the loss.

If you have made it possible to call in a dream to a dead person, and the dialogue took place, try to remember the details of the conversation. Dream Interpretation reports that all the words spoken by a dead man do not require special interpretations. In most cases, they do not contain allegory, the instructions that sounded should be understood quite literally. Often, their meaning becomes clear only after all directions are made.

Explaining what dreams of seeing a living person dead, the dream book says that he should not worry about his fate. Seen in a dream is classic example Dreaming is "reversal", which should be understood with accuracy to the opposite. The one who had dreamed of dead, things will go to rarity successfully. Moreover, his well-being directly or indirectly affects the dreams itself - at least, the opportunity will be happy to be happy for the near, which is not indifferent to you.

What dreams the dead man in interpretations of other dreams

Involver, what the dead people dream, Loffa's dream book believes that the dreams are extremely unhappy with himself, he experiences guilt and regrets that nothing can be changed and fixed in the past. In such cases, the key point is the details of the plot: they contain the cause of concern.

If there are a lot of dead people who surround you, the dream book of the wanderer warns that in reality you have to deal with numerous problems and hostility around. What dreams, if you observe how the bodies are taken away or, as an option, sheeps the wave and relates from your shore, which he saw in a dream means that the trouble retiring or allowed by themselves.

According to the Chinese interpretation of sleep, the dead people who were very revered during life are in a dream as harbing huge good luck and fantastic luck. The dream book clarifies that it is not about any trifles, but about significant events. The fact that in the near future should happen will make a dream truly happy. What dreams like that, decide for you: for someone it is a success in business, for someone in love.

Involver, why the dead people dream, the son of the XXI century reminds of the cyclicality of being. Death in this case symbolizes not only grief and mourning, but also the completion of a certain life stage. The subconsciousness is so so trying to prepare sleeping to the coming change. It is possible that soon you will get an important news that will definitely separate everything in its place.

The modern dream book believes that if a dead man was dreamed of a coffin, the sleeping should be taken care of personal security. It will not be superfluous and acceptance of precautions to protect their loved ones from possible troubles. Seen in a dream warns about the offensive far from the most favorable period. Dream Interpretation recommends to postpone responsible affairs until the best: in this moment It is unlikely to achieve successful results.

Esoteric dream book claims that the dead person himself is not able to appear in a dream. Involigating such stories, it is advisable to proceed from what we are dealing with a hologram generated by our own subconscious. However, it is recommended to relate to such dreams: such a strong symbolism is not in a dream just like this: dreams carry caution or instructions.

The esoteric dream book considers unfinished sign, if in a dream it was pleased to accept a sentence from a dead person or follow him in an unknown direction. Dinking means that in reality is threatened with a serious danger, which, however, can be avoided if you have prudency or take action.

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Death is always a tragedy, and when you see a living person in a dream, a frightening, unpleasant event. What dreams of a living person dead? What does such a dream foreshadow?

Seeing such a dream, people often begin to panic, preparing for serious diseases or even the death of relatives, bought mourning clothes ahead of time, and they are completely uncommon that such a vision has a completely different interpretation.

Let's discern that the dream of such a plot is preserved.

The death of a living person in a dream is a symbol of preceding the life of a dream or "dead". In the esoteric world, the symbol of death means the refusal of the previous, boning in favor of the new, to this unknown and unknown. It can be expected: moving to another city or even the state, the change of professional activity on a completely unkurrant with this, meeting with people who take place in your heart in your heart, or simply arrange priorities.

The dreams can abruptly stop following the positions that he honored all his life. Religious views may also be changed: faith to strengthen or, on the contrary, will become a pate, dubious.

Interpretation can be applied not only to the life of a dream of a dream, but also to the "deceased." This person risks to become a culprit of change or just to find out next to the right moment, unwittingly becoming the center of events.

Also, such a dream symbolizes about changing relations to the "deceased" - you need to analyze your actions, perhaps you are excessively aggressive, envious or show another negative. Key your impulses, otherwise it is not avoiding quarrels and scandals. Obtaining a tragic news about the fatal outcome of a living person is also a symbol of life changes, but not such cardinal, if the very witness is witnessing the death.

See in a dream of a living person dead is also a warning. Perhaps someone from the loved ones wishes the "deceased" evil, the intrigue breaks, trying to prevent the conceived. Then, for the "dead man" there is actually a threat, but not the occurrence of the disease or fatal outcome, and the threat to stay without a large amount of money or get into an unpleasant story.

Who died

Interpretation of sleep depends on the one who saw the dead:

  • Death of living close relative In night vision - a favorable symbol. Ensure happy and long life without financial problems, health will be strong. The second value is the opposite - a warning symbol, a condemning lifestyle. It is necessary to be attentive in the sayings and actions.
  • Mother dies, which revealing all the living lives - wait for the problems, put on other people's duties. Young girls dreaming foreshadows the loss of supporting the patron, will have to fulfill male responsibilities. Those who have children, after such a vision, they advise the maximum care and more attention to them.
  • The death of the Father - the time of problems and troubles will come soon, the fault of the whole reckless behavior - you love to be unreasonably risking. Also, this sign warns about business failures if you throw, do not finish the planning of affairs to the end. Girls who saw the death of Pope should be ready for betraying a loved one.
  • See a comrade or girlfriend's death - be prepared for disappointments, losses. There is a risk to experience frustration because of the actions of friends or business partners. Entrepreneurs should expect an unstable financial situation, a large number of difficult problems.

Interpretation in dream books

To see a bad prediction in a dream, bad prediction does not always promise. Often such a dream is a symbol warning about threats, recognized to protect a person from the misfortune, turmoil.

Meet different interpretations Sleep in various dreams. Consider the values \u200b\u200bfrom the most popular snorkelors.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

Dead man in night vision symbolizes an unexpected end love relationship. If the dead man is alive and well - get health and for many years of life. On the contrary, if a man dreameded by the dead for a long time went to the kingdom of the dead, - things will go under the slope.

Maintaining the meaning to see in a dream dead:

  • Baby - will soon come frustration and restless times;
  • Actress / actor - the tragic event will destroy plans;
  • Own husband is a bad symbol that foreshadows frequent troubles, a sense of dissatisfaction. Kissing the dead spouse - the case are divided, poverty will come, lose faithful friends;
  • Dead nun - you will feel broken because of the treason of spouse or betrayal native man;
  • Hung over or hanging - you will be offended and humiliated with insults that hear from relatives / lovers;
  • Drill - you fight for your rights that want to take away. Do not give up, everything will turn out;
  • Mummy - the disease will prevent the execution of plans;

Details of dreams help more accurately solve a night message. It is worth paying attention, where and what are the "main characters" of dreams:

  • The dead is talking - you will be angry. Asks water - if this person is really dead, it's worth remembering it, put a candle, pray for the rest;
  • The corpse comes to life - will return to himself that he was no longer hoping. Dood down in a suit - get sick;
  • Dreamed that the body was balsaming - life change for the worse. If you are balsaming or from you make a mummy - friendship with the opposite sex will be unhappy, will bring a lot of trouble. The situation in society will deteriorate, the difficulties of the house will arise, at work;
  • Many died on the battlefield - the head will hurt, go to the doctor;
  • Bury in a dream - to merry. If you carry wreaths from the branches of ate - there will be a heavy hangover.

IMPORTANT where you saw the dead man in a dream:

  • In her apartment - drunkenness and goulasi will bring family disorders;
  • The dead man lies on the floor - you will be disgraced or get sick. If they stumbled about him, fell - wait for the tragic news about the death of someone from loved ones, loved ones;
  • To see in your bed - successfully finish a hopeless thing.

In esoteric, death is a mystical symbol. The late does not make sense to appear in dreams to suggest the right path. And the information we can get from the dead, we take with the help of clairvoyance with the help of other images. The souls of the dead can not come in a dream, these are only images! So what dreams of seeing a living person is dead, we will find the answers in the esoteric snorker.

Perhaps the interpretation that everyone is known is to dream dead stranger - the weather will change. See dead close / relatives who are alive in reality - you need to be careful. There is no threat to the closest. Those who are alive in a dream, but have long died in reality: the Father will support you; Mother will come luck. Also see friends, loved ones or relatives - it is worth thinking about the life sense; Familiar - wait for a strike on pride.

If the dead, but alive in a dream, you offer you something, never take their proposals! Make a pre-yourself such an installation so that in a dream you could clearly answer "no!". If the dead called with them, you agreed - wait for troubles, illness, even death; I did not go - you are threatened with a mortal danger, take action to avoid it. The dead to offer me to eat - you are sick, it is worth going to be examined; If you have been submitted - death is close.

Dead man returns to life - wait for amazing adventures, interesting events.

Interpretation of dreams from Egyptian dreams

See yourself in a night vision dead - a good sign. Waiting for you long life. Also a positive symbol is a dreaming bull - you can observe how the enemies suffer from defeat.

But mostly such a dream foreshadows the following:

  1. Verifest lost.
  2. Danger will come from there, from where they did not expect. Be careful.
  3. Long life.
  4. The weather is changeable.
  5. Previously, finish the case.
  6. Disadvantages, grinds, quarrels.

It is worse to see dead parents - a big trouble will come. Buried got out of the grave - you will appear vitality To complete any case, and you will brilliantly cope with the task.

If, in a dream, someone wants to prevail the cremation of the living - the long extinguishing disease will come. To see the cremation procedure - will fall into the paws of enemies who wish to spoil your reputation. See yourself dead - expect problems in the workplace, possibly dismissal.

If you buried alive - your mistake will take advantage of ill-wishers. Excellent, if in a dream it turned out to get out of the buried coffin, then the miss will be able to fix it earlier than the case reaches the critical point. Selected themselves - solve the problem yourself, someone helped - reveal support.

List of references:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Modern problems, 1913.
  • Fromm E. Forgotten language: Introduction to the understanding of dreams, magic fairy tales and myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC "Format", 1994.
  • Exegetics dreams: European chronicles of dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

Dreams in which the dead man appears is not pleasant. Not so scary if the late grandmother was harmed or someone else, with whom you were well acquainted, but if the dead in your dream was a stranger, you can hardly wake up with a smile on your face.

Typically, such visions leave terrible memories, and long does not go through a terrible disconnection in the whole body.

There are many dreams who can join sleep with the dead man. They are as much as possible plots of night visions. But one thing is: these dreams foreshadow something, and if - his words can come true. Carefully remember vision, Up to the smallest detail, it is very important.

It happens that the deceased asks to take from home or buy some thing and leave him on. Be sure to comply. Do not think to think that it could mean. When you fulfill the will of the deceased, you will immediately become clear to you.

We saw the late man alive: warning sign!

If someone is from your friends, and in a dream you felt strong fear, excitement, be prepared that in the near future there will be unpleasant events in your life.

We will have to go through big obstacles, experience difficulties. Listen to the councils of the dead, because they can wonder the key to overcoming all difficulties. If in life you got lost from the right track, having dreamed of living dead will help return to the main road.

Are you talking to the dead, which is alive in your dream? To changes in B. real life, new turns and meetings with new people. But if the "live dead man" pulls you to himself, takes your hand or just calling to go with him, and also if he stretches anything to you, and you take this thing to take a big trouble.

If the dead has given you not only alive, but also quite happy, in good location Spirit, do not rush to rejoice. This is a warning symbol: you are led by you, and this someone has dishonest intentions towards your person.

Dead as alive and appeared to you in sleep

Sleep means coming changes, and those that you could not think about. However, you can try to guess that they will be imagined if it is pretty to put up their memory and remember words, phrases, suggestions that the deceased pronounced.

If he was alive, one who in his time died of illness, do not wait for anything good. You threaten either a meeting with a dishonest person, or the situation where you will unjust fell.

If the dead was like alive in the vision, and you even with him, this is a wonderful sign. He says that you will quickly get rid of obsessive insurance and phobias.

The dead man comes to life: bad sign, be alert

Sleep with quite terrible. Sometimes people wake up in cold sweat and then all day with a shiver remember what they saw. Value this dream Although not positive.

The rustic dead person wants protect you from danger that lies. It can come in the face of enemies, major monetary losses, difficulties in working moments. Perhaps you will lose something.

If the dead man, who suddenly comes alone, shows rage, begins to rebel, fight, throws on you - show the maximum vigilance in real life. Sleep is clearly preparing for something.

If the dead dreamed alive, but 40 days after his death

If you buried a person, but until 40 days he managed to appear to you in sleep, it means that the connection with him is not lost yet. Maybe he died in the offense at you, loving you or angry for something. Similarly, you can be in love with him, to be offended by IL.

If you still love the deceased very much - you can't let him go. So he is at night. Understand: let go just necessary, it will help you and him.

If a person died from suicide, and you are angry with him for it, think: isn't it to blame for what happened? After all, there was something stronger and powerful, which made him go for such a step. Stop getting angry. The dead man leaves and you will not dream more. By this you give calmness and your soul, and it.

It happens that sleep with the participation of the deceased is quite pleasant. For example, you talked with a man during tea drinking, and when you woke up, felt in a raised mood, you were light and good. This is a wonderful sign. In your life, the delightful events will soon happen from which you will simply be delighted.

Blood dead man

The dead in foreshadows that you will be rich.

They themselves are poured into your river pocket, and your health will greatly benefit.

But that the signs become a reality, you need to work very well on yourself and keep vigilance.

Drawn the deadman is in the water

In the life and fate of the one who was chosen by the Dead, which is in the water, will be changed.

It is advisable to control your emotions, otherwise you can get into the unpleasant alteration and put yourself in a negative light in the eyes of others. Subsequently will be not easy to rehabilitate.

Dreamed the dead relative: what the Dream Dreams says about it

If the vision has shown you, prepare and betrayal from your second half. So that this does not happen, try to give your favorite time as possible, surround it with care and often praise.

Apostle Cannel about a dream in which you saw yourself dead

This dream can instill fear in anyone, so far is nightmarly. And yet it can be solved in the positive light. The apostle kanitis believes that such a dream promises consistency, success, happiness. You will live for a long time and do not need money.

Explanatory dream book about dead men in a dream

By Skinny dreamsIf you wear a deceased person in clothes, you threaten the disease. If you wear the dead man in your hands - the result can be tragic.

With you condemn the deceased: What will the dream of Ezopa tell about it?

Did you see the dead in a dream and lying in him? People gathered around, but instead of paying the tribute to the deceased memory, do they scold him in every way and watered mud? Vision indicates the approaching unpleasant events in your life.

Most likely, at work something will happen, perhaps you allow a number serious mistakesFor which you will read. A quarrel may occur with another person, for example, with a neighbor, a friend or an unfamiliar person.

How decrypts sleep with the late prince Zhou-Gong?

Dream Interpretation of the prince in his own way explains different dreamswhere the dead man appears:

The dead man pouring and flaruse - to the coming conflict, you are very rushed with someone.

The dead man stands on his feet - to be trouble.

Crying and at this time disintegrates into parts - your financial situation will improve significantly.

The dead suddenly came to life and began to behave like an ordinary person - wait or an important news.

- There will be great happiness.

The son was hardened the late - someone from familiar or relatives will be added in the family. It is not excluded that you yourself.

PrabaBabooks, great-grandfathers and other long-range ancestors, which are not really alive - await happiness, good luck.

Someone condolences you about the death of a native person - you have.

Vanga about a dream with a man in a state of clinical death

Vangan's appearance believed that if a dream was hanged, in which a person lies nor either dead, that is, clinical deathIt must be decrypted as follows: familiar to you people build plans, but you do not talk about it.

For a long time, you will not know anything about their ideas and therefore you can not stop them. When the intentions of these people become a reality, you will get a strong kick in your back.

Opinion Mr. Miller about donated dead father or dead mother

Means that you risk to get involved in the case unprofitable. The enemies around you: be careful, do not trust anyone. Mother who greeted the dead, also promises unpleasant events. They will happen if you do not harm your emotions away. Perhaps even someone will get sick.

Do not be afraid!

If in a dream to you quite often come dead, then you should not be afraid and fall into the panic state.

On the contrary, the dream book considers it great luck. Since the dead men very often warn about the troubles, represent a picture of the future and give good tips.

So what are the people who are dead? There is a chance that there are no bad rumors about you. But more often the characters who are dead in real life in a dream symbolize those dreams and desires that cannot be implemented for external reasons.

Invisible help

What else will the dead people are going alive? Seeing the longcoming birth to help in a difficult position and execution of secret aspirations.

If in a dream the dead come alive, the dream book believes that the wave of weakness and indecision will soon roll. In this embodiment, the dead, as if they support you morally.

Did you dream dead alive? Perhaps you are afraid of losing something very much for you meaningful.


In a dream, the familiar dead people appeared? Personally, your dream book guarantees a long year and relative well-being.

Did you dreamed that they were visiting the familiar deceased? In matters and life, there are no best change.

Sometimes imprisoned close reflects the fear of losing protection in reality.

Perhaps talking to them? It is especially important to remember everything that they will say natives in the night. You may be able to find out something important from them about your future.

Do not panic!

Did you dream of completely unfamiliar dead people? Dream interpretation believes that this is just a reflection. negative Party Your personality.

These may be tagged stereotypes, a specific behavior line or real loss vitality.

What dreams is that unfamiliar debuts go? In fact, you will be able to get rid of what you are.

If in a dream, unfamiliar corpses are scared of you, then in the coming situation, they fall into the real panic and make an extremely unwanted step.

Get ready!

What else to dream of other people's dead people? If they come to life, but do not harm you, then will happen truly amazing eventsOr reminded of myself for long forgotten problems.

If the grasses frighten or even try to kill you in a dream, the dream book believes that a strip of irresistible difficulties is coming, problems at work and at home.

See how other people's dead people chase you, means that during the next day you will come across a mass of difficulties and unpleasant moments.

Money or decay?

What dreams a lot of dead? To see them on the battlefield - means that a serious confrontation of global scales with human victims is coming, for example, war.

Went a lot of corpses? Dream Interpretation considers it a bad omen. Businessmen are waiting for decay in affairs, parting in love, and all others are tragic news.

In a dream, a lot of decomposing bodies with a nauseous smell fasten a bad effect from the past. If you did not feel a special fragrance, then you will certainly get rich.

Do not hurry!

Dreamed that you were in a place where dead bodies lay in coffins? Get ready for a substantial profit or a foreign person's visit.

But Dead Animals, according to Dreamnoy, guarantee the deterioration of health and home conflicts.

In a dream it happened to be among the dead? In real life, you are treated with a spelling and extremely unfortunate marriage, which will bring some misfortunes.

Prophecy Miller

Miller's dream book considers the vision of dead men in coffins extremely negative. It promises farmers a farewell year, failures to business people and a bad marriage to all in love.

Take care!

What dreams that dead people pull hands to you? This is very bad sign, in a dream, reflecting the mental or cervical attack, aimed at you with the aim of further submission to someone else's will.

Dreamed that the dead literally grab hands? Dream interpretation believes you that your own bad habits, emotions or deeds are slowing.

Why dream dead people? To find out about it, you need to read the dream book.

All plots of night visions with the dead are perceived by a dream as a negative sign. This is not necessarily so. This can dreamed, even if you just miss a person who is already alive.

Dead people may make it easier to change the weather and your life, warn you about the need to make some kind of act, about danger. Everything will depend on the details at which you saw it. To have an accurate explanation of such dreams, you need to get acquainted with the sources of their explanations.

Interpretation of various dreams

Dream of Astromeridiana

  • Himself or a good friend to see the dead promises pleasant news, a long life.
  • To see the deceased in the health - he was dear to you in life and now it's not enough for you.
  • Dead relatives are an attempt to establish contact with you at the spiritual level, inform something important to accomplish your ideas. You will receive the necessary support in this.

Lunar dream book

Such a night vision with the dead predicts prosperity.

Children's Dream Interpretation (concerns only children's dreams)

  • Congratulate the dead man in a dream - in reality your behavior will appreciate adults.
  • If the dead was a person close to you and trying to say something. It is necessary to take it seriously. It is possible that it will be a prophetic message.
  • Gave you something as a gift - foreshadows a wonderful life.

Symbolic dream book

  • To die in a dream, it is symbolizing the successful completion of cases, calm and good luck in everything.
  • Stranger dead people - in vain experiences, cessation of excitement.

Modern dream book

  • Dead man - sign with negative color. Promises receiving adverse news, difficulties in the financial sector.
  • If he was lying in the coffin - the wreck of hopes, trouble at every step. Show caution in everything.
  • The dead turned out to be a close man - to the family grief or scandal with relatives.
  • For a couple of in love, a betrayal foreshadows.
  • You put a coin dead man. In reality, expect trouble from your ill-wishers. They will use your current unprotected position.
  • The coin was put only on one eye - you will overcome half of your difficulties.
  • Young young ladies are thrilled. The reason lies in your naivety and faith all for words.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dead unfamiliar people Meeting to weather changes.
  • Among the dead they saw relatives and close people who reveal alive. It warns you to be careful. Your native does not threaten anything.

Dream Svuvalova

  • He dreamed of the dead one who revealed live - you are aggressively tuned against him and strive so that he does not stand on your way.
  • If he turned out to be an authoritative and famous person - it is important to hear what he spoke. Probably, it will be your soul voice.

Chinese dream book Zhou-Guna

  • The dead man went to the harbinger of the disease.
  • He cries - to a quarrel, grinding.
  • If he is in front of you - to the big grief.
  • The dead man collapsed with tears in his eyes - to welfare.
  • Dead came to life - wait for the news.
  • To see everyone's well-being promulit. His Son - Ability to add in the family. Died ancestors for a long time - to greatly happiness.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Miller

  • The dead man calls and wants to lead. This is a bad sign. Foreshadows threat and grief.
  • The dead man comes to life and rises from the grave. Warning that in trouble friends will not leave you without help.

Explanation of the psychologist Z. Freud

Seen in a dream of a relative, who is already dead. If he tells something to you, his words will be prophetic.

Interpretation of Vangu

  • Seen dead man who is also sick - to serious change. They can be good and bad.
  • Seen their deceased father alive - he worries about the health of his grandchildren.

Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Cropling with a dead close person promises noticeable changes in life.
  • The plot with the dead, who comes to your house and reports something. When he was alive, he did not have time to tell you.

Dream Interpretation Martyn Zadaee

The dreams associated with the dead report on the impending trouble.

Egyptian dream book Pharaoh

In the role of the dead man you were ourselves - symbolizes a long life.

Medieval dream book Daniel

  • Kiss with the dead and conversation with him promises a long lucky life.
  • The dead man collects a crop - to a difficult period in life.

Wanderer's dream book (T. Smirnova)

The group of the dead surrounds you and is suitable completely close. You will have to hear the criticism of the persecution of close people. You will have a lot of trouble in connection with this.

Stroller (1829)

  • A dead person sees to see a confusion, a decent life.
  • Kissing with him promises long life and health.
  • Give him something foreshadows damage.
  • See the dead man in the coffin - to the disease.

In chinese dream book

Sleep, in which you see the dead well-known and respected people, promises incredible luck and good luck. Your destiny will change in best side. It will affect the financial sphere and your personal life.

Explanation of Loffe

  • Sleeping with a dead person speaks of a dream discontent himself, regretful of bad actions admitted.
  • Sleeping with the company of the Dead, which someone takes further from you, foreshadows about the beginning of a favorable period of life.

Dream of the 21st century

Dreams with the Deadians warn of a possible unfavorable period of life. You should not start important things yet. Wait for the best times for this.