Interpretation of sleep married in dreams. What dreams of a man

The dream is a spiritual phenomenon that in any form hints to our future. As for dreams it should be noted that those dreams that are remembered vaguely, usually notify no value.

If the dream is remembered clearly, then, most likely, it has some meaning. The appearance of a man in a dream, especially with which they have not met for a long time, the phenomenon is not accidental.

For the interpretation of sleep, all the details should be taken into account and be able to make a one-piece picture of them.

See in a dream long forgotten familiar man

For a woman, to meet a man in his dream - a good sign that will prophesate fame and greatness. Meet in a dream with a certain man, from which you did not receive Westa for a long time, says that soon you will learn news about his life, or you are waiting for a real meeting with him.

If the old friend looks like very bad and causes disgustMaybe you will hear about him bad news that will be experienced. To see him in the distance or leaving -ethnicon that you will ruin any relationship with him.

Meet the enemy with an eye on the eye- To a short disease. Come on in a dream long colleague - To Stavy in work. Will a pleasant conversation with a friend - in the near future all your undertakes will be wondering. If you swear when you meet with a man, then in life a dispute awaits you in which you can stay humiliated.

If a woman dreams that she meets in a dream with several men, this dream promises her numerous love connections, among whom she will meet big love.

A man in a dream hugs or kisses

Hug - Sleep predictive diseases and quarrels. If you relative, on the contrary, this dream points to the nearest success in affairs, to gain new friends. Hug with the enemy -means the speedy reconciliation with this person.

To dream - to. To participate in the festival itself - to the gossip about you. If you dream, how a drunk man swears and angry - then in the future you will be a serious test, which can entail disappointment in people and lead to the completion of unpreasual friendship.

Married man in a dream

A married man in a dream foreshadows joy. If a woman dreamed that she communicates with a married man, Intr. she was not satisfied with his current position.

Flirt with a married man for a girlmeans a quick betrayal from her beloved person. If a woman dreams that she flirts with a married man, In the future, she will be repentable for their previously misdeed.

Married man: if the contact happened against your will, then in real life You are waiting for big trouble in personal relationship, up to the loss of the lover. If the contact managed to avoid, then the dream warps about possible troubles that end up with a happy end.

See a relative man in a dream

  • See in a dream grandfather, talking to him - the approach of difficulties that will be hard to overcome.
  • If you dream father,then in reality you really need good councils. If the young girl dreams that her father died, then this means that her beloved would not store her loyalty.
  • Dream uncle - To hear the sorrowful news. To see Uncle sad - a trouble will happen, after which all friends will turn away from you. A quarrel with uncle can foreshadow a short-term non-hazardous disease.
  • It dreams - this is a good sign, will follow the news joyful for you soon.
  • See your own Sonin a dream - to a small quarrel that will end with reconciliation.

See in a dream man who died - Warning of a possible heavy test or loss. If a In your dream looks happy, Intr. you are not accustomed to make a hard mistake that you can avoid.

Happy friend In your dream, this is a sign that a favorable news will be posted soon. On the contrary sad frienddreaming to the disease and suffering.

See in a dream familiar man dressed in bright clothes - A sign that foreshadows anxiety and anxiety. Also anxiety indicates a dream in which you meet with neighbor.
Dream that familiar man deceived youThis suggests that the case you started will not be completed as you planned.

Dreamed sick man - To violate the order in your life. See rash on the face of a man - A good sign, bursting into good and loyal friends. Visit the patient in - to unpleasant news.

Sleep in which you feel the malice in relation to others may mean that if you do not change your attitude to your loved ones, you can stay alone. If a friend is angry with you - this means that there is a hypocritical person in your surroundings that you consider something else.

Go with a man - You are waiting for new acquaintances and meetings. Keep on the journey - means long separation.

Make a bet with a man - Good luck will turn to your face.

familiar man In a dream, promise your relatives and familiar long, happy life.

With the explanation of sleep, it is necessary to attach importance to not separate subjects, but the situation as a whole. If in a dream you are hugging and kissing with your brother, then you should choose an interpretation of sleep: "kissing with a close relative", which means "nearest success in matters."

You do not need to consider separately in - "the brother dreamed," then "hug with a relative" and "kissing with a relative". Considering each element separately, the explanation of sleep is obtained by messy, and the concepts can be directly opposite to each other. The value is related to the subject or that effect that the subject has on you.

Why do you dream of a man in a dream?

Many men - if they are beautiful, well folded - you are waiting for an unforgettable moments of fun, get ready for a pleasant pastime.

Many men are unfamiliar - for a woman such a dream is promoting a career growth, good luck in business, for a man - good luck in business, financial profit.

Many older men - you will be merged, will respect.

A man who likes - if you are not together with him, then such a dream just means that you will thank on it, want warm relationships.

Hug a man relative - guests will come to you, there will be a holiday at home, hugs the son - happiness in the family, hugs his father - to bitter news.

Favorite man hugs and kisses you in a dream - if everything is fine in your relationship, then this period will last for a long time. In the reverse case, sleep indicates a lack of attention and caress from its part.

A man who likes - what were his actions in a dream? If this is your friend and he invites you to go on a date - it may happen in real life.

A man hugs and kisses dreams - such a dream is the personification of your dreams about the perfect man. If in a dream you see familiar features of the face, then the subconscious hints who could be for you such a man.

Hugging a man - a friend - you will have a warm and cozy family atmosphere at home. A friend is not to see myself with my husband, but with another man in a dream, with a warm relationship, means that in your family everything is not so much smooth. If in a dream you wanted to look for comfort and affection from another man, beware that it does not happen and reveal.

Another man - if you love him in a dream, then you should be seriously thinking about your marital status.

A stranger is a man - see a man's loved one with a strange man in a dream means the appearance of an opponent who began to provide your lady more attention than you.

A stranger - if he scared you in a dream, then you will have to be able to reveal for your friend or a friend, something will happen to him.

A married man - if in a dream you have a novel - you are unhappy with your spouse. For an unmarried girl, such a dream reports that she will marry, but unsuccessfully, and can also turn novels on the side.

A married man is young - you can hear the unpleasant news. Married older man - you will live a long life, your relatives will respect you and read.

The man with whom they broke up - if he is a beautiful and smiling you, then this is a good sign.

The man with whom they broke up, with another woman - if the gap did not happen on your fault, then sleep indicates that this happened due to the fault of the opponent, which he preferred to you.

To see a man with whom they broke up, lonely and sad - he very regrets about your break, wither he himself served as.

Idiom dream book

Dream of a man, what does it symbolize?

  • Man - "Speak as a man with a man" - a serious conversation, clarification of relationships;
  • "Be a man" - call for courage, nobility;
  • "I will make you a real man" (strong, volitional man).
  • "Guy" - the word carries the shade of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness, so this dream is interpreted.

Female dream book

What dream of a woman is a man, what is this dream?

In general, see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded man means that you will fully enjoy life and will soon greatly correct your financial situation. If a man is dark and unpleasant to you - you will come across serious disappointments and difficulties in the near future. A woman is a very handsome man in a dream foreshadows fame and popularity in society. If, in a dream, she is unpleasantly affected by his appearance, she is coming by experience because of the man she considered her friend.

Small Velezov Sonnik

What dream is a man, interpretation of sleep:

To good, a new business (man), so deciphering what dreams of you in a dream.

Family dream book

What dreams of a man:

  • To see a man in a dream - if you dreamed of a man, then you have some kind of pleasure.
  • If you see a stranger man in a dream, it foreshadows the commission of some adventure.
  • To see a man itself means to get into some kind of spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.
  • If a man seen in a dream is in prison, it promises you the exercise of the plans for a long time.
  • To see a man-actor - to the upcoming quarrel with friends or loss of someone from people close to you. Research, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.
  • If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, it means an ambulance.
  • To see a man's dream in a dream and enjoy communication with him means that you have to cry a lot and worry on trifles.
  • If in a dream a small growth man is trying to tie a quarrel or a fight with a man who is superior to his strength, it means that you are exchanged for trifles. Also, sleep is surviving an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

Erotic dream book

What dreams of a man:

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful, well-folded man, in the near future she enjoys a full life and will be happy in love and sex. But if you have seen a man of sullen and ugroen, they are waiting for disappointment and problems with their loved ones. For a man to see in a dream another man (friend or stranger) means that soon he will have an opponent who is able to destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation Esoteric E. Fallet

Dream Interpretation: A man mean

Men see in a dream - pleasure (for a woman); For a man - a new thing, this is the interpreter about the essence of sleep that you dream.

Dream of the XXI century

What dream of a man in night gold?

To see a bald man in a dream - to respect and wealth. For a woman to see a man in the shirt - to the troubles in marriage, a naked man in a dream - to good luck, to see the dead man on the street - to the opening of new sources of income, intimate relationships but a dream with a man - to loss of state, in the next interpreter you can read another Interpretation of what you dream.

French dream book

What dreams and how to interpret a man in the dreams?

If a woman sees in a dream a nice man with beautiful features, the sleep promises her well-being, satisfaction with fate, a lot of joy. If such a dream sees a man, is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, goats of business opponents. A man in white clothes is a pleasure joy, getting a state, in black - loss and sadness. A fat man in a dream foreshadows you well-being in affairs, and a low-spirited man is what you will overcome difficult circumstances. Gorbun does not like anything good, for often this dream warns about the deception or betrayal of those you trust.

Large dream book

Pleasure (for a woman); with a white beard - a disease; In the shirt - an unfortunate marriage for a woman.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Miller

What dream of a man in the dreams:

To see in a dream of a beautiful, well-folded and deft man - means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of the state. If a man of ugly man has seen in a dream, and the sullen - you will come across disappointments and many difficulties that are diverting you. If a woman dreams a very beautiful man - she will receive fame and will like it. If, in a dream, she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then it is coming unpleasant experiences because of the man she considered her friend.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

Dream man, what?

Men see in a dream - old man - long life; fat - you are waiting for pleasant moments; Young - alarm.

Esoteric dream book

Male to what dreams, interpretation:

Young man-made, task. Elderly honors, fame; than aggressive, the beneficial success; If good, gentle glory will not benefit, " copper pipes»Can be your death. Cares, calling the case reminds of myself. His actions show that it can interfere or help the case; (for example: it cares can become entertainment). M., who turns out to be a friend, the case is not new, but requires a new look, extraordinary solutions. In bed for your case you need a creative approach. Initially familiar business of your life.

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

What dream is a man in the dreams?

Young man - long life; Fat - you are waiting for pleasant moments - young - alarm

Dream Wander (T. Amplanova)

Man (unfamiliar) - psychological disagreements with them, new concern; Type of influence (for a man). For women - love and sexual claims; Rough, hard, volitional part of the sipping person. If the elderly is her relationships and feelings associated with the Father. Hairy or wild for both floors - a strong animal love passion; wealth; Spiritual degradation.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist A. Malegetti

Dream Interpretation: Man if you dream

  • By dream of a men's foot - a symbol of structures supporting the whole person. This image indicates historicity in CE as the highest life positivity. In any case, it must be associated with the whole (that is, an individual).
  • Dream interpretation man in a hat and a raincoat - you really don't want to share your thoughts and feelings with the surrounding people, and it will have to do it.
  • Man, handsome man - the fulfillment of desires is delayed for a long time
  • Man, naked - danger, AIDS
  • To see a man with a white beard - a disease; In the shirt - for a woman - misfortune from marriage; The dead man on the street is the opening of new income.

The night vision will come true, it depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream was dreaming.

What dreams married, Interpretation of dreams married in dream books.

Dream interpretation is married - a woman see a man dreams of pleasure.

Dream interpretation married man - may mean an ambulance a very difficult task.

Dream interpretation married man with wedding ring - Here you need to take into account the ring and from which the ring is done.

Dream book married man marry - You will be discouraged by a full challenge in affairs.

Dream interpretation married guy - If a young guy, then promises a new business or entertainment.

What dreams a married man sticks "If he cares, sticks, sleep symbolizes a reminder of the forgotten act.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation:

Toad Sorry Heat Fried Thirst Waiting Zhyshe Rossy Yellow Yolk Wife Fat Giraffe Giravik Belly Animals Beetle Zhwuch Buzz

To understand what the lover is dreaming, it is necessary to more carefully analyze the dream. But the main interpretation states that such dreams are caused by the desire to diversify intimate life, to make new paints and unforgettable emotions to it. And it also suggests that the dreams need to make the maximum realization of his innermost desires.

See in a dream image of a former lover

A rather common request that is looking for in dream books is the search for an answer, which is dreaming former lover. Some sources claim that such dreams sign indicate that in relationships with this person, the final point was not supplied. So you have the opportunity to restore the former communication, perhaps at the same level that was previously. Most likely, mutual insults live inside you and there are some claims that have not been expressed.

If you open the Dream of Freud and find a request, what is the dream of a former lover, the relationship with which is over, then the interpretation will be different. Such night feces foreshadow complications in relationships with the current partner. Perhaps the conflict will be very serious.

To properly disperse sleep, you need to pay attention to the most small partswhich remained in memory after waking up. If you dreamed of a former partner, decided to legitimize the relationship with another woman, then this suggests that you are ready to let go of a person, looking all the insults and start new life. But if you saw yourself a bride, gathered to marry a former partner, wait for trouble. Perhaps you will make the wrong deed that remember more than once, dealing with the problems arising.

Lover in the Greem Unavyd

To understand what a former lover of a married woman begins to dream, it is necessary to reconsider his relationship with his spouse. Most likely you suffer from dissatisfaction, you have no opportunity to implement own desires. If in a dream you saw a friend a man, then with the current partner you have some kind of innovation. It is better to talk to the spouse and tell about your own experiences, that you are not satisfied with. Otherwise, it can lead to undesirable consequences and even to the divorce.

If the former lover is continuing to dream of a married woman, and pleasure and passion while sleeping only increases, it is necessary to revise and re-put priorities, determining what is most important for you. Perhaps the choice will be difficult, but it should be done, as you can lose everything that is now. If you are kissed with your secret man, I will have an exposure waiting for you. In order not to be in a predicurable and very shameful position, find the strength in order to tell your cavalier about everything. Only if you have always been true to your half, but in a dream saw yourself kissing with a young guy - you have a lack of male attention. Hint at her husband.

If a lover is continued to dream of a married woman, and kisses become more passionate, then this is the first news that the betrayal is waiting ahead. You should not wait for adherence from the second half, most likely, you will face problems in business or career. You should look at friends and colleagues, some of them are capable of low act.

Knowing why a lover is dreaming a married woman, you can not only avoid the many unwanted situations, but also find a way to help establish the current relationship.

Lover in the gender unmarried

If you do not have a satellite in life, and in a dream you are kissing with a man, then look at the image seen. Perhaps someone from the close environment is experiencing sympathy in your address. See a lover for a girl who does not even have a guy - to the ambulance wedding. You will randomly meet a man who will take the initiative on himself and make an offer.

Love triangle

To correctly exercise, what dreams of the lover's wife will have to pay attention not only to the details of sleep, but also how your relationship is in real life. There are many interpretations of such dreams, but we turn to the prophecies of Miller.

If you reveal you feel anger in relation to a married chosen one, which is caused by a lack of attention, the image of his spouse does not bear any semantic load. Your subconscious is relaying internal stress and absolute dissatisfaction with what is happening.

But, if everything suits you, and you are happy next to your non-free cavalier, then sleep is the tricks of your conscience, which may have a snap. To see from the side, as a loved one kisses, be disappointed what is happening. This means that you can no longer be in complete uncertainty.

Precise prediction lies in detail

In search of a response, what dreams wife of the lover dream, remember how she led himself in your dream. That's what can sign sleep:

  • rumbles - Beware of troubles;
  • it turns out the relationship with his spouse - it will come to you by the unpleasant news;
  • quarrel with you - you will be a victim of slander;
  • mocking you - you will be offended or humiliated.

Watch with rival

If she dreamed of you in Fate, then according to Lunar dream, It is not necessary to take for responsible work, even if you are absolutely sure that we will handle it. Nothing will come out, and the time spent in vain will leave irretrievably. If she smiles, gossip will soon appear, which can swaying your life.

The spouse of his beloved man appeared in the image of a pregnant girl - do not wait for happiness next to a close, but married man. It is possible to count on the fact that everything will be fine, it is possible only if it drives someone else's child. If the girl herself told you about what is in position - you will make a terrible mistake, because of which the problem situation will arise. The lover's wife appeared on the porch of your home, bringing a child with him - your relationship was almost outlined and will soon come to them.

The sophisticated sobbing zhograph of a beloved, which looks like a patient or bleeding - your secret ties will be exposed, which is extremely negatively affected by reputation. In order not to lose the conquered authority, be vigilant and proud.

Gypsy dream book is ready to tell about what the wife dreams former lover. Your internal experiences are absolutely not in vain. Such a vision carries a solid negative. Ahead you are waiting for the difficulties that can be overcome by preparing to them in advance.

The dream in which you twist the hair is an opponent, which is your wife of your beloved, say that your feelings for a man did not fade. If you are just talking, that is, the chances to take the situation under your control and return your loved one.


If you are in bewilderment and do not understand what a lover is dreaming, who is already alive, then calm down. It only signals that in your soul there was a melancholy. You have extremely necessary support. Most likely, you are waiting for an unexpected acquaintance with a man who will positively affect your personal life.

Sometimes it happens

Excrying, what dreams of a lover who you do not like will help the prophecies of Miller. Similar visions indicate that your satellite is capable not only to disappoint, but also to deliver a lot of problems.

Do not know what a lover dream is, whose person did you first see? The durable passion with a stranger suggests that you are not satisfied in your personal life. Your real partner does not suit you. But it is not necessary to immediately part. Try to talk.

To learn what a dream of a lover, the dream book will only help if you remember the plot of your nights, as well as important details in which many mysteries are hidden.

What dream of a man in a dream? As a rule, such dreams prophesy favorable events (for some exceptions).

What a man dreamed of

Family A man dreams - we are talking about affairs and events that you are if and not in the know, you may well guess. Many men familiar - the upcoming will capture you completely, you leaving your incidents important for you. See in a dream unfamiliar A man (unknown) is a surprise. Many strangers are a lot of unexpected events that will get involved in you, it will be very difficult to focus on one of them. For more information about the dreams of strangers, read here.

Dreamed favorite A man is a very favorable dream. Other A man in a dream - you have to look at what is happening from the other side, and understand that everything is not so unequivocal in life as it seemed earlier. New A man dreams of significant changes in personal life. See a man who Like By the Magini's dream book - to pleasant, small joys in the near future. Former A man (former beloved) dreamed - something will surprise you, perhaps some events will remind you of the past, a dream can mean a chance to correct past errors. Someone else's man (married) It dreams - to be involved in unpleasant history, feel the feeling of guilt, tension. Man friend It is interpreted as a need for support, friendly shoulder. A colleague Indicates the need to draw attention to relationships with employees, as well as delimit the time paid to work and family. Chief - A man (influential) - power, submission stronger.

Gray The man (gray hair) was gracious - you have a period when you cannot neglect your own experience nor the experience of those who wish you help. With black hair - Be vigilant and do not trust the first hand to help outstretched you. Red A man (with red hair) dreams of a meeting, as well as confidential and relatives with a lover (beloved). Blond Dreamed - to a favorable position of affairs, success.

Long Hair shoots at a man to a long track, which will be successful, with favorable accompanying symbols, otherwise you need support. Hairy Independence of the Magnifier - to monetary successes, certain life achievements. Curly - Your strategies and intrigues are now quite feasible subject to the presence of a patron. Bearded A man (with a beard) to see - to a friendly help, success in work. Mustache in a man ( whiskered) - To entertainment, to a friendly meeting, friendly sites. According to the dream bald Male (Lysina) - Damage received, fraud. Bristles on a male face - empty troubles.

Young A man dreams of new prospects and opportunities. Elderly man (old, aged) The dreams are interpreted as the past goals are quite achievable, boldly try on the implementation of the fact that it was previously not the shoulder. Adult man (older than you) - Middle experience will help implement plans.

Perfect man dreams - The conceived will work out as you wish. Beautiful A man in the dream book is a very favorable dream, promising support, execution of conceived and favorable events. Terrible- Something happened very badly.

Tall The man dreamed - the peaks are to be conquered, most likely a career. Very high growth - dizzying plans. Large Man (large) - ahead of a reliable stable future that does not require special concerns. Dwarf promises very curious incidents.

Fat A man (full) in a dream means to fully experience my other predictions of this dream. Thin - To losses, empty spends. You should not get involved in any adventures - you will regret.

Without legs The representative of the male is interpreted as the lack of support, it seems to be a defender and assistant, but there are no support from him. Chrome or on prostheses- Do not hope especially on your comrade, he may in any time inadvertently bringing you, not wanting at all. Without a member - defenselessness, sensation of madness, lack vital energy. With a big member- Now Zadro is enough for the implementation of even the "Napoleonic" plans.

Drunk A man has an interpretation as a breach of coordination in life, an unstable position, a threat to health. See nakeda man (naked, undressed) - to poverty, money losses, as well as a dream can predict relations with a person whose financial condition is minimal. With naked torso - finance, though there is no possibility to boast, it is enough for the strength and energy to earn money. Beaten A man - to the loss of something important for you. Sick man (wounded) Went - to the manifestation of weakness, losses. In the blood of the blood - relationship with a relative of the male. Pregnant A man (pregnancy) in a dream to a very unexpected profit, a non-standard approach in business, which will bring you a considerable income. Pregnant man dream of a woman - she must stop hoping on others, own original solutions will lead to a greater benefit. Blind - You are too counting on third-party help and nobility.

Unpleasant The representative of the strong sex in dreams - to the redirects, frozen situations when you have to seek help from people who cause you to antipathy. Evil - Also in interpretation does not promise anything good. Circumstances lie so that you will experience many negative emotions. Pleasant- To good events, an interesting point.

See a man in costume - Your affairs require an ordering and special attention, Only in this case you can count on undoubted success. In the shape of- If you clearly follow the rules established by the established rules, you will be exalted. In military uniform - duties from which you can not refuse. In Hat - Do not miss a convenient case that will soon be touched. Also do not refuse useful Soviets. A man in a dress dreams - to unusual behavior. In the wedding dress - something non-standard will become a very big discovery for you. In a shirt - You yourself are the best assistant and prompt. In panties Dreamed - the situation will be very delicate. In the cloak- In a difficult time, a person will be a person who will protect you. With glasses - Comrade will help you see the truth. Tie On the male individual - the dream speaks of strength (including spiritual and intimate); For weak gender - the availability of a worthy partner. In jacket - Well-being on a business field. Without shoes (barefoot) - Vulnerable.

Man in whitedream - you can safely rely on the help of friends and relatives. In a white shirt - the environment is more favorable. In a white suit - you rotate in society of serious and weighty people. In a white coat - unexpected help. Man in black By Dream Magini is interpreted as - under the mask of the benevolent hid the enemy, be vigilant. In a black suit, you will now need maximum attention and effort to resist the enemy and achieve the desired. In a black raincoat, someone will defend you, but it is not necessary to fully rely on his nobility - at a convenient moment he can betray. In red - You wish with an incredible passion.

Earring in ear A person of male can be interested in someone will be interested in sympathy. With ring - if a person is familiar, then he reaches already has some romantic relationships; If the ring on the hand of a stranger, then sleep speaks of your new novel. Wedding ring on the finger - means new stage relationships or a change of partners.

Military A man in a dream is a difficult period in your life when you have to compete for the expensive you. But do not worry, the result should be good, except when the accompanying characters predict a negative outcome. Doctormeans the need to treat. If you already follow medical prescriptions, consult on this occasion from another specialist may advise you more effective methods. Man actor It warns that you are too fascinated by the entertainment, which knocked out the soil from under your feet. In life there should be not only holidays, but also weekdays. Famous Man predicts important events In your life, which will soon come.

Corpse Men (dead, dead man killed) - To the lack of support, you risk getting to the position when you will be able to interfere with no one, or all the defenders will not be able to stretch your hand to you. Dead man (deceased) Dreamed - Listen to your own intuition, she will tell you the right way. Also deceased to change the weather. Hanged - To be in a hopeless situation. Ghost Magazin - you should not hope now to support in difficulties - only disappointment will be disappointed.

Muslim man ( muslim) In the dream book a complication, obstacles, of course, if he is not your uninterpreted. Gypsy - You will deliberately mislead. Black person- gracious to surprise, an unexpected turn of events.

Rich A man dreamed of - what is happening in your life will be closely tied with finances.

See in car A man as a passenger is a passive perception of what is happening around. Behind the wheel- We have to take responsibility, managing courage and leadership qualities. By cycling - Make a case, which is not so easy to implement, although at first glance it is rather uncomplicated. On horse - nobility and masculinity.

Blue eyes Men - you can safely expect that in any endeavors you will be supported and if necessary.

Sleeping A man dreams of a temporary defenseless state. Smoking - Your doubts are empty. Also, a dream may mean a strong dependence on something or anyone. Enamored - Pushes as a lack of love and romance in your life. Perhaps you should take something to attract the desired life? Sad - You will achieve your goals, but the feeling of some dissatisfaction will remain.

Twins Men hardened - despite the fact that you have a challenging choice, in the future you are awaiting reliable friends, faithful satellites. Male - Mermaid According to Magini's dream book means - indifference where you were counting on a warmer reception.

Embedded- Unnatural, and therefore an unsuccessful attempt to disguise the circumstances in a more advantageous light than it really is. On heels - Perverted fantasies. In addition, for female, such dreams can talk about the desire to give the dominant role a man who does not seek leadership. Assembly sandals- An unusual incident will amaze you. IN women's clothing (For example, in the skirt), the male gender dreams to the no-minded actions, for the ladies a dream can predict unusual situations, as well as a reason to remind - women's weakness can sometimes be very strong weapons.

Man With a knife- The one, in whose patronage is counting on, it will be a taught. With Cigara - Respectability or false illusions at the expense of some person.

What he did in a dream

Dream that man hugs - Interpretation depends on whether you liked it. If you have experienced pleasure in male hugs - You are protected, there is someone to protect from trouble and anxiety. All this was unpleasant to you - it means that in the near future, unforeseen obstacles will be on the way to goals, your actions will be stolen by certain circumstances. Embips from behind - securely covered rear. Hugs for the waist - the desire to express its sympathy for you; Also, a dream can teens romantic courtship. A friend hugs - you are allegedly guess about the person who can be protection for you or opposite - "footboard". Hugs an unfamiliar personality that will appear in the nearest events, it will be a surprise for you, perhaps you have never seen it. Hugs a girl - your business will be very good. Wear in the arms (A man raised in his arms, carries in his arms) - you can safely count on support.

Man kisses (kissed) In a dream, you will be interested in the representative of hard sex. Kisses a woman - in your eyes there will be close interest in the opponent. Familiar kisses you - you are well known for your recyclers. Kiss a stranger - means to be in ignorance about who were presented presented. The kiss of married - you are passionate about that will cause awkwardness, embarrassment, and possibly rejection. Kisses your hand - craves close relationships. Kisses your breast - ready to be supporting and protection, perhaps thinks about creating a family.

"Why did you dream that a drunk favorite man kisses me and hugs?" The lover is experiencing the most tender feelings for you, and if necessary, you can count on it. Only now you need your support for him.

Holds hands (took the hand, takes the hand)- Attempt to get together, sometimes this dream can be predicted of an obscene offer. Stretches hand to you - offer or request for help; Molver about retaliatory feelings.

Carses A man (courtship, manifests sympathy) - a dream talks about the need of romance in his personal life. Dreamed gaze view of a man (watches, looks at me, male attention) "Your life is interested in, watching from the outside, trying to find out more. Confessed to love - Someone will open your soul. Offers relations - Future changes in life depend only on you. Hear compliment To your address from the male floor - they are talking about you.

Men's affection (tenderness) - To a pleasant time, flirting. Touch the chest - you were assessed as a good companion of life. He strokes the belly - flattery and pleasant entry will give pleasure. It strokes the legs - the exquisite compliments do not fight you, but they will be pretty pleasant to hear.

Stick A man (backed, dosing) - will have to either come true, or compete for the right to do as you want. Stranger is sticking - circumstances will force to act contrary to their own will.

Pursue A man (persecution, chasing) by Magini's dream book is a manifestation of special attention to your person. Attack A man (attack) in a dream - you call me lowland passions and desires. Attacks with knife - conflicts and disorders in relationships. Trying to kill "You will find yourself in a dangerous situation, be extremely attentive and careful."

Fight men - Quarrels, disassembly, attempts to "reach". Seeing the fight two men - a collision of two interests. Beat A woman - for the ladies, a dream warns about the appearance of a rival, and for a strong floor means the emergence of a new hobby of a love nature. Beats Vasitively.

Saves (protects)- Good luck, successful overcoming obstacles. Helps You (assist, support, care) - a favorable development of events.

Male leaves (threw) In a dream - cooling in a relationship, loss of trust. An unfamiliar person is leaving - the desire for change. Dream that came A man is a guidance of "bridges", strengthening ties.

Climbed into the window - Someone is trying to get into the soul, without asking for that permission. Opens the door - an attempt to establish relationships with you. Climbs on the balcony(Wlipe on the loggia) - you look down on risk and effort to become part of your personal life. Male (Guest) came to visit - dream of unexpected meetings.

Man crying In your dream (men's tears) - if a person is familiar to you, then this indicates its non-equilibrium to the Ladies' Society; If a stranger was crying, the dream would be a dream as a turmoil, allowing you to get relief. Smiling man (smile) - Pleasure from communicating with the opposite sex. Laugh Over you - someone else's indifference and egoism will hurt you. Laughs from joy - success and pleasant time.

Man gives Flowers (presented, came with flowers) - you are very located. If the flowers were concrete coloring or variety - contact detailed decoding this dream. Gives a ring (presented) - love and desire to be together. More full interpretation You will find in the article "Ring in a dream to what dreams." According to the dream, Hurts - Means unexpected profits, as well as for a woman - attention from the opposite sex. Gives strawberries - you will try to seduce. Gives Money - you will gain power over someone. Gives keys - you will become the owner of spiritual secrecy, sleep can fill both the disclosure of personal secrets and recognition in love.

Sunday A man (sinking) - a difficult period has arrived in personal relationship.
Died A man (death) - to change in life. If a familiar person died - it will still live for a long time, however, it is worth paying attention to his well-being, a moral condition and the situation, it may take your help.

Giving birth A man (gave birth) to a child - to an illogical, unusual nature of the action, which will lead after long-term and tests for the better. Present at childbirth- Patient in difficulties. He says that he wants a child - the need for a change of relationship.

Shave - Crash, self-destruction, punctures from the side that you have been waiting for a profog. Washed - The man is attracted. Pushes (Pissing) - Getting rid of the negative, dislike.

Eating - Of course, the interpretation depends on what food the representative of the male floor was taken, but, as a rule, it is still a good sign, which is good.

Sings A man (singing) - to pleasant and well-deserved compliments. Steep - You get ahead, do not be so trusting.

Men's treason (changes)- The person you trust will keep much. Rejects You in a dream - in reality means distance, coldness, the need to make efforts to strengthen the relationship.

Mop the floor - It takes care of the health of the people important for you.

Loses hours - You lose time with your boyfriend.

Request phone number - Sleep warns about the safety of personal information in reality.

Stepped on foot - The one who you trust will substitute you.

Braid braid A woman - you will harm on frivolity and inappropriate.

What did you do

Live With a strong floor in a dream - the desire to find a support in life.

Kiss with a man (kisses) In a dream - the need for intima. Kissing a man independently - sleep personifies your interest in a man. Kissing in the lips - lust, passion. Kissing the neck - mental plenty of reciprocity. Kissing the cheek - you want to like, but you are too unsure in yourself. Kissing hands - the desire for rapprochement. Kissing your beloved (kissing) - in reality lacks tenderness and loungers, thirst for more. Kissing unfamiliar (kissing) - soon interest the representative of the strong half of humanity. Kiss with acquaintances - they remembered you, are interested. Kissing with the deceased - to get into a difficult position when moral support is particularly valuable. Kissing with someone else's cavalier - pay attention to the "foreign loaf", feel the feeling of awkwardness, discontent with yourself.

To cuddle With a man interpreted like - you are a sure friend, you appreciate you. Hugging a loved one - you want to express your feelings, protect your beloved from trouble. Cuddle - Route someone. Dance With a man (dance slow, waltz) by dream - to romantic events. Dance with unfamiliar - to pleasure and pleasant emotions. Spin- You will capture the vortex of love experiences that there is a chance to lose your head.

Strike a manin a dream - thirst to see, spend time together, sunk. To stroke the head - I want to think about you. Stroking hair - look for a common language.

To make love With a man - the need for carnal pleasures. If this happened with unfamiliar man - unsatisfied desire, and sometimes sleep dreams of illness. Familiar disasters with intimate relationships - good relationships. With another (not with his own marriage) - to the feeling of guilt, shame.

to want A man in the arms of Morpheus (testing passion) is a lack of pleasure intimacy in reality. Be in love A man is a lack of romantic experiences in real life. If in a dream woman changed To your beloved - to misunderstanding in a pair.

Lying With a man in the dream of Magini passiveness, neither you nor a man do not take action for the union. Sleep With a man in one bed - the absence of aspirations and opportunities to gain spiritual proximity to each other. Sleeping with an unfamiliar in a dream - you burned out from friendship and mutual executioners.

Talk With a man (conversation) - to favorable news. Dreamed the telephone conversation with a man - to the news that will introduce you into confusion. Look in eyes - You want to find something, perhaps a man, or evidence of gentle feelings.

Run away From a man (run) - means a subconscious distance from the male. Run away from unfamiliar man (outsiders) - the reluctance to create a pair, fear in the depths of the soul. Run away from a friend - rejection of rapprochement. Hidefrom a man - doubts, attempts to avoid something that seems unwanted you.

Freeze out of the house - The desire to get rid of the unwanted.

"I dreamed that I run away and hiding from a familiar drunk man." Your acquaintance lost his head from love, but you do not decide to let him down closer.

Beat A man in a dream (to strike) is to show interest. Slap in the facea man (give filling, hit the cheek, to be in the face) - to complex about appearance, do not feel a decent desired object. Fight With a man (fight, struggle, fight) - the lack of mutual understanding, the requirements for you to hear and understand. Beat the striker - We'll have to justify in your own innocence. Kill A man in the dreams is to destroy useful links with your own hands. Cut your hand Men - Your act will leave you without the support of others.

Swear In a dream - the lack of mutual understanding, try to leave your opinion with yourself, otherwise you will be wrong, which will lead to undesirable consequences.

Go With a man in a dream - successful promotion to its own goal. Go With a man (walk, walk) - movement on the way to the desired, heavy or pleasant you can judge the emotions tested in a dream. Going at hand - you are not alone in your aspirations, you have a colleague. Walking on the road - Details of the dream reveal the ease or complexity of the path you chose and the degree of participation in it "Travel".

Feed A man is a meal - means to provide a service for which you will be rewarded. Together to drink tea - To the pleasant time.

Wash A man in a dream is to excite, awake passion and carnal desires. Wash legs - decent identity. Together take a bath (swim, swim) - To intimate relationships.

Shave - Damage the topic that supports you. Strut Hair (cut) - weaken its own allies. Comb Hair - to provide a partner service.

Give Flowers man - show your own sympathy.

Receive A gift from a man is a pleasant surprise waiting for you in the near future. Get money - gaining power thanks to the patron.

Hear name and surname Men in a dream - you will learn something very important. Call name - to become the owner of valuable information about someone, and do not do from this mystery. In addition, if you remember the name, in reality it may be for you meaningful in the near future. Hear in a dream male voice - Listen, what he wanted to tell you. If the speaker you learned, you may need your help. Male Creek - You are very necessary now.

Handshake With a representative of a strong half of humanity - the ability to tie friendly relations with a useful reliable person. Grasp - Attempt to submit to himself someone else's will.

Acquaintance With a man (get acquainted) - to tie an interesting links. Meet a friend ( a meeting) - A favorable surprise may have to be able to appear. Collide - unexpected confrontation. Romantic date- To the separation and hidden desires to see.

Flirt with a man ( flirt) By Magini's dream book - to entertainment. Refusein favor - keep a distance with a fan.

Wait Male representative - to longing, unspoken desires. Search- The need for life satellite, defender, strong shoulder.

See in the mirror The man is intent to look at themselves and occurring events from another angle.

Other dreams

See a man next to you - Someone constantly thinks about you, you are interested in. Behind the back- If necessary, you are ready to inshast. Sit near - Your rapprochement takes too slowly.

Dreamed only male silhouette - Soon you will get acquainted with a person who will play a considerable role in your life. Hand Men dream of helping and support. Back Men in the dream book - closed rear, security. Male neck - The ability to attract supporters. Chest Men in a dream has interpretation - loyalty and strength of feelings. Male stomachlife force, Energy. Face Men see in a dream - self-confidence and tomorrow. Shoulder Men are reliability, support. Male Sex organmen's power, vital power. Towel - The superiority of competitors, their power. Male palm - Acquaintance with reliable people, luck, friendship.

Man and woman Shot together - you will achieve success, but before you have to overcome some obstacles. With another woman to see his beloved - to the appearance of the rival. Man with baby - Good luck, achieving conceived. With a boy dreamed of faithful profits. With a girl - to unexpected joy. With a stroller- Happy marital marriage, family joy. Kitty In the hands of a strong floor - small troubles from your patrons. With dog - Your friend your friend and shield.

Man on the bed dream - you tired in the struggle for the best proportion. A man in bed is interpreted by a physical passion. A man in the house in the dreams - stability, reliability of the situation. A stranger is a peasant in the house (unfamiliar) - there will be surprises that will be a perfect surprise for you. In the apartment - Your business will be successfully resolved. On the threshold - An event will happen, which will significantly affect your future life.

See yourself a man By dreams (be a man in a dream, turn) - to be in nonstandard situationWhen you need all your courage and power.

See men at the table- Very favorable sleep, provided that the peasants in the dream did not drink and not beed, but only enjoyed the feast.

The photo With the image of the masculine facility - you will deceive someone else's reliability and apparent stability.

Two men Dreamed - you will have to face 2 important tasks. Three Men's individuals - three directions will require your special attention. Several men (a lot, crowd)- You will have to take a lot of things at the same time, but do not worry, the helpers will be found. To make a choice Between men (choose) - the need to determine the primary task, and be accepted for its decision. Choose between two - it is not recommended to grab in two problems at the same time, perform in turn.

Natalia Native

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The image of a married man can dream not only in case of constant thoughts about this person or secret love, but without any reason. What dreams of such a dream, if you don't think about a strange thing, who is also married? Dream Interpretations warn that such a plot can turn into an unpleasant history in life, and the consequences will be unpredictable.

Forbidden kiss

Kissing with a married man in a dream according to dreams does not foreshadow nothing good. You will probably get acquainted with a young man, but this relationship will not lead to anything and will not even leave memories.

Other sources argue that a kiss with a non-free man will affect family happiness: Easy enthusiasm can be ill-faced and lead to divorce.

When deciphering such sleep in any case, it is necessary to take into account your current relationship or marital status. If in a dream you kissed a married man to which strong feelings are experiencing is a faithful sign of sadness and sadness. And the married man itself is a harbinger of possible lies, hypocrisy or inexpensive.

Are you unhappy with something?

What dream of an intrigue or love relationship with a married man? You are not satisfied with the current state of affairs in relationships with the opposite sex, it is possible to break with the beloved.

Freud's dream book could not leave such a dream unnoticed, explaining that the whole problem lies in dissatisfaction with their sexual desires. And in the dream of Tsvetkova, sexual connection with the "maritime" or a novel in a dream means the feeling of insolvency itself in the family, the inability to realize its potential. Especially bad is the dream, in which there was a sexual connection, but there was no feeling of pleasure from the process, or the partner remained dissatisfied.

Save love

Many girls are interested in what dream of a wedding with a non-free man is, especially if this person is very sympathetic?

Eastern dream book explains the dream, in which you get married a friend's husband: with this girl there are difficulties in relationships. And if in a dream of the bridegroom you are unfamiliar, then in the family there may be scandals due to excessive jealousy of the spouse.

If a unmarried girl I saw in a dream how to marry a married man to which there is a sympathy - it can be a sign of an unsuccessful marriage.

Details of sleep

In the dream of Pastor Loffa, it is worth considering the details of the behavior of a man to find out what the vision is dreaming. If a married man shows high attention, it seeks reciprocity, in every way proves his love, try to remember how this goer looked like:

  • pukhlen and with a smile on the face - the opposite sex will actively show interest in you in a noisy company;
  • slept and ugly - disappeared;
  • cute handsome - to fright.

If a unfamiliar young man with a small child was breeding in a dream, who only looks at you, is the likelihood that he will soon meet a future husband.

What was communication?

Remember whether I managed to talk with this married man in a dream, and what was communication.

If it was an empty chatter - perhaps you wast time and energy to unavailable classes.

They argued - you are not sure of our own forces to achieve the goals.

They asked him about help - get acquainted with a sensible person.

Hugged or welcomed as a friend Kiss - ahead will be a pleasant communication.

married man

See in a dream married man promises troubles and difficulties in love relationship reality. Kissing with a married man in a dream - a fleeting love passion, which will be bright, emotional, but will not bring any fruits and end overnight.

married man in a dream to what it is

To dream of a married man for a woman - a good sign. In the near future, you will experience the pleasure of upcoming troubles and homework, you may be pleased to be rewarded. For a man - you have a new thing, perhaps you will do a profitable business offer.

dreamed married man

If a girl sees a married man in a dream - she is not satisfied with his current position, marriage, loved. She is in finding the best. Kissing a married man - make an act for which will be very shameful. For a man, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of an opponent and rope.

what dreams married man

To see a beautiful and well-folded married man - to well-being, you are waiting for luck and success. To enter into sex with a married man - foreshadows big losses of a material nature.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a person sees his wife in a dream to a married man - all the bad belonging to him will leave.

Married in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A young married man sees a stupid processing - happy relationship.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of pregnancy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Pregnancy falls into your dreams with two main ways. The first is a dream about yourself during the pregnancy period, the second is your real pregnancy is a joyful event and sets its definite content. Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: such an opportunity is not limited ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of tea

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a man drinks tea in a dream - to happy, joyful life. Woman saw in a dream that she drinks tea - to strengthen the love of her husband to her. If a gentle man drinks tea - to a meeting with good and suitable for ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams to dance

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you have seen yourself in a dream - to success in affairs and enhanced service. If a non-native man saw him dancing in a dream - to the emergency wedding with beautiful girl. If he dances with a woman - to bankruptcy. If a …

Dream Interpretation: What dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of a spiner - fortunately and joy. If a non-native man sees in a dream, the strainer - to a fast wedding with a beautiful, talented girl. If the unmarried girl saw a spool - to the ambulance with a generous and smart guy. The merchant is dreaming a spread ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of rainbow

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A married man sees a rainbow - fortunately and well-being in the family. Married woman - to long parting with her husband. An unmarried man such a dream foreshadows an ambulance wedding. Unmarried Girl - marriage with smart, loving her man. Man in long separation from ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of a towel

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see the towel - to the invitation to the party. If a woman saw a towel in a dream - to the birth of a child. If a non-native man (woman) saw a towel - a friend will introduce his bride with his bride. The trader saw the towel - to the big profit in ...

Dream Interpretation: What is the dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see in itself - fortunately and fun. Seeing his wife and children with such a disease - to a permanent quarrel. See enemies with such a disease - to your defeat. A married man sees an OPU to himself - he will be a good owner. Non-native ...

Dream Interpretation: What dream of a pilgrimage

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A married man sees how he visits the place of pilgrimage - to great difficulties in life. Elderly such sleep foreshadows death. See how you attend such places with the whole family - to change the place of residence or change work.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

See yourself by an incinerator - to trouble, unhappiness. If a non-native man saw himself in a dream of an incinerator - to the wedding. The patient saw himself an incinerate - his illness was taken away. If you see yourself or a wife (mistress, lover) by the gagwesters - to a long well-being.

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of the moon

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

See the moon - to the execution of desire. If the moon is round - to the wealth or birth of a healthy child. A man sees how the light of the moon falls on the ground - to the troubles and dangerous turns of fate. The sailor sees an incomplete moon - unfortunately, if there is ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of candy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

There are candy in a dream - a good chance knocks on the door. If a married woman eats candy - to the invitation to the wedding. If a non-native man eats candy - to a rich and solemn one's own wedding. If the unmarried girl eats candy - her chosen one ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams Queen

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A man sees a queen - to loss, financial losses. Woman - to good, romantic husband's mood. The criminal is to freedom. A careerist sees a queen - to the ability to stand out and become the favorite of the chief. Trader - to the successful development of business abroad. Married woman …

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of confession

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A unmarried man sees himself to confession - to a wedding with a good woman who will not quit him in a difficult situation. A rich man sees himself to confession - to the fall of income. Poor sees himself to confession - to rich life. Sick - …

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of sauerkraut

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

there is sauer cabbage - To deterioration of health. A married man in a dream sees that he eats sauced cabbage - to the invitation to the wedding. An unmarried man is to deep feelings to his beloved. If you are preparing sauer cabbage in a dream - ...

Dream Interpretation: What dreams of priest

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A non-native man sees the priest - to the early wedding and the birth of a child. The sick sees the priest - to a quick recovery. The criminal is to execution. Older people see the priest before leaving life. Merchant - to improving business affairs. Pregnant - to ...