How to make a wardrobe from niche. Wardrobe with your own hands: Original decisions and tips of the designer

Wardrobe room is a space highlighted for storing things: underwear, upper linen and clothes, as well as shoes. This is necessary in order to focus all the clothes in one place, distribute it around the shelves, and not run throughout the apartment in search of underwear or outerwear. Here, clothes can be tried out, dress and pick up a harmonious combination. Especially, it is important when it is planned to go to visit or for any celebration.

For the arrangement of the dressing room does not require a large housing space. For its organization, it is enough to highlight 1.5-2.0 meters square living space. But it will always be easy and quick to find the desired clothes, as it is in one place and lies at certain points of the cabinet.

Unfortunately, it is necessary to state the fact that our citizens live in small apartments, where every square centimeter in the account. In this regard, it should be noted that the size of the dressing room is directly proportional to the size of the apartment. As a rule, its dimensions are within 1.5x1 m, no more, or even less. The most optimal solution is an angular dressing room: although it is less than the area, but it is room. Here is such a paradox!

Small dressing rooms with dimensions: 1.5x2.5 m and 2x2 m.

The mini-dressing room in the form of a rectangle, when things are located on one side, should have a width, not less than 1.2 meters, and during bilateral storage - at least 1.5 meters. In addition, there should be a place for a person who does not just look at the cabinets, but dresses or undress. Therefore, the dressing rooms are drastically different from the wardrobes. Plus, there should be so much space in the dressing room so that you can install any doors.

If a closed space appears, then the air is necessarily stored, after which, over time, the unpleasant smell of stagnant air appears. If there is still something stored in this room, heavier air appears, which absorbed the flavors of those things or objects that are in it. In this regard, it is possible to immediately say that ventilation is necessary, moreover, the ventilation is effective, which must be organized even before the room will be placed in storage.

The principle of ventilation operation is quite simple: at the top of the room, closer to the ceiling, the exhaust hole is located, where the fan can be installed, and the holes are located, where the fresh air is in the dressing room. The exhaust hole can be connected to the overall ventilation system or have an independent output. Better, if it is an exit to the street, and in extreme cases is an exit to the apartment. Thanks to the circulation of air, foreign smells will not be felt, and things are stored in appropriate conditions. At the same time, it should be remembered that the lower the holes are located to the floor and higher to the ceiling, the more effective the exhaust ventilation will work.

Options for organizing ventilation in the dressing room, through the bathroom.

Choosing a fan (if this is a coercive system) should pay attention to its noise level. The fact is that the place of the dressing room can be allocated in the bedroom or next to it. Therefore, extra noise absolutely for nothing. The fan is turned on or automatically or using a typical network switch.

As for lighting, it should be bright. First, you need to quickly find the necessary things, and secondly, the color of things should be real. If the illumination is small, then the color of things is the same misty and not natural, after which you can confuse some things that have similar pattern and coloring. In addition, putting underwear or clothing on itself, it is necessary to actually appreciate their harmonious combination. At the same time, the light should be evenly distributed across the wardrobe. The mirror can be located on the door or the doors themselves can be mirrored.

One of the ways to install lamps.

What lamps use is already at the request of the owner, but the approach should be as follows: more light combined with daytime. This will always make it easy to choose clothing, depending on the conditions of its wearing. Luminaires can be turned on from motion sensor. Then no need to install other switches. Usually, in such premises often forget to turn off the light, but the motion sensor will make it automatically.

Where to find a wardrobe place?

In not large on the area, the apartments are very difficult to highlight the place under the dressing room. Despite this, there are still options, since the planning of apartments is carried out with the presence of various non-large niches intended for milking storage rooms, etc. If there is no such possibility, you can carry out partial redevelopment of the apartment, especially since most layouts, especially since Soviet times, are not distinguished by their practicality. In the process of repair, many owners do this: they partially shifted partitions, removing unnecessary and optimizing residential space under their needs.

How to make a dressing room from the storage room.

If the apartment is angular, then there are much more options for the arrangement of the dressing room. Alternatively, one of the suitable corners can be isolated. In addition, the location of windows and doors allows you to have so-called dead zones. In this case, the ideal option is the arrangement of the share of the wardrobe.

Wardrobe room located in the corner.

If the area does not allow, it will have to slightly increase it artificially, making the walls not even, but with the middle extended. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room will not suffer from this, but in this place you can really accommodate a huge lot of useful things.

How to slightly increase the useful space.

There is another one, but a fairly useful option is the placement of the dressing room on the balcony or on the loggia. But before this should take care to be warm on the balcony or on the loggia, and this is possible only as a result of insulation. In addition, it is desirable that this place is heated.

Location of dressing room in the side of the balcony or loggia.

If there is a wide loggia, then shelves or racks can be placed along the wall.

Option of using a wide balcony.

If planning allows, then in the hallway, you can also highlight place for the dressing room. Although it all depends on the desire of the owners of the apartment.

Nevertheless, the most appropriate place, for the placement of the dressing room, is a bedroom. It is convenient to strip here and dress up, therefore, most of the apartment owners stop their choice precisely on this option and do not spare parts of the area under the placement of the dressing room. To organize such a useful space, it is enough to mount the partition, for example, from drywall, which does not take much time. In addition, the technology is so simple that this work can be done without proper experience with their own hands. This may leave the maximum week, without the presence of a special construction garbage.

Despite this, there are certain nuances. If the partition is done using the technology, you will have to squeeze the frame on both sides, which takes out extra centimeters of the useful area. Alternatively, the frame is shed only from the outside, and the inner part remains not covered. And here it is very important to arrange the profile so that they can serve as a support for drawers or other attached elements.

Plasterboard partition under the dressing room.

There are also simpler and technological options, without putting the putty. It may be partition from a regular chipboard, from OSB plates or MDF clapboard. In this case, it is possible to choose the color that most approaches the overall room interior. If you use non-laminated finishing materials, then they can then be saved the same wallpaper that they are intended for the room. In this case, it will be possible to disguise the dressing room.

In fact, there are quite a lot of options and approaches, so choosing the appropriate version is not a problem.

Selection of doors for the dressing room

When the dressing room is formed with your own hands, there are several options for mounting doors: it can be the door of the "coupe" type, the doors of the "harmonica" type, mounted doors on the rollers or ordinary swing doors. Alternatively, you can generally abandon the doors, if the place for storing the clothes is located in the bedroom: no one else will go. But this does not at all mean that the dressing room should not maintain order. It's a dressing room that things are kept in a certain order, otherwise finding anything will be very difficult. As a last resort, you can set something like a Japanese curtain.

Sliding doors - a compartment in the design of a dressing room.

There are also several options here: they can be installed on the entire width of the opening or parts. Parts that do not take part in the work of the doors should also be used, because there is not enough space.

Wardrobe room in the attic, where its lateral part is used.
Sliding doors across the whole width to easily reach things.

Doors are drawn up at will. They can be made bright, striking or make the room to the tone, so that they fit into the overall interior.

Arrangement: Apply Storage Systems

With small squares it makes no sense to do or order in the dressing room furniture from chipboard, MDF or wood, as it occupies a lot of free space. In addition, after its installation, something is already unrealistic.

Classical furniture takes a significant space.

In this case, it is resorted to more modern approaches, applying light metal storage systems for this. These are modular structures that are mounted on special racks. They can be attached differently, depending on the conditions of their use: or to the ceiling and to the floor, or to the walls. Different manufacturers produce various systems that may differ and fastening ways. After installing the racks, they are hanging on everything that is necessary for storage.

Racks have a special design that allows you to install any element and at any height. These are the most modern, mobile structures for storing things. They are easily modified depending on the existing space, the usual movement of the elements.

Modern, convenient modular system.

Racks can be rectangular cross sections in which grooves are formed on both sides. With the help of special clamps, these grooves are fastened with various components.

Another type of racks and another mounting option.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that various shelves and boxes apply here here. They may differ in both the fastening method, according to the method of operation and the method of location. For example, they can simply be installed on each other.

As a rule, such storage systems are quite expensive, as they are common, mainly in Europe. Therefore, it is not particularly worth counting on the purchase of such systems. The best option is an independent manufacture of a similar storage system from a round chrome pipe, using various fasteners. In fact, the same furniture system is obtained, although not so functional, but it is much cheaper. How do we say, why pay more?

Device dressing room made of round furniture pipe.

Clothing Storage Equipment

Along with classic shelf drawers, there are other storage methods. These include a skirt or trousers. These are specially designed structural elements, sometimes equipped with clips. They allow you to store skirts or trousers for a long time without the consequences of storage. As a rule, if under normal conditions, pants or skirts are stored, then they must be smoothed after that. An innovative approach allows for a long time to store skirts or pants without additional operations to bring them into the condition.

If a similar hanger is also extended, then this is another plus that allows you to produce a visual inspection of everything that is available.

Brackets for skirts or trousers are one of the uses of storage items.

Despite this, there is another, more affordable option, which is much cheaper, but the result is not worse than. In this case, hangers are used with crossbars located one above the other. It may not be so comfortable, but the result is almost the same.

One of the cheap options for storing skirts and trousers.

For storage of ties, a special design is also provided, which is extended in length. Although there is another system that is focused on storing in the box cells.

Storage Design Ties.

Hangers can be placed in different ways. One of the simple ways is the retractable brackets, on the principle of storage of ties.

Retractable clothing storage brackets.

Another one, but a very interesting design is a pantograph. It allows you to use the useful space until the ceiling, without affecting the functionality. Moreover, the device can be attached both to the side walls and the ceiling itself. A special rod is installed in the pipe center, the movement of which lowers objects into a horizontal position. As a rule, the carrying capacity of such devices does not exceed 18 kg, which corresponds to the easy-to-wear clothing.

Pantograph for clothing storage (easy).

Welfare storage methods

As a rule, in each family, the number of footage pairs is tens, therefore, the problem of its storage is obvious. As far as is known, there are classic storage options to which everyone is accustomed and uses decades. At the same time, such methods are not sufficiently functional, especially in conditions of lack of useful area. In this regard, it makes sense to pay attention to more modern approaches in storing shoes that are able to save vital space.

For example, it can actually interest the retractable system where the storage of shoes uses pins fixed on a rolling basis. It is convenient, and compactly, which is suitable for our conditions.

Extendable frame for shoes with pins.

There is another approach - this is a mini-dressers that are attached to the walls and, which practically do not occupy space. Alternatively, the suspension system is suitable, which are used in the complex with a horizontal pipe.

Storage options for shoes in the dressing room.
The use of mini-dresses located on the wall.

This is not all ideas, since their huge set. They allow you to store shoes compactly, practically without a lot of space. You can get acquainted with them in the photo below.

There are other, cheaper storage methods. They are actually used to store seasonal shoes. That shoes that are used can be stored on special grids equipped with rearranged hooks. Something similar can be observed in stores selling shoes. As a rule, it is a metal mesh or perforated chipboard, where hooks with shelves are fixed. Mobile hooks, so they can (just like the shelves) to put up for any size of the shoes.

Grid with hooks and shelves like one of the cheap storage options for shoes.

Install such a net of home is not difficult. Moreover, it can be fixed on the wall, on the side surface of the cabinet or even on the door. Shelves and hooks cling to horizontal crossbars. This approach saves not only the place in the apartment, but also money. This idea is so simple that it can be implemented for very small funds using its skill. In other words, it really makes it yourself, it is enough to make or find a panel with holes where such hooks will be inserted. By the way, you can do everything yourself: both panels and shelves with hooks.

Option: Shield with holes and hooks for placing shoes.

If the budget is limited, it is better to purchase and look for such systems not in furniture stores, but on the Internet. First, it can do it much cheaper, and secondly, on sites there can be a wider range of devices that may be interested in any potential client. There are many devices that are designed to save space. Take at least the same stores that are interested in setting the maximum of goods in a lack of useful area. Really can interest special racks for shoes.

Metal racks for shoes.

If you add wheels to such racks, then it turns out a unique retractable system for storing shoes. The most important thing is that the system will cost several times cheaper than the one that is sold in the store.

Design Stage Wardrobe

First of all, it should be decided on the size of the wardrobe room in order to further acquire the storage systems that would correspond to the size dimensions. In any case, it should be approximately the same layout as in the photo below.

Approximate organization of location of places for storing various things (indicating all sizes).

For ease of use, space is desirable to withstand the following dimensions:

  • the smallest distance from the shelf to the shelf:
  • when things are stored - 30 cm;
  • when shoes are stored - 20 cm;
  • jackets, jackets, shirts - 120 cm;
  • pants:
  • folded twice - 100 cm;
  • in length - 140 cm;
  • space for outerwear - 160-180 cm.
  • space for dresses - 150-180 cm.

In the upper part, the place is given under the clothes of the other season or under things that rarely dressed. Sometimes at the bottom weigh the place for the vacuum cleaner, and in one of the cabinets weighing the place under the ironing board (very necessary thing).

Who wants to make a dressing room independently can get acquainted with several schemes.

Shelf for shoes with all sizes.
Methods for making shoe holders.
The use of plastic pipes for storing shoes.

In order to create a comfortable setting in the interior of a house or apartment, it is important to organize the space properly.
To date, special zones create special zones to store items of wardrobe, making them necessary things: shelves, racks, racks and modules.

Some it seems that the allocation of space for a similar purpose with a comfortable layout and fashion designer is an exeance, bordering the luxury.

But if you study examples of finished dressing rooms, you can make sure that it is real in any room of the presence, and even from the usual storage room you can create a full-fledged wardrobe room.

The main task is to decide what dimensions and layout will be a dressing room, and consider the remaining details.

Wardrobe room with their own hands from 4 square metering. m, photo

Subtleties location

Choosing a location of the zone designed to store the wardrobe items, follow the size of the room allotted under these goals.

A small-sized wardrobe for storing a large number of things can be equipped even in a modest room. The smallest dressing rooms have dimensions of 1x1.5 and 1x2 m. In such a space of 2-3 square meters. The meter can accommodate drawers, hangers and rack, and decorate the free wall with a mirror.

Little wardrobe room, photo

Important! The space allotted under the dressing room should be well covered: Hang in this zone small light sources on the ceiling or on the walls. It is best to stop the choice on the embedded models of the lamps.

In the event that space in the residential room is highlighted for placing clothes, it is desirable to give preference to the modular system. This option will give the ability to change the position of the modules. In most cases, such systems are placed in the corner of the room or along the wall so as not to take place in the center of the room.

The second type of dressing room involves the selection of a separate room - 12, 16 and even 18 square meters. meters, although most often is a small storage room.

In the photo - an example of a wardrobe room from a small pantry:

Little wardrobe rooms from storage room, photo

If the layout and size of housing allow you to allocate a separate room to place the wardrobe items, then you will gain much more advantages from creating a full-fledged wardrobe system for storing things.

The main advantage of such a layout is the possibility of separating the space on the functional zones and the selection of separate sections for all residents of the house.

Choosing a type of system for storing things and place for its location, take into account that the shelves and racks must be in a convenient accessible place. If there is not enough space, install only the most necessary sections, and elements of secondary significance, for example, a dressing table, an ironing board located outside the wardrobe.

Advantages of equipment Gardersob

If you doubt whether to equip a dressing room in your apartment or a private house and where it is better to arrange such a zone, consider the pros of such a system:

In the photo - sample of the built-in wardrobe room:

Built-in wardrobe rooms, photo

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the wardrobe, read the options for its planning to ensure its maximum comfort, functionality and ergonomics.

Planning options

There are several wardrobe planning options. The easiest - linear, similar to a long jiggle cabinet, with monolithic walls and sliding doors.

If such a wardrobe takes not the whole room, there are plasterboard partitions for distinction. If there is no need for a reliable space separator, then use a beautiful curtain for this purpose.

Wardrobe rooms of small sizes, photos

It should be noted that the layout of the linear type is also suitable for wardrobes located in the passing areas. If a separate room is highlighted for storage of things, install the racks along the wall or parallel to each other, and the mirror hang on the wall perpendicular to them.

The wardrobe can be equipped in the corner. Wardrobe with an angular layout allow you to save space. To highlight more storage location, you can use unusual radius doors having a hemispherical configuration.

Doors for the dressing room room, photo

If the room is spacious, an excellent solution will be the organization of the system for storage in the form of the letter P. as filling as structural elements; Such a wardrobe should be completed with traditional racks, special linen baskets are also suitable, comfortable hangers, hooks, ironing compartment.

How to equip a dressing room, photo

Small-sized dressing systems of ways to accommodate a limited number of modules, so you need to choose only those that are needed most.

The main zones in the composition of the dressing room include:

  • high section intended for outerwear (coat, jackets, raincoats) with a bar, located on a 1.5-meters altitude;
  • section of 1 meter height - for shortened clothes;
  • department for shoes;
  • shelves for caps and things in which you do not need at a certain time of the year.

The minimum width of the wardrobe room is 1-1.2 m.

For example, in the wardrobe room of 4 sq. M in the bedroom, as in the photo, these sections will be enough:

Photo of small wardrobe rooms of 4 square meters. meter

Thinking the equipment of the wardrobe, follow the needs of all living. Women need a zone with a mirror, for men it is more important to quickly find the necessary things of the daily socks, so the practicality of storage departments is displayed.

Increased attention, the system for storing children's clothing is also needed: shelves are located at a lesser height, differ in shape and have a smaller volume.

Recommendation: The wardrobe, which will be used by a weaker sex representative, can be equipped with small chests, boxes for accessories and other useful devices created for organizing order and demonstration of the original design.

Recently, products have entered the fashion with the ability to transform: furniture items - transformers, customized for the required parameters. A similar system is appropriate for a small dressing area, and for a separate room.

How to make a dressing room in a small room, photo

It is rational to have a bar for fastening the hangers in the middle of a modern dressing room, and accommodate racks and small shelves from the sides. In fact, the idea for the organization of a dressing room is diverse, and, before you start working on the arrangement of your own dressing room, learn several ways to plan.

Corner wardrobe

For small rooms, wardrobe systems having an angular configuration are perfectly suitable. They can be placed in any free corner of the room and used in the premises whose area is 20 square meters. m. To accommodate things, there is enough space of 4 square meters. m.

Taking into account the layout and other features of the room, make a sketch of the wardrobe.

Such systems may have different configurations:

Focusing on the selected option, you can place various equipment in the wardrobe. Simple models are preferred for angular systems that differ in modest square.

Locker's passing option

Sometimes the need to organize a storage system in the room, which is a passage. In such a situation, racks are placed in such a way as not to overlap the passage into the adjacent room. For example, this is possible in the planning apartments, in which the bathroom and a bedroom are near.

Narrow dressing room, photo

What should be taken into account by organizing space in this way? First of all, competently plan the location of the shelves and other sections. Place them so that they did not interfere, but did not lose the capacity. Ordinary doors open from themselves either, on the contrary, on themselves, are not ergonomic, they occupy a lot of space. In such a situation, the jigging doors are more suitable (on the principle of the wardrobe).

The convenient option is the location of adjacent rooms in one axial plane, and not diagonally. This allows you to install racks in such a way that they do not interfere with movement and created the attractive appearance of the entire zone.

In Mansard

The arrangement of the wardrobe room will give you the opportunity to adjust the features of the room and its layout. You can easily place the wardrobe even in the attic.

Pick the details for the wardrobe systems, taking into account their fit in the bevelled spaces and the zones of the attic with low ceilings.

Important! It is not recommended to equip the system for storing things in an attic room if its height is less than two meters.

Do not forget about the convenience, if you cannot straighten up at the entrance to the attic - this is not a better option for the dressing room. If there is enough space, you can start the layout.

Wardrobe room on attic

In those parts of the attic, where the ceilings are low, place the shelves for shoes, in those that are higher - sections for outerwear.

Nuances of decoration

Making a dressing room located in the bedroom or other room, you can easily decide on the design. The color gamut used for finishing materials should be combined with a palette that prevails in the interior of the room itself.

It is optimal that furniture objects, including in the dressing room, have similar textures or belonged to the collection of one designer.

Little Wardrobe Design, Photo

Wardrobe doors adorn inserts from matte, transparent glass, carved patterns, mirrors. The decor variant is chosen based on the style of the style in which the room is framed. For example, plastic photophalles are suitable for modern style.

Wardrobe decor, located in a separate room, in most cases needs a good level of lighting, as the windows in such rooms are rare. For this reason, the walls are preferably decorated in light colors (you can paint or with wallpaper).

As for the color gamut of furniture facades, it may be different; Focus on personal preferences and size of the room, but it is desirable that it is muffled, easily perceived gamma.

Bedroom Design with Wardrobe Room, Photo

If there is an internal illumination in the dressing room, you can use non-standard sections. For example, glass racks or shelves on which stylish accessories or designer shoes will be placed.

A large wardrobe can be decorated with a soft carpet with a fluffy pile, wall decorate with mirrors in a beautiful framework.

See on the photo, how can I get a wardrobe room correctly and competently:

Options for planning and decorating wardrobe zones and rooms are diverse. Examine photos of ready-made and implemented projects and implement the option you like in your home. To equip a comfortable, beautiful and functional zone or room for placing things is not so difficult, there would be a desire.

In the photo - schemes and samples of planning and device of dressing rooms with dimensions (pictures are clicable):

The presence of own dressing room is not a luxury, but the need to ensure convenient ordered storage of things.

The finished sketches will help you create a cozy and presentable wardrobe in a room with any layout, even the smallest and modest in size.

For some modern styles (modern, minimalism, high-tech) is appropriate to use for wall decoration: see examples and evaluate their properties to find out whether such material will suit you.

Options for interior arches from plasterboard in the apartment can be viewed in the photo.

Photos of luxury bedrooms in a modern style - in the article at:


Video on how to equip a dressing room with your own hands:

Now you do not need to run from the cabinet to the corridor, in which the mirror is in full growth, selecting one or another combination of clothing. And the sudden appearance of guests will not make you surprise because of the non-dissential apartment, because all things can be distributed in the dressing room. Even in the smallest area, the apartment is possible, the placement of compact sizes of the dressing room, in which clothing, shoes, accessories will be stored.

Thus, the dressing room will place ready-made combinations of clothing, and the stuff laid in a certain order will continue to save your time on the search and selection. A urgent needed thing will be found in counting seconds.

Storage of things can be organized as a functional purpose of clothing, for example, T-shirts and T-shirts on one shelf, jeans and trousers on another and distribution of things in color scheme. Having setting the dressing room, you will always be sure that things are neatly awesome, they will not remember, do not lose their impeccable appearance.

Where you can accommodate

Place a dressing room is possible in a private house, in the apartment and even in the country. It should not be mistaken that owners of small-sized housing should be abandoned from their own dressing room. Dressing room can be built-in or located in a separate room.

Your earnings are presented with wardrobe rooms for every taste and wallet.

From the storage room

If you have a storage room in the apartment layout, then we recommend using this room most useful ways. Having placed the design for storing clothes and things, you can use the entire utility area well. The wardrobe room is perfectly placed in the size of the pantry. Just add various shelves, drawers, brackets for hanging overheads to wardrobes. In the boxes, you can install dividing strips, and place there belts, accessories, hats. On the shelves to arrange neatly folded clothes, as well as decompose the shoes compounds.

The wardrobe room must satisfy your needs, because the design is to approach after analyzing the number of things. Understanding the total storage things will help correctly calculate the required amount of shelves.

In the bedroom

If the bedroom of an impressive size and the owner prefers to have a wardrobe room at the distance, then the designers are ready to offer the most different options. Dressing room can be with sliding doors, or at all have a design without doors. An individual wardrobe room with a unique design is designed for each customer.

In the corridor

The optimal solution for filling the space of the corridor is the installation of a dressing room. Now the need for acquisition of cabinets and dressers, which take free space in the rooms. Having installed a dressing room in the corridor, you solve several tasks at the same time: free space release in rooms and organize the empty location of the corridor. The dressing room can be designed an angular embedded in the wall, or any other configuration.

From Niche

In order for the interior distinguished individuality, it is enough to use free niches for mounting the wardrobe system. You will be able to attract the attention of others to such a non-standard approach, interesting design, as well as make any niche useful and functional.

In Mansard

Do not steal a place under the dressing room in the bedrooms of your own cottage, because the attic room perfectly copes with the solution of this task. The use of the attic allows rationally to use residential space for the needs of a modern person.

Under the staircase

The premium space is quite roomy, and allows you to place things and clothing. Position the dressing room under the stairs, and you will save money on acquiring other furniture for storing things.


For making with your own hands, a wardrobe room uses various materials. The proposed list of materials will help determine the selection.

Plasterboard allows you to make a separate niche indoors, which is further saturated with components for convenient storage of things. Plasterboard is easy to paint, because the dressing room can be made the most bold color preferences.

From the old furniture is easy to make a dressing room, original and unique design, with minimal cash investment and maximum time savings on the manufacture of elements.

Chipboard is an affordable and widespread material for making frame, shelves and boxes. It allows you to perform a dressing room in various color variations, with a matte or glossy effect of a facing surface.

The joker system represents the basis for various accessories, to saturate the wardrobe rooms. Holders of glasses and shelves, hooks, hangers will make a wardrobe functional.

Plywood is a material with the properties of increased strength. Plywood is widely used for the manufacture of partitions and shelves in the dressing rooms.

A tree is a natural material that is applicable to create a wardrobe in children's rooms, cottages, any residential premises, where the owners take care of the safety and environmental purity of the interior.

Chrome pipes allow you to make a mesh wardrobe room. Pipes are used, the outer diameter of which does not exceed 25 mm. The pipe is easily cut with hacksaw, and the connecting and fastening fittings will help to mount in the wardrobe. The design made of chrome pipe has high performance.

How to do: Step by step instructions


To date, the dressing room for most people is no longer a luxury, but the necessary attribute of the residential premises. High rhythm of life involve the presence of a large amount of clothing, which is important to store properly. A competently designed wardrobe will allow you to create a certain mood in the room, save space in other rooms, will provide convenience and comfort in everyday life.

The design of the dressing room should determine its location, design requirements and capacity, the amount of money that you are willing to spend on making. The wardrobe room can be provided with one for all family members or, on the contrary, highlight individual niches for each. The size of the room will depend on whether you want to add clothing storage with such things as a blanket, pillows, bed linen sets. Sports inventory can also be located in the dressing room.

Pre-make the sort of things to calculate the required number of shelves and hangers. It is desirable to make several sketches of the wardrobe rooms, and consulting with all family members, stop the choice on one. When designing, consider several additional shelves, which may be needed in the future.

When developing the project of a mesh dressing room, it should be taken into account that the design of the mesh shelf withstands no more than 60 kg. However, such systems are characterized by price availability and relative simplicity of installation.


Shelves are installed at a distance of 35 or 40 cm from each other. The depth of the shelves, as a rule, is more than 40 cm. Wide shelves allow you to put clothes in a few stacks. For long shelves, an additional support is required, which warns the bending from heavy things. The rods are recommended to be located 100 cm each other. If there is a long coat or dresses, a single-row rod is allowed. Retractable boxes should be mounted using high-quality accessories capable of withstanding high loads. Extremely uncomfortable drawers, located above the breast line. Baskets with heavy things should not be placed above their growth.

Sliding doors fit into almost any interior and configuration of the room. Such doors are not only distinguished by their functionality, they will also bring a special interior design. Use sliding doors easily for children and older people. To install doors, it does not require certain experience or special skills, it is enough to insert the doors to the guides.

When designing a rack in the dressing room, we should not forget that they are not customary to store linen, as well as in an open form or transparent containers medicines. You should think in advance that you will be placed on open racks. Racks are distinguished by practicality, therefore they can be made of various sizes. Determine your needs, and boldly act. Racks allow you to save space and compactly store the large volume of various things and clothing.

Lighting and ventilation

It is necessary to pay special attention to the creation of sufficient lighting and the presence of ventilation. The presence of small natural lighting does not exclude the need for additional light sources, such as chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps. The light is played in the location zone of mirrors. The backlight located on the floor throughout the perimeter of the room will increase the lighting on the lower shelves. The main work to ensure clean air performs ventilation. It is the ventilated premises that guarantees protection against the unpleasant odor and the formation of pests. Also ventilation eliminates the sedimentation of dust on clothing and things.


When it allows a sufficient amount of free space in the wardrobe room, you can install a comfortable chair or sofa. It is worth thinking about placing mirrors that can be separate or mounted to the walls. It will be useful to purchase additional hangers, which, if necessary, will help accommodate new new clothes.

Your attention is presented with various design room designs that can serve as an inspiration for designing your own.

  • Before you, an example of a dressing room, which is placed in the storage room. It should be noted that the room is completed under the requirements of a man. In a certain order there are shelves for bags, shoes, denim trousers, sweaters and pullovers.
  • This storage room acquires a completely different sound when shelves are designed in it, the size of the entire length of the room. The design of the dressing room is decorated with relief baguette. Due to the limited space, there are no doors on the hinges, as well as the minimum number of drawers.

  • The design distinguishes the presence of built-in luminaires throughout the perimeter of the room. Point lighting allows you to find the necessary things on the most upper shelves without much effort. Since the width of the room is sufficient to accommodate various retractable shelves, this wardrobe room is designed with all sorts of variations.

  • The wardrobe room is made in minimalist style, with a small amount of drawers. For small things and various accessories use braided baskets with handles. Pants are stored not on the shelves in the folded form, but waves on special holders. The design is mounted to the ceiling and floor surface to ensure the system stability. Recommended for installation in a small bedroom. Wardrobe economy class and makes it possible to use free space in the bedroom with low cost. Low cost, convenience, ease of installation - distinctive features without a door design.

  • Sliding doors separate the sleeping area from the dressing room. This solution is appropriate for premises with a total area of \u200b\u200bmore than 18 sq.m. As a rule, in such wardrobe placed in a complete growth of the mirror and ironing board. In a separate dressing room, it is possible to store not only clothes and shoes, but also household appliances, such as a vacuum cleaner, iron. It is possible to add to the shelves to store books, family photo albums, personal hygiene and cosmetic products.

  • Separating a dressing room of the door coupe will be a modern and practical solution. They are made using glass or mirrors. Glass can be color, transparent or tinted. Often there are corrugated or patterned glasses, as well as a mosaic. The cost of the original design of the doors-coupe is relatively high, but they will certainly declare about the excellent taste of the owner.

  • The wardrobe is represented by a complex design, which, at the expense of large mirrors, increases visually space in the corridor. An interesting design will certainly pay attention to the attention of guests. In the absence of sufficient light in the corridor, the built-in lighting in the dressing system will be relevant.

  • Widely common wardrobe option in Russian apartments. It is preferable to such a choice for large-sized apartments with wide corridors. The doors on the hinges deliver some inconvenience to use in the corridors. Therefore, they are recommended by the coupe, which are distinguished by their reliability and stability. Such wardrobe is carried out strictly in size and allow you to hide the irregularities of the halls of the corridor.

  • Designer proposal that creates a certain interior style in the apartment. Wicker baskets from the vine add a wardrobe originality. Several vertical and horizontal partitions, the presence of hooks give the structures simplicity, minimalism. Also pleases a relatively low cost of manufacturing and ease of installation of such wardrobe.

  • A bold solution in which the wardrobe room has no doors. Minimalistic design is distinguished by design. It is recommended to install a two-row hanger in the presence of a large number of blouses, jackets, costumes.

  • With the help of drywall, a separate niche is made in which a wardrobe design is installed. Such a solution helps to use any free space existing in an apartment or house. Often there are already various niches in the projects of residential premises, which are perfectly suitable for the wardrobe. You can find at home in which a separate niche with a dressing room is assigned for each family member.

  • Install the folding doors in the niche, and the wardrobe room is ready for saturation by shelves or hanger. Doors can be plastic, glass or wooden. Also perfectly look at various textured curtains that serve as an excellent replacement of doors. Manufacturers offer a huge range of components and ready-made systems for filling the dressing room.

  • Spacious attic in which the modern dressing room is installed. Restrained color palette and bright sofa create a special style. High walls allow you to place hangers for outerwear, such as coat. And in narrow niches it is possible to store shoes.

  • The wardrobe room is made in bright colors, which visually add space to the room. The lack of natural light is compensated due to the installation of various lamps directed into all niches of the attic. Free space in the middle of the dressing room of the room is used under furniture, in which various things and clothing are also stored.

  • The presence of an apartment in an attic room does not exclude the possibility of mounting the wardrobe room. Presented design in pastel colors, which creates comfort, comfort. The low wall of the attic does not allow you to install the cabinet, because storage of things can be organized well with a wardrobe system consisting of chromed pipes.
  • Establishment

Wardrobe is special premises designed to store things, shoes and other small items. Usually they are represented by separate rooms equipped with different systems for the content of things. Often they are formed independently in the hallway or construe from a small storage room. They are considered multifunctional and comfortable in use, and a wardrobe can be made with their own hands, for which various materials and drawings are used.

If it is planned to do the work independently, it is recommended to see the training video in advance to find out all the subtleties of work, as well as take into account different errors, problems arising in the process. The first stage of creating a wardrobe is to form special drawings by which subsequent work will be implemented. When a sketch is formed, important points are taken into account:

  • initially, a drawing of a direct compartment is made designed to create a dressing room, and it can be represented by a small storage area or a small niche available in the corridor, a bedroom or other housing room;
  • all the results are transferred to paper, and the very work itself without experience, special skills are quite difficult;
  • it is determined what sizes will have racks, the shelves of other elements installed in the dressing room, and it is taken into account that the shelves should not have a depth exceeding 50 cm, and between them should be a distance in the range of 35 cm;
  • if difficulties arise with the definition of the appearance of this compartment, it is desirable to view the photo in the selection to take some ready-made drawing as a basis;
  • it is important to decide whether there will be a door in the design, because if it is planned, it is solved what size it will have, and whether it will also be standard, swinging or sliding;
  • wardrobe with your own hands the drawings and the schemes of which can be selected in the selection must be made durable, high-quality, so all the items contained here are required to be securely fixed, therefore used fasteners for these purposes.

The finished project should contain numerous calculations and photos so that you can clearly imagine how a dressing room will look like, as well as what fasteners and materials must be purchased to fulfill all the work.

Tools and materials

Making a wardrobe on its own requires advance preparation of various materials and tools used during this work. At this stage, you should use the information calculated as a result of the design.

The elements are preparing:

  • the rack and guide profiles intended to create a frame of a future wall, and their thickness should not be significant, since the partition substantial over the thickness occupies too much space, which is not suitable for limited space;
  • plasterboard used in the process of covering partitions, and it is desirable that its thickness varies from 12 to 15 mm, and it is also recommended to use moisture resistant material;
  • to increase the sound insulation parameters, it is recommended to fill the frame space by any suitable material, and the mineral wool is considered an excellent solution for these purposes;
  • materials for conducting finishing works, and here there is a putty and a grid to strengthen the spacion layer, as well as the finishing material, and paint, wallpaper, as well as different wall panels can be used;
  • to create high-quality, uniform lighting, lighting devices are purchased, as well as wires for laying wiring, sockets and switch;
  • accessories to different storage systems, doors, other elements used in the room;
  • the device with a dressing room with its own hands implies certainly the use of different shelves and racks, mirrors and other elements for its filling, and the choice of them completely depends on the selected layout, the preferences of the owners and on their financial capabilities.

When buying lighting devices, preference is recommended to be given to LED lamps and a special tape, since these elements guarantee high-quality and uniform lighting, and also considered cost-effective.


Elements of carcass


Installation of plasterboard design

At this stage, the direct creation of a gypsum wardrobe is begins. For this, walls of pre-acquired metal profiles are created. The whole process is easily implemented independently at home, and it is recommended to see the learning video in advance to take into account the nuances of the work. Serial and correct steps are performed:

  • marking on the walls in places where it is planned to attach the design to the walls, and it is necessary to use the construction level for the correctness of this process;
  • holes are created for dowels, and it is important to know how to do them correctly, as they must be where there is a markup for this;
  • the profile is completed, and this process must be done quickly, reliably, for which the holes made in advance the dowels are inserted, where screws are clogged, and after profiles are attached;
  • we collect the design, for which the ventral racks inserting into already fixed guides are mounted, and the distance between them should be about 60 cm;
  • if it is planned to manufacture a dressing room with a door, then where there will be an opening, it is necessary to strengthen the design, for which special jumpers are applied.

You need to make a dressing room with your own hands in such a way that the resulting design is in no way overwhelming, and also it should not be fed or stagged.


Fastening profile

Wardrobe Stellage

The optimal solution for each dressing room is considered such a special rack. He fits perfectly even in a small room, as well as collect him will not be difficult. It can be made at all independently from chipboard or other available and easy-to-process materials. There are many photos with this design, so you can make sure in the attractive appearance of such dressing rooms.

Wardrobe rack can be bought in finished form or made independently. In the latter case, you can embody unique ideas, ideas, as well as arrange a dressing room, ideally relevant to the requests of the premises owners.

Photos of ready-made such racks in large quantities are below, so you can choose the optimal option. With independent creation, sequential steps are implemented:

  • the markup is initially applied, defining the dimensions and parameters of the future design, and it should be located both on the walls and on the floor of the room where it is planned to perform work;
  • the installation of the guides is performed, and they must be attached to the base base to be attached to the groove to insert the racks;
  • the design of plasterboard or different plates is sized, and the choice depends on the preferences of the owners of the future dressing room, as well as from the selected style.

Thus, the rack is ideal for wardrobe rooms. Wardrobe rooms with this design are distinguished by high capacity, attractiveness, multifunctionality.

Assembling elements of stellage

Painting metal parts

Installation of carcass

Fastening shelves

Fastening the collected stellage

Finished design

Pencil case

Often in this room are satisfied with a special penalty. It is a narrow and long closet designed to store different clothes or other not too big things. Often it is additionally equipped with a special hanger in the form of a frame that is put forward on the side. The number of shelves in such a penalty may be different, and it is determined depending on the number of people living in residential real estate.

The process of creating such a design is divided into consecutive stages, which allows you to make a really high-quality and multifunctional penalty in the apartment:

  • the necessary materials are purchased, and it is important to choose high-quality rollers;
  • first one is going to hanger, and then attached to the sidewalls special rollers;
  • rear and upper wall fixed;
  • rowed hanger;
  • next, we make the remaining sidewall.

Thus, if you figure out how to build a dressing case, this process will not cause any difficulties and problems.


When studying how to make a dressing room in the rooms, you need to decide on finishing materials. As a sheat, plasterboard is most often selected, and on the structures made from it you can fix different items and elements. After creating a frame and fixing the sheaving, a putty and wall decoration is carried out. To work correctly and competently, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • plasterboard sheets are recorded to the frames made;
  • if necessary, they cut and bent in different ways;
  • the design is carried out with the use of self-adhesive tape, and it prevents the occurrence of cracks;
  • it is desirable to apply the material at once in two layers;
  • a special firming soil is applied, reduced base absorbability, as well as an increase in the adhesion of paints;
  • the surfaces of the resulting design are used, and is also allowed to use other materials for the trim, for example, wall panels.

Thus, if you carefully study the device of the wardrobe room with your own hands, then this process will not take much time and will not require an investment of a significant amount of funds. With independent work, it is possible to obtain a really unique design, ideally suitable for a certain room and its style.

Lighting and ventilation

Another important point is the creation of high-quality ventilation and lighting in the dressing room. Most often, it is a room without windows, so there is no natural renewal of air and flow of sunlight here. Therefore, in the process of finishing this premises, features are taken into account:

  • under the door, the wardrobe certainly left a fairly large gap, through which fresh air will flow into the room;
  • in the construction of partitions, special technological gaps must certainly be left;
  • over the plinths can be created small holes in the walls;
  • if the work is performed in a private house, it is recommended to do the ventilating hole at all on the floor, closed with a durable and shallow grille.

The lighting in the dark room should be high quality and optimal. Therefore, it is desirable to use not only a common lamp installed on the ceiling, but also additional lighting. To enhance the comfort and speed of finding on the shelves of different items, it is recommended to fix the LED backlight to them, represented as a ribbon.

Drawings and schemes

If you create a wardrobe room with your own hands, then you need drawings and schemes for which basic works will be carried out. In these documents, the main points are understandable:

  • room size;
  • the location of all elements contained here;
  • the need, dimensions and other doors parameters are taken into account;
  • the calculation of finishing materials and fasteners;
  • it is envisaged to use different extended structures;
  • the calculation of all costs required to obtain a full and comfortable room;
  • it is thought out in advance layout.

The drawing certainly is created pre-on paper, and when it study, it will be schematically visible how the room will look like after the work performed. If there is no experience with drawings, you can use special programs.

Thus, a dressing room is a useful, multifunctional room, designed to store different items, clothes. To understand how to make a dressing room with your own hands, it is recommended to pre-carefully examine the learning video to take into account the numerous nuances, the features of this work. It is important to enjoy during work in advance made drawings, as well as apply exceptionally high-quality, reliable materials. With a competent approach, it is guaranteed to obtain a high-quality, durable design, withstanding different loads and exposure. We must not forget about optimal ventilation, uniform lighting. All the above nuances depends the comfort of the use of independentized wardrobe.

The most convenient, probably, the device for storing things is a wardrobe room. After all, it really is great when all the details of the wardrobe are in one place and you can immediately appreciate how well the selected set is combined, and not run out of the room in the room - take it, trying to see. And you can make a dressing room on a very small area: a minimum is 1.5-2 square meters. Even in a small-sized apartment, such space is possible. Moreover, it is noted that it is more convenient to use them if you are collected by the dressing room with your own hands. Everything is simple: no one knows you better than your habits and can not arrange things in the right order. So, proceed to the independent creation of a dressing room.

Dimensions of dressing rooms

Our realities are such that most people live in small-sized apartments, where every centimeter in the account. Therefore, sizes often have a decisive role. The smallest wardrobe room may have an area of \u200b\u200b1.2 - 1.5 square meters. meter. This is a rectangle with the sides of 1.5 * 1 meter or so. Also, the small dressing room can be an angular - this option is even more roomy than a similar area rectangular: with an equal area the length of the parties by which the shelves can be positioned and the storage system will be greater.

The smallest wardrobe: 1.5 by 2.5 m and 2 on 2 m

A rectangular mini-dressing room with one-sided placement of things must have a width of at least 1.2 m, with a bilateral - at least 1.5 m. Depth should be such that there was an opportunity to "enter". These are wardrobes, mostly, and differ from the wardrobes of the coupe, and also - the ability to install any doors.

Ventilation and lighting

Even in the mini-dressing rooms, and even more so in large, ventilation is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe smell of sharpness quickly appears in the closed room, which no perfume disguises. Therefore, while planning, find a way to make ventilation in the dressing room.

The principle of its device is no different: at the top of any of the walls, it is desirable further from the door, the exhaust hole is made, where the fan is inserted. The inflow is provided or in the slot under the doors or in special supply holes located just above the floor level. They are closed with decorative lattices. The output of the ventacanal should be in the overall ventilation system, you can withdraw it to the street or under the roof of the private house. The air exchange organized in this way effectively supports the normal state of affairs.

Principles of organization of ventilation wardrobe through the bathroom

When choosing a fan it is worth paying special attention to the level of noise. Since the wardrobe is often made in bedrooms or close near them, the noise must be minimal. It can be controlled by automatics or turn on / off ordinary or.

Lighting should be bright. First, it is necessary to quickly find things, secondly, the wardrobe rooms are often used as fitting room to immediately see how much the selected things are combined. The mirror is usually located on the door or make mirror doors. In this case, the light should be directed not only to the shelves and storage systems, but also in the zone of fittings.

You can use the lamps of any type, but it makes sense to make them turn on from motion sensors. Out off the doors - the lamps were lit, no movement, they turned off. There is also an option for hanging doors there are lamps with buttons that are lit when the door is opened and turn off when they are closed.

Where to do

Even in small apartments there are "appendicitis" that cannot be used normally. So in such a place and you can make a dressing room.

Another popular option is a storage room. In this case, everything is simple. Clean all the unnecessary, change the doors and install the appropriate content: racks, racks, baskets, shelves.

If there is nothing like that in the apartment, part of the room - the end or an angle - you need to look at the layout. The corner wardrobe room is good because it allows the use of the most difficult to use zones, precisely - angles. Especially if there are closely located doors in two adjacent walls. This zone is considered to be "dead": there, besides a small angular shelf, you will not put anything: everything will interfere. Approximately the same option - two windows or a window and doors.

If the area is too small, it is possible to increase it a bit, making the wall not smooth, but with a slightly stepped middle. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room will not significantly decrease from this, but things can fit much more.

They still make them on the loggia - making part of the glazing opaque or enhancing the wall. Only here without insulation can not do - the cold things in the winter are unpleasant.

The second option is suitable for wide loggias. In them, racks can be put along a long wall.

In the corridor or hallway, too, the angle or "appendicitis" is also blocked if it allows planning. Here everyone can solve only at the place: there is a place for this or not.

Most wardrobe is appropriate in the bedroom. There is just an optimal place to store things: in the sense - it is more convenient to dress here. Therefore, part of the room is separated for these purposes. In this case, this technology is needed for a long time known and worked before the smallest detail. Much time, even in the absence of experience, will not take: a maximum of two or three days to assemble and finish.

If you make a partition from GLC or GWP for all rules, you will need a double trim, and this is "eaten" centimeters, and even the meters of the square. Therefore, most often we are trimmed only outside, but two sheets with overlapping seams. When assembling the frame, do not forget to make reinforced racks for the door fastening. With single trim inside, nude profiles remain, but they are comfortable to hang the shelves-baskets for things. If you plan to do so, then take them with a thick wall: to keep weight normally.

The partition can be made of or, plates. This is an option for those who do not like to mess with putty. But you need to choose such lamination, which without problems will fit into the interior.

Wardrobe doors

What is good wardrobe with your own hands, so this is the fact that the doors can be put any: sliding, such as "coupe", harmonica, ordinary swing, mounted on the rollers. You can even get along the bases. This option is called a wardrobe-rack, but then everyone will have to contain in perfect order: it's all in sight. The most budget option is dense curtains or something like a Japanese curtain.

If the front wall turns out a large, part of it can be stationary, part - busy doors. In this case, the stationary walls can also be somehow used. If you wish, the door can be made in full swing, or consisting of fragments.

Wardrobe option in the attic: the side of it is busy with a low ceiling. Doors in full width - easier to get to things

Registration can be any, just to fit into the appearance of the room. If desired, they can be made in the tone of the walls so that it is not visible, and it is possible - bright and striking.

Arrangement: Filling and storage systems

If the area is limited, it makes no sense to do in the wardrobe furniture from wood, MDF or chipboard. They take away the precious centimeters of the square, and also interfere with the air movement. Even its disadvantage: to redo something problematic.

Furniture "Standard" type takes too much space

Recently, the overall trend is the installation of light metal storage systems. They are modular, assemble on special racks. Racks attached can in two ways - to walls or to the ceiling and floor: different manufacturers make different systems. And already on these racks are inspired by everything you need.

Racks can have notches along the entire length, which makes it possible to install any element at any height. These are the most mobile systems that are modified easily and simply - simply overweight from one row of hooks on another, changing an arbitrary height of the shelves and baskets, other elements.

There are racks of a rectangular cross section, with grooves cut from two sides. In these grooves, the necessary components are attached on the clips.

Please note the shelves and drawers are different - from wood or wood materials, metal - chrome or painted. May be retractable, can - put one on another or on the shelves.

All these systems are for sale: racks and a list of different components. But they produce them mainly in European countries, because the price is "biting". Economy Equipment for Wardrobe can be made independently of a round chrome furniture pipe and various fasteners to it. It turns out this furniture is not so mobile as I would like, but it is noticeable less.

Fixtures for clothing

In addition to standard and not very shelf boxes, there are interesting special options. For example - skirt or trousers. Special guides, on which transverse strips are fixed, sometimes there are clips. They allow smoothly hang skirts / pants and not be afraid that they will fall. Conveniently, if such a hanger is extended, allowing you to inspect all the contents.

One of the wardrobe filling options - a skirt or trouser bracket

This device can be replaced by simpler, but bypassing at times cheaper - hanger with crossbars located one under the other. It is not so comfortable, but it allows you to streamline clothes no worse.

The retractable design is for ties, only it is usually oriented differently and leaves long, although not everyone likes such a system, but more to tastes folded into the box cells.

There are several ways to accommodate hangers. The easiest - pipes, more economical (in terms of use of the place, but not in terms of money) - similar tongue retractable brackets.

Another device is a pantograph for clothes. This is also a pipe, but capable of descending. A kind of elevator for clothes. Such a device allows you to use space to the ceiling itself, and not to the detriment of your comfort. Molds can be attached both to the side walls (more common option) and to the wall. In the middle of the pipe there is a rod-handle, pulling out for which you lower it to a horizontal position. The carrying capacity of such devices is usually small (up to 18 kilograms), because they use them for easy - in terms of weight clothing.

Furniture Pantograph - for easy (by weight) clothes

Shoe storage systems

Often there are problems with storing shoes: some of their number is calculated with tens of pairs, so that they are intended to arrange separate dressing rooms. But among standard sets of equipment there are some interesting shoe for storing.

Let's start with the retractable system. She is in Ikea. Pins with modules for shoes fixed on a movable frame. Convenient, compact.

There are mini-dressers that do not occupy almost a place, and hang out on the walls, there are suspended organizers that are easy to place on the horizontal pipe.

It is a mini-dresser on the wall

In general, there are many interesting ideas for shoes that allow you to place it compactly and at the same time conveniently. Some are in the phogogalea.

Such "swivel" boxes are very convenient not only for shoes, but also for small things and linen way to store boots - on hangers with clothespins

There are quite inexpensive options. For example, the seasonal, one that is currently used, can be stored on a grid with rearranged hooks or wire shelves. Similar, probably you saw in stores. This is a grid or perforated panel to which hooks / shelves are hooked. Convenient: You can move to any type of pads, make more or less distance.

Economy Storage Options - Mesh With Crochets and Shelves

Hang such a grid is not a problem - even on the wall, even on the side surface of the cabinet or door. Hooks and shelves just cling to crossbars. This option is ideal with a shortage of money and place. If you like the idea, but you need something more presentable, make or find a perforated metal shield on the frame. In it, too, the hooks are inserted "with a bang."

Modification - shield with hooks

In general, when arranged a dressing room and a limited budget, it is worth looking for storage systems not in furniture stores - online or off-line. Better look at sites selling trading equipment. There are a lot of interesting devices, saving the place: shops are also trying to put the maximum of goods at the minimum area. For example, such a shoe racks.

If you make the first to attach wheels, it turns out an excellent retractable system. The price of such equipment is much smaller than on the pitual, but which is sold in the furniture.

We make a dressing project

Ideas of equipment and storage systems, as you can see. But in order not to be that the purchased great thing simply does not get into your wardrobe, you need to draw a plan on which to specify all the dimensions and sizes. It is drawn on the scale, then it is marked by those parts that must be necessary. They are drawn on the same scale. If everything "fits", armed with sizes (you have, or you can measure in the figure and, using the scale, calculate the real values) you can go to the store to choose systems.

There is a different approach. Learn the dimensions of you who liked your fixtures and systems (mounting dimensions), cut them on the scale of cardboard or tight paper and try to combine everything. If it turned out - excellent, you can buy. No - Look for other options. As a result of your efforts, you should have about such a layout as in the photo.

To make it convenient to use the equipment and get things, you need to withstand the following distances:

  • the minimum distance from the shelf to the shelf:
    • when storing things - 30 cm;
    • when storing shoes (without spills) - 20 cm;
  • shirts, jackets, jackets - 120 cm;
  • pants:
    • folded in half - 100 cm;
    • in length - 140 cm;
  • compartment under the upper clothes - coat - 160-180 cm;
  • under the dresses - 150-180 cm.

At the very top, we assure the place under the clothes of the other season or used rarely things. Often below is a place for a vacuum cleaner, and in one of the cabinets make a built-in ironing board.

For those who like to work with their hands, several schemes with dimensions so that you can equip the dressing room with your own hands (at least partially).

Drawing Shelves for shoes with dimensions

Plastic pipe storage system ...