Step-by-step instructions on how to get rid of moths in an apartment: wardrobe and food, effective and proven folk remedies. Effective methods and ways to get rid of moths in the apartment of the House a mole appeared what to do

There are 30 species of moths in nature. Almost all types can harm a person's home. In living quarters, you have to deal with food and clothing moths. Discomfort is caused by poplar and fruit moths that sometimes get into apartments.

The cardinal way of dealing with unpleasant insects is a major overhaul. In private houses, it means clearing the subfloor, processing, replacing wall ceilings, which create a biologically favorable environment for reproduction.

Regular cleaning and keeping things tidy helps to reduce the risks of re-infestation of the apartment by moths. Do not add items that are not in use for a long time. Ventilate the room constantly. If there is a need to store pillows, blankets, inspect things every season. Treat the surface with a steam iron, remove to fresh air. The recommendation applies to apartment owners looking for how to get rid of moth larvae in an apartment.

The best option is to store things in vacuum bags after washing. If such devices are not available at home, practice various methods of effective protection based on folk remedies. A list of recipes is given below.

The use of LED light can provide protection against moths. Incandescent lamps in the evening attract an adult moth from the street, close the windows with a net. This prevents the primary entry of insects into the apartment. The method is ineffective in private houses.

Keep in mind that real moth grows on dirty and greasy spots. Washing, steaming, dry cleaning things before the summer season minimizes the likelihood of insects.

Poplar moth lives 72 hours, during which time it lays eggs 3 times. Preferred places for laying are cereals and grains. If there is a poplar moth in an apartment - how to get rid of it? You can protect yourself from it with phytoncides. In case of defeat, it is enough to clean and treat surfaces and things with a vinegar solution.

How to get rid of fruit moths?

The fruit moth is more harmful. It starts in tea, herbs, dried fruits. The methods of struggle, how to get rid of fruit moths in an apartment, do not differ from other types of struggle. A vinegar solution is recommended as a regular preventive measure.

Fighting moths after cleaning and processing the premises

Even in a clean apartment, you need to constantly worry about the cleanliness of little-used drawers and cabinets. The moth does not start in constantly used things. When it comes to preserving warm coats and jackets, sweaters, hats and scarves, you need to properly prepare before storing - clean or wash.

The problem with black moth is not about purity. She loves to settle in the kitchen and cereals. A variety of it is a gray moth that enters living quarters through a window in the evening. If a gray moth appears in the apartment - how to get rid of it? In addition to the traditional cleaning and treatment of the affected areas, various natural insecticides must be constantly applied.

Protecting cabinets with herbs

Methods of preventive control of all types of insects are based on the use of plants and substances that have a destructive or repulsive effect on adult insects. The easiest way to handle cabinets is to use herbal brooms, wreaths, fillers based on:

  • tansy;
  • wormwood;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • dry mandarin peels.

You can use the spongy surface of the fragrance by treating it with cedarwood oil, tea tree oil, wormwood oil, or eucalyptus oil. Renew phyto-barrier with essential oils once a month. This protection plays the role of a garment fragrance.

Expelling moths from kitchen cabinets

Cleaning the kitchen in case of defeat is carried out according to the instructions:

  • clean cabinets;
  • remove all affected cereals and bread;
  • try to find nests, often located on the back of boxes;
  • treat all surfaces with vinegar solution.

After such a defeat in the kitchen, we recommend purchasing closed sealed containers for cereals and flour, bread and cookies. It's a good idea to constantly review your kitchen grain stocks. Place a broom with the mentioned herbs in the closet or use a pressed cube or moth paper.

Making anti-mole paper and cubes

Prepare cubes and paper using one of the following recipes. This will help you stock up on reliable moth repellent. Recipes are borrowed from an old book on everyday life, the amount of ingredients is translated into grams "as is."

Many housewives encounter moths in the apartment every day. When moths appear, they start to panic and not unreasonably. This seemingly harmless winged front sight is capable of causing serious harm to food, furniture or things. The result of their life is sweaters with holes, shreds of fur, eaten upholstery, refined groats and much more.

Therefore, the task of every housewife is to detect this small but large-scale pest in time, and then take measures to eliminate them. The main thing is to know which drugs are most effective in the fight against moths or can be enough to do with folk remedies.

There are many ways for moths to enter an apartment. For example:

  • She can easily enter the apartment from the street or from neighbors.
  • Moth larvae can live in things that were in use and given away as unnecessary.
  • Moths can penetrate with groceries bought at a store or market. This is especially true for products with expired storage terms.

Many housewives think that moths prefer dirty, unclean apartments for their habitation and, if everything is kept clean, moths are unlikely to appear. Unfortunately, this is a misconception. The mole does not understand how clean the apartment is, but if there is enough food for her in this apartment, then she will definitely choose it for her life.

She likes apartments that are rich in fur and all-woolen products, as well as apartments with sufficient food supplies.

There are several types of moths. For example:

  • Fur coat moth... This type of moth prefers products made from natural fur. These can be hats, jackets, fur coats, car covers, clothing covers, etc.
  • Grain moth... Prefers containers in which wheat, semolina, nuts, barley are stored, as well as seeds of various plants. Moth infestation in croup can be identified by the presence of a thin enveloping web.
  • Rye moth... Propagated on cereals directly in the field.
  • Clothes moth... This type of moth lives in houses and apartments. This is a fairly large pest with multi-colored wings. Lives where a lot of clothes are stored. It feeds on wool fibers, so it often gnaws large holes in clothes.
  • Cabbage moth... The pest breeds in cabbage beds. Differs in brown wings.
  • Barley moth... Prefers barley grains, in which she gnaws holes and penetrates into the grains.
  • Furniture moth. She prefers to live in upholstered furniture, where she eats up padding and upholstery.

With the advent of adult flying individuals, many housewives begin to understand that this is a serious matter and these pests have already laid eggs somewhere. In addition, they understand that it is necessary to carry out a complete audit of everything in order to find the source of the moth. As a rule, fears are supported by facts and favorite things, be it a sweater or a fur coat, are decorated with holes of a different nature. Based on this, it is necessary to urgently begin the fight against moths.

Unfortunately, many housewives are to blame for the fact that they create suitable conditions for the development of harmful insects. Therefore, every housewife should know about the methods and means of dealing with such pests.

  • First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons that contributed to the fact that the mole started up in the apartment.
  • Subsequently, it is necessary to check all the furniture in which the clothes were stored. To do this, you will have to inspect all furniture and all clothing, as well as check cans with bulk products.
  • Depending on where the moth is found, it is not difficult to determine the type of moth, which will facilitate the fight against this pest in the future.
  • At the next stage, you will have to get rid of products contaminated with moths, followed by washing the containers in a soda solution.
  • Depending on the degree of damage to woolen things, you will have to make a decision - throw them away or give them to dry cleaning.
  • If there are many larvae, then it is better to discard all things, otherwise even one remaining larva will be able to revive the moth colony.
  • If the area of \u200b\u200binfection is not large, then you can thoroughly clean everything to get rid of the larvae, and then wash the clothes. The best option is dry cleaning.
  • For greater confidence in the effectiveness of the measures taken, experts advise treating all areas with non-toxic compounds.

All work with chemicals must be carried out in protective clothing with long sleeves, a medical mask and gloves. It is not recommended to inhale control products containing poison, as this can lead to poisoning.

When a mole starts up in an apartment or house, many immediately remember the recipes of our ancestors. This is also true if children or family members who are prone to allergic reactions live in the apartment.

Trusted means include:

  • Fir or lavender oil... A moth that feeds on woolen products does not tolerate the smell of these plants. To combat these insects, cotton pads soaked in the aroma of these plants should be laid out. Natural substances are absolutely safe for human health.
  • Lavender flowers Is a tool that has been proven over the years. To fight, you should dry the raw material and put it in cheesecloth, after which these bouquets should be placed in places where a mole may be. The smell of lavender repels moths and perfectly protects things from this pest.
  • Orange peel... It is not expensive and affordable enough. Before use, the orange peels are dried and then laid out in places where moths may appear.
  • Cedar bark... The scent of the bark of this tree also effectively repels these insects. Unfortunately, cedar does not grow everywhere, so its bark is difficult to get.
  • Tobacco leaves... The tool is quite effective, although unsafe, especially if there are small children in the house. Both whole leaves and ground tobacco are used. The main thing is that the raw materials are dry. The tobacco is laid out in places where moths can appear, after which the doors are tightly closed.
  • sunlight... Absolutely safe and absolutely free remedy for moths. Since moth larvae cannot stand the action of ultraviolet radiation, it is enough to take out all woolen products a couple of times during the summer and dry them in the sun so that they will be under ultraviolet light. Usually things are taken out in the morning so that they will be in the sun all day. Before you bring things back, you need to carefully examine them for the presence of larvae, treat them with antimol and hang them back in their place.

These substances are meant to kill mosquitoes, but some claims the plates and liquid help fight moths. Their method of application is the same:

  • A plate is installed or liquid is poured into a special container.
  • The device is connected to the 220 V.
  • The installation should work until the substance acts on the pests.

The most popular plates and liquids:

  • Raid.
  • Mosquitall.

The advantage of fumigators is that during the treatment of the premises from mosquitoes, preventive measures are taken against moths. If she is not in the room yet, then she will not settle in it.

Aerosols are sold in the form of special cans, with the help of which the active substances are sprayed. At the same time, you should always remember that chemicals pose a certain danger to humans. Therefore, when choosing a product, a number of factors should be taken into account. For example:

  • The toxicity level of the substance.
  • Processing area.
  • The presence of allergy sufferers in the family.
  • Do the children live.

Tested drugs:

  • Raptor... Although expensive, it is a very effective drug.
  • Clean house... It is used for processing clothes. It has no smell, the result of the action is positive.
  • The substance is absolutely non-toxic, therefore it is suitable for use even in the kitchen.

Application rules:

  • First of all, you need to read the instructions on the package.
  • Use personal protective equipment.
  • Open the room for fresh air.
  • Spray the product on almost all areas, not just the affected areas.
  • Close all furniture for a better effect.

After a certain time, which is indicated in the instructions, the room is ventilated and all things are laid out in their places.

Traps work like flycatchers. It turns out a simple and reliable way to get rid of moths. Popular products are considered "Raptor", "Aeroxon". Traps are odorless and do not emit toxic substances. Their principle of operation is as follows:

  • The moth trap is treated with a special substance that attracts males. Here they stick and die.
  • As a result, their breeding cycle is interrupted.
  • After a while, all individuals will disappear from the apartment.

The effect of the substance is calculated for 3-4 months. The sections represent a special container in which a special substance is placed that repels pests. The most popular brands are:

  • Raptor.
  • Mosquitall.

Most, especially the older generation, know the smell of mothballs, as well as clothes saturated with this smell. Naphthalene had a detrimental effect on moth larvae, as well as on adults, therefore, in those days, this substance was considered an effective means of getting rid of moths in an apartment. Even now, there are tablets containing naphthalene and camphor. At the same time, it was placed in foil.

To protect housing from moth infestation, you must:

  • When things are sent for storage, anti-moly tablets are placed in these places.
  • Furniture should be kept closed at all times.
  • Tablets can protect things from pests for 2 years.

You need to know! The composition of the tablets is toxic, therefore it is not recommended to tear the packaging and just leave its contents. It is necessary to take all measures so that children cannot get to the tablets.

In addition, such a substance cannot be used in families in which there are people with cancer.

It is better to try and take all measures to ensure that these omnivorous insects never appear in the apartment or in the house, than then make every effort to get rid of them. All family members should be aware of the basic rules that can protect housing from the invasion of these gluttonous pests.

There are 5 rules to learn to protect against moths:

  • When buying things, you need to carefully inspect them, especially folds, seams, pockets and lining. Particular attention should be paid to things made from natural fur or wool.
  • It is advisable to hang all new things on the balcony in frost or sunny weather. After that, things need to be checked very carefully again.
  • When buying food, especially bulk food, you should also carefully examine them. It is not recommended to collect products for long-term storage. Firstly, it is not known how long and where they were stored before, and secondly, there is a high probability that after some time the moth will still appear, but then it will be too late: it will simply spoil expensive products.
  • With the arrival of spring, it is better to place dried orange peels and lavender bunches on the shelves of cabinets. You can put tobacco leaves or cigarettes in the pockets of your clothes. Such smells can scare away this pest.
  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate warm clothes and do not pack hats, mittens, sweaters and other items in plastic bags. Moth larvae cannot stand sunlight and frost, therefore, it is better to take warm clothes out of the cold or in the sun more often. Simple, affordable and inexpensive, but the effect is obvious.

Fighting moths at home is not always easy if you do not know the reason for its appearance in the apartment or in the house. Therefore, first of all, you should focus on the reasons that triggered the appearance of moths. Despite the fact that the pest is not very large, the damage that colonies of these voracious insects can cause can be really great. Firstly, a moth can leave a person without food, without clothes and without shoes, in the literal sense of the word. Who wants to wear clothes in holes that have already lost their appearance. If we talk about food, then after the moth has taken it out, there will be nothing to eat.

Therefore, having seen how a moth flies around the room, it must be destroyed, and then start revising food products, especially such as cereals or pasta. If nuts are stored somewhere, then they should be examined first. They may have to be thrown away already.

The mole is an unwanted guest. Its appearance signals that somewhere on the shelf there is already a spoiled woolen or fur thing, cereals and other products are spoiled.

The fight against this small butterfly is a long process, but the sooner you determine the method of how to get rid of the moth, the more chances for its complete destruction.

A huge range of industrial chemicals and folk remedies for moths used at home allows everyone to choose the best method for getting rid of moths.

What will help get rid of clothes moth

Household (aka clothes) moth - this tiny (only 100 mm) butterfly can bring a lot of trouble. More precisely, it is not the butterfly itself that spoils clothes, carpets, furs and other valuable things, but its larva.

You can get rid of moths and their larvae using many proven methods in practice.

Conventionally, all methods of how to get rid of moths in an apartment can be divided into two groups:

  • using means of chemical production;
  • using folk remedies for moths in the closet.

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Modern drugs in the fight against moths

The first thing you can pay attention to when choosing a remedy for how to get rid of moths in the house is contact anti-moth drugs. These are quite toxic, but effective drugs that are used to treat furniture, carpets and other interior items, in which a small butterfly can settle.

The list of the most effective remedies includes:

  • Insecticidal aerosols (eg Raptor). The solutions are sprayed in the insect's habitats and after a day or two, you can forget about the unpleasant tenants. Important: insecticidal agents are dangerous not only for insects, but also for animals and even people living in the house.
  • Dichlorvos is an aerosol with a very pungent, specific odor. It is recommended to be used only for clothes moths.
  • Armol is harmful to the pest on any surfaces (textiles, furniture).
  • Aerosol Clean House can only be used for furniture.
  • Insecticidal solutions Morimol, Foxid are recommended for the treatment of upholstered furniture and carpets.

Further, there is a wide range of clothes moth traps on the shelves of hardware stores. This is a structure inside which there is an adhesive layer and a certain amount of pheromones of the female moth, so attracting butterflies. Adults, drawn by pheromones, fall into the trap. They flood and die. The number of caught insects makes it easy to understand the extent of moth infestation.

Moth tablets are laid out on the shelves. The tablets have a very delicate, spicy aroma that repels moths. This product is absolutely safe for humans and animals.

Fumigators are devices whose purpose is the long-term control of insects. The device is plugged into an outlet and the plate with insecticidal substances begins to heat up, filling the air with fumes that are harmful to the insect.

The required effect of using a fumigator can only be achieved on the fifth or tenth day.

Among all the famous folk remedies for moths in the closet, the following are worth highlighting:

  • herbs - rosemary, lavender. Tansy. All these herbs were used by our grandmothers in the fight against harmful insects. The herbs were dried and laid out in cloth bags. For those who do not want to bother with herbal bags, you can do much easier: moisten a cotton swab in the essential oil of the desired plant and spread it around the room;
  • laurel and walnut leaves are effective in removing insects from the wardrobe;
  • lemon or orange peel is a good moth reliever (as long as the peel gives off a citrus scent).

Also, do not forget that the moth does not tolerate high temperatures (often hang things in fresh air) and cleanliness. Before hanging clothes in the closet, it is imperative to clean, wash, put in order.

How to get rid of food moths

Barn, grain, fruit - these are all the names of the same food moth. Laying larvae, this small insect in a very short time is able to destroy large amounts of food supplies in the house.

The first thing to do in order to remove food moth is to carry out a general cleaning in the kitchen:

  1. Sort out all the cereals very carefully. If you spot a product with larvae, throw it away ruthlessly. Advice that by holding the infected cereal in the oven for a few minutes, the insect larvae will die and disappear are groundless.
  2. Clean all kitchen cabinets well. A good remedy is useful for work, like for food moths in the kitchen - vinegar solution. After cleaning, the cabinets are wiped again with a damp cloth.
  3. Purchase a special storage container. An ideal option for bulk products is a glass jar with a tight screw cap.

Special remedies for moths in the apartment will help to quickly eliminate the problem:

Thinking about how to get the moth out of kitchen cabinets, it is better to abandon chemical industrial aerosol preparations in favor of non-toxic folk remedies.

Our grandmothers also knew how to get rid of moths with folk remedies:

  • Bay leaf. It is fatal to moths. Leaves are laid out on shelves around food containers, and also placed in jars of cereals (one or two leaves will be enough);
  • Chives will save food from moth larvae;
  • Acetic acid. It is diluted with water in equal proportions, and the kitchen furniture is wiped with the resulting product;
  • Dried citrus peels will not only scare away insects from food, but also fill the air with a pleasant aroma;
  • Tobacco leaves are effective against food moths.

Preventive measures

The following preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of moths and its larvae:

  1. Regular cleaning. Pests live in dark, closed cabinets, and absolutely cannot tolerate fresh air and sunlight. Create unbearable living conditions for the moth (often ventilate the apartment, remove dust and debris, ventilate things from the closets) and you will forget about it forever. Don't litter the apartment. Old unnecessary things are a breeding ground for moth larvae.
  2. Correct storage. Before long-term storage of clothes (especially woolen, fur), do not forget to wash and clean them. If it is not possible to put things in order at home, on their own, dry cleaning will come to the rescue.
  3. Store fur and in special vacuum bags. The lack of oxygen is detrimental to the moth. Carpets, pillows and blankets must be ventilated and knocked out at least twice a year.
  4. Review product expiration dates. Make it a rule to review cereals, nuts and other foods stored in kitchen cabinets and closets once every few months. The contaminated product must be discarded immediately. It is necessary to store bulk products in tightly twisting jars.
  5. Use folk remedies for prevention. Orange peels, lavender leaves and flowers, carnations scare away moths with their smell.

Do not delay with the choice of anti-moth products. The sooner the fight against this little pest begins, the more chances you have to destroy it.

In nature, there are about one and a half thousand varieties of moths familiar from virginity. Woolen, furniture, carpet, can settle in residential premises. But it turns out that there will be no harm from an adult butterfly flying around the apartment. Voracious caterpillars spoil things and products, the nests of which can be found in closets or on the carpet. Caterpillars hatch from silvery-white larvae that females lay. To get rid of them at home, you need to use effective methods and tools, which will be discussed in our article.

Apartments are attacked, which can be found in closets with clothes and food. The larvae of clothing moths are creamy, and the larvae of food moths are yellowish or white. They move little and develop right in the nest... The worms move long distances only in search of food.

Clothes and furniture moth

Caterpillars in the form of larvae have powerful jaw muscles and strong mandibles, with the help of which they cut carpets, make moves in fur coats, gnaw holes in woolen jackets.

Pupae appear in natural materials after 20 days... If the nest is located in synthetic things, then a pupa from a caterpillar can form only after two months.

At one time, a female moth is capable of laying from 50 to 80 eggs, of which a whole detachment of gluttonous larvae appears in just a week.

Food moth

Kitchen pests love to inhabit the following foods:

  • milk mixtures;
  • cereals;
  • seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • flour;
  • seasonings;
  • muesli;
  • pet food;
  • roots and herbs;
  • dried berries.

How to quickly get rid of food moths in the kitchen?

A food moth can appear in the kitchen together with bulk products that have been stored incorrectly in warehouses for a long time. The fire can fly into the apartment through the ventilation or the front door. The female food moth is silver and the male is black... The female and larvae spoil the food.

How to get a mole out of the house?

There are several ways to get rid of gluttonous insects that have settled on clothes in closets or on carpets:


Plates impregnated with a repellent substance are the easiest means of fighting moths. Some types of plates have not only the effect of evaporation, but also an adsorbing effect, therefore they are able to repel insects and at the same time absorb excess moisture. Moths do not like dryness and therefore reluctantly settle in such cabinets.

You can choose sections with any scent you like and put them on shelves or hang them on pipes with clothes. The most famous manufacturers of sections:

  • Gardeks;
  • Mosquito;
  • Antimol;
  • Raptor;
  • Raid.

The smell from the plates is so strong that females cannot lay eggs and die after a few days. Sections need to be changed monthly.

Potato moth: control measures


With the help of aerosols, you can very quickly get rid of clothes moths, which is why such remedies are very popular. They contain a solvent, a poisonous substance and a fragrance that smells good.

To remove butterflies and their larvae, it is enough to treat the things hanging in the closet and the inner surfaces of the furniture with the agent. It is recommended to wear gloves and use other protective equipment before processing, as insecticides can cause allergies.

For natural and synthetic items, you can use the following types of aerosols:

  • Armol;
  • Foxide;
  • Desmol;
  • Mosquito;
  • Antimol.


Fumigators offered in stores can be pyrotechnic and electric. They are quite effective and have the same principle of operation. When heated, fumigators release toxic substances:

  • pyrotechnic ones begin to act after setting the spiral on fire;
  • from electrical devices, toxic substances begin to be released after a special plate or liquid heats up in them.

Fumigators are practically odorless and completely safe for both people and pets. Raptor, Reid, Moskitol are fumigators that can be used to kill mosquitoes and moths.

Folk remedies for moths in the apartment

Homemade home remedies are chemical-free, inexpensive and available to everyone:

Effective remedies for moths

It will not work to completely destroy the mole with folk remedies. They are best used in conjunction with modern drugs. However, smells of herbs, plants and fruits are capable of scaring off the pest. Therefore, they can be used as preventive measures.

Food moth - how to remove?

Many people think that voracious moths live only in wardrobes. In fact, there is a food moth that lives in the kitchen and is bred in products. Therefore, if gray butterflies appear in the house, which fly mainly in the kitchen, you need to get rid of them urgently.

Cleaning lockers

First of all, you should clean up the kitchen cabinets where various foods are stored. To do this, you need to remove food from them, ventilate and rinse the surfaces with vinegar and water (1: 1). Especially carefully door hinges, grooves and joints are wiped... They can hide larvae, which in a few days will turn into butterflies.

But is it possible to solve the question of how to destroy a mole in an apartment the first time? The approach should be comprehensive, and it all depends on how many pests are in your apartment. It may be such that the first time it will not be possible to kill all individuals, so it will be necessary to re-process.

The moth loves places where there are a lot of woolen and fur things, as well as a sufficient amount of food.

Types of moths in living quarters

Depending on where it settled and what the moth eats, the following types are distinguished:

  • Fur coat (woolen) moth. This pest prefers fur coats, hats, covers and other products made from natural fur. She can also eat books, pillow feathers, felt and woolen items.
  • Furniture. This species most often settles in upholstered furniture and eats the upholstery of sofas and armchairs. Rarely can spoil fur and wool.
  • Wardrobe. Most often lives in dark closets with clothes. Eats all fabrics indiscriminately.
  • Food (grain, fruit). Prefers tea, flour, nuts, sugar, cereals, legumes. Then he leaves there the products of his vital activity, the husk of caterpillars. Such food is no longer fit for consumption.

Important: an adult moth cannot do harm, since it has no mouth, and it is not able to eat or digest food. The pest simply lays eggs, from which gluttonous caterpillars appear.

What to do when a moth appears in an apartment

To answer the question - how to destroy a mole in an apartment at home forever, you need to know a few useful recommendations that will help in solving the problem.

  • Seeing a mole, inspect the entire room. She rarely appears in the house alone. You also need to review all products if an insect is found in the kitchen. Do not forget to go through the cabinets and textiles just in case.
  • If a nest with larvae is found, it must be immediately removed with a vacuum cleaner, and then washed with a chlorine-containing detergent.

But how to get rid of moths in the apartment if the larvae have not been found?

  • Place the large wool sweaters in the freezer to prevent any larvae from surviving. Also try to wash all things and laundry with powder. Outerwear should be brushed with particular attention to folds, pockets and lining. Heavy jackets, fur coats and coats can be treated with a steam generator, if available in the house.
  • Be sure to do a general cleaning in the living area. Wash all curtains, rugs, rugs, and blankets. Items that cannot be washed should be taken outside, preferably in sunny weather, and kept in direct sunlight.
  • The kitchen also needs cleaning. Throw out all grains, nuts and dried fruits. Wipe all cabinets, containers, hard-to-reach places with a solution of chlorine and vinegar.

When adult flying insects appear, the hostesses already understand that this is a serious matter and it is necessary to decide how to deal with moths in the apartment. As a rule, fears are supported by facts. Eaten holes can be seen on favorite woolen things.

However, in the summertime, city dwellers may be disturbed by another type of moth - speckled moth. There is a lot of it where there are poplars. You have a poplar moth flying in your apartment, how to get rid of it is a question that worries many.

Unfortunately, many residents are to blame for creating suitable conditions for the development of these harmful insects. Therefore, it is important to know how to remove a mole in an apartment at home on your own.

How to get rid of home household moths in an apartment

Before using any moth repellent, you need to clean and air the living space.

Traditional methods

When a mole starts up in an apartment or house, many remember the means that our ancestors still used. This is especially important for a home where there are children or persons prone to allergies.

The best recipes include:

  • Fir or lavender oil. Wool moth cannot stand the smell of these plants. To combat the pest, you need to spread cotton wool soaked in such oil in wardrobes.
  • Lavender flowers. A tool that has been proven by more than one generation. To scare away moths, you need to collect flowers, dry them and put them in cheesecloth.
  • After that, the bouquets should be placed in places where the pest can settle.
  • Orange peel. Orange or tangerine peels are dried and placed in wardrobes.
  • Garlic. Moles don't like this smell. Spread the garlic cloves in the wardrobe to keep the insect away.
  • Tansy. This plant has been used for a long time to scare away moths.
  • Geranium. The leaves of this ornamental plant give off odorous fumes that many insects, including moths, dislike.
  • Cloves and allspice. The spicy smell of these spices cannot be tolerated by moths. Place them in bags all over the house, and the moth will leave it for a long time.
  • Laundry soap. Any moth cannot tolerate lye, so wash things with it, and put soap in the closet to better repel the pest.
  • Naphthalene or empty perfume bottles. These products are great for fighting moths.
  • Frost and sunbeams. The insect is afraid of too high or low temperatures. Therefore, take out fur coats for airing in winter. Also dry all clothing, including pillows and blankets, in direct sunlight during summer.
  • Newspapers. Moths don't like the smell of ink. Therefore, if you put newspapers in fur boots, she will never get into them.

Professional methods

There are household chemicals that will quickly and reliably help you deal with the problem - how to get rid of moths in a house where there are many moths from nowhere.


These products are sold in special cans. Since they are pesticides, a number of factors must be taken into account when using them:

  • the degree of toxicity of the main substance;
  • processing area;
  • whether there are allergy sufferers or small children in the house.

Most popular drugs:

  • Raptor. Expensive but effective.
  • Clean house. It is used for processing clothes. Has shown good results.
  • Armol. It is considered a non-toxic agent, therefore it is allowed to use it even in the kitchen.

Terms of use:

  1. Study the instructions.
  2. Use protective equipment.
  3. Open the vents for air intake.
  4. Treat the entire room, not just the infected areas.
  5. The furniture must be closed for the best action of the product.

Then the room is ventilated, at the end of processing, all things are laid out in their places.


They are used to kill mosquitoes. But according to some reports, the plates and liquid will help in the fight against moths. They can also be used to remove poplar moths. Although this insect does not cause much harm, its huge amount in the house causes discomfort.

The fumigator is less toxic than an aerosol, so it is safer for humans.

Principle of operation:

  • Install the plate or pour the liquid into the container provided for this.
  • Connect to a power outlet.
  • Do not turn off until the substance has worked.

Most popular fumigators:

  • raid;
  • mosquito;

The advantage of using them is that by destroying mosquitoes, moth prevention is carried out.

Pheromone traps

Traps are considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of the annoying fly. If you still do not know how to get out the mole in the apartment, then you should try this method.

The trap is a small piece of cardboard that is treated with a special substance that resembles the pheromones of a female moth.

A male individual flies at him, sticks and dies. Since there is no one to create offspring, the life cycle of the moth ends there.


These are special containers containing an insect repellent substance that lasts 2-3 months.

Most popular brands:

  • raptor;
  • mosquito;


Many people know the famous smell of mothballs, which moths cannot tolerate. Some manufacturers use it to make specialty moth tablets. They are placed in a closet with clothes or placed inside upholstered furniture. They protect things from moths for 2 years.

But do not just open the pill and do not leave its contents unattended. Make sure children do not get close to her. The composition of such tablets is toxic.

How to get rid of food moths in an apartment

Such moths are called barn, fruit or grain moths. She spoils various products - cereals, nuts, dried fruits and others. All food that the moth has visited must be disposed of. After all, if at least one larva remains there, then it is capable of causing serious diseases and intoxication of the body.

It is best not to use chemicals to combat food moths. After all, it is about food and the kitchen where food is prepared. Therefore, the most correct option would be folk methods:

  • Throw away all contaminated food. Put flour and clean cereals into jars with tightly screwed lids.
  • Spray all kitchen cabinets with a baking soda solution.
  • Make sure that the sink is free of water and that all sewer pipes are dry. An adult lives off water.
  • Rinse all cracks in kitchen furniture with 9% vinegar solution. This is where the food moth likes to lay its larvae.
  • Put black allspice and peas in the cupboards.
  • Stick the mesh with very small holes on the ventilation hole in the bathroom and kitchen.

Prevention measures

Mole in the apartment - what to do? In order to rarely ask this question or forget about the pest forever, it is imperative to follow a number of rules that will help protect the house from the invasion of this gluttonous insect.

  • When buying things, they need to be carefully examined, especially seams, pockets, lining. This is especially true for things made of fur and wool.
  • All new clothes should be hung out in frosty or sunny weather for a few hours on the balcony or outside.
  • Store bulk products in containers with lids. Inspect them carefully before putting them in the cabinet. Do not try to buy for future use, because with long storage, the likelihood that a mole will start in cereals or flour increases.
  • Periodically, in the wardrobe, you need to sort out all the things and wipe the shelves with soapy water.
  • Use folk remedies as prevention. Spread the orange peels in the cabinets, or arrange the empty perfume bottles.
  • Ventilate the area regularly and use air fresheners.


Understanding how to deal with moths in an apartment at home is not always easy if you do not know the reasons for its appearance. Therefore, the primary task is to answer the question of why this insect appeared. Although its size is negligible, the damage is incredibly large.

Therefore, if you see a moth in the house, immediately destroy it, and then start revising food and inspecting everything else.

But most importantly, you need to remember that if there is no moth in the apartment, this does not mean that it will never be. Be sure to carry out prevention. Because the fight against a pest can be very difficult, taking a lot of strength and energy.