Figures 7 and 3. "Sacred" meaning of numbers in beliefs and exercises

The number 7 together with numbers 8 and 9 refers to the discharge of spiritual numbers. Seven consider the number of good luck. In part it is. The only question is what it is called good luck. Most people are confident that the success of the blind and use the word "luck" in this sense - they say, just lucky!

But the meaning of the number 7 is and lies that luck is not the blind. Moreover, she has wonderful eyesight and she sees a person through. Therefore, luck does not happen undeserved. She turns his face to someone who really should be obtained. Who is supposed?

Seven on this score has their own estimated criteria. And the criteria of the seven are far from always coincide with our. How often it seems to us that the person "is not worthy of his happiness." But this is a mistake. And if we really seem so, then we simply do not understand the meaning of the number 7 in numerology.

The number 7 in the language of numbers means divine intervention in the fate of a person. Methods and forms of such an intervention are reflected in, as well as in. I called this phenomenon by the evolution of the number 7.

Interference of the seven in everyday everyday life is always unexpected and unpredictable. You never know the time when it comes, because the figure 7 does not live according to the laws of time, but according to the laws of eternity.

This fact is particularly clearly manifested in, where one seven as it says about eternity, the second is about the illusion of time, and both are essentially explained by the same thing.

From among the number 7, in view of its divine origin, nothing will be skred. Seed is the most insightful of all. All sorts of predictors from numerology, trying to predict unpredictable and foresee the unforeseen, involuntarily turn to a number 7. But the seven does not open his secrets to anyone.

Number 7 value

What is the value of the number 7? I mean, what is the esoteric value of the number 7 in? Semyon - the number of great divine secrets.

The number 7 gives people sometimes to know the brilliance of good luck, but not at all, to explain the origin and the meaning of this good luck. Seedry as if he says, of course, on: "Today you are lucky, rejoice! And do not climb with your stupid philosophizing there, where you do not put it. "

The number 7 does not like magicians and predictors, because they dare to solve the mystery. It is the mystery that makes a person with a happy or unhappy, lucky or uncomfortable. Seed in Numerology is a patroner of secret spiritual truths.

seed - spiritual number

Seeding together with numbers 8 and 9 refers to the discharge of spiritual numbers. The nine with the language of numbers is translated as spiritual knowledge. And the seed and the eight (shield and sword) are designed to defend this spiritual knowledge.

That is, the number 7 and the number 8 will help you, if what you do (or are going to do) do not contradict the spiritual logic - the logic of the Spirit. By the way, spiritual knowledge is not built on traditional logic (the logic of the mind), but on spiritual logic (the logic of the Spirit). In real esoteric and numerology, this fact is necessarily taken into account.

The number 7 is the active protection of spiritual truths. Number 8 - passive protector. It seems to you that this is not related to our everyday life. Oaky! Everyone every month needs spiritual protection, not even guessing about it.

Without spiritual protection, marked in numerology, Number 7 and Number 8, the spiritual principle in man is absorbed by the material. The material principle is the number 2. "dissolved" in a twice, the personality loses the spiritual personality, which means spiritual death.

In esoteric, the real dead are not those who are very deviant, but those who are dead spiritually. Physical death is just a dropping of clothing (body). While the spiritual death marked in Numerology is 6, leads to absolute non-existence - the number 0.

Note (for a more complete understanding of the number 7):

Spiritual numerology explains with the help of numbers the essence of what is happening with humanity these days. Our world is the real horror movie. Because it becomes the world of walking corpses, that is, people are physically alive, but spiritually dead. Therefore, neither their achievements nor their aspirations are no particular importance for fate numerology.

When the world is gaining a critical mass of spiritually dead people, the old civilization dies to give way to a new, living civilization. The so-called "end of the world", which would correctly be called "the end of the darkness."

These are the natural numeric cycles of the Universe, led by the living God. And I remind you, finally, that any interference of God in the fate of man and humanity in spiritual numerology is denoted by the number of 7.

Numerology is a pseudoscience, which studies the relationship between physical numbers and events occurring in the life of people. This is a concept based on the principles of esoteric and magic. Her creator and adherent is the scientist Pythagora. At least the official science of numerology and is not considered in our time, it has a large number of followers.

As part of this teaching, any number has its own vibration, energy and sacred valuethrough which it affects physical world And the fate of a person independently or in conjunction with other numbers. And if you explore these relationships, you can make adjustments to your fate, harmoniously standing in it.

Each person has a personal karmic number that determines the events of his life. This number is determined using non-hard formulas. His value will tell a person how to live happily happily, avoiding major fateful mistakes in the life path.

History figures 7 begins with Ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of this country had 7 gods for worshiping, the corresponding seven planets: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. They believed that if they worship this number, it would bring them eternal existence.

Figure 7 in numerology means a combination of secret knowledge and wisdom of man. If you suddenly began to see a seven everywhere - it means that they intervene in your life higher powerYou are under their patronage. Such intervention happens in the fateful moments of human life.

Two seven people who occur to you on the way, prophesy success in the near future. Therefore, if at this moment you are striving for something, achieve your goal, you can be sure that everything will be fulfilled, as was conceived.

Three seven meters that in life you are all doing correctly and soon you are awaiting a reward for your efforts.

And finally the most powerful and lucky number 7777 indicates that the Universe itself goes to meet and help you get everything you want. But be careful with your thoughts and desires, because everything you think will certainly come true.

Value number 7.

The number 7 consists of two digits: 3 and 4. Troika denotes the symbol of the soul, personifies the connection of the past, present and future. Four - a symbol of integrity, but sometimes has a pessimistic meaning. Symbiosis 3 and 4 gives rise to a controversial seven, which has a strong potential and negative at the same time.

Positive traits

Man S. karmic number Seven often has a profession of a psychologist, thanks to their ability to empathy, sensitivity and wisdom. He clearly distinguishes the kindness of evil intentions, open peace and often travels. The main desire of his life - Inner peace and order, true spirituality.

You can also note the following features of peoplehaving a seven as their karmic number:

Negative meaning

Like everything in this world, the character of the seven has a negative manifestation of personality:

According to numerology, the number 7 is extremely ambiguous, magical and mysterious. Many consider it unreal, celestial and even control space and time. But is it?

In the article:

Magic value of Number 7 in religions

What associations do you have when we talk about the number "Seven"? First of all, the plots from the Bible come to mind. The Son of God rose to 7 days, such a day of the week is special for all Orthodox.

If we turn to any religion, we will see the deification that is exactly the number.

In Christianity:

  • 7 mortal sins;
  • seven seals (Revelation 6: 1-17; 8: 1-5);
  • seven bowls of Wrath of the Lord (Revelation 16: 1-21);
  • seven pipes (Revelation 8: 6-21; 11: 15-19).

In Judaism:

  • there is a special seven-eyed candlestick - Menoraor.

In Islam, each pilgrim should:

  • 7 times throw a stone in the devil;
  • as much time to bypass kaaba;
  • 7 times around the hills in the courtyard of the Major Mosque al-Haram.

As you can see, numerology surrounds us everywhere, every day, and it is magic number 7 follows us everywhere. So, in the world around us, there are only seven wonders of the world, as many colors at the rainbow, the days of the week, the main notes in the music, the main parts of the human body, 7 days of the deceased person hovers around the grave.

Of course, such an amazing magic number 7 could not not find reflections in mythology. The magic of this figure is found in the legends of ancient Egypt. There this number symbolizes afterworld And symbolizes Osiris. According to myth, exactly at 7 pm, a journey to the afterlife begins. The deceased must pass exactly 7 rooms and enter the same number of doors.

If we talk about an ancient Greek culture, there is the patron saint of this number is Apollo. He was born on the seventh day of the month. BUT musical instrumentwhich belongs to him has seven strings.

Seven daughters of Atlanta

Finds this figure its reflection in other ancient Greek legends. How many young guys and girls were sacrificed to the Minotaur? That's right, seven. Exactly so many years was concluded by Odyssey Nymph Calypso. And the same daughters numbered Atlanta.

Not bypassed the magic of the number 7 and the Celts. In their myths, this figure is very important. In the ancient legends it is indicated that it was so many people who could return after traveling to Britain, there were exactly 7 providens.

Do you know that the Buddha sat under the tree, on which there were 7 fruits? All this confirms the fact that the number 7 is amazing, and people from all over the world knew about it and regularly emphasized its significance.

Seven - Magic Numerology in Literature

Why is the figure 7 considered magic?
Everyone finds her answer. For some, this is the number of angel, someone believes that this is the connection of the sky and the Earth or the soul and body, the symbol of eternal life. Explanations are a lot to this, and everyone really stops on the fact that he closer.

It is impossible not to mention that the supernatural figure really connects the real and magical. For example, in ancient times believed that in order to make the infusion that will restore vitality And heal from all diseases, you need to take 7 herbs and boil them into 7 spring waters. The medicine is drinking 7 days in a row for 7 spoons.

If you return to the oral folk creativity, we will meet a lot of sayings in which this figure is used, for example:

  • seven spans in the forehead;
  • feed chicken 7 years - still 1 lunch;
  • seven times will die - one revenue;
  • work until the seventh sweat.

The meaning of the number 7 in numerology - people born under this number

The number 7 in numerology is really unique and its value perfectly describes those. Such people are original, non-standard, have truly unique talents and abilities. Their worldview is unusual, they do not depend on the public principles and obstacles. They themselves create themselves, consciously create new world.

A. Mironov (March 7, 1941) D. Spiritnova (August 7, 1960) V. Putin (October 7, 1952)

Most often such people choose the path of the philosopher or creative man. Works of art created by seven, really unique and stunning. Such people wise, patient and know how to compare.

Their main principle is self-development. Perhaps that is why next to them is often not easy. After all, the sake of achieving all the goals set, they easily spread up with everyone who does not allow them to go ahead.

Positive traits

In people born under the number 7, there is a clear advantage - they are the best leaders, inborn leaders who are able to lead their team first to victory. These people possess logical thinking, clearly build plans, courageous and brave, are not afraid of difficulties, sophisticated situations, Act always quickly and clearly.

Negative features

All people have their drawbacks, "seven" - no exception. Often they may seem too insidious and cruel. However, almost always a similar impression is deceptive.

Such people are just trying to achieve the desired by the truth and untrue and, unlike others, they are not afraid to go to the goals. Sevenges can be very cunning and pedantic, which complicates relationships with them.

Figure 7 in human relationships

Man born under the number 7, if you believe numerology, quite good friendSince it stimulates new ideas, feats, balanced, cleaned, ready to come to the rescue.

However, such people were attractive for society only if they do not think to lose their dignity, composure and charming, being in even in a state of permanent chaos and confusion. Unfortunately, seven are often hard to adapt to the circumstances and life in general. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the seven will dismantle their right to live according to its rules.


  1. Introduce students to S. interesting facts Development of a person's ideas about number 7.
  2. Solve tasks, solve riddles associated with Number 7.
  3. Understand the meaning of proverbs, sayings related to this number.
  4. Development of cognitive interest, expansion of the horizon.

Equipment: Multiprodector, exhibition of books, drawings with rebus.

This event is held at the beginning of the school year with students of grades 5-6 within the framework of the Week of Mathematics, sometimes as a familiarization of primary school students at the end of the 4th grade.

The meeting is conducted in the form of travel.

Stop first. Kurgan "Prehistoric".

Dear Guys! Today's meeting of our mathematical circle is dedicated to the number 7. Why was the choice was made precisely in favor of this number, I hope you will become clear during the first minutes. In carrying out this meeting, the pupils of grade 8 will help me.

First student. From the history of the emergence of the number of seven.

The history of the emergence of numbers is rooted in the distant - the distant past. When a person wanted to show in ancient times, for example, how many children he had, he took a bag, and folded so many pebbles into it, how many children he had. Before that, they believed on the fingers, after that they began to tie the nodules on the ropes. Only gradually people became able to distract numerical concepts from concrete things. That is, the account system, which means the history of the emergence of numbers lead their countdown since ancient times, when people, in fact, lived in the caves. From very long time, people had to attribute magic properties in one way or another - some numbers considered happy others - on the contrary, unhappy. Moreover, both - without any reason. This led to the fact that the number was attributed to the magical, magical meaning, it was represented as a certain mysterious spirit.

Mysterious number seven! How not to be considered: both sacred, and divine, and magical, and happy. So belong to the English, the French, the Italians, the Russians, honor its Hindus, Arabs, Turks and other peoples, read many centuries BC, in the Middle Ages, honor today.

In the Egyptian and Babylonian philosophy and astronomy, it was considered as the sum of the two "life" numbers: three and four. Three people - father, mother, baby make up the basis of life; And four are the number of countries of the world and wind directions, where rain comes from, whose giving moisture makes the land of fruit. According to Pythagora, the amount of numbers 3 and 4 (symbolizing the triangle and square) was considered a manifestation of completion and perfection. Therefore, the number 7, the sum of the troika and the fourth, was perceived as sacred.

IN ancient Greece With the number of seven connected the idea of \u200b\u200bcompletion and perfection. Maybe therefore, he was called the number of Apollo, one of the most important gods of the Olympic religion. From mythology it is known that a man-bull minotaur who inhabited in a maze on the island of Crete, the inhabitants of Athens annually sent seven young men and seven girls to reign. Nymph Island Ogigiya Calypso was held seven years old in captivity Odyssey. Attrant, who regained the shoulders of the Heavenly Arch, was seven daughters - Pleiad, turned into a constellation.

In the era of the Middle Ages mysterious number 7 was widely used in architecture. In the details of the Cologne Cathedral and the Dominican Church in Regensburg, you can see "seven". On the hills and valleys of Greece, the ruins of excellent buildings created by the Greek people in antiquity were preserved to our days. Above ruins ancient City Corinth is towering seven columns, preserved from the temple of Apollo, built in the VI century to our era. The columns were an indispensable affiliation of ancient temples and structures.

The number 7 was considered magic because a person perceives the world around (light, sounds, smells, taste) through seven holes in the head: two eyes, two ear, two nostrils, mouth.

FROM long ago The number 7 had a different symbolic value. Thus, the ancient Greeks each year chose 7 best actors (comic and tragic), the ancient Romans honored seven wise men.

Hindu has a custom to give seven elephants for happiness.

It was established: the period of tooling offspring in a person lasts 280 days (7x40), at mice - 21 days (7x3), hares and rats - 28 days (7x4), in a cat -56 days (7x8), the dog is 63 days ( 7x9), Lyrics - 98 days (7x14), the sheep - 147 days (7x21).

A person from the first presentation usually remembers 7 concepts.

Second student. Number 7 in Christianity.

Numeric patterns are laid throughout the Bible.

- For seven days the world's creation occurred.
- Seven virtues: chastity, moderation, justice, generosity, hope, humility and faith.
- Seven mortal sins: anger, greed, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, laziness.
- Seven appeals and requests in the prayer "Father Our".
- Seven mountain ranges in purgatory.
- Seven-day post and repentance.
- Seven responsibilities of mercy: hungry feed, thirsting to drink, homeless shelter, naked to wear, patient to visit, deceased to bury, keep the memory of him.
- Seven candles in the lamp altar and seven in the president.
- The seventh day of the week is sacred - Sunday. Jesus Christ rose on Sunday.
- The Bible is narrating about seven lamps, seven angels, about seven years of abundance and seven - hunger.
- Over orthodox temples Often seven domes symbolizing seven sacraments: baptism, communion, priesthood, confession, world-formation, wedding and amissization.
- The Great Post in Christians lasts seven weeks.

Third student. Number 7 in history.

The number seven meets very often in historical factsthat once again confirms its unusual properties.

- Rome is built on seven hills.
- Odyssey seven years old was captive by Nymph Calypso.
- Vavillyan has an underground kingdom surrounded by seven walls.
- The legendary rulers of ancient Rome (seven kings):

Romulus (753-716 BC. E.).

Numa Pubrugi (715-674 BC).

Tull Hotel (673-642 BC).

Ank Maria (642-617 BC).

Lutions of Tarquinition Prisc (616-579 BC. Er).

Servi Tully (578-535 BC).

Lucius Tarquinius Proud (535-509 BC. E.).

- "Semiboyarschina" in Russia in 1610-1612. Historians adopted by the name of the transition government from seven boyars in the summer of 1610.
- Seven-year war 1756-1763. Large military conflict of the XVIII century, one of the largest conflicts of the new time. Seven-year-old war went both in Europe and Ocean: in North America, in the Caribbean, India, Philippines. In war, all European great powers of that time, as well as most of the middle and small european states, some Indian tribes took part in the war.
- 7 countries in the organization of the CSTO collective security treaty.

On May 15, 1992, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan signed a collective security agreement in Tashkent (DKB).

On August 16, 2006, a decision was signed in Sochi on full accession (restoration of membership) of Uzbekistan to the CSTO.

Fourth student. Number 7 in nature.

Of great importance, which is attached to the figure 7, is associated with the moon. On the new moon all nature is updated, even we have been gaining new forces. This is the law of nature. From the new moon to New Moon, the moon harvested his strength, and we strong together with her; From the full moon to the New Moon, she holds his strength, preparing to bother her again, and because of this, our strength is melted.

The lunar cycle consists of four phases, each of which is divided into seven days. Summerians founded their calendar on this cycle. From here a month ago, consisting of four weeks for seven days each; Plus additional days at the end of each cycle to fill those days when the moon in the sky is not visible. In Babylon, every seventh day, noting the end of a certain stage of the lunar cycle, was dedicated to Sin, the Luna's God, and these days were considered unfortunate and dangerous. Perhaps it was from here that the concept of "Saturday" - the seventh day, in which it is necessary to rest, for any actions on this day are dangerous.

Seven any objects are a finished cycle. Seven planets are all existing planets (at least until recently): Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

- Seven days make up a week.
- seven stars in the constellations big and small bear;
- seven rainbow colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple);
- "Seven vertices" - the highest mountain peaks of the continents:

Jomolungma 8848 m. (Nepal), Akonkagua 6962 m. (Argentina), Mac-Kinli 6194 m. (USA), Kilimanjaro 5895 m (Tanzania), Elbrus 5642 m. (Russia), Massif Vince 4892 m. (Antarctica), Punchak-Jay 4884 m. (Indonesia), Mount Kosyushko 2228 m. (Australia).

And now let's talk about the very known application Numbers 7.

Fifth student. Seven wonders of the world.

So call the structures and statues glorified in the ancient times. Probably Philon Alexandrian, who lived in the IV century BC. er, and did not suspect that his name would be preserved in the centuries at such a funny occasion. He, mathematician, mechanic, geodesist, drawn up the first version of the Seven Wonders of the World. Why he chose exactly 7 objects, the historians do not know. The most common explanation: "Seven" was considered a magical number, which in his observations behind the outside world was noted by the ancient Egyptians. This is the seven colors of the rainbow, and seven celestial bodies in the solar system visible to the naked eye ...

In his work "Seven Wonders of the World" Philo Alexandrian included: Egyptian pyramids, hanging gardens of semiramides, temple of Artemis Ephesus, Statue of Zeus Olympic, Galicarnas Mausoleum, Colossus Rhodes, Alexandria Lighthouse . To us, unfortunately, only one of these wonderful creations of the human mind and skillful human hands - the pyramids are the tomb of the ancient Egyptian kings - pharaohs.

From Cairo, the capital of Egypt, the chain of pointed artificial mountains of white yellowish colors is far to the south stretch. This is the pyramids. The largest of them - the Pyramid of Pharaoh Heops - about 147 m high, was built at the beginning of the 27th century. BC. Only 2 m below the pyramid of Heffren. This pharaoh seemed the insufficient tomb of the size of the mountain, and he ordered to put a stone guard with her, squeezed from the whole cliff. In the guardian of the face of a person and a torso lion. It is called Sphinx. The image of the sphinx, wise, as a person, and strong, as a lion, inspired a superstitious horror, and people called him the father of trembling. (Picture 1.)

The other "Miracle of the World" - the hanging gardens of the Semiramides - was located in the largest and rich city of the Ancient East - Babylon. They were created by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II in 6 c. BC. For his wife - Tsaritsa Semiramis. Nebuchadnezzar built his palace on the artificially created platform raised to the height of the six-story house. Six rows of brick arches rose to the ledge sites - six arcades. On each ledge was embarrassed by a layer of earth and divorced flowering garden. Day and night Hundreds of slaves rotated colossal wheels with leather veins, feeding water Euphrates into the hanging gardens. (Figure 2.)

The temple of the Greek goddess Artemis in Ephesus, in Malaya Asia, was considered the third "miracle of the world." The temple was a rectangular building from stone and a tree, acquired from all sides by double colonnade from 127 columns. In 356 BC. Someone Herostrat, wanting to glorify, shook the temple. His name forever became a symbol of meaningless barbarism. (Figure 3.)

In the northwestern part of Greece, in the city of Olympia, at the Motherland of the Olympic Games, in 456. BC. There was a temple dedicated to Zeus - the Supreme God of the Ancient Greeks. The temple decorated the statue of God, washed by the Great Sculptor Fid. This is the fourth "miracle." The twelve meter Zeus was sedged on the throne of gold, ivory, black tree and precious stones. He's head decorated with a golden wreath of olive branches - a sign of the peacefulness of the Terrible God. Head, shoulders, hands, chest have been sharpened from ivory. Cloak, peroxided through the left shoulder, the hair and beard of Zeus were sculpting from gold. Fidius endowed Zeus with human nobility. His face framed by a beard and curly hair was not only strict, but also good. It seemed that Zeus was about to smile, he would rise from the throne and would place mighty shoulders. (Figure 4.)

In Malaya Asia in the capital of the small Car kingdom of Galicarneas (now the Turkish city of Bodrum) there was a fifth "miracle" - the magnificent tomb, built for the King of Malsol, his widow, Queen Artemisia, in the middle of 4 century. BC. It was majestic constructions From the brick, lined from the inside and outside with a white marble, a height of 60 meters. The first floor, where the urn was resting with the shine, had a kind of a huge cube. The second floor was observed outside the marble column, and the third was a multistage pyramid. She was crowned by the four horses with the chariot, which Malsol and Artemisia (statues of Malsol and Artemisia, and other mausoleum decorations are now stored now in the British Museum in London). On behalf of Mawsol and the word "Mausoleum" happened. (Figure 5.)

In 3 c. BC. The Troop of the Ruler of Front Asia and Syria Demetrius of the Polyororeca was attacked on Rhodes Island. However, defeat the freedom-loving Rhodians did not succeed. In memory of the successful defense of the island, they decided to put the biggest statue in the world. This is the sixth "miracle", known under the name of the Colossus of Rhodes. It was an image of the god of the Sun Helios, whom the inhabitants of the island considered their patrons. (Figure 6.)

On the island of Faros at the mouth of the Nile River, next to the city of Alexandria, about 280 g. BC. The biggest lighthouse of antiquity was built. The height of this three-tier tower reached 135 m. On its top in an open stone gazebo, the fire was burning, pointing the way to ships. (Figure 7.)

Stop second. Polyana "Mysterious".

"Proverbs, sayings and riddles related by number 7".

In ancient times, Papuats after "Oak-Oak-Oak" said the word, which in their language indicated "a lot". So it was probably from other nations. Therefore, in Russian sayings and proverbs, the word "seven" often acts as the word "a lot":

Proverbs and sayings with a number 7.

  1. Seven one is not waiting.
  2. Seven times in your opinion, yes at least once in my opinion.
  3. The old man is yes better than seven young.
  4. Seven times measure cut once.
  5. Seven troubles - one answer.
  6. Mount the seven drain, and from the mountain and one will collide.
  7. One lamb da seven shepherds.
  8. From the Popovsky sleeve seven pants comes out.
  9. For seven wool yes chevybeat.
  10. From seven dogs at the crossroads grieved.
  11. Necklik town, yes seven governors.
  12. In seven roads one ax.
  13. Seven not alone, no offense we will not give.
  14. Seven years have not seen each other, but there is nothing to say.
  15. Onions from seven ailment.
  16. After bread-salt - seven hours to relax.
  17. Seven one is not waiting.
  18. Seven rivers dried out, the canvas did not sleep.
  19. Lisa will spend seven wolves.

Now let's try to solve the riddles with a number 7.

Riddles with a number 7.

  1. All my life I wear two humps, I have two stomach! But every hump is not hump, barn! Food in them for seven days! (Camel.)
  2. Brothers of these exactly 7. You are known to all. The brothers walk each week every week. It seems to be the latter - the front appears. (Days of the week.)
  3. Six puppies, yes Mama-husky. Try all, pick up! (7)
  4. Daily at 7 in the morning, I am alarming: get up Porrrrrrrrr! (Alarm clock.)
  5. There are 7 brothers: equal, the names are different. (Days of the week.)
  6. We are octar, seven rams, protect against Buranov. (Fur coat.)
  7. The sun ordered: "Stop, seven-color arc bridge!" (Rainbow.)

Stop third. The lawn "fabulous".

"Tales and poems excursion."

Let's remember what fairy tales you know, with a number of 7 in the title.

  1. Tale A. Volkova "Seven Underground Kings":
    In this fairy tale, the heroes: horrid, iron woodcutter, corona car, Dog Totomka Together with the Girl Ellie help residents of a magical country get rid of seven kings, re-removing them.
  2. Russian folk fairytale "Daughter Semillets": the girl of seven years turned out to be smarter than the king himself and could help her poor father.
  3. In the fairy tale "wise girl and seven robbers" a young girl saved all his family from death, deceiving evil and insidious robbers.
  4. In the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" Snow White lived in 7 gnomes for 7 mountains.
  5. In the fairy tale "Seven Simeons" seven twin brothers owned a wonderful craft, traveled for the distant seas to bring the bride for the king.

This magic number was widely used the myths of the ancient world and fairy tales of different peoples: Atlanta, supporting the shoulders, the heavenly arch was 7 daughters Pleiad, whom Zeus turned into constellations; Odyssey 7 years was captured by Nymph Calypso; "Wolf and Seven Cats", "On the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes" A.S. Pushkin, "Seven Bravets" brothers Grimm, "Flower-semi-deceive" V. Kataeva, "Seven Brothers" in the processing of M. Afanasyev, "Seven-year-old arrows from Luke" Samskaya fairy tale, "Travel for seven seas".

Many poets used the number 7 in their poems. Grade 5 students learned some of them.

Poet G. Katukov

1) The number of seven is known to everyone.
What to say about the number seven?
Seven turned gray.
He became smarter and stricter.
Let's fly year year,
In the class seventh he will go!

2) in the close sky with starry night
I found seven bright dots.
Seven burning eyes found
Called bucket
And the naughty is called ...
I do not understand what the matter is there?
And my father answered me:
- You are my sons, well done!
Unnoticed year will be used,
And marks seven years -
You will go to school
And you will find any answer.

7 drawn in his poems Maria Konopnitskaya URBS Avinionensis.

"Seven - the number of the best
Seven consonance in the chime.
For everything that the heart is cute.
Avignon in seven screams
Faith, truth and strength.
Seven gates in the walls he had
Seven sins had a day for the day
In Danzer Avignon ... "

Irina Gurina.

Once a seven walked in the forest:
Basket in hands and glasses on the nose.
IN magic forest The beauty flourished,
The basket has a huge emptiness slept!

Seven Zaitsev to the meeting hung up with Gorn:
- Collect mushrooms? We are with you too!
On the forest green hares wandered
And together with the seven mushrooms found!

Seven fat hair in the swamp found
Seven yellow chanterels under the Christmas tree grew
Seven white mushrooms in the meadow stand,
And near the family - seven cheerful!

Here are seven raws, seven slippery oils,
Seven redheads are glorious in a tank shag.
Successful mushroom hunting was:
Seven basket barely raised!

Evgeny Schwartz.

Who sings from the scene,
Seven in octave notes.
I myself confirm ready:
Seven in the rainbow colors.
Days in the week too seven.
Well, this
Clear everything!
* * *

In fairy tales, the number seven lives,
It is waiting for all kids
Dwarfs seven and seven goats
Want to play with them.
For notewings, the number seven came
Seven sounds brought them.
Steel notes molded,
The sounds began to dress up.
* * *

How many days in the week?
Seven. Well known to all.
For each friend go,
Everyone is called every way.
* * *

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Interesting tasks with a number 7.

In the papyrus scribe Akhmes, which is stored in London, give solutions 84 tasks for various calculations that may be needed in practice. Most of the tasks refers to arithmetic. Among them there is a task associated with a number of 7: "In the house of 7 cats, each cat eats 7 mice, each mouse eats 7 of the bumps, each embossed gives 7 plants, 7 grain measures grows on each plant. How much is all together? ". According to this problem, it can be seen that the author is not interested in what subjects are we talking about, they are homogeneous or not - it is important for him only the total amount.

Several millennia passed since the times of Akhmes and in the XIII century, the Italian mathematician Leonardo Pisansky, on the nicknamed Fibonacci, brought a similar task in his book: "Seven old women went to Rome. Each old woman on seven donkeys, each downtry carries over seven bags, in every bag for seven breads, in each bread for seven knives, each knife in seven sheaths. How many items? ".

And in Russia, similar tasks were solved. In the XIX century, in the villages were made: "Seven elders went. Every older has seven crutches. On each crutch for seven bitch. On each bitch for seven wives. In every fellow seven pies. In every cake for seven sparrow. How much? ". But this is the same task of Akhmes, who lived millennium and reached us.

And now let's try to solve several modern tasks containing this magic number 7.

What kind of number is 7 times the number of its units? Answer: Number 35.

How do 7 apples divided equally between 12 boys, without cutting a single apple more than 4 parts?


The collective farmer brought to the market for sale basket of eggs. She sold them at the same price. After selling eggs, the collective farmer wished to check if she was right away. But the trouble: she forgot how many eggs had. She remembered only that when she shifted the eggs of 2, then one egg remained. One egg remained also during the shocking of eggs of 3, by 4, by 5, by 6. When it shifted 7, then no one remained. Help the collective farmer to figure out how many eggs were in the basket. Answer: 301 egg.

Bidon, the capacity of which is 10l, filled with oil. There are still empty vessels in 7 and 2 liters. How to pour oil into two vessels of 5 l each?

Solution: First, from the first vessel, it is necessary to fill in the second 7l, and then from the second 2l to the third one.

What is the usual record of the number 7 7 ends? Answer: 3.

There are mathematical signs and brackets between some numbers to make faithful equality.

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7=7
7 7 7 7 7 7 7=8
7 7 7 7 7 7 7=10
7 7 7 7 7 7 7=49
7 7 7 7 7 7 7=107
7 7 7 7 7 7 7=140
Answer (7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7): 7 \u003d 6
(7*7 – 7*7 + 7*7):7 = 7
777:777 + 7 = 8
7:7 + 7:7 + 7:7 + 7 = 10
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 49
(777 – 77):7 + 7 = 107
((7 + 7):7 + 7)*7 + 77 = 140


  1. Bagaev E.Troika, Seven, Chertova Dozen: On some numerical superstitions / E. Bagaev // Rural Nov. - 1999. - № 2. - P. 40.
  2. Berman G.N. The number and science of him. Public essays. Moscow: State. Edition of technical and technical literature 1984.
  3. Depima I.Ya. The pages of the textbook of mathematics: a manual for students of 5-6 class of secondary school / - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.
  4. Depima I.Ya. The world of numbers. Stories about mathematics. Leningrad "Children's literature" 1988.
  5. Cordemsky B.A.The amazing world of numbers: book for students / M.: Enlightenment, 1995.
  6. Perelman Ya.I.Entertaining Mathematics: E.: Publishing House "TESIS", 1994.

Consider the value of the number 7 V. First you need to make a numerological map by date of birth. How to do it, read in. It is enough to know the day, month and year of birth. You will need a handle, leaf and calculator. Calculations will not take a lot of time - five minutes are enough.

The result is a similar table:

In the example, the seed is not at all, but you can be from one to several. Consider a detailed value below.

Number 7 in numerology: value and general characteristics

Seed is in the third column of the table. It is he who is responsible for the state of the human soul, the depth qualities that many have not been manifested. This is an understanding of what a person wants, who is, for what he lives, why everything around him is.

And the seven itself is responsible for intuition. It characterizes:

  • hearing and awareness of yourself from the inside
  • knowledge and understanding of their soul, psychology, reactions to events from the outside
  • ability to predicate and predict the coming events
  • ability to make some actions in time, warning the outcome of the events unfavorable for man.

It is impossible to confuse intuition with fear. If the fear is a destructive feeling that fills the person completely, paralyzing will and the ability to adequately react to what is happening. That intuition is a kind of wave that rolling onto a person, forcing "to do so", and not otherwise. And in the end, if you listen to it, the result will be favorable.

People with large number The seed, with a developed intuition, can take an umbrella into sunny cloudless weather, go out, and rain will begin. Often they make illogical and incomprehensible surrounding actions, but in the end turn out to be right.

One Seed

A person with one seven intuition is clearly expressed, he hears and listens to the inner voice. This indicator is normal, reference. Therefore, if you have only one digit 7 in a numerological map, you have nothing to worry about.

Three seven

Three seven in the test - rarity. It is believed that such a person has a pronounced gift of foresight. Their thoughts are very clear and dense. They are capable of predicting what is happening in the future not only for themselves, but also for others, if they are close to them.

If a person has three seven dough and more, the following qualities are characteristic of it:

  • socialization: the tendency to give to others everything, even by infringement of their own interests
  • kindness and pity: these are the people who are engaged in charity, save homeless animals, organize free breakers for vagrants, help everyone around
  • "Scanning": such a feeling that they see any person through, in their presence it makes no sense to lie, hypocrite, hide your true emotions
  • "Hear" at a distance: these are those who are able to feel, being thousands of kilometers that they are near man It became bad, they can predict global catastrophes, terrorist attacks and other troubles
  • thought: There are people who, who did not have time you will voice some thought, give it out loud, they feel thin, feelings, trap mood
  • they are able to feel pain (both emotional and physical) of another person, and even feel it physically (but not always, and in the case when the seven is more than three)
  • impulsive, live in teta: first of all react to all events with emotions, and do not try to act as the mind tells
  • intuition for them performs in life protective functionFor them, phrases are familiar: "Do not do it, I have a bad premonition," I must definitely go there, I feel, we will be lucky "and others
  • often feel, think and act illogical, causing bewilderment and annoying, but in the end they are right
  • possess the gift of foresight, but they do not always know how to use it, not often aware of him
  • possess non-standard, creative thinking.

Multi-seamers are creators, but the most unusual. Images come to them through vision. It is rarely understood by others, they are not like from this world.

More information about the value of the seed is in this video:

If you do not have a single seven, do not hurry to get upset. This does not mean that nature has tried you with a sixth sense. Intuition in this case is, but it is harnessed very far, rarely makes itself felt. Either manifests itself very quiet, so person ignores and does not notice its signals.

Requires a lot of internal tension to feel the intuition of a person without a seven in the test. Usually the sixth sense is activated in a state of strong emotional lifting, fear, excitation.

You can develop intuition with a competent numerologist, which will correct the qualities.

Often, people with a lack of a seven are trying to look for God, although the concept of God is absent from them in principle. They read spiritual books, the Bible, communicate with believers, go to church. But in vain - they are not able to take religion to the soul. For it is important for them that the information is proved is verified for the truth.