When is the year of the dog in what year. Year of the Dog

What year after the year of the Monkey will be next? Many people ask themselves this question. For those who are serious about horoscopes and are thoroughly preparing for the meeting of the new owner of the year, you should know that the next patron will be the year of the Rooster, whose element is fire. It is best to prepare in advance for the meeting, and start off well with the information. When the year of the Rooster begins and its main signs. If you know people who were born under this sign or you are about to have a child, it is better to find out in advance the character traits.

Inherent character traits

People born the next year after the Monkey are distinguished by straightforwardness in behavior and their own expressions, in relation to their companions and interlocutors. Very often they provoke their opponents into involuntary skirmishes, but people perceive this as excessive frankness inherent in this particular person. But there are good sides to this, for example, the Rooster's companions and friends always know the truth about themselves, because the main feature of people born under this symbol is to say what they think.

The bird endows its owner with leadership qualities that are well manifested in the management of personnel and, in principle, people. They are also distinguished by pride and arrogance, which is immediately visible against the background of the rest.

Men and women born under the sign of the Rooster

Such men are not committed to external manifestations of affection and warmth, but this does not mean that they are insensitive. It's just that, like many Roosters, they think that there is nowhere to rush. Therefore, if your partner was born this year, of course, you can wait for the expression of emotions, having gone through many tests and trials, but do not think that everything will change radically.

As for women who are born in the year of the Rooster, in order to keep your lover, you need to know her food preferences, take time for her love of shopping and go for walks with her. It is even possible to jump with a parachute, but at the same time, be extremely careful with the equipment for the jump, balancing the stable inattention of your chosen one.

How do children born in the year of the Rooster behave?

So, we found out what year after the year of the Monkey, namely the Fire Rooster. What to expect from a newborn? Children who have come into the world in such a year are characterized by infantilism, restlessness, fuss, inconsistency, inconstancy, which affects the habits of taking on everything at once, but then giving up halfway.

Children born in the Year of the Fire Rooster are active, impressionable and curious to such an extent that it affects sleep when the child is afraid of missing something important at night. With age, this problem will only get worse, because curiosity will grow faster than a toddler. A taste for variety will manifest itself even in the first years of a baby's life, in the moments of feeding and playing, leisure. Do not be surprised that you have a difficult time when you eat. Like all Roosters, the child does not like to swim, but favorite toys can be an excellent solution in terms of hygiene. Such a child is a real "why" when he starts to speak. He asks a thousand and one questions, which helps to satisfy the inquisitiveness of the mind. But this all makes you too easily overexcited, so you should not tell scary stories at night.

Character of the child

As for personality traits, these children are quite stubborn, and forcing them to do something is completely pointless. At the same time, such an action will not cause a negative reaction in the form of hysteria or discontent; most likely, the child will show cunning and find a way to evade an undesirable task. Their curiosity allows them to learn new things very quickly, but the trait to grab onto everything and immediately interfere with the development of new skills in sufficient volume. Given this character trait, you need to cultivate an unlimited supply of patience, which will be useful when you start teaching a child born in the year of the Rooster to focus on one lesson. If you are persistent enough in this difficult endeavor, your child will be a successful adult in the future.

They are quite sociable and do not suffer from a lack of communication, they easily get to know each other and find friends. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of thinking and mind, children begin to read early, but interest is more attached to information about the world and interesting facts than to fiction. The best book for these children is an encyclopedia or collection of interesting facts about the world around them. It is worth noting that there may be an addiction and inclination to foreign languages, which should be started to develop from early childhood. To help overcome hyperreactivity, you can try sending your child to music lessons, which can help them learn attention and perseverance.


When Roosters become teenagers, communication barriers sometimes arise, but if you establish a strong bond at an early age, this problem will never be. Since children have a sufficiently developed intellect, you should not lie to them, otherwise you may lose respect and trust, which will ruin your relationship for many years.

What are Roosters in their "chicken coop"?

Like any general, the Rooster loves to control everything, so the morning and evening formation of all the household is an integral ritual. If the Rooster has taken place in the material sense, then, most likely, his "chicken coop" will be located somewhere in warm countries and will become the main subject of his pride. At the same time, one must remember: it is this sign of the eastern horoscope that belligerence is inherent from birth.

Harmony for the Rooster

People under this sign always remain special, no matter what year it is. After the year of the Monkey, a responsibility falls on their shoulders, which is not inherent in the patron of the previous year. Against this background, Roosters often think and feel their superiority and righteousness, even if they are not. The sensation is reinforced by frequent situations from which Roosters find the right way out.

Eternal doubts in others and even in ourselves constantly haunt these people. Gourmets of a special kind, true adventurers with good taste. Constantly exposed to a huge number of ideas that may resemble pure absurdity, and most likely turn out to be just dreams. In what year after the year of the Monkey a person would not be born, but it is very important for Roosters to maintain their own balance.

Professional characteristics

He will never sit on the bench if certain circumstances arise that will require decisive action. Courage and courage, too, does not take, the Rooster is never afraid to take risks, and will do it with tremendous pleasure.

A worker with a capital letter, there is nothing to say. Roosters are guided by a desire that makes them want to do more than they can, and take on everything, even if it completely exceeds their level of strength or knowledge. But if the task is not completed at the level, they feel upset and dissatisfaction.

When it comes to activities in life, Roosters are very fond of financially risky business, even if there is no reason for this. In this sense, anything can happen to them: ruin and crisis. All this is about them, a kind of assessment of life for excessive daydreaming. It is immediately clear that such people cannot be economists, the position of a middle-level clerk is the best fit for them.

Year of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope

Dog hieroglyph: Xu.

Dog motto:"I'm worry".

Location of the sign: eleventh.

Triad: third (triangle of Defenders).

Element (element) of the Dog sign: Earth-Yang.

The nature of the sign: Jan.

Direction: west-north-west.

Approximately corresponding to this period, the sign of the Western zodiac: Scales.

Time of day controlled by the Dog: 19.00 – 21.00.

Colour: yellow.

Gem of Dogs: Diamond.

Food traditions: meat dishes.

Years of the Dog

Characteristics of the Dog

A dog in the eastern horoscope is faithful, compassionate, responsible, reliable, honest, curious, intelligent, fair, sociable, selfless, open, modest, calm and prone to idealism, but in unfavorable circumstances it can show excessive anxiety, pessimism, coldness, laziness and stubbornness ...
The dog is the eleventh year sign of the Chinese 12-year cycle. It symbolizes qualities such as honesty, fairness, dedication, reliability and loyalty.

This sign has a pronounced Yang nature, the nature of the elements is also Yang, it is for this reason that in people born in the year of the Dog, Yang qualities - honesty, reliability, striving for ideals, are expressed to a very strong degree.

Man's best friends

The direction associated with the sign of the Dog - west-north-west, in turn, corresponds to the end of autumn: the sign of the Dog corresponds to the 9th month in the Chinese calendar (according to the Gregorian calendar, this is the period from October 8 to November 7). Under the control of the Dog is the time of day 19.00-21.00 - the so-called "eleventh guard".

The yellow color, with which the sign of the Dog, as the bearer of the Earth element inherent in it, is associated, in Chinese mythology symbolizes the Center of the World - China itself, the Celestial Empire, and means stability, fertility, support, law, success and eternity, is associated with glory and achievements. Yellow color in the Chinese tradition corresponds to the Yellow (imperial) dragon with five claws, the Yellow Emperor Huang Di is a legendary ruler who united most of China under his rule, and the god of the land Hou-tu.

The shade of yellow corresponding to the sign Dog is bright yellow (minghuang). Being a sign, the natural element of which is Earth, the Dog is strongly influenced by Saturn (Tianxing), which, by the way, is also associated with yellow.

The dog enters the third Triangle of Spiritual Kinship - the Triangle of Protectors, the tops of which are the third, seventh and eleventh earthly branches, that is, respectively. Tiger, Horse and Dog. In this trio, the Dog acts as a guard.

The best partnerships - in marriage, friendship or business, the Dog develops with the Horse and the Tiger, as well as with the Hare, Rooster, Dog and Pig. On the other hand, the worst partner for a Dog is its antagonist, the Dragon.

Table of distribution of animals by year for quick search:

Refers to the Chinese millennial calendar and the directions of the Feng Shui compass school. It is known that an animal corresponds to each year, month and main direction in the Luo Pan compass. In any Lo Pan compass, the most important ring is the “24 mountains” ring, which consists of the hieroglyphs of 12 animals, four trigrams and 8 celestial trunks. Twelve animals are associated with the elements and seasons of the year. For example, the year according to the Chinese calendar begins on February 3-4 with the month of the tiger, the first month of spring. And the tiger symbolizes the Yang tree, since in the spring the most powerful element is the tree. There is a peculiar relationship between animals, some are friends and love each other, others attack or collide.
Here are the main descriptions of the 12 animals, as well as the dates of the years they own.

RAT(creativity). Yang water, winter, December. Born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. At first glance, it seems calm, balanced and cheerful. But this seeming appearance hides constant excitement. It is enough to communicate with her longer to reveal her nervousness, anxiety and choleric temperament. Any rat prefers to live by cunning rather than labor and often achieves a lot in life at the expense of others who work for it in the sweat of their brow. Years: 1900/12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96.

BULL,(diligence, hard work). Yin land, end of winter, January. Patient and silent, restrained and slow, inconspicuous and balanced, precise and methodical, the Ox hides an original mind under a somewhat rustic appearance. He has the gift of provoking frankness, this is one of the trump cards of his success. He is a contemplator. Maybe that's why he loves loneliness. He is a true hard worker who brings prosperity to his family. Years: 1901/13/25/37/49/61/73/85/97.

TIGER(master of the situation, aggressive invader of the territory). Yang tree, early spring, February. The tiger is a fronder. Undisciplined, he has a quick-tempered character. It's hard to resist its magnetism. Always goes forward, despises the established authority, hierarchy and conservative minds. Loves all activities that involve risk. This is a warrior, sensitive, emotional and capable of deep thought, strong love. Years: 1902/14/26/38/50/62/74/86/98.

RABBIT(calm, charming person). Yin tree, spring, March. The cat always falls on its paws. This is the lucky one. Gifted, ambitious, pleasant companion, humble, discreet, sophisticated, virtuous. He speaks well and knows how to evaluate himself, but superficial and his best qualities are superficial. He is a secular person who loves to receive guests. Usually not out of balance, calm and unperturbed. Conservative, striving for comfort and safety. Years: 1903/15/27/39/51/63/75/87/99.

THE DRAGON(Showman, bright personality). Yang land, late spring, April. The Dragon has an excess of health, vitality, activity. Open and pure, he is incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy, or backbiting. He is scrupulous, demands a lot, but brings much more. Proud, capable, strong-willed, hardy and generous. He is influential and does not need anything all his life. He is a winner! Years: 1904/16/28/40/52/64/76/88/2000.

SNAKE(wisdom, spirituality). Yin fire, early summer, May. Intellectual and philosopher, not talkative and deeply reflects. She dresses elegantly and pretentiously. Strongly developed intuition, which is trusted more than facts. Calm by nature, she makes decisions quickly and always resolutely brings the work started to the end. But be vigilant, think before turning to the Snake for help: it tries to wrap itself around the debtor and strangle it. Just. Due to the tendency to exaggeration. Years: 1905/17/29/41/53/65/77/89/2001.

HORSE(honesty, activity). Yang fire, summer, June. She is representative, she has a good shape, knows how to dress. Loves shows, theater, concerts, everything related to the crowd. She knows how to make a compliment, is cheerful, chatty, cute and popular. She can succeed in politics, she is brilliant, loves and knows how to manage people. The mind grasps people's thoughts before they are expressed. A hard worker, dexterous in dealing with money, a good financier. Years: 1906/18/30/42/54/66/78/90/2002.

GOAT(home). Yin land, late summer, July. Elegant, artistic, in love with nature. Despairing others with his whims. Timid and feminine, she likes to complain. She likes to be talked about, guided and advised. Not knowing which direction to take, he always relies on others. She has good taste and talent, but she is not able to lead, as she was created for obedience. Smart. Of the year: 1907/19/31/43/55/67/79/91/2003.

A MONKEY(ability to handle technology). Yang metal, early autumn, August. The most erratic character of all signs. The soul of society, but sly and cunning. Very selfish. Playful, amiable, even helpful, she covers up her miserable opinion of others with her ostentatious courtesy and affability. The monkey is an intellectual. I read everything, knows a lot of things, is aware of everything that is happening in the world. She is well educated and has an excellent memory. She is resourceful and able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. Years: 1908/20/32/44/56/68/80/92/2004.

ROOSTER(original ideas, fashion). Yin metal, autumn, September. He is not shy in expressions and sometimes shows himself sharply aggressive. He really says what he thinks. But this is a tendency towards selfishness: he is indifferent to the vulnerability of others and believes that there is no reason to spare them. Loves to be noticed and dresses appropriately. At the same time, he is deeply and completely conservative, he thinks that he is completely right and knows what he is doing. Doesn't trust anyone, relying only on himself. Courageous and brave. Years: 1909/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/2005.

DOG(loyalty, home protection). Yang land, late autumn, October. Always restless, as if on guard, never resting. She is closed, rarely shows her feelings. Stubborn and often cynical: they are afraid of her for harsh and unpleasant remarks. Always acting boldly against injustice. A skeptic, but her critical mind, sense of humor and greatness of spirit save her from pettiness. Dislikes gatherings, crowds. But at the same time, she is loyal, faithful, honest and has a sense of duty. You can rely on her: she will not betray. Years: 1910/22/34/46/58/70/82/94/2006.

PIG(kind, loving comfort). Yin water, early winter, November. Knightly character. Gallant, helpful, scrupulous to the extreme. Naive, trusting, defenseless. Will never sell. She has few friends, but she keeps those few all her life and is capable of great sacrifices for them. She is attentive. He will never argue or object to you if he loves you. Due to its sensitivity, it can succeed in art. Smart, but simple-minded. Helpless against hypocrisy and gets entangled in attempts to justify. Years: 1911/23/35/47/59/71/83/95/2007.

    If you believe the old legend Following the Rooster, a Dog came running to congratulate Buddha on the holiday. Since in the Chinese calendar, the year of the Rooster is always followed by the year of the Dog..

    I don’t remember where, but somehow in the vastness of Tyrnet I came across this legend, written with humor and about these two representatives of the Eastern horoscope it was written like this:

    By the way, the Dog became the penultimate animal among those who came to congratulate the Buddha, and overtook only the Pig.

    Animals in the Eastern calendar (horoscope) are arranged cyclically, and the order of their placement never changes. The year of the Rooster will always be followed by the year of the Dog, and it does not matter what color or element it will be. By the way, the elements and colors also alternate without disturbing the routine.

    According to Chinese mythology Jade Emperor sent a servant to select the most beautiful animals on Earth and give them possession on the 1st year of the calendar.

    All the candidates came on time, only the cat was not there.

    The rat climbed onto the bull's back, played the pipe, so it liked it the most, it was given 1 place. The Bull received the 2nd for benevolence, the 3rd - the Tiger, the Rabbit became the fourth, the Dragon received the fifth place, the 6th place was given to the wise Snake, the 7th to the Horse for service to man, the 8th to the Sheep, the 9th to Monkey, 10th - Rooster and then the attic of the Dog came. One place turned out to be free and they had to look for a replacement, they brought in the Pig.

    The cat came running, but late, took offense at the Rat, because she did not wake him up, since then cats do not like rats and mice.

    Good day! Therefore, there are twelve animals in the Chinese horoscope, which change from year to year. Each animal represents a specific year. As for the year of the Rooster, after it comes the year of the Dog, and before it comes the year of the Monkey.

    Yes, very soon we will be celebrating the year of the Monkey, then the year of the Rooster will follow, in 2017. But the Rooster will be replaced by the Year of the Dog, in 2018. It is he who follows the Rooster in the Eastern horoscope.

    After the year of the Rooster, comes the year of the Dog. In general, the Chinese horoscope is a kind of structured diagram. In this scheme, a certain year corresponds to a certain animal. And the animal is endowed with character traits peculiar only to him. Following a twelve-year cycle, the years of the Dog are 1936, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, and 2006. The next year of the Dog is 2018.

    According to the Chinatown, the year of the rooster is followed by the year of the dog.

    In general, the sequence is as follows: Mouse (rat), Cow, Tiger, Hare (rabbit), Dragon, Snake, Horse (horse), Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

    If 2014 is the year of the horse, the next year of the rooster will be 2017, and 2018 is the year of the dog. Moreover, the rooster will be red, that is, referring to the element of fire. And the dog is earthen.

    The rooster in the Chinese horoscope is always yin, the dog is always yang.

    According to the Chinese horoscope, after the year of the Rooster (2017), there is the year of everyone's beloved animal, the year of the dog (2018). After the year of the dog (2018) comes the year of the Pig (2019). After the Year of the Pig, the year of the rat (mouse) 2020 is coming.

    To change the year rooster according to the eastern horoscope, the year will come dogs.

    To determine the color and element of the coming year, you can use the following information that is available on the Internet:

    The element and the year are the same for two years in a row, and then they change. There are six colors and six elements in total.

    The element and color are determined by the last digit in the year number, that is, by the digit at which the year ends:

    0-1 element metal, white color,

    2-3 elements water, black color,

    4-5 element wood, color green (blue),

    6-7 element fire, color red,

    8-9 element earth, color yellow.

    Define your year!

    According to the eastern horoscope, all animals are located in a circle: Rat, Cow, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. The year of the Rooster is replaced by the Year of the Dog. The next Year of the Rooster will be 2017, followed by 2018 the Year of the Dog. According to the horoscope of this animal, it is recommended not to worry in all spheres of life, since no matter what happens, you will successfully cope with everything.

In parallel to the European chronology, there is also the Eastern (Chinese) calendar. In its structure, it has 12 symbols of animals and five elements, which repeat after a certain cycle. The Chinese almanac of time reckoning is becoming more and more popular in the latitudes of our country, but due to ignorance, people ask the question: "After the year of the rooster, what year is 2018?" During the reign of the yellow "friend of man" no threats are foreseen. Astrologers recommend directing all energy to creative activity, the attention of fortune will be received by those who are inclined to honest work, or are ready for a serious relationship.

What were the predecessors

. In the mentioned chronology, the same totem is repeated every 12 years. The same symbol was inherent in 2006, 1994, 1982, and so on. The last "Polkan" was hard for the residents of the Russian Federation. Let us recall that 11 years ago, relations between Moscow and Tbilisi were heated to the limit, due to low-quality alcoholic beverages. As a consequence, riots and clashes took place. Moreover, at the height of the summer of 2006, there were a lot of fires and demonstrations on the basis of "dry" Rospotrebnadzor regulations. In short, 2006 turned out to be extremely difficult for the citizens of Russia. The fourth year of the 90s also did not bring good news. The most notorious were the events associated with Grozny, as a result of which the city itself was destroyed to the ground, and relations with the world community were ruined. Remembering past events, it can be assumed that the coming year of a person's friend will not be as supportive as the previous ones.

How to appease "Tuzik"

The best place to meet NG will be a circle of relatives and friends. We advise you to spend the holiday without bright pomp and alcoholic championships. A dog is a pet that loves home comfort and peace. Try to spend it modestly, avoiding frivolity and binge, this advice is useful no matter what year 2018 comes after the year of the Rooster. As much as possible, try to have yellow tones at the holiday (the color of the element of fire). The main dishes, according to the opinion of feng shui experts, will be meat dishes, which include:

  • chicken and pork liver;
  • chops;
  • kebab, etc.

It is believed that fate will be more favorable with such a choice. It also makes sense in what guise the holiday will be held. Since this is the year of the "fire dog", it will be useful to have an outfit of the following colors: sand, fire, olive and others. Decorating your look with fur is a good idea. Such accessories can be: gloves, shawl, scarf, etc.

Experts do not have a single and clear opinion,however, it is believed that the allotted period of time will not differ by turning point or significant incidents, not only for the Russian Federation, but for the whole world as a whole. It is assumed that the next 365 days will pass in peace and creation, not devoid of conservative views.

As the main conclusion, it can be argued that 2018 "will be good" for all hardworking people who do not rely on one fortune. Financial prosperity is promised to those who will work tirelessly. At the same time, a significant result will be realizable in the second half of the year. For careerists who fight for the position with honest work, this year will bring good luck and financial replenishment, as well as for entrepreneurs.

But no matter what year astrologers and experts in Eastern culture promise us, we wish all readers joy, goodness, health and other blessings. We hope that next year will be better than the previous one and will bring a lot of good news.