18 lunar day what to do. Lunar birthday

18 lunar day

The symbol is a mirror, asp, baboon, ice.

Stones - opal, lilac amethyst, white agate, spinel.

Body - kidneys, lower back.

eighteenth lunar day- the last in the lunar phase of the full moon. Symbolic seeds sown on the new moon and blooming on the full moon were pollinated on the 17th lunar day, and at this time it becomes clear did the sacrament come true whether the fruit has begun, or the flower is not destined to give offspring, and the time has come for its final death. That is, these lunar days act as a mirror that reflects our true nature, what is inside is reflected outside. This is an indicator of the state of everything that happens in life with us in this moment time, here and now. These lunar days show how correctly we compiled and implemented the programs laid down on the new moon. And how hard we worked on their implementation, correcting and developing the entire period of the growing moon, what we came to and what we became with our undertakings, what conclusions we made.

The eighteenth lunar day is generally favorable, but nevertheless it is considered a difficult day. This situation is due to the fact that this is a day of active work, but work on oneself. If at this level you spend it passively, then there are high chances that you will fall under the influence of other people and their desires, start imitating someone and lose yourself. In this case, the day can reward you with illusions and self-deception. Today is a kind of lesson that is taught to everyone.

Those who can faithfully follow the commandments of the day will have a chance to see themselves and the things around them as they are. And this applies not only to the surrounding world, but also to yourself, your essence. No wonder the symbol of the day is the Mirror, personifying the image of the world, truth and knowledge. The mirror correlates with consciousness, thinking, acting as tools of self-knowledge and reflection of the personality.

For the eighteenth lunar day characterized by the observance of moderation in everything. In feelings and emotions, in thoughts and actions. It is recommended to be attentive to the manifestation of one's ego, and in some cases it is useful to pacify it. Today, the manifestation of pride and vanity is not permissible. What is the essence of you can be understood from the world around you, just listen to it, pay attention to the signs. The way people treat you and what actions they take regarding you, how circumstances and situations around you develop, all this is your reflection, direct clues to understanding yourself.

It is useful to direct the energy unspent over the previous days to creation. Any meditative practices and austerities will do, which help not only bring your state into a harmonious position, but also calm the mind and concentrate on what is. One of the goals of self-improvement is precisely to be able not to succumb to provocations, not to be led by instincts, but to remain prudent. It is good on this day to show generosity, tolerance, not to judge or condemn, not to wish evil.

It is believed that on the eighteenth lunar day it is useful to look at yourself in the mirror. I would like to note that this is an abstraction meaning - to look at yourself from the outside. The day is ideal for criticizing your actions, committed deeds, thoughts, emotional side. Ability to look from the side, on this day is especially developed. If you seriously analyze your being, you will be able to determine with full accuracy the cause and effect of your actions, as well as understand what depends on you and how you can succeed without making mistakes.


Mirror lunar days are not a productive time for business. This is the time to review your activities and review your reporting. It is worth once again reviewing the form of your contracts for each item. Treat everything that happens without anger and aggression, but with understanding and patience.

On the eighteenth lunar day at the business level, it is better to be passive. In general, the day is very unfavorable, difficult and somewhat aggressive. It is not advisable to start new business, make new plans, make responsible decisions. On this lunar day, there is a great risk of making a mistake. It is better to continue doing what has already been started. It may seem that problems arise from scratch, and it is simply not possible to find a way out of seemingly simple situations.

It is advisable to postpone the solution of serious business-related issues. It is not recommended to conduct large financial transactions, conclude contracts, engage in real estate. Unlucky day and for litigation. The main recommendations of the eighteenth lunar day are to treat yourself first of all with great attention and not be led by emotions. It’s good not to get carried away with the process and step back a little from business. This will allow you to soberly assess what is happening and, along the way, adequately respond to the state of current affairs. This behavior will be the best tactic of the day.

A very successful day will develop for people involved in creativity. People of art will catch inspiration and find self-expression in any field, whether it be scientific research or music, painting, theater.

As well as possible, the eighteenth lunar day is suitable for relaxation. It is best to spend it outside the city, in communion with nature. In peace and quiet, it will be easier for you to maintain a state of detachment from business, which will help you focus on introspection. In addition, positive energy will give you a fresh charge of vivacity and good mood, which, among other things, will have a good effect on your well-being.


The eighteenth lunar day is one of the most auspicious days for various wellness procedures. On this day, everything is good that will help you strengthen your immune system and improve your general condition. Today, water procedures are especially useful. You can, for example, do a contrast shower or douche cold water. And if it becomes yours new tradition, then your body will only thank you in the future with the absence of banal colds. Physical activity has a positive effect.

The eighteenth lunar day is just perfect for fasting. If you do not practice these techniques, then a strict diet or fasting will have a good effect. On this day, you can not overeat, it is recommended to exclude meat products, eat more nuts, vegetables and fruits. It is highly undesirable to drink alcohol, it is good to give up smoking.

It will be useful to cleanse the body, especially the intestines. In this regard, a visit to the bath will give a good effect. You can drink herbal teas that have a laxative and cleansing effect. In addition, massage sessions with vegetable oils, aromatherapy, skin care complexes are shown, it is good to take herbal baths.

From a medical point of view, the kidneys and lower back are vulnerable on this day and it is not recommended to treat them today. Skin conditions may also worsen. Diseases that appear on this lunar day are often long-lasting. It is recommended to approach treatment with caution and not to abuse medicines. And it is even better to immediately contact a specialist for examination and the correct diagnosis. Otherwise, you risk treating something that is not there.

Love, communication

In terms of communication, the eighteenth lunar day is quite difficult. You may experience difficulty in communicating not only among your colleagues, but also with loved ones. And it's not about you or them. This is how the energy of the day works. Therefore, it is desirable to maintain prudence and resolve conflict situations through compromise. By being flexible and patient, you can keep a good relationship. The same applies to business negotiations, which are best postponed if possible. A misunderstanding may arise between you and your partners, and you will have to spend a lot of effort to overcome it. But even in this case, the result may upset you.

Today, quarrels with colleagues, relatives, loved ones are possible. The first half of the day presents unpleasant surprises. Reasons for conflict seem to arise out of nowhere. Misunderstanding and selfishness reign. Be restrained and don't let yourself be provoked. Protect other people, take the side of justice.


On the eighteenth lunar day, it is better to refrain from entering into marriages. It is better to analyze your relationship again, and everything connected with them.



A child conceived on this day may not be healthy, but wealth awaits him. Will be smart and hardworking. Such people are respected by others. The main thing is not to give him the opportunity to consider himself the Absolute, otherwise the collapse of illusions and loneliness awaits in the future.


A person born at this time turns out to be hardworking and organized, and over the years is able to become a prosperous, and even rich person.

Those born on the eighteenth lunar day have a very subtle and sensitive mental organization. They take very close to heart what happens to them and to people close to them. It is very important in childhood to protect such children from unnecessary shocks, since they are literally able to feel emotional pain on a physical level, not only their own, but also the people around them.

Usually, the children of the eighteenth lunar day are quite quiet and calm. Able to very strongly succumb to other people's influence and go on about other people's desires. It is necessary from childhood to teach them to boldly defend their views, but at the same time not to follow their emotions, otherwise it will adversely affect their lives. They will be forced to wear the mask of grimaces and hypocrites all their lives. Also, it is desirable to instill in them a sense of proportion and justice from childhood.

Those born on the eighteenth lunar day are very gifted people, and thanks to their talents they can realize themselves in many areas of activity, showing creative inclinations in everything they touch. The acting career is especially successful.

It is believed that it is not advisable for people of this lunar day to independently engage in the business of their lives. This is due to the fact that they are prone to the manifestation of selfishness, vanity, pride. It is good if on their way they find a spiritual mentor who will help not only move towards the intended goal, but also successfully improve themselves.

For more high level development, a person on the eighteenth lunar day is capable of showing tolerance, modesty, self-denial, can direct his energy to creation. Thanks to these qualities, people of this day can do many good and useful deeds.


Today is the waning moon - on the waning moon it is useful to get a haircut for those who want to keep their hair longer, as the hair will grow more slowly.


The dreams of these lunar days, like a mirror, demonstrate our personality from its depths, demonstrating what we really are, what we really want, but whether we were able to realize it or not will show the correspondence of sleep with what is happening in real life. Often dreams show the reasons that did not allow expectations to come true. Sometimes they can show ways to help heal from a mental or physical illness.

ESOTERICS - the eighteenth lunar day

The eighteenth lunar day, as a rule, is devoted exclusively to contemplative meditation practices, reciting mantras or reading prayers.

Novice magicians during this period were forbidden to perform magical operations using crystals and mirrors. Some schools weren't even allowed to look into the water.

LUNAR RITUAL - the eighteenth lunar day

Practice of the day: – Cleansing the inner and outer mirrors.

We are like mirrors reflecting what is happening around us. Our reflection response depends on the state of our external and internal mirrors. They should not be dull, crooked, dirty. In this case, the reflection of the world will be distorted. The external mirror is still somehow polished and regulated by the upbringing and culture of a person. But for the state of the internal mirror, we are responsible ourselves. On the 18th lunar day, we can cleanse our inner mirrors.

Imagine yourself inside the "bulb".

The external mirror should be moderately convex, reflecting the surroundings.

Look at him on the 18th lunar day and assess his condition yourself.

If it is in a web of cracks, perhaps dented in places, stained with someone else's dirt, all this needs to be corrected, washed, cleaned, polished.

Imagine that you are washing it, wiping it with outside, and with inside fix its surface.

Give the "flask" the shape that you consider best for yourself, cover the surface of the "flask" with a reflective agent. See how the "flask" shines.

Now you need to work with the internal mirror, this side of the mirror can be very dirty and twisted. You need to do it and it is better to do it regularly. This alone will save you from many problems, They will leave your life by themselves. So, look at yourself inside your "flask".

By all means, clear your space inside it.

Now that you've cleaned the inside of your mirror, you can make it magical.

Just want it and it will be like that.

A new inner mirror will always reflect you beautiful, happy, full of strength and health, with an ideal weight and figure.

Inside yourself, you are always smiling, pleased with yourself and rejoicing.

Put your mirrors in order in the evening immediately after moonrise on the 18th lunar day and sleep peacefully. Wishing to yourself that nothing would ever change your mirrors.

In the morning look at yourself in the mirror and you will see how good you are! The people around you will surely shower you with compliments, reflecting your inner joy!

The energy of the 18th lunar day is related to the energy of the 8th

Today we take a break from money rituals and assimilate the energy received over the past part of the lunar month. In general, all lunar days whose serial numbers end the same numbers, resonate with each other. Such triplets of days are called lunar trigonals. The practices of any day of one trigonal are applicable to all other days of it.

18 lunar day reflects the inner essence of man. During this period, you can hear the whole truth about yourself, including unpleasant information. You should not be offended by what you hear - this is a sign to change your behavior.

Job. It is recommended to continue the work begun. It is desirable to resolve issues with minimal responsibility. Possible material and moral costs due to unreliable partners or colleagues. There is a high risk of becoming a victim of intrigue. Therefore, it is desirable to work alone and not develop vigorous activity. It is better to transfer the conversation with the authorities to more right time- today you can appear in an unfavorable light due to reduced self-criticism. It is not recommended to change work, because any undertaking on this day can be unsuccessful.

Housework. It is undesirable to start large-scale cleaning, repair or rearrangement of furniture. Exhausting physical activity at this time is contraindicated. The day is suitable for small chores around the house. A little cleaning, decorating the apartment will have a positive effect on home energy. All household chores must be done independently, without involving the rest of the family.

Money. It is better not to conduct financial transactions. It is not recommended to lend, apply for a loan, invest, make purchases. Any, even minor cash flows risk becoming unprofitable. Postpone any financial activity until a more favorable moment.

Love, relationships. Not best time to communicate with the other half. It is recommended not to make an appointment - there is a high probability of a quarrel. Even if the couple rarely conflicts, the reason is on day 18 lunar calendar may come out of nowhere. Try not to succumb to the negative influence of the day. Intimacy is undesirable.

Communication. Minimize all conversations. You should not speak in public, look for new business contacts, communicate with strangers or loved ones. Any communication during this period can bring negativity due to mutual incontinence. Spend the day alone. If this is not possible, control your behavior. After all, the consequences of conflicts will have to be “disentangled” for a long time.

Trips. The day is suitable for any trip - the risk of meeting troubles, getting injured is minimal. There is a high probability of seeing familiar places from a new angle and getting positive energy from traveling. Take a trip to at least a neighboring city for relaxation - this can provoke the beginning of a new positive turn in life.

Haircut and hair care. On the 18th day of the lunar calendar, it is better to refrain from haircuts. It can worsen the condition of the body and slow down hair growth. Staining is allowed in any color. It is recommended to refrain from a radical change in hairstyle. Better to just braid your hair.

Beauty and health. 18 lunar days are suitable for anti-aging procedures, facial skin cleansing. During this period, you need to protect your body from external influence. Moderate exercise is beneficial. It is not recommended to eat fatty fried food, drinking alcohol. Better to stick to a healthy diet.

Dating on the 18th lunar day:

At this time, acquaintances happen that develop into relationships of adults, in which everyone understands what they want from the other, but such relationships often lack sharpness of feelings and fun. Also on this day it is easy to get acquainted with a person who is not going to start any relationship, just "revenges" his soul mate for some real or imaginary sins. All of the above applies only to scheduled meetings. And here casual dating may turn out to be unexpectedly promising. Perhaps because today people like us are attracted to us. After all, the symbol of this day is a mirror.

A fun day for pick-up artists, today there is every chance to get to know "yourself" - with the same pick-up artist and enjoy the result.

Dates on the 18 lunar day:

In the behavior of people, as in a mirror, your own traits are reflected, suspicion is aggravated and anything can be seen, in addition, if you have rivals, then today they will show the greatest activity. Stay close to your loved one so as not to give them the opportunity to mischief.

Time of revelations and insights. Today you can hear a lot about yourself. Listen to this: first, you need to know how he sees you close person. And secondly, on this day, everything that is said about you is true. This attitude doesn't work very well on dates. And in general, they do not bring much joy today. IN best case, pass neutral or sour, at worst - leave a feeling of loneliness. Consider this if you are going on a first date or your relationship is in its infancy. It is important for you that every hour spent together is associated with the fullness of life.

For those who have been together for a long time, the 18th lunar day is the best time to sharply demand from the partner “not to scatter socks” and “not to chat on the phone for hours” - today they will hear you and stop doing this, though only for the next month, but it's still better than nothing at all.

All of the above applies to pick-up artists - motivate with a “whip” and do with your “object” as you would like to be treated with you.

Sex on 18 lunar day:

Sexual relations during this period should be calm, slow and not active. The ideal would be not so much sexual intercourse as erotic massage combined with oral sex.

One of the astrological schools generally warns: today make sure that during love games your bodies are not reflected in a mirror or any other mirror surface, otherwise “the souls of lovers will be kidnapped by a demon of debauchery, and then a man will turn into an incubus, and a woman - into a succubus."

The 18th lunar day is a mirror image of your personality. All the events taking place today, all the surprises and oddities help to take a closer look at your inner "I".

Description of the eighteenth lunar day

Characteristics of the 18th lunar day - hoaxes, deceit, passive energy. The day is perfect to analyze your actions, pay attention to your thoughts and emotional condition. The ability to evaluate yourself from the outside on this day is unusually strong. If you do not suffer from high self-esteem and selfishness, this day will help you find out the cause and effect of your past mistakes. Make the right conclusions and you will be able to succeed in business, improve relationships in the family.

Features and properties of the 18th lunar day

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbols of this day are a mirror, ice, a monkey;
  • astrologers refer spinel, lilac amethysts to mascot stones; opals; white agates;
  • element - fire;
  • the main colors are emerald, all shades of green, malachite.

The main rule of the 18th lunar day is to correctly assess the course of events, to look at everything from the outside. What is happening today should make you think about your behavior, reveal the essence of your negative actions. If you have learned this lesson, then in the future you will be able to move in right direction and achieve significant success.

On the eighteenth day, you need to be wary of fraud, gossip, intrigue and deceit. Try to be extremely collected, carefully follow the actions and words of other people, so as not to fall under the influence of people and not be involved in a bad story.

This is not the easiest day of the lunar cycle. On this day, all energy should be directed to work on yourself. Engage in spiritual practices that help purify thoughts and strengthen your positive sides. On this day, do not judge anyone strictly, show indulgence to people who are trying to deceive you. Do not wish harm to anyone, step aside, remain reasonable and do not sort things out. Let the universe deal with those who try to harm others.

Lunar relations on the 18th day

The eighteenth lunar day is fraught with quarrels in the team, disagreements between lovers, scandals in the family. In the morning, unpleasant and unexpected events can occur. All aggression and conflict arises from an “empty” place, as if it weighs in the air. Do not let yourself be provoked, restrain your emotions, show restraint.

On the eighteenth day of the lunar cycle, try not to look like a terry egoist and cynic. Do not look at the world with a presumptuous grin. Today, you can lose much more than the respect of others. You may lose your job or family. Think about your actions, follow the conversation. Sometimes words do more damage than actions.

Spend this day in contemplation, reading spiritual literature, meditation. If there is no way to retire, try to narrow the circle of your communication.

At home, load your household with some important, but individual work. For joint activities and violent games with children this day is not suitable. Children will act up and annoy you. The second half will argue and be offended over trifles.

Relationship building and sex

On the 18th lunar day, it is better to refuse marriage. Especially if it is built not on mutual love, but on calculation. Such a marriage will not be happy and long. Deception, betrayal, constant quarrels - this is what awaits the spouses.

Only couples whose feelings have been tested for a very long time can get married. These newlyweds can count on their union to be blessed and kept by heaven.

Sex should not be too violent and varied. Give preference to gentle, calm hugs. Astrologers believe that it is worth making sure that during lovemaking you are not reflected in the mirror surface. This will lead to the rebirth of your entire essence into a dissolute astral demon.

conception of a child

The 18th day is quite suitable for conception. Despite the fact that a child may not be born very strong physically, he will live a long and prosperous life. Conceived children on this day grow up talented, smart and hardworking people. They achieve fame and recognition, sometimes they are able to accomplish a feat, often they become healers.

The main task of parents is not to let the child feel like an absolute. In this case, he will end his days in poverty and loneliness.

Work on this lunar day

Very passive 18th lunar day is not conducive to too active actions. The day is unpredictable, aggressive and quite challenging. Don't start any important projects, do not make responsible decisions, do not develop far-reaching plans.

On this day, there is a high probability of deception, mistakes and obstacles that arise out of nowhere. Continue the work already started, do what you have been putting off for a long time.

Bad day for team work. You can make a mistake, and a resourceful colleague who has long dreamed of sitting you out will not miss his chance. Minimize contact with superiors. Today is not the time when you can go into his office with a bunch of rational proposals.

In business, the best thing to do is to be careful and not make a decision. important issues. Do not conduct large financial transactions, do not sign documents, do not enter into promising agreements with partners. This day is not suitable for real estate transactions and trips to banking institutions.

The day is right for creative activity– ideas are in the air, inspiration does not leave all day. Today, an amazing work of art can be created that reflects the mirror image of its creator.

Should I trade my old job for a new one?

The eighteenth lunar day is not suitable for dismissal or for changing jobs. You can easily fall into the hands of scammers or deceitful people. You will be told a whole fairy tale about the advantages and benefits of a new workplace, and as a result - a complete disappointment. Therefore, to get a job new job choose another lunar day.

Health on a lunar day

On the eighteenth lunar day, turn Special attention on the kidneys and appendicitis. Try not to eat spicy, sweet, high-calorie foods. Do not drink store-bought juices and spirits. In general, it is better to refuse to eat food and only drink water.

Today is not a good day for health. May escalate chronic diseases or inflame old wounds. It is advisable to spend the day in a calm environment, try to reduce physical stress on the body.

Pay attention to your skin - carry out cleansing procedures, make nourishing and moisturizing masks.

Choosing a new hairstyle or haircut on lunar days

Today, going to the hairdresser is not so easy. On the one hand, this day is a full house - the hairstyle made today will retain its shape for a very long time. for a long time. In addition, some astrologers argue that the 18th lunar day is well suited for changing the image - choosing a new haircut. This will add an irresistible charm to your image, and will also have a good effect on the work of the excretory and respiratory systems.

The teachings of the Tibetan mystical school forbid visiting the hairdresser on this day. They claim that today is an extremely bad lunar day for cutting hair. Cut off strands "burn" your energy and harm your physical and mental health. There may also be a situation in which you lose a large amount money, valuable property or even real estate. In order not to take risks once again, reschedule the trip to the stylist for another lunar day.

Characteristics of people born on the 18th lunar day

Anyone who was born on this lunar day has many talents. They manifest themselves in creativity, in work, in building a career ladder. Often the "twelve" serve high ideals, but at the same time remain in the shadows. High efficiency and diligence with which they devote themselves to their work bring them recognition and wealth.

However, the "twelfth people" should constantly work on themselves and engage in self-development. Self-centeredness, cunning and greed - all this flourishes to the fullest if they succumb to temptations. Those who cannot cope with their arrogance and pride will ruin their lives and be left without family and friends.

People who were born today must constantly engage in spiritual practices, take this world and people into their hearts. Compassion and kindness will help them realize their path, their calling, the purpose of life. Often people born on the 18th lunar day become healers, preachers, doctors, teachers.

Children born on the eighteenth lunar day

Children born today have a very subtle and sensitive organization. They take everything to heart, they care about every little thing that happens to them and their family. Parents must protect their children from severe shocks, to prevent overstrain of their psyche.

In a family where there are no scandals, stormy showdowns, children are calm and cheerful. Their talents show up and multiply.

Children born on the eighteenth day are very diligent. They can indulge in their favorite pastime for hours, forgetting about the whole the world. Adults must teach the child to live full life rather than being tied to just one. It is important to teach the "twelve" to relax and rest, so that they do not "burn out" and do not lose interest in their favorite business.

What do dreams mean on the 18th lunar day

Dreams on the 18th lunar day are perceived as a mirror that reflects your inner world. If your real image does not match the way you saw yourself in a dream, it's time to think about the broken harmony within your "I". You rush between your desires and reality, losing your integrity and peace. If you remember your dream well, take it apart “by the bones” and you may be able to determine the cause of your disharmony.

No need great importance give dreams in which you will see yourself as a real monster. This may indicate that in life you, on the contrary, lack stubbornness, stamina and courage.

Rituals of the 18th lunar day

It is good to conduct rituals related to the theme of the lunar day today. For example, remove all the negative energy accumulated on them from the mirrors.

Mirror cleaning

Through the Looking Glass is a whole world into which the uninitiated are not allowed to enter. Mystics believe that a mirror can influence a person's health and destiny. So almost all esoteric teachings advise smiling at the mirror. In no case do not say: "How terrible I look!". Mirrors demand respect for what they reflect.

Today is the day to take care of the mirrors. Clean all mirrors in your home with holy water. Then, polishing the mirror “dry”, say the following words: “As I wipe the mirror clean, so I protect my family from evil.” So you clean up all negative energy, which could be left in your mirrors by unfriendly and envious strangers.

Then bring a burning church candle to the mirror and say: "The candle burns out and the mirror cleanses." Make a circular motion with the candle and "walk" the flame along the contour of the mirror. Perform this ritual every 18th day of the lunar calendar.

Symbol- mirror.
stones- white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.

A mirror day that reflects your inner being. Today, the events and people around you are your mirror image. You can learn from people how they see you from the outside. If you have been pointed out to your shortcomings - do not be offended, but think about how to correct them. If you are praised for something, then do not take it as flattery. Today, people tend to speak the truth.

Day of passive energy. A person can relax and fall under someone's influence. It is impossible to adopt someone else's way of life, to imitate an outsider. People unconsciously let down and deceive each other. Day of masks, deceptions and intrigues. You can stumble upon a hypocrite, get into a bind. To avoid trouble, you should objectively evaluate yourself from the outside. Keep a sober mind. Watch your bad habits, do not let selfishness and vanity take possession of you. Today it is easy to succumb to illusions and base instincts, so it is important to concentrate and not relax.

A happy day will be for those who are prudent and restrained. For the rest, there is a risk of falling into sin. Those who failed to overcome their bad habits will feel deprived, imperfect. They will be overcome by nightmares. You may feel like someone is trying to knock you off the right way. Do not succumb to the call of dark thoughts, and even more so - to the influence of others. Complacency and pride are your worst companions today. Be self-critical, but don't turn it into self-flagellation. Don't wish evil on people. If you are uncomfortable with someone's company, it is better to say so directly. Dreams today are prophetic, they often come true and carry information about your health and ways to overcome life's difficulties.

Health and Nutrition. It is recommended to sleep less and talk less. Cleanse your intestines and skin. You can go to the bath and take a steam bath. Rejuvenating procedures are useful. Drinking and smoking is not recommended, the amount of food should be limited. Vulnerable organ - kidneys. Fasting is helpful today. It is better to refuse meat, and the use of nuts and vegetable oil will benefit. Lunar energy favors healers and people working with karma.

Your behavior can contribute to poor health. You can not make fun of others and sarcastic. Mimicking, trying to educate or remake a person will lead to poor health and, possibly, illness. The diseases that arise today can be long-term, but you should not be afraid - they are not fatal. Treatment is usually delayed, as the disease is "disguised", confusing the doctor. As a result, a person can be misdiagnosed and treated for a completely different disease. Healing is facilitated by karmic cleansing, fasting, objective self-esteem.

Love and relationships. Today, quarrels with colleagues, relatives, loved ones are possible. The first half of the day brings unpleasant surprises. Reasons for conflict seem to arise out of nowhere. Misunderstanding and selfishness reign. Be restrained and don't let yourself be provoked. Protect other people, take the side of justice.

The day is equally bad for marriage, and for intimacy and conception of a child. The child will be conceited, perhaps he will get rich, but overestimation of his abilities, excessive self-confidence will destroy him. In addition, he will have poor health.

Work and creativity. All important business and negotiations should be postponed. Exercise stress should be minimal. If you dare to take on serious and large projects, then difficulties await you. You may crash. Litigation and real estate transactions are unacceptable today. Well, if your day off falls on the eighteenth lunar day. Then you can devote yourself to decorating the house or creativity. The day is favorable for scientific research and flight of imagination.

Born on this day becomes creative creative personality. It serves a high idea, but at the same time it can remain in the shadows. These people make healers. Their hard work and high efficiency will subsequently bring wealth. But in order not to turn off the right path, these individuals need to fight selfishness. All around them are temptations. It is useful for these people to practice asceticism, to starve.

People who cannot resist temptations, who are overly self-confident and selfish, become a “distorting mirror” for those around them. They make fun good people, sneer and dirty tricks. These people risk reaching cynicism and self-destruction. Their lives will be miserable. They will become addicted to illusions and will most likely be lonely.

Details of the 18 lunar day in relation to various fields of activity - a classic interpretation

sphere of life better days
undertakings- Badly when is the best time?
communication- Badly when is the best time?
business- Badly when is the best time?
monetary transactions- Badly when is the best time?
communication with superiors, taxes- norm when is the best time?
job change- norm when is the best time?
real estate (purchase, sale, exchange)- Badly when is the best time?
creation- norm when is the best time?
the science- norm when is the best time?
art- Fine when is the best time?
training (exams)- norm when is the best time?
trips- Great when is the best time?
rest- norm when is the best time?
feast- norm when is the best time?
alcohol- Badly when is the best time?