How to calculate the cubic capacity of an unedged board. How many boards are in a cube: how to make calculations using various methods How to calculate the cubic capacity of edged boards

When carrying out construction work on the construction of a residential building, a specialist needs to perform a large number of various tasks, one of which is: drawing up and calculating the estimated cost before finishing the premises of a residential building. It is imperative to calculate the required amount of various building materials, which is quite difficult to do. Therefore, such knowledge - how many boards are in a cube - is very important for a specialist who is engaged in the construction of a residential building and wants to do the work as efficiently and quickly as possible in time.

Buyer's club: existing types of boards

To calculate how many pieces of boards are in a cube, you need to know not only what exactly a cube of a board means, but it is worth understanding an important point that there are different types of boards and what kind of board is available on the modern market to perform various construction work. It should be noted that the cube of almost all materials, regardless of the type of material, is calculated in the same way, that is, according to one specific method. The types of boards have no influence on the calculation of the cubic capacity of this building material.

The unpunched type of lumber are: timber, various edged boards, as well as unedged boards (they are an exception when calculating the cubic capacity, because this process is a little different). The grooved types (which have special grooves for making a joint) include: modern lining, blockhouse, floor material, as well as imitation of natural timber. When you choose a grooved type of building material for purchase, then you will need to pay attention to the fact that when calculating, only the working width of the board without a spike is used. If we talk about a blockhouse (imitation of a log), then when calculating the cubic capacity, only the thickness at its highest point is taken.

What is the number of boards in 1 cube: calculation

Any person, even from his school days, understands how the calculation of the cubic capacity is made. For this procedure, it is necessary to calculate quantities such as: length, width and height. A similar principle is used to calculate the cubic capacity of 1 board. When performing such calculations, it is recommended to convert all available values \u200b\u200binto meters. Cubic capacity of 1 board, which has a section of 150x20 mm. and a length of 6 m, calculated as follows: 0.15 multiplies by 0.02 and 6, so that the cubic capacity of this board will be 0.018 cubic meters.

Apply the volume formula V \u003d L * h * b (where L is length, h is height, b is width).

L \u003d 6.0; h \u003d 0.02; b \u003d 0.15.

Thus, V \u003d 6.0 * 0.02 * 0.15 \u003d 0.018 m 3.

To determine how many boards are in one cube: 1 m 3 is divided by cubic capacity (the volume of one board).

1 m 3 / V \u003d \u200b\u200bN pcs.

1 m 3 / 0.018 m 3 \u003d 55.55 pcs.

Thus, the number of boards in one cube is 55.5 pieces.

It is quite easy to find out the cost of a certain type of board when the values \u200b\u200bof its volume are known: 0.018 is multiplied by the price of 1 cubic meter. When 1 cube of a certain type of board has, for example, a cost of 5500 rubles, then the cost will be 99 rubles. At this point in the calculation, there is some trick of sellers and managers in hardware stores, because the volume of the material is rounded up to some whole values.

Such rounding can lead to such a moment that the price of 1 board (when 1 cube costs 5500) will be completely different values. In addition to all this, it should be noted that for various boards for construction, which have a nominal length of 6 meters, in fact, the length is 6.1 - 6.2 m, which is not taken into account when selling this building material. This also applies to the acquisition of a significant number of boards. This is quite clearly seen if, for example, a 150x20 mm board is used. The number of boards in a cube is 55.5 pieces. But, in a cube, 55 pieces are considered, that when calculating there will be a value of 0.99 cubic meters. In fact, it follows from this that an overpayment for 1 cubic meter of this popular building material can be 1% of the real price. For example, 5500 instead of 4995 rubles.

To calculate the cubic capacity for a non-cut type of board, slightly different methods are used. When talking about buying 1 board, then the measurement of its thickness, as well as the total length, is performed in the same way as when choosing an edged building material. In this case, the width for calculations is taken as an average - between a large value and a small one.

For example, when at the end the width of the board is 25 cm, and at the other 20, then the average value will be approximately 22 centimeters. When it is necessary to calculate the volume of a significant number of such boards for construction, then it will be necessary to expand them so that the wide one does not differ from the narrow one, more than 10 cm. The main length of this material in the laid out pile should be approximately the same. After that, using a regular tape measure, an accurate measurement of the height of the entire available stack of boards is made, the width is measured (approximately in the middle). The result obtained will then need to be multiplied by a special factor, which is a value from 0.07 to 0.09, in direct proportion to the existing air gap.

How many boards are in 1 cube: special tables

To calculate exactly how many boards of a certain width, length in 1 cubic meter, various tables are used. Below are several such specialized tables, which indicate the cubic capacity of the types of this material that are common and in demand today. It is possible to calculate the volume of various boards having different sizes, for example, material for erecting a fence on your site, using the existing formula, which is presented above.

Table of the number of edged boards in 1 cubic meter

Board size Volume of the 1st board (m 3) Number of boards in 1m 3 (pcs.) Number of square meters in 1m 2
Board 20x100x6000 0.012 m 3 83 pcs. 50 m 2
Board 20x120x6000 0.0144 m 3 69 pcs. 50 m 2
Board 20x150x6000 0.018 m 3 55 pcs. 50 m 2
Board 20x180x6000 0.0216 m 3 46 pcs. 50 m 2
Board 20x200x6000 0.024 m 3 41 Item (s) 50 m 2
Board 20x250x6000 0.03 m 3 33 pcs. 50 m 2
Board 25x100x6000 0.015 m 3 67 pcs. 40 m 2
Board 25x120x6000 0.018 m 3 55 pcs. 40 m 2
Board 25x150x6000 0.0225 m 3 44 pcs. 40 m 2
Board 25x180x6000 0.027 m 3 37 pcs. 40 m 2
Board 25x200x6000 0.03 m 3 33 pcs. 40 m 2
Board 25x250x6000 0.0375 m 3 26 pcs. 40 m 2
Board 30x100x6000 0.018 m 3 55 pcs. 33 m 2
Board 30x120x6000 0.0216 m 3 46 pcs. 33 m 2
Board 30x150x6000 0.027 m 3 37 pcs. 33 m 2
Board 30x180x6000 0.0324 m 3 30 pcs. 33 m 2
Board 30x200x6000 0.036 m 3 27 pcs. 33 m 2
Board 30x250x6000 0.045 m 3 22 pcs. 33 m 2
Board 32x100x6000 0.0192 m 3 52 pcs. 31 m 2
Board 32x120x6000 0.023 m 3 43 pcs. 31 m 2
Board 32x150x6000 0.0288 m 3 34 pcs. 31 m 2
Board 32x180x6000 0.0346 m 3 28 pcs. 31 m 2
Board 32x200x6000 0.0384 m 3 26 pcs. 31 m 2
Board 32x250x6000 0.048 m 3 20 pcs. 31 m 2
Board 40x100x6000 0.024 m 3 41 Item (s) 25 m 2
Board 40x120x6000 0.0288 m 3 34 pcs. 25 m 2
Board 40x150x6000 0.036 m 3 27 pcs. 25 m 2
Board 40x180x6000 0.0432 m 3 23 pcs. 25 m 2
Board 40x200x6000 0.048 m 3 20 pcs. 25 m 2
Board 40x250x6000 0.06 m 3 16 pcs. 25 m 2
Board 50x100x6000 0.03 m 3 33 pcs. 20 m 2
Board 50x120x6000 0.036 m 3 27 pcs. 20 m 2
Board 50x150x6000 0.045 m 3 22 pcs. 20 m 2
Board 50x180x6000 0.054 m 3 18 pcs. 20 m 2
Board 50x200x6000 0.06 m 3 16 pcs. 20 m 2
Board 50x250x6000 0.075 m 3 13 pcs. 20 m 2

Table of the amount of timber in 1 cubic meter

Bar size Volume of 1 piece (m³) Number of timber in 1m³ (pcs.)
100 × 100 × 6000 0.06 m 3 16 pcs.
100 × 150 × 6000 0.09 m 3 11 pcs.
150 × 150 × 6000 0.135 m 3 7 pcs.
100 × 180 × 6000 0.108 m 3 9 pcs.
150 × 180 × 6000 0.162 m 3 6 pcs.
180 × 180 × 6000 0.1944 m 3 5 pieces.
100 × 200 × 6000 0.12 m 3 8 pcs.
150 × 200 × 6000 0.18 m 3 5.5 pcs.
180 × 200 × 6000 0.216 m 3 4.5 pcs.
200 × 200 × 6000 0.24 m 3 4 things.
250 × 200 × 6000 0.3 m 3 3 pcs.

Table of the number of unedged boards in 1 cubic meter

Renovation and construction work often involves the use of lumber. But shops, timber trading bases sell them more often not in pieces, but in cubes.

Everything is very simple and fast.

Method for calculating edged lumber

  • vernier caliper, tape measure or folding m, with known parameters of the length of wood products, you can limit yourself to a regular ruler;
  • calculator - a mobile phone, a smartphone will do, if problems may arise with the account “in mind”;
  • a piece of paper and a pencil - to record the results of calculations, how many boards are in a cube.
  1. Volume \u003d Length × Height (product thickness) × Width.

To prevent confusion when converting cubic centimeters to cubic meters, it is more convenient to immediately record the measurement results in meters.

For example, 0.132 cubic meters. m \u003d 6 m × 0.022 m (2.2 cm) × 0.10 m (10 cm).

Now, to determine the number of planks in a cube, you need 1 cubic meter. m divided by 0.132. The obtained result (7, 5757) when buying timber needs to be rounded up to 8 pcs.

This method of calculating the cubic capacity is also suitable for timber. So you can determine how many cubes of timber you need to purchase if you know the required number of products, or, conversely, determine the required number of cubes.

Back to the table of contents

How to calculate an unedged board cube?

To determine the required volume of timber, the easiest way is to carry out calculations similar to the above method. Only the final result needs to be multiplied by 1.2 - the correction factor. From unedged boards you can get no more than 70-80% of edged boards.

The width and thickness of each product are measured taking into account its further processing. The technique will help determine the number of cubes of wooden products needed for work, if the final result is planned for their further processing - pruning.

At purchase, the widest and thinnest boards are measured to obtain an average width. If the width of the lumber at the butt is wider than at the top, the arithmetic mean of their dimensions is used, excluding the bast or bark, rounded to 10 mm. In this case, shares from 5 mm are rounded to the full 10 mm, and shares up to 5 mm are not taken into account. The length and thickness of the lumber are measured in the usual way. The volume of timber is determined according to the usual scheme:

  • the volume of one product is calculated;
  • the total volume of purchased timber is determined; according to GOST, correction factors are used: 0.96 - for sawn softwood, 0.95 - for sawn hardwood.

In addition to the piece-by-piece method for determining the volume of unedged lumber, the geometric method can be used.

Requirements for a package of unedged timber:

  • lumber is laid tightly, without overlaps, in horizontal rows;
  • the ends of the boards are aligned on one side;
  • all sides of the package are strictly vertical: according to GOST, the displacement of individual products outward, inward should not exceed 0.10 m;
  • the entire length of the lumber package must be the same width.

Then the volume of the package is calculated, the result obtained is multiplied by the coefficient:

On this page you can calculate the number of boards in one cubic meter. Also shown is a table of standard sections of sawn timber and a table of the number of boards (timber) in 1 cube for a length of 6 meters.

Calculator for calculating the number of boards (timber) in one cubic meter in cross-section and length

ANSWER: in one cube 0 pcs.

The calculator knows the number of boards (timber) - how many cubes are these?

ANSWER: such boards (timber) are 0 m3 worth 0 rubles

Table of standard sizes of sections of boards and beams.

The sections of the boards and beams have standard dimensions that correspond to GOST 24454-80 "Sawn softwood. Dimensions"
Thickness, mm Width, mm
16 75 100 125 150 - - - - -
19 75 100 125 150 175 - - - -
22 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 - -
25 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
32 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
40 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
44 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
60 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
75 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
100 - 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
125 - - 125 150 175 200 225 250 -
150 - - - 150 175 200 225 250 -
175 - - - - 175 200 225 250 -
200 - - - - - 200 225 250 -
250 - - - - - - - 250 -

Table of how many 6 meter boards in one cube

For boards with a standard length of 6 meters, the following table is calculated. Small section sawn timber available in retail sale is of course less than 6 meters. This is usually 3 m or 2.5 m. To calculate the number of any custom sizes, use the calculator at the top of the page.
P / p No. Section size, mm Length mm Quantity in 1 cube, pcs The area that can be sewn up using 1 cubic meter, m2
1 16x75 6000 138,89 62,50 2 16x100 6000 104,17 62,50 3 16x125 6000 83,33 62,50 4 16x150 6000 69,44 62,50 5 19x75 6000 116,96 52,63 6 19x100 6000 87,72 52,63 7 19x125 6000 70,18 52,63 8 19x150 6000 58,48 52,63 9 19x175 6000 50,13 52,63 10 22x75 6000 101,01 45,45 11 22x100 6000 75,76 45,45 12 22x125 6000 60,61 45,45 13 22x150 6000 50,51 45,45 14 22x175 6000 43,29 45,45 15 22x200 6000 37,88 45,45 16 22x225 6000 33,67 45,45 17 25x75 6000 88,89 40,00 18 25x100 6000 66,67 40,00 19 25x125 6000 53,33 40,00 20 25x150 6000 44,44 40,00 21 25x175 6000 38,10 40,00 22 25x200 6000 33,33 40,00 23 25x225 6000 29,63 40,00 24 25x250 6000 26,67 40,00 25 25x275 6000 24,24 40,00 26 32x75 6000 69,44 31,25 27 32x100 6000 52,08 31,25 28 32x125 6000 41,67 31,25 29 32x150 6000 34,72 31,25 30 32x175 6000 29,76 31,25 31 32x200 6000 26,04 31,25 32 32x225 6000 23,15 31,25 33 32x250 6000 20,83 31,25 34 32x275 6000 18,94 31,25 35 40x75 6000 55,56 25,00 36 40x100 6000 41,67 25,00 37 40x125 6000 33,33 25,00 38 40x150 6000 27,78 25,00 39 40x175 6000 23,81 25,00 40 40x200 6000 20,83 25,00 41 40x225 6000 18,52 25,00 42 40x250 6000 16,67 25,00 43 40x275 6000 15,15 25,00 44 44x75 6000 50,51 22,73 45 44x100 6000 37,88 22,73 46 44x125 6000 30,30 22,73 47 44x150 6000 25,25 22,73 48 44x175 6000 21,65 22,73 49 44x200 6000 18,94 22,73 50 44x225 6000 16,84 22,73 51 44x250 6000 15,15 22,73 52 44x275 6000 13,77 22,73 53 50x75 6000 44,44 20,00 54 50x100 6000 33,33 20,00 55 50x125 6000 26,67 20,00 56 50x150 6000 22,22 20,00 57 50x175 6000 19,05 20,00 58 50x200 6000 16,67 20,00 59 50x225 6000 14,81 20,00 60 50x250 6000 13,33 20,00 61 50x275 6000 12,12 20,00 62 60x75 6000 37,04 16,67 63 60x100 6000 27,78 16,67 64 60x125 6000 22,22 16,67 65 60x150 6000 18,52 16,67 66 60x175 6000 15,87 16,67 67 60x200 6000 13,89 16,67 68 60x225 6000 12,35 16,67 69 60x250 6000 11,11 16,67 70 60x275 6000 10,10 16,67 71 75x75 6000 29,63 13,33 72 75x100 6000 22,22 13,33 73 75x125 6000 17,78 13,33 74 75x150 6000 14,81 13,33 75 75x175 6000 12,70 13,33 76 75x200 6000 11,11 13,33 77 75x225 6000 9,88 13,33 78 75x250 6000 8,89 13,33 79 75x275 6000 8,08 13,33 80 100x100 6000 16,67 10,00 81 100x125 6000 13,33 10,00 82 100x150 6000 11,11 10,00 83 100x175 6000 9,52 10,00 84 100x200 6000 8,33 10,00 85 100x225 6000 7,41 10,00 86 100x250 6000 6,67 10,00 87 100x275 6000 6,06 10,00 88 125x125 6000 10,67 8,00 89 125x150 6000 8,89 8,00 90 125x175 6000 7,62 8,00 91 125x200 6000 6,67 8,00 92 125x225 6000 5,93 8,00 93 125x250 6000 5,33 8,00 94 150x150 6000 7,41 6,67 95 150x175 6000 6,35 6,67 96 150x200 6000 5,56 6,67 97 150x225 6000 4,94 6,67 98 150x250 6000 4,44 6,67 99 175x175 6000 5,44 5,71 100 175x200 6000 4,76 5,71 101 175x225 6000 4,23 5,71 102 175x250 6000 3,81 5,71 103 200x200 6000 4,17 5,00 104 200x225 6000 3,70 5,00 105 200x250 6000 3,33 5,00 106 250x250 6000 2,67 4,00

Almost everything in our world has its own dimension. We measure oil in barrels, coal in tons, the population of countries in thousands, millions.

We take as a basis a quantity that can specifically designate the object that we are measuring. When the question arises of how to calculate the cubic capacity of a board, we are no longer talking about the mass of the object, since wood has a completely different density, and one tree is different from another. In addition, boards of the same species will have different weights based on their moisture content.

For the convenience of calculating the cubic capacity of the board, volume measurement formulas are used.

It is enough to recall school mathematics and the necessary formula by which the width, length and height should be multiplied. For the calculation to be correct, it is necessary to adjust all parameters to one value, for example, in centimeters or decimeters. It is most convenient to take meters as a basis. Thus, by multiplying three times in meters, we get m³ or cubic capacity.

Note. To calculate the cubic capacity of the board, special formulas are used.

Cubic capacity of boards

Boards can vary in width, length, thickness. In addition, they are sold unedged and edged. Often, lumber has its own generally accepted standards that facilitate the calculation of cubic capacity.

For usual sizes of material, there are already calculated volumes, which are systematized in tables for measuring the cubic capacity of boards. Therefore, to determine the volume of the material, you just need to open the table with the indicated dimensions and calculate the volume.

But, in order to do this, you must have these tables with you. Otherwise, in the absence of such, the cubic capacity of the edged board is calculated, before determining the thickness and length. These are the main dimensions that meet the requirements for sawn timber. They are different for each individual material. For example, to create the lathing, a board is used, in which the thickness is 25 mm, and for rough floors, 50 mm. Next, you need to measure the width of the board.

In the case of an edged board, everything is simple, since the material is cut in order to give the same width. Further, using a calculator, all values \u200b\u200bare multiplied among themselves. With a board length of 5 m, a thickness of 50 mm and a width of 25 cm, the volume of material will be:

5 x 0.050 x 0.25 \u003d 0.0625 m³

After multiplying the resulting number by the number of boards, we get the total volume of material.

The formula for calculating the cubic capacity of boards

V \u003d L x h x b

L - length

h - height

b - width

Determination of the number of boards per cubic meter

1 m 3: V \u003d N

In order to determine the cost of a particular type of board, given the volume values: V x price of 1 m 3.

There is one more point that you need to pay attention to when determining the cubic capacity of the boards - the nominal length is exactly 6.1 - 6.2 m, but this is not taken into account when selling. This is often the case when buying a large amount of material. For example, let's take a board with dimensions 150 x 20 mm.

Having made some simple calculations, we get the number of boards in 1 m 3 - 55, 5 pieces. So, in the cubic capacity of 6 m boards, there are exactly 55 pieces, in total, when calculating, we get a value of 0.99 m 3. Essentially, the overpayment for the cubic capacity of the board is 1% of the exact price. For example, at a cost of 4,995 rubles, we pay 5,500 rubles.

Unedged board

Calculation features

The calculation of the cubic capacity of an unedged board is somewhat complicated, since the material does not have the same width between different boards, but also in each board separately. This can be explained quite simply - the tree does not have the same diameter.

It is clear that it is wider at the bottom, narrower at the top. Thus, the width of the edged board does not fall under any standards. What to do in this case? Use different formulas for the calculation. The width of the board is measured for convenience in the middle of the length. This gives you an average width. This counting method works well when the batch is small.

For industrial volumes

This method is not suitable, since the work will be very slow, and this is not profitable. For such cases, experts have developed the so-called unedged board cubature. The volume in it is obtained by measuring and experimenting, in other words, using a variety of measurements and calculating the average width.

Of course, this is not a super accurate method, but the deviations are so minor that they should not be paid attention to.

Some wood processing companies use the stack measurement method in practice. This does not require pre-sorting the wood by width. Experts measure the length of the board, the average width and height of the stack. The obtained values \u200b\u200bare multiplied among themselves, and the result is multiplied by the coefficient for calculating the cubic capacity of the board, which has an average value of 0.67.

Weighing method

In order to measure the cubic capacity of an unedged board, having obtained the most accurate result possible, the weighing method is used.

Before doing this, it is necessary to measure the moisture content of the material and dense wood. Considering that edged board is the cheapest material used in facilities with the least degree of responsibility, complicated calculations are not very justified.

Also, you should take into account that the result that you get will not be very different from that that can be obtained using a cubature.

When erecting residential buildings

Here, professionals in their field are obliged to perform many tasks, including: calculation and budgeting before finishing the premises. In addition, you need to calculate the required amount of building materials. It should be noted that this task is quite difficult. Given this, determining the cubic capacity of the board is an important point.

Note. The cubic meter of lumber is calculated using a single method. The type of board does not affect the result obtained.

To non-grooved species wood include: edged board, unedged board.

Grooved views - these are those that have special grooves for perfect joining of boards: flooring, lining,. Please note that when purchasing a grooved board, the calculation is carried out using the working width of the material, without spikes.

Regarding the calculation of the cubic capacity of an unedged board, with the width of one end of 25 cm, and 20 cm of the other, the average value will turn out to be 22 cm.To calculate a large amount of material, it is laid out in such a way that the wide part does not differ from the narrow one by more than 10 centimeters.

The main length of the board in the unfolded pack should be approximately the same. Then, using a tape measure, measure the height of the stack of boards and the width in the middle. The result, which is obtained from measurements, is multiplied by a coefficient with a value of 0.07 - 0.09, which depends on the air gap between the boards.

One of the ways to make reasonable savings is to purchase building materials in the required quantity, no more and no less. A private developer knows very well how many and what samples he needs to purchase to perform a specific job. But the difficulty is that the boards are not sold by the piece, with rare exceptions - only in batches (packs). And no one buys several pieces for construction. How to determine how much m 3 of wood to buy?

How to choose lumber?

1. Understand the types of necessary blanks, based on the specifics of their further use. This product is classified as edged board, obapol and unedged. If wood is needed for both, then the purchase volume will have to be calculated for each type of product separately.

2. Determine the required linear parameters of the products and convert them into one dimension. Since the cubic capacity is m 3, in order to make it easier to count later, the length, width and thickness should be recorded in meters.

During the construction process, boards of different lengths are required. If they are very different in this parameter, then it is worth calculating the cubic capacity for each group separately - this way you can reduce waste during cutting. It is advisable, before counting, to find out how long the products are sold on the building materials market. The fact is that for them, each manufacturer may have their own standard sizes. These values \u200b\u200bshould be used to group products, and then calculate how many and which boards are required. If you draw up a table for yourself and think over everything well, then it will come out to save a lot.

Features of calculating the volume of lumber

There are standard tables designed to determine the volume of various blanks (logs, boards, beams). You can also calculate with the help of calculators that are available on thematic sites. But in practice, in "field" conditions, you have to work in "manual" mode. That is, to count the cubic capacity of the board, using only a tape measure, since the piles on the market are not stacked exactly at 1 m 3.

1. Edged board.

Example (for those who forgot school).

  • Let's calculate the approximate (since errors are inevitable when measuring) the cubic capacity of the "magpie" 6 m long and 200 mm wide. Making a translation, it turns out: width - 0.2; thickness - 0.04 (m).
  • Therefore, the cubic capacity of 1 edged board with the given parameters is 6 x 0.2 x 0.04 \u003d 0.048 m 3. The technique is simple, the main thing is not to forget to translate all dimensions in "m".
  • If you need to calculate how many boards are in a "cube", then such an arithmetic operation is performed - 1 m 3 is divided by cubic capacity.
  • In our example - 1 / 0.048 \u003d 20.83. Round up to a whole number - 21 pieces.

2. Unedged products.

The side faces are not machined. As a rule, the products are packed into packs with re-grading. This means that wood can be of different species, and standard sizes (especially the width of the workpiece) differ. In this case, it is rather difficult to calculate the volume of the stack. Should:

  • Examine the pack carefully. The task is to choose the 2 most even boards. Moreover, one is the narrowest, the other is the widest.
  • Remove all dimensions from each and calculate the average values \u200b\u200bfor length, width and thickness.

Example. The width of one workpiece is 15 cm, the other is 35. Fold and divide in half - (15 +35) / 2 \u003d 25 cm. For further calculations, translate to meters - 0.25. Other average linear parameters are determined by the same method.

What is the peculiarity of calculations for unedged sawn timber? They have uneven side edges. Consequently, due to curvatures, the fit of the samples to each other is not so tight. The result is gaps and voids. Therefore, a correction factor is taken, which largely depends on the moisture content and type of wood. Its minimum value is 0.62, the maximum is 0.7.

In practice, the quality of materials is determined "by eye", therefore the average correction is taken - 0.66. To get the final result, you need to multiply the resulting cubic capacity by the specified coefficient.

If you work with a large stack, then the probability of an error in the calculations increases dramatically. In order not to overpay, it is advisable to store the boards in packs of pieces of 10. For each of them, measurements are carried out with subsequent calculations of the cubic capacity.

According to the same technique, calculations are made for obapol (slab). The only difference is in the ratio. Its value lies in the range of 0.48 - 0.74.