Dream interpretation blue flowers in the garden. What does the dream of blue flowers portend? I dreamed of cut blue flowers, what would it be for? Individual parts of the plant in a dream

Dreams are a special world that has surrounded humanity for many years. But the main images of dreams are drawn from the objects around us, therefore, the interpretation is strikingly different from those that were given, say, a hundred years ago. But there are dreams that are filled not with objects, but with flowers. Such dreams are very memorable, it is interesting to know the meaning of such an extraordinary dream, for such cases we turn to the dream book. - what does it mean?

Dream groups

It is always necessary to remember that in the world of dreams there is a continuous communication of the human soul with his past, present and future. It is the dreams of the future that interest us most. They can be divided, in turn, into those that come true in the first three days and those that come true within two weeks, or long-term dreams.

Morning dreams are very often called empty, they can contain any trifle and any trifle of tomorrow, it is pointless to solve them. Midnight dreams, especially those that occur between 2 and 4 in the morning, are especially valuable information. But you should not overload yourself physically and mentally, and it is not recommended to take sleeping pills at night. It is also not allowed to abuse alcohol, otherwise dreams will rush in a stream, which no interpreter of dreams will understand.

Details of your dreams

So, you remember a dream in which you saw the color blue. We are looking for an interpretation of such a dream in a dream book: the blue color in a dream, what does it mean ... Before turning to the interpretation of the dream itself, you need to remember what emotions you experienced. It is well known that each spectrum belongs to a certain element, sphere of activity, even belonging to one or another organ of the human body. Blue is a magical color, but it evokes ambivalent feelings: on the one hand, it is a kind of sadness, and on the other, it is peace and tranquility.

Blue meaning

If you start from the dream book: the whole dream was painted in blue, this means that in reality you do not experience vivid emotions, blue is considered a female color, therefore, you need to pay attention to the development of your femininity. In life you are missing something, you need more peace, less vivid emotions, anger, anger. That is, the principle of mirror reflection often works in dreams, being able to understand it correctly, you can solve some issues in life.

Blue flower

For example, if in a dream you see yourself in blue clothes. This indicates that in life you are full of aggression, often think negatively, perceive everything around you as hostile. A dream in blue can show you that you need to calm down, resolve issues wisely, with prudence and gentleness. For example, the flowers of blue are interpreted as follows: in addition to the color of the flower itself, it is necessary to determine which flower you saw in a dream. If, for example, it was blue violets, then very soon you will meet your love. If these were cornflowers, then a spiritual rebirth awaits you. In turn, irises mean that such a dream indicates to you increased carelessness, and you give preference to a comfortable and frivolous life. But the blue buttercups you saw in a dream can warn against betrayal and deception. It is also very important to remember what actions in a dream happened to you. Either you picked flowers, dropped them, gave them, put them in a vase. Each action changes the interpretation of the dream itself. So, for example, dropping a flower - to a quarrel, if you managed to quickly pick it up - then a quarrel can be avoided. Picking dry flowers is a loss, picking petals means making yourself unhappy. Sometimes, according to the dream book, a bright blue color can mean some intrigue happening around you. It is important to consider and remember all the details of the dream. If the blue flower you dreamed was beautiful, blooming, you smelled it, plucked it in such a blooming form, then this always promises prosperity, happiness and peace, this can also mean the appearance of new love in your life, in any of these cases everything will be fine ... The meaning of such images remains unchanged and will remain so for many hundreds of years.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

If the blue flower was withered, dry and broken, then be careful, in reality you may face trouble, quarrels, even illness of people close to you.

Today, there are many colors , each of which interprets differently, but the semantic meanings are close to each other. so there is usually no ambiguity in this case.

So, for example, Miller's dream book, which today is one of the most widespread and demanded, believes that blue, and not only it, but any other color does not have any special meaning. But according to Denise Lynn's dream book, who is today one of the most famous psychotherapists and researchers, self-development coaches, the blue color promises only good things to the dream: love, faith, understanding, tolerance, sensuality, wisdom, nobility. In any of these cases, one should not forget how important the detailing of the dream is, the actions performed during this process are also important. All this together should add up to one big picture, which will become clear to you as a whole. Also, according to Denise Lynn's interpretation of the dream book, things like self-isolation, depression, passivity, self-rejection, at the same time getting rid of self-pity happen in your life.


In any case, the work done to collect information in dream books was the result of painstaking and many years of research by the authors. Just imagine: hundreds of people interviewed, thousands of dreams that had to be studied, and not just to study, but to be able to connect with everyday collisions. Remember how important details, clarifications, even the times in which you live are important. Such knowledge will help to avoid many of the disappointments that our contemporary may face when turning to previously published dream books for help. But in this case we are talking about a dream in which the dreamer saw a blue flower. Such images are durable, inherent in the general type of human civilization and belong to the so-called collective unconscious. Such images, for a better understanding, include flight, meat, flowers, wedding, bread.

Blue flowers are perceived by a dream book as a harbinger of cardinal life changes. However, this image is not unambiguous, and therefore there are other interpretations. Now it is worth studying several dream books that offer various options for interpreting this vision.

According to Miller

This is one of the most popular dream books. Blue flowers growing in a wide field tell a person that soon he will find himself in a place where he will be able to experience an indescribable aesthetic pleasure.

If they grew up in his own garden, then in the near future he will either buy something pleasant and long-awaited, or go on a romantic date.

Have a chance to see blue flowers in a pot? The dream book warns: this is to receive unusual, shocking news. Also, this vision can portend getting mental wounds and sad thoughts.

The main thing is that the dreamer does not trample on blue flowers. Because such a turn of events does not bode well, except for causeless anger and a nervous breakdown.

Medea's interpreter

Had a dream of how an elegant bouquet is made of beautiful blue flowers? This means that soon a person will begin a relationship, which will later develop into a very strong, long and happy union.

However, if the bouquet turned out to be ugly, and flowers fell out of it, you should not build illusions. This vision warns: hopes for the future will not be justified.

Dreamed of dried or withered blue flowers? The dream interpretation says that this promises trouble, illness and separation. Also, artificial plants do not bode well. They are a symbol of a deteriorating relationship.

But a dream in which a person bought himself a bouquet of blue flowers should be perceived as a reflection of his aspirations to implement any plans. His enthusiasm will help you reach your goal.

Family dream book

Looking into this interpreter, you can find out that a vision in which a person picked blue flowers warns him about a long and frank conversation with his soul mate. It may be somewhat tense, but during the conversation, both partners will receive answers to their questions.

Did you have a chance to weave a wreath of blue flowers? Why such a plot is dreaming, you also need to know. In general, this portends health problems. But, if the wreath turned out to be very beautiful and neat, then the dream should be taken as a sign of creating a strong family.

A man dreamed of how he carelessly strolls through the field and in between times picks blue inflorescences? Such a vision promises him an easy affair without any special obligations.

But the dream book perceives the process of planting blue flowers as a harbinger of a noble, wise act.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Various interpretations are presented in this interpreter. Here is what the dream book tells about the meaning of a dream book of blue flowers:

  • If a person received it as a gift, then one should expect favorable changes in his personal life.
  • A small, sad-looking bouquet promises a longing for a loved one.
  • For a man, a bouquet of blue flowers presented by colleagues or subordinates promises enrichment. Perhaps he will start a new project or make a good deal.
  • Has the dreamer lost his bouquet? This is to break up relations with the second half, to sadness and sadness.
  • Had a chance to give someone a bouquet of blue, for some reason dried flowers? Such a vision promises a cooling in the relationship.
  • Did the person himself receive withered blue flowers? It snails lack of future prospects and failure.
  • In a dream, did a person see himself putting blue flowers in a vase? This vision portends a change in life.

But the best dream is the one in which a bouquet of blue flowers was presented to the dreamer by his soul mate. Such a plot portends peace and harmony in their pair.

Universal interpreter

Finally, it is worth looking into this book. Here's what it says:

  • Tearing off the petals of blue flowers is not good. The vision warns: a person runs the risk of becoming the culprit of all his misfortunes and troubles.
  • Did you have a chance to water the blue flowers, take care of them? This means that in reality a person will do everything to change the situation for the better.
  • If these were violets, then soon the dreamer will enjoy the long-awaited solitude.
  • Soft blue forget-me-nots promise a romantic relationship.
  • Cornflowers portend a change in business for the better.
  • Blue lilac is considered a bad sign. Such a flower portends trouble and illness.
  • Hyacinths dream about the onset of a favorable period in life.
  • Irises promise unreasonable sadness and longing.
  • Bells are considered to be the harbingers of good news and happy meetings.
  • Lavender warns: soon someone will reveal his terrible secret to the dreamer.
  • Chicory portends a happy change.
  • If you happen to see a process during which the blue bud opens, it means that a person will have a happy personal life. For a woman who dreams of a family, a dream portends marriage and an easy pregnancy.

As you can see, most dream books positively perceive a vision in which blue flowers were present.

It has long been believed that color carries a meaning. This was reflected in the customs, art, clothing and lifestyle of different countries.

Bright, juicy tones - foreshadowed good, faded and faded were a symbol of destruction, old age, failures; dark tones have always been considered harbingers of evil.

White color has always meant purity, innocence of thoughts and desires, the joy of life, not darkened by suffering, sincerity of words, declarations of love, purity of the soul. Brides were dressed in white, angels and saints were always white,

It is customary to give white flowers to the wedding. It is customary for Catholics to give white flowers for funerals. And then the white color becomes a symbol of cleansing from sins, calling on the angels to guard the soul of the deceased in the other world.

Brilliant - brilliance has never been considered a lucky color by astrologers. Shiny attracts the eye of an envious person, the eyes of a madman sparkle in the dark, tears glisten in his eyes, a dagger glitters ominously before striking.

In a dream, this color means envy, danger, illness, mourning, the intrigues of enemies, the hypocrisy of friends, the betrayal of a lover or loved one.

The color blue has always been considered a symbol of the honors given to people for their wisdom, the justice of wisdom. Blue often became the color of kings or knights. In combination with gold, he personified the inviolability and justice of power, which required obedience and worship.

Therefore, so often these combinations were used in the clothes of noble people and crowned persons, in the interior of magnificent palaces, in porcelain ornaments and jewelry. In combination with red, he became even more powerful, and those around him or courtiers bowed their heads from afar, seeing the colors of kings.

Yellow is the color of the sun that floods the sky and the earth with its light, with which no one and nothing can equal, the color of glory and luxury. When it came to flowers, then yellow became a symbol of impermanence.

And the elders taught the young that yellow flowers should not be brought into the house, so that there was no discord in it.

Yellow bed linen (according to legend) predicts discord between spouses. Yellow is both the color of betrayal and the color of gold that attracts the eyes of greedy people and swindlers.

Green is a sign of safety and reliability. Doctors believe that it soothes the eyes, brings peace. So, the greenery of trees and grass pleases the soul and instills confidence that everything will be fine.

The beginning of spring, a new life symbolizes the awakening of all living things, the beginning of a new year. It is not for nothing that in the East the New Year is celebrated at the end of February, on the holiday of lovers, and Valentine's Day falls on February 14.

Plants give fresh young green shoots, predicting the growth of all living things, our being, our forces. Greenery also personifies the growth of children, their birth.

The golden color, like the brilliant one, attracts the eyes of envious people, foreshadowing the dangers due to the intrigues of the enemies.

People go to great lengths to get hold of gold. Slander, slander, force, weapons, cunning are used. Gold is the personification of wealth. But in a dream, everyone is rich in their own way.

If the sleeping person is sick, then his illness is his wealth. And after such a dream, he has nothing to hope for an improvement in health.

The poor man is rich only in his debts and groans. The glitter of gold does not promise him wealth, but only reminds that he suffers because of his absence.

For a rich man, such a dream is just a reminder that he must take care not to lose him and beware of the intrigues of enemies, betrayal and hypocrisy.

Red has always been a sign of love, honor, reverence, passion, shame and blood.

Red roses have always been considered a symbol of love and recognition of their feelings.

The red dress of the Roman patricians, trimmed with gold, urged the lower ones to bow their heads before them.

Red velvet, embroidered with gold, was often a symbol of royalty and the glory of knights, obtained by blood in fair battle.

The paint on the cheeks of a lover testifies to the ardor of his feelings.

The red corner (the main one, richly decorated, with icons in shimmering bronze and gold icon cases) was in every peasant hut. It was located in the house in the most conspicuous place, and those who entered were baptized on it.

Brown color in a dream means great experiences, grief, joyless existence, need, lack of funds. Brown will not dominate in any coat of arms, on any flag, in the interiors of palaces or in the clothes of kings. It is not pleasing to the eye, it gives an earthy tint to the complexion. There is neither joy nor freshness in it. He is inconspicuous. The color of mud, autumn with a blurred road, joyless existence.

Lilac is a symbol of honor, wealth, mutual love. Mixing pink and blue means tenderness and purity of feelings. In a dream, he predicts the loyalty of a lover, the joy of meeting him, the delights of love, gifts with meaning.

Orange comes from a mixture of yellow and red. This is a mixture of ambition, desire for fame, contempt for other people, selfishness, indifference to other people's misfortunes.

Shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow is a harbinger of an unusual event that will surprise and delight you, like a peacock's tail that suddenly opens before your gaze, like sparkling disco lights, like fancy dresses shimmering with all colors.

Purple means power, power, health, enviable position in society, respect, lofty thoughts and plans. This is a deep red color, the color of royal robes, military banners, tart red wine that has absorbed the warmth of the sun's rays, the shine of rubies.

The pink color symbolizes tenderness, innocence, naivety, joy.

Gray means a joyless life, sadness, longing, boredom.

Blue is a sign of sadness, ill omen, illness, the color of the dark night, the color of witches and sorcerers.

Purple is a sign of wealth, prosperity, honor, power, wisdom.

Black is a sign of sadness, mourning, death, funeral, enmity, disaster. Black clouds bring showers, the tornado looks like a black pillar, taking away everything in its path.

All criminals, sorcerers, thieves, swindlers, murderers, dressed in black clothes, do their dirty deeds on dark nights in dark alleys, basements, attics. See interpretation: paint, clothing, face.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dream interpretation blue flowers

In reality, the presented bouquet always evokes pleasant emotions. In dreams, thanks to the associative row of the human subconscious, in most cases the image of flowers symbolizes positive changes in life. The interpretation will depend on the shape and color of the plant. As the dream book says, the golden color of the petals foreshadows successful deeds, new ideas. And why do blue buds dream?

If you saw a large number of light blue flowers on the field, then such a sign will tell you about the dreamer's confidence and focus.

The meaning of a blue bouquet in a dream

The color palette in night dreams is completely different. For example, you may dream of dry black roses, which will be a harbinger of serious illnesses, or small orange flowers will tell the dreamer about possible intrigue, quarrels at home.

A romantic adventure is foreshadowed by blue flowers plucked from a flower bed in a dream.

Why dream of a present in the form of a cornflower of a heavenly shade? Your friends and family will help you solve any sudden problems.

Receive a gift of cornflowers

What Psychoanalyst Miller Will Tell

The famous psychoanalyst interprets dreams in which light blue plants are present, as a sign hinting that the black stripe is already behind.

  • Dreaming of azure, turquoise or pink flowers - expect a change for the better.
  • For girls, a little blue flower can dream of a happy marriage, pregnancy.
  • Why, according to the scenario of dreams, the blue shade of the inflorescence became muddy, and the flowers are black? The dreamer will have an ill-wisher who will try to take away the most expensive by cunning.

A blue gladiolus or camellia visits the dreams of a person who is awaiting a promotion, reaching unprecedented heights in work.

Miss Hasse's interpretation

The medium in different ways explains the visions where the image of an azure flower appears.

If you dream of purple, pink or blue violets, then soon the dreamer will meet his soul mate or a close-minded friend.

  • Rewards for the work will be received by the person who dreamed of an azure lily.
  • Why do dry blue petals of a plucked plant dream? To fading feelings.
  • When saturated cornflowers turn into black coals, the present promises betrayal and deception.

Fresh bouquets are dreamed of, foreshadowing a spiritual revival. According to the dream book, such visions are similar in meaning to the phoenix..

Development of sleep events

I dreamed of flowers of deep blue color

The interpretation of the dream depends on the actions of the visitor Morpheus. The storyline will tell you what the person is experiencing, hint at emotional imbalance, tell about the fears that have arisen in the soul.

Travel, vivid impressions are to be expected after dreams, where you smelled a bunch of pale blue flowers.

Why see dark flowers? Purple or black orchids dream of during mental anguish, when the dreamer suffers from lost love. But you shouldn't focus on such a plot. After all, everything bad ends sooner or later.

If you were given flowers

Blue bouquets presented in dreams almost always indicate recognition. Your relatives appreciate you, colleagues respect you. But sometimes the interpretation of dreams changes in such a way that the meaning turns out to be negative, foreshadowing problems.

If you dreamed of blue daffodils presented by enemies, then this is a hint of narcissism, hypocrisy, a difficult character.

Putting the details together, you get a complete picture of the dream.

Flower appearance

Why dream that azure cornflowers are growing on the field? Your endeavors will bear fruit.

And what can a dried ikebana or artificial flowers dream of? The dream book will help to understand the interpretation depending on the appearance.

  • Dry stems or turquoise petals will tell about unfulfillment, hidden fear.
  • The first snowdrops in dreams hint at new adventures.
  • Why cut or pluck leaves from a plant? A person will become the culprit of his sorrows if he picks off blue petals in dreams.

What flower dreamed

During the interpretation, the meaning of dreams will also have the appearance of a blue flower. For example, blue snowdrops promise all kinds of improvements up to business development and cure for diseases.

Dreamed of blue tulips

  • A dream with a bouquet of tulips, where purple, orange, pink flowers are present, hints at the dreamer's wide social circle.
  • Dark blue, black lilac branches are a warning sign. It is worth paying attention to the state of your health.
  • Forget-me-nots of a gentle blue shade will tell about the surging memories.

Find a bouquet

There are dreams in which a person buys a bouquet on his own or finds it at home.

If a man wants to congratulate his lady in his dreams and acquires blue flowers, then this is a symbol of trust.

Why do withered turquoise flowers at the doorstep dream? Enemies will try to interfere with the implementation of your plans.

Did you see the violets on the windowsill? Scandals, quarrels, conflicts will occur between relatives.

Possible interpretation of the mark

If you dreamed that a person dropped and then immediately picked up a blue flower, then a misunderstanding will occur in the couple, but the relationship will not collapse.

Turquoise, azure and purple flowers hint at intrigue behind the dreamer's back.

Sometimes large pink or bluish daffodils can portend unrequited love.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the article on the topic: "dream book blue flowers" on the pages of the most relevant reference book about dreams in 2018.

Dreams are a special world that has surrounded humanity for many years. But the main images of dreams are drawn from the objects around us, and therefore the interpretation is strikingly different from those that were given, say, a hundred years ago. But there are dreams that are filled not with objects, but with flowers. Such dreams are very memorable, it is interesting to know the meaning of such an extraordinary dream, for such cases we turn to the dream book. Blue - what does it mean?

Dream groups

It is always necessary to remember that in the world of dreams there is a continuous communication of the human soul with his past, present and future. It is the dreams of the future that interest us most. They can be divided, in turn, into those that come true in the first three days and those that come true within two weeks, or long-term dreams.

Morning dreams are very often called empty, they can contain any trifle and any trifle of tomorrow, it is pointless to solve them. Midnight dreams, especially those that occur between 2 and 4 in the morning, are especially valuable information. But you should not overload yourself physically and mentally, and it is not recommended to take sleeping pills at night. It is also not allowed to abuse alcohol, otherwise dreams will rush in a stream, which no interpreter of dreams will understand.

Details of your dreams

So, you remember a dream in which you saw the color blue. We are looking for an interpretation of such a dream in a dream book: the blue color in a dream, what does it mean ... Before turning to the interpretation of the dream itself, you need to remember what emotions you experienced. It is well known that each spectrum belongs to a certain element, sphere of activity, even belonging to one or another organ of the human body. Blue is a magical color, but it evokes ambivalent feelings: on the one hand, it is a kind of sadness, and on the other, it is peace and tranquility.

Blue meaning

If you start from the dream book: the whole dream was painted in blue, this means that in reality you do not experience vivid emotions, blue is considered a female color, therefore, you need to pay attention to the development of your femininity. In life you are missing something, you need more peace, less vivid emotions, anger, anger. That is, the principle of mirror reflection often works in dreams, being able to understand it correctly, you can solve some issues in life.

Blue flower

For example, if in a dream you see yourself in blue clothes. This indicates that in life you are full of aggression, often think negatively, perceive everything around you as hostile. A dream in blue can show you that you need to calm down, deal with issues wisely, with prudence and gentleness. For example, the dream book interprets blue flowers as follows: in addition to the color of the flower itself, it is necessary to determine which particular flower you saw in a dream. If, for example, it was blue violets, then very soon you will meet your love. If these were cornflowers, then a spiritual rebirth awaits you. In turn, irises mean that such a dream indicates to you increased carelessness, and you give preference to a comfortable and frivolous life. But the blue buttercups you saw in a dream can warn against betrayal and deception. It is also very important to remember what actions in a dream happened to you. Either you picked flowers, dropped them, gave them, put them in a vase. Each action changes the interpretation of the dream itself. So, for example, dropping a flower - to a quarrel, if you managed to quickly pick it up - then a quarrel can be avoided. Picking dry flowers is a loss, picking petals means making yourself unhappy. Sometimes, according to the dream book, a bright blue color can mean some intrigue happening around you. It is important to consider and remember all the details of the dream. If the blue flower you dreamed was beautiful, blooming, you smelled it, picked it in such a blooming form, then this always promises prosperity, happiness and peace, this can also mean the appearance of new love in your life, in any of these cases everything will be fine ... The meaning of such images remains unchanged and will remain so for many hundreds of years.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

If the blue flower was withered, dry and broken, then be careful, in reality you may face trouble, quarrels, even illness of people close to you.

Today there are many dream books. Why dream of blue , each of which interprets differently, but the semantic meanings are close to each other. so there is usually no ambiguity in this case.

So, for example, Miller's dream book, which today is one of the most widespread and demanded, believes that blue, and not only it, but any other color does not have any special meaning. But according to Denise Lynn's dream book, who is today one of the most famous psychotherapists and researchers, self-development coaches, blue promises only good things to the dream: love, faith, understanding, the ability to forgive, tolerance, sensuality, wisdom, nobility. In any of these cases, one should not forget how important the detailing of the dream is, the actions performed during this process are also important. All this taken together should add up to one big picture, which will become clear to you as a whole. Also, according to Denise Lynn's interpretation of the dream book, things like self-isolation, depression, passivity, self-rejection, at the same time getting rid of self-pity happen in your life.


In any case, the work done to collect information in dream books was the result of painstaking and many years of research by the authors. Just imagine: hundreds of people interviewed, thousands of dreams that had to be studied, and not just to study, but to be able to connect with everyday collisions. Remember how important details, clarifications, even the times in which you live are important. Such knowledge will help to avoid many of the disappointments that our contemporary may face when turning to previously published dream books for help. But in this case we are talking about a dream in which the dreamer saw a blue flower. Such images are durable, inherent in the general type of human civilization and belong to the so-called collective unconscious. Such images, for a better understanding, include flight, meat, flowers, wedding, bread.

Why do blue flowers dream

A dream about blue flowers promises the onset of an unfavorable period in personal life. The object of your passion will not show mutual feelings for you, hopes for a bright future will not come true.

Reconsider your outlook on life, perhaps you decide that it is worth giving up trying to win the favor of someone who is completely indifferent to you.

Real blue flowers dream

Why do you dream of fresh blue flowers? The dream reflects your aspirations, planned actions in the near future. You are full of enthusiasm to bring all ideas to life.

Despite your aspirations, you feel shy in the face of the unknown. You should show more decisiveness in business.

I dreamed of many blue flowers

According to the Oracle's dream book, many blue flowers mean your constant employment, excessive stress. A vision can indicate unrequited feelings.

You should think about rest, you devote too much time to work. If you continue in the same spirit, you will not avoid health problems.

  • white flowers
  • flowers in a vase
  • flowers in hair
  • flowers in pots
  • give flowers
  • two flowers
  • yellow flowers
  • natural flowers
  • artificial flowers
  • calla flowers
  • indoor flowers
  • beautiful flowers
  • red flowers
  • many colors
  • orange flowers
  • transplant flowers
  • wildflowers
  • water the flowers
  • pink flowers
  • to plant flowers
  • pick flowers
  • dry flowers
  • purple flowers
  • blooming flowers
  • black flowers

show more

A personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of life you will be successful in the new year.

I dreamed of blue flowers, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what blue Flowers are dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday from 26 to 27. My ex-boyfriend gave me 4 blue flowers. As I remember, there were 2 roses and 2 carnations. Then he took one flower from me and only 3 were left in his hands. After that I walked and saw a field of daisies and many bushes of beautiful roses.

I still have feelings for my ex, and he no longer exists, did I understand correctly? Please help me figure it out.

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to prove yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Dream interpretation blue flowers

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 05.22 - 06.21
  • Cancer 06.22 - 07.22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 08.24 - 09.22
  • Libra 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11.23 - 12.21
  • Capricorn 12.22 - 01.20
  • Aquarius 01.21 - 02.20
  • Pisces 02.21 - 03.20

Flowers why dream in Miller's dream book

First of all, a distinction should be made between a dream in which you simply dream of flowers, from one in which you see a bouquet. For example, if you are holding a presented bouquet of flowers in a dream or you yourself presented a bouquet of flowers to someone, then in this case the flowers themselves act in a certain abstract meaning, focusing on the fact that this is a decorated composition (the interpretation of the bouquet in this case may differ in its meaning and is given separately). Thus, giving a bouquet of flowers in a dream and giving flowers are not the same thing.

If a young girl in a dream happened to receive flowers from a stranger as a gift, then a new romantic relationship awaits her. Moreover, the less the number of donated flowers, the faster this event will happen, and their number should be odd.

If in a dream someone gives you flowers in an even amount, separation is ahead.

Parting with his beloved also predicts a dream in which a sleeping young man had a chance to give flowers to a girl who was unfamiliar to him in reality.

If a sick person dreamed of a dead person who gives fresh flowers, he will soon recover.

A dream is considered unfavorable when a same-sex boyfriend or girlfriend is given flowers. Such a dream suggests that this person has a secret sympathy for your partner (partner).

To see flowers, beautiful, but with a completely unusual color for them - to jealousy, envy.

I dreamed of lifeless flowers, paper flowers - a very bad sign for lovers, their love will be very short-lived.

Dried flowers dream of a long illness.

It is good if you dream of flowers blooming in the garden, in the flower bed, this gives hope for personal success.

For a young girl, a wonderful dream is in which she sees flowers blooming before her eyes.

If you dream of different flowers, the petals of which look fragile on the stem (such as iris, tulip or poppy flowers), then your dreams are just false illusions. You shouldn't trust your feelings in reality.

Conversely, if you dream of flowers with petals that create a feeling of their strength, this speaks of friendship, mutual understanding and loyalty. In this case, your feelings do not deceive you. Dreaming calla flowers are especially indicative in this regard.

However, giving a calla flower in a dream is a bad sign, portending the death of feelings, and in some cases - of the person himself receiving this flower.

Dreams are very vivid in which the blooming of flowers is accompanied by a smell. Smelling flowers in a dream and feeling their aroma - to positive changes.

But, if the smell of flowers in a dream was unusually strong, even sugary, then you can be ruined by a strong passion, temptation. Dreaming exotic magnolia flowers are very characteristic in this regard.

If you dreamed that a blooming flower has a completely unusual aroma, all the more unpleasant (for example, the dreamed flowers smell of herring or acetone in your hand), then you can be cruelly mistaken in your feelings.

In many ways, the interpretation of a dream about flowers depends on the color of its petals.

A white flower is an ambiguous symbol in a dream. Collecting white flowers is a promising dream for a girl who has already found her love in reality.

The presented white flowers dream of parting.

A dried flower, which has a white color, portends celibacy or marriage to a girl at a fairly mature age.

If a business man dreamed of lilac flowers, he should expect difficulties in advancing his career.

I dreamed of a purple flower - there is widowhood ahead.

It is especially unfavorable to see in a dream purple flowers in a pot on your own windowsill.

Black flowers in a dream are also an unkind omen. If a black flower is pinned to the buttonhole of a person you know, then he may die or suffer great grief.

Blue flowers are dreaming on the eve of something unusual. Perhaps you will understand the meaning of what is happening much later.

I dreamed of red flowers - there is passion, a strong feeling ahead.

A pink flower in a dream is a warning that you naively believe a person who has not so harmless intentions in reality towards you.

Orange flowers - a dream to great joy, a bright event that will cheer you up.

If you dreamed of green flowers merging with the rest of the greenery, you will have a secret romance that you will hide with all your might even from friends.

Selling flowers in a dream - for love of convenience, expression of feelings and passion for money.

Buying flowers for yourself, for your soul, dreams of loneliness, which will not bother you at all.

Picking flowers in a public flower bed is a crazy act dictated by love.

Fertilizing flowers, replanting them, caring for flowers in a dream - for the changes that you yourself plan and bring to life.

I had a chance to water dried flowers in a dream, which died completely - to fruitless attempts to restore in reality the destroyed, unpromising relationship.

Flower bulbs dream of a person who is afraid of new feelings, does not let passion inside his soul. In all likelihood, a certain time must pass for his soul to bloom again.

Why dream of a flower, Wangi's dream book

Beautiful flowers dream as a sign of bright feelings, positive changes.

If you dreamed of many colors, then there is an eventful period ahead, and these events will be predominantly positive, your life will sparkle with new colors.

Dreamed of dry flowers, dried or paper - your feelings and expectations will be deceived.

Receiving flowers without packaging as a gift is a sign of the sincerity of the feelings of the person who gave them to you.

A blue flower for a girl is a dream of hope, but if blue flowers surrounded her everywhere, then the dream prophesies unrequited love.

I dreamed about a blue flower, especially a rose - you will be disappointed in love.

The red flower dreams either in a passionate romance or to an illness. Your feelings during sleep will indicate the first or second interpretation. If in a dream you stand with bright red flowers, but do not experience any emotions from this, then there are concerns about your health, especially the circulatory system.

If a girl dreamed of pink flowers in a vase on the table, then she will receive a declaration of love from a person unknown to her. Perhaps he will never open up to her.

Collecting wildflowers in a dream - to simple everyday joys.

I had a chance to eat flowers in a dream - make a wish.

Seeing flowers blooming in a dream - to the birth of a new romantic feeling.

Walking in colors is to reject someone's sincere love.

If you dreamed of flowers according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Fresh flowers in pots dream of moving.

I dreamed of a withered flower in a pot - to the disagreements of the spouses, thwarted joint plans. It should be noted that this dream is interpreted within the framework of one family.

Withered flowers in the garden speak of strife among lovers, whose relationship has not yet reached a stable level.

Beautiful dry flowers dream as the personification of ostentatious feelings, theatrical emotions.

If in a dream you were presented with flowers collected right there, in your presence - in reality you will experience a stormy, but short-term romance.

Dreams that they give flowers to a friend, you will be jealous of her for your lover (a dream for a girl).

If a young man dreams that a man he does not know is giving flowers to his beloved, then in reality he is subject to unmotivated jealousy.

Why do flowers dream - Hasse's dream book

If a young woman dreams of many flowers, she will have many children, and there will be reason to be proud of them.

Buying white flowers in a dream is a sign of sadness.

Dreamed of colorful flowers in winter - for a woman of mature age, this portends a new romance. If she is married, then perhaps something will revive their former feelings for each other with their spouse.

Putting a pot of flowers on the windowsill in a dream - to family well-being.

If in your dream a pot of flowers falls from the windowsill to the floor, then a crisis of marital relations will come in the family, which, however, can and must be overcome.

To steal flowers in pots in a dream is a secret romance with a married woman or a married man.

Why do flowers dream - an esoteric dream book

Buying fresh flowers in a dream is a joy, pleasure that you will arrange for yourself.

To buy a flower, lifeless, paper or made of other artificial materials - such a dream portends that you will be trying to organize some kind of party, event to relieve boredom, and as a result, you will feel even more waking your own loneliness.

Plucking flowers from a public flower bed in a dream is an unexpected impulse of feelings.

Seeing in a dream how flowers bloom in water - to sad memories of a past, long-gone love.

There are flowers in a dream - to rash actions in relation to a loved one. Whatever he provokes you, keep your cool and the ability to think adequately.

Flowers under the snow dream of belated love.

Why do flowers dream, Longo's dream book

Bright flowers dream of vivid impressions, fresh feelings.

I dreamed that the flowers withered - love will go away, no matter how you try to revive your relationship in reality.

If a girl of marriageable age dreams of dull flowers, she is threatened with celibacy.

Planting flowers in a dream - to the birth of children.

To transplant a flower from one pot to another - for a quick move.

Watering a flower in a pot is a dream of a rapid career growth.

But, if in a dream you happened to water dry and lifeless flowers in the hope that they will come to life - your efforts to break up the career ladder will be in vain.

Wildflowers dream of a pleasant journey.

If you dreamed about forest flowers - meet your childhood friends.

We saw in a dream how flowers grow in the snow - to the renewal of a long-forgotten relationship. Perhaps you will relive your high school romance.

Looking for flowers in a garden bed in a dream among vegetable crops and finding them is a good sign, saying that even in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, you know how to find and see beauty.

Flowers, French dream book

A wild flower is a dream for joy.

Flowers in a flower bed - to the fact that you will have to spend time among many children.

Planting a flower in a dream is an addition to the family.

Flowers for what dreams - a modern dream book

Picking flowers in the field or in the forest is a dream to a joyful, good mood.

Bringing flowers collected in the field home is a dream to family well-being, mutual understanding.

Buying flowers in a store - to the need to congratulate a person for whom you do not feel sympathy.

Catching flowers thrown by someone - for a young girl, such a dream dreams of an imminent marriage.

If you dreamed about an unusual flower that you had never seen before, you will experience an incredible, unfamiliar feeling.

Breaking a flower in a dream is a sign of love you rejected.

A flower according to a dream book

Dreams are very rarely "empty", and if you decipher them correctly, you can get answers to many questions. Why is the flower dreaming? Interpretations of dream books are quite contradictory, but even in them you can see the "grain of truth" if you interpret the plot in a dream based on the smallest details.

All the details of the dream will matter: this is the color of the flower, and its size and species, and the growth phase. It is important to remember, you just saw a bud in a dream, or did something with a plant, or maybe they gave it to you?

Flower gift in a dream

According to the interpretation of the Ukrainian dream book, if a young lonely girl is given a flower in a dream, then a romantic acquaintance awaits her in reality, which will bring a lot of new things into life, and make her look differently at the relationship between a man and a woman.

If the dreamer had a chance to give a flower to a pretty person of the opposite sex, then the dream book predicts parting. Moreover, you will become the initiator of the break in relations, and you will have quite objective reasons for this. The plot where you presented a bouquet to a deceased person is interpreted in a completely different way: healing from an ailment awaits you.

As the personification of jealousy and envy, the dream book interprets the plot where a friend or girlfriend gave you a flower in a dream. Your buddy is secretly in love with your significant other. But this interpretation is correct only if the petals had an unusual color.

Was the dream plant alive or artificial?

It is important to pay attention to whether the bouquet in a dream was made from artificial plants. After all, what a living flower dreams of is the personification of life, flowering, a new stage on the way to the goal, while artificial buds are interpreted by the dream book in a completely different way.

An artificial flower is a very bad symbol for lovers. The dream book predicts that a significant cooling of feelings will soon come in the relationship, and it is possible that this will cause a quarrel, or a complete break.

Petal color matters too

Why is the yellow flower dreaming? For men, such a dream is a harbinger of difficult days in business and career. But if the chrysanthemum petals were yellow, then you will meet your former love, which will stir up your old warm feelings and make you regret the days gone by.

According to the interpretation of different dream books, seeing a white flower in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. For girls who have already found love, such a plot can portend a marriage proposal. And the lonely will soon take a walk at a fun, but someone else's wedding.

Why is the black flower dreaming? A gloomy color does not bode well for the dreamer. For married and married people, this is a sure harbinger of betrayal or divorce. It is even worse if a rose with black petals was present in a dream: the dream book predicts death and mourning for one of your loved ones.

If you dreamed about a red flower, then it is important to remember the emotional setting of the dream. If you couldn't stop looking at the scarlet flower, then the dream book portends a wedding. If the red bud did not evoke any emotions in you, then in reality you will become seriously ill if you do not take urgent preventive measures.

A young man or girl who sees a pink flower in a dream is currently experiencing romantic feelings. Do not be afraid of your new sensations - even if they do not bring any continuation with them, you will never regret your unfulfilled love, warm emotions will remain in your heart forever.

Shades of blue on the buds

The blue shade of the petals can be distinguished into a separate category, since the interpretations for each shade slightly overlap with each other. It will be useful to remember what kind of flower you saw in a dream - maybe it was a nonexistent blue rose, or an ordinary cornflower.

A bright blue flower in a dream is a symbol of your plans in reality. Pay attention, is it fresh or slightly faded? In the second case, the plans are not destined to come true. If this is a mythical blue rose, then in real life you will be disappointed in love.

The purple flower is the personification of the hopelessness of the dreamer in love. If there is a person in your life whom you madly love, then do not expect reciprocity from him, you are not destined to experience love with this person.

For a girl, the blue flower is a reflection of the tender romantic feelings that are now arising between her and her pretty boyfriend. Do not miss the moment of sincere and pure love, most likely, this will never happen again.

Lilac flower is a sign of deception, shameless lies associated with love. In reality, a betrayal of a loved one can happen, and a dishonest act of a friend who is coveted by your lover.

Caring for a plant in a dream

Individuals who care about home warmth and comfort can have no doubt about why they dream of watering a flower. Soon, efforts will return a hundredfold, and you will receive waves of positive and tenderness from your home.

Transplanting a flower from one place to another is a harbinger of dramatic changes in life. If in a dream you saw that the transplanted plant has taken root perfectly, then the changes will only be for the better, and vice versa - wilting is a symbol of sad changes.

If a woman had a chance to plant a flower in a dream, and at the same time the action took place in the garden or in the garden, then the dream book predicts a difficult situation from which she will emerge victorious. At the most crucial moment, you will be able to make the right and wise decision.

A completely different interpretation is given by a dream book to a plot where you had to plant a flower in a pot. If things went well before this, then everything will turn sharply for the worse, and even worse, if the flower died after planting: you will not withstand the tests presented by fate.

To plant a flower in a dream for a married person is the appearance of an "apple of discord" in family relationships. Try to make a concession to your soul mate, trample on your principles, and then you will be able to keep family ties intact.

What kind of plant was in a dream?

Why is the rose flower dreaming? Most often, a rose of her usual color is a symbol of love and passion, but the presence of a black rose in a dream should be feared, it will bring troubles with it. The orchid reflects the dreamer's relationship with the opposite sex - you show too much passion and sensuality, and this can frighten off the person who is really suitable for you.

Lily in a dream is a symbol of spiritual rebirth, the appearance of energy for new achievements, activity. The bell flower is a harbinger of disappointment in relationships, jealousy and betrayal.

Flower in a pot

If you happen to see an indoor flower in a dream, then first of all you need to pay attention to its condition: wilting or flowering. The dream interpretation associates such a plot in a dream in family relationships, and accordingly, its wilting portends discord, and flowering - complete mutual understanding.

For hard-to-reach and modest people, what a home flower dreams of is only the personification of secrecy and shyness. Try to develop volitional qualities in yourself, and immediately notice a change in communication with others.

Why is a growing flower dreaming? If you were presented with such a miracle in a beautiful filigree pot, then in reality the dream book predicts that you will receive news that will carry sadness and grief, but will soon lead to a change in life for the better.

A subjective view of the beauty and size of a flower

Why is a beautiful flower dreaming? If you look with delight at the flower, and cannot take your eyes off it, then the dream book foreshadows that your significant other will be impeccably loyal to you.

The dream book interprets the dream of a large flower as an exaggeration of one's own feelings. The emotions that you have for the person of the opposite sex actually only intensify, but this does not confirm sincerity, most likely, this is a fleeting love.

An unusual flower in a dream is the personification of the dreamer's eccentricity. You know how to think differently from other people, and it sets you apart from the crowd. Find the distinctive qualities in yourself, and develop them, and then a great destiny will be prepared for you from above.

When the bud is blooming

Depending on the species of the plant, dream books interpret what a blossoming flower dreams of. For a person in love, seeing a blossoming and fragrant rose is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the further development of relations without lies and betrayal.

If we consider the topic in general, then seeing a blooming flower in a dream is always for good, no matter what type and color it is. The plot is especially favorable, where the bud has opened right before your eyes. You are guided by a guardian angel who will show you the path to happiness.

According to the psychoanalytic dream book, a blossoming lily flower is the discovery of the feminine in oneself for a girl. You are ready for family life, for raising children, for sharing your life with the man you love.

What is the dream of a blooming narcissus flower? The dreamer's selfishness and narcissism will soon be tamed with the help of bright feelings. It will not necessarily be love for the opposite sex, perhaps you will have a child, or you will find a best friend.

If you saw in a dream how a flower bloomed, then the dream book predicts an unexpected meeting with a person who is dear to you, but you have not seen him for a long time. This meeting will end very well and will leave pleasant memories in my soul.

Plant wilting

Why is a withered flower dreaming? All dream books agree in one opinion that such a plot in a dream cannot be favorable. Most often it is a symbol of the extinction of strong feelings, a sign of coldness and alienation in the heart.

If in a dream a flower withered before your eyes, then the dream book promises a break in relations with your loved one. This will not happen because of betrayal, just feelings will cool off sharply, and attachment will dissolve, as if it did not exist.

A dried flower is also a bad symbol. The dream book predicts that you will be overcome by a serious illness that will affect not only your physical condition, but also shake your psyche, and cause loneliness.

According to another interpretation, what a wilted flower dreams of is a warning from a dream book about danger. The person you relate to is actually not as harmless as it seems.

Individual parts of the plant in a dream

The root of the flower is a symbol of overwork. If in a dream you dug it up with your own hands, then the dream book promises you physical work, which you will have to do not to achieve wealth, but to get rid of poverty.

According to another interpretation, to see the roots of a small flower in a dream is a sign of small but annoying family troubles and troubles. You will have to get very nervous in the coming days.

Why is a flower sprout dreaming? The dream interpretation interprets such a picture in a dream as an auspicious omen. A new stage of life begins, when everything will work out, and any new business will become as profitable as possible.

The branch of a flower that you cut off from a larger plant in the hope of replanting is also an auspicious symbol. The dream interpretation foreshadows the presence of new prospects in an old business. Carefully understand the existing situation, and you will find a way out of the predicament.

An unopened flower bud indicates that you are on the path of major change. The dream book predicts that they will radically change life for the better, and you will not have to make any serious efforts for this.

Buying a flower bouquet

If in a dream you happened to buy a flower as a gift for someone, then the dream book predicts that you will participate in a fun solemn event that will bring happiness and love to your home.

But if you bought two flowers, then the interpretation of the dream book will be radically different from the previous ones. Such an event in a dream predicts disaster, death and mourning. If each flower was intended for a separate person, then double happiness will overtake you.

Plucked and Broken Flower Branches

Why is the flower in your hair dreaming? Soon, you will have to show all the patience and courage in order to withstand this difficult situation. The dream interpretation predicts a test from which you will emerge as the undoubted winner.

A broken flower is a bad symbol for family people. The dream book says that in the near future you will be overtaken by a situation, the only way out of which will be a complete break in relations, you will have to forget your soul mate.

You will receive well-deserved praise if you happened to pick a flower in a dream. The dream book predicts that you will do an act for which you will be loved and respected.

Why dream of an unusual flower that is very large and black and yellow, and it grew in a round flower bed at the gate of the house, which I want to buy in reality.

They gave me a dark rose with roots, and at home I tore off the laminate from the floor and planted a flower there. What is it for?

For a very long time I run around the city, and behind me is my mother and my brother, I run and around me there is a huge number of beautiful multi-colored flowers. A feeling of freedom, lightness and at the same time anxiety that I will not have time to reach something. There are a lot of people around (sitting in a restaurant / running / talking) and everyone is looking at me as I run, and I look at everyone passing by and notice all the flowers of the city. Flowers were everywhere: in flower beds, in restaurants, on the ground, like a fairy-tale world. Very vivid sleep experience. Crazy wondering what this dream means, thanks 🙂