Dream Interpretation. What a nipple is dreaming of: meaning, interpretation, what a dream portends

Not all dreams are worth attention, but there are certain night visions that are a signal of an approaching danger. You should think about a dream if it is well remembered and left an unpleasant aftertaste in the mind. More about important dreams is possible, and now we will discuss the meaning of the most dangerous dreams.

If you see a forest

We are talking about a dark dense forest in which no path is visible. Usually, in the morning, a dreamer has aggression and a feeling of severe fatigue. Such a dream can be a signal of future problems in your personal life or health. If such a vision appears several nights in a row, it is recommended to go outside in the evenings and take deep breaths for 5-7 minutes - this will help relieve emotional stress. How to prevent problems can be found on the website "Videlvosne".

If you start to drown in a river or lake

You woke up in horror from the fact that you could not get out of the muddy water? The dream in which you are drowning can have a direct and indirect meaning, as Miller's dream book interprets. Direct - you may have a lung disease that is dangerous, but is asymptomatic, for example, a bronchial fungus. Indirect - you are "stuck" in place, not moving forward and doing nothing to improve your life. You are tormented by the fear of change, but if you do not start doing something, you will “drown” spiritually over time.

If you saw snakes or rats

Many small black snakes are a signal that you are self-flagellation too much, and also looking for dirty tricks in the good deeds of people. This can end in loneliness, self-doubt and in the future. Had to see big rats? So, it's time to take a closer look at your relatives: mother-in-law, cousin, close friend. Someone is trying to denigrate your name and slander "behind your back."

Ruined house, wasteland

Seeing a dilapidated mystical house in a dream - to an imminent emotional breakdown, depression, destruction family ties. Empty, fear-mongering rooms and other abandoned places have the same meaning. A wasteland in a dream signals that you will soon be disappointed in a loved one, without whom you could not imagine the future.

However, a dilapidated house in a dream can have a good meaning: if you only see the building, but are not in it, then all problems will disappear without consequences, although not soon.

Remember that negative dreams are an imprint of your consciousness that is trying to warn you of upcoming trials. Do not forget to read the interpretations in various dream books.

What do dreams portend? A small selection of interpretations .. Hello everyone!
PIGEON- if you hear the cooing of pigeons and see them - peace will reign in your family, and new family members may soon appear in your family. If a girl had this dream, it means that she will soon get married. So here it is!
If you are in a dream, you hear the cooing of one dove - this is an imminent misfortune. You see a dead dove - just do not expect anything good.

TOAD- adventures, but not always successful.
If a woman dreams of a toad, then someone is trying to discredit her good name.
If you kill a toad in a dream, someone will condemn your outlook on life.
If you cover it with your hand, you will be the culprit in the death of your friend.

Rabbit- if you see rabbits in a dream, a happy turn awaits you in everyday circumstances. Financial affairs will improve, and you will be more satisfied than now.
White rabbits are fidelity in love
If rabbits are playing around you, then your children will soon please you.

Rat- this means service to the neighbors, after which they will deceive you or may even beat you. It is also possible that a quarrel with companions awaits you.
If you grabbed a rat in a dream, then you will adequately defeat your enemies.
To kill a rat means your victory over troubles and your enemies.

Hen- to pleasant meetings in your circle. Perhaps even the completion of the family.

Mouse- if you saw a mouse in a dream, then you can prepare for trouble at home. Someone from your friends will do a bad deed towards you. The same trouble can be expected in business.

Insects- if you see a lot of insects in a dream, to big trouble in reality. It also means sickness.
It can also mean the illness of your loved ones.
If you manage to get rid of these insects in a dream, then you are in reality, overcome troubles and cope with the disease.

Monkey- if you saw her in a dream, then someone is trying to trust you in order to use you to achieve their plans. But their plans will not bring you anything good.
If you see a little monkey climbing up a tree, it means that someone's treachery will bring harm and pain to you. You need to be very vigilant.

cats in a dream, this is always a bad sign. Portends failure, trouble.
Now, if you drive this cat away in a dream, then your troubles will not be so strong. But if you also manage to kill her, then you will get rid of these troubles.
If a cat rushes at you, you will soon have enemies who will do anything to disgrace you, deprive you of property, and possibly try to get rid of you. And as it was said above, if you still manage to get rid of this cat in a dream, then all the troubles will be overcome.
If a young girl holds a cat or a kitten in her hands, she will be involved in dubious affairs.
If you see a pure white kitten in a dream, it means some kind of confusion, which will entail trouble and grief, loss of fortune.

Kitten- for a woman to see a white, fluffy kitten means that some clever deceiver will lure her into his nets, into a trap
We all often wish that certain dreams would come true. We want separate housing, well-being and health. In the same way, a person tired of the hustle and bustle of the metropolis often comes up with thoughts of solitude and tranquility. And then he draws a visual picture - a house on the bank of a river, or, alternatively, a manor with a mirror pond, where the clouds are reflected ... A wonderful place for meditation, isn't it?

What kind of dream is this, where from?

For thousands of years, man has been fascinated by the world of dreams. Throughout the history of mankind, dreams have always been given great importance. Very often, a dream is viewed as a special way of communication that carries news from God or as a prediction of fate. Physiologists see in dreams an indication of the state of mind of their patients and believe that in a dream there is a reassessment of information, facts, fears and stresses received by a person during wakefulness. Therefore, dreams are the result of the activity of memory, circumstances, and imagination. That is why they are different in character and meaning and have so little in common with what is happening in reality.

Dreams have five reasons for their appearance:

1. Random external impressions

2. Own daytime activities

3. Painful condition

4. Revelation from above

5. Premonition of the soul.

Dreams usually correspond to the position in society, mental, psychological development, temperament, moral and physical state of the sleeping person. The dreams of an artist will never dream of a merchant. The poor will not see the dreams of a millionaire. It has been established that dreams are the result of various sensations imprinted in the waking state, depend on the external conditions of the situation, the physical and moral state of the sleeping person.

In sick, overworked people, dreams are more often terrible, heavy and terrible. When one of the organs is overworked, irritated or sick, sleep is restless. Nervous diseases and other ailments bring insomnia, loss of sleep, or vice versa - deep and heavy sleep, hibernation, in some rare cases - lethargy.

When a person falls asleep, his connection with the outside world ceases, objects and phenomena no longer affect him, and only the brain continues its activity. During sleep, the nerves stop transmitting sensations to the brain. And then the dreams come.

Real impressions, fantasies, fabulousness of childhood - all this then returns in night signs, according to which one can assume life in the future. All this, of course, is both serious and frivolous. It all depends on the person who believes in it or not. However, dream books occupy a certain place in the history of culture of any country in the world.

Therefore, in explaining the meaning of sleep, it is quite possible to follow what is defined and explained in the books by wise ancestors. Also, it makes no sense to believe in some special meaning of sleep, not paying attention to the possible causes and circumstances that can cause a dream: but it is also impossible to refute the fact that some dreams have an important prophetic meaning. If a person had a vivid dream that was mentally, physically healthy and not connected with the events of his everyday life, then such a dream can be considered very important and close attention should be paid to it.

There are quite a few facts in the history of many countries and times where dreams were harbingers of significant events, showing that dreams are of no small importance. However, prophetic or prophetic dreams are not characteristic of many and happen quite rarely, which is why you should not attach importance to any dream. But we must not neglect the mysterious work of our mental faculties during sleep, as information can be very useful.



The ancient sages saw an omen of honors in fragrant plants, lions, celestial phenomena (starlight, bright sun, etc.)

The sun, moon and stars seen in a dream are a sign of your future high position.


Treachery and Betrayal

These dreams are like movies - nightmares. The bite of an animal, a snake, in a word, everything that causes pain and suffering. Unpleasant sensations in a dream - this is a sign that there will be treason or betrayal. Therefore, predatory, poisonous animals, intoxicating plants portend deceit. The size and color of the animal, the degree of pain caused by it indicates the amount of evil to be feared.



More often and more fully, our soul feels and portends troubles and grief. The black color symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, the death of everything that moves and breathes. Black is associated with darkness and earth, and is the true emblem of everything hidden, secret and unknown. In many nations, blackness is associated with night, and night with evil and deceit. At night human life is at greater risk. Therefore, to see in a dream a man in a black dress, black objects - portends trouble. Friends and loved ones in black portend trouble or illness in these people. A black dog, a black horse also show grief that will happen to you or a friend, given the other circumstances of the dream. A black raven, a black rabbit, a black rat, a mouse, a black cat, all kinds of gnawing and burrowing animals portend the enemy.



Dreams, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, were messengers from heaven and carried news of the future to man. Ancient soothsayers considered signs of receiving news to be considered plants, animals and natural phenomena, such as: yarrow, Walnut, forget-me-nots, a flying bird, a galloping horse, a playing fish, a rushing cloud, a flowing river, a rough sea, a moving train. In a word, everything that means movement, only not falling.

Very great importance has always been attached in dreams to the words of people who have already died. It is said that everything that the dead say in their sleep is true. They are the ambassadors of the future. And the way in which you dreamed of dead parents, close relatives, friends, depends on what kind of news you will receive.



Everything that is connected in our minds with the concept of obstacles, confusion, captiousness, obsession is a symbol of various difficulties that await you in the future. Judges, lawyers, officials, ivy, vines, clinging plants, spiders, crayfish, flies, leeches, mosquitoes, etc.


Dream interpreters see the meaning of money in dreams in which the sleeper saw that he was eating an egg. The egg symbolizes the beginning of life, therefore, eating eggs in a dream portends a change in life, and it inevitably appears when you receive wealth. Also, if the sleeping person dreamed that he got dirty in the dirt, in feces, then in reality he would have profit, inheritance and winnings. Money, wealth, seen in a dream, is nothing more than an empty product of a person’s dream.


Happiness can be called satisfaction with one's condition. White color in dreams portends well-being. Therefore, white objects: snow, mountain caps, white clothes portend a prosperous future. It is a good sign to dream of white animals, white flowers, etc.


It has been noticed that before getting sick, a person sees himself naked. If you see your parents sick in a dream, then the person himself will get sick. It is very bad if the deceased kisses, calls for him, leads, or the person himself follows in his footsteps, if he gives him clothes, money and other things, all this portends serious illnesses and even death.


In order to remember dreams well, you should change the headboard daily, i.e. Every 7 days, shift the pillow to the opposite side of the bed. The dream you see does not hurt to report in detail upon awakening to your friend, a loved one, to write down.

It is necessary not to lose heart, not to despair of the most unpleasant dream, but to calmly determine its meaning from the dream book and take measures so that the dream does not come true. They say: the dream told will never come true.

It often happens that a dream has the opposite meaning.

Interpretations of dreams, no matter how many people try to study them, still differ. Although the most important, of course, is that dreams bring certain information to our consciousness. And to ignore it or try to “decipher” it is a purely personal matter for everyone.


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Physiologists see in dreams an indication of the state of mind of their patients and believe that in a dream there is a reassessment of information, facts, fears and stresses received by a person during wakefulness. Therefore, dreams are the result of the activity of memory, circumstances, and imagination. That is why they are different in character and meaning and have so little in common with what is happening in reality.

Dreams have five reasons for their appearance:

1. Random external impressions

2. Own daytime activities

3. Painful condition

4. Revelation from above

5. Premonition of the soul.

Dreams usually correspond to the position in society, mental, psychological development, temperament, moral and physical state of the sleeping person. The dreams of an artist will never dream of a merchant. The poor will not see the dreams of a millionaire. It has been established that dreams are the result of various sensations imprinted in the waking state, depend on the external conditions of the situation, the physical and moral state of the sleeping person.

In sick, overworked people, dreams are more often terrible, heavy and terrible. When one of the organs is overworked, irritated or sick, sleep is restless. Nervous diseases and other ailments bring insomnia, loss of sleep, or vice versa - deep and heavy sleep, hibernation, in some rare cases - lethargy.

When a person falls asleep, his connection with the outside world ceases, objects and phenomena no longer affect him, and only the brain continues its activity. During sleep, the nerves stop transmitting sensations to the brain. And then the dreams come.

Real impressions, fantasies, fabulousness of childhood - all this then returns in night signs, according to which one can assume life in the future. All this, of course, is both serious and frivolous. It all depends on the person who believes in it or not. However, dream books occupy a certain place in the history of culture of any country in the world.

Therefore, in explaining the meaning of sleep, it is quite possible to follow what is defined and explained in the books by wise ancestors. Also, it makes no sense to believe in some special meaning of sleep, not paying attention to the possible causes and circumstances that can cause a dream: but it is also impossible to refute the fact that some dreams have an important prophetic meaning. If a person had a vivid dream that was mentally, physically healthy and not connected with the events of his everyday life, then such a dream can be considered very important and close attention should be paid to it.

There are quite a few facts in the history of many countries and times where dreams were harbingers of significant events, showing that dreams are of no small importance. However, prophetic or prophetic dreams are not characteristic of many and happen quite rarely, which is why you should not attach importance to any dream. But we must not neglect the mysterious work of our mental faculties during sleep, as information can be very useful.



The ancient sages saw an omen of honors in fragrant plants, lions, celestial phenomena (starlight, bright sun, etc.)

The sun, moon and stars seen in a dream are a sign of your future high position.


Treachery and Betrayal

These dreams are like movies - nightmares. The bite of an animal, a snake, in a word, everything that causes pain and suffering. Unpleasant sensations in a dream are a sign that there will be betrayal or betrayal. Therefore, predatory, poisonous animals, intoxicating plants portend deceit. The size and color of the animal, the degree of pain caused by it indicates the amount of evil to be feared.



More often and more fully, our soul feels and portends troubles and grief. The black color symbolizes misfortune, grief, mourning, the death of everything that moves and breathes. Black is associated with darkness and earth, and is the true emblem of everything hidden, secret and unknown. In many nations, blackness is associated with night, and night with evil and deceit. At night, human life is at greater risk. Therefore, to see in a dream a man in a black dress, black objects - portends trouble. Friends and loved ones in black portend trouble or illness in these people. A black dog, a black horse also show grief that will happen to you or a friend, given the other circumstances of the dream. A black raven, a black rabbit, a black rat, a mouse, a black cat, all kinds of gnawing and burrowing animals portend the enemy.



Dreams, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, were messengers from heaven and carried news of the future to man. Ancient soothsayers considered plants, animals and natural phenomena to be signs of receiving news, such as: yarrow, walnut tree, forget-me-nots, a flying bird, a galloping horse, a playing fish, a rushing cloud, a flowing river, a rough sea, a moving train. In a word, everything that means movement, only not falling.

Very great importance has always been attached in dreams to the words of people who have already died. It is said that everything that the dead say in their sleep is true. They are the ambassadors of the future. And the way in which you dreamed of dead parents, close relatives, friends, depends on what kind of news you will receive.



Everything that is connected in our minds with the concept of obstacles, confusion, captiousness, obsession is a symbol of various difficulties that await you in the future. Judges, lawyers, officials, ivy, vines, clinging plants, spiders, crayfish, flies, leeches, mosquitoes, etc.


Dream interpreters see the meaning of money in dreams in which the sleeper saw that he was eating an egg. The egg symbolizes the beginning of life, therefore, eating eggs in a dream portends a change in life, and it inevitably appears when you receive wealth. Also, if the sleeping person dreamed that he got dirty in the dirt, in feces, then in reality he would have profit, inheritance and winnings. Money, wealth, seen in a dream, is nothing more than an empty product of a person’s dream.


Happiness can be called satisfaction with one's condition. White color in dreams portends well-being. Therefore, white objects: snow, mountain caps, white clothes portend a prosperous future. It is a good sign to dream of white animals, white flowers, etc.


It has been noticed that before getting sick, a person sees himself naked. If you see your parents sick in a dream, then the person himself will get sick. It is very bad if the deceased kisses, calls for him, leads, or the person himself follows in his footsteps, if he gives him clothes, money and other things, all this portends serious illnesses and even death.


In order to remember dreams well, you should change the headboard daily, i.e. Every 7 days, shift the pillow to the opposite side of the bed. The dream you see does not hurt to report in detail upon awakening to your friend, a loved one, to write down.

It is necessary not to lose heart, not to despair of the most unpleasant dream, but to calmly determine its meaning from the dream book and take measures so that the dream does not come true. They say: the dream told will never come true.

It often happens that a dream has the opposite meaning.

Interpretations of dreams, no matter how many people try to study them, still differ. Although the most important, of course, is that dreams bring certain information to our consciousness. And to ignore it or try to “decipher” it is a purely personal matter for everyone.


Center "AKVILON" - it's interesting to study with us!

Interpretation of dreams: what dreams portend illness?

A prophetic dream can be a dream for each of us. Dreams can give answers to exciting questions and tell us the right ways to solve vital problems. Many psychics claim that dreams can warn of the approach of the disease.

This is how our body works: when it fails, it signals us about it. These signals may manifest as symptoms, emotional state, or external changes. But, alas, we rarely pay attention to all this. And in dreams, in another reality, we are more receptive to what is happening around. That is why our subconscious does not lose hope and warns us of an approaching illness right in a dream. There are a number of dreams that you should pay special attention to, as they are direct messengers of a particular disease.

If you often have dreams of being chased, being chased, falling from great heights, feeling fearful and often waking up from such nightmares in a cold sweat, you may have heart problems.

Colds, flu and other infectious diseases can also be expressed in dreams. Usually our subconscious sends us a signal three to four days before the onset of the disease. If in a dream you see yourself naked, or burning on fire, then you should pay special attention to your well-being. Colds, acute respiratory infections, SARS and flu can also portend dreams in which you swim in a pond, feel thirsty, drink a lot of water or walk in uncomfortable clothes.

Hypertension is foreshadowed by disturbing dreams, in which there are natural disasters, falls into a pit, collapses of houses, war, or unpleasant harsh sounds.

Diseases of the stomach and intestines are accompanied by fights in dreams. Also, with these ailments in a dream, there is bitterness in the mouth or a taste of blood. Dreams in which spoiled foods appear, especially fish, meat, fruits and vegetables, speak of a violation of the digestive system.

Signs of an impending depression can be labyrinths, tunnels, forest thickets from which you cannot get out. Also, a sign of depression can be dreams in which you came to a familiar place, and suddenly everything around you began to change rapidly.

Lung diseases are manifested especially brightly outside. If you dream that you are being strangled or buried in earth, then you should pay special attention to the health of your lungs.

The harbingers of neurosis can be dreams in which you are trying to overcome obstacles, but nothing comes of it. For example, you missed your train, couldn't jump over a pit, or couldn't climb a ladder. All such situations in dreams are signs of an unbalanced emotional state.

Dreams can also indicate recovery. If you see the bright Sun, a lot of light, clear water, win the fight, see cheerful children, flowers and other people's funerals, then you will get better soon.

If you are serious about interpreting dreams indicating illness, then you should pay attention to recurring dreams. If you see dreams almost every night that are similar to each other, then you need to take this fact with extreme caution. Probably, your subconscious in this way reminds you that it's time to take care of your well-being.

The correct interpretation of dreams will help you learn about the impending illness and take the necessary measures in time to prevent the onset of the disease.

People suffering chronic diseases, it is recommended to be more attentive to your night dreams. Having deciphered the dream, they can timely learn about the exacerbation of the disease or the improvement of their health. Learned something new from this article? Then click on the buttons and

Prophetic dreams, what are they? What do they portend? When and who dream?

Your yesterday's dream, which today became a reality, is called prophetic. What are these dreams? When do they dream? What are prophetic dreams trying to tell us? Let's try to find answers to all these and other most common questions.

What are prophetic dreams and should they be trusted?

Dreams seen at night, and a little later that occurred in reality, are usually called prophetic. No one can say whether today's dream was prophetic or not. Basically, what you dream about is a recreation of the experiences and emotions that you experienced during the day. Prophetic dreams are not dreamed by every person. Usually people with a hereditary gift of divination have this ability. After all, such nightly knowledge tells about what should happen in the future. You should not be afraid of them, but you need to learn how to interpret them correctly. Most often, a direct meaning is hidden in them, and if you decipher it correctly, then it is quite possible to control your destiny. Prophetic dreams show both good and bad events to the chosen person. They become a kind of warning, so a person may well prepare for a positive or negative “blow of fate”.

Prophetic dreams, what are they?

Conventionally, all prophetic dreams can be divided into two broad categories:

  1. Symbolic. They are also called dreams-omens, these are visions that convey future events through certain symbols that must be correctly interpreted. Indirect symbolism is solved with the help of dream books. This book will help interpret the clues in the dream, but whether the dream was prophetic, you will find out over time.
  2. Literal. Dreams of knowledge and divination should be included in this category. The dreamed events in such visions do not need to be deciphered, they have a direct meaning and after a certain time they occur in real life, repeating the events of the dream.

There are also empty or bodily dreams. They never come true, but simply reflect subconscious emotions.

How to find out that the dream was prophetic?

Prophetic dreams are dreamed in a special way, and upon waking up, anyone, even an inveterate pessimist in this regard, will believe in the events they have seen. If you believe mythology and religion, then most often prophetic dreams have the following types:

  • dreams in which ghosts, angels, deceased relatives come;
  • predicting fate, the birth of a baby or death;
  • global predictions (flood, earthquake).

The following criteria are typical for such night visions:

  1. Feel. A person feels a genuine thrill, a higher illumination. Everything is so true that when he wakes up, he is sure that everything he sees will happen in reality.
  2. Clarity of action. If we talk about bodily dreams, then they are characterized by random plot changes, unnaturalness and unreality of what is happening. Prophetic dreams have a clear realistic plot that a person lives as if in reality.
  3. Harbingers. If, after waking up, a person refuses to believe in what he sees or simply forgets about what he saw, then over time he stumbles upon objects, things, situations that “resurrect” frames from a dream in memory.

When can prophetic dreams occur?

It is worth paying attention to what you will see on the night from Thursday to Friday. Suitable days of big Christian holidays are also considered favorable for prophecy, special attention is paid to Christmas time. In addition, all people have special days on which they see an unusual dream. This may be the day of the angel or another significant date.

Before significant changes in fate, people have prophetic dreams on the most ordinary days.

When and what kind of dreams do you dream? Suitable days of the week

Depending on what phase the moon is in, a vision is projected. Astrologers have developed a calendar that shows the probability of a night prediction depending on the day of the week.

Also, the desired dream can be provoked. As read in the article: "How to order a dream."

How to interpret prophetic dreams?

The very first assistant, in deciphering what he saw, is the dream book. What is written in it should not be understood literally, since its hints are aimed at analyzing the subconscious, and cannot explain what they see to the smallest detail. This is due to the fact that people dream of the same event, object, action in different ways, respectively, and it should be interpreted in the same way.

In addition to what you see, listen to yourself, your feelings, intuition. If, after a bad dream, you woke up joyful in high spirits, then the negative you saw is just some difficulties before a good event. For example, such as women's happiness. More about it in the article: “Women's happiness, what does it consist of? Or to each his own?

Prophetic night knowledge about the death of loved ones, a terrible accident, a terrible event is not yet a sentence. Perhaps the “reason from above” warns you and a delayed trip in time will actually save your life. For example, if you dreamed of a divorce, then do not dwell on what you saw, as thoughts tend to materialize. Just pay attention to family relationships. Learn about the common reasons for divorce from the article: "The reasons for divorce, what are they and is it possible to save a family?". It is possible that in your family there is just a relationship crisis that you should pay attention to.

In conclusion, we will give answers to the most common questions

Consider the most common questions that are asked most often:

  1. What to do in order to dream prophetic dream?

Initially, you need to choose the most suitable day. After reading the plot. We offer two options for conspiracies:

Read the plot before you go to bed. There is no need to use all kinds of magical attributes of a candle, a mirror, because by such actions you will subconsciously launch a program associated with mysticism, and not with prophecy. About the consequences of the use of mirrors, read the article: "Why you can not look in the mirror at night."

If you are sure that this vision was a prediction, but for some reason you don’t remember it, then the events are not destined to come true. Only what a person remembers comes true.

  1. What to do to make the dream come true?

You should not tell anyone what you saw at night for three days. To be completely sure, hide what you see before its execution.

  1. What to do so that the dream does not come true?
  • look out the window and say: “Where the night is, there is a dream”;
  • look at the flame, it can be a candle, a match, a lighter;
  • tell what you saw before 12 o'clock to whom you can (the more people hear it, the better);
  • Hang a dream catcher over your bed. It keeps only positive visions, drives away negative ones, and it doesn’t matter if you see prophetic dreams or quite ordinary bodily dreams.

Why do dreams portend

Various disorders (pain, temperature, malaise) have a strong effect on sleep, and prolonged sexual abstinence has a similar effect.

In astrology, dreams that fall on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th, 28th lunar day are considered prophetic. We dream of meaningless dreams on the 2nd, 9th, 13th lunar day. In the first days after the full moon, all prophetic dreams are long-term. On other days, dreams are considered half-empty, except for revelation dreams, which occur on any day.

What dreams portend

Everyone heard about the dreams that foreshadowed the greats of this world of defeat and victory. But everyone sees prophetic dreams: you just need to learn how to translate from the "dream" language into the usual one.

If at night for some reason you paid attention to your costume or its detail, this is also not without reason. A mess in dreamed clothes can portend real reputation problems, a beautiful suit will let you know that your self-esteem is at the right height, and buying a new dress will warn that important changes are coming.

“I dream that I am going somewhere, I have a hat in my hands, and I collect coins in it. Everything would be fine, and the hat is full to the brim, but the money is somehow small, undignified,” one person shared his dream in a difficult period for him.

Popular wisdom says: happiness is not in money, but in their quantity. This statement is quite applicable to dreams: if in the arms of Morpheus you happened to get a good profit that pleased you, then in daytime affairs you have taken the right course and have every chance of success. The rest is up to you; if you manage to realize your potential - well, but if you miss everything - it's your own fault.

It is possible that some important secret of life is encrypted in these paradoxes, by unraveling which we will receive the keys to a parallel reality.

Everything that we see in a dream belongs to the subtle, astral world, which stores information left by the consciousness of people, both living and gone to another world. Through the ocean of unimaginably small particles surrounding us, containing information about everything, we receive signals from the Direct of Time, Ouspensky claims.

The gift of predicting through dreams

For a long time, scientists have been trying to understand the nature of dreams. There are various hypotheses about this. Most experts believe that dreams are a reflection of past events. Other researchers suggest that sleep is a prediction of the future. And some associate night visions with the human subconscious.

Unfortunately, few people know how to interpret dreams. This task is quite difficult, and is possible only if the basic details of night vision are memorized. However, it is quite possible to learn this. By visiting our Center, you can get specific information on how to correctly interpret dreams. Also, with the help of a traditional healer, you can get rid of many problems that interfere with normal life: damage, the evil eye, a curse, a crown of celibacy and others.

dream predictions

How often do people dream predictions? According to many esotericists and psychics, quite often. Some people just don't listen to their dreams. And if you turn to the dream book, then even the most unusual dream will always have its own explanation. As a rule, the oddities that we see in a dream seem completely natural to us. But when we wake up, we are surprised and begin to wonder what such a dream could mean.

Why do you dream about the future? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. A prophetic dream can occur without any reason, and present a plot from the future, to which, perhaps, a person will not attach any importance. In some cases, a prediction can show some important moment in life, suggesting what decision to make or avoid undesirable consequences.

The essence of the mechanism by which people have prophetic dreams remains a mystery. But the fact that such dreams are really real and very often help a person make the right decision in difficult situation- it is a fact. Therefore, it makes sense to be attentive to your night visions. It is likely that this is one of the ways to change your life for the better.

prophetic dreams

Unraveling dreams is a kind of intuitive forecast that does not require the gift of clairvoyance. It can be done by all who dream. A prophecy in a dream is a vivid picture that is different from other dreams and is not forgotten immediately after a person wakes up.

In order to determine what awaits a person in the future, it is not necessary to decipher the meaning of each dream object. It is only necessary to determine which category night visions can be attributed to. The most common prophetic dreams are:

The beginning of a new life stage is foreshadowed by dreams of death.

A person who had a dream associated with birth may soon surprise himself and those around him.

Erotic and sexual dreams are harbingers of apathy. Such a person needs rest.

A dream in which deception is present indicates that an unpleasant situation will soon happen in which a person did not want to believe and turned a blind eye to it.

Finding in a dream portends some kind of acquisition. It doesn't have to be something material. Maybe it's about friendship or love.

A vision in which a person feels like a bonded person suggests that he will soon get rid of some unpleasant burden.

If you dream of successfully passing an exam, then this is interpreted in such a way that in real life a person is deprived of recognition, he wants to return to the past, where he felt needed and in demand.

Among the many types of damage, sleep damage is one of the most painful for the victim. A person who is directed to negative energy of this kind suffers from insomnia or constantly has nightmares. As a result, he feels depressed and tired all the next day.

To remove such damage, you will need the help of a good psychic. Moreover, before contacting him, it is advisable to communicate with those whom he has already helped in similar situations, or read their reviews on the site.

Time of prophetic dreams

The question of why prophetic dreams are dreamed has not yet been fully explored. However, such dreams can be roughly divided into three groups. The first can be attributed to dreams associated with everyday worries and problems. A person who in reality cannot solve a question for a long time suddenly sees the answer clearly and clearly in his dream. For example, an artist can see his future picture, a poet can see a suitable rhyme for an unfinished poem, and an engineer will get a finished idea that could not have come to his head during the day.

The explanation for such dreams is simple: in the hustle and bustle of the day, the human mind is overloaded and constantly distracted by other issues. However, subconsciously, a person does not stop thinking about the question that concerns him. The brain rests in a dream, but does not stop working completely and by inertia tries to solve such an important task. Complete silence allows that idea to arise that was not born during the day because of the hustle and bustle. And this is not clairvoyance - just the brain, which, as you know, is used by a person only by 10%, gives out such a surprise during sleep.

The second group includes dreams that are prophetic due to the great desire of a person who, having seen good dream trying to bring it to life. For example, a girl dreaming of marriage saw in a dream how her beloved man proposes to her. Believing that a prophetic dream, a girl can push her chosen one to take an important step in her life.

The third group combines dreams associated with clairvoyance. As a rule, they can be dreamed of by a person who has a subtle emotional sphere. People with such abilities have different explanations for such a gift. Some claim the ability to travel between the future and the past. Others claim that dead relatives help them see the future. Still others use various conspiracies in order to see a prophetic dream.

Many people have the gift of clairvoyance. To develop it and learn how to use it correctly, you need the help of a good specialist. Other interesting information can be found by watching the video on our website.

How to see the future in a dream

Dreams help a lot of people to understand some important life issues. The future, which is unknown to each of us, can open its doors to a sleeping person. To do this, before going to bed, think about those events that the last days are the most important. The most important question you want answered must be clearly articulated and asked to yourself.

Lying in bed, you need to relax and try to forget about all the problems. Breathing should be calm and deep. Imagine that with each subsequent exhalation, tension is released from the entire body, starting from the heels and ending with the head. You should feel a pleasant warmth in your body.

Since the occurrence of dreams occurs in the region of the base of the back of the head, then you need to switch your attention there. Remembering your question, which needs to be answered, you should focus for a few seconds on the sensations that are associated with the problem. Before going to bed, you need to mentally repeat the words: “Soon I will fall asleep, and I will figure out how to solve my problem.” This is how you can program a prophetic dream.

Many people believe that dreams play a very important role in human life. But you should not be upset if you had a bad dream. Remember that it can only be a warning. Think about what possible troubles may be associated with, and try to protect yourself from them. In addition, it is not at all necessary that the event that you saw in a dream will necessarily come true. Therefore, be optimistic and let you dream only pleasant dreams!


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Prophetic dreams. When and to whom they dream, where they come from!

Dreams are called prophetic, in which a person manages to see a situation that, after some time, happens to him in real life. How to treat such dreams? Which of the dreams is considered really prophetic? How to react to what you see in a dream? We can answer these and a number of other questions by analyzing several varieties of dreams that broadcast future events and understanding the nature of their origin.

The desire to “know what will happen” has been characteristic of man since antiquity. In the times of paganism, in the period of early civilizations, in the Middle Ages, people turned to dream books, priests or seers in order to extract from what they saw in a dream a “guide to action” in the future.

Is this a prophetic dream? No, this is a coincidence that a person himself programs, consciously creates a situation in which the actualization of the meanings of the symbols seen in a dream takes place.

The origin of prophetic dreams

A real prophetic dream is an extremely rare, exceptional phenomenon. We include in this category such dreams, the events seen in which for certain occur with a person! Much more often we see the so-called "prophetic dreams", artificially created by ourselves. That is, we adjust what we saw in a dream to real situations, and if this coincides (note - it coincides) with what actually happened, we classify our dream as prophetic.

In fact, prophetic dreams are the lot of the chosen people, who are distinguished by one common quality - complete dedication to their work. When their whole life is entirely devoted to one thing, their brain develops certain skills of action in a particular area, a certain obsession appears in the work of thought in the good sense of the word.

For the poet, the rest of the day that took place, the brain, by its inertia, puts it into a logical form, rhyming it (Pushkin); the composer - giving melody (Schumann); the artist - creating the splendor of the picture (Raphael). And these are real facts, all these people “saw” a part (only a small part!) of their works in a dream, and when they woke up, they put it on paper.

The most discussed in the literature is the dream of Abraham Lincoln. The President dreamed of the White House, a coffin standing under a white cover, and an appeal to the guard, from which Lincoln learned that they were burying the President, who was killed in the theater. 10 days later there was a terrorist attack in the theater, as a result of which the United States really lost its President.

What is the case with the famous periodic table of chemical elements! The scientist worked for a long time on the classification of elements, but could not finally come to the creation of a coherent system, although he saw the relationship between them. And then one day, after much thought, he stayed asleep in his office. Waking up, he was overwhelmed with delight from what he saw in a dream, and immediately began to copy his dream onto paper. The table has been built.

In these cases, there are "prophetic dreams" of ideal origin, where it is obvious that a person has talent, giftedness, constant subordination of oneself to the cause, and necessarily the absence of dilution. This is unique, both in relation to our history, and to the lives of the people themselves with whom all this happened.

Why do you have prophetic dreams?

In the context of prophetic dreams deserve special attention arguments of John William Dunn. The pilot-aviation engineer constantly had dreams that foreshadowed events in his family. Later, dreams appeared that affected the fate of a large number of people.

The previously discussed types of dreams indicate that dreams can be ignored, real events can be modeled for them, and it is possible to realize creative ideas in them.

Do not forget that human life is not programmed. This is not some chain of inertially flowing events. Therefore, dreams describing the events of the future should not be taken as anything other than a "sentence". A dream can become a signal of the need to prepare for circumstances and the possibility of correcting the situation and preventing its undesirable outcome.

When you can dream about the future

Prophetic dreams are rare and on certain days (except for visions), which should be taken into account so as not to rack your brains over unraveling symbols that are not destined to be fulfilled. By Slavic mythology a few days a year a portal opens, using which you can order a prophetic dream:

on the night from Thursday to Friday;

before major Orthodox holidays.

Prophetic dreams are most likely during Holy Week, starting from January 7 (Christmas) and until January 19 (Baptism): the deceased who came in a dream tell us our future fate.

In the holy week, people are also lured by evil spirits. According to Maria Semyonovna, at this time she is expanse: Jesus has already been born, but has not yet been baptized. Therefore, evil spirits take an active part in fortune-telling at Christmas time: they tell the truth, but they will take their fee for this, since they do nothing for free. Healers urge everyone who guesses at Christmas time to repent.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday always predict fate. Friday is considered a special day: on Good Friday, Jesus Christ was crucified. It is believed that important things cannot be started on Friday, so that they do not turn into failure.

Dreams that occurred on “temporary Fridays” are filled with special meaning and accuracy of prediction, they are also called Great or nominal.

Great (nominal) Fridays:

1st - the first week of Great Lent.

3rd - on the eve of Palm Week.

4th - on the eve of the Ascension.

5th - on the eve of the Trinity.

“Whoever fasts on the first Friday will get rid of unexpected death.”

other days of the week.

On the night from Sunday to Monday, you can make a dream. Expect both prophetic and empty dreams.

From Monday to Tuesday - dreams are empty (bodily).

From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams can come true.

From Wednesday to Thursday - empty (bodily) dreams.

From Thursday to Friday - dreams come true (up to three years).

From Friday to Saturday - bodily dreams are dreamed.

From Saturday to Sunday - a dream can come true before lunch.

Daytime sleep is usually empty (except for dreams) if it reflects the past.

Evening or night sleep can often be empty: the soul barely begins to move away from the body, and bodily images are replaced by prophetic ones. Such a dream is especially difficult to parse.

Morning sleep is the most faithful. The soul has moved far enough away from the body, having forgotten the worries of the day, and can see the phenomena of the other world.

However, few people remember that in order to see a dream predicting the future, it is necessary to remove during the procedure pectoral cross protecting a person from the influence of otherworldly forces.

It turns out that prophetic dreams do not come from God.

The appearance of such dreams is facilitated by certain days of the lunar calendar, which greatly increase the possibility of their occurrence.

Dreams that cannot be prophetic!

Dreams on an empty or full stomach. Those who are hungry may dream of food, while those who are hungry may have bad dreams. Therefore, the probability of prophetic dreams increases approximately 2 hours after eating.

Dreams under the influence of sleeping pills, alcohol or drugs. Tobacco smoking is acceptable only if it is difficult to fall asleep without it.

In acute somatic disorders: high fever, headache or pain in different parts of the body.

With prolonged sexual abstinence. The content of such dreams often comes from natural needs.

Poorly affect the quality of sleep: cold, heat, stuffiness, pungent odors and sounds, electric light.

A simple conclusion - only healthy dreams can be prophetic.

To remember the dream.

Only those dreams that you remember are destined to come true. There are ancient ways to make this difficult task easier:

put a stone under your head,

in the morning, waking up, bite the corner of the pillow,

waking up, do not look at the fire and out the window,

sleep on your right side, but not prone (on your stomach).

For the dream to come true.

Do not tell a prophetic dream to anyone for 3 days, but rather hide it altogether.

Forget it quickly. For this:

hold your head,

look at the living flame of a candle, match, lighter, or through a window,

knock on the window three times,

if you wake up in the middle of the night from bad dreams: turn the pillow over, turn the pillowcase and linen inside out. If you want to dream of a person you saw in a dream, quickly turn the pillow over,

tell a bad dream before noon to a lot of people,

hold hands on iron or wood and say:

“Where the night is, there is sleep. How does a cut down tree on a stump not become, so that a dream on truth does not become so, ”

opening a tap with cold water, say: “Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows”,

after opening the front door, put your left foot over the threshold and order the bad dream to go away.

referring to the smoke of a cigarette, a fire, say: "Where the smoke is, there is a dream,"

start the morning with the words: "Rise a good dream, crack a bad dream,"

tell your dream to the stone. From ancient times, it was accepted to transfer danger to a stone: it was placed in front of the house so that an evil look “hit” on it, so that diseases would remain on it and not enter the house.

When referring to misfortune or illness, knock on a stone and say: "The stone hit." In ancient conspiracies, diseases and all evil spirits were cast out on a stone (water or mountain). After a funeral or meeting with a funeral procession, you need to touch the stone so that death passes to it.

Craft a Dream Catcher, Ancient One strong amulet. The trap will keep good dreams, and neutralize bad ones.

We control fate, contrary to the forecasts received.

Dreams provide an opportunity to look into the future: to see events close (tomorrow, in a week) and distant (in a year, ten years). These events may concern the dreamer personally or people close to him.

Trying to interpret his dreams, a person enters into a dialogue with higher powers and increasingly sees prophetic dreams that provoke corresponding actions and emotions.

If dreams are interpreted incorrectly, then fate may go the wrong way. Therefore, from time immemorial, the interpretation of dreams has been compared with great art and science, and attributed to secret knowledge.

Dream Interpretations, in the old days, were compiled with understanding and only dedicated people used them. Nowadays, book shelves are littered with dream books, and the Internet will helpfully “interpret” any dream. As a result, dreams are interpreted illiterately, and a person walks confused, not suspecting that the interpretation of dreams is mostly taken from the ceiling.

You cannot unconditionally take on faith the interpretation of sleep proposed in the dream books!

Whatever the prophetic dream is, it is just a prediction, a warning, one of the options for your fate, which you have the right to create yourself: make a good dream come true, delete a bad dream from your mind.

Knowledge of upcoming events is not given just like that, for free. Everything has its price, sometimes quite expensive. Torment to see danger, death, destruction without the possibility of changing anything, violates the mental state of a person, irrevocably destroys his health. So is it worth striving to see the future?

Dreams of death. What do they portend, why do they dream

“My husband had a dream about his grandfather, who died a year ago. The husband asked him: when will we all die? Grandfather replied that my husband - in 2 years, not by his own death, they would kill him ... "

“... I dreamed of my death, the cause of death, I fell ill with what I dreamed, I know that this is the end. I'm terrified and scared…”

Many of us see dreams with scenes of death, death, murder. Such dreams, as a rule, cause confusion of feelings, fear and a desire to find an answer: what they mean and why they dreamed.

Very rarely, a dream of death is prophetic (unless you yourself foresee your death). Such a dream most often speaks of symbolic death: one phase of life has ended, begins new stage.

Death is not only the end point of our existence, any of us lives through symbolic death many times without noticing it. For example, on the physical plane, our skin is constantly renewed: epidermal cells die, giving way to new ones.

A similar renewal occurs at the mental level: attitudes, habits, attachments change. Each stage of growing up and transformation of our personality is comparable to a small death of some quality or property, which makes it possible to be born new.

Thus, dreams of death should not be taken with panic and anxiety. Turn to the analysis of your life, and you will definitely find out what exactly dies (changes) in you.

Trust or not modern dream books

Starting to collect material for this article, I asked my own son a question: “Why do you dream of death?” To which, with a confident air (apparently he had such dreams), he gave out information that surprised me: if you dream of your own death - to health, and if loved ones - to betrayal. That's so clear. In response, I decided to explore the dream books and this is what I found:

Dreaming of someone's death - a curse will be placed on your loved ones.

Your imminent death in a dream - to a long life.

The dead man lies in a coffin - a slight malaise.

To see the death of a living person is to chagrin.

The death of a long dead - death loved one.

Own funeral - to the disease.

Death, seen by a lonely person, promises a prosperous family union.

My opinion: do not trust such unambiguous interpretations. Always relate your dream to your life, look for answers in your present and past. Hope this article helps you.

Types of symbolic death

As mentioned above, each of us constantly experiences symbolic death throughout our lives.

Sleep is a symbolic death, it gives a person the opportunity to relax, disconnect from the race of everyday life, recharge our energies, thoughts, feelings. Even in ancient times, sleep was compared with death. Homer called her the sister of death. Let's remember fairy tales. The princess comes to life with the words: “Oh, how long I slept!” Nowadays, when we kill dogs or cats, we say "put down."

Dreams about death tell us: we are currently living in a transitional period, freeing ourselves from something. Aspects of our personality (possibly qualities of character) that have lost their value, relevance, die in us. It can also be a refusal to do something that gives us neither satisfaction nor results.

It is very useful and absolutely necessary to relax through meditation and relaxation, you need to be calmer, slower, more leisurely. Dreaming of your own death is a sign of spiritual renewal, it can serve as a hint that it is time to stop, slow down and listen to yourself in order to hear and understand the prompts of our subconscious.

For example, exhalation is a symbolic death. Exhalation without inhalation cannot exist. Activity and passivity are interconnected. Why do we get sick and experience difficulties in life? Because the balance is off. Modern society has replaced passivity, we are constantly called to activity: "come on, do this or that, catch up, overtake, achieve." Man constantly increases activity and decreases passivity.

  • Breaking up when the relationship is over. A dream can serve as a hint that it is time to complete them.

A girl loves a guy who lives in another state, with whom they rarely see each other and there are no prospects for this relationship. Sleep: the girl cries a lot, her mother and friends calm her down. She cries when she learns of the death of her beloved. Next, she takes a gold ring with a diamond and tries to put it on her finger. Mom warns that it will not fit on the finger, but the dreamer calmly puts it on the finger (nameless).

Interpretation: relations with the "foreign" guy will go wrong completely, which means his death in a dream. She put the ring on her finger - the beginning of a new serious relationship.

You experience very deep feelings, maybe a lot of pain, which takes a huge amount of energy. The dream says: “Turn around, look where your energy goes, what are you killing in yourself?”. Perhaps you are killing your healing abilities, something positive, your energy is being wasted. The dream does not indicate a real death, but a spiritual one: a low spiritual worldview must be corrected even during earthly life.

We can see death in a dream if the fear of death is very strong.

If a person has a lot of aggression and anger, he can also have nightmares with scenes of violence. Such dreams draw attention to the side of life that causes aggression and rejection: “what do you hate so much that causes such strong feelings? Look at it, admit it, and things will start to change.”

  • Giving up on yourself (your dreams, goals, etc.)

Last night I dreamed that I was dead. During the funeral, my soul moved into someone else's body. I spent the whole dream looking for a way to return to my body, but I never found it.

Interpretation: the dreamer on some side of her life put an end to it. She decided that it was foreign to her. Perhaps a job, dream or MCH. Another option: loves someone so much that they completely dissolved in him, having lost their "I". The dream says: "You can't give up on yourself."

Sometimes the symbol of death in a dream “marks” aspects of the personality that need to be fished out of non-existence: we consider some character trait to be unworthy or shameful.

If we forget about some important matter or ignore it because of complexity or misunderstanding, it can come in a dream in the form of the dead.

Examples of dreams: the bodies of dead people are scattered on the ice floe, which in their appearance resemble sleeping people; you dig up the dead in your sleep.

Son Elen: I was about to die and my mother prepared everything (food and flowers). Helen tells her: "I don't want to die." The mother objects: "You must, I have everything ready for this." To which the daughter indignantly replies: “I am more expensive than flowers and food!”.

Interpretation: the dream reflects the growing self-awareness of Helen, who lives her entire conscious life under the moral pressure of her mother, who pays attention to the material, and the spiritual world of her daughter (feelings, instincts, intuition) is ruthlessly overwhelming.

In marriage, the situation is the same: Helen's husband is a materialist who does not recognize the feelings and desires of his wife. In daytime life, the dreamer (like the mother) lives “on the machine”, does something out of habit, without giving meaning to her actions.

In a dream, Helen comes to the decision to end her life with reality that does not allow her to express herself as a person, she expresses her willfulness and at the same time understands the motivation of her mother, who is more concerned about her appearance in the eyes of others than in the eyes of her own daughter.

The dream helps Helen to find support in her own intention to get out from under the influence of her mother. Shortly after the dream, she met a guy with whom she built her destiny. Her mother did not approve of her, but Helen was firm in her intentions.

The dream in the girl's life played the role of a catalyst: it showed what needed to be corrected so that life would change for the better. She learned to live according to her own principles, not her mother's, to express her feelings, desires and intentions openly, "awakened" to life.

1. Do not take death in a dream literally, it is a symbol of changes, physical and spiritual.

2. "Free up" space for the new, getting rid of obsolete values, attitudes and norms.

3. Find out what the dreamed person (creature) means to you, find out which area of ​​your inner life needs to be changed.

4. The death of one stage (measurement) of your life always precedes the birth of a new one. Uncertainty (what the new phase will bring) can be scary, but accepting change is essential to moving forward.

5. Death is always a challenge. We need to try to understand: what stereotypes, views and positions have become obsolete and it is time to change them decisively.


Death in dreams often serves as a symbol that the time has come to release some kind of energy, to realize one's powers. Internal growth and development is always scary, because we do not know what will come to replace the "us of the past." Fear of the new and unknown plunges us into panic, which is manifested by a dream about the death of ourselves or people close to us.

Death in a dream is a symbol of the transformation of our personality. If one door closes, another must be opened. But to move forward, you need to remove all obstacles from the road.

The information we reject is not necessarily unpleasant or threatening. It is human nature to resist positive changes that bring joy and pleasure to his life. We stagnate in the usual emotional or spiritual trouble, do not want to change anything because of habit and fear of the unknown.

Dreams of death dream to awaken us, to revive our feelings. A modern person is not sensitive enough in reality, often does not notice the clues sent to him by his subconscious and Higher powers. The dream “hits the head with a hammer” so that the person realizes what is behind it.

The dream of death is a sleep training that shows us our fears and invites us not to run away from them, but to accept and understand them.

Sources: "Look into your dreams" Linda Schepper, Nadezhda Ognenko "Deadly gifts of dreams."

Friends, please accept my congratulations on the New Year 2014 and Merry Christmas!

I wish you that every night the Sleepy Cantata sounds for you - a perfect and complete dream, like a piece of music, carrying a charge of vivacity and predicting well-being for the coming day and all your subsequent life.

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.

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Today I had a dream in which I saw the death of people, how exactly they would die, and rather they died that way. Immediately, I felt that my turn had come, but I didn’t know exactly how this would happen. I sobbed, said goodbye to my family and waited for my imminent death. Then some sorcerer came and said that he had a magic spoon, she would point to dead man, we sat in a circle and she kept pointing at me. I am in a bad mood all day now. I keep thinking about this dream

I see dreams who will die soon

I had a dream about death. My father and I were driving in a car, for some reason Gelendzhik reminded me of a place or something like that. We are driving and father says “Look, the mountain of death” (Looks like a small hill that is filled with trees and is close to the road, so you can safely drive up by car)

And as always, I respond with a joke to death / suicide “Cool, let's drop by (Meaning: Let me die)

Well? What do you think this means? Just a stupid dream? Could it be a sleep disorder? Could my stupid jokes have affected my sleep?

Marina, only you can correctly understand your dream. Analyze impressions and events the day before, read the article and comments on it. I have already explained many times what dreams about death mean.

Once I dreamed of a meadow, and trees in the distance, but I knew for sure that these were apple trees. In the middle of the meadow stood a girl, short, with black long hair She had white skin, big but black eyes. She was wearing a long white shirt. When she looked at me, she smiled sadly. After that, for a week, I dreamed about how she killed me. First it was a knife in the stomach, then a shot in the heart, after which she strangled me. Each time her smile got angrier and she always said “It's all because of you!” . Now I see people who will soon die or have already died. And they seem to enter into me, and I see and feel, I experience the last day or minutes of their death.

A year ago I had a very dream nightmare:I saw how two men in black beat and choked my cousin to death, I heard how terribly he screamed and then fell silent and then I realized that he was dead. I woke up, it was 4 in the morning, all in a cold sweat. and my brother was actually beaten and then strangled to death. God, how can you do that?! On that day, before they told me that he was no more, I was sitting on the sofa in the room alone, watching TV and at one moment I felt something strange near me, I shuddered with fear and then they called me and said that he was no more. The kingdom of heaven is yours, dear. We love you.

Good afternoon! Help me please. I had a dream that I was talking with my brother, and he just told me that I would die in 1 year in May. From a stomach disease .. Panically afraid of this dream. Help.

Hello. I dreamed that I would die at 44. It was not a relative who said this, perhaps not even a person. Perhaps I saw it on paper. I know for sure it's not close. I am very worried and bad thoughts come into my head. You wrote, they say: Very rarely, the dream of death is prophetic (unless you yourself have a premonition of your death). How to understand premonition? Because of fear, it is there anyway. And if not, how can you tell?

Hello Elena, I dreamed that I had two teeth loose, which I recently cured, one tooth hung on the meat, and I bit off this meat and the tooth fell on my hand, and the second tooth hung.

The next dream, as my classmate and I walked near the store a little further from the house, we go and she says that we are running behind a black car, I ran away with her to the porch of this store and I see that she is not inside, I looked back at the car, and it turned out to be red colors and it had a print of the oker seeds trademark and I woke up

dream. I died. I was buried in a grave. made a grave mound. my soul sat down on a mound and sits. time passes in complete solitude. the next day, 2 familiar witches come. stand for a long time. they don't see me. for a long time they look at the cross on the grave with the inscription of my name and surname. disappear somewhere. fit 3 angels. and I, in their company, begin to climb up the mountain along the road with my feet. The road is not steep but long enough. suddenly the devil is standing in front of us on this road with his back to us. I understand that I have to fight. I think, do the angels have the right to help me.? the angels took out their swords and we began to fight. won. but returned tired to the grave

Today, on the night of Thursday to Friday, I had a dream that the ghost of some woman (feels like a nun) tells me that my daughter will die when she is 10 years old. I am very afraid of this, please tell me what it means.

Hello! Today I had a dream about how I was sitting on the couch in my parents' house (where I don't live anymore) and talking to a psychic, she told me: “Your mom will die in 2 months”, I went to my mom and told about it and told her what I needed then to prevent this from happening, at that moment she was with my dad, who died two years ago. What could it mean? Help me please!

I dreamed that I came to a girl who was sick, paralyzed, in wedding dress and predicted the future, there was an icon next to it. I went and put money in. She told me that everything would be fine with me, but I would die at a young age, I asked for this because of work, maybe I should leave, she doesn’t. I don't remember further.

In a dream, I really wanted to help this girl, I was very impressed.

I had a dream, an otherworldly power, as if 7 eyes were missing on the ceiling and I had to put it, I put it in place, but I wanted to shift it more beautifully, and when I took it everything shook and the voice from there said HE WILL DIE, I say don’t take it! And he answered HIM ALREADY IT'S TIME! THIS IS ABOUT MY HUSBAND HE SAID!

Hello, please help! My cousin today, February 15, in the morning I clearly saw a dream. My mother (her aunt) rang the doorbell to her sister, she opened, my mother stood with a bottle of red wine, calm and said that I (her daughter) and my husband. (scary to write the word) in a plane crash. My sister asked, where is L. (our daughter)? My mother replied that she closed herself in the country. My sister went to the dacha, started knocking on the door, but they didn't open it. My sister woke up in a cold sweat. called me and told me a dream!

Marga, if a dream warns of misfortune, it must necessarily be repeated (with a similar plot) or information will come from other sources (the words of people around, information from TV shows or the Internet). You can turn to the Higher Forces before going to bed with a request to send an answer through a dream.

I dreamed of a room in which a psychic was sitting and telling something to my wife and her sister, I don’t remember, I was sitting on a chair behind and was silent At the end, he got up, came up to me and said AND HE ALREADY HAVE A TICKET TO DEATH AND HE KNOWS ABOUT THIS wife right away she cried and I was sitting I couldn’t even say anything, then he left and the dream ended and I can’t leave all day

Alexey, dreams are often a reflection of momentary impressions. We watched a movie or heard something similar from TV, for example. If the dream is significant and through it they want to warn you about troubles, then it will definitely happen again. Or hints will come from other sources (info from the Internet, the words of people, etc.).

Hello Elena. I had a dream that a fortune teller, which I often dream about, says, Everything will be fine in life for my daughter, but your son will die at 4 years old at 7 in the morning. The fact is that there is no son yet. The fear is that if I decide more child, what do these words of a fortune teller mean in a dream? Does this mean that an important event will happen to him at 4 years old? Thank you in advance for your answer.

Natalya, a dream may seem to be just you, and not an unborn son. A child in a dream is everything growing and developing in ourselves, in our personalities. I would interpret your dream like this: something important will happen to you in 4 years.

My friend had a dream about how I come from another country to visit her (I now live in a foreign country), she tells me that my grandmother called her, to which I answer her that she died in the spring. It's winter now, I'll come to my homeland in the summer, and my grandmother got sick, but not too hard .. Believe the dream? My friend often has true dreams, but I'm not sure whether to believe it

Anna, if a friend sees true dreams, what can I say ... Pray for the health of your grandmother, order a magpie for health, take part in fate, help with money, if possible, so that the grandmother goes to the examination. Everything is within our power if help is provided in a timely manner.

Help, please, calm down after terrible dreams. The first dream was about 7 years ago (it was a very difficult emotional period in my life). My husband’s late grandmother had a dream and said that I wouldn’t worry so much that I would die at 51. And the second dream was in 2016. I dreamed of a dead neighbor. She called me on the phone, asked how old I was, and I said that I was 52. Then in a dream, my daughter and I were running away from some executioners, they caught us, but the neighbor said that not everything was decided yet. I am now 38 years old. These bad thoughts come up all the time. I am very worried.

Elena, the dead in a dream can warn of forgotten deeds that will remind you of themselves. Perhaps important changes in your life will be associated with the period of the year (change of work, place of residence, environment, rethinking of values, rejection of old habits, etc.). The article details.

The executioners from whom you run away are your fears, worries about something.

Good afternoon! I also had such a situation. When I was 21, I dreamed of a fortune teller and guessed that I would die at 27. I was very worried. I think we need to move away from virtuality. Live in real life. Everything is gone. I tried not to think about it. I am now 30 years old.

Hello! I dreamed the following today: I woke up (in a dream) and went to the kitchen to help my mother. I stand and put the towels in the locker and then my mother says to me: “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t .. In general, you died 9 days ago ..” I don’t remember how I reacted because the situation was immediately different. We are sitting in the kitchen with my mother in the evening, she is crying that her father has left her, she cannot work, what to do now .. I sob and yell “I could study and work, mom !! I don't want to die! ", and mom is so calm:" then it's time for you, "I keep screaming:" at 18, mom. ", and she says to me:" well, what will you do if you come to me, sit under the window .. "and I woke up .. Why such a dream? Very bad aftertaste.

Maria, a dream that it's time to grow up and take on responsibilities. Reflects a transitional period in life.

I dreamed weird dream. And although I don’t really believe in dreams, the dream was imprinted. Content: In a dream, I made a will, I even remember the cadastral number 1692RK. At the same time, the rosary realized that I was supposed to be buried alive, whether it was some kind of group, or a sect, I saw the coffin prepared for me from the outside, it was upholstered in dark blue cloth. The thought of fire in the coffin flashed through my mind, from lack of oxygen, I asked mother to give me an injection of sleeping pills before they bury me. Then suddenly the thought pierced that she had to fight for her life to realize her dream of taking children from orphanage, I ran out of the apartment to the street, ran across the road between the buses in which people got together, then crossed the alley with planted trees, my legs were slightly bogged down in snow-white snowdrifts sparkling from the clear sun, the sky was clear blue, then I see myself at the bus stop and think, why is this apartment mine, I have never lived in it, although this is for the best, I will ask my mother to sell it and I will have the means to live with the children, somewhere in the village. This ended the dream, but there was some residue of fear left. Why would this dream. I have been married to my husband for 25 years, the children are adults, my mother lives 4000 kilometers from us.

Hello, Elena! Thank you very much for the article and explanation options. For the first time in my life (I'm 28) I dreamed of something similar, but no dead relatives, but somehow differently.

As if some entity, spirit (subconscious?) makes me understand (without words, but as if the information just appears in my head) that I will die. As if I'm in a very unfamiliar bright room, the wind flutters the curtains, and this spirit points to some window or mirror, I look there and begin to distinguish the outlines of the coffin and understand what it is for me. And this entity also points to the image of an unknown man (very blurry, the features are not visible at all) and makes it clear that I should meet him while I'm alive.

I wake up and immediately fall asleep again and dream of a continuation, as if I were asking this entity if something can be changed, sort of making it clear that I don’t want to die, but she answers no and I somehow calmly agree.

Referring to your article, I found something similar. I am now at a crossroads in my life, I was abroad for two years and I realized that I want to return home, but I am still in the process of making a decision. In addition, I really want to get rid of several habits that spoil my life, there is a need for self-development and qualitative change myself.

Does it look more like a sign of internal changes or is it worth checking your health?))

A little frightening is such a persistent continuation of sleep and this strange non-physical entity (although there was no fear in the dream). I heard the opinion that if death respects a person, it warns in advance, as if giving a chance to change something.

Anna, the dream is not about your death, but about overdue personality changes that are already happening or still coming. Perhaps your desire to get rid of bad habits, the desire to return home, was reflected in the plot. A strange entity can be your guardian angel or guide of the Higher powers. Try to understand what kind of information they tried to convey to you, because it was not in vain that the dream was so well remembered. You can, falling asleep, turn to the Creator, ask that the answer come through a dream.

Elena, thank you very much for the article! Gives hope after today's nightmare. The situation is this. It's my mom's birthday today, she's 53. Still very young at heart, she looks younger than her age. And in the morning I congratulated her, and then lay down to rest and fell asleep.

I dreamed that my mother and I were happily walking around the shopping center. And we go to the bank to change money. The cashier has no change, and my mother persuades me to go for a walk further. I am indignant, swear at the cashier and go to another cashier. There is a queue, we get into it, and behind us is some crazy man with an inadequate look. He yells and I suggest he go ahead of us. He breaks through to the checkout bypassing the line and hides behind a glass door. At this time, some strange-looking, funny, shaggy peasant is scurrying around us. And then we see that a mad man is smashing everything there, riot police with weapons are running into the bank from all sides. People are in a panic. Those closer to the door begin to make their way to the gun in a flurry. I push my mother forward so that she comes out with the first batch of evacuees. A strange funny man is also there. They leave, I remain in the epicenter of events. Quietly, I also begin to make my way to the exit. When I got out, I look for my mother, but she is not outside. And then behind him, in the bank, everything explodes, it turned out that the madman had a bomb. I'm shocked. Then I see a funny peasant and I understand that he is a spirit, a guardian angel. I yell at him, asking where my mom is. He shakes his head and I understand. I'm trying to break into the destroyed bank premises. And he doesn't let me go. I am pierced by a wild mental pain. I tell him that I will not forgive myself, I will not be able to live without my mother, I will commit suicide. He calms me down and I wake up at this moment. The whole dream is wildly real. Although often in a dream I can be conscious.

Right now I'm in a state of stress and fear. After all, all this was a dream in my mother's DR. Please help me understand what this is. Very scary. Thank you very much in advance!

Anastasia, the death of a mother in a dream may indicate the need to become more independent in life, to learn to rely on one's own strengths.

Another option: your personality is changing, those qualities of character that are most inherent in your mother are leaving. Or it's time to give them up.

Hello, Elena. Help me please. My boyfriend plays hockey and gets into street fights. Now he does not have enough time and he constantly does not get enough sleep, he has not slept normally for more than two months. In the last month, every day he began to have one approximately similar dream, how on the ice he gets a puck or stick in the carotid artery, he begins to bleed and he dies. today I also dreamed that all his friends were sitting in the stands and laughing. he stopped going to training for the whole time and began to behave more carefully. after he told me this yesterday, I had a similar dream that I hit him, and he bled from his mouth. and after that he told me that he had broken his lip and was bleeding a lot. Our dreams sometimes coincide with real life.

Help what to do. What does it all mean? What to do so that nothing happens? I am very worried about him.

Elizabeth, a dream can warn of trouble, of one's own or a close relative's ill health. It does not hurt to go to the doctors and be examined, because dreams sometimes reflect emerging diseases.

So that a bad dream does not come true in the article. Also go to church and order a magpie for health. You need to believe in the best, think only about what you want for yourself, and brush aside fears, control thoughts and emotions.

I dreamed that my grandmother (now living) died, her soul pointed her finger at me and said that I was next. I cried and asked to change everything, and she replied that the children would not change and I would die from my behavior and actions, which were now exemplary. I had a dream on Sunday morning, on Tuesday I buried my aunt and uncle and was very worried. Now I'm planning a pregnancy, but thoughts haunt me, I'm slowly going crazy

A month ago, about the number 23, I dreamed of a funeral (it was at school) and the place of the guard was empty there. Just yesterday, I learned from my girlfriend that she had died.

AT recent times I often have dreams about death. I recently dreamed of a deceased relative, if we were going somewhere, we were taking a coffin with his body, I was sitting next to the coffin, and suddenly he grabbed my hand and started screaming something, I break out, I scream let it go, and eventually I break out and fall on the grass. and today I dream of a friend with whom I once talked for a very long time, as if she was seriously ill, I come to her, her mother and sister do something near her, she lies, says that she has some kind of illness and she will die soon. then I dream that my little daughter is also sick with something, but I can’t understand what’s wrong, I’m screaming for help, she turns off in my arms all the time, I bring her to her senses, and as if I’m saying that her hemoglobin has dropped to 0. then daughter recovered at the end of sleep. help me decipher my dreams, I can't understand what's going on, I've never had such dreams before.

Victoria, the dead in a dream can dream of resuming old relationships, repeating situations from the past. Sleeping with a girlfriend - Your personality changes over time and this is a natural process, the quality that most clearly characterizes a girlfriend dies in you. Trying to reanimate a friend - clinging to old habits and worldviews, do not want to change. A child in a dream is everything positive and developing in you, what happens to your personality. The daughter has recovered - a good sign, you can change your life as your soul tells you through dreams. I advise you to read an article about nightmares, why they dream, why they are useful, and how they can be reprogrammed. It will help you better understand your dreams and their source.

We are in some kind of house. I, my uncle and mother, and as if a curse was put on our house, they killed me, and a day later I woke up, I come to the kitchen, Uncle sees me, began to discuss my death, I tried to scream before my death, but I can’t, I thought I dreamed that they killed me. I went outside to my mother, she also sees me, I thought they were laughing at me, but I pinched myself so hard, but it didn’t hurt me at all. then a friend approached her, and I greet him, but he no longer hears me and that's it, I realized that I had died. I abruptly thought that my friends would not see me, there was no future in front of me, I cried so much in a dream and woke up just in tears.

Hello. Yesterday I went to church and today I had probably the worst dream in my life: I am alone in some room, a fountain of blood comes out of my mouth, then I’m already lying, everything is blurry, doctors are standing over me, shouting something about a pulse or something something like that and everything, my eyes close, and I die. What does this mean?

I dreamed that my mother had died (in fact, she is alive). I don’t believe it and call her. She answers - and I’ll take you and my daughter in 13 months. You will drown.

I dreamed that an old woman was lying on the side of the bed with her back to me. She is dressed in black and has a white scarf on her head. Nearby was a man with a mustache. I was afraid of him. She turned in the other direction, and there were women and men, and all with mustaches. I got uncomfortable and ran away. Nobody was chasing me. On the street, I calmed down and woke up. Tell me, is this a good dream? What is he talking about.

The old woman was dead.

An unfamiliar man and an old woman in bed - burdensome worries and chores for a long time may arise in your life and family. Mustache - you are trying to deceive someone or yourself. Street - you are looking for and find solace in work, communication. The black robe of an old woman is your psycho-emotional state, perhaps mental fatigue, the need for rest. White scarf - your pure thoughts and desires.

Elena, really, emotionally I feel bad. With pure thoughts and desires, I tried to understand the lie and help. Everything turned against me. If the old woman was dead, does it mean that the lies and troubles about this are gone? My actions are well understood. Or am I just letting go? I really want everything to fall into place.

Helena, the fact that the old woman was dead may indicate that some business from the past, forgotten or ignored, will come up.

The situation needs to be released. Love yourself, and therefore forget the past and all the unpleasant things associated with it. Live in the moment and find more joy in it.

I had a strange dream with two numbers. I tell someone in a dream that, literally, my child died when he was 4.5 years old, and now my child is one and a half years old.

In reality, there is one child, and he is 3.5 years old now. As I understand it, this is for some kind of change when the child is 4.5, that is, in a year. But what does the figure of one and a half years mean, I do not understand. Only the prospect of being pregnant in a year comes to mind, but this is very unlikely. Can anything else be assumed?

Taya, the image of the deceased mother indicates a psychological connection with her, can warn against rash actions and actions.

The dead are dreaming - they can again remind themselves of long-forgotten deeds.

Looking for salt - the desire to cleanse, protect personal space from harmful effects.

I dreamed of a mother who died 1.5 years ago. holds in his hands two objects of the same type of pebbles and speaks. two people will die this year. now I recognize and turns over one of the objects, while I do not see what is written. but I think about myself. as long as it's not me. woke up on this

On the same night, her sister also dreams of her. as if she and her husband were in her mother's apartment packing things to move away from her. what would that mean? thanks for the answer

Ekaterina, perhaps, will remind you of things that you have already “buried” or forgot. The image of the mother warns against some situation, rash actions. Read more about the possible meanings of sleep in the article above.

A sister's dream may indicate an upcoming road, or a rejection of plans, hopes.

I had a dream that the sorceress in my house says to me that I will die in 2 days. What does this mean? I had a dream on Thursday. Elena help me with sleep

Olga, already answered. See earlier comments. If the comment is not visible, you need to clear the browser cache.

Hello Elena. Help me with sleep. On Thursday I had a dream that a psychic tells me that I will die in 2 days. I have almost done everything so that it does not come true. Help

Olga, don't panic. You will live happily ever after, just think about it. A dream about a predicted death means that you are at a turning point, perhaps some event will happen in the coming days, which can be called a small death - your personality will change dramatically (your eyes will open, your attitude will change, give up something). Read the article carefully and understand what is happening in your life.

Good afternoon! Today (from Sunday to Monday) I dreamed that my mother died, and literally at night, before I fell asleep, I worried about her. What can this dream mean? Should I be worried?

Camilla, a dream may reflect your concerns about your mother's health. Also suggest that it is time to become independent as a mother, learn to rely on yourself, believe in yourself.

Tell me, please, what a dream about death can mean, causing pleasant sensations: calmness and peace. I dream that I am in an unfamiliar dim room, and I know that a woman is dying in the next one. I don't know her and I don't even see her, but somehow I know that we are quite close. I wait for a while, feeling that she doesn’t have long left - but there is no fear, not even grief. As soon as she dies, I understand that I can also leave. Immediately after that, I wake up and literally physically feel like leaving that place. After waking up, I remembered that I had already seen this dream once, but I don’t remember when and under what circumstances. The dream left a very strange impression.

Alena, the woman in the next room - these are your thoughts, dying, with which you easily part. Peace and tranquility in a dream means that it’s really time for you to say goodbye to some views, principles, or even the environment, you “grew” out of them. An unfamiliar semi-dark room is you yourself, changing and not yet familiar to yourself.

Good afternoon! Please help me interpret the dream. I had a dream the night after my birthday. A friend comes into the apartment (we studied together, and not so long ago he died tragically), all relatives in the apartment avoid him. They are aggressive, but he smells like a processed corpse and he is all white. And he tells me that I, too, will die in 4 years. And he even said how: that in a shopping center a car would fall on me (I understand nonsense, but I say it like it is). Of course, I woke up with a feeling of anxiety after such a dream. What does your experience suggest - what could it mean?

Sergey, the dreams you had close to your birthday are symbolic. It is quite possible that in four years there will be events in your life that will change your personality, views, environment. My opinion: the future has many options, one of which is predicted to you in a dream. Your right is to accept this option or choose another, more favorable one. If you get scared and allow fear into your life, the program of self-destruction will work. I think that you want to choose a different path of development. Imagine yourself healthy, successful, the way you want to see yourself in 4 years and beyond. Self-hypnosis is an irresistible force.

Elena, thank you! I wish you all the very best! Your generosity and help is inspiring!

Hello, please help! The wife had a dream that her friend gives the prayer of our father and kisses her on the forehead, and the next night she dreams of a grave, a woman comes out of it and, addressing her by name, says: you are ready to die soon. What does it all mean? I'm worried. And the gypsy told her that she would not be at this age at which she is now. What to do? Thank you.

Alexey, dreams could become a reflection of feelings about the words of a gypsy. I explain in detail about the causes of dreams about death in the article. If fear does not recede, go to church, order a magpie for health. Your wife needs to get rid of bad thoughts, imagine herself alive and healthy, believe in her happy and safe future.

Hello, today I had a dream where my late mother-in-law came to me and said that I would also die the same death as her. I'm afraid. She died a painful death and not in the most better relations with me. I'm scared, is it really going to be like this?

Guncha, it is extremely rare for dreams about death to come true literally. The mother-in-law in your dream is a symbol that your subconscious mind uses to draw attention to existing problem. Analyze your life, what a dream can warn about.

Hello, I dreamed that they were reporting the death of my mother and father (he had already died for 5 years). They allegedly crashed in an accident, I thought that my brother too, but then my brother came himself, I was glad that he was alive. And then it flooded over me and started crying and screaming for my mother, asking why they didn’t save me, and my brother and sister said that it was very expensive. in general, I was scared for my mother, scary

Maryana, the death of your parents in a dream indicates the need for your growing up, it's time to become responsible and independent, develop creative self-expression, efficiency, self-confidence.

My sister had a bad dream about our mother. It was as if she had died, while a pig bit and shook her, I can’t find a place for myself all day. I’m thinking about what it is for. it seems that this is my second life. Often dreams come true, I don’t know how to describe it correctly, as if I have a presentiment in my subconscious. I often have nightmares, and such that if they offered a million and view again, I I would have refused. There are also dreams of serials, as I call them)) Maybe a week to go on. Sometimes it’s creepy. And this dream about mom haunts, I want to know what to prevent and how to help ..

Natalie, a dream about a mother can concern both the mother herself (unpleasant events may occur, perhaps someone wants to discredit her, drag her into dirty intrigues), and her sister. In the latter case, she needs to become independent and responsible for her actions. The pig is a symbol of lust, vulgarity, bestiality. Analyze from which side troubles can come in order to prevent them.

Hello, Elena! I really want to ask, my mother had a dream, how she met her classmate (not deceased), they talked and laughed. And this classmate looked at her mother and asked why she was laughing, because this is her last spring. A few days later, my mother had another dream, as my grandfather (her father, alive) says that the coffin for my mother has already been prepared. My mother and I were a little worried about these dreams (they had a dream in the fall of 2015), and now, thanks to this article, I understand that the dreams were rather dreamed of some significant change in my mother's life. Tell me, are there any other details in these dreams that you can pay attention to and what else do these dreams say?

I would be grateful if you answer me. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful article!

Katya, you correctly interpret your mother's dreams. Important events are about to take place in her life. It is worth paying attention to the coffin in a dream - this is a symbol of the danger that may be associated with the actions and deeds of the mother. Caution is needed in business and relationships.

Thank you for good review about the article.

Help me understand the dream I saw in a dream the deceased mother, father, grandmother and sister, as if I were going to go, my daughter-in-law makes okroshka, my father, as if at work, the actions take place in the house where we all used to live, I want to buy pills for a woman, my mother mentally says that my father will swear that I spend money and I say that it’s a pity for a woman to buy pills, she goes to meet me and I understand that I need to come by 7 pm what it is, and before that there was a dream, my mother says there are 7 of them and says that this is a lottery

I dreamed how urgently I had to climb the largest building and from there I saw people, how small ants walked along the narrow streets and then the sea covered the whole city with huge waves. Not all people could be saved. And then, after a few months, I dream that fire is flying from the sky and you have to hide in the forest. after this dream I bought a cottage in the forest

Tell me I had such a dream. My daughter (she is 3 years old) tells me that she will die at the age of 10. I immediately woke up. sleep haunts me. Thank you

Elena, a child in a dream is your essence, everything growing and developing. The dream indicates changes that will happen to you in 10 years. What changes can occur in the article is described in detail.

Hello, Elena. I had a dream about the death of my husband. A terrible dream in which he was burned alive with friends in a car. In a dream, I’m terrified that this happened to him, but at the same time I don’t cry, I’m more worried about how I can now raise my children to my feet alone. Everyone tries to support me, but they also hold on, even his parents do not cry. What could this mean? I am afraid, because sometimes dreams seem to want to warn about something. So, before we found out about my daughter’s diagnosis (oncology), I had a dream that my mother and I were walking with a stroller, I was distracted by the window and the stroller began to move so fast that we couldn’t catch up with it, and flies into a ravine. I woke up on this. And I remembered him a month later, having learned about the diagnosis. There were others.

Irina, fire is repressed instincts. The car and the image of the husband indicate that you do not develop the masculine principle, efficiency, and independence in your character. People in a dream who support you are your thoughts about this aspect of your life, about your strong dependence on your husband and other people.

Help, please decipher the dream. First I had a dream of my grandmother’s death and I sobbed a lot until I woke up all in tears (feelings from sleep are terrible). After a couple of days I have a dream that I am dying, while everyone sees me and dad says that in 9 days I will finally be gone. I call my girlfriend, and she tells me: I died, you didn’t know.

Diana, dreams reflect a transitional moment in your life. Change your views, habits, personality. More details in the article above. Dreams of death should not be taken literally.

Help, for the second night in a row I have a dream, first my brother died, and the next night a dream in which a very close friend dies, they buried her in a very strange coffin. Thank you in advance.

Lerp, a dream can reflect changes in your personality. Your girlfriend in a dream is you yourself, that trait of your character that is the brightest in a friend. To bury a brother - to be without support, to bury a girlfriend - it's time to abandon that trait of your character that is inherent in a girlfriend.

I got sick, bowel problems. On this basis, paranoia began in me, fear of diseases and their consequences. The dead dreamed twice, and the rest of the dreams were either someone's death or my own. Today I dreamed that I had a huge bruise on my eye. (I saw it in the mirror) There are a lot of people around. Man 4-5. I felt bad and I went to the stairwell and I felt a little better. I say: if I am destined, let me say goodbye. Why is this a dream.

Katya, about why you have dreams about death, read above in the article, understand the reasons for such dreams. The dead can dream when old forgotten deeds and problems remind of themselves. Bruise - get rid of something that has become obsolete in your life. The people around are your thoughts, from which it sometimes becomes bad, you want to get rid of them.

Hello. I have cancer, one of the most curable forms, now I am going through the last course of chemotherapy. I had a dream. In it, my classmate, who, unfortunately, has been deceased for 1.5 years, comes to visit and waits for me at the doorstep, inviting me to go play football with him. I really want to, but my mother says in a dream that she washed the jacket and it is wet, there is nothing to go in and I refuse. The night before, my wife had just offered to wash my jacket. Is death near, since he came for me? I'm afraid. I told the dream to the doctor, she was also frightened and almost refused to undergo chemotherapy

Stas, the dream does not portend anything bad, but gives hope. After all, you did not go with a late classmate to play football, but stayed at home. Everything will be fine, you will be cured. The main thing is to remain calm and believe in your healing.

Hello! Help interpret the dream. My husband dreamed that we were climbing a rock with him, he was carrying a child in his arms, my parents were walking behind, and my mother also had a child in her arms, and then my mother began to slide back and fell into the abyss with the child, falling. The husband understands that both children are ours, he did not understand the gender of the children. Only we don't have children yet, I'm 7 months pregnant. Terrible dream.

Olga, climbing a rock in a dream - spiritual growth, the path to the goal, progress in business. At the same time, your husband perceives reality as unnecessarily cruel. The death of the mother indicates the need to become more independent, to believe in oneself.

I dreamed that I was lying in an empty bathroom and I knew that I was dying, then a red-black doll appeared in the bathroom and I screamed: ‘Please no!’. And suddenly a man appeared in a black suit, but did not have time to consider it. fell asleep or died. After that, I ended up in our gym, no one saw me, then people appeared there and asked the cause of death, I answered them that I was locked up and I died of hunger, and at that moment I for some reason thought about my mother.

Good afternoon! Help decipher my husband's dream. He dreamed of his mother (she died recently, 40 days had not yet passed). He asked her how she was there, and she answered him, in 2-3 years you will find out for yourself. Now I'm worried, what could this dream mean? He dreamed on Monday.

Love, the image of a deceased mother in a dream is a warning sign, to be careful in deeds and actions. In 2-3 years, events may occur that will affect the life and personality of your husband. More details in the article above.

Thank you for clarifying dreams. Help me decipher my dream that I had tonight. I woke up and couldn’t sleep all night. she is who will be next, she answers me that it will be me. I ask if I will die soon or not, she answered that soon and said that I counted 60 days from today (14.02). I woke up from fear and was covered in sweat. Then I thought for a very long time what I needed to do for my loved ones, because I had very little time left.

Svetlana, in the article above, I explain that such dreams extremely rarely portend literal death. Perhaps you are at a turning point in your life, something cardinal will happen in the near future that will change your life and you (moving to a new place of residence, changing jobs, team, etc.). Even a birthday is a “little” death. Think good thoughts, discard bad thoughts.

Hello. For the second night in a row, dead friends dream. The first dream was that a dead friend shot everyone, and when he got to me, I tried to run away, and he ran after him and shot. And the second night another late friend dreams, he offered to take me somewhere. I agreed. Why can this dream?

Julia, old things can remind of themselves or a situation from the past will repeat itself. You will experience experiences similar to those experienced in a dream.

In a dream, a woman of Kazakh nationality predicted to me that I would die in 8-10 years, a quick death. Please tell me what is it for? When a voice from heaven told my mother in a dream that she would die in 2002, she died in 2004. And now I feel uneasy. Thanks in advance.

Nastya, in 8-10 years an event will happen to you that will change you. The dream should not be taken literally. Read the article above.

Help interpret the dream

I had a dream where my friends and I met on the roofs of a building and jumped from there (I didn’t remember why and why we did it, but we jumped together). After the jump, after flying for a few seconds, we ended up in the same place, only with the exception of people, there were no living people there, there were only ghosts, which we were. It was strange, but it was a relief, after a few hours of being in this world, I began to disappear from this world (ghostly), and I returned back to ours with you the world of the living. As it turned out, all my friends except me died, and I fell into someone (that is, I survived), when I came out of a coma, I returned to my body.

That is, I died, and then came to life again.

The dream is really strange, I hope for you, the dream books say different things, and this dream had a dream from Thursday to Friday.

Danila, you may receive news that will scare you. Also, a dream may indicate excessive confidence, inflated self-esteem, the unreality of hatched plans.

Good afternoon. This is not the first time I dream that I am dying. And it scares me. Not so long ago I dreamed that I was dying in childbirth. And today I had two dreams. One tells me that my parents are going to die. And I don’t see them, but I feel how afraid my mother is. And I feel so bad from this feeling of fear and hopelessness. That everything is decided and nothing will change. And I start to sob and hear my voice from the side. I woke up in tears. I fell asleep again and dreamed that now I must die. That my husband should take me to some house where they will do some procedures and I will die. The house is not big, but there are a lot of people whom, so to speak, I send to another world. And I'm so scared, I beg my husband not to take me there. I cry and touch his face with cold fingers. For some reason, I feel that my hands are ice cold. And he says so casually that they say enough is enough, everything has already been decided and nothing can be changed. In general, such a feeling of horror and fear and the feeling that this is EVERYTHING happens to me precisely in dreams where death appears. I don't understand why I dream about this. I don't think of anything like that at all. Sometimes it seems that maybe these are some signs.

I am in such shock from today's dream. At first I dreamed that my mother seemed to have died, but I seemed to be calm (I told her that I loved her, but somehow I didn’t call the day before.) But that’s okay. Then in a dream they tell me that my husband died and this is real horror, I sit at home, inform my relatives that he has died, discuss that when they bring the body home, I need to put the coffin in the bedroom on the bed, it’s so beautiful there. I think about what we did not have time to do with it. I am sitting in a room and someone closes the window with thick, dark curtains. And it gets very dark. And I think, why didn’t my husband and I close with such curtains? So cool sometimes in the dark. I didn't see my husband dead. But all the thoughts in a dream about how to continue to live, what to do and crying so early alone with the children remained. That's what kind of dream it is. In general, I was kicked out of the rut

Thank you, Tatyana, for the good review of the article "Dreams of Death".

Mom in your dream can mean some of your experiences, her death is a lack of independence in life, a sign that you need to learn to rely on yourself, to believe in yourself. The same can symbolize the death of her husband. Perhaps you are worried about some business (task) that may concern you personally and your family. You still do not see a way out of this situation (the window is closed with thick curtains). You like darkness - it's time to relax, let go of the situation, trust the Creator and believe in the safety of the world around you.

I dreamed that I was lying on some kind of deathbed (table) dead when a man approached me, with whom I no longer live together, and said that he would like to get intimacy with me, to which I smiled at him She said that I had died a long time ago and it was not possible to carry it out. And then from the surrounding air there was a soft notification that I should be buried and for this purpose I need to follow the appropriate route. I got up from the table and with great sadness prepared to go, and the man expressed his desire to accompany me and, like a shadow, began to accompany me on my way to the appointed place of "burial" so to speak. Through cities, countries and so on.

What do you think the meaning of this dream is?

Natalia, the deathbed in your dream is a transitional moment in life (for more details, see the article above). An ex-man offers intimacy - a situation, business, task from the past is knocking into your life, which can bring satisfaction (moral, material), but you brush aside this possibility. A dream may indicate: reconsider your attitude to something Important, which follows you like a shadow.

I dreamed that a classmate had died. I cried a lot around, and her girlfriends and friends were around, but they did not cry, but reassured me.

(the strange thing is that we are not strong friends. And she was sick and before going to bed her grandmother said that one girl fell ill and died). And then I went to a music school and they followed me, then they started asking about the chain (they accused me of being stole the chain in real life) everything.

Veronica, a dream about your character trait. Are you getting rid of it at the moment or it's time to give it up. We are talking about the characteristic that is the brightest for your girlfriend.

Hello! Today I had a dream that I either died and became a saint, or simply became, I don’t remember exactly. But the fact is that I dreamed that I had a halo over my head! Everyone could see me, everyone could communicate with me, while I could fly and move in space!

What is this dream, what is it for?

Ivan, a dream can warn you about the unreality of plans, the unfulfillment of desires, which can end in their collapse, loss, defeat. Perhaps you have overestimated self-esteem, false pride. The dream seems to be saying: "Get down on the ground, look realistically at things so that you don't have to fall painfully." If you still die in a dream, then the article above will help you figure it out.

Good afternoon. Help understand the dream. The moment of sleep is pretty short .. I am driving in the back seat of the car with my eldest son, but in his dream less years than now, my late father is driving and driving us, the car stops and he gets out of the car, then some conversation follows, at this moment I remove my son from the car door, i.e. sitting near the window and sit down myself in this place , and I hear the phrase dies, dies, I get out of the car on the street neither earth nor asphalt but pale yellow sand, and next to it is a military vehicle that stopped us, there are three men and they look at me about my father, I ask who is dying, they say you, and my father tells me you are dying or you will die - (I don’t remember exactly), I say why? they say you got a poisonous substance, I say how. I was sitting in a closed car, then they said look at your chest, there is a red rash on it, I say so what, they say the reaction has gone, and I say that it happened and nothing is happening to me, and after some time I told them, you see that everything is fine with me, nothing happened and I remained alive. What does this dream say, please tell me!

Oksana, a dream may indicate that you are not confident in yourself, you are controlled by circumstances (you are not driving a car, there is sand under your feet). Reminds me of things from the past. At the same time, the image of the late father warns you against rash steps that can lead to an unpleasant situation when personal problems are put on display, condemnation of others (a rash on the chest). You need to be careful in words and actions.

Good afternoon. Today I had a strange dream, at first I was in some kind of house, and tried to go upstairs in the elevator, but the elevator only went down as much as I tried to go upstairs, I don’t remember how I ended up at the top, there was some kind of a girl I don’t know, I went looking for my daughter’s apartment, all the doors to the apartments were open, I couldn’t find the right one for a long time, when I found and went in I saw my daughter on an old sofa, I went up to her and said I feel very bad move over, and she didn’t at least slightly free me literally 20 cm of space on the couch and says, well, here you go, sit down. What could be such a dream? The fact is that when I woke up, I really got sick, I apparently caught a cold, but I can’t forget this dream.

Angelina, you are trying to take the elevator in a dream, but you can’t succeed for a long time - obstacles, troubles on the way to some goal, in business. You still rise - you will overcome everything. There are many options open to you, but you can hardly decide on the choice, you are worried whether it will be right. An old sofa and 20 cm of space on it suggests that you do not need to cling to the old, you need to move forward, do not infringe on yourself, see new opportunities.

I only partially remember the dream .. I dream that I died and my soul flies between people separately from the body .. no one saw me, except for two people of my mother and a security guard at work (I never saw a security guard live). I don’t remember how and why I died, I can only say that when I was a ghost, I felt at ease, I couldn’t understand why I was one ghost, since many people die every minute)

Hello! Help me please! I had a dream that my young man and I were sitting on a couple together, but then we seemed to fall asleep, woke up so that we see everyone around crying, sitting on a bench and seeing our bodies being carried on a stretcher covered with blankets. We quickly run after them to return to the bodies, but in a dream we get lost and, as a result, do not return to the body. And the second dream is a continuation of this (immediately after this dream, I had a dream one night). That we are still dead and trying to somehow get into the body. I communicate with my girlfriend (she is alive) and we run around in search of a way out of this situation. But then I see how the main square in the city and there are wild saints, and under them our photos with him and bear flowers. How to understand it. I can't find my place anymore.

Lera, perhaps you have taken up a business (event), or found yourself in a situation that is very unusual for you. You want to return to your normal state. Also, sleep can be associated with the stage of growing up, with changes (spiritual and physical) that occur, but you do not like it.

Hello. I have been dreaming of various deaths for about six months now. Mom's dad and mom died 9 and 4 years ago, respectively. But only in the spring they began to dream of me. At first I dreamed that I burned my grandfather alive in their old house, and then I hid his charred body. And every time I went to see him, I was afraid that he would come to life and open his eyes. The next time I dreamed that I twisted my grandmother's neck and she died. Then I dreamed that I killed them both. So different dreams dreamed. And recently, on October 9, my grandmother died on my father's side, i.e. his mother. And she started to dream about me too. I dreamed that I was with her at the funeral of her friend and some kind of spirit of this friend flies around the house and is very angry. I dreamed that on the street of some house my grandmother was lying dead on the table, and next to me was dad and his father, grandmother's husband, or they were cutting off her head, or something like that. And there is an old house nearby. I go in, and there is blood and corpses everywhere. Then a fire starts and all the corpses come to life and rush at me, they want to kill me. I run away from there with some little girl, turn around and see that the house is teeming with ghosts, I see how their hands reach through the walls in different sides, and in the attic in the window 2 hands of ghosts are waving, and the girl shouts to them “mom, dad, I will come again.” I dreamed about some strange place (something like a portal), where evil spirits live and take people away. I dreamed that a man completely unfamiliar to me died on the bus and for some reason his neck was in blood. Lately, I've been having dreams about death every day. I don’t think about them day and night, I don’t wind up and I’m not afraid that I will dream about them again. But I think it's very strange. Help me, please, with a little advice.

Maria, perhaps something happened in the past that you are trying hard to forget, but the subconscious mind sends you stories with the dead in a dream again and again so that you think about it and take the necessary actions to correct the situation (accept, forgive, reconcile, reconcile or etc.).

You can also dream of such dreams if your life (spiritual, social) stagnates, you do not develop as a person, you are afraid of everything new, you cling to the old.

Hello! At first I had a dream that some girl was running after me and wanted to get to know me. stalks me, and I run away from her. Lesbian girl. She even forcibly kissed me in a dream, and I pushed her away from horror and disgust. Then my dream moves to a certain room. I don’t understand whether it’s a hospital or a boarding school. I don’t understand where I am in a dream, I’m trying to find out. I run along the corridors of this hospital, well, in general, this room. I see light bulbs like in a hospital only at the top. Then suddenly I go to the washstands. and there is a girl of about five years old in appearance. I look into her eyes and see that around her eyes she has some kind of scars, in general, the girl, because of these scars, seemed terrible to me. There was a feeling of fear when I looked into her eyes. Someone seems to be telling me from the outside that this girl does not see well. that she is blind. Then I go to the next one and from the back she seemed to me like my childhood friend but at the age of 9. I called her by the name that my friend is called. The girl turned around and I saw that yes, her face is a bit like my childhood friend, but she looks terrible. She is thin, emaciated, and looking closer, she saw that this is not my girlfriend, and her face is still different. Dressed in a long closed shirt. The shirt seems to be hospital but sloppy. She looked sick. The sight of her made me feel uneasy. feelings of fear, then some kind of pity, even rather anxiety arose in me. . Then I'm already running along the corridor of this incomprehensible institution. I had a hunch in my dream that I was in a home for children with disabilities. I run along the corridor and ask a voice from the outside where I am, he answers something indefinite, like a number. And then I suddenly call the Sami the name of the city. I pronounce Nizhny Novgorod. (By the way, I don’t live there and have never been there in my life). I run down the corridor and see a group of these children and their lead man. Didn't really see his face. He was the leader of this group of children. Children, when I ran down the corridor and saw them, caused me fear, pity and disgust. And when at the last moment I saw the leader of this group of an adult healthy man, he inspired fear in me. I saw him later. Apparently he was talking to me with a voice from the outside. And then seeing a man, I woke up in horror. the end. Help solve this strange and terrible dream!

Oksana, perhaps you are in a difficult life situation from which you are trying to find a way out (I run along the corridors). The dream child is an important image. If a child is sick, deformed or disabled, it is worth considering which aspect of your social or mental life you are not developing.

Hello! The third day I have a dream about death. A year ago, my daughter died (she was seven months and seven days old). During this time, I dreamed of her once just crawling. And now for two days I dreamed again of the hospital and that she was in intensive care , but she is still alive and I am so sure of this in a dream, I ask her to fight and live. But at the same time, the feeling of death does not let me go. On the second day, I dream the same thing again, only there is no resuscitation, where she was in the last dream and we went to look for her, and there on the way there was some kind of table (for her type) a velvet tablecloth under glass, some kind of icon is embroidered in the middle, and there are tags on it with her name, and on the glass it says Thank you, there is a set of glasses and it says Let your eyes shine like glass. The third time I dreamed that I was collecting the things of a person who died in boxes, but I didn’t see him, but I just feel, and this is generally a person with whom we just studied at the same educational institution. And I say these things should be buried with him. Not I can understand how I can decipher it, maybe my daughter wants to say something with this.

Tatyana, a dead daughter in a dream may mean that some situation (case) from the past will remind of itself and require your participation. Perhaps in the past there were unresolved conflicts, relationships. Maybe the situation is related to the person with whom you studied at the same institution. Bury things - accept, forgive, reevaluate everything that is connected with the past.

Today I had such a dream: my husband and I are sitting, talking about some of his trips. I ask: "When will you arrive?" And he replies: “I’ll die ..” At first, indistinctly, I didn’t understand, and then I repeated it again.

And in the same dream, they offered me to eat shrimp, and some creatures crawled on the plate.

And then I swept a very dirty floor in the same place ..

What does this mean? Decipher please!

Svetlana, the death that your husband talks about in a dream should not be interpreted literally. Details about the causes of such dreams in this article. Revenge dirty floor - cleanse your reality of what interferes; cleansing, liberation.

I had a terrible dream in my life, even worse than my death in my dreams, well, in a dream we went to visit, and it turns out that they left, then we began to turn around, not me, but my mother, and suddenly she pressed the gas hard and fell into the abyss next to the house , I started crying and quietly jumped into the abyss, I saw that she was still alive, they called an ambulance and a tow truck, and I had to go to the hospital, but I woke up abruptly for nothing? And so I didn’t find out what happened there, is she alive or not alive, but can a dream happen? I think I should have fallen Anya mama

Daria, the plot of the dream and your emotions point to your subtle and vulnerable soul. You are capable of empathy and compassion. Your mother in reality may find herself in a situation that is not pleasant, related to family troubles. You will have to make an effort to normalize the situation. The dream, of course, will not come true, in reality in the form in which it was dreamed. He is a hint.

hello! I don’t have a big panic now, last September I had a dream, I had a holy motrona (sometimes I turn to her). I go up to her, start hugging her inside so much warmth for her, smile, tell her how good she is, etc., and she looked at me and says: why are you happy? you will die in 50 weeks, I burst into tears, I tell her: I I don't want to die, I have a little daughter.

Time passed, I calmed down and forgot about the dream, but it wasn’t there, in July I dream of my soul (I see myself in the form of a spirit), I watch my grandmother take care of her daughter at my house, and then some voice from nowhere says: don't worry, your soul will go to another person in September.

I got scared now. the days are approaching (50 weeks, approximately mid-September) and the second dream is also September.

Irina, you should not identify your fears with literal death. A dream can portend spiritual and physical transformation. Changing your views, surroundings, lifestyle, pregnancy, moving to another place of residence or changing jobs, and much more. If the dream inspires fear, go to church and order a prayer service for your health, put candles to the Mother of God. Pray for your well-being, turn to the Higher Powers with a plea for help, and they will definitely hear you.

Today I had several dreams, interconnected by the fact that I was running away from death (not from a man in a black cloak and with a scythe, but from death). In my last dream, death still overtook me. When I woke up, I didn’t forget the dreams, but I didn’t attach much importance to them, since you never know what you can dream about. But in the evening, sitting in the kitchen with my mother, we started talking about dreams. And she said that today she had a dream about how I died. This is where I got scared. Please tell me what it could be.

P.S. Usually, when several members of our family dream about the death of a loved one, soon he really dies.

Anastasia, running away from death in a dream may reflect your unwillingness to change, to accept urgent and necessary changes in yourself. This article details when dreams about death can occur.

The fact that your mother dreamed of your death may symbolize the transformation of her personality - that character trait that most clearly characterizes you (gullibility, naivety, gaiety, etc.) dies (or it is time to give it up) in it.

Drive fear away, believe in a better future for yourself, and live to a ripe old age!

I dreamed of a dead sister, she died more than a year ago, I was a disabled child (psychiatric patient), and I was afraid of her as a child that she would strangle me at night while my parents were sleeping. Then, when I grew up, I had only compassion for her, and I didn’t live with her for a long time, for many years. I dreamed that she pounced on me, all as terrible as a zombie, no longer even outwardly terrible (somehow her appearance was fuzzy), but simply like a clot of evil senseless negative energy and powerful physical strength. She grabs me from behind, strangles me, I fight back, but she drags me with her. I fight back. Either she, or I tell her that mom will come soon. And then I understand that my mother died (my mother actually died a few years ago). I feel scared, my sister pounces on me, strangles me, I wake up, fighting back. A state of horror, I begin to convulsively read a prayer in a half-sleep to forgive her sins and so that the earth rests in peace. But Im scared. I began to read a prayer to Jesus for myself. It became easier, she began to fall asleep in the light, again the horror began to dream, like the approach of her sister. So I couldn't sleep anymore.

That's why I dream about this if I don't think about my sister, and only remembered her and all the relatives who died before going to bed for a long time. It has stopped lately.

Elena, the image of a sister in a dream is your internal dialogue with yourself, worries due to rash actions, rash words. Accumulated aggression, anger are transformed into nightmares. It doesn't hurt to pay attention to your health. Read more about dreams that warn of illness in the article.

Today I dreamed of my own deceased sister, who during her lifetime was a disabled child. She's been gone for over 15 years. From the day of death to the present day, none.

neither my mother nor I dreamed of her. I see that we are traveling with her on the bus, she asks to empty herself, I take her out, for me worries about her are not troublesome. She says she will be gone soon. I calm her down. We go to a museum full of foreigners. I see how she lies, I feel that she will soon be gone, then a bright spherical flash of light appears in the area of ​​​​her chest, this is the soul left the body. I'm desperate. A man of Hindu appearance leans towards me and says in Russian that “she doesn’t blame you, and she didn’t die from vitamin A. And at that moment I woke up. I am in the dark. Please help me to clarify the meaning of the dream.

Olga, perhaps you have to take up a public cause that will not be a burden to you. At the same time, this business is familiar to you, but you have been doing it for a very long time. Not everything will go smoothly, you will worry and blame yourself for the failures.

Sister order a prayer service for the repose of the soul.

Good afternoon, I beg you to help me interpret the dream: I call my father, ask how he is doing, he answers and says that everything is fine. I wanted to say that I missed you and I'm waiting for him to come home to us again, but the telephone conversation is interrupted. I call again and the woman picks up, I understand that this is his other wife and she starts telling me that he will not be able to come to us and at that moment it’s like the picture is a white canvas in front of my eyes and my father, a woman and a boy of 5-7 years old are standing (very pretty Baby, his hair is curly blond like that, he is so white in an official suit) and the dream is interrupted. This dream upset me a little, my father died 4 years ago, we had excellent relations in the family. And what is most interesting is not the first time I have had this dream, or rather, that I want to see him, and he has a different family.

A dream can warn against rash acts, Asya. Perhaps a situation or a case will come up that is already “buried”, about which they forgot to even think. But this matter is very important, you should pay attention to it, it can promise good prospects. Another dream may reflect your longing for your father. Go to church and order him a magpie for the repose of the soul.

I often dream that I am dead. But luckily for me nothing bad happens to me. On the contrary, in all areas of my life there is development, and rapid development.

Just the other day, I woke up in a cold sweat. I dreamed about my funeral, that I died. I hope this is not a prophetic dream, but simply future changes in all areas of life. ..

For the first time I ask you to help me interpret a dream) I don’t remember it completely, I only remember the end. In this dream, I was not in the lead role. The main character was my boyfriend. We walked in the evening, along a not very lit street, he was seriously ill. He came after the doctor and said that he had a day and a half to live due to a brain hemorrhage (although this is impossible, but this is a dream) .. I answered something, I don’t remember what, and then we walked in silence for some time. I thought inside the dream. I remember that there were no vivid emotions, but everything was very calm, sad and gloomy. And it was stronger than the most bitter tears. Describing my feelings, I would choose a dark brown color. Then I felt that something was about to happen, as in other dreams, we sometimes know in advance that something is about to happen. But I woke up. I must say that before that I quarreled slightly with this person, waking up and surviving my dream, I decided not to waste any more time on quarrels and insults and went to put up. But maybe I missed something and my subconscious tried to tell me something else .. I hope you can help me) Thank you in advance)

A repetition of a situation that you have already encountered, unhappy experiences (dark brown). You don't know how to do the right thing (the street is poorly lit). Perhaps the dream reflected your subconscious desire to part with this guy, Isilia. What did you think about the day before, were there thoughts about parting?

Thank you Elena, your article helped a lot to understand.

I often have strange dreams and often prophetic ones. Before the wedding, I dreamed that they bought wooden wedding rings.

My relationship with my mother-in-law is terrible. And recently they stopped talking at all and she told her son not to bother her anymore. So that's what I'm all about .. I dream today that I died (I don't know how), and now someone tells me that I have three days until they bury me. I watch my family and they don't do anything. I don't have enough space in the cemetery.

And I rush about, then some monster appears, I fight with him. I withstand the attack, it recedes. But it will definitely come back.

Can the dream be associated with the attacks of the mother-in-law? And the fact that she evicts us from the apartment?

There is allegedly not enough space for me in the cemetery - you are worried that your mother-in-law does not allow you and your husband to live in peace (the cemetery in your dream symbolizes peace).

The image of a monster in a dream can reflect both the image of the mother-in-law and a difficult life situation. The fact that the monster retreated is a good sign, you are well done that you do not give up to circumstances. But is it always necessary to go ahead and wait for the monster to return again? Galina, have you ever thought about establishing a relationship with your mother-in-law?

Your death in a dream is a symbol of the transformation of your personality, perhaps you are becoming stronger and wiser.

Good afternoon. A very informative article, and very scary at the same time, the topic of death in dreams.

I had a dream. that I was alive from the beginning. but then when I was in the shower I saw a shadow and was very scared. then I went up to my grandmother and started talking to her. but she did not listen to me and did not see me. I wanted to touch her. but she went through me and that's it. I screamed a lot. and so did my brother.

Don't panic, Elvira. The dream does not portend anything bad. Read the article carefully and you will understand why you had such a strange dream about your death.

Hello, I often dream that my living grandfather will die soon, or just stay, that he has already died. I'm very worried that this could mean? in advance, many thanks

A dream of death rarely portends literal death, Victoria. The interpretation cannot be unambiguous. Options:

1. You miss your grandfather and your subconscious tells you that it's time to visit him and take care of him.

2. You are currently living in a transitional period: a character trait that is inherent in your grandfather is dying out in you. Or it's time to give it up.

3. The dream reflects your worries about the health of your grandfather, gives you the opportunity to experience in a dream what you are afraid of and prepare for it emotionally. Imagine your grandfather alive and well, order him a magpie for health in the church.

I dreamed of my great-grandfather and his wife, who had already died several years ago. I live in a village. I saw in a dream that the inhabitants of the whole village, including myself, were running somewhere from the village. At the same time, they were running along a different road they, his wife, chase him and then, when she catches up with him, kills him. And we, although we see all this, continue to run further, all shocked by this.

would like to know what that means.

Running in a dream can mean your life in reality, you are running somewhere or want to run away from something. Feelings of shock - some kind of surprise, perhaps an unpleasant one will happen or has already happened. It does not hurt to go to church and commemorate the deceased relatives, to give alms for the repose of their souls.

Today I had a very interesting dream, but also a bit creepy. I dream that I am resting somewhere on the sea, and a war begins there, I clearly see a bomb above my head, and I understand that everything. I didn’t feel any pain, I just saw a white bright light (like in films, but I didn’t watch anything like that in the near future), and then the dream continues with the fact that I live ordinary life, the dead also walk nearby, but the living do not see us. I'm very curious what this could mean.

Anastasia, most likely, a dream reflects a transitional period in your life. You give up old views, society, habits or anything else. Even moving to another city or changing circle of friends can transform into a bizarre dream of death. The article contains many possible causes such a dream.

I dreamed that my grandmother, who died 16 years ago, put me to sleep on the bottom bunk in a train compartment. Opposite sat an elderly man unfamiliar to me. Please help me understand what this means

Your grandmother accompanies you through life and protects you from troubles.

Thank you so much. I was very afraid that this meant my death.

Thank you, Sabina, for your feedback on the interpretation of sleep 😀


Do not panic, approach the dream as a riddle about your own life that you need to solve. Dreams of death rarely come true literally.

Allow me, Tatyana, to suggest the following interpretation. Compare the dreaming mother with your character: you need to understand what feature she has the most characteristic. Responsibility, good nature, naivety, extravagance or other. Analyze the events that happen to your mother in your dream. In this dream - death. This means that you are getting rid of the "mother's" trait in your character, or the dream tells you that it is time to say goodbye to her.

I found in your article:

“The death of a long-dead person is the death of a loved one”

And just today I had a dream about my grandmother, who died more than 20 years ago. She lived in the village, I spent my summer holidays with her.

As if I came to her where she lived, everything is familiar, I stand in the yard and tell someone that I regret that I came very rarely, because there is no work, business, time. And I ask about my grandmother, what's wrong with her, where is she. They tell me that she is alive, but very weak, sick. Then my grandmother comes out of the house, and I see that she is staggering, I run quickly to hold her so that she does not fall. Then I see it lies on the porch, the hand is raised, it is still alive, and I see the hand falls unconscious, I understand that it has died. I run to her and weep.

After that, I look around the yard, I see chickens, 3 chicks with chickens cluck, I think how will I take care of them?

Of my relatives, only a father who is married to another, and only problems from them. Order magpies for their health, and I'm afraid that God would not punish him for all the evil.

Guest, re-read the article more carefully: “The death of a long-dead person is the death of a loved one” - such an interpretation is given in replicated dream books. I consider this interpretation dangerous and fundamentally wrong.

I can say the following about your dream.

You feel longing for your grandmother: “I regret that I came very rarely”, “I understand that she died. I run to her and cry sobbing."

You also have a fear that you will not be able to cope with the piled-up cases, duties: “3 chicks with chickens are clucking, I think how I will take care of them.”

I think you should trust the Higher powers, turn to them for help, weaken control over reality and the people around you. Allow yourself to be yourself and allow others to live their own lives. We have no right to condemn anyone for their choice.

Elena, thanks for the answers, at least they reassured me, something very bad dreams have been happening with the dead lately. Hope it's not what I'm thinking

And thank you for responding to my comments.

This dream is also associated with that acquaintance. I am standing along the road, and many more people are waiting for the funeral procession to pass, as if heading towards the cemetery. In the distance, somewhere aloof from everything, I see his wife, dressed in black, as if in mourning. And now the procession passes, I see the coffin that people carry, I know that this is the father of this acquaintance (although he died in March last year). This acquaintance follows them, he stops near the crowd where I am. He says something, tells, I don’t remember. The funeral procession has already disappeared from view, and my friend is quickly heading to catch up with them.

How to understand this dream?

I can’t say, try to explain it yourself, because you know your friend well and the events preceding this dream.

Had a dream on January 7, for Christmas this year. I just made a dream about a friend of what awaits him this year. And then I dreamed that I saw him and several more men were knee-deep in the Jordan River, the water there was as usual muddy, he washes his face with this water, in my opinion 3 times and as if he was saying prayers, I thought that he washes away his sins. And I also thought why it doesn’t dip all in the water. or thinks that there are few sins, and so it will do. And suddenly he wants to go ashore, raises his leg, and slips and falls under the water. I was expecting to see bubbles, there was none. On this I woke up.

Help me understand what exactly the dream is about?

Perhaps some danger threatens this person, or not everything will go smoothly in his affairs: “slips and falls under water.”

I rarely remember my dreams, but of those that I remember, there were no dreams about death - the daughter of the deceased dreams, I go to church, put a candle for the repose and commemorate her, as expected. But I read that death is a dream for changes in life for some significant changes, I think that it is so. Even in tarot cards, the card "death" means a change in life, right?!

I think that the article is the answer to your question, Larisa.

Elena, I was disturbed by my today's dream. I dreamed that I was in a coma. All relatives come to me, at first they cried, and then they got used to the thoughts and began to live their lives calmly. I try to talk to them, but I can't. But what worries me most is that I'm lying next to my dead mother. This, of course, is a dream without death, but somehow it is alarming.

Perhaps in life you are trying to establish contact with your relatives, but you do not always succeed. Among them, you are lonely, as in a vacuum, you are not understood and not accepted. Image dead mother: Do you repeat her fate? Do your relatives treat you the same way they treated your mother?

And I always dream of my grandmother, who died a few years ago. But in a dream, she seems to be alive. I dream of our communication with her, even in a dream I wonder why she is considered dead. I wonder why such dreams are dreamed?

You miss your grandmother and being with her. I think your dreams are caused by this longing, Nastya.

I read how it got creepy. It wasn't long ago that I dreamed. eh. you need to go to church so that all heresy does not climb into your head.

I will give birth soon. A few days ago I had a dream that my aunt was telling me: Your son's birthday is the day you die. How to interpret such a dream? Help me please! I'm just horrified.

Don't panic, Elena. Aunt meant that the birth of a child is a conditional death of your former self, a complete rebirth of your essence, a manifestation of new qualities in you, physical and mental. Read more in the article.

And I never dreamed of anyone's death. I sometimes dream of snakes.

Once upon a time, I dreamed that my grandmother had died. I woke up in tears. It was then that my grandmother told me that such dreams are dreamed of for a long life. But I had a shock.

Never had dreams about death, it must be creepy to see your death in a dream. Thanks for the article, I will not be afraid of such dreams

I read that dreams are the work of our subconscious. Therefore, no one will solve our dream better than ourselves.

I also have dreams about death before some significant events.

I have a very old and sick mother, who has been practically not getting out of bed for a year now. A few days ago, I had a dream in which they seemed to tell me that my mother was dead, but when I went to the bed, I found that my mother was alive, but very weak. In the morning, of course, I ran into my mother’s room like a bullet and Thank God my mother was alive! What would such a dream be for? What should change in me or something in my life. it’s not clear yet. Thank you Elena for a very interesting article, where you show us what we need to pay attention to and not be afraid of bad dreams.

Thank you, Elizabeth. I am glad that you liked the article and you find it interesting.

About your sleep. Let me offer you one of the interpretations. Correlate the dreaming person with your character, namely: determine what is the most characteristic feature of the person you saw in a dream. Good nature, responsibility, carelessness or any other. Next, analyze the events that happen to the person from your dream. In your case, death. It means that you are getting rid of this trait of your character, or the dream suggests that it is time to say goodbye to it. Analyze your life, correlate what you dreamed with recent and distant events. No one can interpret your dreams better than you.

Oh, Elena, I have a different situation now. I dreamed of a man, my ex, and we had strange relationships in a dream - we just looked at each other and he gradually disappeared or talked on the phone. In my life I have not seen or heard from him, but once in real life I saw a thought form - his frightened face and tubes extending from him. The next day I learned of his death. It's very hard on the soul. I regret that I didn’t call him and didn’t talk, I had to reassure the person. There is a lot left unsaid between us.

Perhaps this person thought about you, Natalia, before his death. Regrets about what can no longer be changed are the most painful.

I didn’t see death in a dream, but it happened to a dead person, they say this is a change in the weather?

The dead dream not only of a change in the weather. It’s not worth interpreting dreams in such a monosyllabic way, they can carry deep meaning for the personality of the dreamer.

To be honest, dreams of death have never been so clearly dreamed, but I somehow dreamed of a nuclear explosion, a fungus, a wave was coming at me, but somehow I don’t remember the moment of death itself.

yes, I agree that it is impossible to unambiguously interpret dreams, dreams different people can mean completely different things

This area is closed from a person, so he does not need it. But for some reason everyone wants to participate in the unknown and the unknowable.

There was a time when I was too suggestible, one “stupid” interpretation from a dream book could unsettle and ruin my whole day, until I forbade myself to interpret dreams, and then completely remember them. Maybe in vain, but I’m so calmer, although no, no, yes it happens, something slips in my head in the morning, but I don’t focus on this and dreams are immediately forgotten.

Very interesting article. It seems to me that one must also take into account one's own attitude towards death at the moment of sleep. Three years ago I had a very vivid and clear dream about my own death. More specifically, dying. Throughout the dream, I was dying, with all the unpleasant physiological details. By the end of the dream, I felt how I ceased to be aware of myself and my body, I was falling somewhere. And most importantly, I wanted to die. And the whole dream was afraid that now they would come and save me 🙂

I had a dream about this in a difficult period, when I fell in love with not the most decent person. It was necessary to break off relations a long time ago, but I pulled and pulled 🙂

Thank you Natalia for your feedback interesting story about an amazing dream. It is a vivid reflection of the fact that our subconscious gives us the necessary clues through dreams. Our task is to interpret them correctly and take the necessary measures.

Thanks Elena! I read your article with great interest. I usually look into the dream book if I dreamed of something unusual and memorable, but at the same time I ask myself: “What does this information bring me?” Sometimes the answer comes from within, but it happens that the dream book also gives a clue. There are many dream books, and the materials in them are very different, but usually you intuitively feel what interpretation, responds from the inside.

Please help me calm down after sleep! I dreamed that my grandmother was dying. The dream was long and painful, very scary. I remember to the smallest detail. And some extraneous voice said that this would happen on January 31st, on my grandfather's birthday. Now, knowing also the date, I, of course, try to convince myself that this is all nonsense, but nothing comes of it. Panic creeps in constantly. I did not tell my dream to either my mother or my grandmother, otherwise they would worry. I have already tried all the methods from your site so that the dream does not come true. prayed. but I can't calm down

Not necessarily a dream about death, portends it literally. Olga, do not panic, but refer to the analysis of your life. What exactly is dying in you, what quality? More about this in the article.

Another method of interpreting dreams about death is to relate the personality of your grandmother to yourself. What is her most characteristic feature, in your opinion? Perhaps it is this quality in you that is changing or it is time to give it up.

Elena, thanks for the article! I never trusted primitive dream books. Previously, on a subconscious level, and now on a conscious level, I understand that sleep is a reflection of the inner world, and it cannot be painted in one line and the same for everyone.

I remember that I once dreamed that Edmund Shklyarky, the frontman of the Picnic group, wanted to kill me, but one good man talked to him and settled everything. I still smile, remembering this dream, but the meaning of that dream is still not completely clear to me.

And recently I dreamed that we were in a room with some dead girl, her lips were still made up. I don't know who it was, but it was creepy. And in this way, feelings for another person can, interestingly, pour out (this person just recently received very strong shocks)

Dreams are the secret of secrets. They bizarrely reflect our reality and state of mind. Interpreting dreams is a great art. It is quite possible that your feelings for another person became the source of a strange dream. But is it really so, only you yourself can understand. Thank you, Elena, for the most interesting comments. 😀

I always knew that seeing death in a dream is not so scary, but the dream itself sometimes leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. Now, if such a dream occurs, I will analyze it.

Elena, Happy New Year to you! New creative successes to you, health, comfort, warmth and kindness!

Thanks for the congratulations and good wishes, Xenia! 😀

A few days ago I dreamed that my father died, who, thank God, is alive, and whom I love very much. And when I found out about his death, my civil husband calls me, and I tell him this. At this point, the dream ends, I woke up almost in a cold sweat.

It is possible that these are just life changes, the departure from his father. Although it has been 3 years since I have been living with my family, my father is far away, and no changes seem to be expected.

In order to correctly understand a dream, many interpreters propose to correlate the main character trait of a dreaming person with themselves. For example, your father is naive. His death in a dream may indicate that this quality is dying in you or it is time to abandon it in order to look at life from a different point of view.

No, such dreams do not pester me, but I think that such dreams do not portend - everything is not pleasant early. although some people who are no longer in the world of the living - I would not mind seeing.

I almost never dream, or rather, I just don’t remember it. Although sometimes I even envy those who travel in a dream. In any case, of course, one must correlate what he saw in a dream with his life and not be afraid, not attract trouble into his life.

In my opinion, you, Svetlana, have the right position. A dream is a clue, a message from our subconscious, as well as a reflection of our reality. Therefore, do not be afraid of your dreams.

I analyze those dreams that are dreamed in the morning or on Christian holidays, as believers say, the Forces of Light at this time send us clues for a solution, and the rest of the time (night) darkness sends dreams. Therefore, I do not pay attention to night dreams.

I guess I'm lucky that I don't have dreams about death. And in general, to be honest, I practically don’t turn to dream books. I rarely remember what I dreamed at night, and if I remember, I analyze it, commensurate with what happened in my life.

I agree, Elena, that the death dreamed during sleep is a symbol of transformation. Something in a person's life must change so much that it acquires a new, more progressive quality. And in general, it’s not worth looking into dream books for a long time, you need to look for all the answers in yourself. Very interesting article, thanks!

Thank you, very interesting article, I will now look at many things differently. Happy New Year, Elena, good luck to you and health!

Thank you, Nadezhda, for your congratulations and comment on the article. Glad you find the information interesting.

Death is a very unpleasant phenomenon, even in reality or in a dream. An unpleasant aftertaste after such dreams. I know only one thing. that the dead dream of a change in the weather, and someone's death in a dream portends a long life.

And I recently dreamed (2 times) that they wanted to kill me. I did not see death itself, but felt the fear of death in a dream. I wonder what that could mean? I opened a dream book on the Internet - nothing good. I don't know whether to believe him.

Dream Interpretations will not give you an answer to your question, they will only confuse your soul and become a source of worries. Re-read the article again, Zulfiya, correlate what was said in it with your life, and you will definitely find an explanation for your dream. To feel the fear of death in a dream or to see death itself - these dreams have the same meaning.

If you had a nightmare, then I advise you to read this article. Nightmares carry information that is especially valuable to us, especially if they are repeated.

For thousands of years, man has been fascinated by the world of dreams. Throughout the history of mankind, dreams have always been given great importance. Very often, a dream is viewed as a special way of communication that carries news from God or as a prediction of fate. Physiologists see in dreams an indication of the state of mind of their patients and believe that in a dream there is a reassessment of information, facts, fears and stresses received by a person during wakefulness. Therefore, dreams are the result of the activity of memory, circumstances, and imagination. That is why they are different in character and meaning and have so little in common with what is happening in reality.

Dreams have five reasons for their appearance:
1. Random external impressions
2. Own daytime activities
3. Painful condition
4. Revelation from above
5. Premonition of the soul.

Dreams usually correspond to the position in society, mental, psychological development, temperament, ...

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Finding in a dream in most cases is a good sign, often indicating the fulfillment of desires.

Finding a bag of money in a dream is a clear success and enrichment in the near future, and this will be a win or just a fortunate circumstance. If the bag is empty, but beautiful, then you have hard work to do, and you will be satisfied with the result. A full bag of garbage promises well-being soon.

Finding money in a dream means well-being in business. Most likely, there will be some unexpected profitable offer that will bring a good profit. Or there is already an offer, you just need to decide to use it, and the result will not keep you waiting. Especially if you find big money or change small ones for big ones.

A bunch of keys found in a dream symbolizes the opening of any doors. Most of the time, this is a good sign. Doors will open to new possibilities or to new knowledge. Also, a bunch of keys can mean a place of honor, career advancement ...

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(instead of introduction)

Alphabetical Determinant of the Meaning of Dreams

A-B-C-D-D-E-F-G-I-K-L-M-N-P-R-S-T-U-F-X-Ts-H-Sh-Sch-E- Yu-Z

Dreams are the result of memory and imagination. That is why they are so different in meaning and have so little in common with what happens in real life.

Dreams have five causes for their appearance: random external impressions, one's own daily activities, a painful state, revelations from above, and a presentiment of the soul.

Dreams in their meaning almost always correspond to the social status, mental development, physical condition, temperament and age of the sleeper. The dreams of a poet never dream of a shoemaker. A beggar will never see a millionaire's dreams.

It has been established that dreams are the result of various sensations imprinted in the waking state, that dreams also depend on the external conditions of the situation, air, comfort, physical and moral ...

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To luck, money and good news, they dream: red apples on a green tree; yellow or new clothes; arch of large stones; sleeve torn under the arm; arrows; anvil; military equipment; yarn (knitting, darning); zoo; wreath and yacht.

Symbols of money and wealth in a dream:

Beads. If you dream about sorting or counting beads of any kind, this portends exceptional luck ahead. If in a dream you managed to string them on a string, wealth awaits you.

Beat. - A dream in which a husband beats his wife portends family happiness. A father or mother who dreams that they beat their children will be extremely proud of them, and perhaps the Lord will bless them with another heir.

The beauty. Good luck in everything portends a dream in which you see something beautiful. If you are dreaming a beautiful woman, this portends good luck in business.

Beaver. This animal in a dream means material success, but after considerable effort.

Bed. If someone...

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Each dream is fraught with a riddle, which not everyone can solve. Everything that we see in a dream says something, warns or gives a sign. There are special money dreams that predict quick profits and financial success.

If you see yourself rich in a dream, this does not mean at all that you will be lucky in money. As a rule, in money dreams a person sees objects and phenomena that do not belong to the financial sphere at all. What dreams portend wealth and abundance?

Dreams predicting money gain

Feces. No matter how strange it may sound, but feces can be removed for money. Do not be afraid of such dreams and do not consider them disgusting, because they predict unexpected profits or an expensive gift.

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is also a sign of material profit and prosperity. But this dream has one nuance - in order for the dream to really bring money, you need to make ...

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There are several important rules for persons seeking to comprehend the mystery of the dream. These rules are as follows: Do not lose heart and do not despair even from the most terrible dream, but calmly and patiently wait for its fulfillment. A dream, sometimes very scary and sad, often has the opposite meaning and is a harbinger of happy events.

How to remember a dream

In order to remember dreams well, one should change the place of the headboard weekly, that is, every seven days, arrange the headboard of the bed on the side where the legs used to rest.

A dream, once seen, is not always justified, and therefore great importance should be attached only to those dreams that are repeated up to three times. What do dreams mean:

Crash. Being one of its participants is an omen of conflict with people hostile to you. Watching an accident from the side means you will soon have to deal with a stupid, narrow-minded ...

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What dreams do you have for pregnancy?

There is an opinion that in a future mother, when pregnancy occurs, the brain undergoes changes in the first place. That is why a woman may have a dream foreshadowing the onset of pregnancy. Quite often, the fair sex is interested in the question: is it true that fish dreams of pregnancy? How to correctly interpret such a vision, as well as find out what other dreams you have for pregnancy, the dream book will help.

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Every night we see a lot of incoherent images that float to us from the subconscious. How, among this husk, to determine the dream that is really prophetic? Firstly, if before falling asleep you dreamed about a wedding for a long time and imagined yourself in a white chic dress, then the dreamed harbingers of marriage are most likely a game of your imagination. But if you forgot to think about such dreams, and in a dream you saw a ring or something else that predicts a wedding, this already means something.

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Dreams are the result of memory and imagination. That is why they are so different in meaning and have so little in common with what happens in real life. Dreams have five causes for their appearance: random external impressions, one's own daily activities, a painful condition, a revelation from above, and a presentiment of the soul. Dreams in their meaning almost always correspond to the social status, mental development, physical condition, temperament and age of the sleeper. The dreams of a poet never dream of a shoemaker. A beggar will never see a millionaire's dreams.
It has been established that dreams are the result of various sensations imprinted in the waking state, that dreams also depend on the external conditions of the situation, air, comfort, physical and moral state of the sleeper. In sick, overworked people, dreams are more often terrible, heavy and terrible.
When one of the organs...

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Dream interpretation


Many have heard a lot about how dreams predicted fatal events for humanity or for you personally. After such a dream, there remains a feeling of confusion, anxiety, incomprehensible spiritual anguish, heaviness. Such dreams are often accompanied by fright or fear. They are deeply embedded in memory and often after such a dream they are not forgotten for a long time, they do not give rest. The abundance of dark tones in such dreams, destruction, floods, elements, hurricanes and terrible visions indicate that they predict strong experiences and changes in fate.

Black people, people without a face, black clothes, black birds or animals, black clouds indicate mourning, the misfortune that you will experience due to the loss of a friend or loved one. The bitterness of the write that you taste or eat, the strength of the wine, etc. means how severe your loss will be. Usually such dreams are dark, there is no daylight in them, and the action takes place in the dark or with an unusual - sinister ...

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P - dream plots and their interpretation
Himself - to have respect; to see workers - the right enterprise will stall.

At work - expect an important visit; vacationer is a nuisance.


To fall into their hands is a great material loss.

Castle ruins
sadness; climb the ruins - must be brave.

The dreaming fork in the road where you, like a fairy-tale hero, stopped thinking where to go next, predicts a situation that will truly puzzle you.

If in a dream you are entertained by a performance with music and dancing, you will soon receive good news. You will enjoy health and well-being for a long time. For young people, this dream promises many different pleasures and a good relationship of friends.

If you dreamed of a divorce from your husband (wife), then such a dream portends a family scandal, ...

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