Forgiveness practices. practice-Giving flowers to the offender

Resentment- this is a negative experience that appears after you have been treated unfairly, humiliated, betrayed, or hurt in any other way. Resentment is a very destructive emotion, which, with prolonged exposure to your body, can cause great harm.

Offended, on a subconscious level, and sometimes consciously, you wish death to those people who hurt you, and these negative thoughts return to you. As a result, all kinds of problems with health and other areas of life begin. And it is very important to learn the ability to forgive.

You need to get rid of the negative thought forms that accumulate in your bodies. And release all suppressed emotions to freedom. This will positively affect both your well-being and other areas of your life. It will become easy and joyful for you to walk the path of being. By releasing negative experiences, you will make room for more positive emotions that will attract happiness, luck and success into your life.

In order to forgive, one must understand some laws of the universe. One that is associated with negative thoughts is the law of attraction. It turns out that in our life nothing happens just like that. Man himself attracts certain events to himself. And if you were offended, then you yourself attracted this person. So this is your LESSON. And instead of getting angry at the offender, you should understand this situation and change something in yourself. You should open your heart to unconditional love and understanding, forgive and move on towards joy and great happiness.

How to forgive?

There are many various techniques liberation from resentment, and on our website you can choose the one that suits you best. Try different ways forgiveness and cleanse yourself of the burden of negative experiences that interfere with your happiness and health. I would also like to tell you that forgiveness is not a quick job. It takes time and some effort. And you will have to relive the pain that you wanted to forget. You need to be ready for this. Set yourself up to do resentment release exercises. I know it's not so pleasant, but this holy work is worth it. Forgiveness of insults will lead you to success and great well-being.

Forgiveness Technique by Margarita Murakhovskaya

Imagine that you are walking down a country road. Around the flower meadow. The road divides a vast field strewn with beautiful wildflowers. You hear the buzzing of insects, the singing of the lark in the high sky. You breathe easily and calmly. You slowly move along the road.

A person is walking towards you. And the closer he gets to you, the more you begin to understand that this is your father. This is your dad, only in his youth.

You come up to him, take his hands and say: “Hello, daddy. Please forgive me for not being the way you wanted me to be. Thank you for everything, for what was and what was not.

Daddy, I love you very much. I forgive you for everything. I forgive you for not being there when I missed you so much. I forgive you. You owe me nothing. You are free".

You begin to notice how your father is turning into a small child. He is about 3 years old. You look at this baby, and you want to take him in your arms, gently hug him and say: “I love you. I love you very much". Small child turns into a tiny one, it fits in the palm of your hand. You place it with tenderness and love in your heart, in your soul. Where he feels comfortable and at ease.

You take a deep breath in and out and move on. A person is walking towards you. And the closer he approaches you, the more you begin to understand that this is your mother, only in your youth. She is now as old as she gave birth to you. You walk up to her and take her hands and say:

"Hello, mommy. Please forgive me for everything, for hurting you sometimes. Forgive me for not living up to your expectations. And I forgive you for everything. For what was and what was not. I forgive for the fact that when I needed your support so much, you were not there. I forgive you with love. Now you are free. Thank you for everything, for the fact that thanks to you, I was born. Thank you for the tenderness and care"

You begin to notice how your mother is turning into a little girl of 3 years old. She is standing in front of you. You take her in your arms, press her gently to you and say: “I love you very much. You are the closest and dearest." It becomes so tiny that it fits in the palm of your hand. You plant it in your heart, in your soul. Where she will be warm and comfortable.

You take a deep breath in and out and move on. In the distance you see the figure of a man. And the closer you get, the more you begin to understand that it is you. You look at yourself and say, “Well, hello. Please forgive me for everything. For always appreciating you. I really love you very much. You are the closest and dearest person to me."

You begin to notice how the person in front of you becomes a three-year-old toddler. You take him in your arms, hug him to you, say: "You know, I love you, I love you very much." This wonderful baby becomes very small, it fits in your palm. You place it in your heart, in your soul, in your inner world.

Now your inner child, inner parent, inner adult is with you. These parts help you live and function effectively.

You are walking down the country road again. You breathe easily and freely. You have peace of mind. And now everything in your life will be different, because you are different. You are filled with love for yourself and your parts are harmonious. Take a deep breath in and out and open your eyes.

Forgiveness Meditation by Louise Hay

After you have completely relaxed, imagine that you are in a darkened theater hall. There is a small stage in front of you. You see on this stage the person who hurt you. This person may be from your present or past. He may be alive or dead. See him in front of you and imagine that something beautiful, very pleasant and important for him, has happened to him. He is happy. He smiles.

Watch him for a few minutes and then take his place on the stage. And see yourself happy and joyful too. Like something nice happened to you. Imagine yourself in a great mood. You are the most happy man in the world!

Do this exercise for one month, once a day, and you will notice that you will become more friendly and calm. You will find lightness and freedom from resentment.

Exercise Revenge on the offender

It happens that your inner kid wants to satisfy the thirst for revenge before forgiving. Then you should try this exercise. Just do not abuse it, once will be enough.

Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Relax. Imagine those people who hurt you a lot. What do you want to do with these people? How to take revenge on them? What do they need to do to get you to forgive them? Imagine this picture in full detail. How long do you want to see your offenders punished and suffering?

Then forgive them and feel satisfied, as you have given people peace and kindness.

Exercise Forgiveness

This exercise is very effective, it should be performed for 5-10 minutes at least once a week. It is better to do this with a partner. But you can do it alone, you just need to say positive attitudes loudly, emotionally and repeatedly. Assuming a comfortable position and closing your eyes, say: “The person I want to forgive…” and “I forgive you for…”

If you are doing this exercise with a partner, then let him tell you words of gratitude and that he sets you free. If you are doing the exercise alone, then imagine that these words are spoken to you by the person you want to forgive.

After you have released your resentment, say to yourself, “I forgive myself for…”

December 12th, 2015

On the eve of the New Year, there is an offer to let go of all grievances)

Agree after you forgive someone, it becomes easy on the soul and many pains and spasms go away. Life becomes calmer and happier.
But it's not always possible to forgive and let go. Although you understand everything with your head, a small wormhole remains in your soul. At my trainings, I have observed many times how some participants of the training manage to truly forgive, while others need to return to the issue of forgiveness over and over again, because the offense does not go away. And not just to return, but also to use different techniques. There is no universal forgiveness technique that will help everyone equally.Choose the right practice to your liking, which will help you get rid of resentment, guilt and heaviness.

10 Forgiveness Practices

Practice 1 - Visualization for forgiveness of insults

Tune in to mental work, sit comfortably, turn off extraneous sounds and stay in silence for 2-3 minutes.

Imagine that you are near ancient temple. The gates are open and you enter this fabulous temple and meet your offender.

Imagine that he is about three to five years old. On the face of the child, you can see that he is frightened and realizes that he made a mistake. He addresses you by name and asks for forgiveness. Imagine that as a child he asks for forgiveness for all the insults that he committed against you.

Mentally, you can express all the negative emotions that have accumulated.

After that, ask for forgiveness from this child and talk to him.

After communication, we mentally say goodbye and leave this temple.

Practice 2 - Forgiveness of offense in three letters.

This practice is done in several stages.

  • In the first letter, write all your negative experiences, emotions. Everything that has been kept deep inside for a long time. Do not restrain yourself (surging feelings and memories).

  • The next day, rewrite your remaining negative emotions. Throw out on paper everything that could be left.

  • On the third day, write in a letter how your life has improved because of that situation.

  • In conclusion, it is advisable to burn the data of the letters you have written. This is an excellent cleansing ritual. And our subconscious loves symbolic actions very much.

Practice 3 - Letter to the offender

Another technique for forgiveness is writing. For many, writing a letter is the best way get rid of negative emotions.

We begin the letter with the words: “I will tell you now something that I have never said before (a)”.

We write according to this scheme:

  1. That's what you did to me (a);

  2. That's what I had to go through;

  3. That's how it affected my life;

  4. That's what I expect from you now.

Point 4 gives us the opportunity to understand ourselves, what exactly we need and we can try to get it elsewhere.

Practice 4 - Giving the abuser flowers

Perhaps the most original and effective practice that breaks the pattern of thinking is gifting the offender with flowers and changing memories.

Close your eyes and remember that situation before your offense. Show it in every detail. Remember the details and at the moment when resentment begins to appear inside you, mentally imagine that you are taking out a huge bouquet of flowers and handing it to your offender. Imagine the bewilderment on the person's face. Thus, we break the patterns of memories. And you can communicate and ask for forgiveness and forgiveness.

Be sure to try to mentally play out such a situation and talk, for sure you will feel how non-standard behavior can shock the interlocutor and you will be able to translate the conversation into the right direction for you to forgive and understand.

Practice 5 - Meditative Forgiveness

This practice is more suitable for those people who have already passed the acute period of resentment and are ready to get rid of negative emotions in a planned manner.

It is more like an affirmation, repeated repetition of a pre-written text in a meditative state.

Sample text:

“I completely forgive (name of offender). I forgive him without any conditions and restrictions, regardless of whether he wants me to forgive him. I forgive him because I am a free man and refuse to carry the burden of resentment in my heart. I release all negative thoughts towards (offender's name). I feel that as the resentment leaves my heart, it becomes easy and joyful for me. I am completely free from bitterness. I wish (name of the offender) physical and spiritual health "

It is important to repeat the text in a meditative state, when the consciousness is slightly weakened and you have a great opportunity to penetrate into your subconscious and clear it.

6 Practice Forgiveness- Empty chair

Put an empty chair in the room and imagine that the same person is sitting on the chair.

Express everything you want to say, all claims, all your resentment. You can use any words and expressions, you can scream and yell, splash out all your emotions, and this must be done.

Allow yourself any manifestations of physical activity, you can stomp your feet, throw objects at him. The main thing is to release all the aggression accumulated over a long time.

Stop according to your feelings, you will feel more empty and tired. So, today you did a good job, and got rid of some portion of the negative.

You can repeat this action as much as you need, you yourself will understand and feel when enough is enough.

7 Practicing Forgiveness - Meditation by Louise Hay

Close your eyes. Stay in this position for a couple of minutes. Then imagine that you are in a movie theater where a documentary begins. And on the screen appears the person with whom you are connected by negative emotions.

This person may be alive or have already left this world. When you clearly see this person, imagine that something good happens to him that is of great importance to this person.

Imagine him happy and smiling. Try to keep this image for a couple of minutes.

Then, when the image of a person disappears, imagine that they begin to show you in this film. And something good happens to you. You are happy and satisfied.

This practice requires multiple repetitions.

8 Practicing Forgiveness - Sviyash Meditation

Choose a person in relation to whom you will work with the thought form of your negative experiences. For example, let it be your father.

Start mentally repeating the phrase many times in a row: With love and gratitude, I forgive my father and accept him the way God created him (or: and accept him the way he is). I apologize to my father for my negative thoughts, emotions and actions towards him. My father forgives me for my thoughts, emotions and actions towards him.

This formula works most effectively for erasing negative emotions in relation to living people with whom you periodically meet and experience discomfort, but can also be used for dead people. The same form is used when working with events, any phenomena, and even with Life.

With love and gratitude, I forgive my Life and accept it in all manifestations as God created it (or: and accept it as it is). I ask forgiveness from my Life for my negative thoughts, emotions and actions in relation to it. My Life forgives me for my thoughts, emotions and actions in relation to it. This technique should be performed for each person for whom you experienced negative emotions for at least 3-4 hours in total. And for those whom you barely remember, you can get by with 20-40 minutes. When you feel warmth in the center of your chest, in most cases this will mean that you have no negative emotions left in your body in relation to this person. And try to remember all the people with whom you could have had any negative experiences.

9 practice of forgiveness - S. Gawain.

Step 1. Forgiveness and liberation of others. Write on a piece of paper the names of all the people who you think have ever hurt you, done you wrong and unfairly. Or (and) those in relation to whom you still feel (or have experienced before) indignation, anger and other negative feelings. Next to each person's name, write what they did to you. And why are you offended by him.

Then close your eyes, relax and visualize or imagine each person one by one. Have a short conversation with each of them and explain to him or her that in the past you felt anger or resentment towards him (her), but now you intend to do everything in your power to forgive them for everything

Give them your blessing and say, “I forgive you and release you. Go your own way and be happy." When you are done with this process, write "Now I forgive and release you all" on your piece of paper and throw it away or burn it as a token that you are free from these past experiences.

The great advantage of the technique proposed by S. Gawain is that you forgive not only others, but also yourself. That is, you get rid of not only anger and resentment, but also guilt and the shame associated with it.

Step 2: Forgive and free yourself. Now write down the names of all those whom you think you have ever hurt or wronged. Write down exactly what you did with each of them. And then close your eyes again, relax and imagine each of these people in turn.

Tell him or her what you did and ask them to forgive you for it and give you their blessing. Then imagine them doing it—i.e. forgiving you.

When you're done, write down or across your piece of paper, "I forgive myself and take all the blame here, now, and forever!" Then tear up the paper and throw it away (or burn it again).

Practice 10 - Emotionally Corrective Experience by J. Rainwater

Record the episode that disturbed or offended you in the form short story written in the present tense and in the first person. Restore all the events as accurately as possible (unless, of course, they have become a serious psychological trauma for you). Restore all dialogues and describe your feelings. Now rewrite history the way you would like it to happen. Slap the offender, go towards the pursuer and defeat him. At least somehow, but take revenge on the tormentor. Or love the person you hate. Do whatever you want. Create new dialogues. Describe your other feelings. And come up with your own ending and denouement.

Honoring and accepting their parents is the main duty of children. Sometimes, this is difficult to understand and do because of all sorts of resentment towards parents. This is especially true for fathers who left the family. Also, if the child was sent to an orphanage or to be raised by other relatives. There can be many reasons, but this does not negate the need for acceptance. As the fifth commandment says: "Honor your father and your mother, that you may be well, and that you live long on earth." These words contain the meaning that we do this not for parents, just like obedient children, but we need to do this, first of all, for ourselves. For us to live long and happy life and pass this gift on to their children.

There is a lot of information about the adoption of parents now, here we will talk directly about the practice of adoption. There are a huge number of such practices, but, in my opinion, the most effective is "40-day practice of working out birth scenarios with both parents". The advantages of this practice are as follows:

  • In it, there is a simultaneous study of relations with both parents.
  • This practice includes an element of bowing, which means that the law of hierarchy is observed.
  • With the help of it, we build internal relationships, i.e. in it we can tell our parents about all our pain, without fear of an emotional response, this is a dialogue at the level of our souls.
  • Here we can ask for blessings for a happy fate, if in reality this is not possible.
  • Naturally, through our parents, we also set up a connection with our entire family on the maternal and paternal lines.
  • It takes a little time, from 3 to 5 minutes a day.

So, the practice itself:

Kneeling, forehead touches the floor, arms extended forward with palms up. Imagine that your parents are standing right in front of you - mom right hand, dad on the left. And in this position, it is necessary to start a conversation with parents. You can tell your parents in turn, first to your father, then to your mother, what is in your soul, what grievances live in your heart. At this moment, perhaps there will be resistance, a feeling of shame, an unwillingness to do the practice, or maybe, on the contrary, you will want to cry, you will feel how your heart opens up. In any case, you need to give free rein to your emotions, this is the healing process. With tears and all sorts of emotions, our bodily clamps and pain come out.

After you have spoken out your grievances, I suggest saying "A Prayer at the Dawn of Life" from Bert Hellinger's book Orders of Love. First we turn to dad, then mom:

"Dear dad, I accept everything you give me, all the way, no exceptions.

I accept everything at the full price it cost you and it costs me.

I will create something from this, for your joy (in memory of you).

It shouldn't have been in vain. I honor and keep it

I accept you as my dad and I belong to you as your child, your daughter.

You are the one I need, and I am the child you need.

You are big and I am small. You give, I take.

Dear Dad! I'm glad you chose mom.

Both of you are the ones I need. Only you!".

A comment:

  • "I accept whatever you give me, all of it, no exceptions."

It is acceptance of all that you have or have not received from your parent. The most important thing here is that you give thanks for giving you life. If not for him, you would not have been born.

Often children blame their parents for giving them too little or not what they wanted. But you must admit that if the parents had the opportunity to give everything you want, would they really not do it? The same can be said about attitude. The way your parents behaved towards you is often a pattern of behavior that they adopted from their parents or close relatives. They were taught that way, they did not know other methods. And notice, no matter how much we resist, we often adopt the behavioral style and life scenarios of our ancestors. These are the laws of the tribal system. Accepting what was, and accepting without judgment, you run new script, free from resentment and the influence of the problems of ancestors.

  • "I accept everything at the full price it cost you and it costs me."

This acceptance of one's parent simply as a person who also had the right to make mistakes and seek happiness. If your parents separated in your childhood, for example, dad left, you stayed with your mom, and suffered a lot, and saw the suffering of your mom, then it is important to understand that this was their adult choice. If the relationship between them became unbearable, then why did either of them have to suffer in this marriage? Marriage for the sake of children does not bring happiness to either parents or children. Children subconsciously and firsthand see relationship problems and adopt the script that marriage is suffering.

This phrase also contains the meaning that we accept everything that it cost us personally. Those. the same our sufferings, pain, feeling of injustice, etc., as a lesson of your soul. It is said that we choose our parents even before the moment of incarnation, exactly such parents that we have or had, in order to learn the lessons of our previous lives.

  • "I will create something from this, for your joy (in memory of you)."

When we blame our parents for our troubles and misfortunes (either they didn’t allow it, they didn’t help there, then they didn’t give it), we remain in a symbiotic relationship with them with the “-” sign. And this means that we do not separate from them. Blaming allows us to relieve ourselves of responsibility and not be responsible for our own failures. But here the danger is that in this way we block the flow of tribal energy from parents to ourselves.

This phrase says that now, as an adult and a mature soul, I leave resentments in the past and move on with pure thoughts and intentions. Everything that you could give me, I take with gratitude and now I myself will try to increase and improve it. Now I myself take responsibility for my life, go offline. And in continuation of this thought: "It shouldn't have been in vain".

  • "I honor and keep it, and if it is allowed, I will pass it on, just like you."

The energy in the family flows from the eldest to the youngest. Our parents take energy from their fathers and mothers. By accepting our parents, we allow the birth stream to go from them to us, thereby we pass this stream through ourselves and pass it on to our children. Also honoring our parents, we show good example their children. After all, everyone wants that the child loved and respected him.

  • "I accept you as my dad and I belong to you as your child, your daughter."

I unconditionally and unconditionally accept you as my parent. I don't need another.

  • "You are the one I need, and I am the child you need."

This means that our souls initially chose each other to pass their lessons.

  • "You are big and I am small. You give, I take."

It was said above that the energy in the family flows from the elder to the younger, but not vice versa. In accordance with the law of hierarchy, parents are always for us big figures and we are small for them. They appeared in the family before us. When we condemn our parents, teach them, reject them, become conditionally their parents, believing that they themselves can’t do anything or can’t cope, we take on the function of an older, more intelligent, experienced, etc. This will block the flow. Parents give us energy, and we take it from them as the next generation, and nothing else.

  • "Dear dad! I'm glad you chose mom. Both of you are the ones I need. Only you!"

It is acceptance of both parents as one for you. And also gratitude for the fact that it was they who chose each other so that you would be born.

After the prayer, you can ask your parents for blessings for a happy fate, for health, for harmony in family relationships, for whatever you need. And at the end of the practice, thank the parents.

The best day to start working with the family is considered 10 lunar day "Fountain"- Day of family, home and clan. It is desirable to perform it in the morning, while the mind is still clean. The practice is performed for 40 days without interruption. And this is very important! There are very frequent cases when a person simply forgets to do the practice one day. This is the resistance of the mind, which is used to keeping everything under control and acting in the usual way. After all, changes are always terrible for our mind. If you miss a day, then start the countdown again.

During the practice, it is important to monitor your sensations in the head and body. That side of the body (right or left), in which there will be the most sensations (numbness, tingling, pain, etc.), will signal what kind of problem there is. If in the mother, then sensations can occur in the left side of the body, if in the father, then in the right. Do not be afraid of these sensations, this is normal, and as you practice, these sensations will pass.

Easy practice for you!

In Vedic astrology, a special place is given to parents, as one of the most important factors determining the further success of a person in life. Moreover, success is not only in the social sphere, but also family, personal and spiritual.

Ancient teachings say that our parents are representatives of the male and female Divine principles. In other words, for a child, Mother and Father are Gods. Of course, if you have not previously encountered such statements, it may be unusual to perceive them now. Therefore, I propose to do a little practice in order to fully understand and feel this statement.

Sit down, close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself as a small child who is six months to a year old at the most. You are helpless and still know so little. You constantly see Mom and Dad, two big people who are constantly with you. They feed you, caress, care for, dress, protect, comfort, wash and play. Feel how the child perceives his parents. These are the people who patronize you.

Do you feel now why they talk about parents like that? Will not will, but the child perceives them as gods. If he cries, then parents always come to the rescue. If the child is hungry, then the parents will feed. If the child wants to sleep, then the parents will provide the necessary comfort. Are adults similar to children?

When a person is confused in life or faced with some difficult situation, often he prays to God looking for an answer in him. When a person is having a hard time, he prays to God and asks for peace. Therefore, any grievances and claims that may arise for a variety of reasons have a very negative effect on human life, on his body and energy.

If there is no respect for parents, there is no respect for them, then this is very, very serious. Parents are conductors of subtle energy and higher knowledge, regardless of what level of consciousness they have. What matters here is what attitude we have towards them on an internal level.

Analyze your attitude towards them. Do you really treat them with respect, reverence and dignity? Are you ready to help them when they need it? My counseling experience has shown that often the bulk of a person's problems lie in the plane of parents. This is confirmed by many other reputable people.

When a person gets rid of resentment and claims against his parents, in his subtle body the right energies start to circulate, he starts to get some kind of support of sorts. And this, you know, is one of the most powerful sources of energy for a person!

You need to have a separate notebook for this technique. The practice lasts 108 days, it must be done daily. The notebook needs left hand write the following phrases:

Dear dad, dad's name! I apologize to you for everything!
Dear dad, dad's name! I forgive you for everything!
Dear dad, dad's name! I thank you for everything!

After that, you need to write all three phrases 2 more times. There will be a total of 9 written phrases. This is the first part of the practice. Once again I will indicate that it is very important to prescribe with the left hand, since it is she who is responsible for our subconscious. With this approach, we literally rewrite our subconscious. And our inner relationship to the father in this case improves.

The second part of the practice consists of prostrations. In the old days, people used to bow to each other as a sign of respect, reverence and greeting. After some time, this tradition has become obsolete, unfortunately, since it helped to attune a person with the people around him and enter into a relationship with them. a good relationship especially at the internal level.

In the technique of working out the parents, we will also use bows. After the phrases in the notebook are spelled out, you need to stand in full height. Then imagine the father in your mind (you can do it in front of his photograph, image) and make a full bow.

How is it done? You need to first kneel down, then rest your palms on the floor, and touch your forehead to the floor. Then stand up to your full height. This is one complete bow. And these must be done at least 10 times.

It is through bows that the toughest and negative programs that prevent a person from achieving very much in life. In particular, it is they who prevent a person from fully receiving support from his kind. In the same way, it is necessary to work out the mother. Everything is the same as in the case of the father.

What can you expect during this practice? People shared with me all the variety of emotions and feelings that they had during these 108 days. Basically, such feelings surfaced as discontent, aggression, claims, resentment, disagreement, frustration, sadness.

All this is good, as it indicates that negative programs are coming out and being worked out. How harder relationship with parents, the more intense these emotions can be. No matter how strong the resistance is, it must be overcome, because the result that will await you is incomparable!

But one should also take into account the moment that prescribing and bowing should come from the heart, not from the mind. You should not think “Now I will quickly bow to him, and my life will get better!”. You must sincerely want to get rid of that negativity, those programs and attitudes that are inside you. And for this it is important to realize what role parents play for each person.

IN Vedic astrology the father symbolizes the 9th house, which in turn is responsible for the luck of a person, for higher knowledge, religion, spirituality, mentors and teachers. Therefore, when a person has some resentment towards his father, claims and disrespect, then the person’s luck immediately deteriorates. You will hardly find anyone fully successful who would have problems in his relationship with his father! The most important thing that will happen as you progress in this practice is that you will begin to discover luck in life and higher knowledge. You seem to be guided through life.

The mother symbolizes the 4th house, which is responsible for such important aspects of life as inner happiness, emotions, contentment, real estate, vehicles and land. Therefore, if a person has at least some negative programs in her direction, then he cannot be completely happy and satisfied. And dissatisfaction generates a loss of energy and a weakening of the human energy system. As the mother works out, the person becomes more and more balanced, calm and satisfied. A healthy inner attitude towards mother is the foundation on which a person’s happiness will be built.

And as most of us know, happy people have strong energy and they are truly filled life force which so many lack in our time! So remember Golden Rule: parents are a source of strength and energy for a person. If you are serious about changing your life for the better, making it full, happy, vitality then work out the parents in this way is an extreme necessity!