We build a house for a well with our own hands - step-by-step instructions. How to make a well at your dacha with your own hands: from finding a source of water to creating a well from rings on a wooden one

The need for specialists in digging water sources is constantly growing. However, you can do this work yourself. This article will reveal the main secrets of how to dig a well at home.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 21, 1992 N 2395-01 “On Subsoil”, Article 19 allows for drilling wells for one’s own purposes without any permits, provided that no more than 100 cubic meters of liquid from the aquifer rise to the surface per day, and that the source is not centralized.

That is, if you want to obtain water from a source solely for watering your garden, agricultural or household needs, drinking, etc., you do not need to obtain any permits for either a summer house or a private home.

How to find a place?

First you should search for water. The easiest way is to ask your neighbors. If they don't have a source, have they looked for it? If neighbors' attempts are unsuccessful, it will be impossible to find the liquid. You can determine the place where to dig yourself. If there is a source, then before looking for water on your personal plot, you should start from the following factors:

  1. Terrain.
  2. Soil type.
  3. Climatic conditions.
  4. Nature and plants.

How to determine where is the best place to dig?

The best way to find liquid at a site is through geological exploration. Having discovered a source or supposed place with water, you should not rush to dig, it is better to check its quality.

Does it have any aftertaste, is it cloudy or dirty, etc.

Advice: If you are digging a source for drinking water, it is recommended that you first send it to a laboratory for analysis. The test will be for: microbiology, inorganics, organics, herbicides, radionuclides and pesticides. You can check for fertilizers and petroleum products, iron and manganese.

  • landfills;
  • car washes;
  • swamps;
  • farms and pigsties;
  • tanks with sewage and the like.

If the soil in your area is rocky and there are large blocks, then setting up a mine will cause serious difficulties. For this purpose, geological exploration is carried out. This includes:

  • studying the nature of the soil and the characteristics of the local rock;
  • determining the depth of the source.

Finding water on your own property can make it easier to study the flora. For example, sedge, sedge, and coltsfoot grow mainly in damp areas. If the groundwater is high, then you will see the following trees: spruce, birch, alder. This may be the optimal location.

Important: The search should not be carried out in ravines, river banks, or gutters. In such places, fluid drainage is carried out artificially.

There is another popular way to search for water on your own site. For this, a slingshot made of willow branches is used. It is held in a vertical position, where the aquifer is close, and the tension of the slingshot barrel is felt in your hands. Instead of willow twigs, metal wire is also used, from which 2 equal L-shaped frames are made. If you hold them in a horizontal position with your elbow bent, the frames begin to move and cross where there is liquid.

Shaft depth

Conventionally, aquifers can be divided into several horizons. For a full-fledged well, it is enough to dig into the first one. Typically the depth ranges from 5 to 30 meters. Depending on how wells enter the aquifer, dacha wells are divided into 3 types (diagram below):

  1. Perfect with sump (B).
  2. Perfect (B).
  3. Imperfect (A).

In the third case, water inflow is possible through the bottom and side walls. In the second case, exclusively through the walls, and as for the sump, the shaft will be located in the rock. Due to this, the fluid supply increases significantly.

Based on the characteristics of the soil in your area, you need to choose the most affordable technology method.

What time of year should you dig?

Is there a difference when it's better to dig? Yes. The ideal time of year is late summer and January. To cut a spring in winter, there must be frost for at least three weeks.

Digging during this period has its advantages:

  • The groundwater level is very low.
  • There is practically no perched water.
  • It is easy to calculate the debit, since at this time of year it is minimal.

If you plan to dig yourself, with your own hands, then you need to start in early August in order to be in time before the rainy season.

Important: the chosen time of year should be as dry and dry as possible.

Digging technique

Drilling is performed using several technologies:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • mine;
  • tubular.

Let's take a closer look at these types of wells.


You can dig a mine in an open way. To do this, dig a hole of the required depth. The diameter of the shaft should be 20 cm larger than the diameter of the reinforced concrete ring. After lowering the concrete products, they must be connected to each other. The joints are also sealed. The resulting space between the walls of the shaft and the ground is filled with earth.


A summer source can be made in a closed way. Before digging a well, it is necessary to prepare a hole in the ground up to 2 m deep. A reinforced concrete ring is carefully inserted into it.

As it deepens, the installed co-construction will gradually sink down. The second, third rings and so on are carefully mounted on top. The latter should rise above the soil level.

Important! As new rings are installed, all joints must be sealed.

Construction using this method requires certain skills.


A shaft that should be strengthened to prevent soil from collapsing. Previously this was done using logs. Currently, the shaft or shaft is reinforced with concrete round rings. As a result, the source is protected from wastewater and pollution.


Digging a well yourself using tubular technology is difficult. This method is suitable when the aquifer is located fairly close. Moreover, special equipment is used for digging, which costs a lot of money.

Features of digging technologies

Each of these digging techniques has its pros and cons. Various financial investments are also required. When digging openly, special equipment is required, which already increases the price of the entire project. In the case of closed technology, the cost of work will be cheap, since only the costs are required for the delivery of reinforced concrete rings. You can install them yourself as you go deeper.

As for the tubular method, it is the most expensive and technologically advanced. Well, the mining method is labor-intensive and requires special skills. Therefore, you may have to hire a specialist.



The set of tools and materials may differ depending on what types of wells will be built.


  • cable;
  • homemade winch;
  • buckets;
  • shovels with short handles;
  • ropes;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • hammer/drill;
  • carpentry tools (when working with wood);
  • jackhammer;
  • flashlight;
  • pump;
  • insurance;
  • level;
  • helmet.


  • reinforced concrete rings;
  • cement;
  • sand.

Safety precautions

To build a well with your own hands, it is extremely important to follow certain precautions:

  1. When digging, the head is protected by a helmet.
  2. Bucket handles must be strong and reliable.
  3. The rope for lifting the bucket must be strong.
  4. The carabiner must be reliable.
  5. From time to time you should check the carabiner, rope and handle on the bucket.
  6. Digging is done one by one.
  7. It is necessary to make sure that the ladder is reliable and durable.
  8. Work should be carried out in strong, high and leak-proof shoes and overalls.
  9. Reinforced concrete products must be installed very carefully.
  10. The harness with the stone should be lifted slowly and carefully.
  11. Insurance required.
  12. If there is a gas leak, go upstairs immediately.
  13. Keep children away from the work area.
  14. Do not dump the raised soil closer than 3 meters from the pit.
  15. Warn the digger about lifting and lowering objects.
  • Get multiple confirmations of water availability.
  • Pre-study the geology of the area.
  • It is best to start digging in winter after frost for about three weeks, or even more.
  • Take a deep dive into the aquifer.
  • Make a hole one ring deeper than the neighbors.
  • It is best to connect the rings with staples.
  • At the bottom, install an aspen shield made of stones, sand.

Common Mistakes

  • A small number of rings.
  • If it is necessary to deepen the mine, then you should not dig in one ring from the outside, but rather clean the source.
  • If it is necessary to deepen, then the shaft is completely dug.
  • Avoid superficial restoration of joints. The seams should be completely cleaned of mortar.
  • If the old source is running, it is better to spend money on digging a new one.
  • Do not leave seams through which water can leak.
  • Do not abandon a dug mine without cover.

How to make a mine from concrete rings?

The process of making and installing rings with your own hands is a labor-intensive stage of work. Reinforced concrete wells are manufactured in the following sequence:

  1. Marking is being carried out on the site.
  2. The bottom is leveling out. A diameter of up to 1.5 m is enough.
  3. The concrete well is immersed after excavation to the height of the ring using a tripod or winch.
  4. The first ring is mounted, measurements are taken all the time.
  5. As you go deeper, a second one is installed, and so on. Using a crowbar we level it.
  6. The well can be sealed from the inside using a rubber band, which is placed in the gap between the rings. If there are loops, they bend inward.
  7. A filter is installed at the bottom of the source.
  8. Groundwater protection is carried out. Waterproofing is done using special mastics.
  9. Before caulking the seams between the rings, you need to connect them with anchors.

Before you dig a well by hand, you need to have an accurate diameter. The pit for reinforced concrete wells should be 200 mm wider in width. While digging a hole, be sure to check the level; the shaft must be vertically level. As the hole is dug independently for the reinforced concrete rings, the soil gradually rises upward. Everything happens in stages, the bucket goes down and goes up the winch.

Advice: knowing how to dig a mine in a country house, you can handle all the work yourself. It is mandatory to protect the source from the penetration of groundwater.

If a boulder is encountered, it is removed if possible. Although in some cases the mine is filled up and arranged in another place.

How to seal seams: mine waterproofing

When the well is completely drilled and the rings are all in place, they need to be waterproofed from the inside. If it will be carried out in wet soils, then coating compounds are recommended.

For example, you can use bitumen mastic. She must treat the outside of the rings. This will significantly extend their service life. The joints are additionally coated from the inside.

Concrete shafts are often wrapped with roll insulation, such as dense polyethylene, as waterproofing. Film is much cheaper. However, it is used exclusively from the outside. You need to quickly dig around the rings in a circle and wrap them with film.

Important! The film will last for several years if you buy a durable one with reinforcement. But it is better to allocate a budget for coating insulation.

Some summer residents resort to additional waterproofing by making. This is especially true if clay rises to the surface when digging. It can be used by filling the well from the outside.

Useful video

Videos from professionals:


We looked at all the features of how to properly make a well. You found out when it is better to dig it with concrete rings. Different digging techniques were considered, you choose the most accessible one for yourself. Now, knowing how to build a well, you can get to work. We hope that this material was useful to you. In addition, we recommend watching a video about how many home craftsmen dig them.

In a properly equipped wooden well, the natural purification of water makes it of higher quality and palatable than after treatment at a water treatment plant. Such a source is constantly available and can serve as a backup option in case of failures in centralized or autonomous water supply.

Drawing of a wooden well.

Groundwater is divided into 3 main types, ranging in depth from the surface: perched water, groundwater and artesian. Verkhodka lies at a relatively shallow depth, is not sufficiently purified from contaminants and cannot be used as drinking water. Artesian waters are located quite deep; a well drilled to them pours water to the surface by gravity. Groundwater is more suitable for water supply to a suburban area.

Well design for self-construction

The type of well constructed depends on the required daily water consumption. If the consumption is insignificant, the water will begin to stagnate and rot. To dig and equip a well with your own hands for individual needs, it is better to choose a mine type.

For small water intakes, a wooden well of an imperfect type is preferable. In this case, the water flow will be provided through the bottom filter. The mine is deepened to 1/3 of the aquifer; the well’s nutrition will not depend on this size. The installation of filters on the walls of the shaft is complex and will not significantly increase the filling of the well.

Assembly diagram for a typical well house.

When using wood to fasten the walls of a shaft, a frame made of logs or beams is assembled on the surface. The structure is inserted into the shaft and settles down to the aquifer with gradual excavation of the soil. The crowns are built up on top of the frame. With different soil densities and difficulties encountered in deepening wooden fastenings, other methods of installing the structure are used.

The water intake part should be equipped with a bottom filter. If the aquifer is highly liquefied (quicksand), before installing a bottom filter, the bottom is covered with boards, leaving gaps or drilled holes.

A well constructed by yourself should have a depth of no more than 15 m. From a greater depth, raising the soil will become difficult. Surface water may penetrate into a mine with a depth of less than 5 m, polluting the water of the main aquifer.

The transverse dimensions of the shaft are taken solely for reasons of convenience when equipping it and reducing the consumption of materials and labor costs. The area of ​​the well bottom has virtually no effect on the increase in water inflow. The cross-section of the bottom is important only when feeding the well with ascending springs. With better clearing of such a source, the flow rate increases. The optimal side size for a mine is 0.8-1.2 m; such parameters will allow the use of hand-held digging tools and not excavate excess soil.

Related article: Lathing for a gazebo: advantages and description of installation

Choosing a well location

Scheme for choosing a location for installing a well.

In order not to dig a well, counting on luck, it is better to contact the local hydrogeological service, where you can get information about the types of soil in the area, the depth and composition of groundwater. If there are wells in nearby areas, you can ask your neighbors about their parameters and water quality.

To be completely sure of the efficiency of using the future structure, a test well is being drilled. It is not recommended to build a well if the area is swampy. You can reliably find out about the possibility of using water from existing wells in the area for drinking at the regional sanitary and epidemiological station.

The well must be removed from septic tanks, compost heaps, buildings for keeping livestock and other sources of pollution at a distance of at least 20 m. It should not be installed on the banks of reservoirs and the slopes of ravines to avoid water drainage. The well must be located at least 5 m away from permanent buildings on the site.

It is better to carry out excavation work in summer or autumn. During this period, the groundwater level is at its lowest; frequent pumping while digging a mine will not be required. If it was late spring, you should wait a month after the snow melts until the aquifer is sufficiently depleted.

Well frame assembly technology

Scheme of connecting the corner of a log house into a paw.

To assemble the log house, you should prepare the following tools:

  • gas or electric saw, hacksaw;
  • axe, chisel, hammer;
  • scraper and adze;
  • plumb line, tape measure and level.

The log house is built in a square shape, usually 1x1 m. The wood for the log house is selected based on the location of the logs relative to the water. Material located above water is more susceptible to rotting than material buried in it. It is better to combine the use of different wood species. Underwater parts should be made of pine, willow or aspen, hanging over the layer of water - from larch, elm, alder or bog oak. With this combination of material, the well can last more than 20 years.

Oak logs that have undergone the staining process in the underwater part of the well may not be destroyed for more than a century. But without this treatment, the wood will give the water a bitter taste and change color to brown. Other types of wood are less durable and affect water quality.

The timber must be straight and not dead wood. The logs used should not have any areas affected by rot or insects. The bark is peeled off before assembling the frame. It is not recommended to treat the material with antiseptics or other protective compounds.

Gate diagram for a wooden well.

Related article: Sirius door handles: how to disassemble them with your own hands?

To construct a well, logs with a diameter of 18-20 cm are used; larger trunks are sawn lengthwise. The saw cut is placed inside the log house. The assembly of the log house is first done on the surface. If installation is planned inside the shaft, the crowns are prepared and marked in advance.

In the corners of the log house, the elements are connected into a paw without leaving a trace. Fastening is done with dowels measuring 10 cm, spaced vertically. For structural strength, adjacent crowns are fastened with staples and tied at the corners with bars. Boards are nailed in the middle of each wall during installation. The logs are adjusted carefully, since caulking the cracks is not allowed; tow will affect the quality of the water.

Securing the shaft with logs

To construct a well shaft you will need:

  • crowbars and shovels (regular and shortened);
  • sledgehammer, jack, winch;
  • tripod, rope and pulley;
  • buckets and scoops for excavating soil and silt;
  • container under the ground;
  • rope or ladder;
  • pump for pumping out water;
  • pebbles or crushed stone;
  • dry clay for a “clay castle”.

Roof drawing for a well.

The mine shaft is secured using various technologies depending on the structure of the soil layers.

Lowering fastening is carried out when the required shaft depth is more than 6 m. The future well shaft is marked on the surface of the selected area. Initially, excavation is carried out to a depth of 1.5-2 m. A part of the log house is made with a number of crowns according to the initial depth. The protrusion above the surface is made in 3-4 crowns. The assembled frame is carefully inserted into the opening of the shaft, preventing the soil from collapsing from the walls.

The bottom is deepened by about 30 cm, under the log house the soil is removed from the middle of the wall, but left in the corners. Supports (wedge pads) are installed in the niche under the lower crown. Then the soil is removed from the corners. The supports are knocked out and the box settles evenly. As the mine deepens, a tripod with a pulley system is installed above it to facilitate lifting the excavated soil. For convenient assembly of the log house, in some cases a frame of logs is erected over the shaft, and the pulley is attached at a height of about 1.5 m above the ground surface.

The timber is settled by striking a sledgehammer through the underlying timber. To make the log frame settle into the shaft easier, a special shoe with a cutting knife is sometimes mounted on its base. Next, the shaft is sequentially deepened and the upper rows of crowns are built up. The inflowing water is scooped out with buckets, and the undermining of the lower crown continues.

Scheme of a mine well.

Once the aquifer is reached, the mine will gradually fill with muddy water. It is pumped out with a pump, and the mule is scooped out with buckets. The log house is lowered until water volumes appear that do not allow further deepening.

After work on securing the shaft and removing accumulated water, a bottom filter is installed. The bottom is leveled and covered with a layer of sand (20-30 cm). The filter is formed from 3 layers of crushed stone or river pebbles. The layers are laid 15-20 cm in length with increasing fraction sizes from bottom to top. The size of the fragments increases approximately 6 times with each layer.

In search of an independent source of water, summer residents dig a well in their local area. This is an excellent solution, because you can drink clean and cool water every day. An important element in this case is the well house. Now you will learn about all the intricacies of its manufacture.

The well house performs two functions at once:

  1. Practical.
  2. Decorative.

In the first case, it prevents dust, dirt, leaves, insects, chemical precipitation, direct sunlight and snow from getting inside. Moreover, the water in an open mine will freeze in winter.

Speaking of the second function, the top of the well can be designed or finished according to the exterior of your home. They use a variety of designs, for example the following design options:

  • in Greek style;
  • carved;
  • in the form of a barrel;
  • from a log;
  • from timber;
  • teremok and others.


  1. Open.
  2. Closed.

An open one can have a simple visor made of metal or wood. The canopy comes with a pitched or gable roof on two pillars. The drum is fixed on the supports. Additionally, there may be a cover on the ring itself.

As for the closed ones, these are full-fledged houses that completely block the source. A door is made in the roof.

Pros of open houses:

  • Easy to manufacture. It is enough to secure the knob and trim it, as well as install a small canopy or cover.
  • Low cost.
  • Minimum consumption of building material.

Disadvantages of open structures:

  • If there is severe frost in your area, the water may freeze.

Important: when the house is open, it must be made from polystyrene foam shell.

Advantages of closed well houses:

  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • The rings completely overlap.

Disadvantages of a closed structure:

  • will cost more;
  • it will require more labor and time.

Advice: some buy ready-made solutions. However, they are not always of the best quality. Therefore, it is more profitable to do it yourself.

Preparatory work

To make a house for a well, you need to collect tools. Its configuration will differ. For example, a set of carpentry tools is required from timber. If the structure is made of metal, then it is necessary to have a welding machine and related tools.

If the roof is made of metal, then the following set of materials and tools is required:

  • metal corner;
  • profile pipe;
  • loops;
  • electrodes;
  • welder mask;
  • corner, tape measure;
  • welder's hammer;
  • level;
  • welding machine;
  • paint and primer, etc.

Now let's look at the basic material for a closed house:

  • wooden beam for forming rafters 50 × 50 mm, length 0.85 m – 4 pcs.;
  • wooden beam for forming a ridge 50 × 50 mm, length 1 m – 1 pc.;
  • wooden beam for the base 100 × 100 mm, length 1 m – 4 pcs.;
  • wooden beam for attaching the base and rafters 100 × 50 mm, length 1 m - 2 pcs.;
  • wooden beam for columnar support 100 × 50 mm, length 1.7 m – 2 pcs.;
  • log for forming a shaft over the well Ø 250 mm, length 0.9 m;
  • board for a bucket stand 30 × 300 mm, length 1 m;
  • board for the slope and front part 20 × 100 mm;
  • metal corner – 4 pcs.;
  • a metal rod Ø 20 mm up to 300 mm long, and the second L-shaped, 400 × 350 × 250 mm;
  • metal bushing – 2 pcs.;
  • washer hole Ø 26 mm – 5 pcs.;
  • loops – 2 pcs.;
  • screws, nails and other fastening materials;
  • roofing material, let it be tiles;
  • chain and bucket.

Important: The wood used must be well dried.

The following materials are required for a log structure:

  • logs;
  • logs or timber to support the roof;
  • roofing felt;
  • tiles;
  • metal rod;
  • chain and bucket;
  • fastening material.

Among the tools you must have:

  • drill;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • set of screwdrivers and drills;
  • hammer;
  • paint and special impregnations for wood;
  • axe;
  • pliers and other carpentry tools.

Drawings and dimensions

Drawings need to be prepared. The scheme is standard. See photos for ideas. Thanks to a detailed drawing with details, you can make a beautiful well top better and faster.

How to make a header with your own hands?

We invite you to review the step-by-step construction instructions. There will be 3 variations on how to build a house, namely the frame:

  • from a log;
  • timber;
  • metal

Log building

Essentially, a log structure is built without a frame. It is necessary to have the required number of rounded logs. The structure will have 4 walls laid crosswise.

A gate, a gable roof and a roof deck will also be installed. The process boils down to this:

  1. The lower part is being formed. The side racks are installed immediately.
  2. Afterwards the frame is folded.
  3. Up to the top level, the logs on four sides will be equal.
  4. When forming the roof, the end parts are reduced according to the matryoshka principle.
  5. A gate rod must be mounted on the support posts on the end side.
  6. At the end of the work, all that remains is to make a sheathing of timber for the roof and cover it with metal tiles.

Advice: Before forming the first row, a layer of waterproofing must be laid to prevent direct contact of the log with the ground.

Timber frame

Having decided on the dimensions, it is necessary to assemble a frame from timber with a section of 50 × 100 mm. The resulting base of the wooden house will later be sheathed. The working process is as follows:

  1. Having identified the side part of the structure, fix the beam (support column) on both sides. Its size will determine the height of the entire structure. Please note that the gate will be attached to these supports.
  2. A frame is assembled that will immediately outline the future shape of the building. The simplest option is a square.
  3. A timber frame is made on each side. The beams are connected to each other with metal corners and self-tapping screws.
  4. The head may not cover the visible part of the concrete ring. In this case, it is necessary to make a frame from timber according to the type of gable roof.
  5. With this option, the beam will be fastened with anchors to the concrete ring.
  6. The frame must have elements to create rigidity.
  7. Rafters are also made from timber.

Metal frame

The use of metal will allow us to produce a high-quality and durable well head. The base will use a profile or round pipe. To form the base, you can use a stainless profile. Features of the work are as follows:

  • Anchors secure two support posts made of a profile pipe, which will determine the height of the frame on the well.
  • Pipes are welded to the support pillars in a horizontal position. They should be laid on the top edge of the concrete ring.
  • The top level will have a square shape. On both sides it is attached to the vertical pillars of the support.
  • The slope of the future roof is being formed. From the top of the support column, a pipe is lowered diagonally down and welded to the corner of the square section laid below. This is done on each side.
  • Spacers must be welded to provide rigidity to the structure.
  • An opening is formed for the future installation of the door.


The roof structure can have different shapes, such as gable, hexagonal or flat.

Flat is the simplest. It is built on beautiful open houses. A small canopy is installed on the well. The easiest way to form it is from a metal profile:

  • The supports are immediately welded onto the pillars to a given shape.
  • It is easier to shape a flat roof on a flat surface.
  • You weld the entire frame on the ground, and then attach the supports to the pillars, and you get a canopy over the source.

A gable roof is formed very simply:

  1. First, the support pillar is fixed, and then slopes are directed down from it on four sides.
  2. There should be room in the roof for a door if it is an enclosed house.
  3. If it is open, then two slopes can be assembled on the ground, and then lifted up and secured to the support pillars.

Hexagonal shape, the most complex. The principle of its manufacture is as follows:

  1. On the ground, assemble the upper belt of the hexagonal-shaped house.
  2. The support beam must be fixed in the center in a vertical position.
  3. Six diagonal rafters are directed towards it, forming a special type of roof.

Advice: Without accurate calculations, dimensions and skills, it will be difficult to make a hexagonal roof with your own hands.

Roof decking

Sheathing. A large number of building materials are used for flooring:

  • lining;
  • soft roof;
  • metal tiles;
  • ondulin.

The process of fixing these materials is simple, but has its own characteristics.


We are talking about wooden lining. It is attached using self-tapping screws to a wooden frame. Mounting to a metal frame is more difficult. After installation work, the lining must be covered with protective antiseptics and varnish.

Soft roof

A completely flat surface is required for its installation. For example, a USB plate or other similar material is screwed to the manufactured frame. Flexible roofing is fixed using special nails.

Advice: bitumen shingles are the ideal solution for a hexagonal roof.

Metal tiles

Covering a canopy with metal tiles is a little more complicated than the previous two methods. The flooring sheets are attached with special self-tapping screws with thermal washers to the frame. It is recommended to make the cut for the formation on a wave so that water (rain or melting snow) does not flow into the source.


Ondulin is attached in the same way as the previous material. For fixation, special slate nails with polypropylene heads are used. This is an excellent solution for gable and single-pitch roofs.


The well gate can be made in a variety of options:

  • from a log;
  • from a metal pipe;
  • from a car wheel disc;
  • from reinforcement welded into a cylindrical frame.

A pipe bent in the shape of a letter - G is used as a handle. There may also be other options:

  • Steering Wheel;
  • handle made of polypropylene pipe.

On the Internet you will find many unusual and original ideas on what to make your own pen from.


It can be of different types:

  • bivalve;
  • single-leaf.

If the structure is open, then the door may be on top of the concrete ring. It will open on awnings or be removed from the groove.

Everyone wants the well house they make to last as long as possible. To do this, during operation it is recommended:

  1. Check the integrity of the frame once a year.
  2. Check the serviceability of the gate, as it most often fails.
  3. If the frame and covering are wooden, it is necessary to paint them every year.
  4. Check the integrity of the roof so that dust, rainwater, etc. do not get inside the source.


We examined in detail all the features of making a canopy for a well. In the prepared video material you can familiarize yourself with other nuances of this work, for example, how to decorate, design, etc.

Useful video

The videos cover many nuances and everything you need during construction:

Various variations, 65 types:

A well is often installed in country houses and summer cottages. As a rule, it looks like a nondescript structure with a gate on posts. Anyone can turn it into an attractive and functional building. This requires initial construction skills, desire and suitable materials to create this structure. Construction and shopping centers sell not only ready-made houses for wells, but also all the parts for their construction.

Why do you need a well house?

Convenience and cleanliness of water

A well house is necessary because it performs several functions at once:

  1. Its design eliminates the possibility of leaves, insects, dust, debris, as well as chemicals used when spraying plants near it, getting into the water.
  2. Protects against penetration of sunlight, which negatively affects water.
  3. Prevents water from freezing in winter.
  4. Will not allow access to children and pets.
  5. It will serve as a decoration for the yard, which will emphasize the uniqueness and complete the composition of the site.

Design Features

Various forms of structures for wells are allowed. They can be in the form of a simple shield covering the top of the well shaft or look like a log house. The roof is usually gable, shed or umbrella-shaped. The angle of the roof can be flat or sharp. Doors are usually placed on one or both sides. They can be single-leaf, double-leaf, solid or sliding panels.

For the roof, a material is selected that is harmonious in color and texture with the buildings on the site. It can be painted or covered with soft tiles. Finishing with stone and other textured materials looks beautiful. In this case, a layer of cement mortar is applied to the well ring, and stones are placed on it. The same principle applies to tiling with mosaic tiles.

To create all these design details, it is not necessary to purchase them from a hardware store. The materials remaining after building the house will do just fine:

  1. Cement applied to a well ring can easily be turned into a relief pattern in the form of brickwork. While the solution has not hardened, you can draw lines imitating bricks. When it hardens, paint it in the appropriate color.
  2. Ceramic tile fragments can be split into fragments and laid out like puzzles, in the form of a composition around the base of the well.
  3. Enclose the base with round logs, giving it any geometric shape. The stands can be decorated with dry tree bark. Plant flowers nearby and decorate the roof slopes with curly carvings.

Preparatory stage

First of all, it is necessary to clear the area around the well of debris and grass. Then you need to level this surface and fill it with crushed stone. To do this, make a layer of 15 to 20 cm, which must be compacted. First you need to fill the surface with large crushed stone, and then with smaller ones. The result will be a platform that should be larger than the well house.

Wood is traditionally used to build a well shelter structure. This material is easy to process, durable in use and has a beautiful natural appearance. At the preparatory stage, you need to cut all the parts in accordance with the drawing. This will speed up the process of assembling the house.


The dimensions of the future house are based on the diameter of the well ring. After receiving all the measurement data, a design drawing is drawn up, the material of manufacture is selected and further construction activities are planned.

As an example, the creation of a structure for a well house from wooden boards and beams will be described. This house has a gable roof with a roof made of soft tiles.

A variant with a gable roof is presented

1 - frame base; 2 - pediments; 3 - vertical stand; 4 - roof ridge; 5 - gate; 6 - gable trim; 7–8 - roof slopes

Selection and calculation of materials

To build a well house you will need the following materials:

  1. 4 wooden beams (rafters) with a section of 50x50 mm, 84 cm long;
  2. 1 wooden beam (roof ridge board) with a section of 50x50 mm, length 100 cm;
  3. 4 wooden beams (base) with a section of 100x100 mm, 100 cm long;
  4. 2 wooden beams (for fastening the rafters and base) with a section of 100x50 mm, 100 cm long;
  5. 2 wooden beams (column support) with a cross-section of 100x50 mm, length from 72 to 172 cm (depending on the method and height of fastening);
  6. Log (for the well gate) with a diameter of 20 to 25 cm, a length of 90 cm;
  7. Board (on which buckets are placed) with a cross-section of 30x300 mm, length 100 cm;
  8. Boards (for gables and roof slopes) with a section of 20x100 mm;
  9. 4 metal corners;
  10. 2 metal rods with a diameter of 20 mm: one is from 20 to 30 cm long, the other is L-shaped, measuring 40x35x25 cm;
  11. 2 metal bushings (pipe scraps);
  12. 5 metal washers with a hole diameter of 26mm;
  13. 2 door hinges, handle, latch;
  14. Nails, screws, self-tapping screws;
  15. Roofing material (soft tiles);
  16. Chain and water container.

First you need to level and trim the wood. All wooden parts can be subject to rotting and damage from wood-boring insects. To prevent this from happening, the structure must be treated with antiseptic solutions, antifungal substances or oil protective agents.

The wood for building the frame must first be dried. This will prevent it from warping in the future.

Required set of tools

It is almost impossible to build a structure for a well house without special tools:

  1. Shershebel and circular saw (with these tools you can quickly and efficiently process all wooden structural elements).
  2. A jigsaw or hacksaw (convenient for sawing boards lengthwise).
  3. Impact drill or hammer drill (for drilling holes in the concrete ring when attaching racks).
  4. Hammer (it is better to take a medium size).
  5. Screwdriver (Phillips head).
  6. Building level.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Pencil.

Step-by-step instructions for making a well house

  1. Measure the diameter or width of the well head. Based on these dimensions, the perimeter of the wooden base of the structure will be calculated.

    Frame base

  2. Make a wooden frame from a beam with a cross-section of 50x100 mm. It is more convenient to do it on a flat surface, checking the structure using a building level.
  3. Attach 2 beams (vertical posts) with a cross-section of 50x100 mm and a length of 72 cm to the frame, perpendicular to its base. At the top, connect them with a beam with a cross-section of 50x50 mm, which will act as a ridge.

    The design is ready for installation on a well ring

  4. Connect the vertical posts to the base of the frame (in its corners) using rafters. In order for the rafters to fit tightly, it is necessary to cut the upper ends of the racks on both sides at angles of 45 degrees.

    The upper ends of the vertical posts are sawn on both sides at an angle of 45 degrees

  5. Attach a wide board to the base of one of the sides of the frame (in the place where the door will be). In the future, buckets of water from the well will be placed on it. Its width should not be less than 30 cm.
  6. Place boards of smaller width on the remaining sides. This is necessary for the strength of the structure and to hold it on the well ring.

    Fastening the structure to a concrete ring

  7. Attach the finished frame to the concrete ring of the well using bolts. To do this, you need to align the holes in the posts and the concrete ring, insert the bolts into them and tighten the nuts.

    Vertical beams are bolted to the concrete ring

  8. Install the gate with the handle on the vertical posts. Secure it to the structure.

    The gate is secured with metal plates to the vertical posts

  9. Attach a door with a handle and latch to the frame.

    The surface of the slopes is ready to be covered with roofing material

  10. Cover the gables and slopes of the frame with boards. The outermost boards of the slopes must extend beyond the structure. This will act as a visor and protect the gables from getting wet.
  11. Secure the roofing material to the roof slopes.

The frame must have the correct geometric shape, since displacements and distortions in the future will negatively affect the integrity of the structure. The joints of wooden frame elements can be additionally reinforced with metal corners. Self-tapping screws with a rare thread pitch with a diameter of 3.0 to 4.0 mm and a length of 20 to 30 mm are suitable for this.

When the structure is installed on the well ring, you can begin making the gate. This device is necessary for raising and lowering the bucket.

The larger the diameter of the gate, the easier it is to screw a chain with a bucket of water onto it.

Well gate

  • A round log 90 cm long and 20 cm or more in diameter. The length of the gate should be 4–5 cm less than the distance between the vertical posts. This makes it possible not to touch the post with the edge of the gate.

The dimensions of the metal elements must exactly fit the gate openings

  • It must first be cleared of bark, leveled with a plane and sanded.
  • To maintain a cylindrical shape, wrap the edges of the log with wire or tighten it with a metal clamp.
  • At the ends of the log, in the center, drill holes with a diameter of 2 cm and a depth of 5 cm.

Before making the gate, the log must be dry and without cracks

  • Attach metal washers with similar holes on top. This is necessary to prevent destruction and cracking of wood during operation.
  • Drill the same holes at the same height in the vertical posts. Then insert metal bushings there.
  • Drive metal rods into the finished holes of the log: on the left - 20 cm, on the right - the L-shaped handle of the gate.

Metal parts for manual gate

  • Hang the gate with metal parts on vertical posts.
  • Attach a chain to the collar and hang a water container from it.

DIY house door

  • Attach 3 bars (intended for the door frame) with a section of 50x50 mm to one side of the frame;

The beams are attached to the rafters and the base of the entire structure

  • In accordance with the dimensions of the frame, assemble the door from identical boards. The fitted boards are fastened with bars at the top, bottom and diagonally;

It is better to do this on a flat surface of the ground. The size of the door must be selected smaller than the internal dimensions of its frame. In this case, the door will not touch the wooden base.

  • Attach metal hinges to the door;
  • Then install the door on the frame and secure the hinges with screws or nails;

Door hinges secured with nails

  • Attach the handle and latch to the outside of the door;
  • Check the door. It should not get caught when opening and closing.

Installation of roofing material

The last step in building a well house will be installing a waterproofing layer on the roof. This will preserve the wood and extend the life of the structure. As protection against water, roofing felt or, as in our case, soft tiles are used.

Do not install slate or heavy tiles on top of the waterproofing. From such a weight, after a few years the structure may warp and collapse.

Soft tiles were chosen as the roof.

Video: Making a house for a well

The finished well house can be decorated at your discretion. You can lay out flower beds and flower beds around it, paint it in the color you like or decorate it with carvings. There are no rules in the design. The building should fit harmoniously into the environment of the site and delight you for many years.

Do-it-yourself well at the dacha. Wells made of concrete rings and wooden frames. Assembly features.

A necessary tool. How to avoid water clogging and protect the structure from freezing?

You will learn about all this in our article!

When living in a country house or country house, you need a source of water. Which will increase comfort. As an option, a well. How to build a well at your dacha with your own hands?

It is not worth building a well in spring or rainy summer. The presence of groundwater will greatly complicate the task.

Types of wells

There are two types of wells:

  • Concrete
  • Wood.

A concrete well is assembled from special concrete rings. This type of well is the most convenient to assemble and operate. A wooden well is beautiful and environmentally friendly, but expensive and difficult to assemble.


Concrete. One of the most durable materials. Concrete rings are cast at factories. Reinforcement is used in manufacturing to increase strength.

For a country well, it is best to use wall rings; they are suitable for all types of wells. KS - 10 or KS - 15 (10 and 15 are the internal diameter in decimeters).

Tree. For wells, timber from alder, oak, aspen, elm and hornbeam is used. Before laying, the wood is subject to special treatment, which can significantly increase its service life.

Construction plan:

Selecting a location

The well should be located in close proximity to housing, but not adjacent to it.

All landfills and cesspools must be located at a remote distance.

Exclude high waters. This term refers to the water that is stored in the first waterproof layer. This water is usually fed by precipitation and melted snow. During a drought it may disappear altogether. There is also a large amount of it in swampy areas.

When the main criteria are met, you can begin the search. There are many ways such as: aluminum frames, willow vines, glass jars, observation of natural phenomena and animal behavior. Or call a geologist who will indicate the location and depth of the well down to the centimeter.

Inventory preparation

Properly organized work and the necessary equipment to complete it are 100% successful.

You will need:

In order to build a well, at least two people are required. You can't do it alone!

When everything is ready, we begin building the well.

Do-it-yourself well at the dacha

Well assembly

Concrete well option

Such a well is assembled in two ways.
First, a round or square shaft with a diameter of 1.25 m is dug out and the rings are lowered into it one after another. This option is suitable for stable soil. If soil shedding occurs, then we use the second option.

We dig a shaft to the height of one ring and lower it. We dig underneath.

The ring lowers itself. When the lowering occurs to the next level, we install the second ring. Let's dig in again. The rings themselves easily sink under their own weight. We repeat the procedure until groundwater.

For better immersion of the rings, it is worth purchasing a shoe that is equipped with a cutter along the lower edge. You should only work with a level. To ensure that the rings fall smoothly, leave a groove at the edge of the ground and use a board. To more conveniently lift soil and water, use a tripod.

When the well is assembled, we make the bottom. It is best to use crushed stone. It will help to avoid soil contamination of water. We seal the seams between the rings with linen rope. We cover the ropes with a solution of sand, liquid glass and cement.

Oxygen levels are low at depth. Use a mask with a tube that extends to the surface.

Installing a well from a log house is very difficult and expensive. Before starting the main work, we dig a hole with a depth of average human height.
Then we follow the plan

Larch crowns are installed at the bottom of the resulting pit. The prepared log house is assembled in order. The joint gaps must be treated with a sealing agent using tow.

This must be done for the lower layers up to 3 m high. After laying out the first part, you need to dig out the earth from under the middle of the beams of the initial structure. When all the earth has been cleared, spacers are installed and the earth is cleared from the corners of the well.

Next, we will fix the safety ropes to the base of the log house in the well. To do this, you can use a winch. The spacers are removed, as a result of which the structure begins to sink into the well under its own weight. If distortions occur, you can tap the top with a sledgehammer to level the structure.

Using this method, the frame is built up from above and lowered to the bottom. This way you can install the log house to a depth of 6 meters. At this level, the structure is jammed with spacers, which are made 50 cm longer. They need to be inserted into the prepared recesses from below.

The appearance of increased humidity in the air and soil indicates the proximity of an aquifer
The construction of a well from a log house does not require any strengthening elements. It is very strong and durable.

Do not use a log frame made of softwood. They all absorb moisture, quickly lose their shape and collapse.

Apart from the fact that over time the water will become bitter.

We dig a pit at the level of the first two rings. Using liquid bitumen mastic, we waterproof the outer surface of the rings. Using any foamed polymer, we create thermal insulation. We fill the foundation pit with clay (clay castle).


It is better to equip a well made of concrete or wood after a month, when the soil has settled.
A blind area is made a meter from the well. It is filled with concrete or compacted with crushed stone.

We also build a canopy to prevent debris from falling into the water. If you are using a water pump, it is ideal to cover it with a tight lid, leaving only room for the hose. If you use a bucket, then there are many options. You can choose any one you like.

Increased frost resistance

To insulate and avoid water freezing, you should build an insulated house. If you have a pump and hose, then it is better to remove it from the street during severe frosts.

In the case of a piped water supply from a well, it is worth considering the depth to which the soil freezes. When laying, insulate the pipes.

This way you can protect yourself from unnecessary hassle associated with freezing.
It doesn’t matter which well you decide to build at your dacha. Follow the instructions and safety precautions. You will succeed.