Kids games crazy mushrooms. Funny games


"Hedgehog in the forest"

The driver is chosen - "hedgehog", he stands in the middle of the site. The rest of the children are "mushrooms", they stand in a circle around the driver. They go in a circle with the words:

Prickly mushroomWalks in the dense forest.

One fungus, two fungus,That's a whole box!


And I'm walking through the forest I take mushrooms in a box.

One, two, don't yawnRun away from me!

"Mushrooms" scatter, and "hedgehog" tries to catch them.

"For mushrooms"

Sometimes in autumn we will come to the forest with you,(walking in place)

We will collect a basket of mushrooms in the forest!(squats)

Spider web flies and foliage falls,(shake hands over head)

The wilted grass rustles under the boots.(“Rustling” feet)

We will cross the stream along a thin bridge,(walking on tiptoes)

We will find seven red chanterelles in moss with you.(tilts down)

We spread the grass with a stick and there we will suddenly see -(crossing movements of straight arms)

Colored russula scattered around.(spinning in place)

And there are strong boletus in the clearing.("Spring")

They hid under the paws of the trees, they don't want to go to the basket.(put their hands "herringbone" over the head)

Honey mushrooms and mushrooms with you we found,(turns left-right)

We brought a whole basket of mushrooms home!(clap their hands)

"Fly agaric"

Children stand in a circle, join hands. A cone is placed in the center of the circle - this is a fly agaric.

Before us is boron,

And in the forest there is a fly agaric.

Amanita stands

He looks at the children.

Amanita who will collect

He will leave the circle.

Children begin to move around the "fly agaric", while each of the players tries to pull their neighbors to the "fly agaric" so that they touch him. Whoever moves or drops the fly agaric leaves the circle.

Outdoor game: "Catch the fungus"

Two teams of "mushrooms" (3 - 4 people) and mushroom pickers (3 - 4 pairs) are taking part. On the floor, a cord is used to designate two circles in the center of a circle of small diameter - 2-3m baskets of mushroom pickers and an outer circle of large diameter - a forest where mushrooms grow. "Mushrooms" in the outer circle, "mushroom pickers" in pairs - to the center.

Between the soft spruce paws Rain drip, drip, drip!

Where the twig has dried up long ago Gray moss, moss, moss!

Where the leaf stuck to the leaf, A mushroom, a mushroom, a mushroom has grown!

Who found his friends? It's me, me, me!

(after the last words, on a signal, hit the tambourine! "mushrooms" scatter. "Mushroom pickers" catch "mushrooms" and take them into a circle.

Relay "Let's Gather Mushrooms"

The leader helps the children divide into 2 teams. Teams line up, one team opposite the other. The last members of each team are located next to the mushroom clearing. The glades are covered with a scarf or any other fabric. The host takes off his scarves. Near the first participants there is a basket. At the signal of the presenter: “One - two - three! Collect the mushrooms in the baskets! " the last participants take the mushrooms in turn and pass them along the chain to the next participant. When the mushrooms reach the first participants, they put them in baskets. The first team to pick the mushrooms wins.

Competition "Edible and inedible mushrooms"

The leader calls the children at will (6-8 people, divides them into 2 teams. You can divide the children into a team of girls and boys. In front of each team there is a basket of mushrooms, in which among the edible mushrooms are inedible (poisonous) ones. "One - two - three! Take the inedible mushrooms out of the basket!" The children lay aside the inedible (poisonous mushrooms).

Competition "Which of the gnomes is faster"

The presenter puts a basket of mushrooms next to him, beckons pairs of participants to him, each wearing a cap. They are gnomes. There is a chair between them. Children say in chorus:

There lived a cheerful gnome in the forest,

He built a house for himself.

All of the cones and foliage,

Unprecedented beauty.

Gnome, gnome, dance.

Music sounds, both participants dance;at this time, the leader puts a couple of mushrooms from the basket on a chair, gives the task /. For example:

"Show the fly agaric."

/ each of the participants tries to grab the mushroom as quickly as possible and lift it up. Whoever does it first is the winner /.

Outdoor game "Mischievous mushrooms"

Children and the leader stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle of the circle.

We are funny mushrooms / children walk in a circle holding hands /

We grow on stumps and bumps / stop, rise on toes, squat /

We love to hide, play / stamp their feet /

Try to catch up with us! / scatter /

The driver is catching up with the children.

The game is repeated again.

Outdoor game "Gather mushrooms"

Mushrooms are laid out in a circle on the floor (the number of mushrooms is less than the number of children). Children go in a circle with the words:

We go, we go, we go

We will find mushrooms now

Under a leaf, under a blade of grass,

On a tree stump, under an aspen tree.

Here comes the mushroom, don't yawn

And grab him quickly!

As soon as the last words are spoken, children should quickly pick up any mushroom.

You can use music. Children run in a circle to the music, when the music stops, each of the children must pick a mushroom. Whoever did not get the mushroom drops out of the game and sits on a chair. The last child is the winner.

Didactic games on the topic "Mushrooms"

Game "Mushroom meadow"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the autumn gifts of nature, about edible and inedible mushrooms, find out where mushrooms grow in the forest; to form the ability to find edible mushrooms from a didactic picture.

Material: a large didactic painting depicting an autumn forest, large-format painted mushrooms inserted into the painting, baskets, a forest mushroom.


Collect at least three mushrooms (pay attention to the fact that there should be several mushrooms of the same type in the picture, if one "mushroom picker" found, for example, a porcini mushroom, then others are given the opportunity to find the same mushroom).

  1. The teacher invites children to take a walk in the fairy forest for mushrooms, remember what to take with them into the forest.
  2. Each child chooses edible mushrooms in the picture and collects them in a basket.
  3. The forestry mushroom clarifies with the children what the name of this or that mushroom is, where it likes to grow.

Game "Why are mushrooms called that?"

Target: to introduce children to the variety of mushrooms, highlighting the groups of edible and inedible mushrooms; teach children different methods of word formation using examples of mushrooms.

What is the name of the mushroom that grows under the birch?(Boletus.)

What is the name of the mushroom that grows under the aspen?(Boletus.) Why do you think it is named that way?

What is the name of a mushroom that likes to grow in spruce or pine forests?(Borovik.)

What are the names of mushrooms with red caps?(Redheads, chanterelles.)

What are the names of mushrooms growing in friendly families on stumps?(Honey mushrooms.)

What is the name of a mushroom with a round wavy cap?(Wave.)

What are the names of mushrooms with oily caps?(Butterlets.)

What kind of mushroom is called a wild animal?(Chanterelle.) Why was it called that?

The name of the mushroom is very similar to the name of a pet. What kind of mushroom is it?(Pig.) Why is it called that?(Because it is stained, "dirty as a pig.")

What mushrooms are named after rain?(Raincoats.)

Can you eat these mushrooms? What are their names?(Edible.)

Mushrooms that mushroom pickers do not like, what are they called filthy mushrooms?(Toadstools.)

What other mushrooms mushroom pickers do not like to meet? Can you eat these mushrooms? What are their names?(Inedible.)

Game "Pick a hat to a leg"

Target: to introduce children to the variety of mushrooms, to teach how to pick a mushroom cap to its leg; develop visual perception, attention, thinking, speech, fine motor skills.

Material: a set of pictures with the image of mushrooms, cut into 2 parts (caps and legs separately).

Match the cap to the stem of the mushroom. What kind of mushroom did you make?(Boletus.)

Game "Edible - inedible"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the autumn gifts of nature, about edible and inedible mushrooms, find out which mushrooms can be eaten and which cannot be eaten; develop attention, thinking, speech.

The teacher calls mushrooms, and the children answer whether they can eat them or not:mushroom, fly agaric, russula, toadstool, boletus, boletus, false mushrooms, boletus, etc.

Game "The fourth odd"

Target: to teach children to highlight their essential features in objects and to make the necessary generalizations on this basis, to activate the subject vocabulary.

Look at the picture,

Name the extra item

And explain your choice.

Boletus, fly agaric , boletus, boletus.

Amanita, toadstool, russula, false mushroom.

Game "One - many"

Target: teach children to form plural nouns of the nominative and genitive cases.

We are wizards a little

There was one, but there will be many.

(Boletus - boletus - many boletuses, etc.)

Game "Count - one, two, five" (with a ball)

Target: teach children to coordinate nouns with the numbers "one", "two", "five".

How many of them - we always know

We all think well.

One mushroom - two mushrooms - five mushrooms.

Fold the picture game

Target: introduce children to the variety of mushrooms, teach how to select parts into a whole picture; develop holistic perception, attention, thinking, speech, fine motor skills.

Each child has a picture of a mushroom cut into 4 parts.

What kind of mushroom did you make?(Boletus.)

Funny games are distinguished by kind, really funny humor, which is based on dynamic plots and charming graphics. Together with square, flat, black and white and just caricature characters, the user will find himself in funny funny situations or create them himself.

What are the funniest games? These are angry Red buttons, edible planets, fire-breathing bartenders, fat Vikings and funny toast. The incompatibility of the properties, plots and appearance of the heroes of the games becomes the basis for funny, very funny, unrestrainedly funny stories. Together with caricature fictional flash drives, you can have fun flying on toilets over the city, brewing incomprehensible potions, running away from Frankenstein, hitting teachers, losing clothes and much more.

Funny games are designed for a carefree pastime, to cheer up and just relax. There is no need to think, make serious decisions or develop victorious strategies in them. Everything is extremely simple, even primitive, but fun and amusing.

Are you bored? Play fun games with funny characters and stories and start relaxing right now.

Before you games Mushroom Madness, presented in the series. This is a mix of farm and shooters - the most popular themes among gamers. You will find yourself in the role of a watchman who must guard the meadows with mushrooms from the gluttonous animals that live in the nearby forests.

At first it seemed that this would be the most boring job possible, where the only entertainment was to watch the mushrooms grow. However, on the very first day, it became clear that every day here is like in a war. Small rodents crawl from all sides, attracted to the clearing with mushrooms by their pleasant aromas.

No one expected such an invasion of hungry mouths, so the guard was armed only with a fly swatter and a stun gun. This equipment did not stand idle. From the first minutes it became clear that they needed to work very intensively in order to get rid of insolent parasites.

Dangerous work of a watchman

Looking at the guard of the game Mad mushrooms, you begin to think that he is from the former military - he is so dexterous with any weapon. The arsenal is gradually increasing, and each next item looks more dangerous and deadly. Since you are acting on behalf of the watchman, you will need to master:

  • Club
  • Frying pan
  • Hockey stick
  • Stun gun
  • Gun
  • Shotgun
  • Machine
  • Various traps
  • Even an atomic bomb

Such a terrible weaponry is explained by the fact that forest animals are also becoming more and more dangerous, large and numerous. If at first squirrels, hares and hedgehogs get you, then snakes will crawl, ferocious bears will go out hunting for mushrooms.

You must constantly be in motion, shooting back and fighting off animals. While you are dealing with one, two have crept even closer to their prey. You shoot them, and on the other hand, a couple of impudent hedgehogs are already carrying away the most selective, juicy and fragrant mushrooms on their needles. Rather, deal with the kidnappers, and several gold coins will appear on your account.

We consume more - we earn decently

The currency of the game Mushroom Madness is used to acquire new weapons, traps and other necessary things. You will see for yourself that with the increase in the number of animals, you cannot do without more lethal weapons that can massively deal with unwanted guests.

There are additional mini-games in which you can earn gold to buy useful things. Work as a night watchman guarding the apple orchard from bats and owls. The shooting will be notable, but coins are pouring on you as if from a cornucopia.

Moving along the locations of the Mad Mushrooms game, a change in weather awaits you. It is not very pleasant to work in the rain, but there is no way out, when the animals have become more active and climb from all sides. Fight them off with a frying pan, a tennis racket, place traps, shoot from machine guns and pistols, throw bombs. At any time, you can change the type of weapon to another, which is presented at the current level, but try to save it.

In boxes, crystals and safes, useful bonuses are prepared for you, but you can get them by inflicting a few blows on the object. Some crash faster, others require more effort. For example, cardboard boxes open faster than wooden ones, and for a safe you need to use a key, which you have to take away from bats. Once you open the safe, you will find gems there, which will bring in much more currency than regular coins. With the advent of safes, new mini-games appear in which you will mine one of the currencies.

All parts of the game series continue the script, gradually developing it, making interesting additions.