Wives do it yourself. Stock Foto Step by step

The article discusses the main issues on how to make the bees for bees with their own hands; clarified key moments and tips for creating decorative hives with their own hands, which (i.e. hiles) must perform more functions compared to conventional bee nests.

Bees are very well-organized insects that survive only in families with the functional division of duties. Each such family needs their home or nest, without which good organization It becomes useless. The nest of bees is used as a nursery for a new breakdown, a shelter from rain, winds and cold, storage of food reserves, the place of laying eggs by the uterus, etc.

That is, the bees socket performs many important functions, so its parameters must comply with more efficient execution. At the dafeques, the role of bee nests perform hives, which can be combined into mobile mobile pavilions. But sometimes in various places you can find funny, bizarre and peculiar decorative hiles.

The main purpose of decorative hives is not to accommodate the maximum number of bees and contribute to their livelihoods, but to be the decoration of the surrounding interior.

As a rule, decorative ultrasounds establish for people who are not butchers and who do not have a special desire to dig in them and care for bees.

The basic need for decorative hives occurs to decorate gardens and dacha plotswhere you can get a seagull family on the daytime on the summer site and admire the flowering of fruit trees. Such idyll may complement the decorative hive (with a small number of good bees), whose kind of harmoniously fits into landscape design Garden.

Such a hive for bees can be made from conventional and common materials. Decorative ultrasounds were obtained the greatest popularity, covered with straw hats.

Decorative hive should at least perform two functions: to be less suitable for life bees and harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape decorating him with him.

In order for the wooden deck could be used by bees, it is necessary to make her hollow inside. To do this, from one side, which will be riding, you should remove the core using the chisel and the hammer. You can also apply a drill with a long drill to do a plurality of holes in the core from the top of the deck. Such evidence needs a flyer, a hole for the flying bee, which should be located on the side of the deck. And such a hole is located on visible side. If there is a protruding bitch on the deck, then for beauty, the hole is made drill over such a bitch. The diameter of this opening should ensure the flight of bees, but to exclude the possibility of entering different livery. From the inside a little below drilled hole Attach a small plank, which should perform the function of a split board. From above, such a deck is closed with waterproof coating (round wooden or tin plate), which is covered with a straw roof (a beam of straw, which is connected at the top and diverges evenly at the edges). Top cover: like a straw roof, and waterproof coating - should be easily removed for necessary work In the ulle.

To improve the decorative effect, such a deck can be lacquered under the color of the tree or tint to taste under the color of the surrounding trees in the garden. Often such a one-eyed house put on the "legs", the role of which is performed by wooden blocks of small sizes of different shapes (At the same time, the deck should stand exactly). This is done as for the thermal insulation of the hive and elimination of the dampness of the Earth, but also to improve the decorative effect, when the end is the one-eyed pennies with legs. The edges of the flyer (holes for the bees flying) in the form of a glazing often tinted with paint. Also possible additional elements This hive to taste the designer.

In addition, it is necessary to make a decorative hive with your own hands, it is necessary to populate bees. You can call on the aid of experienced beekeepers, whatever they shake their wards, but you can try to catch the pionened bees on your own. It is easier to achieve when the decorative ule will be a bait: empty cells and honey.

To eliminate the disease, the bees is better to use the deck of freshly dredged wood, as well as to make disinfection of the hive made both outside and from the inside. Before making decorative hive with your own hands, you should look at the Internet possible variations. After that, initial ideas can be substantially supplemented and improved.

Beekeeping is a painstaking occupation, but very interesting. Beehives acts as an indispensable attribute of the apiary, but usually it's just a house for bees and anything about decorative effect We are not talking. However, there are hives that will definitely decorate country cottage areaAt the same time performing its basic function.

This is how the hive usually looks like - just a wooden non-zero crate with models inside. The bees, strictly speaking, are satisfied, and the butter is not necessary, especially since it can be built and repaired by such a hive.

Just a straw roof and bee made with their own hands from plastic bottle. The minimum decor, and a small hive was already transformed and began to attract the attention of guests. Visual example The realization of the fantasy of the owner of the apiary, which decided to attach a little more effort.

This bright hive invented and collected designer Massimiliano Del Olivo. The design was named Bienenhaus ("House for Bees" in German) and is now widely used in the Alps, where the bees collect honey on the mountain meadows. The area of \u200b\u200beach such hive is 6.5 square meters.

In general, ordinary hive, but neat, painted in an attractive turquoiseYes, even with the real roof. And the bees warm and comfortable, and the site has become more attractive. The roof must be removed in obligatory, because the poker will have to look quite often and watch out - as his pets, how many honey have already collected.

Bright wooden houses for bees especially attractive looks on the background green Lawn. One hive even got carved balconies and windows. At this apiary, you can sit for hours, watching the activities of tireless thermal workers.

Of course, the hives are always created from wood, natural material providing bees maximum comfort. If you are interested in wood carvings, nothing will prevent you from creating such attractive and functional masterpieces - carved ultra-termea.

Such small houses for the bees are advisable to hang on fruit trees And next to the lush flower beds to attract insects and increase yield, such as apples that will be actively polluted. The unusual option, but experts insist - the bees on the planet is becoming less and less, people should think about their comfort and help find shelter overnight.

Wive mill. The option is not new, but always very attractive. Homemade mini mills are often used as decorative elements on panstones. In this case, the beauty simply decided to connect with a practical function by creating a small apiary.

High house for bees and other insects collecting and carrying pollen. There are such houses from girlfriend, the main thing is that there are a lot of holes, where wild bees can settle. Of course, install similar designs should be left from zones for relaxing so that insects do not disturb people.

You think it's just an abstract installation of natural materialssuspended by wooden wall? Meanwhile, this is a very unusual hive, developed by Urban Hedgerow and manually created.

Beehive temple. Someone will say that this is a bust, why spend so many efforts and wood to create a decor that the bees themselves will not be accurate. But how beautiful and unusual! It is also worth noting the skill of the creator of this unusual hive.

And finally, the dream of each beekeeper. This is a modern hive equipped with a system that allows you to collect honey, without pulling out the framework and do not make any effort. We are confident that it will be very nice to observe how the day the banks are filled with fragrant, fresh and very useful honey.

Tatyana Morgunova

Good day! Master Class"Wit for bees"

I really want to show how you can make an amazing job with the children. Here you can show pile fantasy, imagination, collective work, accuracy. Based on this example, you can make a variety of diverse works. Show your own creative skills. Good luck!

To work need:

Inflatable ball

Inflating the ball before desired size and proceed to sticking the ball with threads,

foiling in PVA glue. On the ball, we make a mark with a handle, where there will be an entrance to evidence. When the thread of the domal to the mark, cutting off on each turn on the label, so that there was emptiness.

When all the work is ready and threads completely dried the ball, remove the remnants.

Beautifully wrapped with threads.

We proceed to the decoration of the evidence. Glit bees, butterfly, flowers. (I glued to hot glue) Well, here is our evidence!

Publications on the topic:

Panel "Butterflies". You will need to work: a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil. Cut from colored paper a lot of bandwidth.

Allow me to present you cheerful Easter craft for kids. For small aid Even crumbs will handle adults with such work ..

Master - LANDANDS CLASS Tasks: - Teach children to make an image from the details; - to educate the desire to make a beautiful thing; - Develop.

Master class "Clock". This watch can be done with children. preparatory group And study time on them. 1. Cut the base on the template for.

Master class for teachers "I am a master of decorative and applied creativity" "If you are able to teach a child in orphanage to feel the beauty, astonish the wonderful creations of human hands, the beauty of nature, then grow.

The method of binding threads in a bundle makes brushes, bows, berries, figures of men. The same way makes flowers. I made.

] Children love to treat each other with all sorts of goodies, and during the game it is especially great. My children and we made cute pastries.

Beekeeping is a painstaking occupation, but very interesting. Beehive acts as an indispensable attribute of the apiary, but usually it is just a house for bees and anything decorative effect is not about. However, there are hives that will definitely decorate the house or country site, while performing its basic function.

This is how the hive usually looks like - just a wooden non-zero crate with models inside. The bees, strictly speaking, are satisfied, and the butter is not necessary, especially since it can be built and repaired by such a hive.

Just straw roof and bee made with your own plastic bottles. The minimum decor, and a small hive was already transformed and began to attract the attention of guests. A clear example of the realization of the owner's fantasy, who decided to attach a little more effort.

This bright hive invented and collected designer Massimiliano Del Olivo. The design was named Bienenhaus ("House for Bees" in German) and is now widely used in the Alps, where the bees collect honey on the mountain meadows. The area of \u200b\u200beach such hive is 6.5 square meters.

In general, the usual hive, but neat, painted in an attractive turquoise color, and even with a real roof. And the bees warm and comfortable, and the site has become more attractive. The roof must be removed in obligatory, because the poker will have to look quite often and watch out - as his pets, how many honey have already collected.

Bright wooden houses for bees especially attractively look against the background of a green lawn. One hive even got carved balconies and windows. At this apiary, you can sit for hours, watching the activities of tireless thermal workers.

Of course, the hives are always created from wood, natural material providing bees maximum comfort. If you are interested in wood carvings, nothing will prevent you from creating such attractive and functional masterpieces - carved ultra-termea.

Such small houses for bees are advisable to hang on fruit trees and next to lush flower beds to attract insects and increase yields, such as apples that will be actively polluted. The unusual option, but experts insist - the bees on the planet is becoming less and less, people should think about their comfort and help find shelter overnight.

Wive mill. The option is not new, but always very attractive. Homemade mini mills are often used as decorative elements on household sections. In this case, the beauty simply decided to connect with a practical function by creating a small apiary.

High house for bees and other insects collecting and carrying pollen. There are such houses from girlfriend, the main thing is that there are a lot of holes, where wild bees can settle. Of course, install similar designs should be left from zones for relaxing so that insects do not disturb people.

Do you think it is just an abstract installation from natural materials suspended on a wooden wall? Meanwhile, this is a very unusual hive, developed by Urban Hedgerow and manually created.

Beehive temple. Someone will say that this is a bust, why spend so many efforts and wood to create a decor that the bees themselves will not be accurate. But how beautiful and unusual! It is also worth noting the skill of the creator of this unusual hive.

And finally, the dream of each beekeeper. This is a modern hive equipped with a system that allows you to collect honey, without pulling out the framework and do not make any effort. We are confident that it will be very nice to observe how the day the banks are filled with fragrant, fresh and very useful honey.

Beekeeping is the most important industry agriculture different countries. The value of beekeeping is determined not only the most valuable products obtained from the apiary, but also the role of medical bees in cross-pollination of plants and, as a result, increasing the yield of various cultures.

The work of the beekeeper is a hard work that requires year-round attention and care. First of all, high-quality hives for bees that must meet certain criteria are important. When choosing a house, the climatic and medical collections of the region take into account, but there are a number of conditions that any of them must match. So, what kind of types of how to collect hives for bees do it yourself and how to place them in the apiary - all this you will find in our article.

General requirements for housekeepers for bees

Regardless of the design, every hive for bees (a house where one or several families lives) must respond strongly strict conditions:

  • dryness at any time of the year and with any amount of precipitation;
  • high-quality thermal insulation, due to which the comfortable temperature is preserved in winter;
  • good ventilation;
  • spacious and potential to expand as families grow;
  • relatively small mass of the design;
  • finishing quality - wooden house, scratched and prostrum, serves at least 15 years.

The house for bees of any design should also correspond to certain dimensions:

  • between the wall and side frames of the frames - at least 8 mm;
  • between the central of the nearby framework - 38 mm;
  • frame thickness - 25 mm.

As practice shows, it is more convenient to use hives with stores with stores - they are easier for nesting buildings.

Wooden parts that are used for the manufacture of hives are harvested from aspen, linden or pines. Maximum humidity - 15%. There should be no gaps and dropped bitch. If it is found, the holes are sweeping.

Invalid cracks in houses - through them heat will be driving and, accordingly, increased consumption of honey. To compensate for energy, the family will have to pick up more.

Since building a hive is needed accurately and correctly, it will allow them to combine individual parts among themselves. If we are talking about how to build bees for bees with your own hands, then the walls of the housings are collected from 2-3 boards according to the spike-groove method and glue additionally with water-resistant non-toxic glue.

The outdoor side is treated with olifa and stained in 2 layers of blue, yellow or white paint. The roof is made of stainless steel sheet.

Design (composite elements) hives for bee

So how to make a hive for bees yourself quite troublesome, we will define with its main components:

  • housing;
  • shopping gear;
  • boilers;
  • ceiling planks;
  • roof;
  • arrival board;
  • insert board (diaphragm);
  • nest / store frames.

The shopping frame is easier to be released from cells, it is easier to print honeycombs and, accordingly, digging honey.

  • Housing

Outwardly, this is a box, chocated from the board. Depending on the size and type of hive, where there are more than 10 sockets or about 20 stores, as they are smaller in size, frames. The latter are fixed for her shoulders on the fold.

From the facade side, they make a flyer through which insects fall inside. In some cases, 2 flyers are located - the upper and lower, in others - one by one, in third (multicompute), also several of which each serves for a particular family.

Located from 3-4 boards or one flat. It can be retractable either stationary. The protrusion is done to boil the loops for arriving.

Loops are used for fixing so that at any time you can remove this board. Shoot it for the winter so that the rodents do not penetrate, or for the time of moving for convenience. Need bees for departure and landing.

  • Shopping oven

Ready sample, which is needed for an artificial increase in beekeepers. As a rule, the standard framework is less nesting, but the same in width and height. If the evidence for bees model sizeThe store frames fully match them.

Used to fix the ceiling insulation, resulting in a warm hive. It can also be used for family separation to form a fetal uterus.

  • Ceiling

The cutting of the ceiling - the bar thick as a housing. Bottom board 20mm. Then the insulation reflector. Then - foam 20mm

The standard part that is assembled from individual associates or is made of solid wood. The temperature is dependent on thickness and integrity.

  • Roof

Need ultrasound to protect against rain and snow, wind and garbage. In the form can be different - single or multi-sighted, sliding, acute-angular, etc.

For high-quality ventilation In the sidewalls make ventuetium or small cuts through which air will come.

Used to reduce space inside a house with different goals. So, with a sharp cooling for such boards, you can put the insulation (polyurethane foam, moss, etc.). In the multi-circuable hive, the plug-in board is usually less than that of the sun bed and other samples.

The diaphragm shield is made from the board 45x32 cm, the length is 47.2 cm, the width is 2 cm. Collect it from a 1.4 cm thick boards that are collected on ¼.

For the maximum dense fit, the ends are covered rubber sealcommonly used for insulation of entrance doors.

Required to form cell workers. Consists of the following elements:

  • top and bottom plank (on top make shoulders for fixing on false);
  • 2 dividing bars.

The size of the standard 43.5x30 cm. In the underlying - 30x43.5 cm, in a multi-circuing, on the contrary, 43,5x30 cm.

Between the sizes of the framework differ in the type of hives:

  • in the sun bed - 30x43.5 cm;
  • multicpus - 43.5x23 cm.

For assembling frames, standard nails 3 cm Ø 1.4 mm are used.

  • Section frame

It is used to obtain honey in small quantity, for which it is divided into sections of 11x11 cm in size, such a sectional framework made of 16x35x0.2 cm pinch, and then placed in the store. On average, 380-400 grams of honey are removed from one section.

Varieties of buildings

Total distinguish the following types:

  • multi-circuit;
  • two-circuit on 24 frames;
  • single-pin with two stores;
  • sunbed on 20 frames;
  • sunbed on 16 nesting frames;
  • sunbed at 16 shopping frames.

In this article, we will tell how to make a hale-sun beds for 20 frames and multi-circuit. These are the most popular types that can be found on most apiaries of Russia. Immediately we note that the size of the hives is standard.

Multicpus (TP No. 808 5 1)

It consists of 4 buildings, each of which can be installed on 10 sockets with dimensions of 43.5x23 cm. This is a prototype of stationary and nomadic modern hiles for bees.

What will take for construction:

  • boards - 0.3 cubic meters;
  • galvanized - 2 kg;
  • pack steel - 0.2 kg;
  • split grid - 0.2 sq. M.;
  • nails - 1.5 kg;
  • galvanized nails - 0.1 kg;
  • screws - 10-12 pcs.;
  • loops for arrival boards - 10 pcs.;
  • wooden liner for flyer - 4 pcs.;
  • holder for ventilation frames - 2 pcs.;
  • olife - 0.5 l;
  • belil - 0.3 l;
  • paints - 0.3 liters.
  1. The drawer is collected from the boards with a thickness of 3.5 cm. Internal dimensions of the house 45x37,5x25 cm. Walls can do from a solid array or collect out of several slims, but be sure to glue non-toxic waterproof glue In order to avoid slots and holes.

For nomadic houses on the walls on top and bottom hollow out folders1.8x0.5 cm to insert one in another during transportation.

  1. Inside hollow out folds for fastening the frames. Their dimensions are 1.1x2 cm.
  2. On the front part at a height of 12.5 cm saw a hole Ø 2.5 cm is the future flyer. Immediately, the sleeve is prepared for him, which will be tightly, but so that it could be used without significant effort.
  3. The length of the sidewall is 49.6 cm, height is 25 cm, the length of the walls is 44.5 cm, the height is 25 cm.

To make it convenient to transfer structures from place to place, you can make a deepening as a hand holder on the top.

  1. Removable bottom. This is a high-end panel at an angle of 23 °, which comes from the back to the front. It is usually made from 2-3 boards with a thickness of 3.5 cm. They necessarily make edging from the ends, and from the side of the arrivals there are protrusions, where in the future they screw the loops.
  2. The bottom of the bottom is trimmed with 5x3,5 cm boards, which will avoid the rotting of the bottom and contact the hive from the ground.
  3. The ceiling is narrowed already out of 5 boards, which are fixed on top across the straps. The dimensions of the ceiling 496x40x1 cm.
  4. Sizes sizes S. outside 52x44.5 cm, with internal - 45x37.5 cm.
  5. The roof is made fully flat so that you can make hives during the transportation process. Reinforce with boards 10.5x2.4 cm, combined by the spike-groove method and additionally fixes non-toxic water-resistant glue.
  6. Frame size - 43.5x23 cm with stationary planks.
  • The parameters of the upper bar 47x2,5x2 cm.
  • Side bar - 22x1 cm.
  • Lower bar 41,5x2x1 cm.
  1. The ventilation frame is used to transport insects or to be insulated during the processing of the house and prevention.
  • side Length Length - 47 cm;
  • walls - 37.5 cm;
  • thickness - 2 cm.

A metal mesh with holes up to 3 mm fasten on the ventraka.

Everything wooden details Smoothly elongated and protected by shallow sandpaper. The dimensions of the hives are observed for sure.

As the passage experience shows, such a building is not very difficult and at the same time, it is the most convenient design. First, it contributes to the strengthening of the family and increase productivity. Secondly, it allows combining the hull among themselves. Thirdly, such comfortable boxes are easier to transport and transfer, including in stationary apiary in the wintering and from it.

Video: how to make a multicast hive with your own hands

How to make a sleeve on 20 frames

Drawings of these varieties are manufactured by typical project 179 60. Convenience is that at the same time 2 families can be held at once - subject to the separation of the housing into two independent compartments and the equipment of each by its pilot.

The maximum benefit is traced in winter - 2 families, although separated by the plank, spend in aggregate less energy and feed. In such evidence, it is always warmer than in multi-circuits, even if there are several bees.

What will take:

  • boards - 0.2 cubic meters;
  • galvanized sheet - 3 kg;
  • zhinkovka-mesh with a steroid 3 mm - 015 sq.m;
  • round washers - 0.02 kg;
  • screws - 0.2 kg;
  • nails - 0.25 kg;
  • roofing nails galvanized - 0.1 kg;
  • brackets - 2 pcs;
  • metal locks - 2 pcs.;
  • inserts for the arrivals - 4 pcs.;
  • olife - 0.5 l;
  • belil - 0.3 l;
  • paints - 0.3 liters.
  • chalk poured - 0.4 kg.

The main difference between the Ukrainian sample from the Belarusian and Russian - insulation of the front and rear wall.

  1. The housing is narrowed from the boards. The size of the finished box from the outer side is 83x44x60 cm. The thickness of the outer walls is 1.5 cm, internal - 2.5 cm. The length of the walls is 83 cm.
  2. The sidewalls are harvested out of 5 slims, they make a cast in the form of a sink under the clamping board, in the bottom - to insert the bottom. The size of the walls is 42x3.5 cm.
  3. Make 2 lower years 20x1.2 cm - one on the facade part, the other on the side. Also do two tops, but already with other sizes - 10x1.2 cm. Be sure to be equal to the removal from the lower part 34 cm, from the edge - 16 cm.
  4. The attachment board is fixed to the bottom of the loops.
  5. The bottom is narrowed from 3 does. Be sure to provide for the pressure bar, with the help of which the frames are fixed during the transportation of the apiary.
  6. Frames make high, but already than the standard - 30x43.5 cm.

Video: Most detailed description Lyzhka for 20 frames

It is important to figure out not only how to make hives for future families. But in how to put them in the apiary, in order not to lose it in the first year.

An ideal place for the apiary is to moderate sunny, moderately signed. Near honey plants

The location is chosen depending on the conditions and relief. If you put them on the open area, then at noon the workers stop working, everyone leaves the house and hide in the shade to the attached board or they are generally closed under it.

At the hives, standing on outstanding sites, the coefficient of rosium is more than 70%. And productivity below 45%.

Very severe consequences of direct sunlight during transportation - the next shake on the road Uhabe leads to the fact that the softened just rebounded cells are broken. This leads to the death of not only workers, but also a breakdown, and in some cases the uterus may die.

There are certain requirements of the accommodation at the apiary:

  1. The hives are exposed to the "face" south. This will ensure excellent lighting during the daylight, and back wallfacing north will save the family from strong wind gusts.
  2. It is desirable that large shrubs or trees grow behind the houses to serve as an additional obstacle to the winds.
  3. Even before making a bee hive itself, make sure that in the place where they will stand, there is a water source. But even if it is not, the problem can be solved by collective or individual dolls.

Be sure to be near the water source - it is no less important for the bee than for a person.

  1. You can not allow direct sunlight on the roof and the lodge itself, but it should not be shaded overly. This location will limit the ventilation and artificially increase the duration of the day - they will earlier to fly and return. It will accelerate their wear and lead to earlier death.
  2. The apiary place is chosen so that hiking honey plants have grown. It will give the opportunity to prepare food faster. Maximum removal should not exceed 1.8-2 km.
  3. It is necessary to make hives so that there is the possibility of their warming for the winter with the help of moss or polyurethane foam.

When insulation, avoid direct contact insects with polyurethane foam. For this, it is paved in canvas.

  1. Before the houses already exhibited and only the houses are pulling all the grass - the butter should have the opportunity to control the view and quality of garbage emitted daily by the bloods. On the one hand, the quality of the garbage will show the state of the family. On the other hand, the absence of grass will give the opportunity to notice the supposed uterus in time - this happens quite often.
  2. Cut up to the attachment boards of skimming - it will allow loaded bees faster to get into the house. Especially important is such a device during the wind.

So, we told how to make a bee hive yourself, what materials are needed for this and how to deliver houses on the apiary. If you have questions left or you want to clarify some nuances, ask questions in the comments - our experts will help you with pleasure!

Video: Apiary nomad, fastening hives, transportation bees