Ginkgo biloba is the key to youth: growing in a summer cottage. Ginkgo biloba: application, composition, where it grows, description

Ginkgo biloba is one of the unique plants on our planet. This oldest tree species has survived on Earth for millions of years since the Ice Age. In their natural habitat in Eastern China, trees grow to very large sizes (height up to 45 m, trunk diameter up to 4 m), and their life span is about 2 thousand years. Currently, due to its resistance to various weather conditions and undemanding soil, ginkgo biloba can be found in European countries and East Asia, in Russia, America, in the Caucasus.

The plant is dioecious: males produce pollen, and females produce ovules. The fan-shaped leaves of trees are of particular value. They have unique healing properties and are widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

Medicinal properties

Ginkgo biloba is known as a plant that prolongs youth. Its medicinal properties slow down the aging process of the body. Preparations based on it improve the state of blood vessels, the rheological properties of blood, increase the elasticity of the skin, stimulate blood circulation and brain activity.

More than four dozen biologically active compounds were found in the composition of the leaves of the tree, which have a complex therapeutic effect on the human body. These include:

  • triterpene lactones (gingolides and bilobalides);
  • flavonoid glycosides (kaempferol, quercetin);
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • steroids;
  • alkaloids;
  • minerals (Se, Mn, Ti, Cu, P, Ca, Mg, Fe).

Important: Some biologically active substances in the composition of ginkgo biloba (gingcolides and bilobalides) are found only in this plant species.

The medicinal effect of the plant has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and respiratory organs. It is as follows:

  • decrease in blood viscosity, enrichment with oxygen;
  • prevention of thrombus formation;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and reducing the permeability of their walls;
  • removal of spasms and vasodilation, improvement of blood microcirculation, especially in the brain;
  • increased oxygen supply to organs and limbs;
  • slowing down the aging process due to pronounced antioxidant activity;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • diuretic and decongestant effect;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • increasing mental abilities, concentration and memory;
  • improvement of the processes of transmission of nerve impulses.

Ginkgo biloba helps with hearing impairment, vision, eliminates headaches, dizziness, reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks. The plant is very effective for migraines, in the complex therapy of diabetes mellitus for the prevention and treatment of vascular complications (retinopathy, neuropathy, angiopathy). Also, ginkgo biloba is used for polycystic ovarian disease of central genesis, caused by a violation of the regulation of hormone production in the brain, and in case of menstrual irregularities. Remedies from tree leaves, by improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs, are effective for hemorrhoids and impaired potency in men. In China, this plant is considered one of the effective ways treatment of bronchial asthma.

Ginkgo biloba is found in many cosmetics that slow down the aging of the skin and promote its renewal. Used to combat cellulite.

Ways to use ginkgo biloba for medicinal purposes

Medicinal raw materials for cooking folk recipes the leaves of the plant are based on ginkgo biloba. They are harvested after full maturity, when they become saturated green color, then dried and used as directed. In the absence of the ability or skills for self-collection of raw materials, it can be purchased in stores that sell medicinal herbs... An infusion or tincture of leaves is used as folk remedies.

Important: Collecting ginkgo biloba leaves for therapeutic use is recommended in places of their mass growth.

Pharmacies have a large selection of ready-made drugs in various dosage forms based on an extract from the leaves of the plant. These include Ginkgo Biloba, Bilobil, Tanakan, Memoplant, Ginkoum, Ginos, etc. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually.

Leaf tincture

Ginkgo biloba leaf tincture is prepared with alcohol or vodka according to the following recipe:

  1. The leaves of the plant are crushed.
  2. The resulting raw material is transferred into a hermetically sealed container and poured with vodka or alcohol at the rate of 10 g of leaves per 100 ml of liquid.
  3. The container is placed in the dark and cool place for 14 days, shaking daily.
  4. At the end of the infusion period, the mixture is filtered and poured into a dark glass container for storage.
How to store ginkgo biloba leaf tincture correctly and how to take it? Store the resulting product in the refrigerator. The dosage per dose is 20 drops. Take the tincture three times a day before meals. Can be diluted before use required amount tincture in half a glass of water. The course of admission is 1 - 3 months. It is recommended to repeat the treatment three times a year.

Infusion of leaves

For the preparation of the infusion, you can use dry or fresh leaves of ginkgo biloba. They are preliminarily ground in a mortar or with a knife. One tablespoon of plant materials is poured into a thermos, and then 300 ml of boiling water is added to it and tightly closed. Insist for two hours, filter through cheesecloth and drink 100 ml half an hour before each meal. The course of treatment is continued for 1 - 2 months, after its completion it is necessary to take a break. A tangible effect appears at the end of the first month of taking the drug.

Advice: For the prevention of diseases of cardio-vascular system it is useful to use a mixture of crushed fresh leaves of ginkgo biloba and honey in a ratio of 1 to 10.

The use of ginkgo biloba in children

Ginkgo biloba products are usually not prescribed for children under 16 years old due to the lack of sufficient information about their safety.

The exception is small patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder caused by immaturity of the brain. There is experience of using the medicinal properties of this ancient tree in such children, which shows good results. It has been established that the use of funds based on this plant in combination with magnesium preparations can accelerate the processes of brain development and improve its functions by increasing the supply of oxygen and normalizing blood circulation. After three months of continuous treatment, the children showed improvements in social behavior and ability to concentrate.


Folk remedies based on ginkgo biloba have contraindications for use. These include:

  • disorders of the blood coagulation process;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the period before surgery;
  • individual intolerance;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute heart attack.

Also, you should not take ginkgo biloba for people taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs, as the risk of bleeding increases.

Means based on the leaves of this plant are usually well tolerated, however, in some cases, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and allergic reactions are noted.

Important: Before using ginkgo biloba for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Video about useful properties plants:

All materials on the website are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Ginkgo biloba L.

Ginkgo - the oldest woody plant, one of the few relict plants that have survived on Earth; in China, a ginkgo tree with a height of 45 meters, which is about 2000 years old, grows in natural conditions.

Currently, the genus Ginkgo is represented by the only species of the Ginkgo family of the gymnosperm division - it is a living fossil plant called Ginkgo biloba.

Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgo biloba) belongs to the Ginkgo family. This deciduous tree up to 40 meters high, the trunk is slender, brown-gray up to 4 meters in diameter, the crown of the tree is pyramidal at first, then it grows strongly. Leaves - fan-shaped bilobate plates 5 - 8 cm wide, on petioles up to 10 cm long, pubescent young leaves.

The plant is dioecious - pollen and seed organs develop on different plants... Flowers are collected in small green-yellow inflorescences; catkins with pollen - in bunches on shortened shoots. The seeds are large, fleshy, the plant bears fruit after 20 years of life.

The name of the genus Ginkgo means “silver apricot” in Japanese, due to the similarity of ginkgo seeds to apricot fruits with silvery pubescence. Legends say that in very ancient times, ginkgo seeds were taken as a tribute. The word biloba in Latin means two lobes - most of the leaves are divided into two halves.

Scientists have discovered prints of ginkgo biloba leaves in excavations of the Permian period, the most common plants of the ginkgo family were in the Jurassic and in the first half of the Cretaceous during the era of dinosaurs in the Northern and Southern hemispheres in areas with temperate climate... After the last glaciation of the Earth, a large number of ginkgoes became extinct. Plants of the Ginkgo family have survived only in the Far East. How cultivated plant the ginkgo tree has been cultivated in China and Japan since the 11th century.

In natural conditions, ginkgo biloba trees have survived only in the northeast of the Chinese province of Zhejiang at an altitude of 300 - 1100 meters above sea level in a mountainous area in mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. Ginkgo lives for over 3000 years.

In Europe, for the first time, ginkgo biloba trees appeared in Holland in the botanical garden of Utrecht, and in 1754 ginkgo was cultivated in England, where the features of fertilization of ginkgo as a spore plant were discovered and studied. In England, the ginkgo is called the "tree of girl's hair" because its leaves resemble those of the maidenhair, one of the most beautiful ferns, known as the "Hair of Venus" for its light, graceful foliage.

Since 1780, ginkgo has been cultivated in France; the Parisian botanist, amateur Petigny, bought ginkgo saplings from an English gardener.

Now Ginkgo biloba grows in botanical gardens in Europe and North America, it is grown as ornamental plant in parks, widely used for landscaping. When cultivated, male and female plants are grown separately, since seed shells, when rotting, emit bad smell... In Russia, ginkgo grows in botanical gardens and is planted on the Black Sea coast as an ornamental plant.

In China, Japan, countries of East Asia, the relict ginkgo tree is considered a symbol of stamina and longevity, bred as a sacred tree, it is planted near Buddhist temples. There is a ginkgo tree growing in Nagasaki, which is more than 1200 years old.

The ginkgo plant is undemanding to soil, it is light-requiring, frost-resistant. Adult plants grow in well-lit areas; young plants must be protected from direct sunlight to avoid sunburn, shade. There are varieties in the ginkgo culture that differ in various shapes crown, leaves. In the fall, ginkgo leaves turn yellow and fall off quickly.

Seeds of ginkgo biloba are similar to seeds of apricot or plum - orange-yellow, in China in areas of growth, boiled or fried ginkgo seeds are eaten. Since ancient times, the medicinal properties of ginkgo have been used in Chinese medicine.

Ginkgo biloba medicinal properties and contraindications

Medicinal properties ginkgo biloba is used in modern medicine in many countries. The main medicinal raw materials are the leaves of ginkgo biloba.

Preparations based on ginkgolides isolated from ginkgo leaves are used in the treatment of certain vascular diseases - atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, to improve cerebral and peripheral blood circulation, to improve memory and concentration, improve blood microcirculation in tissues and organs.

Ginkgo biloba leaves application

Ginkgo biloba leaves have a complex chemical composition, which determines its main medicinal properties. The leaves contain flavone glycosides - quercetin, kaempferol, isorhamnetin, contain ginkgolides and bilobalides, minerals - calcium, phosphorus, potassium salts and others, ascorbic acid, phytosterol - more than 40 useful components in total.

Flavone glycosides have a strong antioxidant effect, protect the phospholipid membranes of body cells from damage, destroying free radicals, which slows down the aging process of the body. Ginkgolides in ginkgo biloba increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels in the brain, activate thought processes and slow down the aging of the brain; promote vasodilation, improve blood flow, prevent thrombus formation.

Natural medicines based on ginkgo biloba extract are used for headaches, tinnitus, dizziness caused by cerebrovascular accident. Preparations from ginkgo extract improve blood supply to the brain, relieve dizziness and tinnitus, increase mental performance, improve memory and sleep.

Ginkgo biloba leaves are used to make well-known medicinal preparations, herbal teas, complete with hawthorn fruits and others. medicinal plants... Ginkgo biloba can be taken in the form of an infusion, tincture, and powder or extract from the leaves of the plant.

In pharmacies, you can buy natural medicines based on ginkgo: alcohol tincture ginkgo biloba, ginkgo leaf extract in tablets, capsules, powder. When taking medications, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations for the dosage and duration of treatment. Before treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Ginkgo biloba reduces blood viscosity, improves cerebral and cardiac circulation, oxygen supply to cells and nutrients, which improves brain function, improves memory, speech, eliminates headaches of vascular origin. It is used in violation of peripheral circulation - a feeling of coldness in the limbs, cramps and heaviness in the legs, pain when walking. As a result of treatment, blood circulation improves, anemia of the arms and legs disappears, lightness appears, and efficiency increases.


  • Hypersensitivity, individual intolerance.
  • Reduced blood clotting.
  • Peptic ulcer and duodenum in the stage of exacerbation.
  • Application during pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding period.

It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using ginkgo biloba preparations.

Ginkgo biloba flavonoids are strong antioxidants, concentrated in glands, nerve fibers, providing a protective effect for a long time.

High content ginkgo biloba extract active substances normalizes cerebral circulation, improves memory, slows down the aging of the brain; improves blood flow, enhances blood microcirculation in tissues and organs.

Watch a video about Ginkgo biloba:

Ginkgo biloba - a cure for old age

In a small article Ginkgo biloba tree medicinal properties and contraindications we reviewed wonderful healing properties ginkgo is a two-lobed, relict plant that has come down to us from time immemorial, possessing the inexhaustible healing power of the world of Nature.

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Always be beautiful and healthy!

One of the few plants that has survived to this day from prehistoric times is the ginkgo biloba or dinosaur tree. Its homeland is Northeast China. A tree grows up to 40 m, and the thickness of the trunk can reach up to 3 m in diameter. The healing properties and contraindications of ginkgo biloba were identified by oriental healers. Tinctures, extracts, etc. are made from the plant. Its derivatives provide invaluable benefits to the human body. But if misused, they can cause colossal harm.

The composition and properties of the plant

Ginkgo biloba contains a number of unique ingredients not found anywhere else in nature. Ginkolid has a particularly strong effect on the body. Together with other substances, it is able to expand blood vessels and increase their elasticity. In addition, this substance helps the body to cope with all kinds of inflammatory processes.

Ginkgo biloba is a unique herb to restore human health

The plant contains more than 40 components, the most active are the following substances:

  • bioflavonoids;
  • proanocyanidins;
  • phytosterol;
  • margenin;
  • asparagine;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium salts, etc.

Benefits for the whole body

Due to the mass of active substances, the use of ginkgo biloba can be beneficial for the whole body.

Ginkgo biloba fruit

  1. Vessels of the heart. Plant-based preparations promote vasodilation, thereby improving blood circulation. There is a more productive supply of oxygen to the cells. The pressure is normalized, cholesterol plaques are removed, the heartbeat is stabilized.
  2. Nervous system and cerebral vessels... Ginkgo biloba makes blood vessels more elastic. Favorably affects the central nervous system, improves reaction, helps fight insomnia and depression.
  3. Respiratory system. Prevents respiratory tract spasms, reduces the risk of asthma attacks, but when they occur, preparations based on ginkgo biloba are powerless.

Uses of ginkgo biloba extract

All preparations made from the ginkgo biloba tree are based on its green mass (leaves). Fruits are slightly less common. Sometimes bark. This plant has a particularly strong effect on the vessels of the brain. It is for this plant that they call the "tree of life". The main pharmacological derivative is ginkgo biloba extract (EGB), its effect is enhanced by the addition of new elements to the substances contained. The use of such a drug will help you with some pretty serious problems.

Ginkgo biloba extract

  1. Dizziness... Studies show that more than 50% of people suffering from severe chronic dizziness got rid of the problem. As it turned out, it was enough to take the minimum dose of EGB every day for 7 days.
  2. Migraine. It is very difficult to cope with a headache of this nature, often many drugs do not give desired result... Eighty percent of patients participating in the EHB trial were able to boast of improvement, or complete relief from pain, of vascular origin. Many scientists believe that this particular drug is the leader among the developed drugs for fighting headaches.
  3. Memory impairment. Senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease is associated with a malfunction of the cerebral vessels. The use of EGB for prophylactic purposes will help to avoid the onset of the disease and improve memory.

Important! It makes no sense to use large doses of the drug, since the body is not able to process them, the excess will simply be removed from it.

Indications and contraindications for drugs based on ginkgo biloba

In connection with the above properties useful for humans and actions that the substances contained in the plant have on the body, a number of indications for the use of drugs based on ginkgo biloba can be identified:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • noise in ears;

Ginkgo biloba can be taken in pill form

  • memory impairment;
  • post-stroke condition;
  • prevention of ischemic stroke;
  • senile dementia;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • violation of blood flow;
  • diabetes;
  • impotence;
  • swelling of the brain.

Important! Do not take medications for a long period of time. Take breaks. Otherwise, there is a risk of allergy to one or more ingredients.

With these and many other problems that have arisen due to the malfunctioning of the body, drugs based on the ginkgo biloba plant will help you. But do not overuse drugs. It is also contraindicated to use them together with anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents (drugs that affect blood clotting).

The benefits of ginkgo biloba: video

Medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba: photo

One of the few plants that has survived to this day from prehistoric times is either a dinosaur tree. Its homeland is Northeast China. A tree grows up to 40 m, and the thickness of the trunk can reach up to 3 m in diameter. The healing properties and contraindications of ginkgo biloba were identified by oriental healers. Tinctures, extracts, etc. are made from the plant. Its derivatives provide invaluable benefits to the human body. But if misused, they can cause colossal harm.

The composition and properties of the plant

Ginkgo biloba contains a number of unique ingredients not found anywhere else in nature. Ginkolid has a particularly strong effect on the body. Together with other substances, it is able to expand blood vessels and increase their elasticity. In addition, this substance helps the body to cope with all kinds of inflammatory processes.

Ginkgo biloba is a unique herb to restore human health

The plant contains more than 40 components, the most active are the following substances:

  • bioflavonoids;
  • proanocyanidins;
  • phytosterol;
  • margenin;
  • asparagine;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium salts, etc.

Benefits for the whole body

Due to the mass of active substances, the use of ginkgo biloba can be beneficial for the whole body.

Ginkgo biloba fruit

  1. Vessels of the heart. Plant-based preparations promote vasodilation, thereby improving blood circulation. There is a more productive supply of oxygen to the cells. The pressure is normalized, cholesterol plaques are removed, the heartbeat is stabilized.
  2. Nervous system and cerebral vessels... Ginkgo biloba makes blood vessels more elastic. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, improves reaction, helps to fight insomnia and depression.
  3. Respiratory system. Prevents respiratory tract spasms, reduces the risk of asthma attacks, but when they occur, preparations based on ginkgo biloba are powerless.

Uses of ginkgo biloba extract

All preparations made from the ginkgo biloba tree are based on its green mass (leaves). Fruits are slightly less common. Sometimes bark. This plant has a particularly strong effect on the vessels of the brain. It is for this plant that they call the "tree of life". The main pharmacological derivative is ginkgo biloba extract (EGB), its effect is enhanced by the addition of new elements to the substances contained. The use of such a drug will help you with some pretty serious problems.

Ginkgo biloba extract

  1. Dizziness... Studies show that more than 50% of people suffering from severe chronic dizziness got rid of the problem. As it turned out, it was enough to take the minimum dose of EGB every day for 7 days.
  2. Migraine. It is very difficult to cope with a headache of this nature, often many drugs do not give the desired result. Eighty percent of patients participating in the EHB trial were able to boast of improvement, or complete relief from pain, of vascular origin. Many scientists believe that this particular drug is the leader among the developed drugs for fighting headaches.
  3. Memory impairment. Senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease is associated with a malfunction of the cerebral vessels. The use of EGB for prophylactic purposes will help to avoid the onset of the disease and improve memory.

Important! It makes no sense to use large doses of the drug, since the body is not able to process them, the excess will simply be removed from it.

Indications and contraindications for drugs based on ginkgo biloba

In connection with the above properties useful for humans and actions that the substances contained in the plant have on the body, a number of indications for the use of drugs based on ginkgo biloba can be identified:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • noise in ears;

Ginkgo biloba can be taken in pill form

  • memory impairment;
  • post-stroke condition;
  • prevention of ischemic stroke;
  • senile dementia;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • violation of blood flow;
  • diabetes;
  • impotence;
  • swelling of the brain.

Important! Do not take medications for a long period of time. Take breaks. Otherwise, there is a risk of allergy to one or more ingredients.

With these and many other problems that have arisen due to the malfunctioning of the body, drugs based on the ginkgo biloba plant will help you. But do not overuse drugs. It is also contraindicated to use them together with anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents (drugs that affect blood clotting).

The benefits of ginkgo biloba: video

Medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba: photo

Name: translated from Japanese - "silver apricot", or "silver fruit". This is the name of the edible fruits of this wonderful relict plant from Western China. This is what Charles Darwin called Ginkgo "Living Fossil". Indeed, it is difficult to come up with a more precise definition. Ginkgo is one of the few ancient woody plants that are still preserved on earth.

Ginkgo in autumn
Photo by Andrey Sedov

From the history: in the Ginkgo culture it has been known since the 11th century. In China and Japan, it was planted near sacred temples. Now in the Land of the Rising Sun, ginkgo is used as fruit trees... By the way, the name of the plant in translation from Japanese means "silver apricot". A magnificent specimen of ginkgo grows in the Tokyo Botanical Gardens. In front of him is a marble plaque, on which is carved the name of the botanist Hiraze, who has devoted most of his life to the study of this plant. There is a tree in Nagasaki that is more than 1200 years old. In China, a gingko with a height of 45 m was found in natural growth conditions. It is believed that it is approaching the 2000-year mark. Legends say that in very ancient times in northern China, ginkgo seeds were taken as a tribute.

European scientists discovered living tree gingko in 1690 (previously they only saw plant prints on stones). For the first time, gingko appeared in the botanical garden of Utrecht (Holland), but the exact date of this event has not been established. In 1754 it came to England. There, a tree has survived to this day, with the help of which the features of fertilization of ginkgo were discovered and studied. The English call gingko "the tree of girl's hair". Its leaves remind them of the lobules of leaves of one of the most graceful ferns, known as "Venus's hair" (maidenhair). The French christened the ginkgo "a forty ecus tree." It received such a strange name in 1780 from the Parisian amateur botanist Petigny. Tom managed to buy a pot of five small ginkgo trees from one of the English gardeners for 25 guineas, that is, 40 crowns each. These trees became the progenitors of almost all the ginkgoes now growing in France.

Photo of Natalia Nesterova

The Germans did not remain indifferent to the Ginkgo. The great Goethe dedicated a poem to him: This leaf was from the east
Modestly brought into my garden,
And for the seeing eye
He reveals the secret meaning. The peculiar shape of the gingko leaves was presented to the poet as a symbol of friendship.

Prehistoric ginkgo plants, the ancestors of modern plants, existed on earth before the Rocky Mountains were formed, but living ginkgo biloba plants did not reach America until 1784. The oldest specimen grows there now in the Woodland Cemetery in Philadelphia. This veteran tree is under protection and is being watched by specialists.

Ginkgo can be found in parks these days Western Europe and on the streets of North American cities. In culture, it feels quite well, although it has never been found in a wild state in these places (not counting, of course, the Mesozoic era).

Description: this is one of the most primitive gymnosperms of modern flora, in the singular, representing both genus and family.

Ginkgo biloba- G. biloba L.

According to experts, ginkgo is a relic of Japanese-Chinese origin. It is believed that it is home to the mountain forests of Northeast China. It grows there in a warm and humid climate. Once there were so many trees that the oldest of them were chopped down for firewood. At present, there is no naturally formed ginkgo grove on Mount Memusha in China. The diameter of the trees growing there reaches 1.5-2 m.

Deciduous, dioecious tree, reaching 30-45 m in height, with a slender brown-gray trunk. The crown of young plants is broad-pyramidal, with a whorled arrangement of the main branches extending from the trunk almost at right angles; with age, its top becomes dull and the crown expands. Usually, male plants slender, with a pyramidal crown, women - with a wider and more rounded. None of the modern gymnosperms have such ornamental leaves as the ginkgo. They are fan-shaped, often dissected into two deep lobes (this is reflected in the specific name), leathery, naked, slightly corrugated along the edge, bluish-green, on long petioles. Leaves are arranged singly or in bunches on shortened shoots. In autumn, they are painted in beautiful golden yellow tones, giving the tree an unforgettable look. Flowers in small green-yellow inflorescences. The seed is covered with a fleshy cover (like a plum), a pungent astringent taste and an unpleasant odor.

It is decorative with a light trunk, an original whorled crown, with bluish greenery of amazing leaves, very beautiful in autumn colors. In areas favorable for its development, it can be used to create a kind of decorative groups against the background of conifers, evergreens, in alley and ordinary plantings, singly on lawns. In culture, since 1727.

In GBS since 1946, 4 samples (12 copies) were obtained by 3-year-old seedlings from Potsdam (Germany), seeds from Pyatigorsk, Sukhumi, Korea. Tree, at 30 years old, height 4.15 m, trunk diameter 4.0-9.0 cm. Vegetation from 20.IV ± 6 to 15.X ± 5, 179 ± 5 days. It grows slowly, the annual growth is 1-2 cm, rarely 4 cm. Winter hardiness without shelter is low, with average shelter. Low winter hardiness. In Moscow, it winters at a young age only with shelter. 36% of summer cuttings are rooted without treatment, with treatment with 0.01% IMC solution for 16 hours - up to 100%. In the landscaping of Moscow is absent. In green building it is highly regarded for original form, beautiful crown, has technical and nutritional value. It can be grown in areas with warm and humid climates.

Testing in the botanical garden of St. Petersburg began at the end of the 19th century. and continued in the middle of the XX century. (1891-1898, 1940-1941, 1947-2005). In 1940, a greenhouse plant was planted in open ground and immediately fell under an abnormally harsh winter. In 1947, seeds were obtained from Tbilisi and, after germination, were planted in a nursery (now site No. 133), where 2 specimens have survived to this day. In 1960, one copy from I.V. Grushvitsky from the greenhouse was planted in the park at uch. 103 near the Palm Greenhouse, where it still grows. Thus, ginkgo in open ground The garden has existed for 57 years.

Has a number of decorative forms: pyramidal(f. fastigiata) - with a columnar or pyramidal crown; weeping(f. pendula) - with a weeping crown shape; golden(f. aurea) - with a light golden color of the leaves; variegated(f. variegata) - leaves with golden stripes.

"Laciniata"... The tree is fast-growing, kegle-shaped. Leaves are very large, 20-30 cm wide with numerous notches; veins are embossed, the edge is curly and cut (- C. biloba macrophylla, Salisburia adiantifolia, Masrophilla laciniata). Originated before 1850 as a seedling near Rainier, Avignon, France.

"St. Сloud "... A tree with a straight trunk, side branches rarely spaced from each other, very long, densely covered with small shortened shoots along its entire length. Albert Kahn Garden, Clu-sur-Seine near Paris.

"Tremonia"... The form is straight, columnar, 12 m high and 80 cm wide. The autumn color is beautiful. In 1970 marketed from the Botanical Gardens of Dortmund. Original tree, about 1930 emerged from a seedling.

Photo left Svetlana Popova
Photo right Andrey Sedov

Location: photophilous, wind-resistant, frost-hardy enough (tolerates a drop in temperature to -30 ° C.). Young plants should be protected from the burning rays of the sun by shading them with shields or a light cloth. Mature plants are best planted in well-lit areas. The plant is successfully cultivated in the temperate zone - where the climate is mild enough. In the open field, ginkgo grows in Kaliningrad (regional), Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Astrakhan. It is found in the Baltics, in Moldova, in the botanical gardens of Central Asia. The plant can be found in the parks of the Crimea (in Yalta since 1818), the Caucasus, Ukraine (in the Krasnokutsk park since 1911). They also tested it in Belarus.

Ginkgo has been growing in the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1946. The three-year-old seedlings were brought from Germany. At the age of 30, the plants had a height of a little more than 4 m.The diameter of the trunk at the root collar was 9 cm, at a height of 1.3 m - 4 cm.Gingko does not bloom, grows slowly: an annual growth of 2 cm, in some years - up to 4 cm. during the winter, the plant requires an obligatory shelter.

The soil: undemanding. For the successful growth of ginkgo, constantly moist soil is needed, but its mechanical composition is not so important.

Photo of Sergey Ivanov

Reproduction: no tree reproduces like the ginkgo. The way of reproduction brings it closer to ferns and other spore plants, in which fertilization is carried out with the help of floating male germ cells. In all other trees, male reproductive cells cannot move independently. In this regard, ginkgo is an interesting object for studying the evolution of plants. Freshly harvested ginkgo seeds have a high germination rate, but it is quickly lost due to the fact that their endosperm contains fatty acid... The weight of a thousand seeds is equal to 200 g. After cleaning the seed from the fleshy cover, only 25% of the original weight remains. On the running meter 10-15 g of seeds are sown, the seeding depth is 3-5 cm. The seeds are cleaned in salt water. Sowing is best immediately after processing. Seeds obtained from Tashkent and stratified at 5 - 7 ° C for 1.5 months gave amicable shoots 25 days after sowing. Ground germination rate of 91%.

Ginkgo is a fast-growing tree species, has a strong shoot-educational ability, gives growth from stumps and roots. The tree does not tolerate a transplant, 2-3 years after that it does not grow. Landscapers like ginkgo, but females are not suitable for decorative purposes, because during ripening, the fruits smell unpleasant, and when falling off, they interfere with pedestrians and transport. Usually males are used. In nurseries, a male kidney is inoculated on a young seedling. In the first year, seedlings are 12-15 cm high. Ginkgo is easily propagated by seeds, stem and root cuttings.

Cuttings should be taken in late June - early July, and preference should be given not to long (by that time still badly lignified), but to short shoots, which are cut into cuttings with a "heel" or with part of last year's wood. Half the leaves are removed from them and placed in a solution of root formation stimulants for several hours. Then they are planted in a soil film greenhouse, where coarse sand mixed with high-moor peat, perlite or similar loose air-permeable materials are used as a substrate. Cuttings are regularly sprayed, once a week adding Epina solution to the sprayer. With a successful outcome, by autumn the plants will give, if not roots, then at least callus. For the winter, cuttings are covered with spruce branches. In the spring, they start to grow rather quickly, and they need to be planted before this moment - in April. Cuttings with only one callus develop successfully - in the second year, almost all of them give roots. But plants from cuttings develop much more slowly than seed plants, at least in the first 1-3 years.

Used materials from the article by M. Alexandrova "Living fossil" // "In the world of plants" No. 1, 2000