Restoration of the plastic bumper of the car. Do-it-yourself plastic bumper crack repair - methods and technology

We offer you to significantly reduce the cost of car repairs in case of damage to the bumper!

When the damage received by the bumper is not fatal, you can do inexpensive repairs bumper in our workshop, after which the bumper will regain its former appearance and will not give out its injuries, and you will save a decent amount of money. In addition to saving Money, there is another significant benefit of bumper restoration - saving the time it takes to find, order and wait for a new part.

High-quality bumper repair is possible only with a professional approach.

They can declare the possibility of repairing bumpers at any car service, but for quality performance these works require expensive specialized equipment (we use special plastic welding equipment, which makes it possible to obtain a high-strength seam without using steel mesh or paper clips), rich professional experience and knowledge. Such opportunities and conditions cannot be provided by masters of a wide profile who use improvised tools in their work that are not adapted for welding plastics. The method of restoring the integrity of the damaged area of ​​the bumper, which we use, makes it possible to ensure high strength of the connection without the use of epoxy adhesives, foreign inserts, wire or steel mesh and a large layer of putty. The gap does not stick together and is not smeared with a large layer of putty. The repair seam consists of a plastic selected for each bumper. The repair plastic softens and sinters with the bumper material, as a result we get a monolithic structure, which is not inferior in strength to the areas of the bumper that have not been repaired, and often exceeds their strength, because. the repair seam consists of three layers of plastic. In the process of restoration, the repair seam is welded with plastic on both sides. Such a connection in the section resembles a three-layer sandwich, obtained by welding the repair material with the plastic of the bumper. The crack is completely filled with plastic throughout, without forming voids. Thus, a reinforced section is obtained, which can adequately resist loads and not collapse during the operation of the part. This statement is supported by numerous evidences, because. our customers, having damaged the bumper again, come back to us. Analyzing the damage received by the restored bumper, we made sure that high quality welds, because even when exposed directly to the restored area of ​​the bumper, new cracks and tears appear, and the restored area, in most cases, remains intact.

Therefore, before trying your hand at repairing bumpers or contacting the nearest garage, call us and find out the cost of the work, the difference may not be great, but the difference in quality will be quite palpable. Please note that the cost of repairing a bumper after attempting an independent or non-professional repair can increase significantly, and in some cases leads to irreversible consequences and the need to replace it!

How to determine the professionalism of a bumper repairman?

The vast majority of modern car bumpers are plastic cladding, which has an exclusively decorative function. This bumper is made from soft plastic about 3 mm thick. Thus, this part cannot be considered a rigid structure.

To change the shape, it is enough to make a little effort. However, there is a certain sense in this, because. although the bumper is easily deformable, it also easily restores its original shape - this is its main purpose. Therefore, when repairing plastic bumpers, it is important not only to restore the previous shape, but also to maintain the plasticity of the area being repaired. If wire or steel (aluminum) mesh is used in the process of bumper restoration, this indicates a low qualification of the master, because any foreign elements have a different rigidity and structure, which during operation creates point stress centers and destroys the seam from the inside, which leads to cracks and subsequent destruction of the restored area. Also, with such a repair, it is not possible to accurately recreate the geometry of the damaged area, which is compensated by a large layer of putty, which differs from the bumper in plasticity and becomes covered with microcracks during operation and falls off over time.

Do-it-yourself bumper repair

Having damaged the bumper and trying to save money, some decide to do it themselves. At first glance, the process is not complicated. A soldering iron, wire or mesh is used, you can use special adhesives to restore plastic bumpers. Such work, at first glance, does not require specific knowledge and experience and is called - local bumper repair. Thus self repair allows you to significantly reduce costs and after painting will have a tolerable appearance. However, having pleased you for a short time with relatively low costs, the appearance of the bumper, and therefore the car, will not please the eye. Unskilled repairs can occur even during normal operation. Reliability of the seam, restored with an ordinary soldering iron very low, because at the same time, the repair area is subjected to strong local overheating, after which, the overheated plastic becomes very brittle and breaks easily. The addition of foreign materials, such as mesh or wire, to the seam only exacerbates the situation, leading to the destruction of the seam from the inside due to internal stresses. The use of special adhesives also does not guarantee a successful result. To ensure high reliability connection, serious and competent preparation of the surface is necessary, on which it will be applied adhesive composition. Success depends on the strength of the adhesion of the plastic to the adhesive, and ensure good adhesion It's not easy for a non-professional. The materials from which plastic bumpers are made have a different composition and include many components, which makes it possible to obtain plastic of the required flexibility and strength.

Therefore, the working methods and the type of adhesive must match the type of plastic from which the bumper is made. If one of the conditions is not met, the seam will not withstand the operational loads and will either crack or begin to delaminate, which will lead to the destruction of the seam. If the bumper is already painted and installed, you will have to start all over again. And the money for the work of the painter, paint and Consumables no longer return. The repeated repair process will double the costs and instead of saving you will receive a substantial amount of expenses that you did not count on.

Therefore, before trying your hand at repairing bumpers or contacting the nearest garage, call us and find out the cost of the work, the difference may not be great, but the difference in quality will be quite tangible. Please note bumper repair cost after attempts at self- or non-professional repairs, it can increase significantly, and in some cases leads to irreversible consequences and the need to replace it!

Bumper repair - cost

When the bumper is seriously damaged and its repair is not possible, we can offer you an original used bumper, which, after painting and installation on the car, will be completely identical to the new one and will not give out its origin during operation. But what about the origin? The used bumper has exactly the same origin as the one installed on your car on the assembly line. In order for it to become used, you just need to remove it from the car. Therefore, the bumpers that we offer you are mounted on the car without any problems and will not bulge or sag, because. they do not differ from the parts installed by the manufacturer on the conveyor and are produced at the same factory, and not in Taiwan or China, like non-original bumpers that are widely used on the market.

After painting and installation, you will get the original bumper, saving money and time, and a great looking car. And let only you know about your petty trouble.

When purchasing a new car, every motorist hopes that his further expenses for a very long time will be limited only to the cost of gasoline and periodically to an oil change. However, life sometimes throws us surprises and they are not always pleasant. Especially often such surprises lie in wait for drivers on the road ...

If you got into an accident and slightly damaged the bumper, do not be upset. Our company offers you an excellent opportunity to minimize your costs for the replacement or local repair of bumpers of foreign cars, such as Toyota Corolla, and domestic cars.

the site is the main secret of any economical car enthusiast who takes care of his car without compromising his own pocket!

Bumper repair and painting

If you got into an accident or damaged the bumper during an unsuccessful parking, if there is a dent, crack, tear or any other damage on the bumper of your car, then our experienced specialists will provide your car with the most prompt assistance at a very loyal price.

By agreement with the client, we will dismantle, repair and paint the bumper in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, without taking much time from the car owner. After all, your car will remain with you while our craftsmen will "conjure over your old bumper."

Such a demand service as painting, the price of which depends on the degree of wear of your car model and on the amount of work, is much more profitable in our company than in other companies.

bumper replacement

If your bumper has become completely unusable and there is no point or desire to repair it, you can find a worthy replacement for it in our store of original used bumpers. In this case, we will bring to your attention a huge product catalog, where you can find front and rear bumpers for cars of European, Japanese, Chinese and American automakers, as well as domestic cars Lada Kalina, Priora, 113, 114 and 115.

Along with bumpers for mid-range cars, we offer a wide range of bumpers for premium cars. Therefore, with us you can easily pick up original spare parts for Hummer and Jaguar, Lexus and Porsche.

This will give you a great opportunity to repair your car in the shortest possible time, without standing in a huge queue for painting the bumper, straightening it or replacing it.

Website Benefits

Turning to our company, you will receive fast, professional assistance at an affordable price.

Firstly, all spare parts of our catalog are original and have such characteristics as quality, reliability and durability;

Secondly, if you are looking for a bumper for your foreign car, then from the site you do not need to run all over the city in search of the right part. You can simply go to our website and see the catalog of available bumpers.

Bumpers primarily perform protective function and the stronger the material, the better. But modern car manufacturers prefer polymer products so it needs to be repaired frequently. Cracks, scratches, dents significantly distort the appearance of the car, which needs to be restored. You can make plastic bumper repairs with your own hands at home, you just need to familiarize yourself with the technology.

General information about the subject

To understand how to fix a bumper with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the damaged item. What is a modern bumper? This is a protective element of the car, in a collision it takes the brunt, so it is in this place that the car is most vulnerable.

Today, the main material for them is plastic. They use thermoplastic plastics that can be repaired by welding, which will not only get rid of small cracks, but also restore the mount. Knowing how to use welding is not enough, you need to learn how to repair a plastic bumper yourself.

Bumpers primarily perform a protective function and the stronger the material, the better.

Lasting plastic material for the bumper has several advantages:

  • Ease.
  • Resistant to corrosion.
  • The cost is much lower than metal.
  • Easy care.

You need to know the material!

Do-it-yourself bumper restoration must be done very carefully. Need to pick up right stuff, plastic is classified in mechanics. Types are divided depending on the strength and composition. Full information posted since reverse side marking material:

  • PP - base polypropylene.
  • ABS (GF, PAG 6) is a hard type plastic.
  • PUR - polyurethane.

It is really possible to determine the type yourself, it must correspond to the marking. Incorrectly selected plastic will complicate the repair process. The strength of such an element will be insufficient, perhaps new cracks will appear in the near future.

A little about the "diseases" of bumpers

The bumper is always in the center of damage. Even if there is no collision, it is affected by sand, dirt, dust, pebbles from under the wheels and other factors. As a result, defects appear:

  • Local damage. This small scratches. Deep damage can reach the ground.
  • Dents. They have a larger diameter, represent surface deformations of varying degrees. Occur as a result of mechanical damage.
  • Cracks. Through damage. The danger of these defects is in constant increase during vibration.
  • Breaks. The most difficult option. Not only painting suffers, but also integrity, parts break off.

Restoration and repair takes time and significant costs. In special services, they will require you to pay a round sum, depending on the front of the robots. Motorists are interested in how to fix the bumper with their own hands, whether it will be possible to completely restore the appearance of the car. This is quite real, the main condition is the observance of technology.

Recovery steps

Repairing a plastic bumper with your own hands requires full responsibility and a serious approach to business. It is best to find a certain place, create a home service where no one will interfere. The technology involves several stages and will take some time:

  • Preparation of the damaged part and material.
  • bumper treatment with inside.

Do-it-yourself plastic bumper repair requires full responsibility and a serious approach to business

  • Work on the front side: alignment.
  • Applying a primer.
  • Alignment.
  • Grinding.
  • Puttying, if necessary.
  • Painting.


First, the damaged bumper must be disconnected from the car; you can do it yourself. Then a complete cleaning is required: washing, drying, dust removal. For an additional effect, you can degrease the element.

On preparatory stage It is also worth choosing the material that will be used for the repair. You should be guided by the markings.

The final moment is the removal of the factory paintwork from the bumper, do-it-yourself repairs need to be carried out at all stages, and the last one will definitely be a new painting.

Do-it-yourself bumper soldering

Restoring the integrity of the bumper

Full restoration of integrity - the main objective repair work. The plastic bumper can be repaired using the following methods:

  • Soldering.
  • Gluing.
  • Additional work.

The last point includes getting rid of minor damage, repairing fixtures.


The procedure is a thermal soldering, it is needed in case of serious damage, when there are extensive dents, through cracks, breaks. To carry out, you need equipment: a powerful soldering iron, a metal mesh for fastening, tongs, clamps, sandpaper. The person who will carry out the soldering must take care of safety (protective gloves, glasses, overalls).

Soldering technology is carried out in several stages:

  • Fixing parts with clamps.
  • We make potholders at a distance of 2 cm on both sides.
  • We solder the metal mesh.

Fixing bumper parts with clamps

  • We connect the parts of the plastic along the entire length.
  • Check soldering with outer side, we carry out control soldering.

For those who want to learn how to repair a bumper, you need to learn the first rule. Everything must be done very carefully, then it is difficult to correct. In addition to the soldering iron, a building hair dryer is used.


Cracked bumper, how to repair a plastic bumper with your own hands, if it is made of fiberglass or hard plastic? In this case, bonding is required. The process is a little simpler, but the strength of this method is much lower than soldering. For effectiveness, be sure to degrease. Then use adhesive tape to secure.

Glue is prepared with epoxy resin and hardener. They are sold as a set, how and how much to mix is ​​indicated in the instructions. Additionally, prepare a patch from the material. You need to glue from the inside, the seam is at least 5 cm, after adjusting the patch, you need the surface to dry. Major damage glued on both sides.

Do-it-yourself bumper gluing

Getting rid of dents, scratches and repair of detached fasteners

bumper made from artificial material may crack easily or develop other minor imperfections. The advantage of such raw materials is that it can be easily corrected. Small dents can be easily leveled with boiling water. Pour on the inner surface, then the plastic will heat up and level itself. If there are scratches, puttying and painting is indispensable.

There are fasteners on the bumper, if they come off they need to be attached. For this, soldering and gluing methods are used in accordance with the material.


The grinding process is necessary if you need to completely repair the bumper. It is carried out after soldering or gluing. With this method, the surface is leveled, and unnecessary defects are removed: parts of molten plastic, glue. This can be done using special brushes or sandpaper. Before painting, the surface must be absolutely even, and old traces of paintwork must also be completely removed. In this case, the damaged areas will not be visible at all.


Painting is the last step in bumper repair. It is carried out after grinding and priming. It is best to leave this difficult moment to a specialist. It will help you choose a color to match the overall color of the car.

Car bumper painting

bumper repair cost

In addition to the question of how to repair cracked bumper, many are interested in how much such a repair will cost. The cost will depend on the brand of car, material and the chosen method. Alignment costs a little less, soldering and gluing is more expensive. Painting and preparation for it are paid additionally.

Specialists give important tips how to repair a bumper with your own hands:

  • If you are not confident in your own abilities, leave this work to specialists. You don't have to drive your favorite car.
  • When choosing materials, be sure to pay attention to the labeling. It's not on fiberglass.
  • Be sure to go through all the stages of repair. Careless attitude significantly affects the quality.
  • Small cracks are best repaired immediately. When the car rides as a result of vibration, they tend to increase.

Having broken the plastic bumper on a VAZ car, the owner can relatively inexpensively purchase and install a new one, painted in the right color. The owners of foreign cars are not so lucky, plastic body kits for their cars are much more expensive. The way out is to repair the damaged part by repairing the crack with your own hands in order to save money. It is also useful for owners of Russian cars to know about ways to restore broken plastic, but not to buy new element due to small cracks.

Crack Filling Methods

Depending on the amount of damage and the type of plastic, the following cracked bumper methods are practiced:

  • cosmetic bonding with acetone and donor plastic;
  • gluing with modern chemical compounds;
  • fastening on epoxy resin with the use of fiberglass reinforcing mesh;
  • sealing the crack with a soldering iron reinforced with a metal mesh;
  • welding with a hot air gun and a plastic rod.

Reference. There is one simple method used by car enthusiasts who do not care too much about appearance cars. This is the connection of the edges of the crack with wire or staples from a stapler. This is a simple matter, so consider this technology it makes no sense, everything is clear.

The use of acetone for bonding, which can dissolve many types of plastics, is a temporary measure used to small cracks that appeared in the middle of the body kit. Its essence is this:

  1. Pieces of plastic, similar in composition to the bumper material, are selected and dissolved in acetone to a thick consistency.
  2. WITH back side the bumper crack is degreased and also treated with acetone in order to soften the surface.
  3. Liquefied plastic is applied to the damage from the reverse side, after which it hardens for several hours. Outside, the defect can be tinted with a corrector tube.

With the help of thick two-component compounds, sold in two tubes, any single cracks in most varieties of plastic are repaired. The exception is fiberglass body kits, they are glued together epoxy resin, and in case of serious damage, reinforcement with fiberglass mesh is used.

With numerous large cracks, breaks and holes in the bumper, gluing methods become ineffective. In such cases, soldering or welding with a hot air gun using a donor polymer material. After such a repair, the defect site is thoroughly cleaned and painted in the color of the car. At the end, it is necessary to do a full polishing of the bumper so that the painted area does not stand out against the background of the old coating.

Advice. If you got into an accident or collided with an immovable obstacle and broke through the body kit, try to collect all but the smallest pieces that flew off. This will allow you to use "native" plastic for repairs and not look for something similar.

The preparatory process is little different for various ways bonding and welding of polymer parts, so it should be considered separately. The first question is whether it is necessary to remove the bumper to make repairs. In most cases, dismantling is indispensable, since the plastic must be sealed on both sides. The exception is broken body kits, cracked in many places. They must first be fastened together, and then removed. Otherwise, after repair, the part may lose its shape, which is why the attachment points will not converge, and the gaps with adjacent elements will increase.

Reference. Often the body of the bumper comes off at the attachment points and small pieces of plastic remain on the screws. Before dismantling, such a part is securely welded to the torn mount and only then removed.

To prepare a damaged body kit for repair, you need the following tools and materials:

  • a set of keys and screwdrivers for removing the element;
  • electric grinder;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes - from P180 to P320;
  • degreasing liquid - an organic solvent or white spirit;
  • rag.

Note. By using grinder you can clean up better and much faster than manually. This and other power tools that will be needed for painting and polishing can be rented for 2-3 days.

Regardless of whether work is carried out directly on the car or with the bumper removed, it must be thoroughly washed and dried. Then, with a large sandpaper, it is necessary to peel off the paint with an indent of 3-5 cm from the crack in each direction and sand the area of ​​the fine sandpaper. Whatever method of repair you choose, the paint must be removed to the base, otherwise it will interfere with the adhesion of the adhesive or the fusion of polymers during welding. At the end, the area should be degreased.

Advice. The quality of body kit repair depends on the conditions in which it is made. It is more convenient to close up damage in a garage equipped with an inspection ditch for easy removal of the part and soldering loose fasteners in place.

Bonding with a two-component composition

For implementation this method you need to purchase the following bumper repair kit from 3M brand:

  • 2 FPRM components for the preparation of a liquid polymer in tubes of 150 ml (price - about 2500 rubles);
  • special hard tape;
  • self-adhesive reinforcing mesh made of fiberglass (otherwise - fiberglass) 48 mm wide;
  • an adhesion initiator in an aerosol can;
  • 2 spatulas - wide and narrow;
  • stationery knife;
  • gloves, goggles.

Reference. Similar kits are offered by other manufacturers, but the 3M brand is the most well-known and proven in practice.

Gluing liquid polymer suitable for most plastics and can be performed both with the body kit removed and on the car. True, the second option is rather inconvenient, plus you need good lighting in viewing hole. To cut a crack, you will need an electric drill (not a grinder!) With a mandrel for abrasive wheels. Repair consists of the following technological operations:

  1. Using a low speed drill and an abrasive wheel, chamfer at an angle of about 30° along the edges of the crack on both sides. In cross section, it looks like this:<».
  2. Degrease the area and allow the solvent to completely evaporate. On the front side of the bumper, where the paint was already cleaned at the preparatory stage, stick adhesive tape along the entire crack. It will serve as a kind of formwork when pouring a two-component solution.
  3. Treat the damage site on the rear side of the body kit with an adhesion initiator from a balloon, then apply a self-adhesive glass canvas to the split.
  4. Mix the components from the tubes in a 1:1 ratio with a spatula. Apply the liquid polymer to the mesh in several thin layers to avoid air pockets. Lay the mixture until it completely hides the glass canvas.
  5. After laying the composition, allow it to cure for 30 minutes, then remove the tape from the front side and repeat the embedding operation (but without the mesh).
  6. After hardening, grind the area with a grinder, using sandpaper P180, P240 and P400 in turn. This completes the plastic repair and you can start painting.

Important! After mixing the components, the composition must be used within 6 minutes, which is quite enough to apply to the damage on one side. The curing time of 30 minutes is correct for a room temperature of 21-23°C, therefore, when working in a cold room, it is necessary to organize local heating of the bumper (for example, with an infrared heater).

If irregularities are noticeable on the front side of the element, then before painting, apply a little putty intended for plastic to the differences. After drying, clean it with P1500 sandpaper, degrease and paint with a spray gun, having previously applied a layer of primer. After 1 day, polish the surface of the body kit.

Sealing with liquid polymer - photo

After cutting, manual cleaning of the crack is required The inner side of the body kit must also be sanded Cutting the edges of the crack at an angle Adhesive tape is glued on the front side Glass canvas is glued on the inside From the end you can see how the adhesive tape limits the outflow of the composition outward when applied 2 components are squeezed onto the spatula in the same amount Mixing the components with a spatula The composition is rubbed into the gap and the mesh with a spatula. After hardening and removing the adhesive tape, the sealed joint is cleaned. This is how a sealed crack in plastic looks like

Video instruction on the use of the composition 3M

Repair with fiberglass

The technology is used to repair damage to body kits made of fiberglass, since the previous technique is not suitable in this case. What is required for work:

  • fiberglass for bumper repair;
  • polyester (epoxy) resin complete with hardener;
  • soft brush;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • latex gloves.

Advice. If a bulge or depression has formed at the point of impact, straighten it immediately after stripping, using a building hair dryer for heating.

Since fiberglass patches will have to be applied on both sides of the damaged area, it is better to dismantle the bumper from the car. Having completed all the preparatory work, including stripping paint and degreasing, proceed in the following sequence:

  1. Using a grinder with coarse sandpaper (P80-P120), make a recess in the body of the bumper from the front side, covering a radius of 3-5 cm from the crack. This is necessary so that the fiberglass overlay does not protrude beyond the plane of the part.
  2. On the back side, make a stripping with a large sandpaper, but without deepening. Degrease the area and let it dry.
  3. Cut out the fiberglass patches. On the front part, you need to make a neat patch that repeats the shape of the recess, and from the rear, you can glue a rectangular overlay.
  4. Mix the resin with the hardener in the proportions indicated on the package. Apply the composition with a brush to the surface, apply a patch (you can in several layers) and impregnate it with resin.
  5. Accurately keep the time specified for curing the epoxy compound (written on the resin container), then carefully clean the repair area with fine sandpaper. The task is to level the surface by removing the protrusions.

Note. Coarse-grained sandpaper is initially used to create a roughness on the surface of the plastic, which contributes to better adhesion of the polyester adhesive.

On this, the repair work of the plastic itself is over, then cleaning, priming and painting are carried out according to standard technology. The last operation is bumper polishing, it is necessary to give the element a uniform shine.

Photo of fiberglass body kit repair

Video about sealing defects with fiberglass

Soldering large bumper damage

Numerous cracks, breaks and torn off elements of the bumper are repaired by thermal methods, in particular, by soldering. To perform this painstaking work, a small set of tools and materials is required:

  • a soldering iron with a power of at least 100 W with a wide tip and a wooden handle;
  • thin metal mesh specially designed for thermal bonding of plastic parts;
  • knife, wire cutters for processing broken segments;
  • screw clamp;
  • sandpaper with fine and coarse grain for cleaning seams.

Note. The process of soldering serious defects can take hours. During this time, the plastic handle of the soldering iron will warm up so much that it will become difficult to hold the tool with your hand.

In preparation for soldering, the paint must be removed to the base not only from cracks, but also from torn off pieces of the bumper. Moreover, in this case, the body kit is not removed from the machine until all the gaps are fastened together and fixed by soldering, otherwise the element will lose its exact shape.

Soldering technology is implemented in the following sequence:

  1. After stripping, wipe the area with a degreaser and let it evaporate.
  2. Align the edges of the cracks and, if necessary, fix them in this position with clamps.
  3. With a heated soldering iron, make tacks along the length of all cracks. For high-quality heating, the sting must be immersed in plastic to a depth equal to half the thickness of the material, and then the surface of the molten plastic should be leveled. The distance between the tacks is 1.5-2 cm.
  4. When tacks are made on all cracks, it is necessary to put the broken piece in place. Fit it to the hole and, if necessary, cut it so that it fits into the hole flush with the surface.
  5. Solder the torn segment on the tacks, then repeat the operation from the inside. After that, the bumper can be carefully removed from the car and continue to work in more comfortable conditions, although this is not necessary, as it is convenient for anyone.
  6. Perform solid soldering of all joints on both sides of the body kit. So that adjacent tacks do not diverge from heating, the seam must be soldered with gaps. That is, first the first section between the tacks is welded, then the third, fifth, seventh and so on. When finished, go back and solder any remaining sections.
  7. Cut the mesh into pieces 2-4 cm long. They need to be soldered across the seam in the most stressed places - along the edges of the cracks, in the middle, at the junction and near the stiffeners. The technology is simple: a steel mesh is placed on the seam and, heated by a soldering iron, is immersed in the polymer base of the bumper. At the end, the softened plastic above the mesh must be smoothed out.

Important! When soldering the edges of the plastic, you need to hold it still and give it time to solidify. If you release the part ahead of time, the seam will open.

At the end of the soldering procedure, sand the surface of the element, then degrease and paint it in the desired color. During further operation, be more careful, because from a strong blow the bumper can shatter into pieces, tearing in the same places. To fasten it stronger, you should use another method - welding with donor plastic.

Photo instructions for soldering the bumper

All joints are carefully cleaned of paint Bonding the crack with tacks The fracture is now held on by tacks Broken piece is clearly fitted to the opening The fragment is also fixed with tacks All seams are fixed at several points Completely soldered joints All soldering operations are repeated from the inside of the bumper

How to solder the front body kit - video

hot air welding

This is a more efficient way of connecting polymer parts, used not only for repairing bumpers, but also for restoring a variety of plastic products. It allows you to securely fasten the elements, spending much less time on work than when soldering. To use this technology, you need to prepare the same tools with materials as for soldering, excluding the metal mesh. In addition, it will be needed for repairs.

Almost every car owner at least once got into an accident and received damage to his car. The most vulnerable to external influences is the bumper, which in most modern cars is made of plastic. Sometimes scratches, cracks, chips and other damage occur simply when parking is unsuccessful. Repairing a plastic bumper yourself is not so difficult. Let's get started!

Refurbished plastic bumper

Of course, you can simply replace it, but it will cost quite a lot. If you are limited in funds, you should try to repair the bumper yourself.

Some car owners do not consider it necessary to make minor repairs to bumpers, ignoring cracks and chips. But this not only looks unaesthetic, but also reduces safety, since the protective functions of the bumper are violated.

What is required for repair and how to choose the right technology

In order to restore a plastic bumper, it is best to purchase a special kit, which includes materials:

  • fiberglass;
  • epoxy resin;
  • hardener;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty for plastic;
  • mixing container.

In addition, it is worth having the following tools and materials available:

  • varnish, paint of any color;
  • wire;
  • metal reinforcing meshes;
  • electrodes;
  • electric soldering iron.

So, you decided to repair the plastic bumper yourself. Where to begin?
First of all, you need to initially determine the need for priming plastic. There are several ways to do this:

Burning plastic. To do this, take a small piece of the bumper, clean it from the remnants of paint and dirt and set it on fire. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the nature of the combustion of the material. If black smoke is emitted during the combustion of the material, a primer is not necessary. If the material burns like a candle, then before the main priming, you need to apply a primer for plastic.

Buoyancy test. The plastic is immersed in water. If it sinks or completely goes under water, the part does not need to be primed first. When the plastic remains afloat, it means that before applying the acrylic primer, there is a need to use a special primer for plastic.

Bumper dent repair

Small bumper dents can usually be repaired with a blow dryer. The concave surface of the plastic is heated until it softens, after which the dent is leveled until the original appearance of the part returns.

But there are also more difficult cases, when the dent is significant in depth, and the plastic is not only concave, but also stretched. Sometimes such dents are called hoods, as is the process of correcting them. The bumper hood usually requires more complex manipulations, discussed in a separate detailed video:

Bumper Scratch Repair

If there are small scratches, bumper repair is as follows:

  1. Sanding damage and sanding. This must be done so that there are no deep scratches. Sand to a smooth surface.
  2. For deep scratches, apply putty. Then sand this place again using abrasive material or a grinder. In this case, the grinder is turned on at minimum speed.
  3. Degrease the surface to remove dust and grease. The next stage is the application of a primer, then painting and varnishing.
  4. Drying with a special lamp. The temperature of such drying should not exceed 60 degrees, which are recommended for such material.

An important point in carrying out such an operation as repairing scratches on a bumper with your own hands is polishing the scratches. This is done by means for painted surfaces and plastic:

  • A small amount of the product is applied to the circular nozzle of a polishing machine or drill and rubbed in manually for a while.
  • The machine is turned on as soon as it is possible to spread the polish evenly over the surface.

This operation takes about 20 minutes. The result will be the removal of bumps and various roughness.

Repair of cracks and chips in the bumper

When carrying out a more serious repair of a plastic bumper with your own hands, you must first dismantle this component of the car and carefully treat the entire surface with a plastic degreaser.

After that, you can see the actual scale of damage, because sometimes small cracks are not immediately noticeable due to dirt. Then the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. As usual, the damage site is processed with sandpaper. Using a drill, a deepening is made in the form of the Latin letter V.
  2. An adhesive tape is applied to the damaged area. Then you need to prepare liquid plastic from the adhesive mass and thickener. Moreover, liquid plastic must exactly fit the type of plastic of the bumper being processed. The mixture is applied behind the tape pasted on the bumper.
  3. When the plastic hardens, we grind the surface until the defective surface does not stand out and becomes even and smooth to the touch.
  4. Surface painting and varnishing.

Thus, the issue is resolved , how to fix a crack in a bumper

Heat seal repair

Repair of plastic bumpers can be done by heat welding. This is useful when eliminating torn parts and large cracks. The algorithm of actions in this case will be as follows:

  • The seam of the gap must be softened with a hairdryer.
  • The edges of the crack are connected and welded, simultaneously leveling them.
  • A reinforcing mesh is laid on and around the seam, soldering it to the bumper.
  • Putty is applied to the repaired surface, cleaned with sandpaper.
  • Apply several layers of paint, then varnish. Dry the surface.

If you need to restore the surface with a destroyed piece of plastic, a fragment of the same material is taken and soldered together with a reinforcing mesh. Next, priming, puttying and painting the bumper are carried out.

Bumpers are made from all sorts of plastics. Polyurethane, for example, has a rather low melting point, so it should be welded carefully without overheating.

gluing the bumper in place of the fault

A thermal gun can also be used as a welding tool, which has a special mode control and is therefore more convenient to use. In general, one must always remember that heating should not cause deformation. At too high a temperature, the plastic softens and takes its former position. The heated deformed surface is given its original shape, fixed and cooled.

It is better to start the restoration of the bumper from the inside, while studying the properties of the material, and then weld from the outside.

Sometimes pieces that have fallen off are easier to fasten with glue or tape with wire, drilling holes and installing brackets.

Video: Bumper welding

This video demonstrates the welding of a plastic bumper using additional strips of plastic.

Other plastic bumper repair methods

If professional tools and equipment are not available, plastic car parts can be repaired in another way.

To join the edges of the cracks, a clamp or clamp is usually used on the removed bumper. It happens that one clamp fails to achieve the desired result, then two or three pieces are used.

From the inside, the seam is closed with staples for the stapler. They are soldered at a distance of several millimeters from each other, and the seam is melted.

The paint on the outside is cleaned with a grinder. Then, on the cleaned surface, the outer seam is sealed. After stripping, it is desirable to blow the seam with compressed air.

When puttying, it is necessary to use a special compound for plastic and a rubber spatula. Then the seam is blown again, dried and primed in two layers. Before applying the next layer, the previous one should be allowed to dry for 15 minutes. Minor defects are eliminated by applying nitro putty. The surface is sanded again with P1000 sandpaper and degreased before applying paints and varnishes.

Repair of a plastic bumper can be carried out using epoxy resin and fiberglass. This option is carried out if the plastic is split into several small parts and any of them are missing. Broken parts are glued together with superglue. Epoxy resin is applied from the inside, fiberglass is glued on it and covered with epoxy resin again.

With this method, the surface is easy to putty and paint. However, it takes a long time to dry after epoxy treatment.

bumper protection

Getting on a steep descent or ascent can seriously damage the bumper. Do-it-yourself bumper protection will reduce the likelihood of defects in this part of the car.

Such protection can be manufactured industrially or with your own hands. With a certain skill and the availability of tools, it is possible to make yourself the so-called power bumper, which perfectly protects the car from all kinds of consequences of traffic accidents.

Before starting the manufacture of protection, it is necessary to think about how the new part will look like: determine where the attachment points will be, whether arcs are needed. It is worth building a protection drawing and calculating everything in such a way that making changes is not considered a serious structural modification of the car. Attention is also paid to the analysis of the weight of the bumper and its maximum load.

It is better to order welding of the bumper frame to a specialist, and install it yourself. Reinforced bumpers are attached to the frame or to the spars. To protect the power bumper, a kenguryatnik is used.

Making bumper protection with your own hands can have unexpected and not very pleasant consequences, because it is not known how such a part will cope with its task in a car accident.

Fiberglass bumper restoration

There is always a risk of causing damage to the bumper by suddenly running into something. In such cases, a rupture of the lower shelf occurs with the loss of its part. The first thing to do when starting a DIY fiberglass bumper repair is to measure the gap between the corners. The measurements made will definitely be needed by the end of the repair in order to maintain the distance.

First, remove the bumper. The part will sag a little at the break point. It is impossible to connect the damaged edges of the bumper, because part of the shelf is missing at all. This missing link needs to be glued in.

To process the destroyed part of the part, an angle grinder is usually used. When finished sanding the edges, the edges of the gaps are aligned, and the bumper is set on a flat surface to fit the dimensions.

After cleaning the surface, a polyester resin is applied, which is coated with fragments of glass material grade 300.

Cracks are repaired on the outer surface of the car. To do this, stripping is carried out in the direction of the formed defect, at a distance of five centimeters from it. Grind until the inner layer appears.

When the plastic hardens, it must be processed with a grinder and polyester putty applied. Before this, the part is sanded with P80 sandpaper, but not larger, otherwise the scratches will appear through the putty on the paint.

It is also necessary to repair corner breaks from the outside. The crack is cleaned and the fiberglass that has undergone delamination is removed. Then a patch of glass material is applied. Larger brand material is much thicker and may cause bubbles when applied. The corners are reinforced from the inside by laying 300 grade glass material in four layers.

The patch is ground flush with the surface with a coarse P40 abrasive. Then another layer of fiberglass is applied if it is necessary to close the cracks.

Then the bumper is painted and installed in place.

Bumper painting

Painting a plastic bumper with your own hands is a simple procedure that almost any car owner can perform. To do this, you should purchase tools and materials:

  • Drill with nozzles, orbital sander.
  • Foam adapter.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Solvent.
  • Putty, primer.
  • Paint, varnish.
  • . If desired, and for additional savings, you can.

To prepare for painting the bumper, follow these steps:

  1. Bumper cleaning. Then the solvent treatment is carried out.
  2. Grinding. We clean the entire surface with a grinder. Where it does not have access, we clean it manually. The skin used is P120.
  3. Putty. We apply putty with fiberglass to the surface. After hardening, we grind it (P120). We apply the finishing coat. We grind P180-220.
  4. The next grinding with P220 abrasive: we clean it from rough skins. Then the standard procedures for air blowing, degreasing and treatment with anti-silicone.
  5. Padding. Restoration of the bumper is carried out with a two-component acrylic primer. Dry it for days. However, when using an infrared heater, the drying time will be much shorter and will be 3 hours. The dried primer is polished. Before sanding, it is advisable to use a developing powder to detect possible miscalculations in the work. Sanding paper should be P320-400. After the next layer of primer, sanding P400-500.

The painting procedure itself is preceded by degreasing. The paint is applied in two or three layers with drying for 10-15 minutes. Then several layers of varnish are applied, also with intermediate drying.

No driver is immune from traffic accidents. And if the bumper is damaged in an accident, you should not rush to the auto repair shop or rush to buy a new part. It is better to collect the pieces and try to repair the car bumper yourself.

November 25, 2016

How are bumpers repaired?

Almost all damage to the hinged plastic elements of the car can be repaired with high quality. However, this is not economically viable in all cases.

External plastic elements of cars are made of thermoplastic plastics (thermoplastics). When heated, they melt, and when cooled, they return to their original state. On this principle, the technology for the restoration of such plastic is built - welding. It allows you to qualitatively close up, for example, cracks and through gaps on bumpers and even restore their brackets. All kinds of moldings, expanders and linings, as well as engine compartment elements, including headlight housings and brackets, are repaired in the same way.

Drawing an analogy with metal welding, plastic rods are used instead of electrodes or wire in such plastic repairs. They have a different profile, color, but most importantly - the composition. It is selected according to the marking on the repaired element. For the production of hinged automotive plastics, only a few types of thermoplastics are used. In 90% of cases, it is polypropylene (PP), and the rest is, for example, ABS plastic.

Plastic welding takes place at high temperatures. For polypropylene, this is 400-430°C, and, for example, for ABS plastic - 500°C. Up to this temperature, the repair area and the rod are heated with a special hair dryer. Since plastic of the same composition is involved in the process, the original structure of the thermoplastic is completely restored as a result. The resulting connection is in no way inferior to the original monolithic zone. This effect can be compared with modeling from plasticine from one set. Unlike metal welds, traces of plastic repair are completely sanded in the process of preparing the surface for painting.

With the help of welding, in principle, any damage is treated and even broken elements are recreated. As usual, the technological freedom of action is limited by the economic feasibility of work in each specific case. For example, repairing one, albeit a large gap in the bumper (taking into account its removal, installation and subsequent local painting) usually costs two times cheaper than buying a new body element and completely painting it. But the treatment of more numerous injuries may become inappropriate. One example: a crack and damage to the fasteners of the mirror lining of a budget car. Full restoration and painting works will cost more than the cost of a new element that immediately goes into color.

Consider two examples of plastic restoration work:

1. Repair of numerous through gaps on the rear bumper.

Restoring such a bumper is not economically feasible. But you can clearly show the possibilities of plastic welding. To begin with, the master, using a building hair dryer, straightens numerous dents in several stages and, using metal tape, fastens the gaps.

Preparation for welding begins from the inside of the bumper. A groove is machined along the junction of the gaps and its edges are processed later. As is often the case, preparatory work takes the most time.

The plastic of this bumper is marked "PP" (polypropylene). The master selects from a set with such a composition a rod with the most suitable profile.

The front part of the bumper is pre-sanded and the welding process is repeated similarly to the inside.

After welding the outer seams, the surface is sanded in stages and the dents are leveled to finish, so that the putty layer during local painting is minimal.

2. Bumper bracket repair

Using the example of the same long-suffering bumper, we will consider a more profitable repair. Often, due to a broken fender mount bracket, the entire bumper is sentenced to be replaced. Basically, only his ears suffer, but welding will come to the rescue if the entire bar has fallen off with them. Such repairs do without local painting, so it saves decent money.

Work begins from the top side of the bracket. The master processes the edges at the place of repair and glues a tape on the reverse side, which plays the role of a temporary base, and welds a plastic rod.

After laying the rod, it is additionally melted and crimped with special tongs. Further, by analogy, welding is carried out from the inside of the bracket.

At the final stage, the master processes the repair area, cutting out the eyelet of the desired shape using a dremel.

In this example, the restoration of the fastening eyelet cost 1,500 rubles. The repair of the fa bracket will cost the same amount.