Directory World of professions. Gnostic professions: list

We want to tell about the project "ABC of professions", which prepared with grades with students in the period of graduation. These are the first steps in the work on vocational guidance, which must be started from the first years of school. The project is fulfilled in an interesting, entertaining form; Creative tasks are present, parental assistance is required. The whole class participated in the project.

Hello! We, students of the 1st, class represent a joint project "ABC of Professions". In this work, we wanted to show how many beautiful and decent professions exist in modern life.

I have grown year,
There will be seventeen.
Where to work me then
What to do?
(V. Mayakovsky)

Each of us will have to choose a profession in the future. Do we know the professions? Doctor, teacher, seller, driver, programmer: - Here, perhaps, the most famous professions for us. But we guessed that there are a lot of professions, a variety of interesting, unusual. In the lesson, lettee, we read a story in the alphabet about who you dream to become guys when they grow. Studying new letters, we also read about people of different professions: cook, joiner, diver. And so we thought, and what professions still? It would be interesting to learn about them. And do not just learn, but to tie it with the literactions. So there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe project.

The first, where we started work, it was decided to find out the names of the professions, which are in the world. And so that it was interesting to perform this task, we decided to look for the names of occupations for each letter of the Russian alphabet. At the same time, letters learn! Each student of the class chose a message blank with three letters of the alphabet (Appendix A). At home, along with parents or on their own, we entered as many professions names for each letter. The tasks passed to our supervisor - our teacher. She summarized this work and amounted to the list of professions in alphabetical order. It turned out, we found 207 names of professions almost all the letters of the Russian alphabet!

And here is the next stage of work. From this big list it was necessary to choose the most unusual names of the professions, about which we did not know anything, did not hear, did not have any ideas. We worked in groups. We actively discussed, found out, argued. And then, according to the results of the discussion, it turned out that three identical names of the professions were noted in all groups: Agronom, Huntsman, Radist.

Now we had to find information about these professions interested us. We worked at home, our parents helped us. That's what we learned.

Agronom is a specialist of agriculture, which has comprehensive knowledge of studying, cultivating field, garden, garden crops. The word "agronomy" occurred from two Greek words: "Agros" - field and "nomos" - law. Agronom knows when it is necessary to sow and collect harvest, how to deal with weeds, with diseases of plants, with pests. High yield - The biggest reward for agronomist.

Huntsman - Professional Hunter, Hyover, Forestish. It protects the territory of forest land from poachers, controls the correctness of hunting. Huntsman knows a great forest, forest inhabitants, prepares food reserves for the winter for animals and birds, protects them from poachers. Helps fans hunters. This is a very important and dangerous profession.

Radist - Specialist for the transfer and receipt of radio messages. It works in the sea on ships, on submarines; in the sky on airplanes, in space; On Earth, where there is radio communication. Radist - military profession. With the help of Morse alphabet, information is transmitted. Morse ABC is an encrypted alphabet.

As a result of the work done, we turned out the "Dictionary of Professions". It is located in the names of the professions according to the alphabet. Read and choose for yourself future profession (Appendix B).

To secure the knowledge gained, we came up with the game. They composed a small fabulous story about how in one city an evil wizard hung out to residents. It was necessary to answer the question, people of what professions will help to correct the situation and cast order (Appendix C).

Our work came to completion. Make conclusions:

Beautiful professions in the world do not consider
And every profession of glory and honor!

And most importantly, we understood what kind of profession we chose in the future, it is necessary to prepare for it now - to learn well, to be diligent, responsible, neat.

If you want to build a bridge,
Watch star motion
Drive a car in the field
Ile drive a car up -
Well work in school,
Conscientiously learn.
(S. Marshak)


Appendix A.. Sample form of reference number 1.

Alphabet professions Write the names of professions for each letter

Appendix B.Dictionary of professions.

Note: All names are written exactly as they wrote their students together with their parents. The purpose of such a task is to expand the vocabulary of students, an increase in cognitive activity. If you fulfill a similar project, the names of professions can be different. Check out the dictionary can also be in any form. We issued it in the form of a homemade discrepanted book, and the words were located in the column.

Dictionary of Professions

Aviation Design, Rontaper, Auto Sleep, Agronomy, Lawyer, Actor, Animator, Artist, Architect, Astrologer, Astronomer

Banker, bartender, librarian, biologist, firewriter, flight attendant, nerd, boatswain, bulldozer, accountant

Carriage, Watchman, Clearman, Veterinarian, Winemaker, Driver, Diver, Airpact, Vocalist, Educator, Doctor

Genetic, geologist, guide, grimer, governess

Janitor, Designer, Diplomat, Conductor, Trainer

Railwayman, Tinsmith, Painter, Livestock, Jockey, Jongleur, Journalist

Flooders, Head, Breeder, Zeadist, Zavtoz, Crashing, Zoomer, Zooologist, Zooochik

Icon painter, illusionist, immunologist, engineer, inspector, instructor, instrumental, irrigator, art historian, test, historian, ichthyologist

Cashier, whale, combine, confectioner, cosmonaut, blacksmith

Forester, logger, pilot, speech therapist, boatman

Painter, masseur, driver, policeman, sailor, butcher

Adjuster, neurologist, neuropathologist, neurosurgeon, normalizer, porter, notary, nanny

Okulist, operator, officer, waiter, hunter, guard

Hairdresser, Perfume, Singer, Baker, Piseller, Printer, Lacker, Pianist, Pilot, Writer, Carpenter, Chef, Border Guard, Fireman, Polisher, Cultural, Postman, Poet, Programmer, Seller, Beekeeper

Working, Radist, Director, Reporter, Realtor, Fisherman

Plumber, welder, cattle breeder, stationary, stylist, joiner, dentist, guard, judge, cheer

Taxi driver, TV presenter, technologist, merchandise, turner, tractor driver, trainer, carp

Cleaner, Countryman, Stacker, Teller, Managing, Urologist, Ufologist, Scientist, Passover, Teacher

Pharmacist, Facade, Packager, Feldsher, Figure, Physicist, Fitotherapist, Focuscript, Photographer, Photographer, Fashion Model, Milling

Halvomez, Chemist, Surgeon, Herborob, Charcoard, Choreographer, Artist

Florida, Flower, Church, Cirque

Watchmaker, Checkner, Checkler, Clarseker, Clear

Sharganger, seamstress, chef, grinder, showman, driver, plasterer, navigator

Economist, excavator, guide, electrician, ethnographer

Humorist, jung, lawyer

Appendix C.Examples of fabulous stories invented by students.

Good wins evil.

Lived - there were Liliputs. And they were all good, until the evil wizard arrived. He covered the whole city with white snow. All trees, bushes died. And spring with the summer no longer came. Liliputs were frozen and began to root. Then everyone gathered wipers And there were all the snow. Agronomyland plowed, put new trees. BUT doctors We drank all the inhabitants of tea with Malina, and everything became like before. And the evil wizard realized that he lost, and flew away.

George Timofeev, student 1 - a class

He lived in the light of the evil wizard of darkness. He snuck into the city in which people were going to meet New Year. In the city, everything was decorated with beautiful light bulbs. Everything around glittered, and it was very light. Evil wizard caught a strong wind and all electric wires broke off. Then came electriciansand fixed all the wires, and militizers We drove an evil wizard.

Maxim Clutch, student 1 - a class

Once the evil wizard came to the city of happiness. He was also harmful. And so he decided to harm people. The wizard waved his magic wand, and all the children in the city were stupid. They forgotten letters. But children can help teacher. They will teach children to read and write.

Valeria Falconosova, student 1 - a class

Evil wizard.

The evil wizard confused in the city of Lights: when pedestrians had a red, then the cars were also red. And so all the movement in the city stopped, and no one knew who to give way to the road.

And fix it helped road inspector movement. They began to adjust the movement of cars and pedestrians with their striped wand. And the evil wizard gave up - he returned everything to his places.

Yana Durova, student 1 - a class


Winter came. All residents of Moscow began to prepare for the new year. All began to draw New Year's drawings. A evil wizard who lived in this city, no one invited for a holiday. He was offended and spoiled all the drawings. In all drawings, a kimoro appeared instead of Santa Claus. Residents were upset. Who will help fix everything?

And in this city there was a good artist. People went to him and asked help. He made one wave of a magic tassel so that Santa Claus appears in all drawings instead of Kimor.

In the hut at Santa Claus, there is now a great exhibition of paintings.

Ira Gerasimova, student 1 - a class

Fabulous story.

Some of the sea, on his middle he played the island. On him stood the city. Very friendly and hardworking people lived in this city. And once, when they were preparing to celebrate a big holiday "Island Day", and this story happened.

On the most beautiful square, the inhabitants set tables for all islanders and prepared a lot of delicious treats. But one wizard who lived at the next island was offended by the fact that he was not invited to the holiday, and spoiled all the treats. He turned him into bitter and unappletent. And put the spell on all residents so that they forget all recipes. The inhabitants of the island were very upset, because their holiday was spoiled.

Suddenly they are for help, as if from the sea foam, came beautiful woman. She had a metal suitcase in her hands. She opened it, put on the headphones and began to transmit some incomprehensible message. The inhabitants of the town stood, looked and did not understand anything. It passed a little time, and flew a small red helicopter. In it sat an important man In a white cap on the head. He brought many products and prepared very tasty and unusual dishes. And the best dish was a huge pyhylain cake.

Residents were very glad that the holiday had a holiday after all. They even forgave and invited to the holiday of the neighbor-wizard. The wizard apologized, smoked all the inhabitants and decorated the square with flowers and balls. And at the end of the holiday gave all residents a festive salute. Everyone had a very good mood.

Who were these mysterious assistants?

What professions can they be attributed to people?

Anna Sisetskaya, student 1 - a class

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  • , Olipirenko N., Galanov K., Ovchinnikova I. (Avt.-Sost.). Tutorial developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Middle vocational education By profession 13. 01. 10 "Electrical repairman for repair and ...
  • Check and adjustment of electrical equipment (PM 02), Olipirenko Natalia Alexandrovna, Galanov Konstantin Dmitrievich, Ovchinnikova Inna Vasilyevna. The textbook was developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education by profession 13. 01. 10 "Electrical repairman for repair and ...

A few years before graduation class Schools in front of adolescents the question arises: "What to choose a profession for yourself?" This choice is quite complicated, because parents, friends and other others affect it. It is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat professions exist, how many of them, and what you need in order to choose for yourself or another direction.

What professions exist? Classifications

Answering the question "What professions exist?", It must be borne in mind that it all depends on what criterion to conduct division. There are several classification systems for all existing professions. The most popular - according to E. A. Klimov, which divides all the specialties in accordance with the system of relations of a person with nature, man, technology, a sign system and an artistic way.

Classification of professions on E.A. Klimov

Specialties "Man-Man" is the most understandable system, because with people of this system personality faces every day in everyday life: Teachers, sellers, doctors, hairdressers, etc.

"Man and Technology" is techniques, engineers, equipment collectors, workers on machines, etc. The activities of these people are related directly to the mechanisms. These include the prey and processing of metal, car repair and various installations, Construction specialties.

What professions are related to human relationships and a sign system? There is nothing difficult in this. Secretary, engineer, translator, programmer in working environment Faced with documents, symbols, signs, schemes.

The last system correlated with artistic images is creative specialties related to the creation of musical creations, art objects.

Number of professions

Of course there are many professions, and calculate exact amount pretty hard. This is not a static system remaining unchanged for years: annually the number of specialties in the world increases in parallel with the development of humanity. Since it is quite often a question arises "How many professions in the world?", Then there must be appropriate documents counting them.

The approximate number of specialties in the world is 40,000, and many of them seem rather exotic for moderate latitudes if not to say, incomprehensible and stupid. About 500 new professions are born annually.

And what professions exist in Russia? Not all of the specialties available are available for our country, only approximately 1/4 part. But this is more than 9000 items. Over the past 3 centuries, the figure has increased 450 times.

Real estate

Of course, how many professions exist, so much can also be found in the art. At the same time, not all specialties have the same popularity: in this matter there is its own seasonality. A certain list was drawn up, which professions exist from fashionable today in Russia. And it differs from what types of work are claimed today.

Determining the reason why applicants choose one or another specialty, in the first place should be given the need to have prestigious profession and at the same time high level Earn money.

Therefore, many incoming goes to receive knowledge of the Faculty of Economics. Despite the fact that at each enterprise you need an economist, some time ago the market of such workers was fed. Being an economist, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe place in which such a specialist will be needed at the end of training.

A wide profile of activities implies such a position as a manager. They come from different directions: advertising, sales, anti-crisis management, etc.

In connection with the development information technologies, popular and popular is the work of a programmer. In order to work them, not enough to have a desire - you still need to have abilities to this kind Activities.

The discharge of popular specialties also includes work in the field of advertising. it interesting activity, creative and popular, creative and paid than and attracts many young professionals.

Legal education is also located in the upper lines of the rating of applicants.

Professions in demand: scarce specialties

Taking into account the fact that not everyone can afford training in a prestigious university, many choose construction specialty for themselves. In this area there is a constant lack of personnel, therefore, even in such conditions, demand exceeds the supply.

Since effective earnings are associated with sales, then the list of popular professions continues the sales manager. Good specialists in this area have good earnings and enjoy respected by the head. However, it's not so easy to find such a person.

Continuing a list of specialties that are not fully secured by specialists, the work of the seller. Supermarkets opened in a great set experience a shortage of professionals who want to go to such work not so much.

Further on the list is the profession of engineer. In such experts there is a country, but it still cannot provide himself necessary quantity employees. The specialists of this link becomes every year many graduates, however, despite this, the need for them increases.

Everywhere enterprises give ads on the need for drivers. Such posts are available in food Industry, in the field of light textile production, and in public service points, and in stores that provide delivery service. Working conditions are the most diverse: some require personal transport, others provide a working car.

Professions for girls

From the entire list there is a certain list of those specialties that are more suitable for girls.

What are the professions for girls? Traditionally, women's stewardess, train conductors, a dispatcher of various call-centers, cosmetologist, nurses are attributed to the female. Some of the list are diluted with men, but it is rather an exception, and a male hairdresser or stylist produces an ambiguous impression.

More often, women's work is associated with the creative process of creating something new, since the spiritual organization of weak sex is more subtle, and for physical labor, the ladies are not too adapted.

Creative professions

The directory of all specialties has a list of those consider creative. It is interesting and prestigious to have such work today. That's just the snag is that in order to go along the path of creativity, you need to have talent or ability to something. Next details need to consider what creative professions exist.

  • Traditionally, they include musicians, composers, artists. These people have their own vision of the world, in which you can make sure, talking to them. As a rule, such people have talent since childhood and develop it in relevant art and music schools.
  • If a person has a so-called feeling of the beautiful, then you can come to the creative profession over the years. An interesting work of the photographer, designer. Fashion words, but a very wide profile of activity is hiding under them: it is the design of the interior, and the design of clothing, shoes, and landscape design. Society will always need good experts In this area.
  • Speaking about what professions exist in the creative sphere, it is impossible not to mention the work of the stylist. It has a fundamental difference from the work of the hairdresser, which performs a haircut according to the template, while the stylist is developing the image as a whole. The new direction in the style is the work of the cargo, ringing animals.
  • Journalism and PR management require rapid response and communicative qualities; It is necessary to be a good psychologist, feeling what others are oriented.
  • Creative specialties include actors, and this includes both movie actors and theater and animators, circus artists, representatives of the humorous genre. Speaking more generalizable, all those personality whose activities are associated with public speeches.

How to determine the choice of profession

When choosing the desired specialty from a huge list, it is necessary to begin to determine for yourself a list of those industries that in more than attract. Then you need to objectively appreciate for myself what exactly likes in them and they really are interesting.

It is necessary to approach the choice of profession individually, given its preferences, without being based on the popularity of the specialty or its profitability. It is better to be a good doctor than a bad programmer.

The number of professions appearing and disappearing at the same time is very large. Most of us do not know now, who is this balagen, but the term "copywriter" is familiar with almost everyone. In order to deal with the functionality of each profession, people enjoy special literature. And in order to understand which area there is one or another position, you need to read our material.

Division of occupations

In the global community of linguists, it is customary to share the profession on various signs, grouping them among themselves in small clusters. Such groupings help to allocate the same classes and summarize them.

All professions are divided by various features.

The type of labor is the classes of professions Gnostic, transformations, survey:

  • Transformations. Such professions are associated with a change in the various properties or states of the object. Cognition in this case is not an end in itself. Bright representatives of this group will be people who work by cooks, bakeries, builders. It is clearly traced a change in the properties of the original material. The baker from raw foods bakes bakery products, the chefs change the properties of raw vegetables and fruits, bothering them in boiling water, builders - knead dry cement and leave it to harden. Not suitable, for example, the profession of the driver - there is no clear change of properties.
  • Gnostic professions (from the ancient Greek word "Gnosis", which denoted knowledge). These are professions that are connected exclusively to the cognitive industry. At the same time, they organically fit into material production. There are many such professions, and they are very diverse. How the final product is considered recognition, recognition, control, classification, checking for known features, sorting, research and evaluation. Representatives include a laboratory assistant, art historian. Jewelsecpert - also the profession of gnostic type.
  • Exquisure. In this case, the main focus becomes the search for something, activity that will help to invent a new one, come up with a solution. Representatives are people whose work is related to the invention of the new and the transformation of the old one. These are educators and teachers, programmers, mathematics, engineers, undolders.


For the means of labor, professions are divided into:

  • Using mechanized guns. These are professions that suggest automatically or mechanisms in their activities. Create such machines using manual control To convert something, move. The classical representatives of such a profession will be turner or driver of the machine, which, with the help of control, move loads or give the shape of the workpiece.
  • Using manual guns that are necessary to perform the very function of labor. Representatives are mechanic, cartographers, artists, laboratory technicians.
  • Using automated guns. Such professions involve the management of machines, various devices. Employees - operators of incubation divisions, sound recording operators.
  • Functional means of the human body. These are professions in which basic activities are mental and reference. For example, conductor or acrobat.


Under the working conditions, the profession is divided by the type of work:

  • Outdoors - agronomas, tractor drivers, installers. Work implies sharp temperature differences.
  • Household type - accountant, programmer. This is an office or laboratory work.
  • Unusual - under water, at high altitude, in conditions of severe heat. Representatives - divers, miners.
  • With high level of responsibility moral character - Such employees are responsible for human health, his life, material values. This is a teacher, judges, sellers.

Classification of professions

All over the world, it is customary to share the existing professions into certain classes. In Russia, the table, compiled by E. A. Klimov, is popular.

According to its classification, 5 main types are distinguished:

  • Man - technique. These are people who interact with non-residential objects, most often - technical. For example - electrician, repairman, turner.
  • Man - nature. Case with animals, forests, microorganisms. This is a veterinarian, agronomist, master fruit and vegetable, livestock specialist.
  • Man - man. The subject of research, maintenance, transformation are communities, social layers, groups, people of different ages. Representatives are doctors, teachers, sellers, teachers engineers, guides.
  • Man is an artistic image. The representative of this profession sees the world creative, tries to allocate beautiful. The environment concerns it only in terms of adding beauty, affect the form or emotion. Bright representatives - Artists, Restorers, Adjustors, Ballet Artists, Drama Theater, Composers, Decorators.

Gnostic specialty

Gnostic professions are professions, as a result of activities, not producing new products or goods. This is an estimated sphere. The Gnostic class of professions is often associated with cultural activities and science.

Specialists of Gnostic professions are not involved in creating a new one. Most often they evaluate the available products produced or individual parameters.

Bright representatives: merchant, art historian, criminologist, radiologist.

Examples of occupations

Each profession combines various signs belonging to classes, types and types of different directions.

Transforming specialty

Exquisure professions

Gnostic professions

Semenovod, Trainer, Breeder

Gardener, milking, veterinarian

Fish sorter, vegetables, fruits, milk receiver, egg sorter

Watchmaker, car mechanic

Craneker, tractor driver, driver

Observer pilot, hydroacoustik, laboratory for mechanical testing

Plastic Surgeon, Psychiatrist, Psychologist

Masseur, seller, therapist

Watchman, sanitary doctor, watchman, investigator, journalist

Translator, cutter, encrypter

Programmer, Linguist, Mathematics

Controller of the drawings, accountant auditor, corrector, normalizer

Florist, artist, writer

Painter Porcelain, Fashion Designer, Sculptor

Critic, Music Controller, Antiquarian

Gnostic class is called upon:

  • explore, distinguish, recognize, determine, check;
  • evaluate, understand in difficult and complex phenomena, draw conclusions based on a variety of features of the object);
  • check by preliminary features, sort and so on.

Gnostic professions whose list is a very long - technical controller (technique), a corrector (this is a sign system), critic (this is an artistic image), an expert of buildings and structures (this is an architecture), a sanitary doctor (a person - man), a laboratory assistant analysis (this Nature), etc., - can intersect with other professions and types.

Where is the Gnostic Type

Gnostic professions, which can be continued infinitely, can be found anywhere. In the clinic and in the field, on construction site, and at the factory, in the shopping room of a supermarket or shop. Gnostic professions may include any of the five common types of professions: controller-acceptor manufactured product, critic, corrector, sanitary doctor.

Transforming professions

The most numerous is the class of professions, which is actively related to the change in the properties of labor items. That is why this class is called transforming. For such professions, psychologists, making a career guidance card, use the abbreviation "Pr" - by first letters keywords. This class is the most wide, because often cognitive activity It is not basic, but only acts ahead transforming and is a by-product.

Under transforming activities, any actions should be understood as a result of which the subject of labor will change its properties, position in space, as well as on the contrary, will actively maintain its initial properties. The class of these professions is widespread in different areas: Teacher, Stolar, Dresscher, Poleoder, Restoretor.

Exquisure works

Gnostic professions, examples of which are considered above, are very different from the exquisite. In the exploration class, only the purpose of the work is put forward to the fore, which implies the invention of something where you need to come up with or define new option Resolving the issue. In classifications, it is customary to designate this class of letter "and". This is a profession practical application. Often they are confused with Gnostic, associated with special surveys. Gnostic professions, the purpose of which is to recognize and classify, in this context differ from the exquisites very much. The work of a geologist, for example, often causes disputes from specialists, where to attribute it.

Distinctive features of Gnostic professions

Gnostic professions, examples of which are presented earlier, are characterized by some features that help solve them among the total mass. In this class, any of the specialists independently do not participate in the production of new products, but only assesses individual available. These products are always made by other specialists and may not arise by themselves.

Representatives of Gnostic professions can also evaluate the individual parameters of any product. Distinctive traitwhich unites all specialists is a high interest in properties, featured certain objects or products, as well as their comparison.

A variety of gnostic specialties

Gnostic professions are diverse so much so that among all of them there is still a separate independent group combined by the leading actions that are used to achieve the goal of a gnostic nature. These include: classification - sorting, checking according to known qualities, research is a deepening in more complex connections of hidden, not immediately prominent and explicit processes or phenomena.

Requirements for employees

The specialty of this class is subject to certain personal and professional requirements for the employee. The main thing that excretes gnostic professions is the goal of labor. Examples of employee requirements: very pronounced cognitive activity, high observation, stability of attention, high-level performance, tirelessness and endurance of the necessary senses. Product quality control or object assessment often affect the interests of other people. For impartial and high-quality research, the hardness of the position is important, manifestation of fundamentality in the conclusions made.


Examples of gnostic professions are found at every step. Let's say the crate who works in the studio. Each time, starting to an individual tailoring, he must change its activities, focusing on the client's figure, fabric texture, style model.

In fact, he solves non-standard and creative tasks throughout the day. The class of such professions - exquisite - extremely small.

Crossing classes and goals

Very rarely distinguished professions in which one type or class prevails. There can not be only gnostic professions, only express or only transforming. Most often in the work that a person is engaged in, there are several goals: and recognize, and come up with, and convert. In a set of specialties, the purpose of labor contains two elements in themselves, or even each of them. In order to determine, gnostic professions or reading, and attribute them to some class, it will be necessary to pre-navigate in the one of the elements of the goals, the main content of all activities, and which element has a side effect.

For example, a doctor to treat a person must first find out and diagnose. At the beginning of his work, an element of exquisite activity and recognition will be present, but the main contents and meaning of all medical specialties are aimed at curing and healing the patient, and therefore it is on its transformation.