Who is Lenin? IN AND. Lenin: brief biography

Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov (Lenin) - the Russian revolutionary, theorist of Marxism, the state and politician of the USSR, the main organizer and the head of the October Revolution, the creator of the world's first socialist state. It is so everyone knows and remember Lenin. Today we take a look at the political leader on the other hand and find out what he was in childhood.


Vladimir Ilyich was born on April 10, 1870 in the small town of Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk), which is located on the shore of the Great Volga. His parents were representatives of the discharge intelligentsia. In addition to Vladimir, there were five more children in the family: Alexander, Dmitry, Anna, Olga and Maria. Lenin's parents tried honest, hardworking, diversified and sensitive to others. Perhaps, it is precisely because of this, afterwards all the children of the four Ulyanov became revolutionaries.


Nikolayevich (1831-1886) took place from the poor Astrakhan burghers. FROM early years He faced difficulties that in the context of tsarism tired of all immigrants from the people who wish to receive education. Only thanks to outstanding abilities and persistent work, Ilya Nikolayevich managed to complete the Kazan University and become a teacher of exact sciences in the middle educational institutions Nizhny Novgorod and Penza. As a result, for the length of service, it was even honored by the noble rank.

Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov for his time was an advanced man close to the ideas of philosophers of the 1860s. High ideals awakened dreams about serving the people and his enlightenment.

In 1869, I. N. Ulyanov left the teacher's work and became an inspector, and a little later and director of symbirsk national schools. Being a true teacher and the enthusiast of the folk enlightenment, he was in love with his whole heart into his work, giving her everything herself.

Activities in the field of public education forced Ulyanov to constantly ride the province. He leaving home for a week and months, visiting the villages and villages. At any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions, Ilya Nikolayevich went in the deaf place, created schools there and assisted teachers in establishing the educational process. It is not easy, although a very important thing, he took a lot of strength. Moreover, the greatest difficulty was not harsh winters, but the need to deal with the resistance of landowners, fists and officials, fully preventing the creation of educational institutions. It was not easy to prove the backward part of the peasants that it would be extremely useful to learn a diploma.

Not transferring to the spirit of officials with his careerism, serving and disregard for the people, Ulyanov was a true democrat. Turning to the peasants, he was always friendly. Much of attention Ilya Nikolayevich paid a question to the enlightenment of non-Russian peoples who inhabited the Volga region. Referring to them with respect and understanding, he spent a huge amount of effort and time to organize schools for the society oppressed by tsarism.

The efforts of Ulyanov gave fruit: almost two dozen years of his activity, the number of schools in the increased time. He brought up a lot of high-class folk teachers who began to call "Ulyanovkov".


Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova (1835-1916) was a doctor's daughter. She grew in the village and was able to receive only a home education. Due to the lack of funds, continued learning was not possible, which she was strongly regretted. But being very gifted and curious, Maria Alexandrovna, easily learn several languages, who later trained children. In addition, she read a lot and played perfectly perfectly on the piano. After independent training, Ulyanova managed to externally pass the exam for the title of teacher. She, like the spouse, was enthusiaved by the issue of public enlightenment. However, I did not have to work as a teacher Ulyanovoy: a household, raising children and care about the focus took all her time.

Family Ulyanovy

Love and consent has always reigned. Despite his employment, Ilya Nikolayevich was an exemplary family man and always found time on his spouse and children. They looked at the Father and saw how much time he was ready to give folk enlightenment, with what kind of rigor he belongs to the fulfillment of his functions and how much joy he brings the discovery of new educational institutions. Father's life, his passionland work, attentiveness to the people, and modesty towards themselves, had a great educational value for the brothers and sisters of Lenin. In the family of Ulyanov, the authority of Ilya Nikolayevich was unshakable.

In the upbringing of the children of Ulyanov, N. A. Dobrolyubov proceeded from the views of N. A. Dobrolyubov - he ordained the will in them, taught to understand life, developed craving for knowledge, and finally taught strictly approach to his actions. In addition, he taught the children of truthfulness and sincerity. Reading the children N. A. Nekrasov, father from an early age instilled in love for literature.

Ilya Nikolayevich has always rejoiced to the success of his children, and thus inspired them for more. He did not remove the vanity, and demanded the same from the family. He was a fascinating teller and never shied away from children's questions.

Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova possessed rare educational talent. Being always friendly and dusty, she did not constrain the children, but knew how to maintain discipline in the family. The woman handed the children their organization, accuracy, thrift and modesty. Despite the external fragility, it was endowed with courageousness, resistance and dedication, and it manifested it repeatedly in the years of severe tests.

The family atmosphere was favorable for the development of the nature of children. Lenin's parents never suppressed the natural liveliness of children, and even on the contrary, they encouraged it. If in the summer in the village, the little Volodya wanted to cut the way through the window, no one stopped him. Moreover, that the son does not hurt, the father made a wooden attack window near the window. When older children wondered to publish a home magazine, all in terms of opportunity contributed to their passion. These and many other interesting facts from Lenin's childhood have always caused surprise in society.

Ulyanovov taught children not only to implement creative abilities, but also to work. From early childhood, they were sentenced independently and helping senior. They always helped her mother to care for the garden and arrange a tea party in the gazebo: the boys wore chairs and dishes, and girls helped wash the dishes after. In addition, girls were always obliged to monitor their clothes and brothers' clothing.

The childhood of the future revolutionary was light and happy. He grew up a healthy, cheerful and frisky boy. Father Volodya inherited appearance and sociability. He was constantly the instigator of children's games. In games, Lenin was fair and did not tolerate the fight. Already at five, Volodya read very well.

Symbirian gymnasium

The first place where Lenin studied was the classic symbirsk gymnasium. Already at that age, his pupil and self-discipline was manifested. Every morning, Volodya fell on his own exactly at seven hours, washed the belt and cleaned the bed. Before you have breakfast, he managed to repeat the lessons. In the midst of the Ninth Ulyanov was in the gymnasium located a few blocks from the house. So it was day after day, for eight years.

In the gymnasium, thanks to an inquisitive um and a living attitude to classes, Lenin immediately became the best student. His college, the ability to bring the case to the end, sincerity and simplicity in communication, as well as the willingness to help at any moment, was very attracted by comrades. I did not lag behind Ulyanov and in sports development - he was a good swimmer, a chess player and a skateman.

Formation of revolutionary views

For childhood and adolescence, Vladimir Ilyich accounted for years of cruel reaction that reigned in Russia. Any manifestation of free thought stopped the root and was pursued. Later, Lenin called this period "the disadvantaged, incredibly meaningless and brutal reaction." Since in those days, all the freedomsons were expelled from educational institutions, the gymnasium did not become a place for developing his public ideals.

The worldview of Lenin in childhood was influenced first of all family education and personal example of parents. In addition, his older brother Alexander was an uncomprised authority for Vladimir Ilyich from early childhood. Volodya tried to see him in everything, and in any complex situation Thought: "How did Sasha do?" Over time, brother's authority only grew. It was from Alexander Vladimir who learned about Marxism.

Sasha Ulyanov was a very gifted young man. From childhood, he conquered everyone with his high moral qualities and solid will. Also as a father, Alexander was serious, thoughtful, strict towards himself and fair. In relation to younger brothers and sisters, he was affectionate and sensitive, so it is not surprising that all children in the family loved him.

Analysis of the surrounding validity

From the early youth of Volodya Ulyanov Zorkko peered into the surrounding reality and analyzed it. Being a sincere person who does not tolerate the chandeliness and lies, he quickly saw the face between faith and religion. The last impetus for this was the scene, outraged him to the depths of the soul. Once, Ilya Nikolayevich talked in his house with the guest, and said that his children were not attended by the Church. Angry guest looking at Vladimir, said: "Schish, it is necessary!" Frequently angry, the child ran out of the house and threw a cross. Therefore, the answer to a common question about whether Lenin was baptized, positive, in contrast to his personal attitude towards religion.

Intently analyzing life, Vladimir saw what kind of need live simple people And what anger is subjected to peasants and workers. He was very carefully listened by the stories of the Father about ignorance and the darkness, which reigned in the villages, as well as about the municipality of power and the position of the peasants. Communicating with the workers, he noticed, in which non-Russian nationalities are abandoned and humiliating position: Tatars, Chuvashi, Mordva, Udmurts and others. Despite the entire balance of Lenin in childhood, his heart was filled with burning hatred regarding the oppressors of the people.

Help hunter

The sympathy of the future leader to nationally oppressed tsarism, brightly illustrates the fact that in the senior grades of the gymnasium, he helped the teacher of the Chuvash school N. Hunter to prepare for the examination at the certificate of maturity. Chuvash had outstanding mathematical abilities, and passionately dreamed of getting higher education. To enroll in the university, he was needed by a maturity certificate, which is issued after the exam in different subjects, including ancient languages. It was very difficult to study these languages \u200b\u200bon their own Hunter, and he had no funds for the tutor. Having learned about the hopeless position of Chuvas, high school student Vladimir Ulyanov decided to help him free. For one and a half years, Lenin was engaged in three times a week with hunters, with the result that he received a certificate of maturity and successfully entered the higher educational institution.


The formation of the personality of Vladimir Lenin has a considerable influence. Most of all he loved the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Nekrasov, Turgenev and Saltykov-Shchedrin. The revolutionary spirit of Lenin reinforced the books of Herzen, Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Chernyshevsky and Pisarev. Thanks to the writings of revolutionary democrats, young Lenin hated the socio-political structure of Tsarist Russia. Vladimir Ilyich in the youth was fascinated by the works of poets of satirical edition "Spark". This magazine was one of the main germination bodies of the revolutionary direction. In it, various poets were spoken against the noble bourgeois liberalism and a serfdom.

In childhood, Lenin is difficult to hide its revolutionary views, so periodically, their reflections were manifested in his writings. Once, the director of the Gymnasium F. Kerensky (the father of the famous subsequently, Eser A. Kerensky), who always put the writings of Vladimir Ulyanov as an example of other students, asked him warningly: "What kind of oppressed classes do you write about?".

Loss of father and brother

In Youth, Lenin had the opportunity to survive a lot of serious shocks. So, in January 1886 his 54-year-old father died. In March next year, when the family just began to come to herself after terrible grief, for participating in the preparation of the attempt on Alexander the Third in St. Petersburg, Alexander Ulyanov was heated. Following him, Anna Ulyanovoy, who also studied at the university was arrested.

The fact that Alexander Ilyich became a revolutionary path, no one knew in the family. He brilliantly studied at St. Petersburg University. Performance young man In the field of chemistry and zoology attracted the attention of many prominent scientists. For one of his works written in the third year of the university, he received a gold medal. Teachers read Alexander Ilyich in Professor.

Last summer, which A. I. Yulianov spent at home, he gave all the dissertation. Nobody knew that staying in St. Petersburg, the young man visits revolutionary circles and holds political propaganda among the workers.

About the arrest of Alexander and Anna to the city of Simbirsk wrote a relative of Ulyanovy. Fearing for the reaction of Mary Alexandrovna, she sent a letter not to her, but a family friend - V. V. Kashkadamova, who worked as a teacher. She immediately called Vladimir and handed him the sad news. According to the memories of Kashkadamova, Vladimir was silent for a long time, then said: "But the matter is serious, it may be bad to end for Sasha." A difficult task for the young man was preparing the mother to the sad news and its moral support. The news of what happened immediately flew around a small town, afterwards everything that were previously repaired from Ulyanovy, who had previously had, all liberal society. At that moment, Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov (Lenin) absolutely clearly saw the true cowardish face of the liberal intelligentsia.

Maria Alexandrovna was present during the trial of the Son and his comrades. She listened to his speech, impregnated with the deepest conviction and implanting royal autocracy. Alexander Nor Doubli did not doubt the inevitability of the victory of socialism over the old social system. Later, Maria Alexandrovna will tell that she did not expect her son so openly, eloquently and convincingly talking about political issues. Together with pride, the despair was overwhelmed, because of which she could not deceit until the end of the meeting and left the courtroom.

On May 8, 1887, the 21-year-old Alexander Ulyanov was executed. This event shook Vladimir Ilyich, and finally strengthened his revolutionary mood. A. I. Ulyanova wrote the exciting words about the brothers: "Alexander Ilyich died as a hero, and his blood of his glow of a revolutionary fire illuminated the path of his brother, Vladimir."

Looking in front of the courage and dedication of his brother, Vladimir, however, rejected the terrorist path chosen to them. He firmly decided "we will go different. Not this way should go. "

End of gymnasium

In tragic days for the family of Ulyanovy brothers and sisters of Lenin could not find a place. Vladimir Ilyich showed incredible resistance: he stubbornly practiced and brilliantly passed the exam on the certificate of maturity. Being the youngest in the classroom, he also became the only one who received a certificate with a medal. The authorities of the gymnasium fluctuate for a long time before handing the execution of an executed "criminal" such an award. However, the deep knowledge and the outstanding abilities of Lenin were too obvious. Leaving the gymnasium, Vladimir Ilyich received a good characteristic of the director, in which his accuracy, cigarette and talent were noted. So the childhood of Lenin ended.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)


Position established


Alexey Ivanovich Rykov


Position was established; Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky as the Minister Chairman of the Provisional Government


Alexey Ivanovich Rykov

RSDLP, later RKP (b)


Kazan University, St. Petersburg University





Mausoleum Lenina, Moscow

Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov

Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Kromskaya




First emigration 1900-1905

Return to Russia

Press reaction

July - October 1917

Role in Red Terror

Foreign policy

Last years (1921-1924)

The main ideas of Lenin

About class morality

After death

Fate of Lenin's body

Lenin awards

Titles and premiums

Posthumous "Awards"

Personality of Lenin

Lenin's pseudonyms

Lenin works

Lenin works

Interesting Facts

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Real Last Name Ulyanov; 10 (22) ) RSFSR and USSR. The philosopher, Marxist, publicist, founder of Marxism-Leninism, the ideologist and creator of the third (communist) international, founder of the Soviet state. The scope of major scientific works - philosophy and economics.


Childhood, education and upbringing

Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was born in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk), in the inspector family and director of people's schools of the Symbirian province Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanova (1831-1886), - Son of the former serf peasant Nizhny Novgorod province Nikolai Ulyanova (version of writing the name: Ulyanina), married to Anna Smirnova - Daughters of the Astrakhan Moisanin (according to the Soviet writer Shaginyan M. E., which occurred from the kind of baptous chuvash). Mother - Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova (nee form, 1835-1916), Swedish-German descent on mother, and Jewish - on Father. I. N. Ulyanov reached the rank of a valid Stat adviser.

In 1879-1887, Vladimir Ulyanov studied at the Symbir gymnasium, led by F. M. Kerensky, Father A. F. Kerensky, the future chapter of the Provisional Government (1917). In 1887 he graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal and entered the Faculty of Faculty of Kazan University. F. M. Kerensky was very disappointed with the choice of Volodya Ulyanov, as he advised him to enter the historical and verbal faculty of the university due to the great success of the younger Ulyanov in Latin and literature.

In the same 1887, 8 (20) May, the older brother Vladimir Ilyich - Alexander Kazenili as a member of the People's Countain in order to attempt to the life of Emperor Alexander III. Three months after the arrival, Vladimir Ilyich was excluded for participating in student unrest caused by the new Charter of the University, the introduction of a police supervision of students and campaign to combat "unrealized" students. According to the inspector of students affected by student unrest, Vladimir Ilyich was in the first rows of raging students, almost with compressed fists. As a result of Volatos, Vladimir Ilyich, among 40 other students, turned out to be the next night arrested and sent to the police station. All the arrested were excluded from the university and sent to the "place of the Motherland". Later, another group of students left Kazan University in protest against repression. Among the voluntary left university was the cousin Lenin, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ardashev. After the love of love Alexandrovna Ardasheva, Aunt Vladimir Ilyich, he was expelled to the village of Kokushkino Kazan province, where he lived in the house of Ardashev, 1888-1889.

Beginning of revolutionary activities

In the autumn of 1888, Ulyanov was allowed to return to Kazan. Here he entered one of the Marxist circles organized by N. E. Fedoseyev, where the writings of K. Marx, F. Engels and G. V. Plekhanov were studied and discussed. In 1924, N. K. Krupskaya wrote in the "Pravda": "Plekhanova Vladimir Ilyich loved passionately. Plekhanov played a major role in the development of Vladimir Ilyich, helped him find the right revolutionary path, and therefore Plekhanov was for a long time Surrounded by Herool for him: he experienced an extremely painful discrepancy with Plekhanov. "

For a while, Lenin tried to engage in agriculture in his mother's estate in Alakaevka (83.5 decishes) in the Samara province. In Soviet times, a house-museum of Lenin was created in this village.

In the autumn of 1889, the Ulyanov family moves to Samara, where Lenin also supports communication with local revolutionary.

In 1891, Vladimir Ulyanov passed the external exams for the course of the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University.

In 1892-1893, Vladimir Ulyanov worked as an assistant Samara jury attorney (lawyer) N. A. Hardin, leading in most criminal cases, conducted "government protection".

In 1893, Lenin arrived in St. Petersburg, where she got an assistant to the jury attorney (lawyer) M. F. Volkenstein. In St. Petersburg, they were written by work on the problems of Marxist political economy, the history of the Russian liberation movement, the history of the capitalist evolution of the Russian Poreform village and industry. Some of them were published legally. At this time, he also developed the program of the Social Democratic Party. The activities of V. I. Lenin as a publicist and researchers in the development of capitalism in Russia on the basis of extensive statistical materials makes it known among social democrats and opposition-minded liberal figures, as well as in many other circles of Russian society.

In May 1895, Ulyanov goes abroad. It is found in Switzerland with Plekhanov, in Germany - with V. Liebknecht, in France - with P. Lafarg and other figures of the international labor movement, and on returning to the capital in 1895, together with Yu. O. Martov and other young revolutionaries unites disparate Marxist Mugs in the "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class".

The "Union of the struggle" was active propaganda activities among the workers, they produced more than 70 leaflets. In December 1895, as many other members of the Union, Ulyanov was arrested and after a long content in prison in 1897 he was sent for 3 years in the village of Shushensky Yenisei province, where in July 1898 married N. K. Krupskaya in July 1898. In the link he wrote on the basis of the book "Development of capitalism in Russia", directed against "legal marxism" and populist theories. During the reference, over 30 works were written, communication with the Social Democrats of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh and other cities was established. By the end of the 90s under the pseudonym "K. TULIN "V. I. Ulyanov acquires fame in Marxist circles. The link of Ulyanov consulted on legal issues of local peasants, made legal documents for them.

First emigration 1900-1905

In 1898, in Minsk, in the absence of the leaders of the St. Petersburg Union of the struggle, I took place at the congress of the RSDLP, which "established" the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party, adopting a manifest; All members of the chosen Congress of the Central Committee and most delegates were immediately arrested; Many organizations presented at the congress were defeated by the police. The leaders of the "Union of Fight" were in the Siberian Link decided to unite the numerous Social Democratic Organizations and Marxist Mugs with the help of a newspaper.

After graduating from reference in February 1900, Lenin, Martov, and A. N. Possov are circulating around Russian cities, establishing links with local organizations; On July 29, 1900, Lenin leaves in Switzerland, where he holds negotiations with Plekhanov on the publication of the newspaper and theoretical magazine. The editorial board of the newspaper, called the "Spark" (later the magazine - "Zarya" appeared), included three representatives of the Emigrant Labor Exemption Group - Plekhanov, P. B. Axelrod and V. I. Zasulich and three representatives of the "Union of Fight" - Lenin, Martov and Preszov. On average, the circulation of the newspaper was 8,000 copies, and some numbers are up to 10,000 copies. The distribution of the newspaper contributed to the creation of a network of underground organizations in the territory of the Russian Empire.

In December 1901, Lenin for the first time signed the pseudonym "Lenin" one of his articles printed in Iskre. In 1902, in the work "What to do? The foolish questions of our movement "Lenin spoke with his own concept of a party, which he saw a centralized combat organization. In this article he writes: "Give us the organization of revolutionaries, and we will turn Russia!".

Participation in the work of the II Congress of the RSDLP (1903)

From July 17 to August 10, 1903 in London passed the II Congress of the RSDLP. Lenin took an active part in the preparation of the congress not only with his articles in the "spark" and "dawn"; Since the summer of 1901, with Plekhanov, he worked on the project program project, prepared a draft charter. The program consisted of two parts - minimum programs and a maximum program; The first assumed the overthrow of the tsarism and the establishment of a democratic republic, the destruction of the residues of serfdom in the village, in particular the return of land peasants cut off by the landowners when the fasteners were canceled (the so-called "segments"), the introduction of an eight-hour working day, recognition of the rights of nations on self-determination and the establishment of equality nations; The maximum program defined the final goal of the party - the construction of a socialist society and the conditions for achieving this goal is a socialist revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat.

At the very congress, Lenin was elected to the Bureau, he worked in a software, organizational and mandatory commissions, chaired a number of meetings and acted almost on all matters of the agenda.

To participate in the congress were invited as organizations, solidarized with Iskra (and called "Iskraovsky"), and not separated its position. During the discussion of the program, a controversy between the supporters of Sparks on the one hand and "economists" (for which it turned out to be an unacceptable provision on the dictatorship of the proletariat) and Bund (on the national issue) - on the other; As a result, 2 "economists", and later, 5 Bundovtsy left the congress.

But the discussion of the Charter of the Party, the 1st point, which determined the concept of a member of the party, found disagreement and among the sparks themselves, divided into "solid" - supporters of Lenin and "soft" - supporters of Martov. "In my project," Lenin wrote after the congress, this definition was: "A member of the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party is considered to be anything that recognizes its program and a party supporting both material means and personal participation in one of the party organizations". March instead of the underlined words offered to say: work under the control and management of one of the party organizations ... We have proven that it is necessary to narrow the concept of a party member for separating those who are chatting, to eliminate the organizational chaos, to eliminate such disgrace and such absurdity so that organizations can be consisting of party members, but not party organizations, etc. March stood for expanding the party and spoke of a wide class movement requiring a wide - vague organization, etc. ... "under control and leadership," I said, - Mean in fact no more and no less, as: without any control and without any manual. " Opponents of Lenin saw in its wording an attempt to create a party of the working class, but the sect of conspirators; The wording of the 1st point proposed by March was supported by 28 votes against 22 at 1 abstained; But after the departure of the Bundovts and Economists, Lenin's group received the majority in the elections in the Central Committee of the Party; This is a random, as the further events showed, the circumstance was forever divided the party to the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

Member of the Central Committee of the Central Committee Rafail Abramovich (in the party since 1899) in January 1958 recalled: "Of course, I was still a very young man, but after four years I was a member of the Central Committee, and then in this Central Committee, not only with Lenin and with other old Bolsheviks, but also with Trotsky, with all of them we were in the same central committee. Then there were still Plekhanov, Axelrod, Vera Zasulich, Lev Dayach and whole line other old revolutionaries. So we all worked together until 1903. In 1903, at the second congress, our lines were separated. Lenin and some of his friends insisted that you need to act as a dictatorship methods within the party and outside the party. Lenin has always supported the fiction of the collective leadership, but then he was the owner in the party. He was the actual master, he was called "the owner."


But sparking splits are not disputes about the Charter, but the elections of the editorial board "Sparks". From the very beginning, in the editorial board, there was no mutual understanding between the long-cut from Russia and from the labor movement by representatives of the Labor Exemption Group and the Young Stoopupitsa; The controversial issues were not solved because they split the editorial board into two equal parts. Long before the congress, Lenin tried to solve the problem, offering to introduce into the editorial board L. D. Trotsky as a seventh member; But the proposal, supported by even Axelrod and Zasulich, was strongly rejected Plekhanov. The disadvantage of Plekhanov prompted Lenin to choose another way: to reduce the editors to three people. The congress is at the moment when Lenin's supporters have already compiled most, "the editorial board was proposed as part of Plekhanov, Martov and Lenin. "The political leader of the" sparks "," Troatsky testifies, "Lenin was. The main journalistic power of the newspaper was Martov. " And nevertheless, the removal from the edition albeit little working, but respected and honored "old people" and Martov, and the Trotsky himself seemed unjustified cruelty. Congress with a small majority supported Lenin's proposal, but Martov refused to work in the editorial board; His supporters, among whom turned out to be now both Trotsky, declared a boycott "Leninsky" Central Committee and refused to cooperate in Irson. Lenin remained nothing, how to get out of the editorial; The remaining alone Plekhanov restored the former editorial board, but without Lenin, "Iskra" became the brief organ of the Menshevik faction.

After the congress, both factions had to create own structures; At the same time, it was discovered that the congressional minority supports the support of the majority of the party members. The Bolsheviks were left without a printed body, which prevented them not only to promote their views, but also to answer the sharp criticism of opponents, "only in December 1904, the newspaper" Forward, "was created for a brief organ of Leninists.

The abnormal position established in the party encouraged Lenin in letters to the Central Committee (in November 1903) and the Council of the Party (in January 1904) insist on the convening of the party congress; Without finding support from the opposition, the Bolshevik faction eventually took the initiative. At London 12 (25) April 1905, the III Congress of the RSDLP was invited by all organizations, but the Mensheviks refused to participate in it, announced the congress illegal and convened their own conference in Geneva, the split of the party was thus decorated.

First Russian Revolution (1905-1907)

Already at the end of 1904, against the background of the increasing strike movement, between the fractions of the "majority" and "minorities", in addition to organizational, disagreements were discovered on political issues.

The revolution of 1905-1907 caught Lenin abroad, in Switzerland.

At the III Congress of the RSDLP, held in London in April 1905, Lenin emphasized that the main task of the revolution occurring is to end with the autocracy and the remnants of serfdom in Russia. Despite the bourgeois nature of the revolution, according to Lenin, its main driving force was to become a working class, as the most interested in her victory, and his natural ally - the peasantry. I approved the point of view of Lenin, the congress determined the tactics of the party: the organization of the strikes, demonstrations, the preparation of an armed uprising.

At the first opportunity, in early November 1905, Lenin illegally, under someone else's name, arrived in St. Petersburg and led the work of the elected congress of the Central and St. Petersburg Committees of the Bolsheviks; Much attention paid to the leadership of the newspaper "New Life". Under the leadership of Lenin, the party prepared an armed uprising. At the same time, Lenin writes the book "Two Tactics of Social Democracy in the Democratic Revolution", which indicates the need for the hegemony of the proletariat and armed uprising. In the struggle for attracting the peasantry to his side (which was actively conducted with the Esrami), Lenin writes a brochure "to the village poor".

In 1906, Lenin moved to Finland, and in the autumn of 1907 I re-emigrated.

According to Lenin, despite the defeat of the December armed uprising, the Bolsheviks used all revolutionary opportunities, they were the first to join the path of the uprising and the latter left him when this path was impossible.

The role in the revolutionary terror of the beginning of the XX century

In the years of the revolution, 1905-1907 in Russia, the peak of revolutionary terrorism was observed, the country was overwhelmed by a wave of violence: political and criminal murders, robbery, expropriation and extortion. Like the esters, widely practiced terror, the Bolsheviks had their combat organization (known as the "Combat Technical Group" names, " Technical Group under the Central Committee "," Military Technical Group "). In the conditions of rivalry in extremist revolutionary activities with the party of ECEROV, "famous" by the activities of their combat organization, after some fluctuations (his vision of the issue has changed many times depending on the current situation) Lenin leader Lenin has developed its position against terror. As the researcher, the problem of revolutionary terrorist historian, Professor Anna Gaifman, Leninist protests against terrorism, formulated until 1905 and directed against the Socialist Russians, are in a sharp contradiction with the Leninist practical policies developed by him after the start of the Russian revolution "in the light of new tasks of the day" in the interests of the Russian revolution of his party. Lenin called for "the most radical means and measures as the most appropriate", for which, quotes the documents of Anna Geiffman, the leader of the Bolsheviks offered to create "the troops of the revolutionary army ... all sides, starting with two or three people, [which] must be armed, who What can (rifle, revolver, bomb, knife, caste, stick, a rag with kerosene for arson ...) ", and concludes that these squads of Bolsheviks did not differ in essence from the terrorist" combat brigades "of warlike Socialists.

Lenin, in the changed conditions, was already ready to go even further than Serc and, as Anna Heifman notes, even for an explicit contradiction with the scientific teaching of Marx to promote the terrorist activities of his supporters, arguing that combat units should use any opportunity for active work, not Laying his actions before the beginning of a universal uprising.

Lenin essentially gave an order for the preparation of terrorist acts, which he previously condemned himself, calling for his supporters to perform attacks on the city and other civil servants, in the fall of 1905, openly urged the murders of police and gendarmes, stormotens and Cossacks, blow up police plots Soldier boiling water, and police-sulfuric acid.

Later, not satisfied in his opinion in its opinion the level of terrorist activity of his party, Lenin complained by the St. Petersburg Committee:

In an effort to immediately terrorist actions, Lenin even had to protect the methods of terror in the face of their own comrades-Social Democrats:

The followers of the leader of the Bolsheviks were not forced to wait long, so in Yekaterinburg, according to some testimonies, members of the combat detachment of the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Ya. Sverdlov "constantly terrorized supporters of" Black Hundreds ", killing them with every opportunity."

As one of Lenin's nearest colleagues is evidenced, Elena Stasova, the leader of the Bolsheviks, formulating his new tactics, began to insist on immediately bringing it into life and turned into a "bright supporter of terror". The greatest concern terror in this period was shown by Bolsheviks, whose leader Lenin wrote on October 25, 1916, wrote that the Bolsheviks do not mind themselves against political murders, only an individual terror must be combined with mass movements.

Analyzing the terrorist activities of the Bolsheviks during the first Russian revolution, the historian and researcher Anna Gaifman comes to the conclusion that terror was effective for the Bolsheviks and frequently used at different levels of the revolutionary hierarchy tool.

In addition to persons specializing in political killings in the name of the revolution, there were people engaged in armed robbery, extortion and confiscation of private and state ownership in each social-democratic organizations. Officially, the leaders of social democratic organizations have never encouraged such actions, with the exception of Bolsheviks, whose leader Lenin publicly announced rabid to the permissible means of revolutionary struggle. The Bolsheviks were the only Social Democratic Organization in Russia, resorted to expropriations (so-called "Exam") organized and systematically.

Lenin was not limited to slogans or simply recognizing the participation of the Bolsheviks in combat activities. Already in October 1905, he declared the need to confiscate public funds and soon began to resort to "exam" in practice. Together with his two then closest associates, Leonid Kreyna and Alexander Bogdanov (Malinovsky), he secretly organized inside the Central Committee of the RSDLP (in which Mensheviks prevailed) a small group that became famous called the Bolshevik Center, especially for mining money for the Leninsk faction. The existence of this group was "hid not only from the eye of the royal police, but also from other party members." In practice, this meant that the Bolshevik Center was an underground authority within a batch organizing and controlling expropriation and various forms of extortion.

The actions of the Bolshevik militants did not remain unnoticed for the leadership of the RSDLP. Martov offered to exclude the Bolsheviks from the party for the illegal expropriations committed by them. Plekhanov urged to fight "Bolshevik Bakuninism", many members of the party considered "Lenin and Co." by ordinary rogues, and Fyodor Dan called the Bolshevik members of the Central Committee of the RSDDP. The main goal Lenin was strengthening the position of his supporters within the RSDLP with the help of money, and bring certain people and even entire organizations to financial dependence on the Bolshevik Center. The leaders of the Menshevik faction understood that Lenin operates with huge expropriated amounts, subsidizing the Petersburg and Moscow committees controlled by the Bolsheviks, issuing the first one thousand rubles per month and the second five hundred. At the same time, a relatively small part of revenues from Bolshevik robbery fell into the community ticket office, and the Mensheviks were outraged by the fact that they were not able to force the Bolshevik Center to share with the Central Committee of the RSDLP.

V Congress of the RSDLP provided the Mensheviks the opportunity to violently criticize the Bolsheviks for their "gangster practice". At the congress, it was decided to put an end to any participation of social democrats in terrorist activities and expropriations. Martov's calls for the revival of the purity of the revolutionary consciousness on Lenin did not impress any impressions, the Bolshevik leader listened to them with an unfinished irony A, while reading the financial statement, when the speaker mentioned a major donation from anonymous benefactor, Iqua, Lenin sarcastically noticed: "Not from ICA, And from ex with "

Continuing the practice of expropriation, Lenin and his associates in the Bolshevik Center also received money from such dubious sources as fictitious marriages and forced contributions. Finally, Lenin's habit does not comply with the monetary obligations of his faction angry even his supporters.

At the end of 1916, even when the wave of revolutionary extremism was almost fugged, Lenin's leader argued in his letter dated October 25, 1916, that the Bolsheviks are not against the political killings of Lenin, indicates historian Anna Gaifman, was ready to change his theoretical principles once again, What he did in December 1916: in response to the request of the Bolsheviks from Petrograd about the official position of the party in the question of Terror Lenin expressed his: "At this historical moment, terrorist actions are allowed." The only condition of Lenin was that in the eyes of the public, the initiative of terrorist attacks should come from not from the party, but from its individual members or small Bolshevik groups in Russia. Lenin also added that he hopes to convince the entire Central Committee in the appropriateness of its position

A large number of terrorists remained in Russia after coming to power of the Bolsheviks and participated in the Leninist politics "Red Terror". A number of founders and large figures of the Soviet state that previously participating in extremist promotions continued their activities in a modified form and after 1917.

Second Emigration (1908 - April 1917)

In early January 1908, Lenin returned to Geneva. The defeat of the revolution 1905-1907 did not make him fold his hands, he considered the repetition of the revolutionary lift. "The broken armies learn well," Lenin wrote about this period later.

At the end of 1908, Lenin together with Zinoviev and Kamenev moved to Paris. Here is his first meeting and a close acquaintance with Islessa Armand, who became his mistress until her death in 1920.

In 1909 published his main philosophical work "Materialism and empiriocriticism". The work was written after Lenin realized how wide popularity in the Social Democratic environment, mahisism and empiricriticism were obtained.

In 1912, he strongly breaks with the Mensheviks who insisted on the legalization of the RSDLP.

On May 5, 1912, the first issue of the Legal Bolshevik newspaper "True" came out in St. Petersburg. Extremely dissatisfied editing the newspaper (Stalin's editor-in-chief), Lenin was subdued to St. Petersburg L. B. Kamenev. He almost daily wrote in the "truth" of the article, sent letters in which he gave instructions, tips, corrected the errors of the editorial board. For 2 years, about 270 Lenin articles and notes was published in Truth. Also in Emigration, Lenin led the activities of the Bolsheviks in the IV State Duma, was the representative of the RSDLP in the II International, wrote articles on party and national issues, studied by philosophy.

When the First World War began, Lenin lived on the territory of Austria-Hungary in the Galicia of Poronin, where he arrived at the end of 1912. Due to suspicion of espionage in favor of the Russian government, Lenin was arrested by Austrian gendarmes. For his liberation, the assistance of the Socialist deputy of the Austrian Parliament V. Adler was required. On August 6, 1914, Lenin came out of prison.

After 17 days in Switzerland, Lenin took part in the meeting of the Group of Emigrants Bolshevik, where he announced his theses about the war. In his opinion, the beginning of the war was an imperialist, unfair on both sides, alien interests of workers.

At international conferences in Tsimmerwald (1915) and Kintale (1916), Lenin, in accordance with the resolution of the Stuttgart Congress and the Basel Manifesto of the II of International, defended his thesis on the need to transform the imperialist war in war civil and stands up with the slogan of "revolutionary affection".

In February 1916, Lenin moves from Bern to Zurich. Here he finishes his work "Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism (popular essay)," actively cooperates with the Swiss Social Democrats (among which the left radical Fritz Platin), visits all their party meetings. Here he will learn from the newspapers about the February Revolution in Russia.

Lenin did not expect the revolution in 1917. A public statement of Lenin in January 1917 in Switzerland is known, that he does not expect to live to the coming revolution, but that youth will see it. The Revolution of Lenin soon, who knew the weakness of the underground revolutionary forces in the capital, regarded as a result of the "Anglo-French Imperialist" conspiracy.

Return to Russia

In April 1917, the German authorities with the assistance of Fritz Platin allowed Lenin along with 35 comrades in the party to leave Switzerland by train through Germany. Among them were Kruskaya N. K., Zinoviev G. E., Linail Z. I., Armand I. F., Sokolnikov G. Ya., Radek K. B. and others.

April - July 1917. "April theses"

On April 3, 1917, Lenin arrives in Russia. Petrogradsky Council, the majority in which Mensheviks and the Esters, organized him a solemn meeting as a prominent fighter with autocracy. The next day, April 4, Lenin spoke to the Bolsheviks with a report, whose theses were published in the "Pravda" only on April 7, when Lenin and Zinoviev became part of the editorial board "Truth", since, according to V. M. Molotov, new The ideas of the leader seemed too radical even to close associates. These were the famous "April theses". In this report, Lenin sharply opposed the sentiment that dominated Russia among social democracy in general and the Bolsheviks in particular and coincided with the idea of \u200b\u200bexpanding the bourgeois-democratic revolution, supporting the temporary government and the protection of the revolutionary fatherland in the war, which changed their character with the fall of autocracy. Lenin announced slogans: "No support for the temporary government" and "all power - advice"; He proclaimed a course on the processing of the bourgeois revolution in the proletarian, having put forward the purpose of the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and the transfer of power to the councils and the proletariat followed by the elimination of the army, the police and the branches. Finally, he demanded wide anti-war propaganda, since, according to his opinion, the war from the temporary government continued to wear an imperialist and "robby" character. Taking into account the management of RSDLP (b) Lenin implements this plan. From April to July 1917, he wrote more than 170 articles, brochures, draft resolutions of Bolshevik conferences and the Central Committee of the Party, the appeals.

Press reaction

Despite the fact that the Menshevik organ of the newspaper "Working Newspaper", when he wrote about the arrival of the leader of the Bolsheviks, appreciated this arrival as the appearance of "danger from the left flank", the newspaper "Speech" - officials of the Minister of Foreign Affairs P. N. Milyukova - according to The historian of the Russian revolution S. P. Melgunova, responded in a positive key of the arrival of Lenin, and that now not only Plekhanov will fight for the ideas of socialist parties.

July - October 1917

On July 5, during the uprising, the temporary government was represented by the publicity of his data on the bodies of the Bolsheviks with the Germans. 20 (7) July, the Provisional Government gave an order about the arrest of Lenin and a number of prominent Bolsheviks on charges of state treason and the organization of an armed uprising. Lenin goes back in underground. In Petrograd, he had to change 17 conspiracy apartments, after which, before 21 (8) August 1917, he, together with Zinoviev, was hiding near Petrograd - in a slash on the lake. In August, on the locomotive of the N-293, he moved to the Grand Duch of Finland, where he lives before the beginning of October in Jalkal, Helsingfors and Vyborg.

October Revolution of 1917

Lenin arrived in Smolny and began to lead the uprising, the direct organizer of which was the chairman of the Petrograd Council L. D. Trotsky. For the overthrow of the government, A. F. Kerensky took 2 days. November 7 (October 25) Lenin wrote an appeal to the deployment of a temporary government. On the same day, the Leninist Decorates about the world and the Earth and the Government are educated and the government of the People's Commissars led by Lenin was adopted at the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets. On January 5, 1918, the Constituent Assembly opened, the majority in which they received the essentials that represented the interests of the peasants who at that time were 90% of the country's population. Lenin, with the support of the Left Socialists, put the Constituent Assembly before choosing: to ratify the power of the Councils and the decrees of the Bolshevik government or to disperse. The constituent assembly did not agree with such a statement of the issue.

For 124 days "Smolnninsky period", Lenin wrote over 110 articles, projects of decree and resolutions, pronounced over 70 reports and speeches, wrote about 120 letters, telegrams and notes, participated in editing more than 40 state and party documents. The working day of the chairman of the SNK lasted 15-18 hours. For the specified period, Lenin chaired 77 SNK meetings, led 26 meetings and meetings of the Central Committee, participated in the 17th meetings of the All-Russian WFIC and its Presidium, in the preparation and holding of 6 different All-Russian congresses of workers. After moving the Central Committee of the Party and the Soviet Government from Petrograd to Moscow, from March 11, 1918, Lenin lived and worked in Moscow. Lenin's personal apartment and work office were located in the Kremlin, on the third floor of the former building of the Senate.

After the revolution and in the period of the Civil War (1917-1921)

15 (28) January 1918 Lenin signs the decree of SNK on the creation of the Red Army. In accordance with the decree of the world, it was necessary to get out of world war. Despite opposition to the left communists and L. D. Trotsky, Lenin achieved the conclusion of the Brest peace treaty with Germany on March 3, 1918, the left sector in protest against the signing and ratification of the Brest civil contract came out from the composition of the Soviet government. March 10-11, fearing the seizure of Petrograd by German troops, at the suggestion of Lenin Sovvrkkom and the Central Committee of the RCP (b) moved to Moscow, which became new capital Soviet Russia. July 6, two left spears, employees of Jacobs of Blumkin and Nikolai Andreev, presented by the Mandates of the HCH, passed to the German Embassy in Moscow and killed the ambassador of Count Wilhelm von Mirbaha. This is a provocation to cause aggravation of relations with Germany, right up to the war. And the threat has already emerged that German military units will be sent to Moscow. Immediately - Leftainer rebellion. In short, everything balances on the verge. Lenin makes tremendous efforts in order to somehow smooth out the imposed Soviet-German conflict, avoid a collision. July 16 in Yekaterinburg last shot russian emperor Nicholas II and his whole family with the servants.

In his memoirs, Trotsky accuses Lenin in organizing the execution of the royal family:

The next arrival in Moscow fell after the fall of Yekaterinburg. In a conversation with Sverdlov, I asked in a passing:

Vladimir Solovyov's senior investigator on particularly important cases of the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia, who led the investigation into the criminal case on the death of the royal family, found that in the minutes of the meeting of the Council of State University, on which Sverdlov announced the decision of the Uralovovet about the execution of the royal family, among those present appear in Trotsky's surname. It became, he composed later that conversation "after arriving from the front" with Sverdlovy about Lenin. Solovyov came to the conclusion that Lenin was against the execution of the royal family, and the execution itself organized all the same left-fledged essentials that had a huge influence in Uralovovet, in order to disrupt the Brest world between Soviet Russia and Kaiser Germany. The Germans after the February Revolution, despite the war with Russia, were worried about the fate of the Russian imperial family, because the wife of Nicholas II Alexander Fodorovna was a German, and their daughters were simultaneously Russian princesses and German princesses. The spirit of the Great French Revolution with the then execution of the King and Queen was tutaled over the heads of the Ural Socialist Republic and who joined the local Bolsheviks, the leaders of the Uralovoveta (Alexander Beloborodov, Yakov Yurovsky, Philipop Goloshchekin). Lenin became in a certain sense by the hostage of radicalism and the obsession of the managers of Uralovovet. Disagree of the "feat" of Uraltsev - the murder of the German princesses and to be between the hammer and anvil - between the White Guards and the Germans? Information about the death of the entire royal family and servants was hidden for years. Referring to the fake of Trotsky, the famous Russian director Gleb Panfilov removed the film "Romanovs. The Ventance Family, "where the organizer of the royal family was presented by Lenin, which was played by People's Artist of Russia Alexander Filippenko.

On August 30, 1918, an attempt was made on Lenin, according to the official version - AERICA Fanny Kaplan, which led to severe injury.

Being the chairman of the Sovnarkom of the RSFSR, from November 1917 to December 1920, Lenin held 375 meetings of the Soviet government out of 406. From December 1918 to February 1920, from 101 sessions of the Council of Workers' and Peasant Defense only did not presidate. In 1919, V. I. Lenin led the work of 14 plenums of the Central Committee and 40 Politburo meetings, on which military issues were discussed. From November 1917 to November 1920, V.I. Lenin wrote over 600 letters and telegrams on various matters of defense of the Soviet state, over 200 times spent on rallies.

Considerable attention to Lenin paid the development of the country's economy. Lenin believed that the organization of the state was needed to restore the destroyed war of the economy in the "National, State Syndicate". Shortly after the Revolution, Lenin set the task of developing a plan for the reorganization of the industry and the economic revival of Russia, and also contributed to the development of the country's science.

In 1919, the Communist International was created on the initiative of Lenin.

Role in Red Terror

During the Civil War in Russia, Lenin was one of the main organizers by the Bolsheviks of the Red Terror policy, carried out directly according to its instructions. These Lenin instructions were prescribed to begin a mass terror, organize executions, isolate unrealized in concentration camps and conduct other emergency measures. On August 9, 1918, Lenin sends instructions in Penza Gubspolk, where he writes: "It is necessary to produce a merciless mass terror against fists, Popov and White Guards; Dubious lock into a concentration camp outside the city. " On August 10, 1918, Lenin sends a telegram about the suppression of Kulatsky uprising in the Penza province, in which he calls to hang 100 fists, take away all the bread and appoint hostages.

The description of the ways to implement the instructions of the Bolshevik leader about the mass red terror is represented in acts, investigations, certificates, reports and other materials of the special commission to investigate the atrocities of the Bolsheviks.

In the Textbook history of the KGB, it is indicated that Lenin acted in front of the staff of the HCHK, took Chekists, was interested in the course of operational development and the investigation, gave instructions on specific cases. When the Chekists in 1921 fabricated the "Whirlwind" case, Lenin personally participated in the operation, assuring his signature a subleached mandate of the Agent-provocator of the HCC.

In mid-August 1920, in connection with the receipt of information that in Estonia and Latvia, with whom Soviet Russia concluded peace treaties, there is a record of volunteers in anti-Bolshevik squads, Lenin in the letter E. M. Sklyansky called for "Transfer Kulakov, Popov, landlords " In another letter, he wrote about the admissibility "to put into prison several dozen or hundreds of instigators, guilty or innocent" in order to preserve the life of "thousands of redarmeys and workers".

Even at the end of the Civil War, in 1922 V. I. Lenin declares the impossibility of termination of terror and the need for its legislative settlement.

In Soviet historiography, this problem was not raised, but at present it is examined not only foreign, but also domestic historians.

Doctors of Historical Sciences Yu. G. Felshta and G. I. Chernyavsky explain in its work, why only today the inconsistency of the reality of the Bolsheviks leader's leader is becoming obvious today:

... now, when the secret of secrecy has been removed from the Leninist Archival Foundation in the Russian State Archive of Social Political History (RGASPI) and the first collections of the manuscripts and the speeches of Lenin did not appear, it becomes even more obvious that the shittomatic image of the wise state manager and thinker who , allegedly, only thought about the good of the people, was the cover of the real appearance of the totalitarian dictator, which took only about the strengthening of the power of his party and his own power, ready in the name of this purpose to go to any crimes, tirelessly and hysterically repeated calls to shoot, hang, hitch etc.

The UNKNOWN Lenin: From the Secret Archives

In the 2007 textbook on the history of Russia, it is written:

Foreign policy

Immediately after the October Revolution, Lenin recognized Finland's independence.

During the civil war, Lenin tried to achieve an agreement with the powers of the Entente. In March 1919, Lenin led negotiations with William Bullite who arrived in Moscow. Lenin agreed to the payment of pre-revolutionary Russian debts, in exchange for termination of intervention and support for the White by the Entente. A draft agreement with the Horses of the Entente was developed.

After the end of the civil war foreign policy Lenin was unsuccessful. From the great powers, only Germany installed diplomatic relations from the USSR to the death of Lenin, then signing the Rappal Agreement with the RSFSR (1922). Peace treaties were concluded and diplomatic relations with a number of border states were established: Finland (1920), Estonia (1920), Poland (1921), Turkey (1921), Iran (1921), Mongolia (1921).

In October 1920, Lenin met with the Mongolian delegation who had come to Moscow, who had relied on the support of the "Red" civil war in the independence of Mongolia. As a condition for the support of Mongolian independence, Lenin pointed out the need to create a "unified organization of forces, political and state", preferably under the red banner.

Recent years (1921-1924)

The economic and political situation demanded that the Bolsheviks change the previous policy. In this regard, at the 10th Congress of the RCP (b), "military communism" was abolished at the 10th Congress of the RCP (b), the food reprimion was replaced by food tax. The so-called new economic policy (NEP) was introduced, which resolved private free trade and gave the opportunity to the wide segments of the population to independently look for those means of existence that the state could not give them. At the same time, Lenin insisted on the development of state-type enterprises, by electrification (with the participation of Lenin, a special commission was established to develop a project of electrifying Russia), on the development of cooperation. Lenin believed that in anticipation of the global proletarian revolution, while holding the entire large industry in the hands of the state, it is necessary to carry out the construction of socialism in one country. All this might, in his opinion, contribute to putting the backward Soviet country for one level with the most developed European countries.

Lenin was one of the initiators of the campaign for the withdrawal of church values, which caused the resistance of the clergy and part of the parishioners. Big resonance caused a shot of a parishioner in Shua. In connection with these events on March 19, 1922, Lenin compiled a secret letter, qualifying events in Shua as just one of the manifestations general Plan Resistance to the decree of the Soviet power on the part of the "influential group of a black-eyed clergy." On March 30, at a meeting of the Politburo on the recommendations of Lenin, a plan for the defeat of the church organization was adopted.

Lenin contributed to the approval in the country of the one-party system and the distribution of atheistic views. In 1922, on his recommendations, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was created.

In 1923, shortly before death, Lenin writes his latest work: "On cooperation", "how to reorganize Rabkrin", "better less, yes better" in which his vision offers economic Policy Soviet state and measures to improve the work of the state apparatus and the party. On January 4, 1923, V. I. Lenin dictates the so-called "Adding to the letter of December 24, 1922", in which in particular the characteristics of individual Bolsheviks applying for the role of the party leader (Stalin, Trotsky, Bukharin, Pyatakov) were given. Stalin in this letter was given unflattering characteristic.

Disease and death. The question of the cause of death

The consequences of injury and overload, according to Surgego Yu. M. Lopukhin, led Lenin to severe illness. In March 1922, Lenin led the work of the 11th Congress of the RCP (b) - the last party congress on which he opposed. In May 1922, he was seriously ill, but in early October returned to work. For treatment, leading German specialists in nervous diseases were caused. The main doctor of Lenin from December 1922 and up to his death in 1924 was Sphrid Ferstern. Lenin's last public speech took place on November 20, 1922 at the Plenum of the Mossovet. On December 16, 1922, his state of his health had a sharply deteriorated, and in May 1923, due to illness, he moved to the near Moscow estate. In Moscow, Lenin was the last time on October 18-19, 1923. During this period, he, nevertheless, dictated several notes: "Letter to the congress", "On the attachment of the legislative functions of state", "To the issue of nationalities or about the" autonomization "," page from the diary "," On cooperation ", "About our revolution (about the notes of N. Sukhanov)", "How to reorganize Rabbitrin (offer XII party congress)", "better less, yes better."

Pictured by Lenin "Letter to the Congress" (1922) is often considered as Lenin's testament. Some believe that in this letter contained a real will of Lenin, from which Stalin deviated later. Supporters of this point of view believe that if the country had evolved under this Leninist path, many problems did not arise.

In January 1924, a sharp deterioration has suddenly come in the health state of Lenin; January 21, 1924 at 18 am 50 minutes he died.

A common view that Lenin was ill with Syphilis, who he allegedly infected in Europe was never confirmed by the officially Soviet or Russian authorities.

The official conclusion about the cause of death in the protocol of the opening of the body was reading: "The basis of the disease of the deceased is the common atherosclerosis of vessels on the soil of premature wear (Abnutzungssclerose). Due to the narrowing of the glorification of the arteries of the brain and the violation of its nutrition from the insufficiency of the blood intake, focal softening of the brain tissues occur, explaining all the preceding symptoms of the disease (paralysis, speech disorders). The immediate cause of death was: 1) strengthening the circulatory disorders in the brain; 2) Hemorrhage in a soft cerebral shell in the Quadrahmia region. "

According to Alexander Grudninkina, rumors about Syphilis arose due to the fact that the launched syphilis was one of the preliminary diagnoses put forward by doctors at the beginning of the disease; Lenin himself also did not exclude such an opportunity and accepted Salvarsan, and in 1923 - drugs based on mercury and bismuth.

The main ideas of Lenin

Historosophical analysis of modern capitalism

Communism, Socialism and Dictatorship of the proletariat

Before building communism, an intermediate stage is required - the dictatorship of the proletariat. Communism is divided into two periods: Socialism and actually communism. With socialism there is no use, but there is still no abundance of material benefits, allowing you to satisfy any needs of all members of society.

In 1920, in his speech, "tasks of union youth," Lenin argued that communism would be built in 1930-1950.

Attitude towards imperialist war and revolutionary affection

According to Lenin, the First World War was imperialistic, was unfair for all parties involved, alien to workers' interests. Lenin put forward the thesis on the need to transform the imperialist war in civil war (in each country against his government) and the need to use working wars to overthrow "their" governments. At the same time, pointing to the need for social democrats to participate in the anti-war movement, which was opposed to pacifist slogans of the world, Lenin considered such slogans of "deception of the people" and emphasized the need for a civil war.

Lenin put forward the slogan of revolutionary affection, the essence of which was to vote in parliament against military loans to the government, in creating and strengthening revolutionary organizations among workers and soldiers, combating government patriotic propaganda, support for the soldiers of soldiers at the front. At the same time, Lenin considered his position by patriotic - national pride, in his opinion it was the basis of hate towards the "slave past" and "slave real".

The possibility of the initial victory of the revolution in one country

In the article "On the slogan of the United States of Europe" in 1915, Lenin wrote that the revolution would not necessarily occur simultaneously around the world, as Marx believed. She may first occur in one, separate country. This country will then help the revolution in other countries.

About class morality

There is no universal morality, but there is only class morality. Each class enters its morality, its moral values. The moral of the proletariat - morally what is responsible for the interests of the proletariat ("Our morality is subordinated to the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat. Our morality is derived from the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat").

As the political scientist notes Alexander Tarasov, Lenin brought ethics from the field of religious dogmas to the area of \u200b\u200bverifies: Ethical needs to be checked and proving whether the case of the revolution is used, whether it is useful if it is useful.

After death

Fate of Lenin's body

On January 23, the coffin with the body of Lenin was transported to Moscow and installed in the column hall of the House of Unions. The official farewell took place within five days and nights. On January 27, the coffin with the harnessed body of Lenin was placed in a Mausoleum specially built on Red Square (Architect A. V. Schusev).

In 1923, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) was created by the Institute of V.I. Lenin, and in 1932, as a result of his association with the Institute of K. Marx and F. Engels, the Unified Institute of Marx was formed - Engels - Lenin under the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (later Institute Marxism-Leninism under the CPSU Central Committee). In the Central Party Archive of this Institute, more than 30 thousand documents are stored, the author of which V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin).

In the period of the Great Patriotic War Lenin's body was evacuated from Moscow Mausoleum to Tyumen, where he kept in the building of the current Tyumen State Agricultural Academy. Mausoleum himself was disguised as a mansion.

After decay Soviet Union In 1991, some political parties were expressed about the need for removal from the mausoleum and the burial of the body and the brain of Lenin (the brain is stored separately, at the Brain Institute, including tens of thousands of histological preparations). Statements on the removal of Lenin's body from Mausoleum, as well as the elimination of memorial burials near the Kremlin Wall, periodically audible to this day by various Russian statesmen, political parties and forces, representatives of religious organizations.

Attitude to Lenin after death. Evaluation

The name and ideas of V. I. Lenin were glorified in the USSR on a par with the October Revolution and I. V. Stalin (until the XX Congress of the CPSU). January 26, 1924 After the death of Lenin, the 2nd All-Union Congress of Soviets satisfied the request of Petroset about the renaming of Petrograd to Leningrad. The delegation of the city (about 1 thousand people) participated in Moscow at Lenin's funeral. The name of Lenin was called cities, villages and collective farms. Each city was a monument to Lenin. Numerous stories about the "grandfather Lenin" were written for children, including Mikhail Zoshchenko, stories about Lenin, partially based on the memories of His sister Anna Ulyanovoy. Memoirs about Lenin wrote even his chauffery gil.

The cult of Lenin began to fold even with his life through party propaganda and media. In 1918, the city of Tald was renamed LeninskAnd in 1923, the highest educational institutions in the USSR received the name of Lenin.

In the 1930s, the streets and square of cities, the premises of educational institutions, the actual halls of the factories began to float tens of thousands of busts and monuments to Lenin, among which, along with the works of Soviet art, were also deprived of artistic value typical "Cult items". Passed mass renaming companies various objects And giving them, contrary to the wishes of N. Krupskaya, the name of Lenin. Higher State Award became the Order of Lenin. Sometimes it is expressed that such actions were coordinated by the Stalinist leadership in the formation of the cult of the personality of Stalin with the aims of the usurpation of power and the announcement of Stalin by the successor and a decent student of Lenin.

After the collapse of the USSR, the attitude to Lenin among the population of the Russian Federation became differentiated; According to Poll, in 1999, 65% of the population of Russia considered the role of Lenin in the history of Russia positive, 23% negative, 13% found it difficult to answer. Four years later, in April 2003, Fom conducted a similar survey - this time positively appreciated the role of Lenin 58%, negatively - 17%, and the number of difficulty increased to 24% difficult with the answer, and in connection with which the trend noted the trend.

Lenin in culture, art and language

In the USSR, many memoir literature, poems, poems, stories, stories and novels about Lenin were published. There were also many films about Lenin. In Soviet times, the possibility of playing Lenin to the cinema was considered for the actor a high confidence-based sign, rendered by the KPSU leadership.

Monuments Lenin became an integral part of the Soviet tradition of monumental art. After the collapse of the USSR, many monuments of Lenin were dismantled by the authorities or were destroyed by various persons.

Soon after the occurrence of the USSR, a cycle of jokes about Lenin appeared. These jokes are walking up to the present day.

Lenin owns many statements that have become covered expressions. At the same time, a number of statements attributed to Lenin do not belong to him, and for the first time appeared in literary works and cinema. These statements acquired distribution in the political and ordinary languages \u200b\u200bof the USSR and post-Soviet Russia. Such phrases include, for example, presumably spoken by him in connection with the execution of the Senior Brother's words "We will go to another way", the phrase "there is such a party!", Spoken by him at the I All-Russian Congress of Soviets or the characteristic "political prostitute".

Lenin awards

Official lifetime award

The only official state award, which was awarded V. I. Lenin, was the Order of the Horiezm People's Socialist Republic (1922).

Other state awards, both RSFSR and USSR and foreign states, did not have.

Titles and premiums

In 1917, Norway made an initiative of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize, Vladimir Lenin, with the wording "for the celebration of the ideas of the world", as a response step on the decree of the world published in Soviet Russia, who brought Russia from the First World War in Separation. The Nobel Committee rejected this proposal in connection with the request for the deadline for the deadline - February 1, 1918, but made a decision concluded that the Committee would not object to the award of the Nobel Prize V.I. Lenin, if the existing Russian government establishes peace and Calm in the country (as you know, the path to the establishment of peace in Russia blocked the civil war, which began in 1918). Lenin's thought about the transformation of the war of imperialist in war civil was formulated in his work "Socialism and War", written in July-August 1915.

In 1919, by order of the Revoensuit of the Republic, V. I. Lenin was adopted in the Honorary Red Army team 1 of the separation 1 of the platoon of 195 of the rifle of the Yeisk regiment.

Posthumous "Awards"

On January 22, 1924, N. P. Gorbunov, Secretary of Lenin, removed the Order of the Red Banner from his jacket (No. 4274) and fought it to Franch the deceased Lenin. This award was on Lenin's body until 1943, and Gorbunov himself in 1930 received a duplicate ordine. According to some reports, N. I. Pozdovsky also entered, standing in the Honorary guard at the coffin of Lenin. Another Order of the Red Banner was assigned to Lenin's coffin along with a wreath from the RKKA Military Academy. Currently, the Order of N. P. Gorbunov and the Military Academy are stored in the Lenin Museum in Moscow.

The fact of the presence of the Order on the chest of the deceased Lenin during a mourning ceremony in the column hall of the House of Unions was captured in the poem of V. Inbert "five nights and days (for the death of Lenin)."

Personality of Lenin

British historian Helen Rappaport, who wrote a book about Lenin, described it as a "demanding", "punctual", "neat", "ingenious" and "very clean" in everyday life. At the same time, Lenin is described as "very authoritarian", "very inflexible", he "did not tolerate disagreement with his opinion", "ruthless", "cruel". It is indicated that friendship for Lenin was secondary to politics. Rappaport indicates that Lenin "changed his party tactics depending on the circumstances and political benefits."

Lenin's pseudonyms

At the end of 1901, Vladimir Ulyanov had a pseudonym "N. Lenin ", in particular, in this period he signed his printed work during this period. Abroad, the initial "H" is usually deciphered as "Nikolai", although in fact, in any of the prominent publications of Lenin, this initial has been decrypted. There were many versions of the origin of this pseudonym. For example, toponymic - in the Siberian River Lena.

According to the historian Owned Loginov, the most believable is the version associated with the use of a passport of the actually existed Nikolay Lenin.

Lenin's genus can be traced from the Cossack of the History, which in the XVII century for merits associated with the conquest of Siberia and the creation of wintering on the river Lena, pressed the nobility and surname Lenin. Numerous descendants were different about the military, and in the rank service. One of them, Nikolai Egorovich Lenin, who reached the rank of Stat adviser, was resigned and in the 1980s of the XIX century settled in the Yaroslavl province, where he died in 1902. His children who sympathetic in Russia in Russia, the Social Democratic Movement, were well acquainted with Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, and after the death of his father, his passport was tried to Vladimir Ulyanov, the truth with the recitable date of birth. There is a version that the passport Vladimir Ilyich got in the spring of 1900, when Nikolai Egorovich Lenin was still alive.

According to the family version of Ulyanov's pseudonym Vladimir Ilyich, comes from the name of the Lena River. So, Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova, niece V.I. Lenin and the daughter of his native brother D. I. Ulyanova, who serves as the author who studies the life of the Ulyanov family, writes in defense of this version based on the stories of his father:

After coming to power V. I. Lenin, official party and state documents signed " V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)».

He also had other pseudonyms: V. Ilyin, V. Frey, Yves. Petrov, K. TULIN, KARPOV, old man, etc.

Lenin works

Lenin works

  • What is "friends of the people" and how are they fighting against Social Democrats? (1894);
  • "To the characteristic of economic romanticism," (1897)
  • Development of capitalism in Russia (1899);
  • What to do? (1902)
  • Step forward, two steps ago (1904);
  • Party organization and party literature (1905);
  • Materialism and empiriocriticism (1909);
  • Three sources and three components of Marxism (1913);
  • On the right of nations on self-determination (1914);
  • Karl Marx (a brief biographical essay with the statement of Marxism) (1914);
  • Socialism and War (1915);
  • Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism (popular essay) (1916);
  • State and revolution (1917);
  • About dvoevsty (1917);
  • How to organize a competition (1918);
  • Great Main (1919);
  • Child disease "Leviza" in communism (1920);
  • Tasks of union youth (1920);
  • About food tax (1921);
  • Pages from the diary, about cooperation (1923);
  • About the fancy of the Jews (1924);
  • What is Soviet power?;
  • About left guys and petty-bourgeoisatics (1918);
  • About our revolution

Species recorded on gramophone plates

In 1919-1921 V. I. Lenin recorded 16 speeches on gramophone plates. For three sessions in March 1919 (19, 23 and 31 numbers), 8 records were made, which became the most famous and published tenybies, - among which "the third communist international", "appeal to the Red Army" (2 parts recorded separately) And especially popular "What is Soviet power?", considered the most successful and technical plan.

During the next recording session on April 5, 1920, 3 speeches were recorded - "On work for transport", part 1 and part 2, "On Labor Discipline" and "How to save the workers from the nest of landowners and capitalists". Another entry is most likely dedicated to the beginning of the Polish War, was damaged and lost in the same 1920.

Five speeches recorded during the last session on April 25, 1921 turned out to be technically unsuitable for mass production - in connection with the departure of a foreign specialist, an engineer A. Kibart, to Germany. These gramophone records have long been unknown for a long time, four of them were found in 1970. Of them were renovated and only three of them were released on long-playing disks - one of their two speeches "On the Oddnod," On Consumer and Fishing Cooperation "and" Non-partisan and Soviet power "(firm" Melody ", M00 46623-24, 1986).

In addition to the second speech found "On Oddnodnog", the 1921 record "On concessions and the development of capitalism" has not yet been published. The first part of the speech "On work for transport" was not reissued since 1929, and the speech "On the Pogrom Ejberry" did not appear on the disks since the late 1930s.


Lenin's niece (daughter of his younger brother Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova), the last direct descendant of the Ulyanov family died in Moscow in the 90th year of life.

  • During the famous speech at the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets, Lenin did not have a beard (conspiracy), although Vladimir Serov became the secretary picture of Vladimir Serov depicts him with a traditional beard.
  • Nizhny Novgorod joke (and harmoniously) that Lenin was conceived in Nizhny Novgorod, since Ilya Ulyanov was there as a teacher of the provincial men's gymnasium until the end of 1869, and his son Vladimir was born in Simbirsk in the spring of 1870.
  • On June 16, 1921, Bernard Shaw sent Lenin a book "Back to Malfusale". On the title page He made the inscription: "Nicholas Lenin, the only statesman of Europe, which has a talent, character and knowledge corresponding to his responsible position". Lenin subsequently left numerous marks in the manuscript fields, testifying to his lively interest in the work of Bernard Shaw.
  • Albert Einstein wrote about Lenin: "I respect in Lenin of a man who, with complete selflessness, gave all his strength to the implementation of social justice. Its method seems to me inexpedient. But one is undoubtedly: people like him are stored and updated the conscience of humanity ".
  • On January 19, 1919, the car in which Lenin was located and his sister was attacked by a group of bandits, headed by the famous Moscow rustling of Yakov Koshelkov. Bandits landed all of the cars and hijacked her. Subsequently, learning about who was in their hands, they tried to return and capture Lenin hostage, but by that time the latter had already disappeared.

Professional revolutionaries led a secret life, and often forgot their real names for a long time. Stalin, Kamo, Sverdlov, Trotsky and other fiery fighters for people's happiness even when communicating alone used party pseudonyms. It fully applies to the leader of the world proletariat, the creator of the world in the world of workers and peasants. Nikolai Lenin (Ulyanov Vladimir Ilich) appeared on a political scene almost simultaneously with the fateful for mankind of the 20th century. At that time he turned thirty years.

Pseudonyms Ilyich

Indeed, Ronald Reagan, exposing in the next speech of the global communism in the next speech (it was at the beginning of the eighties), it turned out to be right, although some Soviet editions accused him of ignorance. "Not Nikolai, and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, that's how it is right!", Because everyone is accustomed to such a combination of sounds and letters, thousandthly pronounced from the podium, tribulated on posters and campaign brochures, icons, pennants and praise. Nevertheless, those who history knew a little better full-time propagandists and familiarized himself with the works of the classic of Marxism, could not disagree with the American president, no essentially of his speech, of course, but relative to the accuracy of playing party clicks.

Before the transition to the illegal position, the future leader was just a student by Vladimir, even earlier - by the gymnasium and a curly boy Volodya. But becoming a revolutionary, Ulyanov changed a lot of pseudonyms, visiting Vladimir Ilyin, and Jordan K. Yordanov, and K. Tulan, and Kubyushkin, and Starik, and Fedor Petrovich, and Frey and even the mysterious Jacob Richter. But in history there was a brief inscription on Mausoleum: "V. I. Lenin ", causing dislike and rejection in some, the hope of others and leaving indifferent thirds.

In honor of whom "Lenin"?

The simplest explanation for this pseudonym consists of its morphological relationship with the female name "Lena". So called a long-grand familiar Ulyanova, Stasov (and his classmates, Rosmirovich, a friend-Choriski-Choruschiki ... Did you never feel about the light? And not to count!), Which seems to be (like others), he was deeply nice to young Years. But this side of the leader's life in school was not passed, the other version was obtained. In the Siberian River Lena in 1906 there were certain folk unrest among the workers on the golden supports, which ended with their armed suppression. This explanation option further deserves attention, despite its political decoratedness, since the shooting of demonstrators occurred five years later than the first newspaper articles signed by N. Lenin appeared. The prophecies were repeatedly attributed to the leader of the revolution, but he was still a clairvoyant. To predict the world victory of communism - one, and foresee the riot five years before him is completely different.

To try to explain the origin of this pseudonym, you can refer to the history of the other. L. D. Bronstein became Trotsky, borrowing the name of the head of the Odessa Central. Owned Loginov, Historian (one of his name is worth!) It assumes that Nikolai Lenin is quite a real person who lived in the Yaroslavl province. This dear person, Stat adviser, died, and his children gave a passport to her friend, Vladimir Ulyanov. It was presumably in 1900, the year of birth had to be slightly corrected, and in all the rest of the chronology converges. Photographs then did not glue.

There is also a version touching just Lena - not beautiful woman, And not the place of the bloody shooting of workers, but rivers, but historians and simply curious it does not seem interesting. And in fact, a little romance. And what is the truth, about that, apparently, it will not be known anymore.

Childhood and adolescence

The centenary of the jubilee of the proletarian leader was a magnificent in 1970, many films, picturesque canvas, were devoted to him, literary works, poems, songs and cantata. The medal who was awarded the frontiers of production was released. During the Soviet power, a whole direction of art, named Leninian, and a considerable component described the children's and youthful years of the life of the future Bolshevik leader. About what Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was in the first years of his life, it is known mainly from the stories of his family members. Documented the fact of his beautiful school performance (gold medal), which gave the basis of propagandists to call for schoolchildren of the entire immense powers to study only "on excellent". The city of Simbirsk, where Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was born, renamed Ulyanovsk, a memorial erected there.

The father of theorist and the practice of the world revolution was Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, the official who held the post of inspector of popular education. The boy studied at the gymnasium, then entered the University of Kazan. It was in 1887, and then his older brother Alexander, the People's Senior Brother, was accused of participating in the conspiracy, arrested and executed. Volodya also suffered, but not for the relationship with one of the terrorist bold on the king. He himself worked in the underground circle, was exposed, excluded from the university and expelled - no, not yet in Siberia, and home. "Arbitration of the authorities" lasted long, after a year of Ulyanov was already again in Kazan, and again among the friends of Marxists. Meanwhile, Mom, Ovdov, bought a small estate (with. Alakaevka Samara Lip.), And the young man helps her to conduct business. In 1889, the entire family was moving to Samara.

From the people in Marxists

A young man was allowed to get a higher education. He passed the examinations on a lawyer in 1891 at the Jürfak of the Capital University, without passing the course of study. The first place of work is the lawyer office of N. A. Harddin in Samara, where the young specialist had to protect the parties to civil litter. But not this boring occupation carried him. For two years of legal practice, Vladimir Ilyich completely replaced his worldview and political beliefs, departing from the democracy and becoming a Social Democrat. The influence of the works of Plekhanov in this process was great, but not only they occupied the mind of the young Marxist.

Along the Hardin, the lawyer Ulyanov goes to St. Petersburg, where he finds a new service, at M. F. Volkenstein, also a lawyer. But not only by court cases it is engaged in: this period includes the first theoretical works concerning the issues of political economy, the development of capitalist relations in Russia, the reforms in the village, etc. Articles are sometimes published in the periodicals. In addition, Ulyanov writes a batch program that is going to create.

A group of young revolutionaries in 1885 collects the underground union "Liberation of the working class", among them - Martov and Vladimir Ilyich. The purpose of this organization is to collect the disassembled mugs of Marxists and head them. Attempting by this ended with arrest, the year of prison and reference to the Yenisei province (s. Shushenskoye). For heavy conditions of content, the "prisoners of conscience" will not complain. The main burden, which V. I. Lenin experienced in those three years was to be pleased to be content with branch. However, it was possible and hunted, a variety of menu of the game. Another future leader chinned his skates when he wanted to relax from reflections on the struggle of the proletariat.

Lenin in emigration

In 1900, Nikolai Lenin appeared. Vladimir Ilyich, short biography Which was studied in all educational institutions of the USSR, the majority of his life spent abroad, in Europe. Immediately after the end of the link, he goes to Munich, then to London and Geneva. There he was already waiting for Plekhanov, Pavel Axelrod, Vera Zasulich and other Marxists-like-minded people. They publish the newspaper "Spark". By the way, few people paid attention to the fact that after decades, calling the Streets and Streets, the word "Lenin", the word "Lenin" was added to the part of this party printed organ. The fact is that Iskra later became a Menshevik newspaper, so the clarification was necessary from a political point of view.

Famous question: "What to do?" became the title of the article, which Vladimir Ilyich Lenin wrote in 1902. This particular work marked the choice of the direction of party development in the coming years. The main thesis was needed to transform the RSDLP into a combat organization associated with a tough discipline and hierarchy. Against such a violation of democratic principles, many members of the party were made led by Martov, for which, losing in voting on the III Congress (1903), and fell into the "Mensheviks".

The first revolution and again Alien

In 1905, Vladimir Lenin arrives from Switzerland to St. Petersburg. In Russia, large-scale unrest began, which with a high degree of probability could lead to a change in power. He arrived under a stranger, as a foreign spy, and joined the work on the overthrow of the tsarism. The positions of the Bolshevik wing of the RSDLP were quite durable, the congress of the Central and St. Petersburg party committees was held in the capital. The armed uprising took place, but ended in failure. Even in the conditions of an extremely unsuccessful war with Japan, the Russian empire has found the strength to suppress unrest and restore order. The riot at Potemkin, Vladimir Lenin, announced a "unrequitable territory", and in 1907 he fled abroad again.

This Fiasco very upset the leadership of the Bolshevik party, but did not lead to the failure of the struggle. There were conclusions about the insufficient preparedness of party structures and the need to further enhance the combat wing of the organization.

Where does the money come from?

A modern reader who knows that life abroad is expensive, often asked about the origin of the funds necessary for the publication of subversive periodicals. In addition, even unreleased Bolsheviks are living people, and they are not alien to human needs. There are several answers to this question. First, the money was taken away for individuals and organizations. These operations were called expropriations (exams), but were engaged in these robbery individual Bolshevik structures (for example, "wonderful Georgian" Joseph Jugashvili Stalin made a unique raid to the bank in Tiflis, which was included in the textbooks on criminalistics). Secondly, the RSDLP had sponsors among the business people of Russia, those who hoped to improve their position after the overthrow of the tsarism (the most famous - Millicer of Sava Morozov, but were other). Thirdly, today information on support for foreign exploration of subversive organizations is available. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin effectively used all the channels of material supply of the party.

Personal life

Everyone knows that the leader of the world proletariat was married. He was not a handsome, the growth of a small, with a liquid beard and an early lacquer, but the story knows a lot of examples of great success at the lady of people and more modest appearance - it is enough to remember Napoleon, Goebbels, Chaplin or Pushkin. It is important not the cover of the book, but its content, and the high intelligence of the leader of the Bolshevik Party was not questioned even by his irreconcilable opponents.

What captured the hope of Konstantinovna such an interesting man, like Vladimir Ilyich Lenin? Biography Krupskaya contains many interesting facts relating to, for example, its party nicknames. Party residents called her herring, openly mocking her soup and a kind of convex eye. The reason and the other was quite respectful (Basnedov's disease). She did not take offense at her nickname, moreover, in her character, obviously, a sense of humor was present, otherwise the spouse would not have endured even more humiliating handling of her husband, who called her mine. More importantly, the appearance for Ulyanov, apparently, there were excellent abilities for languages, stunning performance, the desire for self-education and the dedication of the communist idea.

In his life there were other women to whom he experienced, perhaps romantic feelings, but the main object of passion was definitely a policy remained. Roman with I. Armand ended only with her tragic death from influenza. Wife said goodbye. She, probably, loved her husband, considered him a great man and bowed to him. In addition, as a smart woman, she correctly assessed the degree of its external attractiveness, and as a real communist despised jealousy and a sense of property. She did not give birth to children.

On the lobal image created by the powerful Soviet propaganda machine, for a long time it was impossible to understand how Lenin Vladimir Ilyich was in real life. Interesting facts that coming comrades were told about in their memoirs, they talk about his sometimes unusual behavior manner. He, unlike Stalin, did not like, he was serious about any question. Interesting case during a trip to the notorious polished German car. The toilet was one, the queues arose, and V. I. Lenin decided this problem in the Bolshevik, giving out each of the passengers a twin with the time of his visit. Characterizes him and another moment related to the wedding with Krupskaya in Shushensky. Vladimir Ulyanov himself forged two wedding rings from copper pyatakov (the spouses wore them until the end of life). But whatever extremes show historical characters, they are judged primarily on the results of activities.

The expression "Stalinist repressions" entered the political dictionary after the XX CPSU Congress. In 1962, Lenin's Mausoleum was freed from the remains of the dictator, which thwarted millions of destinies and lives. It should, however, should be taken into account that neither in one of its article or speech I. V. Stalin never called for mass executions or percentage of population, did not give orders for the extermination of entire classes and classes in the direct sense. But Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, whose rule of the board coincided with the time of the Civil War, gave such orders and demanded a report on their implementation on the ground. Millions of Russian citizens involved in the fratricide slaughter were destroyed and died and died, and they constituted the spiritual, intellectual, scientific, technical and military elite of the country. We feel the consequences of this crime today.

Man, image and attributes of the cult

In the official mythology, instead of the valid religion, the USSR citizens from orphanage had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe great kindness, which was distinguished by Lenin Vladimir Ilyich. The death of the leader in Gorki (1924) was declared almost self-sacrifice, it was explained by the consequences of the injury at the Michelson plant in 1918. Nevertheless, according to the conclusion of physicians published in the Soviet press, the brain of the main practice of Marxism was almost petrified due to the vessels of vessels. A person with such a disease cannot take adequate decisions, not to lead the state.

Official propaganda created an image, not to worship that it was impossible. All the human was completely out of him, the Mausoleum of Lenin became the place of pilgrimage for dozens and hundreds of millions of people from all over the world, the labor of the leader was printed (with some bills), but few of them read, and even fewer studies thinking over these texts. But multi-volume meetings and individual collections of articles became an indispensable attribute of entries. Related from citizens, moral landings and faith, who came after the leaders gave them a new deity, who became after the death of Lenin Vladimir Ilyich. Photo and picturesque canvas replaced icons, solemn chants crowded church choralas, and the transparencies became analogous to Horugway. On Red Square, the tomb was erected, which over time he covered the non-cross the leaders to the rank of lower. Lenin's birthday Vladimir Ilyich in Soviet times was a holiday, during which there was at least a little, symbolically, coming up for free work. In some way, the communist idea has become in understanding almost around the world to be associated with Russia, although our country has suffered more than everyone else from it. Now those who would like to somehow show their anti-Russian orientation, squeeze monuments to Lenin. In vain.

Vladimir Lenin was a global politician. He managed to create a completely new state. On the one hand, he was able to defeat the political and triumphal victory. On the other hand, Historically, Lenin was in the camp of the losers. After all, his case, based on the principles of violence, was originally doomed. Despite this, Vladimir Ulyanov identified the vector of development of the world history of the twentieth century.

The complete biography of Lenin is contained not only in the Soviet encyclopedias. His life is devoted to numerous books. There is a biography of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in Wikipedia. There is it on various sites dedicated to the history and life level of famous people. We studied the biography and personal life of Lenin, briefly presenting information in the article.


The biography of Vladimir Lenin began in the mid-spring of the 1870s in Simbirsk. His dad worked as an inspector of the school, he made a lot for public education. Ilya Nikolayevich early lost his father and his elder brother was engaged in her upbringing. At that time, he was a clerk of one of the city firms. Nevertheless, Lenin's father got a good education. It was a hardworking person - the colossal performance of the leader of the proletariat inherited from the father. Thanks to the merits of Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov even gave an offacarious nobility.

From the mother of Mother's grandfather Lenin Alexander Blank was a doctor and medical inspector of the Hospitals of the Armory Plant, which in Zlatoust. At one time he married a German girl Anne Grosskopf. Later, the grandfather resigned and received the noble rank. He even became a landowner, having bought the estate of Kokushkino.

Mom Lenin was a home teacher. She was considered an emancipated woman and tried to stick to the left views. She heard not only an excellent and hospitable mistress, but also a caring, just mother. She gave their children to foreign languages \u200b\u200band music.

The nationality of Lenin (biography contains a lot of controversial information) is still disputes. Many are documented, but most unfounded. Lenin himself considered himself Russian.


Lenin's life (biography confirms) at first did not differ in originality. He was an intelligent boy. When Volodya was five years old, he began to read. When Vladimir entered the Symbirian gymnasium, was considered a real "walking encyclopedia". The future leader of the state was not interesting to accurate science. The young man loved history, philosophy, statistics, economic disciplines.

He was a diligent, neat and gifted student. Teachers have repeatedly handed to Ulyanov's puffed sheets.

According to classmates, young Lenin had a great authority and respect. In addition, the head of the Gymnasium F. Kerensky, the father of the future chapter of the temporary government, at one time also gave a rather high assessment of Lenin's abilities.

Beginning of the revolutionary path

In 1887, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, whose biography we are considering, completed gymnasium training, having received a gold medal. At the same time, he learned that his older brother Alexander was arrested. He was accused of attempted the Russian self-container. Before that, Sasha was a university student in the northern capital. He fastened the basics of biology, was considered a talented young man and planned to become a scientist. There was no radical ideas then yet. But, be that as it may, in early May 1887 was executed.

Meanwhile, his younger brother Vladimir also became a student. He studied in Kazan and in the first year began to participate in student revolutionary movement. After some time, he was accurate from the university at all. Soon the young revolutionary was sent to the first link in the same province.

A year later, Ulyanov was allowed to return to Kazan. Few later, he moved to Samara together with the family. It was in this city that the young man began to get acquainted in detail with the postulates of Marxism. He also became a member of one of the Marxist circles.

After some time, Ulyanov managed to pass externally exams on the course of Jurfak at the University of St. Petersburg. The following year, a young lawyer became an assistant jury attorney. However, he could not exercise himself fully as a specialist and soon finally broke up with jurisprudence. Vladimir moved to the Northern Capital and became a member of the Marxist Student Mug, organized in the Technological Institute. In addition, he began to make creating a program of the Social Democratic Party.

As Biography tells - Russian), in 1895 he first left abroad. Vladimir visited countries such as Germany, Switzerland and France. It was there that he managed to get acquainted not only with the leaders of the international labor movement V. Liebknecht and P. Lafarg, but also with his political idol of Plekhanov.


When Vladimir Ulyanov returned to the capital, he made attempts to unite all disparate Marxist circles into one organization. We are talking about the "union of struggle for the liberation of the working class." Of course, members of this organization have already tried to realize their plan to overthrow the Russian autocracy.

Brief biography V. I. Lenin contains information that he actively promoted this idea. As a result of the revolutionary, they were arrested. For a long time, he was in the prison cell. And after that, at the beginning of the spring of 1897, he was sent to Siberia, in the village Shushenskoye. Link period was defined - three years. Here, Ulyanov communicated with other reference, wrote articles, engaged in translations.

According to the brief biography of Vladimir Lenin, in 1900 he decided to emigrate. He lived in Geneva, Munich, London.

It was during these years that Vladimir created a political edition - "Spark". In these bands, he first signed his articles by the party pseudonym "Lenin".

After some time, he became one of the initiators convening the Congress of the RSDLP. As a result, the organization was split into two camps. Ulyanov managed to lead the Bolshevik Party. He began to deploy an active struggle against Mensheviks.

In 1905, he continued to engage in the training of an armed uprising in the Russian Empire. There, Vladimir learned that the first Russian revolution began in the country.

First blood

The brief biography of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin says that he could not remain indifferent to the events in Russia. For a short time, he arrived at home. Few later Lenin was in Finland. During this time, Ulyanov tried to attract people to their side with all sorts of ways. He called them to arm and make attacks on officials.

In addition, he offered to boycott the first State Duma. Note, Lenin further recognized his mistake. He also supported the bloody Moscow uprising and from the emigration gave the rebel tips.

In the meantime, the revolution was finally ended with collapse. In 1907, the fifth congress has already contacted all parties. Such a fractional struggle reached its apogee at the party conference in 1912. This happened in Prague.

In addition, during the same period, Ulyanov managed to establish the release of the legal newspaper Bolsheviks. Note, it was originally a publication, in fact, L. Trotsky was created. It was an unfraining newspaper. In 1912, Lenin by and large became the main ideologist of the publication. And the editor-in-chief of Joseph Jugashvili was chosen.


After the defeat in the Revolution, Ulyanov began to analyze the mistakes of the Bolsheviks. Over time, these failures turned victory. Bolsheviks rallied as never started new wave revolutionary movement.

And in 1914, Lenin was located in Austria-Hungary. It was here that he learned that the First World War began. The future chapter of the Soviet state was arrested. He was accused of espionage in favor of the Russian Empire. The consequences could be more than deplorable, but the Austrian and Polish Social Democrats were interceded for their associate. As a result, Lenin was forced to move to neutral Switzerland. It was during this period that the revolutionary appealed to urge the Russian government and turn an imperialist war into civilian.

Such a position led him first to complete isolation even in social democratic circles. In addition, when the war was going, the connection of Ulyanov with their homeland almost finally broke off. And the Bolshevik party itself inevitably broke up into several separate organizations.

February 1917

When the February Revolution came, Lenin and Councils received permission to come to Germany and from there to go to Russia. Once at home, Lenin arranged a solemn meeting. He spoke to the people and called for the "social revolution". He believed that the authorities should belong to members of the Bolshevik Party. Of course, very many absolutely did not share this position.

Despite this, Lenin literally performed every day at rallies and meetings. He was not tired of standing under the banners of the Soviets. By the way, at that time the theses of the Bolshevik leader supported Stalin.

In early July, Bolsheviks once again accused spying and treason. Now - in favor of Germany. Lenin was forced to hide. He, together with the associate Zinoviev, was in the spilling. After some time, Thai Lenin moved to Finland.

And at the very end of the summer of 1917, the Cornilov speech began. The Bolsheviks were against the rebels and thus managed to rehabilitate themselves in the eyes of socialist organizations.

Meanwhile, in the middle of autumn, Lenin illegally arrived in the revolutionary capital. At the party meetings, he, together with Trotsky, managed to achieve the adoption of an official resolution associated with an armed uprising.

October coup

Ulyanov acted hard and promptly. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's biography (Wikipedia "also contains this information) suggests that on October 20, 1917, he began to lead the immediate uprising. On the night of October 25-26, the Bolsheviks arrested members of the Interim Government. Low later, decrees about the world and earth were adopted. In addition, he was formed by Sovvar headed by Ulyanov.

Began a truly new era. Lenin had to deal with emergency issues. So, the head of state began to create the Red Army. He was also forced to conclude a peace treaty with Germany. In addition, the development of a program for the formation of a socialist society began. So, the Congress of the Councils of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers became an authority. And the capital of the proletarian state moved to Moscow.

However, several unpopular steps of the new government - as the conclusion of the Brest contract and overclocking Constituent assembly, led to a complete rupture with representatives of the Level Economic Movement. As a result, the rebellion began in July 1918. This speech of the left speakers was brutally suppressed. As a result, the political system became a one-party and acquired totalitarian traits. In the aggregate all caused discontent. Events resulted in a fratricide civil war.

Civil War

In the conditions of War, Ulyanov was forced to monitor the time of urgent mobilization into the Red Army. He was tightly engaged in issues related to weapons. He managed to organize and the work of the rear. Actually, these measures influenced the outcome of war.

In addition, Lenin managed to use obvious contradictions in the white camp. He managed to create a 10-fold advantage of the proletarian army over the enemy. Also to work, he attracted royal military specialists.

Unfortunately, at the very end of the summer of 1918, an attempt was made on the leader of the state. As a result, "Red Terror" began in the country.

Military Communism and New Policy

After recovering from injuries, Ulyanov began economic transformations - the construction of the so-called military communism. He introduced it directively throughout the country. Lenin did not have a clear economic program at that time, but nevertheless he introduced the privacy, natural exchange and banned trade. Low later was nationalized the industry. As a result, the production of goods almost ceased.

Ulyanov tried to save position. That is why he decided to introduce a mandatory workforce. For her evasion, the execution was eliminated.

However, the situation in the economy continued to deteriorate. Then in 1921, Lenin declared a course in the country to "New Economic Policy". The program of military communism was finally canceled. Power allowed private trading. As a result, a long process of economic recovery began. But to see the fruits of the new policy of politicians, Vladimir Ilyich was not destined.

Last years

Due to the shameless health, Lenin was forced to move away from power. Joseph Jugashvili became the sole leader of the new state of the USSR.

Ulyanov with amazing courage and perseverance continued to fight the disease. To treat the leader, the authorities decided to attract a number of domestic and western doctors. He was diagnosed with sclerosis of brain vessels. This disease was caused not only to huge overloads, but also genetic reasons.

Everything was in vain - in the hills on January 21, 1924, Vladimir Lenin did not. After some time, the body of the founder of the USSR transported to the capital and placed in the column hall of the unions. For five days, farewell to the country's leader went.

On January 27, the body of Ulyanov was concerned and placed in the mausoleum, which was specifically built for this purpose.

We note immediately, after the collapse of the Soviet Empire in the 91st, a repeated question of the reburial of the head of the proletarian state was raised. This topic is discussed now.

Personal life of the leader

With the future wife, the hope of Kruskaya Ulyanov met in the distant 1894th. The father of Krupskaya was a royal officer. His daughter, hope, was a listener of famous Bestuzhevsky courses. At one time, she even kept a correspondence with the lion thicker himself.

When a woman began to live with Ulyanov together, he became not only the main assistant to the spouse, but also like-minded. She always followed her husband and took part in all his promotions. Also, the woman went after him when Lenin found himself in the link in Shushensky. It was here that beloved was married in the church. Shafts became peasants from this village. And the companion of Lenin and Krupskaya produced wedding rings. They were made of copper pyatakov.

Lenin's children were not. Although some historians believe that the leader had the only son. His name was Alexander Steffen. According to rumors, he gave him a child to the associate say, these relationship lasted for almost five years.

Briefly about the most important of the biography of Lenin, the reader is already known. It remains only to highlight some interesting facts from the life of the leader of the proletariat:

  1. In the gymnasium Ulyanov studied mainly only on the five. In the certificate, he received the only four - on the discipline "Logic". Nevertheless, he graduated from learning with a gold medal.
  2. In the youth, the future head of the Soviet state smoked. Once his mother reported that tobacco is too expensive. And there was not so much money. As a result, Ulyanov refused harmful habit And never smoked.
  3. Ulyanov had about 150 pseudonyms. The most common is a statist, Meyer, Ilyin, Tulin, Frey, Old Man, Petrov. The origin of the famous pseudonym "Lenin" is still definitely not known.
  4. Ulyanov could be among the laureates of the Nobel Prize. In 1918, his candidacy was considered and wanted to give him a premium of the world. But the fratricide civil war began. As a result, these events were able to deprive Lenin prestigious Nobel Prize.
  5. In honor of Lenin, a number of new names were invented: Varlen, Arvil, Arlen, Owned, Vladilen, Vilen, etc.
  6. Ulyanov was considered a big gourmet. However, his spouse was not an amateur of cooking. Therefore, Ulyanovy specially hired a cook.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (real name of Ulyanov, Mother's name - Blank)
Years of Life: 10 (22) April 1870, Simbirsk - January 22, 1924, Manor Gorki, Moscow Province
Head of the Soviet government (1917-1924).

The revolutionary, the creator of the Bolshevik Party, one of the organizers and managers of the October Socialist Revolution of 1917, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (Government) of the RSFSR and the USSR. Philosopher Marxist, publicist, founder of Leninism, ideologist and creator of the 3rd (communist) international, founder of the Soviet state. One of the most famous political figures of the XX century.
Founder of the USSR.

Biography of Vladimir Lenin

Father V. Ulyanova, Ilya Nikolaevich, was an inspector of people's schools. After awarding the Order of St. Vladimir III degree in 1882 he received the right to a hereditary nobility. Mother, Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova (nee Blank), was a teacher, but did not work. The family had 5 children, including Volodya was the third. The family prevailed a friendly atmosphere; Parents encouraged the curiosity of children and treated them with respect.

In 1879 - 1887 Volodya studied in the gymnasium finished with gold medal.

In 1887, the senior brother Alexander Ulyanov (revolutionary-erectoval) was executed for the preparation of an attempt to the life of Emperor Alexander III (revolutionary-nation). This event influenced the lives of all members of the Ulyanov family (before the distorted noble family after that was expelled from society). The death of his brother shook Volodya, and since then he became the enemy of the royal regime.

In the same year, V. Ulyanov enrolled at the Faculty of Faculty of Kazan University, but in December was excluded for participating in student gathering.

In 1891, Ulyanov graduated from Externally Faculty of Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University. After arriving in Samara, where he began to work as an assistant jury attorney.

In 1893, in St. Petersburg, Vladimir enters into one of the many revolutionary circles and soon becomes known as an ardent supporter of Marxism and the promoter of this teaching in working circles. In St. Petersburg, he started his novel with Apollinaria Yakubova, revolutionary, his friend of his older sister Olga.

In 1894 - 1895 The 1st major works of Vladimir "What is" Friends of the People "and how they fight against Social Democrats" and the "Economic Content of Publication", which criticized the people's movement in favor of Marxism. Soon, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov meets the hope of Konstantinovna Krupskaya.

In the spring of 1895, Vladimir Ilyich went to Geneva to a meeting with members of the Labor Liberation Group. And in September 1895, he was arrested for the creation of the St. Petersburg "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class".

In 1897, Ulyanov, for 3 years, was exiled to the village of Shushensky Yenisei province. During the links of Ulyanov married the hope of Krupskaya ...

In Shushensky, many articles and books on revolutionary topics were written. Proceedings were published under various pseudonyms, one of which is Lenin.

Lenin - years of life in emigration

In 1903, the famous II congress of the Social Democratic Party of Russia took place, during which the split on the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks occurred. He stood at the head of the Bolsheviks, and soon created the Bolshevik Party.

In 1905, Vladimir Ilyich led the preparation of the revolution in Russia.
He sent the Bolsheviks to an armed uprising against the tsarism and the establishment of a true democratic republic.

During the revolution 1905 - 1907. Ulyanov illegally lived in St. Petersburg and led the Bolshevik Party.

1907 - 1917 passed in emigration.

In 1910, in Paris, he meets the Inesa Armand, the relationship with which continued until the death of Armand from cholera in 1920

In 1912, the Social Democratic Part conference in Prague was distinguished the left wing of the RSDLP into a separate party of the RSDLP (b) - the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party of Bolsheviks. He was immediately elected head of the Central Committee (Central Committee) of the Party.

In the same period, thanks to his initiative, the Pravda newspaper was created. Ulyanov organizes the life of their new batch, encouraging the expropriation of funds (actually robbery) to the Party Fund.

In 1914, at the beginning of the I World War, Austria-Hungary was arrested on suspicion of espionage in favor of his country.

After the liberation, he left Switzerland, where he put forward the slogan with a call to turn the imperialist war in civil, to overthrow the government, which pulled the state in the war.

In February 1917, the revolution had learned from the press in Russia. April 3, 1917 returned to Russia.

On April 4, 1917, in St. Petersburg, communism theorist outlined the transition program from the bourgeois-democratic revolution to the socialist ("all the power of the Soviets!" Or "April theses"). He began the preparation of an armed uprising and put forward plans for the overthrow of the Provisional Government.

In June 1917, the I-th Congress of the Soviets was held, at which only about 10% of the participants were supported, but he stated that the Bolsheviks party was ready to take power in their own hands.

On October 24, 1917, he was led by an uprising in the Smolny Palace. And on October 25 (November 7), 1917, the temporary government was overthrown. The Great October Socialist Revolution occurred, after which Lenin became Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar. He built his politics, hoping to support the world proletariat, but did not receive it.

In early 1918, the leader of the revolution insisted on the signing of the Brest world. As a result, Germany moved a huge part of Russia. Disagreement of the majority of the population of the country of Russia with the Bolshevik policies led to the Civil War of 1918-1922.

In July 1918, in St. Petersburg, the Left-Social rebellion was brutally depressed. After that, a single-party system is installed in Russia. Now V. Lenin is the head of the Bolshevik party and all Russia.

On August 30, 1918, an attempt was committed to the life of the head of the party, he was seriously injured. After that, "Red Terror" declared in the country.

Lenin developed the policy of "military communism".
The main ideas are quotes from his work:

  • the main objective communist Party - implementation of the communist revolution, followed by the construction of a classless society free of operation.
  • There is no universal morality, but there is only class morality. The moral of the proletariat is morally what is responsible for the interests of the proletariat ("Our morality is subordinated to the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat").
  • The revolution will not necessarily occur simultaneously throughout the world, as Marx believed. She may first occur in one, separate country. This country will then help the revolution in other countries.
  • Tactically, the success of the revolution depends on the rapid capture of communications (mail, telegraph, stations).
  • Before building communism, an intermediate stage is required - the dictatorship of the proletariat. Communism is divided into two periods: Socialism and actually communism.

According to the politics of "Military Communism" in Russia, free trade was prohibited, natural exchange was introduced (instead of commodity-money relations) and the exversman. At the same time, Lenin insisted on the development of state-type enterprises, by electrification, on the development of cooperation.

A wave of peasant uprisings was held around the country, but they were rigidly suppressed. Soon, on the personal order of V. Lenin, persecution began to the Russian Orthodox Church. About 10 million people became the victims of "military communism". Economic and industrial indicators of Russia declined sharply.

In March 1921, at the congress of the party V. Lenin put forward the program of "New Economic Policy" (NEP), which a little changed the economic crisis.

In 1922, the leader of the world proletariat suffered 2 stroke, but did not cease to lead the state. In the same year, Russia was renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

In early 1923, realizing that the Bolshevik party had a split, and the state of health was worsened, Lenin writes "Letter to the Congress". In a letter, he gave a characteristic of the Central Committee of the Central Committee and proposed to move Joseph Stalin from the post of the Secretary-General.

In March 1923, he transfers the 3rd stroke, after which it paralyzed.

January 21, 1924 V.I. Lenin died in the village. Gorki (Moscow region). His body was concerned and placed in Mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the question of the need to take place from the Mausoleum and the burial of the body and the brain of the first head of the USSR was expressed. In modern times, there are still discussions about this from various statesmen, political parties and forces, as well as representatives of religious organizations.

V. Ulyanova had other pseudonyms: V. Ilyin, V. Frey, Yves. Petrov, K. TULIN, KARPOV, etc.

In addition to all his acts, Lenin stood at the origins of the creation of the Red Army who won in the civil war.

The only official state award, which was awarded the flammable Bolshevik was the Order of the History of the Khorezm People's Socialist Republic (1922).

Name Lenin.

The name and image of V. I. Lenin was canonized by the Soviet authority on a par with October Revolution and Joseph Stalin. His name was called many cities, villages and collective farms. In every city there was his monument. Numerous stories about the "Grandfitary Lenin" were written for Soviet children, in the use of residents of the country they entered the words "Leninists", "Leneniad" and others

The images of the leader were on the front side of all tickets of the USSR State Bank with a par with a denomination from 10 to 100 rubles from 1937 to 1992, as well as 200, 500 and 1 thousand Pavlovsk Rubles, USSR 1991 and 1992 release.

Lenin's works

According to the Poll of Fom in 1999. 65% of the population of Russia considered the role of V. Lenin in the history of the country positive, and 23% is negative.
He wrote a huge number of works, the most famous:

  • "The development of capitalism in Russia" (1899);
  • "What to do?" (1902);
  • "Karl Marx (a brief biographical essay with the statement of Marxism)" (1914);
  • "Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism (popular essay)" (1916);
  • "State and Revolution" (1917);
  • "Tasks of the Unions of Youth" (1920);
  • "On the fancy injury of the Jews" (1924);
  • "What is Soviet power?";
  • "About our revolution."

The speech of the fiery revolutionary is recorded on many gramophone plates.
Its name is called:

  • tank "Wrestler for Freedom Comrade Lenin"
  • Electrovoz Vl
  • lenin icebreaker
  • "Electronics VL-100"
  • Vladilena (852 Wladilena) - Small Planet
  • numerous cities, villages, collective farms, streets, monuments.