Fgos execution at the final stage of preschool education. III

Preschool age - this is a sensitive period of personality development, the formation of its basic characteristics. In addition, at this age, the foundations of a person's relationship to the world of objects, nature, the world of people are laid, this is a favorable period for the formation of the competencies of a preschooler. The acquisition and manifestation of key competencies by a child is the basis for successful activities during preschool childhood and at the next stages of education.
Competence - an alloy of knowledge, skills, experience, relationships. Competence always manifests itself in activity, it can be defined as "successful action in a specific situation" or as "the ability to effectively solve problems in conditions of uncertainty."
Thus, the following competencies are considered to be indicators and indicators of a child's success, the effectiveness of the activity of a preschool educational institution and the effectiveness of preschool education:

Initial social competence

Initial communicative competence

Initial information competence

Initial health-saving competence


The child makes a choice and performs actions independently;

He implements his plans, enjoys the process and the result.

Activitycompetence is fundamental competence. Each criterion of activity competence is a component of the formation of other key competencies. When developing key competencies, each child (and an adult) should be able to set goals for himself, find solutions and reflect on his activities for further self-improvement. The sooner a child can master activity competence, the faster the development of personality, mastering new knowledge will take place. The task of the educator: to understand the purpose of implementing the competence-based approach. Thus, the teacher will be able to overcome problems and difficulties in the educational process. This approach is nothing more than a fundamental one in the choice of modern pedagogical technologies.

Activity is built according to its "canons" - the goal, means and materials, actions, results. Activities can be effective, efficient, useless, and even destructive. What does it depend on? In many ways, it depends on how much a person has the skills to plan his own activities. Here we can talk about activity competence ... It should be recalled here that the activity of a preschooler is valuable not only and not so much by the result as by the process itself. Sometimes (and the younger the child, the more often) it does not have an outwardly designated goal, it looks more like a spontaneous one, coming "from an object, from a situation," and not from a goal. The value of a child's activity does not depend on the presence or absence of a goal that is visible and acceptable from the standpoint of an adult. An individual style is formed in it, relevant knowledge and skills are acquired, an attitude is formed towards the activity itself, to the forms of its organization, to the process and results, to oneself and other participants, to develop activity, initiative, will, independence, reflexivity - components of activity competence.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the goal and, accordingly, the result of their work is measured by such a concept as "integrative personality traits" or "possible achievements of a child at the stage of completion of preschool education."

The content of activity competence corresponds to the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education:

Educational targets for infancy and early childhood

Key competencies in early childhood

The child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to be persistent in achieving the result of their actions; uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoons, combs, pencils, etc.) and knows how to use them; owns the simplest self-service skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior;

Activity competence: the child makes a choice and independently performs actions; implements the plan, enjoys the process and the result.

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool childhood

Key competencies at the preschool stage

The child masters the main cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, communication, cognitive research, construction, etc.

Able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities;

Activity competence:the child sets a goal, selects the necessary means for its implementation, determines the sequence of actions;

makes a choice and makes a decision;

Competence-based approach in preschool education

At the stage of completion of preschool childhood, age characteristics are: Competence; Creativity (creativity); Curiosity (research interest); Initiative (independence, freedom, independence); Communication skills (social skills); The image of "I" (basic trust in the world); Responsibility, arbitrariness. Time requirements of the state standard of preschool education

Model of the CRD graduate "Lira"

I. Health and physical development. 1.1. The physical development of the graduate corresponds to the age norm. 1.2. Physically prepared for continuing education. owns his body, various types of movements at a level corresponding to his age; well oriented in space, coordinates movements; agile, dexterous. 1.3. A habit to a healthy lifestyle has been formed: basic hygienic skills have been formed, elementary ideas about the benefits of physical education; the bases of safe behavior in critical life situations have been formed.

II. All kinds of children's activities. 2.1. Knows how to play, draw, design. 2.2. Able to create artistic images from various shapes cut from any material and pasted onto a specific background. 2.3. He willingly engages in physical labor, responds to requests for help.

III. The development of cognitive activity. 3.1. The outlook of the graduate: Loves Russia and the small homeland, developed detailed and concrete ideas about the world; establishes available causal relationships and dependencies in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. 3.2. Graduate speech: the graduate's oral speech is meaningful, emotional, expressive; speech is phonetically and grammatically correct; uses speech as a thinking tool. 3.3. Cognitive activity, independence of a graduate: curious, active; able to independently solve creative (mental, artistic, etc.) tasks.

III. The development of cognitive activity. 3.4. Formed intellectual skills: determines the content, meaning of the analyzed, accurately and succinctly summarizes it in a word; operations of analysis, generalization, comparison are formed; is able to draw conclusions and conclusions based on existing knowledge; the elements of educational activities are formed; 3.5. Arbitrariness of mental processes, attention, memory, thinking: the child is able to work with concentration for 20 minutes; able to build his activities in accordance with the instructions of an adult; able to achieve the set goal; able to control his behavior. 3.6. The foundations of artistic abilities (music, visual, literary, dance, acting) have been formed: artistic thinking, sensory abilities are developed; knows how to create an artistic image in various types of creative activity.

IV. Social development. 4.1. Communication with peers: selectively and steadily interacts with children; owns the techniques and skills of effective interpersonal communication; ready for collective forms of activity. 4.2. Accepts, adheres to social and ethical standards. 4.3. Formed practical skills of respectful attitude to nature, man, the world, to oneself. 4.4. Able to give an adequate assessment of his actions

V. Motivational readiness to study at school. 5.1. Wants to go to school. 5.2. Has a cognitive and social motive for learning.

Graduate competency matrix

Physical mobility transfers familiar ways of motor activity to favorite games; a high level of development of motor skills, skills and physical qualities; actively involved in the performance of physical exercises and movements; holds the goal and understands the meaning of motor tasks; confidently, independently, accurately performs tasks; acts in a general tempo and rhythm;

The formation of habits for a healthy lifestyle independently performs all permissible cultural and hygienic skills; shows initiative and independence, reproduces actions well in accordance with the image; strives to provide assistance to adults, peers in difficulty.

SOCIAL AND LABOR COMPETENCE is able to choose the type, semantic role, play partner and toy; knows how to take care of animals and plants; quickly joins in the game and subject-creative activity; is able to pronounce aloud the subsequent action; knows how to connect parts different in shape, color, volume, material during design; has the skills of safe behavior on the street, in public places, at home; knows how to work in a team, group, couple.

COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE Knows how to communicate during the game (negotiate, share toys, follow the order, show sympathy and respect for the partner); Is able to express his thoughts, feelings, desires Quickly, accurately fulfills verbal instructions; Knows how to work in a team, group, couple.

Value-semantic competence Value-semantic competence: Has elementary ideas about the usefulness of physical activity and personal hygiene; The values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle were formed; Sees the beauty of living and inanimate nature; Knows how to work in a team, group, couple; Knows how to take care of the environment; Knows how to tolerate people regardless of race and nationality; Worries for a living being, another person, for the successful completion of the work begun; Able not to offend, not humiliate, not infringe on the interests of another child - the formation of the image of "I".

Educational and cognitive competence Owns the names of objects and phenomena, their properties, knows how to tell about them; Knows how to use literal and figurative words, synonyms, homonyms, antonyms in speech; Oral speech is grammatically correct; Describes a toy, a picture, independently composes a fairy tale; Knows how to articulate subsequent actions; Knows how to realize a creative idea in drawing, modeling, applique, design; Knows how to choose and use material for the implementation of his creative idea; Knows how to distinguish geometric shapes; Can apply a measure as a way to measure the amount of length, height, width, volume, weight;

Educational and cognitive competence Knows how to compare objects in size by superimposing on each other, applying to each other; Knows how to distinguish between the number of objects and their signs; Knows how to compose a number from units; Knows how to count (direct, reverse counting "twos", "threes"; Knows how to use the + - signs; Knows the meaning of the words "Today", "tomorrow", days of the week, etc.; Knows how to weigh various objects; Has an initial understanding of natural wealth; Knows how to distinguish living nature from inanimate; Asks questions, experiments; Can combine objects based on common concepts (clothes, shoes, dishes, transport).

General cultural competence A habit of listening to literary texts has been formed (carefully, without interrupting the reader); Knows how to distinguish between works of art of various types and genres; Has a general understanding of the types and genres of music art; Knows how to improvise in the process of publishing their own products of creative activity; Knows how to participate in theatrical activities; Familiar with the theater as a spectator; Has puppetry skills in various types of puppet theaters; Has an initial understanding of the history of civilization; Possesses the skills of interaction with representatives of different cultures and peoples; Possesses the basic skills of expressing emotional expression (expression of joy, sadness).

Information competence The child learns a lot from books, from watched TV programs, from conversations with peers and heard by chance on the street; Knows how to use and name sources of knowledge adequate to age, individual abilities, cognitive needs; Knows how to refer to their own experience, knowledge, skills.

competence \u003d Right + Opportunity

The general goal of the development program "CRR-D / s" Lira ": CONTRADICTION: Between the need to develop modern key competencies from preschool childhood to graduation from school and the lack of pedagogical practice of implementing a competence-based approach in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. PROBLEM: Providing pedagogical conditions for the development of modern key competencies in the educational process of the Child Development Center "Lira". GENERAL GOAL: The educational process based on the "Development" program, which expands the possibilities for the effective formation of the elementary foundations of key competencies in the child. PERSPECTIVE, STRATEGIC THEME: Implementation of the competence-based approach in the educational process of the Child Development Center "Lira"

Natalia Kurysheva
FGOS execution at the final stage of preschool education

Going to school is a turning point in every child's life. The beginning of schooling is cardinal changes his whole lifestyle, presenting the child with new rules and requirements that need

adapt and get used to.

Ensuring the success of this transition is a problem of joining the efforts of kindergarten and primary school workers.

School and kindergarten are two adjacent links in the system education... School success largely depends on the quality of knowledge and skills formed in preschool childhood, on the level of development of cognitive interests and cognitive activity of the child.

The continuity of kindergarten and school is to develop preschooler readiness to perceive new lifestyle, a new regime, to develop the emotional-volitional and intellectual abilities of the child, which will give him the opportunity to master a wide cognitive program.

Continuity contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the child's health, leads to the successful adaptation of children. It is important that the kindergarten remains in memory as an island of childhood, and the school acquires bright and desirable features.

The primary school is designed to help students fully demonstrate their abilities, develop initiative, independence, and creativity. The success of this task implementation largely depends on the formation of cognitive interests in kindergarten in children. Child's interest preschool age is his memory, attention, thinking. The development of a child's cognitive interest in kindergarten is solved by means of entertaining, playing, creating non-standard situations in the classroom. A child in kindergarten is taught to reflect, explain the results obtained, compare, make assumptions, observe, generalize and draw conclusions.

Preparing children for school is a complex, multifaceted task and covers all areas of a child's life.

FSES DO provides for the continuity of the main preschool educational programs and primary school education.

The basis for the continuity of school and school are target guidelines, which imply the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in children.

Targets for stage of completion of preschool education:

The child masters the main cultural modes of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, communication, cognitive research, construction, etc.; able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities;

In our preschool institution, cognitive and research activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements FSES DO: educational activities are carried out with using modern educational technologies of modern educational technologies.

Implementation of projects "Bird Day", "Earth Day", "I love you, my native land" etc. showed great interest of all participants process: children and adults (parents and teachers)... Each completed project is broadcast on the big screen with the help of presentations.

Pupils are happy to take part in the creation of didactic games with using information and communication technologies. The moving picture is easy for children to perceive, collects the attention of children, is interesting in itself. So preschoolers learn the studied material better, showing a greater interest in knowledge.

The teachers of the preparatory group took advanced training courses of the "All-Russian educational and methodological center educational robotics"Under the program" Design and Robotics in preschool education in terms of introduction FSES". So way, preschoolers receive qualified assistance in mastering such a laborious but very exciting design process. Our pupils took part in the All-Russian competition in robotics "Ikarenok"... At city competitions we presented 2 projects - City Builders of the Future and "We are military"... Children received diplomas and gifts. Project "We are military" passed to the regional competition. Our children received wonderful gifts, and d / s received a money certificate for the purchase of a constructor. Great and important support preschoolers are provided by parents... Not a single event is complete without their active participation. For the joint presentation of the design experience at the competition, the children together with their parents made crafts, came up with costumes and decorations.

Our pupils love to play with the constructor, we we use it in educational activities, and on various holidays and entertainment.

The child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, has a sense of his own dignity; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts;

In our d / s a \u200b\u200blot of work is being done in this direction. This topic is reflected in the classroom, and in individual work, and in work with parents. Themes are laid down in the calendar-thematic planning "The ABC of Politeness and Kindness", "Let's be friends"; situational conversations, conversations, games also help pupils to actively interact with peers and adults.

In our group, a developing environment has been created in accordance with the requirements of the Standard, so children are happy to play various games, following the necessary rules, they themselves can come up with plots of the game, they themselves monitor compliance with the rules.

Therefore, the following guideline allows us to say that by the end of the school year the child will have a developed imagination, which is realized in different types of activity, and above all in the game; the child owns different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms;

The child has a good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech for expressing one's thoughts, feelings and desires, building a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

We are working on the development of speech in accordance with the Program implemented in the kindergarten. But some children cannot express their thoughts, find it difficult to compose stories, retell works of art. Mainly preschoolerswith the conclusions of the PMPK and diagnoses of general speech underdevelopment. The speech correction of pupils in our kindergarten is carried out with the help of a speech therapist teacher.

In our group, much attention is paid to the development of motor skills in classes in drawing, applique, modeling, construction and, of course, in their free time. Children have well-developed motor skills; almost all children have this skill developed in accordance with their age.

So way, by the end of the year, the child has developed large and fine motor skills; he is mobile, enduring, owns basic movements, can control his movements and control them;

A child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

This landmark is closely related to cognitive research activities. So, the child participates in the implementation of projects, thereby we can say that - the child is curious, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in causal relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for the phenomena of nature and the actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment. Possesses initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; is familiar with the works of children's literature, has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; the child is able to make his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

Children of the preparatory group are big why, but they not only ask a bunch of questions, but they themselves are looking for answers to them, explanations of what is happening. Our children have a good store of knowledge about the surrounding reality, about nature, about their homeland and homeland.

Preschool educational the organization and the primary school must draw up a single plan that includes activities under two key directions: joint work of a kindergarten teacher and a primary school teacher, as well as familiarizing children preschool age with elementary school.

The teacher's attendance at school, and the teacher at the kindergarten class allows you to get acquainted with the environment and organization of the child's life and education, exchange experiences, find the best methods, techniques and forms of work. This will also contribute to the organization of a finer educational and methodological continuity between the two educational organizations.

Forms of implementation continuity:

I. Working with children:

1) excursions to the school; (carried out)

2) visiting the school museum; (carried out)

3) familiarity and interaction preschoolers with teachers and primary school students; (carried out)

4) participation in a joint educational activities, game programs;

5) exhibitions of drawings and crafts; (carried out)

6) meetings and conversations with former kindergarten pupils;

(carried out)

7) joint holidays and sports competitions preschoolers and first graders;

8) participation in theatrical activities;

9) visit preschoolers adaptive course of classes organized at the school. (carried out)

II. Working with teachers:

1) joint pedagogical councils (Preschool and school);

2) round tables of preschool educational institutions and school teachers;

3) interaction of medical workers, psychologists of preschool educational institutions and schools;

4) open impressions educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;

5) pedagogical and psychological observations.

III. Working with parents:

1) joint parenting meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

2) round tables, discussion meetings;

3) consultations with teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools; meetings between parents and future teachers;

4) days of open doors;

5) questioning, testing of parents;

By the definition of D. B. Elkonin, preschool and primary school age is one epoch of human development called "childhood". The key figure in the implementation of the continuity of the work of preschool educational institutions and primary schools are the teachers of these educational organizations... The presence between them, the desire to help each other will be the key to the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of primary school.

Everyone will benefit from this, especially children.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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HISTORY OF COMPETENO-ORIENTED EDUCATION. Modern socio-economic transformations in our society have brought to the fore the problems of the development of educational systems. Understanding the reasons and finding ways to overcome the crisis led to the formation of a new educational paradigm focused on the individual. The traditional education system, designed to transfer to the child only a certain amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities turns out to be untenable in the current situation. The modern social order of society for a graduate of an educational institution concerns, first of all, new universal abilities and behavioral models of a person, and not requirements for specific knowledge. Theoretical, in fact, and encyclopedic in breadth of knowledge, which for a long time have been the main goal of the educational process, should become a means. The idea of \u200b\u200bcompetence-based education is the response of the education system to a social order. The competence-based approach in education orients the educational institution towards the formation of key competencies in the graduate, which will allow the child to successfully adapt in the conditions of the modern economy, the change of technology, the dynamic development of social relations.

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The competence-based approach corresponds to the general concept of the educational standard adopted in most developed countries and is directly related to the transition to a system of competencies. May 19, 2004 The Samara Region Government approved the Concept of Competence-Based Education in the Samara Region, developed in accordance with the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education for the Period up to 2010. Based on the classification of key competencies of students proposed in the Concept of CCE in the Samara region, taking into account the principle of continuity, a classification of key competencies of preschool children was developed: - technological competence, - information competence, - social and communicative competence.

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Technological and informational competence. Technological competence 1. Ability to navigate in a new, non-standard situation for a child. 2. Ability to plan the stages of their activities. 3. Ability to understand and perform the algorithm of actions. 4. Ability to establish causal relationships. 5. Ability to choose methods of action from previously learned methods. 6. Ability to use methods of transformation. 7. Ability to understand and accept the task and proposal of an adult. 8. Ability to make decisions and apply knowledge in certain life situations. 9. Ability to organize the workplace. 10. Ability to bring the work started to the end and achieve results. Information competence 1. Ability to navigate in some sources of information. 2. Ability to draw conclusions from the information received. 3. Ability to understand the need for this or that information for their activities. 4. Ability to ask questions on a topic of interest. 5. Ability to obtain information using some sources. 6. Ability to assess social habits related to health, consumption and the environment.

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Socio-communicative competence 1. The ability to understand the emotional state of a peer, an adult and talk about him. 2. Ability to receive the necessary information in communication. 3. Ability to listen to another person, to respect his opinion, interests. 4. Ability to conduct a simple dialogue with adults and peers. 5. Ability to calmly defend your opinion. 6. Ability to correlate your desires, aspirations with the interests of other people. 7. Ability to take part in collective affairs. 8. Ability to respect people around. 9. Ability to accept and provide help. 10. Ability not to quarrel, to react calmly in conflict situations. The formation of competencies involves a change in the technologies, forms, and methods of teaching used by teachers. Educational technologies adequate to the competence-based approach should ensure the creation of conditions that force children to set their own goals, self-organization, and group activities in a situation of lack or excess of resources. The main task of the teacher is now to optimize the educational environment, in the center of which is the activity of the child.

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The modern system of preschool education is developing as an open, variable, focused on providing quality educational services to families with preschool children. The problems of providing new approaches to the organization of the pedagogical activity of the kindergarten, its interaction with the family are put forward, the emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of the processes of socialization, individualization of the development of the preschooler's personality. The main goal of pedagogical work is to educate from each child a socially mature personality, ready for self-determination, capable of adaptation and self-realization at each stage of his development. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to complete the following tasks: - to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being; - to develop the creative abilities of children through familiarizing with universal human values; - to ensure continuity between the spheres of social development of the child: family - kindergarten - school. Key competencies are most organic to preschool age, since it is during this period of time that the foundations of the ability to live in society are laid in children, and therefore to understand and accept its rules, learn to communicate and study independently.

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It is at preschool age that the child receives all the necessary mechanisms for acquiring key competencies - he develops in activities in conditions of direct communication with different people, in interaction with various objects and objects. Competence, as a personal characteristic, includes the child's knowledge, the experience of acquiring and using them, the characteristics of actions, attitude to activity and reality and manifests itself as a successful productive activity in a specific situation. Purposeful systematic collection of information about the achievements, interests, preferences of children makes it possible to assess the current state and dynamics of development of each child and the group as a whole. The results are recorded in the journal of achievements, children's portfolios, analyzed and taken into account when forming subgroups of children, in planning, when developing individual educational routes for each child. The main principle of interaction with children is the pedagogy of cooperation, a friendly attitude towards the child. Joint activities allow you to better understand each other, establish trusting relationships. In pedagogical work with children, the method of project activity is used, which is based on understanding the role of the child's personality in the preschool education system. The project method is relevant and very effective, it gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the knowledge gained, develop creativity and communication skills. In the process of working on the project, the knowledge of children about the world around them expands, their cognitive activity is stimulated, and creativity develops.

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Competence is the result of education, expressed in the subject's readiness to effectively organize internal and external resources to achieve the goal. Competence is considered as a result of education, expressed in the mastery of children with a certain set (menu) of socially demanded ways of activity, as well as in the experience of appropriating activities. Thus, the use of the basic model for describing an object, phenomenon, process, allows you to solve a number of didactic tasks and form technological competence: Develops curiosity, problem thinking in the classroom, in the process of conversations, games, cognitive trainings, where it is necessary to systematically consider the studied material with children. Forms in children classification skills, the ability to act according to an algorithm, to build a complete description of any object according to the scheme: an object is - (animal, plant, object, phenomenon, process ...) - assignment of a category; which - (what does it refer to?) - is a generalizing concept and serves for what? - (its function, if it is a subject);

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The results of the pedagogical experience: - mastering the technology of the project method to stimulate the child's subject position in various types of activity; - enrichment of pedagogical experience in modeling a subject-developing environment in a group; - increasing the level of initial key competencies of pupils; - active participation in competitions and exhibitions organized at the preschool educational institution. - Children form an idea that the source of information is the world around them. - Starting to study a new topic, children quite easily name the alleged source of information, knowledge. - Know how to use the knowledge gained to create new objects of activity. - Children share their impressions, events in their lives. They know how to express their point of view, not be afraid to express their proposals. - By participating in the implementation of projects, children feel significant in a group of peers, see their contribution to a common cause, rejoice at success, the general and their result.

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The project method, as one of the methods of integrated teaching of preschoolers, is based on the interests of children, assumes the independent activity of pupils in various types of activities. Acting independently, children learn in different ways to find information about objects and phenomena of interest to them (reading books, watching videos, excursions, communicating with people around them, etc.). Using the project method in working with preschoolers helps to increase the child's self-esteem. By participating in the project, the child feels significant in a group of peers, sees his contribution to the common cause, rejoices at his success. I believe that the introduction of such a technology as a project method into the educational process contributes to the development of a free creative personality, makes the educational process of a preschool institution open to the active participation of children, parents and other family members. The project method is a way of organizing the educational process based on the interaction of a teacher and a child, a way of interacting with the environment, a step-by-step practical activity to achieve the goal.

Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy

Novgorod Institute of Education Development

Velikiy Novgorod

BBK 74.264 Printed by decision



, Leading Consultant of the Department for Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Education of the Department of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Novgorod Region;

, Head of MADOU № 92 "Rainbow", V. Novgorod.

Lydia Svirskaya, Larisa Romenskaya

This methodological guide is intended for heads and teachers of preschool educational institutions

BBK 74.264

© Novgorod Institute

education development, 2014

Our recipe for the implementation of the federal state educational standard

preschool education

ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology,

OAUO "NIRO", V. Novgorod;

specialist UML OAOUO "NIRO", V. Novgorod

The GEF itself is perceived as a kind of recipe that must be followed. It's just not advisable to follow, but certainly.

Because in accordance with the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", preschool education has become the first stage of state general education.

For families and, accordingly, for children, preschool education is not compulsory (yet). No one will go door to door and ask “Why is your child not attending kindergarten?”, Especially in situations where there are not enough places. But for the state (budget), municipal (any form of ownership) system of preschool education, compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is mandatory.

Why is a standard needed?

The standard is what is intended to direct the activities of a huge system, but not to subordinate each individual kindergarten. Determine the quality of processes in activities in all institutions of the system, but not rank each individual child under the rank.

The Russian education system - schools, kindergartens quite late entered the processes of transformation, diversification, technologization, informatization, globalization, in which all countries (science, partly production) have been located for several decades.

Global change and our lagging behind with change present us with the most powerful challenge in history. Cosmetic repairs or cosmetic transformations are no longer enough, fundamental deep reforms are needed. These reforms concern the philosophy and theoretical foundations of education, goals, didactic and methodological approaches, principles of pedagogical action and evaluation of results. As they say now the entire architectonics of educationor educational paradigm.

Signs of a shift in educational paradigm

1. Rethinking the purpose of education as such.

Until recently, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of education was the transfer of the accumulated cultural and historical experience to subsequent generations. This paradigm is no longer dominant.

The modern education system is aimed at developing the child's (pupil's, pupil's) skills that ensure his own readiness to learn and relearn throughout his life.

To achieve this, it is not enough just to change one goal for another. It is necessary to change the entire theoretical basis, the entire methodological base.

To change means to leave something and arrive at something qualitatively different.

About 15 years ago, the European preschool education system parted ways with constructivist methodology and relies in its current state on the social and cultural concepts of childhood. It is based on theoretical approaches developed at the beginning of the last century. Essence - education is a process of co-construction (joint construction) of meaning.

2. Understanding that education is not tied to one specific institution (preschool organization, school, college, institute).

Education, as an image of the world, the child (preschooler) receives everywhere. Not only a kindergarten, but, above all, a family, the entire near and distant world with its uncontrolled information flows, cultural, educational, sports and health and other institutions comprehended by him physically or only mentally.

Recognition of the multiple sources of a child's education is a recognition of objective reality, requiring a change in the goals and technologies of organizing educational activities.

3. Philosophy of education based on the unity of education from birth to life.

Constant changes in the economy and the labor market, the increased decentralization of labor require, in addition to narrowly professional knowledge, a number of personal qualities and value attitudes, the ability to communicate, the ability to work in a team, etc. These changes will require such personality qualities as initiative, activity, ability and willingness to learn, taking responsibility, creativity, willingness to innovate. All these qualities - as research convincingly show - are laid in the period of early and preschool childhood. Not the acquisition of knowledge, but the development of competence is the basic goal of all modern education. From early childhood, throughout education and throughout life.

What do we have for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard?

· Knowledge of what “core competencies” are.

· The skill of conducting pedagogical observations.

· Experience in using an integrated complex-thematic approach to the organization of preschool education.

· Ability to rely on the interests and needs of children.

· Experience in the development of micro-programs to support children with vivid individual characteristics.

· A set of methodological and didactic manuals that ensure the work of preschool teachers.

In different preschool institutions, moreover, different teachers in one institution apply this knowledge and professional skills in different ways. Knowledge is there, further is a matter of professional responsibility.

The list and content of key competencies corresponds to the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education:

Educational targets for infancy and early childhood

Key competencies at

early childhood stage

The child shows interest in peers; observes and imitates their actions.

The child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them; emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to be persistent in achieving the result of their actions; uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoons, combs, pencils, etc.) and knows how to use them; owns the simplest self-service skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior.

The child owns active speech, included in communication;

can address questions and requests; understands speech of adults; knows the names of the surrounding objects and toys; seeks to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult;

shows interest in poetry, songs, fairy tales, viewing pictures, seeks to move to music; responds emotionally to various works of art and culture.

the child has developed large motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movements (climbing, running, stepping, etc.)

Social competence: the child shows interest in peers and adults, reacts to their emotional state; is involved in solving toy problems (regretting, feeding, putting to bed, etc.).

Activity competence: the child makes a choice and independently performs actions; implements the plan, enjoys the process and the result.

Communicative competence: the child imitates the actions of an adult, uses speech, facial expressions and gestures when expressing desires and feelings; responds to questions and suggestions of an adult, initiates communication.

Information competence: the child shows signs of interest, curiosity; addresses an adult, a peer, a book as a source of information.

The child willingly performs movements of an imitative nature; participates in outdoor games; intelligently uses individual items (handkerchief, comb, etc.); feels full of energy, explores everything around, actively shows the disposition to a familiar person, shows pride and pleasure in mastering something, easily tolerates parting with parents, successfully adapts to the conditions of preschool.

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool childhood

Key competencies at the preschool stage

The child masters the main cultural modes of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, communication, cognitive research, construction, etc.

Able to choose his occupation, participants in joint activities.

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of faith in himself, tries to resolve conflicts.

The child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, has a sense of his own dignity; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.

The child has a developed imagination, which he implements in various types of activity, and, above all, in the game; the child owns the forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms.

The child has a good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

the child has developed large and fine motor skills; he is mobile, enduring, masters the basic movements, can control his movements and control them.

the child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene.

the child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for the phenomena of nature and the actions of people; inclined to observe, experiment; possesses initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; he is familiar with the works of children's literature; possesses elementary ideas from the field of animate and inanimate nature, natural science, mathematics of history, etc. the child is able to make his own decisions based on his knowledge and skills in various activities

Activity competence:the child sets a goal, selects the necessary means for its implementation, determines the sequence of actions;

makes a choice and makes a decision;

negotiates joint actions, works in a group;

predicts the result, evaluates and corrects actions (one's own, others).

Social competence:the child takes on different social roles and acts in accordance with them; establishes and maintains relationships with different people (peers, seniors, juniors).

Communicative competence:the child expresses in words his thoughts, plans, feelings, desires, results;

asking questions; argues his point of view.

Health-saving competence:

the child uses personal hygiene items intelligently; is active in the selected types of motor activity; realizes the benefits of movement; observes the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, in different types of activities, in different situations; radiates cheerfulness, confidence, reveals inner peace.

Information competence:the child actively uses and names sources of knowledge adequate to age, individual abilities, cognitive needs (adult, peer, books, personal experience, media, Internet)

Management risks of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard

By: zh-l Management of a preschool educational institution // № 1, pp. 6-15.

The risk of "education redundancy". Leaders of different levels and some teachers have a fear that without specially organized classes, educators will not teach children, they will not prepare them for school. It should be noted once again that ZUNs are not an end in themselves for preschool education!

The risk of "outstripping management" - "often we have managers who have no ideology behind them, all the more there is no development ideology in different versions." But showing a particularly high degree of activity in anticipatory control of educational practice.

Not everyone understands that the FSES of preschool education is a change in the entire system of preschool education.

Regulatory documents important for understanding the essence of transformative actions (excerpts):

Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Article 12. Educational programs.

A.1. Educational programs determine the content of education. The content of education should promote mutual understanding and cooperation between people, take into account the diversity of worldview approaches, contribute to the realization of the right of students to freely choose their opinions and beliefs, ensure the development of the abilities of each person, the formation and development of his personality in accordance with the spiritual, moral and sociocultural values \u200b\u200badopted in the family and society.

P. 5. Educational programs are independently developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities.

P. 2. When implementing educational programs, various educational technologies are used ...

P. 3. When implementing educational programs by an organization carrying out educational activities, a form of organizing educational activities based on the modular principle of presenting the content of an educational program and building curricula, using appropriate technologies can be used.

P. 10. Federal state bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of education, local self-government bodies exercising state administration in the field of education shall not have the right to change the curriculum and the calendar of the educational schedule of organizations carrying out educational activities.

Article 17.... Forms of education and training

P. 1. In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities.

2) outside organizations carrying out educational activities (in the form of family education and self-education).

P. 2. Training in organizations engaged in educational activities, taking into account the needs, capabilities of the individual ...

Article 28.... Competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of an educational organization.

P. 2. Educational organizations are free to determine the content of education, the choice of educational and methodological support, educational technologies for the educational programs they implement.

P. 3. The competence of the educational organization in the established field of activity includes ...

3). Providing the founder and the public with an annual report on the results of self-examination.

A.7. The educational organization is responsible in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of functions within the competence, for the implementation of educational programs not in full ...

11) individual recording of the results of the development of educational programs by students, as well as storing information about these results in archives on paper and (or) electronic media;

12) use and improvement of teaching and education methods, educational technologies, e-learning;

13) conducting self-examination, ensuring the functioning of the internal system for assessing the quality of education.

Section 64... Preschool education.

P. 2. Mastering educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certifications and final certification of students.

Clause 6. An educational organization is obliged to carry out its activities in accordance with the legislation on education, including:

1) ensure the full implementation of educational programs, the compliance of the quality of training of students with the established requirements, the compliance of forms, means, methods of teaching and upbringing with age, psychophysical characteristics, inclinations, abilities, interests and needs of students.

Convention on the rights of the child

Educators often refer to this document, naming articles that define the child's right to life, education, protection, play.

We draw attention to articles that teachers never mention: Art. 12 and Art. 13.

Despite the close relationship between Articles 12 and 13, different rights are elaborated in them. Freedom of expression (Art. 13) is linked to the right to have and express one's opinions, as well as to request and receive information through any channels. Thus, the State party is under an obligation not to hinder children's expression or access to information, and to protect children's right to access to communication and public dialogue. In turn, Article 12 is related to the right to express opinions directly on issues that affect the child and the right to participate in processes and decisions that affect his life. In accordance with article 12, States parties are obliged to establish the necessary legal framework and mechanisms to facilitate the active participation of the child in all actions and decision-making that affect him, and to comply with the requirement to pay due regard to the views expressed in this way. However, creating an environment of respect for children that is conducive to their expression in accordance with article 12 also enhances the ability of children to exercise their right to freedom of expression.

To create an enabling environment for the implementation of article 12 requires a willingness to change misconceptions about children's abilities and create an environment in which children can develop and exercise their abilities. A willingness to commit resources and provide training is also required.

Developing a child participation process is one of the most difficult challenges for all countries, regardless of the history of democracy. In addition to subjective stereotypes and myths about the possibility of participation of children of different age groups, there are objective characteristics and difficulties.

Educators refer to:

Insufficient level of development of children,

Vulnerability of the position of children,

Exposure to the influence of elders

Special legal status (children are citizens in the process of formation),

Communication barrier between adults and children due to psychological, value differences, opportunities for self-expression.


the current tactics of adults in "ensuring the right to participate":

- manipulation of children's opinions (“cultural pushing”);

- decoration: the opinion of children is taken into account to the extent that it is in the interests of an adult;

- children are invited to express their opinions, but on a very narrow range of issues, etc.

What is important to remember when comprehending the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, adjusting (developing) the general educational program of preschool educational institutions and organizing work with children

Some features of modern preschoolers

( based on research data conducted by UNESCO [Gorlova, N. Modern preschoolers: what are they? //Hoop. - No. 1, 2009. - P.3-6].)

Babiesare distinguished by increased sensitivity, emotionality, anxiety; in general, they are characterized by an increased need for information; large amount of long-term memory; conceptual perception of the world and speech based on images.

Preschoolersare characterized by the complex development of mental operations (children think in blocks, modules, quanta); a higher level of intelligence (a high level - 130 IQ, not 100; previously, this IQ was found in one out of ten thousand children); an increased need for the perception of information, the search for the possibility of its satisfaction. If they do not receive the necessary "portion" of informational energy, they begin to show discontent or aggression; the information overload of many of them is clearly not worried; the volume of long-term memory is much larger, and the permeability of the operational memory is higher, which makes it possible to perceive and process a large amount of information in a short period of time. Do not experience stress when in contact with technology (computer, mobile phone, etc.).

In modern children, the system of relationships dominates the system of knowledge. To replace the question "why?" came the question "why?" If earlier the child had a well-developed imitative reflex and he tried to repeat actions after an adult, then modern children are dominated by the reflex of freedom - they themselves build a strategy for their behavior. If a child understands and accepts the meaning of an act or action, then he will perform it. If not, he will refuse, expressing protest, up to aggression. Children are persistent and demanding, have high self-esteem, do not tolerate violence, do not hear the instructions and orders of adults. Their innate desire for self-realization, for the manifestation of their active nature is noted. Traditional methods and diagnostic techniques are outdated and do not reflect the current level of development: children of two to three years old cope with tasks previously designed for children of four to five years old.

Some features of the educational situation in the preschool educational institution of the Novgorod region

In educational institutions of the region, implementing preschool education programs, there are such phenomena as

Orientation of educational practices to ensure the child's subjective position due to the slow, complex, but mastering by teachers of the methods of conducting pedagogical observations, the method of educational projects, strategies of individualization and differentiation of the educational process;

An increase in the number of additional education services in preschool educational institutions and / or institutions of additional education, providing an expansion of the social horizon for children, the differentiation and individualization of preschool education.

Some features of the social environment

The development of society is subject to its own laws, has its own tendencies, if not directly, then indirectly affecting the situation in the development of children and the features of the work of preschool education institutions.

For example:

· Tendency of population migration towards large centers (V. Novgorod, St. Russa, Borovichi);

· Tendency of birth rate decline in subsidized areas of the region;

· The trend of development of information technologies and growth of the population's access to information flows;

· Stratification (stratification) of society according to socio-economic characteristics without an explicit division of the child population at the level of preschool education.

Some provisions that are fundamental for understanding the current situation in the development of preschool educational institutions

When assessing the development of large groups ("large groups" are all young children - 8155; all children of younger preschool age - 12047; all children of senior preschool age - 11987), it is important to understand that children are not only personally changeable, but also massively move from one developmental situation to another - they grow up from an early age, grow up, becoming older preschoolers *.

Neither the age dynamics of the development of a particular child, nor the final level of development of a group of preschoolers by the time of transition from kindergarten to school can be regarded as a direct result of the implementation of the preschool education program in a separate educational institution or in a separate group of kindergarten. The preschool only offers various opportunities for the development of the child as an individual, the speed, level and specificity of development of each individual child is determined by the sum of his individual capabilities, living conditions in the family, the characteristics of the socio-cultural environment and other factors listed above.

In addition to kindergartens, children receive no less, if not more, incentives for development and education in the family, in their own life (life creation), in social contacts, in institutions of additional education, etc.




Social environment


They have a high development potential.

Develop along their own trajectory; every child and family is an educational resource for other children.

Most parents put a lot of effort and resources into the development of their child.

Differs in diversity.

Targets preschool educational institutions at a conscious choice of educational strategies that correspond to the situation - the interests, needs of children, families, society, resources of the local community.

They organize educational activities based on the cultivation of ZUN, the experience of actions and relationships (competencies) acquired by children independently and in cooperation with others.


We analyze and change the subject-development environment


Early age groups

Fostering interest in different types of physical activity. Support for a positive emotional state, physical well-being. The striving for autonomy is the dominant that has the most effective influence on the course and content of the development of a young child. Autonomy is both a condition and a result of the development of initiative and independence.

Preschool groups:

junior preschool age

Goals and objectives of organizing work with children of primary preschool age (35 years)

Promoting the further development of search and practical actions: expanding the arsenal of research methods, learning how to fix using signs, words, schemes of their actions, properties and attributes of objects, results of actions.

Development of initiative and activity in speech communication. Formation of the primary experience of reflection (self-understanding, self-presentation). Stimulating the development of various forms of speech creativity. Development of motor skills and abilities. Fostering interest in different types of physical activity. Formation of the skill of elementary self-regulation of activity. Formation of the first experience of participation in the sports life of a preschool educational institution. Familiarity with the basics of security. Introduction to the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle.

Preschool groups:

senior preschool age

Goals and objectives of organizing work with older preschool children (57 years)

Supporting the development of cognitive initiative and activity. Assistance in the formation of a holistic image of objects, phenomena, relations of interest to children. Developing reflexive skills.

Development of motor skills and abilities. Development of physical qualities (strength, agility, speed, endurance). Development of skills of self-organization, self-understanding, self-presentation. Developing healthy lifestyle habits. Introduction to the sports life of the city, country.

The dominant development of preschool children is in the manifestation of selectivity (readiness to choose), mastering culturally appropriate ways of social behavior.


Doe must go

from strict regulation of the life of preschoolers.

The organization of life in a group should be based on the principles:

· Trust in the child, his capabilities, his individuality.

· Understanding the unity of the child's mental and physical development, ensuring a sufficient amount of physical activity.

· A holistic view of the child's life, based on the recognition of the merits of the family and kindergarten.

· Priority of free play as the most organic activity for a preschooler.

· Variability, versioning, flexibility of the upbringing and educational process, refusal to program the activities of children.

· Openness of spaces and - as a result - wide opportunities for choice.

· Different age, as a space of socialization and gaining experience of different positions.

· The value of the children's community as a space for gaining experience in building relationships with others, finding their own boundaries when faced with the boundaries of another.


Technology for organizing the life of children




Arrival, communication, games, breakfast

Children's advice

(group fee)

Educator: moderator

The main group, educator, guests (parents, etc.); on the days of choosing a project topic and planning

(senior educator, specialists of the preschool educational institution)

Work in centers of activity based on self-determination

Educator (in options): conducts observations; provides assistance and support; teaches children who want something in one of the centers

Children, educator, guests (parents of pupils), if possible specialists of the preschool educational institution

Before or after child council and work in centers

Specially organized classes (music, physical education)

The main composition of the group

At the same time as independent work in the centers

Individual and subgroup correctional and developmental classes, medical and recreational procedures

Children with special needs, specialists

(on days when there is no music or physical education) or 10.30-10.40

Summing up the results of work in the centers

The main composition of the group

Plan-business-analysis technology based on: