Temporary portable fences "aris. What to make a temporary fence-fence on the site for the construction period? Types and features of the construction of temporary fences at the construction site

GOST 23407-78

Group W07



Technical conditions

Fencings for building sites. Specification

Date of introduction 1979-07-01


1. DEVELOPED by the USSR State Committee for Construction by the Main Architectural and Planning Administration of Moscow

SUBMITTED by the USSR State Committee for Construction

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the State Committee of the USSR for Construction Affairs of 13.12.78 N 232



Item number


This standard applies to inventory fences designed to identify areas of construction sites and areas of construction and installation works.

The standard does not apply to inventory fences:

Designed to prevent people falling from a height during the construction of various buildings and structures;

Installed to distinguish construction zones protected under the conditions of a special regime.



1.1. Fences by functional purpose are subdivided into:

Protective and security - designed to prevent access of unauthorized persons to the territory and areas with hazardous and harmful production factors and to ensure the protection of material assets of construction;

Protective - designed to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the territory and areas with dangerous and harmful production factors;

Signal - designed to warn about the boundaries of territories and areas with hazardous and harmful production factors.

1.2. According to the constructive solution, fences are divided into panel, panel-rack and rack-mounted fences (Fig. 1a, b, c).

Damn 1. Fencing schemes: panel fencing, panel-post fencing, post fencing

Panel fencing

Panel-post fences

Rack fences

Fence panels can be solid or sparse.

Protective and security fences should only be continuous.

1.3. Fences by design are subdivided into fences with additional elements: a protective visor, sidewalk, railings, struts (Figure 2) and fences without additional elements.

Damn 2. Fences with additional elements

Fences with additional elements

1 - fence panel; 2 - panel brace; 3 - support (bed); 4 - sidewalk panel;
5 - horizontal element of the railing; 6 - handrail; 7 - handrail post; 8 - visor panel;
9 - brace of the visor; 10 - fence post; 11 - hemp or nylon rope, wire


2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Fences must comply with the requirements of this standard and working drawings, approved in the prescribed manner, as well as approved samples (standards).

2.1.2. The fences should provide gates for the passage of construction and other machines and wickets for the passage of people, carried out according to standard designs.

2.2. Construction requirements

2.2.1. Fences must be collapsible with unified elements, connections and fastening parts.

2.2.2. The height of the panels should be:

Protective and security (with and without a visor) fences of the territory of construction sites - 2.0 m;

Protective (without a visor) fencing of the territory of construction sites - 1.6 m;

The same, with a visor - 2.0 m;

Protective fences for work sites - 1.2 m.

The height of the signal guard posts should be 0.8 m.

2.2.3. Fence panels should be rectangular. The length of the panels should be 1.2; 1.6; 2.0 m. The distance between signal fence posts should not be more than 6.0 m.

2.2.4. In sparse fencing panels (except for mesh), the clear distance (sparseness) between the filling parts of the panel leaf should be within 80-100 mm.

2.2.5. Gaps in sidewalk flooring are allowed no more than 5 mm.

2.2.6. Fencing canopies and sidewalks should be made in the form of separate rectangular panels. The length of the canopy and sidewalk panels must be a multiple of the length of the fence panels.

2.2.7. The protective visor should be installed on top of the fences with a rise to the horizon at an angle of 20 ° towards the sidewalk or roadway.

2.2.8. The visor panels should provide overlap of the sidewalk and extend beyond its edge (from the side of traffic) by 50-100 mm.

2.2.9. Sidewalk panels should be designed to provide a pedestrian walkway at least 1.2 m wide.

2.2.10. The design of the panels of the canopies and sidewalks should ensure the drainage of water from their surfaces during operation.

2.2.11. The sidewalks of fences located in the areas where the construction site is adjacent to streets and driveways must be equipped with handrails installed on the side of traffic.

2.2.12. The structure of the handrail should consist of uprights attached to the top of the guardrail or canopy, as well as a handrail and an intermediate horizontal element, located respectively at a height of 1.1 and 0.5 m from the sidewalk level.

The handrails must be attached to the uprights from the inside.

2.2.13. Technological tolerances of the geometric parameters of fencing elements must be at least 6th accuracy class in accordance with GOST 21779.

2.2.14. The method of connecting the elements of the fence should ensure the convenience of their installation, dismantling, durability during operation, the possibility and ease of replacement during repair.

2.2.15. The design of fastening the elements of the fence should provide the ability to install it on terrain with a slope of up to 10% along the line of installation of the fence.

2.2.16. Elements of wooden fences in contact with the ground must be antiseptic. The metal parts of the joints and fasteners must be protected against corrosion.

2.2.17. Fences should be painted in accordance with an accepted standard. Signal painting of fences must be performed in accordance with GOST 12.4.026 *.
* The Russian Federation has GOST R 12.4.026-2001.

2.2.18. No sharp edges, burrs and irregularities that can cause injury are allowed on the elements and details of fences.

2.3. Requirements of resistance to external influences

2.3.1. The standard uniformly distributed load for sidewalk panels should be taken as 200 kgf / m.

2.3.2. The high-speed wind pressure should be taken:

For fences used in Primorsky Krai, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 100 kgf / m;

For fences operated in other regions of the country - 35 kgf / m.

2.3.3. The weight of the snow cover per 1 m of the horizontal projection area of \u200b\u200bthe visor should be taken:

For fences used in the Primorsky Territory, Kamchatka and Sakhalin regions, on the coasts of the Pacific and Arctic oceans - 150 kgf / m;

For fences operated in other regions of the country - 70 kgf / m.

The overload factor in determining the design snow load should be taken equal to 1.25.

2.4. Reliability requirements

2.4.1. The service life of fencing elements (except for sidewalk panels) is at least 10 years. The service life of the sidewalk panels is at least 5 years.

2.5. Requirements for materials

2.5.1. The materials used for the manufacture of fences must meet the requirements of the relevant standards or technical specifications (TU).

2.5.2. The compliance of materials with the requirements must be confirmed by certificates of the supplier plants, and in their absence - by the test data of the plant laboratory.

2.5.3. Solid panels of fences, panels of canopies and sidewalks, posts, railings, struts should be made of hardwood and coniferous timber not higher than grade 3. Metal is allowed to be used only for the manufacture of parts for connections and fasteners.


3.1. Fencing elements must be accepted by the manufacturer's technical control bodies.

3.2. Acceptance of fences is carried out selectively in the amount of 5% of the batch by external inspection of the elements and checking their dimensions.

A batch is considered to be the number of the same type of fencing elements made using the same technology during one shift.

3.3. The consumer has the right to conduct a control check, for which 5% of the fence elements are taken from each batch. If at least one element does not comply with the requirements of the standard, a double number of elements from the same batch are re-checked.

In case of unsatisfactory results of checking the doubled number of samples, the batch is not subject to acceptance.


4.1. Checking the geometric dimensions of the elements and parts of the fence should be carried out using measuring tools and templates that ensure the accuracy specified in the drawings.

4.2. Checking the color and quality of paint, the presence of anti-corrosion protection and antiseptic impregnation is carried out by visual inspection.


5.1. Each element of the fence must be marked with:

Manufacturer's trademark;

Batch number;

Date of manufacture;

Mass (for elements weighing over 50 kg).

5.2. The method of marking should be indicated in the working drawings of the fences.

5.3. Fencing elements of the same type must be supplied to the consumer in packages.

The overall dimensions and weight of the packages must ensure the safety of the fences during their transportation and the possibility of mechanized loading onto vehicles and unloading at the installation site of the fence.

5.4. During transportation and storage of fences, the places of mounting connections must be protected from contamination, and screw and hinge joints must be covered with a preservative lubricant.

5.5. Panels, protective canopies, sidewalk boards, gates and wickets should be stored in a vertical position, and posts, railings, benches and struts should be stacked on wooden pads in stacks no more than 1.5 m high.


6.1. The manufacturer must accompany each batch of fences with a passport that contains:

Manufacturer's name and address;

Batch number;

Designation of the standard or TU;

Name, number and weight of elements;

Instructions for mounting and dismantling the fence (if necessary);

Date of issue of the passport.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees that the fences comply with the requirements of this standard, subject to the conditions of transportation and storage specified in the standard.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks CJSC and verified by:
official publication
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2002

We offer our customers a new type of temporary fencing for construction sites and areas where temporary work is carried out. Our fences are fully consistent with the album approved by the Moscow government for fencing design solutions for construction projects operating in the capital.

We produce three types of temporary construction site fences:

TYPE 1 - Signal fences of the construction site: 1B P; 1B N (1), (2), (3)

TYPE 2 - Construction site safety fences: 2A P; 2A H (1), (2); 2B P; 2B N (1), (2)

TYPE 3 - Protective and security fences of the construction site: 3A P; 3A H; 3B P; 3B N (1), (2), (3); 3VP

Swing gates and wickets 1S; 2S

Our territory fences are completed (at the request of the customer) with signal, LED lights, additional power supplies, road signs.

Technical equipment and skilled workers allow us to deliver and install the sections of fences you need.

TYPE of Fencing. Size / mm. Cost, rub. per m / n. Delivery / rub. in Moscow.
1 Signal 1B N 2000 (2400) х2000х600
2 Signal 1B P 2000 (2400) х2000х600
3 Protective 2A H 2000 (2400) х2000х400
4 Protective 2A P 2000 (2400) х2000х400
5 Protective 2B P 2000 (2400) х2000х400
6 Protective and security 3A N 2000 (2400) x2810
7 Protective and security 3B N 2000x2000x400
8 Security-security 3V P 2000х2500х1200
9 Special section block. 2000 (2400) х600х400
10 Swing gate 1S, 2S 1000 (1200) x2000
11 Swing gates 1S, 2S 4000 (4500) (5000) x2000
12 Signal lighting Autonomous 220V-12V 590

Special section block

Photo gallery

Temporary fencing of the construction site

In accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, each construction site (erected or repaired) is subject to fencing, since the work carried out on the site can be dangerous for the people around. Typically, in such areas there are a variety of materials, overall equipment and structures, unprofessional handling of which leads to injuries. To avoid it, a law was passed requiring the use of a special construction site fence, which is a metal section on support blocks. It remains until the end of all events, and its presence is regulated by the number GOST 23407-78.

Fence for fencing the territory of construction sites: features and classification

First of all, it is necessary to determine the primary norms that must be met by the fences of the inventory of construction sites and sites. Among them:

  • The presence of gates and travel gates for the free movement of vehicles and people.
  • Assembly / dismantling of structures and uniformity of parts, fasteners.
  • Regulated height:
    • 200 cm (visor and visorless security and safety fencing),
    • 160 cm (protective without visor),
    • 120 cm (specific workplace).
  • The distance between the sections is up to 600 cm.
  • The degree of rarefaction is no more than 100 mm.
  • Pavement gaps - up to 5 mm.
  • For the passage of people - at least 1.2 m.
  • The stability of the fence is at least 200 kg per sq. cm.
  • Visor rise - 20 °.

Compliance with all points when fencing the construction site is monitored by supervisory authorities that inspect technical processes at various facilities.

Types of fences

Depending on the purpose of the installation, the products are divided into 3 categories:

  • signal,
  • protective,
  • security.

They prefer to buy construction site fences of the first type to clearly indicate that work is underway here. They are practically indistinguishable from ordinary fences that surround houses and industrial buildings.

Protective ones are able to protect from injury, therefore, their main element, in addition to the supporting concrete block of a special section, is the facade mesh. It prevents tools, debris, etc. from falling off the construction scale.

Signals serve to visually delineate the site and warn of hazards. They have similar tasks with anti-ram barriers with a chain stretched between them.

From the point of view of design, there are:

  • rackmount,
  • panel (mesh, solid),
  • combined.

If the fencing of a construction site in Moscow performs a protective or security function, then it is implemented exclusively solid. Most preferred are metal mesh fences mounted on a concrete base for temporary fencing. Their advantages include:

  1. Relatively high strength and deformation resistance.
  2. Partial absorption of industrial noise.
  3. Presentable view (especially in city conditions).
  4. Operational installation.
  5. The difficulty of overcoming such an obstacle.

You can separately buy blocks of a special section and the fences themselves from us. Their fastening is not difficult.

Installation of construction site fencing

Installation is similar to the construction of a classic fence. Construction site metal fencing is installed according to the following algorithm:

  • Training. Before starting work, a diagram is drawn up and the amount of material is determined based on the size of the construction area.
  • Installation of welded frames. Each unit is installed on a FBS block 2400x600x400 or other dimensions. Wickets / gates must have corner posts.
  • Fastening guides. When working with components, welding is often used. Fixation occurs with the help of fittings.
  • Reflective paint application for better visibility of the fence.

To find out the price for a foundation block 2400x600x400 and other products to calculate the final amount, visit the appropriate section or contact our managers. They will also advise on the cost of installing structures.

Stroytekhtsentr LLC produces collapsible portable fences in accordance with GOST 23407-78. The structures are characterized by mobility, ease of installation, reliability and safety. This is an excellent solution for temporarily restricting access to a facility under construction, departmental territory, dividing the flow of people at cultural events, etc.

Features of metal fences for construction sites "ARIS" A-32

The structures are made on the basis of a durable galvanized metal frame filled with a welded grid. The temporary fence is installed on universal concrete blocks, which act as a base for the fence elements. Special clamps are used to connect the steel sheets. The reliability and safety of the finished structure is ensured by the thoughtfulness of every detail.
The main advantages of ARIS mobile fences:

  • installation and dismantling of the structure is carried out using a simple hand tool, does not require special knowledge and skills;
  • the cost of a temporary fence is much lower than that of a permanent one;
  • for the manufacture of fences the company "Stroytekhtsentr" uses high-quality steel, resistant to mechanical stress;
  • mobile fences reliably protect bystanders from injury at a facility under construction or another dangerous area;
  • the necessary information can be placed on the structure without the risk of damaging the material;
  • the service life of fences and galvanized steel reaches 10 years or more in different weather conditions.

Technical characteristics of temporary construction site fences

Intake section - welded structure of metal pipes and reinforcing mesh

Height, mm

Length, mm

Reinforcement mesh cell parameters, mm

Reinforcing mesh rod diameter, mm

Section diameter of the vertical section post, mm

Wall thickness of the vertical rack pipe, mm

Cross-sectional diameter of horizontal section pipes, mm

Horizontal pipe wall thickness, mm

Cover type

Hot dip galvanized

The base of the fence is a concrete block

Height, mm

Length, mm

Width, mm

Width, mm

Length, mm

Cover type

Hot dip galvanized

Gates - welded from sections of the fence. Available in two sizes

Height, mm

Width, mm

Cover type

Hot dip galvanized

Wicket - welded construction, made of sections of the fence

Height, mm

Width, mm

Cover type

Hot dip galvanized


Length, mm

Cover type

Hot dip galvanized or polyester powder coating with oven curing

For more information about temporary fences "ARIS" call the phone number listed on the website.

Technical requirements for mobile fences

The construction of a temporary fence at the construction site allows you to secure the work on it, to avoid accidents and injury to people. That is why serious requirements are imposed on this type of protective structures, reflected in the established state standard.

According to the main provisions of the document, as well as the requirements of SNiP, the fence must meet certain design requirements:

  1. Construction site fencing must be quickly and easily disassembled, therefore standardized fittings must be used.
  2. The sections of the structure must be made in the form of rectangles, without sharp corners, protrusions and traumatic elements. To fence a specific site on the construction site, use a 1.2 m high mesh.The permissible height of the entire fence can be at least 2 m, the section length - from 1.2 to 2 m.
  3. The fence should be provided with gates for people working at the construction site and gates for the passage of vehicles involved in the construction.

It is also necessary that the temporary fencing of construction sites comply with the operating rules. Therefore, it should be:

  • Reliable and resistant to mechanical damage and atmospheric stress (wind gusts, precipitation). Load on 1 square meter of fence - not less than 200 kg.
  • Manufactured from materials that have a quality certificate and a long service life, not exceeding 10 years.
  • Installed from the sidewalk at a distance of at least 1.5 m, which provides a safe passage for pedestrians. For greater safety, the passage should be equipped with a protective canopy and railings.

Aris's mobile fences for construction sites fully comply with the established standards. By approaching their construction responsibly, you can avoid serious consequences that pose a threat to human life or harm his health.

Any construction, especially in urban areas, poses a direct threat to the safety of citizens. This is due to the fact that the objects use dimensional equipment and materials that can fall. Therefore, for the entire period of work, a construction site fence should be installed. The requirements for such structures are defined in the standards and regulations. Let us consider these constructions in more detail below.

General rules

The organization of the construction site and its individual sections must ensure safe working conditions and proper sanitary and hygienic services, exclude and prevent possible threats. When carrying out activities at the facility, the customer is responsible for providing the contractor with a work front and carrying out labor protection measures. The latter, in particular, includes the construction site fencing.


In the process of performing work related to the organization of a construction site in conditions of reconstruction, it is necessary to perform the following generally accepted measures:

  1. Determination of the boundaries of hazardous areas.
  2. Fencing of the construction site and its individual sections.
  3. Providing the necessary lighting, driveways, walkways. For its organization, a separate electrical wiring is allocated. It should not be connected to the power grid of the reconstructed facility.
  4. Organization of driveways for assembly equipment and transport, walkways for employees, storage areas for materials and structures.
  5. Equipping facilities with primary extinguishing agents.
  6. compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the manner determined for the enterprise.
  7. Installation

GOST 23407.78: Inventory fences for construction sites

To prevent unauthorized access by unauthorized persons, protective structures must be installed around the object. Inventory fences of construction sites adjacent to areas of mass passage of citizens should be equipped with protective corridors and visors. At the reconstructed facilities, structures are used that ensure the safety of work and the continuity of the enterprise. In particular, the following are under construction:

  1. Temporary partitions and walls. They ensure the separation of workplaces and areas for the implementation of installation activities.
  2. Protective decks. They are used to prevent falling materials and objects in the premises where production is carried out.
  3. Coatings for protection against cold and atmospheric precipitation.
  4. Temporary fencing of the construction site, warning about the boundaries of the territories and areas on which construction and installation works are performed.
  5. Structures to prevent workers falling from a height.
  6. Other fences, light shelters, screens. They are used to provide protection against glare during electric welding, heat exposure, protection of glass from destruction during explosive activities, to prevent contamination of equipment in the workshops of the enterprise.

Construction site fences are manufactured for specific conditions. Their design must be reusable. Any temporary fencing on a construction site must be convenient for transportation, reliable, durable, effective both during the day and at night.

Additional rules

The exits and entrances of the operated structure must be equipped outside the boundaries of hazardous areas. At the entrance to the construction site, a transport movement scheme is established. The sides of driveways and roads are equipped with clearly visible signs regulating the traffic order. The builders must be provided with sanitary facilities in accordance with current regulations. At facilities classified as explosion and fire hazardous, it is allowed to carry out work only with the permission of the responsible person appointed by the customer, in agreement with the gas rescue and fire services. In the process of performing installation activities in gas-polluted rooms, as well as in areas that are located below the floor / ground level, air analysis is carried out daily before the start of the shift.

Warehousing of materials and structures

It should be carried out in accordance with the provisions that contain technical documents and GOST. The construction site fences are designed in such a way that when loading / unloading materials and structures using special equipment, complete safety of workers is ensured. Storage locations are determined and agreed with the management of the enterprise. Separate structures and stacks are positioned so that they do not block access to the inspection units of existing communications. Their placement on roads, crane and railway tracks is not allowed. When storing on bulk soils, measures are taken to exclude the likelihood of collapse of structures.

Loading, unloading and transportation

When performing these works, it is necessary to comply with the relevant provisions of SNiP, state standards and DNAP. When loading, unloading and transporting using cars or trains, traffic rules and standards defined in the relevant documents should be followed. The speed of movement of vehicles on the territory of the reconstructed object on straight and fairly well-visible sections cannot be higher than 10 km / h. At the exits, including from the side passage to the main driveway or to the ro-gu with in-ten-sive traffic, entrances, inside workshops, at U-turns, intersections, when moving in reverse, in dense fog, it should not exceed 5 km / h. When transporting structures in and with limited dimensions of the passage, red flags are fixed on parts that protrude beyond the dimensions of the vehicle, and when visibility is less than 20 m and in the dark - reflective devices.

Construction site fencing

SNiP is one of the key documents that establish rules for ensuring safety at facilities. The standards were adopted back in Soviet times. Taking into account the development of technology, they were adapted to modern conditions. In 1979, GOST "Inventory fencing of construction sites" was approved and put into effect. In accordance with these documents, it is not allowed to carry out construction and installation work on an object or part of it without establishing special protective structures.

Key prescriptions

Construction site fencing must comply with state-approved samples. The design should provide for wickets or gates to ensure free movement of workers and transport. The construction site fencing must be collapsible with parts, fasteners and other elements of the same sample. The height of the racks, structures, the angle of inclination of the canopies, etc. must correspond to the established parameters. The panels are made in the form of a rectangle. Their length, as well as the gaps between the posts, are determined according to the norms: from 1.2 to 2 m and no more than 6 m, respectively. Between the parts, it is necessary to maintain a degree of rarefaction of 80-100 mm. Construction sites are an exception. There should be no gaps in excess of 5 mm in the sidewalk flooring. The protective visors must be turned in the desired direction. At the same time, they should cover people moving under them with a margin.

For the passage of citizens on the sidewalk, it is necessary to allocate more than 1.2 m. The railings must be attached to the canopy or to the upper border of the fence. In addition, protective stripes are provided at a height of 50 cm and 1.1 m from the roadway. The construction site fencing should be designed to be repairable and removable while maintaining adequate strength. Responsible persons are obliged to take measures to prevent rotting and spreading of rust through the elements. The presence of a slope on the ground should not threaten the safety fence. The structure must be coated with an appropriate dye composition. It must be free of potentially traumatic elements (hooks, corners, etc.).

The construction site fencing is made of reliable materials to ensure its stability. The structure must withstand the fall of objects of a certain weight, but not less than 200 kg / cm 2, as well as the force of a gust of wind and the weight of snow. The materials from which the fence is made must have quality certificates and comply with the established requirements. The service life of the structure is at least 10 years. For sidewalk decking panels, this period must be at least 5 years.

Classification of structures

Fences for construction sites are divided into types depending on their intended purpose. There are the following types:

  1. Signal, unambiguously and clearly indicating that construction and installation work is underway on the territory.
  2. Protective, ensuring the safety of people from injury.
  3. Security, preventing unauthorized entry of strangers into the object.

Depending on their characteristics, fences are divided into the following types:

  1. Rack.
  2. Panel. They, in turn, are subdivided into sparse (grid, for example) and solid.
  3. Combined.


The main task of security structures is to prevent people from entering the facility. In this regard, in most cases, they differ little from simple fences installed around industrial facilities or residential buildings. Protective structures are used to prevent injury to the public. In this regard, their most common type is mesh (plastic). For fencing construction sites, it is considered the most optimal option. She can "catch" everything that falls from the forests: garbage, remnants of materials, tools and even workers. Signal fences provide a visual indication of the construction site, alerting citizens to danger. For this, a special tape is often used. It is pulled between the pins fixed in the ground.


If the fence is intended for guarding or protection, then it should only be continuous. In some cases it is necessary to add additional elements. They can be visors, struts, sidewalk with handrails, etc. Depending on the availability and quantity of additional parts, the cost of structures is also determined. The price is also influenced by the material from which they are made. Typically, a fence includes 3 elements: a frame, supports and infill.

Material options

As mentioned above, the construction site fencing must be stable, reliable, durable, easy to assemble, disassemble and transport. Wood and metal are traditional materials for the manufacture of such structures. Thanks to modern technologies, their range has increased significantly. Nowadays, plastic is used quite often for fences. The advantage of such designs is as follows:

  1. Current regulations allow their installation.
  2. The democratic cost of the material ensures the attractiveness of such fences.
  3. Installation does not require special equipment and additional workers.
  4. There is no need to paint the structure.
  5. Installation of plastic fences takes a minimum amount of time.
  6. The designs are durable, lightweight and durable.

However, such fences also have a rather serious drawback - they are unsuitable for use at facilities where large-scale construction is underway. The situation is similar with chain-link structures. The undoubted advantages of the grid - its ease of installation and cheapness - are suppressed by the norms of the state standard. Recently, professional sheet fences have been installed quite often. The structures are easy to assemble and relatively inexpensive. In addition, such fences are easy to maintain.

Mobile constructions

Temporary fences of this type have appeared relatively recently. They, like other structures, provide protection for citizens from accidents, protect the facility, and prevent unauthorized appearance of strangers. Metal mobile elements are also used for delimiting parking lots, marking the perimeter of the site. No special equipment is required during installation, no special knowledge is required. Installation of elements is carried out in a short time. Panel sections are equipped with special fasteners. They eliminate unwanted or accidental dismantling.


The construction site acts as a potentially hazardous facility. There is always the possibility of an accident. In this regard, the persons responsible for the implementation of the work are obliged to take all the necessary measures to ensure safety both inside the facility and outside it. Failure to comply with the established instructions can end up sadly not only for citizens, including employees, but also for managers in charge of construction. Currently, there is a large selection of materials and structures to ensure the safety of work, so the responsible persons can easily select the proper protection of the object.

Any construction is associated with the risk of injury. That is why construction sites need to be fenced off to reduce this likelihood. Let's work together to figure out what the law requires, what the temporary fences of the construction site can be, from what they can be made.

SNiP 3.01.01-85, GOST 23407-78, SNiP 12-03-2001, "Rules for labor protection in construction" (order No. 336n of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 01.06.2015) - all these documents regulate safety measures at construction sites, in in particular, indicate what should be the fence, installed at the time of work. According to these rules, it is impossible to start construction before the fence is erected, otherwise a fine will be threatened.

We are sure that you yourself will not want strangers walking around your construction site, children playing, and intruders trying to take out the already imported materials. Therefore, the fence becomes a necessity.

All temporary building site fences are divided into three types:

  1. Signal. They clearly show that the dangerous construction zone begins here. They may just be special signal tapes, similar to those used by police officers. Or light plastic nets of bright colors - orange or red. The main thing is to highlight the construction site, to indicate the territory that cannot be entered.
  2. Security. Such fences are designed to close the construction site from outsiders, to prevent them from entering there. Security fences are often like permanent structures, and can last for decades even when the construction is over.
  3. Protective. Their purpose is to protect people from injury. Very often, protective and security fences are built in the form of a high fence with a visor, which helps to avoid falling building materials on the heads of passers-by. In addition, facade mesh is also used as a means to prevent heavy objects from falling from the height of the house under construction.

By design, temporary fences are divided into rack-mount, panel and panel-rack. Panel fencing is either sparse or solid.

Important! Protective and security fences can be extremely solid!

By design, the fences are divided into:

  1. Simple, no additional elements. That is, just a fence, solid or sparse.
  2. With additional elements. For example, canopies over a wicket, gate, sidewalk, if it is next to the site. Railings, struts, temporary sidewalks - boardwalk paths can also act as additional elements. It is clear that the second type of construction site fencing will be significantly more expensive than the first.

You can build a temporary fence for a construction site from a variety of materials:

  • Mesh fabric.
  • Special signal tape.
  • Wood such as old boards.
  • Slate.
  • Metal profile.
  • Steel sheets.
  • Plastic.
  • Metal concrete.

If we talk about the most popular options, then metal concrete is most often used in the construction of large objects, because the installation of such a heavy, capital fence itself is already an expensive pleasure. Ordinary site owners who have started construction more often use wood, profiled sheets, light plastic sections.

If necessary, you can rent a temporary fence, which will be quickly assembled on site, and after the end of the work will be sent to the new construction site. This is an inexpensive option, especially if the company offers a lease with installation and subsequent dismantling. The downside of this method is that it is sometimes difficult to say how long the construction will last, that is, the fencing lease will have to be renewed and paid extra for it.

Important! Temporary fencing can be supplemented with lighting placed on racks and special signs warning of danger.

The legislation puts forward the following requirements for temporary fences of construction sites:

  • Gates for special equipment and wickets for people are required.
  • The height of protective and security structures should be at least 2 meters, protective fences without visors - 1.6 meters, with visors - also 2 meters. The height of the fence of the entire work site is not less than 1.2 meters.
  • Visors must be installed if the construction site is adjacent to a place of busy traffic. In this case, the angle of ascent of the visor towards the road must be at least 20 degrees.

Important! The canopy must be strong enough to withstand the snow load.

  • In the case of construction of a temporary walkway, the gaps in it should not exceed 5 millimeters. The width of the sidewalk is at least 1.2 meters.
  • Rectangular fence panels should be 1.2, 1.6 or 2 meters long.
  • The fence must be strong and safe enough without snags or sharp corners.

The cost of the simplest mesh temporary fencing, installed on concrete blocks, will be about 1,500-2,500 rubles, depending on the height (the standard length is two meters) and the presence of a protective coating in the form of paint. Renting one such section will cost about 10-30 rubles per day.

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