Prestigious professions. Highly paid work for men - rating of professions

The question "Where to go to study?" faces the graduates sharply: often, entering an educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they choose. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, students abroad are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but they also carry out serious work on career guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Pupils of foreign schools study a wide range of subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess, or attend a Shakespearean club.

To find a high school abroad for your child, contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, as well as prepare the child in language and subjects so that he / she feels comfortable from the very beginning.

The older students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the greater the choice - what is interesting for them as a future profession, what they have inclinations for. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign students already know who they want to become.
In addition, career counselors work with students in high schools in Europe and America. Also, educational institutions cooperate with large companies. Students get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set themselves specific career guidelines.

But even entering an interesting specialty is not enough - it is important to understand how and where to apply the acquired knowledge. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge lack practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates by the end of their studies lose interest in studies and work outside their specialty.

If you have already graduated from a Russian university, but want to change your specialty or get a more modern education in your field, consider entering a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field for yourself, continue your specialized education in a master's degree or take intensive professional courses in your specialty. Learn more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer relevant knowledge and develop students' practical skills. Most higher educational institutions are also research centers with their own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in the development of large companies.

Studying at a foreign university makes it possible to stay in another country (for example, Canada has mild immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at a global level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for finding a job in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties that are not yet available in Russian universities.

Each decade, the ranking of the most prestigious and demanded specialties undergoes significant changes. For example, the massive admission of students to law and economic universities has led to a decrease in the popularity of these areas. Also, what the most prestigious professions of the future will be depends on the needs of the market. We can say that specialists in the field of medicine, chemistry, high technology and design will definitely enjoy respect and stable earnings.

The most prestigious and highly paid professions

In our reality, the most prestigious professions in Russia 2017 differ from the situation abroad. The most prestigious occupations of 2017 are senior executives, extractives and engineers. In the United States, this list is headed by doctors - surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians, therapists, psychiatrists and gynecologists, as well as realtors, managers, astronomers, and pilots. In Europe, the most prestigious professions of the 21st century are surgeons and pathologists, railway workers, teachers, bankers, chemists, scientists and web specialists.

10 most prestigious professions

In recent years, the situation with what the most prestigious profession has undergone some changes. Executives and senior officials still top the rankings, but the legal sector has experienced an oversupply of staff, while the banking and IT sectors have become more highly paid and interesting for employees. Also, creative professions such as designers and chefs have become more relevant. Thus, the list of the most prestigious professions is as follows:

1. Deputies and ministers.
2. Senior executives in the extractive industries.
3. Programmers.
4. Bankers.
5. Lawyers.
6. Doctors and pharmacists.
7. Engineers.
8. Representatives of show business.
9. Designers.
10. Chefs.

The most prestigious professions 2017

It is obvious that top-ranking officials in Russia receive the highest income, and their positions are considered the most prestigious, although it is extremely difficult to find a job for this position. The same position is held by the industry leaders who manage the enterprises for the extraction of precious metals, oil and gas. Perhaps the most prestigious and highly paid job for which a sufficiently high qualification can be called the IT sphere.

Positions in the banking sector - auditors, marketers and collectors - are very prestigious and well paid. Professional lawyers continue to be respected in the market, although given the heightened competition, prestige and pay levels have declined markedly in recent years. But the demand for engineers continues to grow, as there is a shortage of qualified personnel.

The conditions of medical workers in Russia are slightly higher than the national average, but comparing the level of pay with the United States, where the top 7 highest paid positions are occupied by doctors, their work is underestimated in our country. Representatives of creative professions, such as designers and web programmers, pop workers and chefs, although earn a little less, but such professions can certainly be called prestigious and promising.

The most prestigious professions for girls

The most prestigious female professions are lawyer, accountant and internal communications specialist. Also, the most prestigious and highly paid professions for women are the positions of senior managers and IT specialists, but employment for such positions always requires many years of experience in the field, and the competition is invariably high. It is also possible to single out the most prestigious professions of women, where almost only ladies work - stylists, masters of makeup and manicure, cosmetologists and hairdressers, as well as pharmacists.

The most prestigious professions for men

The rating of the most prestigious professions for men is led by the oil and gas industry. The second place is held by IT specialists and programmers. They are followed by economic positions - auditors, financial consultants and bankers. Also, doctors and dentists have high salaries and prestigious positions. The top most prestigious professions also include chefs and logisticians. Separately, it is worth noting engineering positions as the most prestigious professions in demand.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Young people ponder their path before entering adulthood. The prestigious profession they choose largely determines their future status in society, financial stability and peace of mind. Without these ingredients, any job becomes a frustrating burden. What are the most prestigious professions in the world?

9 Financial Market Analyst

A specialist in this area should know everything about price fluctuations. To be able to correlate supply and demand in order to find a profitable option for the company that will make it possible to make a profit. Analyzing the financial situation, the analyst certainly looks to the future, covering not only a separate region, but the whole country. Of course, his conclusion is based on his own thoughts. Therefore, knowledge of economics is not enough. Here logic works more, highlighting the main points and intuition, suggesting the most promising plan.

8 Pilot

Air travel saves time. Fast travel is important for business people, so many, using airlines, want to receive excellent service and compliance with the flight program: course and hour. The modern profession of a pilot is not only professional aircraft ownership, including knowledge of modern technology. In an unforeseen situation, the skills of a psychologist are required in order to stop panic in time and create an atmosphere of calm. Good physical shape and the ability to find the only correct solution are still a good addition to the pilot's profession.

7 Lawyers

In all countries of the world, people in business want to be protected from difficulties. Based on the prescribed laws, they are building their future, which will be stable and legal. Therefore, specialists who understand the intricacies of jurisprudence are included in the list of prestigious professions. Lawyers need to know all existing laws, be able to find the right option in a particular situation and foresee the outcome of any agreement. The ingenious interweaving of modern legislation requires a special approach in business. Not everyone can untangle the tangled thread.

6 Technical and executive directors

In large organizations, where there are a large number of people, a competent specialist is needed who knows how to direct activities in one direction. Based on the fact that all personalities are individual and need a special approach to them, a professional of this level is able to find common ground with any person. This means that to pay attention not only to the performance of a certain task, but also to the state of mind. By creating a favorable atmosphere for work, the director regulates personnel movements (not everyone will leave a good place) and fulfills the main task of the entire enterprise.

5 Doctors

A polluted atmosphere, unhealthy diet, stress and much more leads to illness. Doctors of different directions are required who are able to understand the causes of the failure of the body. Along with the development of modern technologies, diseases appear that have not been observed before. It is necessary to deal with them and study their initial symptoms in order to prevent complications in time. Competent anesthesiologists, surgeons, therapists and other specialties are needed for a person in need of medical care.

4 Marketers

The task of the marketer is to successfully promote the company's product. He analyzes the needs of people and then draws up an implementation plan. Considering the types of competitive products, he needs to select the most popular, and then, analyzing the information received, to determine the strategy that brings the most effective result. This work is interesting and unpredictable. In addition to complex analysis, a specialist should be well versed in modern innovations and constantly be in the center of events (the first to know about the release of future products).

3 Environmentalists

A very important profession of our time. Every day, the problem of environmental pollution threatens with new outbreaks of disease. The human body, trying to adapt to unknown bacteria, wastes an internal resource that is not endless. Therefore, environmentalists study the air already filled with bacteria, and, of course, contribute to the development of technologies that can prevent production waste from entering the environment. After all, it is important not only to treat a sick organism, but also to make sure that such diseases no longer arise.


A few words cannot describe this profession. It affects genetic engineering, medicine, pharmaceuticals. A person who has mastered the specialty of biotechnology knows the biotechnology of the production of various food products and additives. He is responsible for the development of an optimal technological process (minimum costs - maximum quality), as well as product analysis at each stage. By creating complex organic substances, he manages to come up with successful components that are used as an additional resource in feed additives and food.

2 IT specialists

A wide range of activities. These are programmers, developers, network administrators, moderators and others. This profession is based on processing a lot of information. Here, not only knowledge in a certain area is important, but also intellectual thinking, which helps to find a compromise when choosing an option. An analytical mindset is the first step to mastering a specialty, but consistency, calmness, and the ability to work in a team also determine success.

1 Nanotechnologists

Scientists who use atoms to create new material need to be well versed in the material under study. The atomic structure built by them is controlled and purposeful. The smallest elements can only be seen under a high-resolution microscope. With the help of nanotechnology, properties are obtained that cannot be achieved in the usual way, because during the work they use a single atom, and not a whole group.

Prestigious professions are characteristic of purposeful people who know what they want to do in their lives. They achieve a lot and become real professionals in their field. Such individuals are successful in everything: in work, in personal relationships. Of course, it is not common for everyone to engage in elective specialties. The main thing is to find your own field of activity, where creativity can unfold.

The labor market is constantly changing and it is rather difficult to say what are the most popular professions in Russia in 2015-2020... It is almost impossible to accurately predict how things will turn out in this area even in a year, you can only make assumptions based on analysis and research.

This situation has developed due to the rapid development of the market for services and technologies, which, in turn, impose certain requirements on the staff of specialists. It is especially difficult to make predictions about professions for girls and women... But it is possible to outline the situation in this area today in general terms.

What professions are in demand now?

This question is rather difficult to answer, since different researchers of this issue provide conflicting information.

In addition, today such a concept as "State order for professions"... This is when a list of specialties is drawn up at the government level for which it is necessary to train a certain number of qualified personnel.

After the "order" goes down to educational institutions. But so far this scheme hardly works. There are several reasons for this, the main one is an abundance of private universities, who independently decide in what areas to train specialists. And one more, no less important, where to get applicants, future specialists, for example, engineers, teachers, when it is known in advance about the deplorable state of the industries in which they will have to work and, accordingly, about low financial support.

To the question: can be answered from different positions and points of view, there are at least 2 of them:

  1. State order data for specialties;
  2. Research data.

Basically everyone today strives to become managers, lawyers, economists, specialists in international relations.

These areas in the labor market are certainly in demand, but a huge number of specialiststrained in these areas, minimize the opportunity to get a job in a specialty without problems.

While employers have the opportunity to improve the qualification requirements for job seekers. At the same time, the situation is diametrically opposite in other areas.

Let's try to make a consolidated list of in-demand professions for women at the moment, taking into account the research of specialists and the state order for specialties. So, the List will look something like this:

Teachers in secondary educational institutions, schools. This is traditionally a female fiefdom in the labor market, but due to some desolation of the education sector, today there are few people willing to go to work there. The Russian government, for its part, is trying to raise the prestige of this profession through financial incentives;

Physicians. In this industry, things are the same as in the previous one. There is an especially acute shortage of junior staff: nurses, nurses. The staff of doctors in polyclinics has been greatly reduced. Many specializations are in danger of extinction due to the fact that soon there will be no one to work;

Engineers. This applies to both men and women. Without a powerful engineering corps, technological and, consequently, technical development, and even more a breakthrough, is impossible;

IT specialists. There is simply a catastrophic shortage of personnel. Most of the workers in this area are self-taught or their qualifications leave much to be desired. The latter is due to the fact that the domestic education system is not adapted to the modern requirements of the IT-technology sector and does not keep pace with its rapid development. As a result, training of specialists is carried out using outdated systems, programs;

Specialists in the field of nanotechnology. The shortage of qualified personnel in this case is due to the fact that only a few educational institutions provide training. In addition, this direction is promising and is only gaining momentum;

  • Marketers. The market today offers just a myriad of goods and for their successful promotion it is necessary to conduct research and make forecasts as to what prospects await this or that product in the market. The shortage of specialists in this area is due to the fact that educational institutions have recently mastered this area and have not yet saturated the market with trained personnel;

    Psychologists, in particular, family. This fashionable trend came from the West, and today it is confidently gaining popularity in the post-Soviet space.

    This is perhaps the most demanded professions on the labor market in Russia for the female half of the population. The above list answers the question: "What professions are in demand in Russia?", in general, throughout the country. If we consider the situation in specific regions, it will change.

    The most popular professions in Russia, video:

    What professions will be in demand in 5 years?

    It is rather difficult to make any predictions about this, because the modern labor market is very flexible and dynamic, directly dependent on the macroeconomic situation and the direction of technology development. But on the other hand, it is quite static, since the reorganization of vocational training areas in educational institutions takes quite a lot of time.

    All trends today indicate that popular professions for girls in 5 years will remain in the same form as it was presented above. The first place will be taken by:

    The latter specialty will be in almost 100% high demand in a few years, especially in Russia. This is due to the fact that the demographic situation is beginning to improve at least at a small pace.

    The increase in population necessitates the construction of housing. In addition, the catastrophically outdated housing stock requires at least partial renovation.

    On top of that, the demand for construction specialties will increase the development of a business that needs commercial objects: business centers, warehouses, retail space, production facilities.

    But in the first place there will still be professions associated with intellectual labor... This situation is natural, since Russia is gradually moving from the industrial to the informational stage of development.

    Specialties related to the service sector will be among the most in demand. These professions can be called eternal, because you will always need to repair a car, serve food in a cafe or restaurant, sell goods and provide other services.

    With the development of the business, the demand for such personnel only increases. This is the most dynamic category, and it quickly changes the requirements for applicants depending on the situation. This is due to the fact that in this case special deep knowledge is not required. Such types of work may well be performed by people with minimal knowledge in the field. Here, to a greater extent, a skill is needed that is developed in the process of work.

    But, answering the question: "What professions will be in demand in 2020", it is necessary to list those specialties that will remain, as they say, out of work. In this case, it is much easier to make predictions. It is enough to list the professions in which educational institutions have already provided the market for decades and continue to produce specialists in these areas:

    • Lawyers;
    • Economists;
    • Managers;
    • Administrative staff, office workers.

    But in the latter case, the question may arise: "How are office workers not in demand, because the business is actively developing, and accordingly the need for such personnel is increasing?".

    But they will play a cruel joke on him new technologies, they will maximize the optimization of the work of organizations, especially small companies and firms, and accordingly will reduce the use of human resources for the owners.

    Also under the threat of extinction, according to experts, journalism in the classical sense of this specialty is. This is especially true for the print media, they have already lost their relevance in terms of the source of information.

    The same fate awaits radio, which is being rebuilt in an entertaining way, leaving the information function as short news blocks.

    Television remains the only source of information that is in demand equally with the Internet, but this type of media is also losing its positions.

    To upload information to the network, you do not need to have a diploma in journalism and this is still an uncensored zone, which brings the Internet to a leading position.

    Thus, when choosing a direction of training, a future specialty, it is necessary to take into account current trends, get acquainted with research and independently analyze the information received.

    The most demanded and highest paid

    For Russia, the answer to this question is ambiguous, because demand and remuneration for labor are different concepts in our country, in contrast to Western countries. For instance, the most demanded are the professions of engineer and teacherbut at the same time they are among the lowest paid.

    At the same time, workers oil and gas industry and top managers receive high wages, but are not so in demand, especially if you take a percentage. This is no more than 5% of the total number of proposals on the labor market.

    therefore the most demanded and highly paid professions in Russia it is almost impossible to clearly define.

    In such cases, it is necessary to resort to the help of mathematics, namely, to derive the arithmetic mean. As a result, it turns out that this is a profession iT technology specialist, programmer.

    This corresponds to the general world trends, since the development of technology requires writing software, its modernization and maintenance. Also, this direction can be marked as the most promising... It should also be noted that there are more women specialists in this area. 10-15 years ago it was the fiefdom of men.

    The highest paid professions in Russia, video:

    What professions are most in demand in the world?

    In this case, the word "peace" means the most advanced labor markets: Europe, the United States. This is due to the fact that you can get a clear, concrete answer to this question, since labor markets are subject to systematic, scrupulous research and the list of demanded specialties is quite clear.

    For example, it will be quite difficult to monitor the African labor market. It can be assumed that everything there will depend on the degree of economic development of the country.

    So what does it look like list of leading professions for Europe and the USA:

    These are the most demanded professions in the world. Here it is worth noting the point where the specialty of the teacher of mathematics is indicated. A fairly accurate definition of specialization at a time when the domestic labor market needs teachers without specifying the direction, in general.

    List of in-demand professions in Western countries can be considered very conditionally world. On other continents, it may be completely different. But in the above lists, you can find similarities in terms of the demand for specialties related to technology development, PR and advertising... These areas can be confidently called promising on a global scale. These are professions in demand in the future.

    This situation indicates that Russia is a full-fledged participant in world economic and scientific processes, despite the forecasts of the Russian spiteful critics among the leaders, including regarding the development of the labor market.

    Exotic professions in demand in Russia

    It would be unfair to ignore the professions that the average man has hardly heard of - exotic. These include:

    1. Torch Bearer Manager;
    2. Boogie-woogie coach;
    3. Sports shoe tester;
    4. Captain of the floating drilling rig;
    5. Slaughterhouse;
    6. Specialist in carcass cutting.

    All these vacancies are quite real, employers offer applicants decent wages and a full social package. Considering that there are no training courses in educational institutions in most specialties, the main requirement is that candidates have higher education.

    It should be noted that foreign companies are the trendsetters for exotic specialties, not counting the last 3 items on the list.

    Although they cannot be called truly in demand, since the offers from employers are single.

    5 most desirable professions, video:

    Interesting facts about the labor market in Europe

    If you ask a question in Germany: "What professions are in demand for girls now?" among other things you can hear about the vacancy brothel workers... This is not a joke, but reality.

    The employment service can seriously offer the vacancy of a priestess of love to a girl or woman under the age of 40. At the same time, she receives a decent wage, official employment with a social package and officially makes contributions, thereby earning a pension.

    It is hardly possible to imagine such a situation on the domestic labor market.

    On the one hand, this is a civilized approach to solving a serious social problem, but on the other hand, it is still somewhat immoral. Although we, the citizens of the former Soviet Union, whose moral heritage is still quite strong, cannot understand the pragmatic Europeans.

    Given the active integration of the Russian Federation into world processes, it can be expected that 2020 list of official professions will be replenished with new names unthinkable today.

    School graduates, when choosing the direction of professional training, need to take into account not only their own preferences, but also trends in the labor market in Russia. Rating agencies and research centers publish statistics annually. It contains information about what specialties are in demand and allow you to get a high income. To make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the list, which presents the most promising professions in 2018.

    Skilled worker

    In Russia, the number of people with higher education increased in 2018. At the same time, large cities, including Moscow, are experiencing a shortage of workers. Locksmiths, electricians, construction workers - all these specialists have good career opportunities and receive high wages. The state is interested in the fact that representatives of the younger generation go to technical schools and colleges.

    IT specialist

    Modern technology is one of the most dynamically developing areas. It is no coincidence that the rating, which presents the professions in demand in 2018, includes programmers and system administrators.

    A promising direction is the web development industry. This market offers good opportunities for professional growth. Employees of large web design companies receive decent wages.

    The main advantage of the IT sphere is the ability to work remotely. A programmer can be employed in an organization and additionally engage in projects privately via the Internet.


    This specialty requires a solid theoretical background and extensive practice. Experienced lawyers make good money. They also have great job opportunities. Employees with excellent knowledge of the legal framework and with practical experience in civil and criminal cases are needed in all organizations. Employers, in turn, are ready to pay decently for their work.

    Law graduates get jobs as police officers. The specialty can also be included in the list showing the highest paid professions in Russia. The state is reforming the internal affairs bodies and stimulating workers in this area by raising wages and providing favorable working conditions.


    The flow of applicants to pedagogical universities has recently decreased. Many people mistakenly believe that a teacher is not a prestigious specialty with a low salary level. However, career growth depends solely on a person's abilities, motivation, professional competencies and striving for development. Schools are interested in qualified teachers who will help children master the general education program at a decent level.


    The demand for narrow-profile physicians is constantly growing. Dietetics, ophthalmology, speech therapy - all of these topical areas have recently been very popular with clients. Government agencies and private clinics are constantly opening vacancies and looking for employees. For those looking to connect their lives with medicine, dentistry is the best option in 2018 in terms of income.


    In a market economy, the role of the sale of goods and services increases, the number of producers increases and competition between them intensifies. Companies strive to stand out, and an important condition for this is competent product promotion. Job responsibilities of a marketer include forecasting demand, organizing an advertising campaign, tracking sales, working with product display and distribution.

    Personnel specialist

    HR manager is a promising and necessary profession. Companies are constantly in search of new personnel, and this work is performed by a HR specialist. A mandatory skill for him is the ability to identify among the candidates people suitable for the vacant position. Experience is important for an HR manager: theoretical knowledge is ineffective without the practice of interviewing.

    Beauty Industry Specialist

    It is not necessary to get a higher education to master the most demanded professions. Makeup artist, hairdresser, nail technician - all these specialists start working after the completion of short courses. The popularity of such services is due to the fact that, despite the economic crisis, people strive to look good.

    A vocational school or courses will be an excellent option for school graduates who have not been able to enroll in a university, but there is no opportunity to study for a fee. Working in the beauty industry creates high income and opportunities for growth. Leading stylists begin their careers as ordinary craftsmen, and then become the owners of their own salons.


    The state of the environment on the planet leaves much to be desired. Humanity is concerned about the need to preserve flora and fauna, so the need for ecologists has grown. They are studying the climate, flora and fauna in Russia 2018. Ecologists propose measures to protect the environment. The profession can hardly be called highly paid, so it does not enjoy much success among university entrants.


    Most of the school graduates apply for the Faculty of Humanities of the Institute. This is largely why there is a shortage of specialists with technical training in Russia. Their main advantage is that learning is easy. Engineering students have more workload, much more serious requirements, however, the income after graduation is higher.

    The highest paying professions require serious training. Studying at a university is more difficult than enrolling in it. The passing score for engineering is lower than for economics, and the number of applicants is less.


    Globalization processes penetrate into all spheres of activity and remote regions. The company concludes international contracts, cooperates with foreign partners. Many organizations use the services of translators. Linguists participate in negotiations, conduct business correspondence, translate documents.

    Before choosing a specialty, young people should familiarize themselves with the list of professions most in demand in 2018. It is necessary to consider not only the current trends in the labor market, but also take into account the long-term forecasts of analysts. In the next few years, the demand for specialists with technical education will increase.

    However, the applicant should think for himself what final choice to make when going to enter the university. A specialty may be in demand, but a person may not like it. In this case, it is difficult to achieve much success. Fast career growth is observed among those specialists who love their work, are ready to acquire new skills and constantly improve.

    High-level professionals are in demand in all companies. The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of a specialty, get an education or study courses, and then practice theoretical knowledge in practice.