Male pride. That for men is more important - infrained by self or love

The history of the development of every man is unique, and it is in his past that secrets that may affect how easy the man can survive criticism or an offensive on his self-esteem. Most men are not ready to endure female quits. And if you do not leave the family, then go away from love. Instead of showing love for his wife, they will prefer to spend time in the garage, in the company of friends or on a football match. The care of love does not always have physical, sometimes it is a departure to some type of virtuality, care to another world, where the input of his woman is prohibited. It can be computer games, alcohol, novels on the side or games in the casino.

In order to understand that for a man it is more important: implanted self-love or love, take care of relations in his family. If the parents of the too came up to their son, put the overestimated planks, he can and in an adult state subconsciously look for his wife, which will not put it in a penny. Men who are able to forgive his wife or beloved their implanted pride are often unable to accept unconditional love.

Unconditional love is an important base for healthy relations in the family. This is the highest type of love, almost art, who, unfortunately, own a few. How often we hear from parents: "If you get a two, do not come home." Or: "You have to try, my son cannot come to the finish line at the second competition." These words are able to hurt any, even the most stable psyche. And when such a person becomes an adult, even hating such phrases, he unconsciously find a partner who will also pronounce them too. Only the conditions that need to be performed to deserve love are changing. "Do not come home without salary," says his wife to such a husband. And then surprised why he doubts her love.

Thus, we can clearly separate the unconditional love from love conditional. Unconditional love does not require any effort to maintain it, it is not necessary to deserve it. If a woman loves a man unconditionally, she takes it as it is. Sick or healthy, rich or poor, affectionate or irritated. Does not try to remake it, re-educate, do not put the conditions. In case the wife constantly blackmates her husband with various conditions, criticizes it, destroying his self-esteem and pride, we are dealing with conditional love.

I must say that all people seek for the better. And if a woman notices the signs of a mentor or critain, she should think about changing his point of view on relationship with his beloved man. Even a man from a problem family, accustomed to conflicts and constant criticism, can realize that is tired of all this. And then the relationship may be an end.

No wonder the same number of men "twisters" at the age of forty. They go from wives to "young fools" who look at them, open the mouth. Unconditional adoration, respect for the authority for a man is more important than any established relationships in which the woman is tuned to him too critical.

A woman who wants to avoid such problems with her husband is worth thinking about how she talks to him, how approving approval or criticism, in which form declares requests. That is why the pretty harmless, at first glance, the requests of a man often react irritably? Because it is often for a request to go to the store and buy potatoes of men hear reproach in the fact that he does not care about the family. And the infrainment of the pride of men is a bad base for family relationships.

There are two pretty simple admission of communication that will help you avoid problems with male pride.

First, psychologists recommend compliments instead of criticism. After all, there is nothing complicated to instead: "I will carry a garbage bucket," say: "When you take the garbage, I feel at the seventh heaven from happiness / weak / desired / beloved." Improvisation on this topic may not work, so for a start, write out all your standard requests to your husband on a piece of paper and reformulate them not as a request or requirement, but as a compliment.

Protead is most often considered to be a negative quality, which a person should not have if he wishes to live harmoniously with the surrounding people. Love for himself becomes the part of the person who many do not show, because of which they turn into victims that enjoy and manipulate. A pride can be both positive and negative. It is inherent in both floors (female and male), and also often becomes leaving or vulnerable.

What is pride?

Self-love is to yourself. However, often love for himself becomes such a big thing that man overly assesses himself, his own capabilities, puts himself above the rest, while always negatively refers to criticism from others. With overwhelmed proud, they talk about self-love, when the criticism of another person hurts the individual and even makes thinking about revenge.

When the reader of the site of psychological assistance site does not like himself, there are unambiguous tips on what love needs to be developed. But when a person sincerely loves himself, here you can face misunderstanding and even the censure from others. "Love yourself" in the eyes of many seems vice.

To determine the quality of myself, it is necessary to move away from public opinion, which often judges only from the position of what is profitable for him. Self-responsive - the ability to highly and positively assess their own qualities in combination with increased sensitivity and jealousy to other people's opinions in their address. When it becomes vice, and when is the dignity?

Proteades should mean adequate. A person understands his own advantages and disadvantages, is engaged in self-development, when something wishes to improve. Love and respect for self-person appear. In the case of a healthy pride, it is about the fact that a person does not impose his love for himself to other people. He allows the surrounding themselves to decide how to treat him, while his opinion does not change itself. Despite the fact that a person is focused on a positive opinion from other people, it should be understood that it does not depend on their point of view, but simply takes into account.

The pride in the format of healthy love is manifested in the fact that a person appreciates and respects himself. He wants to build strong relationships with others, respectively, understands the importance of listening to the desires and views of loved ones and important persons. If they are negatively evaluated, then he is interested in reasons. At the same time, his love for itself does not disappear, not transformed, self-esteem does not fall, but respect for the opinions of others persists.

A proud person is busy in order to in all areas of life that are considered important and necessary. In the case of unhealthy pride, an overestimated self-esteem is manifested, combined with dissatisfaction and passionate desire to hear only a positive opinion in its own address. Here the person also shows love. But everyone who does not love him just as he himself, he considers his enemies, in the future passing to the aggressiveness and committing unpleasant acts to their address. Thus, a person loves himself, but imposes of this love to other people. Everyone who does not appreciate him as he wants himself, considers it with its enemies that must be punished, humiliate, offend the same way they did.

Friendship and love with a narrow-minded person with an unhealthy tint often builds on the skill of partners to flatter, labee, succumb to saying pleasant words. A person rejects everyone who does not show love to him and does not elevate his ego. We are talking about the constant need to admire and agree with narcissistic. In the absence of these actions, a person goes into an aggressive state when he wants to harm the pride and self-esteem of a partner who does not appreciate him.

In pride there is nothing terrible until it starts becoming extreme. Adequate selfly manifests itself in constant attitude towards himself and others, and unhealthy is needed to maintain his image, which often falls apart when a person fails.

Both pride

Each person is a unique, autonomous, separate and individual creature. Perhaps, no one will argue with this fact. Each person has the right to be such as nature created, parents brought up and he rose in the end. But at the same time, all people are part of society. To contact with other people, a person must be interesting, attractive, the best. All this is possible with the right positioning of yourself.

Self-adequate psychologists are defined as the character trait that pushes a person positively evaluate itself and force them to believe others. This feature encourages a person to behave so that in the eyes of the surrounding it seemed the smartest, attractive, interesting and valuable.

Perhaps there is not a single person who would like to do not communicate with anyone, not to receive love, respect and recognition. In order to achieve all this, you need to be able to create the value of my own personality in the eyes of others. If it turns out, the pride of a person increases significantly.

  • If other people praise, love, respect and show sympathy for a person, he even more understands its own value, continues to develop and spiritually self-improvement.
  • If other people are constantly criticized, humiliated and offended, then he develops his own pride. Depending on how a person belongs to himself, his own pride pushes him to revenge or an even greater humiliation of himself.

Criticism is quite common between people. No one can leave it. But the question is different: how do you personally react to it? Each person manifests its distinctive reaction to criticism:

  1. Someone is crying after her.
  2. She degrades someone.
  3. Someone does not pay attention at all.
  4. For someone becomes a reason to unleash the war.
  5. And someone takes and even agrees with it.

Options for how exactly the person reacts to criticism, many. Depending on self-esteem and upbringing, a person responds to external criticism in its way. But with overwhelmed self-love, criticism always becomes very painful.

The fact is that a person who is too highly appreciated, in fact, understands that all this is a hoax. The lies are intended for other people who must believe in it and confirm with feedback. If criticism occurs (negative estimation of the fact that a narcissist man wanted to prevent something valuable and cool), he is upset. He wanted to "let dust in the eye", but did not work. Depending on the awareness of the individual, he either understands that he made a mistake, changes his behavior and is even engaged in self-improvement, or eaven on his critics, begins to reproach them himself and insult, think about revenge.

The criticism is not pleasant to anyone, because it always indicates that a person has negative or weaknesses of personality. Psychologists offer such a solution to the problem: if you expressed criticism with which you disagree, then accept it with its presence and forget, continue to live on. You do not have to live as other people tell you. If you are satisfied, then free to be and act as you want.

The proven pride is explained by the natural desire of any person to be the first, the main one attractive in all plans. The greater the desire of this kind in humans, the point he reacts to criticism. He refers to pride with those who wanted to seem better than he really is. It is impossible to criticize people to hurt people who understand that they are imperfect and humble with their own imperfeidity.

A sharply react to the criticism of a woman. For them, the progress is becoming very frequent phenomenon. We are talking about the appearance that commonly surrounding people value and sometimes make unflattering comments. Any woman wants to be beautiful in the eyes of other people, especially men. If the appearance of a woman is criticized, then you should be prepared for the fact that the interlocutor will negatively react to this. No lady wants to know that she is bad. She wishes to receive exclusively positive feedback. Therefore, if you have nothing to say a woman about her advantages, better silent, so as not to cause additional quantities.

Vulnerable pride

Vulnerable vulnerable is a frequent phenomenon for any person. Since they are absolutely everyone faced with criticism in their address, sooner or later such interlocutors come across, who their words are suspected, negative attitude, aggression. As if correctly you reacted to criticism, and she hurts. Therefore, it should be understood that criticism is natural for all people.

If you are criticized, which naturally for any living person, you can only react to the words around you, so that they once again did not hurt you:

  • Take the right to the existence of criticism. Do not fight her. Do not attempt to prove to people that they are wrong. Take the right to the fact that other people can think about you as they do. In this case, you can afford the right to demand to express your opinion in a private conversation, do not shout at you during the expression of criticism, justify your opinion, etc.
  • Specify that it means the interlocutor who expresses criticism if it is incomprehensible to you.
  • Ask the interlocutor to change the tone and the wording of the criticism with which you agree. However, you are unpleasant, as it sounds or pronounced.
  • Keep visual contact, calm in voice, self-confidence.
  • If you disagree with criticism, you have the right to declare this: "I do not agree with your words ... I think otherwise ...".

The pride becomes vulnerable when a person actually understands that he is not so perfect as he thinks about himself or how he is trying to show other people. Vulnerable pride is psychological protection that is aimed at protecting itself from tragedy and accuse other people in everything.

Male pride

Male pride suffers no less female. When male pride is tied up, even the most duplicate and calm man turns into an aggressive, uncontrolled and inadequate person. While the man will not throw all his anger on the offender, it will almost impossible to stop it. And the abusers are often women themselves.

Sugar pride of men very easily:

  1. Put yourself above it.
  2. Show your mind, proving his stupidity.
  3. Men.
  4. Change man or flirt with other cavaliers.
  5. Stop care for yourself.
  6. Constantly criticize and insult a man, especially in the presence of other people.

Often, women feel their own impunity, even when making physical violence against men. Men can not beat women, and women, it can be. Because of this, women often transfers the boundaries of the permitted, which is why men are exposed, as a mixture.

If a man believes that he is exhibited in a bad light, insult and humiliate, his pride will be bothering.

Women's pride

The woman also has vague, and often overestimated. If someone unfriendly responds to her appearance, then she is ready to snatch the eyes of this man. And if someone doubts her maternal abilities, then she is ready to tell himself how bad this man is in relation to his children.

Men often hurt female pride, commenting on appearance, sexy or shopping skills. Men also hurt. Here, many women are accurately beginning to behave aggressively, inadequately, think of revenge.


Self-love is sometimes an overestimated opinion about himself. It is about how a person would like to be and how trying to appear in the eyes of others, while this is not so. When the deception is revealed, I want to degrade this "dear" to show that it is also not perfect.

It seems that everything is good: you love each other, and you have time to spend together, and you dream about the joint future. That's just sometimes it is inflated as a soap bubble, and when it bursts, there is little space, it becomes little and, first of all, you. So what do you do wrong? Why does he break off on you, seemingly from scratch? Eh, you disturbed the male ego, and it is strictly prohibited.

So, the male ego is the inner side of each man, and the side is special and in something even incomprehensible, since it needs a special approach. The fact is that it is the male ego that reveals the entire essence of a man. All men's hypostasia: Hunter, conqueror, breadwinner, head of family, Lovelace, lover - they all find their reflection, but rather even take their start in the male beginning.

  • You can say otherwise, the male ego is the pride of the men, which, you can undermine his faith in yourself, and put the collapse of his values.

Of course, you can speak infinitely about male pride, as it is pretty - the unknown area of \u200b\u200bthe male consciousness, but this is already the prerogative of psychologists, and our task is to figure out how to live next to a man so that his male pride was not Both.

You see what the matter is, the ego, which is spent, the thing is very gentle and fragile. A man only seems to be so strong (meaning morally), but in fact, it is very easy to hurt and touch for living. Moreover, not necessarily specific words, the male ego is sensitive even to hints. So they said something wrong, and all, wait for the analysis of flights, scandals, offended face and inflated lips. Male ego visually resembles a soap bubble that inflates - inflates from the resentment and discontent, and then how to burst that there will be little space! Well, what, let's wonder the most frequent women's mistakes that beat on male pride.

Do not make it comments before his friends or foreign people.

Oh yeah! This is the most important female mistake by making a woman can no longer count on the fact that her man will fulfill her orders unquestioned. If your man has not been to nail the shelf in the bathroom for several months or the crane flows in the kitchen, and he will never achieve anything, if you start criticize your man before outsider.

What does a woman drive at this moment? She thinks that if he disseminate a man before his friends, he will be ashamed and he will fix everything immediately. Nothing like this! You just call it aggression. For example, you came to visit your friends, and you speak out loud yes with all our eloquence: "What are your beautiful wallpaper, but I can't finish it for half a year, we can live on suitcases!". Do you think, after such words, does he start to finish repairs?! No, you can forget that he will ever be finished at all. In a man, he possesses his pride, and he will begin to do everything on you.

Psychologists advise in this case to flow up to the opposite. For example, everywhere and constantly praise your man, even if it is completely wrong. By doing so, you are the tessime of male pride, Ion wants to meet your words. And, if you are visiting friends to say that your man has golden hands, at home he will immediately take the ill-fated shelf.

Do not mention with it of your former

And even more so, do not think to put them in an example. The favorite female phrase: "But my ex always hugged me before bedtime" or something else in the same way. Disture memories of your former from your vocabulary once and forever! Male pride implies the full and unconditional possession of his woman.

Of course, he perfectly understands that you have had men before him, but his ego does not want to put up with it, and will not do it! So, if you want to save your relationship and its nerves in any case, do not remember your former. Better, on the contrary, often emphasize that you have the only and unique, and you also searched for his whole life.

Do not challenge his decisions in the open

And this is another mistake that women admit, since they cannot cope with their inner gusts. It is about the fact that a man is the head of the family. That's just this chapter constantly does something wrong and allows for elementary errors. We are women, trying to send their man to the right way and challenge his decisions, which naturally leads a man to real rabies.

So why? And the fact is that, again, the idea that the man is the head of the family, that he is the main, and its decisions are indisputable, undergoing the male ego. And a woman challenging the male decisions, undermines his male ego and his faith in herself, in principle. So really a woman needs to agree with his man and take all his decisions? No, his decisions can be challenged, but it is necessary to do this not clearly, but is hidden, so as not to harm his proud.

  • As they say, a man is a family head, and a woman is a neck that turns this head. So be smarter, because it is possible to do in - to your own and not to touch his ego.

How to do it? Suppose your man wants you to corporate your favorite dress, but you understand perfectly well that his choice is just terrible that in this dress you can go only to the garden to frighten the raven. Well, no need to criticize his opinion and say that the dress is terrible, and at absolutely there is no taste, try to give him to understand that in another dress you will be better.

Thus, each woman needs to remember that in order to preserve strong and healthy relationships, do not try to beat around the patient and fragile - on male pride. Trying something to prove to a man, do not do it, destroying his male ego, as a man becomes dismantled and offended. After all, we are women, should be smarter and resourceful, so beplaceable, holy and cherry male ego.

Male pride - this is the region of consciousness, which you can undermine the faith in your strength and completely destroy the priorities. It does not matter, the ego of the representative of a strong sex was intentionally or unintentionally. But if such situations are repeated often, with a large degree of confidence you can talk about the ambulance of the Union. Even the most calm, the male-mindedly obeying women sooner or later come to solve the breaking relationship. Experienced specialists give their recommendations, as not to hurt the ego of men.

The essence of the concept

Male pride is formed throughout the life of a man. A strong sex representative is born to become a conqueror, defender and bread. Nature has created it strong and bold, able to find a decent partner to continue the kind, to protect her encroachments from other applicants, as well as provide a woman in the roof over his head and food for food. These functions are prioritized for any male individual and do not depend on its upbringing and desire. Everything is laid by nature in the mind of the guy, therefore the slightest violation of the borders or ignoring the main functions of the woman is perceived in the bayonets.

Main types of women behavior

There are two ways to hurt male pride. We are talking about conscious and irremissive provocation by a woman. The first and second options are diagnostically different:

  1. Conscious provocation. This is a woman's behavior style that tries to keep everything under their control. She sees everything and perfectly understands that the man is unpleasant to her comments or ulcer refinements. By doing this specifically, the girl seeks to complete the destruction of a man as a person in order to establish their segless rules. Woman mistakenly believes that it can thus keep his faithful next to him for a long period. A man will consider himself completely dependent on it and will not go anywhere. We'll have to disappoint a lady, because sooner or later the guy will find the strength in itself and will definitely break out of oppression. The only excuse may be the situation when a woman did not value relations and specifically burned male vanity to resignore as soon as possible.
  2. Unintentional provocation. It is about the wrong behavior of a woman who tries to increase their self-esteem at the expense of a partner. She is confident in her right and not noticing the moment when it begins to repaid the face of permissible. At the same time, the girl sincerely loves the guy and does not understand what exactly does wrong. Most often, such relationships end up with partings, and both partners are experiencing heavy disappointment. That this does not happen, you should consider the most common mistakes in the behavior of representatives of the fine sex.

Error number 1. Remarks for outsiders

On the question of how to conced male pride, without even noticing this, there is one answer: constantly making the guy comments in the presence of foreign people. Some women naively believe that for better effect and motivation to action, a man must be aspired with friends or relatives. For example, the guy brings not a very big salary or forgets (or does not know how) to fix in the house of Plumbing. The girl voicates his claims, so that the partner becomes shame, and he, on returning home, literally from the threshold began to troubleshoot or look for a new job.

You can say with confidence that a man will never do this. Even if it considers the remark correctly, the consent will infringe upon his male pride. It will be fundamentally and demonstratively to do the opposite, because foreign people learned about his insolvency, and the initiator of all the action was his second half.

How to prevent such a mistake

Never voicate your claims with outsiders, do not make comments, do not observe. This behavior looks unworthy, because he insults not only a beloved man, but also of all unauthorized persons. No one likes to attend personal "disassembly." A reasonable decision will praise your man or even attribute to him those achievements that are not yet. For example, to say (if they ask for) that while the salary is small, but the guy does everything in order to increase it. The man simply did not have time for the broken plumbing, he would replace the crane in the coming weekend. Be sure that your beloved will try to justify the trust rendered and this minute will take care of the correction of the situation.

Error number 2. Ignoring male solutions

If you constantly challenge or simply ignore the solutions of a strong sex, it will be guaranteed to strike on male pride. A man always claims to place the head of the family, and this is normal for all generally accepted canons. He is obliged to contain a family and fulfill the hardest job. But what to do if this function is not fully implemented, and the woman is forced to pull everything on themselves? Even this serious situation does not give the right to a woman not to listen to the point of view of his partner. If she will neglect his advice and focus on only on its decisions, the guy will stop being initiated at all. He will decide that they are neglecting them as a man, and will go to look for those women who can get recognition.

Never argue with a man about his point of view and do not impose your ideas. He sees the situation in his own way and has full right. If the guy's offer is absurd and agree with him there is no possibility, it is necessary to connect all its female charm and tactfully offer your own option. Loyally explaining all the advantages of your choice, you can get a stunning result. The guy will decide that this idea came to his mind. It is not necessary to disappoint him, let him think so, and you can put "excellent" for the wise behavior of a loving partner.

Error number 3. Memories of former beloved

The reaction on which it is clearly seen that the man's pride will be launched, follows after mentioning the former beloved. This can manifest itself in the form of chagrin, irritation and even aggression. Any man in the soul is the owner, and he terribly hurts to realize that other men loved his woman. Memories that the previous one was good, can provoke the emergence of incompleteness complexes. Talk about how bad it was with the former lover, will be less painful, but still unpleasant. Permanent comparisons will definitely lead to parting.

Do not voiced your memories that it has long passed since it looks unconvincing. If so good was with the former, why are you still not together? Or his image became perfect after parting? It should be understood that such memories hurt the current partner and infirmly act on his ego. Girls need to put themselves in place of their boyfriend, and returning to the past is recommended solely as needed. It will not be possible to cause healthy jealousy, you can only harm the current relationship.

Error № 4. Rush to men

A vulnerable male pride arises because of the ridicule on the part of a woman. Each representative of the strong sex has memories coming from childhood. He was small and did not know much, had to comprehend everything gradually. We are talking about strength, courage, experience. Today, the guy wants to feel like a bold protector, and the periods of insolvency want to forget forever. That is why he very painful to realize that his beloved woman sees his weakness. A man feels humiliated and begins to defend themselves. A simple unobtrusive joke can become a reason for a serious conflict (not to mention serious things).

The usual comment in a joking form can create a situation when men's pride goes. What to do a woman who did not want to offend his lover, psychologists advise. You should not focus on a joke or repeat it twice, you need to translate the topic as correctly correctly. To all his own kind, show that the conversation has a joking form and in no case claims sarcasm. To continue not to offend your man, you need to be extremely attentive to words. The categorical ban lies on the topic of appearance, discussing members of his family, intimate opportunities, favorite hobbies, etc. Jokes in any form on this topic lead to conflicts or even partings.

Error number 5. Authoritarian behavior of a woman

Very often, the representatives of the weak floor are forgotten about their destination and try to fully take the Brazda of the Board. It happens that the woman hurt the man's self-adequacy with its commander ambitions and did not even notice that. This usual habit of considering exclusively its point of view, not to be considered a partner with the opinion of the partner, to suppress it morally leads to significant exacerbations of relations.

A man seeks to defend his beloved, dreams of being for her the only salvation in all situations. And she does not even even take care of himself, because only herself prefers to decide when and to what extent she needs it.

Do not change roles, because it will not lead to good. A man will endure the suppression of his ego until the time: either he will not stand and leave, either turn into a non-battery person. This development of the situation will definitely not arrange a girl, because it does not have enough strength to perform men's functions. If there is a desire to see their relationship with harmonious, it is worth each partner to remain in their positions and do not climb into someone else's territory.

Error number 6. Clamping relationships

Beautiful sexes love to find out the relationship. As a result of multiple conversations, a woman understands that the male pride hurt. What to do in a situation where the partner does not want to find out who is right who is to blame? A woman should understand that the psychology of a man is radically different from female logic. The guy is used to act, and not to argue, and all the discussions of personal problems seem to be ridiculous and meaningless to him. He wants to hear a call for a specific action, and not listen to multiple complaints.

What to do in this case?

If a woman is an amateur, she needs to be constantly ready for mutual confrontation with a partner. For example, she wants to talk to the topic of interest to its interest, which concerns the analysis of the past not very good situation. A man is categorically against the "useless spending time for stupid conversations." The girl begins to insist on a conversation, nervous, insult or affect the pride of the partner. Such clarification lead to inevitable separation. Therefore, girls should remember that the analysis of events and feelings can be entrusted to a friend or mother, but not his beloved, since he will not bring conversations in large quantities.

Error number 7. Manipulation

Male pride is bother when the guy understands that they are manipulated. Each strong sex representative can apply a lot of effort to obtain a certain result. He tries to care, help, pay attention to the girl and fulfill all her whimsage for achieving his own goal. Usually, this purpose is intimate relationships, because (according to men) sex is proof of female love. Any sense of attention from the girl he perceives as a call to action. But when the guy realizes that he was used, the whole world leaves under his feet. It painfully reflects on his pride, as it infringe on his male dignity.

Do not humiliate male pride. If there are no plans to develop a serious relationship, the girl should behave accordingly. It is not recommended to take gifts, ask for help or behave ambiguously (overly koxes, hint or flirt). Otherwise, you can provoke indignation or even aggression from the guy and hear a lot of impartial about yourself. A vulnerable pride of a man will allow him to be very ingenious in its revenge, therefore it is worth fear of such actions.


Women who dream of a harmonious prolonged relationship with strong sexual representatives, you need to know how to felt the male pride of chosen. To do this, you need to understand them, relate to respectfully, often praise and love more. No guy will remain indifferent to the girl who appreciates it. But at the same time do not forget about self-esteem. After all, only equal tender and sensitive relationships will support the bonfire of love throughout life.

We made a list of things that in no way should do to save men's pride. By the way, this is important not only for the harmonious course of your relationship, but also for the success of your beloved on a career field and in other affairs. After all, knowledge of male psychology will allow you to help your beloved believe in your own strength and become a real support of your family.

5 things that hurt men's pride

1) You laugh at him in the presence of friends.

Never - absolutely never - do not need to do that. Even if it seems to you that your favorite is endowed with a great sense of humor. Any jokes over it, no matter, successful or not, he will perceive as recognition of his own insolvency. Especially if you deliver them out loud in the company of friends. Especially if they concern sex, its appearance, work, earnings, achievements in sports and relatives. Leave the jokes with you, in the extreme case, you can laugh with my mother or girlfriends. When your guy is not with you, of course.

2) You are trying to be the main in the family.

Even if you earn 2 times more, it is not a reason to command them at home. Try to be softer and let him take everything into your hands. So you not only be able to relax and relax at home, but also make the right step in your relationship: a man will feel like a head of the family, will become more responsible and active.

3) You make it go to the doctor.

Such is the male psychology, for the most part, they hate to go to the doctor (especially if it comes to sexual health), and if they begin to hint at the need for examination, they perceive it as a blow to pride. Make a horse King - If you think that your man needs to visit the doctor, sign up for reception on the same day and tell him about the bottom of health for you. Or ask the mother-in-law to convince the Son that it is necessary to be examined.

4) You are not living.

If you envy your girlfriends and often tell the guy that Masha was again in the Maldives again, and you did not go to the sea for the third year in a row, try to find a more constructive method to express my desires. Such an approach and whining about how bad life you have, lingering a man and cause His apathy. After all, he feels guilty that he cannot give you everything you want! It is better to inspire him to change the work or get an increase in tenderness, attention and love.

5) You often refuse sex.

Intimate topic is one of the most important for any man. Let him feel that you appreciate him and you have pleasure from sex! And if it is not so, then why do you meet at all?

What to do if you hurt male pride

It doesn't matter whether it happened by chance or in the mouth of a quarrel when you wanted to build a partner. It is now important to smooth the conflict and return to him faith. First, apologize for what has been said. Secondly, we will often tell the favorite compliments, making a soft focus on what was offended last time. Thirdly, try more often to please your husband or boyfriend, for example, massage, breakfast in bed and other pleasant things. Soon you will see that in response, he also tries to make you pleasant - both emotional and materially. Return will not make himself wait!