Reasons for canceling ZMT in drug addicts. Full list of services of the Medical Center "Bekhterev"

Drug addiction is not just a pernicious addiction, but a serious illness that leads to damage to internal organs, the appearance of a mental disorder and the development of neuropathological conditions. A drug addict is a person who is physically and mentally dependent on drugs. The effect of narcotic drugs has a peculiarity - the addict needs a constant increase in the dose.

Drug addiction appears very quickly. Very often, novice drug addicts mistakenly think that they can stop using drugs at any time. They themselves do not notice how they fall into terrible networks. Some drugs are addictive after the first dose. Others take a certain amount of time, and the addiction depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

Drugs act on the brain, so that a person can think that he is in control of the process and can stop taking drugs at any time. However, stopping drug use is not easy and causes what is called drug withdrawal.

Narcotic withdrawal is a pathological condition that manifests itself differently in every addict. In some, withdrawal begins immediately, after the first intake, in others, withdrawal causes prolonged use. And the withdrawal itself can take place with various symptoms, of varying strength and intensity.

Withdrawal usually occurs after several weeks of drug use. During this time, addiction occurs, called drug addiction. The peculiarity of dependence is that each subsequent use requires an increase in the dose. The longer the drug is used, the stronger the withdrawal syndrome.

There are cases when severe withdrawal symptoms begin after 2-3 times of using drugs. It is at the moment of withdrawal that a person begins to realize that he has fallen into terrible drug networks. If at the same time the body does not receive the required drug dose, withdrawal occurs. It is always very painful and unpleasant.

Typically, the first signs of withdrawal symptoms begin 10-12 hours after the last drug dose.

Breakage at the first stage can be recognized by some common symptoms:

  • nervousness, irritability, uncontrollable emotions and behavior;
  • shuddering of the body, as if with a strong chill;
  • severe salivation, tearing, sweating;
  • nasal congestion, a feeling of a runny nose.
  • pupils dilate, there is no reaction to light;
  • severe vomiting;
  • complete loss of appetite;
  • swelling.

If you do not take the drug within a day, the symptoms worsen even more:

  • blood pressure rises;
  • increased heart rate;
  • intestinal disorders - diarrhea.

The most important, strong and painful symptom is severe pain in the joints and bones. It seems to break a person from the inside. The muscles are cramping. The pain is not only intense, it also does not stop. That is, for the addict there is not a single moment for him to disconnect and be able to rest. This pain is not relieved by any pain relievers, because it is caused by the demands of the drug.

In addition to severe physical pain, the addict experiences severe psychological suffering. The fact is that withdrawal pains are phantom - imaginary. They are produced by the human brain, requiring a new dose of drugs.

The following situation arises: at the beginning of the use, a person reaches for a dose to get pleasure, the so-called "high". During withdrawal, the addict seeks a dose only to relieve their suffering. We are no longer talking about pleasure.

Drugs have the ability to inhibit neurons that transmit impulses. Therefore, after taking drugs, the pain disappears. With the constant use of drugs, the human nervous system gets used to such work and stops producing its own painkillers - endorphins, which are also responsible for the development of feelings of joy and pleasure.

The cells of all human organs begin to exist only with the participation of narcotic substances. Naturally, non-receipt of the necessary components causes physical suffering, called drug withdrawal.

The kind of drug withdrawal is just terrible. A sick person does not control himself, his behavior and emotions. His body is in unnatural positions. If you add to this dilated pupils, uncontrolled facial expressions, increased sweating and salivation, then you can imagine the whole horror of the situation.

If a drug addict could overcome withdrawal himself, he could give up drugs. But it is simply impossible to overcome withdrawal symptoms. It is the terrible pain that makes a person return to drug use again and again. After withdrawal, it becomes clear that the patient cannot live without drugs.

Removal of withdrawal is very difficult. The more "experience" of the addict, the more difficult it is to save a person from drug withdrawal. Removal of withdrawal from "experienced" drug addicts should take place only in a hospital under the close supervision of doctors.

Withdrawal symptoms cause a person to experience severe physical and mental suffering, which can only be relieved by qualified drug therapists.

The withdrawal process involves the mandatory cessation of drug use. When removed, pain, irritability and nervousness are eliminated. To relieve withdrawal symptoms with the help of special drugs, toxins and poisons are removed from the body, which lead to poisoning. This procedure is called detoxification. This phase is required for treatment.

However, there are very deep cases of drug addiction in which abrupt withdrawal from drugs can lead to the death of the patient. In these cases, withdrawal or withdrawal occurs according to other schemes and rules, which can only be approved by an experienced narcologist.

There is a wide range of different drugs for withdrawal withdrawal. Each case of withdrawal is individual and requires a special approach. To determine the type and dose of drugs, the doctor must know the whole truth about drug use: duration of addiction, dose, frequency, type of drugs. This knowledge will allow him not to make mistakes when planning treatment.

You cannot remove the withdrawal yourself, this can lead to dire consequences, up to and including death. You cannot replace one psychoactive substance with another. So there is a common misconception that alcohol can relieve pain. This is far from the case. Drinking alcohol while withdrawing will aggravate the condition and can lead to irreversible consequences.

The use of drugs and sleeping pills without a doctor's supervision can also lead to serious and even fatal consequences.

Removal of withdrawal should take place only in a hospital setting. This is a rule that does not tolerate exceptions. When withdrawing a withdrawal, there is always a risk of side effects or unforeseen complications. The hospital has the necessary drugs and equipment to help patients.

You need to know that withdrawal of withdrawal lasts 5-7 days. The body will be cleansed of toxins and drug residues. Withdrawal symptoms will first be alleviated and then completely relieved. Usually, the withdrawal is relieved by intravenous administration of a polyionic saline solution, which restores electrolyte balance in the body. Sedatives and sleeping pills are added to the solution. In addition, the patient is injected with vitamins, minerals, drugs that support the immune system and give strength for a speedy recovery.

The term “withdrawal” denotes a pronounced physical dependence on the drug, it can be considered a clear sign of drug addiction. How quickly it appears since the last drug use depends on many reasons - for example, on the daily dose of the drug and the duration of the illness. Some drug addicts develop withdrawal symptoms after 5 hours, some - after 18. Narcotic withdrawal begins with increasing anxiety and fear of its onset, after a while there is lacrimation, runny nose, irrepressible repeated sneezing, coughing - all this is very similar the initial stage of influenza.

The diameter of the pupils begins to increase, while the pupils do not respond to changes in the brightness of light. The pulse becomes more frequent, blood pressure rises, and there are periodically alternating states of heat and chills. If about a day has passed since the last dose of the drug, extremely excruciating pains in the body usually appear, especially in the legs and along the spine, the patient cannot sleep. Further, all the above phenomena intensify, there are cramping pains in the intestines, diarrhea with false desires, repeated vomiting.

As a rule, at this stage of drug withdrawal, patients do not stand up and either seek help or try to get a dose by any means - the drug immediately relieves the condition. The most difficult time is the third or fourth day after the last dose of the drug. How long does withdrawal take? A noticeable improvement in the condition occurs by about the tenth day, and complete elimination of withdrawal symptoms in a drug addict can take up to six months. Sometimes withdrawal lasts less and is less painful, accompanied by less severe pain, but the general pattern of symptoms remains the same.

Do I need to help a patient during drug withdrawal?

If a drug addict himself asked for help and admitted that he suffers from drug addiction, then, of course, one should show humanity towards him and provide help. But if the patient does not admit that he uses drugs, then it is better not to rush to alleviate his condition, you can use it to force the addict to admit his addiction. For young drug addicts who do not suffer from serious illnesses, withdrawal, despite its pain, is not life threatening. This should not be forgotten when the patient tries to blackmail his loved ones, set conditions for them, frightening him with his possible death, or demand special, sometimes impossible conditions for treatment. There are situations when drug addicts, having firmly set themselves the goal of getting rid of drugs, experience withdrawal on their own, without even taking any medication to alleviate the condition (in their slang, this is called "breaking dry").

The consequences of withdrawal

If the addict has experienced withdrawal, the need for the drug becomes his main need. It displaces all basic human needs - the need for food, the instinct for self-preservation, sexual need, cognitive need. Even the fear of death is relegated to the background. For example, drug addicts can use the same syringe despite the fact that one of them has HIV. This feature of drug addicts must be taken into account when choosing treatment methods.

A drug addict subordinates his whole life to his most important needs, for him moral and ethical principles, obligations to family and friends, even the value of life itself - his own and those close to him - become insignificant. Drug addiction makes such a patient deceitful, unprincipled, ruthless. He actually becomes a different person. Moreover, these changes are intensified with continued drug use. If the addict tries to overcome his illness, accepts the help of relatives and doctors, then the pathological personality traits are erased, the person returns to a normal state.

Drug addiction is like a medal with two sides. One of them is a feeling of euphoria, oblivion after taking a dose. The other side is the addict's withdrawal, which seems endless to the unfortunate. What is withdrawal symptoms? How to help a patient whose recent "high" has turned into unbearable suffering? All this in the review.

You need to know the enemy by sight

Narcotic withdrawal is one of the pathological processes that develop in the course of taking drugs. A particularly vivid clinical picture is observed as a result of the use of potent substances. Heroin can be safely classified as such.

The state of the addict can be called the response of his body to the restriction in the drug.

The time of the onset of withdrawal is individual. Only one thing is natural: the more "experience" of the addict, the greater the likelihood of frequent and most intense attacks.

If the syndrome did not begin after several doses of a narcotic substance, this cannot be a guarantee of further absence of withdrawal.

Why does withdrawal symptoms occur?

A person who is “on a drug” becomes addicted to a drug; the body of the unfortunate person undergoes dramatic changes. Gradually, the harmful substance, rebuilding the metabolism of the addict, becomes a vital component for the patient. The person places the drug on the same level with food, water, air.

When a drug addict for any reason does not take a drug, his nervous system experiences stress, which negatively affects all human organs. The poor guy's body is trying to compensate for the imbalance that has appeared, using the entire arsenal of compensatory mechanisms. The stock of internal resources turns out to be negligible to restore the patient's previous condition. As a result, drug withdrawal occurs, and its first symptoms appear.

Gradually, drug addiction becomes life-threatening

Description of the clinical picture

Withdrawal symptoms may vary slightly. Their list and nature depend on the type of drug, the time of taking the drug and the physiological parameters of the addict. The indicative symptoms of withdrawal are as follows:

  1. After about 10 hours of abstaining from the dose, the addict becomes irritable, nervous, distracted. Gradually, the person's condition worsens, he loses control over himself.
  2. Cold symptoms appear: the addict gets cold, his nose gets stuffy, tears flow uncontrollably, the patient sweats profusely.
  3. The unfortunate's pupils dilate and do not react to light exposure from the outside.
  4. The addict loses his appetite, he is constantly nauseous, vomiting and diarrhea may appear. All these symptoms are the body's attempts to remove unnecessary substances.
  5. Arrhythmia is observed, blood pressure rises.
  6. A person suffers pain that occurs in muscle tissue and bones. It seems to the unfortunate that his joints are being torn apart. The picture is complemented by convulsions, the bones literally "break".

The addict cannot eat, drink, sleep, empty himself. He tries to hide from prying eyes, to remain alone with himself. Often, drug addicts curl up in a ball under the covers, where they are also pursued by withdrawal. The described symptoms can be observed for several days, until the unfortunate person is at the disposal of the medical staff.

The consequences of the pathological condition and the provision of assistance to the patient

In the process of withdrawal, all systems and organs of the human body suffer. The skin becomes thinner, coarser and cracked, the structure of hair and nails is destroyed. The thirst for a narcotic substance prevails over other needs of the patient. An addicted person forgets to eat, drink, he loses interest in his own life. For the unfortunate, any moral and ethical principles cease to exist, even the instinct of self-preservation of a person seems to dissolve. Native people for the addict cease to be valuable and loved. The addict is lying, turns into an unprincipled and ruthless person. In other words, there is a complete transformation of the personality and physiology of the addict.

How to help a drug addict?

How to remove withdrawal symptoms? Is there a reliable way to deal with the pathological process? In modern narcological practice, there are many drugs used in the case of withdrawal symptoms. Among them:

  • Drugs for symptomatic treatment.
  • Means for normalizing sleep.
  • Medicines that cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Drugs that correct the work of the cardiovascular system.

In order to really alleviate the patient's condition and not intensify the manifestations, it is necessary to accurately determine the composition and dose of the funds used. Sometimes surgery takes place with alternative detoxification methods. In any case, only a medical professional can do this.

Only a doctor can determine the dosage and types of detox drugs

Often drug addicts try to "help" themselves on their own. To this end, the unfortunate take alcoholic beverages, further aggravating the situation. Sleeping pills, any pain reliever and various psychostimulants cause enormous damage to human health and threaten his life. Therefore, the direct responsibility of the relatives of a drug addict is the timely involvement of qualified medical personnel in the process of removing the syndrome.

What is health care supervised treatment? The patient has a difficult path of five to seven days. During this time, his body will be cleansed of decay products and residues of a harmful substance. Removal of the withdrawal begins by injecting a polyionic saline solution. This remedy helps the addict's body to restore its internal electrolyte balance. As additional drugs, sedatives, diuretics, vasodilators and other drugs are used. Gradually, the symptoms of withdrawal symptoms will disappear. When the detoxification process is complete, minerals and vitamins are administered to the patient in order to restore the immune system and mobilize strength for a speedy recovery.

During detoxification, the body is cleansed of drug residues and their decay products

What will be the further path of the patient?

Defeating withdrawal symptoms is only the first step in a long road to getting rid of drug addiction. The patient has to understand that he has a chance to regain his former happiness and live a full life without drugs. Otherwise, the process will start again, the symptoms of the syndrome will not be long in coming. Detoxification and restoration of immunity is followed by drug therapy, the main focus of which is the rehabilitation of the nervous system and internal organs of the patient.

And it's not over yet! Faced with a breakdown, a drug addict needs serious mental rehabilitation, as well as social adaptation. This is also done by qualified specialists.

The incredibly large scale of damage that drug addiction entails. The withdrawal described is only a small part of all the horror that a person who is "on the needle" will have to face. Only our prudence, common sense and promptness of action will help to give a proper rebuff to drugs.

Drug addiction is a medal with two sides. One of them is the state of "high", euphoria, when the whole world consists of pink and its shades. Back side - breaking known in medical circles as withdrawal symptoms. Joy and a feeling of endless well-being are replaced by torment, which can become simply unbearable.

Breaking - this is exactly what needs to be dealt with in drug addiction treatment. In order to become a healthy and full-fledged person again, the patient must endure this terrible condition. If it works out - myself. If it doesn't work out - with the help of doctors and medicines.

Why and how do withdrawal symptoms occur?

Regularly receiving the drug, the human body gets used to it, rebuilds. Metabolism changes. The drug becomes literally essential. Like food, water or air.

Now imagine: experiencing an acute need for a state of "high", the nervous system suddenly does not receive the coveted dose. This becomes a huge stress on all organs and tissues. Compensatory mechanisms are triggered, striving to somehow make up for the lack of a narcotic substance. But their own internal resources are not able to replace a powerful narcotic substance. This is what causes withdrawal.

Withdrawal symptoms develop in two cases:

  • inability to get another dose or complete refusal of the drug
  • dose reduction, switching to a weaker drug.

The most rapid withdrawal syndrome is formed with the use of opioids: heroin, methadone, opium, morphine. Slightly slower - when you are addicted to sleeping pills and psychotropic substances. With alcoholism, its formation can take a very long time. The longest withdrawal syndrome develops with the use of hashish. Some substances, such as LSD, although classified as drugs, do not cause withdrawal symptoms at all. But they can lead to other, no less serious consequences.

The most severe withdrawal occurs with opioid dependence. When using methadone, the addict experiences simply inhuman torment for a whole month. It is clear that the stronger the abstinence, the more difficult this type of addiction is amenable to treatment.

Symptoms and signs of withdrawal

With different types of addiction, they have a lot in common. Withdrawal symptoms can be divided into two large groups:

  • psychopathological - concerning the nervous system;
  • somatovegetative - affecting internal organs.

Psychopathological symptoms

The first symptom of withdrawal is a change in the mood and emotional state of the addict. He becomes very excitable, irritable. From time to time he experiences bouts of strong, causeless aggression. The patient's entire consciousness is absorbed in just one idea: where to get the next dose? He cannot think of anything else. He is incapable of experiencing any other experiences other than those caused by the lack of dose. At night he is tormented by insomnia.

Somatovegetative symptoms

At first, the symptoms of withdrawal are reminiscent of a cold. The addict is worried about chills, the body temperature rises. Then headaches join, severe pains in all muscles and bones. They become permanent and so strong that it is difficult to compare them with any other pain. Because of them, the addict cannot sleep, do his usual things. He is worried about nausea, which is accompanied by severe frequent vomiting.

Many drug addicts describe these symptoms as unbearable. The difficulty is that at the initial stage of addiction treatment they need to be endured. The patient must "sit out" the withdrawal in order to clear the body of the drug.

Prison is the most difficult stage. If it is completed successfully, then further treatment is likely to be successful.

If the addict could not bear the painful symptoms and broke down, everything will start all over again. Further treatment will become impossible.

If it becomes clear that imprisonment is impossible, special methods are used - detoxification in a hospital setting or, as a last resort, ultra-fast detoxification under anesthesia. And of course, after the detox, you need to send the patient to rehabilitation. Because detox itself is not a guarantee that the addict will not return to use.

What is withdrawal in drug addicts? Typically, this phrase can be heard on radio or television. This pathological condition develops in a person who took the last dose of the drug. The body cannot exist without it. He requires artificial doping that will allow him to work.

How does withdrawal manifest in drug addicts? When does this moment come? It all depends on individual factors. Some addicts feel the syndrome after taking a couple of doses, while others develop withdrawal symptoms after several months of using the drug.

What is withdrawal?

After taking a dose, a person experiences a kind of euphoria. Then he has a grave condition. It is called the breakdown of the addict. Unlike alcohol addicts, abstinence in such patients is much more intense.

Abstinence from drugs includes psychopathic and somatic disorders that develop from physical withdrawal from the drug. The sources of the formation of negative signs is a decrease in the usual dosage.

The severity of the syndrome depends on how the drug is able to be involved in metabolic processes. Opiate compounds are considered the most dangerous and destructive. In turn, the use of methadone provokes a severe manifestation of withdrawal symptoms. This type of remedy can torment the addict for several months. It is usually very difficult for drug addicts to get through this period. And not everyone manages to get out of it.

Withdrawal from other weak hallucinogens does not cause physical dependence. So what is withdrawal? This is a terrible condition of a patient who always wants to return to the time when he used a narcotic substance. Unfortunately, at this moment, very rarely a person can control himself. He becomes aggressive and unrecognizable.

What are the reasons for the development of the syndrome?

Pathological changes in the body develop with drug withdrawal. They occur if a person has been using drugs for a long period of time. In turn, these substances are incorporated into metabolic processes. They act on the work of all systems and internal organs of the human body.

What are the causes of withdrawal? The origin of this process lies in the aforementioned actions of the drug. But the main source of the problem is that the drug affects the functioning of the central nervous system. Subsequently, he directs the transmission of brain impulses.

How do drugs affect the brain?

First, these drugs wedge into metabolism, and then altogether replace neurotransmitters. The latter are responsible for receiving and sending nerve impulses. As a result, the body loses its ability to produce neurotransmitters necessary for life.

In the brain, the drug causes the same changes as in the schizophrenic. That is, the addicted to this drug becomes stupid. This is due to the death of nerve cells in the brain, which contributes to a decrease in a person's intellectual abilities.

As a result, without these chemically bioactive compounds, there is a violation of the musculoskeletal system, the relationship between the cells of internal organs. The patient's body is a chaotic set of cells and nerve impulses.

How do the processes take place inside a person?

So, we have answered the question what is withdrawal. Now let's find out what happens in the body of a drug addict when using the drug. A person who takes drugs begins to feel the need for them after several hours of their absence. The body realizes after a couple of days that it is devoid of doping. This is when withdrawal symptoms begin.

How long does withdrawal take for a drug addict? Withdrawal symptoms can last for several months or a couple of hours. During this time, the human body will have to remember how to synthesize the necessary substances itself.

The duration of withdrawal also depends on the type of drug used by the patient and the stage of development of neglect of dependence. After prolonged withdrawal, psychosis may appear. Often, drug addicts commit suicide, because at this moment their consciousness is clouded, there are memory lapses and hallucinations.

Breaking is a kind of excruciating and painful recovery of an organism that is devoid of surrogate neurotransmitters. For a person, this is considered an almost insurmountable obstacle.

The situation is bad if a person has several chronic pathologies. In addition, his body will be in an extreme degree of exhaustion. Also, a very long period of drug use can lead to disastrous results.

What are the signs of withdrawal symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms vary in intensity and severity. Let's consider the main signs of abstinence in drug addicts, which are identified by experts. These include fever, headaches, nausea, and mood swings. Also, the patient experiences discomfort in the area of \u200b\u200bmuscles and bones.

The first symptoms of withdrawal

At first, withdrawal is very similar to a person's condition with a cold. Also, the addict does not want to communicate with anyone and becomes withdrawn. This condition is joined by symptoms such as runny nose and convulsions, lethargy, fever and confusion, irritability and painful discomfort in the body.

After a while, vomiting is added to them. Then diarrhea begins. This in turn leads to dehydration. The patient notes the most terrible joint and muscle pains.

As a rule, in this state, patients begin to roll on the floor and beat against objects. At this moment, they do not experience any pain. Such human behavior can lead to injury. Sleep disturbance is also added to everything. He becomes superficial and anxious.

A little about psychopathic withdrawal symptoms

Breaking takes place with a deep depression of the addict. A person stops communicating with family, friends, he is not interested in anything. The nightmares that he dreams continue in real life in the form of hallucinations.

A drug addict takes those around him for terrible creatures that bring him this very suffering. At this moment, he can commit a crime. The main psychopathic symptoms include hallucinations and an increased level of anxiety, outbursts of rage and aggression, which the addict cannot control.

What are the somatic signs?

Typical symptoms of this type include joint and muscle pain. Withdrawal symptoms are initially preceded by initial somatic symptoms. The addict experiences dilated pupils, sneezing and yawning.

After that, the previously indicated symptom joins. A person experiences unbearable pain when his muscles are cramped by excruciating cramps. After the patient's condition begins to deteriorate sharply and signs such as a sharp increase in blood pressure, vomiting and chills, aches throughout the body, increased sweating and problems with the gastrointestinal tract join. The latter most often manifest as diarrhea.

What should be done with withdrawal symptoms?

If during withdrawal the addict takes another dose, then this condition will disappear from him, but not completely. In this case, you need to seek help from qualified doctors.

It is impossible to treat withdrawal symptoms at home on your own. It is in the conditions of a specialized hospital that the effects of abstinence are stopped. Addiction to narcotic drugs necessarily needs treatment. Removal of withdrawal symptoms is carried out by narcologists. To do this, they introduce special medications. So, to improve the work of the heart, "Caffeine" is prescribed.

The patient is prescribed fortifying medications, like "Unitol". Antidotes are used for certain types of drugs. If the patient has used methadones and opioids, then he undergoes accelerated detoxification under general anesthesia. Unfortunately, this therapy cannot provide treatment for addiction. This remains the main problem today.

What are the consequences of abstinence?

As noted above, the patient's withdrawal symptoms pass in case of depression. Suicidal thoughts creep into his head. At this time, there is no control over emotions by the brain. In order to escape from this agonizing state, the addict may commit suicide. Also at this time, the patient's basic instincts are lost. He does not want to drink or eat or sleep. In addition, the self-preservation instinct disappears. Therefore, during this period, the drug addict can harm himself and get injured.

Severe complications are also observed in brain activity. The person can develop psychosis, major depression, epilepsy, and progressive dementia. This occurs as a result of the destruction of individual parts of the brain. In this case, competent help from a specialist is required. Otherwise, the personality degrades and the aging process will accelerate. A person can die. Therefore, if you have a friend who suffers from this ailment, do not wait until he is gone, but seek help.