The design of the steam turbine T 50 130. Device and technical characteristics of equipment LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo LLC Volzhskaya CHP

Heat steam turbine T-50 / 60-130 It is intended for the drive of an electric generator and has two heat sewing for heating heat. Like other turbines with a capacity of 30-60 MW, it is designed to be installed on the CHP of medium and small cities. Pressure both in heating and in the production selection is maintained by regulating rotary diaphragms installed in the CND.

The turbine is designed to work with the following nominal parameters:

· Pressure overheated steam - 3.41 MPa;

· The temperature of the superheated steam - 396 ° C;

· Nominal power of the turbine - 50 MW.

The sequence of the technological process of the working fluid lies in the following: steam generated in the boiler, on steam pipelines is sent to the high-pressure turbine cylinder, spending on all steps the CTC enters the CND after which it enters the condenser. In the condenser, the spent steam is condensed due to the heat of given cooling water, which has its own circulation circuit (Circus. Water), further, with the help of condensate pumps, the main condensate is sent to the regeneration system. This system includes 4 HDP, 3 PMDs and deaeter. The regeneration system is designed to heal the nutrient water at the inlet of the boiler to a certain temperature. This temperature has a fixed value and is indicated in the passport of the turbine.

The fundamental thermal circuit is one of the main power plant schemes. Such a scheme gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe type of power plant and the principle of its work, disclosing the essence of the technological process of energy generation, and also characterizes the technical equipment and thermal economy of the station. It is necessary for calculating the thermal and energy balance of the installation.

In this scheme, 7 selections are shown, two of which are also well-protected, i.e. Designed for heating the power water. Drainages from heaters are reset either in the previous heater, or with the help of drainage pumps to the mixing point. After the main condensate passed 4 PND, it enters the deaerator. The main value of which is not to heat the water, but to clean it from oxygen, which causes corrosion of metals of pipelines, on-screen pipes, pipes of steamers and other equipment.

The main elements and conditional notation:

K- (condenser)

Kuner installation

High Pressure Cycer

Low Pressure Cginner

EG - electrical generator

OE - Ejector Cooler

PS - Network Heater

PVK - peak water boiler

TP - thermal consumer

Kn - condensate pump

DN - drain pump

Mon - Nutritious Pump

PND - High Pressure Heater

PVD - low pressure heater

D - Deaaerator

Scheme 1 T50 / 60-130 Turbine Heat Scheme

Table 1.1. Nominal values \u200b\u200bof the main parameters of the turbine

Table 1.2. Steam parameters in the selection chamber

Heater Steam parameters in the selection chamber Number of pair selected, kgf / s
Pressure, MPa Temperature, ° С
PVD7 3,41 3,02
PVD6 2,177 4,11
PVD5 1,28 1,69
Deaerator 1,28 1,16
PND4. 0,529 2,3
PDJ. 0,272 2,97
PND2 0,0981 - 0,97
PND1 0,04 - 0,055

1. The standard energy characteristics of the T-50-130 TMZ turbine unit is compiled on the basis of thermal tests of two turbines (conducted by Yuzhtehenergo on the Leningrad CHPP-14 and Sibtehenergo on the Ust-Kamenogorsk CHP) and reflects the average economy of the overhaul of the turbine truck operating on the factory setting thermal circuit (schedule) and under the following conditions adopted for nominal:

Pressure and temperature of fresh steam in front of the locking valves of the turbine - respectively - 130 kgf / cm 2 * and 555 ° C;

* In the text and the graphs are given absolute pressure.

The maximum allowable consumption of fresh steam - 265 t / h;

Maximum permissible steam costs through a switchable compartment and a Cund -, respectively, 165 and 140 t / h; The limit values \u200b\u200bof steam expenditures through certain compartments correspond to the technical conditions of TU 24-2-319-71;

Purpose of the spent steam:

a) for the characteristics of the condensation regime with constant pressure and the characteristics of the selection for two- and single-stage heating of the network water - 0.05 kgf / cm 2;

b) to characterize the condensation mode at a constant flow rate and temperature of cooling water in accordance with the thermal characteristic of the capacitor K-2-3000-2 with W \u003d 7000 m 3 / h andt 1 \u003d 20 ° C - (graph);

c) for the mode of operation with the selection of steam with a three-step heating of the network water - in accordance with the schedule;

The high and low pressure regeneration system is fully included; Deaerator 6 kgf / cm 2 The pairs of III or II of the selections are served (when the pair pressure is reduced in the chamberIII selection up to 7 kgf / cm 2 pairs peraerator served fromII selection);

Nutrient water consumption is equal to consumption of fresh steam;

The temperature of the nutrient water and the main condensate of the turbine behind the heaters corresponds to the dependencies shown in the charts and;

The increase in the enthalpy of nutritious water in the nutritional pump - 7 kcal / kg;

The efficiency of the electric generator corresponds to the warranty data of the Elektrosila plant;

The pressure regulation range in the upper heat selection is 0.6 - 2.5 kgf / cm 2, and in the lower - 0.5 - 2.0 kgf / cm 2;

Heating of network water in the heat installation - 47 ° C.

The following tests are based on the present energy characteristics are processed using the "Tables of the thermophysical properties of water and water vapor" (published standards, 1969).

The condensate of the heating pair of high-pressure heaters merges cascade in PVD No. 5, and from it is fed to Deaaerator 6 kgf / cm 2. With a steam pressure in the chamberIII Selection below 9 kgf / cm 2 Condensate of heating steam from PVD No. 5 is sent to PVD 4. At the same time, if the pair pressure in the chamberII. The selection is higher than 9 kgf / cm 2, the condensate of the heating pair from PVD No. 6 is sent to Deaaerator 6 kgf / cm 2.

The condensate of the heating pair of low pressure heaters merges cascading in the PND # 2, from it the drain pumps is supplied to the line of the main condensate for the PND No. 2. The condensate of the heating steam from the PND number 1 is merged into the capacitor.

The upper and lower heaters of the network water are connected accordingly toVI and VII Turbine selections. The condensate of the heating pair of the upper heater of the network water is supplied to the line of the main condensate for the PND number 2, and the Nizhnya - in the line of the main condensate for the HDPE No.I.

2. The turbine, along with the turbine, includes the following equipment:

T-60-2 type generator with hydrogen cooling plant;

Four low pressure heaters: PND No. 1 and PND No. 2 of the type Mon-100-16-9, PND No. 3 and PND No. 4 of the type Mon-130-16-9;

Three High Pressure Heater: PVD PV-350-230-21M PVP No. 5, PV-350-230-36M PV-350-230-36M PVD No. 7, PV-350-230-50M type PVD No. 7;

Superficial two-way capacitor K2-3000-2;

Two main three-stage ejector EP-3-600-4A and one launcher (constantly in the work there is one main ejector);

Two heater of the power water (upper and lower) PSS-1300-3-8-1;

Two condensate pumps 8xD-6´ 3 with a capacity of 100 kW with electric motors (constantly in operation is one pump, the other in the reserve);

Three condensate pump heater network water 8xD-5´ 3 with an electric motor drive 100 kW each (in the work there are two pumps, one - in reserve).

3. With a condensation mode with a disconnected pressure regulator, the full heat consumption of gross and consumption of fresh steam, depending on the power at the outputs of the generator, is analytically expressed in the following equations:

At constant pressure of steam in the condenser p 2 \u003d 0.05 kgf / cm 2 (schedule, b)

Q o \u003d 10.3 + 1.985n t + 0.195 (N T - 45.44) Gcal / h;

D O \u003d 10.8 + 3.368 N T + 0.715 (N T - 45.44) t / h; (2)

At constant flow rate (W. \u003d 7000 m 3 / h) and temperature (t 1. \u003d 20 ° C) cooling water (graph, but):

Q o \u003d 10.0 + 1.987 N t + 0.376 (N T - 45.3) Gcal / h; (3)

D O \u003d 8.0 + 3,439 N t + 0.827 (N T - 45.3) t / h. (four)

Heat and fresh steam expenditures for power targets are determined by the above dependencies with the subsequent introduction of the necessary amendments (graphics,); These amendments take into account the deviations of operational conditions from the nominal (from the conditions of the characteristics).

The correction curve system practically covers the entire range of possible deviations of the operating conditions of the turbine unit from the nominal. This provides the ability to analyze the operation of a turbine unit in a power plant.

The amendments are calculated for the condition of maintaining constant power at the outputs of the generator. If there are two deviations and more conditions of operation of the turbogenerator from nominal amendments, algebraically summed up.

4. In mode with heat sections, the turbine unit can work with a single, two- and three-step heated of the network water. The corresponding type diagrams of the modes are shown on the charts (A - D), (A - K), and also.

The diagrams indicate the conditions for their construction and the rules for use are given.

Typical modes diagrams allow you to directly determine for the initial conditions taken (N T, Q T , R T) Couple consumption on the turbine.

On schedules (A - D) and T-34 (A - K) The diagrams of the modes expressing addiction are depictedD O \u003d F (N T, Q T ) With certain values \u200b\u200bof pressures in adjustable selection.

It should be noted that the diagrams of modes for single and two-stage heating of the network water expressing dependencyD O \u003d F (N T, Q T , P T) (graphs and a) are less accurate due to certain assumptions adopted when constructing them. These modes diagrams can be recommended for use in indicative calculations. When using them, it should be borne in mind that the diagrams are not specified clearly boundaries that determine all possible modes (by limiting steam expenditures through the corresponding protocating part of the turbine and limit pressures in the upper and lower selections).

To more accurately determine the value of the consumption of steam steam on a given thermal and electrical load and steam pressure in an adjustable selection, as well as determining the zone of permissible operation modes, the diagrams of the modes presented on the charts should be used (A - D) and (A - K).

Specific heat expenses for electricity production for appropriate operating modes should be determined directly by schedules (A - D) - for single-stage heating of the network water and (A - K) - For two-stage heating of the network water.

These graphs are built according to the results of special calculations using the characteristics of the flow of the flow part of the turbine and the heat plant and do not contain inaccuracies that appear when constructing diagrams of modes. Calculation of specific heat expenditures on the production of electricity using diagrams of modes gives less accurate result.

To determine the specific costs of heat for the production of electricity, as well as steam expenditures on a turbine by schedules (A - D) and (A - K) At pressures in adjustable selection, for which graphs are not directly given, the interpolation method should be used.

For the mode of operation with a three-step heating of the power water, the specific heat consumption for electricity production should be determined by the schedule, which is designed for the following dependency:

q T. \u003d 860 (1 +) + kcal / (kW× h), (5)

where q pr. - Continuous optical thermal losses, for turbines 50 MW, taken equal to 0.61 Gcal / h, according to "Instructions and methodological instructions on the rationing of specific fuel expenditures on thermal power plants" (BTI Orgres, 1966).

The settings of the amendments correspond to the transition from the conditions for constructing the modes diagram to operational.

In the presence of two deviations and more conditions for the operation of the turbine unit from the nominal amendments, algebraically summed up.

Power amendments to the parameters of fresh steam and the temperature of the reverse network water correspond to the factory calculation.

For the condition of preserving a permanent amount of heat to the consumer (Q T \u003d const ) With a change in the parameters of fresh steam, it is necessary to make an additional correction to the power, which takes into account the change in the consumption of steam into the selection due to changes in the enthalpy of steam in the adjustable selection. This amendment is determined by the following dependencies:

When working on electrical graphics and constant consumption of steam on the turbine:

D \u003d -0.1 q t (r o -) kW; (6)

D \u003d +0.1 q t (t o -) kW; (7)

When working on thermal graphics:

D \u003d +0.343 q t (p about -) kW; (eight)

D \u003d -0.357 q t (t o -) kW; (9) T-37.

When determining the heat of use of the heaters of the power water, the supercooling of the condensate of the heating steam is taken equal to 20 ° C.

When determining the amount of heat perceived by the built-in bundle (for a three-stage heating of the power water), the temperature pressure is taken equal to 6 ° C.

The electrical power developed by the heat cycle due to heat leave from the adjustable selections is determined from the expression

N TF \u003d W TF × Q T MW, (12)

where W TF - The specific electricity generation for the heat cycle at the corresponding modes of operation of the turbine unit is determined by schedule.

The electrical power developed by the condensation cycle is defined as a difference

N CN \u003d N T - N TF MW. (13)

5. The method of determining the specific heat consumption for the production of electricity for various modes of operation of the turbine unit with the deviation of the specified conditions from the nominal is explained by the following examples.

Example 1. Condensation mode with a disconnected pressure regulator.

Dano: n t \u003d 40 MW, p o \u003d 125 kgf / cm 2,t O. \u003d 550 ° C, p 2 \u003d 0.06 kgf / cm 2; Thermal circuit is calculated.

It is required to determine the consumption of fresh steam and the specific heat consumption of gross under specified conditions (N T \u003d 40 MW).

Example 2. Mode of operation with adjustable steam selection with two-and single-stage heating of the power water.

A. Mode of work on thermal graphics

Dano: Q t \u003d 60 Gcal / h; P TV \u003d 1.0 kgf / cm 2; P o \u003d 125 kgf / cm 2;t O \u003d 545 ° C; T 2. \u003d 55 ° C; heated network water - two-stage; Thermal circuit - calculated; The remaining conditions are nominal.

It is required to determine the power at the outputs of the generator, the consumption of fresh steam and the specific heat consumption of gross under specified conditions (Q T \u003d 60 Gcal / h).

In tab. The calculation sequence is given.

The mode of operation in a single-stage heating of the power water is calculated similarly.

practice Report

6. Turbine T-50-130

The monomial steam turbine T-50-130 with a nominal capacity of 50 MW at 3000 rpm with condensation and two heating steam selection is designed to drive an AC generator, such as TVF 60-2 with a capacity of 50 MW with hydrogen cooling. Control of the turbine used to work from the control and control panel.

The turbine is designed to work with the parameters of fresh steam 130 at, 565 C 0, measured in front of the locking valve. Rated cooling water temperature at the inlet 20 C capacitor.

The turbine has two heating selections, upper and lower, intended for step heating of the network water in boilers. The heated of the feed water is carried out sequentially in the refrigerators of the main ejector and the ejector of suction of the seal of the seals with a slim heater, four PND and three PVDs. PND №1 and №2 feed on the ferry from heating selections, and the remaining five - from unregulated selections after 9, 11, 14, 17, 19 steps.

"RIGHT"\u003e Table

Gas-turbine installation type of the company "Rust and Hornsby" with a capacity of 1000 kW

Gas turbine (turbine from lat. Turbo whirlwind, rotation) is a thermal engine of continuous action, in the blade unit of which the energy of compressed and heated gas is converted into mechanical work on the shaft. Consists of a rotor (workers blades ...

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A steam turbine type PT-30-90 / 10 with a rating capacity of 30,000 kW, with a speed of 3000 rpm, condensation, with three unregulated and two adjustable steam selection - is intended for direct generator drive ...

The invention of the Greek mechanics and the scientist Gerona Alexandrian (II century to our era). EE work is based on the principle of reactive movement: couples from the boiler arrived on the tube in the ball ...

Energy sources - history and modernity

The history of the industrial steam turbine began with the invention by the Swedish engineer Carl - Gustav - Patrick de Laval ... the separator for milk. The designed apparatus demanded a drive with a large number of revolutions. The inventor knew ...

Energy sources - history and modernity

The gas turbine was the engine that combined the beneficial properties of steam turbines (energy transmission to the rotating shaft directly ...

Design equipment of the power unit Rostov NPP

Purpose Turbine type K-1000-60 / 1500-2 Production Association HTHZ - steam, condensation, four-cylinder (Structural circuit "FVD + three CND"), without adjustable selections of a pair ...

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Steam turbine - a thermal engine in which the power of the steam is converted into mechanical work. In the blade unit of the steam turbine, the potential energy of a compressed and heated water vapor is converted into kinetic ...

Purpose of a boiler-turbine shop

2000 MW NPP Project

The turbine is designed for direct drive of the transmary current of the TVV-1000-2 to work at nuclear power plants in a block with water-water reactor VVER-1000 on a saturated pair of a monoblock circuit (the block consists of one reactor and one turbine) with ...

Project of the first stage of the BGRES-2 using the turbine K-800-240-5 and the PP-2650-255 boiler

OK-18PU-800 drive turbine (K-17-15P), single-cylinder, unified, condensation, with eight pressure steps, is designed to work with a variable number of revolutions with variable initial parameters of a pair ...

27. Pressure at the outlet of the COP: 28. Gas consumption through the VS turbine: 29. The work performed by gas in the VS turbine: 30. The gas temperature behind the VS turbine:, where 31. The efficiency of the VD turbine is given: 32. The degree of pressure drop in the turbine WED: 33 ...

High Pressure Compressor Calculation

34. Consumption of gas through a low pressure turbine: we have a temperature of more than 1200K, so we choose the GVHLND on the dependence 35. The operation of the gas performed in the ND turbine: 36. The efficiency of the low pressure turbine is set: 37. The degree of pressure drop in the ND turbine: 38 ...

Turbine steam heat, stationary type turbine PT -135 / 165-130 / 15 with a condensation device and adjustable production and two heating steam selection with a rated power of 135 MW ...

Device and technical characteristics of equipment LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo LLC Volzhskaya CHP

Single steam turbine T 100 / 120-130 with a rated power of 100 MW at 3000 arr. / Min. With condensation and two heating steam selection is intended for direct drive of the alternator of the AC ...

Device and technical characteristics of equipment LUKOIL-Volgogradenergo LLC Volzhskaya CHP

Condensation turbine with adjustable steam selection for production and wellness without prominencerer, two-cylinder, single-threaded, with a capacity of 65 MW ...

Turbine T -100 / 120-130

Single steam turbine T 100 / 120-130 with a rated power of 100 MW at 3000 arr. / Min. With condensation and two heating steam selections, it is intended for direct drive of an AC generator, such as the TVF-100-200mW with hydrogen cooling.

The turbine is designed to work with the parameters of fresh steam 130 ata and the temperature of 565C, measured in front of the locking valve.

The nominal cooling water temperature at the input into the capacitor 20c.

The turbine has two heating selections: upper and lower, designed for stepped heating of network water in boilers.

The turbine can take a load of up to 120mW at certain values \u200b\u200bof the heating selections of steam.

Turbine PT -65 / 75-130 / 13

Condensation turbine with adjustable steam selection for production and heat change without industrial, two-cylinder, single-flowable, 65 MW.

The turbine is designed to work with the following pair parameters:

Pressure in front of the 130 kgf turbine / cm 2,

Pair temperature before turbine 555 ° C,

Couple pressure in a production selection 10-18 kgf / cm 2,

Pressure of steam in the heat selection of 0.6-1.5 kgf / cm 2,

Rated steam pressure in the condenser 0.04 kgf / cm 2.

The maximum steam consumption on the turbine is 400 t / h, the maximum selection of steam on production - 250 t / h, the maximum amount of heat released with hot water is 90 gkal / h.

The regenerative installation of the turbine consists of four low-pressure heaters, Deaerator 6 kgf / cm 2 and three high-pressure heaters. Part of the cooling water after the condenser is selected on the water reproductive installation.

Turbine T-50-130

The monomial steam turbine T-50-130 with a nominal capacity of 50 MW at 3000 rpm with condensation and two heating steam selection is designed to drive an AC generator, such as TVF 60-2 with a capacity of 50 MW with hydrogen cooling. Control of the turbine used to work from the control and control panel.

The turbine is designed to work with the parameters of fresh steam 130 at, 565 C 0, measured in front of the locking valve. Rated cooling water temperature at the inlet 20 C capacitor.

The turbine has two heating selections, upper and lower, intended for step heating of the network water in boilers. The heated of the feed water is carried out sequentially in the refrigerators of the main ejector and the ejector of suction of the seal of the seals with a slim heater, four PND and three PVDs. PND №1 and №2 feed on the ferry from heating selections, and the remaining five - from unregulated selections after 9, 11, 14, 17, 19 steps.


The main purpose of the condensation device is the condensation of the spent pair of turbine and ensuring the optimal pressure of steam behind the turbine under nominal working conditions.

In addition to maintaining the pressure of the spent steam on the level required for economical work, the level is maintained to maintain the condensate of the spent steam and its quality corresponding to the PTE requirements and the absence of supercooling relative to the saturation temperature in the condenser.

Type before and after scraping

Type of condenser

Calculated amount of cooling water, t / h

Nominal steam consumption per capacitor, t / h


Technical data of the capacitor 65xst:

The surface of heat transfer, m 3 3000

Number of cooling pipes, pcs. 5470.

Inner and outer diameter, mm 23/25

Length of condenser pipes, mm 7000

Pipe material - copper-nickel alloy MNG5-1

Nominal cooling water consumption, m 3 / h 8000

The number of coolant strokes, pcs. 2.

The number of cooling water flows, pcs. 2.

Mass of the condenser without water, because 60.3

Mass of the condenser with filled with water space, T 92.3

Mass of the condenser with filled steam space at hydrotesting, t 150.3

The purity coefficient of pipes adopted in the thermal calculation of the condenser 0.9

Cooling water pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2) 0.2 (2.0)

Cellular turbines with a capacity of 40-100 MW

Cellular turbines with a capacity of 40-100 MW to the initial parameters of a steam 130 kgf / cm 2, 565 ° C are designed as a single series, combined with general main solutions, unity of construction and a wide unification of nodes and parts.

Turbine T-50-130 With two heating pairs of 3000 rpm, a nominal capacity of 50 MW. In the future, the rated power of the turbine was increased to 55 MW with simultaneous improvement in the guarantee for the economy of the turbine.

The T-50-130 turbine is made of two-cylinder and has a single-flow exhaust. All selements, regenerative and heating, together with the exhaust nozzle are placed in one low-pressure cylinder. In the high pressure cylinder, steam expands to the pressure of the upper regenerative selection (about 34 kgf / cm 2), in the low pressure cylinder - to the pressure of the lower heating selection

For the T-50-130 turbine, the use of a two-vent control wheel with a limited isoentropy drop and performing the first group of steps with a small diameter was optimal. The high pressure cylinder of all turbines has 9 steps - regulating and 8 pressure steps.

Subsequent steps arranged in a medium or low pressure cylinder have a larger volume of steam consumption and are made with large diameters.

All the steps of the series of the series have aerodynamically spent profiles, for the regulatory stage of Chvd, it is customized to bundle the Moscow Energy Institute with radial profiling of the nozzle and working lattices.

Chwd and CSD buffaching is made with radial and axial detergents, which made it possible to reduce the gaps in the running part.

The high pressure cylinder is made countercurrent relative to the medium pressure cylinder, which made it possible to apply one thrust bearing and a rigid coupling while maintaining relatively small axial gaps in the running part of both the CCD and the CSD (or CND from the turbine 50 MW).

The performance of heat-powered bearing turbines has contributed to the balancing of the main part of the axial force in the turbine within each individual rotor and the transfer of the remaining, limited over the magnitude of the bearing effort, working in both directions. In thermal turbines, in contrast to condensation turbines, axial efforts are determined not only by steam consumption, but also by pressures in steam selection chambers. Significant changes in efforts in the runway take place in turbines with two heating seboctions when the outdoor temperature changes. Since the steam consumption remains unchanged, this change in axial effort can almost be compensated by Dummis and is fully transmitted to the stubborn bearing. Made at the factory study of the variable mode of operation of the turbine, as well as split