Small basil: use in folk medicine.

Small basil, or ordinary (Latin Thalíctrum minus) - perennial; species of the genus Basil (Thalictrum) of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae).
Small basil - perennial herbaceous plant with a creeping grayish rhizome, the stem is glabrous, 50-120 cm tall, the leaves are triangular, triple- or four-pinnate. Inflorescences are sprawling, sparse panicles, flowers are small drooping, greenish-brown, with 10-15 drooping stamens, anthers are provided with spikes, fruitlets are ovoid-elliptical, 1 mm long.

Blooms in June-July.

It grows in mixed and birch forests, on forest edges, clearings, dry meadows in Europe, Siberia and Altai, the Far East, Mongolia, Northeast China and North America.

For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant and the roots are used.

The aerial part is harvested during flowering. After collection, the leaves are cut off to half the stem, and the lower part of the stem is discarded. Dry in the shade. The roots are harvested in the fall.

The plant is poisonous. The herb contains alkaloids (talmin, talmidin, berberine, talicrin) and cyanide glycoside, which cleaves off hydrocyanic acid, flavonoids, saponins and tannins. The leaves also contain ascorbic acid, and the roots contain steroids, alkaloids (berberine, talikmin, talikmidin, etc.).

It has been noticed that all types of basil accumulate lithium - an element that plays a large role in regulating nervous system.

Broth, infusion and tincture of small basil have antibacterial, antitumor, tonic, diuretic, laxative and wound healing effects.

Basil tincture was recommended as a cardiovascular agent for hypertension, but is currently not used in scientific medicine. The herb contains phytoncides, and the leaves are more active. The essential extract of small basil has a bactericidal effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, was used in surgical practice, but this drug was not included in the list of medicinal products approved for use in the USSR due to the heterogeneity of the composition of raw materials of small basil different places collection, insufficient knowledge of the plant and other reasons.

Clinical trials have established that infusions and decoctions can be recommended in obstetric and gynecological practice, for acute infections (measles, smallpox, typhus, diphtheria, pulmonary and skin tuberculosis, anthrax, malaria, syphilis). The herb is a part of Zdrenko for the treatment of oncological diseases, papillomotosis of the bladder and anacid gastritis.

V folk medicine In Western Siberia, in addition, infusions and decoctions of basil roots are taken for jaundice, gastrointestinal diseases, epilepsy, headaches, metabolic disorders, and low vision.

In Altai, the small basil is called silver, cinchona grass, nine-knee. They drank the herb and root infusion "from the pressure of the heart, vomiting, from the nausea", "Antonov's fire" with scrofula, lichen, fever, when the chest lays down, from aches, "if it bites off the head," they watered pregnant women from heartburn. Poultices of herbs were made from the "nail eater" (panaritium), for the healing of wounds and diseases of the joints. Powder from root and grass was covered with worm wounds of cattle.

1 tablespoon of crushed plant in 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for diarrhea.

Small basil tincture 1:10 on 70% alcohol. Prescribe 15 to 25 drops per dose 3 times a day for epilepsy.

Every year it is gaining popularity due to its decorative and medicinal properties, the small basil or common basil. It belongs to the Buttercup family and has additional names such as: nine-knee, silver, wild parsley, cinchona grass, rue. Caring for the plant is not difficult, so it is grown in personal plots.

Description of the plant

The plant grows up to 120 centimeters. Root system creeping, grayish. The stem is naked. Sparse foliage is feathery, triangular. Flowering occurs from June in the form of inflorescences, on which are located green tint flowers with yellow stamens. Little Basil grows in meadows, in thickets of bushes and forest edges. We grow widely in Siberia and the Caucasus, as well as in the Far East.

The plant has a number nutrients... So, its stems contain ascorbic acid, saponins, tannins, pyrocatechins. The leaves contain a glycoside, splitting it forms a poisonous compound - hydrocyanic acid. Alkaloids and steroids are present in the root system.

Planting and leaving

Basil plant is not too whimsical. There are certain requirements for his care that must be met. So, it is better to grow a perennial in partial shade. Direct rays of the sun will discolor it. In summer, the basil flower is well watered, especially in the absence of precipitation and in extreme heat. Timely hydration will help long flowering and the brightness of the flowers. Lack of moisture will negatively affect the plant.

Basil ordinary loves loose soil. The plant is not demanding for its composition, but, naturally, if it is fertile, then the flower will respond well to it. Timely feeding will have a beneficial effect on the lushness of the flowering. The best time it will be spring for fertilization. It is desirable that they contain nitrogen. Basil does not like the neighborhood of weeds, so it needs regular weeding.

Before the onset of cold weather, the basil must be mulched. This procedure will ensure reliable protection in the winter cold. Peat and humus are used for mulch. They are well covered with root areas.

If the plant requires a transplant, then it is carried out at the end spring period, the main thing is that there is no heat. In general, a perennial grows up to ten years or more in the same place. It can reproduce well by self-seeding.


The plant can be propagated by dividing the bush, as well as by cuttings. The bush is divided in April or September. Delenki are placed at intervals of 40 centimeters between themselves. After planting, they are watered abundantly.

Cuttings are used only in cases where they want to preserve varietal characteristics. Cuttings are cooked early in spring using young shoots. They must have at least two internodes and a heel. They are rooted in the ground with sand and covered with a film. At times, the greenhouse is sprayed with water. After rooting, they sit on permanent place growth.

Basil can be propagated by seeds. They are harvested in the fall and immediately sown in the ground. You can plant in the spring, but then the seed is stratified within a month. Before planting it, for a month, the seeds are soaked until three days in the water, changing it regularly every day. Then they are laid out on wet sand in grooves and sealed. The container with seeds is kept for about two days at the natural temperature in the room, and then placed in the refrigerator. There she will be in the vegetable section for a month. Once a week, the sand is treated with potassium permanganate to prevent the formation of mold.

Small Basil reproduces well by seeds. Seedlings grow quickly and actively, but flowering will come only after two years.

Potential pests

During periods of drought, aphids can attack the basil. He can also get sick. powdery mildew... These problems are dealt with with treatments special means, which are purchased in specialized stores.

Beneficial features

Basil is used for medicinal purposes. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from its ground part. With their help, they cope with the disorder of the nervous system, colds, malaria and jaundice. The plant is used for tuberculosis, epilepsy, women's diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Perennial is also used externally. It is used in gynecology and also as a wound healing agent in surgery. On its basis, ointments and powders are prepared, with which boils and wounds are lubricated if they fester.

Livestock loves to consume the grass of the young basilist.

In order to make medicines from a plant, its roots and ground part are used. The roots must be prepared in the autumn, and the ground part is collected during flowering. All the foliage is ripped off to the middle of the stem, and the bottom is thrown away. Drying is carried out in a well-ventilated area without exposure to sunlight. The resulting raw material has a mild odor and bitter taste. It can be stored for no more than three years. Then it loses its beneficial properties.

Small basil: use in folk medicine

Basil small, or in other words, nine-knee, cinchona herb, wild parsley, silverfish is often used in folk recipes... For medicinal purposes, the herb and roots of this plant are used. His chemical composition stipulates pharmacological properties and a wide spectrum of action for various diseases.

A wide range of active ingredients

Ascorbic acid, saponins, pyrocatechins, tannins and alkaloids (berberine, talmin, talikmin, talikmidin and others) are found in the green parts of the basil, and glycoside is present in the leaves, the cleavage of which is accompanied by the formation of hydrocyanic acid, a poisonous compound. the roots also have alkaloids, steroids.

Experiments on animals have established that each alkaloid has a specific effect. Talmin inhibits the central nervous system (central nervous system), relaxation of smooth muscle fibers, lowering blood pressure; talikmins and talikmidins cause catalepsy; talicrimin has a stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus; beberine has laxative, choleretic and diuretic effects, and is also able to slightly lower blood pressure. The inhibitory effect of berberine on the process of cell reproduction is known, which is why it is part of the known mixture of Zdrenko for cancer patients.

When is it time to collect basil?

For treatment, take the aerial part (grass) of the small basil. It is harvested in the midst of flowering (June - July), cutting off the upper part of the shoots with leaves and inflorescences up to 40 cm.Dried in the open air, preferably under a canopy to protect it from accidental rains, hanging in small bunches or laying out on a clean cloth or thin paper layer. The attic is one of the best places for drying raw materials. The dried grass of the small basil should consist of leafy shoots with inflorescences, have a green color, have a bitter taste and a faint odor. Such raw materials retain their properties for up to 3 years (store in linen bags in a dry place, separate from other herbs and products, this is the rule for storing poisonous herbs, and the small basil is poisonous). The roots are dug up in September - October.

Small basil from various ailments

This medicinal plant has the following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Expectorant
  • Pain reliever
  • Antibacterial
  • Laxative
  • Diuretic
  • Sedative
  • Antineoplastic
  • Wound healing
  • Hemostatic
  • Fortifying
  • Bactericidal
  • Strengthens cardiac activity

Decoctions and infusions of the aerial part of the small basil are used in the treatment of such diseases: disorders of the nervous system, colds, tuberculosis, malaria, jaundice, diseases of the digestive system, women's diseases, epilepsy. Positive effects have been established after clinical trials.

It is known that the ethereal extract of the basilis lesser, destroys a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, it was once used in surgical practice, but nevertheless, the preparation from the basil was not included in the list of medicinal preparations approved for use in the USSR due to the heterogeneity of the composition of raw materials. basilis from different places of growth, insufficient knowledge of the plant. So, for example, in one of scientific research it was shown that the content of berberine in the small basil from the steppe zone exceeds the content of the same substance in plants growing in the forest area.

Basilis has found its use as an external agent - in gynecology and as a wound healing agent. Festering wounds and boils can be lubricated with ointment or powdered herb. You can prepare the ointment yourself. As a base, you can use petroleum jelly, lanolin, pork fat, vegetable oil... Finely chopped dry basil grass should be introduced into this base.

Recipes with small basilist

A decoction of the herb for cardiac arrhythmias and hypertension. Pour six grams of herbs with a glass of boiling water, hold on a steam bath for ten minutes, insist for an hour. Filter, bring the volume to the original boiled water... Drink three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, a tablespoon for a week.

Tincture of herbs for epilepsy, angina pectoris, to lower blood pressure. Pour twenty grams of herb into a glass of alcohol. Insist a week and a half in the dark, sometimes shaking. Filter out. Consume 20-40 drops three times a day with meals. The course is 5-10 days.

Infusion of roots for the treatment of urinary retention, edema. Brew a teaspoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water. An hour to insist, to filter. Take two tablespoons after meals three times a day.

Decoction of roots for diphtheria, measles, typhus, smallpox, tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria, anthrax. Brew a tablespoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water. Hold for half an hour in a water bath in a closed container. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Filter out. Take 30 minutes before meals three times a day for a tablespoon.

Infusion of herbs for the treatment of skin diseases and purulent wounds. Brew a tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water. Insist, filter. Infusion wash the affected areas.

Leaf compresses for diaper rash. Wash fresh leaves and grind until smooth. Apply to affected areas twice a day until recovery.

Small basil is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it is important to exercise caution when using it. In case of an overdose or poisoning, it is necessary to wash the stomach with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. Then try to see a doctor as soon as possible to provide the necessary medical care.

Latin name: Thalictrum minus L.

Family: Buttercup

belongs to a family called buttercups. V Latin the name of this plant will sound like this: Thalictrum minus L.

Description of the little basilist

Little Basil is a perennial herb, which is endowed with a creeping rhizome, grayish in color. The stem of the plant is bare, in height it fluctuates between fifty and one hundred twenty centimeters. The leaves of the plant are triangular, they can be either three-pinnate or four-pinnate. Basil inflorescences are sprawling, panicles are rather rare, and flowers are small and drooping, greenish-brown in color. The inflorescences are endowed with ten to fifteen drooping stamens, the anthers are endowed with a pointed tip, and the fruitlets will be ovoid-elliptical in shape, such fruits reach only one millimeter in length.
The small basil bloom occurs in the period from June to July. This plant in natural conditions found in the European part of Russia, as well as in Central Asia and Ukraine.

Description of the medicinal properties of small basil

Small basil is characterized by rather valuable medicinal properties: for this purpose, not only the roots are used, but also the aerial part of this plant. The aerial part of the small basil should be harvested during the flowering period of this plant. After the collection has taken place, the leaves should be cut off up to half of the stem, while the lower part of the stem should be discarded. As for the roots of the small basil, they should be prepared in the autumn period.
Basil grass contains ascorbic acid, phytoncides, pyrocatechins, tannins, as well as the following alkaloids: talmin and talmidine. The roots of the plant contain talikmidin, talictrimin, talmin, talikmin, glaucine and berberine. A glycoside was found in the leaves of the plant; when cleaved, it has the ability to release hydrocyanic acid.
It is noteworthy that each alkaloid is endowed with various properties. Talmin helps to suppress the central nervous system and relax the muscles, and also very effectively lowers blood pressure. As for talikmin and talikmidin, they contribute to the emergence of a cataleptic state in animals, while talictrimin will stimulate the muscles of the uterus, and berberine has the ability to provide a laxative, diuretic and choleretic effect. In addition, berberine can lower blood pressure. In addition, berberine has been shown to have a therapeutic effect in both malaria and leishmaniasis.
Small basil is recommended for use in homeopathy not only for painful menstruation, but also for poor eyesight. As for the broths and infusions prepared from the small basil, it is recommended to use them for epilepsy, malaria and enterocolitis, which will also be accompanied by diarrhea. Also, such funds are also effective in pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis, colds, edema of various origins, and also in conditions of increased excitability of the nervous system. Basil powder is considered effective means for festering wounds: these wounds should be covered with such a powder.
It is noteworthy that when taking drugs orally, which include small basil, a considerable degree of caution should be observed: after all, this plant is poisonous. For diarrhea, it is recommended to take the following remedy: to prepare it, you will need to take one tablespoon of the crushed plant for one glass of boiling water. This mixture should be infused for one hour, and then the mixture must be filtered. It is recommended to take this broth three times a day, one tablespoon.

Ancient Slavic legends claim that the plant is named after the beautiful Vasilista Vikulichna, who passed away after her heroic husband. Where the lifeless woman fell, a previously unknown flower grew. Since then, basil has become a component of many love spell potions. Another name for common basil is serebryanka, for the grayish tint of its leaves. How garden plant Basilism began to be cultivated in Russia from the 18th century.

Description of the plant common basil (small).

Common Basil (Thalictrum minus) is a perennial, medicinal herb of the buttercup family. The rhizome of the plant is creeping, grayish. Stem - 50 - 120 cm in height, glabrous. The leaves of the plant are three to four times feathery, triangular. Inflorescences are rare spreading panicles. Flowers - drooping, small, greenish or brown. Blossoming common basil can be observed in June - July.

Where does the common basil grow?

The medicinal plant common basil grows along the edges, thickets of bushes, steppe meadows. It grows throughout European Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Far East.

Photo of a small basilist.

Harvesting common basil.

To prepare medicines, you need the herb of the small basil and its roots. Harvesting the roots in the fall, and the herbs - during flowering. After that, as a rule, all the leaves are ripped off to the middle of the stem, and the bottom of the stem is discarded. Drying of raw materials is carried out in the shade, under a canopy. The finished raw material retains its color, has a bitter taste and a faint smell. Store raw materials for no more than 36 months.

The chemical composition of common basil.

In the aboveground part medicinal plant Basil ordinary contains tannins, ascorbic acid, phytoncides, pyrocatechins, alkaloids: talmidin, talmin, in the roots - talikmidin, taliktrimin, talmin, talikmin, berberine, glaucine and others, glycoside is found in the leaves, which cleaves with the release of hydrocyanic acid.

Medicinal properties of common basil.

Each basil alkaloid has a different effect on the human body. The alkaloid berberine lowers blood pressure, has a choleretic, diuretic, laxative effect; talmin - lowers blood pressure, depresses the central nervous system, relaxes smooth muscles; talitrimin - reduces the muscles of the uterus; talikmidin and talikmin - cause a cataleptic state.

Berberine inhibits cell division, improves malaria and leishmaniasis.

Alcohol tincture, water decoction and infusion have antitumor, antibacterial, diuretic, tonic, wound healing and laxative effects.

The use of common basil.

The medicinal plant Basil is small in the form of infusion and decoction is used for painful menstruation and weak eyesight. Water infusion and decoction of common basil is also used for malaria, epilepsy, enterocolitis with diarrhea, hemoptysis, pulmonary tuberculosis, overexcitation, colds and edema.

Basil herb small in gynecology is used in the form of decoctions and infusions to stop bleeding.

Powder from grass or roots of common basil is sprinkled on wounds with pus. Ointment and powder are used for boils.

The roots of the plant are used for chronic and acute infections. Alcohol tincture of common basil herb - for heart attacks and to lower blood pressure.

Treatment with common basil (small).

Infusion of common basil.

1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed herbs of the plant, stand for an hour, filter. Consume 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Tincture of common basil.

Pour the grass of the plant with 70% alcohol 1:10, stand in the dark for a week, shaking. Apply 15 to 25 drops three times a day.

A decoction of common basil.

Pour 6 grams of roots with a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, let it brew for an hour, filter, add up to 200 ml. Take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day with meals. Store no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

Contraindications for common basil.

Since the plant is poisonous, take the drugs inside, take care and dosage, consult your doctor first.